
My Wild Princess

In the wilds of Africa, a ranger faces death. He has to confront a wild warrior Princess.
Aggression slowly turns to trust and leads to love and much more.

Three Sluts On A Train

A taste of the story to come: Cindy pushes Sam down roughly toward her sopping snatch. Sam wastes no time. As Sam’s tongue touches Cindy’s clit, Cindy squirts, just a little, right into Sam’s open mouth. Strings of pussy juice hang from Sam’s tongue as she laps up every drop. 450 live periscope viewers have now jumped to over 1,000.
Read on if you enjoyed this bit!

And the next step is.

Um its a different story i guess, not the type most people would be into, good or bad leave your review i’d love to hear them.


This is an expert from Blood Ties Book Four: All Souls’ Night by Jennifer Armintrout.
The way he moved, Ziggy was almost a hundred percent sure Bill was going to slug him. He even let go of his arm and stepped back defensively, because the last thing he needed was a broken nose and to have to fight a drunk human. Not to mention the fact it would make him seem more monstrous in Bill’s eyes.
But he didn’t hit him. He grabbed him, a hand on each shoulder, and pulled him up hard against him. Bill’s mouth touched his, just a little touch, and it felt like electricity running through his entire body. And then he had no willpower. He should have. He wasn’t the one who was drunk and had some weird prejudice against vampires. If this went too far, Bill would regret it, and that would make Ziggy regret it, but he just couldn’t make himself care.
Bill’s hands slid under Ziggy’s shirt, the warmth of human skin a shock to his chilled flesh. “You’re freezing,” Bill said, his voice half-muffled by the proximity of his lips to Ziggy’s, and Ziggy couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’m dead,” he whispered back, and then wished he hadn’t said that. Bill didn’t like that he was a vampire, that much was clear. No need to remind him, when he was so close and it felt so good to be pressed against him.
I’m just not going to think anymore, Ziggy decided, smothered under another of Bill’s kisses. He ached to be touched, not in a way that only seemed gentle, but in a way that was gentle, with no threat of pain to follow. Or, if it was rough, roughness for its own sake, not because he was a plaything to be dominated or tortured for someone else’s amusement.
He wanted to be treated like a person. It had been a while since he had been.
Bill’s hands slid under his T-shirt again, lifting the fabric up. ZIggy broke the connection of their mouths and put his hand out to stop him. “What if Carrie or Max comes in here?”
“What if?” Bill retorted drunkenly, and when his mouth descended again, sliding from lips to jaw to neck, Ziggy really couldn’t argue with his logic. Hell, if the Pope walked in right now, Ziggy wouldn’t care. He leaned back, feeling the bite of the counter in the small of his back, and pulled his T-shirt off. Bill mercifully skipped past the physical inspection, that moment that always left Ziggy to mentally narrate all the flaws the other guy was finding with him like the fact he didn’t have washboard abs– hell, any visible abs– and he’d never grown more than a few chest hairs. Whether Bill was too drunk to care or he really just didn’t care, either way, Ziggy was glad when, once he’d whipped his own shirt over his head, Bill reached for him again, pushing him a little awkwardly to lean against the refrigerator door. The cold, smooth surface hitting his back coincided with the hot skin of Bill’s chest meeting his, and Ziggy shuddered at the contrast.
Bill dipped his head to kiss Ziggy’s left collarbone, hands locked firmly on his hips through the flannel sleep pants. He gave the fabric a short, experimental tug as he stooped to spread more kisses over his chest, then paused, looking up with such a serious expression that Ziggy was sure rejection was about to follow. Instead, Bill said a little nervously, “You’ve done this before, right?”
Ziggy smiled down at him, unable to work up even a little sarcasm for a guy as nice as Bill. “Yeah. You’re not being a creepy old man, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“No. it’s not that, it’s just…” Bill laughed and bent his head, nibbling and sucking a little trail to the waistband of the pants before he finally pulled then down. Ziggy’s cock, hard to bursting, leaped at the first touch of Bill’s hand and his warm, hesitant breath. “You got a condom on you?”
Oh, shit, Ziggy thought, then remembered with a mental palm to his forehead that he wasn’t some human teenager anymore. He cleared his throat and tried not to sound like “that guy” when he said, “No, it’s cool. I’m dead. No diseases.”
Bill didn’t respond. ZIggy saw the muscles of his back tighten up a little, as though he would push away and call the whole thing off, and then, in a moment like an electric shock, Bill slid his mouth over Ziggy’s cock and sucked him in, as far as he would go.
The proper response was probably something like “Jesus” or “God yes,” but all that came out was a strangled noise. Ziggy’s hands curled into fists and one of them pounded backward against the gleaming steel face of the refrigerator as white-hot neurons fired jolts of pleasure through his brain. The hot wet of Bill’s mouth, the finger digging into his thighs and the palm cupping his balls, every pleasure-feeling nerve in his body seemed right there, right wherever Bill touched him. And there was no fear or pain, no thought that now he would draw back and sink his fangs into his thigh or more sensitive places. Everything felt good. Beyond good. Fucking incredible.
Too fucking incredible, after a few short minutes. “Hey, stop, stop,” Ziggy gasped, planting his hands on top of Bill’s sandy-blond hair to push him away. “I’m sorry, I was just really close there for a second.”
“That’s kind of the point,” Bill said, standing to kiss him. To clear his head– and to get his mind off his hyper aroused dick pressed between then– Ziggy reached for the fly of Bill’s jeans and tugged the button open. He slid a hand inside and found his cock, hard and eager and weeping a drop of silky fluid.
“Commando, huh?” Ziggy mumbled against Bill’s neck, sliding his fist up and down. Bill trembled against him, and Ziggy smiled against the shell of his ear, flicking his tongue out to trace it.
“I want to fuck you,” Bill groaned, thrusting against his hand. “Can I?”
His hand stilling on the thick, hot flesh under his palm, Ziggy considered. It didn’t take much to sway his decision, just the steady pulse beneath his fingers. “Yeah.” His breath caught in his throat as Bill traced his lower lip with his thumb. “Oh, definitely.”
“Turn around,” Bill said, his voice low and rough as the gin they’d drunk. Ziggy complied, kicking the pajamas aside. He braced his hands on the counter, his sudden vulnerability a little frightening. Bill’s hands came to rest on his shoulders, then stroked down over the plane of his back, returning to repeat the motion again and again, pulling shivers from his spine.
He’d felt secure before now, but it went against every fiber in his body that he would turn his back– his naked back, at that– to a stranger. Jacob had done it to him before, to test him. He’d stripped him, made him kneel, made him wait. And then, when he’d just begun to let down his guard, the last had fallen over his back.
The memory made his knees buckle, and he hoped Bil thought it was a reaction to what he was doing, not an emotional scar. That was the last thing Ziggy needed, to miss out on some really hot sex in order to explain his mental dysfunction.
To take his mind off things, he reached for one of Bill’s hand, pulled it to his mouth and sucked the thumb in. Bill groaned and pressed against him, full body contact, and Ziggy wondered when exactly he’d gotten rid of his jeans. He pressed back against him, just to be antagonistic, and Bill pulled his hand back, tracing the fingers down Ziggy’s spine, to the small of his back, the line of his tailbone and farther.
“You get right to the point, huh?” Ziggy gasped as Bill’s thumb, still wet with saliva, pressed inside. Had anything ever felt this good with someone else? A pang seized him at the thought that, when all was said and done, he would still be the monster and Bill would still be afraid of him. And then it would be over. And this would be the big mistake that hung between them for the rest of the time they had to be around each other, until one of them found a tactful way to get the fuck out of Dodge.
Bill’s lips were against his neck, his cock nudging him from behind, and he whispered, “We might have a little problem.”
Ziggy tensed. This was the moment he could be the sober, responsible party. This was the moment he could easily save them both from the consequences of an ill-advised hookup.
Leaning forward, bringing his whole body into clumsy contact with Ziggy’s, Bill reached for something on the counter. He sounded much more cheerful, proud of himself, even, when he said, “Wait…never mind, we’re back in business.”
Ziggy half turned. “Back in–” His words were cut off by the shock of something cool and wet spilling onto the small of his back. After a split second of confusion he recognized the scent with a perverse thrill. “Is that… is that olive oil?”
“What, you wanted to do this the real rough, manly way?” Bill asked with a quiet laugh. Ziggy laughed with him, until Bill’s fingers, slippery with oil, slid down to press inside him. First two, then a third that took all the breath from him and buckled his knees with a jolt of pleasure that shot straight to his groin.
Pleasure that mixed with nervousness as Bill’s hand withdrew, replaced with the wide, firm tip of him.
“Is this okay?” he asked in a strained voice, and Ziggy had to admire his restraint. He took a deep breath and nodded, held that breath as the pressure increased, then gave over to stinging release when the head of Bill’s cock was finally inside of him.
There was pain. A dull burn that reminded him that Bill wasn’t a small guy, and all the benefits of that were soon to come. Bill asked if he was still okay with it, still wanted to take all of him, and Ziggy could only mumble something incoherent and impatient in response. Something half-begging, half-demanding, that made Bill chuckle hoarsely and push forward, and Ziggy squirmed back until he was more filled then he’d ever been before.
Then Bill began to move, and Ziggy wasn’t sure when he’d stopped supporting himself and started to just rely on Bill’s weight pinning him to the cabinets to keep him from falling. He reached down to touch himself and Bill’s oil-slick hand snaked around to get there first, grasping the base of Ziggy’s cock, jerking him off with firm tugs timed so that Ziggy didn’t know what he wanted more– to thrust into his fist or push back and hinder Bill’s withdrawal. He turned his head, mouth open, breathless, and Bill kissed him, his tongue moving in time with his hips.
When he broke away, it was to apologize. “I’m sorry, I can’t…” and a deep, throaty groan rolled over whatever else he was going to say as his body stiffened. His hand tightened, almost too hard, but he didn’t stop stroking as he came. Ziggy almost shouted at the feeling of Bill inside of him, the way his cock twitched as the warmth of his come spilled from him. And then he was coming, too, making a strangled half sob as his dick jerked in Bill’s hand.
Even if he was supposed to be the stronger creature, Ziggy’s legs were weak, so weak he had to lean on Bill after he’d withdrawn, and they both slid to the floor to get their breath.
Bill leaned against the base of the cabinets, his eyes closed. A single bead of sweat rolled down his temple and Ziggy had the weirdest urge to lick it away. In the name of not looking like a psycho, he restrained himself.
“Jesus,” Bill said when his breathing returned to normal. “That was…”
“Regrettable?” Ziggy supplied for him, wincing as he shifted on the cold linoleum.
Bill actually looked wounded. “I was going to say great. Obviously we didn’t just have the same experience.”

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Two Tales About Jack And Mary

This is a story in two parts. Two very different parts. One common complaint I have read about my stories that involve young girls is that they aren’t realistic. I have tried to explain that these kinds of stories really can’t be realistic, at least not to me. My girls have physical attributes of young girls, yet have the maturity of someone much older. Young girls aren’t ready emotionally or physically for sex or intimacy, no matter what they might think, so I create an impossible world, much like Hollywood with every action movie ever made. This time, however I created two stories with the same characters, one in an imaginary world and one in a more real world. How old is this girl? Use your imagination because I’m not sayin’, Make her an older teen, or as young as you like, that part of the story is up to you. Now, on to the story and I hope you enjoy it.
Mary stood at her bedroom door, her heart pounding in her head as she pressed her ear to the bedroom door. Who did she hear? Was anybody there? Mary caressed the door and closed her eyes tightly and hoped Jack was out there. Her mother had just been arguing with Jack a short while ago, but now all was silence. Mary and her mother had moved in with Jack a few months ago, and already Mary felt things for Jack that she had never felt before, feelings and affection that she had heard about, but until now she had never known. Mary looked down and let her fingers drift over the shiny brass knob that would answer her question. She hesitated, just feeling the cold, smooth surface then closed her eyes, “Please be there” she whispered to herself, and quietly opened the door.
The apartment was quiet and all she could hear was the distant rumble of the traffic in front of the building. Mary walked on her tip toes down the short hall to the family room, then froze and listened… nothing! Mary peered around the corner, the family room was empty, the TV was dark but she could hear the soft ticking of an unseen clock. Her head slipped further around the corner and surveyed the room, but still saw nobody. Mary took a few more exaggerated steps, trying to be as quiet as she could, until she was near the kitchen, and once more she listened, and this time she heard something. Someone set a glass down on the kitchen table and sighed. Mary’s heart raced, “Jack” she said in her head. Mary took a deep breath and stepped into the kitchen.
Jack sat alone in his kitchen and nursed a warm glass of milk. Warm milk always settled his stomach when he needed help getting to sleep, and he knew he would need help tonight. His girlfriend Cheryl had just stormed off again after already disappearing once before this very same month. Jack just stared into the warm, white glass and wondered how he always managed to get hooked up with the nut jobs. He would have kicked Cheryl out after she had run off the first time, but he felt sorry for Cheryl’s sweet daughter, Mary. Mary was a cute young thing, always sweet and friendly to Jack and always well behaved and helpful. How she could be Cheryl’s daughter, he didn’t know.
Jack heard something and his heart began to beat faster, Mary must be out of her room and walking around. Jack listened quietly but when he didn’t hear anything more he began to wonder if he was hearing things. Mary had gone to bed about 9:00, but that was three hours ago, so when her smiling face didn’t immediately appear he went back to nursing his warm milk. Jack had just set the glass down when Mary walked silently around the corner, “Hey there kid, what are you doing still awake”?
Mary looked just like her mom with thick, dark hair that fell down in waves to the middle of her back, beautiful green eyes and full red kissable lips, and while Cheryl had a dark side that Jack had discovered too late, Mary didn’t seem to have a negative bone in her body. Mary was thick, like her mom and she was a little self conscious about it, but Jack thought she was beautiful just as she was and he was jealous of the undeserving slug that would someday marry her, “I couldn’t sleep… I heard you and mom arguing”.
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to hear any of that”.
Mary smiled sweetly, “I know, Jack”.
Jack stood up and asked, “How about a nice warm glass of milk to help you get back to sleep”?
Jack added some milk to what was already on the stove and turned on the burner. He turned back to Mary who was facing him with her back to the sink, she was wearing pink cotton pajamas, pants that went to her knees and a tank top, both made from fabric that was almost see through, it was so thin. Jack smiled and Mary smiled in return. Jack couldn’t help but look her over, his eyes drinking in her pretty face, those striking eyes and full, red lips. His eyes softly caressed first her budding breasts and then the gentle curve of her belly. Her pajama pants clung seductively to her round hips and as form fitting and thin as they were, Jack was delighted to see Mary wore nothing underneath. “I’m glad you’re here, I could use the company”.
Mary smiled sweetly, she had seen his gaze and she knew he liked her, “Why do you put up with her”?
“Oh… I don’t know”.
“It can’t be love. The way she treats you, you have to know she doesn’t really love you”.
Jack was amazed at how mature Mary was, he always had been and he really wanted to say that he let them stay because he didn’t want to lose Mary, and he didn’t give a damn about Cheryl. “Your mother is a complicated person, kiddo. She….” How should he put it without putting Cheryl down? Mary was her daughter and as much as he wanted to call Cheryl a worthless bitch and that he wished there was some way to make Mary his own, he was afraid he would scare her away, and never see her again. “Mary… your mom has problems”.
“Yeah, she’s a drug addict and a bitch”.
“Mary! Please, she’s your mother, show her some respect for that”.
Laughing now, Mary said, “What has she ever done for me, or for you! My mom takes from everyone, and now she taking from you. Taking and not giving you anything in return”.
Jack felt like he was hit in the gut. Mary was right, like she always was. He plopped into a chair and for a moment let his chin fall to his chest, then with tears welling up into his eyes, he looked up into Mary’s concerned face, and in spite of himself, Jack opened up to Mary in a way he swore he never would, “That’s not true. Your mom has given me something. Something so precious, that I’m afraid she will take it from me and I’ll never see it again. If that happens, I… I think I couldn’t live another day”.
Mary’s jaw dropped, and she began to weep, a tear on each cheek, she approached Jack and sat in his lap. Mary had never been so close to Jack, but it felt so natural to fold herself into his arms, she whispered, “I’ll never let her take me away from you, Jack, I’ll kill her before I let her do that”.
Jack held Mary close, his face buried in her sweet smelling hair, he embraced her, and said “Your staying or leaving isn’t for you or me to say”.
Mary had always dreamed of running her fingers through Jacks hair, and now she couldn’t resist doing just that. Mary felt Jacks tears on her neck as he nuzzled her and she breathed deep the scent his hair, she wanted to always remember what he smelled like. Mary cradled Jacks head and kissed it, “No one can keep me from you. Nobody has ever made me feel like you do and I won’t let that get away”. With her cheeks streaked with tears she lifted his face to hers and she kissed him.
Jack was shocked at this turn of events, but his conflicted mind kept him from doing the right thing and pulling away. His love for Mary filled his heart and his desire for her filled his cock. He began to kiss her back, timidly at first but then with a growing urgency and an increasingly unwieldy lust.
Mary kept her hands on Jacks head, cradling his beautiful face, covering his rugged skin lightly with her lips then with long and increasingly lustful kisses. During one of those kisses, Mary felt Jack try to probe her mouth with his tongue. Her first French kiss filled Mary with joy. She held onto Jacks face and turned herself so that she straddled his lap. Jack placed his hands on Mary’s hips and pulled her tight against himself.
Mary felt Jack’s erection resting against her belly, and she smiled. Mary had learned in school that a man’s hard penis meant that he thought the girl was pretty and he was ready to have sex, Mary knew she wanted to have sex with Jack because she felt a growing tingling in her belly, and a warm feeling filling her vagina, making her wet. Mary’s hands began to drift down from Jack’s face, first to his toned and muscular chest then softly down across his flat stomach and finally to the mysterious penis that was sprouting between her legs. Mary sighed when she finally touched it, her hot breath mingling with Jacks as his tongue thrust and curled with hers, gentle and erotic sword play that delighted Mary.
Jack finally stood with Mary clinging to him, her lips locked against his and he carried little Mary to his bed. Mary’s heart raced when she figured out where Jack was taking her, she knew he was going to make her his lover and she would lose her virginity, Mary smiled to herself and began grinding her vagina against her soon to be lovers hard shaft, amazed at how good it made her feel.
Jack set Mary down on his bed and with one quick motion, he dropped his shorts
“I always hoped you’d like me, Jack, because I really like you”.
“I more than like you, baby, I think you are something so very special”.
“What about my mom”?
Jack smiled, “What about her? If she never came back I wouldn’t miss her. If she took you away, I’d hunt you down and take you back, I can’t live without you”.
“Then I won’t leave” Mary smiled.
Jack was on top of her, and Mary felt so small, and helpless under his hulking mass, but at the same time she felt loved, and safe. Mary wrapped her hands around Jacks neck and pulled his face to hers and once more they kissed, but this time just for a moment before Jack broke away, breathless, “I need you Mary” he said.
Mary stared into Jacks eyes and said ever so softly, “I need you too”.
Jack seemed hesitant, even to Mary, but he quickly regained his nerve and he took hold of her top and began to pull it slowly toward her head. Mary arched her back to make it easier and then lifted her head as Jack unveiled his lovers torso, then Jack sat back and admired his young lover. Her soft belly was so pale as were her gently rounded breasts. Mary’s nipples were small, about the size of a nickel, and each was topped by small, hard, point and it excited him to finally see them erect and uncovered.
“Am I too fat” Mary asked, nervous at Jacks long silence?
“What? Oh… no, no… you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world. I wouldn’t change a thing about you”.
Mary smiled, thrilled at being called “Beautiful”, and then she allowed her eyes to wander over her older lover. Jacks short, tousled hair and rugged face were a handsome combination. His chiseled and broad chest was covered by neatly trimmed hair and crowned a slim and flat belly. Mary reached out and caressed Jacks arms, marveling at the gentle strength they possessed, but finally her gaze fell upon the the ultimate mystery, her lovers long, thick cock. Mary still had trouble believing he was so long and hard for her, but what else could she believe, because there it was standing tall and proud, “Are you going to put that inside me”?
“If that’s OK” Jack said softly.
“I’d like that”.
Jack smiled and reached for Mary’s waist band. Mary lifted her hips and slowly Jack uncovered Marys most intimate and private parts. Mary watched Jacks face, still worried she and her young body wouldn’t meet his expectations, but all she saw in his eyes was wonder.
Jack felt his cock jump when her saw Mary’s virginal pussy for the first time and while he had begun the unveiling slowly, he finished with a flourish as he tossed the thin, cotton pants aside and perhaps a little roughly he opened Mary’s legs.
Mary gasped, but never was afraid, never feared this man who was going to take her places she never dreamed existed, her heart pounded in anticipation of a night filled with adult pleasures and the security of another’s love, “Ok Jack” she whispered breathlessly.
Jack, like a man possessed opened Mary’s legs and with a glazed look on his face brought his lips to the warm space they hid. Mary smelled of long frustrated lust, the musk of simmering desire, and when his tongue touched her tightly closed blossom, she suddenly opened, her pink petals covered with the dew of desire, the taste of spring and youth. Jack was a man possessed, a rutting buck, panting and chuffing as her devoured Mary’s innocence. Jack would pause briefly every now and again to express his feelings for his goddess of youth, “I love you Mary”, he would say, or “You are the most beautiful creature in the world”.
Mary’s heart swelled to hear these words, and the electric feeling of this man’s ministrations on her sex only accentuated the feelings she held for him. The bonds of love were being welded by the heat of their desire, their lusts. Mary’s breathing was becoming ragged as Jacks tongue worked her most sensitive spot. She had long dreamed of this moment, and her excitement was building far more quickly than even she had dreamed, “I love you too Jack” she managed to say. Jack stopped what he was doing and looked her way, a big, wet smile pasted on his lips. Mary smiled in return.
Jack grabbed Mary at the hips and rolled her to her belly. Mary followed her experienced lovers lead, but was slightly confused when he lifted her hips off the bed and she found herself on her knees, but then Jack did the most amazing thing, his tongue found her slit once more, but this time he also brought his finger, and with it he began probing a little deeper than his tongue could. Mary settled her head back down to the pillow and closed her eyes. Jack’s fingers were slipping in and out and also circling her slippery little button, and all the while his tongue continued to probe the outermost edges of her virginal opening. Jack then pulled his face back and watched himself bring these new pleasures to his young lover, but his gaze was brought again and again to the pleasantly rounded ass, and he watched as her muscles contracted and relaxed as she experienced each little flash of pleasure, firing over and over and Jack slowly built of the nerve to push things just a little more.
“I love you Jack” Mary whispered once more, “I love you so much”.
“I love you too, baby” Jack answered breathlessly, “and I need you like I’ve never needed anyone ever before”, and with that Jack brought his lips down to Mary’s ass. He kissed first one cheek, then the other, and all the time Mary just continued to coo her approval, then with determination and purpose, Jack brought his tongue to Mary’s little pucker hole. He pressed it against her tightly closed folds and began to massage her.
Mary took in a great breath, “Oh, Jack” she exhaled, and buried her face in her pillow and began to groan.
Jack thought he might cum right then, but he wanted to wait until he was inside Mary. He wanted to fill her with his seed, he wanted to take away Mary’s virginity and mark her as his own. He knew then that he would even murder Cheryl to guarantee that Mary was always with him. Mary stiffened and began to moan into her pillow, when suddenly her ass spasmed open and Jack let his tongue go deep into Mary’s dark recess. Mary felt and tasted better than he imagined anyone could, but most of all Jack was pleased that Mary enjoyed what he did as much as he enjoyed doing it. As Mary’s orgasm slowed and eventually stopped Jack reluctantly rose from his position and they both found themselves smiling at each other, until Jack moved to kiss her. Their tongues were quickly in a wrestling match, twisting and twirling around each other.
Mary finally rolled and broke the kiss with a playful giggle, “That was amazing”.
Jack climbed over her and sat against the headboard, his erection reaching for the sky. He was so sensitive, he realized he wouldn’t last but a few moments the first time, but hopefully long enough to break in his young lover, “Come over here, beautiful”.
Mary got on her knees and moved to Jacks side and then he guided her to straddle his lap, “What do you want to do now” she asked playfully.
“I think you know” Jack almost growled.
Mary smiled at him, perhaps she should have been nervous at what was coming but she only felt the need to please her man, to satisfy him like he had satisfied her. Jack pulled Mary’s pussy against his ridged manhood and kissed her lustily once more. Mary let him and began sliding her slick self up and down Jacks cock. Mary was beginning to feely those electric shocks once more and she cradled Jacks face in her hands. Jacks hands were at Mary’s other end, squeezing and kneading the ample round globes that she was beginning to realize Jack had a keen interest in, and interest Mary was keen to satisfy. Jack lifted Mary and she soon felt the firm tip of her lovers rod probing at the entrance of her waiting shaft, and with no time to react in either protest or encouragement Jack was inside, but just.
Mary gasped and tensed, her eyes suddenly wide in fear, the tip of her nose at the tip of Jacks nose, and like this the two lovers stayed, frozen and silent but for their breathing.
“I’ll go slow, if it hurts too much, I’ll stop”.
Mary nodded her head, but her look was still fearful. Jack lowered her, just slightly, then brought her back up. Mary’s juices were flowing freely and liberally covering Jack aching cock. Jack lowered her once more until he felt the resistance of Mary’s cherry, her soon to be late hymen. Mary began kissing Jack once more, but just a little less lustily, her kisses were soft and gentle, an unconscious encouragement for Jack to do the same, and all the while Jack raised and lowered her, effortlessly, pushing and straining, but not breaking Mary’s virginal shroud, but as Mary grew used to this intruder, and began to realized the pleasures it could bring her, she began moving her hips, forward and back, as her kisses returned to their formerly lusty state, and then with determination Mary thrust as Jack lowered her and she broke through. Mary winced and froze for a short moment, but then she felt something happening inside her, she felt Jack move, a slight twitch at first, but then she heard him moan in her ear and he began to pulsate inside her, and to her amazement, she felt his warm seed filling her. Jack tried to move Mary up and down, just a little, but he was having trouble, so Mary began rocking herself on Jack, looking at his handsome face, his eyes closed and the strangest expression on his face, so this is how a man looks when he orgasms, she thought. Jack was beet red, the veins on his neck were bulging and his nostrils flared as Mary did her innocent best to help him to pleasure, and as suddenly as it had begun, Jack relaxed and sighed his satisfaction and then slowly opened his eyes to look into Mary’s glowing face, “I love you sweet Mary” Jack whispered, and then softly he kissed Mary’s warm lips.
Mary kissed him back then whispered in return, “And I love you to”.
Jack began to nuzzle Mary’s ear and neck, and in voice filled with love he said, “Run away with me”.
Mary pulled back, surprised, and tears filled her eyes, “Do you mean it? Just you and me”?
His heart leapt in his chest when he saw haw happy that made Mary, “Yes, just you and me”.
“When” Mary’s excitement was overflowing, “right now”?
Jack laughed, “Why the rush” Jack asked as he pulled Mary close, “I want to hold you all night long”.
Mary smiled slyly, “What if my mom comes home tonight”?
“We’ll tie her up and then make love till morning”.
Mary laughed softly as she kissed Jack, this was going to be the best night of her life!
Part II
Mary stood at her bedroom door, her heart pounding in her head as she pressed her ear to the bedroom door. Who did she hear? Was anybody there? Mary caressed the door and closed her eyes tightly and hoped Jack wasn’t out there. Her mother had just been arguing with Jack a short while ago, but now all was silence. Mary and her mother had moved in with Jack a few months ago, and already Mary felt things about Jack that she had never felt before, feelings that she had heard about, but until now she had never known. Mary looked down and let her fingers drift over the shiny brass knob that would answer her question. She hesitated, just feeling the cold, smooth surface then closed her eyes, “Please be gone” she whispered to herself, and quietly opened the door.
Normally Mary would have stayed in her room, the flimsy lock gave her a small feeling of security, but tonight she was driven by hunger. Mary hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning, and she got terrible headaches when she went too long without eating. The apartment was quiet, just the ticking of an unseen clock, so Mary tip toed toward the kitchen, pausing occasionally to listen, but always, silence. The kitchen was dark, and Mary smiled and sighed, she was alone and stepped into her nightmare.
“Hello Mary”.
Mary yelped and turned to the sound of Jacks voice, “I just came to get something to eat”.
The dark figure at the table waved a bottle toward the refrigerator and slurred, “Go ahead, sweetie. What’s mine is yours”.
Mary turned to the possibility of food, sweat seeping out onto her forehead, and asking herself what she had done to deserve this life. When she opened the fridge she found little to eat, a small empty jar of mayo, and some desiccated and half eaten leftover bits of fast food. The only fresh food in there was the beer.
“What’s wrong, don’t see anything you like”?
Mary felt the tears begin to well up in her eyes as she slowly closed the door, “I guess I’m not really hungry” she whispered.
“Grab a beer, that’ll help you sleep”.
“No thank you” Mary said as she tried to extricate herself from the kitchen, but suddenly there was a loud clattering as Jack jumped up from the table.
“What’s your hurry” he said as he grabbed her.
Mary squealed, “Please let go”.
“You’re not afraid of me, are you cupcake”?
“No… no Jack, you just startled me”.
“Good, then why don’t you keep me company for a little while”.
Mary could smell the stale beer on Jacks breath and “I’m really tired, I think I should be getting to bed”.
“Nonsense, stay up and keep Jack company, we’ll have some fun, what do ya say”?
Mary pulled and struggled against Jacks grip, but she was being held tight, and that’s when Mary noticed the small tent pole in Jacks boxers, “Please let me go Jack, I have school tomorrow”.
Jack growled menacingly, “I think your schoolin’ is going to begin tonight”.
Mary’s heart was racing and she looked around for some escape but found none. Jack pulled her against himself and she felt his bony hands begin pawing her, but worst of all was the feel of his little erection rubbing against her back as she struggled to escape, “Please Jack, I want to go to bed”, and as soon as she said that, she regretted it. Too many time she had heard her mother’s cries as Jack had beaten her lock inside his bedroom.
“That’s a great idea” he laughed as he picked her up and began to carry her to his room.
Mary felt Jacks hands touch her places she didn’t want anyone to touch, but she was defenseless, Mary screamed, and quickly regretted that too.
Jack flung her to his bed where Mary landed like a rag doll amongst the smelly sheets and blankets, the smell of stale bodies and sweat filled her nose as she tried to scramble away, but Jack grabbed her ankle and dragged her back and his bony fingers quickly slapped Mary’s tender face, “Where do you think you’re going, you ungrateful bitch. You’re just like your mother, just take, take, take, well what about me, what about my needs. At least your mom is out tonight earning some money, but what the hell good are you”?
Mary was panicked, this was worse than she had ever dared imagine, she knew Jack was going to rape her, and couldn’t do anything about it.
“Well… you haven’t been any good to me, but I’ll change that, I’ll teach you a useful little skill. I’ll teach you how to please a man and you can join your mother turning tricks, how does that sound? Hmm” he added for emphasis?
Jack dropped his boxers and Mary looked at him, repulsed at what she saw. Jack was skinny, almost wasted, and his crooked little erection did nothing but make Mary want to retch. Jack grabbed Mary’s pajama bottoms and ripped them from her, her pale skin exposed to Jack’s leering gaze for the first time, and Mary felt her skin crawl at the thought of this creature finding her deserving of his attentions, and she tried once more, “If you stop, I promise I won’t tell my mom what you did”.
Jack laughed deep and hearty at that, “What make you think I care about what that bitch knows or thinks? Now spread you legs, little girl, because I’m about to make you a woman”.
Mary did the only thing she could think of, she kicked at Jack, but this time his reaction was a split second too slow and Mary felt her foot contact the part of Jacks anatomy that sickened her most, and when she did she saw an immediate change in Jacks expression. Jacks eyes opened wide and his mouth formed a tight little O, and then, as if watching life as a slow motion film, she saw Jack stumble back one step, then two, and then due to forces unknown she watched as Jack fell backward, his arms reaching out to grab invisible supports, but finding none, his body continued on its journey. Down and down he fell and Mary sat up higher, surprised, but unsure how to capitalize on her good fortune. Before Jack hit the ground, his head made contact with a chest that was behind him, and Mary heard a sickening sound she was sure she wouldn’t soon forget. Jacks body finally landed in a heap on the floor, and quickly began to shake in fits, his mouth foaming, and strangely his eyes still half open.
Mary scrambled from the bed and dashed from the room, and flinging the apartment door open she dashed outside into the night, half naked, and crying inconsolably. She flung herself down the stairs into the courtyard below and began screaming for help. She saw faces appear in the windows that rung the courtyard, but no one came to her aide, so Mary collapsed into a ball amongst the weeds that had perhaps once been a lawn, and she wept.
She wept until she felt someone’s hands upon her shoulders, “What’s the trouble, sweetheart”?
Mary looked up to see the handsome face of a young police officer. Mary immediately felt at ease, she would be safe now. Mary quickly vomited the details of her evening nightmare to the ever more troubled officer’s face.
The young officer radioed for assistance and assisted the girl to his patrol car. Unable to resist the officer looked at his young charge, and he admired her shapely rear ass and for a brief moment, he imagioned how it would feel to touch it, but he stayed ever the gentleman, and as soon as he had a chance he covered Mary, but not until he had one more glance at her treasures, the vision of which would keep him warm for many nights to come.
When help arrived, the young officer recruited a female officer to watch Mary and then with a parting smile he joined the others as they made entry into the apartment to fine the mortally wounded Jack lying where Mary had left him. The officers all milled around as they awaited the Paramedics to arrive and pronounce him dead. The young officer stayed away from the girl he had found, he didn’t want to be tempted by her again, and he felt a little shame for his thoughts, but then he smiled, thoughts don’t hurt anyone, and really, who’s to know?

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Rose’s Story

In the real world guys like the Martin I describe do exist. Ladies beware, or make the most of it!


She was the mother of the lady who married my uncle. I didn’t know her well, but she was always friendly and affable whenever I encountered her. Her husband had died several years earlier and she had to manage by herself. One day, I went over to her house to do some work around the yard and garage. Some time around the middle of the day, she invited me into the house for a break and a cool drink.
We sat in her kitchen, she on one part of the breakfast nook and I on the other part. She was wearing a simple house dress with a zipper in the middle, keeping the dress closed. She was probably in her early fifties, with brown hair, a smooth unlined face, slim legs and very large breasts. I could tell from the outline of her breasts against her dress, that she had big nipples like erasers. She started talking about her nephew, what a nice young man he was and how he would share secrets with her. I asked, “What kind of secrets.”
She replied, “Oh, about girls and what he does with them.”
I asked her to tell me what her nephew had said about his relationships with girls. She said, “Well, he likes to get them alone, then tell them how pretty they are; how much he enjoys their company and how he likes being with them. After a while, he tries to kiss them…” She paused.
I said, “Go on, what does he do then?”
She said, “He starts petting, you know, putting his hands on their arms, legs and some other places.
I said, “What other places?”
She paused again and said, “Well, I don’t want you to think that I’m a nasty woman by talking dirty.”
By this time, I could feel a certain kind of excitement run through me and I could also feel my penis starting to get hard. I said, “Oh, Clara, I know you are a decent woman and I would never think less of you for talking about these things. Besides, I would enjoy talking about things like this with such an attractive woman like you.”
With this, she brightened up and smiled. She said, “Well, alright, I find it kind of fascinating myself.”
Then she said, “My nephew likes to touch the girls up here,” pointing to her own giant breasts. Her nipples were now quite pronounced against the dress material. “He strokes them and concentrates on their nipples, while he’s kissing them. After a while, he moves down the body and caresses their thighs. All the time, he’s talking to them, telling them how pretty they are, how good they make him feel, and so on.”
By this time, I was really excited. My penis had become completely erect. It was so hard, it was tenting out my trousers to the right of the fly. I could see Clara taking furtive glances at it. I tried to conceal it by changing position on the seat, but that only made it more obvious. I felt embarrassed and told Clara I was sorry about my “condition”.
She smiled and said, “Oh, don’t you fret, young men are always getting …boners or … hardons… and what with the subject we have been discussing, it would be perfectly natural. “My nephew says that sooner or later, while he is with a girl, he gets a big boner that makes his pants stick out just like your …thing is doing to your pants.
With my breath coming faster, I said, “What does he do then?” She said, “After a while, he tries to take off their blouse and play with their …boobs through their brassiere. If they don’t mind, in a few minutes, he unfastens their brassieres and exposes their bare boobies. He says, he loves to caress them and kiss the nipples. Kissing the nipples makes them stand up nice and big.”
By this time, I was tremendously aroused. My prick was as hard as a rock and I made no effort to conceal it. In fact, I sat so it was sticking out as far as I could make it. She was now looking at it directly and smiling broadly.
She said, “My, you sure have a big one, don’t you.”
I said, “Well, I’m not the only person with something big. You sure have big, beautiful… tits!, I hope you don’t mind that word. In fact, I have never seen a woman with such big luscious breasts.”
She arched her back and looked down at them rather coyly. She said, “When I was young and they started to grow, I saw them as a problem, because boys were always kidding me about them, trying to feel them and grab them. When I started to date, boys would want to feel them, take them out of my blouse, kiss them and become very excited.”
Grinning rather sheepishly, she said, “When I was about 15, I was with one young man, who I let fondle them on the outside of my blouse. I didn’t notice, but he had gotten an enormous hardon. While he running his one hand over my boobs, he had undone his fly with the other hand and taken out his penis. I didn’t notice anything until all of a sudden, he started breathing hard and to my surprise, his penis started squirting white creme all over my dress and blouse. It was the first time I had ever seen a boy have a climax and I was embarrassed to death.”
“At first, it bothered me, then as time went by, I began to see the positive side of having such big boobs and I started to enjoy the attention they brought me from men. I know I’m not a raving beauty, but having such big boobs helped bring me my share of dates and a husband.”
I said, “Well, they are certainly beautifully formed. Please don’t be offended, but I have to tell you that your gorgeous tits are what’s going to be in my mind the next time that I… beat off.” She said, “What do you mean, “beat off?”
I replied, “You know, jack off, play with myself, …masturbate. You have been married, have children, I’m sure you’ve seen a man masturbate.”
She smiled and said, “You know, I’m from the hill country, the Bible belt. I was brought up in a very prudish setting. I was a virgin when I got married and we didn’t screw until the lights were out. When my husband wanted sex, he just turned out the light, asked me to get on my back and then stuck his cock in me. Then he moved back and forth until he finished, and then rolled over and went to sleep. I seldom saw his penis.
“Or prick”, I interjected,
“Much less see him play with it or stroke it.”
At this point, I got an idea that was so daring, I hesitated to bring it up for fear she would just throw me out of the house, but my rigid, throbbing prick impelled me to go forward. I said, “You know, our talk has got me very sexually excited. I really want to masturbate! I was thinking that as soon as I left here, I was going to go some place where I could take out my cock and jack it off until I shot a load of jizz.”
“If you wouldn’t think I was a terrible person and if you wouldn’t tell a soul, I would do it right here, in front of you, so I could relieve the pressure in my prick and my balls, and… you could see how a man jacks off. It would have to be our secret, however.”
She gave me kind of a funny look and sideways smile, but said, “You naughty boy, would you really do that for me and not tell a soul?”
“Absolutely, I replied”.
She kind of giggled, hesitated, but finally said, “Well, O.K., but you’re sworn to secrecy.” I nodded my agreement. She said, “You can’t do it here in the kitchen, because of all the windows. Let’s go in the bathroom.” We got up and went into the bathroom, which was the next room.
I felt funny walking behind her with an enormous erection tenting out my pants, but I was very excited, anticipating what was going happen next.
We went into the bathroom. It was quite large in the style of the nineteen twenties and contained a washbasin, bathtub and toilet. There was a stool in one corner next to the tub. I undid my belt and dropped my pants. I turned toward her as I tugged down my jockey shorts and out popped my prick, hard and red, with the head almost purple.
She looked at it and said, “Oh what a big one, my husband’s was not near that thick.” She started to put out her hand to touch it and then jerked away, like it was a hot stove.
I smiled and said, “Clara, it’s okay, go ahead and touch it, in fact, I would like you to touch it.” She put out her hand and very gently grasped the shaft of my phallus, moving her hand up and down, increasing and decreasing her strength of her grip.
“My”, she said, “It’s much harder than I thought it would be and so warm.” She then reached down and cupped my balls and fondled them with care. She said, “You have a big, what is it called?” I said, “Scrotum, nut sac, …”
Suddenly, she took her hand away and said, “Listen, young man, we came in here so you could relieve some pressure in your penis and your balls. I didn’t anticipate touching each other like this.” I nodded in agreement and started to go over to the toilet. Toilets had been a favorite jacking off place for me many times in the past.
Then I stopped and asked, “Do you have any Vaseline? I usually lubricate my penis with it, when I jack off.” She went to a drawer and pulled out a jar of Vaseline and handed it to me. I opened it, put a quantity of it on my right forefinger and lubricated my protruding phallus with it. I then sat down on the toilet, grasped my penis with my right hand and started stroking it vigorously. She took a seat on the stool about 4 or 5 feet away and watched intently as I masturbated.
I sat with my legs spread wide apart, buttocks positioned on the front of the toilet, and leaning back, so she could have the best view of me stroking my hard prick. While I was terrifically excited, I was not going to blow my nuts any sooner than I had to, because I wanted to make it last as long as possible. As I masturbated, I varied my strokes and sometimes the position of my hands, occasionally turning my right hand so my thumb was closest to my body; sometimes just holding the base of my penis with my left hand and pulling on the glans with the thumb and first three fingers of my right hand; sometimes just slapping my penis with my hand to show how hard and red it was, but always returning to the “journeyman” thumb out stroking position.
She seemed to have trouble seeing in enough detail, because she started bending her head forward and squinting. So I said, “Clara, bring your stool closer, so you can get a better view of me masturbating.” I stopped beating my meat.
She stood up, picked up her stool, came over and sat down in front of me with about six inches separating our knees. I resumed stroking my prick. She peered intently at my right hand pistoning up and down my rigid, lubricated phallus.
I had started stroking my hard slippery prick fairly slowly, making long strokes from my scrotum thru the purplish, engorged head of my penis, but now I was having so much pleasure, I was beating off as fast as I could make my hand fly up and down my hard greased prick.
“Oh Clara,” I groaned. “I am really enjoying masturbating in front of a sexy looking woman like you. When I come I know I’m going to shoot a big load of …jizz!
She said, “You mean you’ll you shoot a lot of white …creme when you have a climax?”
I replied, “Yes, and it’s called jizz or jizm, but I’m not quite ready to come yet. I’m enjoying myself too much.”
She said, “I’m enjoying watching you. Your penis is so hard, it’s almost purple at the end. It obviously gives you great pleasure to jack off. It’s also giving me feelings I’ve never had before. Look at how hard my nipples have gotten.” She glanced down at her tits then. I could see the nipples pooching out her dress in both places and I got another idea…
I said, “Clara, while I’m masturbating, it would really enhance my pleasure, if you would, er ah, show me your…tits, or at least part of them.”
She rather coyly smiled and said, “Well, I guess it would be o.k. at this stage.” She then slowly pulled down the zipper holding her dress together, for about six inches, revealing a white lace brassiere exposing a long cleavage and the large white expanse of her big mammary glands.
I gasped and said, “My God, they’re huge!” She pulled the zipper down further and slowly exposed both breasts to me. She pulled her brassiere down in front under her tits. They were shaped like cannon shells with the nipples protruding like big pencil erasers. The nipples must have been at least an inch long and a half inch wide. The areolas were a couple of inches in diameter and dark purple in color with a network of faint blue veins going toward the nipples. She took her hands and hefted them up to me. I reached out with my left hand and touched one. It was silky smooth and soft. She let me run my hand over the nipples and tweak them. It was thrilling. My right hand was still pistoning up and down my hard cock all the while.
She said, “Are you getting close to a climax?”
“Yes, I am,” I said in a breathy voice.
“Will your… jizz shoot out from your penis any distance?”
“Yes, it will,” I said, in a breathy voice.
“How far?”
“Several feet.”
“Oh my, will it just be one stream, or more?”
“It’ll be several spurts, because I’m so sexually excited and I haven’t ejaculated for several days.”
She said, “Let me get a towel for my lap. I would love to have you shoot your … jizz on my boobs, but I don’t want to get any on my dress.” She then stood up, walked over to a towel rack, took one, came back and sat on the stool again. She then put the towel over her lap to catch any jizm spurts. I loved the way her big bare tits jiggled when she walked. She had to hold her dress up with one hand, so it didn’t fall down and expose the rest of her body to me. She watched me intently as I continued to vigorously masturbate. Her face was now flushed and there was a fine film of perspiration on her neck and upper chest.
I said, “Clara, I’m curious about something. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but I’d like to know if your pussy is wet or a little moist…”
She blushed and replied,”Well, I will tell you that I am very juicy in between my legs. It feels real good there and,… in my boobs. At first, I just thought I wouldn’t show you any more than my boobs and my nipples, but I have to confess that our talk and watching you has really gotten me, as they used to say, hot & bothered. I’m feeling so itchy and wet between my legs right now I really want to touch myself.”.
Well, Clara, I won’t think you’re a bad woman if you lift your dress and relieve yourself.”
She looked at me, smiled just a little and said, “If it’s our secret and you wouldn’t be embarrassed then I’ll show you my…pussy.” With that she lifted her bottom off the stool, spread her legs apart and pulled up her dress to her waist. To my surprise, she was not wearing any panties or hose. She sat back down on the stool with her legs spread and her pussy completely exposed.
Her pussy was surrounded with thick brown pubic hair down onto her legs and tapering up to her naval. Her outer labia were swollen and red. Her inner labia were a bright carmine. There was a clear fluid seeping out of her cunt.
She reached down with her right hand and started a light caressing action over the upper part of her pussy, then rubbing up and down her outer labia. She moaned softly and said, “Oh, it feels so good!”Then with her left hand she started fondling her big, beautiful breasts and every now and then tweaking her hard nipples.
She moaned softly as she lightly rubbed up and down on her vulva and said, “Oh, I haven’t been this sexually exited in years.”
I said, “You mean when you were married?”
She replied, “No, before that. My husband was a good man, but he didn’t know much about sex. When he got a hardon, he just wanted to stick it in me and work it as fast as he could until he shot his jizm. Then he would pull out and go to sleep. I never came while he was fucking me. I had to go into the bathroom and rub myself until I came. It wasn’t nearly as exciting as what you and I are doing right now!
She spread her legs slightly more open and with her left hand pulled up on the area just above her vulva. I could see her clitoris clearly now. It was red and distended. With the middle finger of her right hand, she lightly teased it by stroking it from below; then with her fore finger and middle finger she slowly, gently stroked and squeezed it on both sides from below.
At first, she stared intently at what she was doing, then she looked up at me and grinned. “She said, “I’ll bet you’re going to have a big climax. I want to see you shoot your jizz all over my boobs and my nipples.”
I said, ”Clara, I don’t want to come before you do. I want you to have a strong orgasm.”
She replied, “Oh, I know I’m going to have a powerful orgasm, but what will set me off is seeing you shoot a nice big load of jizz. That’ll make me come.”
A few seconds after she said that, I could feel myself start to come. This was going to be a gusher. I groaned, “Oh Clara, I’m going to come!” With that, I lost control and started to shoot thick spurts of jizz. I held my squirting prick so the jizz shot all over her big tits and nipples. It took several seconds for me to complete my ejaculation.
She exclaimed, “Oh my God, I have never seen anything like that. You must have shot a half a cup of jizm. One spurt of jizz had covered her right tit and was dripping off the nipple. There were two or three white tracks of semen on her left tit and several on the towel.
She now applied more pressure with her right hand and rapidly stroked her entire vulva with broad movements up and down, rubbing her labia, the entrance to her cunt and her clitoris. With her left hand, she was vigorously pinching both of her nipples.
Suddenly, she said, “Oh, I’m going to come…right now!’ With that she closed her eyes, audibly exhaled and brought her legs together on her hand. She stayed that way for several seconds, then brought her head up, inhaled, smiled and said, “That was wonderful! I haven’t had an orgasm like that in years!”
I replied, “Mine was as strong as I can remember.”
She then proceeded to wipe her vulva with tissues and cleaned her breasts off with the towel. She then pulled her brassiere back up over her breasts and zipped up her dress. She stood up and adjusted her clothing. I cleaned my penis with toilet paper and pulled my pants up. We then went back into the kitchen and finished our cold drinks. The ice in our glasses had melted but we didn’t care. Our conversation was quiet. We discussed the fact that neither of us had ever done anything like that before.
I told her, however, that I had enjoyed it immensely. She smiled and said she had also, but it was time to part. As I stood up to go, I said, “Just our secret, right?”
She came over, kissed me sweetly with soft lips, and said, “I’ll never tell a soul.” Then she smiled coyly and said, “By the way, I ‘ve got some more work around here for next week if you’re interested.”
“Am I ever!” I said. “I’ll be back at the same time.”
“Just give me a call before you come over,” she replied.
I walked out of the door and said, “Bye,… and thanks.” She smiled and winked.

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Chapter 6 Family Secrets (Nancy Series)

Nancy and Paul have been together several months and he”s encouraged her to exlore and expand her sexual activities. She introduces him to her younger married sister. This isn’t a wild graphic sex free-for-all story, though later chapters include that…

Sophie and Gramps

Despite the age difference I was very close with Sophie my granddaughter, I had no idea she was sexual until I was troweling a sex dating site. The age given was 18 and she said she enjoyed older men, I messaged several similar females and got varied responses.