
Womens thoughts for black lust

Welcum sexy vixens and of age kittens and golden matures let my lust turn you horny ever more-My style is a hybrid of erotica-poetry-story-hardcore-love-and social issues. Mix of ryme and non-ryme or anything I care to mix. So cum to the darkside cum to this erotic vampire

Cum woman and cum hard and break from this restricted society, an urge for your nasty lust is crying free, sexless lifeless people request you do whats right, hide your passion for that endless night, This darkside absorbs women of all colors, sexual heat my predator eye catches you watching the brotha’s, black heat flashes engulf the aura of your body, please my loins wild and sloppy, almighty made this black man nobody can copy, let my black snake feed your pussy needs,solve your hunger pains blast my black seeds, The haters cry, that you pressed against me is social suicide, the more we pair up we kill that ugly fearful side, Your not the only one with a wet dream for a black thought, catch u crotch beaming you have been caught.

I sense you wanting to be sucked in to a kiss with my African descendant lips,Imagine the sucking power on your pussy grips, Wanting some more erotic food for your ear, I’m the black spice of your daddy’s worst fear, Don’t forget I’m destin for that sexy task, of slapping that ass, causing deep protein growth,to sail on your plump booty float, Your yummy skin would look better against my black skin coat, our beautiful sweet color complexion, I require alot of physical affection, Fucking evil slavery told women of your past to stay away, but we still continue to play today, it’s the destiny buried deep in your blood,time to turn the pipes black to release the orgasmic flood,That jungle fever keeps you deeply in love.

untapped,untainted mascularity, swaggers dark in your direction, Preparing your PC muscles for dominate flexin,time to make your body squeal of this partial bad boy appeal, Us brothers very smart and we arrive in suits, staring you up and down giving u a double salute.

Breath breath it’s hard to take in,black lake of love is where you’ll gracefully swim, seeing another woman of race walking with a black guy fuels your curiosity, no myth about our ravanish ferocity, my kingly swaggar enters the room,as people plot and assume, dark phantom man soaks up the whispers, meat loving men thank our Black Sista’s.

Now inspect my body not just my genital package, The dark meat next to your vaginal cabbage, Sharp handsome looks and strong muscular build, waiting for that pussy berry juice to spill, swift moves mobile dancers at the club, our black influence causing your sexuality to bud, Black man so viral and rich, raw African muscle fast twitch, eat the rest of your meal, I love those curves fully packed, stamped and deemed beautiful black.

fuck the pimps and fake thugs, weak men pesticide bugs, sexy woman you better be really invested, cause fake woman are highly digested, dumped easily like number 2 infested, black walls up for those fake black lovers, that only want rich celeb brothers, black walls up for the ones ignorantly saying the N-word and acting fake and highly zealous, only to make daddy jealous, black walls up for the ones who only deal with black for the drugs, join that dirt with the red ants and slimy slugs,not me.

Remember when dad is idolizing master black beast athlete’s on the tube, your mother quietly taking a bathroom break grabbing the lube, so now u recall all the posters up on your brothers wall, waiting for Tyrone, Devontay, Leroy, and Lashawn to call, Now cum sexy female creature, we have a xxxx-rated feature, your now infected with the great darkhole fever, cum bow to this black man pride,cum my baby walk on the Darkside.

copyright-darklover69 p.s. cum tell me what u think, looking for a special lady club to infest cum for more