First time with husband

This is the story should be under cheating but I decided with First Time instead

“Where you at?” said the sexy voice on the other end of the line as I am driving.
“Heading back to San Diego, you coming over?” I asked back
“As soon as I can be there I will.”
“Okay hunny, I can’t wait to be alone with you.”
“I know doll, as soon as I get there we can just enjoy each others company.”

My heart was racing so fast as I am having this conversation with my husband (at the time he was still just my BF). He was going to be driving out to San Deigo to spend the night with me and I was acting like a childish school girl. So gitty with excitment that I get to spend uninterrupted time with sexy man. I had an hour jump start on him. I had to rush to the house clean it up and get ready for this man to show up.

I get to my house clean everything up as quick as possible. By the time I am done cleaning my house is filled with the aaroma of bleach. Stupid ex huband (still husband at the time) left one of the dogs in the kitcken and I had dog shit everywhere.

Satisfied with the house I race upstairs to take a shower and change. I shave my legs and am so thankful that earlier that say I had just had my kitty waxed. I had no idea that he would be coming over that night. It was just time to have it done. I hate having any type of hair on my kitty. Bothers me to no end. I don’t take long deciding what to wear. I put on some capri sweats and an over sized t-shirt. No pantied no bra and head back down stairs after checking on the kids. I give the downstairs a once over to make sure everything looked good. Wanted to impress this man with my housekeeping skills. Why? I am not sure but I had the urge to show him I am a good wife.

“You almost here?” I asked with excitement I was trying to hide in my voice.
“Just got on the 15. Should be there in 5-10.”
“Oh shit hun you are so much closer than I thought.’

Standing in my kitchen I see him truck pass by the house and go around the block to park infront of the house. I am trying to calm myself and get my nerves under control. Then I hear it. The sound of my door bell. I open the door and see the tall 6′ slender man with the most peicing blue eyes you will ever see starting back at me. The butterflies are going crazy in my tummy. I thinking to myself. Good God you are 30 get control of yourself. This is ridiculous. I invite him in, more like yank him through the door and kiss him with all the passion. Both our bodies turn into butter and we are caught up in this passionate kiss that neither of us had felt in 10 years. We head to the living room where he drops his bag and picks up the remote. We sit down on the sofa and he starts going through the channels on the tv looking for something intresting to have in the background while we idly chat.

“Was the traffic bad?”
“No not really, I’ve been through worse. It was the time that was killing me. Why do you have to live so far?”
I laugh and tell him I am sorry and if he is lucky I could be living so close to him, he would soon get sick of me.
“I doubt that could ever happen.”

He picks up my hand and kisses the top of it. Not wanting it to that started the juices flowing in my kitty. Why I could not tell you, but it did. OMG did it get those juices flowing. I lean over wanting another one of his kisses. He tasted so good and his tongue on mine felt wonderful. Once that kiss started I am not sure when it ended or how long we had been kissing. All I know is when the clouds lifted I was straddling him and kissing him for all I was worth. With each kiss and each movement of his hands through my hair I can feel that wet spot growning in my sweats. At this point I was wishing I had put on panties. Something to absorb the wetness. I tried to ease the pressure of his waist not waiting to to soak through my weats and his short. He was having none of that so I pressed my bare tits against him and he forgot about the fact that I had lifted off his waist ever so slightly. He broke from the kiss to ask if I was wearing a bra. I smiled and shook my head. “YUMMY” was all I got out of him and his hands went for my 38D tits. The palms of his hands rubbing every so slightly over my rock hard nipples.
“Damn baby you could cut glass with those things.”
“I told you, you got me excited. What you didn’t believe me?”
“Not like this.”
He continuted to play with my tits but never once going under my shirt. Just teasing me by squeezing my nipples and rubbing his palms over them.
I moved to the floor from the sofa and slowly pulled my top off as I went down. I stare up and his and say not fair I’m topless and your not. I grabbed his hirt and pulled it off and got the first look of his very impressive 6 pack abs. While doing this I think a genine flew into the living room cause neither of us can remember when or how my sweats came off. I tugged on his belt got it lose and slipped my toes into the belt loops and pulled shorts and boxers down in one more.
There is was. The biggest thickest most massive cock I have ever seen.A good 8 1/2 inches long and 2 1/2 in girth. My eyes must had been bulging as I am looking at this massive dick starting straight at me
I wanted to bad to stick that huge mosterous dick in my mouth and suck it dry. I was torn between blowing him and having him fuck me. Unable to decided and instead of sitting on my knees gawking at this huge cock I laid back down and pulled him on top of me. His lips found mine and I could feel him fighting the urge to slowing start sliding his dick in me.
“No turning back now!!” I said to him as I postioned my hips just perfectly under him and he was able to completely under stand what I meant.
“Nope, guess not.” and that was when I felt him enter into my pussy.
My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I felt just the tip of his head slide in. When I opened my eyes I could see a look of nervousness and curiosity cross his face. Yes I have had 2 children but they were born c-section so my pussy is not streched. For a 30 year old woman I have a tight little snatch. There was a look of almost pain as he slide all his massive dick into. Wondering how I could possibly be so tight and wet. I was wondering myself it his dick was ever going to end, it was so long. Filled up every part of my kitty and just about sent me into massive orgasm on it’s own before he was even able to get it all the way into me.
“You okay? Am I hurting you, you look like your in pain.” He asked with genuine concern in his voice.
Not trusting my voice I shook my head yes then no. Anwering both questions. I had to bite my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming in completely extascy. We had even really started and this was amazing. I was able to gather some sort of brains about me.
“Holy FUCK me” is all I could say.

Sorry ladies and gentleman I am going to stop the story hear and pick up in the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed what you have read already. My husband is the one who decided to convince me to write this one. Have many others in you want to hear them.