
I trust my daddy

Joan thinks about when she and her husband were beginning to fuck. When she comes home she tells her daughter, Lisa, about sex and accepts the idea that she will be listening at the bedroom door when they fuck, because she enjoys to be spied on.

Widow Neighbor

Sometimes, when circumstances are just right, very special things can happen between neighbors. If you enjoy this tory, please vote, and leave your comments.

Hope I

My friendship with this woman was real, and the sexual tension between us was real, but for some reason, we never explored our desires. This is the first in a series of stories that help me realize what should have been.

Oh, Ollie Introduction

Hey guys, this is my redo of Ollie (which is no longer on my page). Please note that this is a romance, so the sex will come later. I will only continue the series if it gets a good response. On that note, please enjoy and sorry if there are typos!

Pleasing Bill: A Crossdressing Story #2

Sorry to everyone that this took so long to finish but i really wanted to try and make it a good setup for future stories. I already have the next part in mind so hopefully that will cut down on the time. Hope everyone enjoys. <3<3<3

Lia and Alex Part 1: Closer than friends.

This is my first story/fantasy that I have ever written and published. Please leave your feedback in the comments. None of this is true but it is based off of a similar scenario. No real names were used either. Enjoy.

Master Claims His Pet

There is something oddly erotic about the vampire. Most people can understand this, or there would not be a market for vampire pornography or, the far more common, vampire erotica or other erotica mixed with similar horrific themes. I had never read these stories, and years later when I watched the first fetish video I found it more amusing than arousing. But neither of these setbacks stopped my obsession. I kept it quiet for many months before I confided in my friends. At their looks of horror, I passed my obsession off as momentary in nature, and my friends were relieved and amused at the same time. They had no problem when I graduated high school a virgin. It was not that unusual, although all of my friends had some experience and many were no longer virginal in any way.
I had hoped that my obsession would pass when I got to college, with a campus full of horny frat boys, but I had no such luck. As the months passed, my friends became more and more concerned. I went on many first dates, but felt no ties to any of these boys. I could have gained experience with any of these boys, but refused. I felt nothing toward them. Finally, I resigned myself to perpetual virginity. I wanted nothing to do with these imitations of manhood.
My friends were shocked at first, then began to spend every waking moment changing my mind. I was not to be swayed. They eventually let up, hoping, but no longer assuming that it was simply a phase I was going through.
Again, I graduated a virgin, untouched in every way except for the occasional unsuccessful gropes in the back of the theatre by inexperienced but determined boys from my psychology or English class. I had never even been kissed. My friends had stopped pressuring me, figuring that I was happier with my decision. I got a job as a bilingual legal secretary for a group of real estate lawyers and for the next year lived life relatively happily, even if my day to day life was rather boring and lonely. Even though I sometimes noticed that the lives of my friends were more filled and consisted of far fewer nights at home alone, I never regretted my decision. I seemed to know that I would get nothing out of sex or a relationship.
That changed dramatically when He walked into the office. He was tall with broad shoulders, pale skin that contrasted sharply with his black hair and eyebrows. His eyes were so dark that had I not instinctively known what he was, I would have assumed he used contacts to darken his irises. He had an air of confidence and virility that overwhelmed me. He had an appointment with my boss, so he came up to me, seeming to glide silently across the floor rather than walk. So consumed was I that for several seconds I couldn’t find my voice to ask if I could help him. When I did find my voice I was slightly frightened to use it, fearing that my sudden passion would escape me.
In my silence, he smiled slightly, raising one of his eyebrows slightly. “I have an appointment with Mr. Thomas. Please inform him that I am here, Carol Anne.” He said it softly, but there was a hint of authority that I would never have even considered disobeying. I stood almost without knowing or realizing what I was doing and went to notify my boss that his client had arrived. It wasn’t until he went in to see my boss that I realized that he had known my name, and not just the first name that everyone I knew used to refer to me, but my middle name as well.
I knew then that he was the one I had been waiting for. I hadn’t even known I had been waiting until I saw him. I decided then and there I would have no other. I was relieved not to have been violated. I knew innately that he would not have been pleased had someone touched what was his.
My friends were ecstatic to hear that my decision until they realized the object of my ardor. One of my friends worked at the same office I did and had seen him, albeit not as well as I. They tried once again to sway me away from him, but stopped almost at once. I had become less and less close with all of them over the months, and they seemed to realize that their arguments served to aggravate rather than convince me. The two I remained somewhat close to seemed to feel that at least I would gain some experience in the ways of love, even if it was negative, and assured me that they would help me through the disappointment they were sure would follow. I never told them that if I failed I had no intention of continuing on.
I waited day in and day out for him to arrive again at the office. He had another appointment on Friday. Friday morning I woke up an hour early and tossed and turned for twenty minutes before realizing I couldn’t wait anymore. I got out of bed and tried to eat something, but my stomach wasn’t happy with my selection. I dressed carefully, trying to please. Despite my intuition that told me he wanted me, that he wanted me pure, that he would claim me today, I didn’t know how he wanted me to appear. I didn’t know how he would want me to dress, whether he wanted me to wear makeup, how he would want me to style my hair. After wasting my spare time stressing about the decision, I gave up. I dressed in a simple yet elegant skirt and blouse and opted not to wear jewelry except my small diamond earrings. I wore no makeup and simply brushed my long hair to shininess. I arrived at work early and waited nervously. I was overcome several times by the fear that he would cancel, but somehow made it through the day to lunchtime.
I ate nothing at lunch. My stomach was still nervous and I feared leaving my desk for even a moment and missing his arrival. I was rewarded. Halfway through my lunch hour, he arrived, dressed as impeccably as the first time I had seen him. My heart sped up, but at the same time I found I was unable to breathe. He glided towards me, the smallest of smiles on his lips. He came up to my desk once again and looked down at me.
“I have another appointment, Carol Anne. Please inform him that I have arrived.”
I didn’t have to do as he told me because my boss came out of his office at that moment to greet him personally. My eyes followed them into the office hoping he would glance back at me. He did not.
I got no work done during their meeting. I sat there in a mild state of panic and impatience terrified I had been wrong. Had I simply imagined that he wanted me? Or, even worse, had I displeased him in some way? So great was my fear that I didn’t hear him open the door after an hour and leave the office, although he could have snuck up on me without my fear if he so chose. I jumped slightly when he spoke in my ear. His voice was still soft; his breath was oddly cool against my skin.
“Have you saved yourself for me, Carol Anne?” His lips brushed my ear as he said it and one of his hands stroked my hair.
“Yeessss.” It came out as a sigh.
“Yes what, Carol Anne?” There was a slight growl in his voice, but I knew the answer without having to think about it.
“Yes, Master.”
“Good girl.” His words made a shiver of pleasurable anticipation run through me. For the first time in my life, there was a burning need between my legs. He had walked in front of my desk and was once again looking down at me. I looked up at him, silently trying to both relay my need to him and beg him to quench the fire. He looked at me in pleased amusement.
“Not yet, my pet, not yet. I will fulfill your needs as you will mine, but you must wait just a short while longer.” A whine escaped my partially opened mouth.
He leaned closer to me. I wanted to move still closer, but his eyes warned me to stay where I was. As he drew nearer to me, I felt the increasingly more familiar feeling that I could no longer breathe. A couple of his pale long fingers touched my lips gently. I kissed them as they danced over my lips.
“Look at me, pet.” I looked up into his dark hypnotic eyes. “I know what you need, and you will wait until I give it to you. Do not disappoint me in this respect. I will know if you did, and will not be pleased.” There was a threat in his voice and eyes that made me tremble.
“No Master. When…”
“Tonight.” He withdrew his fingers, an action that made me whimper. “You will go home after I leave. Dress in what I have left for you there. Meet me at the address I have also left tonight at seven. Do not be late.” He paused and smiled his small smile again. “I would suggest a nap in the interim.”
I watched as he left. The fire that had been licking me at the apex of my thighs had spread into all but the most extreme of my extremities. I whined again softly, only slightly understanding his influence over me, only vaguely understanding what I wanted, no needed, from him. I remembered his promise to fulfill my needs as I would fulfill his. The thought of serving, pleasing him for the rest of my days made me shiver with eagerness.
I followed his instructions. My head cleared slightly without his immediate presence. I told my boss that I was taking the rest of the day off. I had yet taken a single day of leave since beginning to work there, so he was more than willing to let me leave. He gave me a look of vague concern, seeming to believe only too well my story that I was not feeling well.
I went home, and found, not to my surprise, there was a long black dress with matching heels. I felt the fabric of the dress and found it to be of the softest of silk. It dipped low in the front, which would accentuate my cleavage. A slit ran up the right side of the dress. It ran up so high that when I put on the dress the slit would probably reach my upper thigh. Although the fire within me had dampened slightly since leaving the office, seeing and feeling his choice of my clothing caused it to burn up as brightly as it had when he was standing directly in front of me.
I did as he suggested and lay down for a nap after finally eating my lunch. After my nap, I showered carefully and brushed through my hair. He had supplied a pair of panties, but no bra, so I simply went without. Again, I chose not to wear make up or jewelry. I did look myself over in the mirror before leaving and was happy with the overall effect.
I arrived at the address indicated at two minutes before seven. Had I not driven some fifteen minutes earlier through town, I would have guessed that I had been through a time warp. The house that rose up in front of me seemed more accurately described as a manor. It was made of dark stone and the architectural details reminded me of gothic cathedrals. As I stepped out of my car, I was greeted by an older gentleman in a suit who asked me for my purse and car keys, stating that I would not need them. As stupid as it may have seemed, I handed both over to the gentleman, who bowed slightly and gestured me toward the front doors, which opened seemingly by themselves. I was almost surprised not to see the room lit by torches lined along the walls, but the manor seemed to have all modern conveniences.
A small woman also dressed professionally met me at the door. She silently beckoned me to follow her, which I did, my heart starting to race again. She led me down a long, dark hallway. I heard a piano playing in the distance, a dark piece filled with minor chords that seemed perfect to fill the dark hall I was walking through. Finally the woman stopped in front of a door. The music was louder here, leading me to believe that it was coming from the other side of this door. I pictured him sitting at a grand piano just feet away from me, which felt myself go weak in the knees. The fire within me flared up again.
She knocked on the door and left me there. The music stopped and I heard him call out in his soft voice, “Come in.”
I slowly opened the door and walked in. He stood as I did so, turning away from the piano and towards me. He picked up a glass of dark red wine and took a sip from it as he looked me up and down. I looked away and felt a blush rise to my cheeks under his scrutiny. He lowered his glass.
“Lovely, Carol Anne. But not complete, not quite.” I looked up at him, thinking he was angry or displeased. He was still smiling, however. He lowered his glass to the table sitting beside the piano and turned to pick something up from the same table. With his back turned towards me, he asked me to move closer.
I obeyed, walking up to him until he could, if he turned, have reached out and touched me. He finally did turn and I noticed what he had in his hands. It was a beautiful, black collar.
“Turn around and lift your hair.” When I had, I felt his hand dance upon my neck. I whined in pleasure. Finally, I felt the cool leather of his collar upon my neck as he attached it. He used the collar to turn me to face him. He looked me over for a moment.
“Yessss,” he hissed before lowering his mouth to mine. His lips massaged my own. As his hands ran down my body, stopping to examine my breasts and then moving down to my hips, I desperately wanted to reach up and touch him, but didn’t dare without permission. Finally, when I felt that the fire within me had reached an unbearable level, I felt him pull me into his body. His torso was hard with his muscles and as he pulled me closer to him I felt his hard erection press against my belly. Even clothed I could tell it was quite large and could feel it throbbing against me.
Suddenly, he pulled away from my mouth and let his lips trail down to my neck just above my new collar. He kissed at my neck before finally biting into it and gently sucking at me. I let out a cry as pleasurable convulsions raced through my body for the first time in my life. The feelings slowly subsided and I fell against him, no longer able to sustain my own weight.
He picked me up and effortlessly threw me over his shoulder. “Now, Carol Anne, I think you’re more than ready for me.”
“Master, I’ve been ready for you for years,” I answered him. Although I could not see his face, I heard him chuckle for the first time.
He carried me through the manor. It was such a large place that I lost track of where we were going. We went up two different flights of stairs and down several halls before he finally opened a large and ornate door. This room was apparently his bedroom. There was furniture in the room and decorations along the dark walls, but the only thing that really caught my attention was the four-poster bed in the middle of the room.
It was the largest bed I’d ever seen. It was covered in dark red and black sheets and blood red curtains hung around each of the four posters of the bed. He tossed me onto the middle of the bed, where I bounced slightly. He stood there watching me, an obvious bulge in his pants. I trembled slightly under his scrutiny.
“Get over here and undress me, Carol Anne.” Now that we were in his bedroom, his voice was rougher, more demanding. I rolled over and crawled to him despite my long dress, although I was greatly helped by the long slit up one side. I stopped at the foot of the bed, and knelt there, reaching up to start undoing the buttons on his black dress shirt, exposing his pale but muscular chest. I whimpered slightly as I slid the shirt off his shoulders and leaned forward to kiss the chest, looking up as I did so hoping to find evidence of approval. He raised an eyebrow at me, but didn’t stop me, so I continued my kisses until he stepped back, motioning me off the bed. I stood in front of him as he pulled my dress over my head, allowing my breasts to fall free. His hands brushed over them for a moment before reaching my collar. He pulled down on my collar until I was on my knees in front of him.
I nuzzled for a moment against the bulge in his pants before bending over to remove his shoes and socks. When they had joined his discarded shirt I finally reached up to reveal what I needed most. With fingers trembling from excitement, I undid his belt.
“Hand the belt to me, Carol Anne.”
I looked up at him quickly, a mixture of excitement and fear filling me. I carefully pulled his belt from his belt loops and offered it to him. He looked two fingers under my collar and raised me up before bending me at the waist over his bed. He ran his fingers over the black lace that covered my ass.
“I must say, Carol Anne, that for the most part I have been most pleased with you and your behavior, both before and after having met you in person. I knew I’d chosen well, but you have proven this to be beyond a doubt.” I felt a smile spread across my face. I somehow knew that he would rarely praise me, so hearing it now made my heart swell.
“However,” he continued, and I felt my smile fall from my face, “you are not to touch or kiss me without my permission. And while, yes, I could have stopped you, I feel it is most prudent for you to learn as quickly as possible the consequence for disobedience.” With that I felt his belt land on my ass. I jumped slightly, surprised by how much it hurt. I whimpered and held tight onto the sheets as he continued raining blows on my ass. At fifteen, he stopped. He dropped his belt and rubbed my reddened cheeks far more gently than I expected. Again he used my collar to stand me up facing him.
“That is just a taste of how I will handle disobedience. You have been warned. Now finish what you started.” I hesitated for the slightest of moments before realizing he wanted me to finish undressing him. Once again, I fell to my knees and was awarded with a slight smile. I reached up and finally undid his pants, unzipped the zipper and finally pulled down his pants and boxers to reveal what I wanted so badly. It was rock hard, throbbing slightly, and pointing at me. I whined slightly, dying to reach out and feel for him, but not daring for fear of repercussions. He watched in amusement as I tried to silently beg for more.
Suddenly, he grabbed at me, throwing me once more on the bed. This time he followed crawling so that he was over me. He stayed there for a moment looking at me before moving. When he did move, it was to place my arms over my head and produce a rope seemingly from nowhere. He used it to tie my arms together then to part of the headboard. Then he moved back, parting my legs and settling himself between them.
“Let’s see how ready you are, pet,” he said as he slowly removed my panties. He looked pleased, but not surprised to find me soaking wet. My panties had been soaked through, moistening my thighs with my lubrication. He gently spread my lower lips and examined my dripping insides.
“You are intact, my pet.” He stroked from my pussy lips up to my clit, sending waves of pleasure through me despite how light his touch was. I whined, loving his attention, but needing so much more. He smirked at me.
“What do you want, Carol Anne?”
“I want more,” I whispered.
“More? Well, in that case…” he said, and then lowered his head to my left breast. He lightly nipped, sucked and licked at the breast and nipple for some time before moving to the other, not stopping his light stroking of my pussy. I continued my whining, for the first time struggling against the ties of my arms. Finally, he raised his head and smirked at me again.
“Is something the matter, Carol Anne? I thought you wanted more?”
“Oh, Master, that feels wonderful. But…”
“But you want even more?” I nodded desperately. “Tell me what you need, Carol Anne. Be specific.”
I whimpered for a moment before answering. “I need you to fuck me.” I barely whispered the words. He smiled down at me
“What was that?”
“I need you to fuck me.” I said it louder this time.
“Oh, please just fuck me!” I almost shouted the plea.
He complied, thrusting himself fully into me in one hymen-shattering stroke with a combination of a growl and snarl escaping from him. I screamed, arching my back at the pain. He stayed still for a moment before he started his rhythmic thrusts into me. There was nothing gentle about his claiming of me, but I had neither expected nor, despite the pain, wanted gentleness from him. With tears falling from my eyes, I simply waited for the pain to fade as I had been told it would by my experienced friends.
He never slowed his thrusts, but he did lean into my ear, his breaths slightly labored, but still cool against my skin. “The pain will fade, Carol Anne, and all the pleasure you need will follow.” I nodded, unable to speak. But I knew he was right, not because of the tales I had heard, but because the pain was already starting to fade. It took some time to become bearable, although it never fully went away, largely because he got rougher when he realized my initial pain fading. It only served to heighten my pleasure. Soon I was meeting his thrusts with ardor.
We continued our impassioned battle for some time. Moans and whimpers escaped me, intermixed with groans and hisses of pleasure from him. Tears continued to fall from my eyes, no longer from the pain but from the ecstasy that threatened to burst within me. It was stronger than anything I’d felt before, so much stronger than the orgasm I’d experience at his brief feeding earlier. As the pleasure exploded within me, he leaned down to bite into my neck again, sucking more deeply than he had before. Between the pleasure within me and the pleasure caused by his suckling I threatened to lose consciousness. I fought to maintain awareness, but as he suddenly stiffened above me, thrust deeply into me once more, and let out a low growl as he finally released his seeds within me, I lost my battle and faded from the world.

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Incest in the Moonlight

I’ve tried a more sensual approach to this one, so I hope you like it! It’s still tied to my other stories as well, so there could be some cameos in the future.
“I need a new cock,” Jesse sighed into her mirror. She was sitting in front of her vanity, completely nude, as if a naked 10 year old was perfectly normal in her room. And it was in a way. She had been getting fucked by her brother, Peter, so often for the last couple years, that being clothed in her room was the exception, rather than the rule. But recently, after she had had her first period, Peter had stopped fucking her. It was something about not being able to cum inside her that made him stop. Fucking pervert. Who did he think he was? He had knocked up those Masterson girls, and he didn’t suffer any guilt.
“But no! The big strong man doesn’t want to knock up his sister! Well, he had a lousy cock anyway,” she pouted. Jesse looked at her body in the mirror and sighed again. How could he not want her?
She was perfect. Her face was breathtakingly gorgeous, with perfect lips and long red hair, and blue eyes like sapphires. The tits on her chest were easily B cups by now, small but perky, nipples erect and ready to be pinched. Creamy white skin adorned her hourglass body, but the crowning jewel was her pussy. A strip of red hair led to the sparkling lips, which had already begun to produce lubricant, even at her early age. She knew she had a tight pussy, her muscles clamped down on her fingers so hard she couldn’t get them out, but Peter still wouldn’t fuck her! That’s when she realized she didn’t need him.
“Dad.” Tom opened his eyes blearily. His daughter was standing over him, almost nude, just in her bra and panties. His dick rose a little involuntarily, and he tried to shake the unbidden thoughts of Jesse naked out of his head.
“Hey little muffin, what’s up?” He asked hastily. Jesse smiled and leaned down until her hot breath was on his face. She smiled seductively and said
“When are you going to make me pancakes?” Tom bust out laughing, relief flooding through him.
“Don’t worry hun, I’ll be up in a sec. Just give these old bones a minute will ya?” Jesse beamed at him.
“Alright dad! Just hurry up!” She jumped off the bed and skipped out of the room, her tight little ass showing clearly through the skimpy panties. Tom shook his head. His daughter was undeniably attractive, but he just couldn’t think about her like a woman yet.
“Yet?” he asked aloud. Not ever! So he dismissed the thought, and got out of bed, chocking up his raging hard on to morning wood.
Jesse did a mental victory cheer and pumped her fist in the air. Even though her dad had done the best he could to hide it, an admirable job to be sure, he couldn’t completely cover his massive erection. She was glad she had gotten out of there in time. Her panties were soaked, and she just had to get herself off as fast as she could. Grabbing a dildo she had stolen from her deceased mom’s secret stash in the attic, Jesse jumped in the shower, immediately plunging it into her tight little pussy.
“Uhh, yes! Yes!” she moaned, louder and louder, hoping her dad could hear her screams of passion. She needn’t have worried. Her shower shared a wall with his bathroom.
Tom dropped the toothbrush he was holding to the counter in shock. His little baby was getting herself off! At only 10 years old! This couldn’t be happening! But the moans could not be ignored, and Tom found himself hornier than he had been in a long time. Immediately he dropped his pants to the bathroom floor, immediately his hand went to his 10 inch dick, and immediately he began to pump with as much strength as he had.
Jesse continued to pound her pussy. She lay in the tub, facing the shower head. Steaming water smashed into her body, hitting her tits in all the right spots, making her moan even louder than before. The dildo pummeled her tiny cunt, and she came. Gloriously she came, screaming with pleasure and shivering with lust. Her little body pushed against the edge of the tub as her legs tried to force themselves open even wider. This of course gave the hot water perfect access to her pink snatch, and it wasted no time in bringing her to another orgasm.
Across the wall, Tom was cumming to. As soon as he heard her scream out in exctacy for the first time, he felt his balls clench, and his cock jerk in his hands. Streams of milky white cum burst out of the head, smacking the tile with a wet smack. He shouted, and fell to the ground, panting from orgasmic bliss. It was only after his high that he realized she had screamed “Daddy!” and that he had shouted, “Jess!” right back.
But Jesse had heard it all, and she knew that she would have to act soon, when he was the horniest. Of course, she couldn’t do it now. Jesse wanted to get pregnant, and she wanted him to have all the cum he could get before she tried, in order to give her the best chance.
So over the next few weeks, she teased him even more. She left the door open when she was getting changed so that he could see her naked. She dropped things in front of him so she could bend down and show her panties from under her mini skirts. She even went so far as to buy lollipops to sensuously lick and suck, always in front of him. But whenever it seemed to get suspicious, she feigned innocence. One look of her big blue eyes sent her dad reeling every time.
Tom knew she was teasing him of course, but for the life of him he didn’t know why. Honestly, he didn’t mind the “accidental” glimpses of her naked, but the worst part was, she wouldn’t even let him beat his meat! Whenever he would try to go into the bathroom to let go of his load, she would yell for a glass of water, or pizza rolls, or a movie. And with things so hectic at work, he was usually too tired at night to do anything but plop down and sleep. And so he did, one fateful Friday night.
“Fuck me daddy! Fuck me! Yes! Yes!” Tom woke up suddenly. That dream was so vivid, so real. He could still see her little tits bouncing in the air while she rode his cock. Tom shook his head. It was the sixth time this week he had had a dream like that, and he needed to stop. But then he realized that those words weren’t from his dream. He got up from his bed and followed the noise to his daughter’s room, where he found her lying on the bed, fingers dancing a merry tune on her clit while she moaned his name. Tom’s cock immediately stood to attention, making a tent in his boxer shorts. He pulled his pants off and watched her pre-teen body writhe on the bed in passion while he jerked his dick. Suddenly, Jesse sat up and looked straight at him. With a sexy come hither stare, she motioned with a tiny finger.
“Come on daddy. I wouldn’t want you to waste all of that cum on the carpet.” Without knowing what he was doing, Tom strode into the room, rigid cock still lying in his hand. Jesse jumped off the bed and walked over to him.
“I’ve waited a long time for this daddy. And know, I’m finally going to get what I want.” She kissed him, her tongue snaking past his lips to dance with his. Her warm body pressed against his, and his penis slid underneath her pussy lips. Jesse was wet. The juices streaming out of her pussy coated his cock in warmth. The kiss broke off, leaving him gasping for air. But he had little time to breathe. She was planting kisses down his chest, sucking on his nipples, savoring his hard abs before finally getting to the main event. Hot lips sucked Tom’s rod into her sexy little mouth. He groaned, then finally found his voice.
“Baby, we really shouldn’t be doing this.” Jesse replied not with words, but by sucking his cock all the way down her throat. Tom gasped. Never in his prodigious sex life had he ever gotten such great head. Her mouth was like a hot tub, and her tongue was the jets. It massaged the entire length of his cock. Pubic hair tickled her nose, but she forced herself not to sneeze, and to just continue breathing. She started altering her strategy then. Her fingers fondled his balls. Her mouth ran up and down his long cock, and she knew that he was getting frighteningly close to orgasm. So Jesse stopped and, leading him by the cock, walked her daddy over to her Powerpuff girl bed. She lay on her back, her legs open wide, and pulled him towards her.
“Fuck me daddy.” With those three words, he woke up and found a woman lying beneath him. Moonlight was the only thing illuminating the father and daughter, and it gave rise to a passion Tom had never known before. He kissed her one more time, and plunged his cock into her sweet little snatch. She moaned in his mouth and he in hers. His cock pulled out then, and sunk back into her with a wet slap. That was when they started fucking.
Hard and fast he plowed his little daughter. His cum filled balls slapped against her tight little ass, and her tits flew up and down wildly. He sucked on her erect nipples, biting them and twisting them as she screamed with passion. Their pubic hair mixed, red and brown, and Jesse wondered what color hair their kids would have. But not all good things can last.
“Honey, I’m going to cum!” he shouted.
“I am too! Cum inside me daddy! Make me big with your baby!” In his lust fueled state, Tom didn’t truly hear his daughter, but some part of his brain screamed at him to cum on his daughter’s tits. He tried to escape, but to no avail. Her pussy was too fucking tight, and as his sweet little daughter climaxed, her muscles locked his massive dick inside her cunt. He grunted, and with nowhere else to go, he grabbed her naked hips and shoved forward, bouncing the head of his cock into her cervix. Cum spilled out of him like a hot flood. His penis throbbed, sending waves of pleasure through Jesse’s thrashing body. Her womb filled with his incestuous seed, and one of the many millions of sperm wriggled it’s way into her fertile egg.
Jesse screamed, and knew instinctively that at that point, she was going to be a mother. Tom popped out of her and sat down, watching with dazed eyes as a little waterfall of his cum flowed out of his daughter’s pink cunt. She raised her head and watched with him as the white cream coated the edge of the bed. Jesse grinned and looked at her dad.
“Congrats dad. You’re going to be a grandfather!”
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Sexual Healing – Part Two

“Do you really mean to seduce her, ‘bunch?” he’d whispered after she’d confessed her letch. His pet name for her was short for”Honeybunch.”
“I want to make her dizzy with pleasure,” she’d breathed back and nipped his nipple lightly with her teeth. “I crave her, darling. I’m sorry — are you jealous?”
She’d felt his shrug. “I should be, but I’m not. If you were talking about a man, I’d be in a rage, but since it’s a woman, it — it doesn’t threaten me.”
“Or turn you on?”
“Is she sexy and sassy like you?”
“Not at all — but she is a bombshell. You might like her.”
He’d snorted. “I like you a little. Why wander?”
“You call this ‘a little’? Let me show you what I like best…”
* * *
Watching Kimberly warming down after dance class, Connie again was astonished at the younger woman’s physique. Seen from the back, Kim was a perfect hourglass shape — good firm shoulders, a smooth back tapering to a tiny waist that Connie suspected wasn’t more than 22 inches around, then the sudden flare in ripe hips and firm, rounded buttocks. Yet Kim’s thighs didn’t quite meet at the top.
She forced herself to stop staring — but not immediately. Kim was turning slightly, swinging her arms loosely. The rich masses of reddish blonde hair, now channeled into a ponytail by the pretty blue band, swung vivaciously in counterpoint to the sweep of her arms and the rise of her magnificent breasts.
Why didn’t I get tits like that? Connie asked herself.
Confined by the white tights and blue spandex leotard — and, probably, by a workout bra — Kim’s breasts were the shape of half-grapefruits…but larger. Her ribcage was beautifully defined, even through the layers of cloth, and beneath it was the sudden flatness of her hard young stomach. There was the barest hint of a rounding in her lower abdomen, and then the sudden prominence of her pubis. In profile, her legs were breath-taking and seemed almost over-long for her height.
Some flaw, thought Connie, with some envy.
Kim turned abruptly and saw Connie watching her. Their gazes met and Connie wondered if even the workout bra she wore would conceal its true purpose — to keep any stiffening of her nipples from showing.
Connie smiled and Kim returned it. Connie walked over to her and said, “I like watching you warm down. You have a marvelous, natural grace about you.”
“Thank you!” Her smile was quite total, involving her entire face. “It’s always nice to be complimented by the teacher.”
“I like to get to know the people in my class,” Connie said glibly. “This should be social, as well as healthy. After class some night, let’s you and I go out somewhere for some coffee or wine.”
“Okay! When?”
“Anytime,” Connie said.
“How about now? I’ll get my stuff, if you’re ready.”
Connie felt a tingle in her breasts and belly when Kim looked directly into her eyes. “Sounds fine. Let me get my stuff and check out the doors and lights.” Most of the other students were already waving their good-byes. “Only be a minute.”
As she secured the studio room — it was part of a larger health club complex, itself a part of a megamall — Connie again reviewed what she knew about Kim. Twenty-five, no wedding ring, attended to keep herself limber and in shape, and she worked as a public relations assistant for a large wine and spirit importer in New York. She’d moved into the area from the Midwest a few months before. Her emergency notification phone number was in Wisconsin and the name to be notified was her mother’s.
Kim was waiting just outside the door of the club. A trenchcoat, held loosely closed by the belt, couldn’t conceal her shapely, blue spandex-covered legs. Male passers-by inevitably looked her over. So did a few women.
“Got any place in particular in mind?” Connie asked. She carried her battered old gym bag in her left hand as they strolled past the Allstate office and Waldenbooks toward the mall exit.
“To tell the truth, I’m low on cash so I wondered if you’d mind if we just– ”
Connie was more than willing to offer a loan.
” — went back to my place. I some lovely wines.”
“Sounds fine to me,” Connie managed to say calmly. “Wait for me by the front entrance to the lot and I’ll follow you.”
“Little green Stanza,” Kim said as they stepped out into the chill January night.
Connie hurried to the far end of the lot. As an employee, she had to park in the distant, reserved area. She gunned the engine to speed the heater and hurried to her rendezvous. A green Stanza sat near the Burger King. Connie flashed her headlights and Kim beeped in response, then pulled onto Route 17. Connie followed.
It was a quick and seamless drive to the low-rise apartmentcomplex. Connie pulled into a space beside Kim’s car.
“This way,” Kim said, taking her neat little gym bag from the back seat and hoisting a larger, canvas tote bag from the floor. Connie heard glass clinking as Kim said, “More samples of my wares.”
I’m looking forward to sampling your wares, Connie thought, but said nothing except offering to help.
“I’m used to lugging this stuff, but thanks.” They walked briskly through a quickening wind to the nearest entrance, then up two flights of carpeted stairs to Kim’s door.
The apartment was compact, little more than a studio with an alcove for the dining area, a walk-through to the kitchen and a door opening onto the room containing the —
— bed, upon which Connie focused immediately. She noted how neat everything was — except for a pile of dishes and pots in the sink and a mass of miscellaneous magazines and newspapers stacked on the low marble coffee table in front of a Tuxedo-style leather couch.
“I hate housework,” Kim said, by way of apology.
“It’s not my idea of a good time, either,” Connie offered. “Having two of us helps — ”
“Your husband? You mean he helps?”
“We share everything we can,” Connie said, and had troublebelieving she’d uttered what — to her — was a blatant double entendre.
“I wish my husband was like that,” Kim muttered.
“I thought you weren’t married,” Connie protested as they shucked their coats.
“In fact, I’m not,” Kim said, turning to face her ballet teacher. “In fact.” She took Connie’s coat and hung it in the small, foyer closet. “Legally, I’m still married. We started our ‘trial separation’ about ten months ago.”
Connie couldn’t resist openly ogling Kim’s form in the tight workout attire. “Much to the delight of men, everywhere.”
“Please! Don’t get me started!” Kim said, throwing up her hands in theatrical display. “Coffee?”
“Got anything stronger?”
Kim smiled. “No problem-o.” She opened a cabinet, revealing bottles and glasses. She bent and wrote something on a notepad, then turned to say, “I rented the place furnished, including the booze. When they come back from their round-the-world cruise, I want to have everything exactly as they left it — right down to the last drop of liquor. So I keep track. Your choice?”
Connie was thinking that her choice would have been Kim, but simply said, “How about one of your wines?”
Kim beamed. “I’m always looking for someone to experiment on. Any preferences? I have some lovely ports.”
Connie couldn’t believe Kim had said that, but pretended not to catch the double-entendre — for a moment. “I bet you hear that a lot from the guys.”
Kim’s response was something more than a giggle, something less than a chuckle. Connie thought of it as a tinkling. “You wouldn’t believe!”
“Try me.”
Kim selected a bottle and uncorked it as she replied: “A lot of the buyers in the smaller stores in the city are…well, they aren’teducated, formally. A lot of them come from blue-collar backgrounds and haven’t really …”
“Exactly.” Two glasses appeared and Kim poured two fingers of the port into each. The fragrance was almost intoxicating — rich and heavy. “So there’s this kind of required tradition that every guy make some comment or pass, just to prove he’s one of the boys.”
Connie took the proferred glass. “With the emphasis on ‘boys.'”
“You know the type, I bet. C’mon.” She motioned for Connie to precede her into the living room. The furnishings looked like they’d been coordinated by the store decorator at Levitz. The leather sofabed and loveseat, the occasional tables, the lamps, the drapes — even the paintings — could have been purchased as a set on the showroom floor. Everything worked, but without personality.
Connie sat on the loveseat and Kim flumped down on the sofa, at a right angle to Connie. She held up the glass and swirled the port gracefully in the glass, examining the rivulets that settled back to the bottom. “Hmmmm, good legs.”
“You should talk.”
Both laughed and sipped. “Where was I?” Kim asked.
“Oh, right — Well, once word got around that I was separated, and happy to be, I couldn’t go into an office without someone hitting on me. Some less subtly than others. I had a guy today — I still can’t believe it.” She drank more of her port.
“Don’t leave me in suspense,” Connie pleaded.
“Guy’s about fifty years old, got a paunch that looks like a basketball sitting on his belt and enough nose hair to sweep thestoreroom.”
Connie laughed loud and hard, and knew that her appreciation was partly the exaggerated effect of the mouthful of port. Since meeting Jerry, she seldom drank — he was a recovering alcoholic — and it didn’t take much to get her buzzed.
Her laughter set Kim to chuckling, too. “So we’re in the storeroom and I’m inventorying his stock on a couple of my lines and I have to kind of bend over some boxes. I’m wearing this denim skirt, about knee-length and a little snug and I feel it creeping up. And he’s gotten very quiet, when usually he’s motor-mouth on overdrive. So I look back and see him standing there with his mouth open, staring at my ass through the tight, short skirt and rubbing his — his — ”
“– right, his dick, through his pants!”
“What’d you do — smack him?” Connie drank some more port.
“First thing I did was try to get calm. This is a big account. The next thing I did was curse my luck.”
Kim drained her glass, noted the condition of Connie’s and refilled it and her own. “He had a dick about the size I always fantasized about. Damn thing seemed to go a third of the way to his knee and it was so thick I could see it throbbing through his pants leg! But this is a creepy slob and — well, hell, if it had been someone I could respect, I would’ve … Ah, the hell with it. How do you like the port?”
“It’s nice, kind of nutty, but awfully strong.”
“Yeah — but so what?” she teased. She sipped again, then turned and curled her legs. She sat in a semi-lotus position facing Connie, then glanced down at her crotch. “Sorry,” she muttered, seeing the damp spot between her legs. She stood. “Excuse me; I’ll be right back.”
Connie watched the ripe, full cheeks of Kim’s ass twitch through her dancing uniform as she strode quickly into another room. She was trying to restrain her fantasies. She started pawing through the pile of magazines on the coffee table. Most were wine publications or magazines that might be expected to have columns on the subject — like Cuisine — but there were a few general interest periodicals…
…and a couple of very interesting periodicals.
“Oh-ho!” Connie whispered when she spotted Forum. Beneath it was a catalog of adult toys. Suddenly, her plan was hatched, fully blown.
Connie sat back and opened the catalog in her lap and began looking at the offerings. Inside the front cover was a letter from the merchant addressed “To Our Valued Customer.”
Her breathing quickened and became a little shallower. She felt the tension in her cunt as she heard Kim’s footsteps approaching.
“Sorry to leave you alone like that. I’m glad you found to read — omigod!”
Connie looked up to find Kim blushing furiously.
“Oh, relax, honey. Except for a couple of nuns and my crazy Aunt Jane, I’ve never met a woman who never used at least one of these. And I’m not so sure what the nuns did before they took their vows, either.”
Kim plopped down across from Connie again. She was wearing dark blue silk pajamas under a loose dressing gown. She was still blushing.
Connie reached over and patted Kim’s forearm. “It’s okay! Relax!” She went back to studying the goods in the catalog. “I’ve heard about these,” she said, tapping one photograph. “Ever use one?”
“Which?” It was a squeak.
“Joni’s Butterfly. I hear they’re great.”
Kim shook her head. She’d taken her hair down from the ponytail and pulled it over to one side with a barrette.
Connie went and sat next to Kim and continued through the catalog. “Now this looks interesting!” She pointed to a picture of a dildo that could squirt.
“Which ones have you tried?”
Kim’s blush returned and deepened. She reached into Connie’s lap and flipped a few pages farther back, to the vibrators. “Th-this one.”
“Interesting…” Connie read the copy. The device vibrated and also stroked and had a small extension for manipulating the clitoris. “Any good?”
“I thought it might feel like the real thing — more like it, anyhow — but it doesn’t.”
“What are you going to try next?”
Kim drained her glass and refilled it — to the brim. She took a deep breath. “It’s a couple of pages farther back.”
“Let me see if I can guess,” Connie said. Her cunt was sopping wet and she yearned to have her aching nipple rubbed — and more. She could sense the cautious excitement in the beautiful young woman beside her on the sofa. She flipped the page: Vibrating Ben Wa balls; a G-SpotVibrator; Flexible Vibrators….No.
Next page: Masturbators for Men…No.
Next page: Dildos. Connie remembered how wet Kimberly had gotten talking about … the creepy old guy’s huge cock.
From the corners of her eyes, she risked a quick glance. Yes, Kimberly was shifting her thighs a bit.
“Hmmmm — I’d say…This one!” She read from the catalog copy: “‘Big John — 13 inches of realistic, lifelike flexible dong to satisfy that craving for fullness. Fully two-and-a-half inches in diameter, Big John is molded from life in our new micropore latex that’s so real, it feels like flesh! And your flesh will — ‘”
“Close — but two-and-a-half inches thick? Phew! Too much for this babe!”
Connie looked at her openly. Kim’s cheeks were flushed, but it wasn’t embarrassment. Kim took another gulp of her port and Connie realized the younger woman had already drunk nearly half the refilled tumbler’s contents.
“Let me show you — ” She reached over and pointed to another one.
“”Jake,'” Connie read. “‘So lifelike, you can see the veins — and feel them. Ten inches long and almost two inches thick, Jake can scratch that itch — and more! Jake can be filled with warm water, so it’ll be warm when it goes into a hot place!'”
Kim’s eyes slowly closed and opened. She smiled shyly when she saw Connie watching her.
Connie quickly grinned her just-us-girls grin.
“I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to be really filled up with a big, hot dick. I mean, normal dicks are fine, especially if the guy knows what he’s doing and wants me to like what he’s doing, but I’ve always heard there’s nothing like being really full.” She emptied her glass and poured more for herself and Connie. “I’ve always envied small women like you. Even a small dick must fill you up.”
“You bet, but it has to be the right guy.”
“Have you ever had a really big — no, you couldn’t have, you’re so petite.”
Connie put Kim’s hand on her wrist. “How about one that thick — and that hard?”
Kim barely closed her fingers around her instructor’s wrist. Her eyes widened and her lovely lips parted. “Wow. Didn’t it hurt?”
“A little, but he really took his time getting me ready and getting it in and it was easier than I expected. And he was almost as long as ‘Jake.’ I took him all the way and loved it. Thought I’d never stop cumming.”
Kim’s flush had spread to her neck. “Is he still around? Married?”
“Yes to both — to me.”
“Your husband is hung like that? And he’s so sweet?”
Connie nodded.
“You’re so lucky to have a husband who loves you so much…”
“And so well. And so often!”
“You’ve really got it all. A job you love, a nice home, a husband who loves you and is well-hung. I’m still looking for a nice, healthy guy with a sense of humor and a huge boner for a one-night-stand.” She sighed heavily. “I envy you. I might even be jealous. You really have it all.”
Connie laughed and sipped at her drink. “Almost everything. There are some things I still crave but can’t get as much as I’d like.”
“Like what? What else is there?”
“For one, I love it in the back — in my butt. Jerry and I just can’t do it, though. He’s too big.”
“You really like that?”
“Mmmm-hmmm! Ever tried it?”
Kim shrugged. “A couple of times. The guys usually wanted it and just jammed it in. Once, it started to feel good but the guy came off too fast and didn’t bother even kissing my back or touching me anyplace else while he banged away.”
“Too bad, sweety. I love the fullness and the — the wickedness of it. Feeling that big, hot thing sliding back there, stretching me out and listening to the guy talking about how hot and tight it is…” She shivered with remembered pleasures.
“Doesn’t Jerry miss it? Or doesn’t he like it?”
“Oh, he likes it fine — or he used to. And he’d probably like it again. But I got him to try it with me and he just refused to push it when he saw how much of a strain it was for me.”
“He sounds like a terrific guy.”
“That’s why I married him.”
Kim absently rubbed one hand over her breasts, through the dressing gown and the pajamas. “You said there were other things you don’t get enough of.”
“Well, I don’t know if I should tell you…”
Kim put on an alcohol-enhanced expression of mock outrage. “Of all the nerve! I showed you mine! Now it’s your turn!”
“I don’t want to shock you or anything.”
“Try me.” It was a Dare-You! tone of voice.
“Well,” Connie said slowly, “sometimes I — I like to go to bed with a woman.”
“You mean a threesome?” Kim sounded skeptical, but — hopeful?
“That, too. But sometimes just a pretty, sweet, sexy woman.”
She was watching Kim carefully for a reaction.
“I’m sorry if I shocked you — ”
“No, no — it’s not that.” Kim finished her port and turned to face Connie. “I’ve done that, too. In college, a couple of times.”
“But never again?”
“I’ve thought about it once or twice, but I was never sure how to approach it.”
“It’s not easy, these days.” Connie held Kim’s stare and slowly raised one hand to caress that warm, flushed cheek, so smooth and damp under her fingers.
Kim brought her hand up to cover Connie’s and hold it. She slowly turned her head and pressed her lips to Connie’s palm.
“That time in college — you liked it?”
“It was so sweet and gentle,” Kim murmured against Connie’s palm. “So wonderful to feel the softness and giving, to have a lover who knew what I needed…”
Connie guided Kim’s face closer and kissed her on the lips, softly, with her mouth closed. She felt Kim shiver and turned to her on the sofa. She kissed Kim’s jaw up to her ear and let her tongue toy with the lobe, then dart inside briefly. She felt Kim’s lips on her shoulder, against the material of her tights, and felt Kim’s arm go around her tiny waist, pulling her close.
Kim tilted her face up with her eyes closed and her lips parted as Connie knelt on the sofa. She brought her lips down on Kim’s and they kissed passionately, their tongues tantalizing and dancing with each other. Kim had both hands on Connie’s slender torso now and was moving them up and down, savoring Connie’s compact frame.
Without breaking the kiss, Connie shifted and knelt a-straddle Kim’s thighs, enjoying the warmth and fullness of Kim’s breasts against her abdomen. Kim’s hands began tugging at the neck opening of Connie’s tights, working it down over her shoulders. She almost came when she realized what Kim was doing. Connie worked her arms out of the tights and pushed them down to her waist. Kim broke the kiss and began licking Connie’s shoulders and the upper swells of her breasts. She reached behind Connie and unsnapped the bra.
Connie sighed with pleasure when her pert breasts were released from their confinement and then moaned when Kim began flicking her tongue lightly back and forth over one nipple. Connie caressed her lover’s face and ears as Kim’s agile tongue manipulated and teased her throbbing nipple.
She reached lower and pushed the dressing gown back, off Kim’s shoulders. The young, statuesque woman shifted her arms to cooperate and then Connie was stroking and caressing the full, firm, ripe mounds of Kim’s heaving breasts. Feeling that rich flesh through the silken material was incredibly exciting to Connie, a sensual indulgence that seemed to send electric shocks through her fingertips — and directly to her cunt. She was mildly puzzled, though, that Kim’s nipples weren’t swollen. The young woman was obviously very aroused, but there were no nice little pointies for Connie to play with. But then her thoughts were dispersed by sensation.
Kim had fastened her soft lips on Connie’s left breast, nearly engulfing the whole thing. She slowly closed her lips, squeezing more and more of Connie’s firm tit out of her mouth — and then suckling at the turgid nipple. She strummed the tip of it with her tongue while she sucked and when she brought one hand up to lightly graze the taut flesh on the side of Connie’s breast, the smaller woman began shuddering with pleasure.
“I love your nipples,” Kim said. “They’re so hard! And so long and pointed!”
Connie shook and moved her hands to the sides of Kim’s head, half-caressing and half-guiding. Kim moaned against Connie’s tit and held her all the closer as the smaller woman began moving her hips.
“Bite ’em!” Connie breathed into Kim’s ear.
The younger woman cautiously closed her teeth on Connie’s nipple and let her tongue rampage over the nubbly aureole. Then she began pulling the nipple until Connie’s breast was distended. Connie looked down and felt her cunt clench with a little orgasm from the sight and another from the sensation. Her nipples made up in prominence what her tits seemed to lack. The aureoles were quarter-size circles of reddish pink flesh that swelled and got bumpy when she was aroused. But the nozzles, themselves, swelled out to a full half-inch or so in length and got as thick — and, seemingly, as solid — as a number-two pencil. Most men found them interesting. But women, as well as a very few men — like Jerry — could be fascinated by her nipples, by their texture and sensitivity and responsiveness.
“I want to feel them against my breasts,” Kim breathed.
“Yesss…” Connie slithered down within the circle of Kim’s arms and began rubbing her nipples aggressively against the larger young woman’s firm orbs. The sensation of the silken material and the fullness of the firm young breasts beneath it was more than she could bear. Connie was sitting on one of Kim’s thighs, feverishly hunching her spandex-clad cunt against the hard muscle of her new-found lover.
Kim began raising the top of the pajamas and Connie paused long enough to view the treasures she’d lusted after. Her eyes, half-closed with lust, widened when Kim had the top up and her arms raised, the material covering her head.
Connie’s lips formed a soundless “Oh!” She had seen nipples like that a few times before — in men’s magazines or porno tapes. Kim’s breasts were shaped like rounded bullets — and her nipples comprised all of the tips. There was no distinction between aureole and nozzle. Each was a single, huge nipple, barely darker than the snowy flesh of her breast.
Kim smiled oddly when she saw Connie’s astonishment. “Weird, huh?”
“I’ve never seen…Sensitive?”
“But — different.”
“I’ll say!” She hesitated.
Kim understood. “Go on — they like everything yours do, just more so.”
Reverently, Connie bent and clasp both hands around Kim’s left breast. They couldn’t cover it. Almost all of the nipple protruded. Connie moved her face closer, her mouth open, and barely took in the nipple. She felt Kim’s hands at the back of her head, forcing her face — and her teeth — into the taut mound of firm young flesh.
“Harder!” Kim moaned. “Chew on them!”
Connie brought her teeth carefully down on the nipple and felt Kim surge even as the nipple begin swelling. She chewed carefully, lightly, keeping her tongue in motion as her hands tightened and loosened on the abundant flesh. Kim shifted on the sofa and Connie altered her position so she still was straddling Kim’s jerking thigh with her juicy cunt — but now Connie had one foot flat on the floor and knelt on the couch with her other knee pressed up into the widening apex of Kim’s thighs.
Kim tried to force more of her tit into Connie’s mouth, then needed to feel the smaller woman’s oral attentions on the other breast. She pulled Connie’s head to her right boob and began humping her open, wet cunt against Connie’s knee.
Connie knew exactly what Kim was craving now and went to work on the right breast with abandon. She sucked as hard as she could at Kim’s nipple, trying her best to twirl her tongue around the swollen mass. The nipple was easily as large as half of a plum, and had about the same firmness and texture — but was warmer and throbbing perceptibly.
When she bit into the plum, Kim cried out and tried to force more of her big breast into Connie’s mouth than could possibly fit.Simultaneously, her hips began bucking uncontrollably and her legs straightened and spread wide.
As Kim came, Connie was sliding down her leg, losing her perch. Kim toppled to one side on the sofa, brutally pinching her nipples with thumbs and forefingers and pulling them up, harder than Connie would have dared. Kim’s hips still shuddered on the couch.
Connie rose on trembling knees and looked down at her new lover. The sight sent a renewed spasm of lust through her. Wearing only the dark, silken pajama bottoms — with a visible wet mark at the crotch — Kimberly looked like a horny adolescent’s Hefneresque fantasy come true. The disheveled reddish blonde hair was a halo around her and her face and neck and upper chest were deeply flushed. And from the center of her chest rose twin, quivering mounds of pal, firm flesh capped by swollen, enormous, broad nipples.
Unable to take her eyes of Kim, even while the younger woman was jamming both hands into the loose waist of the pajama bottoms, Connie stripped off the rest of her dancing outfit. She bent just enough to caress Kim’s face and refocus her student’s attention on her.
“Do you have a bedroom here? Someplace where we can go and feast on each other…?”
Kim grabbed the hand and began lavishing kisses on Connie’s fingers and knuckles and palm.
“Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get nipples like this rubbing on — and in — your pretty pussy?” Kim asked.
Just the thought sent a renewed wetness flooding through Connie’s cunt.
“Because I want to show you what it’s like!”More to come…

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The Writer 2

To Crystal’s disappointment, he did not come up to shower with her. “Too bad”, she thought “ I would have loved to feel his cock deep inside of me, filling up every inch of my pussy”. Instead of pleasuring her boyfriend, Crystal just concentrated on preparing herself for the day ahead, plucking every stray hair on her body, and massaging her skin with lotions. She wanted to make sure that she was as perfect as she could be for him.
Meanwhile, downstairs, Nick was still sitting in the chair, utterly speechless. He could hardly believe his good fortune, he had created himself a fucktoy out of thin air, one that he could change however he wanted. She would be totally compliant to his every desire, and the mere thought of that intoxicated him. Suddenly a thought entered his head, and he immediately smiled, and pulled out a pen and a piece of paper, upon which he began to write, “Crystal had never been fucked in the ass before, and she never wanted to. However, once she got fucked in the ass once, she would love it, and beg for me to fuck it again”. Nick smiled to himself as he tucked the piece of paper into his safe, he couldn’t wait to fuck this blonde slut, and now she would even fulfill another one of his fantasies, she would struggle, at least the first time.
Nick knocked on the door of the bathroom, and was immediately answered by Crystal’s soft, melodious, voice. “Come on in gorgeous”, she called out. Nick, still not wearing any pants, opened the door, and was greeted by the sight of Crystal stepping out of the shower, water droplets rolling down her body. Without hesitation he strode across the room and pulled her close, passionately kissing her, to which she responded enthusiastically. Crystal instinctively reached down and started stroking his cock, as he hungrily shoved his tongue down her throat. Finally, Nick pulled away and whispered in Crystals ear, “Hey baby, I’m gonna fuck you in the ass now. So why dont you go bend over that counter like a good whore?”
Crystal froze, her ass was the one hole that nobody had ever fucked and she wanted to keep it that way, her friends had always told her that it hurt like a bitch and she couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like to have Nick’s huge cock in her ass. She just smiled at Nick and whispered in his ear, “Baby, I’m not sure I want to do that just yet, why dont I just suck your cock for a bit, and then you can fill up my pussy for me?”. As she said this, she went to drop to her knees, already licking her lips in anticipation of Nick’s delicious cock, but Nick acted faster.
In one swift motion, he grabbed a handful of her hair and smacked her across the face, “Bitch,” he said, “I didn’t ask you, I told you. Now shut up take it like a good slut”. Crystal screamed in pain, and tried to push Nick off of her, but he was much too strong. Nick grabbed one of Crystals tits, and placed the nipple in his mouth, biting just hard enough to hurt, while at the same time swirling his tongue around it. This nearly drove Crystal to orgasm, she loved being treated like a cheap whore, especially if it was how Nick wanted it. Unfortunately, this momentary lapse in concentration allowed Nick to spin her around and bend her over the counter, so that her ass was sticking up in the air. Nick continued to press her face into the counter-top as she begged him to reconsider, “Please baby, dont do this, I’m not REEEEEEEAAAAAADDDYYY”. Nick, with such a gorgeous ass pointed up at him, had not been able to resist, and he immediately shoved his cock into her tight virgin asshole.
Crystal could not believe how much it hurt, she could feel every millimeter of his cock as he shoved it deeper and deeper into her ass. She screamed, and tried to buck him off, but he was much stronger and easily kept her pinned down, the only effect her struggles had was to drive his cock even deeper into her ass.
Nick, on the other hand, was in heaven. His cock felt as though it was being squeezed by a velvet vice, “Goddam shes fucking tight”, he thought to himself. He had never felt more alive, with a beautiful blonde struggling against him as he raped her asshole. The combination of how tight her asshole was and the feeling of absolute power he had combined to make it the greatest sex he had ever had. After what seemed like only seconds, but was in fact nearly ten minutes, of his balls smacking against her ass, Nick could feel his balls tightening. Ramming his cock home one last time, he pulled Crystal against him, just as he exploded, shooting load after load of hot, sticky, cum deep into her body.
Crystal, thought that she was going to split in half, he had been fucking her ass for what seemed like weeks, and every time he rammed his cock home, she had to scream in agony. In fact she was so preoccupied with the pain, that she barely noticed that he had stopped, at least until she felt the cum that is. AS soon as she felt his cock begin to vibrate, she had the most powerful orgasm that she had ever experienced. As Nick’s cum shot up into her body, all the troubles in the world seemed to disappear, the pain was still there, but it was somehow distant. She faintly felt Nick pull his dick out of her and slump back on the toilet, but for just a moment she stayed there on the counter, revelling in the ecstasy of feeling Nick’s cum slowly drip out of her ass.
She felt so stupid, why on earth would she have struggled against that? It had been amazing! “And anyways”, she reminded herself “it doesn’t matter what I want, I’m just a toy for Nick to use however he wants”. She slid down to her knees, and crawled over to the toilet, where Nick was sitting, exhausted, his cock covered in his own cum. It was the most delicious sight she had ever seen. “Im so sorry baby” she said, “I didn’t have any right to tell you not to fuck me. Please let me make it up to you?”
Nick could hardly believe his ears, he had just raped this bitch a whore, slapped her across the face, and raped her in the ass until she had screamed for him to stop. And now she was asking him for forgiveness?!?! He smiled to himself as he said, “Alright you slut, why don’t you start by cleaning my cock off?”
Crystal accepted him calling her slut, she had disobeyed him and now she would need to earn back his love. She eagerly took his cock in her mouth, and sucked off his cum, it was the greatest taste she had ever experienced. She was so engulfed in sucking his cock clean, that she barely noticed that it was getting hard again. It was only when Nick grabbed her hair and forced her down on it that she really noticed, and she couldn’t have been happier. “Come on Crystal” she thought to herself “you better please him after you tried to fight back just now”. And so she concentrated on giving the best blowjob of her life, playing with his balls and swirling her tongue around his shaft, even as she forced herself to take his whole cock down her throat.
Nick was in a state of complete bliss, but after the rape, he knew he wouldn’t last long. So he stood up, marvelling at the fact that Crystal didnt even miss a beat, and, when he knew he was about to cum, he pulled her off his cock and exploded all over her face. Thick ropes of cum splattered her face, landing on her chin, in her hair, and landing on her perfect tits. He was stunned by how much cum he was pumping out, and also by the fact that Crystal never broke eye contact, even when a thick gob of jizz landed right in her eye. After he finally finished, he pushed her away and walked out of the room, saying as he left “get yourself cleaned up slut”. Leaving Crystal laying on the floor, cum covering her face and chest, and laying in a slowly growing puddle of cum that was dripping out of her ass.
Crystal just lay there for a minute, soaking in the feeling of being covered in cum, like a discarded sex toy. She would have loved to just stay there and revel in the feeling of his cum, but she eventually stood up and went back into the shower, after all, who knew what else was going to happen today. She needed to be perfect for her master.
Nick was also having a pleasant thought, “Maybe I should write another one?”, he thought to himself, “I’ve always wanted a threesome”.

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Mother’s Proxy

“I want you to seduce your father. I want him to be a man again and since he won’t leave the house, I’m asking you to fuck him for me. Be my proxy Renee, give him what I can’t, please?” I stared at the roses in her cheeks and only two thoughts entered my mind. The color in her cheeks was beautiful but her words were the ugliest I’d ever heard. I leaped from the sofa and fled.

The Creators: Book Two, Chapter 3

If you haven’t read the first book, or the first two chapters of the second book, you probably shouldn’t read this one. This chapter is a bit of a ‘set up’ chapter, and it is long as fuck, but I tried to keep it interesting, while also laying the foundations for things to come. It is split into two parts, and has an prelude, interlude, and postlude that divert from the main characters. Please leave comments! NOTE: EDITED FOR GRAMMAR 10/10/18

You Have to Fuck My Mom First

You Have to Fuck My Mom First
*A clever mom, (Morgan) gets what she wants by using her beautiful daughter, (Trisha), as bait. Morgan was a very sexy young looking mom. Let’s find out how Morgan set this up.
___It was Friday and my new boyfriend was coming over tonight. I never had to sneak around to have sex, I could go in my bedroom and fuck guys all I wanted. There was only one little catch….I had to carefully explain to him that he would have to have sex with my mom first, before we could fuck all we wanted.
So far, this was working real good. High school guys are always horny like my mom and I. For now mom and I were fucking 3 of the hottest guys in school. So far,…. the guys keep quiet about the ‘mom’ part before fucking me. Guys love to brag about ‘getting pussy’. Mom and I knew this and at school I had plenty of guys I could bring home. Mom and I were getting all the sex we wanted….until Jamie came along.
Jamie came to our school from out of town. He was sexy, good looking and I went after him in private. I invited him to come over Friday night. I introduced him to my mom. His eyes locked on her and he sat by her. Mom liked to dress real sexy. She wore a thin shirt, with no bra. You could see Jamie was hot for her. Mom was very impressed and horny acting as usual. She thought he would go for the ’fuck mom first’ easy.
Jamie was different in that I wanted him all to myself. We went to my bedroom and I ’did not’ tell him about fucking my mom first before we could have sex.
Mom waited in her bed naked for Jamie to come in and have sex with her. Jamie had plans of his own.
He was after my mom.
Jamie and I lay on my bed kissing as we felt each other up. His hand went under my shirt to feel my bare tits. Next down my shorts to finger my pussy. He ‘hinted’ how much he liked my mom. He said how sexy and beautiful my mom was and talked a little ‘to much’ about how he bet she would be hot in bed.
I got an idea.
Now I would ‘hint’ that he had to have sex with me, then….he could have sex with my mom.
Now I was the bait for her. Fuck me first, then you can go fuck my mom.
I had to let mom know about the switch. I said: “Oooo yes, my mom is very sexy. I could set you up with her tonight, but I need to test you out first. I felt Jamie’s cock get real hard instantly. He got all turned on with that arrangement. He said: “Your mom is so hot, will she do it? Let’s go now and talk to her and set it up.” He really had the hornies for my mom. I think I liked this arrangement. I realized he would do anything to please me to get to my mom.
I took advantage of the situation. I said: “We may have to go see her and get her all hot, before we suggest you having sex with her.” The look on his face told me he wanted to do that real bad.
I wanted to keep him around and coming back. I wanted him to like me more than her. I would draw him in using her, and then give him the best fuck of his life, thus switching his attraction for her to me.
Jamie’s thoughts on all this…..
I was instantly attracted to Trisha….but when I saw and met her mom…oh my god. What a beautiful woman. I had the hots for a woman like her.
I had an aunt who use to let me fuck her when I was young. She had to move away and I’ve had the hots for a woman like her ever since. Trisha’s mom, Morgan looked just like my aunt so much, I got boners just thinking about her.
My aunt got all turned on by me. She babysat me as a young teen. One afternoon she took me in her bathroom and locked the door. She held me close and rubbed her pussy on my cock. She told me I was ’special’ and she wanted to have some sex fun with me. She sat on the toilet seat and had me stand in front of her. She had me feel her legs under her skirt.
She had me take her panties off. She let me feel her warm pussy. I got a big boner of course. She took it out and began to suck on it. She held me tight into her mouth as I had to cum. She let me feel her bare tits. She would even lift her skirt and let me feel her pubic hair and finger her pussy in the dark bathroom. She whispered to me to lick her pussy as she leaned against the wall. We did this every time she baby sat me during the day.
The day came and she laid on the floor. She took her panties off and had me stick my cock in her wet pussy. She went kind of wild and as we fucked she pulled my butt cheeks hard and made me fuck her deep. I started cuming and she began to moan in my ear….”oh yes Jamie, fuck me good…and then she stiffen up and started shaking. I was in heaven and just enjoyed her and I fucking so good. Her fingernails hurt digging in me, but I loved it.
We fucked almost every day from then on. She let me fuck her anywhere in the house. Kitchen, living room or garage, just so no one saw us. My parents never knew. She was a young teens dream girl, and I couldn’t get enough of her…..
Those memories never left me. She was the first woman I ever fucked. I still have dreams about her.
We got naked and under the covers. His mind was on my mom, I could tell. I said: “Have you ever had sex with an adult woman?” He just grinned. That told me he had. Now I had to get his attention on me.
What’s taking so long. This Jamie is good looking and I’m very horny for him. I hear noises. Someone’s coming. The lights are all out but I know it has to be him coming. The bedroom door is opening. Here he comes….but with Trisha? Something’s up. I hear whispering. Trisha is coming up on the bed. She whispers in my ear: (“..switch, me first this time, he‘s hot for you. I want to give him some free samples first.”). I caught the switch. So he’s got the hornies real bad for me?….well…come to mom and I’ll give you some samples your gonna like.
I felt Jamie crawl up on the bed.
I was shaking with the chance to have sex with Morgan. It was pretty dark in here, so it was just like I was going to fuck my aunt again. Morgan pulled me up and started kissing me wildly. My cock sprang up rock hard. She pushed me down to suck on her bare tits. Oh…my….god… I was in heaven…again! Her legs came up and squeezed my body. She pushed me down further. I felt her pubic hair on my face and the wetness of her pussy.
It was like a time machine back to when I use to lick my aunt’s pussy. She held my head just like she use to. She worked her wide open pussy on my tongue. I was in that past world that I was so hot for.
I pulled on Jamie to get him off of her. I held his rock hard cock and led him to my bedroom. He was trembling as I pulled him on top of me and put his cock in me. I had to hold on tight as he began to fuck me fast and deep. He had experience and knew just how to fuck me good. I was climaxing fast as he even sped up. I peaked as I felt a monster blast of cum shoot in my body. I jerked and squirmed with pleasure. Damn he knew how to fuck a girl. He even fingered my clit as I climaxed hard….
I was in euphoria as I thought, ‘mom is gonna like this’, but…I want him first,…. always.
Listening to them was making me crazy with desire for him. I had never heard Trisha squeal like that before. They both moaned and I could hear them breathing so hard.
It was dark. I started kind of waking up. I think it was Trisha was under me with a content smile. I felt someone pulling on my arm. Was I having a dream? The female hand got me up and led me into a dimly lit hallway and then into a bedroom with a big bed. She laid me down on my back. Was this my aunt in the dream? She washed me up with warm water. It felt so good I drifted back to sleep. I slowly woke up to a woman stroking my cock. It was hard again now and I felt warm lips go over it. I couldn’t make out if it was my aunt or not, but I didn’t care with feeling I was having.
She was arousing me and I felt her hair. She got up on top of me and put my hard cock in her warm wet pussy. I leaned up to kiss her hard nipples. She held my head tight to her tits and moaned. She had big beautiful tits like my aunt. My cock felt so good in her…
Now he was mine to play with. Sitting with his nice cock up in me, I could direct it right where I wanted it. He had a great build and smooth warm skin. He liked my tits and knew how to really suck them good.
I leaned over and began to slow fuck him deep in me. He began to really come to life and pushed his cock in me. I felt his breathing increase as did mine. This was building up to be very hot sex. He knew how to thrust his cock in me just right. I pushed my clit down on him firm and so wet. I began to pant and moan. I felt his hands on my ass. He helped the rhythm increase as I felt my pussy start to tremble. He held me and started speed fucking me….I moaned with pleasure.
His cock was rubbing on my G spot with each stroke. I buried my tongue deep in his mouth. He started to growl and hold me so tight as he was going to cum in me. My pussy was pulsing by itself as we began to both yell out….I saw lighting in my head as I climaxed. He shot the hottest cum I had ever felt in me. I felt like a wild animal. I clamped my pussy down hard on his moving shooting cock.
What kind of teen guy was this to know how to fuck so good. We thrashed as we blended our bodies together. We fought for all the pleasure we could get. Something had a hold of us and it was glorious.
I locked my arms around him and let my pussy contract around his hard wet cock. We slow fucked until were exhausted out, and could barely squirm. My body melted into his as I slowly blacked out…….
I never though there would be any woman that could compare to my aunt…I was so very wrong…..
* I was the only guy at the graduation dance with a girl on each arm. That night they both gave me a graduation present I‘ll never forget..
A threesome…*

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Predator in Suburbia

The witness protection program protects the criminal but who protects the neighborhood from turning into a place of whores, incest and blackmail?