
the creators chapter 3 (rewritten)

Authors note: this is the rewrite to chapter 3 sorry about chapter 2 double post. As always this story contains themes some people not like such as young, incest, mind control and possibly bestiality down the road. Thank you for reading my series thus far nothing much has changed in this chapter just a few word changes and some extra dialogue. thank you and enjoy and previously stated in the original chapter 3 there will be no sex in this or the next chapter so I can develop my characters and story more.
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CHAPTER 3 rewrite
I woke up the next morning to a soft sort of mewing sound behind me. Groggy but curious I turn my head to see my sister sleeping next to me in bed; I guess she must have sneaked in with me last night while I was sleeping. Not wanting to wake her beautiful sleeping form I slowly slipped out of bed trying as best as I could to not make a lot of noise.
I stripped off my clothes as I got to the bathroom desperately needing a shower after all that happened yesterday I was sweaty sticky and just tense as hell. I started up the shower waiting a few moments for the water to heat up. when it was finally ready I stepped in and felt the warm water run along my body slowly waking me up from my stiff zombie like state. As I stood there I thought about the past two days and all the events that had happened. The car, me and sis ending up together, the floating bottles the man who claims to be my father and claims I have powers of my own, the doctors and the doctor with the missing eye who I refer to as the white Russian and my escape from the hospital.
All the stress had hit me like a brick I fell to the floor of the shower from the stress the past two days I didn’t have time to think about what was going on it just happened but here I had all the time in the world to think. I began to worry as thoughts flew through my brain a mile a minute “ The doctors have my address they have to there’s no way I could have been admitted to the hospital last night without my mother filling it out. They’ll come for me and my family to get me wont they and they’ll also…” my mind kept shooting out worry after worry.
After I pulled myself off the floor and got out of the shower. I dried myself off and draped the towel around my waist as I walked over to my room to get dressed. When I entered my room my sister was no longer there asleep on my bed. “ huh she must have gotten up and went back to her room” I said to myself. Just then I noticed a little note on my pillow kinda like they leave in hotels. I thought maybe it was something cute my sister set but as I read it I realized it was the exact opposite of my cute angel of a sister and more like the devil of the man from yesterday. The man I wont ever recognize as my father.
The letter stated:
“Hey kid thought I surprise you with this letter but I’m guessing your just getting angry ahahaha” not kidding he really wrote “ahahaha” “ I noticed your little brain over there working overtime with worry so to burn out your fears I went a head and deleted all known information on you throughout the entire hospitals networks I even went as far as to erase a few doctors memories but I might have gone a bit far with that one now those poor poor doctors don’t even remember they have a family to go home to hahaha” seriously he wrote the laughing. “just remember don’t be getting to emotional there you might just blow up literally! I must go now bye~~~”
“asshole” I muttered under my breath when suddenly more words started to fade onto the paper.
“P.S. I sent you a little gift it should be there shortly” and that was all it said I wondered about the “gift” he sent I had a feeling it will be dangerous, but I did finally calm down my worries slipped off of me as I read the note; the feeling of knowing my family was safe was a huge weight off my shoulders.
I walked out to the bedroom hallway which immediately connected to the kitchen as I stepped into the kitchen I saw my mother leaning over the sink doing the dishes with an odd sort of beautiful finesse. the light from the kitchen window illuminating her beautiful face. Strands of hair draping down the side of her face just for her to reach back and tuck it behind her ear. I just don’t know what it is about women that makes there every action so perfect and beautiful totally lost in her image for the moment forgetting about where I was momentarily.
As I came out of my trance from my mother I gave a weak “m-mom” she heard me luckily and turned my way.
“oh sorry honey I didn’t see you there give me just one minute” she said while turning off the sink and drying her hands.
She hopped over to me and gave me a hug like usual, and as usual her face pressing right into my crotch but the look on her face seem to say she didn’t even notice. She had a big grin on her face as she asked me “do you need something sweety?”
“yeah actually mom I want to know what happened with my father.” I said with a stern strait face as I looked her in the eyes.
She visibly took a step back by this question “Y-your father!? Sweety why would you wanna know about that?”
“i just think its time for me to hear about what happened it’s alright if you don’t wanna tell me though”
she was quiet for a few minutes then suddenly sighed “i guess I would have to tell you one of these days why not today then I guess”
“are you sure I know it must be hard to talk about it”.
“no its fine I knew this would happen someday I just wasn’t expecting today”
I nod my head letting her know I understand and she takes her time trying to figure out the words she wants to say.
“I’m sure you know about the base details of it like the fact that when I was 8 years old I met a man and some say he raped me I still don’t to this day but we did have sex and I was impregnated by this man and gave birth to you and your sister. I’m sure you know all this already correct?”
“yes I do” I simply stated
“well there’s a bit more to the story than just the base facts to this story. On the day that I met your father it was a bright and sunny day in spring the birds chirping the bugs humming along and I was none the wiser about the world. I was walking home from school that day when suddenly it felt like something was calling to me. My body on its own began to move to god knows
When I finally stopped moving I don’t remember the name of the place but it was this old motel the place looked like it hadn’t been clean in years the floors were this disgusting mix of yellow tiles and mold in fact I think every wall of the place had mold on it.
As I stood there unable to move I felt a hand on my shoulder I tried to look but my head was stuck in place all I could see was what I later figured out to be a trench coat my body suddenly started moving along with him as we walked up to the counter.
“i would like to order a room for one night for me and my daughter” the man said to the clerk.
I stood there unable to speak only nod as the clerk looked over the counter to see me. As we entered the room I felt even more fear flow through my body at the thought that I didn’t know what the man wanted to do. I started shaking in fear then he knelt down and that’s when I saw your fathers face. The best way to describe your father would be that he looked young but had a thick face but was pretty skinny his hair and beard were both bright orange and he looked very dirty almost like he had been in a fight or was rolling around in mud for days strait he wore a long trench coat that looked worn and old like as if had it for a while. He had tears running down his face and he was apologizing profusely saying things like “I’m sorry this has to be done please forgive me” over and over again while moving me over to the hotel bed. I knew at this point your father wasn’t a bad person. He then proceeded to have intercourse with me.
When he finished he left the room still apologizing just as much even more actually and then he was gone. Jump to nine months later and there you guys are being born, the happiest day of my life.
Once everybody had left the room that’s when I saw your father a second time.
“wait dad was in the hospital with you!?” I said shocked at this
“yup he came right over and sat down next to me he was quiet for the longest time as he tried to think of the words to say then guess what”
“what?” I asked curiously
“out of nowhere you started crying in my arms you actually got your father to smile and made us both laugh”
“hes got a good voice I can tell he’ll be a fine man someday” your father said very proudly
“look I wanted to apologize for putting this heavy burden on you I know right now you wont understand but in the future there will be things to happen some behind the shadows but many out open to the world for all to see and our son will be there to guide it all this great change to the world I can feel it” he smiled while wiping a tear from his eyes “just one more thing” I looked at him curiously “what?”
“may I please have a picture with my kids”
“and that’s how my story ends please excuse me for a bit I’m just getting emotional nothing to worry about.”
I let mom walk away I knew she would be fine shes strong. I had a lot to think about now the man she described in the story sounds nothing like the man I met they sound like polar opposites to be honest. I decided worrying wouldn’t help right now and that I should just relax. I sat down on my couch and started watching an episode of an anime called sword art online on my T.V. When about halfway through the episode I hear a knock at the door.
I slowly opened the door revealing a fiery beauty at my door and man she was hot. Think my tongue fell out of my jaw. She was this short redheaded girl bright red almost like a fire. her face was round and she wore heavy eye liner just the right amount to make her look incredible. then her body My god her body her ass was amazing I could already tell just by looking at her front, and her tits they were amazing I gotta say E’s at least she was wearing these tight jeans and an equally tight black tank top that complimented her huge breasts nicely its like she left home this morning and made sure that every man she walked by had an instant hard-on.
By the time I realized I was staring to much I readjusted my self and held out my hand “hi I’m Ale…” she walked right past me ignoring me completely as she sat down on my couch. I was surprised to say the least I mean she just walked into my house and sat down on my couch like it was nothing.
“Awesome! I love SAO” she said as if she didn’t just barge in here but honestly I wasn’t complaining.
Its not every day you got a hot girl on you couch watching anime. I move behind her just as the episode ends and clear my throat loudly. She turns around and stares at me intensely “yeah what do ya want” she says with a temper.
“What do you mean what do I want you enter my house, watch my anime so I’d really like to know why your here” I said starting to get angry myself.
“your old man sent me” she said making me have even more questions.
“what do you mean he sent you?”
“didn’t you get the note he said he would tell you I was coming”
all the note said was a gift was coming… wait a second does he mean her! Shes the gift!
“why would he send you for what reason?”
“fer god sakes you’re loud shut up for a sec god damn he sent me cause I’m supposed to train you” she said while scratching the back of her head in an annoyed manner.
“train me? Train me in what?”
“magic dumb ass what else would there be? cause he obviously didn’t train you in fashion sense” she said while looking over my closes which was just an outfit I threw together at the last moment. I felt myself getting more angry at her here she comes barging in sits on my couch and then starts critiquing me on my fashion.
“magic? What magic?” I said while remembering the time in the hospital with that man when he stopped all my movements completely.
“ugh do you ever shut up you’re given me a headache goddamn it I know what kid of training you need !” she flick up her hand and out of nowhere a pencil flew up into the air and then suddenly flew at my head .I quickly dodged it before it hit me, and when I looked back half the pencil was imbedded deep in the wall.
“H-HOLY SHIT!! Jesus lady you trying to kill me. for fucks sake how the fuck did you do that” I screamed
“like I said with MAGIC retard you know for someone who’s race is the strongest there is you sure don’t know shit”

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: POSITIVENaughtyman0330
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the creators chapter 3 (rewritten)

Authors note: this is the rewrite to chapter 3 sorry about chapter 2 double post. As always this story contains themes some people not like such as young, incest, mind control and possibly bestiality down the road. Thank you for reading my series thus far nothing much has changed in this chapter just a few word changes and some extra dialogue. thank you and enjoy and previously stated in the original chapter 3 there will be no sex in this or the next chapter so I can develop my characters and story more.
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CHAPTER 3 rewrite
I woke up the next morning to a soft sort of mewing sound behind me. Groggy but curious I turn my head to see my sister sleeping next to me in bed; I guess she must have sneaked in with me last night while I was sleeping. Not wanting to wake her beautiful sleeping form I slowly slipped out of bed trying as best as I could to not make a lot of noise.
I stripped off my clothes as I got to the bathroom desperately needing a shower after all that happened yesterday I was sweaty sticky and just tense as hell. I started up the shower waiting a few moments for the water to heat up. when it was finally ready I stepped in and felt the warm water run along my body slowly waking me up from my stiff zombie like state. As I stood there I thought about the past two days and all the events that had happened. The car, me and sis ending up together, the floating bottles the man who claims to be my father and claims I have powers of my own, the doctors and the doctor with the missing eye who I refer to as the white Russian and my escape from the hospital.
All the stress had hit me like a brick I fell to the floor of the shower from the stress the past two days I didn’t have time to think about what was going on it just happened but here I had all the time in the world to think. I began to worry as thoughts flew through my brain a mile a minute “ The doctors have my address they have to there’s no way I could have been admitted to the hospital last night without my mother filling it out. They’ll come for me and my family to get me wont they and they’ll also…” my mind kept shooting out worry after worry.
After I pulled myself off the floor and got out of the shower. I dried myself off and draped the towel around my waist as I walked over to my room to get dressed. When I entered my room my sister was no longer there asleep on my bed. “ huh she must have gotten up and went back to her room” I said to myself. Just then I noticed a little note on my pillow kinda like they leave in hotels. I thought maybe it was something cute my sister set but as I read it I realized it was the exact opposite of my cute angel of a sister and more like the devil of the man from yesterday. The man I wont ever recognize as my father.
The letter stated:
“Hey kid thought I surprise you with this letter but I’m guessing your just getting angry ahahaha” not kidding he really wrote “ahahaha” “ I noticed your little brain over there working overtime with worry so to burn out your fears I went a head and deleted all known information on you throughout the entire hospitals networks I even went as far as to erase a few doctors memories but I might have gone a bit far with that one now those poor poor doctors don’t even remember they have a family to go home to hahaha” seriously he wrote the laughing. “just remember don’t be getting to emotional there you might just blow up literally! I must go now bye~~~”
“asshole” I muttered under my breath when suddenly more words started to fade onto the paper.
“P.S. I sent you a little gift it should be there shortly” and that was all it said I wondered about the “gift” he sent I had a feeling it will be dangerous, but I did finally calm down my worries slipped off of me as I read the note; the feeling of knowing my family was safe was a huge weight off my shoulders.
I walked out to the bedroom hallway which immediately connected to the kitchen as I stepped into the kitchen I saw my mother leaning over the sink doing the dishes with an odd sort of beautiful finesse. the light from the kitchen window illuminating her beautiful face. Strands of hair draping down the side of her face just for her to reach back and tuck it behind her ear. I just don’t know what it is about women that makes there every action so perfect and beautiful totally lost in her image for the moment forgetting about where I was momentarily.
As I came out of my trance from my mother I gave a weak “m-mom” she heard me luckily and turned my way.
“oh sorry honey I didn’t see you there give me just one minute” she said while turning off the sink and drying her hands.
She hopped over to me and gave me a hug like usual, and as usual her face pressing right into my crotch but the look on her face seem to say she didn’t even notice. She had a big grin on her face as she asked me “do you need something sweety?”
“yeah actually mom I want to know what happened with my father.” I said with a stern strait face as I looked her in the eyes.
She visibly took a step back by this question “Y-your father!? Sweety why would you wanna know about that?”
“i just think its time for me to hear about what happened it’s alright if you don’t wanna tell me though”
she was quiet for a few minutes then suddenly sighed “i guess I would have to tell you one of these days why not today then I guess”
“are you sure I know it must be hard to talk about it”.
“no its fine I knew this would happen someday I just wasn’t expecting today”
I nod my head letting her know I understand and she takes her time trying to figure out the words she wants to say.
“I’m sure you know about the base details of it like the fact that when I was 8 years old I met a man and some say he raped me I still don’t to this day but we did have sex and I was impregnated by this man and gave birth to you and your sister. I’m sure you know all this already correct?”
“yes I do” I simply stated
“well there’s a bit more to the story than just the base facts to this story. On the day that I met your father it was a bright and sunny day in spring the birds chirping the bugs humming along and I was none the wiser about the world. I was walking home from school that day when suddenly it felt like something was calling to me. My body on its own began to move to god knows
When I finally stopped moving I don’t remember the name of the place but it was this old motel the place looked like it hadn’t been clean in years the floors were this disgusting mix of yellow tiles and mold in fact I think every wall of the place had mold on it.
As I stood there unable to move I felt a hand on my shoulder I tried to look but my head was stuck in place all I could see was what I later figured out to be a trench coat my body suddenly started moving along with him as we walked up to the counter.
“i would like to order a room for one night for me and my daughter” the man said to the clerk.
I stood there unable to speak only nod as the clerk looked over the counter to see me. As we entered the room I felt even more fear flow through my body at the thought that I didn’t know what the man wanted to do. I started shaking in fear then he knelt down and that’s when I saw your fathers face. The best way to describe your father would be that he looked young but had a thick face but was pretty skinny his hair and beard were both bright orange and he looked very dirty almost like he had been in a fight or was rolling around in mud for days strait he wore a long trench coat that looked worn and old like as if had it for a while. He had tears running down his face and he was apologizing profusely saying things like “I’m sorry this has to be done please forgive me” over and over again while moving me over to the hotel bed. I knew at this point your father wasn’t a bad person. He then proceeded to have intercourse with me.
When he finished he left the room still apologizing just as much even more actually and then he was gone. Jump to nine months later and there you guys are being born, the happiest day of my life.
Once everybody had left the room that’s when I saw your father a second time.
“wait dad was in the hospital with you!?” I said shocked at this
“yup he came right over and sat down next to me he was quiet for the longest time as he tried to think of the words to say then guess what”
“what?” I asked curiously
“out of nowhere you started crying in my arms you actually got your father to smile and made us both laugh”
“hes got a good voice I can tell he’ll be a fine man someday” your father said very proudly
“look I wanted to apologize for putting this heavy burden on you I know right now you wont understand but in the future there will be things to happen some behind the shadows but many out open to the world for all to see and our son will be there to guide it all this great change to the world I can feel it” he smiled while wiping a tear from his eyes “just one more thing” I looked at him curiously “what?”
“may I please have a picture with my kids”
“and that’s how my story ends please excuse me for a bit I’m just getting emotional nothing to worry about.”
I let mom walk away I knew she would be fine shes strong. I had a lot to think about now the man she described in the story sounds nothing like the man I met they sound like polar opposites to be honest. I decided worrying wouldn’t help right now and that I should just relax. I sat down on my couch and started watching an episode of an anime called sword art online on my T.V. When about halfway through the episode I hear a knock at the door.
I slowly opened the door revealing a fiery beauty at my door and man she was hot. Think my tongue fell out of my jaw. She was this short redheaded girl bright red almost like a fire. her face was round and she wore heavy eye liner just the right amount to make her look incredible. then her body My god her body her ass was amazing I could already tell just by looking at her front, and her tits they were amazing I gotta say E’s at least she was wearing these tight jeans and an equally tight black tank top that complimented her huge breasts nicely its like she left home this morning and made sure that every man she walked by had an instant hard-on.
By the time I realized I was staring to much I readjusted my self and held out my hand “hi I’m Ale…” she walked right past me ignoring me completely as she sat down on my couch. I was surprised to say the least I mean she just walked into my house and sat down on my couch like it was nothing.
“Awesome! I love SAO” she said as if she didn’t just barge in here but honestly I wasn’t complaining.
Its not every day you got a hot girl on you couch watching anime. I move behind her just as the episode ends and clear my throat loudly. She turns around and stares at me intensely “yeah what do ya want” she says with a temper.
“What do you mean what do I want you enter my house, watch my anime so I’d really like to know why your here” I said starting to get angry myself.
“your old man sent me” she said making me have even more questions.
“what do you mean he sent you?”
“didn’t you get the note he said he would tell you I was coming”
all the note said was a gift was coming… wait a second does he mean her! Shes the gift!
“why would he send you for what reason?”
“fer god sakes you’re loud shut up for a sec god damn he sent me cause I’m supposed to train you” she said while scratching the back of her head in an annoyed manner.
“train me? Train me in what?”
“magic dumb ass what else would there be? cause he obviously didn’t train you in fashion sense” she said while looking over my closes which was just an outfit I threw together at the last moment. I felt myself getting more angry at her here she comes barging in sits on my couch and then starts critiquing me on my fashion.
“magic? What magic?” I said while remembering the time in the hospital with that man when he stopped all my movements completely.
“ugh do you ever shut up you’re given me a headache goddamn it I know what kid of training you need !” she flick up her hand and out of nowhere a pencil flew up into the air and then suddenly flew at my head .I quickly dodged it before it hit me, and when I looked back half the pencil was imbedded deep in the wall.
“H-HOLY SHIT!! Jesus lady you trying to kill me. for fucks sake how the fuck did you do that” I screamed
“like I said with MAGIC retard you know for someone who’s race is the strongest there is you sure don’t know shit”

Read 24858 times |
Rated 91.9 % |
(173 votes)

Vote list (Close) :Yurij
: POSITIVENaughtyman0330
: POSITIVEScott Whiting
: POSITIVEHelpavet

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the creators chapter 3 (rewritten)

Authors note: this is the rewrite to chapter 3 sorry about chapter 2 double post. As always this story contains themes some people not like such as young, incest, mind control and possibly bestiality down the road. Thank you for reading my series thus far nothing much has changed in this chapter just a few word changes and some extra dialogue. thank you and enjoy and previously stated in the original chapter 3 there will be no sex in this or the next chapter so I can develop my characters and story more.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CHAPTER 3 rewrite
I woke up the next morning to a soft sort of mewing sound behind me. Groggy but curious I turn my head to see my sister sleeping next to me in bed; I guess she must have sneaked in with me last night while I was sleeping. Not wanting to wake her beautiful sleeping form I slowly slipped out of bed trying as best as I could to not make a lot of noise.
I stripped off my clothes as I got to the bathroom desperately needing a shower after all that happened yesterday I was sweaty sticky and just tense as hell. I started up the shower waiting a few moments for the water to heat up. when it was finally ready I stepped in and felt the warm water run along my body slowly waking me up from my stiff zombie like state. As I stood there I thought about the past two days and all the events that had happened. The car, me and sis ending up together, the floating bottles the man who claims to be my father and claims I have powers of my own, the doctors and the doctor with the missing eye who I refer to as the white Russian and my escape from the hospital.
All the stress had hit me like a brick I fell to the floor of the shower from the stress the past two days I didn’t have time to think about what was going on it just happened but here I had all the time in the world to think. I began to worry as thoughts flew through my brain a mile a minute “ The doctors have my address they have to there’s no way I could have been admitted to the hospital last night without my mother filling it out. They’ll come for me and my family to get me wont they and they’ll also…” my mind kept shooting out worry after worry.
After I pulled myself off the floor and got out of the shower. I dried myself off and draped the towel around my waist as I walked over to my room to get dressed. When I entered my room my sister was no longer there asleep on my bed. “ huh she must have gotten up and went back to her room” I said to myself. Just then I noticed a little note on my pillow kinda like they leave in hotels. I thought maybe it was something cute my sister set but as I read it I realized it was the exact opposite of my cute angel of a sister and more like the devil of the man from yesterday. The man I wont ever recognize as my father.
The letter stated:
“Hey kid thought I surprise you with this letter but I’m guessing your just getting angry ahahaha” not kidding he really wrote “ahahaha” “ I noticed your little brain over there working overtime with worry so to burn out your fears I went a head and deleted all known information on you throughout the entire hospitals networks I even went as far as to erase a few doctors memories but I might have gone a bit far with that one now those poor poor doctors don’t even remember they have a family to go home to hahaha” seriously he wrote the laughing. “just remember don’t be getting to emotional there you might just blow up literally! I must go now bye~~~”
“asshole” I muttered under my breath when suddenly more words started to fade onto the paper.
“P.S. I sent you a little gift it should be there shortly” and that was all it said I wondered about the “gift” he sent I had a feeling it will be dangerous, but I did finally calm down my worries slipped off of me as I read the note; the feeling of knowing my family was safe was a huge weight off my shoulders.
I walked out to the bedroom hallway which immediately connected to the kitchen as I stepped into the kitchen I saw my mother leaning over the sink doing the dishes with an odd sort of beautiful finesse. the light from the kitchen window illuminating her beautiful face. Strands of hair draping down the side of her face just for her to reach back and tuck it behind her ear. I just don’t know what it is about women that makes there every action so perfect and beautiful totally lost in her image for the moment forgetting about where I was momentarily.
As I came out of my trance from my mother I gave a weak “m-mom” she heard me luckily and turned my way.
“oh sorry honey I didn’t see you there give me just one minute” she said while turning off the sink and drying her hands.
She hopped over to me and gave me a hug like usual, and as usual her face pressing right into my crotch but the look on her face seem to say she didn’t even notice. She had a big grin on her face as she asked me “do you need something sweety?”
“yeah actually mom I want to know what happened with my father.” I said with a stern strait face as I looked her in the eyes.
She visibly took a step back by this question “Y-your father!? Sweety why would you wanna know about that?”
“i just think its time for me to hear about what happened it’s alright if you don’t wanna tell me though”
she was quiet for a few minutes then suddenly sighed “i guess I would have to tell you one of these days why not today then I guess”
“are you sure I know it must be hard to talk about it”.
“no its fine I knew this would happen someday I just wasn’t expecting today”
I nod my head letting her know I understand and she takes her time trying to figure out the words she wants to say.
“I’m sure you know about the base details of it like the fact that when I was 8 years old I met a man and some say he raped me I still don’t to this day but we did have sex and I was impregnated by this man and gave birth to you and your sister. I’m sure you know all this already correct?”
“yes I do” I simply stated
“well there’s a bit more to the story than just the base facts to this story. On the day that I met your father it was a bright and sunny day in spring the birds chirping the bugs humming along and I was none the wiser about the world. I was walking home from school that day when suddenly it felt like something was calling to me. My body on its own began to move to god knows
When I finally stopped moving I don’t remember the name of the place but it was this old motel the place looked like it hadn’t been clean in years the floors were this disgusting mix of yellow tiles and mold in fact I think every wall of the place had mold on it.
As I stood there unable to move I felt a hand on my shoulder I tried to look but my head was stuck in place all I could see was what I later figured out to be a trench coat my body suddenly started moving along with him as we walked up to the counter.
“i would like to order a room for one night for me and my daughter” the man said to the clerk.
I stood there unable to speak only nod as the clerk looked over the counter to see me. As we entered the room I felt even more fear flow through my body at the thought that I didn’t know what the man wanted to do. I started shaking in fear then he knelt down and that’s when I saw your fathers face. The best way to describe your father would be that he looked young but had a thick face but was pretty skinny his hair and beard were both bright orange and he looked very dirty almost like he had been in a fight or was rolling around in mud for days strait he wore a long trench coat that looked worn and old like as if had it for a while. He had tears running down his face and he was apologizing profusely saying things like “I’m sorry this has to be done please forgive me” over and over again while moving me over to the hotel bed. I knew at this point your father wasn’t a bad person. He then proceeded to have intercourse with me.
When he finished he left the room still apologizing just as much even more actually and then he was gone. Jump to nine months later and there you guys are being born, the happiest day of my life.
Once everybody had left the room that’s when I saw your father a second time.
“wait dad was in the hospital with you!?” I said shocked at this
“yup he came right over and sat down next to me he was quiet for the longest time as he tried to think of the words to say then guess what”
“what?” I asked curiously
“out of nowhere you started crying in my arms you actually got your father to smile and made us both laugh”
“hes got a good voice I can tell he’ll be a fine man someday” your father said very proudly
“look I wanted to apologize for putting this heavy burden on you I know right now you wont understand but in the future there will be things to happen some behind the shadows but many out open to the world for all to see and our son will be there to guide it all this great change to the world I can feel it” he smiled while wiping a tear from his eyes “just one more thing” I looked at him curiously “what?”
“may I please have a picture with my kids”
“and that’s how my story ends please excuse me for a bit I’m just getting emotional nothing to worry about.”
I let mom walk away I knew she would be fine shes strong. I had a lot to think about now the man she described in the story sounds nothing like the man I met they sound like polar opposites to be honest. I decided worrying wouldn’t help right now and that I should just relax. I sat down on my couch and started watching an episode of an anime called sword art online on my T.V. When about halfway through the episode I hear a knock at the door.
I slowly opened the door revealing a fiery beauty at my door and man she was hot. Think my tongue fell out of my jaw. She was this short redheaded girl bright red almost like a fire. her face was round and she wore heavy eye liner just the right amount to make her look incredible. then her body My god her body her ass was amazing I could already tell just by looking at her front, and her tits they were amazing I gotta say E’s at least she was wearing these tight jeans and an equally tight black tank top that complimented her huge breasts nicely its like she left home this morning and made sure that every man she walked by had an instant hard-on.
By the time I realized I was staring to much I readjusted my self and held out my hand “hi I’m Ale…” she walked right past me ignoring me completely as she sat down on my couch. I was surprised to say the least I mean she just walked into my house and sat down on my couch like it was nothing.
“Awesome! I love SAO” she said as if she didn’t just barge in here but honestly I wasn’t complaining.
Its not every day you got a hot girl on you couch watching anime. I move behind her just as the episode ends and clear my throat loudly. She turns around and stares at me intensely “yeah what do ya want” she says with a temper.
“What do you mean what do I want you enter my house, watch my anime so I’d really like to know why your here” I said starting to get angry myself.
“your old man sent me” she said making me have even more questions.
“what do you mean he sent you?”
“didn’t you get the note he said he would tell you I was coming”
all the note said was a gift was coming… wait a second does he mean her! Shes the gift!
“why would he send you for what reason?”
“fer god sakes you’re loud shut up for a sec god damn he sent me cause I’m supposed to train you” she said while scratching the back of her head in an annoyed manner.
“train me? Train me in what?”
“magic dumb ass what else would there be? cause he obviously didn’t train you in fashion sense” she said while looking over my closes which was just an outfit I threw together at the last moment. I felt myself getting more angry at her here she comes barging in sits on my couch and then starts critiquing me on my fashion.
“magic? What magic?” I said while remembering the time in the hospital with that man when he stopped all my movements completely.
“ugh do you ever shut up you’re given me a headache goddamn it I know what kid of training you need !” she flick up her hand and out of nowhere a pencil flew up into the air and then suddenly flew at my head .I quickly dodged it before it hit me, and when I looked back half the pencil was imbedded deep in the wall.
“H-HOLY SHIT!! Jesus lady you trying to kill me. for fucks sake how the fuck did you do that” I screamed
“like I said with MAGIC retard you know for someone who’s race is the strongest there is you sure don’t know shit”

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: POSITIVENaughtyman0330
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the creators chapter 3 (rewritten)

Authors note: this is the rewrite to chapter 3 sorry about chapter 2 double post. As always this story contains themes some people not like such as young, incest, mind control and possibly bestiality down the road. Thank you for reading my series thus far nothing much has changed in this chapter just a few word changes and some extra dialogue. thank you and enjoy and previously stated in the original chapter 3 there will be no sex in this or the next chapter so I can develop my characters and story more.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CHAPTER 3 rewrite
I woke up the next morning to a soft sort of mewing sound behind me. Groggy but curious I turn my head to see my sister sleeping next to me in bed; I guess she must have sneaked in with me last night while I was sleeping. Not wanting to wake her beautiful sleeping form I slowly slipped out of bed trying as best as I could to not make a lot of noise.
I stripped off my clothes as I got to the bathroom desperately needing a shower after all that happened yesterday I was sweaty sticky and just tense as hell. I started up the shower waiting a few moments for the water to heat up. when it was finally ready I stepped in and felt the warm water run along my body slowly waking me up from my stiff zombie like state. As I stood there I thought about the past two days and all the events that had happened. The car, me and sis ending up together, the floating bottles the man who claims to be my father and claims I have powers of my own, the doctors and the doctor with the missing eye who I refer to as the white Russian and my escape from the hospital.
All the stress had hit me like a brick I fell to the floor of the shower from the stress the past two days I didn’t have time to think about what was going on it just happened but here I had all the time in the world to think. I began to worry as thoughts flew through my brain a mile a minute “ The doctors have my address they have to there’s no way I could have been admitted to the hospital last night without my mother filling it out. They’ll come for me and my family to get me wont they and they’ll also…” my mind kept shooting out worry after worry.
After I pulled myself off the floor and got out of the shower. I dried myself off and draped the towel around my waist as I walked over to my room to get dressed. When I entered my room my sister was no longer there asleep on my bed. “ huh she must have gotten up and went back to her room” I said to myself. Just then I noticed a little note on my pillow kinda like they leave in hotels. I thought maybe it was something cute my sister set but as I read it I realized it was the exact opposite of my cute angel of a sister and more like the devil of the man from yesterday. The man I wont ever recognize as my father.
The letter stated:
“Hey kid thought I surprise you with this letter but I’m guessing your just getting angry ahahaha” not kidding he really wrote “ahahaha” “ I noticed your little brain over there working overtime with worry so to burn out your fears I went a head and deleted all known information on you throughout the entire hospitals networks I even went as far as to erase a few doctors memories but I might have gone a bit far with that one now those poor poor doctors don’t even remember they have a family to go home to hahaha” seriously he wrote the laughing. “just remember don’t be getting to emotional there you might just blow up literally! I must go now bye~~~”
“asshole” I muttered under my breath when suddenly more words started to fade onto the paper.
“P.S. I sent you a little gift it should be there shortly” and that was all it said I wondered about the “gift” he sent I had a feeling it will be dangerous, but I did finally calm down my worries slipped off of me as I read the note; the feeling of knowing my family was safe was a huge weight off my shoulders.
I walked out to the bedroom hallway which immediately connected to the kitchen as I stepped into the kitchen I saw my mother leaning over the sink doing the dishes with an odd sort of beautiful finesse. the light from the kitchen window illuminating her beautiful face. Strands of hair draping down the side of her face just for her to reach back and tuck it behind her ear. I just don’t know what it is about women that makes there every action so perfect and beautiful totally lost in her image for the moment forgetting about where I was momentarily.
As I came out of my trance from my mother I gave a weak “m-mom” she heard me luckily and turned my way.
“oh sorry honey I didn’t see you there give me just one minute” she said while turning off the sink and drying her hands.
She hopped over to me and gave me a hug like usual, and as usual her face pressing right into my crotch but the look on her face seem to say she didn’t even notice. She had a big grin on her face as she asked me “do you need something sweety?”
“yeah actually mom I want to know what happened with my father.” I said with a stern strait face as I looked her in the eyes.
She visibly took a step back by this question “Y-your father!? Sweety why would you wanna know about that?”
“i just think its time for me to hear about what happened it’s alright if you don’t wanna tell me though”
she was quiet for a few minutes then suddenly sighed “i guess I would have to tell you one of these days why not today then I guess”
“are you sure I know it must be hard to talk about it”.
“no its fine I knew this would happen someday I just wasn’t expecting today”
I nod my head letting her know I understand and she takes her time trying to figure out the words she wants to say.
“I’m sure you know about the base details of it like the fact that when I was 8 years old I met a man and some say he raped me I still don’t to this day but we did have sex and I was impregnated by this man and gave birth to you and your sister. I’m sure you know all this already correct?”
“yes I do” I simply stated
“well there’s a bit more to the story than just the base facts to this story. On the day that I met your father it was a bright and sunny day in spring the birds chirping the bugs humming along and I was none the wiser about the world. I was walking home from school that day when suddenly it felt like something was calling to me. My body on its own began to move to god knows
When I finally stopped moving I don’t remember the name of the place but it was this old motel the place looked like it hadn’t been clean in years the floors were this disgusting mix of yellow tiles and mold in fact I think every wall of the place had mold on it.
As I stood there unable to move I felt a hand on my shoulder I tried to look but my head was stuck in place all I could see was what I later figured out to be a trench coat my body suddenly started moving along with him as we walked up to the counter.
“i would like to order a room for one night for me and my daughter” the man said to the clerk.
I stood there unable to speak only nod as the clerk looked over the counter to see me. As we entered the room I felt even more fear flow through my body at the thought that I didn’t know what the man wanted to do. I started shaking in fear then he knelt down and that’s when I saw your fathers face. The best way to describe your father would be that he looked young but had a thick face but was pretty skinny his hair and beard were both bright orange and he looked very dirty almost like he had been in a fight or was rolling around in mud for days strait he wore a long trench coat that looked worn and old like as if had it for a while. He had tears running down his face and he was apologizing profusely saying things like “I’m sorry this has to be done please forgive me” over and over again while moving me over to the hotel bed. I knew at this point your father wasn’t a bad person. He then proceeded to have intercourse with me.
When he finished he left the room still apologizing just as much even more actually and then he was gone. Jump to nine months later and there you guys are being born, the happiest day of my life.
Once everybody had left the room that’s when I saw your father a second time.
“wait dad was in the hospital with you!?” I said shocked at this
“yup he came right over and sat down next to me he was quiet for the longest time as he tried to think of the words to say then guess what”
“what?” I asked curiously
“out of nowhere you started crying in my arms you actually got your father to smile and made us both laugh”
“hes got a good voice I can tell he’ll be a fine man someday” your father said very proudly
“look I wanted to apologize for putting this heavy burden on you I know right now you wont understand but in the future there will be things to happen some behind the shadows but many out open to the world for all to see and our son will be there to guide it all this great change to the world I can feel it” he smiled while wiping a tear from his eyes “just one more thing” I looked at him curiously “what?”
“may I please have a picture with my kids”
“and that’s how my story ends please excuse me for a bit I’m just getting emotional nothing to worry about.”
I let mom walk away I knew she would be fine shes strong. I had a lot to think about now the man she described in the story sounds nothing like the man I met they sound like polar opposites to be honest. I decided worrying wouldn’t help right now and that I should just relax. I sat down on my couch and started watching an episode of an anime called sword art online on my T.V. When about halfway through the episode I hear a knock at the door.
I slowly opened the door revealing a fiery beauty at my door and man she was hot. Think my tongue fell out of my jaw. She was this short redheaded girl bright red almost like a fire. her face was round and she wore heavy eye liner just the right amount to make her look incredible. then her body My god her body her ass was amazing I could already tell just by looking at her front, and her tits they were amazing I gotta say E’s at least she was wearing these tight jeans and an equally tight black tank top that complimented her huge breasts nicely its like she left home this morning and made sure that every man she walked by had an instant hard-on.
By the time I realized I was staring to much I readjusted my self and held out my hand “hi I’m Ale…” she walked right past me ignoring me completely as she sat down on my couch. I was surprised to say the least I mean she just walked into my house and sat down on my couch like it was nothing.
“Awesome! I love SAO” she said as if she didn’t just barge in here but honestly I wasn’t complaining.
Its not every day you got a hot girl on you couch watching anime. I move behind her just as the episode ends and clear my throat loudly. She turns around and stares at me intensely “yeah what do ya want” she says with a temper.
“What do you mean what do I want you enter my house, watch my anime so I’d really like to know why your here” I said starting to get angry myself.
“your old man sent me” she said making me have even more questions.
“what do you mean he sent you?”
“didn’t you get the note he said he would tell you I was coming”
all the note said was a gift was coming… wait a second does he mean her! Shes the gift!
“why would he send you for what reason?”
“fer god sakes you’re loud shut up for a sec god damn he sent me cause I’m supposed to train you” she said while scratching the back of her head in an annoyed manner.
“train me? Train me in what?”
“magic dumb ass what else would there be? cause he obviously didn’t train you in fashion sense” she said while looking over my closes which was just an outfit I threw together at the last moment. I felt myself getting more angry at her here she comes barging in sits on my couch and then starts critiquing me on my fashion.
“magic? What magic?” I said while remembering the time in the hospital with that man when he stopped all my movements completely.
“ugh do you ever shut up you’re given me a headache goddamn it I know what kid of training you need !” she flick up her hand and out of nowhere a pencil flew up into the air and then suddenly flew at my head .I quickly dodged it before it hit me, and when I looked back half the pencil was imbedded deep in the wall.
“H-HOLY SHIT!! Jesus lady you trying to kill me. for fucks sake how the fuck did you do that” I screamed
“like I said with MAGIC retard you know for someone who’s race is the strongest there is you sure don’t know shit”

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: POSITIVENaughtyman0330
: POSITIVEScott Whiting
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the creators chapter 3 (rewritten)

Authors note: this is the rewrite to chapter 3 sorry about chapter 2 double post. As always this story contains themes some people not like such as young, incest, mind control and possibly bestiality down the road. Thank you for reading my series thus far nothing much has changed in this chapter just a few word changes and some extra dialogue. thank you and enjoy and previously stated in the original chapter 3 there will be no sex in this or the next chapter so I can develop my characters and story more.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CHAPTER 3 rewrite
I woke up the next morning to a soft sort of mewing sound behind me. Groggy but curious I turn my head to see my sister sleeping next to me in bed; I guess she must have sneaked in with me last night while I was sleeping. Not wanting to wake her beautiful sleeping form I slowly slipped out of bed trying as best as I could to not make a lot of noise.
I stripped off my clothes as I got to the bathroom desperately needing a shower after all that happened yesterday I was sweaty sticky and just tense as hell. I started up the shower waiting a few moments for the water to heat up. when it was finally ready I stepped in and felt the warm water run along my body slowly waking me up from my stiff zombie like state. As I stood there I thought about the past two days and all the events that had happened. The car, me and sis ending up together, the floating bottles the man who claims to be my father and claims I have powers of my own, the doctors and the doctor with the missing eye who I refer to as the white Russian and my escape from the hospital.
All the stress had hit me like a brick I fell to the floor of the shower from the stress the past two days I didn’t have time to think about what was going on it just happened but here I had all the time in the world to think. I began to worry as thoughts flew through my brain a mile a minute “ The doctors have my address they have to there’s no way I could have been admitted to the hospital last night without my mother filling it out. They’ll come for me and my family to get me wont they and they’ll also…” my mind kept shooting out worry after worry.
After I pulled myself off the floor and got out of the shower. I dried myself off and draped the towel around my waist as I walked over to my room to get dressed. When I entered my room my sister was no longer there asleep on my bed. “ huh she must have gotten up and went back to her room” I said to myself. Just then I noticed a little note on my pillow kinda like they leave in hotels. I thought maybe it was something cute my sister set but as I read it I realized it was the exact opposite of my cute angel of a sister and more like the devil of the man from yesterday. The man I wont ever recognize as my father.
The letter stated:
“Hey kid thought I surprise you with this letter but I’m guessing your just getting angry ahahaha” not kidding he really wrote “ahahaha” “ I noticed your little brain over there working overtime with worry so to burn out your fears I went a head and deleted all known information on you throughout the entire hospitals networks I even went as far as to erase a few doctors memories but I might have gone a bit far with that one now those poor poor doctors don’t even remember they have a family to go home to hahaha” seriously he wrote the laughing. “just remember don’t be getting to emotional there you might just blow up literally! I must go now bye~~~”
“asshole” I muttered under my breath when suddenly more words started to fade onto the paper.
“P.S. I sent you a little gift it should be there shortly” and that was all it said I wondered about the “gift” he sent I had a feeling it will be dangerous, but I did finally calm down my worries slipped off of me as I read the note; the feeling of knowing my family was safe was a huge weight off my shoulders.
I walked out to the bedroom hallway which immediately connected to the kitchen as I stepped into the kitchen I saw my mother leaning over the sink doing the dishes with an odd sort of beautiful finesse. the light from the kitchen window illuminating her beautiful face. Strands of hair draping down the side of her face just for her to reach back and tuck it behind her ear. I just don’t know what it is about women that makes there every action so perfect and beautiful totally lost in her image for the moment forgetting about where I was momentarily.
As I came out of my trance from my mother I gave a weak “m-mom” she heard me luckily and turned my way.
“oh sorry honey I didn’t see you there give me just one minute” she said while turning off the sink and drying her hands.
She hopped over to me and gave me a hug like usual, and as usual her face pressing right into my crotch but the look on her face seem to say she didn’t even notice. She had a big grin on her face as she asked me “do you need something sweety?”
“yeah actually mom I want to know what happened with my father.” I said with a stern strait face as I looked her in the eyes.
She visibly took a step back by this question “Y-your father!? Sweety why would you wanna know about that?”
“i just think its time for me to hear about what happened it’s alright if you don’t wanna tell me though”
she was quiet for a few minutes then suddenly sighed “i guess I would have to tell you one of these days why not today then I guess”
“are you sure I know it must be hard to talk about it”.
“no its fine I knew this would happen someday I just wasn’t expecting today”
I nod my head letting her know I understand and she takes her time trying to figure out the words she wants to say.
“I’m sure you know about the base details of it like the fact that when I was 8 years old I met a man and some say he raped me I still don’t to this day but we did have sex and I was impregnated by this man and gave birth to you and your sister. I’m sure you know all this already correct?”
“yes I do” I simply stated
“well there’s a bit more to the story than just the base facts to this story. On the day that I met your father it was a bright and sunny day in spring the birds chirping the bugs humming along and I was none the wiser about the world. I was walking home from school that day when suddenly it felt like something was calling to me. My body on its own began to move to god knows
When I finally stopped moving I don’t remember the name of the place but it was this old motel the place looked like it hadn’t been clean in years the floors were this disgusting mix of yellow tiles and mold in fact I think every wall of the place had mold on it.
As I stood there unable to move I felt a hand on my shoulder I tried to look but my head was stuck in place all I could see was what I later figured out to be a trench coat my body suddenly started moving along with him as we walked up to the counter.
“i would like to order a room for one night for me and my daughter” the man said to the clerk.
I stood there unable to speak only nod as the clerk looked over the counter to see me. As we entered the room I felt even more fear flow through my body at the thought that I didn’t know what the man wanted to do. I started shaking in fear then he knelt down and that’s when I saw your fathers face. The best way to describe your father would be that he looked young but had a thick face but was pretty skinny his hair and beard were both bright orange and he looked very dirty almost like he had been in a fight or was rolling around in mud for days strait he wore a long trench coat that looked worn and old like as if had it for a while. He had tears running down his face and he was apologizing profusely saying things like “I’m sorry this has to be done please forgive me” over and over again while moving me over to the hotel bed. I knew at this point your father wasn’t a bad person. He then proceeded to have intercourse with me.
When he finished he left the room still apologizing just as much even more actually and then he was gone. Jump to nine months later and there you guys are being born, the happiest day of my life.
Once everybody had left the room that’s when I saw your father a second time.
“wait dad was in the hospital with you!?” I said shocked at this
“yup he came right over and sat down next to me he was quiet for the longest time as he tried to think of the words to say then guess what”
“what?” I asked curiously
“out of nowhere you started crying in my arms you actually got your father to smile and made us both laugh”
“hes got a good voice I can tell he’ll be a fine man someday” your father said very proudly
“look I wanted to apologize for putting this heavy burden on you I know right now you wont understand but in the future there will be things to happen some behind the shadows but many out open to the world for all to see and our son will be there to guide it all this great change to the world I can feel it” he smiled while wiping a tear from his eyes “just one more thing” I looked at him curiously “what?”
“may I please have a picture with my kids”
“and that’s how my story ends please excuse me for a bit I’m just getting emotional nothing to worry about.”
I let mom walk away I knew she would be fine shes strong. I had a lot to think about now the man she described in the story sounds nothing like the man I met they sound like polar opposites to be honest. I decided worrying wouldn’t help right now and that I should just relax. I sat down on my couch and started watching an episode of an anime called sword art online on my T.V. When about halfway through the episode I hear a knock at the door.
I slowly opened the door revealing a fiery beauty at my door and man she was hot. Think my tongue fell out of my jaw. She was this short redheaded girl bright red almost like a fire. her face was round and she wore heavy eye liner just the right amount to make her look incredible. then her body My god her body her ass was amazing I could already tell just by looking at her front, and her tits they were amazing I gotta say E’s at least she was wearing these tight jeans and an equally tight black tank top that complimented her huge breasts nicely its like she left home this morning and made sure that every man she walked by had an instant hard-on.
By the time I realized I was staring to much I readjusted my self and held out my hand “hi I’m Ale…” she walked right past me ignoring me completely as she sat down on my couch. I was surprised to say the least I mean she just walked into my house and sat down on my couch like it was nothing.
“Awesome! I love SAO” she said as if she didn’t just barge in here but honestly I wasn’t complaining.
Its not every day you got a hot girl on you couch watching anime. I move behind her just as the episode ends and clear my throat loudly. She turns around and stares at me intensely “yeah what do ya want” she says with a temper.
“What do you mean what do I want you enter my house, watch my anime so I’d really like to know why your here” I said starting to get angry myself.
“your old man sent me” she said making me have even more questions.
“what do you mean he sent you?”
“didn’t you get the note he said he would tell you I was coming”
all the note said was a gift was coming… wait a second does he mean her! Shes the gift!
“why would he send you for what reason?”
“fer god sakes you’re loud shut up for a sec god damn he sent me cause I’m supposed to train you” she said while scratching the back of her head in an annoyed manner.
“train me? Train me in what?”
“magic dumb ass what else would there be? cause he obviously didn’t train you in fashion sense” she said while looking over my closes which was just an outfit I threw together at the last moment. I felt myself getting more angry at her here she comes barging in sits on my couch and then starts critiquing me on my fashion.
“magic? What magic?” I said while remembering the time in the hospital with that man when he stopped all my movements completely.
“ugh do you ever shut up you’re given me a headache goddamn it I know what kid of training you need !” she flick up her hand and out of nowhere a pencil flew up into the air and then suddenly flew at my head .I quickly dodged it before it hit me, and when I looked back half the pencil was imbedded deep in the wall.
“H-HOLY SHIT!! Jesus lady you trying to kill me. for fucks sake how the fuck did you do that” I screamed
“like I said with MAGIC retard you know for someone who’s race is the strongest there is you sure don’t know shit”

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: POSITIVENaughtyman0330
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“RUNAWAY” Chapter 17 “Pain or Milking Cum”

Holly, continues her journey by the name Sammi Shepherd, with more horrific nightmares of the degradation and humiliation by Roger her mom’s boyfriend and his ‘friends’ as they continue with more cruelty and sexual torture. The other chapters to this story and my other stories are here:

Desire her or fear her, Part 01: Rejection and payback

This is actually one of my first stories, which I recently found on my computer again. I decided to look at it again, polish it up, and release it here. You will probably notice similarities with my other stories, as this actually inspired many of my later stories. You might also notice my favourite themes are: Incest, non-consensual sex and impregnation.


Next Finally
By Blueheatt
…..She finally couldn’t take anymore. All the temptation, flirting, touching, kissing and anticipation had gotten to her.
…..Jerri, my daughter, was young when her urges happened the first time.
…..I remember she stood up on the couch and wanted a piggy back ride.
…… Instead of my usual turning around so she could get on my back, she wanted a front ride. I remember she pushed her pussy into my cock and just smiled at me. She had on a thin night gown, panties and no bra. She held me tight and her breath was right in my ear. With her standing on the couch, we were eye to eye even then. She moved her pussy slightly around on my cock, which was getting bigger fast. Her breathing increased and she kept it up. She said quietly: “Give me a ride to bed.” and giggled.
…..She was a slim girl, beautiful skin and face, small cute tits and cute little ass. I had never messed with her, but her body was blossoming fast. She had long black hair that she changed all the time. From long pigtails, to piled up on her head, to a long braid and to just left to flow naturally down her back. It was very sexy to me.
…..She didn’t talk much, but her eyes told me she was wanting my attention. She liked to stand real close to me and almost whisper any talking we did. She liked to touch my chest and arms.
….. I started returning the touching. Her breathing increased every time. The touching increased. It was quiet affection, except for her panting breath. Slowly we were hugging and feeling a lot. My cock got hard quick now, and she pushed her pussy into it each time.
…..I gave her a piggy back ride to her bed late that night. The wife was fast asleep. I quietly lay down beside her. We didn’t talk but just hugged each other as she pushed her pussy into me. That’s as far as it went.
…..Then everything changed…..
……My now…‘ex‘-wife, took off with a guy and never came back. Jerri and I just continued to live normally. Now she had a job, her own car and life with her girlfriends and a boyfriend…but she had this ’thing’ about me.
…..One evening she came out in her white night gown and pulled the drapes, shut the door and any shades. She said: “I like to be nude, do you mind?”
…..(To see her naked!, of course I said: ) “Jerri, do what ever you like.” She stood in front of me and began to do a sexy strip. First she slowly undid her night gown, and tossed it on the couch. Next her bra, and I got to see her wonderful tits naked. Next she pulled her tiny thong slowly off. All the while looking me in the eyes. She put on quite a show of feeling her own tits and body. It was the hottest strip show I’d ever seen…. and with my own sexy daughter. I had a big tent in my robe. She delighted in turning me on as she looked at it and smiled.
….. She came over and put my legs together and sat on my lap facing me. My cock was now resting up against her pussy. She leaned over on me and started whispering in my ear. (“Daddy, I have a confession to make.
….. Well…. some of my girlfriends are having sex with their dads. I lied and said I was too, to fit in with them. I can’t lie anymore. I want to make it real. If we only do it just once, I won’t be lying anymore. Just once daddy please?”)
…..No way could I turn her down. She was legal, and on the pill. I didn’t answer her, just picked her up as I stood up. My rock hard cock was up against her warm pussy.
….We began the hottest night of our lives.
…..I carried her into the shower. I took off my robe as she kept herself clung to me. Her warm legs wrapped around my waist. Now we were both naked. The feeling of her naked warm tits against my chest was awesome. I could feel her patch of pubic hair on the underside of my cock.
…..I turned on the warm water. She started kissing my neck and face as I got us wet and began with the soap. She love being washed by me and moaned with pleasure. Our slick bodies rubbed together as we squirmed and let the warm water excite us. I put her down and washed her hair. She reached out and soaped up my cock and stroked it gently. This was our first time with all this and we took our time playing. I ran my fingers down her butt cheeks and up through her slit, over and over. She moaned with her eyes closed and got dizzy as she held on to me. It was her first time to have a man completely wash her whole body. The shower filled with steam and she gasp of breath. She kept holding on to my cock and slowly stroking it. I couldn’t take anymore and began to lay her down right in the shower. I lifted her beautiful smooth and wet slick legs way up. There was her beautiful pink pussy, all wet and waiting. Her clit was bright pink as I rubbed the head of my cock on it….slowly I slid it in…
….Many thoughts ran through Jerri’s mind….
…..I had new feelings everywhere. Daddy fingers feeling gently all around were sending new massive tingles to my pussy. His smooth slick body felt so sexy on my hands.
….Rubbing his skin against mine was off the pleasure scale. His wet kisses and warm breath on me were making me very dizzy. The waiting and wondering if I would ever have sex with him…. was over at last.
…..I belong to him right now and he was my man to bring me the sex I wanted. My voice just moaned by itself as I felt his warm cock start entering me. I held him tight as still more high feelings came to me. I felt his cock slide in deeper with each stroke. My two fingers found the spots on each side of my clit and joined in with the motion. I never felt even close to this with my boyfriend.
…..My other hand felt his butt cheek muscles tighten up with each stroke. His cock was so deep I gasp big, as he drove his cock to the bottom with each stroke. The noise of the water faded and all I heard was our heavy breathing and my moans. A new untapped climax was coming up, faster and faster. I held on tighter as my body feelings took over my mind. I started to yell with each cock stroke. He kissed my cheek as he began to moan. We both yelled as I felt it. Hot cum came pumping in me as he groaned loud. My pussy kept fucking but now squeezed down tight on his cock and held onto it tight. My whole body was shaking now as I fucked and fucked my way to another world…….
…..I got lost in the wonderful feeling being in her. Cum was flowing in her with shot after shot. Her body flopped around in ecstasy as my cock unloaded it biggest load I could ever remember. The warm water flowing over us made me weak with exhausted pleasure…..
…..A long time passed and the warm water faded away. I reached up with effort and turned it off. We just lay there as we seemed to melt together……
…..I woke up to my daddy drying me off, leaned up against the shower wall. I was in a daze as he picked me up and carried me to my bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed a long and wonderful kiss. He whispered: (“ don’t have to lie now.”)
….I couldn’t wait to call Trina and brag that we just had glorious sex in the shower. I called her. She paused and said: “Will you be having sex tonight?” I said: “If I want to, I know he will.” She said: “Let me do a sleep over, I want proof.” I said: “Would you like to listen and watch Trina?…would that be proof enough?”…..
…..That night Jerri had her beautiful girlfriend Trina over for a sleep-over. I wanted more private time with Jerri now, so I figured when Trina went to sleep, Jerri could come to my bedroom and we could have more sex.
….. I found out later that Trina said she didn’t believe Jerri was having sex with me….so…Jerri invited her over to prove it.
…..(“…I have way better sex with my dad, than with my boyfriend.”) she had told Trina….
…..I’ve had a sexual crush Jerri’s dad for a long time now. He was sexy and handsome. I got real hot thinking about Jerri having sex with him. I had to figure a way to have sex with him myself. Now I had it. The ’I don’t believe you’ ploy worked. I was finally at least going to watch her have sex with him. A little more talking and I might…get to fuck him myself.
…..I know he likes me, and I see him sneaking looks at my tits and body all the time. Now to just have Jerri…’move over’ ..and let Trina have a turn on your dad.
….Damn, he can sure make me wet.
…..I told Jerri that after Trina was asleep to come to my bedroom. We both wanted to have more glorious sex. Late that night I hear my bedroom door slowly open. It’s dark, but I barely see and feel…not one…but… two girls crawl into my bed….
…..I couldn’t hardly believe that Jerri had brought Trina in the bed with her. I pretended to be asleep and dreaming….I hoped this ‘wasn’t’ a dream with the two of them in bed with me.
…..I feel someone pulling down the covers. I feel my boxers being pulled down and off. I hear quiet giggles, and I began to feel ‘four’ wet lips, two wet tongues, and four hands on my erect cock. It was like a wet dream coming true.
….. Each girl took turns licking and sucking my cock. I can feel small hands feeling my body. I hear whispers and I feel a girl get on top of me. I feel her hand guide my cock in warm pussy and slowly surround my erect cock. There is movement up and down on me. I hear a girls heavy breathing and quiet moans.
…. It’s not Jerri… as I smell Trina’s perfume.
…. I feel Trina taking my hands and placing them on her firm tits, and moving them all around. I feel Jerri’s small hands feeling my balls and cock as it goes in and out of Trina. Next I feel a warm wet pussy surrounding my face. It has to be Jerri. She starts rocking on my lips. I feel her pubic hair on my face and taste her pussy. My tongue feels her clit moving back and forth on it. I hear a lot of heavy breathing and tiny moans.
….. I have to cum… I hear Trina moan and feel her drive her bouncing pussy tight down against my cock. I push my cock up and shoot cum hard up in her. She moans while trying to catch her breath. Her pussy glides slowly up and down on me. I feel my cum running out of her pussy. Jerri begins to orgasm right in my face. My face becomes wet as her pussy digs into my mouth. I feel her fingers pushing my tongue against her clit and softly moaning….
….Later on in the night they both start jacking me and playing with my cock again. They keep going until I have to cum again. I feel both their tongues on my cock head as they jack me fast.
…We play….I can’t hold it….
….. I have to cum again, they quick take turns to have me shoot my cum in their mouths then they cover my head with there mouths and they suck till slumber takes a hold for the night….
…. There is no description possible for the pleasure I feel…..

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