
When In Rome – 07 – non-underlined version ;]

Author’s NotesI’m having difficulty doing dailies with all of the family stuff going on for the holidays. The story is far from over, and I’m still writing. I’m just having a hard time finding the time to write 6-8K words every day. Thanks for sticking with me :]
Scene 01: Cassius – Sex? No.
Scene 02: Callia – Sex? Yes.
Scene 03: Cassius – Sex? Yes.
He wasn’t a man to use the word “cute.”
But Callia, today, was the “cutest” thing he’d ever seen.
Everything was so new to her, so exciting. She flitted back and forth between the market stalls, speaking to everyone.. Touching everything. And he loomed behind her, the coldest, cruelest stare he could manage trained on the faces of any vendor that might consider telling her to stop. If anyone looked at her wrong, broke her mood – he’d fucking kill them. In the most creatively painful way he could think of.
Most of the vendors, especially the food vendors, were exceptionally friendly to her. Her charms had worked particularly well on the vintner, who had insisted that they try several of his best and make sure Lykos knew just how fine his wares were. Now she was teetering around in her sandals like a little lush, and the only thing keeping her balanced was the arm she’d looped through his.
He leaned over and pressed his lips against her ear. “What do you think?”
“Oh Cassius.” She breathed and her eyes focused intently on a sparkling stall filled to the brim with jewelry. “It’s better than I’d dreamed of.”
He laughed as he led her over the stall. “Come, meet Agnes.”
There were two people in Rome who stubbornly refused to fear Cassius. One was Callia. Agnes was the other. He swore that she had two spirits living inside her body; one was a sweet old woman with a kind word for everyone, the other a blood-thirsty savage who would cut your throat as soon as she’d shake your hand. She had to be at least seventy years old. She was the one vendor in the market that had never been robbed.
“Cassius.” Agnes beamed at him. “Now who’s this pretty little thing? Surely her father didn’t turn her loose with the likes of you.”
He laughed. “This is Callia. My sister.”
“Ohh.” Her eyes widened as she studied Callie. “Well, she is as pretty as the men all say. I didn’t expect her to be so.. Small. Pretty little runt, though. Hello, then, child. Enjoying the sights?”
Callia nodded politely, but she was a girl and they were in the middle of a jewelry stall. Her eyes were wide as she examined everything. “I’ve never seen the market before.”
“You should see this one, child. Look.” Agnes smiled at her and pulled a little ring off the wall and winked at Cassius. “The stone is almost the exact color of your eyes. Never seen a stone like this before.”
Cassius narrowed his eyes at Agnes. She was trying to be kind. Well, be kind and make a sale. She didn’t know that Lykos would never allow Callia to own anything, even something as small as a little ring. It pissed him off.
Callie gasped as she peered down at the ring. Agnes had been right. It was the color of her eyes, like it had been made for her.
“Well, try it on.” Agnes prompted, and Callie beamed as she obeyed.
“Let’s see.” Agnes snatched her hand over and inspected it. “Perfect fit. How ’bout that, eh, Cassius?”
Callie’s face was sad as she stared down at the ring. She chewed on her bottom lip as she held her out in front of her and inspected it in the light. She smiled at Agnes, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Its beautiful,” she whispered as she slid it back off her finger and held it out to Agnes. “But Father would never let me-”
“We’ll take it.”
Fuck Lykos. Callia had nothing. She didn’t have a bed, or one dress that she owned. She didn’t have a pair of sandals that were hers. Hell, her hair comb didn’t even belong to her. He could give her this.
Callia glanced up at him, and opened her mouth to protest, or speak, or something, but his hand was already in the pouch at his belt.
“Do you have a leather cord?” He asked as he dropped coin in Agnes’ hand. “One that will fit around my neck?”
She looked puzzled, but she nodded. She cut a length of cord about the right size and handed it to him. He looped it trough the ring and knotted it.
When he thanked the woman and led Callie away from the stand, he explained.
“I’ll hold it for you. Keep it around my neck until we leave here.”
She grinned and through her arms around his neck, and he held her close for as long as he dared.
They kept an acceptable distance as they walked slowly back to meet their brothers.
He heard the rustling in the trees along the empty path long before he saw the man stumble out from behind them, sword drawn.
“Where is she?” He voice was rough, like he’d been screaming. Blond stubble covered his face, and his clothes were dirty and wrinkled. “Where is my wife?”
Cassius pulled Callia behind him as he drew his sword. Slowly. Calmly.
“I don’t know who the fuck you are. How am I supposed to know where your wife ran off to?”
“His name is Titus.” Callie spoke up from behind him. “His wife is Julia. She was my friend before she got sold. She came from Britain like my mother.”
She leaned around him to peer at Titus, and he had to keep eyes on both of them.
“She’s gone missing?”
“Run along Callia.” Titus didn’t even look at her. “This doesn’t concern you.”
“Callia, stay.” Cassius pulled a dagger out of the strap of his sandal and handed it to Callie. “I don’t know who is in the woods.”
He watched Titus. The man was sluggish like he hadn’t slept. His eyes were ringed with black circles.
“I just want her home, Cassius. I won’t say a word.” His jaw clenched. “You can kill as many fucking whores as you want. Just let my wife go.”
Callia gasped, and Cassius stilled. “You think the man that’s been killing whores has you wife?”
“I think you have her, yes. I know who you are.” Titus’ body was shaking so hard he couldn’t keep his sword arm steady. He looked terrified. “If you don’t giveher back, you better kill me now. Because I will find whatever it is a freak like you loves and I’ll fucking take it from you.”
“Titus, is it?” He rubbed at his eyes, exhausted. He should just slit the bastard’s throat and fucking be done with it. “What makes you think she hasn’t just run off?”
“It was like when all the other men’s wives and daughters been taken. Rope on the bed. Blood and.. Blood and cum on the sheets.”
Cassius paused. “When?”
“She was gone when I came home this morning.”
She could still be alive. Some of the girls had been missing for over two weeks when their bodies were found.
“Put your sword away. I don’t have your wife.” He shook his head, irritated. “I’ve got to take Callia home. Meet me in the center of the market at midnight. I’m going to catch this bastard. Work with me. Maybe we can get him quick enough to find your wife.”
The man’s body sagged, but he sighed and nodded. “If this is a trick. If I find out you took her, I’ll kill you.”
“You can try.”
She knew the look on his face.
He sat back on the bed, naked, arms crossed behind his head. His cock was hard, thick and delicious and curving against his thigh. Her tongue darted across her lips. She wanted him to force that big cock down her throat until she choked on it.
He watched his slaves bathe her, his eyes dark and narrowed. The tight set of his jaw was in complete opposition to the relaxed posture of his body. His eyes never left hers. His breathing changed, chest rising and falling quicker as he watched the girls later soap slowly over her naked body. His hips rocked almost imperceptibly as one slid her hand between Callia’s legs to gently wash her cunt.
He stared at her like a lion watching his prey; ready to strike at any second. She arched her little cunt against his slave’s hand and let her head roll back. His eyes narrowed, and a cruel smile spread slowly across his face. She froze. She felt like her heart stopped still in her chest. She knew that look, too. Surely he wasn’t..
The slaves paid no attention to the shift in her mood as scrubbed her skin with rough brushes. They soaped her again as her brother watched. Once they had rinsed her, they piled her wet hair on top of her head and began to drain the water as they worked the scented oil and lotion mixture over her clean skin.
Cassius pointed to the fireplace, and she stood there as she dried. The fire was so warm, but her knees were trembling. Her back had healed enough, she supposed, and it looked like her week off was over. He would beat her tonight. She knew it without him having to say it. She was afraid.
Her father had not been kind or careful with her punishment. There was nothing sexual about the violence she’d received at his hand. It had been hard for her; sex, arousal and the state of consciousness that came with it were how she’d learned to embrace pain. That was what Cassius had taught her after her first beating at the hands of some cruel client she’d never seen again. She had a secret suspicion that no one had ever seen that client again.
Her brother didn’t speak. He just crooked his finger at her and glanced at the floor beside his bed.
She bowed her head, and stared at the stones on the floor as she approached.
She held her body like she’d been trained: back straight, tits up, ass out to make sure she was perfectly pleasing to the eye. She knelt on her shins on the ground by his bed, just far enough away that when he looked down at her, he could see that every inch of her was displayed. Her shoulders were high, tits up in the air, legs spread open so that her cunt was offered to him. She wanted him to take what was his. Her. She was his.
She didn’t look up as he slid off the bed and walked a slow circle around her. His knuckles stroked her jaw, and when her eyes closed, he slapped her cheek. It wasn’t a very hard slap; it startled her more than it hurt but she couldn’t stop the sharp breath she inhaled.
“Keep your eyes on the ground like a good whore.” His hand wrapped around her throat, and he squeezed it. His fingertips dug into her flesh. “Don’t speak unless given permission. Nod if you understand me.”
She nodded.
“If I tell you to speak, you will address me as Dominus.” His hand closed tighter. “Do you understand? Speak.”
“Yes, Dominus.” She could feel her legs shaking underneath her. Her stomach tightened as he released her throat and allowed her to breath. She nodded as she gasped in a breath.
She struggled just to put one foot in front of the other as he led her to the apparatus he used to restrain her. She couldn’t look at it. He’d kept it covered with a bed sheet for the last week because of what she’d gone through. He restrained her hands and belted her waist to the board, and she tried to pull inside herself for the strength she’d gained over her short life. She tried to remember the things he’d taught her, the ways to get herself in the right frame of mind but she was drawing up a blank.
He stroked the curve of her waist, and a small part of her tension eased. Not enough.
Her chest heaved as he adjusted a blindfold over her eyes. She could see nothing but blackness, and she started to shake. The belt chafed against her trembling body.
She relaxed when he touched her again, but just barely. The handle of his whip traced her slit, prodded at her. He squeezed her ass in one hand. His fingernails dug in as he pinched and pulled at her skin.
She was barely wet when he slid the first finger inside her cunt. She could hear him breathing, could feel him inside her, and she finally relaxed into it. This was Cassius, and relief was apparent in her moans as she pushed back against his hand as much as she could. She wasn’t allowed words, but she could still let him know it felt good.
He heard his growl behind her as he worked a second finger in with the first.
His fingers fucked her little cunt in short, rough strokes. He pounded them inside her until she could hear the strokes and his shallow breathing. His thumb pressed against her ass hole and she smiled to herself as she remembered just how fucking big he’d felt, how hard he was inside there. Her nipples were hard against the rough wood, and her pussy was soaking wet around his fingers.
She whined softly as he pulled his fingers out, leaving her empty. Her body sagged unhappily; she’d live with him inside her if she could. But then he wrapped his hands around the outsides of her thighs and he dropped to his knees behind her.
She bit her lip to keep from whispering his name as his lips pressed softly against the back of her thigh. She cried out when his tongue danced across her slit before sliding inside her. He prodded his tongue inside her wet little hole, and her entire body shook when she heard him moan. She couldn’t see him as he pulled, or maybe pushed, her lower body away from the board. He’d turned around between her legs so that his lips could wrap around her little clit.
Every muscle, every inch of her body screamed as he sucked her clit, soft then rough, soft then rough. He pinched her clit between his teeth at the exact same moment as his thumb slid inside her cunt. She screamed, some incoherent language that didn’t exist – one that could only be understood by the two of them. She felt/heard him laugh with his mouth still pressed against her slit.
He moved out from between her legs, and she whimpered. She fought against begging him to come back, but then his body was pressed against hers and he was tilting her head.. To his mouth. She tasted herself on his lips as he kissed her. He held her so close to his body as his tongue explored her mouth, and hers tasted his. He pressed one last kiss against her neck.
“I’m going to whip you now.” His hand cupped her wet little cunt as his tongue circled the rim of her ear. She trembled just from feeling his breath on her neck. “Speak.”
This was it. Her first beating since.. But it was Cassius. She could do this. She could.
“Y-yes, Dominus.”
He stepped away, and left her there. She braced herself hard for the first hit, held her breath. Tightened her muscles. Everything the rational side of her knew not to do. But the hit didn’t come. He was silent and she couldn’t see. She didn’t count the seconds, but it felt like she hung there for hours, shaking with fear, anxiety, trepidation. She barely breathed.
The first crack of the whip sounded like lightening. It hadn’t touched her skin, but she cried out anyway; her legs buckled under her and only the belt and the ropes on her wrists kept her from losing her footing. Still he didn’t speak. Her stomach rolled with nerves and she hissed in sharp gasps. They mixed with whimpers as she hung there, helpless and restrained.
The whip sounded again, and her entire body tensed again to brace for the impact. The sound seemed closer this time, but there was no pain. He hadn’t hit her. But he would. She just didn’t know when. That frightened her more than knowing it was coming. She hadn’t even realized she was crying until she felt the heat on her cheeks.
Anxiety tightened in her chest. She could hear nothing but the sound of her own heart; could think of nothing but the sound of the cracking whip and the memory of what her father’s whip had felt like as it split the skin on her back. She felt her tears seeping into the blindfold.
When the third crack rang out and still did not touch her skin, she sobbed out loud. He’d commanded her not to speak, but that was alright because she couldn’t form words.
She lost track of the cracks that didn’t make contact with her flesh, until she could no longer hear them over the roar of her heart in her ears and the sounds of her sobs. She shook violently, the belt digging into her skin, until she could barely hold herself upright on her feet.
When his whip finally cracked her skin, it was almost a relief. The pain of reality didn’t compare to the pain she’d been imagining in her mind and she gasped in a shaking, ragged breath. It may not have been as hard as she was prepared for, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. Fire spread across her back in a razor thin line and she gagged as she remembered what she had felt like at her father’s mercy when she’d felt the first trickle of hot blood running from one of the cuts on her back. The room she was in should have smelled like soap, lotion, firewood and Cassius. But her mind refused to let her smell anything but metal and blood and sweat.
By the third crack of the whip on her back, the ropes around her wrists felt like metal cuffs.
By the fifth, she could smell the spicy scent of the perfume her father wore.
By the tenth, she was quiet and sagging against her restraints – numb, out of focus; living in a perfect recreation of what she considered her own personal Tartarus. It was all in her mind, and she was left there reliving phantom whip strikes long after the room had went silent. Long after she’d been untied.
Nothing made sense to her, if it registered at all. The soft thing beneath her body. The strong, warm things around her waist. That vaguely familiar voice talking to her from so far away.
The world was still black.
His hands were shaking as he laid his little sister on the bed. He couldn’t take off her blindfold – not yet. Because for all the tears in her eyes, there were more in his.
He felt nauseated.
He was sure she had thought he lost control. He hadn’t. Every second of what he’d done to her, the sensory deprivation, the fear, the mind-fuck of whipping empty air just because it would terrify her.. He’d done it on purpose. She was in her “dark place” now, something he’d only seen very few times because he’d quickly learned how to avoid it.
And today he’d used that knowledge to take her there intentionally. But not for the reasons she would think.
He’d been beaten. Dozens, maybe a hundred times. He understood it and he understood Callia. This trip, this.. Descent into her own world of personal torment was inevitable.
Tomorrow she would go back to work, and any man who could pay the price could beat her in any fashion they chose. Maybe it would be tomorrow. Maybe the day after. But eventually it would have come to this. And Callia would be in this helpless state, completely at the mercy of a stranger who didn’t see her as a girl, a person. Someone who saw her as a toy. This unresponsive, broken shell would more than likely enrage whoever paid for a willing slut. There was no telling what would be done to her then.
But if he was the one to take her there.. He could control how she was brought out of it. He could care for her, make her feel safe.[/]
He kissed her forehead as he untied her blindfold. She blanched, squinted up at blankly for a second before she averted her eyes. Her body tensed, and tried to struggle out from under him. He lifted his arms, watching warily to see what she would do. His chest ached as she stumbled to the edge of the bed, and he reached out to grab her, but he wasn’t fast enough.
She fell sideways off the side of the mattress and landed hard on the floor. Her little brain didn’t even seem to register that as she pulled herself up onto her knees. In a perfect little slaves’ pose.
He crept toward her slowly, so as not to startle her. He sat next to her and pulled her body into his chest. She didn’t fight him, but every inch of her body was tensed as he pulled her into his lap. He rocked slowly back and forth as he held her tight against his chest, pressed kisses against the top of her head. He whispered softly to her as he stroked her head.
“Where are you right now, Callie?”
The tiny modicum of relaxation she’d gained vanished. She froze. “Right here, Dominus.”
“Look at me,” he sighed, and tilted her face to his. “Who am I, Callie?”
There was nothing in her eyes, no light. They were flat, near dead. Blank but for a small hint of confusion.
“You’re my master.”
“No.” He rested his forehead gently against hers as he cradled her body. “Look at me Callie. See me.”
She frowned. “I don’t understand. Just tell me what you desire from me, Domi-”
He silenced her with his lips on his and stood up with her in his arms. He laid her back on his bed and climbed on top of her, resting on his elbows.
“Tell me my name, my love.”
She shuddered underneath him, and when she spoke he could hear the tears in her voice.
“Good girl.” He kissed her cheek, the curve of her jaw. He laid his head in between her shoulder and chin. “Who am I, Cal?”
“Um.” She swallowed hard and he felt her turn slightly towards his. When he felt her body relax against his, just a little, a bit of the tightness in his chest eased. “My brother.”
“Yes.” His fingertips stroked her belly, and her head lulled back. “Where are you, Callie?”
“I-in your bed.”
“In [i]our bed,” he corrected. He moved back on top of her. She was coming back. Slowly, but his girl was in there somewhere. He could see that fire, that curiosity in her eyes. “Our bed, Callie.”
The ring, the one he’d bought her at the market, hung from his neck and rested just between her breasts.
“I’m sorry, Cassius.” She looked away. “I got scared.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He kissed her, and this time she kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Her kisses weren’t soft, they were hungry. She whimpered against his mouth as he bit at her bottom lip, and her hips arched up against him. He pulled her up and rested her back against his pillows so that she was almost sitting upright.
“Look at me, baby.” He pulled her legs apart and laid between them. His eyes met hers when his mouth was just inches away from her cunt. “Watch me, Callie. Like I watch you.”
Even from here, he could see the dried tears on her face. He kept his eyes locked with hers as he spread her legs wider and pressed his lips against her clit. He toyed with her cunt with his fingertips, but didn’t slide them inside. Not yet.
He trailed his tounge down from her clit to her hole and back up, watched her eyes almost close as her hips rocked up.
“Don’t close your eyes, Callie.”
He sucked hard at her clit, and heard her soft gasps. He watched her back arch as he finally slid a finger inside her cunt. She was always tight; her little cunt was perfect. Sweet and wet, and gripped his finger hard as he tasted her pussy. The taste of her cunt was something he couldn’t get enough of. He craved it. Now that he’d had her on his tongue he had no idea why he’d waited so fucking long to bury his face between his sister’s legs.
“Cassius?” She whimpered, her voice ragged as she pressed her hips up against his face. “I.. I n-need..”
He pressed a loud kiss against her clit. “Yes, my love? Tell me, sweet sister. What do you need?”
“I’m close. I’m.. Oh Gods,” she moaned out loud, her legs tightening against his hands. “I want to cum with your cock inside me, Cassius. Please. Fuck me.”
He sucked harder as she spoke, her words driving him half fucking mindless. She screamed as he slammed his finger inside her one last time. Yes, she was starting to shake for him.
He covered her mouth with his, catching her scream between his lips as he pressed his cock against her entrance. His fucking hand was shaking, body tight with the need to be inside her. But he teased her first, listened to her beg as he trailed the head of his cock up and down her slit.
“Tell me how badly you want it,” he teased, watching her tight little body writing underneath him.
Her eyes widened and she gaped up it him. “I love you cock. I need it. I want to feel it, Cassius, I want to feel it spread my little cunt open and pound inside. I want you to fuck me. I want to feel your cum spill inside me.”
He slammed inside her before she’d even finished speaking, and she screamed as her hips back against him. She slammed up, meeting every single thrust. She slammed her cunt against him every bit as hard as he slammed his cock inside her, and it didn’t take long. Five thrusts, maybe six, before her words lost all meaning. She was still talking, but he had no idea what the fuck she was saying other than the occasional ‘please.’ He never slowed his pace. His little sister wanted his cock inside her when she came, and that was what she gave her. He drilled into that hot, tight little cunt even as it trembled around him, got even wetter than before. He tightened his grip on her hips to keep himself from following her.
When she collapsed back against the bed, he slowed his thrusts. Not to let her recover, but to let himself.
“Cassius?” She peered up at him through half lidded, confused eyes.
He buried his cock deep inside her and stayed there, barely rocking against her hips. “Yes, my love?”
She bit her lip and rocked her hips up against him with her little, freckled nose crinkled. What in the hell was she thinking so hard about.
Finally, the confusion lifted, just a little. “Well, I love cock.”
He couldn’t help it. He never laughed. No one ever made him laugh. But he collapsed on top of her, roaring. That’s what she’d been so confused about? He could feel her cunt squeezing around his cock, each laugh making him shake inside her. “Yes, dear sister. I know you love cock.”
“No, Cass-” She whined, and tried to stomp her foot – which was awkward and cute considering she was laying on her back. “Let me figure out what I’m trying to say.”
He was still laughing softly above her.
“Okay,” she blew out a breath, and rocked her hips against his like it was helping her think. “I know that you can love cock. You can love getting fucked. But.. Can you love a person?”
He froze, and every bit of the humor he’d seen in the situation melted away. His chest pounded, his stomach clenched tight with nerves as he stared down at Callia. He studied the quizzical expression of her beautiful little face.
“Yes, Callia.” He told her softly. “You can love a person.”
“Cass?” She pressed her hips against his and rocked them in small, satisfied circles. His sweet little sister stared up at him with his cock buried balls-deep inside her cunt and smiled. “I love you.”
Every muscle in his body tightened, hummed like a bowstring as he pulled out and pounded back inside her. His cock throbbed, ached, and so did he as he pounded inside her.
“Do you, Callia?” He didn’t recognize his own voice when he spoke. “How much?”
“Even more than I love getting fucked.” She giggled beneath him between her sharp cries as her cunt took his cock.
His hand wrapped around her throat as he drove back inside her, and he watched her choking and bucking under him as he slammed his cock inside her. He lost himself in the thrusts, putting the full weight of his body behind every stroke. Her body rocked backward with each stroke, her head hit the headboard every time his balls slapped against her ass. He’d never fucked her quite this hard, never felt quite like this – this full bodied abandon as he tried to fuck past her cunt.. To fill her entire body up with his. He let go over her throat, pulled her legs up over his shoulder and focused on nothing but her screams and the way her body gripped him. He wanted to make her cum again, needed to hear her scream those words as they came together.
It didn’t take her long; that sweet little body started to shake under him. He bit at her calf as he held on trembling foot in his hand.
“Tell me again, Callie. Tell me when you cum on my cock.”
She grinned as her hands found the head board behind her, and she locked her arms out straight, pushing her body towards his. He filled her, and when her legs started to shake and he watched his little sister come with his cock inside her, screaming that she loved him.. He fucking lost it.
He wasn’t silent when he came either, not this time. He collapsed on her with a long, low growl as he filled her wet, shaking little cunt up with his cum. He couldn’t keep his hands or his mouth off her when she collapsed on top of her body.
His lips pressed up against her ear, and he whispered softly words that only she would ever hear from his lips.
“I love you.”

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The Brother and Sister Next Door (4)

The Brother and Sister Next Door (4)
Lisa felt Jen’s hand playing with her pussy and massaging her little clit. This was the best! Her tits were being felt by Rob, she had a new dick to suck on, Rob was licking her pussy and Jen was joining him with her fingers.
Brad was in heaven too, Jen had a huge clit, she would jump and moan whenever he suck on it firm. He had his hand on her big tits, and nipples, Jen really knew how to suck a mans dick, and licked under his head, driving him crazy. Her free hand massaged his butt hole.
Rob had a young pussy to lick on, Lisa was sucking him so good, and he got to feel Lisa’s sweet tits. Jen was getting really excited, she had Brad’s big dick to suck on and jack with. She was able to get Brad’s big dick all the way in her mouth and down her throat, she had her fingers in Lisa’s pussy, first two, then three to feel with, and Brad’s lips on her big clit, and he started putting more fingers in the very large pussy.
Soon he had most of his hand in her big pussy and found her G spot and it was driving her crazy. He sucked on her big clit, and started sucking it like a little dick. She really moaned when he did that, and started fucking his face.
Jen could take no more sucking on her clit and yelled out loud, “OH FUCK, OH FUCKKKK!!! as she had her super climax big time. She grabbed Brad’s head and fucked his face more as he sucked her clit.
Her moan set the others off and Brad was next and he shot a huge cum down Jen’s throat, bucking and moaning….oooooo…Gezzzzz and shuddered as he pumped her mouth full, over and over. Jen never took Brad’s dick out of her mouth, and swallowed it all. Lisa started climaxing and moaned: “Fuck me Jen, FUCK ME! as she humped Jen’s fingers, which made Rob fuck Lisa’s mouth faster, and then he shot a huge load in her mouth, spilling his cum out the sides, as she swallowed all she could as she jacked him for every last drop.
They all moaned and gasp or air. Still jacking, licking and fingering to get every last ounce of pleasure.
After about an hour of napping, Brad woke up. Rob and Jen were gone. Lisa was curled up next to him with a content smile on her face. He whispered: (“lisa…lisa., wake up and help me change the sheets on my bed!”)
The bed was soaked. Lisa smiled and helped him load the washing machine, and air out the bed. They heard a knock at the door. Brad answered. It was Rob and Jen and an extra large pizza. They all gathered in the kitchen to pig out. Jen just stared at Brad and smiled. Lisa and Rob whispered and giggled quietly.
That evening as they ate dinner, Brad and Lisa mom saw the empty pizza box and asked where the rest of it was. They told her they had Rob and Jen over and it was all gone. “Oh how nice, she said, they seem like real sweet kids.” Brad started choking on his drink and up thru his noise it went, he coughed and got red in the face. Lisa had to turn away giggling so hard. “So what did all you guys and gals do today?”, mom asked. Before Brad could answer, Lisa said: “Brad played with Jen’s ’X-Box’, and then held up her napkin to her mouth to hide her giggle.
Brad kicked Lisa under the table. Their dad smiled big, but never said a word. “Oh, so you and Jen hit it off, eah Brad?” mom asked. Brad said: “Yeah, she hit on me, and I hit on her.” Now their dad, started laughing hard with food half way out of his mouth. “What’s so funny about that dear?” mom asked. Lisa, Brad and now their dad got tears from laughing. “Oh you silly guys!” mom said.
Brad and Lisa kept grabbing feels, and flashing each other in the evenings. During the day, they fucked all the time. He chased her first, then she chased him.
They fucked in every room in the house. They fucked in dad’s chair, mom’s chair and even ate her pussy on the kitchen table where the family all ate every night. They fucked standing up in Lisa’s window, after calling Rob and Jen to go outside and watch. Rob brought binoculars with him and he and Jen took turns watching. Brad and Lisa got turned on by being watched. Brad stood behind Lisa and felt her naked tits, as she pulled his dick thru her legs and jacked it. She turned and knelt, sucking his dick. Brad then lifted Lisa up, and stuck his dick in her and they fucked hard, standing up in the window.
Rob and Jen clapped silently then start feeling each other up. Jen bent over and Rob ate her pussy. Jen sucked his dick and they finally fucked standing up behind the lawn shed. Lisa held up a sign on art board…”10” in her window, Brad held up a “9.5”. Rob and Jen bowed and blew kisses at them.
Brad and Lisa had a situation. Mom after seeing Brads big dick, started flirting a lot with Brad. Lisa noticed it and teased him about it. Late on Saturday night, mom had a lot to drink, and cozied up to brad on the couch. Dad had gone to bed. Lisa came over and sat on the other side of Brad. Lisa sneaked in feels on Brad.
Brad started getting a big boner. Mom notice it. She decided to lay her head in Brad’s lap, right on his boner. She hugged him and pushed her head against his boner over and over with her eyes closed. Lisa was quietly cracking up. Mom whispered: (“brad, hold me please.”) Lisa was moving her hands for him to do it. He glared at Lisa. Lisa said: “Come on Brad, hold mom, she needs some loving.”
Brad still didn’t move. Mom then pulled his head down and kissed him passionately. Brad went into shock. Lisa is dancing around quietly, make fucking gestures with her hips. Mom started breathing hard, and leaned Brad over on the couch, so now they were laying sideways, still kissing him. Lisa is going crazy quietly, pointing at Brad, and making like she has a big dick, and is jack it off.
Finally Lisa says: (fake yawn) “I’m going to bed now, good night“, and headed up the stairs. She stopped half way and hid, to watch the action as Brad gave her the finger. Lisa flashed her tits at him, and stood and rubbed her pussy.
Mom was drunker that they thought. The whiskey along with some pills she has to take, made her extremely horny. She pulled Brad to her, to feel his big boner pushing against her pussy. Lisa stood up, and again, gestured fucking with her hips. Brad thought, and said to himself, what the hell, she won’t remember, and dad’s drunk and out. Mom said he quit fucking her years ago. She does have a nice body and tits for a 36yr old woman.
I may just take a chance.
Lisa watched.

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Neighborhood Mom

Barbara was astounded when she learned her eleven year old son and his buddy already had great sex techniques. Then she learned she was bi.


Jenny is my sister’s daughter. She is now 17 years old and is turning into a very lovely young lady. Being 18 years younger than Sis, I have been her favourite little brother and have grown up along her own kid as a brother. I am now twenty years old and have been fairly close to Jenny all my life, having spent almost more time at Sis’s place than at my own parents’ place. However, it still came to me as a big surprise:
A few months ago, on the night before Jenny’s seventeenth birthday, I went over to hear what was planned for the next day. My folks had gone to some game lodge for the weekend and I was alone at home. Upon arriving there, I gathered that Sis and her husband were going out for the night and Jenny will be home alone. So, it was decided that Jenny would come over to our house and sleep over. Then I would take her back the next day and join in the birthday dinner. We stopped for some take aways and then went on to my folks’ place.
At home, we settled in the living room and decided to watch a movie. Jenny scanned through the TV guide and suggested a specific movie. I was surprised, as the movie she suggested, was rated 18 because of explicit sex and violence. That was not really the type of movie she usually watched. She, however, insisted that she wanted to watch this movie and so we did.
It was not a very good movie, but the scenes were really explicit. During one scene, I became very aroused and I glanced over to Jenny to see how she was experiencing this. She was still very naive as far as sex was concerned and I was convinced that my little Sis was still a virgin. She was watching intensely and I realized that she was aroused as well, because through her thin blouse, her nipples were standing up very clearly. Eventually, the movie finished.
“Not really good,” I said.
“No, not really” Jenny replied, “but there was a reason why I wanted to watch it.”
“Yes?” I replied inquiringly.
“Well, I want to ask you something big.”
“Oh yes?” I said, “and what can that be?”
“Well, hmm, I’m still a virgin, you know.” Jenny said.
“Well, I’d hope so,” I replied.
“Well, you see, I made a decision some while ago. I decided that I want to change the situation. I want to know what sex is like. The trouble is: I don’t have a boyfriend, as you well know, and I don’t want to have sex with anyone. I thought a lot about it and I came to the conclusion that, if I have sex, it must be with someone that I can trust and that will be able to teach me the basics about sex.”
“Hmmm” I said, somewhat perplexed.
She continued: “Well, as I say I thought long and hard about it. I think you are the best person to do that.”
“Hmmm” was all that I could say once more. I was rather bewildered by all this and needed some time to think.
“It’s OK, if you don’t want to do it. But the thing is, I know I can trust you. You won’t try to take advantage of me and you will be good to me, I know that. I know we are closely related and it shouldn’t really be done, but I don’t want a prolonged sexual relationship, I want you to show me and teach me once, then not again.”
“Well, this is a bit quick on me,” I said.
I looked at her. She was blushing profusely and seemed very embarrassed. I wondered what it would be like to hold her naked body in my arms and I was rather surprised to feel the warmth of arousal spreading through my groin and slightly stiffening my dick.
I got up and went over to my dad’s wine cabinet. I took out a bottle of champagne and proceeded to open it.
“Well,” I said, “tomorrow is your birthday and a celebration is definitely called for. I think the champagne would relax us a bit and then we can further consider your proposal.”
I poured two glasses and handed her one. I sat down next to her on the couch and” after we cheersed” we slowly sipped the delicious champagne. I thought to myself that I have a bit of a problem with our close family relation, but apart from that, I would not mind to have sex with this lovely young girl sitting next to me.
I topped up our glasses and tuned the radio set to some nice music. I looked at Jenny and immediately she blushed again and gave a little giggle.
“You are making me feel shy,” she said.
“I don’t know. Its because … Ah, well, maybe I shouldn’t have said what I did.”
“About what?”
“About having sex with you.”
“Oh, well, I was just on the verge of agreeing to it.”
“You were?” She looked at me, her eyes wide.
“Yes. I thought about it this last 15 minutes or so and I think that, after all, it is not such a bad idea that I teach you a bit. So often it happens that the guy with whom the girl has her first sexual experience is not considerate enough and then the girl has a bad experience and thinks sex is not nice. I’ve heard that quite a few times. I also did some research on the matter.”
“You did research?”
“Yes. I did some reading up on how best to go about the first time with a virgin.”
“Now what is different with a virgin?”
“Well, there are quite a few things that the guy can do to make it less painful and nicer for the girl.”
“Well, then you really are the right person” Jenny said smiling naughtily at me.
She looked so cute and sexy that I could not resist it any longer. I reach out and pulled her into my arms. She turned her face up towards me and I kissed her. Her lips were parted and her mouth hungrily accepted my searching tongue. I could feel her heart thumping rapidly against my chest and she was breathing quite quickly. One thing was sure: this girl was turned on, very much turned on.
After a few minutes of passionate kissing, I slowly lifted my lips from hers and smiled at her. Her eyes were still closed and her lips parted.
“Let’s got to my bedroom” I said, “its easier on a bed.”
I got up and pulled her to her feet. While walking I could feel how my hard-on was straining against the cloth of my underpants. I looked down and saw that there was a huge bulge at the front of my pants. I pointed to it and said: “Just look what you are doing to me!”
She blushed again and giggled again. In the room, I took her in my arms again and, standing upright, we kissed again. Our bodies were thrust firmly against each other. I let my hands roam over her back caressing and stroking her. My Left hand slid down to her cute round bottom and I pulled it hard, thrusting the swollen knob at the front of my pants into the softness between her legs. She groaned and returned the thrusting, pushing her hips forward and holding my bum with her one hand. For quite a while we stood like that, kissing and rubbing our sex organs against one another’s.
Then I slowly turned sideways, still keeping the kiss in tact, but allowing some room between us. While firmly rubbing her buttocks with my left hand, my right hand slowly moved over her shoulder and proceeded to caress her throat and then went down to her left tit. I fondled the lovely tittie in my hand, completely enfolding it. Then I took the nipple, which was already completely erect, between my thumb and forefinger and gently rolled it. Jenny moaned loudly. She brought her left leg round and gently lifted her knee, pushing it between my legs. I continued to play with her small firm tits, concentrating on the nipples, but also rubbing them and squeezing the full tit.
Then I pulled her square against me, once more. Immediately our hips started thrusting one another again, but this time both my hands slid down to her bum. I got hold of the fabric of her skirt and pulled it up. My hands closed round her firm buttocks only separated from them my a bit of cotton. I pushed my hands into the back of her panties and firmly grabbed hole of her buttocks, my fingers pushing deep into the crack between them. I pulled her against my groin, at the same time arching my hips forward. She pulled her mouth from mine and gasped. “My God, you making me wild” she said, still gasping.
“I’m going to make you much wilder still” I said, releasing the pressure and reaching forward. I slowly pulled her panties down to her knees. Then I reached up and pulled her skirt down. She worked the skirt and panties down and stepped out of them. I moved away a few inches and looked down at her crotch. The darkness between her legs was emphasizing the triangle of light auburn hair disappearing in that secretive darkness.
I looked up at her face. She was smiling. “Do you like what you see?” she asked.
“Absolutely, but I want to see it all” I said, beginning to unbutton her blouse. She, in turn, began to pull my t-shirt out of my pants and lifted it over my head. I pushed her blouse back and she moved her arms down, letting the blouse drop behind her. I reached round her and fumbled with the hooks of the little flesh coloured bra. She lifted her one hand behind her and quickly did it. The bra slid down, revealing those beautiful small tits. I stared at them for a few seconds, completely spell-bound. Then my hands were drawn to them, as if a pair of invisible hands took hold of them and pulled them there. She gasped as both her nipples were simultaneously gripped between my fingers. She reached down and unbuttoned my pants, blushing as she did so. I closed my eyes and pretended not to notice her embarrassment. I felt my pants come loose and she pushed them down as far as she could reach. I continued to massage her lovely titties, while she hesitated for a long time. Then I felt her fingers hooking into the top of my jockey alongside each of my hips. Then she slowly pulled them down. When the jockey was pulled down far enough, my dick, which was aching with strain, jumped up like a jack in the box. Jenny giggled and said: “Gosh, its huge!”
I opened my eyes and smiled at her. “Yes,” I said “I’m lucky to have a size well over the average.”
She looked a little shocked and blurted out the next moment: “Wouldn’t it be too big to …… hmm, you know, hmm, to go in there?”
I gave a little laugh and then said as reassuringly as possible: “No, no. You know a baby can come out of there, then surely, this guy can fit in there.”
She tentatively put out her hand and touched my throbbing dick. She stroked it gingerly, clearly not knowing what exactly to do. I showed her how to grip it in her palm and jerk it back and forth. She giggled again as she pulled the skin back to reveal the purple head glistening with pre-cum. “Its wet!” she said.
“Yip” I replied, “It should be. That is to lubricate itself when has to go inside you. I’m sure you are also getting wet?” With that, I slid my right hand down to her crotch. She opened her legs, but I decided not to touch her pussy straight away. Rather, caress the pubic hairs and then slid my hand down to the inner part of her right thigh, slowly moving it and closer to her pussy lips. She parted her legs wider and leant against me. I moved my hand to her left thigh and I spread my fingers wide pushing against both her groins. She opened her legs ever wider, bending her knees. Very gently I touched the hairs covering her pussy. She breathed deep and quick. Then, suddenly, I grabbed her whole pussy with my full hand. She gave a little shriek and then followed it with a long, deep moan. She moved her hips rubbing her pussy on my hand. Indeed, her pussy was quite wet, especially when I pushed my fingers into the slit between the lips. She let out another shriek when my fingers found her clit. Gently, I caressed her clittie, causing her breathing and moaning to become ever louder and louder.
Then I remembered the caution from the book I read on the way to treat a virgin: “all the preparations should be done before the female is brought close to orgasm.” That is to prevent the situation where too much time elapses without stimulation, causing the female to lose her peak and making it difficult to bring her back there again. So, I let go of Jenny’s body and said: “I better put on a condom now.”
“You don’t HAVE to,” she said, “I’m using the pill.”
“Okay,” I replied a little surprised. “It is nicer without it.” She later told me that she had the pill prescribed because of a skin problem, which was hormone, related. I took a thick, firm pillow and put it in the middle of the bed. Then I turned to Jenny and picked her up in my arms. Kissing her passionately once more, I gently laid her down on the bed with her bottom resting on the pillow that I had arranged. In this way, her hips were raised much higher than the rest of her body. This was also recommended by the book. This position enables the male to push his penis into the vagina pressing it from below up against the front of the vagina. This, apparently, is the method causing the least discomfort. I knelt down on the bed next to her and slid my right hand in between her legs. She opened them wide and I gently placed my hand on her warm, wet pussy. She moaned again. I moved my mouth from hers, gently nibbling at her chin, then her throat and slowly working my way down towards her tits. She was gasping and moaning loudly and when my lips closed on the nipple of her right tit, she shrieked again. Now I quickly moved my mouth from one tit to the other, sucking and softly nibbling at her nipples. My right hand was rubbing her clit in a circular motion. She put out her right hand and closed it firmly round my throbbing organ. Thus we continued for a few minutes, until I thought she was quite close to an orgasm.
I quickly got into position between her widely spread legs. Momentarily, I stared at the fantastic view: this beautiful girl, lying there, naked as a new-borne babe, her nipples hard and wet, her pussy glistening pink like a ripe fruit. I leaned forward, supporting myself on my left hand and with my right hand I guided the tip of my member into the opening of Jenny’s vagina. I lowered my hips and began to push forward and upward, slowly and smoothly penetrating her, until my pubic bone pushed against hers. The feeling was almost indescribable: her pussy was so hot and so wet and quite tight round my thick dick. I moaned and then looked down at Jenny’s face. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling.
“You are not a virgin anymore,” I said. She didn’t answer, but the smile broadened.
“Does it hurt?” I asked.
“Its just stinging a little,” she said, “but it is okay.” I immediately began pushing my crotch against hers, moving my hips in a circular motion. I did not pump in and out of her like I usually did when fucking. This was also an instruction from the famous book. It suggested that the male uses this method to prevent too much friction on the broken virgin. In this way, the pubic bone of the male rubs against the female’s clit, enabling him to bring her to a climax. She was moaning softly and I turned my head and reached for her left nipple with my mouth. Because of the low posture of my body my head was below hers, but I still had to pull her tit towards my mouth with my right hand. She moaned loud and open-mouthed as my teeth gently nibbled at her nipple. I kept up the rotating movement, pressing firmly down and forward. I yearned to resort to the normal pumping motion, because it felt like my dick was teased, not getting the level of stimulation it was expecting, but I restrained myself and just kept on working my hips around and around. Jenny was definitely approaching an orgasm. I could tell that from the intensity of her moaning. She was rolling her head slowly from side to side, her mouth wide open, uttering low throatal moans. Then she grabbed my shoulders with both hands, the nails digging into my skin. She was moving under me. Suddenly, her whole body tensed. She pushed her hips upward and gripped me very tightly. Then she began to shake and at the same moment she let out a loud, primitive scream, her head bend over backwards, her mouth wide and her tongue halfway stuck out. For several long moments she kept on shaking and I ground my pubic bone hard into her pussy. Then slowly, she began to relax, sagging back on the bed. She was panting and then she said”
“Oh my God, oh my God!”
“What is wrong?” I asked.
“It is SO good, so good, I can’t believe it,” she said. “I have never felt anything like this.”
I kissed her gently on the lips, then on each cheek, then on the lips again. My dick and balls were aching with the desire to orgasm. I thrust my hips against her firmly. “I want to come inside you,” I said, “but if it hurts, you must tell me.”
“Okay,” she said softly, smiling at me. I kissed her and began to rotate myself on her, once again. Gradually, Jenny got excited again. First, her breathing became deep and raspy, and then she began to produce low moans once more. However, my climax was coming on and I decided not to hold it back. Suddenly, I felt the orgasm gripping my body. My balls contracted and my liquid blasted out deep inside Jenny’s pussy. I let out a loud groan. Several shots fired inside her, diminishing in strength every time, until it subsided. I sagged down on her, my body becoming limp.
“I could feel it inside me,” Jenny said, “its weird.”
“That’s the baby-making juice,” I said. She gave a little giggle. I lifted myself back on my supporting hands and kissed her softly. “I’m going to make you cum again,” I said, moving backwards and pulling my dick, still hard, out of Jenny’s pussy. I moved right back and then leant forward, lowering my face on her open pussy. As I placed my mouth on her pussy, pushing my tongue between the lips, she said somewhat shocked:
“You can’t kiss me there!”
I briefly lifted my lips off her wet pussy and asked: “Why not?” immediately resuming the pussy kiss.
“Its not clean!” she said.
Again, I briefly lifted my head and said: “It smells and tastes like honey to me.” I reached up and took her nipples between thumb and forefinger. She resigned herself to my attentions and soon she was moaning with enjoyment. My tongue circled and massaged her clit, flicking rapidly over it. Occasionally, I sucked her clit into my mouth. This seemed to give her extreme pleasure, because she moaned loudly and moved her body every time I did that. My fingers worked her nipples ever faster. It did not take long before Jenny’s body went into an orgasmic spasm once more. Again she screamed like a wild animal. When she finally relaxed, I moved over to her side and drew her into my arms. She snuggled against me. For a long time we lay like that, just holding each other.
We spent that night naked together, talking, sleeping and playing with each other. We did not have more penetration, as Jenny’s vagina was too sensitive, but we played a lot. I taught her how to give a good blowjob and I muffed her to several wild climaxes.
That is how my little “sis” lost her virginity. Thinking back about that night, I sometimes feel a little guilt, but then I atone myself with the knowledge that it really had done her well: She met a nice guy a few weeks ago and they have been going out ever since. Just yesterday she told me that they had had their first intercourse the night before and that it had been absolutely wonderful. She gave me a big brotherly hug and said that she would always remember that night and that she would be forever thankful for the way I had gently introduced her to the wonderful world of sex.

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Direct Deposit

This is the first chapter of a planned series. Please comment if you are interested in reading more.

Shower Surprize

I hear the shower turn on and know that you’re getting ready to get in. My heart starts beating faster in excitement and fear, as I’m finally about to set my plan in motion. When I’m sure that you’re in the shower, I strip down quickly, before I lose my nerve. I’ve always fantasized about my Daddy, and now I’m about to make it a reality.
I slowly open the bathroom door, doing my best not to make a sound. I hope that I haven’t misread your longing looks in my direction, and I get a tingle when I know I’m finally going to be naked with my Daddy.
I push back the curtain just a little bit and peek inside ,as I’ve done many times before. Your back is turned to me and I drink in the sight of your skin glistening in the water, finally working up the nerve to step inside.
I tentatively reach out one little hand and start soaping your back. You jump and turn quickly, wiping the water out of your eyes, shocked to see your little girl. You yell, ‘What the hell?!’ and tears well up in my eyes. I’m afraid I’ve made a mistake. and you don’t want me as much as I want you. You see my stricken look and tell me it’s ok, pulling me to you and hugging me tightly.
My arms wrap around you, savoring the feel of your skin against mine. Your hands move down my back, coming to rest on my little bottom, and I press myself against you, feeling your cock stiffen.
I slide down onto my knees and take your thick cock in my little hands. You groan, telling me that this is wrong. I look up at you and say “I love you Daddy”, and then take the head of your cock into my mouth, still looking into your eyes.
You moan, and your hands wrap in my hair as you give yourself over to the lust that you’ve been shutting out of your mind. My tongue caresses your cock as you slowly start to pump in and out of my mouth. I try not to gag, as more and more of your throbbing meat is thrust into my mouth. Kneeling before my Daddy I worship your cock with my stretched out little mouth and tongue, and your pace quickens. I brush one hand against your balls and your sharp intake of breath lets me know that you want more, so I boldly explore your sac with my fingers, while my mouth continues suckling on your pole. My other hand goes around grabbing your ass and I run a finger down the crease until I reach your asshole.
I’m feeling so naughty, Daddy’s dick in my mouth and my hands toying with his ass and balls, and I get an urge to push my finger inside of your puckered hole. As I start working a finger into your ass I feel your balls tighten, before you let out a deep groan and then my mouth is flooded with your cum as you shoot your seed onto my greedy tongue. I milk every drop, savoring your taste.
You hook your hands under my arms and pull me up , crushing me to you and kissing me passionately, and with such intensity I can’t breathe. Breaking our kiss you hold me at arms length from you, your eyes hungrily taking in my nude form. You trace one finger down my jaw line and then trail lower, covering one breast with your hand , you begin to tease one nipple between your fingers as you capture the other hard little peak between your teeth gently nibbling and eliciting a mewl of appreciation from me. Sensations shooting from my sensitive nipples to my boiling core cause me to reach between my legs, but you move my hand aside and trail kisses lower, until you’re eye level with my dripping little pussy.
You spread my legs wide and tell me to hold still so Daddy can see at his little girl’s sweet cunny. You pull my lips open with one hand , while you use your other hand to lightly stroke my hard little clit, and I jump from the jolt that shoots through me. You stand then and turn off the shower ,before picking me up and taking me to the bathroom counter.
You set me on the bathroom counter and tell me to spread my little legs wide so that Daddy can check and make sure I’m all clean. You tell me use my hands to open up my lips so that Daddy can get a good look. As I wantonly display my most private areas to your lustful stare ,my breath quickens and I squirm under your intense gaze.
I gasp as I feel you graze my wet slit with a finger, and squeal every time your finger skims my now throbbing clittie. After minutes that feel like hours of sweet torment, you ask me what such a dirty little girl could want from her Daddy. I blush as I whisper out my desire to have my Daddy kiss my privates. You say if I’m a big enough girl to suck Daddy’s dick so good, then I’m big enough to talk like a grown up and ask me again what I want. My voice a little louder I ask you to kiss me down there. You continue teasing me with your finger and tell me that’s not good enough, you want to hear what do I want. I blush furiously as I beg “Please Daddy”. the torture continues, Finally I plead loudly. “Please Daddy, please lick my cunny!”
You tell me to keep myself spread for you, and your tongue finally darts out, licking up my crease and flicking across my hard little nub. Your hands grip my legs as you assault my pussy, plunging your tongue deep inside of me, and then back up massaging my clit until I scream out and spasm, coating you with my sticky sweet juices. Your big hands hold me safely on the counter and you stand. Your cock rock hard and rigid once again, you kiss me and I taste myself on your lips, as you slide the head of your cock up and down my still quivering cunt.
I wrap my legs around you, trying to pull yo into my tight little hole, and you give me what I crave, slamming into me with a force that makes me gasp for air. Relentlessly you pummel my pussy, staring into my glazed over eyes and ordering me to cum on Daddy’s dick. The attack on my dripping pussy causes a storm inside of me, and soon I’m writhing once again, soaking your member with my nectar. Suddenly you pull out, leaving me begging for more of your cock, but wordlessly you lift me up and roughly set me down, bending me over the counter.
I feel your hands spread my ass cheeks apart, as you begin tonguing my tight little asshole , and I burn with shame and lust, panting with need. You wiggle first one finger, and then another into my ass, telling me you’re going to show me what happens to little girls who sneak into their Daddy’s showers. I see the look of pure animal lust on your face when I look into the mirror, and I shiver with trepidation and desire, knowing whats going to happen next.
You replace your fingers with the head of your thick cock and slowly slide into my ass. I wiggle, wanting you to fill me, but you hold me fast, slowly pumping jut the head in and out, asking me again what I want. I bite my lip and groan, but you persist, “Tell Daddy what you want.”, At last I can take no more and I plead with you again. “Fuck my naughty ass Daddy! Fuck it hard, Please!”
That’s all you needed to hear and you drive you cock forcefully into me, plunging in and out, mercilessly battering my ass and causing me to buck back into you saying over and over “Fuck my ass Daddy, fill my ass with Daddy’s cum please!” As you bang into me from behind one had grips my hip like a vice as the other one reaches between my legs manipulating my clit and soon I’m shaking and crying out , cream dripping down my legs and you go rigid, thrusting into me on last time, before erupting, shooting cum deep into my tortured little asshole.
We both are panting as you pull out, and I feel my cum seeping down my legs and yours oozing out of my ass. You pick me up and I wrap my arms and legs around you, locking my mouth against yours and heatedly kissing you. Then I give a contented sigh and lay my head on you chest saying, “I love you Daddy, Happy Birthday.”

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My Photogenic Mom Chapter 5

By the time Susan and Michael had gotten their showers and got his car loaded it was almost 5 PM. They planned to take a leisurely drive to the cabin. The last time they had been to the cabin Michael was not able to drive. He was looking forward to this short trip with Susan. They planned on being at the cabin for two or three days to enjoy the peace and quiet of the woods and nature. On the trip up Susan broached the subject of Harold with Michael. She asked him if he knew about the problems that they had been having. She also told him about her suspicions that Harold had another woman on the side, citing his lack of interest in her and Michael. She also knew about questionable charges on accounts he did not think she knew about. Michael also knew that if it had not been for him they probably would have divorced long ago, and told Susan so. Susan started to cry, knowing now that Michael had known of her problems with his father all along. Michael put his arm around Susan and pulled her against him to comfort her. The rode along in silence for about ten minutes when Michael let his hand slip over his moms shoulder and onto her breast, Susan was wearing jeans and a halter top for the trip, so there was only a thin layer of cloth between Michael’s hand and Susan’s flesh. Michael could feel Susan’s nipple become erect under his caress. He could also hear Susan catch her breath when he started teasing her nipple with his fingers. Michael slid his hand under the halter and pulled Susan’s beautiful tit out. Michael then freed the other one so that he could play with them both. Susan could not believe that Michael had exposed both her breasts while they were going down the highway, she tried to protest but Michael would not hear of it. Nobody around here knows us, they would not care anyway. We are just someone they passed on the road. Susan could feel the heat of desire starting to burn in her cunt. The hot moistness building in her dark tunnel made her forget about her bare breasts. She started rubbing Michael’s cock through his jeans. Susan was thrilled to feel the throbbing hardness of it. She pulled his zipper down and carefully took out his cock, no longer caring that they were on open highway. She took off her seatbelt so that she could kneel on the floor and sucked Michael’s cock into her mouth. Susan slowly licked the shaft of his cock, working her way up to the angry red head. She licked and nibbled on the head of his cock driving him wild. Michael really had to concentrate on his driving to keep in his lane. Susan was taking her time working on his cock. Michael could do nothing other than play with her tits while they swayed to the motion of the car and Susan sucking on his cock. Michael heard the sound of a zipper and looked at Susan. She had unzipped her jeans and was sliding her hand into the opening. He felt her gasp around his cock and knew that her hand had found what it was searching for. He could see the outline of her hand as her fingers slid in and out of her hot dripping pussy. This along with her increased sucking on his cock made him shoot his wad into Susan’s mouth. When the first hot drops of her sons cum splattered off the roof of Susan’s mouth, it triggered her own orgasm. Wave after wave of intense pleasure shot through her body. Carefully sucking the last of his cum from Michael’s cock Susan slid back into her seat. Smiling Michael took Susan’s right hand and licked the remaining moisture from her fingers. Susan looked at him and Michael smiled and said “it’s the next best thing to being there.” Susan laughed as she carefully put Michael’s cock back into his pants and zipped him up. She then put her tits back into the halter top and relaxed on the seat. It was just getting dark when they got to the turn off for the cabin. Michael did not need headlights to drive with. However as they drew closer to the cabin they could see lights on in the windows. Michael pulled off onto the side of the road into some brush and parked the car where it was concealed. Susan and Michael got out of the car and quietly closed the doors. They started to walk to the cabin to see who was using their cabin. Using the trees for cover the approached the front of the cabin and were surprised to see Harold’s car parked there. Susan started to go to the cabin but Michael pulled her back. He suggested that they see what Harold was doing before just barging into the cabin. Susan was very upset because Harold was supposed to be on a business trip not at the cabin. She suspected that this was where a lot of his business trips went to. The next question was whether he was alone or not. The nice thing about the cabin was it was only one floor with two large bedrooms and a living area. So they would not have to try and climb a tree to see what Harold was doing. They crept closer to the cabin and could hear music playing in the cabin. Since there were no neighbors, the curtains had never been kept closed and tonight was no exception. Michael peered into the window of the living room and it was empty. There were a couple of liquor bottles setting on the kitchen table and a suitcase on the chair. Michael could hear laughter coming from the main bedroom so he crept back to the window and looked carefully inside. He could not believe what he saw. His father was flat on his back in bed with an enormous hard on. Sitting on his face was a woman a little younger than his mother and not built any nearly as well as Susan. All Michael could see was her back and ass. He could hear her moan and say “lick faster Harold please.” Michael went back to Susan and motioned her back to the car. “You were right about dad he is here with a woman.” Susan had to admit that suspecting this for all these years did not make what Michael said any easier. Her first inclination was to bust in on them and have it out. Michael told her that if she did that she had no proof. “I will go back and take some pictures first, then go in and settle it.” Susan saw the wisdom of Michael’s plan and agreed. While Susan waited in the car Michael took his camera and plenty of film and went back to the bedroom window. The woman was still sitting on Harold’s face, but her motion was much faster now. Michael started snapping his photographs. He saw the woman’s back stiffen as she froze on Harold’s face. Michael knew that she was coming and waited to see what happened next. Harold rolled the woman onto the bed and mounted her. He pulled her legs up onto his shoulders and with one quick motion drove his huge cock into her still quivering pussy. She gave a cry and bucked her ass to meet his plunge. Michael could see Harold’s balls bouncing off the cheeks of her ass every time he thrust into her. He still had not been able to see her face, but Michael compared her body to Susan’s. It was nicely shaped, though not as well formed as what Susan’s was. This woman had more of a little girl’s body. Slim hips narrow waist and narrow shoulders. She had long dark hair and this matched the dark hairs on her pussy which was stretched around his father’s cock. Michael could not understand why his father was fucking this woman when he had twice the woman at home. Michael continued to take pictures as his father suddenly shoved his cock deep into her pussy and hold it there. Michael could almost see Harold’s balls jerk as they pumped his come into this other woman’s dripping pussy. Harold let her take her legs off his shoulders as he leaned forward and kissed her. Michael almost dropped his camera as Harold rolled off the other woman. Lying on the bed legs spread wide, with his father’s come dripping from her pussy was Susan’s younger sister Karen. Michael had always liked Karen, but he had never imagined her like this. She was nice enough but she was never the woman that Susan was. Michael took several pictures of Karen with her legs spread showing her well-pounded pink pussy. The picture also included Harold lying beside her stroking her small tits. Michael knew that he would not want to be in their shoes tonight. Michael took out the roll of film out of the camera and put it in his pocket. He loaded another roll and shot it on pictures of Harold and Karen naked on the bed together fondling each other getting ready for another fuck. They had no idea of the trouble that was about to occur.
Michael went back to the car and tried to keep Susan calm as he told her what he had seen and just who was in the cabin with her husband. Susan could not believe that her little sister would do this to her. They had never been exceptionally close but she had never expected this. Susan told Michael that she wanted to see this for herself. She followed Michael to the window and just as they looked, Karen rolled over and took Harold’s limp cock into her hand. They heard her tell Harold that she could cure his problem and watched as she sucked his cock into her hot mouth. Susan just stood and watched as Karen’s head began to move faster on he husbands cock. She was aware of Michael standing behind her watching what was going on. Michael was not sure what Susan’s reaction to the fact that watching Aunt Karen fuck his dad had given him a raging hard on. Susan watched as Karen took her mouth off of Harold’s cock which was once again standing proudly. Karen straddled herself over Harold’s cock and slowly slid down on it until it was buried deep within her hot cunt. Susan felt Michael’s hands unbuttoning her jeans, but she did not acknowledge what he was doing. Michael pulled them down to her knees and she felt his hard cock sliding between her legs. Susan’s cunt was still wet from the trip to the cabin, and she too was aroused from what she had seen. Susan continued to watch Karen fuck Harold as Michael shoved his cock deep into her cunt. He reached around and grabbed her tits in his hands and began matching Karen stroke for stroke. Every time Karen dropped down on his father’s cock Michael rammed his deep in his mother’s pussy. Susan could not focus on her sister and her husband she could focus only on her son’s hard cock taking her from behind. Michael could feel Susan rocking her ass backward into him in rhythm with his thrusts. Karen had suddenly dropped onto Harold’s shaft and sat there with it deep within her. He could hear Harold telling her that he was almost there, and suddenly Harold rammed his cock even deeper into Karen than she thought possible. Karen slid forward onto Harold’s chest. Harold’s cock was still deep in her. Michael could see her pink pussy and her glistening brown asshole. Thinking about how tight her asshole would be around his cock made Michael shoot his wad deep into Susan’s grinding pussy. Michael could feel Susan’s own orgasm as her pussy sucked his cock dry. So intense had Susan’s orgasm been, her knees buckled. But her sons cock still in her and Michael hanging onto her tits kept her from falling down. Michael helped her get her jeans back on and after kissing her beautiful nipples tucked them back into her halter top for her. They walked back to the car and tried to decide what to do. Susan decided to wait a few minutes, and then quietly enter the cabin and surprise Harold and Karen. As they approached the cabin, Michael looked into the window one last time to make sure that Harold and Karen were still in bed. When he looked, they were not there he went around to the bathroom window and could hear the shower running. He could also hear Harold and Karen talking. When they went into the cabin the shower was still running. Susan walked over to the bathroom door and leaned against the frame. Soon the shower turned off and Harold stepped onto the mat. Karen just stood and stared at Susan, her face a picture of shock. “Just what the hell is going on here” Susan yelled, neither Harold or Karen could answer her. Finally Karen said “Susan it is not what you think!” Susan laughed and said “really did I think you were fucking my husband? Did I think he would be eating your cunt? Tell me what did I think?” Harold had not yet said a word, and neither he nor Karen had seen Michael yet. Harold tried to think of a way to explain the situation, but was at a loss. Susan told them to get dressed then leave. She also told Harold to go home and pack his clothes because they were through and she did not want him near her again. Harold started to object but Susan interrupted and told him that she had pictures from the past two hours that she was going to give to her attorney. After Karen and Harold left Susan told Mi-chael that she just wanted the night to herself, and she went into the bedroom and closed the door. Michael went out and pulled the car up to the cabin. He unloaded it and then went in and changed the sheets on the bed where his dad had been fucking his aunt only an hour before. After changing the sheets Michael went to bed himself. In spite of everything that had happened, Michael slept soundly through the night. Shortly after 9 am Susan knocked on the door and asked him if he was going to sleep all day. Michael pulled on a pair of swimming trunks and came out to the kitchen where Susan had made breakfast. The sun was shining and it was already past 70 when Michael said lets go swimming. Susan stood up and started into the bedroom. “I will get my suit and be right with you” she said. Michael followed her into the bedroom and slid her robe off her shoulders. “No suits, just us and the water” he said as he playfully grabbed her tits. He took her hand and pulled her out of the cabin towards the lake. The water was warm and refreshing and they swam for over an hour. Susan said she was going to lie in the sun for a while and walked toward the cabin. Michael followed her and went into the cabin to read for awhile. Shortly Susan came in and went to take a shower. Michael got in the shower and started to wash her back for her. Then he washed her tits and finally her legs, saving her luscious pussy for last. As he soaped Susan’s pussy and ass he wondered if she had ever been fucked in the ass before he had done it. He really doubted it, before this had happened she had been really uptight. He did not think she had even sucked a cock before his. While was washing Susan’s ass he started playing with her tits. The nipples were taught from him washing them. He soaped his cock up and stepped close to Susan. Dropping the wash cloth he reached around with his other hand and started stroking her pussy. Susan started to move her hips against Michael, feeling his cock sliding between her legs. She smiled and put her hands against the shower stall and bent over a little so that he could slide it into her cunt. Michael started running his hand over her ass cheek and heard Susan whimper as she waited for his cock to find her hot wet hole. Michael took his cock in his hand and rubbed it on Susan’s swollen pussy lips. The contact made her jump like it was an electric shock. Michael stopped Susan from pushing back on his cock and quickly lined it up with her tight little asshole. Michael thrust forward. Susan being totally relaxed did not realize until it was too late that Michael was planning on fucking her ass hole. Michael’s big cock head was already into her ass by the time Susan realized what was happening. She had already started thrusting her hips back expecting Michael’s cock to go into her pussy, not her ass. She could feel her hole slide over the head of Michael’s cock and snap shut over it. With her thrust and Michael pushing Susan did not feel the pain of being entered so quickly for a few seconds. When it hit, she screamed because it felt like she was being torn apart. She was pinned against the shower wall by Michael who had not moved after her scream. He told her that it would be all right shortly, just stand still and relax. She got a chuckle out of that, how was she supposed to relax with a cock the size of Michael’s rammed up her ass. Slowly the pain did ease as she forced herself to relax, she could feel Michael moving his cock in small circles in her ass, as he moved his hand down and started fingering her cunt again. Susan felt the fire in her cunt as well as her ass as Michael started pumping her ass slowly at first then faster. She could not believe the sensations that she was experiencing. Michael started pounding her ass as hard as he could every thrust bouncing her tits off the shower wall. Susan could feel him starting to swell in her and came with a rush. She felt his cock shoot his load into her ass, feeling its heat in her stomach as he jerked every time he spurted more of his hot white cum into her guts. They just stood slumped against the shower wall until Michael’s spent cock slipped out of Susan’s well used asshole. They finished their shower and went into the living room dressed in their gowns. Michael could see that Susan was a little sore from their recent escapade in the shower. He felt bad and tried to apologize but Susan stopped him. Trying something new is ok she told him but in the future please warn me first. That was definitely something I had not tried before and you caught me by surprise. Michael promised to ask first in the future and said “I heard that once you have a woman all three ways she will be yours forever, I guess your mine now. Susan being a realist looked at Michael and told him that in the future he would meet a woman of his very own. For now though she was his whenever he wanted her. Susan had a nice relaxing dinner and spent the evening listening to the animals in the woods.

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Things get wild in Africa. Pt 3.

I said she could keep her panties on if she preferred. But suddenly she pulled away, bent and pulled her panties down and ran for the pool.
I was stunned by the most beautiful figure I had ever seen. I just stood in awe, she’s a Goddess I thought.

The Creators: Book Two, Chapters 1-2

If you haven’t read the first book, you will be lost, so please read that if you care to. I’ll try to publish a new chapter every two weeks, but in case you haven’t noticed, these chapters are fucking long, so that schedule is optimistic. Please leave constructive criticism, praise, or grammatical corrections. Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy!

Young Exploration Part 2

This is the story of two young girls’ discovery and exploration of sex. It’s my first attempt at writing erotic fiction, so if you’re someone who’s looking for immediate sex without any buildup, plot, or substance besides just sex, this isn’t the story for you. You’re not going to like it. I’d rather you just not read it, instead of reading something you’ve been warned you’re not going to like and then hurling insults because you didn’t like it, despite the fact you were warned you wouldn’t like it to begin with. If you’re someone who enjoys a good story, and sex that flows naturally into the story, however, enjoy, because that’s what I hope this turns out to be. Fair warning, it’s also an extremely long story, and I do mean extremely. It will be posted in several parts, and the buildup to a sexual scene will probably take two or three parts, so by most standards I’ve seen on this site, it’s what you’d call a “slow mover.” Once I started writing it, it sort of took on a life of its own, and evolved into the monster you see here. Oh, and as a side note, you’ll notice that the character Kacey is alternately referred to as “Kacey,” and “Kase.” This is not a typo or mistake. “Kase” is a diminutive of “Kacey,” much like “Jim” is a diminutive of “James,” or “Kate” is a diminutive of “Katherine” or “Catherine.”

A Holiday in Paradise Chapter 1

I have published this story elsewhere but wanted to rewrite it before I posted on here. The rewrite of this part is actually pretty cosmetic but later parts will be markedly different.
Lindsay stood on the sandy beach, shielding her eyes from the dazzling sunlight, and looking out to sea. She was not happy even though she was on holiday, as a fifteen year old girl wanted clubs, discos and boys but all she had got was a trip to the middle of nowhere because her parents had decided it would be good to ‘get away from it all’ and ‘bond as a family’. Today this had involved trekking from their rented farmhouse on a remote stretch of the southern Spanish coast to an even remoter beach, and although it was beautiful, what did you do when you got here?. There was no sign of anyone else in either direction so all there was to do was swim, sunbathe, read and chill out.
Sighing to herself she laid out her towel next to the awning where her parents sat and applied sun lotion to herself, tying her shoulder length blonde hair out of the way. Her father watched her and thought how beautiful his daughter had become – she had big blue eyes that melted your heart, well proportioned features and even white teeth. Her slim figure was toned by swimming and other sports and her breasts…Jim Brown caught himself. He shouldn’t be thinking of his daughter like that but he idly guessed she must be a 36D.
Jim was in his mid forties and had been married to Amy for 20 years. He was well over six foot with a hard, well sculpted body from years of working on the oil rigs. There was little sign of middle aged spread and just a few flecks of grey hair at his temples. Jim was proud of the way he looked and was just as proud of Amy who lay next to him.
Amy was a keen sportswoman and had kept her figure trim despite the two children . Like Lindsay, Amy was around 5 foot 5, had the same fine and well proportioned features, but unlike her daughter Amy had dark brown hair that was cut fairly short and small, firm breasts that needed little support.
The quartet was made up by James junior who looked like a smaller version of his father and at thirteen years old he was just beginning to develop from a boy to a man. Jim lay back in the hot morning sun, kicked off his sandals and hoped that the two kids wouldn’t argue as they did at home and spoil his holiday.
Lindsay lay face down on her towel and undid her bikini top to prevent tan lines and was soon joined by Amy while the two men headed off down the beach a little way to throw a football.
‘I hope you’re not too upset that Daniel couldn’t come’ said Amy.
Lindsay sighed – this had been a source of argument before the holiday as Daniel was her latest boyfriend and Lindsay had not wanted to be without a companion.
‘It’s just that your father and I feel that we need to spend more time as a family and I don’t think it is a good idea that you are hanging out with all these boys at your age’. ‘You could get a bad reputation you know’ Amy continued.
‘Oh mum really’ said Lindsay in exasperation.
She was no innocent but was still a virgin unlike many of her contemporaries. It wasn’t that she was scared or waiting for Mr Right but for a naturally gregarious teenager she could do without all the baggage that came with sleeping with a guy. Daniel might be the one, he was new at Lindsay’s school, but then again he might not be. The one thing Lindsay did know was that she couldn’t discuss things like that with her mother.
‘Look Mum, I’m OK really’ said Lindsay. ‘Why do you assume I would get up to anything anyways’. ‘I’m not happy because I’m bored, there’s nothing to do and nobody my own age here’.
‘You could spend some time with your brother’ said Amy.
Lindsay wrinkled her nose and gave her Mum one of those teenage looks that made Amy realise she was not even close in persuading her daughter to play Happy Families.
‘Come on Mum, Jim is just so young and immature and I don’t want to spend all day talking about football or computer games’.
‘You could make more of an effort to get along’ said Amy in a conciliatory tone. ‘You are both growing up but a lot of the time you squabble like infants’.
‘It’s usually his fault’ said Lindsay in a definite way.
‘It takes two to make an argument, Amy replied ‘and as the older of the two you could just rise above it a bit more’.
‘There you go again, it’s always down to me’ said Lindsay grumpily
‘I’m not saying that at all, I just think you could sometimes stop the argument in it’s tracks by not rising to his bait quite so easily’.
Lindsay was looking intently at a piece of the beach like it was the most fascinating thing she had ever seen and was running her fingers through the sand.
Amy let the subject drop, content that she had at least persuaded Lindsay to think about what she had said and the two engaged in small talk about anything & everything. Lindsay’s mood gradually lightened and the two went for a swim in the cool, clear waters of the bay. They were both strong and confident swimmers and raced to the sandbar about 200 metres from the shore. Amy got there just before her daughter and was panting from the exertion while her daughter scarcely seemed to be out of breath.
‘You let me win’ Amy said and Lindsay smiled.
‘Age before beauty’ she said cheekily and shrieked as her mother swept a handful of water straight into her face.
‘You’re not too old for me to put you over my knee’ said Amy jokingly.
‘You’d have to catch me first’ Lindsay replied and the two of them splashed each other with no advantage gained on either side until they collapsed laughing on the sandbar.
As the two of them lay there, a small fishing boat came round the headland, and chugged slowly towards them. The girls watched it as it approached. The young men on deck were quite obviously ogling Lindsay and her mother, shouting and motioning for them to get on board. Amy and Lindsay initially enjoyed some light hearted exchanges with them while the young hopefuls promised them the earth in rudimentary English but soon Amy grew protective of her young daughter and was using her Spanish to good effect to tell these young Don Juan’s exactly where they should take their promises. The Captain decided the crew had had their fun and there was no chance of luring the girls on board so the boat turned away and headed out to sea leaving the shouts and laughter of the crew to be carried away on the gentle breeze.
Lindsay watched the boat disappear. She had felt uncomfortable and vulnerable under the gaze of the men but there was no doubt that some of them were extremely fit and good looking with their tanned features and bodies sculpted by hard work. As the boat disappeared around the headland she felt a pang of regret that was a little disconcerting. Amy looked after the boat with no regrets, making a mental note to not let her daughter stray too far out of her sight on this holiday.
Despite an apparent demure and rather old fashioned nature, Amy wasn’t a prude and enjoyed an active sex life with her husband. Jim was a frequent and considerate lover and his thick, nine inch penis thrilled her through and through but she felt protective towards Lindsay and was determined that she would not be taken advantage of at such a young age.
The two women headed back to shore and Amy began to prepare lunch. Lindsay put a cover over her swimming costume as she didn’t want sunburn this early in the holiday and helped her mother. They were soon joined by the boys who set out the plates and bowls for the picnic. ‘What are you guys doing after lunch?’ said Jim. ‘I’m going for a swim when my lunch has gone down’ said Jim Junior. Lindsay and Amy both said they would read for a bit and Jim elected to swim with his son.
The lunch was typical Mediterranean fare of salad, cold meats, bread and fruit washed down with a soft drink. Lindsay always looked forward to lunch as the fruit and vegetables were sun ripened to perfection and achieved a flavour that just could not be matched back in England and tucked in hungrily when the food was laid out.
After lunch the two girls lay under the awning and Lindsay took off the swimsuit cover. As she lay on her back she undid her bikini straps and rolled the material down her breasts so that it just covered her nipples – she was going for minimum tan lines here.
Her mother looked at her. ’Is it wise to let Jim Junior see you like that’ she said.
‘Oh Mum, he’s swimming and I can always cover up a bit before he gets back and anyway, tan lines are so not cool’ said Lindsay.
Her mother was slightly annoyed ; ‘there is so much you don’t yet know about the world young lady’ she started but then let it drop as she didn’t want to start an argument and spoil the morning they had spent together.
Presently the guys returned from their swim and Lindsay adjusted her bikini top to please her mother as much as anything. Jim Junior was dripping wet and showered it all over Lindsay.
‘Oh Mum, Dad look what he’s done!’ Lindsay shrieked. ‘You brat’ she shouted to Jim Junior.
‘It’s only a joke’ said her father ‘just chill out’.
‘Yeah really funny’ replied Lindsay ‘I’m off for a walk where I won’t get annoyed by brats’. She kicked sand at her brother who lay grinning on the sand and stalked off.
‘Just leave her’ said Amy to her husband who looked as if he was about to go after her.’ She will be back soon enough and by the way I don’t think that was very funny what Jim Junior did either’ she admonished him. ‘You can be so insensitive sometimes Jim Brown’.
Jim watched his daughter disappear behind some dunes. Jim Junior got up and looked like he might follow her.
‘Get back here’ barked Jim. ‘You’ve caused enough trouble today’.
Jim Junior sank back on the sand and picked up a book.
Lindsay walked at a brisk pace across the dunes for ten minutes or so and slowly her bad mood evaporated. Every so often she would glance round to check that nobody was trying to follow her and was pleased to find that she was alone. Presently she came to some strange rocks, carved into weird shapes by the wind and tides and sat down. The place she had chosen was right out of the wind and Lindsay stretched herself out. ‘This is better’ she said to herself ‘a brat free zone’.
She carefully undid her bikini top again and started to roll the material down. ‘Oh what the hell’ she said to herself, ‘with no prying eyes I can go for zero tan lines’, and having checked once more to see that she hadn’t been followed she took her top off completely. Lindsay gazed at her breasts. Daniel was crazy about them, particularly the large and puffy nipples which were super sensitive to the touch.
Lindsay remembered the last time Daniel had caressed her tits, the day before they had come on holiday, and how he had sucked her nipples gently. She lay back and closed her eyes and revelled in the memory, moving her hands to make slow circling movements on her tits and tweaking her nipples which quickly became erect and stiff. She let out a low moan and bit her bottom lip.
‘Christ I feel horny, I wish Daniel were here’ she muttered to herself.
Lindsay lifted one breast high towards her mouth and started to lick and suck on her nipple, her whole body tingling and her pussy starting to moisten. She slowly caressed down her body and hooked her thumbs into her bikini bottoms, drawing them off completely before running her hands through the light covering of pale brown pubic hair that covered her slit. Lindsay began to explore her pussy in an unhurried way with one hand while playing with her tits with the other. Her fingers traced round her outer labia for a while before moving deeper. She used both hands now to part her lips and use the moistness to lubricate her clit which was standing up like a little button begging to be stimulated.
Her breathing became deeper as she gently grazed her clit while moving one and then two fingers into her dripping pussy, establishing a rhythmic motion. As she opened her eyes she could see the fishing boat she had seen earlier on the horizon and her mind switched from thinking of Daniel to thinking of the hardened, bronzed men on the boat. Wild thoughts accelerated through her mind – what if they could see her from the boat, what would their faces be like as they watched her, spread eagled and naked on the beach with two fingers pumping in and out of her sweet virgin pussy. She imagined the size of their cocks and the feeling of their breath on her skin as they held her down to fuck her. This last erotic thought pushed her into sexual overdrive and a massive orgasm shook her body as she arched her back, pushing her fingers in deep as they would go.
Lindsay continued to caress her beautiful body, taking advantage of the solitude to explore every inch and experience the pleasures of masturbation. Raising herself on her hands and knees she was able to play with the full length of her slit and the sensitive opening to her asshole for the first time. As she became used to that sensation she was able to relax and slowly slid a finger into her anus. Lindsay held the finger there, relishing the new and delicious sensations before moving it in and out and rotating it, giving herself another panting climax in the process.
Out of the corner of her eye she thought she caught a movement and her heart jumped. ‘Oh my God’ she muttered. ‘Don’t let it be Junior’. What if it was one of her parents?. Her face burned red at the thought. As she looked around for her discarded bikini she caught sight of a head bobbing up behind one of the rocks.
Embarrassment and fear left her – she was just plain angry.
‘All right, come out from there’ she demanded. ‘I can see you, you disgusting pervert’. For a moment nothing happened and then two figures guiltily emerged from behind the rocks.
The first was a very good looking Spanish boy of about 17. He was dressed in shorts with no shirt and was tanned and muscular with long, lustrous, curly dark hair. He had large brown eyes, full lips and a flashing white smile. Lindsay estimated his height at around six foot. As he stared at her, Lindsay was aware that she was still naked and hurriedly covered her breasts with one arm and her pussy with the other.
The second figure was a girl, younger than the boy. As she emerged to stand beside him, Lindsay was awestruck. She regarded herself as good looking by all known standards – she was popular and never short of male admirers who kept telling her how beautiful she was while trying to get their hands up her skirt, but this girl was something else. She was around the same height as Lindsay with a flawless olive complexion while her soft brown eyes, long dark hair, delicate nose and full sensuous lips screamed eroticism. She wore a simple cotton summer dress that fitted perfectly over her slim body, accentuating her perfectly proportioned breasts and slim waist. The dress was short, hugging the girl’s tight buttocks and showing off her long, tanned legs. Lindsay was disturbed as she had never considered a girl sexually before, but the beauty in front of her and her own rampant hormones were causing new and strange thoughts in her mind.
However, her anger had certainly not abated. ‘So what the hell do you two peeping toms think you were doing’ she shouted, simultaneously being aware that these two might not understand what the hell she was saying. ‘Well then’ she demanded. ‘I’m sorry, my name is Luis and this is my sister Anna Maria’ said the boy slowly in halting English. ‘We were out collecting shells when we saw you behind some rocks and…..such things…..are not so common but I do not explain myself well’ he said turning bright red. ‘You are very beautiful’ blurted out Anna Maria. ‘Please, us Catholics are forbidden to do such things but to see your face and the pleasure’…her voice trailed off and she blushed like her brother.
Lindsay softened her voice ‘You don’t masturbate?’ she questioned.
‘We are not supposed to’ said Luis ‘but occasionally I have done so’.
Anna Maria looked shocked at her brother’s admission. ‘I have not touched myself’ she said quietly ‘but I can see the pleasure it gives’ and she blushed again.
‘How old are you?’ asked Lindsay gently.
‘Fourteen’ replied Anna Maria, slightly surprised by the question.
Lindsay considered this answer. She had begun masturbating as soon as she was aware of herself sexually and simply could not comprehend that anyone would want to abstain from it voluntarily. She smiled at Anna Maria and was encouraged to see that she got a beaming smile in return.
Lindsay’s arms were getting tired. She thought of asking Luis or Anna Maria to hand her the bikini but it seemed absurd after they had seen her most intimate moments. Sensing that these two presented no danger to herself, she dropped her arms.
Luis’ eyes were immediately drinking in her whole body while he was trying to appear to look elsewhere. This amused Lindsay.
‘You’ve seen it all already’ she chided as he faced her again.
Luis gave up the pretence and stared at Lindsay. Normally she would be embarrassed but the boy’s good looks and the rapidly growing bulge in his shorts was making her feel horny again. Anna Maria was also staring at her. Obviously Anna had seen herself naked but this English girl with her blue eyes and large breasts and pale hair was fascinating to her.
Lindsay sensed their indecision and took control.
‘So are you going to stare all day or what’ she said.
Luis and Anna Maria looked nonplussed so Lindsay added ‘well I think it would be polite if you joined me’. She was amazed by her own boldness as she knelt in front of Luis and unfastened his shorts. He made a half hearted attempt to hold them up but was too slow as Lindsay whipped his shorts and underwear down in a single movement, revealing his large uncircumcised semi erect cock.
Lindsay examined it closely. Sure she had jacked off a few boys including Daniel but she hadn’t had the opportunity to examine a dick close up. ‘It’s beautiful’ she murmured as she studied the engorged purple head and the brown, vein ridged shaft that was now fully erect. Lindsay lightly ran one hand up and down the shaft and used her other to cup Luis heavy balls. Gradually she used a firmer stroke , running her hand the full length of the penis and stimulating the head. Luis breath was coming in ragged gasps and he could not hold himself back. The feeling of this beautiful girl’s hand on his manhood was too much and he came, shooting streams of come up on to his belly. Lindsay continued pumping Luis cock until his balls were empty and he lay on the sand to get his breath back.
Luis raised his head and kissed Lindsay full on the lips, His tongue snaking out and entwining with her own. His hands moved to her breasts and played with her nipples that soon became erect again. As Lindsay came up for air she motioned to Anna Maria. The Spanish girl took a deep breath, unbuttoned her dress and let it fall to the sand. Standing in her pretty white lace bra and simple white cotton panties she looked the picture of innocence and Lindsay realised she would need coaxing to take the final step.
Leaving Luis on the sand she approached Anna Maria and took her hand. The two sat down together and Lindsay unhooked Anna Maria’s bra and uncovered her breasts.
‘Bueno’ she said and Anna Maria giggled. Anna Maria had fantastic tits thought Lindsay, smaller than her own but a perfect shape and crowned with large golden brown aerolae and a chocolate brown nipple.
‘Now take your panties off’ said Lindsay. Her voice sounded husky and again she was surprised by her boldness. The solitude and the sheer eroticism of the moment was stripping her of her prejudices and preconceptions. Anna Maria shyly removed her panties and exposed herself to Lindsay’s gaze. Her pubic hair was thick and dark and hung like a halter around her virgin pussy.
‘Please show me what to do’ she whispered nervously.
Lindsay caressed Anna Maria’s breasts the way she had felt her own and tweaked the nipples which stiffened under her gentle touch, rolling them between her thumb and forefinger. Anna Maria showed no sign of wanting to do this by herself and Lindsay was rapidly losing any remaining inhibitions about making love to this gorgeous girl. She turned Anna Maria’s face to hers and kissed her full on the lips, quickly turning it into a full on French kiss. Running her hands lightly down Anna Maria’s body, she ended up stroking her inner thigh. As she moved her hand higher again, Anna Maria obligingly parted her thighs to give her access to her pussy.
Lindsay broke off her kiss and moved her head down to lick and suck at Anna’s tits while her fingers slowly rubbed her slit, starting at the bottom and working up to graze her clitoral hood. Anna Maria was moaning gently at Lindsay’s touch, her own inhibitions melting like a snowball in summer. Anna Maria was becoming very wet and Lindsay began to penetrate further with her fingers. Filled with lust she abandoned Anna’s tits and licked downwards towards her pussy. As she arrived at the navel she gently pushed Anna back on to the sand and spread her thighs wide. Lindsay moved between Anna’s thighs and gazed at her symmetrical, pouting pussy lips behind their curtain of damp curls and inhaled the girl’s musky scent, subtly different to her own.
She slowly moved her head forward and kissed Anna’s pussy, flicking out her tongue to tease her and then gently parted her labia to reveal the gleaming pink of Anna Maria’s sex and her erect clit. Lindsay’s tongue started to tease and probe Anna’s slit and give her clit special attention. She combined the oral stimulation with her sensitive fingers, slowly moving them deeper and deeper into her boiling cunt. Anna Maria felt wave after wave of pleasure wash over her, each climax greater than the last until they reached a screaming crescendo. She grabbed the back of Lindsay’s head and squeezed it into her pussy as she experienced her first major orgasm. Lindsay caught her breath, her face sticky with Anna Maria’s juices and raised her head while Anna Maria lay panting and glassy eyed beneath her.
Luis had shifted his position to watch this delightful Sapphic display and now kissed Lindsay deeply, his excitement enhanced by the sweet taste of his sister on her tongue. He was fully erect again and gently guided Lindsay’s head to his engorged cock.
‘I’ve never done this before’ she said as she kissed Luis cock tenderly all over.
Slowly she moved her mouth back to the swollen head and gently pulled back his foreskin, licking the head like a lollipop and coating it with her saliva. Then she took the boy’s cock into her mouth and sucked down on it, hollowing her cheeks and moving up and down on his dick, working her tongue around the head. Luis stroked Lindsay’s hair and closed his eyes. He had never felt anything quite so wonderful in his 17 years and each movement of her golden head brought new sensations. Anna Maria was on her hands and knees watching intently and when Lindsay came up for air, gently pumping Luis cock with her hand, she offered it to the wide eyed youngster.
Anna Maria nervously took hold of her brother’s prick, which leapt like a live thing in her hand, and slowly lowered her eager mouth onto the shaft, taking it deep inside. Luis felt his mind was going to explode. He simply could not believe that his beautiful, innocent sister was now sucking on his cock like her life depended on it.
Anna Maria learnt fast, intently watching her brother’s reaction to her ministrations as she wrapped her tongue around the sensitive head and then deep throated him. Running her tongue down his shaft she licked at his large balls and gently sucked on them while using her fingers to squeeze his stiff shaft. She was joined by Lindsay and the two girls worked on Luis cock together. This was too much for Luis – he didn’t want to come again just yet, so he pulled his cock away and knelt between Lindsay’s thighs, gently pushing her on to her back.
Starting on her inner thigh Luis gently kissed his way slowly towards his prize and, on reaching it, thrust his tongue between her prominent pussy lips. Lindsay cried out as Luis thrust his tongue deep into her before fastening on to her clit. Luis used alternate gentle and thrusting movements that were driving Lindsay crazy with lust. She felt her orgasm building and opened her legs as wide as they would go urging him to move ever deeper. As she climaxed, Anna Maria kissed her again and fondled her large tits. Lindsay felt like she was in heaven.
‘Fuck me’ she gasped ‘please fuck me’ and pulled Luis towards her, guiding his prick to the entrance of her virgin pussy. ’Please be gentle’ she said, looking into Luis big brown eyes and he instinctively understood he was to be her first. He pushed the large head against her pussy lips, rubbing it up and down her slit, gradually working it into her tight pussy. He then withdrew a bit before pushing in deeper. The feeling of her hot, wet love tube on his dick was incredible as he sank into her inch by inch.
Lindsay closed her eyes and grasped her tits, kneading them furiously. Luis cock was filling her up so much more than her fingers, stretching her little hole. She felt him bump against her intact hymen and reached for him, kissing him deeply as she pulled him towards her. Luis withdrew a couple of inches and then thrust his pelvis forward, taking her cherry. Lindsay felt a stab of pain as her hymen gave way that soon turned to pleasure as he sank the full length of his dick into her. They lay like that for a while with Luis rotating his hips and grinding his pelvis against Lindsay’s clit, driving her wild before slowly pumping his cock back and forth in her steaming pussy.
Lindsay had never felt so turned on before as Luis’ cock filled her up, the slurping sounds as he pumped in and out proof of her arousal. Luis was drunk with her beauty and the incredible sensations of her tight pussy but he was learning his craft as a lover. Every time he felt himself near climax, he would pause before continuing his slow rhythmic fucking. Lindsay began to move her pelvis in time with his, raising her buttocks to meet his thrusts as yet another orgasm shuddered through her body covering Luis’ cock in her hot, sticky, pungent juices. This inflamed Luis still further and he quickened and lengthened his stroke, pushing her thighs wide apart and massaging her clit with his fingers. He felt his come surging from his balls and quickly withdrew his prick before sending several streams of his white love juice arcing over her belly and tits. He bent forward and kissed her tenderly before rolling off to lie beside her.
Anna Maria replaced her brother between Lindsay’s thighs and murmured ‘Gracias it’s my turn now’. After a long, lingering kiss she moved her head down Lindsay’s body, licking at her puffy erect nipples and the small pools of her brother’s love juice.
‘You learn quick’ gasped Lindsay as Anna Maria descended to her sparsely covered pussy and started to lick her clit. Anna Maria was very gentle which Lindsay was grateful for as she began to tease her towards another climax. Out of the corner of her eye Lindsay could see that Luis had become erect again and wondered if all men had his staying power. He positioned himself behind his sister and started to rub her slit with his fingers, gently opening the outer labia while she feasted on Lindsay’s pussy.
Anna Maria let out a low moan and quickly repositioned herself, taking a lower stance and opening her legs wider to give her brother greater access. Luis explored his sister’s tight virgin pussy with his fingers, finding her clit and incorporating it into his tender caresses. Anna Maria soon became very wet and Luis started to pump his fingers gently in and out in a fucking motion while playing with her clit with his other hand. Anna Maria climaxed noisily and Luis moved his head to his sister’s pussy to lap at the juices that were leaking from her snatch.
He was intoxicated by their sweet smell and burrowed his tongue into her which caused her to have another orgasm. Luis ran his tongue the full length of Anna’s pussy and as he reached the lower end he noticed her little chocolate starfish nestled between her tight buttocks. He remembered the pleasure on Lindsay’s face as she had played with her asshole and experimentally flicked out his tongue and played it around the tiny puckered hole.
Anna Maria gasped at this new sensation and moved her ass back onto Luis’ tongue, allowing it to penetrate a little way. Luis carried on stimulating her ass and pussy with his tongue until she had come again and then raised himself to put his erect cock at the entrance of her dripping, virgin love hole.
Anna Maria made no protest as her brother started to penetrate her, using the same care as he had shown Lindsay. She was in rapture as her brother’s prick slowly filled her vagina and Lindsay’s hands gently massaged her tits. Luis reached his sister’s maidenhead and with a quick stab was through and his big cock ploughed deeply into her body. Anna Maria whimpered but her cries were stifled as Lindsay engaged her in a long and passionate french kiss.
Pleasure began to mix with the pain for Anna Maria as her brother steadily thrust his dick in and out of her pussy. She steadied herself and reached back with one hand to play with her clit while her brother fucked her, feeling his shaft stretching her tight little hole. She felt her orgasm building and cried out with sheer pleasure this time as Luis buried himself to the hilt in her hot cunt and rotated his hips as if he was trying to screw her into the earth.
Luis carried on plundering her tight little snatch and gradually he felt his own orgasm begin to rise. He had been fucking his hot little sister for at least half an hour and his body was slick with sweat as he toiled in the heat of the afternoon sun. Anna Maria fluttered from orgasm to orgasm. She had never imagined the joys that awaited those who indulged in these forbidden pleasures. She had her tongue buried in the snatch of a beautiful blonde girl while her loving brother was fucking her for the first time and the pure eroticism of the moment overwhelmed her. These thoughts and the physical sensations brought her to a final massive, long climax, quickly followed by Lindsay and lastly Luis who whipped his cock out of her pussy at the last moment and shot his load over her gorgeous ass.
The three of them lay naked in the hot afternoon sun and recovered from their exertions, quietly chatting to one another, exchanging stories and becoming firm friends. Lindsay was suddenly alert as she heard her father’s voice calling her name. They quickly retrieved their discarded clothes and with hurried kisses and promises to meet again, Lindsay slipped out from behind the rocks and went to meet her father.
As she looked back she could just see Luis disappear out of sight towards the hidden track that she now knew led to their villa.
‘Perhaps this holiday will be the best of my life’ she said to herself as she found her father looking around a little way up the track.
‘Ah there you are’ said Jim. ‘You were gone for so long I was getting worried about you’.
‘I’m fine’ said Lindsay and gave her father a big hug. ‘Lets get back to the others – you know it really is beautiful around here’ she continued.
Jim shook his head in amazement – he figured he would never understand the female mind completely but as his daughter walked in front of him he sensed something had changed in her. She was walking with more poise, more confidence somehow and appeared less his little girl and more a young woman.
Lindsay tilted her face at the soft onshore breeze that had just sprung up and wondered what other adventures awaited her in the coming weeks.

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The Actress and Me(Part 1 The Meeting)

This is a series on the Movie business, and it will take many parts to tell the whole story. it is based on my book called We Did It Our Way. If you enjoy the story please vote Remember that this purely fictional

Janel and Abby

She was feeling him for the first time ever, her eyes were clear and bright, watching him over her. He bent down and kissed her as she flexed and rocked in rhythm with his thrusts. His balls were growing heavy with the pent-up forces begging for release. Contractions bent his back and squeezed his chest forcing him to groan his pleasure as he erupted into Abby, his best friend’s wife.

The Mom Incident the next Week

The Mom Incident the next week.
Ginger was at the mall shopping for underwear. It had been a week since Al and Frank had started staying over. She felt like a school girl again as she was getting sex two or three times a day. I’m really glad cum isn’t fattening as I would have gained five pounds already with all the blow jobs I’ve given. Her ass was constantly sore as she was being double penetrated every night. Her pussy was wet all the time as cum and regular sex was what it needed to stay that way.
Looking for sexy underwear took time and was expensive to say the least. After purchasing several item she headed towards the food court for a coffee. She was sitting at the exact table where she had first met Al when she noticed Vivian Towers. Viv as her friends called her was a taller woman, about five six she had small perky breasts 36B’s large nipples, blond short hair, a bubble butt and great hips.
“Hey Viv, over hear”. Vivian saw her and headed for the table. “How have you been Ginger”? “Actually fine, no better then fine great”! “Well I’m glad you are doing that well”. “Why not sit down and have a coffee”? “Yes I think I will”.
Vivian was perhaps four or five years younger then Ginger they talked about there children, touched on current local events and then discussed there husbands. Ginger told her about Russell going to London for his company to work on a very big merger they were planning. Vivian raised her eyebrows gave her a coy smile “I guess your smiling is because you’ve got a fuck buddy while he’s away, right”? “Is it that apparent”? “Damn right you have the look of very well fucked women my dear”.
The two laughed, Ginger asked about her husband William. “He’s the same dull, boring pain in the ass he’s been for the last fifteen years”. “These days between work, golf and the TV set even when he’s home we don’t talk”. “You must tell me how you met your fuck buddy, where, when, does he have a nice size cock and does he have a friend”?
Ginger took a deep breath, should I be sharing this kind of info with her? If I do now the circle will have expanded and I will be the one to be breaking our secret. No I’ll give her some info and see where it goes but very little. After all the guys will have to agree to fuck her before I tell her anything of importance. Besides lets see if the does he have a friend comment was just BS or for real.
“Well to begin with I met him hear”. “Really you met at this mall”? “Yes, it took me a couple of weeks to get together with him but when we finally hooked up it was magic”. “The getting together with him was hard because of my husband”. “Fate stepped in for me and now he and his friend and I are regular fuck buddies”. Vivian’s face had a look of disbelief. “You are really fucking both of them”? Yes, we not only fuck regularly but at the same time in the same bed”.
Now Vivian expression changed, she looked at Ginger with the look of you better not be shitting me girl. “So since you have two you might be willing to share right”? Ginger sat back in her chair and stared deep into her eyes. Ginger explained that the guys wanted a woman for all night; a quick fuck wasn’t interesting to them. She told Vivian how they wanted her to dress, how they spent all night in bed and the panty stained with cum thing. Finally Vivian spoke “Look Ginger let me work on this as its Friday afternoon William will be calling me later with his plans for the weekend, I’ll see if I can get away for the entire night”. Ginger smiled at her responding with “Well I’ve got to check to see if the guys want another participant in our bed”. They both laughed; made sure they had each others correct cell numbers and left the mall.
On the drive home she called her son Terry to discuss the happenings. Terry seemed very excited. “Mom you think she will really let us fuck her”? “Well I’m not sure just yet, an awful lot depends on her husband, kids and how horny she really is”. “Please tell the guys about this and when you get home we’ll see what if anything has developed”. She hadn’t been home ten minutes when the phone rang, it was Vivian. “Hi viv I didn’t expect to hear from you this quickly”. “Ginger, I’m as horny as hell”. “After our talk and seeing the look on your face I realized I wanted to get laid really bad”. “Vivian how are you planning to get away from your husband for a day or two”? “That’s easy I’ll tell him I’m going to see my cousin, they live five hours away and he doesn’t really care for her or her husband”.
Ginger now realized she was serious about this so she would have to work fast. “Vivian listen I just got home give me an hour to make some calls, I’ll call you back to let you know if it’s ok for this weekend or next”. “Ginger try to make it happen this weekend I really need it”! “I’ll call you back”.
She headed to her room to change before the guys got home. She started wondering how they will handle two horny bitches, I clean all three of there nut sacks dry every day without any help. Fixing her hair and putting on a little makeup she opened her bag and chose from her newly purchased garments a pair of frilly pink panties. Black heels her robe she was ready for them to get home. She sat in her kitchen wondering whether telling Vivian was a good idea or not. The back door opened and the guys came in. Ginger stood up opened her robe and cooed “Do you guys like the look”? All three smiled broadly at her. “Al grabbed her hand “Let us show you just how much we like the look”.
The moment they got to her bedroom the robe came off. “Ginger would you remove your panties for us”? Smiling at Al she said “My pleasure darling”. Down came the panties and the three boys started kissing and rubbing her. Al got down on the bed, “Ginger would you like to get on”? “I sure would”. Her pussy lips were moist and swollen in anticipation. Rubbing the cock head on her pussy lips made her even wetter, she pushed the cock in until she was impaled to the balls on it. He started slowly pushing it up into her. Leaning forward she felt a cock at her rear entrance, it was her son Terry. He pushed it in and kept pushing until he was deep in her bowels and the two cock heads touched the membrane. It was like tiny electric shocks going off in her pussy as they started a slow steady pumping motion. The pumping started to quicken, she was breathing very heavily. The shocks were becoming more intense with every thrust they made. She dug her fingers into Al shoulders moaned with pleasure and felt a jolt shoot from her pussy through to her ass my god she screamed “Fuck me”! Terry pushed his cock as deep as he could and held it there as he started gushing cum deep into her bowels. Al held on for about thirty second then pulled her hips tight against his cock and exploded. Spurt after spurt of hot cum flooded her pussy canal.
It took several minutes for there breathing to return to normal. Terry’s cock plopped out and she rolled off Al whose cock was limp. Frank got between her legs, his cock slipped easily into her wet sloppy cum filled cunt. Looking down into her eyes he said “Ginger I’m going to fuck you senseless”. She looked up at him, moaned her approval as his cock was already pumping her pussy deep and hard. He helped her get another great orgasm before she felt him push as deep as he could pulling him to her face she spread wider wrapped her legs around his ass. She moaned in his ear “I need your cum in me baby”. He came with such force it felt like cum was being shot out of him and up into her cervix. This caused her to climax again.
After several minutes of allowing there breathing to return to normal Frank rolled off and she grabbed her panties, slipping them on she smiled coyly. “Guys we should talk about something.
They went into the den and sat down. On there way to the den she got a towel as she was leaking cum, her panties were already soaked front and back so sitting on a towel would save the furniture. Frank grinned at her “You really look sexy with big wet stains in those panties Ginger”. “Thank you Frank you guys certainly have a lot of cum for me to show off”.
Ginger explained the meeting and conversation between her and Vivian early in the day. They all looked pleased but a bit perplexed. Ginger explained that as they all knew she was capable of servicing the three of them till there nut sacks were dry. There was no way she was giving up one or two of them to Vivian for even one night. They all seemed to appreciate that comment it proved she belonged to them mind and pussy and she was possessive of there cocks.
“Ginger baby is she really that hot to get laid”? “Frank I think she’d walk on hot coals for a good fucking”. Al looked at the other two “We need more cocks, but whom do we approach”? Terry scratched his head, his eyes twinkled “How about Deon, Roy and Willie”? Frank shot back. Deon and Roy are black and Willie is Hispanic”. Terry seemed puzzled by that remark, “So what, I’ve heard Deon has a nine inch dick”. “He does but keep in mind if this Vivian thing doesn’t work out they’ll all be fucking Ginger. Ginger response was “They will, for real”? “I’ve never had a nine inch dick in me”.
They continued to talk about the problem. Ginger got up tits swinging cum dribbling down her leg and got the phone to call for pizza. After she ordered she looked at the guys, “So do I tell her to come over Saturday evening to get fucked or what”? “Mom until we talk to the new guys don’t do anything”. “The only part of this is if she backs out or isn’t really into sex you’ve got six cocks to drain”. Now the reality of that statement hit home. She had never had a nine inch cock in her much less a nine inch black cock. While she was picturing the giant cock going all the way in her pussy her cell rang. Damn it Vivian.
She told the guys to keep very quiet just listen to the conversation. “Hi viv what’s up”? “Did you get any news yet”? “No I spoke with him about an hour ago so now he’s going to call me back”. “Is there a problem”? “Well viv honestly there might be”. “What kind of problem Ginger”? “He asked a lot of questions about you and your sex drive”. “Like what kind of questions”? “Well do you swallow”, do you enjoy your ass being fucked things like that”. “I really don’t enjoy swallowing cum but if I have too”. “Oh believe me you have to”. “Ok so I’ll swallow it. “I’m not sure about my ass as I’ve never had anyone want to use it, how was your first time”? “I cried all the while.”Then I had an orgasm that almost caused me to loss consciousness”. “I’ve been hooked ever since”. “Really”? “Yup”. “Well please let me know if he calls back, I really need a good fucking”. “Ok talk to you the minute I hear”.
The guys were all smiles as it seemed there minds were made up. Ginger looked around the room “Well now what”? Terry and Frank headed upstairs while Al sat with her. “Give it about an hour and call her, tell her the party’s on for Saturday and Sunday. Ginger called and made the arrangements with Vivian, she was going to be at Gingers by around one in the afternoon. When she was in the driveway she would call so Ginger could open the garage door to let her hide her car inside.
Saturday at one ten Vivian called, Ginger opened the door she put the car in and both women went to the den. Vivian had on tight jeans a t shirt and boots. They sat and she asked Ginger “All I need for the next two days are panties, Garter belt, stockings and Heels right”? “That’s 100% correct”. Ginger told her the guys would be coming over around five so they had plenty of time to kill before they needed to get ready. They discussed how much sex Ginger had been getting during the last week. Vivian was getting wet thinking about it.
Ginger looked at her watch wow its 4:15 lets get ready; the party should be starting soon. They were getting dressed when Ginger open her bag and handed Vivian a joint. “What’s this for”? “It will help take the edge off us”. “I can understand me being nervous but you’ve fucked them several times”. “Tonight there will be a few new people so I thought we could both use these”. “Really” Ginger clicked her lighter as Vivian inhaled the joint to life. Twenty minutes later they were dressed or rather undressed to specifications. Both women were topless; Vivian was in red low cut boy shorts with a black garter belt and black stockings with black heels. Ginger had on a yellow thong with black garter belt black stockings and yellow heels. They were both stoned. Vivian looked in the full length mirror “Quite the look I must say”! “You know Ginger I’ve dressed for a lot of parties but never like this”. “You look great”, I hear them in the den are you ready”? “Ready and very wet so let’s go”.
They entered the den to Ginger’s surprise Deon and Roy were as black as coal. Willie was short but wide and all muscle. They all introduced themselves to each other and everyone got a fresh joint. Terry leaned over to Ginger whispering quietly he told her “Deon and Roy want you first”. “Al will be going with you or maybe it will be Willie were only sure about D and Roy”. By the time the joints were finished they were all talking about how tight Ginger pussy and ass were. She a moaner they heard someone say. Terry looked at Vivian “What about you viv, moan, scream or what”? Her response was “Well honey you will just have to find out for yourself”. Terry took her hand and gently tugged her towards the guest room with Al and Frank right behind.
The door closed Ginger smiled because she was stoned just asked “So who has nine inches”? “I do” replies Deon. “Would like to feel it in that tight pussy”? “I sure would just go slowly at first as I’ve never had a cock that big in me before”. The three headed to her bedroom.
They were on the bed and her tits were being sucked while Deon rubbed her clit through her panties. She was wet before they went in the bedroom so with stimulation now she was really wet. Deon asked her to remove her panties which she did with a smile handing them to Roy she said “Keep them close by as later I’ll need to put them on to keep the cum where you guys put it”. He got between her legs, she spread wide for him as the large purple head slipped past her swollen pussy lips. He worked the cock like an expert pushing it in then backing out a little so she could adjust to the size. As he finally gave one last push she realized he had pushed past her cervix. His cock felt wonderful deep in her pussy she knew this was going to be great. Willie got on her chest and feed her his substantial cock in her mouth. She gagged as he pushed it way down her throat. She could feel the giant cock moving in and out with a tempo building. The cock in her mouth was working at the same tempo. She felt her pussy start to tingle as if being shocked by electricity. She was moaning and thrashing her hips wildly as the climax continued until she felt the cock in her mouth fire a very large burst of cum into her mouth. She tried to swallow but it was way too much. The cock deep in her cunt stiffen, he pushed down deeper held still for a moment. Then she felt a river or cum flowing in he pussy. Moaning with pleasure she lay there as both cocks continued to empty cum into her.
Vivian had been sitting on the edge of the bed, Al was sucking her tits while Terry gave her pussy a fingering. She was really wet and it seemed like she was ready for an orgasm. Terry pulled her panties down and kept messaging her pussy lips, and clit. She yelled “I’m cumming”! The next thing he knew she was squirting all over. Terry pushed her down got between her legs; she spread wide and wrapped her legs around his ass. She pulled him close “Fuck me hard, please baby”! She just kept repeating it for a dozen times. Terry’s dick was balls deep in her; he was getting a good slow in and out motion. Frank put his cock to her lips; she hesitated for a moment saw the look on his face then opened her mouth wide and took over half the cock in her mouth. Terry pace quicken as did Franks. Frank grabbed her head and fired a good sized load of cum in her mouth, he pushed his cock in deep so she had no choice but to swallow the cum. She was feeling an orgasm coming up from her pussy like a bullet. It hit her she started moaning with a cock still in her mouth. Terry pushed as deep as he could and grunted as he shot a healthy load of cum in her pussy. Her eyes shot open when she realized he was cumming in her unprotected pussy. It felt so good it caused her to climax again. Her mouth free she screamed “Oh fuck yes”! They all lay there catching there breath. She had cum all over her face, as she attempted to wipe it off the boys pushed her hands away. Terry smiled “You look great with cum all over you, leave it there”. “Ok baby, if you want me too”.
Vivian realized Al’s cock was rock hard, he lay down next to her, “Viv would you like to get on my cock”? “Yes I would Al very much”. Her pussy was sloppy wet from the fucking she had gotten so his cock slipped in easily. She pushed down until it was all the way in. Even though her pussy was sloppy wet her pussy muscles milked the cock slowly trying to get it to cum. She felt pressure at her ass hole. Terry was behind her, he pushed his well lubed hard dick in her ass. There was pain as she was a virgin back there till today; she started crying as it hurt. Terry went slowly but kept pushing deeper into her rectum. Then like a bolt of lightning she felt the two cocks get together in her separated by her anal membrane. She felt the pain but from deep in her womb there was a gigantic feeling of pleasure building. Both cock worked a slow rhythm, they kept the pace quickening until the cock in her ass pushed deep, twitched and for the first time in her life cum filled her bowels. It sent her over the edge moaning, screaming and wiggling her hips in passion. The cock in her pussy was pushed deep and a blast of cum flooded her unprotected pussy. The sensation of her pussy being flooded caused her to keep her orgasm going for what seemed like thirty seconds. The three collapsed totally drained.
They laid there for several minutes allowing the bodies to return to normal. Terry gave her a grin “You no longer have a virgin ass my dear, any regrets”? Looking into his eyes she replies “None sweetie”. Frank was standing over her looking down; they rolled her on her stomach. Franks well lubed cock went deep into her cum filled ass. She started crying again but pushed her ass up so he could get in deeper. He pumped her for ten minutes; it hurt like hell but at the same time felt good. She felt a sudden twinge between her legs, Frank pushed in deep and she felt cum flowing again into her bowels. Wiggling her ass to help him enjoy the pleasure she felt an orgasm take over her and she shook was pleasure.
Finally with all the cocks with her limp she asked, “Terry baby give me my panties so I don’t flood the bed with cum”. She wiggled into her panties, looked at the three limp cocks, crooked her head to the side and said “That was wonderful do you think later after you recharge we can do it again”? For sure was a unanimous reply.
They went back into the den where Ginger was with her three new friends. Ginger was standing by a table, her panties were soaked with cum and it was running down her leg. Vivian was leaking from both holes as well. Vivian called out, “Hey Ginger how are ya”? “Well I guess I’ll be walking funny for a few days but believe me it was worth it”. “I’m already walking funny, sore but feel great”. After Chinese dinner Deon looked at Al. “Is her pussy as tight as Gingers”? “Every bit as tight, you guys want a little”? “Yes we do”. As viv went with her three new companions Ginger yelled “See you in the morning. The door closed and Vivian’s panties were off. Deon laid down his nine inch cock rock hard, “Would you like to get on”? “Would I ever”. He pulled her deep; she couldn’t believe the size of the cock or the way it felt. Roy’s well lubed cock was at her ass hole as he pushed his large cock in she started to cry. She was sobbing as he pushed deep until the two cock heads touched. Crying moaning thrashing her ass like an animal as the heat between her legs boiled over she screamed with pleasure. The orgasm almost took her breath away. Roy pushed deep from behind while Deon sunk deep and they both exploded at the same time. Cum was flowing in both her orifices at the same time she burst out with another violent orgasm, All three collapsed, exhausted. Willie feed her his cock she licked the head like an ice cream cone. Liking, kissing and sucking for fifteen minutes. He was breathing heavily, he groaned, she placed the head between her lips and sucked. Spurt after spurt of cum shot into her mouth. His dick stopped spurting so she let it slip out. She opened her mouth wide to show them the full mouth full she had then closed her lips and swallowed.
Sunday morning the women sat in the kitchen drinking coffee. “Well Vivian how are you”? “My pussy is so sore I need lube just to walk, my ass will probably be sore and leaking cum for a week”. “I really want too get use a regular fucking schedule”. ”Do you think the guys liked me enough to want to fuck me again”? “Well Terry asked me if I thought you could get away a couple of days during the week for a couple of hours of fucking”. “That would be great, I love fucking them especially Terry”. Ginger they don’t use rubbers doesn’t that concern you”? “Yes but the regular fucking keeps clouding my good judgment”. “How did you like Deon”, especially the black nine inch cock”. ”Loved it”. “You got that right girl”. Both women heard noise from the bedrooms. Ginger stood up, “Its time for there good morning blow jobs before they leave”. Vivian smiled at her “I’m glad cum isn’t fattening”, and headed for the guys room.

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