
Divine Justice II: The Family

I left Hanna the next morning and got in a cab that took me to the airport. Hanna and I had sex twice more before I left; I’ll never forget that night.
After two planes and another cab, I stood in front of my new home. It was a three-story house with a nice front yard, tall windows and a wide, shadowed porch. It looked like something my parents would buy. I smiled as I looked at it. Hartford would be a new start. At the airport I had honed my abilities. They were nowhere near perfect, but I could do some pretty neat things. Using my newly sharpened mental senses I scanned the rooms of the house. I was able to get a visual without actually going inside. It was quite nice. The rooms were all carpeted upstairs, with one bathroom on the third level and another two on the second. There were two bedrooms on the third floor, three on the second floor and the last one on the ground floor. A large backyard stretched out behind the house with a pool and a garden. At the moment, seeing as it was seven o clock, everyone was at the dinner table. They weren’t expecting me for another hour. I sharpened my focus and looked at each person individually.
My mother wasn’t the perfect woman or a MILF. She was just an ordinary woman in her fifties, blonde hair, blue eyes, short height, graceful movements but a cold attitude. My father, siting next to her, was the opposite. He looked thirty at fifty five, and there was an air of knowledgeable humor about him that made people laugh at the stories he told. He wore a suit constantly; one of the trademarks of a banker, I suppose. His hair was short brown and his eyes were the same. He stood at five foot eleven; he made up for height in going to the gym every day. It was a frightening thing to watch him lift, knowing how hard he pushed himself. He looked like a fighter. Next came my older sisters, the Twins: Katy and Kathy. Leave it my parents to be original. Katy and Kathy are identical twins: long strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes and very very sexy figures that made guys drool over them: a pair of 36D breasts and a nice, firm ass that even made me rise to the occasion sometimes. They’re both smart, but neither of them ever really applied it to things they should have. Therefore they always seem like typical blonde bimbos. Looking through their heads, I found some very strange things. Katy and Kathy were not the evil souls I’d figured them for. They were both virgins, despite numerous boyfriends, were kinder to their friends than I had previously thought, and had very specific dreams that each was stressing over. Both had trouble in school due to a lack of interest, meaning that they weren’t getting where their dreams wanted them. Next, my younger sister Clair. Born a year after me, she is the opposite of my older sisters. She wears glasses while they wear contacts. She was in the band while the K’s did cheerleading and track. They wear short skirts, she wears t shirts sort of thing. However, she is like everyone else in our family: extremely attractive. Her brown hair is but short, her glasses make her the most beautiful nerd ever, and her chest, while smaller than her sisters’ suits her well. She was a little bookworm and had almost everything she ever wanted. Except one thing: she was bi sexual. That didn’t blow me away, considering I knew almost every dirty secret that could be found without interacting with my family. She enjoyed lesbian porn very often, something I’d found interesting. But her discovery had led to very extreme personal conflict. I could tell she wasn’t purely gay, but she was scared of that possibility. It made her work harder at school and isolate herself more. Last, my younger brother, Tommy, born three years after Clair. He is my father’s pride and joy, everything he ever wanted in a son. And of course the two of them took every opportunity to hold it over my head. I poked into Tommy’s head quite a bit and found nothing extraordinary. He was an average intelligent person who played sports. Nothing special.
After going over each of these people, I found another. I was shocked until I remembered that our family was hosting an exchange student from France for a year of school. I pushed into her mind and was blown away. She was the opposite of my family in every way but one: she was gorgeous. Black hair, green eyes, and very nice body and an extensive knowledge of English, French and Spanish, she was a regular genius at everything. Then I discovered the truth. She wanted to be a dancer, and her parents, both very smart, hated that part of her. She was smart, but had to study hard at it, and it created a very sad side of her, a side that was very unsure of herself. To top it all off, her name was Juliet, of all things.
I shook my head and focused, downloading the information on languages and her home. I smiled. I was trilingual in a few seconds, and I knew everything about everyone in the house that I knew like a map… I was omniscient in this house. I grabbed my duffel bag and walked toward the front door, disregarding the fact that I was interrupting the family meal. I knocked and waited a second before throwing open the door and spinning my suitcase inside. The shock was immediate. I scanned everyone again, this time for emotion. My father and mother were angry and surprised. My sisters were all simply shocked that I had the balls to do what I’d done. My little brother was glad that I was home, for some reason. Juliet was scared for a moment and looked over at Clair, who hastily pointed and reassured her that I was someone who was supposed to live there.
“I’m home, loving family!” Everyone’s expressions darkened and I grinned even broader. I was going to enjoy this too much. My father stood up, shaking.
“Thought you wouldn’t be home for another hour, Terrance. Why didn’t you call?”
“Cell phone died. I forgot to charge it last night.” I gave the answer as I hugged him. That really pissed him off. He hated when people hugged him in the suit. My mother didn’t say anything; as she started speaking I planted a kiss on her head and she shut up pretty quick. I said hello to everyone else, gave my younger siblings hugs, and held out my hand to Juliet.
“Bonjour, Juliette. Mon nom est Terrance. Comment êtes-vous cette belle soirée?” I would like to think that it shocked everyone more than anything else I had done. My French was perfect and I spoke with no accent, another side effect of downloading. Juliet smiled at me and looked around the table.
“Je vais bien Terrance. Pourquoi sont-ils tous à la recherche de vous?”
“Ils ne m’aiment pas beaucoup. Je peux vous expliquer plus tard, si vous le souhaitez.”
“J’aimerais beaucoup. C’est très étrange.”
“Je suis d’accord, mais joue long pour moi.” She smiled and fluttered her eyes in what I understood as a yes. I was glad to have her on my side. I looked around at my family and they all stared at me. “What? I know French.”
The dinner was not cut short by my arrival. My Father was very strict about family dinners. I decided to let everyone mull it all over while I began my unpacking. I was on the third floor with my little brother, which meant nothing. I checked the walls of the house quietly and smiled to myself; they were already soundproofed against each other, however that worked. I unpacked most of it quickly, trying out a little bit of telekinesis and finding it pretty easy (after I dropped several objects including a lamp) to use. In the end, I was done well before dinner was over, and I had plugged in all of my necessary chargers by the time everyone arrived to visit me. Gladly first it was not Juliet but Clair. She didn’t like me particularly, but I understood after invading her mind. She saw me as trouble and wanted no part of it to rub off on her. She walked into my room, knocking on the open door nervously.
“Terry?” I looked over at her and smiled.
“What’s up Clair?” She looked around and made a face of approval.
“You unpacked pretty quick. I guess you clean the way you learn languages.” I smiled at her. She glared at me. It went on for a while.
“You know, if you want to know my secret, you’ll have to be nicer. With those cute little glasses, you might have a chance of getting the answer out of me.” She blushed wildly.Why am I getting turned on? He’s my brother and an ass… God this is insane! He’s super attractive. Did I just not pay any attention before? Or maybe he got hit with lightning or something…
I pulled out of her head smiling. The Stranger had promised that I would be a chick magnet and I was; I knew what to say and how to say it to get her aroused. And I wanted to get all of my sisters curious about my newfound abilities.
“Maybe I don’t want to be nice. You did just get us all a lecture on being rude to your family…”
“They aren’t my family.” Clair looked at me with shock and fear in her eyes. I didn’t realize how cold and harsh I sounded.
“What? They’re your parents, of course they’re…”
“None of you are, if you aren’t going to play nice. And I want to make that clear Clair. If you want to be my sister that’s fine; but don’t treat me like shit twenty four seven unless you have a reason, and trust me, I’ll know if you’re acting on your reasons or theirs. I’m a very different person than before.” Clair stared at her feet. I act that way to avoid trouble… He’s brother, we’re all family, this feud between him and our parents is going to destroy us…
“And Clair… I know your secret. I found out a while back what you’ve been trying to hide from Mother and Father.” She stiffened. “I’m not threatening. I don’t plan on ever telling or revealing or doing anything that you don’t want. What I’m doing, is offering you my help. If anyone finds out, you’ll need help to keep it quiet from Mother and Father.”
“What, so we aren’t family, but you’re my knight in shining armor?” Her voice had dropped to a hiss, and her eyes became slits. She was seething with anger. I pushed into her head and calmed her down a little, made her rage die and replaced it with wavering trust. On the outside she took a breath and then looked at me evenly. “How do I know you won’t use it against me? I haven’t always been nice to you.”
“I don’t plan on it because there would be no point. I want a family, not a bunch of secretive people I can’t trust. And I want you to trust me. You’re my little sister… I don’t want to have the relationship that I have with everyone else in this house with you too. I want you to talk to me about this sort of thing… like siblings should.” Clair’s heart softened and she smiled at me. But even that was tinted with both mistrust and hatred.
“We are siblings. I love you Terry, I just… I don’t want Mom too mad at me for treating you…”
“Hey Clair?” she stopped and looked at me. “I’m not the same person as before. I can make her stop treating you guys badly for being nice to me. Mother and Father will never mess with me again, and I can get my siblings back. That’s my plan here.” I opened my arms and Clair looked at me suspiciously. Finally, though, she smiled and gave me a hug. She walked out very pleased with the conversation. Within fifteen minutes, Juliet arrived. She walked in radiating insecurity. I really didn’t blame her for feeling that way. I stood up as she walked in and she looked around the room uncertainly.
“Bonjour à nouveau, Madame.”
“Je préfère l’anglais, puisque c’est la langue.” She smiled at me and I smiled back. It seemed so simple.
“Alright, if you prefer English. I thought it might be easier for anyone listening if they didn’t understand us, but I don’t mind English.” I gestured toward my desk chair and sat down on the bed as she took the chair.
“Your parents don’t like you… Or am I wrong?”
“You’re right.”
“Okay… Why? Before you arrived, everything seemed so easy between them. Your parents were kind and your siblings were friendly toward one another. Now everything is different. Your parents are fighting and your siblings are all very… shifty. They all act as though someone is trying to hurt them.” I thought about it. Juliet had become very relaxed, or as relaxed as she could be. I kept myself from pushing into her head; this one I wanted to work with on equal terms.
“Well… Juliet, this is the way my family has always been. I know it seems wrong, but something happened between my parents when I was born. They don’t like me, trust me, or care for me… at all. My siblings took up the same dislike and now… This is the result.” I spread my arms wide and looked at the door. I could sense my mother’s thoughts just outside the door, where no person could possibly have seen or heard her. I got up and walked to the door, gesturing for Juliet to remain quiet. She looked at me curiously but nodded. I thought I saw fear in her eyes.
“Mother, did you need something?” She jumped as I poked my head out the door and looked at her. She glared at me and put on a fake smile.
“No, Terrance. Is Juliet up here?”
“Yes ma’am. We were just talking about the house and everyone. Nothing really important, but she wanted to ask me something so I invited her in.” Mother nodded and walked away, waving the remark aside. She had her information. I turned and walked inside the room. Juliet looked at me with a smile on her face.
“How did you see her?” I grinned.
“I didn’t. I had a feeling someone was listening. Just a talent I guess.” I shrugged and she cocked an eyebrow at me. I swear an arrow pierced my heart right then. “What? You think I’ve got the hallway rigged or something?”
“Maybe. I don’t know, but I wouldn’t blame you if you did. These people don’t like you at all.” With that she got up and walked out, strutting a little bit. When she got to my door she looked back and I smiled at her. I want to say she blushed, but I can’t be sure. I fell back on my bed and sighed in delight.
I didn’t get another visitor for an hour. It was my older sisters, each wearing a sneer. They were only older than me by a year, so they weren’t as much older siblings as just siblings. They had more power than I, but then that was before my… enhancement.
“You think you’re clever walking in on dinner like that Terry? Making us all look like idiots in front of our guest?” Kathy was always more bold than Katy. I knew that the fight would be pushing her into submission and getting her sister to follow, not working on both of them. True to my expectations, Katy stayed quiet. She didn’t even sneer; she just looked at me with curious eyes. I smiled at her and she looked away.
“Well Kathy I did a damn good job of it didn’t I? You always underestimated me; you and ‘the ‘Rents’, as you call them, made a habit of it. And you know, it wouldn’t make you look bad if you showed a little kindness to your underprivileged little brother.” I went back to my book. That really pissed them off. Kathy grabbed my book and threw it across the room. That ticked me off a little bit. “Hey, Kathy. Quit being a bitch for once and you might find a guy that’ll want to get you in bed despite your… frightening qualities.”
All right, I know it was mean for a brother to say to his sister. But then my life sucked pretty hard and Kathy was very mean to me sometimes. Maybe I should have been nicer, yeah, but you would’ve done the same thing in my position. Probably not, but that’s beside the point.
Truth be told, Katy laughed at it and then hung her head. Kathy looked appalled; tears formed in her eyes. And I felt awful, absolutely awful. I grunted and looked away as Kathy ran out of the room, crying pretty hard. Katy laughed and sat on the bed beside me.
“You know there was a time when I thought that you guys were actually the same person. Now I realize you have a much sicker sense of humor.” Katy just looked at me with a smile. I pushed into her head and realized something: Katy had never truly disliked me, as Kathy had come to. She only stayed quiet. I realized that looking back on my own memories as much as hers. She was actually one of the kinder sisters, in line with Clair.
“Well you’re right. That’s what was funny; she just got done agreeing with Mommy how stupid you are and here you go exposing her innermost fear.” Katy kept laughing and even fell backward onto the bed. Her head plopped down on top of my lap, directly on top of my hardening dick. Whether it was on purpose or not, I can’t be sure, but she didn’t seem upset abut it. She moved her head around a little bit and giggled. “You know you’re kind of hard to get comfy on right now… you’re such a little pervert, getting hard for your older sister!”
“Well I can’t help it. You aren’t ugly, Katy.” I tapped her on the nose and made her laugh. Meanwhile, I managed to keep my shaft from growing anymore.
“Well, since your such a good boy, maybe I’ll help you out with this.” My eyes got wide as she got up and knelt on the bed, reaching for my belt. I grabbed her hands, still surprisingly calm. She looked at me, disappointed. “What, I thought I wasn’t ugly?”
“You’re gorgeous, Katy. I love you, but I don’t want you doing anything like that… just yet.” All right, lemme pause again: I don’t know what made me say that. She was my sister, and it was wrong, but the words just came out and I knew that I really did want her. I didn’t love her. But I wanted her. Next thing I knew I was kissing my sister, a closed mouth kiss that was very… hot. Her lips were very soft; her hair smelled like the beach, her skin was smooth. When we broke it off she smiled and pecked me on the cheek before sauntering her way out of the room. Before she was out of the door she whipped her head around and winked at me. I smiled and winked back as I leapt up and retrieved my book.
That night, as I turned off the light and crawled into bed, I scanned the house again. My parents were sleeping soundly. My brother was the same. Juliet was somewhat asleep, half sleeping half dreaming. She dreamt of home, France. I smiled at her memories and her dreams. Finally I switched to my sisters. I found the Twins and smiled. They were sitting up talking about nothing. Katy was still thinking of our kiss and my hard on; Kathy was thinking of me as well, though it was a general thought. Things I had said before, things I had done. It was interesting, but not what I was looking for. I don’t know what I was looking for. Finally I looked into Clair’s room. I grinned. She was under the covers touching her body, thinking of Juliet. I smiled and pushed my boxers down, letting my cock spring free under the blankets. Closing my eyes, her pleasure became reality. I found myself immersed in thoughts of pleasure between the two women. My cock hardened and my hand moved down, gripping the shaft and rubbing up and down. The pleasure in my head, the pleasure that Clair felt, would have been enough. But the feeling of my hand rubbing up and down on my shaft was overwhelming. I wanted to barge into her room, change her desires and take her roughly. My own fantasy mixed with hers in my head, but suddenly everything changed. Her fantasy became me, in her bed with her pleasuring her. She rubbed her clit hard and moaned as she imagined my penis sliding into her body, taking her virginity and forcing her to enjoy it. I didn’t need my hand anymore; her pleasure was too intense. Suddenly she moaned and her body seized up. Her orgasm washed over us and my body did the same. I smiled in disappointment. A dry orgasm wasn’t what I had wanted. Wrapping my hand around my shaft, I stayed inside of her head as she continued the fantasy. Shortly after I felt the real thing rising in my balls. I pushed deeper into her mind and connected her body to mine as I imagined doing what she wanted me to. She exhaled and another orgasm surged through her young body as I came, thinking of spraying the inside of her sex with my cum. We sighed together, completely synchronized, and pulled the covers back over our bodies (since mine were already on I simply pulled at them). I pulled back, sad that I had to lose the feeling of Clair’s mind totally fused with mine. As I released her and pulled back completely I heard her whisper my name and fall soundly asleep.

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Aunt then Mother.

My mother has been a widow for about five years. We have a nice
house in a good neighborhood. I’m an only child and mother and I have
always been close. I guess our loss brought us closer. I am big for my age
(16 years old) and a good student. About a year ago, mom’s sister Beth
moved in with us after she left her abusive husband. At first I didn’t
like having her there, but I soon learned to like Beth and enjoyed her
company. She helped mom around the house and frequently helped me with my
homework. Beth is very bright and has a masters degree in mathematics.
Beth does consulting and is often home during the day, whereas mom works
at an office from 9 to 5.
I got used to having Beth there when I arrived home from school. I
often asked her to help me with school work just so I could sit beside her
and smell her perfume and feel her hugs which she frequently gave me when
I solved a problem or learned a new skill. After a couple of months, I
noticed that she began wearing shorts and a halter around the house. She
said it was Spring time and the weather was getting warmer. Seeing her
long hair on her bare shoulders, her shapely legs extending from her loose
fitting shorts, and her nipples pressing against the thin cotton of her
halter top made me sweat many times, but not from the temperature.
One afternoon, a few weeks before school ended for the summer, I
got home and Beth was lying on the sofa reading some business report. She
greeted me and when I said I needed some help studying for final exams,
she said she would be finished in fifteen or twenty minutes. I went and
changed and cleaned up. When I returned, she was still reading. I noticed
that one knee was bent and her legs were spread a little. I could see up
her shorts. I positioned myself for a better view. I opened a book and
pretended to read, but I was staring at the curls of pubic hair around her
panties. What happened next really surprised me. I saw her hand move, so I
looked up. Her face was still blocked by the report so I returned my
attention to her shorts. She reached up the leg with her hand, lifted her
buttocks to loosen her panties. She stretched the opening and began
scratching her pubic mound. As her hand moved, I could see her cunt lips
protruding from her bush. After a couple of seconds, she removed her hand.
She then closed the report and sat up. She said, “Let’s get a drink and
sit at the kitchen table.”
I thought about seeing her bare cunt frequently over the next
couple of days. I had a hard on almost all the time I was around my aunt.
A couple of days later Beth was trying to scratch her back and said she
couldn’t reach the itch. I reached over and began lightly scratching her
back. She then leaned over and put her head and arms on the back of an
overstuffed chair. I was directly behind her and her ass was just inches
from my hardening prick. She told me to scratch a little harder and
higher. When I reached forward, my bulging prick pushed lightly against
her buttocks. She didn’t move for a minute while I scratched. She then
asked if I would rub her back firmly. I began kneading her back muscles.
My prick was pushing against the crack of her ass as I rubbed. Beth then
rotated her hips so that her cunt came in contact with my pulsating cock
and she pushed back against me. I thought I was going to come in my pants
when she asked me to untie the back of her halter so I could give her a
real massage. I untied the knot and let the straps fall. As I continued
massaging her back, I peered around her to see her bare breasts hanging.
The sideways movement caused my stiff penis to roll over her cunt. Beth
pushed harder against me and rotated her hips. Seeing her breasts sway and
her erected nipples caused me to lose control and literally come in my
pants. I kept grinding for a few more seconds, but Beth realized what
happened and stood up. She turned to face me. As I stared at her bare
breasts, she asked me to tie her halter back on. I carefully covered her
breasts and reached around her to tie the straps. She gave me a big hug
while I fumbled with the knot. Aunt Beth then told me that I could give
her a massage any time I wanted.
A couple days later I came home and Beth was in the shower. The
bathroom door was partially open. When the water was turned off, I decided
to wait for her to come out. I was rewarded for my patience. She came out
of the bathroom completely naked. She looked at me and said with a smile,
“Oh, you’re home early. I’m just going to my room to dress. I’ll be out in
a few minutes.” I continued to stare as she made no attempt to cover
herself as she walked to her room.
I had been thinking about her saying that I could give her a
massage anytime and decided to act. I followed her, saying, “I’d like
to give you a massage again.” She smiled and said, “That would be nice.”
Beth then spread her towel on the floor beside her bed. She then lay down
on her stomach and folded her arms under her head. She was still nude! Her
legs were spread and I was captivated by her bare cunt. A couple of
minutes later, I recovered and got on my knees between her legs and began
rubbing her back. Beth moaned and told me how good it felt. I proceeded
downward nearly to her buttocks and then switched to her feet. All the
time I massaged her feet and calves I was staring at her moist vagina with
its protruding lips. I then proceeded to her thighs. When I began
squeezing the upper thighs, her cunt was opening and closing and she began
moving her hips in a circular motion. About five minutes of rubbing her
thighs and buttocks was all I could take. I got up and began undressing.
Aunt Beth rolled over and watched me with a big smile. She spread her legs
wide open and reached toward me. She whispered, “Suck my nipples. I really
like that.” As I leaned toward her she grasped my stiff prick and guided
it between her legs. She was very slippery so I penetrated easily. Me
sucking her nipples made her gasp and she wrapped her legs around me and
began rapidly pumping her hips. I returned her thrusts and we came
strongly together. A few seconds later she relaxed, but my semi-hard dick
was still inside her. I continued sucking and licking her nipples. It
really felt good having my penis buried inside her slippery cunt. Beth
began moaning and slowly thrusting and after a minute or so started coming
again. I couldn’t come so soon, but I really enjoyed her thrusting and
hugging. She was slower to calm down after her second orgasm, but when she
did, she became aware of the time and yelled, “My God! Your mother’s due
home any minute. We have to get up.”
I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom. Just as I closed the
door, mom’s car pulled into the driveway. When I came out of the shower,
mom and Beth were talking in the kitchen. I don’t think mom suspected a
thing at that time.
Over the next couple of weeks, Beth taught me how to give a woman
real pleasure. She really liked having me lick and suck her cunt. That
really gave her strong orgasms and she let me fuck her any way I liked
after I licked her to an orgasm. Sometime I mounted her doggy style, but
mostly I liked her straddling me and slowly fucking until I came.
Early one afternoon Beth was on her bed with her legs spread and I
was on my knees beside the bed with my head between her legs. I was
enjoying the wonderful aroma and her moans and gasps of pleasure. When
Beth finished her orgasm, I stood to remove my shorts. Just then we heard
the click of a door closing. Beth jumped and looked toward her partially
open bedroom door. We both got dressed and went to investigate. Mom’s
bedroom door was closed and her car was in the driveway. We went to the
kitchen and began cleaning up. Beth said that she hoped mom hadn’t seen
us, but she didn’t see how she could have missed looking in as she walked
by her room.
A couple hours later, mom came out and said she was sick and came
home for some rest. She didn’t mention seeing us and acted as if nothing
happened. She stayed home for the rest of the week and Beth went out to
work with her clients.
end part1
begin part 2
About a week later, Beth announced that she had accepted a job
offer in a nearby city and would be moving. I have an idea that mom asked
her to move, but neither of them ever told me that. After Beth left, mom
seemed a lot more relaxed and she again became affectionate, giving me
frequent hugs and kisses. One Saturday morning, we were eating breakfast.
Mom had a loose house coat on and I was able to see her breasts when she
bent over. I noticed her nipples were very large and seemed to be erect.
She asked if I would help her with yard work. When I agreed, she went to
her room and changed into a halter and shorts. I had never seen her in
such sexy clothes before and over the day I couldn’t keep my mind off her
nipples pressing against the cotton of her halter and the bulge of her
pubic area which showed on her tight shorts. By afternoon her halter was
wet with sweat and her breasts may as well been bare. The bulge in my
pants must have been obvious. We live in a rural area, so there was no
danger of neighbors seeing mom. Maybe that was why she was so relaxed.
After we finished our work, we both took showers and changed our
clothes. I had told mom that I would help her cook dinner. When I got to
the kitchen, mom was there getting food out of the refrigerator. She had a
cotton sun dress on. It was quite loose around the top and came to about
six inches above the knees. I really felt a strong affection for her and
when she put the food on the counter, I reached out and gave her a hug and
told her that I loved her. She hugged me back and told me she loved me,
We had a very pleasant dinner and after we cleaned up I went to
the living room and turned on the television. I sat on the floor and
leaned back against the sofa. Mom came in and sat on the sofa so that her
legs were right beside me. I could feel her bare leg against my bare arm.
Mom said something about her feet ached after the long day of work. I
naturally began rubbing her foot. I continued massaging her closest foot
for several minutes while we watched the sitcom. Mom told me several times
how good it felt. Suddenly she said, “I need both feet rubbed.” and she
lifted her leg over my head her legs on my shoulders. My head was between
her legs with her bare thighs pressing against my ears. I loved it even
though I was facing the wrong direction to do what I really wanted.
However I now was able to massage both feet. As I rubbed, mom began slowly
opening and closing her thighs. When she had them open, I turned my head
and lightly kissed the inside of her thighs. That caused her to open them
wider and hold them open a little longer. Then mom lifted her buttocks and
slid forward so that my head was nearly touching her cunt. I knew then
what she wanted and, while kissing her thigh just inches below her bush, I
turned and got on me knees in front of her. Mom had her head back and her
eyes closed. I then looked down to see her bare cunt. I licked my way
toward the prize. When I began running my tongue up and down the outside
of the lips of her vagina, mom moaned and slid forward, rotating her
hips to give complete access to her hot cunt. I used all the techniques
that Beth taught me and soon mom was moaning that she was going to come.
She began thrusting her hips and suddenly little squirts of urine ejected
from her cunt as she came strongly. I thought she might squeeze too hard
as she closed her legs , but she released and closed them several times
before she finished coming. I was really horny and needed the relieve the
pressure. When I got up to remove my shorts, mom told me to sit down on
the sofa. She then got on her knees and took my penis in her hands. She
then did something that Beth had never done. Mom began licking, then
sucking my cock. It was incredible. The feeling of her lips and tongue was
different than anything I had ever felt. I wanted it to last forever, but
when mom began flicking her tongue over the sensitive underside of my
excited penis, I lost control. Mom swollowed every drop and continued
sucking until I began to soften. She then got up and sat beside me.
Putting her arm around me, she said, “Thank you, son, for a wonderful
experience.” She then said that she didn’t want me to feel that I was
forced in any way to give her pleasure but that she would always be there
for me. I responded that I was more than happy to give my wonderful mother
pleasure and I hoped she didn’t feel guilty.
A couple of days later we had our second encounter. I came into
her bedroom just as she finished drying from a shower. She made no attempt
to cover herself as I approached her and gave her a hug. She hugged me
back and when I moved toward the bed she willingly went to the edge and
sat down. Again I ate her pussy. She loved it just as much and then gave
me great head. We fell asleep in each others arms. I awoke a couple of
hours later, lying beside my nude mother. I had wanted to explore mom’s
wonderful body and this was my first chance. I reached our and began
lightly stroking her breasts. Before long her nipples grew very large. I
knew Beth loved to have her nipples sucked, so I rolled over and began
sucking the closest nipple. As I sucked my fingers were exploring her
bush. Mom’s slit soon became very slippery and I placed a finger on each
side of her clitoris and began a rotating motion. Mom thrust her hips
forward and gasped as I switched nipples. I knew then that I was going to
fuck my own mother for the first time. I got up to position myself between
her legs, which were now spread wide open. Mom was well lubricated and my
prick slid in easily. Mom whispered, “Oh God, I’ve missed this. Go slow. I
want this to last a long time.”
We fucked for at least half an hour. She rolled on top and hung
breasts in my face so I could kiss and suck her nipples. She really loved
that. Then she let me get on top and we both ground our pubic areas
together. It was an unbelievable experience. Finally she told me she
wanted me to come with her and she really began pumping her hips. I was
afraid I would pop out, but she knew just when to thrust again. When mom
yelled, “Now! I’m coming!”, I lost it. I had the most exciting orgasm I
had ever had. It was far stronger than any I had with Beth. We soon
collapsed into each other’s arms and fell asleep.
The next morning we showered together and ate breakfast. Mom
explained that most people would think of our relationship as wrong and
that it must be our secret. I told her that I understood and loved her too
much to risk hurting our relationship. We have slept together ever since
and I couldn’t be happier. I hope our special bond doesn’t change.
Prince Leon.enjoy. {i guess this doesn’t have any spell mis…}

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“No Incest in this Family!”

“No Incest in this Family!”
___That was what my Mom said loud enough for our dad to hear. Dad had seen my brother and I playing grab ass and told our mom to go and scold us. She went on and on loudly to tell us not to touch each other, keep our bedroom doors closed and to keep covered with our robes when we had on our night clothes. Mom stood in the doorway to keep a eye on dad in the living room as she rambled on.
Our mom was so cool, she was the best in my sisters and my mind. Dad only came home every 3 months due to his sea job. The ship had girls ‘provided’ for the men which mom knew about. Sis and I provided for mom’s lack of affection and loneliness.
It first started one evening when we saw mom just staring out he living room window. She didn’t see us watching her. She was smiling and rubbing her tits slightly. My sister Megan whispered to me: (“Mom’ thinking about something sexy I think.”) We smiled and I agreed. I said: (“I love to see her get horny like that. She gets no sex and I bet she’s thinking about it. Let’s go and tickle her and make her more horny.”)
Megan said: (“ Chuck, that’s cruel….but maybe she’d like it. Let’s go.”)
We snuck up behind her and hugged her. We all giggled and Megan and I started in on her. We started tickling her as she giggled. We let our hand graze her tits and felt her legs and stomach Megan said: “Thinking about that guy in high school you were so hot for?”
“Yeah mom, you’ve told us before how hot he was and how he would try and feel you up.” I said. Mom was very warm to our touch and now a pink face from our guessing what she was thinking bout, and feeling herself a little. She put her arms around us and hugged us real tight. Mom was built great and she had no bra on. She had tight shorts and pulled us in and we all kinda wiggled together. “Tell us more about the guy mom, give us some ’details’ , we wanna know.” Megan said.
“So, my two little nosey kids want to know all about him?….well….let me get my robe on and we’ll all get in my bed and I’ll tell you all about ’Stan’, my old boyfriend.
Megan and I already had pajamas on and we all headed for moms bedroom, very excited. As teens we were about to hear a real life story about maybe … having sex….if she would go that far. Mom went in the bathroom and Megan and I got under the covers and talked quietly. “Chuck I bet she ’might’ tell us about her first sex!…do ya think?” Megan was getting herself all horny as we giggled and did quick feels on us. Megan had some wonderful tits and I love to feel them.
She felt my ½ a boner as we giggled. We heard mom coming as we stopped and lay their all innocent . She smiled at us and took off her robe. Oh damn…. she was built nice, full sweet tits under a tiny night top, and tiny panties. Her pointed nipples and dark bush showing thru it all. Megan and I both stared.
Megan thought….
God I hope I get a figure like moms, she’s so sexy, Chuck will get a boner over this and I’m a little wet myself waiting to hear her story. Mom laid down between us and under the covers. She put her arms around our shoulders and pulled us to her. I felt my pussy up against her leg as I put my leg over hers. I felt Chuck’s leg over mine. That meant his boner was up against her leg. Mom just pulled us tighter to her. Her big tit was against mine. Now I started getting real wet. I wanted to reach over and feel Chuck’s boner, mom had caught me doing it before but just smiled and pretended not to see. Do I dare reach over and let my hand feel Chucks boner?…naaa that would be going to far. Mom would know and might not like it.
Chuck was breathing hard and thought….
I’ve never been this close to mom when she was barely dressed. Her tit is resting on my face…oh damn….sorry mom…. but my boner feels big against her leg, but I can’t help it. Feeling Megan’s leg under mine isn’t helping it stay down any….oh well.
Mom started in with her story, telling it real sexy like and with all the details. Megan and I kinda did a slow wiggle and snuggle against her as she squirmed a little when we did.
Mom’s excited mind….
My two little horny kids, I’ve seen glimpses of them coping feels on each other and pretended to ignore them. If they only knew just how horny that makes me to watch them feel each other. I miss my brother feeling me when I was little.
Now they want a sexy story, well I’ll tell them one they’ll never forget and watch them get all horny and I’ll get the benefits. I just know they’re having sex, as I’ve heard them before. He sneaks into her bedroom late at night and she slips out a real quiet moan or two. Her bedroom is right next to mine and with my ear to the wall….omg….it makes me so horny I have to finger myself. My story will make them get it on tonight, guaranteed, and I’ll be listening real close. I love the feel of them, her wet pussy on one leg and his stiff erection on the other. Their heads on my tits are a real turn on. Now let see of I can get them to do more. Come in close kids, mom wants to get real horny.
I’ve seen the way Chuck looks at me, those horny eyes of his eyeballing my tits and body. I’ve taken my time getting dressed when I know he’s watching. I don’t wear a bra just to tease him a little, it’s a turn on for me too. Megan’s is just a horny as he is too. She likes to look at my bigger tits and hope hers will grow. She is a ‘toucher’ and has let her fingers graze across my body many times.
Last time home dad and I didn’t have sex once. I guess he gets his fill on the damn ship…..well…here comes the story kids. Let’s see if I can make them so horny, they’ll want to…a….use mom to do their feel ups. I sure won’t stop them. Time to turn out the light and pretend not to see or feel a thing….
Old boyfriend Stan and I met in high school. He knew how to make me so hot, I went for him to get more. I shouldn’t be telling you kids this…but….well….let’s just say we became ‘real close.’ When your older you’ll understand.
“Come on mom, we’re old enough to know more that you think.” Chuck said as he and Megan giggled. The pushed themselves up against me firm as I got a shot of tingles in my pussy. That was just what I secretly wanted.
OK, I’ll tell you ‘all’ the details. In Stan’s car he started feeling my…a… tits. This I really liked and so I felt his leg. Soon he had my blouse unbuttoned and I had his zipper down on his pants. He had been around lots of girls, but this was my first time to have a boy feel my bare tits, ….and my first time to feel a boys erection. I stroked his erection like other girls said guys liked this. He was rolling my now firm nipples. It felt wonderful and I became …well….very aroused.
“You mean he got you real hot-n-horny, right mom?” Megan said.
Yes….but when he put his hand under my skirt, and inside my panties is when I got really turned on. His finger went all over my…a…. pussy and then inside deep as he found a wonderful spot to feel. It made me moan when he kept rubbing it. My pussy started getting so wet it clicked when his finger went in and out. That…was when someone shined a flashlight on us. We quick tried to recover and Stan opened his door to kick some ass. It was my dad. He had followed us to this secluded spot. They had harsh words and dad told me to get in his car. Stan was ready to fight my dad, but he held off. He then got in his car and burned rubber away from us. Needless to say I caught hell on the way home.
The next day Stan and I were at it again after school in another hidden spot. This time we got real hot and he took off my panties. He put his head between my legs and began to lick me there. It was so intense, and he kept licking more and more until I had my first orgasm. I’ll never forget that afternoon. I turned him and took out his erection and began to jack and suck on it. I kept it up until he shot cum in my mouth. It was a new thrill for me as he held my head on his erection as he kept squirting cum….
He said I was the best ever and we made plans to have sex. Now this next part is strictly between us, ok? Your dad must never know this as he older and old fashioned and he wouldn’t understand.
I soon got lot’s of boys attention. They all wanted to ‘go somewhere’ and ‘fool around‘. I was so flattered at all this new attention, but I was hot for Stan. Someone knew about Stan and I having oral sex, and now lot’s of guy’s came on to me.
Now keep in mind kids, I was young and very impressionable. I had never had this much sexual attention in my life…and….well….I was loving it. My tits were getting bigger, my body was getting shapelier and I was starting to feel…well….’horny’ all the time. Stan was very cool…but ….I started to wonder about…other cute guy, and what it would be like to have…a…oral sex with them. The thoughts wouldn’t go away as that first feeling of…a….well…feeling Stan squirting cum in my mouth as he licked me at the same time to an oral orgasm. It was….(gasp)…was awesome.
I felt the kids breathing hard and their hand feeling me more and more. I was sure they had oral sex with each other and were reliving the first time they snuck it and how it felt. I felt Megan’s wet pussy on my leg as she rubbed it on me. Chuck’s erection was big and laid on my leg. All this had me more horny that I could ever remember.
I whispered: (“…we need an intermission..”) Their hands started adventuring further on my body. I encouraged them by lifting my top up and let the feel my bare tits on there faces. Chucks fingers were getting closer and closer to my bush. I spread my legs some for him. Soon Megan hand creped over and right towards Chuck’s erection. She slowly started just letting one finger rub on it.
My hand were not still either. I felt them both. Chuck’s face and arms and Megan’s tits. We all moaned with pleasure ’mmmmm’s’ as we progressed. Megan had Chuck’s erection fully out of his pajamas and stroking it…..then…Chuck and Megan’s fingers both slowly started rubbing my wet pussy. Their body felt so very hot next to me.
I was being felt up by own kids, and I was loving it. They too were very turned on and the heat between us was awesome. Three people all turned on and hot and breathing hard. We all kept going. My hand now went for Chuck’s erection as I joined Megan’s hand stroking him. Our hands trembled a little as we felt every inch of him. All you could hear was little moans and heaving breathing.
The darkness was awesome as it put a very taboo secret thing atmosphere on what we were all doing. Megan had to get naked as she was so hot. Chuck got rid of his pajama bottoms….and now my two horny kids both lowered my panties.
My top was already pulled up so they both started sucking on my nipples. I felt their hands feeling my wet bush and both their fingers sliding up and down my slit. I opened my legs slowly wide for them.
Chuck’s excited thoughts….
Oh damn, this was so hot. This was way more that Megan and I had could imagine. Megan and I were really gonna have a great super fuck later, in the middle of the night!….
Megan new thoughts…..
Oh My God….I would have never expected to be doing this in a million years! I’ve never been with a woman and this is all new to me, but being my mom, make it all different. All this has my pussy dripping, I’m so turned on. She letting me feel Chuck and I get so hot around him. Later we’ll have our time to fuck and fuck all we want… Feeling mom is just adding to my mega hornies. Her big tits and now her pussy to play with is mind bending. I want Chuck so bad right now, my pussy is begging for me to finger it…..
Mom thinks of nothing but her present euphoria..
I’ve had several dreams about sucking on Chuck’s erection. I was shocked I had dreamed such a thing…but it was so awesome…I woke up all hot and aroused. Now his erection was big and up against my leg, all warm and I could feel it throbbing on me. Just as I contemplated moving to get my face close to it…he started turning to get his face close to my pussy.
Megan then turned too. When I lowered my arms, they were right between their legs. The both scooted his erection and her pussy towards my face. My pussy began to quiver as orgasm shot thru my pussy. Their fingers and hands on me must have felt it. Chuck wasted no time in putting his tongue in my slit. I squirmed and moaned as Megan’s fingers joined his tongue. I went for it now. I had Chuck’s erection in my face on one side and Megan’s wet pussy on the other. I began to finger Megan’s pussy. I had never done this before and it was sure excitingly different.
She moved her pussy to get a rhythm going with my finger. I let my finger feel her pussy all around as she quivered and moaned. I found a spot that made her jump and moan each time I rubbed it. This was so hot to make her so hot and now I want to finger her to orgasm.
In the mean time….I …for the first time began to fondle Chuck warm erection. Now for my dream delight. I started licking it slowly. He squirmed and moaned as I slowly put it in my mouth. I knew it wouldn’t take long so I was so ready for it…..he began to fuck my mouth as I felt the head grow big…..he reached up and grabbed my hair and thrust his erection deep and I felt him jolt…he pushed and shook as a huge shot of hot cum came shooting in my mouth. His tongue sucked firm on my clit as I shook and the climax from heaven.
We twisted in euphoria as it happened. Megan must have heard us and grabbed my finger to finger herself faster. I felt her pussy quiver on my finger as she trembled with her orgasm. I felt her tongue along with Chuck’s on my clit. Both their fingers fucking my pussy together…..I lost it…and I went dizzy with the highest feeling of my life taking place…..Chuck kept pumping his cum in my mouth as both their tongues kept my clit jumping with over the top feelings…..Megan kept my fingers working the feelings in her pussy as she rubbed her clit. We all moaned like none of us had ever moaned before….this was granddaddy of all cums….. for all of us…..
The End….for now…

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An incest birthday chapter 8

This is my first story where I use a POV switch in one of the scenes, it’ll be separated by dashlines. Also in my stories I try to add a new tag to each story, in this case I added 3 new tags. Hope you enjoy it, as usual, comments and PM’s are greatly appreciated.

Free Birds in the Bayou

This story is told from multiple first-person perspectives. A CAPITAL NAME means the story is being told from that character’s perspective. This is a long one. If you liked it, please leave a comment! I love hearing feedback, both negative and positive.

All Over Again (scene)

This is just a scene from a chapters I will continue to write. It’s just been swimming around in my head for days, so I just decided to finally write it.

“RUNAWAY” Chapter 9 “Pushing The Limits”

Follow along as Holly, traveling by the name Sammi Shepherd, hitchhikes alone across the country facing the dangers any teenager might encounter while she tries to establish a new identity and life for herself. She also struggles to face the horrific memories of the forced sexual things Roger, her mom’s boyfriend arranges for her. The other chapters to this story and my other stories are here:


Return to Darleen
By Blueheatt
__Things always change in life, but not my thoughts about Darleen. The wife and I went splitsville, and she moved out. My immediate thought was ‘Darleen’. I drove to where I remembered where the dirt road was. There was the house. On the porch were two people. As I got closer…it was an old man and a girl sitting together in a porch swing. The girl held her hand over her eyes to shade the sun. The old man reached for a rifle. The girl stood up and started slowly walking out to the road. She started to trot towards me. She turned her head back and I heard her say: “Don’t shoot daddy!”
It was Darleen.
Now she was running full bore at me. She was beautiful beyond words. Her old granny dress and long hair were flying in the wind behind her.
With tears in her eyes she leaped on me, knocking us both back into a big pile of leaves. Her arms wrapped tightly around my neck. She lay on top of me and said right in my ear: “ Oh Berry….you came back. I’m a keep’in ya this time. You ain’t never get’n away…never!” I was over whelmed as my hands felt the girl I really wanted, but also….very concerned about her …..then I felt the cold steel business end of a shot gun in my side.
Darleen grabbed the shot gun and said: “It’s ok daddy, this is Mr. Berry and he’s a friend a mine.” The old man didn’t move until she took both her hands and pushed the gun away. “He was lost one day, and I hep’d him git outta here. Now I love him daddy. Go back on the porch, it’s ‘ok’…..go on.”
The old man, ‘daddy’ gave me a look of death. He muttered: “Well, bring em’ up on the porch so’s I can get a good look at em.” He slowly backed away, walking backwards to the porch. His shot gun at the ready.
Darleen began to giggle and started putting leaves down my shirt. She continued to pile leaves all over me and copped a feel of my dick.
She had gotten more beautiful than ever. Her bra-less tits had grown bigger and fuller. She snuck a kiss in and out her tongue came. Out quick and back in. She stood up with the front of her dress up to her panties as she watched my eyes and grinned.
She jumped up and took off running for my car. I had my keys in my pocket this time. Here she came running back and down we went again. She sat squirming on my dick and said: “Where’s those dang keys, Berry?” I reached in my pocket and took them out. I carefully reached under her dress and placed them in the front of her panties. She grinned real big and said: “You love me too, don’t cha Berry. Say ’yes’ or you ain’t get’in up and I’ll let pa shoot ya.”
I said: “Yep”
She got up and pulled out my shirt tail to let the leaves out. She pushed her pussy in tight to my dick and squirmed on it back and forth a little. After she got most of the leaves out, she jumped up for me to carry her to the porch. With her legs wrapped around me and her head on my shoulder we walked to the porch. Her daddy glared at me. He leaned his shot gun against the house, and looked very sad. I set her down next to him. I grabbed another old chair.
He stared at the floor and spoke. “I guess there’s no use-a fight’n it. I can see you two are in heat. Her ma was younger that she is now, when I snatched her away ta marry me. Mr. Berry, I gotta leave right now, can you look after Darleen fer a few days? I know yer gonna take her away, ain’t cha?”
I assured ‘daddy’ that I was ‘not’ going to take her away, but….he might see me a lot around here. I got him to smile as Darleen hugged him.
He drove away in his old pick up. Darleen started dragging me in the house quickly and said: “Want some keys?…if’n ya do, you’ll have ta go git’em!”
She loved to be chased as she ran thru the house…. taking off her clothes.
Darleen decided to put on a show for me. She’d never been to a strip club, seen a pole dancer or any of that, so she did whatever she felt like doing. I sat and waited for now, not chasing her. I soon see her naked leg sticking out of the doorway. She creeps out with my keys between her legs. She’s wrapped in an old towel. She takes baby steps over to stand in front of me. I reach for my keys, and she jumps back, and runs back in the bedroom. Next I hear her clopping in high heels. She come out in some granny hi heels and a granny slip. She swings her ass and parades around clopping and feeling her own tits. She stops and slowly raises her slip up to her pussy. There are my keys sticking out of her pussy. I start clapping and smiling. She runs off again.
Next she comes out in coveralls. She begins to dance and starts peeling the coveralls off her shoulders, all sexy like. She turns around and unbuttons the poop flap in the back, shaking her cute bare ass all the while. I lunge for her as she shrieks and runs away. The chase is on. I hear: “If’n you can ketch me, you can have me.”, coming from the bathroom. I try the bathroom door as she try’s to hold it shut. I get in as she jumps in my arms and giggles. She starts taking off my clothes as I peel down her coveralls and take them off. I can feel both our hearts beating as we start feeling each other up.
Her tongue went in my mouth as far as she could push it. She said: “…oh god Barry feel me all over like you do. I gotta hold on to yer ‘dong’ so I won’t fall down, Ok?” I slipped a finger in her pussy as she squealed with delight. She held my dick and jacked it gently.
Her dad had install a make-shift shower head and she reached over and turned it on. We kept feeling us and got in the old style tub. She had some powered laundry soap (I thought) and put it on us. She was now naked, all slick and slippery, then……..
Bubbles. Tons of bubbles began to rise up to us as she giggled. She used a lot of bubble bath instead of soap. As the shower and then the room began to fill with bubbles, I felt two warm lips on my dick. I felt around and laid her in the tub, 69.
Bubbles and pussy was a taste I’ll never forget.
We somehow made it out of there and into the one bed. “Come and git yer ‘bubble pie’ Barry.” she said. She was spread eagle on the bed, with a few bubbles left on her and in her wet hair. I started kissing her legs and worked my way up. She squirmed and giggled….then she began to moaned as I got to kissing her pussy. “Do that like ya did before, Barry. I’ve had dreams about that.”
She turned and started kissing my hard dick as I licked her sweet pussy. She didn’t hold back the moans and her strong fingers dug into my ass. She remembered how to take all my dick down her throat, and did it. She wrapped her legs around my head and started fucking my face. “Fingers Barry, do that.” she moaned. I got two finger in her pussy as she humped my face. We both groaned as she was going to make me cum big. I felt her finger slipping down my butt crack as she played back there. She started poking a finger in my butt as I could hold back no more….
She knew I was cuming and fucked my face hard and fast. She squealed as she climaxed in my face. I unloaded my balls in her mouth as she squealed more. She made pleasure sounds like I had never heard before. I heard: “…oh jez…barry…oh damn…you must be god…oh lordy me!…” She shook and squirmed for a while and then licked me, and licked me some more.…..
__I woke up to Darleen washing me up in bed. When she saw me open my eyes she crawled up and sat on top of me. She leaned over and said: “Barry,…ya sure do fuck good. “, and started kissing my face.
She made me a country breakfast to die for. Fuller General Store delivered groceries to the house. Her hands were all over me while I ate. I ask her how she liked my car. “It looks like a ‘red turtle’ ta me, but it’s cute, no room to carry anything tho.” I ask her if she wanted to take a ride in it. She sat on my lap and grinned. “You ain’t got no keys, but you know how ta git’em.”
I was so full from her meal, I had to lay down on the old couch. She immediately got on top of me. More kissing my face and then she scooted up. She had no under panties on and kept inching her pussy closer to my face. She grinned as I looked. I see my keys in her hand. She rest’s them on her pussy. I have to go, ‘git’em’. I pulled her pussy to me and bite and drop the keys on the floor. She holds my head and rocks her pussy back and forth on my face. (I think she’s trying to tell me something.)
I grabbed her sweet butt cheeks and rock them as my tongue did the rest. She’s getting out of breath and moaning….”..damn you Barry, yer git’in me hooked on do’in this. Keep a go’in…oh hell yes…faster Barry, that good feel’in is a com’in.”
She gave out a loud long moan as she squirmed and jerked her pussy. She slowly fell into my arms and purred like a kitten.
“Let’s go for a drive, Darleen, and do some shopping,” I said. “..ok“…she mumbled…”..but we got some make up fuck’in ta do when we get back Barry.”
I showed her how to open the raised up doors on the Ferrari ENZO. (..yes my dad had left me lots of money.) I strapped her in as her eyes were wide and all glazed over. She had driven farm tractors and old pickups a little, but this was all new to her.
I headed for the main highway. When I pulled out on it, it was clear. I mashed the throttle and nailed us back against the seat. Darleen started laughing. “Holy Shit!, this turtle can haul ass!” she had to yell because of the big engine right behind our heads. The white lines soon began one white line as I reached about 150 miles per hour. “Yeeeee Hawwwww!”, Darleen yelled. I slowed down to where I could do a long hi speed sideways drift and go over the center grass strip and go back the way we came. Darleen clapped her hands and stomped her feet. “Do that again Barry!!!”
Darleen had never been to an amusement park and ridden all the rides. “Barry’s Jack Rabbit” was her new name for this car.
We arrived at Fuller’s general store. She ran inside and started tickling old man Fuller as he giggled. She said: “This here’s my boyfriend Barry, ( she whispered: he’s got a real big dong).“ They both chuckled. “I bet Millie’s gonna like’em too.” she said. (Millie?…who was Millie?) Millie turned out to be a girl who lived on the farm behind them. Darleen’s only girlfriend. They didn’t see each other much as Millie had to work on the farm all the time. Millie would be putting a new adventure in my life soon.
I bought Darleen new clothes and things and told him ’not’ to put it on their bill. I paid him cash, and slipped him the money for their bill too.
I knew I could never take Darleen out of her life in these hills….so I made other plans for her and I. When we got back to the house, Darleen had to do a fashion show for me with her new clothes. After the last dress I began to undress her as she began to undress me. I laid on top of her beautiful naked body on the old couch. She squirmed and then giggled. She reach under the old couch and damned if she didn’t have my keys again. She dangled them and then put them back under the couch.
I felt her legs wrap around mine as she reached down and put my dick in her tight and wet pussy….
“Take me ta heaven Barry, like ya did before” she moaned. We tried to take our time but our own anxiety got us into a bucking moaning and fucking frenzy. “Oh god …oh Barry…oh jez…” she moaned as I pumped a big load in her. The old couch squeaked a shook as she twisted her body in her version of ’heaven’. “Oh dam…oh yessss….Barry…” she moaned. She held me tight squirming, moaning and all. I finally opened my eyes to see her wonderful smiling face.
Someone was standing watching us. “Damn you Millie, don’t cha ever knock!, you jes scared the crap outta me!” Darleen said.
It was Millie ok. She grinned and said: “I did knock, but you was a hoop ‘in and didn’t hear me!”
Millie was a little fox in her shirt-less, bra-less overalls…..
___Millie just stood there looking at our naked bodies. She was a slim girl with big tits. A long pony tail and very cute. She stepped forward and started to reach out and touch me. “Millie!”, Darleen said. “I want ya to meet Barry my boyfriend. Hand me those clothes on the floor and go sit down.” Millie never stopped grinning and sat down. Darleen whispered: (“…Millie is a horny toad, but you’ll like her. We share things.”)
Share things? WTF?… Was Darleen trying to tell me she was going to ‘share’ me with Millie? My imagination was running wild about now.
What she was referring to was Millie’s uncle Zippy when they all got drunk on ‘shine’ one time, I found this out later. Zippy was ‘everybody’s’ uncle when he got drunk. Millie was use to farm animals and she wanted to feel my skin. Millie never went to school and was fascinated with ‘strangers’. She watched us get dressed and kept grinning. She looked me over real good. “Millie, come over here and sit next to Barry. You can touch him, he won’t bite ya.” Darleen said. Here she came to sit by me. I said ‘Hey Millie’. She got red in the face and looked away. Very shy. (“…put yer arm around her Berry, I know she wants ta touch ya.”) Darleen whispered. I did as she asked and Millie got redder in the face. “Go on Millie, feel his arm, it’s ok.” Darleen said.
Slowly Millie’s hand came up to feel my arm. I watch her start breathing deeply as he started rubbing her face on my arm. “Yep, she likes ya. Kisser on the neck like ya do me. Feel her big ol tits, she likes that.”
I was being played by Darleen.
She wanted me to get Millie all horny and watch Millie squirm and then slowly attack me for Darleen’s amusement. I gladly played along.
“Are you shy Millie?…I said as I started kissing her neck. I watch her big tits go up an down breathing as she closed her eyes, still grinning. “Show’em how ya do uncle Zippy when he gets drunk and let’s ya fool with him. Her hand slowly came to rest on my upper leg. She rubbed it like a horse or dog. She shivered as she also pulled my hand down to her tits. She slowly leaned me over on the couch. Darleen scooted way over to watch and grin. Millie slowly got on top of me and rubbed her pussy in my upper leg. I kept kissing her neck and the side of her face. She was gasping as my arms went around her warm body. Darleen was giggling and put my hands on her tits. She un-buckled Millie’s overall straps and pushed them down. She moved my hands and now I felt two nice warm full tits. She leaned over to our heads and said: “Kiss’er Barry, she likes that. Squeeze her tits, she likes you Barry. Give’er one of those tongue kisses. Feel his ‘dong’ Millie, he got a big’n. Push her overall down Berry, and yers too, so’s she can feel yer dong bare.
Darleen was directing us for her hot little pleasure. I sure didn’t mind and neither did Millie. We both worked our pants down and wondered how far Darleen was going to let this go.
Millie’s hand found my hardon and put between her legs. She felt it all over and worked it like pump handle. Her tits felt big and wonderful in my hands. Slowly I kissed over to her lips. (“…open yer mouth, Mill.”) Darleen whispered. I eased my tongue in and flicked hers with it. She was out of breath but got the idea and returned the tongue play. (“…how’s she do’in Barry?..”) “Mmmmm just great“, I managed to say. Millie’s hands were all over me feeling my skin. She had a big bushy pussy and it was real wet sliding up and down on my dick.
(“…fuck’er Barry…fuck’er!, give‘er a good‘n like ya do me.”) an excited Darleen whispered. Millie was panting as I slipped my dick in her wet pussy. I must have hit a nerve as she started fucking me fast and deep. Being on top, she was like a rocking horse and began to make grunting sounds. Her tongue was going wild in my mouth. She was very strong and held me like a bear hug. She was almost snorting like a horse as she was getting her big clit to rocking on me.
She paused and put her head next to mine. She made this squeal sound and started to shake all over. Darleen’s head was right next to mine on the other side. “That’s a good one, ain’t it Mill. Berry can fuck good.”
Now I had two girls kissing my face as I blasted my cum in Millie. She bit my ear, hard and held it as she twitched and squealed more. Darleen felt my face and tongue kissed me at the same time. Millie bucked at times as I shot all I had in her. She put my hands on her ass and had me squeeze and rub her firm cute butt.
Millie moaned quietly and said: “Damn you Darleen, now I want him sa’more, you gotta share.”
I guess they thought I had an unlimited supply of cum. Darleen had to peal Millie off of me. She finally stood up and felt her own pussy. She turned around, but I could see her lick her fingers. She pulled her overalls up, hooked the straps and walked out the back door without saying a word. “Ain’t she a wild one! She’ll be back. Now…where were we.”
She laid us on the couch, her on her back. She raised her dress up and took off her new panties. “You guy’s a got me all horny,… Barry, put yer tongue where ya know I like it best.”
I felt Darleen’s warm legs tight on the side of my face as she pulled my hair and squealed……
Darleen and I gave that ol couch a work out. The squeaking and springs sticking up were tricky. She got on top of me a rode me like a pony. Now she knew how to ‘dig in’ and get a climax good. I held her little butt cheeks and held on. She loved to tongue kiss me while I felt her tits. She moaned and groaned like no other girl I had ever been with. I loved the wildness in her movements. “..oh god Barry….yer mak’in me crazy”. I pushed my dick all the way in her and let go with a cum blast I didn’t even know I had in me. She bucked and squirmed as she groaned and dug her pussy on my dick. She finally collapsed on me, out of breath. Her body shivered at times as we drifted away together.
I woke up to the smell of that country breakfast she was so good at. She brought it out on a piece of plywood and I ate on the couch between her kisses. She said: “I’ll be back.”, and went out the back door. I watched her walk towards Millie’s back fence. Soon Millie showed up and they talked about something.
I watched her skipping back with one of her new dresses on…so carefree and with that sweet happy smile on her face. She came in and took the dishes away. She jumped on my lap, straddled my legs and pushed her pussy into me. She said: “I got’s a surprise fer you ta’night Barry, but I ain’t gonna tell ya what it is.”
I slipped my hands under her dress and felt her smooth legs and then her sweet ass. She started breathing hard. “…oh damn Barry…ya gotta wait till ta night, Millie is…” That was all she would say, and jumped off me.
It was getting dark. Darleen had her head in my lap, guiding my hand over her tits. We heard a knock at the back door. Darleen jumped up and ran to open it. It was Millie, drunk on her ass.
She had a jug of something, and kept tipping it to take a drink. Darleen parked her beside me and went and got a glass. Millie never stopped grinning and slurred: “Bare…. Ya ever had ‘sweet lighting?….huh?” I said “No.” Darleen held the glass as Millie poured some out of the jug. I smelled it. It burned my eyes and nose as the smell of gasoline, corn and sugar enter my nose. I smiled and took a sip.
It felt like a bomb went off in my mouth. It suck all the moisture out of my mouth. The fumes made me dizzy and then I felt like….laughing. It was so warm going down my throat. It was cleaning me out and it began to tickle. Darleen sipped the rest of the glass down.
With Millie on one side and Darleen on the other, I put my arms around them and pulled them towards me. I started kissing them both. They giggled along with me and we all proceeded to get very horny. They wasted no time in removing my clothes and theirs. They were all over me.
Darleen said to Millie: “Is he ready?” Millie went to the back door and came back with….
Her dog….’Uncle Zippy’. Meet ‘uncle zippy‘, Darleen said. I blinked. All this time ’uncle zippy’ was Millie’s dog? “We gonna show ya some entertainment, Barry. Uncle zippy git’s all horny when he drinks ’shine’. Watch”. She placed a dish down and Millie grinning, poured some ’shine’ in it. Sure enough, the big black hound dog lapped it up. He shook like he was wet.
Naked Millie got on all fours on the floor. Darleen snuggled beside me. Millie started bumping zippy with her naked hips. She got on her knees and held her tits up to zippy. He started licking them all over. She slowly got on her back as zippy kept licking. He stopped and sniffed the air. He went right for her pussy licking it. The girls giggled as Millie squirmed. “Did ya ever see a dog lick a girl’s pussy before Barry? I smiled and shook my head ’no’.
I was dizzy and everything seemed funny. Millie humping the dogs tongue, Darleen jumping down and jacking on zippy’s dick, Millie scooting down looking at zippy’s long dick. She and Darleen both jacked on it and zippy started to hump. “Ya wanna see more Barry?….bet ya ain’t never seen this before.” Darleen said. They both guided zippy’s dick in Millie’s pussy. Zippy started licking Millie’s face as he started to hump her fast. Millie’s legs went up and she began to moan. Darleen came and snuggled by me again. “Bare likes it Mil, he’s got a hard dong now. “ Darleen began to jack my dick. “See.” Darleen said.
Millie was to busy enjoying zippy fucking her to notice me. She could fuck as fast as zippy. Her ass slapped on the floor as she pulled zippy all the way in her. She moaned big as I saw zippy’s dog knot slip in her pussy. She squirmed as zippy stopped. She held him tight as he tried to turn and pull out.
Darleen was panting with excitement as she pulled me on top of her. We were both naked and she quickly guided my dick on her wet pussy. She held my ass and we fucked as fast as we could. She reached down and tried to put my balls in her pussy too. She was thrashing and pushed hard on my balls.
She did it. Somehow she got both my balls in her pussy. She held my ass tight as she started to tremble. Her fingers dug in my ass as I had to cum like never before. She yelled “OH YES….BERRY YES!!!” as she climaxed hard and shook all over. I didn’t know I could shoot that much cum. She squirmed and pulled me hard in her pussy. Her tongue was all over my mouth as she kept moaning….and moaning.
I looked over and saw Millie still holding zippy in her pussy and giggling. Darleen continued to wiggle and kiss me. Soon Darleen and Millie both began to giggle. I joined in as everything was so damn funny. I heard a ’pop’ as zippy finally pulled out of Millie. This just made things funnier. We all laughed as Millie and…Darleen rubbed their pussy’s.
Driving the 1 hour to my home I thought….my buddy’s would never believe me even if I told them….
Darleen lay curled up beside me, asleep in my front seat…. Darleen was in for shock as she entered my world.
I lifted the door up on Darleen’s side of the Ferrari. She was starting to wake up. I picked her up and carried her to the door where Hobbs greeted us. Hobbs was an English trained butler my dad had. I kept him on when dad passed away. I set Darleen down. She held my arm and stared at Hobbs. “This is Darleen, Hobbs.” He held out his hand to shake it. “Miss Darleen, it a pleasure meeting you.” he said. “He’s my best friend Darleen. Let him shake your hand.” I said. She smiled big and hugged him. Poor Hobbs looked at me in shock. I couldn’t help but laugh. “She’ll hump your leg if she likes you Hobbs.” ….as Darleen smiled and started humping his leg. Hobbs gave her a tiny hug back. He sniffed the air as we went in the house.
Darleen held Hobbs hand and stopped in the living room. She dropped to the floor and felt the imported fancy carpet. “Dang Barry, you walk on this?…it feels like a kitty’s fur.”
Hobbs wrinkled his nose and said: “This way if you wish to bathe, Miss Darleen.” Darleen stood up and looked at Hobbs. “I ain’t tak’in no bath with you Hobbie!”
We walked around my house as I gave her a tour she was not use to at all. “Is this Hobbie’s house?” she ask. I explained as best I could. We entered my bedroom. It has an in the floor hot tub. “Is that yer bath tub right in the bedroom???” The whole tour was questions and more questions. Hobbs and I tried not to laugh at her sweet innocent look at things. She looked at the big bed and began to smile. “Hobbie, why don’t you go play outside now, Barry and I are gonna play in this bathtub.” She started taking her clothes off. Hobbs raised his eyebrows way up and left the room and closed the door.
We both got naked and in the hot tub. To her it was indoor pond. She was all excited and all over me with her hands. I reached over and buzzed Hobbs. “Do we have any bubble bath Hobbs?” There was a pause, then he replied: “Yes Master Barry, shall I bring it in?”
“Yes Hobbs, please.” Darleen looked at the intercom and asked: “Does Hobbie live under this bathtub?”
Hobbs came in and brought bubble bath, shampoo, perfume for Darleen, two big fluffy towels and two cookies on a silver tray. Darleen hid behind me. One towel had ’Master Barry’ on it and the other had “Miss Darleen” on a card placed on it. He poured in the bubble bath and turned on the hot tub bubbles. Darleen jumped and said: “Barry! Ya gotta leak in yer bath tub!, it’s right here where these here bubbles are a com‘in out!” More explanations.
Darleen played in the many bubbles, putting bubbles on her head. She held up her arms and acted like a bubble monster of some kind.
We eventually ended up in my big bed. I turned on the bed vibrator. “Earthquake!”…, she yelled and held me tight. I finally got her calmed down and she said that earthquake made her horny. She got on top of me and it was ’ride the pony’ time as we began to fuck….and fuck….and fuck some more.
We woke up about 9am the next day, my erection was still in her and we continued to play, ’Darleen’s in heaven’ as she called it. I licked her sweet pussy and felt her wonderful tits until I fell back asleep for a while.
When I woke back up, she was gone. I put on my robe and found her in the kitchen with ’Hobbie’. I listened as she was showing him how to make a country breakfast. She was also grabbing his butt and cock. He would stop and say: “Dar!”….as he now called her…”I cannot cook with you grabbing my ’private parts’ “.
“Yer git’in a boner, ain’t ya Hobbie?”
We all ate with Darleen insisting that Hobbs eat with us. “Ya talk funny Hobbie, but I like ya.” Darleen said.
“Oh, and I like you too, Miss Darleen. I shall cherish this moment until the end of time.” Hobbs said.
Darleen smiled big, kissed him on the cheek and said: “Wanna blow job?”
——fast forward to today———
Darleen and I trade weekends with each other. She still thinks it’s Hobbs house. She drives him crazy taking his hand and rubbing it on her tits and pussy. She says things like: “Let me jack ya off Hobbie, you’ll like it.” Hobbs always says politely: “No thank you Miss Darleen, my ‘penis’ is not your personal toy.”
At her house Millie and her like to give me naked dancing shows. They love to rub their pussy’s on my face and have me kiss and feel their tits…… then,.. gang fuck me all night long.
I bring her comic books. I read them to her as she looks at the pictures. I bring her girl toys. I brought her a set of girl and boy dolls. She likes to hold them together like they are fucking, and giggle… and she brings me…..
…..pure happiness.

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Meeting Ashley Chapter II

The next few days were a blur of activity. I would make up, work out for a few hours and at the mini golf place by 9AM. Kristen had set up meeting after meeting for me. From suppliers to contractors. The most immediate and pressing need was finding a contractor who could restore the “clubhouse” and also demolish the old, decaying golf courses already on the lot and build new ones in a quick and cheap fashion.
I ended up hiring Blake, who had vastly underbid the the other contractors. He was a bit intimidating, even for my 6’2 frame. Blake was built like a brick house, probably roided up and had a clean shaven head. He looked like Mister Clean and did not respond well when I told him that.
This was way more work than I had anticipated. For the first week or so, I wasn’t getting home until very late. Kristen did an abysmal job trying to cook dinner one night and we simply relegated ourselves to take out.
I never told her about Ashley, of course. And I never intended to. Kristen and I had a perfect relationship, but I decided that she wasn’t meeting all my sexual needs. Kristen’s amazonian body made me crave a small, petite girl like Ashley. Although I wasn’t home much, I did keep an eye out for Ashley around the building, but I never saw her.
By the time Friday night had rolled around, I was exhausted from a week of 14-16 hour days. Kristen was used to that lifestyle, being the work a holic she is. Her energy levels were still through the roof when the weekend came around. She, of course, wanted to go clubbing. She loved to dance and I always thought she loved having a “trophy boy” to show off. So we went to her favorite club with some of her friends.
Her friends weren’t an unattractive bunch, but they had faces and bodies that had been bought. Collagen, personal trainers, tummy tucks and boob jobs. It made them look better, of course, but also tended to make them overconfident and slutty.
Kristen wore a tight purple halter top with displayed her large, natural cleavage. A micro mini skirt was just inches away from showing off her pussy. Black, knee high boots completed her outfit.
Vodka and red bull was the only thing keeping me going as Kristen and her friends traded off dancing and grinding on me. I felt a bit like man-meat to them.
At 3AM, we grabbed some grub at the 24/7 diner and went our separate ways. As soon as Kristen and I got into a taxi she lifted her skirt up a bit so she could straddle me. I’m sure the cab driver had a view of her bare ass. I ran my hand under her top, lifting it up halfway. Ske mauled me, kissing me passionately, shoving her tongue into my mouth.
She was moaning, loudly. Maybe even extra loud for the cab driver? I felt the heat and wetness coming from her satin panties. I reached between us and between her legs and grabbed her underwear on both sides. I used her panties to rub her pussy. She gasped and grabbed my face and was looking deep into my eyes. She looked as if she was silently screaming in pleasure as I continued rubbing her own panties on her. Kristen started bucking wilding now, trying to control the tempo of my ministrations. I let go of her panties and slowly started to push my finger into her now sopping wet pussy. She was audible again and I’m sure the driver was contemplating — I don’t know, actually. Either recording us or kicking us out of his cab both sounded like possibilities.
As I started working a second finger into Kristen we arrived home. She got out and straightened herself out a bit. We made out passionately in the elevator as I pressed her against the walls. At last we were in the condo. Kristen took my hand and let me to the living room. She sat me down in the leather recliner and dropped to her knees.
“I’ve been waiting for this in my mouth all day.” She said as she finished my hard cock out of my jeans. She looked at it lustfully before giving me on long, slow lick from the base to the tip. When she got to the head she swallowed my whole length and I let out my own primal groan.
“Oh fuck yes.” I groaned out. Bigger girls definitely give better head. And more often.
I looked down at her and she was looking back at me the way I taught her to. I could see the lust in her eyes, the wanton desire. She needed my hardness in her mouth, I knew. The wet sounds of her slurping my cock were only punctuated by my moans of pleasure.
I grabbed the back of her head and started thrusting my hips at her, making her choke softly. Her hand was buried underneath her skirt. I wondered if she was flicking her clit or if her fingers were plunged into her depths.
“Take off your top.” I commanded. She smiled seductively as she leaned back and took off her halter top and bra, letting her gorgeous breasts fall free.
“Do you want to fuck these?” She asked, lifting her large tit to her mouth. She licked the nipple and started pinching and rubbing herself. She moved closer and wrapped her tits around my engorged member. I immediately started thrusting again and Kristen was too happy to have me nestled between her boobs. She spit between us, lubricated us further.
“Oh shit, Kristen. I’m going to cum!” I warned her.
She never batted an eye.
I started spurting rope after rope of my cum. She took it like a champ as the first shot landed just under her eye, ruining her make up, I’m sure. The next spurt landed on her chin and she never broke my gaze as she put her mouth over the head and took the rest in her mouth. When she was satisfied I was done she sat back on her legs and opened her mouth, showing me the results.
Then she let it all dribble out of her mouth, onto her chin and chest. When it was all out of her, she began cleaning it up, carefully rubbing it off her chin and putting it back in her mouth. She swallowed and moaned in pleasure as she cleaned her cheek, her breasts and the last bit that had run down to her skirt, she scooped it up and pushed it into her pussy.
Limp and even more exhausted, I moved to the floor with her and began rubbing her body when she stopped me.
“No. Not tonight. That was my gift for you for working so hard and coming out with us tonight.”
Not satisfied with that, I tried again, but Kristen meant business. She stood and went to the bathroom to shower and get ready for bed. I barely mustered the energy to flop down on the comforter and finally pass out.
We both slept until noon on Saturday. I made us red velvet pancakes before leaving for the building gym. Kristen left for one of her business inspections, and I decided this would be a good time to hit the pool.
I packed some extra beers in case I ran into Ashley again, but I never did. The pool was empty on a perfect Saturday. I swam laps and basked in the sun for several hours before walking back to the condo to shower.
I left again to get the mail and I hit the last step, I saw her.
Ashley was standing there with both her parents.
I said hello and made some vague mention of having seen Ashley before. I don’t know how cool I played it. The parents introduced themselves, a young couple maybe in their mid to late 30’s. That just made me wonder about the age of the girl who gave me a blow job the week before.
The awkwardness of the situation started to dissipate and her parents cordially invited me and Kristen to come over for drinks later that night. I immediately and politely declined, citing Kristen’s need to work for the rest of the day and most of the evening.
I looked over to Ashley in her cute blue summer dress and her eyes lit up when I said Kristen wouldn’t be home for several more hours.
We said our goodbyes and I promised to take them up on their drink offer soon. I picked up the mail and returned home.
I wasn’t there for 10 minutes before there was a knock on the door and Ashley stood there, looking cute as ever.

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The Professor’s Exploits: Journal Entries October 22nd – 26th

October 22nd
Dear Journal,
Kyra came to my apartment again today. Luckily the last girl had just left about 5 minutes before she showed up. They always come back for more…
It’s amazing — as a married biology professor in my late 30s, more girls have been throwing themselves at me now than ever before in my life. Not like I’m complaining or anything! Sometimes they want extra credit. Most girls do it for the thrill. This is the age when they’re finding themselves sexually, after all. A mature, athletic, educated man in his prime, like myself, is an easy target for those raging female hormones. Often these college age girls want a teacher in the classroom and a teacher in the bedroom as well.
I have a studio apartment close to the University, furnished with a bed and a desk for my computer as well as some bookshelves and art. Lynn thinks it’s just used as an office, located conveniently close to the school, much closer than our house in the suburbs which is about an hour’s drive. Such a dear, never questioning my late working hours. Thank goodness Lynn hasn’t caught on; she’d never tolerate infidelity and I don’t want to waste money on a divorce. I do love my wife. But I also love fucking all these barely-ripe college girls! It’s a dangerous game, but I can’t resist playing it. I’m addicted, though I admit it only to this journal.
But anyway, back to Kyra… She showed up at my door in a long, black peacoat and red high heels to match her ruby red lipstick, her silky brunette waves falling over her shoulders and halfway down her black. She smiled at me and walked in before I could even say Hello and invite her inside. Thick black lashes and eyeliner framed her hazel eyes. I was wearing only my boxer shorts.
Kyra was one of my favorites thus far, but we’d only had sex twice — two very intensely passionate encounters, one in the classroom and one here at the apartment. She’s the one who broke it off two weeks ago because she couldn’t stand the thought of sharing me. I’m always very forthright about being married and unable to pursue anything more than casual, albeit explosive, sex. She’s barely 18 and very sexually inexperienced, telling me she’s looking for a long term relationship, not a fling.
But she came back to me today, looking more seductive than ever as she stood in front of the bed. I sat on a chair at the desk, intently watching her, still not saying anything. Her creamy thigh peeked out from the black peacoat, making my cock twitch in my boxers. She kept her eyes on mine and slowly unbuttoned the first two buttons of her coat, revealing a pristine porcelain neck and chest. My gaze went to her cleavage, amplified by the tight coat. Her fingers undid the third button and suddenly it was if reality became heaven itself — those perfect, succulent orbs of quivering flesh spilling out and staring right back at me, with big dusky areolas hardening instantly in the chill of the room. God, how I’d missed them! I’d just shot my load not even twenty minutes ago and my cock was already nearly at maximum hardness again. Her tits are an overflowing D cup, her nipples large and delicious, enough to inspire the hardest of erections.
My breath caught in my throat, all of my blood flooding into my groin. Had she no clothes on at all under the coat? Surely at least a thong… She grinned and bent over, cupping those voluptuous breasts, striking a pose in front of the bed that made me want to hammer her hard in every hole right there and then. I watched her pull on her nipples, making them stand out like little sausages that I wanted to sink my teeth into badly. The red high heels clicked upon the hardwood floor with her every move. Her fingers continued south, undoing the fourth and fifth buttons of the long black coat, now exposing her flat stomach with a sparkling crystal belly-button piercing. The dim light over the bed threw shadows down her toned abdominals, casting a dark vertical trail leading right down from her glittering belly-button towards the ecstasy that I knew to be between her legs.
I got to my feet, entranced, her fingers right over her crotch on the last button. It was torture — I wanted to rip the coat off her body to reveal her perfect nudity! My prick was fully engorged, 8 1/2″ of raging flesh pointing right at her through the thin fabric of my boxers, all my thoughts and actions reduced to the basest of instincts — sex, sex, sex! Copulation, insemination, penetration!
She grinned seductively. I walked over and pushed her down on the bed, jumping on top of her. She giggled. I yanked the peacoat open brusquely, making the last button fly off across the room. Finally, her perfect pussy mound! I began salivating immediately, the smell of her sex instantly pervading my nostrils. Her shiny red heels were in the air, her thighs wide open for me. I slipped my boxers off and stuck my face in between her legs as she lay upon the satiny black lining of the peacoat. There was a neatly trimmed strip of dark hair right over her slit. She has, in my opinion, the perfect pussy. Plump and puffy, her thick, rippled, moist folds of cuntmeat peaking ever so slightly from her lips. A tiny, pink pearl of a clit hid at the top of her slit. I could suck on it for hours, but I was so horny that I only ate her out for about 10 minutes this time.
Her moans began filling the apartment when I went down on her. I love the sound of her moans — little gasps and cries and “oohs.” Before she could cum, I pulled my lips away and took the base of my thick cock in hand. She licked her lips, staring at my prick. Straddling her body as she lay on her back on the bed, I rubbed my meat along her slit, getting myself slick with her juices. The little moans and gasps continued to fall from her lips.
Then I stopped playing around and aimed the head of my cock in between her cuntlips. Our eyes were locked in a heated gaze. I bucked my hips at her, sinking my prick balls-deep in a single stroke. She groaned loudly, her breasts bouncing from the force of my thrust. I bent my head and suckled those voluptuous tits while building up a faster pace. Her cunt was so tight and hot, swallowing my meat whole! Kyra moaned underneath me, clawing at my back. I couldn’t help but groan along with her, sounding like a growling beast with a nipple in my mouth, as her powerful cunt muscles squeezed my prick rhythmically.
I hammered her pussy for all it was worth, filling the room with the sounds of my cock penetrating her teen hole: The slapping of skin on skin, the moist, squelching sound of my dick pistoning in and out of her cunt, our moans and cries… Kyra’s taut body writhed on the bed, her hips rising up to meet my thrusts. She held my back tightly, my face buried in her neck. Her moans turned into screams that she was cumming. I couldn’t hold back any longer as I felt her pussy spasm around my cock — I slammed into her hard one last time and gasped, my prick erupting deep inside her womb. Her moans were loud in my ear. My cock throbbed, and so did her orgasming pussy. We were both breathless. I collapsed upon her, eyes closed with my head on her chest, my prick still twitching inside her hole.
Reality came crashing back down on me as soon as I’d shot my load. Usually I was so good about using condoms, but in the heat of the moment she just let me dive right into her pussy! My cock slipped out of her slimy hole, a string of semen sticking from her cuntlips to the head of my dick. A big gob of cum came rushing out along with my prick. Man, I hope she’s on birth control…
She stared up at me adoringly in the afterglow of intense orgasm. And then seconds later she began trying to talk me into leaving my wife (“Hey, why don’t you leave that old cunt-bag of a wife for me? Think of all the fun we’d have together then!”), even though I’d told her before that leaving my wife wasn’t an option. Then she asked me to at least stop fucking other girls from school. I walked over to the door and held it open for her while we were both still nude. She knew the deal: I could not offer her a serious long term relationship. Tears were in her eyes as she threw her coat on and ran out the door, her cum-filled pussy peeking out with each step due to the missing button. I shook my head. This girl could be trouble.
Damn, and she left some claw marks on my back — if Lynn asks about it I’ll have to tell her that mysterious rash is acting up again!
That’s all for tonight ~
~Professor X
Oct. 23rd
Dearest Journal –
I fucked a girl named Minnie for the first time today. She stayed after class to ask some questions, and before I knew it she was sitting on my lap kissing me and bouncing up and down like a little girl visiting Santa! My cock meat stiffened immediately at the feeling of that round little peach of an ass grinding against my crotch! This girl always wears the shortest skirts and dresses possible, driving me to distraction. I’ve caught a glimpse of her satiny thong before in class when she bent over her lab desk, but I figured it was accidental. Now I know better — she’s a seductive little minx!
She’s probably around 5ft tall and 100lbs, very slender. Long and very curly blond hair and blue eyes. Pretty girl, but kinda slutty looking, too (not saying that’s a bad thing). Thick, dick-sucking lips always painted some gaudy shade of pink. Even though it’s October, she still wears mini-skirts. Today she was wearing a little red corduroy one that barely covered her asscheeks along with some sexy leather boots. Her tits are probably a full B cup. Not huge, but definitely nice & perky. I’d smother myself to death in them any day, believe me!
So she didn’t really have questions about the assignment — within 5 minutes she was on her knees sucking my dick while I sat at my desk! I unbuttoned her pink blouse, revealing a girly polka-dotted bra. She pulled her tits free, showing off tiny pink nipples. I caressed and squeezed them while she swallowed my dick to the balls — she has quite a talent for deep-throating! Lifting her little skirt up, I saw she was wearing a matching thong. I pulled it aside and fingered her succulent, bald pussy as she gagged and sputtered on my prick. She moaned around my cock. Then she took my saliva-coated meat out of her mouth, holding it in her hand, and begged me to fuck her.
God, I love my job.
I took out a rubber from my drawer and lifted her onto my desk, not caring about the pens and papers falling to the floor. She got on her hands and knees on the desk and wiggled her cute little ass at me, beckoning me to come fuck her. I got up on the desk, positioning myself on top of her. With the base of my prick in hand, I aimed it between her pussylips and thrust forward, pushing her against the desk with a grunt. My lubricated cock sank deep inside of her. I gripped her hips hard and began fucking her steadily from behind, knocking nearly everything off my desk with a clatter. She was gasping and squealing, so I had to keep my hand over her mouth, leaving lipstick all over my fingers. Our rhythmic slaps filled the room. There were probably still lots of faculty and students still left in the building, so I hope nobody noticed the sounds coming from the biology lab this afternoon! I grunted like a beast, eager to blow my load.
I pulled out of her when I was ready to cum, rolled my condom off real quick, and shot my load all over her back — creaming her skirt, the back of her shirt, her hair… Somehow she didn’t feel it because she walked out without mentioning it or wiping it off. I guess maybe she thought I spermed in the condom? Maybe it was some sorority dare to leave class all covered in cum? Regardless, I wouldn’t mind fucking that little bald pink pussy again soon!
Side note:
One of the apartment neighbors came on to me today in the elevator, a middle-aged single mom — I wonder if she hears my numerous sexcapades through the walls and wants to try me out for herself! I have plenty of young girls at the school to keep my cock entertained for now, though. Another girl, Melanie, is coming over to my apartment shortly. I last saw her at school, in the bathroom, where she was on my lap letting me fuck her up the ass while sitting upon the toilet. Ah, college — the best years of our lives!
Until next time~
~Professor X
Oct. 26nd
Dear Journal –
Had some pretty intense sex with Melanie the other day. What a hot, young whore! She’s a gorgeous redhead, with hypnotic, almost amber-colored eyes and freckles all over her porcelain skin. Probably about 5’7″ and 120lbs. Great tits, 34C. Nice and perky, with tiny nipples that are always so responsive. She says her pussy starts to get wet at even the slightest touch upon her nipples. It’s easy to make her cum whilst fucking her — I just lick and suck and nibble her sensitive nipples until she’s writhing in a puddle of her own pussy juices! I made her cum 5 times in a hour once. Mel was in my class a couple years ago; this year she’s a Senior. She’s one of the girls I’ve been fucking regularly. We started having sex when she was a student of mine.
So the other night Mel came over wearing a sexy little black dress that barely covered her ass — got my prick twitching at the door. She had shiny black heels on that had to be at least 4.” I made us a simple spaghetti dinner, and afterwards I poured some wine and got the soft music going. That’s when she began telling me about a fantasy she had of being tied up to a bed and ravished. I listened intently, my prick also paying rapt attention. Unfortunately, there are no bedposts on the bed in the apartment, otherwise I’d gladly bring her fantasy to life!
The sun was setting and we were both relaxing. I loosened my light blue silk tie, staring out the window at the golden sunset. We sat silently sipping our wine a few moments, gazing outside. I kept thinking of her bedpost fantasy, of the mental image of her restrained body, breasts thrust upward and outward due to her bound wrists stretched high above her head… My cock was pulsing at the mental images dancing through my head.
I broke the silence, asking Mel to meet me out on the balcony with another bottle of wine. While she got settled outside, I slipped my tie off and stuffed it into my pocket. Since it was a perfect fall evening, the balcony door was left open to the warm breeze. I silently walked through it and walked up behind Mel as she stood over the balcony railing, enjoying the sunset. She’d set two glasses of wine sat on the table. The copper tones in her hair were illuminated beautifully in the light of the sun, setting her aglow with youth and vitality. She jumped a little when I snuck up behind her but then she smiled and pressed back against me, rubbing her firm ass into my crotch. I bent over and kissed her neck and bare shoulders, making her squirm and giggle. My hands crept up her sides, stopping at her breasts. I strummed her nipples through the thin, silky fabric of her dress until they felt like hard little diamonds. She threw her head back, a small groan falling from her lips. Her ass pressed harder into my growing erection.
I envisioned her pussy wettening under the dress just from the touch of my fingers on her nipples. My right hand slipped down along the curve of her side to her shapely hip and then down to her leg, feeling the fabric of the dress as it rested upon her toned thigh. She giggled again, rubbing her ass all over my crotch, getting me harder and harder. My fingers slipped underneath the dress and slowly grazed the insides of her thighs before feeling the heat in between her legs. Then my heart skipped a beat as I continued on and felt the wetness of her slit and the baldness of her pussy mound — no panties! Instantly my fingers were slick with her juices. Obviously she was ready for me. But I wasn’t quite ready yet for her…
My hands went back up the curves of her luscious body, stopping at her arms right below the elbow. I kissed the back of her neck and she let out a sigh. Then in a single motion, I pulled her hands behind her back and began tying her wrists with my silk necktie. Mel gasped in surprise. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” I said into her ear in a low voice. I could see the goosebumps breaking out all over her pale skin. Then I kissed her neck and her exposed shoulders. I made her turn around to face me and we kissed passionately. Her pert breasts were thrust upward from the restraint. I kissed my way down her neck to the smooth skin exposed by the low neckline of her black dress, making my way down her decollete until my face was nuzzled in the warmth of her cleavage.
The sun had not yet set and I found myself brazenly pulling this gorgeous college girl’s breasts out of her dress right outside on my balcony with her hands tied behind her back. I sucked wildly on her little pink nipples, cupping each breast in my hand. I ran circles all over them with my tongue. She began moaning loudly when I pressed the tip of my tongue to her nipples and then sucked them alternately. Then I moved one of my hands down in between her legs. Her inner thighs were coated with the sticky wetness of her aroused pussy. I shivered, my cock straining now in my pants for the ecstasy of her tight hole. We kissed once more and then I suddenly turned her around so that she was facing the sun as it neared the horizon. The sky was set afire, reds and purples as far as the eye could see.
I bent Mel over the balcony and crouched down behind her with her pert bum in my face. Pulling the dress up just a few inches revealed those thick, bald pussylips and the backs of her thighs all wet from her natural lubrication… Mmm, I had to control myself, pausing to savor the sight of her juicy sex before diving into it. She moaned as I ran my fingers up and down her slit before slipping just a fingertip inside her hot gash. I pinched her lips together and strummed her clit, teasing her. But then she gasped when I leaned my head in and began lapping up and down her slit, letting my tongue poke into her hole. I held her hips steady, her hands resting right above my head at the small of her back, her wrists still bound firmly. Her fingers flexed and curled from the oral pleasure I lavished upon her womanhood.
My tongue curled up until the tip of it pressed against her clit, the rest of my tongue covering most of her slit. I was smothering myself on her dripping sex, my nose buried in the crack of her ass as I devoured her pussy with my mouth. She was moaning now, neither of us caring if any neighbors were watching the scene out here on the top floor balcony. I lapped her cunt and pressed my tongue hard against that little clit-button until I knew she was near orgasm. Then I stood up, pulling my prick from my pants, and pushed it against her moist gash from behind. Her lips fell open. One of my hands went to the base of my dick, the other to her chest cupping her breasts and tweaking her nipples. She was moaning steadily already and I hadn’t even begun penetrating her yet!
I rubbed my dick up and down her wet slit for a few moments, teasing her. The sun was now sinking below the horizon, a molten pool of orange that disappeared in an instant, leaving the sky streaked with pink and purple. Gripping her chest firmly, my body pressing tightly against her, I finally plunged my prick in between her pussylips with a groan and a gasp. Her moans turned into squeals — I had to hold my hand on her mouth for awhile to keep her quiet. I didn’t see any neighbors outside, and didn’t want to attract any attention with screams. My chest pressed against her restrained arms as my body enveloped hers from behind, crushing her tits against the balcony railing. Melanie threw her head back, her long red hair flying in my face, her ass grinding into my crotch to force as much of my dick up inside her as possible. Seems this young college beauty was enjoying being restrained and dominated out on the balcony by her Professor!
I certainly love every second in her cunt (or ass), but it did make it even hotter to fuck her while her wrists were tied, pulling her helpless body around and shamelessly using her for my own pleasure as well as forcing pleasure upon her. It was also admittedly thrilling knowing we were exposed out on the balcony. She loved it too — before I spermed up inside of her (she’s one of the few girls I trust with birth control) she climaxed on my cock while I penetrated her from behind up against the railing. Her orgasming pussy always creams my cock up good! She’s got such a juicy pussy, she’s practically a squirter! We came together, out on the balcony for the world to see, reduced to a breathless heap of bodies against the balcony rail. Looking down, I saw a droplets of combined pussy and cock juices pooling on the concrete at our feet. I set her wrists free and handed her a glass of wine. With my semi-erect dick still dripping cum and her pussy oozing, we toasted to a good, hard fuck and sipped quietly as dusk fell upon us.
We fucked once more before she left, hard and fast up against the door — couldn’t resist it. Ah, Melanie… maybe I will buy a big four-poster bed just for you? What a sweet girl, with such sweet cunt meat!
Until we meet again~
~Professor X

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Someone Save Me: Pt. 4

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