Charity at Work 5 : May I take Your Coat and Cock

Charity lands an easy gig

After that rather heavy last recounting I bet everyone is the mood for something lighter.

Good news! You got it.

Charity Jones here. PTA mom by day, cockslut by night. Regaling you again with tales of my long journey from horny nympho teen to horny nympho cougar.

When I last left you I had just finished learning painful lessons about myself and the journey with my cock-master George. I was gainfully employed as Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store, dating a wonderful guy, surrounded my great friends and family and putting out for any monster cock that came along.

Working with the punk rock half-Spanish/half Apache “lesbian except where monster cock was involved” Patti was a dream job. I got all the outfit’s a growing 32DD girl needed and money in my pocket. I was learning to balance a checkbook and got money fro sharing George’s bronto-cock with my boss.

After the nightmare in Dallas, George and I slowed down extremely. I was seeing him before a couple times a week, three times if it was a session with Patti involved as well. We decided it was to be a once a week thing with Patti; we would close shop at noon and spend the rest of the afternoon and often into evening sucking and fucking him and taking him in all of our holes.

But now it was reaching near the end of August and the realization that my 12 th and final year in the education system year was looming just ahead of me. I wouldn’t be able to work Monday to Friday 9 to 5 any more, not with going to school . Not to mention cheerleading and having a fulltime boyfriend. I had gotten a taste of a regular pay check and decided I liked having money.

The conundrum of what to do befell me. Patti’s business was really picking up, so she was going to be extending hours anyways, so I could work a few days after school with her into the later evening. But that still chopped my pay check into far more miniscule amounts.

Plus, Patti and I had both decided George wasn’t going to pay us anymore. George had been fucking my boss since she was in the 10th grade and the money she got from him put her through school and let her open the shop. It had become a ritual between them but she was standing on her own two feet now and didn’t need it. And after my weekend with George in Dallas, my accepting money from him would just be horribly wrong on so many levels.

So here I was, shorter hours, and no extra cash on the side. College wasn’t going to pay for itself.

I was discussing this in bed with Momma one night, leaving out the prostitution part of course.

“ Could this wait a few minutes honey…ugh.. I’m kinda busy”, Momma grunted.

Momma was getting absolutely pounded from behind by Marcus while I was discussing this with her, sometimes I I just don’t know why things pop into my head. Her huge tits were bouncing back and forth as her boyfriend/boss Marcus stuck his truly spectacular big black dick in and out of her pussy. Watching them fuck was always one of the best highlights of any weekend if I was involved. It was love pornographic style.

Eventually Marcus fired his load deep in my mother as she came screaming like a banshee. She shuddered sand shook and rolled onto her back. I dived right in between her tanned legs and began lapping up the cum dripping out of her throbbing snatch as Marcus caught his breath. I ate my Momma out till she came again and lay down beside her kissing incestuously and sharing his her and Marcus’ mutual cum.

Marcus was still hard as usual, he still had another load in him before he needed to take a break for a bit. He gripped my ankles and pulled me to him . I guided his his hug e black shaft to my waiting cunt and let him do all the business.

In other words, a typical Friday night at home with Mom.

When we were all done for the night, I cuddled up one side with Momma and Marcus on the other. I suckled on one of her huge36F boobies that dwarfed mine significantly. Momma gently stroked marcus slowly deflating 10.9 incher ( yes, we measured) whilst they kissed.

“ I am sorry Charity dahlin”, Momma drawled in her heavy Texas accent, “ but you might just have to ake do untill you’re eighteen”

I sighed. It always came back to that. I was truly enjoying my teen years, but there was simply no way I could afford the bucks for a post secondary education untill I was an adult. And I didn’t want to wait three or four years untill I made the money.

“ Your mother and I have discussed a few things though”, Marcus chimed in.

Marcus was simply awesome. He was a self made man who turned a burnt-out biker roadhouse he won in a bet into the state’s premier strip club. Not only that it was the state’s only interracial strip and swing club. He was physically impressive, tall and muscular from a healthy exercise regimen. But also mentally impressive, university educated and cultured. He was also absolutely devoted to my trailer park nympho mother which definitely ranked him high in my books. Did I also mention his killer cock?

“ Such as?”. my curiosity piqued

“ As much as I’m opposed to you shaking your tits to strangers like your Momma….”, Momma sighed out

“ You are welcome to become a dancer at the Zebra Club…..”, Marcus finished

“ Really!!!”, I exclaimed. The one and only time I had ever snuck in there had been the time of my life last summer. If there was anywhere I wanted to make money, it would be there. The place was awesome

“ But only when you turn eighteen”, Momma said killing the buzz with a tap of her finger on my nose.

The dreaded EIGHTEEN again. I guess it wasn’t as horrible as it sounded. Momma made a shit load of tips peeling at the Zebra Club. Her pink cadilac was supercharged and tricked out, we had top of the line electronics and stereo and enough party clothes to make a porn starlet swoon, if it weren’t for the drinking and pot we would have moved out of the trailer park when I got here. If I started dancing there when I was eighteen, at least I would be able to afford college in two years instead of three or four.

“ Unless…”, Marcus mused

“ She is not dancing and that is final Marcus”, Momma put the proverbial foot down

“ No, nothing like that Diane”, he said still thinking. Diane was Momma’s actual name, people usually called her Dee, and my trinity of Faith , Hope and myself always called her Momma. But Momma loved it when Marcus called her Diane.

“ What? What”, I said my hopes getting up again

“ I’m probably going to regret this but…….”he continued to drag it out

“ But what? What!” I was about to jump on him

Marcus laughed at this and even Momma was stifling a giggle.

“ We could use a new coat check girl”

“ In the club? That’s illegal isn’t it?”, Momma said still not entirely enthused

The Zebra Club had pretty strict rules about underage members that Faith and I had broken in a huge way last year with a gangbang in the private rooms. The police were always looking for kickbacks and Marcus had tightened down hard.

“ The Zebra Club is technically a members only club, you buy membership upon admittance”, Marcus explained.

Yeah, we get that monster dick I was thinking

“ But.. That membership is only valid upon being stamped and entering into the site itself, which is on the opposite of the doors which are…”

I clued in

“ Which are right beside the coat check in!” I concluded, “ Oh my god, it’s brilliant! I could kiss you!”

“ Please do”

I crawled over Momma and straddled Marcus and planted a deep wet one on him , even snaking my tongue into his mouth. I even felt his big dick stir between my legs.

“ Could someone explain it to the high school dropout”, Momma asked

“ Simple Momma, the coat check isn’t part of the club technically, it’s the check point. The stage, the bar, the main floor, the dance floor, the VIP rooms are all part of the club”

“ Uh huh”, Momma nodded.

“ As long as who ever is in the coat check never enters the club, or in particular any part of the club that serves alcohol… then they’re not breaking the law”, Marcus finished

I turned to Marcus

“ Yeah, that’s right. It’s a members club, so as long as that parts where say a minor goes doesn’t serve alcohol, I could go and it would still be cool”

“ Exactly”

“ But what about Marjorie?” Momma asked about the last coat check girl

“ She had one too many and accepted an invite to a party on the Ebony level,, got knocked up”

“ Fucking Catholics, rhythym method wont help in a gangbang”

Gangbangs in the VIP rooms were common things in the Zebra Club, and a club rule was no contraceptive devices were allowed on premises. Thank Christ Momma had her tubes tied and that I was on the pill when last summer’s party happened.

“ Yeah, her fiance wasn’t thrilled either, so they moved”, Marcus elaborated.

“ Alrighty, Charity sweetheart, you can work in the coat check room, but don’t get no fool ideas about sneaking upstairs, you’re there to work”

“ Yes Momma, I love you Momma” and I gave my mother a deep French kiss.

That turned on Marcus even more despite the many times he saw our incestuous sessions from the front row. He was now stiffening up against me.

“ Now suck Marcus’ big black willy hard and ride him silly as a thank you”

I scooted down Marcus torso and stretched my mouth around his anaconda. Momma knows best.

The next night was a Saturday night and I was absolutely electrified about my first night at work. I tried business casual, but Momma looked me over once and tisked. She had to remind me we were working at a place dedicated to tits and ass and insisted I find something slutty to wear.

I’m probably the only girl you’ll ever know that has a mother that insists she dresses like a tramp. Fortunately for me a good third of my clothes are what I call “ slutware”, and nowadays at least half of my clothes are the same way. I even now have slutware for seasons of the year and special occasions.

In honour of my first outing to the Zebra Club almost exactly one year to the day, I put on the same outfit. A tube top that barely fit, a too short skirt and cowboy boots. I put on hoop earrings, and highlighted my lips to plump them to announce their ability to suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

We arrived at the club early as Momma always did, she prepared for her routines and chatted with the other dancers and club workers. I was shown to my box at the front of house and told my duties. I was to stamp hands and take coats. I was to call cabs when people were to drunk to drive. I was to tag coats and hang them up. I was then to take those tags and return them at the end of the night. I was to smile and look and pretty. Pretty exciting.

So I sat there, and sat there. And when I was done sitting there, I sat some more. There.

The excitement drained off when I realized this was going to be the most boring job in the world.

I guess it’s time for a refresher course on the Zebra Club. Unless of course you want some details of how I scratched my ass when it got itchy? No? Good , okay. Here we go.

The Zebra Club was Marcus’ stroke of genius. One night at a poker game in college in the late 70’s the young Marcus won a burntout biker bar and it’s land in a good hand. Our little hometown was once strongly racially divided and a lot of the racism still remained. Marcus had grown up here and knew first hand its bitterness.

He decided he was going to give back to his own community in a fit of spite the same exclusion that the white community had given him. He poured all his time and money into it rebuilding it into a basic strip club and decided that only black men could enter just like all the places he had been illegaly banned from. He made it a privates member club so he could skirt the very laws that were now in place that once prevented him.

Black members, black bartenders, black waiters, black staff. Except for the women. They were white. White waitresses. White dancers.

He expected it to go belly up in a year, with nothing to show but the smug satisfaction of however briefly giving the racists of his town the finger.

To his surprise, it was a staggering success.

The black men in town flocked to a place where they wouldn’t have to worry about all the latent bullshit and bigotry that they still suffered in town. The strippers came because it wasn’t owned by the bikers, The white female staff came because Marcus went out of his way at first to ensure there was no hanky panky.

Soon African-American men were coming in from all over the state to check out to see if this legend was true. The lure of forbidden fruit invited white women that wanted to see how the other half lived. It was so huge, that Marcus had to expand the building.

And then expand it again.

The once biker bar was simply where the stage and main floor now sit. There had to be extra stages. Two more bars were needed on the floor. The stockroom had to triple in size. The dressing rooms were almost as expansive as Vegas back stage’s.

The no hanky-panky rule quickly flew out the window. Women were now coming to flirt up and get laid. Men were lining up to screw them up.The rumours started flying. The extra bathrooms were now more or less fuckstalls. A rumour started spreading that the women weren’t allowed birth control on the site. That the backrooms were orgy rooms.

The madness had to end before everyone ended up in jail. And Marcus knew the only way to end the rumours once and for all.

He made them true.

Another huge expansion was made, his biggest financial gamble. Two floors were built above the club. Rooms with beds and huge couches. Some over looking the mainstage, some with two way mirrors, some just with glass.interracial porn playing on screens in the private rooms. Some with cameras hooked up to other rooms for voyeuristic action. It was a jungle fever level of Dante’s sexual Inferno. And then he finally posted the rules.

1. Only black men permitted

2. No minors.

3. No weapons allowed on premises

4. No recording equipment allowed on premises

5 . No birth control devices allowed on premises

It worked.

Now every night there was a line forming of black men and white/asian/latina/ first nations/ indo women waiting to get in. They came from all over the state for a chance to party here.

Most came for the exotic dancers, and to dance and to flirt. But there was always a significant amount of women that found their ways up stairs to those VIP rooms where anything went.

A door closed meant there was a private party, an open door meant it was a free for all. There was some sucking and fucking and in the heart of the club, but if it got too rambunctious it was moved upstairs.

One of the joys working in the coat check room was watching a new shy lady giggling nervously when she entered, and watching her stagger out at the end of the night with her make up smeared and cum drying on her.

The spectre of AIDS had finally arrived to our small town though, so Marcus had to once again make some adjustments to club policy. And like all his ideas, they worked.

Condoms were now provided liberally inside the club, but they still couldn’t be brought in by clients, so he kept that rule intact. The VIP rooms changed a bit.

There was now Gold and Ebony rooms. Gold rooms were now standard rooms with condoms in buckets available. Ebony was the real stickler.

Ebony Rooms were still no birth control allowed. To be allowed in an Ebony room all men had to be tested vigorously to enter. Luckily there was such a strong desire to fuck white women bareback, so there was never a shortage of men volunteering.To identify yourself as an Ebony member, a black steel band was given to those members when they arrived.

And thusly, the legend grew.

That brings me to where I am, sitting on a stool in a coatroom. Getting none of the action.

The night did pick up when Denny and Bill arrived and I ran out to hug the two of my brothers from another mother. They were shocked and delighted to see me working at the club.

Denny and Bill are very special boys to me. They were collectively my first time , taking both my vaginal and anal virginity in the same night. They were regulars in my bed too, as well as Momma’s. Not so much with her lately as her and Marcus were all but married in name, but he often surprised her with a three on one with them. Denny and Bill were Marcus’ personal assistants and pretty much ran the day to day of the club.

They were also the guys I regularly fucked when I wanted Chet to eat their cum out of my pussy and my ass. What a great boyfriend he is. Love you Chet.

The night slowly picked up and the lines started forming, I was stamping and tagging like a gangsta I tell ya. Not exciting , but it kept me relatively busy. I only had to call security once when a husband tried barging in to demand to know where his wife was. Before I could tell him she was in an Ebony room taking her 3 rd creampie load of the evening from my view on the security cameras, Denny had already kicked him out

The Mrs. Parsons appeared and all hell followed with her.

Mrs. Parsons. Reverends wife. President of the Sisters of Christ Chapter of town. Organizer of the Memorial Quilt. Heads up all the bake sales and church raffles. Complete and utter black cock slut.

Don’t let her wholesome looks fool you. Beneath that permed hair and welcoming grey eyes lies a demon. Somehow her 5’6” curvy and fit frame contains the Lord of the Sex Pit. Wherever she goes, cock and cum follow.

“ Why hello young Miss Jones, such a pleasure to see you here again”

Good memory. Last time her and I were together was part of a gangbang, we had shared a few loads of spunk together.

“ A pleasure to see you as well ma’am”

“ Oh posh, why should two friends stand on such formality”, she smiled

True, she did like it when I call her a gutter whore when she’s taking a black cock up her ass.

“ The what should I call you ma’a…err..Mrs Parsons”

“ Try calling me Gabby, its my middle name, and that’s a good idea in these parts”

Are you sure you don’t want gutter whore? Methinks you’ll be called worse by the end of the night and like it.

“ Yes Gab…Mrs Parsons”, I just couldn’t do it. She was the preachers wife, I was raised to honour those positions. Even if I had eaten cum out of her ass before.

“ You must be terribly bored behind that counter”

“ It isn’t as exciting as I imagined it would be , that’s for certain”

“ Let’s fix that shall we”, she said smiling some more

She turned to her date for the evening who stepped up and smiled. It was William who had helped save me from the medieval punishment that was monogamy

“ William, be a dear and go into the back of the coatroom and fuck Ms. Jones brains out, would you?”

“ Yes ma’am”, he smiled wickedly at me

You are an evil evil woman , I thought as William scooted under the counter to the coatroom. And I love you for it.

“ I’ll cover until you’re done, then we can find a boy for me”, Mrs Parsons winked at me sneaking in as well.

William led me into the back of the coatroom and threw some jackets on the floor. Luckily these were Ebony member jackets, so they were going to be in no rush to leave anytime soon.

I stood there nibbling on a fingernail. It was my first night and I was already abandoning my post. I would be court martialed if I was in the army. Mrs Parsons just waved me away and went on to stamp a member.I looked back to William who was already unzipping

Back to Mrs Parsons who was doing my job, a fireable offense

Back to William who had his pants down

Back to Mrs Parsons who was smiling and chatting to a lady I was sure taught preschool.

Back to William who was now stroking his big black stick

Shit, the cock won.

I knelt down before him and caught up with that cock that once rammed me from behind on top of Chet’s car. Mmmmm yummy. I slobbered all over him. I really missed big black cock. George was great, but there was a spot in my heart that only a big black dick could fill.

I slobbered and sucked all over his sausage and he pulled down my top and start mauling my big tits. William was horny and raring to go, and I could taste pussy juice all over his dick, Mrs Parsons had already fucked him before she got here it seemed. It didn’t matter, it would hardly be the first time.

While I was fisting his big meat into my mouth, William had moved down my body and was rubbing me through my panties. I was half soaking them already in anticipation of what was to come, I tried grinding my hips against his hand in eagerness.

William took the clue and had me turn around, I got on all fours facing away from him. Up went my skirt over my back, and RRRRIP! Off went the panties. Goddamnit, what was with men tearing them off, these ones weren’t cheap. Oh well, plenty of more at the Love Hut.

I didn’t have to wait long as I felt his hands grip my hips and he guided himself up behind me. I knew from past experience that William was as subtle as an avalanche so I was ready when he thrust deeply into me. I let out a contented gasp and let him work me over.

And work me over he did. William thrust hard and heavy into me, leaving foreplay behind as a distant rumour. I leaned down onto my elbows and reached between my thighs and played with my throbbing clit while William pounded into me.

The combination of pounding and diddling set me off in a few minutes and soon I was cumming all over his dick. I looked up at Mrs Parsons who blew me a kiss and gave her back a goofy smile. William picked up his tempo and started pounding me harder.

This went on for awhile more, with me cumming once again before William sighed and grunted. He seized up and thrust one last time into me, letting himself go inside my hungry teen twat. It was so good. It had been too long since I had strange cock in me. Literally a couple weeks.

Shut up, that’s a long time in my world.

William smacked my ass and pulled out, I staggered to my feet as well. I pulled down my skirt and stuff myself back into my tube top. William zipped up and left with nothing more then a smack on the ass and peck on the cheek for me. Bit of a jerk, but he sure knew how to fuck, so I forgave him.

“ Feeling better Charity”, Mrs Parsons asked as I stepped back up to the booth

“ Much better Mrs Parsons, thank you”, I said straightening my hair and trying to look presentable.

“ How wonderful, now I do believe it’s my turn”, Mrs Parsons said scanning around the foyer, “ Yoohoo, Dennis and William Jr”

Dennis and William Junior? That was rich. I had never heard anyone call Denny anything less than Denny, and certainly not Dennis. And Bill was William Junior? Junior? I was going to soooooo tease his ass later about that.

“ Yes Mrs Parsons ma’am”, Bill said stepping up waving Denny in tow.

“ Such manners , William Jr, your mother sure did teach you well” Mrs Parson said with a smile

“ Junior” , I sniggered suppressing my laughter

“ Yes ma’am”, Bill said shooting me a glare that promised a spanking later, which I would look forward to , “ Momma always taught me to treat a lady well”

“ That’s exactly what I wanted to hear”, Mrs Parson smiled as Denny stepped up, “ now I want to you two to take me in the back here and treat me very well”

Denny and Bill looked at each other, back at the doors in and out the club, back to Mrs Parson’s.

Mrs Parsons sensed their indecision and planted her hand firmly down on the counter

“ Take me in the back and fuck me now, or I go upstairs with the first guy I see and close a door”

That sold them. They nipped under the counter and took her my either arm and headed straight behind the racks to where the jackets William and I had been fucking on minutes before.

“ Have fun Junior”, I called out behind me laughing.

Mrs Parson was no subtle about what she was doing back there. I at least made the pretense of being quiet. Mrs Parson hollered and moaned as Dennis and Bill ravaged her. I kept looking over my shoulder and to the side to see what they were up to.

Customer’s kept coming in though, I would stamp their hands and take their coats. I would have to step around the tangle of bodies when I went to the back of the racks though. I had to stop once though and stand there for about 5 minutes’ Mrs Parson was being sandwiched between Denny and Bill getting a blistering double penetration and she reached out and grabbed my ankle. She squeezed so hard as she kept cumming I thought she was going to cut off my circulation.

I was getting horned up listening and watching their show when I could that I wanted to start masturbating right there at the counter. The customers started slowing down as the night rolled on and they just kept fucking. They had in there about 3 hours and I was almost climbing the walls.

Marcus wandered in through the club doors and glanced outside and around the foyer with a confused and exasperated look.

“ Where are those two fools?” he muttered under his breath, “ Charity, have you seen—-”

“ That’s it, jack it all over my slutty face!!” came Mrs Parson’s cry over my shoulder.

“ Never mind, I’ve found them”, Marcus said flipping up the counter and walking into the coat room.

Then the fighting started. Marcus was pissed off because he had an order in the back they were supposed to unload two hours ago, and the payroll was an hour behind and yadda yadda. He was sure livid. I didn’t dare turn around as Marcus tore their ears off. Then the fighting just stopped.

A couple minutes later, Denny and Bill walked past me hurriedly with a relieved look on their face, but still were scooting as fast away as possible.

“ Everything okay?”, I whispered to Denny as he passed.

“ Yeah, and Marcus wants to talk to you, sorry, gotta go”, and poof he vanished.

Fuck, here came the firing, or at least a firm chewing out. I was not having the best of luck with employment this summer at all. Momma was going to be so disappointed. Worst of all, I probably wouldn’t get laid tonight either.

I stepped back behind the racks

“ You wanted to speak—-”

I should have known better.

There was Mrs Parson on her knees before Marcus. Her arms were clenched around his legs and her hands firmly on his butt. She was feeding herself on Marcus cock like it was life support. Her face was splattered in white goo and her elegant black dress had stains all over it where it was bunched at her midsection. Marcus was guiding her head back and forth on his giant black dick.

“ You friend here has convinced me to keep you on despite your dereliction of duty”, Marcus sighed enjoying the slow loving blowjob he was receiving

Mrs Parsons let go his black snake from her lips and also added.

“ Not only that, she can attend any parties with me in an Ebony room after work”

“Let’s not get crazy here”, Marcus interjected

Mrs Parsons rubbed his fat cockhead over her lips for a second to daze him

“ As long as no alcohol is served and she is in the company of an adult it is perfectly legal”, Mrs Parson said before teasing his peehole

“ But….” Marcus groaned wanting to shove his dick between her lips

“ But nothing, I sat on the committee that gave you the zoning permits, I know the terms..or would you rather not stick your cock down my throat”

“ Yes ma’am”, Marcus sighed knowing full well one could not fight Satan in a black dress

“ Good, now scoot to work dear, this wont happen again”, Mrs Parson waved me off and started hungrily slurping on Marcus

“ Yes ma’am”, I breathed a sigh of relief and went back to my post.

About ten minutes later, Mrs Parson’s wandered out front, her dress back fully on, as stained as it was, her face mostly clean from any man-gunk. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and headed into the club. Marcus followed shortly after wards, composed as much as he could be.

“ Ummm” he stood awkwardly for moment, “ no more disappearing from work “

“ Won’t happen again”, I nodded

“ Good, and no going upstairs without Mrs Parsons”

“ Got it”

“ But there is no way on earth you’re going onto the main floor, your mother would kill me”

“ She’d start with me first”

“ Glad we’re clear on that”

Marcus left and the night went on smoothly. My tip jar flowed especially close to the end of the night , when ladies would come staggering out from upstairs fuck drunk or when new couples would exit the club in high spirits. I made a good chunk of change , which was good because I was getting paid crap without it. Easily as much as I would make with a session with George and I didn’t even have to fuck for it.

Mrs Parsons actually totally forgot about me that night, and came down with her dress almost in tatters arm and amr with a couple of strapping young black men half her age. She apologized and promised to make things up to me next week before she took off with her dates.

The following week was working at the Love Hut, a torrid threesome on wednesday and the upcoming final weekend before school started. That Saturday night was a good one though

Mrs Parson followed through on her promise this time though. She convinced Bill aka Junior as I called him now to man the coat check and led me behind the velvet rop and up the stairs to the third floor where the Ebony rooms were.

People wee already fuking in the stairwell as we walked up and around them. Even in the hall there was that same pre-school teacher getting a hot slow screw up against the wall. Mrs Parsons took me by the hand and guided me down the hall till she came to an open door.

I think it was the same room we were in a year ago; with the same stripper stage circle in the middle with the pole and the couches around it. And just like last year, there was Momma. She had finished her dance number and was already sucking cock on her back while a couple guys jacked off around her.

I wasted no time getting between her thighs and eating her cunt which was already dripping in someone’s spunk. Mrs Parson’s joined her sucking cock. I ate my Momma out to a thrashing cum, and when she was done swallowing the load of the guy she was blowing she bent up to take a look at her carpet muncher.

“ Charity! I am gonna tan your britches so red!!!”, Momma exclaimed

“ No wait! It’s totally legal, just ask Mrs Parsons”

Momma and I turned our heads to the preachers wife , but she was trying to stuff two black dicks in it.

“ Okay, I’ll explain, you see if alcohol isn’t served and…glurph!!” I was interrupted by a thick black python being stuffed between my lips

“ I trust her, but you and I will be talking about this when we get—humprrfffgggg” was her big black dick reply

The rest of the night was a blur, as the three of us got fucked everyway silly. It was just like the party a year ago, except without Faith to finish our quartet or the mystery brunette girl who turned out to be Hope sucking cock in the hallway.I was the pretty young thing, so tended to get a lot of attention that night, I must have taken eight loads of come in me before the night was through. Momma did a tonne of titfucking and her face and boobs were plastered in spunk. Mrs Parsons couldn’t compete with Momma in the boob department, or me in the age department but she was not to be undone and decided she was only taking it in the ass; she left with the cum of 5 men dribbling out her stretched back door.

We wandered down fuck drunk like so many of the guests I had seen and giggled at while behind the counter and Momma and I were driven by Marcus home.

Faith and Hope were waiting for us when we got there, sitting on our little deck sharing joint. Apparently Faith had gotten a call from Mrs Parsons telling her to be waiting punctually for when Momma and I got off work.

No sooner then my redheaded tomboy and busty goth girlfriends explained this then we saw the headlight of two cars pull up. The first was Mrs Parsons convertible with he and three dates and the other a sedan with 5 men pilled inside. I shrugged at Momma who just smiled and we went inside to get the party started.

In the end there were 9 guys including Marcus against the five of us gals. Those were exactly my kind of odds and we sucked and fucked and partied till the crack of dawn. As the party broke up, Mrs Parsons left home for her husband and we managed to get in a few hours of shut eye.

We dragged our incredibly sore and tender bodies to church just a few scant hours later.

The worst part was Mrs Parsons. She led the choir and was so damn chipper like she had a great nights rest.

Mrs Parsons you are an evil woman. An evil , evil woman

Please never change