
The adventures of Julie Grey – Schoolteacher

As the morning sky started to glow with the rising sun Julie was up and getting ready for her morning run. She was starting her new job, teaching English at the boys prep school. It was her first teaching job and she was a little nervous because she had not been the best student in school herself, getting less than average grades and struggling to graduate. She had played volleyball in college and it was really hard to get good grades and lead a D1 school’s volleyball team. At 5′ 10″ she was built for the sport – tall, with long arms and legs. She had started filling out a little in her Junior year, her breasts blossoming and her butt fleshing out a little. She may not have been the smartest girl in school, but she certainly turned the heads when she walked by.
She tied her shoes tight and took off at a trot out the front door. As she ran she started thinking about where she was headed on her first day. She would be reporting to St James prep to teach English to 12 year olds at an all boys school. She felt lucky to get this job since she really did struggle to get out of college at all. She wasn’t really concerned about teaching in all boys school. The had grown up around boys and felt she could handle herself but there was the concern that many of these boys were pretty smart and that was really not her strong suit. Well, she would just report to duty make the best of it. As with other pursuits, confidence could be a big factor, and she was going to be confident.
She finished her run and grabbed a power shake before hitting the shower. She dressed pretty but conservative without too much makeup, took a glance in the mirror, satisfied that she looked good and appropriate for work – black pleated skirt and a white blouse , no hose and high heels. She needed to get used to the heels since she had not worn them much in college. Yes, very smart indeed.
Her first stop was the office of the dean, Ms Bain. Julie knocked on her office door and entered. Ms Bain was a rather imposing woman in her own right. Although not as tall as Julie, she was still taller than most women and not slight in build. She wore her black hair tied back and generally wore dark clothes which many said made her look match her mood. Ms Bain was not what you would call a jovial person. . Ms Bain greeted her somewhat warmly and asked her to sit down.
“we’re very happy to have you here, Ms Grey”
“Please call me Julie”
“Very well, Julie. It’s good to have you here, we’re expecting big things from you. As you are aware, most of these boys are here to get their grades up so they can get to the next level either in sports or to satisfy their parents desire to get into a better school. Many are, shall we say, high strung. Many are very sharp but need a little guidance. My advice is to be careful around them and don’t be too trustful. They will take every advantage given and very often to your disadvantage. Don’t be naive about what they are capable of. And don’t be afraid to ask for help from any of the staff. Nurse Finch has been at the school fro 12 years and has proven very effective in dealing with the boys.”
Julie took a deep breath before asking, “you make it sound sort of, well, imposing. They’re just little boys”
“It’s that kind of thinking that puts you at a disadvantage right off the bat. You just need to be aware and keep your eyes open and your wits about you.” Ms Bain rose and guided Julie to the door. “I’m sure you’ll do fine and I’m here if you need anything, anything at all”, she said with a smile. As they got to the door Ms Bain reached out her hand to shake, which Julie took somewhat cautiously. Ms Bain took her hand and pulled her in for a warm embrace. “Yes, we’re very happy to have you here.”
Julie was surprised at the firm embrace she found herself in. Ms Bain was indeed a powerful woman.
Julie backed away with a little blush,working to regain her confidence. It will be okay, she just needs to keep her wits about her. As she left the office a tall good looking black man walked in and reached out to shake her hand.
“Hi, I’m Joe Wilson, history and football. You must be Ms Grey. I heard you were coming,” he said with a smile, and she thought maybe a sly wink. Julie wondered to herself what that might mean.
“I followed you in college, you know. Big sports fan. And there’s nothing much better to watch than long legged girls playing D1 volleyball. Truly a pleasure. Some of these boys can play fairly well, we hope you’ll join us for a friendly game. Maybe you can show us your, er some pointers.”
Julie was starting to like this guy. “Great. I’d really enjoy that. I miss the competition. It would be good to get the juices flowing again. I don’t want to get stale.”
“Yes, indeed, Ms Grey, let’s get those juices flowing.”
She continued down the hall to her classroom. She was luckily starting with a light load this semester. One class in the morning and one in the afternoon. As she opened the door to her classroom she was greeted with the sounds of chatter and laughter but as she entered the room got quiet in a hurry. All eyes were on her and many of the boys were staring with mouths open. She was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen.
As Julie took roll she tried to gauge who she was dealing with as each boy responded to his name.
“Adams, Jerry?”
“Baker, Charles?”
“yes, ma’am, most people call me buddy if you don’t mind”
“No, that’s good, if you have a nickname that you prefer, please let me know.”
“Brown, Larry?”
“uh, some people call me Lance, ma’am. ”
“ok, Lance it is.”
And so it went, very smoothly through the class. And as the boys filed out she headed upstairs to the lounge to take a break prior to lunch hour where she has to monitor the lunch room. As she headed up the stairs she was surrounded by a group of young boys who seemed to hover around her skirt. Keeping her head down to mind her steps she almost ran into someone standing in front of her on the steps. She came face to, well face with a nurse in a traditional nurses uniform. Coming to an abrupt halt she was caught between steps, on foot above the other.
“hello, my dear. You must be Ms Grey. I’m Nurse Finch”
“Nice to meet you .” Standing there looking at the nurse she suddenly realized her escorts had stopped too. All were looking at the schools nurse. She was very pale an appeared to be in her early forties. Her lips wore brilliant red lipstick and were in sharp contrast to her pale skin. Julie also noticed that her breasts protruded in a very cone like fashion. In fact she looked like something that had returned from the forties. Julie noticed that the boys standing around her seemed to crowd a little close around her, as if for protection.
“So Ms Grey, you should come down to the nurses office so that we can become better acquainted. I can provide some important guidance for dealing with ‘our little friends’ here.” As she said this Julie felt the boys grow even closer.
Julie reached up to shake hands with the nurse and as she did so she suddenly felt a hand slide up the inside of her thigh all the way to her pussy. She jumped and squeaked in surprise, completely missing the nurse’s hand and grabbing her breast instead. The nurse grabbed her hand and held it at her breast with surprising strength.
Ms Grey, you seem a little nervous. Perhaps you should come down for some tea.”
As she opened her mouth to speak the hand on her pussy quickly slid down the length of her slit up her clit. already a little unbalanced and with the nurse holding her hand firmly against her breast, Julie lurched awkwardly, spilling her books onto the nurses feet. Nurse Finch grabbed her other wrist and held it firmly to keep her upright.
“Whoops! I…whoa!”
The hand continued it’s pursuit of her clit and a chill shot up her spine. She had always been shall we say sensitive but this sudden attack had really caught her by surprise and she felt a tremendous shudder go through her body. With her hands trapped there was nothing she could do to stop the assault.
“I…oooh, Please let me get my books!”
Having found perfect opportunity the hand continued it’s assault and rolled Julies clit between thumb and finger. Julie shook like a fire alarm and lucked forward almost tackling the nurse. Nurse Finch reached down to pull Julie up, mistakenly grabbing her breasts, but helping her up nonetheless. She looked sternly at the boys surrounding Julie and they scattered like flies.
Julie looked up at the nurse, who still had her hands on Julies breasts.
“Uh, thank you. I don’t know what came over me.” as she gazed into the nurses eyes she felt her gaze locked as though she couldn’t look away.
“Yes, my dear. Please get your books.”
Julie fought to turn her gaze and as she did the nursenwas suddenly gone. As she bent to pick up her books she felt someone smack her ass. As she spun to catch the culprit she lost her balance on the heels and fell unceremoniously onto her ass. She was now staring at the faces of every boy climbing the steps and they were staring at the now sopping cunt between her splayed legs. As she snapped her legs shut so closed the mouths of a dozen young boys who had been staring in wonder.
“Hey, let me help you there. Take a fall?”
She felt a strong hand around her arm helping her up. As she rose though, she lost balance once again and he reached to grag her other arm but came up short and grabbed her left breast. Boy, a girl can’t go two minutes around here without being groped, Julie thought.
” I’m terribly sorry. I appear to have popped one of your buttons.”
Julie looked down and noticed that, indeed her top button was gone providing more than a glimpse of her gorgeous cleavage. She looked back up and caught him gazing at her breasts before he caught himself and blushed.
“I’m really sorry. Dan Gentry, math. You must be Julie Grey. I heard you were coming” He blushed again although Julie wasn’t sure why. “Yes… so”
Julie looked down at the hand that was still clutching her breast.
“Oh, gosh! He stammered as he jerked the hand back, then reaching out to shake her hand. “Let’s get-together at lunch and chat, I’d like to get to know you.”
As he went down the stairs Julie thought – This must be the strangest day of my life.
By her afternoon class she had started tom regain her confidence and strength. She had been joined at lunch by coach wilson and Dan, who both seemed to hang on every word. She was delighted to share stories with them.
She was waiting in the class, leaning against the desk, when her students started to file in. She called roll, scanning the young faces, discussed the plan and then gave them a writing assignment to learn more about them.
She then wandered about the room looking over their shoulders waiting to answer questions.
“Ms Grey?”
She looked down at a little boy with thick glasses. “Have I spelled this word correctly?”
She bent over to check and was having trouble reading his writing. “This word?” she bent over a little more and in doing so provided the young man with a wonderful view of her breasts. As she stared at the page she suddenly felt a hand slide up her leg almost to her crotch. She spun to catch the culprit but was met by a pair of innocent eyes.
“Yes, Ms Grey?”
Now she was truly confused. She felt sure that hand had movedmup her leg but she wasn’t sure anyone here was capable of doing it. She turned back around bent over to correct the boys spelling, this time being careful to keep her hips low. As she did she still provided a good view of her breasts and caught the boy across the aisle stealing a good long look.
“Joey, is it?”
“Yes, ma’am. ”
“Perhaps you should keep your eyes on your paper.”
She smiled as she returned to her desk. These boys are horny little tikes, aren’t they?
A couple of the boys brought up their papers and left and as they did so Julie bent over the appers to grade them. More of the papers were turned in and some of the boys crowded around her desk to see what grades were being given.
Eric, one ofnthose boys with a mischievous smile removed a small box from his pocket and opened it, showing it to David. There were several ants crawling around in it. He stealthily emptied the box down the back of Julie’s blouse and stood back a step. It didn’t take long.
Julie felt a tickling down her back and under her arms. She shuddered. Down her breasts they went, causing a more violent shudder. She shook and pushed the chair back, rising and shaking. She pulled at the buttons on her blouse trying to get it open.
“oh, please help, there’s something crawling all over me.”
Pulling the blouse open, several of the boys saw the ants and tried to brush them off. Others simply took advantage of the situation to grope her large breasts. Hands were all over her body and the ants were crawling lower.
“Dear God” she yelped. “they’re in my panties. She raised her skirt and pushed out her ass to gain access, or truly to provide access. One of the boys pulled her panties down and pushed her over the desk to get to the ants crawling on her wet pussy. She shuddered again, hands everywhere. Small hands climbing up her legs and into her moist pussy, finding ants in every crevice. One hand slid down the crack of her ass and circled her asshole. This caused her to start and shoot upright scattering the boys.
“Ok, that’s enough. Thanks everyone, please give me room.”
Two hands were still on her breasts and another was on her pussy. As she struggled to regain control as the hand at her crotch found her swelling clit and rolled it causing a violent shudder. Julie felt her knees buckle slightly. He rolled it again causing another violent shudder. Her pussy was now sopping wet. She struggled to get her balance but felt a hand push her down into her seat. As she plopped down the hands at her breasts crept down into her bra and tweaked her nipples causing yet another chill down her spine. The hand at her pussy was gaining entrance and moving for her G-spot, flipping her clit as it entered. She was sweating now and feeling completely disoriented. The little thumb flipped her clit once again. Her head lolled back and her body weakened when she heard a voice.
“Hey, what’s going on here. Break it up. Give her some air.”
It was Dan, thank god. boys scattered like marbles.
“Julie, what happened.?”
“I don’t know” she sobbed. “I was just sitting here grading papers when suddenly I was crawling with ants. Luckily the boys were here to help. I couldn’t get them off but the boys got them all brushed away. They were everywhere, even in my…oh my gosh it was awful.”
“Yes, thankfully, the boys were there, indeed. Julie, don’t you realize it was the boys that put those ants on you? Probably that ornery Eric Moffit unless I miss my guess. That boy is always prepared for trouble. You need to try to control them better. Don’t let them group around you. That’s nothing but trouble. Let’s get you straightened up.”
He helped close her blouse and brushed her skirt down and then turned around so he could get herself back together. She tidied up and brushed her hair back. Whew, what an event. She got another slight shudder.
“Look some of the boys are down at the gym playing volleyball. It might help to get some exercise in and bang some balls, so to speak. I normally join them, but I have a meeting.”
“yeah, it might be helpful. What a day. I didn’t bring any workout gear. Would anyone have something?”
“Check with the nurse. She has some stuff like that.”
Okay, thanks, I really appreciate your help. She reahed out and gave him a big hug. He responded with a blush and what she thought she felt as a member rising in his pants so she gave him a kiss on the cheek. As she looked down she could tell there was definitely something coming up. How cute.
When she got to the nurses office the nurse was not in so she sat down in one of the chairs only to find that it was made for smaller bodies, her knees stuck up in the air. She was digging thru her purse for some lipgloss when she was startled to see Nurse Finch sitting at the desk in front of her. Julie felt her gaze and got another small chill. What is with this woman?
“Gosh, you startled me. I have had such a day.”
“So I see,” she replied with a knowing glance toward her legs. Julie realized her legs were spread slightly and for the first time realized that she was not wearing her panties. Where, what happened, didn’t I put them back on in the classroom? Then she snapped her legs shut for the second time that day.
“You wanted to see me?”
Julie again got caut in her gaze and was now having trouble remembering what it was she was doing here. “I…er….golly…” Julie felt a lump in her throat.
Perhaps you would like to tour my office, and she looked into the back room breaking the spell on Julie.
“NO,” she shouted. “I remember now. Sorry that was a little loud. I just wanted to seenif I could borrow some clothes to play volleyball with the boys.”
“Yes, I may have something that will do nicely. let’s see.”
She rummaged around in a closet for a moment and came out with two leotards. One black that looked as if it might fit a nine year old and a white one that look as if it might work.
The nurse offered the white one and suggested “you may want to limit the fabric under this as it may make it too tight”
“Got it, thanks. I’ll bring it back afterni wash it.”
“Not necessary, my darling. Please enjoy.”
With that she escaped to the gym. Why do I feel so weird around her, she thought.
Meanwhile at the gym, Eric and Buddy were getting ready to play volleyball.
“I’m telling you, dude, you have never seen anything like this. Seriously, it was amazing. I mean i was just trying to get her to shake her boobs around some, you know. Have you you seen those boobs? Wow! So I open the little box of my secret buddies and shake them down her top and watch the magic. It took no time at all. So she feels them on her back and just like BAM! Shoves those puppies straight forward. So I’m thinking, YES! This is the show I came for. But then, they like start crawling down the front. When I did this to Judy she just like freaked and went screaming to the toilet. Ms Grey started taking her blouse off, like she totally freaked. And she’s begging for help to get them off, so Eddie and Harold are, like brushing her boobs and I’m getting in a little squeeze and then BAM! again. My little buddies ar crawling around in her pants. So she like just stands up and bends over, you know, asking us to get them off. I’m, like this is unreal. So I flip her skirt up and drag these.” and here Eric produces a prize unheard of in the annals of boys schools anywhere. The ruby red panties of one hot young teacher.
“And get a whiff. That’s not Downy you smell, my brother. Somi got her panties off and she’s twitching and shaking and acting grateful that were helping and I’m looking right at her pussy. At this point I’m thinking I could just slide right in there cause it’s all wet and stuff. But I’m looking at it thinking it would be like puttin a hot dog in a bean can. I’m mean it was huge. So I start sizing up her butthole and I kind of rub my thumb across it and she like gets frozen. All stiff. So, then i go right up her pussy
Ike one of those porn videos andshe starts shaking, like. And then I see this button, like a little dick at the top of her pussy and it’s not like those videos. Tis is like the siz of the end of your finger ”
At this point Eric pauses to readjust his shorts which are getting tight.
“so I kind of flip this button.”
“It’s her clit, you dufus”, says Buddy.
“So, anyway, I flip her clit and she really freezes. She likes start staring and she shakes her whole body. So then I kind of reach down and twist it and BAM! her body shakes like she’s being electrocuted. So then I kind of sit her down cause she can’t stand anymore anyway and you can just hear the splat from all the juice when she hits the chair.”
“And then that faggot Gentry comes in and oils all our fun. I gotta tell you, Buddy, I’ve never even heard a story this good. It’s like Ms Grey is wired different. Like she just freaks out and loses it.”
“Okay, you make fun of me for being a scout,” says Buddy,” but what the scouts teach you is to be prepared. Next time well be prepared for something better.”
“I don’t know, man, it can’t get much better than that.”
Julie pulled on the leotard in e downed office since there was no girls locker room and it was truly a tight fit. Nurse Finch was right, there was no way she could wear her bra under this. No big deal, she had played in the California summer leagues on the beach and they had worn far less than this. She was ready to hit it and take out some of her frustrations. She would try not to hurt anyone but then they better be paying attention.
When she cam onto the court it got quiet fast. Buddy spoke up ” You can be on our team, Ms Grey, since they have Lance. It will equal the playing field”
Not really, she thought , but that’s okay too. The games were fast paced and she was feeling good, getting in some great kills and her usual killer serve. The other team was really outmatched. Now up two games to none, she was starting to work up a bit of a sweat. And in this white leotard it meant that things were starting to peak through, like her large aureolas. Now appearing as something just slightly smaller than a coke can top they were really starting to distract the other team. But not as much as one other item. All of the stretching she was doing to serve and spike had caused the most obvious camel toe. And this was truly distracting. Eric was caught staring at it when she went up big for a spike, spreading her legs for the kill, his mouth dropped wide open and she killed it, right into his groin. Talk about busting balls, Eric dropped tom the floor like a sack of flour, doubled up in pain.
“Oh, sorry, but you need to pay attention.” Julie felt certain this was the kid with the ants. Maybe is one was justified. Two boys took him to the nurse and another filled in his spot. Julie was really feeling good now.
And then things took a nasty turn. One of the boys on her team got caught out of position so she tried to help and fill in, lunging for a ball that was out of reach. And when she did she could feel it all come crashing down. The next few seonds were like a still shot sequence. As she stretched she felt the leotard pull on her crotch. It wasn’t the first time, but this was more of a stretch. The lunge and the pull in her crotch pulled the fabric down in the only place left to give and suddenly her breasts just popped free. She felt it just as she reached the ball, popping it straight pumas she looked down and saw what happened but it wad the next move that was the bad one. The ball floatedmup and over the net softly, right into the kill zone of of Lance, who nailed it right back at her.
It hit her in the head, just before her head hit the floor, knocking her out. And there she lay, her beautiful boobs hanging out and her ass in the air. Lance ducked under the net and did the only right thing by pulling her top back over her boobs.
“Great job, Lance, you dumb dolt. You knock her out and then cover up the best part,” said Buddy. “Ok, let’s get her into the wrestling room onto the mats. Tyrone, you and Lance. The rest of you better scat.. There’ll be hell to pay for this. ”
Julie dreamed through unconscious state. She was sitting in the Chocolate Shop with her boyfriend DeWayne. He was a basketball player, tall and sleek, and quick on his feet. And he was hot. Smooth as silk and hung like a mule. Julie was sitting there in the shop sucking on a chocolate shake, her fav, listening to DeWayne talk about practice.
They got along together well, especially in bed. DeWayne could make her somersaults in bed. He had such a way of touching her to make her feel as though electricity was running thru her veins. Shenwas watching him and those big brown eyes, as she sucked on that straw, drawing all that cool chocolate wonderfulness into her mouth. She likedmto play with DeWayne, wrapping her tongue around the straw, licking it, up and down, making his eyes grow wide with lust. And she was doing that right now, licking the straw, sucking on it, making it come in her mouth.
She started to peek, to see DeWayne sitting across from her in the booth but as she cracked one eye, she saw nothing but chocalate. A groin of brown skin, still she sucked, hoping for that little bit of delicious wonder. As she opened the other eye, Tyrone got a glimpse and shot his entire wad directly into her mouth. Still she sucked and Tyrone grinned from ear to ear. This may be the happiest day of his life. See he had helped carry Ms Grey into the wrestling room to make her more comfortable and while Buddy was busy with his knot tying, Tyrone carefully put Ms Grey’s head on the inside of his thigh and his dick right close to her lips. And when she started dreaming of sucking that straw, all he did was enable her to fulfill her dreams. And that she did. She sucked and she licked until it all came shooting into her mouth. And now his job was done and he thought it would be best not to get caught in this scene. So out the door he went.
Buddy, on the other hand was just getting things where he wanted them. He had the teacher tied up tight with her hands running back through her knees and strapped thru a bar to her feet. She wasn’t going anywhere. From here he had to step back and survey the situation. He had a beautiful teacher bound with no hope of release with her ass in the air, wearing nothing more than a skimpy leotard. He smiled. This is what scouts are trained to do.
He approached from the rear and pulled aside the thin fabric covering her ass. It was not easy, the fabric was stretched very tightly. Decision. Do I cut the fabric and release the beast or slide it to the side and preserve the way it makes everything gel. Not an easy choice. In the end, and that IS what we’re talking about, he chose to slice the fabric. It made access so much easier. He cut barely 3 threads and the seems just popped. It was bound to happen sooner or later. At this point he sized up what was in front of him and decided that Eric was right, this cunt was too wide for him. He thought he’d opt for the road less traveled and shoot for the moon. Just to keep the excitement level up he popped a couple of marbles from his pocket into her cunt. Even in the state she was in she moaned appreciation. He then made on attempt into her ass, but it was a little dry, not at all like her cunt, which was flowing constantly. He took a poke, not getting anywhere before reaching for what he thought was massage cream. Just a little dab on his thumb, which he then smeared in her asshole. This was going to be good. Her eyes popped wide open as soon as his thumb hit her hole. This was not massage cream, this was Icy Hot and her asshole lit right up. All he knew was she was ready and in he went and when his dick hit that hole he started yelping like a whipped pup.
“Holy shit, that’s hot, whoa, Jesus, Fuck. Damn that’s good and bad all at the same time.”
Julie could only see the bad. Tied so she could hardly move and with a mouthful of come she could only try to creep forward to get away from this asshole or get this ass away from her hole.
Just about the time Buddy was releasing his seed into her ass, the door bursts open and in strides Coach Wilson.
“What in the heck is going on here?”
Buddy jumped back, holding his dick which was now burning from the balm.
“Getcher clothes on, boy, we’re going to see the dean.”
Julie, now seeping jism from the front and the back pleads for release, but is not understood.
Coach Wilson soon returns and begins the attempt to release Julie.
“Holy cow, that boy knows how to tie somebody up. I’m not sure i can even cut these knots. In the meantime let me cool down that heat,” he suggests, putting a cold cloth on her asshole.
Julie sighs in relief. But as he releases the cloth his knuckles brush against her excited clit and she lurches. She still has those marbles rolling around in her cunt and they are making her cunt even more excited. As the coach jostles her around trying to get the ropes loose the marbles continue to do their job and Julie is getting close to another orgasm.
Success, the ropes come free and Julie feels the slack in her arms. At last. As the ropes are unwound a looses end flips up and hits Julies clit. The shock waves hit her body and she convulses. Coach picks her up and heads toward the door but doesn’t get past the pommel horse carrying such weight. At this point he lays her across the horse and surveys the situation.
She has had a tough day. Her ass is on fire and visibly red and her clit is standing out like a $2 cigar. Whoa, can you believe that. He looks just a little closer and then touches that button. She jumps. Hmmmmm. He touches again with purpose and her legs split and her body damned near convulses. Oh yeah. He leans over just enough to get his tongue on it and she damned near goes over the horse.
I’m a good man, but I ain’t crazy, he says sliding down his shorts. As he slide his dick in her cunt he feels hard object. He slides in his thumb and pulls out two marbles.
Damn, that boy is gonna get a whuppin.
Yet he returned to task and slid his dick into her cunt. Julie is at this point so exhuausted and spent she can barely acknowledge. But smile she does. This what she has been waiting for.

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Connie’s Male Rape Desire

Connieā€™s Male Rape Desire
This story based on some true events, names changed and all.
She was married. I had slowly got the hots for her. I met her thru mutual friends and something about her started drawing me to her. I to this day, canā€˜t really explain it. I watched her at a neighborhood gathering. She sat by herself on the couch. I sat on chair across from her. I watched he mannerisms. She was a little jumpy. She played with the locket around her neck, played with her hair, twisting it with her finger. She kept pulling her sweater down, sticking her tits out. Her foot danced up and down and she kept glancing at me quick. I started imitating her. I did everything she did. The hair, the locket movement, the pulling down the sweater and dancing foot. She noticed me doing it and soon began to smile. She got up and squatted by me smiling and whispered: (ā€œAre you making fun of me?ā€)
I said: (ā€œI sure am, your making me hot.ā€) She blinked in surprise and said: (ā€œ..aā€¦what???ā€) I repeated my statement and looked her in the eyes and whispered: (ā€œā€¦.besides I think your beautiful.ā€) She got up and sat back down, taking a big breath. She acted like she was ignoring me, but gave a quick smile at times. I stood up and said: ā€œItā€™s so noisy in here, I think Iā€™ll go sit on the front porch.ā€ and winked at her. Within a few minutes, she came to join me on a porch swing. We sat quietly, swinging back and forth. We waited for one of us to talk. Finally I whispered: (ā€œā€¦Connie.)
She leaned over to my face to listen and said: (ā€œā€¦yes?) I said: (ā€œ..I had no business saying that to you. Your a married womanā€¦.now,ā€¦. could I have a kiss?ā€) She giggled and reached up and turned my face to her, checked to see if anyone was looking and whispered: (ā€œ..of course not. Iā€™m a married woman..(kiss)ā€¦and Iā€¦(kiss)..donā€™tā€¦(kiss) things like that.:ā€ Then she kissed me a soft wonderful long kiss, with her tongue quickly dancing on my lips. She stood up, cleared her throat, adjusted her sweater and tapped her foot. I stood up, cleared my throat, pulled down my shirt, and took a long time adjusting my big boner.
She smiled and got in my face and whispered: (ā€œYour making me hot doing that! You canā€˜t just make me hot, and just leave me!ā€) I said: ā€œNow we have two hot people. It would be a shame to waste that.ā€ She gulped, smiled and leaned her head on my chest. ā€œYour right, it would be.ā€
That was the beginning.
Our attraction grew and grew
We both went to the local golf clubā€™s social gatherings, just a gab fest with punch and some recorded music to dance to. Her husband was older, didnā€™t dance and just ignored her. She would casually spent time talking to me, without causing any raised eyebrows. She was beautiful to me. That shiny black hair, slim build, she didnā€™t wear hardly any make up because she didnā€™t need it, all natural beauty. She was 5ā€™ tall and medium boobs. We lusted for each other from a far for weeks. Our eyes were a giveaway, so we had to avoid that. When she did look at me with those hungry eyes of wanting me, mine did the same for her. I got a big shots of warm feelings right in my dick, and she got a warm rush and a wet pussy, we told each other later.
Connie thoughtā€¦..
(ā€œā€¦.my god whatā€™s happening to me. Iā€™m so drawn to him. Heā€™s tall, so handsome and for some reason Iā€™d love to feel him and I naked togetherā€¦.
What am I thinking!!!ā€¦
Iā€™ve always been the perfect little wife, doing all the right things. Heā€™s wiping that out, I want him so bad. Iā€™ve never had an affair or anything like it, but I want him to hold me and kiss me in a dark place, hidden from everyone. He wants me too. He whispered to me in the corner: (ā€œI want you Connie.ā€) I felt my pussy dripping over that. I whispered back: (ā€œWeā€™ll have to be careful, (gasp) but I just donā€™t care, I want to be with you.ā€)
Lusting for him is exciting and ok for a while, but itā€™s growing more and more everyday now. Iā€™m starting to have dreams about him. I wake up all hot with a wet pussy, dreaming weā€˜re having steaming sex in a far away place. Iā€™m tearing his clothes off and are going at it like animals, fucking and yelling and cuming out of this world. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll say his name in my sleep. I better be ready to explain that if it happens.
Heā€™s like my daddy. I wanted my hubby to be like him, but it didnā€™t happen. When I was young I wanted my daddy to at least try and cop a feel on me, like some of the other girl said their dadā€™s did. Some had sex with their dads too. My daddy would never touch me. One morning I found some of my panties in the clothes hamper with cum on them. It had to be his. It gave me tingles like I never had before. I touched the cum and smelled it. I got way more tingles right in my pussy. I touched my tongue to it and I actually orgasmed right then. I have this tremendous urge to taste Jimā€™s cum. I must be crazy, but it wonā€™t go away. Iā€™m headed for trouble but I donā€™t care,
I want what I want.ā€™)
It was Saturday, and that night was a dance as usual. She had already told me, that she would be there with a brand new pure white ball gown. I got hot just hearing about it from her sexy sweet voice.
I got there early and got to see Connie walk in. I was stunned when she walked in, she was so hot looking. She was so stunning, she looked like Cinderella and Snow White all in one. Her black hair was so hot and that dress, you could feel the other womenā€™s envy . We played it cool. Slowly she came and sat a distance from me and we talked casually for others to see. I had to act normal around her but we could feel the tension.
Her husband didnā€™t dance, and was busy talking to a bunch of old guys getting drunk.
The first dance, she held out her hand for a dance with me. As I took her right hand with my left, I felt the slight trembling in her hand. Her hand was damp and clammy from tension. I turned it toward me and placed our hands on my chest. We could both feel my heart pounding. I took my other hand and slipped it around her tiny waist. She placed her left hand on my right arm.
I could feel that hand trembling also and we talked softly. Her white ball gown was filled out below her waist and rubbed slightly against my dick. I could look down her dress and I could see those beautiful tits rising up in her low cut dress. She smelled wonderful. I looked at her coal black hair and sweet perfect soft face. Her lipstick was bright red over her beautiful lips. When we turned away from people I would move my hand up and down her back a little.
She was absolutely beautiful.
We smiled likeā€¦ā€™just friends dancingā€™ā€¦but inside us were desires rising up and spilling over in our bodyā€™s . I loved the feel of the little tremble in her hands. I could feel her labored breathing trying to maintain the appearance of normalcy. Our conversation was just jabber, but inside us our feelings did the talking. Our minds transferred our thoughts from my body to hers, and from hers to mine. Who would break first, and say just a little something, letting the other one know how we felt. Finally I started it. I said quietly:
ā€œConnie, Iā€™m in lust.ā€ She jumped slightly and cleared her throat. ā€œWhat?ā€ā€¦she squeaked out. I repeated it. I proceeded to tell her about the girl I was in lust with. I described Connie. Her breathing increased, as she blinked as though to see if this was a dream. We didnā€™t look in each others eyes, but our hands started slightly squeezing each others a little. She was in shock, and was very nervous. The song ended, and we headed for our chairs. I got us cups of punch and her shaky hands took the cup.
I looked at her beautiful face and she finally looked me in the eyes. She had the cutest nervous smile. I said with a sexy smile: ā€œEnjoying the dance?ā€ She said quietly: ā€œOh yes but.ā€¦..oh god,ā€¦ā€¦. donā€˜t look at me that wayā€¦ā€
After two more dances we were spent, and walked casually back down a hallway to some offices. Behind me was a door marked, ā€™Libraryā€™ and she reached around me and opened the door. We checked to see if anyone was looking and quickly went in. I locked the door as she watched me do it. We went to a corner with books to her back. She stood so close to me. I reached out and we had us a private dance. She smiled so cleaver and asked me: ā€œWhat color dress does this girl have on your so hot for?ā€ I said: ā€œā€¦You already know what color it is.ā€
We leaned in and kissed.
A soft tender yet exciting stolen kiss. We both blinked as my hand headed for my pocket to hold back big my erection. I smiled and said: ā€œNow I canā€™t leave for a while.ā€ She couldnā€™t help but feel it stabbing the front of her dress. She smiled and whispered: (ā€œI bet my lipstick is a mess, Iā€™ll go to the ladyā€™s room.ā€)ā€¦and gave me a quick peck on the lips. She unlocked the door and checked around, no one watching as she quickly headed for the ladyā€™s room. I looked at dull books and quickly got my erection down to manageable. She was not in sight as I mingled with the others. Finally she cam out and acted like nothing had happened. We slowly ended up in two chairs, side by side. I said: ā€œNice white dress Connie.ā€ ā€œWhy thank you.ā€ she said.
She whispered: (ā€œā€¦will you stick around to help with the clean up?..ā€) I said of course. I could see the wheels turning in her mind, she had something planned. Her husband and her had taken separate cars, because she had to come early and set things up. She whispered again: (ā€œā€¦Jack will be in bed by 10pm, and I have to stay late and put every thing back along with 2 other girls. I said: ā€œIā€™ll stay and walk you to your car.ā€ She gasp for breath, cleared her throat and smiled big.
Connie thoughtā€¦..
( Iā€™ve never had an affair, and I am so nervous. I have the jitters bad, but itā€™s also excitingā€¦.wow! Iā€™ve had the desires for him for a long time. They wouldnā€™t to away, but only got stronger, and now I want to get with him and let my sexual desires run. I donā€™t know what Iā€™d do if we got caught messing around, but Jack has stopped having sex with me for 3 years now, and I need it bad. That kiss made me so wet, I had to go in the ladyā€™s room and dry off my wet pussy.
I donā€™t remember ever getting wet over just a kiss. He must be big, I felt his erection clear thru my puffy ball gown. Do I really turn him on that much? I must, and that means heā€™s going to have sex with me one way or another, no matter what. I canā€™t wait to get my hands on that warm erection of his, and feel his hands on my body and tits. I felt his breathing when we danced and his heart was pounding like mine. Iā€™m so excited, but I must think straight. Oh how I wish we were in a big bed somewhere and I was making him fuck me over and over. Heā€™s going to please me, Iā€˜m going to attack him!. Heā€™s got my mind and body now. Hurry people, so he can walk me to my car. Weā€™ll sit and talk, but heā€™s not getting away from me tonight. Weā€™re having sex tonight, one way or another. )
I walked her to her car. She had full sized car with a big front bench seat. We loaded stuff in the trunk as she was hyper. She turned to me and said: ā€œCan we talk?ā€ I said sure and we got in the car. She leaned her head back taking breaths. She looked so hot I finally said: ā€œConnie, Iā€¦
ā€ She scooted close to me and looked kinda crazy in my eyes. She smiled real strange and said: ā€œ Your going to FUCK me, and fuck me good!.ā€ Her soft lips ground against mine as our arms went around each other. My dick bent in half, it got hard so fast. We broke the kiss as her shaky voice tried to say so many things at once. ā€œI dreamed of that kiss for so long, Iā€¦.Iā€¦Iā€™ve wanted you ā€¦.oh godā€¦your driving me crazyā€¦.I want you right nowā€¦I canā€™t wait anymoreā€¦
ā€ She pulled me down on the seat on top of her hard. She spread her legs wide so my boner was resting right on her pussy. She gasp for air and moaned with more kisses, with our tongues going crazy. I pulled her gown off her shoulders and let her beautiful tits pop out. I felt two rock hard nipples with my fingers. She moaned more, while fighting for air. She gasp out: ā€œIā€™ve never had an affaire beforeā€¦.Iā€™m so nervousā€¦let me take my panties off.ā€ I said: ā€œIā€™ll do itā€. I reached up her ball gown and felt her warm smooth legs and took off her panties and put them in my pocket. I said: ā€œNow their mine, forever.ā€
Her fumbling fingers tried to undo my pants, so I helped her. Her hand went down and felt my boner. Her fingers trembled as she felt me. She guided it to her slit and rubbed it up and down. Her pussy was dripping wet.
Just as I was waiting for her to put my dick in her, she lifted my dick up and started scooting under me. Next think I knew she had my dick in her mouth, sucking and stroking me.
Connie thoughtā€¦
(ā€™..Iā€™m going for it. Iā€™m in control now! Jack would never even let me suck his little dick. He wouldnā€™t even lick my pussy with his old fashion ways. Just the feel of a good sized dick has got me so turned on I have to suck it, and I want to feel his cum shoot and taste it like I never got in high school. Iā€™ll never forget that one time with my male teacher in the back room. He said he loved me.
I was giving him a blow job and he pull my head off and came on a rag, then transferred me out of his class. No man will EVER make me hot and just leave me again. If we never get together again, at least Iā€™ll have the memory of feeling him shooting his cum in my mouth.ā€™)
Some how she took all of my inches down her throat. She squeezed my balls as her tongue went crazy on my dick. I turned her to lick her sweet pussy. I unloaded a big load in her throat. I kept cuming and cuming. She moaned so loud we both jumped. She swallowed almost all of my cum, but kept some in her mouth to savor it. He pussy gushed juices as I licked her clit. We were both moaning and gasping for breath. I checked out the windows. Shit, the windows were all steamed up. I saw nothing or no one around. I looked down at her beautiful twitching body as she pulled me to her saying ā€™oh my godā€™, ā€™oh my godā€™, over and over. We both grabbed my dick and put it in her pussy.
The feelings started all over again. I felt those sweet legs wrap around my ass as we became one desperate fucking machine. We fucked like this might the last time and we were going to make it a classic. She had sharp fingernails and dug them in my back. She made pleasure sounds like an animal in heat. She could only take half of my dick in her shallow pussy, at first. We fucked slow as I hit bottom with each stroke. She jumped slightly with each stroke but liked it and kept it up. She put her hands on each side of my face firm and whispered in breaths: (ā€œYour going to make me cum, and cum big!ā€) We savored each stoke soaking up every feeling we could. It was the longest fuck we had ever had.
Connie thoughtā€¦.
(ā€œ..finally a man to satisfy me. Iā€™m so turned on I may faint and donā€™t care if it doā€¦ā€)
The feeling rose up in both of us and our moans began loud again. Slowly we speeded up our fucking and just let our bodyā€™s have their way with us. My balls hurt and so did her pussy, but were going for the cum of all cums. We lost it mentally as she screamed when my cum filled her pussy. I almost blacked out with the pleasure. We locked our arms around us and just shook for a long time.
I woke with a slight panic. What time was it, and was there anyone around in the parking lot. I wiped a hole in the steamed up window. All clear. My dick was still in her as she moaned quietly little sounds of pleasure. I looked at my watch. 2:35 am. (ā€œConnieā€)ā€¦.I whispered. (ā€œWe have to get you home. Will you get in trouble?ā€)
She smiled a sleepy content smile and said: ā€œI donā€™t give a damn.ā€
Connie said she made it home. She quietly snuck in the house, got on a night gown and crawled in bed. He husband never noticed a thing. She woke up about 10, her boys gone to school and hubby at work. Her mind immediately drifted back to last night, as she smiled a content smile.
Well I just had my first affair and It was a thrill Iā€™ll never forget. I made him cum in me as I climaxed, no more leaving me hot. It all came together so exciting beyond my dreams of him. I need a lot more of him, and Iā€™m going to have him! Oh god, I want him right now more than ever. Iā€™ll call him. Maybe he can come over while the boys are in school. Iā€™ll slam him down on the floor and fuck him again and again. I like that.
I answered my cell, showing it was her. She began talking fast, all hyper and out of breath. I teased and said: ā€œLady you need a Dr., Iā€™ll be right over.ā€ She said: ā€œOh yes, come over now. I need another treatment of yours.ā€ She whispered that we have until 2:30. I kissed the phone and hung up.
She opened the door and just I as got in she was on me. Kissing and out of breath, she was hyper. We sank to our knees kissing and feeling our bodyā€™s.
She started undoing my pants in a panic. She pushed me on my back and started sucking and jacking my dick.
I didnā€™t know she had been denied sucking a dick and tasting cum for so long. She wanted my cum and bad. It had become an obsession with her.
I felt her hair as she slowly turned so I could get her pants down and lick her pussy. She humped my face as I put my tongue deep in her pussy, then sucked her clit. She moaned and jacked me fast, desperate to get my cum in her mouth. She gave me no let up and had the head of my dick in her mouth as she jacked fast.
I began to moan with her and I shot a big load, filling her warm mouth. Her pussy gushed juices as I licked her. She yelled a muffled moan as she sucked every stream of cum and swallowed most of it down. She kept her mouth on it and sucked every drop from me. Finally she pulled off with some of my cum in her mouth, savoring it. We lay spent and wet. She whispered: (ā€œ..Iā€™ve wanted that for so long, your so specialā€¦.finallyā€¦.finally I can have it, and Iā€™m gonna want lots moreā€¦ā€)
She was right, I could fuck her about anytime, in any way, but she wanted some of my cum to taste in the end. She took control of her new sexual freedom, now she put her husband on ignore. I rented the room over her garage, and now our fun began. We showered together, fucked ourselves about anytime we wanted. She wore hot clothes for me and danced on my lap.
I would wake up to the sweet smell of her pussy in my face as she gently sucked my dick. We found new ways we liked to fuck and I loved to hear her moan as she climaxed. We played sex games. I would chase her around the house naked, making her squeal with delight when I caught her. I would fuck her on the spot, kitchen, living room, garage or anywhere in the house.
We fucked in the grocery store parking lot in her blacked out windowed SUV. On a country road, or at the police station parking lot.
One afternoon she had pushed me down on my living room floor and got on top of me. She pulled my pants down and stick my boner in her pussy. I smiled and said to her:
ā€œYouā€™re an animal, youā€™ve raped me about 50 times now.ā€ She said: ā€œYes!ā€¦and I like it!, so shut up and fuck!ā€
ā€˜A satisfied womanā€¦.. is a beautiful woman.ā€™

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Taking Beth part 2

Beth is at home worrying about how to deal with her brothers safety, Jackson and what happened to her at the prison

The Master of the Kollar

This is a sequel to ā€œThe Redhead in the Killer Kollarā€. It stands on its own, but makes a lot more sense if you have read that first. I donā€™t normally write sequels, but several public and private messages indicated that many of you thought I left too many threads hanging in The Redhead. So, I decided to wrap a lot of them up in this story.

Love Hurts

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Forbidden Fur 1 – Cave Of The Wolves

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Predatrix Three: Things Fall Apart

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Camping Gone Right ch 3

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My Boy, Callum. (Part 4)

Sorrrry this took a bit longer to upload… I literally write these a few days after I’ve uploaded the previous one so when I’m quite busy there will be a bit of a delay. Anyway, enjoy!


No Name
By Blueheatt
ā€¦.A lonely wifeā€¦. a house in the countryā€¦. a handsome repair manā€¦. a stormā€¦. a flooded road that leads away from the houseā€¦. a continuing downpour stormā€¦. the lights go out and there is nothing to do but wait. The house gets cold with no electric heat. What can they do to keep warm while they wait? A wifeā€™s mind begins to fantasize.
ā€¦.Her sea captain husband only comes home twice a year. She gets a big blanket to put over them as they wait on the couch. Itā€™s getting darker outside. She has candlesā€¦but the darkness is very erotic to her and doesnā€™t bother lighting them for now. She scoots closer to him. He slowly put his arm around her. He asks if she is warm enough. She whispers…ā€™now I amā€™ā€¦.she snuggles closer to him. He pulls her tighter to him. Her fantasy get wilder as she wishes he would make the first move on her. She feels his warmth and his strong heart beat. She slowly starts to rub his leg slightly. She asks if he is warm enough. He pulls her to him on her side. ā€™Now I amā€™ he says. Her tits are up against the side of his chest. He pulls one of her legs over his outstretched legs on the coffee table. He feels the tiny trembling in her hand on his leg.
Her breathing is labored on his neck. His hand slowly rubs her back and neck. He hears her purr as she takes a small gasp of air. She is very aroused and tries not to show it, but yetā€¦hopes heā€™ll make the first move of some kind on her. He canā€™t stop a big erection from rising in his jeans. She can feel his pants tight up and wants to feel it so bad. He turns towards her. His erection now is resting on her hand. She continues to rub his leg, but slowly includes a little of his tenting jeans. He asks if she is getting warm. Her breathy talk tells him she is aroused as she says she likes ā€˜this kindā€™ of warm.
They cautiously let their hands do what hands do when hands get excited. His hand begins to rub behind her neck as they adjust the blanked and themselves to turn and lay down facing each other. Only a flash of lightning now and again letā€™s them see anything much in the room. More close snuggling as he boldly kisses her forehead.
She automatically squeezes his erection as she jumps a little at his kiss. They take turn advancing their desires little by little. His hand goes inside her blouse gently as her hand feels for his pants zipper. Their lips get closer and closer to meeting. Their hot breath from them both is making them feel the desperation of natures draw to each other.
He unbutton buttons and un-hooks her strapless bra. Out it comes and is dropped to the floor. She find his jeans zipper and the big snap button of his jeans. Snap and zip and in goes her hand to feel what she wants to feel. His big hands gently feels her big tits. She teases his lips with hers. She wants to feel his kisses and her tongue is ready to go for his. A crash of lightning flashes close by. They both get a quick look in each others eyes.
Their lips slam together in a burst of passion. Their tongues go for the lusty feeling of kissing a new lover for the first time. She jacks his erection as his hand goes up her skirt and down in her panties. He feels the wonderful feel of a warm wet pussy. She lifts one leg to give him access to feel it all he wants. She aims his cock at her pussy, rubbing the head on her soft bush. He rolls on top of her. A crash of thunder just adds to their passion. She moans in his mouth as she guides his cock to her pussy, pulling it across her clit to send a huge hot flash in her pussy.
She gasp for air as she moans and spreads her legs and guides his cock in. He drives it in deep and they start what is going to be their time to get what they want. She moans loud and he squeezes her tits firm as they breathlessly kiss and hold each other tight. She locks her legs around his and pushes her pussy up to drive him deeper into her hot pussy.
He begins to fuck her with the fury that had built up in him. She joins him and they slam their bodies together, skin banging together as she starts the biggest climax sheā€™s ever felt. He tries to breathe as he feels his balls pull up tight. He yells with her in unison as a flood of cum slams into her moving pussy. She feels the hot cum shooting in her and fucks as fasts as her pussy will go. Shot after shot as she climaxes and shudders a long moan. Grinding together they savor every drop of high they can get. Their bodies tremble as the cum keeps coming. She moans longā€¦. like a young girls first climax. Her body is locked to his ā€¦.as thunder is all they hear in the darkness.
ā€¦She blinked, as she stared out the front window at the sunshine and dark clouds rolling in. She heard thunder and saw some flashes of light from lightning close by. It began to rain.
ā€¦ā€Mam, your hot water heater is fixed now. Iā€™m all done. I should get going I just heard on the radio that a big storm is headed this way.ā€
ā€¦ She looked upā€¦and it was him.
ā€¦. She stared at that wonderful face and the hot feelings began inside her. Now it was a downpour outside. She said for him to have seat by her. She smiled at him as he did her. She reached over and put her big blanket beside her. She said for him to watch the road out the window and at the little bridge over a creek. They watched as the water began to cover the bridge and the bridge soon disappearedā€¦.under water. They jumped as a crash of lightning hit close by. The lights blinkedā€¦and then went out.
She put his arm around her and said in a low and sexy voice:
ā€œLet me tell you about this fantasy I just hadā€¦.ā€

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A Dominatrix to the rich and shameless has her world turned upside down by a lesbian street urchin.