After the office party_(1)

John, woke up after the annual office Christmas party with a pounding headache, cotton-mouthed and utterly unable to recall the events of the preceding evening.
After a trip to the bathroom, he made his way downstairs, where his wife put some coffee in front of him.
“Louise,” he moaned, “tell me what happened last night. Was it as bad as I think?”
“Even worse,” she said, her voice oozing scorn. “You made a complete ass of yourself. You succeeded in antagonizing the entire board of directors and you insulted the president of the company, right to his face.”
“He’s an asshole,” John said. “Piss on him.”
“You did,” came the reply. “And he fired you.”
“Well, screw him!” said John.
“I did. You’re back at work on Monday.

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Anonymous readerReport

2014-12-01 15:15:15
Did you ever write anything original? Everything is ripped off . What a loser.

Anonymous readerReport

2014-04-14 15:11:05

anonymous readerReport

2012-10-22 13:44:39
He should jerk of twice berofe you have intercourse.That way he will last way longer.If that does not even help a visit to the urologist is a must.He can fix this.Success:I am so sorry for you,you have no idea:Sky.

anonymous readerReport

2011-05-16 07:24:04
Now I feel stupid. That’s celaerd it up for me

anonymous readerReport

2011-05-09 04:16:38
shut the fuck wimmers jockes are more better than yours