
Meeting Amanda: The Assault On Sarah – Chapter 12

I This chapter went through several rewrites before I decided on the final version. I already know there will be readers that will like how I ended this but there will also be alot that will hate it. Thats ok though. I know that everyone wont ever be happy about the same thing. This would be a very boring world if it was like that.

Connecting with Mother Ch 2

Connecting With Mother
Chapter 2
Mum lay back and rested her head against the settee. The wine had taken its toll as she fell into a deep sleep. Much as I would have liked to exploit the situation I could not bring myself to do so. I covered her up with a rug but could not help fingering her cunt which was still wet and licking the slipperiness in my mouth. My cock stirred just a little.
I woke with a real hard on and suddenly recalled the events of last night and how delicious it had been. I got out of bed and walked naked into the living room. Mum wasn’t there. She had left for work. I made a coffee and relaxed on the settee reminiscing about last night gently massaging my cock thinking about her body and how we might go from here. The phone ringing jolted my out of my wankable reverie.
“Oh is that you Ian, I was expecting Jean not yourself.”
“Hi Aunt Ellen,” recognising her Glaswegian voice, “How are you?”
“Very well Ian, I was just planning on coming to stay at your Mother’s for a few days but didn’t expect she had company. Well never mind, another time perhaps.”
“Hang on Aunt Ellen, I’m sure Mum would love you to come. Why don’t you phone her at work and tell her I am fine about your staying and can sleep on the settee which is also a put u up and you can have my room. No problem at all.”
“Are you sure Ian, that’s grand of you? I’ll phone her at work then.”
“Good Aunt Ellen, I’ll see you later then.”
“Thanks Ian, bye till later.”
Whilst engaged in this conversation I was tearing myself out with frustration on the one hand and sexual curiosity on the other. Frustration for her inhibiting my plans I had with Mum and no doubt hers for me. Curiosity because of fantasies I had had in the past about Aunt Ellen. She had fed my early horniness as a teenager along with a number of Mum’s friends. Ellen was not really my Aunt but her and her husband Tom had been the closest friends in London when all four left Glasgow for London for work and a better life than the restrictive backgrounds they had been used to in Glasgow. Not to put to finer point on it Mum had been forced to leave Glasgow and her parental home when she was pregnant with me and Dad followed her. Tom and Ellen soon followed though for work.
Aunt Ellen used to come round with Tom and I would surreptitiously feed my arousal in front of the TV by glancing up her skirt to view her thighs encased in stockings and suspenders, similar to Mum. Sometimes they would both excite me without realising it – that’s what I thought anyway. Another time I had just gone round to Tom and Ellen’s flat and gone by accident into their bedroom after going to the bathroom rather than into the living room to find Aunt Ellen in front of a full length mirror with her back to me in a full flesh pink corset with stockings attached to suspenders that hung from the corset. The corset cosseted her spacious arse cheeks. Added to this she was in high heels. It was just a fleeting moment, but Aunt Ellen was totally surprised and appeared slightly shocked as she turned to face me. Then I had a full frontal view of her breasts filling out the top of her corset with a slight cleavage that revealed how large they were. They were larger than Mums.
Her stockinged legs were deeply arousing and she had no panties on so I had a brief glimpse of her hairs.
“Just go into the living room immediately Ian. You know you should not be in here.”
Chastened I turned and leapt to the door and the hall into the living room. Just then I heard the front door open. It was Uncle Tom who greeted me in his usual boisterous manner and very friendly. I was his favourite ‘nephew.’
Shortly after Aunt Ellen came in fully dressed in a skirt and blouse and greeted Uncle Tom with a kiss and commented that I had just popped round to see them. She said nothing about what had just happened in her bedroom. My embarrassment rapidly faded.
I had never forgotten that incident. For weeks after I masturbated to the sight of her and the thoughts that went with it if she had pursued my obvious desire. It could not have happened anyway with Uncle Tom getting home almost immediately.
I recalled the incident again when I had put the phone down, feeling an erection emerging at the thought that she was coming to see us. She had never let me down by telling anybody of the incident. How did she feel about it I wondered? I had a quick come in the shower before work imagining her here with Mum. What should I do? How will Mum feel about Ellen coming to stay?
That question was answered when Mum rang me at work later confirming Ellen was coming telling me that she was pleased that I had agreed to use the put u up, but disappointed we were restricted in our new found relationship. She insisted that we keep it a secret too. I readily agreed.
Mum said she would get a take away meal after her work and we would all meet at home.
Uncle Tom had died a few years back when Ellen was in her late 40s. He was a good deal older than her but had been full of the joys of life and died in his sleep. Aunt Ellen had not found a new relationship and I did not know how she managed now without someone close to her, let alone her sex life.
I got back from work about 7 to find Mum and Aunt Ellen imbibing the wine. Ellen got up to greet me and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek. In hugging her I realised she had on a corset because of the firmness with which her body was held. She wasn’t fat but had a figure well emphasised by the corset.
After the usual formalities we settled down to lovely reunion with the wine helping its way to our heads. Ellen was sitting opposite me. I could not believe it! Her knees were quite open revealing the sight that had excited me so in my teens, stockings, belt, flesh above the stocking line and just a hint of knickers. The knickers were old fashioned in completely covering her pubes. It reminded me of the corset I had seen her in that time at her flat, flesh coloured very old fashioned but to me then the most startling sight up to that time. I’m sure she saw me having glances at her. It was as if she was willing it.
“Well Ian how’s your love life these days?” Aunt Ellen pronounced almost as if she already knew. I glanced at Mum, who responded,
“I mentioned how things are with Gillian, Ian, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all Mum. To answer your question Aunt Ellen it’s practically non-existent these days though the family works well enough and I get on with my boys superbly.
“You’ve not got a new love then Ian. So how do you get your needs met then?” Ellen always had a knack of cutting to the quick.
“I get by Aunt Ellen.”
“That means life’s very boring Ian or you don’t want to talk about it.”
Mum interjected, “I think he probably looks after himself pretty well Ellen.”
I relished the hidden meaning of Mum’s comment and just smiled. Ellen replied with, “I see, that’s alright then.” This effectively closed down that topic with a touch of the caustic in it as if she had been thwarted.
We continued gassing into the night and going a little easy on the wine for a change. Ellen went to the bathroom and Mum just glowed with, “I hope that gave you sufficient cover Ian, but I wonder what she’s after?”
Ellen returned and resumed her seat putting one leg up on a pouf to rest her foot. She carried on addressing Mum about her work. Whilst they were absorbed I glanced at Ellen’s thighs and then realised that I could see her cunt hair. She had taken off her knickers and was intentionally showing off her cunt for me whilst engaging Mum. I felt my cock harden in my trousers and wished I had on my track suit again. I decided the best thing was to get out of this situation and feign tiredness as there was no way I wanted to frustrate myself all night. I did enjoy the view though.
They both went off to bed and I got out the put u up and prepared for bed. I had left my dressing gown in my bedroom, and thought sod it, I always sleep naked what’s different tonight. I decided to read and left the small lamp on next to the bed.
After about an hour I heard a movement in the hall. Aunt Ellen poked her head round the door, very quietly calling, “Still awake then. Can I come in I can’t get to sleep. She was wearing my dressing gown, and still appeared to be in her stockings from a quick sight of her calves.
She sat on an armchair near the bed. I felt a slight arousal at her proximity. We chatted around the ordinary then after about half an hour she commented,
“Ian do you remember that day at my flat when you came into my room when I was dressing?”
“I never forgot it Aunt Ellen. I never had the chance to thank you for not dropping my in it with Uncle Tom either.” My cock stiffened at the thought of then and with her raising the incident now too.
“I thought it better to keep to myself Ian. No harm came and I thought you liked it by the look on your face.”
“What made you raise it now Aunt Ellen?”
“Oh I do like you calling me Aunt Ellen – it makes us much closer. Well I just happen to be wearing something very like it now under your dressing gown.”
Really that’s a lovely thought Aunt Ellen what are you going to do about it?
We’ll see Ian. What happened after that day at my old home Ian? Did you think about me much?”
“I couldn’t get you out of my head for years. In fact I still can get horny over the idea.”
“Tell me what you thought Ian. Did you play with yourself?”
“All the time. I got off thinking about you playing with me and doing lovely things to me Aunt Ellen.”
She lifted her leg onto the edge of the bed letting the gown slide off her thigh to reveal her stocking tops where they met her skin but held it so that I could see no more. Tantalising bitch but she knew I loved it as I stroked my cock beneath the sheet getting it very hard.
“I have always loved corsets Ian and I know that men just love the sight of them and the way they gently constrain my body into a better shape.”
“Men Aunt Ellen?”
“Since Tom, I’ve had the odd fling and one-off you know.”
“Do you like showing off your body Aunt Ellen?” She just smiled.
“I’m getting a nice show now.” I moved my hand to caress her stockinged calf and slowly worked my way up her leg to her flesh. She didn’t stop me. I reached out and pulled the cord of the gown. The dressing gown flushed open revealing her corset in full and her very hairy pubes. More astonishing was what she hadn’t told me that her breasts were fully exposed.
“Didn’t expect that did you Ian. This corset has a detachable bra which I took off when I went to your bedroom. I thought you might like it.” She used her foot to rub the sheet over my cock which was now completely stiff. She pushed the sheet away with her foot revealing my hardon totally. She stood up and let the gown fall and then without any words stepped over me to take my cock in her hands and put her cunt near my face and her big arse in the air above me. I had to move to adjust position as she licked my cock with her tongue.
“I’ve wanted this for years Ian. Give me your mouth too I want it badly. I haven’t had cock for ages, oh it’s lovely, it’s just right in my mouth.”
“Your dirty Aunt Ellen aren’t you?” With that I stuck my mouth between her massive hairy cunt and plunged into her wet soggy lips.
I could look over her arse and see her dark red arse hole. But I could also see beyond her when I did that and I slowly realised we were not alone. It was quite dark and Ellen was totally absorbed with my cock in her mouth. Near the door to the hall I could just make out Mum standing there in a short nightie not making any noise. She saw that I had seen her. I nearly stopped, thinking she must be furious but was kicked from that thought by the sight of her wanking her clit slowly yet deliberately. She nodded it was ok. She also used her raised hand and elbow movement to say don’t fuck her. I got her meaning immediately and nodded. She went back to wanking at the scene.
I resumed licking Ellen’s cunt and clit. I wanted to see more of Mum, difficult if I concentrated on Ellen’s clit. So I sacrificed her clit and went to licking her arse hole with a relish. I loved it and Ellen screamed and turned toward me.
“That fucking lovely more please more of that, I just love my arse licked.”
So I tongued her and tried to pierce her rectum. She has a nice tight arse so I settled for hard licking and fingering her clit as a substitute.
Just then I saw Mum close her eyes very tight and her legs were bent as she orgasmed with no sound. That made me go over the top too and I shot my load into Ellen mouth but quietly so as not to wake Mum! Ellen realised that too as I brought on her climax with my fingers whilst continuing to suck her arse hole.
Ellen collapsed on me as she came down from her orgasm. Just as I saw Mum slip away Ellen turned round and kissed me returning some of my cum into my mouth.
“I apologise for leaping on you like that. It’s been so long to wait but but it was really worth it. It was better than I could have imagined. I think I should be getting to bed Ian.”
“My pleasure Aunt Ellen, I hope we can again.”
I slipped off to sleep mostly thinking of Mum and how she may have felt seeing her new sexual role usurped by her old friend Ellen, but assuaged by the scene before her. I wanted to go to her but decided against it as being a little risky.
Next morning I woke to hear Mum in the kitchen on her own. I thought it better that I have a shower first. On completion I went into the kitchen in my tee shirt and trousers, slightly hesitantly so see Mum in a loose sweat shirt that came half way down her thighs. She was barefooted and looked really cool. I hoped that was not her mood too. She sat at the kitchen table with her back to me. I went up behind her and put my arms around her. She did not look up or say anything. I was very anxious. I decided to take a great risk. Coming round to face her I leant down and put my arms round her again and took her lips to mine and gave her a deep kiss penetrating her mouth with my tongue.
Mum tried to resist me pulling away from me but I just held her tight to try to tell her she was the important woman in my life. Slowly she desisted. I pulled her up from the chair so we both stood. She enveloped me as I rubbed her nipples letting out a sigh, “Ian you bastard that was my spunk no one else’s, but I still love you and want you.”
Just then we heard Ellen in the hall coming toward the kitchen. Mum and I separated quickly and went to sit down. Ellen came in and saw the ebbing but distinct bulge in my track suit and quickly gave me a glance and then got into conversation with Mum about how she slept.
Just then the phone rang. I picked it up to hear Gillian’s voice saying one of our children had a fall but was ok but would benefit from seeing me. It was Friday so I could go for the weekend. That solved things with Ellen and Mum immediately. I would go down to home after work for the weekend.
After conveying my intentions to Mum and Ellen with a real sorrow even though it would be complicated I dressed and went to work.
Gillian picked me up at the station with the children and we had a pleasant family evening.
Gillian was my age and still very attractive with firmish breasts, full hips and legs that looked good in heels. She wore glasses most of the time. I still found that a turn on when I felt randy. On one of first times at sex when she was about 25 I remember coming over her face with her glasses on. She thought me just a bit kinky even then.
I read to the children after they went to bed, then returned to Gillian in the kitchen finishing some washing in a sloppy tee shirt and loose skirt and bare legs.
“Feel like fucking in here Gill”?
“That’s a bit blunt isn’t it?”
“If you feel horny like I do let’s go for it.”
I can’t just do it like that Ian.”
I walked over to her at the sink and pulled up her skirt. No panties – good sign. Without any foreplay I pushed my finger into her cunt which was very wet – she was ready, and fucked her with it. She was responding to my vigorous fingering so I went for her clit and rubbed it in the way I knew she loved. She responded with a loud yell, turned and slapped me on my face. She had so much pent up anger releasing it on me physically. I grabbed her wrists with one hand and pushed back against the sink and continued fingering her. I then released her wrists and got down on my knees to suck her clit. She climaxed as only she can with a deep guttural moan that I just loved about her. She slowly came down making no comment.
I got up and looked round the kitchen and saw what I wanted and got it.
Returning to Gillian she was looking at me saying,
“What do you want that for?”
“Never mind.” I got rough with her and turned round to push her over the table on her tummy and slapped her bare arse hard with her skirt round her waist.
“Ouch you fucker that hurt.”
“Good, you deserve it you churlish cunt.”
There was a history of her being churlish when we were not at one that will unfold later. Now I just needed to take her with a roughness that even surprised me. I kept on smacking her arse. She moaned but did not tell me to stop. I then saw the cane carpet beater hanging on the kitchen wall within easy reach. It was rarely used for its purpose but I had thought of using it in the past but never had the nerve. I lifted it off its wall hanger and brought it down on her exposed arse which was now a gentle pink. I had held her down with my other hand.
“Why are you beating me you fucking bastard?”
I noticed how she had not told me to stop and replied, “because it makes me really horny for you and you deserve it for being such a cow.”
“Alright Ian do your worst, at least I have your attention.”
“Good cos I’m not finished yet.”
Gillian started fingering herself really getting in to a submissive frame I had not seen before.
I pulled off my trousers and pants with a very hard cock facing her arse. I gave her one more slashing with the beater then dropped it on the floor. I coated my fingers with the butter I had reached for and then pushed a finger into her arsehole. She just squirmed, “not there Ian, you know I don’t do that.” I ignored her and took more butter and coated my very ready cock with a lashing and pushed toward her.
Her rectum was tight but butter accessible as I pushed but allowed her to adjust. I was still outside giving her distinct pressure on her sphincter She went very silent. I continued to push relentlessly.
“Ouch that hurts you fucker.”
“Yes, I’m your fucker, only this time your anal fucker and it’s going up your beautiful arsehole, cos that’s what you need you repressed shit.”
She didn’t reply or try to stop me. Slowly my head penetrated the pink tight closed crevice and I found myself just inside her tight hole. I waited then proceeded to move deeper into her rectum. I was now fully in her up to my hair. I slapped her cheeks with both hands as I connected with her just with my cock. It was the most sexual moment we had had in months.
Without comment Gillian resumed her clit stroking with her fast moving fingers. She knew where I was going and she knew she had to look after herself. I continued slapping her cheeks hard with my hands which seemed to rouse her even more.
Just then she stiffened her whole body, went into a suspended silence then roared her voice at me, “yes Ian fuck me, cum in me, hit me I need you so badly, I’ve been desperate, absolutely desperate.”
I paused taking in what she said for later and then resumed my anal fuck with a sense of release that I had finally found a way of breaking through to her. She returned my movement in harness with me and I finally came and released all my pent up frustration with her right up her rectum.
I pulled out slowly still fairly hard and pulled her off the table and presented my cock to her face, holding her hair to fix her in front of my prick still dripping a small amount of spunk. Pushing at her mouth, she opened up and took it, ever so slightly speckled with her insides, into her mouth. She cleaned me up, doing a good job. Gillian pulled my down to her level on the floor and sought my mouth. I didn’t hesitate and we tongued each other as we came down from our frantic reverie.
Later that evening when we had returned to our wine, Gillian relaxed following her release sexually.
I casually asked her what she’d meant by being absolutely desperate.
“I hope you won’t be angry Ian but I have been very lonely and needed some company.”
I listened and waited and wondered.
“You know my brother, John’s wife left him three months ago. He phoned very distressed a couple of weeks ago and went on and on talking down the phone to me. So I asked if it would be better if he came round on the Saturday evening for supper after the kids were in bed. He leapt at the suggestion and came round about 8. I made the supper and we had some wine and he was very voluble, angry and sad. I suggested he get out of the house more after work. He said he didn’t feel very confident these days and I asked why. He blustered that he had lost any sense of how to go about being social with women and when he did try he blew it with the date he had. I asked how and he replied that he just froze when the woman came on to him and he ran from the situation. I then asked him if he managed to look after himself. He knew what I meant and said he didn’t really. Should I believe him I thought. Then he said I was the only woman he felt comfortable with. Because I’m your sister? No not because of that. He then went into a long ramble about always liking me. I agreed I had always liked him. He then came in with – no more than that. What can you mean I said? Then he just said it – sexually. I was astonished, yet strangely comforted feeling a bit neglected myself.
To cut a long story short he persuaded me to try to give him an erection and give him a hand job. Are you alright with this Ian, you haven’t said a word?”
“Go on Gillian, did you?” But I was getting a slight stirring below unnoticed I think. “I did, do you want to know the details?”
“Of course.”
“I went and sat beside him and undid his zip. It felt quite mechanical. I pulled out his cock and it was very floppy no sign of going hard. I started to play with it with both hands, one not being enough. It still didn’t work. I saw him looking at my breasts, I had my tee shirt on and had not worn a bra. He moved his hand to my breasts and started fondling them.” “Did you like it?” “It felt odd at first, but yes it did, certainly better than always doing it to myself. He began to stir and get harder. He then went under my T shirt and started to play with my nipples directly. But then he placed his hand on my head and pulled me toward his cock. I thought well this will get it over more quickly and I went down on him. He got really hard then and I held one hand on his cock to stop him pushing too far and just kept my mouth round the head of his cock. He didn’t last much longer and came in my mouth before I realised it.” “I’m glad that’s off my chest Ian sorry about it.” “What happened after that?” “Well he felt full of guilt, apologised and soon after some desultory conversation left.
“What about you?”
“I felt guilt and shocked at doing that to my brother, but I have to tell you I felt horny after he left and went to bed and wanked myself to sleep.
“What did you think about whilst masturbating? Don’t worry I don’t think I’m angry.”
“I can see you’ve got an erection anyway. Well I found it really sexual to think it was John I was doing it to and that he got hard when he started stroking my breasts and how he got harder in my mouth and….
“Why don’t you masturbate while you tell me? Wait a minute.” I went to our bedroom and got my lubricant and brought it back. “Carry on.” I had removed my clothes and was naked. We masturbated to each other.
“When he came in my mouth I realised I was not shocked but just took it in my stride and swallowed.”
“I just fantasised then thinking of him being here again when you are away and thinking what’s the harm in it?
What would you like to do?”
“I’d like to tease him to death until he couldn’t stop himself and let him fuck me if you must know.”
“I’m ok with that. Now come and suck me off for getting me high again you incestual slut.” Gillian came over to me relieved that I had not scolded her or worse and proceeded to suck my hard slippery cock whilst she wanked herself at the same time. She was ready I could see. As she went over I pulled out of her mouth and took my hand to aim my spunk all over her face and glasses. We both collapsed then. She came up to me wet with my spunk and she hugged me and kissed me.
“I love you Ian. Thank you it’s just sex with John, I don’t feel other than brotherly to him and I do get lonely when you’re away.”
Gillian did not ask me about my sexual activity whilst in London and I didn’t proffer any of my activities though I did wonder how she would feel about my mother and me.
To be continued. . . . . . . .

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The Island, Chapter 39

uthor’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.

The Island, Chapter 39

uthor’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.

The Island, Chapter 39

uthor’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.

The Island, Chapter 39

uthor’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.

The Island, Chapter 39

uthor’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.

The Island, Chapter 39

uthor’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.

Kendall Jenner (Part 1)

This is my first story, so be kind. If it goes well I will continue the series, the “She’s the One” series inspired me to write this.

A series of circumstances 3

A series of circumstance 3
This the third adventure for Cathy and Brian. You may want to read the first to series of circumstance and #2.
It was Sunday morning at Silvia’s. I got up and went to the kitchen, Sil was making coffee.
Hi how are you? I’m fine, actually great, but you were right about what you heard, I’ve been laid 25 times and given at least 20 blow jobs, thank god cum isn’t fattening.
I know my ass is getting use to fucking and being doubled fucked is great but you certainly do blow your cookies hard. I’ve never cum so much in my life.
The boys like panties, I’ve already gone through three pair and do you believe the stains.
They like seeing there handy work and feeding us there cum, and the panties do hold it in.
Brian told me last night they were expecting guy’s with very large cock today after lunch.
A large cock? You mean bigger the Teddy’s? Yeah He said they were from Mandango. Whats Mandango? All I know is if they show up were to go upstairs with them and fuck.
Ok I can do that. Coffee, please.
About 1PM we change panties and did our hair and makeup. The boys had gotten a call that we were indeed have company.
We must have given another 10 blow job apiece, but by 1PM we had to get cleaned up.
When the door bell rang, there stood four big black guy’s, they were invited in and introduced to us. Hi I’m Cathy two of them asked who’s mom is this and Brian raised his hand. Brian were taking her up. I smiled and said see you guy’s later.
Being topless my tits and nipples were in there mouths before the first step. We got in the bedroom and a moment later Silvia came in with the other two. Well we understand you girls love large cock. I responded, we sure do, well we’ve got some cock for you and they started to get undressed.
Silvia and I were wide eyed as there pants came off. Those weren’t cocks they were logs. Silvia asked are you planning on putting those things in us? Yes we are. I asked the guy closes to me all the way in? To the hilt.
For the next two minutes we kissed, fondled and sucked the monsters. Who will be first?
George the guy who was standing next to me smiled and said Cathy how about it? George how big is that thing 13 and a half inches long and four inches in diameter. Wow have you ever had a woman take it all? Yes I hope your one of them, I’ll really try.
Silvia was looking at the monsters and smiles and told me go for it. Ok lets try.
I laid down on the bed and George got between my legs. He got the lube and told Silvia get it lubes up. She stopped sucking and got up and went to work on the monster.
Ok baby here we go, I felt the head pushing between my lips and the plop the head was in, I was flowing by now as I thought for sure it would never fit. Slowly he pushed in and out and I thought I can take Teddy but this feels a lot bigger.
I looked over and saw Silvia on her back legs in the air and another monster at the entrance to her pussy.
Just then gable another member of the team asked George more lube? yeah, it felt cold but I was really being stretch out beyond what I thought possible.
God it feels wonderful. I was building up to my first climax and George knew it. OK babe let go for it, with one hard pus he sank in to the hilt. I immediately started cumming and he started pumping.
I almost lost consciousness when he said I’m gonna come soon, as I was working on my fourth orgasm all I could do was grunt. Then it hit me, it felt like a fire hose in my pussy but instead of water he was shooting cum.
Oh my god fuck me fuck me was all I kept saying, I heard Silvia scream I’m cumming. George got off and was replaced by Reggie.
Reggie pumped me for about 10 minutes and I had two more orgasms, on the third orgasm he grabbed my hips and let go, fire hose action.
I was delirious. I had a dazed look and just laid there, a pair of panties were put on me and before I knew it the guys were gone.
Silvia how’s you pussy? I feel great never had anything like that. I would do it again if they asked, me too. That’s the way I feel.
Now the boys were in the room and sat us up. Can you guys walk? I responded, yes but It feels like I’m gushing gallons, you are and we are going to get all of it in this container.
Silvia and I watched as the container was filled and we had both stopped gushing with only residual leakage.
Her you go girls, to big glasses of warm cum? Brian what are going to do with these? Drink them. Oh I don’t think I want to do that. Drink it now!
Ok I put my lips to the glass and started to drink, there must have been 4 oz of cum, what a rush. I never drank cum before and it was great. Brian can we do this again? Soon?
Silvia finished her glass as well and said good to the last drop.
Later Brian and I got dressed and started to leave, Silvia gave me her phone number and said lets do this again soon, you got it.
On the drive home Brian smiled and said mom you really do like cum don’t you? Brian thanks to you and your friends I am an official milf cum bucket. I’ve been fucked more in two week then in my entire life. My ass is no longer a virgin, I drank cum and loved it and I’ve made porno films for you and your friends so you can jerk off, and had a giant dick give me the best fucking I have ever had. I glad you decided to make me a MILF.
If your up for it every weekend we can do a weekend gathering.
I can only go three weeks a month. Not so. What? Your ass is not a virgin and you can still can suck a cock. Your right.
Besides you only met Silvia there are quite a few moms in the club and perhaps one weekend we can all get together. I’d like that.
If you want I’ll give you a hand job now or a blow job when we get home.
I want to save it so when we get home I can cum in a big glass and you can drink it while we watch a dvd of you and Mrs R getting done by those giant cocks and drinking cum.
It’s on the computer already? Yeah I have a dvd.
Hon is there a chance we could get George to come over one night? I think he would love to as he left he told me you and Silvia were the first pussy’s in several months who had been able to take the whole thing. If you were up for it him and reg could come over next week. I think we should invite Silvia over as well.
Mom we have another mom Todd’s mom, you mean Francis? Yes Todd and I have fucked her and she loves cock. But is a little hesitant all the time.
Well tell Todd to bring her if you can get George and some of his friends for Wednesday or Thursday.
OK I’ll let you know.
Thursday afternoon Silvia and I were in my room changing when we heard the door bell, it must be Todd and Fran as George and the guy’s are going to be here at 7.
Brian, Todd and Fran came in our room, quick intro and Todd left us alone. Well Todd wasn’t kidding we are the Milf cum buckets aren’t we? Yes Fran that’s us.
I’m concerned about this as besides being incest they have pictures, I thought, and videos. So what is the concern we get laid regularly and by men who love us. Did you bring a sexy outfit? It seems they want bras and panties and then we have to walk around so they can see the stain. Well Sil and I have no problem with it, frankly I think it’s kind of cute to here them say things like, look at the stain I made or wow she leaking. It turns them on and were being fucked.
Tonight is something special as were having a couple of the big cock guys, you mean bigger then Teddy? Yeah His cock felt wonderful but I’m not sure I can handle bigger. You should have no trouble with it. Come on let get sexed up and get down stairs.
The three moms were in the den with about six guys talking and groping when the doorbell rang. Brian yelled I’ll get it. In walked George , Reg and Larry. They walked up to us and George kissed me on the mouth and cupped my crotch, Reg did the same to Silvia and Larry went to Fran who hesitated but kiss him.
George smiled and said, Cathy you go with Larry, I’m going with Silvia and Reg take Fran. Ok and we started up the stairs. In my bedroom Larry Jerome and Alan were on me in a second great, I love the attention. Silvia came in and her group went to work. As things were heating up we heard Fran say No way are you Fucking me with that thing.
Todd who had is cock in Silvia month, stopped got up walked into the hall and said get in here and fuck him or the pictures will be on every desk at your job in the morning.
He just looked at her and she obediently followed George into the room.
Larry was a big as George so he went slow but with about 3//4 of Larry’s cock in me Jerome took his ample cock and pushed it in my ass while Alan stuffed my mouth. My god it feels great, I had two orgasms before I got a mouthful, it took five swallows but most of it went down just then I felt the twitching between my legs Larry pushed all the way in as did Jerome. I could fell both cocks explode in me and once again I really came hard.
Silvia and I were in our panties while Fran still grunted as she had cock in her pussy, in her ass and in her mouth, Teddy started to cum in her mouth and yelled swallow bitch, she took four swallows and got it all down. Teddy pulled out as George started to pound her, from the looks of it he was almost there and Brian pushed deep into her ass and we saw the look on her face as the fire hose went off in her pussy and ass. For the next 20 seconds all she could say was fuck me fuck me fuck me.
The guys got up and left while Sil and I were given small container, we knew what we were going to do or so we thought.
Fran looked dazed, they helped her up, panties on and a container, in nothing flat they had quite a lot of cum.
The boys stood Fran up and handed her a glass and filled it to the brim, Todd stepped up looked her in the eyes and said drink, it’s full of cum! Drink it now as she put the glass to her lip she gagged a little but kept drinking until the glass was empty. Not bad was all she said. Fran, now Sil and I will have to suck these cocks so we can get cum. Sorry girls but we are cum bucket milfs.

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