10,OOO Cocks. That much?

Cocks off a production line.

10, OOO Cocks–That Much?
Not a sex story as such, but an idea after seeing a post by Beril one of the members here.In her years as a prostitute she has had about 10,00 cocks. Light hearted, hope you enjoy it and it gives you food for thought.

10,000 cocks, how could any woman accommodate all those? But that is precisely what a much loved member of XNXX here has done and very much enjoyed doing so. Beril had been a prostitute for 22 years, and was happily kept very busy throughout that time. 10,000 is obviously not the proven exact figure, it could be even more so it is a fair and not exaggerated estimate.
So what I would like to do is put this remarkable achievement into perspective. Now as most people know cocks come in all shapes and sizes. For the sake of this exercise we shall deem each entrant Beril received was 6 inches long, this being a sensible average.
We can therefore assume Beril has entertained 5.000 feet of cock, who said size does not matter. To grasp the magnitude of all this we are going to take an enjoyable cock related journey. Our trip starts in England aboard the luxury liner Q.E.2. Now I am sure you would enjoy a stroll along the ship, all 963 feet of it. Fear not if you don’t have sea legs as Beril can provide a safety handrail made entirely from her huge cock collection so grip as tightly as you wish. Yes Beril has had the full length of this vessel sail up her pussy port, but that was only her maiden voyage. If Beril had been around when the most famous of all ships “The Titanic” was, she could have easily supplied a cock safety rail of 882 feet for all those passengers also. Though she would have hated part of her treasured collection being consigned to the deep, as it not her idea of going down.
As we sail along the English west coast “Blackpool Tower”, all 520 feet of it overlooking the famous pleasure beach should be easily sighted. Blackpool is a very popular seaside town well renowned for naughty weekends with spare beds like gold dust to find. Only after the clubs are closed can you find a empty one, this because the occupier is by then probably sharing someone else’s. Beril has not missed out on this naughty fun having bedded her pleasure via the full size of the tower; imagine a 520 foot cock on the landscape.
Hope you are taking in the immensity of Beril’s achievements, (she had to) and we are not finished yet by a long way. France is just a hop over the sea from England, and in Paris you will find the romantic “Eiffel Tower”. This is even taller than Blackpool’s standing at 986 feet, and yes Beril has “Ooh la laa’d” all of it up between her legs. So as you can see with two sea liners and two huge towers Beril had a busy working life, obviously not one to lie in bed all day.
On board the liner is an Olympic size swimming pool, if you swim the full 164 feet distance of it I wonder if you will swallow as much liquid as Beril did when consuming an equal amount of cock. Beril loves her sport, indeed she was an aspiring javelin thrower at school. She never reached Olympic heights, but the women’s world record of 237 feet could easily be measured out using some of her cock stockpile. Ladies or Gentlemen; have you ever fantasised about sleeping with a whole football team? Well that’s junior league stuff to Beril, she has taken on top of all else we mentioned “The full length of a football pitch in cock up her”. All 300 feet: I bet she switched positions a few times.
America bound and there she is “The Statue of Liberty”, from the foundation to the torch 305 feet in height if you want to take a good close look from the outside no problem. By building a stiff hard ladder from Beril’s special material you can get it right up that’s what it was created for: keep tight hold now. You can’t visit America without visiting “Niagara Falls” the highest part 176 feet, Beril always wanted to do a bungee jump. However she has no intentions of using bungee cord Beril wants to use her man made material, cockrope something she is an expert at handling. Think we should just watch here, unless you would like to try your hand at it.
The final part of the journey takes us to the opposite side of the world from where we started, Australia. Here is where we find something large enough to finally equate with Berils intake of cock. Discovered in 1872 the then tallest tree in the world, “The Australian Eucalyptus” stood at 435 feet. It has since been felled. To think Beril’s pussy felled it, along with 2 cruise liners, 2 world famous towers, historical landmarks and all those sporting achievements is mind blowing. However that is a very good estimate to the amount of cock she has processed. The total heights and lengths of all the well known buildings, landmarks and distances given are 4948 feet in total. And remember this amount was all taken up by different cocks.
Whatever you may or nor not think about prostitutes, clearly no one can deny with all those cocks a service is needed, and has been provided by Beril and many like her. Beril is happily retired now and living in Cyprus she has earned her rest. Who said one person can not take on an army? “The Grand Old Duke of York” had 10.000 men Beryl has mastered such an army with no casualties I may add. Now you will notice the final total is 52 feet short of 10.000. Well at her home in Cyprus she does not want an Olympic pool or Sea liner, but 51 feet six inches is enough for a small pool and dingy. Beril will be content with those during the day: the other 6 inches? That’s all she has left of her cock savings and she keeps it under the mattress.
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