
Scarlett’s Fingers

An oldie, from 2012. Originally, I’d published this at Literotica, but my old account there is now deleted along with my earliest few stories. I’ll be republishing them here, except for maybe one.

Flat But Sexy

I know this story is long, but I hope you enjoy it.
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Grandpa’s Journals: The Cowgirl’s Confidence, Partr 2

The sun rose the next morning just as it always does, in the East at around 6:30 in the morning to a cloudless sky. The mountains gave off a pinkish glow from the sunlight splashing off the snow covered peaks of the Three Sisters, just miles away from Sisters, Oregon and the home of my son’s ranch just on the edge of the Willamette National Forrest. As my grand daughter came out to tend her horses, she walked with a special step to her stride. It was one of pride and confidence for she had, on the previous night, let herself turn all of her anger over her looks aside and had fulfilled something that she didn’t know that she had in her. She had stimulated herself into a marvelous orgasm and she had done it in front of me, her loving grand father.
I had watched from my perch just outside of her window and even though she had turned off the light to her bedroom, I could still make out, under the glow of the of a full moon, the white image of her naked body as she felt, fondled and stimulated herself into a full fledged orgasmic release. It wasn’t her first one but it was her best, most intense one that she had ever had. She no longer felt like the Ugly Duckling of the family. She felt, and rightly so, sensual and desirable to the opposite sex. She felt beautiful, she felt alive.
I heard her singing loudly to her horse and its foal and I wondered if they knew just how wonderful she felt this morning. I didn’t even know the extent of her joyousness until I joined her at the barn and she came up and gave me a rather seductive hug and kiss right on my lips.
“Wow,” I whistled out loud. “What’s gotten into you this morning?”
She just stood there, looking up into my eyes starring, smiling and almost laughing at my question. “I woke up this morning feeling like a real woman, for the first time in my life, I wanted to get up and shout it out to the world. I am a woman and I am beautiful and nothing can take that away from me!” she said with so much enthusiasm that I honestly believed her when she said it. She gave me another hug and then said, “And I have you to thank for feeling this way.”
“Me? What did I do?” I asked incredulously.
“When you touched my legs at the ice cream parlor yesterday I knew right then that you thought that I was beautiful, that I was desirable, that you wanted to touch me, to caress me, to love me. I knew right then that no matter what I thought of myself, that you thought I was worth looking at. And if my grandpa thought so then maybe someone else would think so also,” she explained.
I thought of what she was so excited about for a minute and then said the only thing that I could think of at the time, “I think so, Susan honey,” I said with a tear in my eye. “I think that you are beautiful.”
We finished with her chores and walked back to the house hand in hand. Susan thought for a second and then told me that she had to go into town this morning and she didn’t want me to join her. I thought that this was rather strange but told her that I had some stuff to do over in Bend so I would see her this afternoon and turned to go into my rig. I wondered what she had on her mind but I decided that I would find out if and when she wanted to tell me.
The rest of the week flew by. Thursday was the big day for Susan to get her braces out and she spent the entire afternoon having her cavities filled before her graduation on Friday. I had talked with my son about the Lasik procedure that I wanted to give her for a graduation present and although he said it was too much money, gave me his blessing to go ahead and make all of the arrangements. I scheduled it for the middle of June and filled out an envelope with a note inside to give her on the evening of her graduation. She knew that I was thinking about it because I had accompanied her to the local eye doctor but she had no idea I had finalized the procedure.
On Friday around 2:30 in the afternoon, she had her hair styled and when I saw her come out into the living room of the house, I almost started to cry she looked so marvelously beautiful. Her fresh clean smile was no longer distracting to the onlooker and her long curly red hair had a soft, shorter wave to it and it was much more attractive than it use to be. She wore a nice green dress that made the color in her face stand out and shout, “Hey, look at me because I’m beautiful!” and all of the rest made me want to bust my seams with pride.
Even her brother and father took notice of the changes in her appearance but her mother’s reaction was priceless. After looking at her daughter for a moment, studying her up and down, she said, “Where was I when you became so beautiful?” and broke down into tears.
The graduation went off without a hitch. Everyone yelled and cheered when their senior came across the stage to receive their diploma. Some people had more than one group cheer them on but when it came time for Susan to get hers, there was a strange murmuring fill the room as you could hear the whispers asking who this beauty was.
I did not cheer nor did anyone else. Every eye in the place was following her as she walked across the stage yet no one knew who she was. I wanted to cry I felt so bad for her but the look on her face told me that it didn’t matter to her one bit,. so as she got the diploma from the principal, I stood up and chapped and shouted out at the top of my lungs, “Way to go Susan, I love you!” She stared at me with a big grin on her face as it turned an instant shade of crimson.
That night I was so anxious to go to her window and wait for her to disrobe for me. I looked at my watch and it said that it was past 10:30, in fact it was almost 11:00 o’clock. Just as I was about to give up and walk away, the light came on in her room and I saw my pajama clad grand daughter walk over to her dresser and pull something long and thin out of little tube and place it right by the night stand. It was a tampon and that told me there was not going to be any shows for a week or so.
It was just as well because the temperature turned down right hot for the month of June. It rose to near 100 during the afternoons and it didn’t cool down until much later in the night. Susan had had her eye surgery and had come through it fantastically. She now looked so beautiful without the glasses that my heart skipped a beat every time my own eyes made contact with hers.
My son and Brandon took their horses over to the Triple J to board them over there while my daughter-in-law traveled to San Francisco to attend a protest over some poor, little heard of animal or insect or something. That left us to ourselves, all alone at their ranch to do whatever we wished.
It was the middle of July when Susan came over to my rig one evening and knocked at my door. She sheepishly asked if I wanted to go for a walk and talk a little. I told her “Sure,” and wondered what she had on her mind. We hadn’t done much since graduation as far as really being with each other. I didn’t feel invited to come to her window at night and we never got a chance to be alone much with her mother around so much. But now she was asking me to go for a walk and to talk, so I had hopes for a rekindling of feelings between the two of us.
We walked along in silence for awhile, just enjoying the evening’s warm breeze. She said that she had been so busy lately with the horses and all and I told her that I had been also, but I didn’t try to explain what I was doing in town all the time. But when she ask me if I remembered back in June when she went into town and told me that I couldn’t come with her, well, she said that she had gone to the family doctor to get on the pill and that now she had been on them for over a month. She stopped and looked up at me, right into my eyes and asked, “Will you make love with me Grandpa? Will you show me what it’s like?”
I was dumbfounded, I was in shock at the question but I was turned on as hell with excitement. “Are you sure you want me to teach you about sex?” I asked her with doubt in my question.
She continued to look into my eyes as she just nodded her head yes and said, “Uh huh.”
“I got you something, it’s just a little present that I picked up in town the other day just in case we ever had the opportunity to go, ah you know, be alone together, kind of on a date or something. I’ll give it to you when we get back to my rig and if you seriously want to know if I would make love with you, the answer is in the present. My God, Susan, I‘ve hate to admit it but I’ve thought of nothing else since I saw you that night when you turned off your lights and, well, you know.”
She just turned down her eyes and whispered, “I know. I wanted to tell you this for over a month but I wanted to wait until I was sure that they were working. The Doctor said to wait for a full month before, ah, having relations so it had been a month now so when do you want to do it?”
“Let’s take it slow and naturally,” I said, trying hard to hide my enthusiasm. “How about we go back to my rig, I can give you my present and we can take it from there. Maybe we’ll do it tonight, maybe we’ll wait until tomorrow night,” I told her.
“Or maybe we’ll do it both nights?” she asked with smile on her face.
I laughed at her joke and bend down and gave her a big kiss on her lips. She responded to this show of affection with her arms around my neck, jaw extended, open mouth kiss right back as we melted into each others arms. I was pulling her so hard into me that I worried that I might hurt her tender little waist line but as she sighed in between kisses and pressed her hips into mine, my hands grabbed her by the butt and I pulled her off the ground. In doing so, she swung her legs around my waist and pressed her crotch into my groin area, kissing me as hard as she possibly could.
We were so turned on when we broke off the passionate groping of our bodies and walked back to my rig that I had trouble knowing what to do or to say. Stopping her outside, I went on in to retrieve my gift for her and when I came back out with the box, I told her to go back to her room, take a nice cleansing shower and put on the outfit that I had purchased for her. When she was ready, she was to come on back out and we would see where it led us.
She got a devilish grin on her face as she took the box under her arm and fairly flew back to the house to follow my instructions. I nervously took a quick shower of my own as I put on some nice clean clothes and settled down to wait for her to return. I wanted a drink but decided that I would refrain just this one time because I wanted to make sure that I had a full remembrance of this evening.
I waited and waited for her return while fidgeting with my shirt and trousers. I ran back into my rig to change my shirt back to the more casual one that I put on in the first place and was coming back out wondering if I should go back in and change it back when she stepped around the corner of the 5th wheel and I detected the softness of the flowing dress that she was wearing.
The dress looked absolutely fabulous on her and I got an instant hard on just looking at her wearing it. The white, soft cotton blouse was loosely cut into a peasant’s style that came down over the shoulders and was held up by the elastic band running through it and her breast line. The delicate embroidering on the two inch collar that covered her breasts had eyelets sown into the fabric and softly hung over the breasts accentuating the smooth flowing shoulders of the wearer.
The full, flowing skirt was made from yards of the same material with the eyelets embroidered into the lower third of the calf length garment and it swished around her legs as she walked. But as she crossed in front of the setting sun, I saw the best of my purchase in the matching panties that I detected her wearing underneath the flowing dress. My heart skipped a beat as she twirled around, sending the hem of the skirt flying outward and showing off her white delicately tapered legs.
She grinned at me with excitement as she stopped her spin and then held out her arms and asked, “Well, what do you think?”
“I think you look fantastic!” I said. “But the question is, what do you think?”
She came over to me to put her arms around my waist as she looked straight up in my eyes. Resting there with her crotch pressed into mine she said in low sexy voice, “It makes me feel all warm and sensual, like I’m trying to be as sexy as I can be. Those little embroidered panties really turned me on just looking at them and to wear them just for you, well…”
I gulped a breath of air as I tried to visualize them on her beautiful little body but my mind was too busy to recall the vision back from my memory so I just smiled and gave her a big hug. She asked me if I wanted to take her for another walk in the sunset and I indicated that I would like that so we slowing walked arm in arm towards the setting sun as we both tried to get control over our emotions.
As we walked towards the mountains and the setting sun behind them, I placed my hand on her shoulder and caressed it softly as well as her neck. She cuddled into my touch and then reached up with her hand and placed it right on top of mine and gave it a little squeeze. I rubbed her back briefly as I took my hand away again to purposely feel for a bra but my fantasies were realized when I felt only flesh under the blouse.
She looked up into my eyes as if to say, “I’m not wearing one,” and gave me a little smile of knowing. I almost melted right there as we slowly came to a halt. She turned in front of me and I had to ask her, “Susan Honey, would you do your ol’ grandpa a favor? Would you stand right there in front of the sunset, spread your legs a little and pick up your collar so I can see you better?”
She just smiled a nervous sort of smile, bit down on her lower lip and picked up the collar on the blouse of her dress. She very slowly separated her legs to let the sun shine through and expose my eyes to the most wonderful treat. I took my time to inspect every little aspect of the silhouette of her wonderful body, its fullness, its shape and its tantalizing whiteness as it shown under the shade of the dress. I could make out the image of her nipples as they began to stand out from her pink areolas. I could barely see the matching eyelets that adorned the panties that covered her most sacred area as she started to squirm under my scrutiny. I then held out my hand and said to her softly, “Let’s go back to the 5th wheel and get comfortable.”
We walked back to my RV in silence for the most part and I let my hand wandered down to rest on her hip and waist area. I could feel the bareness of her soft skin and then I felt the firmness of elastic line of the waistband so I ran one finger around on the edge for about an inch on either side and got terribly turned on just thinking of this evening.
As we got back to the rig, I let my hand trail down as she stepped up to enter the 5th wheel and I lightly touched her hip and her rear end. I got this strange sensation of need from deep within my soul but I knew that I should go slowly, very slowly and tenderly. This was her big moment and I didn’t want to do anything to spoil it. So I stepped up and entered after her and followed her into the living quarters of the rig. There I stopped her and as she turned around I pulled her close and put both arms around her shoulders.
“Are you ready for this?” I asked her tenderly.
“I think so,” she answered in a soft little voice.
“Do you want to talk or have a Coke or anything?” I asked, suddenly felling like a young teenager on his first date.
She just smiled and shook her head “no” and then took me by the hand and led me towards to bedroom. I followed her into the room and when we got there, standing right in front of the closet mirror, I put my hands on her shoulders and started to give her a gentle yet firm massage. Looking into my eyes through the refection, she gave me a smile as she almost closed her eyes in appreciation.
I was kneading her shoulders with my firm hands and she was really enjoying the stimulation that I was causing her muscles but when I lowered my touch down to her chest area and inserted them under the opening to her top, she ceased her breathing and opened her eyes for just a second before moaning out loud and re-closing her them.
My hands found her skin to be lusciously soft and tender as they went down the inside of her blouse. But as they reached her full, firm breasts and settled right on top of them, I also had to remember to let out my air that I had been holding before I started getting light headed.
I found her nipples with my fingers and stopped to twist and pull on them just a little before taking all of her breasts into my palms. She had her head back on my shoulder with her eyes tightly closed, enjoying every second of the manual stimulation that I was affording her, as they cradled into each hand. I would heft them gently by bouncing them up and down but when I gripped them firmly into my grasp and pressed them flat against her chest, she opened her mouth and gave out a mighty groan of pleasure, letting me know what a glorious feeling I was bring to her.
I slid the elastic neckline of the peasant’s blouse down around her elbows, exposing her ripe breasts to my eyes and even more to my manual assault. She opened her eyes just long enough to observe my hands on her breasts and a quick glance up into my eyes before she leaned her head back into my shoulder and closed them once again to feel the firm groping of her beautiful full breasts. They were superb in every way imaginable; so soft, so firm and so white because of her fair complexion. But as I continued to massage them, I began to crave her more and more.
I began to kiss her neck as my hands continued with their work. She was staining her chin upward, opening her throat up to my oral assault. I began to remove her arms from the blouse of her dress, urgently pulling it down and thrusting her arms through the gaping holes until the blouse fell down to her waist where it gathered in a heap. Now she was bare from the waist up and I was devouring her with my eyes.
Feeling the freeness of the cool night air on the skin on her bare chest, she turned around and greeted me with her hips pressing into my groin as she threw her arms around my neck and drove her body into mine. She ground it into me as I ground back into her while I walked her back to the bed and gently laid her down. I kept her in my arms and softly lay down on top of her. She moaned out loud in between our kisses as I drew up my knee up to place it directly on her crotch.
She was kissing me hungrily now with the passion that was building inside of her as I was frantically trying to undo the buttons on my shirt. She opened her eyes and helped me with this endeavor and soon had it flying to the floor while fidgeting with my belt buckle. This time it was I who succeeded in opening up my pants and it was I who soon had them sliding down my legs and onto the floor. Now, looking down at her bare chest and those two perfectly giggling masses, I threw myself down upon them and took them deep into my mouth.
Gripping one in my tight fist with just the areola and her nipple protruding out between my fingers, I licked and chewed on that spot as she thrust up her chest to feel the thrill that I intended. I was mad with my lust for this girl and I was starting to build up to a gigantic orgasm when I suddenly stopped and told myself that this wasn’t for me but for Susan. I had to control myself and make this all about her and her desires. I had to slow down.
I got up to my knees and slid my underwear down and off of my legs. I looked down at my grand daughter lying there on my bed, naked from the waist up with the skirt of the wonderfully soft sexy dress that I had bought for her riding up her white trim legs. One was bent at the knee and was placed outward and the other one was spread out slightly. I could see her pale white skin show through the skirt and as she slowly opened her eyes to see what was next, I extended my hand out and down to rest it right over her bent knee onto her inner thigh and start the slow process upward to find the junction between the two.
Gathering the skirt up in a ball as my hand made its way up between her legs, I could see her two white thighs slowly come together into a “Y” as they met at the white cotton panties. The matching embroidered eyelets in the underwear allowed a few tuffs of red public hair to stick through the openings and I gained even more excitement from this exposure. My heart was beating rapidly just hearing her pant out her breaths and her hands clutched at the covers on the bed. As I touched her right on the junction, she cried out loud and sucked in on her tummy as she threw her legs widely apart.
I cupped her warm, moist place with my hand and pressed my fingers in between her legs as she continued to squirm out her approval. Rubbing the crotch of the panties right into the moisture was causing a stain laden spot to form on them as I moved my other hand up the outside of her hip, taking the rest of the skirt up to gather at her waist. Then, with both of my hands, I gathered up the entire dress into my hands, pulled the elastic waistband over her hips and down her legs, and soon had it lying in a pile right next to the one of mine.
Looking back up at her two straight white legs, then up to the vision of her two beautiful breasts and the distance between the two that was separated only by a thin covering of cotton fabric, my heart skipped a beat and my breath caught in my throat at the thought that I was soon be doing to and with this beautiful grand daughter of mine. I almost shed a tear of gratitude just thinking about it.
I leaned over and crawled up between those two legs, up until I was resting on my knees right at her wide spread knees, all the while, never taking my eyes off of the prize that was waiting for me. I reached out my hand and placed it right on her crotch once again and started to rub my fingers along her little slit, back and forth until she gasping for air and groaned out her excitement. As I continued to fondle her beautiful pussy through her panties, the moisture began to flow out of her opening and the aroma was more than I could take.
Reaching up to her waistband and pulling down on the panties, I started the long progress down over her hips and down her slim legs. She raised her knees and I slid them over her backside and off of her feet. Her red bushy pubic mound stood brilliant against her lily white thighs but as I placed her legs on either side of my knees, I knew that I had to taste her wonderful, wet pussy and taste it soon. Taking her by the knees with both hands, I spread her out and placed my face directly down on her hot little cunt.
She erupted when I first placed my tongue in between her lips, crying out loud, “OH MY GOD GRANDPA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
I slid my tongue up to taste her little nubbin and that brought out another cry of ecstasy. She was thrashing her hips wildly up and down and to and froe in a panic to get away from the stimulation that I was forcing upon her. But suddenly, she dug in her heels and started raising her hips up in a rhythmic motion that told me that now was the time.
I worked my knees up to where they were resting just at her butt with my rock hard cock sticking straight out at her opening. Placing it right between her lips, I nestled it into contact with her vagina and slowly pressed forward. She held her breath as it started into its journey up between her reluctant outstretch vaginal muscles, deep into her womb where no one had ever ventured before. As it reached its full depth and stopped, she let out her breath and mumbled, “Oh Grandpa, it feels so good.”
I told her that I was glad and I wanted it to be good for her and that I would try to control myself but at that very moment, I could feel my loins start to give off that tale-tale sign of an impending orgasmic release and I knew that I had to hurry if I was going to get her off too. I withdrew it to its length and then reversed myself and rammed it home with meaning this time.
She grunted loudly but threw herself into my movement. She wasn’t used to having something rammed up into her vagina but she took to it almost instantly. She griped the covers into her two hands, spread her legs out wide and started ramming her hips up to meet my every thrust. As she built up to her release in a few more short thrusts from both of us, we jointly spewed out our fluids at the same time as we rocked the 5th wheel almost off of its stands.
Over and over she cried out at the top of her lungs, “OH GOD GRANDPA, I LOVE WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO ME! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! DON’T STOP, PLEASE OH PLEEAASSSEEEE!” She arched her back and had one of the greatest orgasms that I have ever witnessed. She strained her hips skyward and accepted my every thrust deep within her aching vagina and every ounce of my spitting sperm as it shot out of my rock hard cock.
We both came down from our adventure into a state of exhaustion and slumber. I couldn’t remember being so turned on in my life, except for when I was with Lori a few months ago and I only hoped for this feeling would replay itself many more times before I had to leave. I settled down into my love’s arms to rest and to reflect. I felt so much love for her and then she whispered into my ear, “I love you Grandpa, I really do love you.”

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Trail of tears

It’s nice to have a trail that kids use to transit to school right outside my back door. This will be an ongoing story.

When In Rome – 07

Author’s NotesI’m having difficulty doing dailies with all of the family stuff going on for the holidays. The story is far from over, and I’m still writing. I’m just having a hard time finding the time to write 6-8K words every day. Thanks for sticking with me :]
Scene 01: Cassius – Sex? No.
Scene 02: Callia – Sex? Yes.
Scene 03: Cassius – Sex? Yes.
He wasn’t a man to use the word “cute.”
But Callia, today, was the “cutest” thing he’d ever seen.
Everything was so new to her, so exciting. She flitted back and forth between the market stalls, speaking to everyone.. Touching everything. And he loomed behind her, the coldest, cruelest stare he could manage trained on the faces of any vendor that might consider telling her to stop. If anyone looked at her wrong, broke her mood – he’d fucking kill them. In the most creatively painful way he could think of.
Most of the vendors, especially the food vendors, were exceptionally friendly to her. Her charms had worked particularly well on the vintner, who had insisted that they try several of his best and make sure Lykos knew just how fine his wares were. Now she was teetering around in her sandals like a little lush, and the only thing keeping her balanced was the arm she’d looped through his.
He leaned over and pressed his lips against her ear. “What do you think?”
“Oh Cassius.” She breathed and her eyes focused intently on a sparkling stall filled to the brim with jewelry. “It’s better than I’d dreamed of.”
He laughed as he led her over the stall. “Come, meet Agnes.”
There were two people in Rome who stubbornly refused to fear Cassius. One was Callia. Agnes was the other. He swore that she had two spirits living inside her body; one was a sweet old woman with a kind word for everyone, the other a blood-thirsty savage who would cut your throat as soon as she’d shake your hand. She had to be at least seventy years old. She was the one vendor in the market that had never been robbed.
“Cassius.” Agnes beamed at him. “Now who’s this pretty little thing? Surely her father didn’t turn her loose with the likes of you.”
He laughed. “This is Callia. My sister.”
“Ohh.” Her eyes widened as she studied Callie. “Well, she is as pretty as the men all say. I didn’t expect her to be so.. Small. Pretty little runt, though. Hello, then, child. Enjoying the sights?”
Callia nodded politely, but she was a girl and they were in the middle of a jewelry stall. Her eyes were wide as she examined everything. “I’ve never seen the market before.”
“You should see this one, child. Look.” Agnes smiled at her and pulled a little ring off the wall and winked at Cassius. “The stone is almost the exact color of your eyes. Never seen a stone like this before.”
Cassius narrowed his eyes at Agnes. She was trying to be kind. Well, be kind and make a sale. She didn’t know that Lykos would never allow Callia to own anything, even something as small as a little ring. It pissed him off.
Callie gasped as she peered down at the ring. Agnes had been right. It was the color of her eyes, like it had been made for her.
“Well, try it on.” Agnes prompted, and Callie beamed as she obeyed.
“Let’s see.” Agnes snatched her hand over and inspected it. “Perfect fit. How ’bout that, eh, Cassius?”
Callie’s face was sad as she stared down at the ring. She chewed on her bottom lip as she held her out in front of her and inspected it in the light. She smiled at Agnes, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Its beautiful,” she whispered as she slid it back off her finger and held it out to Agnes. “But Father would never let me-”
“We’ll take it.”
Fuck Lykos. Callia had nothing. She didn’t have a bed, or one dress that she owned. She didn’t have a pair of sandals that were hers. Hell, her hair comb didn’t even belong to her. He could give her this.
Callia glanced up at him, and opened her mouth to protest, or speak, or something, but his hand was already in the pouch at his belt.
“Do you have a leather cord?” He asked as he dropped coin in Agnes’ hand. “One that will fit around my neck?”
She looked puzzled, but she nodded. She cut a length of cord about the right size and handed it to him. He looped it trough the ring and knotted it.
When he thanked the woman and led Callie away from the stand, he explained.
“I’ll hold it for you. Keep it around my neck until we leave here.”
She grinned and through her arms around his neck, and he held her close for as long as he dared.
They kept an acceptable distance as they walked slowly back to meet their brothers.
He heard the rustling in the trees along the empty path long before he saw the man stumble out from behind them, sword drawn.
“Where is she?” He voice was rough, like he’d been screaming. Blond stubble covered his face, and his clothes were dirty and wrinkled. “Where is my wife?”
Cassius pulled Callia behind him as he drew his sword. Slowly. Calmly.
“I don’t know who the fuck you are. How am I supposed to know where your wife ran off to?”
“His name is Titus.” Callie spoke up from behind him. “His wife is Julia. She was my friend before she got sold. She came from Britain like my mother.”
She leaned around him to peer at Titus, and he had to keep eyes on both of them.
“She’s gone missing?”
“Run along Callia.” Titus didn’t even look at her. “This doesn’t concern you.”
“Callia, stay.” Cassius pulled a dagger out of the strap of his sandal and handed it to Callie. “I don’t know who is in the woods.”
He watched Titus. The man was sluggish like he hadn’t slept. His eyes were ringed with black circles.
“I just want her home, Cassius. I won’t say a word.” His jaw clenched. “You can kill as many fucking whores as you want. Just let my wife go.”
Callia gasped, and Cassius stilled. “You think the man that’s been killing whores has you wife?”
“I think you have her, yes. I know who you are.” Titus’ body was shaking so hard he couldn’t keep his sword arm steady. He looked terrified. “If you don’t giveher back, you better kill me now. Because I will find whatever it is a freak like you loves and I’ll fucking take it from you.”
“Titus, is it?” He rubbed at his eyes, exhausted. He should just slit the bastard’s throat and fucking be done with it. “What makes you think she hasn’t just run off?”
“It was like when all the other men’s wives and daughters been taken. Rope on the bed. Blood and.. Blood and cum on the sheets.”
Cassius paused. “When?”
“She was gone when I came home this morning.”
She could still be alive. Some of the girls had been missing for over two weeks when their bodies were found.
“Put your sword away. I don’t have your wife.” He shook his head, irritated. “I’ve got to take Callia home. Meet me in the center of the market at midnight. I’m going to catch this bastard. Work with me. Maybe we can get him quick enough to find your wife.”
The man’s body sagged, but he sighed and nodded. “If this is a trick. If I find out you took her, I’ll kill you.”
“You can try.”
She knew the look on his face.
He sat back on the bed, naked, arms crossed behind his head. His cock was hard, thick and delicious and curving against his thigh. Her tongue darted across her lips. She wanted him to force that big cock down her throat until she choked on it.
He watched his slaves bathe her, his eyes dark and narrowed. The tight set of his jaw was in complete opposition to the relaxed posture of his body. His eyes never left hers. His breathing changed, chest rising and falling quicker as he watched the girls later soap slowly over her naked body. His hips rocked almost imperceptibly as one slid her hand between Callia’s legs to gently wash her cunt.
He stared at her like a lion watching his prey; ready to strike at any second. She arched her little cunt against his slave’s hand and let her head roll back. His eyes narrowed, and a cruel smile spread slowly across his face. She froze. She felt like her heart stopped still in her chest. She knew that look, too. Surely he wasn’t..
The slaves paid no attention to the shift in her mood as scrubbed her skin with rough brushes. They soaped her again as her brother watched. Once they had rinsed her, they piled her wet hair on top of her head and began to drain the water as they worked the scented oil and lotion mixture over her clean skin.
Cassius pointed to the fireplace, and she stood there as she dried. The fire was so warm, but her knees were trembling. Her back had healed enough, she supposed, and it looked like her week off was over. He would beat her tonight. She knew it without him having to say it. She was afraid.
Her father had not been kind or careful with her punishment. There was nothing sexual about the violence she’d received at his hand. It had been hard for her; sex, arousal and the state of consciousness that came with it were how she’d learned to embrace pain. That was what Cassius had taught her after her first beating at the hands of some cruel client she’d never seen again. She had a secret suspicion that no one had ever seen that client again.
Her brother didn’t speak. He just crooked his finger at her and glanced at the floor beside his bed.
She bowed her head, and stared at the stones on the floor as she approached.
She held her body like she’d been trained: back straight, tits up, ass out to make sure she was perfectly pleasing to the eye. She knelt on her shins on the ground by his bed, just far enough away that when he looked down at her, he could see that every inch of her was displayed. Her shoulders were high, tits up in the air, legs spread open so that her cunt was offered to him. She wanted him to take what was his. Her. She was his.
She didn’t look up as he slid off the bed and walked a slow circle around her. His knuckles stroked her jaw, and when her eyes closed, he slapped her cheek. It wasn’t a very hard slap; it startled her more than it hurt but she couldn’t stop the sharp breath she inhaled.
“Keep your eyes on the ground like a good whore.” His hand wrapped around her throat, and he squeezed it. His fingertips dug into her flesh. “Don’t speak unless given permission. Nod if you understand me.”
She nodded.
“If I tell you to speak, you will address me as Dominus.” His hand closed tighter. “Do you understand? Speak.”
“Yes, Dominus.” She could feel her legs shaking underneath her. Her stomach tightened as he released her throat and allowed her to breath. She nodded as she gasped in a breath.
She struggled just to put one foot in front of the other as he led her to the apparatus he used to restrain her. She couldn’t look at it. He’d kept it covered with a bed sheet for the last week because of what she’d gone through. He restrained her hands and belted her waist to the board, and she tried to pull inside herself for the strength she’d gained over her short life. She tried to remember the things he’d taught her, the ways to get herself in the right frame of mind but she was drawing up a blank.
He stroked the curve of her waist, and a small part of her tension eased. Not enough.
Her chest heaved as he adjusted a blindfold over her eyes. She could see nothing but blackness, and she started to shake. The belt chafed against her trembling body.
She relaxed when he touched her again, but just barely. The handle of his whip traced her slit, prodded at her. He squeezed her ass in one hand. His fingernails dug in as he pinched and pulled at her skin.
She was barely wet when he slid the first finger inside her cunt. She could hear him breathing, could feel him inside her, and she finally relaxed into it. This was Cassius, and relief was apparent in her moans as she pushed back against his hand as much as she could. She wasn’t allowed words, but she could still let him know it felt good.
He heard his growl behind her as he worked a second finger in with the first.
His fingers fucked her little cunt in short, rough strokes. He pounded them inside her until she could hear the strokes and his shallow breathing. His thumb pressed against her ass hole and she smiled to herself as she remembered just how fucking big he’d felt, how hard he was inside there. Her nipples were hard against the rough wood, and her pussy was soaking wet around his fingers.
She whined softly as he pulled his fingers out, leaving her empty. Her body sagged unhappily; she’d live with him inside her if she could. But then he wrapped his hands around the outsides of her thighs and he dropped to his knees behind her.
She bit her lip to keep from whispering his name as his lips pressed softly against the back of her thigh. She cried out when his tongue danced across her slit before sliding inside her. He prodded his tongue inside her wet little hole, and her entire body shook when she heard him moan. She couldn’t see him as he pulled, or maybe pushed, her lower body away from the board. He’d turned around between her legs so that his lips could wrap around her little clit.
Every muscle, every inch of her body screamed as he sucked her clit, soft then rough, soft then rough. He pinched her clit between his teeth at the exact same moment as his thumb slid inside her cunt. She screamed, some incoherent language that didn’t exist – one that could only be understood by the two of them. She felt/heard him laugh with his mouth still pressed against her slit.
He moved out from between her legs, and she whimpered. She fought against begging him to come back, but then his body was pressed against hers and he was tilting her head.. To his mouth. She tasted herself on his lips as he kissed her. He held her so close to his body as his tongue explored her mouth, and hers tasted his. He pressed one last kiss against her neck.
“I’m going to whip you now.” His hand cupped her wet little cunt as his tongue circled the rim of her ear. She trembled just from feeling his breath on her neck. “Speak.”
This was it. Her first beating since.. But it was Cassius. She could do this. She could.
“Y-yes, Dominus.”
He stepped away, and left her there. She braced herself hard for the first hit, held her breath. Tightened her muscles. Everything the rational side of her knew not to do. But the hit didn’t come. He was silent and she couldn’t see. She didn’t count the seconds, but it felt like she hung there for hours, shaking with fear, anxiety, trepidation. She barely breathed.
The first crack of the whip sounded like lightening. It hadn’t touched her skin, but she cried out anyway; her legs buckled under her and only the belt and the ropes on her wrists kept her from losing her footing. Still he didn’t speak. Her stomach rolled with nerves and she hissed in sharp gasps. They mixed with whimpers as she hung there, helpless and restrained.
The whip sounded again, and her entire body tensed again to brace for the impact. The sound seemed closer this time, but there was no pain. He hadn’t hit her. But he would. She just didn’t know when. That frightened her more than knowing it was coming. She hadn’t even realized she was crying until she felt the heat on her cheeks.
Anxiety tightened in her chest. She could hear nothing but the sound of her own heart; could think of nothing but the sound of the cracking whip and the memory of what her father’s whip had felt like as it split the skin on her back. She felt her tears seeping into the blindfold.
When the third crack rang out and still did not touch her skin, she sobbed out loud. He’d commanded her not to speak, but that was alright because she couldn’t form words.
She lost track of the cracks that didn’t make contact with her flesh, until she could no longer hear them over the roar of her heart in her ears and the sounds of her sobs. She shook violently, the belt digging into her skin, until she could barely hold herself upright on her feet.
When his whip finally cracked her skin, it was almost a relief. The pain of reality didn’t compare to the pain she’d been imagining in her mind and she gasped in a shaking, ragged breath. It may not have been as hard as she was prepared for, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. Fire spread across her back in a razor thin line and she gagged as she remembered what she had felt like at her father’s mercy when she’d felt the first trickle of hot blood running from one of the cuts on her back. The room she was in should have smelled like soap, lotion, firewood and Cassius. But her mind refused to let her smell anything but metal and blood and sweat.
By the third crack of the whip on her back, the ropes around her wrists felt like metal cuffs.
By the fifth, she could smell the spicy scent of the perfume her father wore.
By the tenth, she was quiet and sagging against her restraints – numb, out of focus; living in a perfect recreation of what she considered her own personal Tartarus. It was all in her mind, and she was left there reliving phantom whip strikes long after the room had went silent. Long after she’d been untied.
Nothing made sense to her, if it registered at all. The soft thing beneath her body. The strong, warm things around her waist. That vaguely familiar voice talking to her from so far away.
The world was still black.
His hands were shaking as he laid his little sister on the bed. He couldn’t take off her blindfold – not yet. Because for all the tears in her eyes, there were more in his.
He felt nauseated.
He was sure she had thought he lost control. He hadn’t. Every second of what he’d done to her, the sensory deprivation, the fear, the mind-fuck of whipping empty air just because it would terrify her.. He’d done it on purpose. She was in her “dark place” now, something he’d only seen very few times because he’d quickly learned how to avoid it.
And today he’d used that knowledge to take her there intentionally. But not for the reasons she would think.
He’d been beaten. Dozens, maybe a hundred times. He understood it and he understood Callia. This trip, this.. Descent into her own world of personal torment was inevitable.
Tomorrow she would go back to work, and any man who could pay the price could beat her in any fashion they chose. Maybe it would be tomorrow. Maybe the day after. But eventually it would have come to this. And Callia would be in this helpless state, completely at the mercy of a stranger who didn’t see her as a girl, a person. Someone who saw her as a toy. This unresponsive, broken shell would more than likely enrage whoever paid for a willing slut. There was no telling what would be done to her then.
But if he was the one to take her there.. He could control how she was brought out of it. He could care for her, make her feel safe.[/]
He kissed her forehead as he untied her blindfold. She blanched, squinted up at blankly for a second before she averted her eyes. Her body tensed, and tried to struggle out from under him. He lifted his arms, watching warily to see what she would do. His chest ached as she stumbled to the edge of the bed, and he reached out to grab her, but he wasn’t fast enough.
She fell sideways off the side of the mattress and landed hard on the floor. Her little brain didn’t even seem to register that as she pulled herself up onto her knees. In a perfect little slaves’ pose.
He crept toward her slowly, so as not to startle her. He sat next to her and pulled her body into his chest. She didn’t fight him, but every inch of her body was tensed as he pulled her into his lap. He rocked slowly back and forth as he held her tight against his chest, pressed kisses against the top of her head. He whispered softly to her as he stroked her head.
“Where are you right now, Callie?”
The tiny modicum of relaxation she’d gained vanished. She froze. “Right here, Dominus.”
“Look at me,” he sighed, and tilted her face to his. “Who am I, Callie?”
There was nothing in her eyes, no light. They were flat, near dead. Blank but for a small hint of confusion.
“You’re my master.”
“No.” He rested his forehead gently against hers as he cradled her body. “Look at me Callie. See me.”
She frowned. “I don’t understand. Just tell me what you desire from me, Domi-”
He silenced her with his lips on his and stood up with her in his arms. He laid her back on his bed and climbed on top of her, resting on his elbows.
“Tell me my name, my love.”
She shuddered underneath him, and when she spoke he could hear the tears in her voice.
“Good girl.” He kissed her cheek, the curve of her jaw. He laid his head in between her shoulder and chin. “Who am I, Cal?”
“Um.” She swallowed hard and he felt her turn slightly towards his. When he felt her body relax against his, just a little, a bit of the tightness in his chest eased. “My brother.”
“Yes.” His fingertips stroked her belly, and her head lulled back. “Where are you, Callie?”
“I-in your bed.”
“In [i]our bed,” he corrected. He moved back on top of her. She was coming back. Slowly, but his girl was in there somewhere. He could see that fire, that curiosity in her eyes. “Our bed, Callie.”
The ring, the one he’d bought her at the market, hung from his neck and rested just between her breasts.
“I’m sorry, Cassius.” She looked away. “I got scared.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He kissed her, and this time she kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Her kisses weren’t soft, they were hungry. She whimpered against his mouth as he bit at her bottom lip, and her hips arched up against him. He pulled her up and rested her back against his pillows so that she was almost sitting upright.
“Look at me, baby.” He pulled her legs apart and laid between them. His eyes met hers when his mouth was just inches away from her cunt. “Watch me, Callie. Like I watch you.”
Even from here, he could see the dried tears on her face. He kept his eyes locked with hers as he spread her legs wider and pressed his lips against her clit. He toyed with her cunt with his fingertips, but didn’t slide them inside. Not yet.
He trailed his tounge down from her clit to her hole and back up, watched her eyes almost close as her hips rocked up.
“Don’t close your eyes, Callie.”
He sucked hard at her clit, and heard her soft gasps. He watched her back arch as he finally slid a finger inside her cunt. She was always tight; her little cunt was perfect. Sweet and wet, and gripped his finger hard as he tasted her pussy. The taste of her cunt was something he couldn’t get enough of. He craved it. Now that he’d had her on his tongue he had no idea why he’d waited so fucking long to bury his face between his sister’s legs.
“Cassius?” She whimpered, her voice ragged as she pressed her hips up against his face. “I.. I n-need..”
He pressed a loud kiss against her clit. “Yes, my love? Tell me, sweet sister. What do you need?”
“I’m close. I’m.. Oh Gods,” she moaned out loud, her legs tightening against his hands. “I want to cum with your cock inside me, Cassius. Please. Fuck me.”
He sucked harder as she spoke, her words driving him half fucking mindless. She screamed as he slammed his finger inside her one last time. Yes, she was starting to shake for him.
He covered her mouth with his, catching her scream between his lips as he pressed his cock against her entrance. His fucking hand was shaking, body tight with the need to be inside her. But he teased her first, listened to her beg as he trailed the head of his cock up and down her slit.
“Tell me how badly you want it,” he teased, watching her tight little body writing underneath him.
Her eyes widened and she gaped up it him. “I love you cock. I need it. I want to feel it, Cassius, I want to feel it spread my little cunt open and pound inside. I want you to fuck me. I want to feel your cum spill inside me.”
He slammed inside her before she’d even finished speaking, and she screamed as her hips back against him. She slammed up, meeting every single thrust. She slammed her cunt against him every bit as hard as he slammed his cock inside her, and it didn’t take long. Five thrusts, maybe six, before her words lost all meaning. She was still talking, but he had no idea what the fuck she was saying other than the occasional ‘please.’ He never slowed his pace. His little sister wanted his cock inside her when she came, and that was what she gave her. He drilled into that hot, tight little cunt even as it trembled around him, got even wetter than before. He tightened his grip on her hips to keep himself from following her.
When she collapsed back against the bed, he slowed his thrusts. Not to let her recover, but to let himself.
“Cassius?” She peered up at him through half lidded, confused eyes.
He buried his cock deep inside her and stayed there, barely rocking against her hips. “Yes, my love?”
She bit her lip and rocked her hips up against him with her little, freckled nose crinkled. What in the hell was she thinking so hard about.
Finally, the confusion lifted, just a little. “Well, I love cock.”
He couldn’t help it. He never laughed. No one ever made him laugh. But he collapsed on top of her, roaring. That’s what she’d been so confused about? He could feel her cunt squeezing around his cock, each laugh making him shake inside her. “Yes, dear sister. I know you love cock.”
“No, Cass-” She whined, and tried to stomp her foot – which was awkward and cute considering she was laying on her back. “Let me figure out what I’m trying to say.”
He was still laughing softly above her.
“Okay,” she blew out a breath, and rocked her hips against his like it was helping her think. “I know that you can love cock. You can love getting fucked. But.. Can you love a person?”
He froze, and every bit of the humor he’d seen in the situation melted away. His chest pounded, his stomach clenched tight with nerves as he stared down at Callia. He studied the quizzical expression of her beautiful little face.
“Yes, Callia.” He told her softly. “You can love a person.”
“Cass?” She pressed her hips against his and rocked them in small, satisfied circles. His sweet little sister stared up at him with his cock buried balls-deep inside her cunt and smiled. “I love you.”
Every muscle in his body tightened, hummed like a bowstring as he pulled out and pounded back inside her. His cock throbbed, ached, and so did he as he pounded inside her.
“Do you, Callia?” He didn’t recognize his own voice when he spoke. “How much?”
“Even more than I love getting fucked.” She giggled beneath him between her sharp cries as her cunt took his cock.
His hand wrapped around her throat as he drove back inside her, and he watched her choking and bucking under him as he slammed his cock inside her. He lost himself in the thrusts, putting the full weight of his body behind every stroke. Her body rocked backward with each stroke, her head hit the headboard every time his balls slapped against her ass. He’d never fucked her quite this hard, never felt quite like this – this full bodied abandon as he tried to fuck past her cunt.. To fill her entire body up with his. He let go over her throat, pulled her legs up over his shoulder and focused on nothing but her screams and the way her body gripped him. He wanted to make her cum again, needed to hear her scream those words as they came together.
It didn’t take her long; that sweet little body started to shake under him. He bit at her calf as he held on trembling foot in his hand.
“Tell me again, Callie. Tell me when you cum on my cock.”
She grinned as her hands found the head board behind her, and she locked her arms out straight, pushing her body towards his. He filled her, and when her legs started to shake and he watched his little sister come with his cock inside her, screaming that she loved him.. He fucking lost it.
He wasn’t silent when he came either, not this time. He collapsed on her with a long, low growl as he filled her wet, shaking little cunt up with his cum. He couldn’t keep his hands or his mouth off her when she collapsed on top of her body.
His lips pressed up against her ear, and he whispered softly words that only she would ever hear from his lips.
“I love you.”

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The Proposition

A wealthy middle aged man is made a proposal by a young college bound girl to pay for her education.

Mom Soothed His Caned Bum

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The Island, Chapter 6

Author’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.

Unexpected Benifits

If anyone had told me a month ago that I was a child molester I’d have killed them. After the last few weeks though, I’d just have to hang my head.
My name is Matt and I’m 52 years old. I owned a software company and had developed a unique program for the government. After I was awarded a lucrative contract I was offered an ungodly amount of money for my company by a very well-known software giant. I decided to take it, retire for the time being, and just enjoy life. I figured I’d started one company and could always do it again or at least find work with someone else. My wife, Vicky, was a real estate agent but she wasn’t quite ready to stop working yet. She got a big kick out of the sales. We had an active sex life and the marriage was in good shape.
Around mid-June my brother called to tell us that he and his wife were going on a two week cruise in July. He asked if their twins, Kylee and Ken, could spend some time with us while they were away. After talking it over with Vicky, I called my brother back the next day and said we’d be glad to have the kids stay with us while they went on the cruise. The twins were almost 13 years old and I didn’t foresee any trouble. They’d always been well behaved and mannered whenever we’d gotten together in the past.
So it was on a Friday night in July that my brother and sister-in-law dropped the kids off and headed for the airport.
The next day Vicky went off to work and I started doing some work around the yard. When I finished up around 10:00 the kids were still in bed so I decided to jump in the pool, cool off, and then catch up on some reading. I was lying on the lounge reading and sipping a cold beer when one of the twins yelled out an upstairs window and asked if they could go swimming. I yelled back “sure”! The next thing I knew there were two shrieking, squealing kids flying through the patio door – naked!
I said, “Hey kids, where are your bathing suits?”
Kylee replied, “We swim like this all the time at home Uncle Matt. Mom lets us.”
Since there was an eight foot privacy fence around the back yard I just let it go and went back to my book.
The twins, except for the obvious sexual differences, were exactly alike. About 5’ tall, thin, and both had cute little bubble butts, and blonde almost white hair. Kylee was just beginning to develop breasts and had just wisps of pubic hair. Ken’s penis was about 2 inches, flaccid, and he also had wispy pubic hair.
I must have fallen asleep and was woken by loud giggling. The kids were sitting on the side of the pool and Kylee was pointing in the direction of Ken’s crotch and laughing.
“What’s going on kids?”
Kylee said, “Ken’s thing is sticking out and it got bigger.” “Why’d it do that?”
Oh shit! That last thing I was ready for was giving a lesson on the birds and bees. I would have thought that by now, their parents would have told them at least the basics. Ken’s dick was now about 4-5” long hard, and a little thicker than my thumb.
“Uh, sometimes a guy can get excited and his penis gets longer and harder. It’s nothing to worry about; it’ll go away in a little while.”
“Is that what you call it, a penis?” she asked.
“Well yeah, among other things.”
Thankfully, Ken’s dick started to deflate, and the conversation died with it.
Vicky got home a little while later and I busied myself lighting the grill for a cookout while Vicky changed into casual clothes and the kids put on something dry. We had a nice dinner, cleaned up, and then watched a movie with the kids until they went to bed. Vicky and I decided on a glass of wine before heading off to bed ourselves. As we lay in bed, I told Vicky about what had happened at the pool. Her interest seemed to pick up and she asked me more detailed questions. She wanted to know things like how the kid’s bodies looked naked and more specifics about Ken’s dick. I thought her interest was kinda strange but proceeded to give her more detailed descriptions. While I was talking, Vicky slid her hand down and was rubbing my cock through my boxers. It wasn’t long before I was hard and ready so I rolled in her direction and we started kissing – deeply. Still rubbing my cock, Vicky gave a little moan. I slid my hand under the T-shirt she was wearing and cupped her breast, flicking my thumb over the nipple at the same time. After a while, Vicky slid down my body, grabbed the waistband of my boxers and coaxed them down and off. She wrapped her hand around the shaft of my cock and brought the head to her lips, licking around and then up and down the shaft. She put her lips over the head again and then opened her mouth and worked her lips up and down the shaft. Blowjobs were not exactly rare but also not an everyday thing so I was gonna enjoy this as long as I could. Finally, it was time.
“Come here, baby, and gimme some pussy.”
“I want it doggy style.”
We got into position and Vicky reached back and grabbed the shaft of my cock and said “I want you to run your cock between my ass cheeks back and forth for awhile. Then put the head against my asshole and just push a little. Don’t put it in.”
Early in our marriage, I’d asked about having anal sex but she never wanted to try it so I just let it die. Here was a chance to at least rub and nudge that forbidden spot and hope it led to something more later.
I spread Vicky’s ass cheeks and laid the shaft of my cock over the prize. Squeezing the cheeks gently around my cock I started running it back and forth over the little puckered hole, base to tip. I could feel her pushing back against me and heard some soft moans. After a few minutes I took the shaft in my hand and aimed it and her asshole. At the same time I ran my hand between her legs , alternately rubbing her clit and running two fingers into her cunt. I put the head of my cock against her asshole and pressed forward, backed off, did it again, and then kept up that rhythm. Pretty soon…..
“Fuck me, Matt. Fuck me hard.”
I put my cock at the entrance to her pussy, grabbed her hips, and drove my cock forward and hard as I could.
“Oh God! Fuck me. Fuck my pussy hard.” “I’m gonna cummmm!”
She pushed her ass back at me as hard as I was fucking forward and I was getting close.
“OH Shit, I’m cumming Matt, I’m cumming hard.”
I kept slamming into her until her body convulsed all over and then went still.
“Cum in my mouth baby.”
Now this never happened so I wasted no time taking my cock out of that warm, freshly fucked pussy, and working my way up to her head. I positioned my cock over her mouth as she grabbed the shaft and started stroking me. My nuts sucked up into my guts and the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced hit me. Hot cum shot out like it never had before. One long spurt then another. Vicky swallowed and moaned “More”, still stroking my cock. One more weaker jet shot out and I almost collapsed on top of her.
“Baby that was hot” I moaned.
“Ummmmmm” was all she could manage and then she was out like a light.
I lay awake for a few more minutes wondering what had brought on Vicky’s more than welcomed behavior. Was it the description of the naked kids and Ken’s hard on? I didn’t know but at this point I’d be damned if I was gonna question the newfound zest in our sex life and the promise of things to come. Little did I know that other thoughts were looming in Vicky’s mind.
The next morning was Sunday so we slept in and then got up, made the coffee, and started cooking breakfast. The kids got up and we all sat around and ate quietly. I noticed Vicky glancing occasionally at Ken but didn’t think too much about it. After cleaning up Vicky suggested that we all just lay around the pool for the rest of the day so that’s what we did. The kids were naked again but we were all comfortable with it.
Later, more giggling and then “Ken’s thing is big again” from Kylee.
“Well just wait a while and it’ll go away again like it did yesterday” I said.
“There’s another way to make it go away” Vicky said. “Come here, Ken.”
Having no idea what might be coming next, I watched Ken walk over and stand right next to Vicky’s lounge with his dick harder than Chinese arithmetic. Vicky reached out with her thumb on the bottom and forefinger on top of Ken’s shaft and started to stroke him slowly. My mouth dropped open and hit my chest at that point.
Kylee: “What are you doing Aunt Vicky?”
“I’m showing Ken a way to make his dick get soft and feel good at the same time”
Ken: “That feels funny but it feels good”
Kylee: “His dick?”
“Yes honey, that’s another name for his penis. Dick, cock, and there’re others”
Kylee: “What happens now?”
“In just a little bit there’ll be some white sticky stuff called cum coming out of the end of his cock”
Kylee: “Oh, can I see?”
“Sure honey, come stand right next to Ken and watch”
Ken: “Aunt Vicky something’s happening. Almost like I gotta pee”
“You’re about to cum sweetie”
I could see Ken tense up and then a small spurt of jizz followed by a second one shot out of his dick and landed on Vicky’s tit. Thinking that I couldn’t get any more surprised I almost passed out when Vicky ran her finger through one of the little globs on her chest and then put it in her mouth.
Kylee: “EWWWW. Why’d you do that Aunt Vicky?”
“Cause I like the taste”
Kylee: “Can I taste it?”
“Sure, hon. Just come and lick the rest off of me”
Kylee stepped up, bent over slightly, and ran her tongue over Vicky’s tit getting the rest of Ken’s cum. I swear I think I heard Vicky moan. The last thing I wanted at this moment was a hard on but that’s exactly what I got.
Kylee asked “Is there gonna be any more?”
“Ken won’t have any more for a little while but your Uncle Matt has plenty”
No I fucking do not!!
“Uncle Matt can I see your cum?”
“Uh, I’m not sure that’s a good idea Kylee”
Vicky chimes in with “Sure it is Matt. Let the kids see your cock cum”
“Please Uncle Matt??!!” From both kids.
Feeling like a cornered rat I started to slide my swim suit down over my hips. When my cock was clear it sprang straight up. Now I don’t have one of those 12” beer can cocks you read about and I’ve never measured it but it’s gotta be 6-7” and fairly thick. I’ve always had fun with it.
Kylee squealed “Look how big it is. How come it’s so much bigger than Ken’s?”
“It’s because I’m a grown up. Ken’s will get bigger as he gets older”
“Can we see it cum now?”
“Well, that’s gonna take just a minute”
Vicky says “We can help him kids. Let me show you.”
Vicky gets up and comes over, sits on the side of my lounge, wraps her hand around my cock and starts to stroke it slowly. Both kids eyes are wide open and fixed on Vicky’s hand and my cock. Kylee asks “can I try?” “Sure honey”. Kylee wraps her little hand around my cock as much it will go and starts stroking like she’d seen Aunt Vicky. Still in a highly confused state I let a moan out without being able to stop it.
Vicky tells her “Now speed up your hand a little bit at a time Kylee”
“He’s getting close kids, watch” as Kylee does as she’s told.
I watched my cock head grow and turn a kind of angry purple color. The next thing I know I’m grunting like a pig and shoot a load of cum out a few inches in the air and it lands on my stomach followed by a second and then a third. Vicky leans over and runs her tongue through and scoops and swallows some hot jizz. Before I know it Kylee does the exact same thing then says “it tastes a little different than Ken’s. A little saltier but I like them both.” I, of course, am nothing but a quivering mass of used flesh and bones.

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