
My Best Friend’s Mother

By rutger5 (An original story 2011)
I had been friends with Peter Verhooven since grade school. We had played little league as well as getting in a lot of trouble together but of a more innocent variety, unlike many of the kids of today. As we had gotten older and reached our teens we stayed friends even though we now had as many differences as we did similarities. In spite of that we were as close as ever with the fact that we lived within a ten minute walk of each other certainly being a contributing factor.
Our friendship in fact directly led to me losing my virginity during the summer when I was sixteen years old, not that I could ever have told him that or shared the story. Peter was the baby of his family with a sister who was three years older than he was and a brother even older than that who had moved out on his own. His father was of German/Dutch ancestry and his mother’s side was Italian. His sister Linda was a good looking girl with dirty blond hair and buttery skin who had inspired many fantasies in my short life.
On more than one occasion she had given me fodder for my masturbatory activity. Like this one time she had been wearing a hoodie with the zipper down and no shirt or bra underneath it and depending on the angle I was looking at her from I caught many glimpses of her soft breast and pink nipple. Once I even made out with her after she had recently broken up with a boyfriend. Both Linda, my friend Peter and I had smoked some hash and afterwards she had met me in the driveway and beckoned me to join her in her garage. She asked if I wanted to kiss her and I eagerly assented. Linda told me to keep my hands to myself and just follow her lead. I’ll never forget how soft her lips were or how she smelled great.
We only kissed for a couple of minutes when she was spooked by the next door neighbor coming home. I never got another chance to repeat this and I was so hard the whole time we kissed but the worst part was I never could say anything as it would have gotten back to Peter. When we were fifteen his parents had divorced but I think they had been having problems for a while before that because I remembered times where I was over their house and you could cut the tension with a knife.
So Peter’s father had moved out of the house and his mother had resumed working due to the situation but otherwise things seemed to remain the same. They were hardly the only family to go through divorce at that time as the sixties had let the genie out of the bottle in regards to the stability of family life in America and as the seventies passed and the eighties approached I doubt there was a corner of America that escaped the upheaval.
Be that as it may it wasn’t like I sat around worried about the disintegration of the American family. I was a teenager having fun as I listened to music, hung out with my friends, worked out, got drunk or high, worked part time jobs and ineptly chased girls. Part of my difficulty with girls was that I was somewhat shy by nature and I had the tendency of being tongue tied around members of the fairer sex. Being drunk or high somewhat mitigated that but it had the negative effect of scaring away girls who weren’t partiers or didn’t wish to go out with guys who were.
Plus when under the influence I might well have the gift of gab but often what I said was nonsense or certainly nothing that would endear me to a young lady. The only girl I actually cared about as a person had broken my heart when I caught her drunkenly making out with a bitter rival of mine which definitely didn’t help my troubles. So there I was, sixteen with no girlfriend while guys not as good looking as me managed to score with girls due to a glib tongue.
This particular summer afternoon I had worked my part time job a few hours and after getting off I was looking for something to do. On my way home I had smoked some primo Thai weed as I cut through the park and feeling mellow I decided to stop by my friend Peter’s house to see if he wanted to hang. It was one of those sweltering summer days that in retrospect seem more enjoyable but at the moment when the sweat is dripping down your body you long for the cooler temperatures to come.
His house was green and believe it or not there was a white picket fence in the front. I headed up the driveway and went to the back door that led to the kitchen as that was the entrance I always used. After climbing the steps I rapped lightly on the glass section of the door. If no one answered I would usually throw pebbles at his bedroom window which was by the back of the house. The sound of a radio playing was clearly coming from the nearby open kitchen window so I knocked louder this time.
Following that I heard the sound of a chair scraping along the floor followed by footsteps after which the back door opened. Surprisingly it wasn’t Peter or his sister who answered the door but his mother. She seemed a little unsteady on her feet as she stood in the doorway and her eyes were red as if she’d been crying.
“Oh hello Thomas” she said as she always referred to me by my full Christian name instead of Tom or Tommy like most people called me.
“Hi Mrs. Verhooven, is Peter here?” I asked but before she had a chance to answer there was the sound of glass breaking from inside the kitchen.
“What’s that?” she said turning toward the sound of the noise. “Buttercup no, get away from there” she said as she moved away from me.
Buttercup was their family cat and as I stepped inside pulling the door behind me I saw the feline leap from the kitchen table and scurry off in the opposite direction. An open bottle of red wine sat alone on the table and there was a broken wine glass as well as the wine that had been in it in a pool on the kitchen floor.
“Stupid cat” she said to no one in particular as she grabbed a towel from by the sink and bent over to wipe up the mess.
To be honest maybe I should have been polite and asked her if she wanted any help but I was entranced as I watched her. Mrs. Verhooven had always been an attractive woman but there was something about the way she looked that day that had me mesmerized. She was wearing a gauzy floral print dress which seemed to shimmer as she moved and usually her black hair was up in some kind of bun-like hairstyle but that afternoon it was hanging free with long strands of it sticking to her neck due to the humidity.
As she wiped up the dark red fluid I couldn’t help but notice her big round ass and ample hips sway back and forth as she moved. Maybe it was due to the sweltering heat or the fact that I was high or just that I was a horny teenager but without realizing it my hand crept to my crotch and fondled my growing erection. Suddenly my brain came to life but before I could move my hand Mrs. Verhooven turned my way. I’m not sure which of us was more surprised – me for being caught playing with myself as I ogled her or Mrs. Verhooven at discovering her son’s best friend was rubbing himself while he stared at her big Italian ass.
Her mouth opened wide from the shock and the next thing I knew she cried out in pain and dropped the towel before lifting her hand. There was now blood seeping from a cut in her hand as she winced from the wound. That cleared my head somewhat and I sprang into action, first helping her to her feet and guiding her to the sink. My eyes examined her cut and it didn’t look too bad, certainly not deep but there appeared to be a sliver of glass imbedded in her flesh. Turning on the cold water I held her hand under the flow and with some satisfaction I watched the glass pushed from the cut and into the sink.
“Keep it under the water until the bleeding stops” I told her before asking “Where do you keep the first aid supplies Mrs. Verhooven?”
It took her a moment to answer as she appeared somewhat confused by the turn of events but she then told me upstairs in the bathroom medicine cabinet. Before heading up there I took a wad of paper towel and covered the mess on the floor with the hope if the cat reappeared it would keep it away from the shattered glass. I bounded up the stairs two at a time and removed peroxide and band aids from the cabinet before returning to the kitchen.
Mrs. Verhooven still had her hand under the stream of water but the blood had slowed to less than a trickle. Quickly I wiped her hand dry then I poured some peroxide over the cut. She made a face but didn’t say anything. Next I applied a band aid tightly and inspected my handiwork.
“Well Thomas, will I live do you think?” she asked with a smile.
“I believe the prognosis is excellent that you will Mrs. Verhooven but I’m not a doctor. Now sit down and I’ll clean this mess” I told her.
Putting my words to action I proceeded to blot up the sticky liquid along with the shards of glass. Knowing from past visits where the broom was kept I retrieved it and made sure I hadn’t missed any fragments before finally wiping down the floor one more time with a wet towel. Finally finished I discarded the towel and turned to Mrs. Verhooven who was watching me with a bemused smile on her pretty face. I noticed there now were two wine glasses on the table filled with wine.
“Very impressive job Thomas, there is no way Peter would be so efficient. Now come sit here so I can thank you for your gallant service” she said patting the chair next to her.
Somewhat apprehensively I approached her and sat down, remembering what at the least was one of the reasons she had cut her hand. The fact that she was startled at seeing me touching myself probably caused her injury and I was fearful of what she now was going to say. She looked into my eyes and I found myself out of my league and felt like I could drown in their brown depths.
“Thomas first let me thank you for your timely first aid, you didn’t panic and you did a wonderful job” she began to which I mumbled a thank you.
“Now have a sip of wine” she said pushing a glass towards me.
“Umm I don’t know Mrs. Verhooven if I should drink wine” I answered her to which she laughed in reply.
“Oh please Thomas, I know for a fact that both you and my son drink whenever you can get away with it and by the way I never had answered your original question due to circumstances but Peter is spending this afternoon and night with his father. Also unless my nose isn’t working right you’ve been smoking one of those funny little cigarettes so some nice vino from Italia shouldn’t be a problem. Besides with what I’m about to say I think you may need it.”
On hearing that I felt my mouth dry up and my stomach got a sinking feeling so I picked up the glass and swallowed it down in one gulp before placing it back on the table. What kind of trouble would I be in now I wondered to myself as I felt the wine slide down my throat. If she told my family, or even worse Peter, that I was touching myself while I watched her I didn’t know what would happen when her voice brought me back to reality.
“The wine is good, right?” she said but she didn’t seem to really want an answer.
“Thomas do you think I’m attractive, is that why you were playing with your cock?” she suddenly asked, shocking me as much by using the word cock as with the question in general. I hemmed and hawed not knowing what to say to her.
“It is a simple question Thomas and I think I deserve an answer when a young man who has been welcome in my house for ten years suddenly starts rubbing his private parts as he watches me. So am I attractive?”
At this point with what had happened I decided that I should tell her the truth before throwing myself on her mercy. That was the only chance I had to make things right.
“Mrs. Verhooven” I began “first let me apologize for what I did especially as it led to you being hurt. As far as your question the answer is yes, you are attractive, in fact I think that you’re beautiful. That in no way is an excuse for my behavior and I don’t know how I can make up for it.”
Mrs. Verhooven now stood and she seemed to tower over me as she drained the last bit of wine from her glass before refilling them both.
“Not only am I attractive but beautiful as well. I like that. Well tell me this Thomas, do you also think I’m sexy and have you ever fantasized about me, in a sexual way?”
Part of me wanted to get up and flee as it seemed I was in an alternate universe suddenly but most of me wanted to stay where I was. Even so I was unable to meet her gaze as I answered.
“I think Mrs. Verhooven that you want me to be honest with you so the answer is yes to all questions. You are definitely sexy and I have to admit that I have thought of doing things, sexual thing with you.”
After saying that I glanced up at her and she had a pleased expression on her face like the cat that ate the canary. What she did next shocked me as she leaned down and kissed me. When our lips met it was like the greatest feeling I had felt in my short life. They were warm and full and they tasted like wine and the next thing I knew she had straddled me and sat on my lap. My cock sprang to life as it seemed like half my blood supply flowed rapidly to my member.
My hand went around her waist as I pulled her closer while her tongue worked between my lips and began to explore my eager mouth. Her large, soft breasts pushed against my chest as we kissed and I felt her fingers running through my hair. The longer we kissed the more frenzied she became and when she felt my hard on pressing into her she began to grind her pelvis into it.
A moan escaped my mouth as she stimulated me like that and for a moment I was afraid I would cum in my jeans. Here I was a sixteen year old virgin and my friend’s mother, a beautiful, voluptuous woman was kissing me as she sat on my lap and rubbed her body against my cock. When she broke the kiss to catch her breath my mouth found the olive skin of her neck and began to kiss and suck it. Without conscious thought my hand traced its way up her body until it reached the side of her breast.
Now it was Mrs. Verhooven who squirmed and moaned as I returned the favor by driving her crazy with desire. Suddenly her hand pulled my head back by my hair and she stared intently into my eyes.
“Thomas I know it isn’t the right thing to do but right now I don’t care about that. Today I need to be desired and treated like a woman, a sexual woman. I want you and I can feel that you want me too.”
When she said the word feel she really rubbed against my erection driving me close to the brink of orgasm.
“Do you want to come upstairs with me now?” she asked simply.
“Yes Mrs. Verhooven more than anything in the world” I told her.
Smiling she stood and took me by the hand at which point I stood and let her lead me toward the staircase.
“And by the way Thomas at least for today maybe you should call me Maria.”
“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman, Maria” I said with a smile directed to her.
“You are quite the charmer young man and with your looks I don’t understand why you’re not having to fight the girls off but that leaves you for me.”
Of course it was the weed and wine that allowed me to speak so with her as if I’d been sober I probably would be tongue tied or stuttering by now. We climbed the stairs, with her before me which allowed me to watch her ass sway as she preceded me. Once we reached the second floor she turned and embraced me. Again we kissed but this time it was my tongue that worked into her mouth where she eagerly sucked on it.
When we broke the kiss she again led me forward where we passed the doors to both Peter’s and Linda’s rooms and into her own bedroom. In all the years I’d visited the house I had never seen into this room before. It was painted blue with thick, white drapes covering the windows and beige carpeting on the floor. There was a solid four post bed as well as a dresser, night table and vanity all appearing to be made of walnut plus a heavy mahogany chest which rested at the foot of the bed.
I observed all this while she pulled me into the room and brought me to the side of the bed. She pulled the bedspread off and dropped it onto the chest before sitting on the edge of the mattress and looking up at me with a lustful expression on her attractive face.
“Why don’t you undress for me Thomas” she said while licking her full red lips.
I yanked my shirt over my head revealing my hairless chest and six pack abs. My hands fumbled as I undid my pants and then pushed them and my underwear down past my knees freeing my stiff cock. It swayed slightly as I moved, bobbing about in anticipation of what was to come. Kicking off my sneakers I then stepped out of my pants leaving them pooled on the floor.
Her hand reached out and she grasped me, her long fingers wrapped around my thickness. Slowly she ran her hand up and down the length of my erection. She tightened her grip right below my swollen head making me moan with pleasure. She leaned forward and bestowed a kiss on my head then released me and stood up and faced away from me.
“Would you mind unzipping me?”
She didn’t have to ask me twice I can tell you that. My thumb and finger seized the tiny zipper and pulled it down exposing the smooth skin of her back as well as the back of her brassiere. She slipped the dress off her shoulders and let it cascade down to the floor.
“Perhaps you could unhook me as well?” Maria said.
Eagerly I complied with her request freeing her large magnificent bosom though at first I only caught a side glimpse of them. But when she turned back to me I was breathless at the sight of them. They hung low from their weight and were full with large nipples and areolas. To say they were more than a handful was an understatement. Maria was a voluptuous woman with ample curves and that was very evident on beholding her chest.
Again she sat in front of me and took my erection in her hand. Up and down her hand slid across my flesh sending my senses reeling from her attention. Suddenly Maria leaned forward and took me into her willing mouth, her wet lips closing on my shaft right below my sensitive head. I thought I would faint from the feeling it gave me and then she started bobbing her head up and down while at the same time her tongue ran along the underside of my head.
Maria didn’t do it long and if she had I would have exploded in her mouth in less than a minute I believe. Instead she pulled her mouth from me and after a final flick of her tongue on my head she resumed stroking me. Her saliva made my skin slick making it easier as she rapidly pumped my shaft when her other hand gently cradled my full balls. That was too much to bear for my sensitive equipment and with a loud groan I felt my cum speeding its way up the shaft.
There was no chance to warn Maria but since she had me by the balls she should have felt them convulsing as they emptied. The first shot flew out and hit her neck with a soft splat before she aimed my cock lower as her hand continued to stroke me. Shot after shot of my thick, white cum landed on her full breasts as I grabbed her by the shoulders to help me remain standing as I felt weak in the knees. When I looked down I saw Maria staring intently at my cock as it fired my seed with a look of wonder on her face. Maria realized I was watching her and smiled at me.
“Sorry but I never saw one cumming from so close before” she said apologetically.
“That’s okay, are you enjoying the view?” I answered.
“Very much” she told me as her hand squeezed one last drop from my now extra sensitive cock which hung for an instant before landing on her full breast. She leaned in and kissed the tip before laughing musically. Maria reached to her night table and pulled some tissues from a box and daubed at her sperm coated bosom.
“You made a big mess on me Thomas.”
“I’m sorry about that Mrs., uh I mean Maria.”
“That’s okay as I know a way you can make it up to me Thomas.”
After saying that Maria stood and rearranged some of the pillows on the bed and then directed me to lie on my back diagonally on the mattress. As soon as I was comfortable she climbed on the bed next to me and had me put my hands under my head. Once they were there she straddled my face with a gorgeous leg on each side of my face and her panty covered mound above me.
She lowered herself onto my face and reached out and placed her hands on my forearms before starting to undulate her hips in a circular motion. There was already a wet spot in the gusset that no doubt grew as her gyrations increased. One of her hands now grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head up as hard as she could pressing me even more against her. For the first time in my life I experienced the delightful aroma of an aroused female and I loved it. My lips started making kissing movements against her when Maria’s thighs began trembling. She emitted a series of gasps and cries at the same time as she came.
While this happened my cock had grown even harder then before it came and I could feel pre-cum seeping from it. However as horny as I was what I wanted was to actually see and taste Maria’s pussy. When she recovered sufficiently to where her hand let go of my hair I decided to broach the subject.
“Maria I hoped you liked that but I was wondering if I could kiss you there without your panties between us?”
“Thomas you silly boy of course you can” she said as she rolled off me.
Her hands slipped under the waistband and in seconds her panties were removed leaving her gloriously nude. Maria had a thick nest of curly, black pubic hair surrounding her wet pussy. This was the first time I’d been so close to a woman’s pussy and I was enchanted by it.
Maria’s lips were wet and swollen and protruded defiantly from the surrounding hair growth and had a reddish hue. Perched on top of them was a round, hard nub that I knew to be her clitoris. I received a much closer look when Maria moved forward and literally sat her big round ass on my chest and spread her legs to either side of my head.
My arms wrapped her around her meaty thighs as I placed my hands on her hips. She reached down and guided be by my hair to her sticky, dripping honey pot while her other hand rested on the bed to stabilize and support her.
“Thomas you wanted to kiss me down there, well now it’s your opportunity so get started.”
She didn’t need to ask me twice as I eagerly pushed my tongue out and tasted pussy for the first time. It worked from the bottom up until the tip brushed her clit lightly. Maria tasted so sweet to me that I started lapping away like a cat with a bowl of milk. My tongue ran between her lips to her juicy insides and back out to catch her clit. Maria pushed into me so that my tongue could reach deeper inside her, massaging the inner walls of her pinkness.
Her juices were freely flowing and my cheeks and chin were soon bathed in them as I continued to move my tongue rapidly up and down making sure to not neglect any part of her most intimate area. Maria was starting to moan as my mouth brought her pleasure and was now rocking her pelvis slightly with each stroke of my tongue.
“Oh Thomas I want you to stick your tongue all the way up my wet pussy” she told me breathing hard now.
Her wish was my command and I burrowed as deep as I could until my lips collided with the skin of her pelvis and my nose rubbed up against her erect little nub. By now my jaw ached some but I swirled my tongue in a circular motion as it was buried inside her wet hole. Her walls surrounded it as I probed and wiggled it to the best of my ability.
Her breathing was becoming ragged as she approached orgasm and with one last mini push of her hips Maria let out a wail as her legs clamped on my head trapping me in paradise with her. Maria’s whole body shook from the intensity of her climax as my tongue felt a release of a good amount of her womanly nectar. I sucked it to my mouth before swallowing it down and it tasted better to me than the wine I’d drunk earlier.
Once she recovered Maria crawled down my body until she was in position over my straining erection. Her hand grasped my hardness and guided it to her entrance. I could feel her hairs tickling my head as she worked it back and forth coating me with her juices while also stimulating herself. She looked me deep in my eyes before speaking.
“Thomas have you ever been with a woman before?”
“No Maria I haven’t, I’m hoping you’ll be my first” I sheepishly admitted.
“You can count on that and that you’ll never forget me” she said right before she impaled herself on my raging hard on.
My swollen head already lubricated with her juices parted her lips and sank deep into her pussy canal. We moaned simultaneously from the feeling as I became a man. It was the greatest feeling I’d ever felt as her pussy clenched my thick shaft as she slid down my length. Maria placed her hands against my chest muscles and almost pushed herself down further as I split her wide.
My hands grabbed her pillow like ass and at the same time I thrust upwards burying my cock to the base inside her. When I did she let out a grunt from the force of my thrust. We began to build a rhythm similar to the ocean crashing into the shore as her ass slammed into me as I met her with each movement. Once she leaned in a little I managed to affix my hungry mouth to her breast and suck hard on her pebble like nipple which drove her crazy. I released her nipple and moaned as she bounced like a rubber ball on me.
My moans were getting louder and increasing as she continued riding me hard and without warning I felt myself cumming. With one final thrust my cock swelled and exploded deep inside her paradise, filling her with my liquid love. Maria kept going with no slowing down but she managed to kiss me briefly before her movement forced her to end our kiss.
“How do you like it Thomas? Does it feel good being in me, in fucking me?”
“Great Maria, it feels so awesome” I managed to gasp out in reply.
She took my hand and guided it to where I could play with her clit while she rode me. My thumb rubbed it back and forth as Maria closed her eyes and enjoyed the stimulation. Her pace increased as the combination of my cock and thumb brought her near the edge once again. Her big ass slammed into me with each downward movement as her velvety muscles caressed my hardness.
“Oh yes Thomas don’t stop, it feels so good. Yes, yes oh my God!” she practically screamed out and with a final bounce her sweaty body collapsed on mine.
Maria’s muscles were clenching and unclenching on my shaft as she trembled like a leaf. Taking the lead I started driving my cock in and out of her climaxing pussy as fast as I could. The combination of this sexy, mature woman sprawled on me with her wetness gripping me added to the fact that today was the first time I’d been with a woman proved a bit too much even though I’d already cum twice.
My balls were drawn up into me again as I shot inside Maria. My whole body shuddered from the feeling as Maria recovered enough to resume kissing me. We stopped moving except for our lips which still were hungry for one another’s. I feasted on her red, full lips and when she fed me her tongue I welcomed it with delight. Slowly I shrank inside her until eventually I slipped out. She made a disappointed sigh as I did and rolled off me while keeping her body next to mine. When I rested my head against her large bosom she smiled and cradled it with an arm.
It was probably the fact that I’d cum three times although the wine and weed must have helped some but sometime while in that position I drifted off to sleep. The sun was casting early evening shadows across the bed when I awakened by myself but as I stretched languidly I heard a sigh. Turning I saw Maria sitting on her vanity bench with a hairbrush in her hand. She was now wearing a pale blue robe that certainly showed her ample cleavage to best effect.
“Hey sleepyhead, how are you feeling?” she inquired.
“I’m good but you didn’t have to let me sleep” I told her.
“You looked so adorable that I didn’t have the heart to wake you. Besides you earned that rest with your efforts. Let me ask you if you’re hungry Thomas?”
When Maria asked that I realized that I was famished.
“Yes but…” I began before she interrupted me.
“There are no buts, get up young man and come with me. I’ll feed you good to recharge your batteries. Now let’s go” Maria said in a tone that brooked no dissent.
“Yes ma’am” I answered her as I sat up. No sooner did I reach for my pants when she spoke again.
“There’s no need for you to get dressed Thomas just to eat. I think you look nice the way you are.”
The way she said that and with the look she had in her eyes made me feel like a million dollars I can tell you. So staying naked as the day I was born I headed downstairs and followed Maria to the kitchen. She busied herself putting some pasta on to boil after which she put a pot of sauce on the stove to heat. Watching her bend to remove the pot from the fridge started my cock getting hard again and as she flitted about the kitchen doing things my erection grew until it was at full staff.
She noticed this and smiled at me lasciviously and once as she passed Maria reached down and squeezed it gently making me groan. That was enough for me to forget about eating but Maria wouldn’t hear of it and rebuffed me.
“I’m flattered that you want me again but eat first because I’ll still be here when you’re done.”
Once the pasta was ready she drained it before spooning some sauce with a couple of meatballs over it and placing it before me followed by a piece of bread and another glass of wine. Maria had a small portion of pasta as well as some wine.
“Is that all you’re having?” I asked seeing her plate.
She laughed before speaking “Pasta will go straight to my hips Thomas.”
“Well who can blame it, it’s a great place to be it seems to me.”
She blushed from my response and added a little more to her plate. She finished eating before I did and before long I felt her hand creep up my leg and start to fondle my now half hard cock which quickly assumed its full size. The rest of the food I gobbled down in my zeal to finish and as soon as I cleaned my plate Maria brought the dishes to the sink. When she started to wash then I sidled up besides her and slipped my hands inside her robe. One hand cupped as much breast flesh as it could hold while the other started to stroke her hair and swollen lips.
“Stop you’re distracting me” she said trying to wriggle free but I was having none of that.
“The dishes can wait” I told her before seizing and lifting her in the fireman’s carry. Maria squealed and protested but I ignored her and instead brought her back to and placed her on the table. I pulled the robe open and began to feast on my dessert, in this case her large nipple but I really wanted the bearded clam. Once she was moaning and playing with my hair my mouth started moving in a southerly direction until her womanhood was before me.
My tongue moved out and started flicking back and forth against her erect little nub and after a couple of minutes of that I slipped one of my fingers inside her. She liked that and pushed her hips down toward me allowing it to slide deeper. She was wet as a rainforest as I drove it in and out of her while continuing to lick her clit. I figured she was getting close as her hand pulled my hair hard so I increased the tempo and was rewarded by her moaning and her vaginal walls convulsing on my finger.
After the spasms in her pussy stopped she yanked me up by the hair as her free hand grasped my erection and pulled it to her furnace.
“Put it in me now Thomas” she demanded in a commanding tone.
My hands latched onto the smooth skin of her hips as once again I slid balls deep into paradise. Maria was sitting up with her legs off the table and once I was inside she wrapped her fingers around my neck and held on as I fucked her hard. Each thrust my balls slapped against her ass as I drove it deep repeatedly. Since I’d cum so many times I just went all out as fast and hard as I could with her spurring me on with moans of encouragement.
There must have been something about the angle of this position as Maria was going crazy from this. Once I slipped out when I pulled back too far and when I did a gush of clear fluid shot out of her surprising us both but I immediately sank back inside her and resumed pounding her willing flesh. In the position we were in we were able to easily kiss so our mouths met as our other parts did what they do. It was a while that I lasted this time but eventually I knew my orgasm was coming so I buried myself to the hilt and called out her name as I fired into her.
I’d like to say that the afternoon led to more but for the most part it didn’t. We were both embarrassed to a point due to her being Peter’s mother especially as back then such things weren’t done. For some time after I rarely went to his house because I didn’t wish to see her and want her. One other time we got together when we ran into each other in the supermarket I was working at. My shift was ending and I helped her load the groceries into her car. Our hands touched and that was that. Since her kids were home she drove us to a secluded spot where for one more time we were transported back to that magical afternoon where I lost my virginity and she felt like a woman again after her divorce.
After high school Peter and I went our separate ways though to this day I sometimes see him. I did find out that his mother did remarry and I can only hope and pray that she is happy. She will always have a place in my heart and I’ll never forget that enchanted time.
THE END By rutger5 (2011)
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” When a Hardon Meets a Wet Pussy “

“When a Hardon Meets a Wet Pussy”
This story is based on ’very’ true events.
* Author: I wrote at the start of another story:
‘Based on a true story,’ later I received a message from a couple. They called themselves ’Mary’ and ’John’. They said they just had to tell me this…. *
__“We were in bed and had our lap top on. We were looking for a good hot porn story to read.
We liked to read them out loud to each other. It gave them a ’real’ feeling when we read it out loud to each other. We found this story of yours and started reading it. He read the guy parts, and I read the girl parts.
It was like we were the guy and girl in the story. You said the story was based on a ’true’ story. We felt all the feelings they were having in the story too. This story was about a mom, her son and his best friend.
I started reading the girls part. I read for a while and got a chill…. I said to my self….this story seems so real.”
Damn this story is strangely familiar, but I didn’t recall reading it before. It was making us both very aroused, way beyond any other story.
We were only 1/3 of the way into it when Mary finally closed the lid on the lap top and put it aside. She got on top of me and rested her head on my neck. “I want to save this for later. Right now I want you, my John.” she said.
This was our 1st attempt at reading and making it through this story without…. having to stop and have really hot sex.
In case you don’t remember the story, here it is…….
“Mom was bound to get Caught”
* Mom had a very private talk with her son about a rumor she heard from his school. *
__I had the jitters. I had to find out about this rumor I heard. The rumor was that a kid at my son’s school was having sex with his buddies mom. Sonny, my son, was my source to find out.
I went in his room late one night and sat on his bed. I ask him about this rumor I heard. He said that he heard it too, but he hears lot’s of crap like that. Girl talk, he called it. “They start crap like that stuff to get attention.” he said.
That was good news that no one paid much attention to all the talk at school. I was still nervous about it though, of course I knew why because of what had happened a while back…
Sonny’s best friend was a kid named Trav. He was a good looking kid with a great build and a sweet personality. He was over here all the time and one day he stopped me in the hallway. He said: “Mrs. Miller, you are the prettiest mom in the world. Then….he kissed me ..right on the lips and walked away. I stood there in shock smiling…wow…that was so hot.
A young good looking kid who thinks I’m pretty and kisses me. It took me by surprise. I hadn’t had a rush like that in a long time. I still stood there fantasizing about him and the feel of that kiss…then he came walking back.
Sonny was down stairs doing something. Trav came to a ‘smiling’ me, and he smiled. He whispered real sexy in my ear: (“…could I have another one of those kisses Mrs. Miller? “) I froze at first but then said to myself….’why not?’.
That’s when our passion was released….or I should say exploded……
He laid a kiss on me that took away my breath and my mind. We held that kiss and I found my arms going around him. I pushed my pussy into his erection and it rubbed right on my clit….. I felt a wonderful wet spasm in my pussy and had a orgasm that shook my whole body. Nothing like that… had ever happened in my life before….
We just kept it going. It was crazy. I was kissing a kid and I was taking all of this I could get. My mind raced with thoughts I had about him. My passion for him just….burst wide open when he kissed me. I think it was the age factor, the taboo factor all the social ’no no’s that contributed to it. The risk alone of someone finding out just made me want him even more.
I had always like and admired Trav…..and….to be honest, I had thought…. what would it like to have an affair with a handsome kid like that. It was just a quick passing thought…but those thoughts did start increasing. I had seen him with no shirt and just boxer shorts on before and he was a sexy kid to me. No one knew my thoughts but me, so what did it hurt….ok…I admit it, I started having a secret crush on Trav. Those smiling looks between us when we were alone, were I guess my tell-tale signs I liked him. Day after day, week after week it built up in me and I didn’t really realize it.
I had the hots for Sonny’s mom. She had a killer body and face, big tits and beautiful long hair. I had seen her walk around his house in her skimpy night gowns and night clothes. It was getting to me. It built up to where I wanted to take a chance and doing a quick kiss on her. I wanted to see what she would do. When I saw her beautiful sexy smile…I thought…. I may…have a chance to kiss her, or…. she would put the brakes on and stop it. I was ready for a stern warning and to not do that again. I was all ready to play innocent of any lusty thoughts.
Well…..that didn’t happen.
She reacted big time and kissed me like a boyfriend in high school. I got an instant boner. I eased it between her legs as she pushed her pussy forward. She jumped as I pushed my boner on her pussy firm as she gasp for a load of air…
God…I wanted to fuck her so bad. I had to have her. I whispered to her: (“…oh god Mrs. Miller…I love you so much and have for so long. I can’t stop kissing and feeling you. I have to have you. When can we be alone together.?”)
Mrs. Miller,…(Lynn)…
All hell was breaking loose in me. I wanted Trav to keep kissing me forever….and a lot more. I felt hot animal lust for him. Something in me was on fire with passion and I just let it go.
We leaned against the wall and he drove his erection in tight against my pussy more. I liked the savage lusty feeling I was having and squeezed his young butt cheeks. I whispered in his ear out of breath: (“…I want you too Trav,…. we’ll plan a time and place for sure.”)
I grabbed the back of his head, took a handful of his sexy hair and let my tongue go wild in his mouth. He gasp …and pushed his erection back and forth against my pussy and right on my clit.
Within minutes we had become two wild people releasing our stored up feelings for each other. He then felt my tits so firm and I reached down inside his shorts and felt his stiff erection. It was so hot and erect as I felt it and his warm balls. I wanted to kiss them right now…but we couldn’t take that chance. His hand felt my bare nipples and he leaned down and kissed them inside my night gown.
I ‘was‘…going to have him…we would find a time and place to keep this going.
It all happened that fast. We heard noises down stairs and had to quickly stop. He ran to the bathroom and me to my bedroom. My panties were wonderfully wet as I lay back on my bed to let it all sink in to what had just happened. I felt so good and alive, and like a woman should feel with a new hot lover now.
I locked the bathroom door as I had to wait for get my big boner to go down. I looked at it, so ready to fuck her.
I was racking my brain to find a place and time to get with Trav. I formed a plan and time.
Sonny and Trav were close and I sure didn’t want my own son finding out what was going on. I searched for a window of time and a place for us to let our love happen as it will naturally.
We waited, but it was hard.
If Sonny went out to the garage for a few minutes, Trav and I were in each others arms kissing and I was grabbing his crouch and him my tits and pussy. He would instantly get me so hot, I would feel like I would faint. He was all I thought about and I couldn’t wait to get us naked in bed and fucking like animals. His young body drove me crazy.
I would flash him when Sonny wasn’t looking. Showing a nice big tit or my pussy with no panties on. He would smile so sexy at me and quick grab his crouch. All this just drove the sexual tension up and up. I just wanted to drag him by the hair into my bed and smother his face with my pussy while I sucked him until he would cum deep in my mouth.
Sonny thought…..
Mom and Trav must think I’m stupid. Something is going on between them. She jittery around him and he’s always trying to hide his boner around her. I see the lusty looks they give each other. They have the hots for each other so let them have at it if it makes them happy. I’ll just observe and enjoy this.
She’s messing with a young teen and he’s into a grown woman. That gossip at school seem to make her nervous about that mom who ’supposedly’ was fucking her son’s buddy….or….are her and Trav getting it on? If they get caught, they’ll make school for me a living hell.
There was something about the ’risk’ of messing with Trav that really excited me. My heart would speed up just thinking about a close call of getting caught. I was never like this before about any guy, but he did something to bring the savage lust out in me. My past boyfriends were lacking in that certain passion that lit the fire in me. The weekend couldn’t get here fast enough…but I had a plan now.
Sonny spent weekends at the auto races with a bunch of guys. Trav didn’t always go with him. I picked this as our time to be together. This Saturday Sonny would ride with the race team to another town close by, and be back late. I told Trav to tell him something to not go this time.
Saturday evening came and here came Trav. He was doing a ’fake’ sleepover here with Sonny. He just entered the door and closed it when we attacked each other. In went his hand to my robe and on my pussy as we kissed and dropped to the living room rug. He was mine now and we jerked at our clothes getting us naked. I saw what I wanted…his nice big erection. I turned as I moaned my tension to now have him. My pussy went on top of his face and his tongue. His hot erection went in my mouth as I jacked it fast. The passion between us was at it’s peak. His fingers were in my pussy fast and his tongue sucking on my clit. This kid knew just what to do and he had me humping his face fast and hard. I wanted to taste his cum hot filling my mouth.
He didn’t disappoint me. He groaned and lifted his hips up and I felt it. Hot cum at the back of my mouth, blasting away, filling my mouth to overflow. I climaxed instantly as I dug my pussy tight to his face.
Oh yes!…that’s what I wanted, the raw passion of having a young guy. The forbidden act. The pure taboo of fucking a young teen guy. I must have had it stored up in me for a long time as I just kept fucking his face and swallowing all his cum down.
I was blacking out with the pleasure I was feeling. Him rubbing my body kept me from passing out….
What a lover I had under me, and the night was early. We held and felt each other as it got dark. We were our sex toys as we played with our bodies.
He got me in my bed somehow.
I got me a real woman. She is way hotter than the young girls I had fucked before. I love her and she love’s me. I’ve been dreaming about having sex with her for a long time now, and now it’s going to happen. I got her in her bed and we saw the wildness in our eyes. She pulled at me to get me on top of her, her legs were twitching and wide open. She held me tight to her tits and squirmed as she felt my butt cheeks. We gasp for air as I stuck my boner in her wet fuzzy pussy. We kissed as we let our tongues go wild. She had a warm beautiful pussy, just waiting for me. She had a hot pulsing moan as I fucked her deep with each stroke. She was my woman candy and It was all here to take us to heaven.
“….oh yes…..oh my…Trav….I’m gonna cum hard baby….real hard.” She said.
Finally he was in me and we were going crazy with wild lust. Nothing else mattered to us now. My pussy was being satisfied beyond my dreams. I felt his smooth young back and body…I was almost there…higher and higher. He pushed his erection deep in me and groaned.
An explosion of his hot cum shot in me like a rocket. I raised my hips to meet it and climaxed beyond words…“Oh my God Yesssss! …there!” I yelled as the room began to spin with his pumping his cum in me. Oh…. my lover was so good to me, making me so happy. I held him tight and squirmed every last drop of euphoric pleasure out of us….. we just couldn’t stop fucking us…….
Today, my son Sonny has moved away, Trav pretends to rent a room here…so far…no one knows anything about Trav and I as wild lovers…. we’ve even had sex in the back yard at night, in the back seat of my car, back alleys, the mall parking lot and many more great places. The ‘risk’ is exciting and makes us so hot. To have your pussy licked in the school parking lot is a real turn on to us. Giving him a blow job in the school elevator was awesome!…(we almost got caught!)
* John and Mary asked…..
“We feel this ‘based on a true story’ is about us.
Can you tell us the ‘real’ names of these people?, you seem to have written so many details that fit us perfectly.… “
* Now I had to tell them the truth…..I wrote back to ‘Mary‘ and ‘John‘:
“Hi Mom, Hi Trav, how did you like my story?….(signed)

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For all of you critics our there worried about “GOOD WRITING SKILLS” please take some time and read some of the writings of Mark Twain, William Faulkner or John Steinbeck. All of these authors use misspelled words, improper grammar and questionable local colloquialisms in their writing to convey mood and realism. I am not putting myself in their class and not all of my writing errors are intentional but for those that are, I think I’m in pretty good company. What’s important is the STORY, please leave the structure and the grammar to the author or start criticizing “Tom Sawyer”, “Go Down Moses”, or “Of Mice and Men”.
I am a 62 year old business man who works as a consultant for some major aerospace companies and my wife owns several small companies in the northeast. We have been married for twenty years and we dated for about ten years before that. We have four children from previous marriages, two of hers and two of mine. All of the kids are out of the house now and two of them have families of their own.
My wife is 55 and a couple years ago she became very upset about what her age was doing to her body. She complained about gaining weight, her greying hair and, what I call, the smile lines around her eyes. When I tried to tell her that it was a normal condition of growing older, she snapped my head off. She told me that I was better looking now than when she married me and that all her friends thought the same way. She said that men look more distinguished with grey hair and that I wasn’t getting fat like she was. I told her that I was flattered that she and her friends thought that way but that age has taken its toll on me also. This really set her off. She called me a liar and accused me of lusting after her friends. I told her that I had never been unfaithful and that I loved her as much now as when we got married. This didn’t help. We stopped having sex about the time she started this bout of insecurity and she eventually asked me to move into another bedroom. When I suggested that she see a therapist or that we both go to a marriage counselor she told me that there was nothing wrong with her and that I was the one with the problem. We decided that a separation might give us some space and time to work out what we wanted to do and so I packed my bags.
Both my wife and I each make six figures a year and own several homes and an apartment building so it was very easy for me to move into one of the vacant apartments in our building. I got a contractor and a decorator to design it to my specifications and I moved in. After about six months with little communication from my wife other than when I called to “check in”, I called a divorce lawyer so I could be protected if the worst happened. I did something then that, I now know, was really significant. I took off my wedding ring and put it on the dresser.
I get my teeth cleaned about twice a year and that week I had an appointment with my dentist to get it done. Kathy, my dental hygienist, is a petite 49 year old who is divorced with a child in college. She and I talk about our lives and our work while she cleans my teeth. I told her that my wife and I were now separated, about my new apartment and some stories about my kids and grandkids and she regaled me with what she did on her vacation to Europe. Sometime during the appointment, I said that we had so much to talk about that we should get together without the smell of novacane and the sound of grinding teeth. She moved over to the counter that she had her dental tools on and picked up a book. After looking through it for a second she said:
“I have Saturday night free, what time would you like to pick me up”
This was kind of an “off the cuff” remark but when faced with the question, all I could say was “How about seven o’clock”
“Great” she said “sounds like fun”
I walked out of the dentist wondering how this happened and did I really want to start dating again.
Well Saturday night came around and I was standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom looking at myself. Was I dress too casually? Should I get her flowers? I haven’t been in the dating pool since the seventies, what was I supposed to do? I shrugged my shoulders and got in the car thinking that whatever happened was just fine with me. I put the directions she gave me in my GPS and set out on my date.
I got to the house at exactly seven and knocked on the side door. When the door opened I was tempted to ask for Kathy because the woman standing in front of me looked only slightly familiar. Without the pale blue scrub outfit, the hair pulled back from her face, no makeup and no eye protective headgear, Kathy was actually quite beautiful. She had some rather tight jeans on, a blouse that was unbuttoned just enough to show me some cleavage and her hair was down in a rather attractive over the shoulder look. The small bit of makeup really made her eyes pop out at me.
“You look great!!!” I said with maybe a little bit too much enthusiasm.
“Thanks” she said with a smile “I’m glad you dressed casually, I thought we could go to a new local brew pub that I’ve been meaning to try”
“Sounds good” I said as we set off for the pub.
We got to the pub and the evening went pretty much as I had thought it would. We talked about everything under the sun except, the elephant in the room, my separation. It was about nine thirty when we left the pub and I asked her if she wanted to go someplace else for coffee or a drink. She said no that we could do that at her house and be much more comfortable. That sounded good to me so we went back to her place.
When we got to her house, she poured us both a glass of wine and we both sat down on her couch to drink and chat some more. All the time we were talking, I was wondering if it was too soon to try to kiss her and so finally I asked: “Would it be OK if I kissed you”
“I think you should try it and find out” she said as she took both our glasses and placed them on the coffee table. I leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but when it ended I felt butterflies in my stomach. When we ended the kiss we looked at each other for a second and she moved toward me and kissed me. This was not the soft, gentle kiss that I gave her however. She put her arms around me and kissed me with the kind of passion that leads to something more. Our mouths opened and her tongue met mine and they danced back and forth while we pressed our bodies together. The kiss ended and she stood up, took the two wine glasses, handed one to me and took my hand. She led me down the hall to what I was sure was her bedroom, moved me over to the bed and placed the two wine glasses on her bed side table. She wrapped her arms around my neck and we kissed again. As we were kissing she reached down, unbuckled my belt and pulled my pants and underwear down. With all of this going on, I had a full erection and when it sprang out of my pants she looked down and gasped.
“Oh my God” she said “Your enormous”
It had been thirty years since I had been with anyone but my wife and I hadn’t even thought about my size being anything but normal. I have about a nine inch penis when erect and it’s very thick. When I was younger and dating the girls seemed to enjoy my size but I hadn’t thought about it in years
Kathy reached down and put her hand around my cock and stroked it up and down very gently as she kissed me again and gently bit my lower lip in a very seductive way. As she was stroking me with one hand, she unbuttoned her blouse with the other and pulled the blouse out of her jeans. I spread the blouse out with my two hands and saw that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her two breasts were beautiful, they had just a little sag, and the nipples were sticking out and hard as a rock. I reached out, stroked each breast and, with my thumb and index finger gave both her nipples a little squeeze. This made Kathy moan and she started to stroke my cock a little faster. She pushed me back so I was now sitting on the bed and she knelt down between my legs. After running her tongue over her lips she bent her head and put her mouth around the head of my cock. I was in heaven watching this beautiful woman slip my cock in and out of her mouth while her hands pumped up and down on my engorged penis. She took me out of her mouth and licked the entire shaft while she messaged my balls and then she stood up and removed her pants. She pushed me back so I was now lying on the bed and she moved forward placing a knee on each side of my hips. I tried to move up to kiss her but she pushed me back down, grabbed hold of my cock with one hand and rubbed her pussy with the other. After rubbing the head of my cock across her, very wet, pussy lips a few times she bent her knees and pushed the head inside.
“Oh God” she said as she bounced up and down a few times, “Your so fucking big” She said as I reached up and grabbed the tips of her nipples again squeezing hard. She started to lower herself down on me further with every stroke until she was about three quarters of the way down my shaft and I felt the head hit the pack of her cunt.
“I’m cummmmming” she said as her pussy started to push its juices out onto my lap and her body shook all over. This was all driving me crazy and I had to release the passion that was building inside me so I rolled her over till I was now laying on top of her and I started to trust my cock in and out of her.
“You like this big cock” I said “You like me giving you my big cock” I repeated wanting her to beg me for more.
“Yes, I love it” she said “fuck me harder please” she begged “Cum inside me. I want to feel you’re hot cum in me.” She said as I thrust my hips faster and faster, hitting her cervix with each thrust. I couldn’t hold it anymore and I let go with several long, hard streams of cum deep in her pussy. She felt me cumming and had another orgasm herself. I fell on top of her and we held each other as I pumped my hips fucking her till my dick shrunk and fell out of her pussy. I rolled off of her and we both laid there for a few seconds till she moved down, put my cock into her mouth again and started sucking on it, cleaning all the cum from my cock and balls. When she was done, she looked up at me and held out her hand. She led me to the bathroom where we took a shower together and I fucked her again against the shower stall.
When I finally went home at about 2AM I had mixed feelings of guilt and elation. I felt guilty that I had
cheated on my wife for the first time in thirty years but it felt great that such a beautiful woman would find me so attractive that he would want to have sex with me. Little did I know that what I remembered about women in the seventies had absolutely nothing to do with the way women acted today.
More to cum

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Seventh Inning Stretch

Heather ran her hands lazily over the sun warmed skin of her bare breasts and abdomen. Arching her back and pointing her toes, she stretched with the languor of a very contented feline. She sat up and reached for the skimpy, tangerine bikini top and slipped the halter neck over her head. Reaching behind her back, she fastened it in place before rising gracefully to her feet.
She crossed the patio to the sliding glass door that led into the walk in basement. Four pairs of very appreciative male eyes turned their attention from the baseball game on the large screen mounted on the wall to Heather’s scantily clad breasts as she entered the house. She smiled brightly at her dad and his golf buddies.
“Hi, Daddy,” she purred stopping by his chair and leaning down to kiss his cheek.
“No kiss for your Uncle Tom?” her dad’s younger brother asked with a grin.
Heather laughed as she turned and leaned down to kiss her uncle’s cheek. His hands closed over her waist and he turned his head to meet her lips with his. She heard her dad’s low laugh as she pressed her hands against her uncle’s shoulders. Straightening away from him, she laughed and shook her head as she glanced warily at the other two men.
“It’s ok, baby,” her dad said standing up and pulling her back against him. “Barry and Dan know you’re Daddy’s girl.”
He ran his hands up over the soft skin of her flat stomach to cup her firm, young breasts. Heather laid her head back against his chest as he fondled her. He bent his head to caress the soft skin on her neck with his lips. She sighed as her father’s hands moved to the the knot between her breasts that held the top of her bikini together. He untied it and the cups fell open exposing the pert mounds with their upturned pink tips.
Heather closed her eyes and moaned as her dad rolled her hard nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. He squeezed her firm breasts then let his hands glide down over her ribs to follow the curve of her waist. His arms slid around her and he ground the hard bulge in his pants against her soft ass as he slipped one hand down the front of her bikini bottom.
His friends sat forward in their chairs and watched avidly as Mack cupped his daughter’s pussy using his middle finger to rub her clit. With his free hand he undid the bow at her hip, untying the string that held the triangles of fabric together. The bottom of her bikini slipped to the floor and he slid his fingers back and forth through the slick, wet folds between his daughter’s legs.
Mack sat down on the wide, red leather arm chair using his knees to hold Heather’s legs spread wide, exposing his fifteen year old daughter’s smooth, clean shaven pussy to the lascivious gaze of the other three men. He plunged two fingers into her and began to thrust slowly in and out. Heather rocked against her father’s hand. Her hands cupped and fondled her tits as she squirmed on her dad’s lap, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
“You’ve got to watch this,” her uncle said as he unzipped his trousers and freed his quickly rising cock.
Barry and Dan followed suit and sat stroking themselves while watching Mack nuzzle his daughter’s neck as he finger fucked her. He worked a third finger into her pussy and Heather began to whimper and coo as Mack increased his tempo. He thrust into her harder and faster, his fingers slightly curled to caress the velvety upper wall of her vagina, the fleshy mound at the base of his thumb rocking against her clit.
“Mmmmm Daddy,” Heather moaned, lifting her hips to take her father’s fingers deeper. “I’m gonna cum.”
Her body tensed as Mack rammed his fingers into her convulsing cunt faster. “That’s it, baby. Do it. Cum for Daddy.”
She bucked her hips wildly against his hand, her fingers gripping the arms of the chair tightly. Pushing her head back against Mack’s chest, Heather arched her back and drove her cunt onto her dad’s hand. Her audience hooted as they watched her pussy spasm on Mack’s thrusting fingers.
He slipped a fourth fingered in and continued thrusting into her wetly sucking vagina as she rode the crest of her orgasm, not letting her come down all the way before her body began to build toward another, more powerful climax. He shoved half his hand into his daughter’s tight cunt, his thumb pressed against her swollen clit. Heather’s head thrashed back and forth against her father’s broad chest, her breathing ragged.
“Come on, baby girl,” he murmured against her damp hair. “You know what Daddy wants.”
He pressed his free hand against her lower abdomen just above her pubic bone. Heather grew rigid as she strained toward the next peak of the intense orgasm that continued to rock her petite, young body. Mack could feel the hard bundle of nerves in the upper wall of his daughter’s drenched pussy beneath his fingertips and he stroked it firmly.
Heather lifted her ass off his lap and cried out as her cunt clenched on Mack’s fingers and a clear, viscous liquid spurted onto his palm. He continued to fuck his hand into his daughter as she moaned and squirted again. His brother dropped to his knees and Mack pulled his fingers out of Heather’s still quivering snatch to smear her cum onto her belly.
“Fuck, man,” Barry groaned as he watched Tom bury his face against his niece’s pussy to lap up the juices still flowing from between her swollen lips. “Does the kid always cum like that?”
“Not every time,” Mack said kissing the top of her head as she laid against him limply, “but Daddy knows how to get her there.”
He pushed a hand under Heather’s body to free his straining cock from the confines of his jeans. Tom lifted his glistening face from between his niece’s legs to grin at his brother. He ran his hands over Heather’s silky thighs, spreading her legs farther apart.
“What do say we make her airtight?”
A slow grin spread across Mack’s as he nodded. Tom lifted Heather and held her against his body as Mack striped his out of his jeans and boxers. When his brother had settled back in the chair, Tom lowered Heather onto her dad’s lap again.
Mack plunged his fingers into her drenched pussy to scoop up some of her fluids. Circling the puckered rosebud of her anus, he spread her wetness over that opening. Heather moaned softly as she gyrated her hips. Mack slowly pushed the tip of one slippery finger through the tight ring and started working it in and out.
“No way a tiny thing like her takes your monster of a cock up her ass,” Dan said licking his lips as he watched Mack work a second finger into his whimpering daughter’s tight ass.
“What are you betting?” Tom asked looking over his shoulder the two men seated behind him stroking their cocks.
Dan thought for a moment. “Twenty bucks,” he said.
Tom smirked at him. “Make it fifty,” Barry said. “I’ll take half of it.”
Dan nodded and Mack pulled his fingers out of his daughter’s ass with a soft popping sound. “Suck it first, baby,” he said sliding his butt to the edge of the cushion as he slouched down in the chair.
Heather scooted off her father’s lap and turned to kneel between his thighs. She lifted his rigid prick and licked the clear drop of pre-cum from the tip before opening her mouth and letting the plum shaped head slide over her tongue. She closed her lips around her dad’s thick shaft and started bobbing her head up and down, taking as much of his cock into her mouth as she could, coating it with her lubricating saliva.
Mack rested his head against the back of the arm chair and stroked his daughter’s hair. His hips started to move of their own volition as she pushed down taking him deep into her throat. He lifted her head off of his glistening cock and urged her back onto his lap.
“Ready, sweetheart?” he asked, his hands resting on her hips.
Heather nodded. Placing her hands on the arms of the chair she lifted herself off her father’s lap. Mack positioned the head of his cock against the tight pucker of his daughter’s anus and she pressed down. The other three men leered as Mack’s thick rod started to bend and Dan thought for a second that he was going to win his bet.
Heather gasped as her sphincter suddenly gave way and the head of Mack’s prick pushed into her rectum. She paused for a moment panting slightly as she adjusted to the intrusion. Lifting herself a little, she pushed down again and took the first few inches of his shaft. She rocked her hips, letting gravity help as she slid down farther and farther until she’d taken all eight inches of her dad’s rigid cock into her ass.
She laid back against her father’s chest breathing heavily and Tom lifted her legs to drape her knees over the arms of the chair. He stroked his tumescent penis as he watched his brother pump slowly in and out of Heather’s ass. With his knees slightly bent, Tom rubbed the spongy head of his cock through his niece’s swollen labia.
“Ready, baby?” He asked looking into Heather’s half closed eyes.
“Uh huh,” she panted as Mack paused his gentle thrusting for a moment.
Tom pushed his cock into her with a slow, steady pressure. She was still drenched from the finger fucking her dad had given her and he easily buried his entire length in her tight cunt. Heather and Mack both groaned as Tom began to thrust into her. Mack began to fuck her again, timing his strokes so he was drawing back when his brother shoved his cock in deep.
Heather rolled her hips between her dad and her uncle. It wasn’t the first time she’d taken both their cock, but it still felt like they were trying to split her in two when they both thrust into her at the same time. Tom leaned forward and caught her swollen nipple in his mouth and she groaned as he pulled at it with his teeth before he began to suck it gently.
Heather arched her back and pushed her firm young breast against her uncle’s mouth. “Fuck me,” she growled, sliding her fingers into his hair. “Fuck me hard, Uncle Tommy.”
Barry and Dan were on their feet, one on either side of the armchair, stroking their rampant cocks rapidly as they watched Tom and Mack double team the moaning teen ager. Heather reached out, turning her face toward Dan as her fingers closed around the hard shaft of his penis. Her lips parted and he took a step closer and slid his cock into her mouth.
Heather swirled her tongue over the head of his cock and then over the shaft as he began to thrust into her mouth. She sucked him in gagging a little when he pushed into her throat. She felt Barry take her left hand and guide it to his cock. She closed her fingers around it and he began to thrust into her fist.
She couldn’t concentrate on any one thing. She was overloaded with the sensations of the two cocks thrusting into her body as though they were trying to tear her apart. Dan’s hands were tangled in her long, blond hair holding her head in place as he fucked her face, his breathing ragged and fast. The soft skin of Barry’s turgid cock slid against the palm of her hand.
Heather groaned around the cock in her mouth as she felt another mind numbing orgasm begin to wash over her trembling body. Tom rammed his cock into her quivering cunt fast and hard, his fingers dug into the soft flesh of his niece’s thighs as he felt his balls tighten. Heather’s tight cunt clenched around her uncle’s turgid penis, her climax driving him over the edge.
“Oh, fuck,” he groaned loudly. “I’m gonna cum, baby.”
His testicles let loose and his pulsing cock pumped semen into his niece’s convulsing cunt. He pushed in as deep as he could, shuddering as the rippling walls of her tight pussy milked the last of his load from his wilting cock.
Tom pulled out and dropped onto the sofa still breathing hard. Heather felt Barry’s cock slip from her hand as he moved to take her uncle’s place between her thighs and her cunt was filled again. Her dad thrust deeply into her clenching ass and she felt his hot sperm wash into her bowels.
Dan was panting as his strokes became jerky. His cock swelled in her mouth as he pushed the head into her throat. His prick twitched and jumped and she began to swallow.
“Oh, yeah, baby,” he groaned. “That’s a good girl. Swallow it all.”
Heather sucked and swallowed as he shot thick ropes of cum into her throat. Her dad’s hands were massaging her breasts as his cock soften and shrank, finally falling out of her ass. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling her slight body rock against his as his friend pounded her well used cunt.
Barry continued to thrust wildly into her sopping pussy, his balls slapping against her ass. He grunted and shoved his cock deep into her wetly sucking vagina. Heather could feel the head of his penis pushing against her cervix as he splashed her womb with his semen.
Barry pulled out and sat down heavily on the edge of the coffee table to catch his breath. Mack turned his daughter to lay across his lap. Holding her tightly against his chest he rose to his feet.
“Beer’s in the fridge,” he said as he started toward the stairs. “Enjoy the rest of the game.”
“Where are you going?” Tom asked.
Mack grinned and kissed Heather’s forehead. “I’m going to take my little girl to bed.”
“Ok,” Mack heard his brother say to the other two men as he carried his daughter up the stairs, “pay up.”

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The Edge- chapter one

This is my first story, so I hope you like it! There will hopefully be more chapters to come! Comments are more than welcome. Enjoy!

Fire Class: Falling in love(rewrite) read it a few microscopic changes

Like I said before not my story the original author is JWDD I am just making a new twist of the story dont hate me and as always leave comments as I read all coments. I HOPE ITS MORE EASY TO READ.
I kept tossing and turning during the night. It felt hopeless and so I decided to read the old book. I turned on my lamped and started reading.
Summoning an elemental
Elementals can help answer any questions you may have most elementals have been alive since the beginning of mankind. But, be warned. Elementals always want something in return for their services. To summon one you will need to put a piece of their element in the middle of a circle drawn with salt. Most mages call the elemental of their class as to not cause rivalry between the elemental and the mage. After you have a piece of their element you must pronounce the fallowing words “elmanti” and say their element.
This would be interesting to use in the future. Too bad they were not among the living as I could just use my Infiniti talent and just take the information. I was getting tire so I decided to call it a night.
Somewhere else at the same time….
“What do you mean he was too powerful for you” asked the stranger.” Sir we were in a tight spot he had an advantage over us, He had fire ready to use, all we could have do was flee” said one of the hooded strangers. “Is it true that there is a new world strongest mage out there in the world” asked another. “Don’t be ridiculous there is no way that such a person could exist he was lying and you idiots fell for it thinking he had 66 spikes, preposterous such a thing” said another hooded person. “Whether it’s true or not we need to make sure, if it is true we need him in our side or out of the way completely” said the first stranger as the others nodded in agreement.
Waking up the next morning I felt tired so I teleported to the living room. I found my parents in the kitchen eating breakfast. “Dad what are we going to do about my hands” He looked at me and smiled and said “I was searching during the night a way to cover up your hands and an idea popped in my head we are going to use an enchantment to create an illusion so that your hands look normal” I was dumb founded why didn’t I think of that.
“So what we you going to enchant”
“The ring I gave you a few months ago, you still have it right”
“Yeah I still have it, do you want me to go get it”
“Yes get it so that we can get this over with” he said as I quickly ran up the stairs and came back down. He put the ring on the table and started saying the words “Ray ha melo illusione!” he pointed his wand at the ring and it started shinning a dark blue and then it faded. “Here we go try it on” said Dad. I put the ring on and my hands started to shimmer and then they turned to normal the only thing that could not be covered were the little onyx looking rocks at the back of each hand.
“Well that’s one less problem we don’t have to worry” said mum looking relieved. “So Jamie have you tried casting a spell yet’ asked dad, I didn’t have any time yesterday as I went to sleep after reading the book “No dad I haven’t let me give a try” I said while I pointed a finger at him “Levatus” I said in a firm voice, the onyx rocks I had at the back of each hand shimmered and my dad started floating to the sealing. “ Ha ha, it works” I said feeling happy about being the first mage in recorded mage history to cast a spell with my bare hands. For the rest of the day I kept practicing many spells at dinner time my mum called me and said “Jamie packed up your stuff because we are going to celebrate your departure with some friends” I was cool with it and teleported into my room, packing seemed such a hassle then I remembered this spell I raised both my palms pointed at my room “Empacio Sulus” and my stuff started floating and packing itself. It was fun seeing everything just get out of the closet and fold itself into the bag. While my bag was making itself I picked up the old book sat in my desk chair skimmed for something that caught my attention and started reading. Electricity Talent
Electricity can only be used when you are a water mage or are with a water mage so that they can make a storm so that they/you could harness that power. This talent is usually given to water users but there is the rare chance that it could be given to someone with a different element. When such a thing happens the mage is usually at a disadvantage. A man by an unknown name created a form to overcome this weakness. The idea was simple create a charm that produced infinite lightning. This although genius could not be done by many as it required the core of a tree and not many trees give out their core so easily. You would have to talk to a wood nymph for this and they would talk to the three. Trying to steal a tree core can have bad consequences as the wood nymph usually kills you for killing a tree. But if you do manage to get the core the spell you would use is the following “Infiniti Electros” after this just be careful of where you place it as it is a really precious object.
I closed the book, put it inside the bag and went downstairs. “So dad where are we going tonight and with who”
” you remember Bethany and Jess from Bacra”
“Yeah” I said remembering how beautiful Jess was.
“Well I invited them to come over and we have dinner reservations at 8 pm”
“At what time are they going to be here”
” At 7 pm” said mum.
We started cleaning up around the house and around 7:05 pm the doorbell rang. I went to open the door as my dad and mum were right behind me. When I opened the door my jaw almost hit the floor, I thought Jess was beautiful before know she was stunning she had matured over the summer getting a nice handful in the breast department her hair was painted red which I found weird, her being a water mage and all. Her skin was a little tanned and her lips were rosy and so kissable I found myself staring until my dad cleared his throat to get my attention. I blushed at having been seen ogling Jess. “Hi, can we come in” said Bethany looking at me straight in the eyes causing me to blush even harder for being so dumb. They came in and started talking. Mum took out a bottle of wine and started drinking away when they sat down in the table to talk about their mage school years. Me and Jess went to the basement to just chill. “So, have you been practicing over the summer” Jess said trying to start some conversation “Yeah wanna try some out”
“sure” she said happily
“This is one I have been practicing” I pointed my finger at the table and said “Levatus” I don’t know what happened to me I was just trying to show off to her and forgot all about the fact that I just casted with my hands. When I looked at her she was looking at me with big eyes and her jaw was almost hitting the floor. I was thinking what I could have possibly done to get such a reaction when I noticed I had just casted the spell with my hands.
“H-H-How did you do that” she said stuttering from the shock “Don’t freak out I can explain, but you have to keep it a secret ok”
So I told her the hold story then she asked if I would take off the ring so that she could see my hands.
“Are you sure”
“yeah just take it off”
Trusting her I took the ring off and my hands went that light sucking black. She was staring at them intently.” I will keep the secret if you go out with me” She said I could swear my jaw almost hit the floor at that moment. She started blushing too “it’s just that I find you attractive and you find me attractive so why don’t we go out” I didn’t know what to say “Just think about and tell me later” she said as she moved up the stairs. I stayed there thinking until my dad called me to get going to the restaurant. With all of us in the car and ready to go we left. I think you can imagine the car ride was kind of awkward with both of us sitting next to each other. When we got to the restaurant I had enough time to think about it and pulled jess to the side ” I will go out with you” and kissed her there was no tongue on anything just a sensual kiss. When I pulled back both my parents were looking at me and smiling ” See you two are getting along just fine” said dad almost laughing causing me to blush “Stop teasing him honey” said mum giving dad a small push on the shoulder, in all this Bethany stayed really quiet in the corner.
Throught dinner I could not help but notice Jess mum kept staring at me. Dinner was great. Everyone had their fun and we chated, althrought the evening I stayed close to Jess holding hands under the table and such. When we got home it was around 10 pm and everyone called it a night. I went to my room and just stared at the ceiling above my bed for about 15 minutes before when I heard a small knock on my door Prince was already sleeping at the foot of my bed so I got up slowly. When I opened the door I was suprised to see Bethany standing on the other side. “Stay quiet and come with me” she whisped at me. I fallowed until we were in the basement.
“Do you love my daughter” she asked with a serious looking face
“I do madam, although we havent gone as far as saying it to each other”
“Good, did you know most strong mages become playboys because they have so many girls all over them”
“No, I did not know that ”
“Well they do, Jess is the daughther of one of those kind of strong mages who used me and then threw me away, and when I went to tell him I was pregnat he just told me to stop lying to get some fame” by now she was almost on the verge of tears
” Just promise me one thing, you will always keep my daughter safe no matter what, can you keep that promise Jimie”
“Yes madam I would put my life the line for your daughter I promise”
“Good now lets get to sleep you have a big day tommorow”
We made our way to our rooms I was at ease as I closed my eyes and went to sleep peacefully.
I Know the part is short but I wanted to know how I am doing and if you like were the story is going. For those of you that wanted the original here is the link to it .
Dont be shy to give me some ideas stuff you wanted in the original story but it didnt have them. I am adding more mythical creatures i am thinking about involving Gods in this or how about having him bind a powerful demon to become his loyal sevant eh. tell me what you think. For you readers that need a better image the rock on the back of the hand came from this manga called “BTOOOM!”. I also wish to inform the reader that this story is a dark twist for those people that loved Voldemort and have a fuck up brain you are going to love it for those other normal people you are going to hate me alot. Working on part three trying to make it atleast 15 pages or more and working on spelling.

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When In Rome – 05

Author’s NotesScene two is slightly violent / degrading.
Scene 01: Lykos – Sex? Yes.
Scene 02: Atticus – Sex? Yes.
Scene 03: Cassius – Sex? No.
Lykos opened his eyes and glanced over at his son.
“What was I saying?” He fisted his hand in Callia’s hair as she stroked his cock. It was soaking wet from her mouth, but she’d taken a detour. He heard her hungry moans as she sucked on his balls, pulling them into her mouth. He watched her little hips rock for a moment, fucking the air as she slapped his cock against her own lips.
Cassius sat across from him, his head tilted as he stared at his sister’s cunt.
“What?” Cassius glanced up at him. “Oh, something about thirty new whores showing up on your doorstep.”Right. Lykos groaned as he felt Callia begin to guide him down her throat. He patted her head. She’d been such a good whore today. The emperor had been extremely pleased with the show she put on. He’d always been pleased with her. Callia had fucked six of his guards in front of him. Then bathed, and served the emperor for hours.
And here the little whore was, on her eighth cock of the day. Her own father’s. And she was hadn’t slowed a bit. She was sucking him greedily, lust filled little moans as she placed sloppy little kisses on his shaft.
“Right. This whore situation is a problem,” he informed his son.
Cassius’s eyes never left Callia. Lykos didn’t blame him. Callia in action was a sight worth seeing. Gods, she had worked those fucking cocks today. He was almost proud of her.
“Failing to see how more whores is a problem, Father.”
Lykos pushed his daughters head down on his cock, filling his throat until her mouth was nestled snuggly at the base of his cock, and then he fucked it. Short little strokes deeper into her mouth until he knew she needed to breath. She pulled back choking, but her mouth was back on his cock in an instant.
“The whores aren’t here just for work. They want to work here for sanctuary. Another half dozen whores, and two noble girls have been found dead. That the whores are showing up here makes it look like we had something to do with it, like we’re behind the killings because we have something to gain by it.”
Cassius rubbed at the dark circles under his eyes.
“I need you to find this killer, my son. I need him broken and confessing. And then I need him killed. Publicly. Violently.”
His son’s eyes narrowed. “I prefer killing in the dark.”
He felt his daughter’s mouth tense around his cock.
“Don’t frighten Callia while she’s got a cock in her mouth,” he chided. “I’d hate to have to whip her for using teeth. She was such a good girl today.”
Cassius stilled, and then he stood up abruptly. “I’ll leave immediately. I may not be back until Sun’s Day. The whore is mine when I return.”
He leaned forward and slapped his little girl’s ass, spread her cheeks wide open to trail a finger up her soaking wet slit.
“I’m sure I’ll be done with her by then.”
Cassius left, the door slamming behind him. He gently pushed Callia’s head off his cock. “Lean back, show Daddy what they did to your pussy, Baby.”
His little girl grinned up at him, and leaned back against the floor. She spread her legs wide open for him, tilting her pelvis up to give him a good view. She spread her cunt wide open, her fingers pulling apart her tiny, pink inner lips.
“Touch it, baby. Show Daddy how you play with it.”
She moaned and leaned her head back against the ground as her fingers trailed up her wet little slit. She slapped at her clit and then worked slow circles around it. He slid down onto the floor next to her, and squeezed one of her little tits in his hand as his little girl rubbed her own pussy.
Her hips rocked off the ground as she fingered her clit, and her eyes met his. She stared into his eyes, her tongue sliding over her bottom lip.
He kissed her forehead. “You like when Daddy watches you touch it?”
She giggled and moaned up at him. “I like it better when Daddy fucks it.”
He laughed, stroking one of her nipples between his fingers.
“Do you want daddy to fuck your little cunt, Callia?”
Her hips rocked off the floor to meet the finger she’d just slid into her wet little cunt. “I always want my daddy to fuck my wet little cunt.”
Who was he to say no? After all, that little cunt – and her mouth, and her ass – had earned him an obscene amount of coin today.
He climbed between her legs and she spread them even wider. He pushed his cock against her entrance, and grabbed her hips. When he slid inside her, it was hard enough that her little tits bounced with the force of his stroke. He dug his fingers into her hips, stroking slowly now, pushing himself so deep inside his little girl’s willing, soaking body. She threw her head back, and pushed her hips against his. Her strokes were lazy, but her little hole was so wet, so fucking hot around his cock.
She bit her lip, smiled up at him. Gods, when she made that face, she looked just like her mother. He’d fucked Breena just like this, so many times. Her naked and wet, legs spread as she begged for his cock.
He leaned over Callia and kissed her mouth, tentatively, the way he’d kissed her mother. He’d never kissed their child before.. The thought had never crossed his mind. Callia froze at first, and then she pushed her mouth against his as his cock drove in and out of her cunt. He pounded her after that, fucking her rougher than he ever had before. His cock filled his child, the little girl that the only woman he’d ever loved had carried in her belly. He covered her mouth, squeezed her tits, fucked her until her cries consumed him. And then he fucked her harder. He felt his daughter’s cunt spasm around him. She was going to cum with his cock inside her.
He didn’t last long after that. She’d taken so many cocks, and he’d loved watching it. Every minute of his little whore preforming and he stared at her sweet little face as his balls emptied deep inside her cunt.
She laid on the ground, torn, spent unable to move, and he spread her legs wider to see the thick white cum inside her cunt. The same cum that that he’d pumped into her mother so many years ago.
She smiled up at him. “Thank you, Daddy.”
He kissed her head. “Go to bed, child.”
He’d managed to find the little whore before she’d been given breakfast.
He sat back on the edge of his bed, naked. Cock throbbing.
He’d made her sit and watch as he ate his own meal. He’d savored every bite, chewed slowly. Ensured that he fully described how delicious it was.
Callia had sat naked at his feet, hands bound behind her back. She tried so hard to look patient, but he could hear her stomach growling beneath him. When he finished, he didn’t move immediately. He just sat back, arms crossed over his chest. Atticus fucking hated his father’s bastard daughter; the whore he’d whelped on some Celtic slave. His brothers couldn’t see past their own cocks. They saw her as a pretty whore, a willing mouth, a wet cunt. He saw her as something disgusting. A piece of filth that didn’t deserve the air she was allowed to breathe.
He dumped what was left on his plate in a little bowl and sat it in front of her. He poured the smallest bit of water in a matching bowl and placed it beside the first. He checked the rope he’d tied around her hands. It was secure.
She bit her lip as she looked down at the dishes he’d given her, and she looked back up at him.
“I.. I c-can’t. Now with my hands tied, Atticus.” She kept her eyes on the floor, as if that would somehow make up for her disobedience.
He slapped her, back handed her, with all of the force he could put behind it. He felt his knuckles against her mouth, and when he looked down at her he smiled as the small trickle of blood on her bottom lip.
He took her jaw in his fingers, digging hard into the skin and bone.
“You want to fuck like a dog, little sister? Stick your ass up in the air for every cock that passes by you?” He guided her face down to the bowls. “Then eat like a dog, Bitch.”
He could see her jaw tightening, the slow blush of red in her cheeks. Her eyes were shiny, bright with tears. His cock tensed. That’s it, cry for me, you little whore.
He stroked his cock slowly as he watched her bend forward to eat the scraps off his plate. At first she sniffled and whimpered, but then some fucking kind of resolve, some determination, crossed her eyes as she finished. She stuck her ass up in the air as she stuck her face in the bowl, and when she finished, she looked up at him. She looked pleased with herself. Defiant.
He slapped her again, this time with enough force to knock her off her knees and to the floor. She curled in on herself, the trickle on her lip bigger. More red. Her arms were tied behind her back, and she struggled to get up off the floor.
He grabbed her by the back of the neck, his other hand fisted in her hair, and guided her face to her water bowl. “Drink it, bitch.”
It was a struggle, but the little cunt obeyed. She tried her hardest to lap up water with her tongue, but it was difficult. Such is the problem with bitches in little girl bodies. His cock was hanging heavy between his legs, and he was growing impatient.
He pulled her back up on her knees. “Time for tea, little sister. Can’t have a whore like you breeding, now can we?”
He grabbed one of the two cups of whores-tea he’d grabbed from the kitchens and held her by the throat with the other hand.
“Face up to the sky. Open your mouth.”
Her body shook, but she obeyed.
He poured the tea sloppily into her open mouth. It ran down the sides of her cheeks as she choked on it. This was why he’d brought two cups. He knew the little cunt would spill. He didn’t expect his hound to have table manners, why would the little whore be any better?
He filled her mouth with the rest of the cup, and she managed to choke a little less this time. The tea still dripped down her cheeks, and her eyes watered with hot tears that he hoped were painful. He rubbed her jaw with his thumb.
“Looks like you need a bit more. Do try not to spill so much this time.”
He emptied half of the second cup into her open mouth, and she choked. Coughing, gasping for air, spat the foul tea all over his floor.
He backhanded her.
When she looked up at him, her eyes were bleak and tears were pouring down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Atticus.”
He laughed. “Not yet, you aren’t. But you will be.”
He shoved her forward, hand on the back of her neck. He pushed her face to the ground. She was on her knees, hands behind her back, dirty face on the ground, looking at him. She trembled, whimpered, but she kept her ass high up in the air, her legs spread wide for her own fucking brother. She was disgusting.
When he slid his hand between her legs, her cunt was wet.
“Tell me, bitch. Which of your brother’s cocks do you enjoy most?”
She looked back at him, her eyes wide. He could see her mind spinning.. In fear. That puzzled him. That question should have shamed her, not made her afraid.
He frowned. Titled his head. “It’s a simple question, Bitch. You spread your legs for every man in your family. Whose cock do you like best?”
“Father’s,” she finally admitted. But..
“You’re lying.” He grabbed her chin and twisted it up to meet his face and she cried out in pain. “Why are you lying to me? It’s a simple question. Hector’s? Gaius’s? Surely not Marcus’s.”
“I’m not lying.” Her voice shook. “I j-just.. I’m a whore, Atticus. And I like it best when Daddy fucks me. I like it best when my own father cums inside my cunt.”
He flipped her over on her back. She was still lying, but hearing the little bitch talk about how much she loved her father’s cock.. She made him sick.
He forced her legs open. She was so tiny. Such a filthy cunt to be so little. He laid his cock between her legs, on her stomach. He slapped it against her, his balls heavy as he measured it against her. If he just let his balls lay against her cunt, the tip of his cock was higher than her naval. He did like that. Having such a tiny little whore at his mercy. He slapped one of her little tits, and she cried out.
Her nipples were so hard, and no matter what he did to her her cunt would be wet and slick. For her brother, no less. She would enjoy his cock, probably cum around it.
He slapped her face again. Harder, ripping open the little barely-healed cut on her lip. And then he slapped her again. He hated that she made his cock so fucking hard, made it throb and ache to be inside her. She was worthless. She was disgusting, and yet he couldn’t seem to stop himself from using her. It was her fault. Not his.
He rolled her over, gripped her legs, forced her on her knees and her head back to the ground. “That’s it, ass up in the air like a bitch in heat. You want this cock, don’t you? Want to be fucked?”
She whimpered.
“Yes,” she whispered softly, her voice full of tears.
He would not fuck her cunt. That’s what she wanted, wanted his cock to slam inside her wet little hole.
He didn’t bother himself with getting her asshole wet. He wiped the tiny bit of her wetness that was on the tip of his cock on her leg and positioned himself right at the entrance to her ass.
He didn’t work it in. Didn’t try to make it easy on her.
He positioned the head of his cock, raised on his knees, and wrapped on arm around her waist while he forced his cock deep in her ass. Her body tightened, and he could feel the muscles clench as her scream echoed in his room.
Her body, subconsciously, tried to deny him entrance. She fought against him, but she’d taken too many cocks in her ass the day before. It was still tight. Still deliciously dry. But just loosened enough that she could do nothing to stop him. On his second attempt, he was inside her. His balls rested against her wet cunt and he felt her ass so fucking tight around him. She was screaming, but not in pleasure. Begging, but not for him to fuck her.
He pulled out, and forced himself back in. Again. Two hard thrusts as he took her hair in his hands and pulled her face around so he could see the hot tears on her cheeks.
“Why pretend like you don’t like it? I heard how many cocks you took in this little ass.” He pounded her, his words punctuated by heavy thrusts. “I heard about how many times you came with strange men’s cocks inside you, you worthless little cunt. Don’t pretend.”
He forced her knees closer together, making her even tighter around him. He wanted to fucking destroy her. When he pulled her face back to him by the hair. “Did you beg for their cum while our father watched?”
She didn’t meet his eyes, but she nodded. And when he felt her ass starting to move back against him, he hit her in the side of her head with his fist. Then he let go of her hair.
Her face slammed into the stone floor, and she writhed, trying to push the hurt side of her face into her shoulder. She was really crying now, and his cock pounded inside her, jerking, making his stomach tighten as he heard her weeping quietly.
“You think you’re special, don’t you Bitch? Because men can’t keep their hands off you.” He hissed. “I know Callia. You think you’re something because the fucking Emperor used to pump that sweet, tiny little cunt full of royal cum. He couldn’t keep his hands off you when you were a girl, and you think that makes you better than me. But that was a very long time ago, Bitch. You’re nothing. Nothing.”
He stroked her back. With his fingernails. Dug them into her flesh, watching red tracks spread behind where he touched. “What’s wrong, darling sister?”
She tried to arch away from him.
“You’re h-hurting me.” She whimpered, and it undid him. He pounded her, harder, faster, trying to fuck through her. He heard her crying beneath him, and he felt powerful. Alive. Strong. He pulled out. He gripped her ass in his hands, pulling it wide open to see the red, fucked raw little hole. The hole his cock had violated, stretched wide.
And then he stood up and kicked her. Used hit foot to roll her over onto her back.
“What’s wrong, Baby Sister? Didn’t get to cum?” He bent over and spat in her face. “Good.”
He gripped his cock, slapped it hard against her cheek. Then he stroked it, his eyes focused on the blood on her lip, the tears in her eyes, and his spit pooled just to the left of her nose.
Three strokes. That was all it took, and he shot his cum right onto her disgusting little face.
He sat down next to her, watching her sniffle and try to pull herself together.
He smiled to himself, a cruel, triumphant grin as he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “By the way, father’s waiting for you. And he’s so very, very angry with you Callia. And if I were a betting man, I’d bet I might not have to see that filthy little face around here for much longer. Today may very well be the day. What have you done this time?”
Cassius arrived home early, covered in blood. His sword needed cleaned. Desperately. His knuckles were busted open, swollen and inflamed. Every muscle in his body ached. Gods, was twenty-eight really that old?
He wanted Callia. Now, underneath him, wrapped around him. He was too tired to beat her. But he hadn’t been able to sleep the night before replaying her over and over in his mind, taking those cocks like a little champion.
Someday, she would be his, and he would be the one arranging for her to be fucked. And then he’d beat her, while she was still covered cum and fuck her senseless. Show her how it was really done.
He stripped off his blood-stained clothing as he turned down the hall that led to the underground slave pens and frowned.
The door to the Hole was open. He hadn’t seen it open in years. Two slaves were inside, mopping the floor under the flogging rack. Both were sobbing quietly as they cleaned, and when he entered, both jumped.
He gestured around. “Who was punished in here?”
Neither answered him, their sobs had become louder as they both backed away from him, away from the instruments of pain his father kept in that room. Lykos didn’t enjoy pain as a part of sex. But he was skilled in the art of punishment. His father took pride in that.
“Who was punished? I order you to fucking tell me.”
A slave whose name he didn’t know stared at the ground.
“C-Callia, Dominus. Your sister.”
He didn’t remember grabbing the girl. The next thing he knew, his fingers were digging into her arms and she was screaming in pain. Begging. He shook her, hard. The small bowl of water she was holding clattered to his feet.
“What did they do to her?”
Tears were pouring down the terrified slave’s face. He could see red spatter on the floor. The other girl had been cleaning a.. He shook the girl harder. His voice thundered.
“F-flogged. Dominus. About an hour past.”
A theives’ punishment. He felt every muscle in his body tense. He could barely see the girl he has holding through the sheet of red in front of his eyes. His heart, raging beats pounded in his ears.
“Why?” His voice was flat. Eerily calm, even to him.
“One of her men. A regular. He left and realized he was missing a r-ring. He said she must have taken it.”
He tried to breathe. To ease up on the girl’s arms.
“How many times?”
“Twenty-seven. O-one for every d-denarii he said the ring was worth.”
He let go of her arms. “Do you know where she is?”
“G-Galla took her to clean her wounds. The slaves’ baths, I t-think, Dominus.”
He was out the door before he realized he’d moved, heavy, running footfalls as he took the stairs down to the slave pens. The door to the baths was locked and he kicked it open, a satisfied smile as the lock splintered through the wood.
Galla rushed at him. The weathered old woman in charge of cleaning and feeding the whores had terror in her eyes but she lunged at him any way.
“You get out of here, Cassius.” The old woman seethed as she tried to march him to the door. She barely came up to his chest. “She’s hurt. You’ll just have to wait. I’m not letting her leave this room.”
He couldn’t respond to her. Couldn’t look at her. He barely noticed her as he stared at Callia’s poor, little bloodied back. She was passed out, sleeping or unconscious on the island of the bathtub. He staggered, and Galla slapped at his chest.
“For the love of Jupiter, she can’t take another beating.”
His little sister stirred, and her eyes opened wide with fear. And then she saw him. And the relief in her eyes hurt him somewhere deep in his chest.
She was on her feet in a second, staggering over to him. She shoved past Galla and then her arms were around his neck. He melted. He struggled to find a way to embrace her without touching her back, and settled for one hand on the back of her head, and another on the curve of her arm. He gripped her to him, and didn’t let go even when he head Galla’s surprised gasp.
Callia was crying into his chest, and Galla was staring at them, not bothering to hide her shock. Fuck. That was not good.
She pushed Callia away from him gently, but what he did next was nowhere near gentle.
He was holding the old woman against the wall, his sword to her throat.
“I don’t know what you think you just saw, old-”
“Cass.” Callia was pulling at his arm, her eyes wide as she stared up at him. “Don’t.”
She looked afraid.
The old woman, however, did not. She just stood very still, and met his eyes. She gave him as much of a nod as she could with his sword against her throat.
“They could kill me. I won’t say a word. I raised that girl, Cassius. My own daughter nursed her after her mother died. I love her, too.”
Too. Fuck. She knew. The cunning old woman had seen it. He knew he’d probably live to regret it, but he released her. He helped Callia back to the edge of the tub.
“I need someone to go to the market. How’s your memory, old woman?”
“Sharper than yours.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to remember what went in the salve he needed to make.
He was a killer, not a healer. He listed off the few ingredients he remembered, and Galla stopped him.
“You want to make the salve her mother used to put on your back.”
He frowned. “How do you know of this?”
She smiled, her eyes sad. “Breena was my friend, child. And you were always her favorite. She loved you. She didn’t hate your mother because she wanted her husband. She hated how Lyssandra treated you. She’d have killed her for it, given half the chance.”
Instead, Lyssandra had killed her.
Galla patted his arm, a gentle gesture he wasn’t used to from anyone but Callie.
“I’ll go get what you need. Take care of her until I return.”
He was left alone with his little sister, and he watched her whimper as she slept. She burned with fever and he burned with rage. He was going to kill them all. Dance in their blood. Give their heads to Callie as a sign of his love.
He wondered if she’d like that.

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Miss Tiny Tits
By Blueheatt
….As an almost every day customer, I slowly became friends with the one waitress. She looked very young as she had a slim build. She was a little skinny but average height. She had to wear a company ball cap so her long beautiful hair was hidden under the cap. She had a beautiful face and was always smiling and friendly with me. She had no tits to speak of. One cool morning I saw these two little bumps where a girls tits would be. No need for her to wear a bra. I looked at them picturing some day they might be big. She smiled at me as she caught me looking at her tiny starter nipples. I looked up smiling at her and whispered: (“You need a breast reduction bad.”) She began to giggle and got red in the face. She cleared her throat and replied:
(“I’ve had 3 already, but these giant jugs just keep growing back and bigger.”)
(“It’s disgusting the way you flaunt them in my face, using them just to get my attention.) I said.
She looked around and unbuttoned her top button and leaned over to let me peek at her two little tits.
(“It’s working isn’t it.”) she said as she reached in her blouse and felt her own little tits. I got shot of fullness in my cock. Her little tits were beautiful. Her new tits when she leaned over were like little cones of beautiful white skin. She twisted her nipples and she looked at me all sexy,…. right in my eyes.
…That was the beginning of our private joking about her non-boobs. We privately kept it up more and more. Our hot whispers became sexy and very suggestive. I asked her if her nipples ever got hard. She got a little pink in the face and whispered in my ear: (“…only when you…look at them.“)
We were getting very attracted to each other. She had nice hips, legs and ass as I checked her over. I told her that her ass was way to cute, her legs were way to sexy and her hips would probably fit my hands just right. She began to get the same hot feelings for me, as she was not use to compliments on her body. We began to kick up our attraction for each other.
I said I wanted to get my hands on her tits real bad. She hotly whispered that my hands were to small to feel her giant boobs…but….she ’might’ just give me a ’tryout’ to see if I could ’handle’ the job. She said I was a pervert because I liked to feel little girls tits. I said all men do. Feeling small tits makes them think they are doing something taboo to a ‘to young’ girl. I just admit it.
She said: “You’re the first guy who admitted that to me. You deserve a…reward.”
…As time went by our attraction grew and I met her after work one night when she had the late shift. We were in my car and it didn’t take long and we were having a hot kiss. She had not had a real boyfriend. Guy’s were just not attracted to her, skinny with no boobs meant no action. She had never had a guy feel her chest…but she still had all the feelings a girl has there. As they began a real good feel up session, I began to unbutton her blouse. Her heart raced with this new thrill of a guy actually going to feel her small tits. I gently slipped my hand into her chest and my fingers searched for a nipple. They found their mark and began to gently rub the small sweet nipples. She was very aroused and felt my leg. I looked around and put my head down on her open blouse. She felt my tongue circling her nipples.
This was the hottest thing she had ever felt in her life….. She gasp for air as I licked her tiny nipples. She felt also a new wetness between her legs. She let her hand move closer to my warm erection bulging in my pants. We spent a long time feeling each other in that parking lot and now she unzipped my pants and her hand went in for more. My hand went up her uniform dress and headed for her pussy.
…Shock…as I felt a nice bush on my fingers. Her pubic hair was not only full but so soft. She parted her legs more as this was her first time to have a guy feel her pussy. Now she was really breathing hard as my fingers went for her clit. I gently rubbed it as she began to moan quietly. Soon my fingers went for her entrance and in went my finger to a warm and wet pussy. Her hand now found my erection along my leg and she began to feel her first cock.
The warm bare skin of it gave her new feelings of wanting to have a close look at it and an urge to put her lips on it like the girls did in the porn videos she’d seen. She raised up a little and now the parking lot was dark and empty. She started her slow decent down to do it for real, for the first time.
I pulled her hips up on the seat and I started my decent to lick her full bushed pussy. I happened to love full bushed women and was very turned on by her. I worked my finger in and out of her wet pussy as his tongue now fondled her clit. She undid my pants and pulled them down to release my erection. She held it and pulled it to her cheek. She seemed to love the warm feel of it. Her tongue encircled the head and she slowly let her lips go over it. She slowly jacked it and had to stop to take a big breath. Back down she went as I was making her squirm with my licking of her clit. My fingers were making her pussy feel alive with feelings. She had fingered herself before, but never like this……
….As time went on I got a van and we got naked…I loved the bush she had and I ate it all the time…..her boobs never did grow much but I didn’t care…..with her legs wrapped around me…and dime-size nipples…I just love to fuck
that pussy…..

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It happened one night!

The following story is of pure fiction. Any similarity to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional. If easily offended stop reading now, if on the other hand you are open minded and have ever had some really dirty thoughts, please read on.

Queen Yavara: Chapter 28

It’ll be a while before I post more chapters of this story, so bear with me, they are coming. Thanks to everyone who is still reading this!