What Hides in Lexi’s Silence – Part Two

My little sister took her time under the shower. The poor thing had to get up, her legs shaking, right after she had her first time – after she had her first not self-induced orgasm. I listened intently to the water falling, patiently waiting. I wanted to hop in the shower with her, but I thought that would be too much for her, all at once. Also, if my Mom and Grandma walked through the door and got us there, it would be a disaster.

What Hides in Lexiā€™s Silence – Part Two

My little sister took her time under the shower. Even though I knew we should move, get out of the house as soon as possible, I didnā€™t want to rush her. At least, no more than I already had. The poor thing had to get up, her legs shaking, right after she had her first time – after she had her first not self-induced orgasm. I listened intently to the water falling, patiently waiting. I wanted to hop in the shower with her, but I thought that would be too much for her, all at once. Also, if my Mom and Grandma walked through the door and got us there, it would be a disaster.

Almost twenty minutes later, she got out of the bathroom, already wearing her red bikini. Low waist and tied to the sides of her wide hips. She looked amazing in it, and my eyes were all over her. The straps held the triangular pieces of red fabric tight over the curves of all her secret places. I mean, secret for everybody else, not for me, not anymore.

She shook off her yellow and red flowered sarong once, and was tying it around her waist, when she saw the look I had on my face.

ā€œWhat?ā€ She asked with a shy smile and her head down, avoiding my eyes.

I stood up and walked towards her, noticing her little hands trembling, while she fumbled, still trying to tie her sarong. I stopped right in front of her, and I put my arms around her waist, pulling her petite body tight against mine. Lexi gasped and let the sarong fall, looking at me.

ā€œI was just admiring you,ā€ I said, leaning forward, close enough to kiss her.

ā€œY-Youā€™ve seen everything alreadyā€¦ā€ She whispered cutely, and I sensed how much she enjoyed the compliment.

ā€œI saw you naked only once. Itā€™s not enoughā€¦ā€ And I softly kissed her plump lips.

ā€œYou can see me anytime you wantā€¦ā€ Lexi purred with that submissive, coy tone that I remember her using before many times, for several different reasons, but that now had an effect over meā€¦ It made me want her. Badly.

ā€œIf we didnā€™t have to go, Iā€™d take this bikini off of you right now,ā€ I said, lowering my hand to her firm buttocks, grabbing her there, firmly, and she gasped. I was hard yet again, pressing it on her lower belly.

ā€œA-Alanā€¦ Donā€™t do thisā€¦ā€ She begged under her breath, with a timid smile on her lips. ā€œWe have to goā€¦ You said it yourselfā€¦ā€

ā€œYes, I know. But laterā€¦ā€ I said in a low voice, right next to her ear, smelling the sweet scent of her long brown hair.

She looked at me, in silence, and it was unbelievable how I already could instantaneously tell when she wanted to say something but couldnā€™t.

ā€œTell me,ā€ I touched her forehead with mine, and our eyes connected.

ā€œIā€¦ Iā€™llā€¦ Iā€™ll have to keep my sarong on at the beachā€¦ā€

ā€œAnd why is that?ā€

ā€œYou are getting meā€¦ Youā€™re making me wetā€¦ Theyā€™ll seeā€¦ā€ Lexi said, and I had never heard something so hot being said in such a lovely way.

I smiled, a broad one, and I kissed her.

ā€œIā€™ll do my best to let you enjoy the beachā€¦ But no promises,ā€ I said while letting go of her and walking to the bathroom.

ā€œOr… I can keep wearing the sarong,ā€ she added with a playful tone mixed in with all that shyness.

We were on our way to the beach. Lexi had her striped white and yellow beach bag on one shoulder, and I carried a small cooler with our drinks. I wore only black swimming shorts and some flip-flops. We had only to go down the street one block, then turn right, and we were at a small trail, crossing a sandbank, surrounded by low vegetation on both sides. It was right past 11, so the sun was reaching its peak over our heads, making everything look brighter in yellow, burning. While Lexi paraded her glorious light tanned skin, seeming to rejoice with the hot kiss of the sun, I already knew the sunscreen I had all over wouldnā€™t be enough to save me from it. Luckily enough, I could already recognize from a distance, in between many others, my Grandmaā€™s two large umbrellas, both dark green with the white logo of a Brazilian insurance company, slightly bending against the feeble wind.

The beach wasn’t as crowded as I had seen at the ones closer to the bigger cities, but there were a lot of people there. Many of them watched us openly as we passed by; even though we had been around many times before, we werenā€™t locals, and we definitely didnā€™t look the part. Not that we didnā€™t have our share of attention back home, as we both looked good, even if very different from each other. However, at that place, the way we captivated them, it felt like we were from a different planet. It was funny how some of the boys there looked at Lexi, as if licking their lips, and when I stared at them, they would cowardly look down. Firstly, Lexi could easily be my girlfriend, as our general appearance couldnā€™t differ more. My hair was pitch black, hers was that milk chocolate brown that got brighter under the sunlight. She had that rounded, cute face, while mine was mostly composed of straight lines, my jawline chiseled. Not to mention how pale I looked while standing close to her. That meant they could be looking at ā€˜my girlā€™… And, in a confusing way, they were. Secondly, I wasn’t a small fellow. I was big, tall, muscular, and I knew how to look intimidating when I wanted too. Thatā€™s when I noticed I was so taken by her presence at my side, walking as closely as never before, and constantly looking at me in a lovely manner, that I didnā€™t even acknowledge the existence of the many girls there, some temptingly looking at me. This is when I realized how different we already felt about each other, and in how much danger we would be in a matter of minutes, when we met our Mom at that beach.

ā€œTry to act as normally as possible, ok?ā€ I told her when we were a few steps away from where they sat at their folding beach chairs. Me speaking in English turning even more heads.

ā€œOk,ā€ she whispered nervously.

ā€œThereā€™s the party boy!ā€ My Mom uttered animatedly, ā€œWe came here to get some sun! If you keep drinking every night and waking up this late you wonā€™t enjoy the beach!ā€

ā€œDonā€™t you worry Mom. Sun goes down here only after seven, I have plenty of time,ā€ I said while putting the cooler down and unfolding a beach chair they had brought for me.

With the corner of my eye, I watched Lexi. Grandma got up from her chair, a bottle of Corona still in hand, and she kissed her forehead. My little sister shyly contracted her shoulders, smiling timidlyā€¦ And after worrying for a second, I remembered that was always her reaction. The fact that she was constantly refraining from touch, looking tense, that would play in our advantage, I thought.

In fact, it did. Even though we all had the tendency to pamper her, and to make sure our little girl was ok, Alessandra not saying a single word for hours was nothing more than normal, only timidly nodding or shaking her head to whatever was said to her. The only difference, something I would be the only one to notice, or at least I hoped so, was how instead of laying down in the sun like she always did, she spread her sarong on the sand to my right, as close as possible to my chair and under the shade of the umbrella. I was waiting for the Moment Mom or Grandma would ask her why, ask her if she was feeling okā€¦ But lazily sitting at my side, her legs stretched forward and leaning back propped on her elbows, Lexi looked more than ok. She was gradually getting calmer, even replying to some things we said, slowly joining the conversations, even if just a bit.

ā€œSee, I told you this time here would do her good,ā€ my Grandma said in Portuguese after some time, gesticulating at my Mom with her bottle always in hand.

They liked to tell me that Grandma was as white as me once, but the constant sun in contact with her skin made it look darker over time and had now a deep tanned tone. She was the daughter of an Italian couple that arrived in Brazil around 1930, and she was the youngest of five siblings. Grandma was a European girl who had taken too much sun throughout her life, and her hair, that in the old pictures looked really alike Lexiā€™s, was now whitish and short.

ā€œYeahā€¦ It is good to see her like that at least for a while,ā€ My Mom answered in the same language, still standing in the sun as she had stood since we got there, a glass of cabernet in hand, her favorite drink. Mom was in a very, very good shape still, and nobody could ever guess she was forty-two years old. She looked much younger, and even though her body resembled Lexiā€™s a lot, only having more supple breasts, her looks were 100% Brazilian. Light brown skin, wavy dark brown hair, hazel eyes. She took over her father, coming from a mix of Portuguese, Native American, African American, and even more Italian. Apart from our expressive and somewhat thick eyebrows, neither me nor Lexi looked like her. My little sister looked a lot like everybody else in my Grandmaā€™s family, but, in my opinion, better. Me, I looked like my father, but bigger.

Lexi looked at them, realizing they were talking about her. Probably not understanding completely what they were saying, as she had to focus a lot to be able to understand the language, especially when my Grandma spoke. Then, she looked at me. Her eyebrows were up, worried, as if asking me if we were in trouble.

ā€œThey are talking about how well you seem to be feelingā€¦ā€ and I smiled at her.

ā€œOhā€¦ā€ She dropped her face blushing, a silly smile on her lips.

I reached for her head, and I lazily caressed her hair, when my Momā€™s voice startled me up. Luckily, I was aware only enough not to make it apparent.

ā€œAlan, Iā€™m loving to see how youā€™ve been taking care of your sister. This is what family is for, see?ā€ She happily said it, looking at us, and my Grandma nodded emphatically, even if she probably did not understand more than a couple of words of what my mother had said.

How you take care of your sister, she said, and I instantly remembered myself asking Lexi if she wanted her big brother to ā€˜take care of herā€™ less than an hour ago, while I touched her clit, her tight entrance and made her moan for me, right before I deflowered her. It brought me a very weird mix of feelings, a strong sense of doing something terribly wrong, guilt. But Lexi looked at me as well, and I saw how her face was full of that newfound feeling. I had given her something she craved for, something to hold on to. In return, she was giving me her everything, and I loved it. It wasnā€™t like I was abusing her. Should I feel bad? I looked deep into her eyes, and I saw her fingers claw the sand, her little shoulders beginning to contract, as if she could read my thoughts somehow.

The answer was no. I wasnā€™t feeling bad for it, and, especially, I wouldnā€™t make her feel bad by having second thoughts. She had given herself to me, and I had welcomed it. To the hell with everybody else.

ā€œOf course I take care of her. I love this girl, donā€™t you know?ā€ I said softly pinching her scarlet left cheek, and I saw her eyes melt, the same way I had seen happen at least a couple times earlier that day.

ā€œAi meu Deus,ā€ my Mom said looking to the side, ā€œThatā€™s it, you want to make me cry.ā€ She said with a choked voice, but happily so.

I preferred her crying like that, oblivious, then by figuring out the truth.

Weā€™ve been there for almost four hours before Mom and Grandma decided that they had had too much sun, and too much to drink already. They were also hungry, as the snacks we had brought were far gone. When they got up, pretty drunk, and started to pack their things, I noticed Lexi stayed exactly where she was, and my Mom did too.

ā€œDo you want to stay?ā€ She was surprised, as that was absolutely abnormal.

Lexi just nodded.

ā€œAlan, can you stay with her, even if just a little bit longer?ā€ Mom asked me, and Alessandra looked at me with her eyes full of meaning.

ā€œOf course. Sun sets around seven, remember? We have plenty of time, and I still have some beer in the cooler,ā€ I said while opening another Heineken. I was sick of drinking beer all day long, as my thing was whisky, but I would do anything at that moment to have more time alone with my little sister.

ā€œOk, you two be careful. It is not dangerous here, but we are not home. Keep that in mind,ā€ she said while leaving, Grandma hardly balancing herself and blowing us kisses.

ā€œMomā€¦ For Christā€™s sakeā€¦ā€ No one here is a kid anymore. I said, and I instantly regretted it. Lexi was her baby, I thought. Too soon.

She looked at Alessandra, and for the first time ever, she didnā€™t seem to be affected by something like that said out in the open. Much the opposite, she looked at Mom with a confident look, as if saying ā€œhe is right. Not a kid. Not anymore.ā€

ā€œOk. Take care you two. We are going to take a nap, and at night we are going to cook some crabs,ā€ Mom slurred the words, already on her way. ā€œOh, and Alan, you can bring your friends over. That way you spend a little more time with your family,ā€ she added, subtly scolding me.

ā€œDonā€™t worry. I donā€™t think Iā€™m going out tonight,ā€ I said.

ā€œGood,ā€ my Mom left, satisfied.

Soon as they were out of listening distance, Lexi looked at me, and I could see satisfaction all over her.

ā€œYou are not seeing Maria tonight, then.ā€

ā€œMaria who?ā€ I asked. She leaned her blushing face forward, a big smile on her lips.

We stayed in silence for some minutes, I looked at how beautiful the sea looked, the water so bright, clear, until it turned into a darker blue in the distance where it was already deep. Almost everybody was gone by that time, only a few had remained, scattered around the length of that long beach. I stood up, and I sat beside my sister. She had her legs folded in front of her, her arms around them.

ā€œThat wasnā€™t so bad,ā€ I said, assuming the same position, my shoulder touching hers.

ā€œIt was okā€¦ I think.ā€

ā€œYou do look different, though. Even if just a little.ā€

ā€œHmmā€¦ I feel very different inside.ā€

ā€œDifferent good?ā€

ā€œScary good,ā€ she said with a silly and shy smile.

I passed my arm around her shoulders and I pulled her closer. Lexi instantly shifted some of her weight towards me.

ā€œIā€™ve been wanting to feel you the whole afternoon,ā€ I whispered.

ā€œMe too,ā€ she said while leaning towards me a little, and landing a soft kiss on my shoulder. ā€œThank you for this.ā€

ā€œYou donā€™t have to thank me for anything,ā€ I said in a dismissive tone.

ā€œOf course I doā€¦ You could be with any of the girls in this town, and they are beautiful,ā€ she said, deep in thoughts. ā€œYouā€™re stuck with your sisterā€¦ā€

ā€œNone of them are as beautiful, as lovely, or as perfect as you are,ā€ I let honesty pour out of my words, as that was the absolute truth for me. Enough to make me go through all of this for her, gladly so.

ā€œIā€¦ I know Iā€™m not,ā€ and her eyes filled with tears, ā€œAnd I know this canā€™t go on foreverā€¦ But I promise Iā€™ll give you everything I have, for as long as it lasts, even if only until we get homeā€¦ā€

ā€œHey, stop that. I donā€™t want you to feel like that,ā€ I tightened my arm around her. ā€œIā€™m not doing you any favors, neither are we taking advantage of each other. We are in this together. I donā€™t want you crying because of it, I want you feeling better, satisfiedā€¦ Can you do that?ā€

Alessandra breathed in deeply, she dried her eyes with the back of her hand, and then she sighed, ā€œYes, yes I can.ā€

ā€œGood!ā€ I said kissing the top of her head, and she passed an arm under mine, and she hugged it, my triceps resting comfortably in between her breasts.

Then, silence again. I was starting to hate those silences. I knew every time they settled, she would be deep in her self-deprecating, anxious, noxious thoughts. So, I decided to recover some of the vibe we had going on in the morning. I went through my memories, trying to find something to make a conversation out of.

“When you said earlier that you did things to yourself, and that I could ask you later if I wanted to know, what did you mean?”

“Iā€¦ A couple years ago, even before I learned how toā€¦”

“How to relieve yourself,” I said, jokingly repeating how she had called it before, trying to get her out of that gloomy zone she constantly found herself into.

“Yes, that,” Lexi said with a slight giggle. “One day I got home from school very frustrated with everything, angry, nervousā€¦ I wanted to do something to myself. Something Mom wouldnā€™t be able to see and tell my doctor. And, at that time, I was already feelingā€¦ The need. So, I scrambled through the bathroom drawers looking for something, and I saw an old toothbrush of mineā€¦”

“Okā€¦” I stretched the word, as if saying ‘I’m following, please continue.’

“I did the closest thing to sex I could think of, without losing my virginityā€¦ I hated myself at that moment, but I still had hope to give my first time to someone special in the futureā€¦” Lexi looked at me, blushing. I smiled tenderly, understanding what she meant, and without looking to see if somebody watched us, I softly kissed her lips.

Even though I felt her arm tighten around mine, I felt the rest of her little body relax, and her light weight shifting even more to my side.

“If what you mean by ‘closest thing to sex’ is what I think it is, people still call it sex,” I dug my face on her hair, the tip of my nose playing with the sensitive skin of her neck.

“Yeahā€¦ Now I know. Even though they don’t really talk to me, I hear the other girls talk about it sometimes.”

“The girls of your school talk about anal sex?” I asked, my eyebrows high.

Alessandra was a very smart girl, very capable, when in situations that let her be, but she went terribly at school. Due to her problem, getting utterly nervous while taking tests, not to mention any time she must speak in public, Lexi was one year behind. That made those girls even younger than my sister, her sixteenth birthday still two months away.

“That and much more. They’re all sluts.”

“So that’s what you were so scared of? That I would think you were like them?” I said, and Lexi didn’t answer, just kept her head comfortably laying on my shoulder. “I don’t know anything about these girls, but even though they are probably a little too young for that, talking about sex doesn’t make you a slut. Neither does playing with yourself. It’s your body, and your life, so you do whatever you want with it.”

“Are you defending them, or trying to make me feel better?”

“A little of both. But as I said, I don’t know these girls. They don’t talk to you, so they must be sluts,” I laughed, and she did too. “Did you like it?”

“It hurt, and I liked it. Then it became kind of a ritual. Every time I felt frustrated, I’d do it. I hated myself, but I was horny as wellā€¦ When it stopped hurting, I’d find something biggerā€¦” she gave pause to her speech, to try and gauge my reaction. I just looked at her, as interested as I was at the beginning, so she continued, “lipstick, a brush handle, then a thicker oneā€¦ I looked online to find out how to get myself ready for itā€¦ I do it sometimes when Iā€™mā€¦ Ummā€¦ Relieving myself,ā€ She smiled shyly. ā€œSo, yesā€¦ I think I like it.”

“Wowā€¦” I said and she looked at me again. It was obvious she was worried about what my thoughts would be about what she was telling me. I’d guess she was terrified of me thinking horrible things about her.

Indeed, it was very surprising, to say the least. In my mind, before this morning, when she visibly enjoyed how rough I went on her, Lexi was the most delicate, sensitive little thing I could think of. She still was but knowing all of that just made me see her in a very different light. Lexi turned it into some sort of self-flagellation method, a way to relieve everything she had bottled up inside of her, and that also dealt with her arousal. I was sad for her, being pushed into this by her condition, but at the same time, I already knew I could make her feel better about all of that. And, honestly, that just made her even more interesting. Yes, I was a sick bastard, but a sick bastard that loved her.

She lowered her eyes, after looking at me and seeing I was deep in thought. I could already sense how tense she was getting again, probably thinking a thousand awful things, regretting to have told me that. That’s when I jumped in.

“Soā€¦” I said kissing her shoulder, “That meansā€¦”

Lexi looked at me, eyes wide, and when comprehension struck her, her face softened, and a little and shy smile appeared on her lips, “Yes. All yours. Whenever you want.”

ā€œHoly crap, baby girlā€¦ When you say things like thatā€¦ā€

ā€œItā€™s the truthā€¦ Iā€™m all yoursā€¦ā€

ā€œReally,ā€ I said, getting her hand in mine, and placing it over the hard on I had, throbbing inside my swimming shorts. Lexi gasped, and I continued, ā€œTell me. What can I do to you?ā€

ā€œN-Noā€¦ Donā€™t do this to meā€¦ā€ she pleaded, and I started rubbing her little hand up and down, stroking my big thing.

ā€œYou said you were mine. Thatā€™s what I want my timid little girl to do, to tell me everything she thinks I can do to her,ā€ and I reached down, between her legs that already shook, and I touched her entrance from over the fabric of her bikini bottom, a finger enticingly sinking amidst the folds of her young pussy, ā€œCome onā€¦ā€ With my other hand I kept hers stroking my dick.

ā€œY-You canā€¦ You can f-fuck meā€¦ Hardā€¦ā€ Lexi said with a breathy and low voice, absolutely embarrassed.

ā€œOh, yes?ā€ I slid my hand inside her bikini, my fingers reaching the inviting warmth and the wetness of her pussy, fondling her all over, right there. My little sister gasped, letting out a beautiful moan. Her eyes that once went all over the beach watching for a possible passerby, now were deeply connected to mine, pleading for mercy, asking for more. ā€œWhere else?ā€

ā€œM-My butt tooā€¦ā€ She said in between deep breaths.

ā€œWhat else?ā€ I roamed with my fingers, rubbing over her outer lips, her clit, feeling her bikini get soaked.

ā€œM-Mouthā€¦ You can use m-my mouthā€¦ Tooā€¦ā€

ā€œHmmā€¦ā€ I let out an appreciative groan. I quickly looked around. The small houses had no view over the sandbanks, and I could see people at a far distance now. ā€œWhat about we put your beautiful mouth to use right now?ā€

ā€œWhat!?ā€ She looked at me, her brown eyes wide, static. Her cheeks were absolutely red. ā€œA-Alan, thereā€™s peopleā€¦ā€

ā€œIā€™ll keep an eye on them, donā€™t worry,ā€ I said while pulling my hard, throbbing cock out my swimming shorts.

Her eyes instantly went for it, and she let out a little gasp. It was proudly standing, pulsating, right in front of her. Lexi looked almost entranced by the view. Then she looked at me again, worried, but temptingly biting her lower lip.

ā€œCome on, just enjoy as Iā€™m sure you want to. Iā€™ll keep an eye. You can forget everything else; Iā€™ll make sure nobody will see you giving your older brother such pleasure.ā€

Alessandra let out a little sighā€¦ And then she put herself on hands and knees, panting, her eyes travelling quickly in between my face and my dick. She leaned forward, her wide and plump lips parted, and my little sister voraciously swallowed all she could get inside her hot mouth from the start.

ā€œOhhhā€¦ Fuck, Lexi,ā€ I let out a groan. The feeling of her mouth, her tongue, around a big part of my length already, it was instantaneous and pure ecstasy.

She held locks of her hair tucked behind her little ear with one hand, letting me see her face as she started to go up and down, sucking clumsily at some moments, as it was the first time she did that. But the way she just went for it, like her life depended on itā€¦ It was clear at that moment that she trusted me, she didnā€™t care where we were anymore, she didnā€™t care about shame, or about her own mouth. To Lexi, the only thing that mattered at that moment was pleasing me. She was sucking, going down on it selflessly, then sucking it like she meant it all the way up, just to plunge in again all she could, more of it every time. I looked at her, fascinated, watching her force the tip of my cock at the entrance of her throat, coughing, contracting her stomach because of how suddenly she tried to force it in, never taking it out, breathing hard through her nose.

ā€œSweetheart, you can go easier on yourself,ā€ I said, caressing her hair.

She took it out of her mouth, and she looked at me, teary eyed from how she assaulted her own throat, ā€œDoesnā€™t it feel good?ā€

ā€œIt feels amazing, really. You just donā€™t need to overdo yourself all at once like that,ā€ I caressed her cheeks, saliva running down her delicate chin.

ā€œIā€¦ I want to. I want to be the best one you ever had,ā€ she explained.

ā€œYou are baby girl. Nobody ever tried to please me as much as you do. Iā€™m just saying that your mouth feels amazing already, and I want you to enjoy this too.ā€

ā€œI amā€¦ Very much. Iā€¦ Donā€™t you want me to try and put it in my throat? Iā€™ve heard guys like thatā€¦ And Iā€™m sure I can do it.ā€

ā€œOf course, Iā€™d love to feel your throat there. What Iā€™m saying is thatā€¦ This is the first time you do this, right?ā€


ā€œSo, you already sucked me better than any other girl Iā€™ve been with since the beginningā€¦ Iā€™m just saying you can go easy if you want to, but Iā€™m not trying to stop you, definitelyā€¦ā€

ā€œOk,ā€ She said, and she went back to itā€¦ Again, she swallowed everything she could, and the feeling made me throw my head back in pure pleasure. The feeling of her mouth around me was sublimeā€¦ And then I felt the tip of my dick getting down her throat.

ā€œFuckā€¦ Lexiā€¦!ā€ I groaned, and I suddenly remembered to look around, as fast as I could, to be sure we were safe. We were, so I just rejoiced on the feeling of my little sister pushing, and pushing, putting more and more of me in.

Every time it reached her throat, she would make gurgling noises, and Iā€™d see her whole young body contract, as she fought the way her stomach convulsed because of the intrusion. Lexi didnā€™t care. She took it out of her mouth once, panting, and she looked to the side, her mouth open, saliva, pre-cum, and more spilling on the sand. Taking deep breaths, she just swallowed it again, then bobbed her head up and down, her mouth feeling like hot and wet velvet, so tight around me. Tears ran down the sides of her cheeks, even though she wasnā€™t crying. I felt myself getting very close to an orgasm, and I throbbed even harder, panting. I donā€™t know if she felt it, I didnā€™t believe so, but suddenly my little sister forced it in, struggling, she put it in her throat for good, the tip of her nose almost touching my pubic hair. I could feel it perfectly, how much of me had slipped in, down the way to her stomach, and it felt amazing. She choked instantly, and she did her best to keep it there, so deep, to fuck her own throat with my cockā€¦ But after fucking her own throat with my dick for some seconds, she had to take it out, which she did at the same time I got there. Lexi eased herself from it at the same time I started jolting everything I had, groaning for her.

Panting, couching, she kept her face close enough, so my seed spilled all over her gorgeous young face. She just closed her eyes and let it happen.

I just looked at her, amazed, while she panted, her face full of my cum. She looked at me as well, and she giggled, still catching her breath. ā€œW-Was that good?ā€

ā€œThat was amazing,ā€ I smiled, satisfaction all over my face.

ā€œYouā€¦ You are all over my faceā€¦ā€ Lexi said while running a finger down her cheek, feeling it.

ā€œYes,ā€ I said, watching her. She looked happy, the proof of a job well done all over her face.

My little girl went to the sea, to try and wash herself clean enough so we could go home. I told her if we got home in time, Mom and Grandma would be drunk and sound asleep. We could take the chance to have more time together in a more private space.

ā€œAre you sore from earlier?ā€ I asked while she helped me pack things up.

ā€œHmmā€¦ If I say yes, you wonā€™tā€¦ā€ Lexi said with her head down.

ā€œWe have to be honest with each other for this to workā€¦ā€ I said, the two big umbrellas already wrapped and ready to go.

She looked at me, and I noticed she seemed ashamed. Lexi thought for some seconds before she finally said, ā€œIā€™m sorry. I know you are just taking care of meā€¦ I am a little sore. Butā€¦ā€


ā€œBut I want it anywayā€¦ā€ Lexiā€™s face blushed scarlet.

I stopped in front of her, and I leaned forward, my face very close to hers. Her eyes were ajar, and they looked down my face, stopping at my mouth.

ā€œIsnā€™t you a horny little thing?ā€ I said under my breath.

ā€œAm Iā€¦?ā€ She said in a breathy tone.

ā€œYes, you areā€¦ā€

We dropped the things we carried at the concrete patio at the back of the tiny house, and we got in. The TV was on, the news blaring from its speakers. Good, I thought. Grandma had fallen asleep on the couch in front of it. We walked in as quietly as possible, and I could see the door to the ā€œbigā€ room slightly open, my mom fell in bed, bikini and all, and looked completely passed out.

I got Lexi by the hand, and I led her to the small room I was sleeping in. It didn’t have a bed, but a mattress Grandma put on the floor every time she received guests. Other than that, only a small dresser, and that was it. Not that anything else would fit in there. It didn’t matter how many times anybody in our family would offer to buy her things, like an extra bed, out even a bigger house, Grandma would always say no.

Silently locking the door behind me, I turned to my little sister, and she looked back at me with that mix of nervousness and arousal I was already so hooked on. She let her sarong fall, only her red bikini in between my eyes and all the beautiful details of her body that she had shared with nobody but me. I took a big breath, and I let that image sink in. Her delectable petite body, the way her long hair fell softly, covering a big part of her forehead, then her shoulders, and cascading down her back, stopping only when it reached her marvelous, heart shaped butt which wasn’t that big, only enough to perfectly fit her wide hips. Her toned legs met at that very special place, enticingly curving, creating a gap that let the shape of the mounds of her young pussy so visible.

I took my time, taking off my shorts, my member already gorged and fully erect, just for her. Lexi let her eyes run all over me, blushing, then they focused right there, at that big thing, craving to be inside of her. She looked restless, full of anticipationā€¦ Her small body shook, and I didnā€™t know if because she was losing the battle with her anxiety, or if she was just that much aroused.

I stepped closer, she stopped fidgeting. I put one hand on her thin waist, while the other tugged at the string that held her bikini bottom tied in place. The lace undid, my little sister was panting. I did the same with the other side, and we let her bikini fall. I got her butt in my hands, the tip of my fingers touching that warm place in between her legs. She closed her eyes for a moment, moaning when she felt my touch. Then, she stretched her arms up, her little hands lacing its fingers in the back of my neck. Our height difference was so big that even standing on the tip of her toes, Lexi couldnā€™t wrap her arms around my neck.

I kissed her, voraciously, while grabbing her butt tight in my hands and pulling her to me. She welcomed the kiss, panting, but I realized how we somehow felt out of syncā€¦ She was kissing me more tenderly than I was. I slowed the pace, and I felt my little sister melting for me. That got me by surprise somehow, as I knew she was as aroused as I was, but thatā€¦ I had felt that before, just not so intensely. Soon as I let myself be taken by that emotion, embracing it, and her, Lexiā€™s whole body relaxed, no more shaking. I could clearly feel that time this wasnā€™t just about sex, or about her experiencing things she wasnā€™t able to do with other people, or the love we felt for each other as siblingsā€¦ She loved me for real.

An alarm sounded in my brain. I was being stupid for not foreseeing this happening.

The problem wasā€¦ While we kissed, as I slid my hands from her behind to her waist, and I hugged her tightā€¦ Savoring once again the feeling of that young girl giving me all she had…

I was in love with her too.

I eased her carefully onto the mattress, laying on top of her, and we kept our mouths connected, tasting each other. Lexi promptly spread her legs, folding them to her sides, showing herself as exposed to me as possible. I reached down, lining it up with her entranceā€¦ She was soaked with her juices already. I couldnā€™t resist just plunging inside of her already, so thatā€™s what I did.

Lexi grimaced, as if she were about to cry, her teeth clenched, and she was letting out a hurtful groan before she covered her own mouth with her shaky, tiny hand. ā€œMmmmmmgh!ā€ Even though it wasnā€™t as hard to get inside of her as it had been that morning, I had to push hard to surpass the tight resistance of her pussy lips, so contracted, so goddamn tight around my cock. I thrusted inside of her all I could until her entrance wouldnā€™t let me go any further.

ā€œOhā€¦ Baby girlā€¦ā€ I gasped, rejoicing with how good it felt to have her like this again. Apart from missing all the struggle to get inside of her for the first time, the tightness was the same, her tender and warm insides squeezing me so tightly.

I was propped on my elbows by the sides of her face, looking her in the eyes, her eyebrows flickering, and I started moving.

ā€œHngh! Hnnngh! Huuuuh!ā€ Lexi shut her eyes tight, her hand still covering her mouth, and I saw how she fought not to groan as loudly, as we were trying to keep quiet, but failed as soon as I got a little more speed, going deeper inside of her. The young girl winced, and tears started running down her cheeks.

I instantly stopped. ā€œOh, sweetheartā€¦ Does it hurt that much? I didnā€™t mean to make you cry!ā€ I said while rubbing her shoulders, my member still buried inside of her.

Panting, she let go of her mouth, and she put both hands on the sides of my face, ā€œIā€™m not crying because it hurtsā€¦ I d-donā€™t care that it hurtsā€¦ Iā€™m crying because the feeling is so overwhelmingā€¦ I canā€™t hold it back. I-Iā€™m sorryā€¦ā€

ā€œYou donā€™t need to be sorry. I just want to be sure you are ok,ā€ I said, worried, and I saw something change in the way she looked at me.

ā€œI am, I promise. You donā€™t need to hold backā€¦ Do me as you did before, as you like. If it is too much, Iā€™ll tell you, I promise,ā€ the words poured from her mouth with such easeā€¦ And she tenderly kissed me on the lips. ā€œFuck me. As hard as you want.ā€

I looked her deep in the eyes, convincing myself that I could let myself go, ā€œJust remember you donā€™t have to try so hard to please meā€¦ Iā€™m here with you already.ā€

ā€œThat I canā€™t promiseā€¦ Iā€™m your little slut, remember?ā€ Lexi said with a smile. ā€œBut I do like everything you do to meā€¦ I like feeling how eager you get to be inside of meā€¦ How you canā€™t hold it and justā€¦ Just fuck meā€¦ā€ She said in a whispery tone, tilting her head to the left, so temptingly. ā€œDonā€™t you like to know that I would do anything for you? Let you do anything?ā€

ā€œYes, Of course I doā€¦ā€ I started pushing in and out of her again, slowly, but roughly.

My little sister threw her head back and groaned, ā€œHuungh! Awww! Huuuuuh!ā€

ā€œShhhā€¦ā€ I covered her mouth with my hand, and made her look at me, her face once again overflowing all she felt, ā€œI want my little slut to be quiet now, while I ram her little pussy.ā€

She breathed heavily through her nose, my hand firmly keeping her mouth shut, while I plunged my dick in and out of her, getting deeper with each thrust. I realized we got to it so fast that she still had her bikini top on her, so when she started rocking back and forth, I missed watching her beautiful young breasts bouncing. I leaned forward, and I got the tip of her breast with my mouth, bikini and all, softly biting it.

ā€œMmmmmmmgh!ā€ Lexi groaned under my hand, her legs shaking.

ā€œOoohā€¦ You like that, donā€™t you.

ā€œMhum,ā€ she nodded, her voice muffled, but melodious, eager.

While fucking her, her tight pussy making wet noises, I pulled down the bikini on her right tit, and I took her nipple in my mouth, my tongue twirling around the nub, and then closing my teeth around it, nibbling, tugging on it, and then letting it go. She groaned one more time, and I felt her pussy squeeze me tighter. I did it again, and again, playing with her nipple using my mouth, then nibbling, biting, and the little girl was going crazy. Her little fingers clawed the mattress, and she arched her back beautifully, just letting me thrust inside of her with even more ease. Soon, I was there again, filling her entirely, the head of my cock banging hard on the deepest part of her pussy. I took her nipple between my index and thumb, and I rolled it softly, then twisting it, pinching it. At the same time, I fucked her roughly, just like we both liked. Soon, she started convulsing under me, her eyes rolling back in its sockets. My little Alessandra was completely out of control, moaning and groaning as hard as she could, while I hoped the sound of the TV outside and all that drinking kept Mom and Grandma oblivious to what went on in the little room right next to them.

I felt Lexi reaching an orgasm, and it was beautiful to see her so out of herself, so given to the feeling of it. She spasmed all over, her insides as well, twitching all around me. The head of my cock was reaching that deepest part of her more easily somehow, probably because of how hard she was contracting her everything inside, or because of how aroused she was. Tears ran down her reddened face, her saliva all over my hand and down her cute little chin.

I just kept going in and out, still not ready to come, my body still rebuilding my load after I had jolted all I had on her face around twenty minutes before. I watched and felt her while that first big orgasm struck and washed all over her, and I never stopped pummeling hard and deep inside that sweet little girl. Then, when she seemed ready to stop contorting herself in pleasure, heaving, another one got herā€¦ I had never seen such a thing, but no women had let me be myself completely either, she was the first. And I was always very eager to test their limits.

She didnā€™t groan anymore, her head back with my hand still in place, even her toes were curled with the sensationā€¦

Lexi grabbed my forearm, tightly, but I wouldnā€™t stop, unless I noticed she wanted me to and that wasnā€™t it. I was embracing that part of me that she wanted for her, that she had asked me to let out. So, I just went on and on, tasting how she felt inside when her arousal reached its limit and her world resumed to what irradiated from her assaulted young pussy. After a while, it subdued for some seconds, just so she could feel a third orgasm hitting her hard, making her shake to the core.

ā€œHuuuuuuuunnnngggggghhhh!ā€ She howled, a long and tortured groan, filled with that sweet agonyā€¦ Then, I noticed she had stopped breathing. Lexi seemed not to be conscious anymore, even if she still shook, her fingers kept digging the mattress, and her insides convulsed around me, tight as vice.

That was the moment I felt myself coming, also that it was also the moment to stop. I took it out of her and, stroking myself hard, I groaned myself while gushing my cum all over her lower stomach, letting it drip all over her pussy.

I breathed hard, admiring my work, when I realized she was still the same, her whole body tense, spasming, her mouth stuck open in that ā€œoā€ shape. I leaned over her, and I got her cheeks in my hands, ā€œBaby girl?ā€ I rubbed my fingers on her cheeks, and I called her one more time before she broke the trance-like stated she seemed to have fell into. Lexi took a big gulp of air, and kept panting, her chest heaving hard. She blinked a couple times, seeming lost, and when her eyes finally met mine, it was clear that it took her some seconds to even recognize me. When she did, she opened a cute, embarrassed smile.

ā€œPretty intense, huh?ā€ I said it with a grin.

ā€œY-Yesā€¦ Oh my Godā€¦ā€ She chuckled, still out of breath, exhausted.

ā€œDo I ask if you are ok?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t think you need to ask thisā€¦ Ever againā€¦ā€


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A2O – 2021