Bad Experience

Be very Carefull what you wish for

My wife and I have been married to each other for almost 25

years now. We were both virgins when we got married so

neither one of us had ever been with another person before.

We were both in High school when we met and we got married

just after we graduated.

I guess my fantasizing about watching her have sex with

another man started when we met and I read story after story

in the Penthouse Forum about men who loved to watch their

wives have sex with other men. They all said how big a turn

on it was for them, so naturally it bcame a big turn on for


I first mentioned it to my wife about 15 years ago and she

wasn’t too keen on the idea. I kept mentioning it inter-

mittently to her over the years and then about 5 years ago

brought the subject up more and more often. Then in the last

year or so, that is all I would talk about when we had sex.

She was never very hot on the idea but she was warming to the

point where one night she finally said she would do it for

me if this is what I really wanted her to do.

I assured her that there is nothing I wanted more so she

said ok.

Friday night was our anniversary so I decided to go through

with it. I called her from work and told her that because

this was our anniversary, that I wanted her to be dressed

very sexily for me when I got home. She said yes, little

knowing that I was going to be bringing someone home with

me. After work I stopped by a bar not far from our home and

went in to find someone who could help me out with my fantasy.

It wasn’t long before I struck up a conversation with a big

guy that was obviously a body builder. I could tell by the

size of the bulge in his tight pants that he had a tool

big enough to handle what I wanted to see. After telling him

what I wanted him to do, he obviously readily agreed.

When I got home, my wife met me at the door with a see throught

white blouse on and a very short full skirt that barely

covered her crotch. It was plain to see that she had no

bra on. She gave me a big smile and a kiss and then noticed

my friend standing behind me. She abruptly pulled away and

stepped back as I walked in with my friend following. She

turned her back and was starting to walk upstairs when I told

her to stay. She said that she didn’t feel that she was

dressed properly for company. I told her that Kev didn’t

mind and she should stay. She very hesitatantly stayed in

the living room and went in and very uneasily sat down on

the sofa. Kev and I sat down on the other sofa across from

her and I told her happy anniversary. I told her that Kev

was her anniversary present. She uneasily asked me if I was

really sure that this was what she wanted her to do. I again

assured her that this was exactly what I wanted her to do.

I then told Kev to go ahead. Kev got up and went over to

her and sat down by her. He immediately started playing

with her small breasts through the blouse. My wife was

still very nervous and looked at me for help but I just

nodded. With that, She just layed back against the back of

the Sofa and let Kev have his way. Kev wasted no time in

standing up and pulling my wifes skirt up around her waist

and spreading her legs apart. It was obvious that her sheer

white french cut bikini panties were soaked. Kev grabbed

a hold of the crotch of her panties and easily ripped them

off of her. He then dropped his pants and I wasn’t dissappoointed

when I saw the size of his hard cock. It was completely hard

and looked to be probably 13-14 inches long and about 6 to 7

inches around. He was huge. My wife saw that and got a

look of fear in her eyes knowing what he was going to do

with that monster. She looked over at me and pleadingly

asked one last time, “Honey is this really what you want”.

I just said yes. She again very hesitantly said ok.

Kev finished climbing out of his pants. In the bar I had

told Kev that he would need to use a condom because my wife

wasn’t on the pill as I had a vasectomy 10 years ago. He

agreed to use one.

Kev quickly pulled a condom out of his wallet it was one of those exta large condoms

color was silky black the package it was in was gold it was a trojan Magnum extra large

as he removed it from the package and rolled it

on and then through my wifes legs up over his shoulders.

All of the fantasizing I had done over the years didn’t

really prepare me for what I actually saw. I thought that

this moment would be so special, but when I saw Kev start

trying to shove that huge monster into my wife and I saw

my wife wince as that monster started stretching her vagina

completely out of shape, the true reality of the whole

situation hit home. What was I doing. Her was the my

sweet wife who I love dearly, having her most private part

being invaded by a stranger.

I couldn’t take it any longer. I jumped up and yelled stop.

I’ve changed my mind. As I crossed the room and grabbed Kev

by the shoulder I told him I’d made a mistake and that he’d

better go. Suddenly the whole sight made me sick. I wanted

to vomit. What had I done. But the worst was yet to come.

As I grabbed Kev by the shoulder, he turned and slugged me

in the stomach. The blow knocked the wind out of me and I

went down. As I gasped for air, Kev said Ok dude, I’m going

to teach you a lesson. All I could do was gasp for air and

watch as he again grabbed my wifes legs and threw them over

his shoulders. My wife screamed and tried to break free

but in her awkward position couldn’t get away. Kev said, ok

dude watch this.I looked in horror as he held my wife legs

with one hand and reached down and pulled the condom off wiht

his other hand. My wife heard it snap as it came off and

immediately reached down with both hands to cover her vagina.

She pleaded with Kev not to do this. But it was of no use.

Kev just pushed her hands aside and moved his cock into

position at the entrance to her vagina. He then started

pushing. After he got part of the head in her, he made one

huge shove and my wife screamed as he vagina stretched clear

out to accomadate this invading monster.

I felt terrible because I was helpless to help her. Kev

finally got it all the way in her and rested for a bit while

my wife caught her breath and the pain subsided. Kev then

started riding her for all she was worth. My poor wife was

helpless to stop him, and I was completely useless as I

finally caught my breath and struggled to my feet. I stared

in horror now as what I thought would be the most erotic

experience of our lives turned out to be my worst nightmare.

To make matters worse, my wife was begining to relax and

the final insult was when my wife started to come. And come

she did. I couldn’t believe that she could come with what

had just taken place but she did. She started going, oooh,

oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, with every stroke and I couldn’t

handle it any more so I crept off to the kitchen to try and

block out what was happening in the living room. I couldn’t

bear to hear the wet sloppy fucking noises anymore and I

especially couldn’t bear to hear my wife coming.

It wasn’t long before Kev yelled that he was going to come,

so I looked out the door and heard my wife plead with him

to take it out and shoot it on her, but Kev just said, No

way sweetheart. My wife said no, please don’t, I’m not on

the pill. Kev said I know, just as he made one last plunge

into my wife and left it there while his cock spasmed and

he shot a huge load into my wife.

I slunk back into the kitchen as Kev got up and put his

pants back on. As he walked out the door, he yelled at me,

Thanks for the use of your wifes pussy. After the door

closed, I looked in the living room where my wife was still

lying on the couch and I could see that her vagina was badly

streched and Kev come was leaking out of her. I helped

her up and we got her showered and tried calming her down.

For all we know, she could be pregnant again at 41!

Guys, it’s a whole lot better fantasy that the reality is.

I advise you to leave it that way if you haven’t done it.

It could turn out to be your worst night mare and now not even my

cock is enough for my wife she wants kevs