
How I Spent My Summer Vacation Chapter 1

OK. This my first attempt at adult writing. Be kind and constructive and you will motivate me to post more of the story.
Chapter 1
My name is Caine. I first read about sex in Cuba on the internet. I hooked up on the internet with a guy who had made the trip three times and could only brag about the great times he had every time. Sammy and I wrote back and forth enough that I figured I had to give it a try.
Learning about Cuba
Doing my own internet search I was able to research, finding most everything Sammy had told me was correct; and more. It seems that I can hook up with a young lady with an apartment for a night, or a month if I wish, if I pay for the food and our meals out!! What’s more, if I get tired of her she will refer me to any number of her girl friends and I can swap out. Seems almost too good to be true! Well, reality was something different. The key is to understand that the Cuban government does not allow the internet in Cuba, and then understand what Cubans do to get around that ban. You dig deep enough and you find websites in Mexico and Canada that advertize Cuban ‘vacations’. It is all veiled to prevent Government reprisals against those who use the system.
First I didn’t need any swap outs. Second, Maria kept me well entertained. She even liked my ideas and caused me to have one of the best months of my life. It seems that young ladies are commonly ‘available’ as young as 14 or 15. As long as there is no violence against them, the police look the other way. I guess the cops just look at them as ‘working girls’.
Cuba boasts the lowest rate of Sexually Transmitted Diseases [STD’s] in the world. I still packed a case of assorted condoms since I couldn’t find any data as to their availability. You see, I can only use the EX-Large size. Anything smaller acts like a tourniquet and only covers my cap and about first one third of my length anyway.
If you go to any of the large ‘clubs’ you will pay around $10US in cover charges. However, the ‘clubs’ are mainly populated with women out looking for a ‘date’. It’s not unusual to find 150 to 175 women, and only 25 or 30 male tourists. These women will charge you anything they think you will pay, but never less than $50US. Maria did much better for me.
The United States is still quite stuffy over Americans going to Cuba. There are no direct flights. You can fly there, though, via Cancun, in Mexico, or through Ontario (or maybe Toronto), Canada.
I talked my boss into letting me take most of Friday off. I hoped he’d go along with it, as I had made reservations to leave my hometown on a 2PM flight to Cancun. I made my connecting flight OK and arrived in Havana before dark. Maria and I had set it up that I would be met at the airport by her brother, Roberto, who drove a cab. He took me to Maria’s place, and wouldn’t take any money. He said, “Maria has already paid me, and she would be very mad at me if I even take a tip from you.” He came inside with me and introduced me to his sister. I think I said that Maria is 17. She is about 5’4″ and must weigh all of 110 pounds. She greeted me with a big smile, a bigger kiss, and a quick goodbye to her brother.
We ate a light meal of great fresh fruits and fresh baked bread. Maria asked if I would like to watch a video with her. I said, “Sure.” We settled in for some preliminary ‘get-to-know-you’ time.
Maria’s apartment is fairly small. When you come in the door you are looking straight through the living room and out some picture windows at beautiful scenery. To the left is an efficiency kitchen with a small one burner stove and a small dining table for two or three, but a large, very new refrigerator. I remarked on the new fridge. Maria is very proud of it. It is the first thing she has bought on her own with her own money. Looking to the right from the door is a half-wall with a bedroom nook behind it, and the bath beyond it. Her living room has one chair, and a small couch and assorted end tables and some tasteful lamps. We snuggled on the couch, but I don’t remember the movie. The couch is just big enough for me, sitting straight on the right side, and Maria sitting with her back my left side. She soon placed her right hand on my thigh. I responded by draping my left arm over her. Gee, that put my hand on her left breast! Maria responded by snuggling even tighter against me. I nuzzled her neck and she giggled, and turned her head slightly. This placed my lips in line with her ear. I blew lightly in her ear and then tongued it. This sent shivers from her head to her toes. While she was turning toward me she remarked, “It looks like this is going to be a great week!”
We kissed a full, complete, and long kiss. Both exploring the others mouth with our tongues. Her turning moved my hand from her breast. So I used my right hand to continue what my left had started. After a bit Maria asked if I would like to move to the bedroom. I told her I really needed to take a shower before we got serious since I had not had a shower since I caught my plane from home. Maria said, ” Showers are always a good thing. We can both take one. Then we will both be fresh for what comes after.” We held hands as we walked into the bedroom. We didn’t discuss it. We just both began undressing each other, interrupting often to hold each other and kiss. Maria went in the bathroom first to do ‘girl things’. When I heard the shower come on I went in. The shower was fairly small so we had to stand close together. We started with me lathering up Maria’s arms, then her back, followed by lathering her very nice breasts. I then slid down with back against the wall and my knees out in front of me. This way I could pick up one of her feet and place it on my knee so I could wash her foot and ankle. Once done there I washed her calf and thigh. My hand just naturally went up the inside of her thigh and put my fingers up into her pussy. Maria jumped and said, “OH!” when she suddenly felt me inside her. “I wasn’t ready for that!” “Sorry”, I said. “No-No. Don’t be sorry. It feels good. It just came as a surprise.” “Oh good. I like to provide surprises.” , I grinned. So I finished up that leg and put it back on the floor of the shower and picked up her other foot. She helped placing her foot on my other knee and I started washing it, just like the other leg. When I reached her pussy this time she was expecting me and I didn’t disappoint her. But, after I had washed that side of her pussy I put my hands around her hips and pulled her clit right into my mouth. “Wow, I wasn’t ready for that, either!” “I was just taste testing. It wouldn’t do to leave any soap in there. We wouldn’t want a soap rash, would we?” “Oh of course not. I guess I have never been taste tested before! I’m supposed to be the ‘pro’ here but you seem to be doing the teaching.” “Well, I guess it’s because I get as much enjoyment out of seeing my partners cumming as I do cumming myself.”
“Well, I guess it’s my turn to lather you up.” And, she did. Maria even tried my method of scooting her back down the wall and putting my foot on her knee and washing me from my foot to my crotch. She did a great job of washing my balls with the first leg. On the second leg she worked her way up to the top and saved washing my cock to the last. After a thorough washing she held my now steel hard cock in her hand and slipped it into her mouth. At first just the cap went in. But after a couple of short strokes she plunged my rather substantial cock to the back of her throat. She could take about a third of my cock. “I know I don’t do this very well, but I gag whenever I try to throat a cock.” “It’s OK. I think I only know one woman that can throat me”. She withdrew my cock so she could take a breath, took my cock back in her mouth. Her hand kept stroking the rest of my cock. Maria was an expert. I said, “If you do that one more time I will cum so hard I won’t be of any use for you ’til later.” She withdrew my cock completely and said, “Well, I wouldn’t want to do that.”, and she laughed. We toweled each other off and moved into the bedroom.
We shared the double bed that took up most of the bedroom.
Maria’s English was very good. I asked how see became so proficient. Maria said, “Well, most of my ‘dates’ are from North America. So I study in the English as a Second Language group.” I asked, “What is this study group?” “Since most ‘dates’ come from over sea’s nearly all working girls are learning or already speak a second language. Besides English there are study groups for Russ, Estonian and Portuguese. There are probably more. These are just the ones I know of.” “Your level is good enough to be teaching English.” She kind of blushed, “Well, I am a tutor for new girls just coming into the ‘business’.”
It was Sunday morning. We were laying in bed recovering from our latest ‘sexual exercise’ when Maria asked, “Will I be able to satisfy you for a whole month? You are using up most of my bag of tricks in the first three days!” I said, “Well, to tell you the truth, I have a fantasy I would like to share with you. Would you like to hear about it?” Maria sat up in bed and turned toward me allowing the sheet to drop to her waist exposing her beautiful petite breasts, “Yes. Tell me!” “Well.” I hesitated, “I would like to fuck a virgin.” “Caine, maybe you haven’t noticed, but there aren’t many virgins in Havana.” “I know, but, you told me yesterday there were many still in your home village.” Maria had shared with me that it took about a four hour bus ride to her home village. It was quite isolated and a very poor place. “Tell me how much does it cost for a family of four to buy enough food for a year?” Maria thought about it, and said, “It depends a lot on the current prices of food. They vary all the time. But, I think that $50US would usually do it.” I already had this information, but I wanted Maria to confirm it for me.
“Hmmm, how about if you took the bus home Tuesday, the stayed with your mom for a couple of days. If I gave you $100US, do you think you might be able to find a family that might trade a daughters virginity for $50US?” “Maybe, but, you said you would give me $100US?” “Yes, you spend what you need to on bus fares, clothes, I don’t know, any other ‘expenses’, and you get to keep the balance. I’m thinking maybe you could take the Thursday bus back maybe with a friend in tow for me?”
Maria thought about my offer. She said she knew of at least two girls that might work with. Both of them were younger than her, and lived in single parent families. Their dad’s had both been killed, and their mom’s could hardly make ends meet. Maria asked, “Do you have any other ‘requirements’ other than they be virgins?” “Not really, just that they won’t get me in trouble with the law. I think they ought to have the beginnings of some tits, you know I like them small.” Maria looked down at her barely B cups and blushed. “Hey, I’m not trying to make you feel bad. You have just what I like. Hmmm, maybe I should say they need to have at least a little bit of pussy bush growing, too.”
“OK. As long as their parents are OK with it, they have the beginnings of some tits and pussy hair they will be acceptable to you?” I thought for a minute and said, “Oh, YES!” Maria thought for a minute, “I am certain that the police will look the other way as long as the parents don’t complain, and they have the beginnings of a woman’s body. I know a couple of other girls here in Havana who started out when they were 9 and 10 years old. The law never hassled them. Their parents did not file any reports since the girls were both bringing in the only money the families made.” “Well, I’m not looking for anybody THAT young.”, as I got a mental picture of a nine year-old with hazelnut sized breasts and a little fuzzy pussy.
“OK. If I leave on the Tuesday morning bus I should be back Thursday late afternoon. The only thing is what are you going to do for those three days?” “I can just look after myself. I can go out and buy some food and bring it back here to cook it.”, I said. Maria was adamant, “No. That won’t work.” “Why not?”, I asked. “Because your Spanish is not good enough. You might get what you want, but probably not. And, if you do, it will be way over-priced if you try and buy it. No, I have another plan.”
Monday morning, after we had shared wake-up exercises, and our shower Maria said she had some errands to run and she would bring back some fresh fruit and things for lunch. We kissed and she headed out the door. Now I knew from my research that most girls did not have apartments but relied on their ‘dates’ to pay for hotel rooms for them to have a place to stay. Since I had found Maria I had not worried about that situation much.
About an hour before noon, I heard a key in the lock. When the door opened not only Maria came in, but another girl, too. She was a little shorter than Maria and could not weigh over 85 pounds. While there was no doubt of her womanly attributes (Her narrow red tube top and black, skin tight short shorts made that plain enough to see.) she had to be younger that Maria. Maria said, “Caine, I want you to meet Charlotta. Charlotta, this is Caine.” I greeted Charlotta not completely understanding what was going on. “Charlotta will be your maid, housekeeper and ‘companion’ while I am gone. She will do your shopping, laundry, and anything else you would like.” Maria smiled when she repeated, “…and anything else you would like.”
“Hmmm, does that mean I can’t go out in public while you are gone?” “Oh, No. Charlotta will just be your escort and ‘friend’ when you are out and about. By the way Charlotta likes to go out to a special swimming beach she knows about.” “What goes on there?”, I asked, already having a pretty good guess. Maria shocked me when she grinned and replied, “I don’t know! I have never been there. You will just have to ask Charlotta. By the way Charlotta is taking English as a Second Language class and wants to make sure that you tutor her and correct her English mistakes.”
‘Well, this certainly looks like a great situation both ways.”, I said, holding my arms out to Charlotta. She immediately set down the two shopping bags she was carrying, grinned, and came into my arms. As I hugged her, she returned the hug with a true full-body hug!!
After lunch, Charlotta gave me a hug and a kiss, and said, “I’ll come back tomorrow after Maria has left. You will have to let me in because Maria doesn’t have another key. I’ll bring about two days of food that I think you will like.” “Do I need to give you any money to buy the food?”, I asked. Maria broke in and said, “No Caine. I have that already taken care of.” After Charlotta left I asked Maria about the food, and other expenses that Charlotta and I might need to spend. “You can pay her public expenses. Bus fares, taxis, and food that you eat if you dine out. The deal I have for her is, she gets a place to crash and an English tutor. That and I am paying for the food she brings here and cooks for the two of you. Beyond that you could buy her a small gift, but not too often. Does that sound OK?” I thought for a few minutes then said, “Wait here a minute.” I went into the bedroom and dug through my backpack that served as my suitcase. I found what I was looking for and took it back out into the living room. I sat beside Maria I opened the small box. “I bought these in Cancun even though I didn’t have any particular use in mind for them.” I opened the box so Maria could see its contents. A dainty sterling chain with a single pearl drop was the first thing that caught her eye. Then, as I shifted some tissue paper around and you could see the set of earrings, again, in sterling. They had pearl drops that matched the necklace. Finally, in the bottom of the box was the bracelet. It too was sterling and pearls. All the pearls matched. “I could give her these. What do you think?”, I asked. “They’re beautiful! Were they for me?” “I bought them before I had ever met you. At the time I bought them I thought they might be for you, but not anymore.” Maria’s face fell, “You mean you wouldn’t have given them to me?” “Nope. They aren’t good enough for you.”, I said. Maria thought about that. Then gave me a big hug and a long kiss. She giggled like a little girl, and said, “Caine, I think this is the first time I ever hugged and kissed someone for not giving me a gift!”
“I think these would be very nice for Charlotta. Give her the necklace first. Then the second week the earrings, and finally the bracelet, but keep the ones you haven’t given her a secret so each new piece will be another surprise.”
Maria gave me a nice departing kiss and hug as she hurried out the door, “I must hurry so I can get a seat on the bus.” I ask, “I thought you said the bus doesn’t leave for another hour?” “I did, but all the seats will be taken a half hour before the bus leaves. Everybody else has to stand.” An hour later there was a knock on the door. I open it and greeted Charlotta. She had her hands full of shopping bags. I took some from her and we put everything in the kitchen. Then I got a great hug and kiss.
“What shall we do first?” , Charlotta asked. “Well, I haven’t taken my morning shower as yet.” , I respond. Charlotta grins, “How would you like someone to scrub your back?” “Only if I get to scrub your back!” , I answer. “OK” We go into the bedroom and I turn and kiss her again, “May I undress you?” , I ask. “Sure. Then I get to undress you though.” , Charlotta says. I start with her blouse. I unbutton it from the top down. The blouse material was thick enough that you could not see the her bra through it, but with the buttons undone I could see it is a very pretty rose color. I remark on its color, and I ask, “Do your panties match your pretty bra?” Charlotta giggled and said, “You’ll just have to undress me down there to find out, won’t you?”
I slip her blouse off her shoulders, fold it and hang it over the back of a chair. I can see that Charlotta has a bit more size to her tits than Maria has, even before I take her bra off. Sure enough, They are just about perfect B+ cups. I turn her around and unhook her bra. Then I put my hands on her back with my thumbs hooked on both shoulder straps. As I move my hands around from her back then under her arms both shoulder straps slide off. As I continue to move my hands around her chest I cup both her breasts in my hands and pull her back against me in a snug hug. Charlotta responds by backing her tight ass up against my dick. As she gyrates against me she can feel my beginning erection.
Roberto had made it a habit to stop by sometime each day to check on me and make certain all was well. I mentioned to him, (His English wasn’t as good as Maria’s or Charlotta’s, but very good enough for driving Norte Americano’s around.) that Charlotta and I were going to a beach to swim the next day, if this fine weather held. Roberto had a short conversation with Charlotta, then turned back to me. “OK, I will pick you up at 2 pm tomorrow and drive you to Charlotta’s beach, then I will come back at 6 pm to bring you home. I asked Roberto if he would get into trouble taking up so much time and gas running us around. He smiled and said, “No, my boss thinks I am really working hard when I tell him I have booked customers in advance. We do it all the time with arrivals at the airport. But, maybe, you could give me a little gas money, just so Maria doesn’t find out.” I laughed and said, “It will be our little secret.”
Roberto was good to his word and was right on time. The drive to the beach took about half an hour. Charlotta had packed us a little food and some canned juices. She also packed two beach towel apiece. Roberto dropped us off, getting our hamper out of the trunk and handing it to me to carry. Waving cheerfully, Roberto got back in his cab and drove away shouting, “Have a good time!!” and laughing until we couldn’t hear him anymore. The parking lot was small and rather unkept. Charlotta took me by the hand and led me over to a path through the trees and undergrowth. “The beach is out of sight from the land, and only people who want to see come close from the water. After about a five minute walk we came out of the undergrowth and onto a sandy beach. The beach curved around in a crescent shape with two tiny headlands of rock out in the water. The crescent beach was probably a mile long. There were couples and small groups scattered all around. Some people were swimming, all were nude. Charlotta said, “Come on. I see some people I know over this way.” Still holding hands we made for her friends, who, when seeing Charlotta, began to yell and wave to us. When we got to their spot everyone stood up as Charlotta introduced me around. Each lady there came up and gave me a full-body hug. I said, “This is rather embarrassing to be being hugged by all you beautiful women and me with all my clothes still on.” Two of the ladies laughed and said, “Well, well. We need to take care of that, right now!”, and with that they relieved me of all my clothes in something around fifteen seconds. The guys were eyeing Charlotta, but she knew what was coming and stripped off her clothes even before I was naked. However, in my case, all the ladies came back and re-introduced themselves, complete with ‘new’ hugs!
Charlotta explained that I was a ‘friend’ from ‘the country to the north’ and that I only spoke a little Spanish, but that I was helping tutor her in English. This brought positive nods from the group. Two girls and one guy said they, too, were studying English and would I please correct them if they made mistakes.
Charlotta asked me if I would like to go for a swim with her? I got up from where we were sitting, took her hand and we walked down and into the water. I guess I had not thought about what the water temperature might be in this part of the world. I certainly didn’t expect it to be as warm as it was. Charlotta and I splashed, swam and played in the water for about a half hour. We were both getting a little tired. I was standing on the sandy bottom with water about up to my armpits when Charlotta swam up to me, put her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. A great kiss punctuated Charlotta’s question, “Can we fuck out here in the water?” “Well, the water has made me a little soft. Do you suppose you could do something about that?” “Oh yes!”, and she took a large breath and lowered herself down into the water, using her amazing mouth and started me on the path to real ‘hardness’. We spent about another half hour out in the water. When we came ashore, holding hands, Charlotta’s friends immediately began teasing us even before we were all the way back to our towels. The girls all wanted to know if Charlotta had left any for them. While the guys all wanted to know if I needed any help ‘satisfying’ Charlotta. One girl didn’t wait for answers. Anna jumped up and ran to us, and practically jumped into my arms, planted a big kiss on me and asked, “How about me next?” I looked over and said, “Charlotta?” She responded with a big smile and, “It’s a free country.”, and everybody laughed at the big joke. Anna grabbed a beach towel in one hand, and my hand with her other hand, and said, “Come on, we need a little part privacy.” “Do you mean, ‘A little more privacy?” “Sí, and thank you for correcting me.” We headed for the tree line, but not toward the trail we had come in on. Anna took us to a little nitch in the undergrowth. It was a very private little spot about ten feet in diameter. The only way anyone one would even see in was by coming in. Anna spread out the large beach towel on the smooth sand and sat down on it. She then extended her arms up to me. I took her hands in mine and let her guide me until I was sitting beside her on the towel.
Anna was a little older than Charlotta. She was 19, about 5″ 5″ and probably about 125 pounds She had long blonde hair. Her eyes were a very pale blue and her skin was the lightest shade of brown that I had seen on the island. “Are you from Scandinavia?” “No. I’m Cuban, but my father was from Norway. I never knew him.” There was no fat showing anywhere on her body. Just muscles. When Anna leaned toward me I met her and we shared a nice kiss. Anna took my right hand and pulled it up and onto her right breast, “I like to have these massaged. Do you give good massages?” “I’m not a professional, but people say I do a good job.” With that I laid her back on the towel and began a true massage of her right breast. I started at the base, squeezing and kneading her. As my hand would slip toward her nipple I would move my hands and start a her breast base. After about five round trips I was clear up to her nipple. Holding her breast tightly I brought my mouth down and sucked her nipple into my mouth, using my lips to hold it as I pulled up and away with my mouth. By the third cycle of this and Anna was wreathing on the beach towel. I let my hands slide off her right breast and slid them across to her left breast, and started all over again. Anna reached down and began massaging her clit. “Oh, you really are good. Maria told me you were also big and long.” “Well, I don’t know about now. Charlotta just drained me about ten minutes ago.” Anna said, “Hmmm. Just let me worry about that.”
I finished her left breast and she sat up, pushing me into the down position on the towel. She moved to her knees placing her mouth over my dick. I understood that some women could actually ‘throat a man’. I had only been throated once. And not very deeply. However, I didn’t think I ever expected to meet someone who could ‘accept me’ since I am known as ‘quite large’ [I have to be careful here. Others have told me this. I do not wish to be consider a bragger.], and didn’t think anyone would attempt it on me. Anna was about to prove me wrong. She took my semi-limp dick into her mouth, and began swallowing my cap. I had never felt anything like that before. Anna was good for 30 to 45 seconds before she would withdraw me from her mouth and take a breath. By the third cycle she had me hard as a steel bar.
The amazing thing was, she was actually swallowing almost half my cock! I said, “Anna, another cycle or two and I’m gonna cum!” “Oh no! I get you in my pussy for your load!” At that point she moved very fast. In a single motion she positioned herself over me and lowered herself onto my shaft. I was concerned about her not being wet enough yet. Not an issue. Anna impaled herself on my cock in one great thrust. Then began a leisurely pumping of my dick. “Caine, how long can you hold out?” “What do you mean?” I didn’t understand if she was trying to rush me, or get me to hold on longer. “I would like to cum first, Caine. But I want you to cum soon after me.” “Oh. Ok. I think I can hold out for a couple of minutes, if that’s what you mean.” “Yes, yes, yes. Hold out for me.”, as she kept moving up and down my shaft. Shortly thereafter Anna screamed, “I’M CUMMING!!” Which was a good thing, because her muscle contractions just about pulled my cum out of me. I mean, I was pumping, but I never had a woman who’s vaginal muscles were so strong as to milk me.
And that’s where Charlotta found us. Anna on top of me with my arms around her. Both of us sound to sleep. “Come on my lover boy. It’s time to pack up and meet Roberto in about ten minutes.” I woke up and tried to remember what had happened. After just having Charlotta, then Anna, I realized I had never been drained this completely in my Life. We had to wake Anna up so I could get out from under her. As she awoke I asked her a question, “Anna, I think I heard you mention Maria when we were just getting started. Did I hear you correctly?” Anna smiled and said, “Maria and I have been friends for years. She told me how big you were and she thought we might have a good ‘fit’. I will have to thank her. She is correct. And, thank you for one of the greatest fucks I have ever had.” “No, I must thank you I have never been throated like that, and I’ll probably never have it topped. Thank You.”
Charlotta cut in, “OK. Enough thank you’s. Caine, we have to go.” We went, waving to the rest of Charlotta’s friends as we walked passed them, and got to the parking lot with five minutes to spare to find Roberto waiting for us. On the way into town I asked Roberto if we were late? “Oh no. My last fare took me almost half way to the beach, so I just came out here and took a little nap, but, don’t tell my boss.”
I laughed and said, “It will be our little secret.”

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Summer Camp Surprise

This is my first story, so please go easy on me. It is short because I wanted to get it out to gauge the waters. I love any constructive criticism, and if there is enough positive feedback, I will make a sequel. I really hope you guys enjoy!

Black Neighbor Baby Sitter Part 5

Black Neighbor Baby Sitter
Part 5
It was about forty minuets later when he looked down the hall and saw her coming from her bedroom. What he saw was a whole lot more then he had expected. She was wearing a shear baby doll night gown that hid nothing at all. Add to this was the fact that her breast were sticking through two holes that had been made for just this purpose. The bottom edge of the gown came just to her pussy and in fact he could see a little of his hearts desire below the hem. For the first time he saw here in all her glory. Long firm legs, flat tummy above wide hips, breast that were about thirty eight’s their dark areolas’ about a half dollar in size toped off with nipples that stood out for at least a quarter inch. His pecker was about to pop out right through his shorts, he was so excited. He stood with some difficulty, caused by his hard on, and walked towards her.
“No, wait there where you are. I want you to see this in the light so you will get the full effect.”
“If you say, but I think I’m getting the full effect already.”
But when she stepped into the living room he saw what she was talking about.. The light coming in through the back porch sliding glass door made all the deferent’s in the world, the material seaming to disappear, reveling a women with golden smooth flawless skin. She looked as though she was wearing nothing but a few red straps around her breast, over her shoulders, around the bottom of the gown and along her sides where they went around to her back. She turn to allow him to see her back and he saw that there was very little back to the gown. She was bare down to the top of her ass and there was just enough material remaining to cover only two thirds of her there. The bottom of her checks were standing out for all to see, of course he was the only one seeing her glories tight butt.
“So, what do you think?”
He walked over to where she was standing and without saying a word, put his hands around to her bringing her body closer to him and then bent over and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.
“Oh God! that’s what I was hoping for. I guess it is safe to say that you like it.”
In response he went to the other nipple. This time however he moved to the side and slid a hand under the thin material and started rubbing it across her flat tummy and then down to cup her mound in the palm of his hand and felt the shaved, smoothness of it.
“Oh yes this is what I have been waiting for, and so much more. I have wanted you for a long time, and now I have you. Oh!” She let out when he pressed a finger onto her love button. It was standing out beyond her pussy lips now, wanting some of that attention he was giving other parts of her body.
After a few strokes there he stopped and picked her up in his arms and started towards he bedroom. Once there he laid her on the bed so that her legs were hanging over it’s side. She started to raise up to remove her gown but he stopped her.
“No, I want you just as you are. Lay back so I can have my way with your body and lets see what happens.”
Bending over her as she was would allow him to suck her breast again but first he had to remove what he was wearing. He wanted her to feel his pecker as it slid across her tummy while he sucked those sweet nipples into his mouth.
Once naked she saw for the first time how big he was.
“Oh my God! She was right, you are a big one.”
“So the two of you have been talking about me?”
“Are you kidding, that’s all she talks about, you and how she wants you to be her first.”
“And you are okay with that?”
“Oh, yes I am okay with that.”
“Then I shall do my best to give her the best first fuck possible.”
“I knew you would, now lets take of me . I need you really, really bad. It has been a long time sense I’ve had a man and I need it.”
He didn’t answer but went to work on her nipples while a hand went to her pussy. The moans started at once as he touched her pussy lips and again pressed against her love button. She was very wet from all his actions so far and he had no problem inserting a finger into her canal. He was surprised to find that she was quit tight for a women of her age. Must be from the lack of use, he said to himself. It will be like fucking a virgin again. Not to be though as she loosened up after a few strokes and he was able to insert a second finger.
“Oh God! Yes, that feels so good!”
Again he said nothing but continued what he was doing. With the two fingers working in and out of her he saw that she did not loosen up any more. It was a very snug fit, one he was sure he was going to enjoy with his cock. But he wanted her to have her first orgasm without his pecker in her. He wanted her to have several orgasm’s before he was through with her this afternoon.
He stopped sucking her tits and started working his way down her body, kissing and nibbling her here and there as he went. When he got to her belly button he stopped and tongued it for a while. Her breath caught as he did so and he knew he was on the right track to giving her all the pleasure she wanted.
He then worked his way down to her mound and took in the aroma of her sex which was strong and sweet to his nostrils. He kissed around her clitoris not wanting to bring her off to soon. And kissed his way down along the lips of her pussy, sucking in the dampness of it as he did so. The action of his finger working there way in and out of her was bring forth lots of her sweet juice to drink in. He lifted her legs up and pressed them back against her chest and worked his way down so that he was kneeling down on the floor, his face placed so that he was looking directly into her pussy. He manage to keep his fingers in place and went back to finger fucking her while at the same time bending forward to lick around her pussy, sucking in a lip which brought more moans from her. She was really getting into the action now as her hips were starting to press up off the bed, adding to the action of his fingers.
“Deeper honey!” She said. Deeper please!! Ohhhh God I need it deeper pleeeeease!!”
He knew that she was ready for her first orgasm so went up to her clitoris and sucked it into his mouth and started working it between his lips as though it were a small penis .
“Oh God!!”, She screamed, and her hips bounced off the bed jamming her pelvis into his face. “Yes! Like that! I love that sooooooo much! Yes! Yes! Oh God I’m Cuming! I cummmmmmming!”
She came close to bouncing off the bed as her orgasm reached it’s peak. He let up on her love button as he knew that it would be to sensitive to the touch at this time and he wanted to be able to work it some more when his pecker was deep inside her.
He stopped and looked up towards her face to see her eyes closed and an expression of total delight spread across it. Getting up he bent over her body and picked her up and repositioned her so that she was now with her head on a pillow. She then opened her eyes and looked at him.
“God that felt good, but I still want you in me with that beautiful cock of your’s.”
“Coming right up”, he replied, and crawled over her now sweaty body, so that he was set to enter her with his hard nine inch’s. He had a feeling that he would not last long as he was so hot for her and there was a steady stream of pre cum dripping from the tip of his pecker. This was going to be soooo nice.
She reached up for him as he lay over her and pulled him towards her body as he pressed the head of his cock into the opening of her love cannel. Reaching under her body he placed one arm under her back and held her shoulder with his hand. The other arm went down towards her butt and with his hand spread across her butt he was able to force her hips up, giving him a better shot towards her love tunnel. She was so damp that he slid into her with no difficulty at all, but then felt that she was tighter then he had expected she would be. It felt oh so good as he slowly pressed into her until he was deep into her, then he just lay there allowing her to get used to his size before starting to piston in and out of her like a slowly starting locomotive leaving a train station. Ever so slowly he picked up speed as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him tight, spreading her legs wide and back towards her chest to allow more of him into her. She wanted all that he could possibly give her and she wanted it hard.
“Deeper honey and harder. I want you to use me, I need it hard tonight. It has been so long and I need all you can give me.”
He picked up speed, thrusting in and out of her so fast that one would think he was a steam engine, chugging up a long hill, heading for the top, looking forward to the release that he knew was waiting for him when he got there. By now her hips were back on the bed and he was able to reach around and finger her love button which had a strong and immediate effect.
“Oh! God!, yes!! That’s the way I want it!”, she screamed into his ear as her second orgasm was already building up within her body, begging to be released.
“Yesssss honey! Like that! Ohhhhhhhhhh! Yes! I’m cummmmmmmmmmmming honey!!”
Her hips again raised up off the bed, but this time her action forced all he had deep into her soaking wet pussy. Her hands were now digging finger nails into his back, but he didn’t even feel them as he was having an orgasm of his own. He was now grunting and breathing hard from his pounding into her. Then it came, load after load of his thick white cum shot into her, soaking the walls of her pussy, while she spilled copious amounts of her love juice out around his pecker, it dripping down to her ass hole and adding to the thrill she was now feeling from his love making. The thoughts from both was, ‘how could this feel so good?’ Slowly they came back to earth, their breathing slowing down, their heart rate coming back to normal. As his last drop of cum dribbled into her body he removed his arms from under her body and lay on his elbows for a while looking into her eyes, taking in her smile as she look into his, saying nothing, just looking with the look of complete content and satisfaction. Then he lay down on her, and, wrapping his arms back around her, rolled them both over so that she was now on top, his cock still deep in her and only slightly soft from all the spent energy. Despite all that had just transpired he was sure that they would have another round before he left for home, only to have it all take place again on another day, or night. This was a women that he could get used to real easy, if only for a while. He hoped it would be longer then that.

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By Blueheatt
__I hooked up with new girlfriend Ava. She was a professional licensed sex therapist. As time went by she told me how these women just need to get things off their mind and then she can get to any problems after that. I said: “I bet you have a lot of stories you could tell“. She said she couldn’t tell any of them because of legal confidentiality rules, like a priest will never reveal anything said in a confessional. No law can force him to.
I like to write porn stories, and it hounded me that all these stories were out there and couldn’t be told.
I came up with a idea. I said to Ava: How about I put a security camera in your office….just in case some bad person came in to harm or rob you?” She smiled at me and said: “Don’t tell me anymore, just install it. You handle the security in my office and the video recordings are your responsibility. Your hired“.
She already knew I owned a security camera business. The latest new cameras are undetectable to the human eye. They record video and sound. She also knew that I wrote porn stories and never used real names or places. That evening I had it all set up in an hour. Everything was remotely sent to my computer at home.
The next day I checked it and everything worked proper. After the first week, I was zipping thru the women talking when I saw something. A stunningly beautiful woman.
I had seen her before…..oh yes… I had installed a security system in her home recently. Her name was Julie. She began to talk quietly to Ava about a problem she had for a long time. She reminded Ava how it all started and how her urge never went away. She just tried to control it. Ava told her she was doing fine, but just to keep away from young teen guys and that would make it easier for her to handle it.
I wondered what her pushing urge was and had to do with young teen guys. She said a young boy had moved in next door now, and he was so sexy.
Ava advised her to ignore him and go on with her life. She said It was so hard to do that. He had come over and ask if he could do anything to earn some money. She said she tried not to invite him in but the words just came out. Now she was alone with him and she put her arm around him and started getting friendly.
“I could tell he liked me right away. I had on my robe and I watched his eyes look at my cleavage, many times. As you know, I get hot when young boys do that. I tried to find a reason to send him away, but he put his arm around my waist and said he thought I was very pretty.
I was a goner at that point. The words just came out of my mouth: “…a…Danny…a… you could earn some money but It must be kept…a….top secret always. Can you do that?” He smiled and said quietly “Sure”. My hand around him began to move up and down his back by itself it seemed. He started moving his hand up and down my waist. I was panting and leaned down and whispered: (“…I have a bad back….would you rub it for me maybe? I’ll pay you real good.”) He turned to face me staring right at my cleavage. He was going to rub my back right while we stood there. He stepped in close to me and I felt his breath on my cleavage as he put both his hands around me and started to rub my back. My urge fighting was not there. I just plain wanted him so bad. He was getting turned on too as his breathing gave it away. My hands automatically pulled him tight to me.
When I felt a lump on the inside of my leg, I moaned quietly. I tried not to, but that feeling of his erection took away all my resistance. He was now rubbing my lower back just above my ass.
My shaky voice whispered and told him how good he was at massaging my back. Again the words just came out as I said in his ear: (“…I…think we …we better go in here incase anyone sees us.”) It was my favorite place to take a young man for my problem desire. I didn’t seem to care about anything else but to feel him and I together, in my dark closet with our bare skin touching. He was so sexy as I held his hand and led him into my secret hallway closet.
The front was just coats, but there was another door at the side. I led us back into it and closed that door and locked it. At last I had him in my special place. I turned on a tiny light. I had him put his arms around my waist. I took off his T-shirt and dropped my robe on the floor. I was naked now. I leaned over and pulled his shorts down and off. I pulled him in so he was touching my naked stomach. I whispered: (“…just feel my skin…feel anywhere you want to….it’s ok.”) He whispered: (“Anywhere?”) I said: (“Yes”.)
His hands went right for my tits. I loved the feeling of a young guy feeling an adult woman’s tits for the first time. There is no other feeling like it. They feel all around carefully and then the nipples. They feel them and twist them slightly. Next, they always have to suck on them. I pulled his warm face in tight and let him suck away, playing with my nipples with his tongue. I get chills on top of chills when they do that. While he was doing that I was rubbing his naked back and feeling his smooth butt. I felt his erection grow on the inside of my leg. I felt that special wetness I get when this happens. His hand began to drift downward, feeling my stomach. He whispered: (“…you have warm skin. I like to feel it.”)
I told him he did to and to keep going. It was almost like he was sneaking his hand down to touch my pubic hair. I let him feel it all he wanted. He was very excited and breathing fast.
He stopped. He turned his head as if he heard something. He looked at me with a scared look and said: (“My dad’s home!”)
He quick put his shorts on and his shirt, he went out the door in a flash. He stopped. He said: (“..can I come back tomorrow?..”) I said: (“Yes”).
I put my robe on and went out and sat on my couch. I leaned my head back and tried to think of the advice you’ve given me but I was to hyper to think correctly.”
Ava……“Did you go masturbate then?”
“I tried not to but I had this throbbing in my vagina that I had to rub to stop it from throbbing, you’re a woman, you know what I mean, right?”
Ava…“Yes Julie, I know what you mean. How did you do the next day when he returned?”
“I thought about all the thing you’ve told me and I was all ready to send him away when he rang the door bell. There he stood smiling so cute at me. I just had to let him in. He had no shirt or shoes on. As soon as the door closed his arms were around me. I was a goner. He whispered: (“…can we go in that closet again?”)
“At that point, what could put you back in control again?”
“I don’t know. I’ll have to try some things, I just wanted him so bad this time, my vagina was twitching inside. He led me into the closet all excited and there we were again. He took my robe off my shoulders and let it drop to the floor. He held me tight and went right to sucking on my tits. My arms went around him and I felt that warm body of his and I got that warm glow inside me. His one hand went for my pubic hair to feel it. I parted my legs and let him play with my vagina. His finger went inside me and felt the wetness. He dropped to his knees and began to kiss my vagina. My poor legs were trembling as his little tongue licked my clit. This was my ultimate. I held his head and started moving my hips to work up a orgasm I knew was coming.
He held my legs and licked me so heavenly. I felt my orgasm coming and held his head tight. I squirmed and that glorious feeling shot thru my vagina. I almost lost my balance. That is what I craved so much. It’s hard to explain as I orgasmed several times.
He stood up and kissed my tits and then my neck. I felt his hardon on my leg. I wanted him to feel the pleasure I was feeling too. I dropped to my knees and felt his hardon. He now held my head and I just had to suck his cock.”
“What could you have done to stop yourself at this point, think about it, think back about how you could have stopped all this.”
“You don’t understand. The excitement had taken me over. He was fucking my mouth and I was in a trance of enjoyment…more thrilling that anything in my life. I squeezed his butt cheeks and moaned. You see I wanted to feel his cum shoot in my mouth. I craved it and I was going to get it. He played with my hair and I heard him groan. I held his balls to feel the action. He held my head tight and his cum started shooting in. How can I describe it. Warm cum in my mouth made me orgasm in my vagina.
It’s the only thing that gives me that ultimate high I have to have. My hands felt his legs as he shot the last shots of cum in my mouth. His breathing and mine were awesome together. I held his hardon in my mouth as I swallowed every last drop. He jolted as I lick the end of his hardon. He panted for air and then he said: “I love you Julie, you make me feel so good.” I orgasmed again when he said that.
I’ll just have to find a way to keep young guys away from me to stop it.”
“So to pinpoint this, your ultimate thrill is to have a young guy lick your vagina, and then you have oral sex with him. Correct?”
Julie said: “Oh Yes.”
“You have the right attitude Julie, I’m proud of your trying to control this. I’ll see you in two weeks. I have some pills that will help you.”
I stopped the playback and smiled. I thought…..who would ever guess this woman had this going on in her house. I went to work and decided not to discuss this with Ava about what I’d seen. She let me know she really didn’t want to know about anything I’d seen, but I could tell she was very curious.
This Julie was on my mind all day. She was so good looking and now so hot in the sex department. Then an idea hit me.
I should call and say there is a problem with her security system, and I need to come out and fix it. While I was there I could fix an undetectable camera in her secret closet and send the feed to my home computer.
“Hi, I’m here to fix the security system.” She was so hot looking and in her usual robe. I fiddled with the main control and then told her I need to go up in the attic. I measured first to find the secret closet. I installed the pin hole camera and wired it in. It was hot up there and when I came down I took off my shirt and finished up. Here she came with a towel for me, and started right in rubbing me with it. She ask if I was thirsty. I said yes. She told me to wait in the hallway. She came back with some kind of mixed drink.
I gulped it down as she began to rub the towel on me again. I leaned forward on the wall and let her keep that up. That drink was strong and I hit me real good. I said: “Miss. …” She interrupted me and said: “Julie, just Julie.”
“You don’t know how good that feels on my sore back, ’Julie’,”. I felt her getting real close to my back. I could hear her heavy breathing and felt her breath on my neck. She said softly “ I have a sore back too, maybe we could …a…do…a mutual back massage on each other?”
The towel dropped to the floor as her bare hands took over rubbing on my back. She quietly moaned with pleasure. I slowly turned around and put my arms around her and started massaging her back. She already had her eyes closed and we got closer and closer together. She must have just put on an intoxicating perfume. It smelled so sexy and I was getting a hardon fast. She was panting and looked around. She said: “I think we better go in here in case some one walking by sees us. There it was….her closet. She slowly walked us to it and opened the door. She moved us in and closed the door. Now her hands weren’t massaging my back, but feeling it very sexy like. I returned the favor and she pulled her pussy gently to me. She was out of breath as she reached for the hidden door knob. She whispered in my ear: (“…this is more private in here.”) In we went as she closed that door. She immediately dropped her robe. Even with the tiny light, I could see she was built nice. She moaned in my ear and her hand started down my short pants. She squeezed my hardon tight and gave out a big sigh. She worked my pants down and helped me take them off. She had me get on my knees and I knew what was next.
She pulled my mouth right into her wet pubic hair. Her weakness was to have a young guy lick her pussy. I was a little older but that didn’t seem to stop her at all. She was a tall woman, and I was shorter than her. She began to face fuck me real good and firm. I felt her body as she liked that and moaned as my hands felt her tits, ass and long legs. She fucked my tongue like it was a dick. Moaning and getting very hyper. She began to fast hump me as I sucked her clit hard. She said: “oh god….oh god“…and started to shake. She twitched and moaned as I guess she was having a climax on my tongue. Her pussy was gushing with juice as she leaned down and started kissing the top of my head. Her hands were trembling as he gasp for breath. She pulled me up and got on her knees. She quickly put my cock in her mouth…all the way in. I felt her wonderful tits as I was going to cum a big one. She began moans of pleasure as she jacked me and waited for ….
oh damn…I bucked as she dug her fingers into my butt cheeks. I shot big multi loads filling in her mouth. She whimpered, squirmed and swallowed as I kept pumping more in her. She sounded so satisfied as her moans told me. I ran my fingers thru her beautiful long hair as she gave out sexy pleasure moans, over and over again. This is what she craved so bad. It was the most intense hot blow job I’d ever had.
I got home and checked the camera I had set up in her secret closet. I backed the feed up in the chip. There is all was…. recorded. I could now relive that event forever.
I found a note in my pants pocket. It said: “Please check my security system any time you want.” – ’Julie’
Rules or no rules, I found myself wanting to know what Ron was up to. All he seemed to talked about was this Julie. My personal life was my own and I began to pry into Ron’s now sexual interest in Julie. With him naked in bed with me I found him eager to talk.
He told me everything.
Now I had to see that closet tape. The separation between my profession and my personal life was running together, and I found myself getting aroused by Ron’s venture. You hear women talk about many things they do, but this would be the first time to actually see it. To watch a young guy lick a woman and she having oral sex with him was to good to pass up. As a woman I had to deal with getting all aroused wanting to see my boyfriend having oral sex with her. He was so good at it on me, I wanted to see her reaction to that talented tongue of his.
I cozied up to Ron and said very sexy: “Ron…I want to see that closet recording. It’s kind of making me horny thinking about it.” How could he turn that down. Something that made his girlfriend horny? He headed for his laptop.
We snuggle together and watched the recording.
Her moans got to me. I had felt Ron’s tongue in me and I knew what she was feeling. We left the recording repeat itself as we had the most intense sex that night we’d ever had.
I ask him if he was going back? He was silent.
I said: “Oh Ron,….please do, these recordings are providing us with a great sex turn on. Did you know she has never had sex with an adult male before?, she just gets off on having oral sex with young guys. I would love to see her have full sex with a guy like you. That may snap her out of her obsession and go for regular adult guys“. Ron smiled. I had just given him my ’ok’ to go and have sex with Julie with the intent of helping her with her problem. I got on top of his naked body, I put my hands around his throat and said: “…You better not enjoy it!”…. we both smiled as I slipped his erection in my pussy. It was one glorious night continuing.
I called Julie to set a time to ’check out’ her security system. She let me in and we wasted no time. Our arms clamped around us and our tongues went wild. I had on coveralls and she had on a bright red robe. She pulled me in the closet fast as she was very hyper. We were naked in minutes as we never stopped kissing and feeling our bodies. I went down to lick her pussy to start. She was already moaning and humping my face with her wet pussy. I felt her sweet tits as she felt my body. I stood up as she went down to suck on my hardon. I pushed her on her back and kissed her long legs. I slowly crawled on top of her. She tried to talk but was panting to much. I eased my hardon head in her some. Up came her legs and wide open. She managed to whisper: (“….I have dreamed…. about you….. being the first guy to have sex with….oh Ron…. I’m so excited …my heart might explode…I’ve wanted this with you so bad…”)
My hardon slipped right in but very tight. She liked it rough and pulled on my butt cheeks and her legs wrapped around me like a vise. She was finally getting with the right guy she was looking for.
Ava had told me she was waiting for just the ’right’ guy to have sex with but had to hang on to her young guy oral sex obsession. Now she could have both. What a wild fuck she was. She was noisy and let go with all she had. She locked me up tight in her grip and fucked hard. She kept saying: “Cum in me….cum in me now…oh yessss do it!” Her pussy squeezed my hardon so tight I had to cum.
It was like a bomb went off in both of us. She pulled my hair hard and shook. She bit her lips and then mine. I was in her world and loving it. I was her first climax and she didn’t want it to ever end. She kept fucking, shaking, squirming and lightly biting me.
She was the wildest girl I had ever fucked.
“Hi, my name is Julie, I will be your camp counselor for any problems you boys may have…..

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Singles Cruise

I needed to get out there and start dating again after my wife died. So I went on a single’s cruise. It really changed my life.

“BUILDING# 1369”

Building# 1369
By Blueheatt
…It was a small building among the many in the industrial part of town. No windows. One keypad entry locked door in the front, and one in the back. I work out of here.
…I’m a male escort. I go by Morgan. My boss had a special lady who wanted a guy my height, weight and build. She wanted to come to our ‘S’, or ’Special’ room. This room is all blacked out inside. The lady’s come there and enter thru a private entrance. When they are all ready, they turn out the lights in the plush room. A green light comes on outside the room and only then the escort enters. They never see each other. They both know the layout of the room and meet at the bed. Some like to undress the guy, some like to be undressed or they undress each other. Some just want to be naked and fuck. We never see them and most never speak, or just maybe a whisper or a moan.
…I had a call to be at the room at 10pm that night with ‘Lady L’. When the out side indicator light went green, I went in,… in total darkness. I walked over and stood by the bed. I felt arms go around me from behind feeling me all up. I smelled an expensive perfume. ‘Lady L’ started to undress me and took my hand to start undressing her. No words were spoken. She felt hot and she was breathing heavy. I felt some nice full tits and a nice body. I guessed around 40ish in age. As we continued we both got aroused and the kissing started. She moaned a little, very sexy. We sat on the bed and laid back on it.
Now it got hot and heavy as she got on top of me and felt my chest, hair and felt my erection. She slid down and started kissing my erection and licking it. Then she turned and put her damp pussy in my face for me to lick. She was ready as just a few licks of her clit and she was humping my face. She gave a wonderful suck on me, taking my dick all the way in her mouth and jacking it. I tried to make it last but with her pussy fucking my face and her nice tits on my chest, I was going to cum.
She jacked faster and sucked and moaned. Her legs went stiff, she trembled and climaxed a wet one on my face. I couldn’t hold back and shot cum hard in the back of her mouth. She held her mouth on my dick and moaned with each burst of cum. She got most of it and swallowed it down. She kept working her mouth up and down on my dick and moaning. She made the coolest little moaning sounds of joy I’d ever heard. This was one satisfied lady. She turned and lay beside me…
…Next I see a little orange glow and smell a cigarette. She takes my hand and put the cigarette in it. She knew I smoked. I see a second glow and she joins me as we lay side by side, her snuggled up to me. No words were spoken. She kept feeling my body. Chest, legs, hair and face. She was getting tuned on again I could tell by her breathing. She took the ashtray away. She pulled me on top of her and we were at it again. Her hands were all over me as we tongue kissed and I felt her sexy full tits. I went down and started in on her pussy. She squirmed and moaned as I was getting her hot again. She then pulled me up and put my dick in her wet pussy. She acted like she hadn’t had one in her in a long time, and she was tight. Damn she felt good and she pulled me into her deeper. We fucked for while letting it build up to a panting, moaning and fucking fury. She let out a beautiful moan as I shot again deep in her. She pushed her pussy down on my dick and shook as she climaxed again. This woman could fuck good. I lifted her legs up some and kept fucking her…she yelled with the good feeling. She squirmed and kept feeling my body over and over………
….The next day I stopped by the office and my boss smiled. He handed me a note. It said: “I want #12 (me) twice a week, no others will do. Lady L.” He handed me the money and a very big tip. He said you may have a problem. Lady L’s friends are calling and wanting your service, you schedule is full as of now.
…I had Lady L and some of her friends going and all was going well. I was left a note that ’L’ wanted a double session. I wondered what she was up to. I waited outside the blacked out room and the green light went on as usual. I entered and was greeted by L’s arms around me. She was already hot and breathing hard. She took my hand and lead me to the bed. I heard whispering. She was whispering to another female voice in the room. Two women? This was a first and sounded exciting. I felt her take my hand and place a very small female hand in it. She had brought in a small girl in with her?
…My mind flashed back to my first sex with a girl and how exciting that was. This small hand started feeling her way around me as I guess ’L’ was showing her the procedure. I could feel ’L’s hand guiding the small hand. They proceeded to undress me. ’L’s hand guided mine to this small girls body and her buttons and zippers. I began to undress the girl as I heard her take deep breaths.
…I had no idea who the small girl was but I sure wasn’t complaining. I knew that in some country’s young girls and guys are taken to a pro with experience for their first sex. Could I be so lucky as to get a young girl to fuck for her first time…she felt like she was a very young teen. I was liking this, but the risk and jail factor gave me an added excitement I’d never felt before.
….I didn’t say a word as per ’L’s written instructions not to talk. ’L’s big hand guided mine and the girls hand to feel each other, which we gladly did. She had pointy tits and a little pubic hair. As I felt her I got a big hardon instantly. This was no older feeling body and I was turned on. She laid me on the bed on top of the small girl. ’L’ guided me to suck on her tits. The girl liked that and squirmed underneath me. She held the sides of my face and guided me from one tit, then to the next. I heard ’L’ and her giggling and whispering something.
…I felt ’L’ getting in the bed also and she started feeling my body. They rolled me over slowly and I felt four hands feeling my hardon. More giggling and whispering. ’L’ guided the small hands all over and then I just felt the small hands feeling me. Soon I felt both of their breath’s on my hardon and then two tongues slowly licking me. The small hands jacked me and ’L’s hands helped. I felt two small lips on the tip of my hard on….
…’L’ thought….
…I bet #12 is sure surprised at this. A girl that feels like a very, very young girl and he getting to feel her. She’ll give him a very unexpected thrill. This will be her first time at this and I know he will be gentle with her. I hope he doesn’t mind…but…I like to feel her and him at the same time. I get to feel them getting at it. How many women get to feel that. He knows how to please me, so a little ’small’ girl will be my gift to him. I can tell by his breathing he’s hot for her and very turned on….
….Whoever and whatever was going on, I was getting extremely aroused. I couldn’t help but think about the first girl I had ever had sex with. We both were awkward and fumbled around to get our pants down and fuck. I was my cousin in the back woods by my house. She had sex once before, so my dick went all the way in. It was a great feeling and a guy never forgets the very first time.
…I wondered…hmmm…maybe ‘L’ is letting this girl have her first sex…. supervised?…all I knew I wanted to fuck her bad now. They both sucked on my dick and jacked it. They stopped and I felt the girl move up on me. She started kissing me and holding my face. My hardon was right between her legs. I felt ’L’s hand guiding my dick into the girls tight pussy. The girl was squirming on me and worked her hips to line up my dick in her.
…In it went….tight, warm and wet. I let her set the pace as she breathing right in my ear now. I hear her faintly whisper: (..”..oh…oh…that feels so good ‘twelve,’… hold me tight..”) She now had the rhythm she wanted and was fucking deeper. I felt ‘L’s hand feeling my balls as we fucked. The girl whispered faintly again: (…”oh god twelve…oh god..”)….as she was up to her full speed now …I had to cum.
…It was a glorious thing to cum in her, I thrusted high as my dick shot hard in her. She was kissing me with multiple kisses at high speed. She lock on my lips and moaned in my mouth. Our bodies shook as we peaked together. She broke for air, then right back to her kisses on me. I kept shooting in her as she kept fucking and pushed in deep. She then stuck her lips in my ear and whispered: (“…oh…my…god…twelve…oh god…your so beautiful….oh…my god..”). She locked on me and held me tight. We were very hot now and both gasp for air…..we felt ’L’s hands rubbing us both. I think she was as excited as we were. She took my hand and had me rub her wet pussy
…Who was this girl?…and would she return? I was hot for her now and wanted a lot more of her.
…Slowly they got off of me and got dressed. I was in a daze…. and got dressed. I left, and closed the door. The green light went out as they left. I sat there in a daze of a beautiful feelings that just kept on coming…..
….She didn’t return…yet. Two weeks later I was walking out to my car when a girl approached me. She was very pretty but looked about 13 yrs old. She had on a dress and her hair was in a braid. She smiled at me and simply said: “Number #12?”. She didn’t look like a cop, so I said: “Yes?”
….How old was she?….. I never ask and she never said as we talked. She said I was her first as her mom had set it up for her. (Did she say ‘mom’?)…so this was the girl ‘L’ had brought in the room with her.
….I could imagine the feel of handcuffs and being jerked into a police car now.
…. Sitting in my car parked down a ways from where they are standing and talking is fun. I wanted her first to be a beautiful time. I knew #twelve would be gentle and do it right. I was right. Looking at them now…. she is so happy, she wants to be with him more. He’ll take good care of her……I love watching them as they walk arm and arm back to the small building.
…Morgan, .…
…..I told her my name was ’Morgan’. She said hers was ’Mia’. I gave her the code to get in the special room, as I went in the front door. The special room was empty for that evening….until we ’borrowed’ it for the night. I waited. I watched the green light go ’on’. I went in to the pitch black room. A small hand touched mine. I felt a small girl hugging me. I felt the clothes of a small girl, the little dress and I felt the braid of her hair. Now I knew who she was and what she looked like. I started undressing this little girl. There was no way I could not think I was tapping into a taboo, underage forbidden world. I let my hands take off her small clothes. Piece by piece I got her down to her little bra and panties. She then started in undressing me as well.
….Our hands did the seeing as we felt us all over for while. We were both so turned on our hearts beat hard. I was her new toy and she was mine….a sex driven toy that was real. I unhooked her bra and we both inched down or shorts and panties. I just had to pick her sweet little body up and place her on the big bed. We had all night to play. We turned every which way and kissed and licked us. She was on top once and whispered: (…”you feel so good, Morgan, I’m putting you in my toy box.”) I said back: (“I‘d like that Mia…sorry…looks like your stuck with me little girl.”) We both quietly giggled and wrapped our arms around each other…..
…How do you describe what it feels like to have a girl like this on top of you? Her flawless smooth body…just blooming into a young teen…yet acts like a woman who wants sex bad. Does she feel the risky feeling I do? She’s so light weight I can move her around like a doll. I love her slim smooth legs squatting on me and her rocking on my hardon with her little pussy.
I loved her little breathing as she got herself so turned on she moaned with her tiny voice.
…Mia’s thoughts….
….he has still never asked how old I am. I bet he thinks he’s fucking a 13yr old and is just not going to ask. All I know is I’m so hot for him and I want to keep him around. If he finds out I’m older, he may want to back out of being with me. I can’t let that happen. I’ll just let him enjoy thinking he’s getting to fuck an underage girl. I’ll dress and act the part for now. I’ve been branded a freak and a weirdo by everyone because my body never grew past the age of thirteen. So…Morgan… meet what you ‘think’ is a 13 year old girl, and I want to be with a man and have the hot sex I‘ve been denied for years. Finally my ‘SGS’…(’Stunted Growth Syndrome’) has given me the man I’ve always been looking for. I can pose as his 13 year old ’daughter’ or whatever perfectly, and no one will know my true age.
…I couldn’t get enough of feeling her little body. If I was going to jail, I was first going to get all I could get from feeling her and then having the sex guys only fantasized about. I felt her put my hardon in her little pussy. It sure was tight and felt so damn good. She was on top and rocked on me. She could control the depth and pressure now and I let her work up at her own pace. I was in a guy’s heaven as she got hotter and hotter. She rolled me over and put her legs up. The feeling I got laying on top of her was awesome. I put her little legs on my chest and we started in. Here was the forbidden fruit, the no, no, the taboo again and yet it seemed so natural to us. We slow fucked for while as I loved to hear her little voice moan as she kissed me so hot. Her little tongue now was darting in my mouth as she gasp for breath. I seemed to into dreamland with all the good feelings. She began to moan louder and fuck me deeper. For a 13yr old pussy…it felt perfect. She liked to squirm it around my hardon as to get all the feeling she could…..
….this was the best ever. Our first sex I was so nervous, but not now. I loved feeling him on top of me. His hardon filled my pussy tight and it was now coming alive with exciting joy. Mom had sheltered me from guys knowing no guy wanted a freak who would never grow up into a full size woman. All I got was to feel myself and put my little hairbrush handle in my pussy. I had discovered about rubbing my clit along with fucking my hairbrush and that was all the sex I got. I had secretly watch porn and now I had so many things I wanted to try. I had to let him know. We continued to slow fuck and enjoy the super aroused feelings of it all.
I was in my own heaven of euphoria. We both began to fuck faster as it built up in us. I held him so tight as the super high began. We let it go to it’s max. I had to yell out as he moaned with me. I felt it.
…His hot blast of cum filling my small pussy. It gushed everywhere as we peaked together. I was lost in feelings as we both felt like we were floating. He was cuming and cuming as my mind floated away…somewhere…spasms that shocked us as we shook….we were one now and I was going to never let go of him….
…I had found the ultimate for me. We spent the whole night doing all the things she and I wanted to do. She now knew what it was like to be licked into a climax. She knew now how it felt to have hot cum shooting in her mouth …while having her little pussy licked…..
….I got a knock on my door. There stood two cops. It seems a ’neighbor’ had seen us on my back patio and spotted me groping an underage girls pussy and tits. They reported me and the cops had to respond. I smiled and invited them in. I told them to have seat on the couch. I yelled real loud: “MIA” The cops both jumped a little. She came skipping down the stairs smiling. She had on her tiny little shorts, a tiny tube top and long pig tails. “Was this the girl.” I said in a gruff fatherly voice? They said that fit the description they were given. I looked at Mia and pointed to her purse. She hippity hopped across the room. She hippity hopped back and showed them her Photo I.D. drivers license. It showed:
….“ Age – 25“.
….They looked at the license and back at her about 10 times. Mia walked over and hung on my arm. She fiddled with her rings. She said in her little girls voice:
…”Did my husband do something wrong?”

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The Kid Cut From Different Cloth

Hello, my readers again! It’s been a while since I last wrote, I took a pretty big hiatus cause “life”. Anyways. Here’s a new story, the beggining at least. Dont forget to leave positive reviews, so it gets seen more!

The Neighbor Girl – Chapter 1 – A Midnight Call

Hi, I’m Minnie! Thank you for taking the time to read my story and I hope you liked it! Please take a moment to comment and leave a rating on the story if you wish! It helps me out a whole lot and your comments/suggestions/criticism are invaluable to me as a writer! Thank you and enjoy!

Rock Singer gets raped by two fans

Malomar was dripping with sweat at the end of their set. It was a small
room, but the audience was enthusiastic. Word was starting to get out that Shaboom! was pure rock and roll–and pure sex. Malomar didn’t wear very much; her usual attire consisted of torn fishnets under a leather mini so short, her ass cheeks played peek-a-boo with an audience mostly made up of 20-somethings wearing a lot of leather, tattoos, and piercings. Her ample bosom was barely contained by a lace push-up bra. During the show, her nipples would often be erect, and she could sense the lustful gazes of all the men in the audience, which would make her rock harder. This evening, her tits had broken free of her bra during a particularly rocking song, and she had to quickly tuck them back in.
It was 2 am, and there were only a few hardcore patrons left at the bar. Malomar had finished packing up the gear, and the rest of the band had gone home, but she was too wired to go home yet. She sat her ass on a bar stool, and ordered a beer; her skirt hiked up even higher when she sat down, but she had on a red lacy thong under her fishnets, so she didn’t feel too exposed. She was still hot, and was glad she wasn’t wearing much. There were two rough looking guys at the end of the bar who couldn’t take their eyes off her. They both looked like they needed a shave, not to mention a shower, but they were attractive nonetheless; one had on the classic biker leather jacket and well-worn jeans. The other had on a tight black t-shirt that showed off his ample biceps. She glanced at them with interest, and felt a thrill go through her.  They weren’t hanging around for the conversation, after all. A few sips into her beer, and they came over and flanked her, one on each side.
“That was a great show. I particularly enjoyed the wardrobe malfunction,” the one in the leather jacket said in a low voice, so she had to lean in to hear him.
“Don’t mind Tony,” the other one said. “You were great. My name’s Jimmy.”
“I’m Malomar.”
“Oh, we know who you are,” said Tony.  “Can I get you another drink? Maybe something with a little more kick?”
He reached past her to the bowl of peanuts, and the back of his hand brushed against her nipple, making it spring to attention.
“Um, excuse me,” she said, and her voice sounded husky, “I have to go to the bathroom for a minute. Watch my beer? Maybe I’ll have that hard drink when I get back.”
She slid off the stool, but stumbled a little getting off; Jimmy helped steady her as she got her balance back. He gripped her arm a little too hard, she thought.
She made her way to the back of the bar, where the ladies room was. She knew they were both staring at her ass as she sashayed her way back, her high-heeled boots clicking on the wooden floor. She went to the sink, and splashed some water on her face. She looked in the mirror, and her makeup was none too fresh, but she tried to freshen up a little by wiping some of the smeared eye makeup off from under her eyes with a paper towel. Out in the bar, she could hear the music playing–AC/DC, she thought.
Silently, the door swung open, and both of her admirers came in. She didn’t have time to decide if they were welcome or not before Tony turned around and flipped the deadbolt on the door. What had been a frisson of desire changed to fear in an instant.
“Hey, I don’t like that,” she spluttered out, but it sounded weak in her ears. The music continued to thump out in the bar.
“Oh, Malomar. I think you DO like it. I bet you like it every which way, all the time.”
Tony had come close and pressed her against the sink. She tried to lean back away from him, but his hands had found her tits, and he roughly fondled them through the lace. Despite herself, her nipples went hard.
“See, your nipples don’t lie.” He slipped his large hands under her bra and scooped both titties out from their confines. He continued to fondle them, and bent down to put his lips on the right nipple, his rough beard scratching against her aureola. She tried to push him away, but Jimmy was there holding her right arm while Tony reached down and held her left.
She tried to scream, but as he worked her nipple between his teeth, what came out was more of a moan. She felt her clitoris go rigid, and her pussy juices started to flow, wetting her thong.
Jimmy pulled her away from the sink, and placed himself behind her. He held her wrists firmly behind her back with one hand, while his other hand hiked up her skirt.
“My, my, what a lovely ass you have,” and he gave her ass cheek a slap.
Tony was still in front of her sucking on her nipples, taking each one in turn. Behind her, she heard a zipper come down, and the sound of a belt buckle coming undone. Soon, she felt Jimmy’s hard cock press in the cleft between her ass cheeks. He made a small moan as he began to rub it against her. It felt huge, and demanding.
Tony stopped mauling her breasts, and reached down to undo his own pants. His schlong sprung free as his pants fell around his ankles. It was huge: long, and thick and throbbing. Malomar quivered in fear–and anticipation. She couldn’t understand why she wasn’t struggling more; why she was actually wet with desire for these two fiends. Tony seemed like he could read her mind.
“You gorgeous slut,” he said as he put his hand on her mound, feeling her juices through her fishnets and thong. “You want it, don’t you, you slut.”
Malomar could only moan as he reached his index finger through a hole in the fishnets, and flicked aside the flimsy panty to find her clitoris. It became engorged as he rubbed her nub, back and forth, and then he thrust his finger up her sopping hole. He leaned in to suck on her breasts some more, all the while rubbing her clit and finger fucking her. She didn’t even notice when Jimmy let go of her hands, and she brought them up to hold Tony’s head against her erect nipples.
“We’re going to fuck you so hard.” Jimmy said. And she moaned in assent.
Tony pushed Malomar to her knees, so his huge cock was in her face. He grabbed his cock and put it in her mouth. He started to fuck her mouth, keeping his hands on her head so she had to take it as far as she could; when she started to gag, he pulled back so she could lick his head with her agile tongue. She sucked, and licked, and brought her hands up to stroke the base of the shaft. Then he directed his balls into her mouth and she sucked on them greedily before returning to the shaft.
She felt Jimmy lift her hips up, so she was on her hands and knees, her almost bare ass exposed. Jimmy roughly tore her fishnets from around her crotch, leaving only her thong in place. But her thong was no match for a man with a huge boner. He easily pushed her panties aside as he worked the head of his cock into her wet pussy. Soon, he was thrusting in all the way, and she lifted her ass higher so he could reach around and fondle her clit. She couldn’t keep sucking Tony’s cock while she was writhing with pleasure from Jimmy’s fucking. She moaned and Tony said, “We can do anything we want with you, you fuck toy.” And Malomar said breathily, “Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!”
Tony’s cock became even harder, and he lay down on the tile floor. Jimmy stopped pounding her for a minute, and Tony lifted her onto his erect member. She screamed with pleasure as she climaxed on his rod, and he thrust upward into her hole over and over.
Jimmy didn’t want to be left out, and he spit on his fingers and started to probe her butthole. At first she clamped up, but as Tony continued to fuck her cunt, she loosened up and let Jimmy push in deeper. Then she felt the head of his cock pushing against her ass. Slowly, he started to push it in, and then he pulled out, back and forth, working his way past her tight sphincter. Suddenly, she climaxed again; the feel of one cock in her pussy, and one cock in her ass was beyond pleasure. She was wracked with an orgasm that kept pulsating and pulsating as Jimmy worked his way deeper into her ass.
“You like that, don’t you slut?”
They fucked both her holes, both going in deep. Each thrust was pure pleasure for Malomar, as her breasts brushed against Tony’s black t-shirt and her nipples tingled and blushed.
Jimmy slapped her ass as Tony shuddered deep inside her, leaving Jimmy alone, thrusting deep onto her ass.
“You’re such a dirty whore, aren’t you? You like taking it up the ass, don’t you?”
And then he blew his load up her ass, and it felt delicious.
They all collapsed into a heap on the floor. Malomar’s cunt and ass dribbled come, and she loved it. After a little while, they stood up, and zipped up their pants while she pulled down her skirt.  Her fishnets were all torn away, but she slid her thong back into place easily enough. It barely sopped up the juices and come. She kissed each thug deeply in turn, and they all stumbled their way out of the bathroom. Outside the bar, Malomar collected their phone numbers, and gave each of their crotches a squeeze goodbye.
The next night, she let them both into her apartment, and was surprised that they had brought a friend. “This is Mike,” Jimmy said. This time, she didn’t wear panties. They would just get in the way…

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