Wishful thinking rarely works out as well as this!

No one under the age of fourteen has any sex in this story.


As I am opening my mailbox at the multi-mailbox cluster at my condo community complex, I hear a voice behind me, “Hello, Mr. Williams. How are you today?” It is a girlish voice and I turn to see who is addressing me.

It is a smiling indeterminate aged teen, with a grown woman’s body. And she seems to be awaiting a response from me.

“I am fine young lady, and how are you?” It was a lame response, I know. But, I was caught off guard by this whole encounter.

“I am fine Mr. Williams. If you have a few minutes, I have something that I would like to discuss with you in private. Could I meet you up in your condo in a few minutes for me to come up in a different direction to avoid some wagging tongues?”

“Well, I don’t know. It might seem unseemly to some of the people in the condo community to see a young teen go into an older man’s apartment alone.”

“Actually, there aren’t very many people here that would notice that, with all of the older guys here that have younger women lovers, don’t you think?”

I smiled and acknowledged that with, “Yes, you are probably right about that! Okay, I will meet you up there, if you have the permission of your mother for me in writing.”

“I will get that for you right now.”

So, I moved up the four short half-flights of stairs from the ground floor and arrived at my three bedroom condo on the third floor and awaited the possibility of this teen girl arriving for I didn’t know what.

It took about fifteen minutes and she showed at my door with a piece of paper in her hands. She handed it to me and I gave it a quick read and it purported to be from her mother giving permission for her daughter to come into my condo to confer on something of the daughter’s interest.

I wasn’t sure of the authenticity of it, because the mother might be away at one of her several jobs at that time, but even if it turned out to be forged, I could offer it up in proof that I thought that this was okay.

As she brushed past me, leaving a faint imprint of her lovely body on mine, she moved to take up residence in my rocker, leaving me to sit on my love seat. I asked her if she would like something to drink, and she said ‘whiskey,’ but then smiled and said that my world-famous iced water in a frozen glass would be fine. So, I smiled at her humor and moved to get that for her and delivered it up to her in the chair.

When I handed it to her, I noticed that she was dressed in her two piece bathing suit. I didn’t remember this as being so, when she approached me at the mailboxes. But, the suit, barely covered anything feminine on her and she was evidently keenly aware of that fact. In fact she seemed to be losing coverage as she fidgeted about in the chair as we began to speak. I caught a lot of titty in view and brief snapshots of pussy as she opened up about what was on her mind.

“I am going to bring something up now, but it isn’t meant to embarrass you at all. I am very pleased that you notice me as I swim and play with the other girls in the large pool that Mr. Jensen supplied, along with the others for the kids here in the complex. I play in that pool every day that I can, and had hoped to get the attentions of Max, who lives on the ground floor underneath Maria’s (Penny’s) small condo on the third floor. You have probably known that he often sits in his window to watch us girls as we play in the pool. We like that. And he not too long ago began inviting us in for snacks.

Oh, nothing happened at first, even though he allowed us to shower there after sweating in the sun. But, you have probably heard that he has settled on Gratia, a girl of fourteen like myself as his special friend.”

I nodded at that, yes I had heard.

“And he has gently shut off interest in the rest of us. It was done very kindly, but firmly and I understand that their relationship has become highly sexual. So, I can see the need for their privacy and secrecy. I know that her mother, who is a dear friend of my mother is not so hot about this, but is leaving it alone for her daughter’s sake, because Gratia is very in love with him, and he is a rather sad case. He lost a young love a number of years ago to a wasting disease, and Gratia seems to be loving him out of his deep sadness.”

“Yes, I am aware of that, and don’t speak of it to cause them any harm. By the way what is your name?”

“Oh, sorry. My name is Gail Murray. And in case you wonder, I am fourteen, soon to be fifteen and soon to be in high school.”

“To even things out, my name is Blair and I am forty-five years of age.”

“Thank you for that, I would have guessed younger.”

I smiled at that and then waited her out to see what was really on her mind.

It took about ten minutes and then she began, “I guess you wonder what my visit is about?”

I interrupted with, “You could say that, Gail!”

And with continuing to ogle her pretty mid teen body, I waited for her next conversational avenue.

“Well, here it is. I have noticed you over some time watching us girls as we play in the pool. And in particularly with you staring at me. You have been very open about it, with your sitting on the upper walkway in your chair and just quietly observing us.

We girls are not stupid, we know that males like our feminine bodies, maybe even more because we are young, and are not that insulted by it. But, I was wondering, since Max is out of my opportunity anymore, if you would like to increase your admiration of me from now on?”

“Gail, that could get me into a lot of trouble, but perhaps not with the general atmosphere that Marty has generated here in this condo community.”

“Here is the situation, Blair. I am one of six children with another on the way. Mom just loves the attentions of men and seems to have no sense about birth-control. So, having this many children, she has no money for an allowance for each of us. We are not in a terrible fix, because each of her baby-fathers donates something regularly for our support. And she works a lot herself for us. But, things are tight for sure.

I will be starting high school this coming fall, and would like to fit in with the other girls there. So, I will need some regular funds to provide for myself the makeup and clothing appropriate to my peer group of girls at school. My mom had made it known to me that she will not interfere with my efforts to supply this to myself, as long as I am not hurt in the process.

There is also the problem of my DNA father wanting to be my baby-father, too. Even though he does help with some of the expenses with the family, I hate how he treats Mom. And I want nothing to do with him at all. And he knows it, but is putting pressure on Mom to allow him access to me. She just drags him into the bedroom and gives him what he wants, but not who he wants it with.

So, if I could find a fine man to help me with my expenses, I would beeee soooo very grateful to him and let him have what my dad wants from me, with no resentment at all. Since, Max is unavailable, I was wondering if you might want to fill in with that for me?”

Both her open suggestion of this and the object of it knocked me back on my feet in to ‘stun city.’

Before, I could work up to saying no to this crazy suggestion, she rose from the chair and removed what was available of her bikini and stood in all of her natural girl’s body before me.

When she saw my eyes get big and my hands automatically reach out to her, she moved forward to let them caress her full figured body. She was not fat or anything like that, she just had all the curves of a real woman, and moved with my hands to allow them to be investigated.

When my hands of their own moved down to her pussy and began to move up and down her girlish split, she reached down and took my hands and led me to my bedroom which she well knew the location of, since her family’s apartment was an exact copy of mine.

She laid back on the bed with her body facing up and her legs spread out about half way. She looked up to my staring eyes and asked me to come closer and check out her feminine body that was ready for me.

I was mesmerized by all of this and so moved down to kiss her mouth tenderly and then move my lips down to her lovely and firm breasts. With this she began to moan out loud. I closed the window and then moved back to her to nurse on her little nipples, to her continued delight.

As I moved down to her slightly rounded belly, I whispered to her, “Are you a virgin?”

Her head rose and she said, “No, is it important to you?”

“Not at all,” I replied and went back to licking and nuzzling her girlish belly.

After several minutes of this she murmured, “Down lower, Blair. My pussy wants you very badly.”

So, my lips moved down to between her open legs and began to sample and swallow her profuse amount of cum coming out of her pussy hole. The licks were near to driving her crazy and so she asked me to enter her and to give her relief. So, I knelt between the soft and warm thighs and entered her pussy slowly. She didn’t need any lube, with that provided by me and herself.

Soon, she was begging me to pound her harder and so I used all of my might to answer her call, and soon she let out a shriek and her body shook and quavered and I emptied up into her. She then gathered me up and pulled me down to lay on top of her with my legs up on my knees preventing me from crushing her.

We just laid there quiescent for several minutes and then she motioned for me to move and she rose and took my dick into her mouth and sucked me off for several more minutes. I didn’t cum again, but it felt wonderful and I told her so.

She went to the bathroom in my master bedroom and then came back and cuddled up to my side with her leaning with her body over me. She waited a few minutes and then asked, “Are you interested in having me, Blair?”

I smiled and replied, “Yes!”

She then borrowed my cell phone and asked her mom if she could stay the night, since her siblings were going to have a party that she had no interest in. Her Mom, Fannie, told her it was okay, and so I got on the phone to verify this permission and she said that it would be okay to me, too.

So, we got up and took a shower together, had a light snack and then returned to bed for the night. Very early in the morning, before first light, I felt her back up to me and she pulled my dick to be between her pussy lips from the back and then settled back on me to lightly roll forward and backward on me. I got very hard, of course and so she then guided me up into her vagina again and then laid still while I very gently fucked her for some time and then emptied up into her again. She sighed at that and then settled down with my dick still in her for the rest of the morning.

As I was being lazy in the morning and she still had no discernible cooking skills, we just had cereal and milk with a half of a banana each and called it done at that. She then said that she wanted to go down and play with her girlfriends in the pool for a while and then go shopping with me, if I was interested. I remarked that I wouldn’t want to miss out on it.

When she came back up to the condo for our shopping trip, she was out of her bikini and into a late teen looking girl’s one piece outfit. It fit her loose, which would serve me well on our trip to first Valu Village to first fill in some of her general needs cheaply for the present. Since my sedan had a bench seat, she was able to be hitched up with the over the shoulder seat belt and still accommodate my hand inside of her outfit, while hers was into mine and grasping at my dick. We made it to the store with no added dents in us or anyone else.

We picked out some very cute outfits, which she was very surprised to see there, and we took them up to the try out rooms. The attendant was going to refuse me to enter the room, but Gail mentioned that I was her uncle and that I was going to pay for these outfits, so if she wanted us to buy them, I would have to review them in private first. The attendant looked sideways at me, but let me in while she was refusing another guy of the same privilege at the same time.

Gail, immediately removed her clothing, nothing underneath and got up on the seat there while making clothing trying on noises. But, she had her butt sticking out and she motioned for me to occupy it while she looked over the outfits. So, I worked my dick up into her anus and tried to not be too obvious at what was going on, but soon the attendant was knocking on the door and so we had to leave before either of us was satisfied. We did buy all of the outfits, which very likely removed us from the ‘watch out for’ list and we left with many large bags.

We moved the car down the lot a bit and parked between two large box trucks and she moved over and settled down on my dick to entertain the both of us. We soon came with that.

Our next port of call was Lover’s Package for a couple of very sexy outfits for her visits to me. She especially liked the nurse’s outfit, the slutty outfit and the Super girl cosplay outfit. She looked especially comfortable and sexy in the Supergirl outfit and even the female clerk was lit up over her in that one. They didn’t bother to verify her age, since she looked legal to them, officially.

We then stopped at the Victoria’s Secret shop in the mall and she loaded up on sexy underthings, including open crotch panties. We finished at the very large new shop at the mall that carried an immense amount and variety of makeups.

On the way home, she informed me that she would have to store these things at my place, because her mom wouldn’t like her to wear them to school, and there would be no way to keep her siblings out of them, either. I said that she could use the second bedroom to store them and that I would get a dresser for her to utilize there. My only request was that I get to watch her change into them on her school days. She said that she could arrange that.

Over the first three months of school, her freshman year in high school, things went on fine. She would show up all the class days of school (early on our fun days,) change into her school sexy clothing, go to school and change back in the evening before going home. At least once a week, she was allowed to stay over.

On a Wednesday, while Gail was at school, her mother came by my condo as I was watching things at the pool.

“I see you are at your regular spot, Blair. How are the under-age girls looking today?”

“Well Fannie, none are today present, only the older ones, since the ones Gail’s age are at school. That is the ones that attend.”

“Yes, that is true. But, I do see Gratia down there, and Maria, so Max must be busy with something else for the present.”

“I would suspect so, since he is very taken with Gratia, from what I have heard.”

“Yes, I would think so!”

“Speaking of being taken with someone, how are things between you and Gail?”

“Fannie, they are great! She is the shining light in my life now. I will miss her very much when she moves on from me.”

“Don’t count on that to happen soon, or maybe ever. She is very taken with you, too. Young girls are very impressed when a more mature man takes an active interest in them, and especially if he is gentle and kind in doing so. And she is with you.

The purpose of my visit to you, in addition to a very pleasant conversation, is to propose to you a change in the circumstance between you and Gail. As you probably know, I am pregnant again and strained as to room for my children. So, I am proposing to you, that Gail stay with you in your condo from now on. Since it will incur a small increase in your expenses in regard to her, I will let you two work out the details, but I suspect that she will be very generous with you.

I will provide an official legal paper giving you stewardship and physical presence at your home (prepared by Blossom) in regard to her and any other of my girls that you accept into your care. But, you will have to prepare one of your bedrooms for her assumed occupation for all of this to pass an even cursory examination of relevant officials, if they take notice of this. Since, I have been advised by them to do something about my crowding in my apartment here, I think that at least officially, this arrangement will pass muster with them.”

“Well, this is totally unexpected. I didn’t know that she would even entertain staying with me. I know that she likes what I have done for her, and how I have treated her, but I really thought that this would be a very short duration arrangement, until she found a likely target for her attentions among her younger group of friends.”

“I thought so, too. But, she likes the arrangement and wants to extend it beyond the current time and maybe permanently. She plans to attend school as long as she can, and with her grades she could be talking about through her PHD and that would be for up to fifteen more years.

You should know that she will never have children. She was born with a condition that precludes that, but not the fun in trying, though.”

“Boy, that gives me a lot to think of. Let me consider it, for a bit of time and I will get back to you on it.”

She then led me to inside of my condo and right into the bedroom to influence my decision. She was about five months pregnant at the time and showing a modestly pronounced belly. She in her later thirties was still a very sexy woman. And her titties were huge with mild leaking still coming from them. So, after a brief episode of active kissing, I moved my mouth down to the one nearest to start. It gave me a good cup of woman’s milk and then she moved me on to my back laying up onto her chest and took my head and lifted it up to the other nipple and cooed and moaned as she had me suckle on the other one like one of her babies.

With that accomplished, she moved to her back to on the bed with her butt elevated on two pillows and had me move up into her sopping wet pussy and begin fucking her. When she knew that she was getting near to cumming, she had me bend over and take the first nipple back into my mouth and to suckle on it while pounding into her pussy. That drove the two of us over the top and we came all over the pillows and bed sheets.

When we both caught our breaths, she promised to provide this service as often as I wanted, and also her next baby (generated by me) to make up for Gail’s sterility. She said that Gail and I could raise it as our own, too. And more of them if we wanted, since she just so much enjoyed pregnancy (and the process of becoming so.) I said that I would discuss this with Gail at an appropriate time. But, would take her up on the daytime nursings, when she was available. I would need all of the energy that I could muster to take up all of the responsibilities that were presenting themselves to me.

With Gail moving in permanently and taking up space in the second bedroom, but my bed at night, things settled down to a rhythm of life. I got fucked twice a week, more if I wanted it, got mamma’s milk at least three times and an exciting time with one gorgeous young lady in my home.

When she moved to sixteen years of age, she moved all of her things into my bedroom and her next younger sister took up living in the second bedroom. She was now fourteen and a half and desirous of some attentions too. Gail was okay with it as long as she still got regular fluffing up. So, on the first night with Marilyn in residence, I kissed Gail asleep and then moved into Mari’s now occupied bedroom. She was built different than Gail, since they had different fathers. And she wasn’t a virgin, since her DNA father had taken it. One of the reasons that she moved in with me.

When I entered her room in the dark, I could hear her opening up her covers to welcome me in. So, I doffed my bathrobe and entered under the blankets with her. She was taller than Gail and much slimmer with smallish but cute tits. She still had Gail’s mega-smile though. Probably from their shared mother. I could see it even in the dark.

With me up to her spare body, she reached down to handle my penis gently, but firmly. She began to stroke it, as I was kissing her and reaching for her pussy. She showed herself as a no-nonsense gal. The kind that wants a guy to get hard, get in and get done, so that she could sleep. Her tongue soon entered my mouth and then she rolled over and presented her pussy for my penetrating, whispering to me, “Fuck me, Blair! Please.”

So, since her pussy was sopping wet by now, I did as requested and began a varied pattern of fucking her. She got lit up very quickly and when I dumped into her, she let out a squeal with her body vibrating from her own climax. She then reversed herself and sucked my dick empty with a tonguing to clean my dick off. After that she kissed me briefly and turned over to go to sleep. I rose after a few polite caressing minutes and rejoined a sleeping Gail in my own bed.

Mari only lasted with us for another six months and then found her own worshipping older man, though younger than me. They were very happy together and I settled down with only Gail again, and with her mother supplying her milk regularly.

At this time I had reclaimed a good degree of my physical health, and so was cleared to return to work. Since I had a couple of regular incomes, I only needed a relatively low rate of income from another one. So, I retrained as a Quick Books bookkeeper and took on the data entry work for a number of CPAs and Bookkeepers. It is a job they hate, and that doesn’t bother me at all.

So, I built up a first class home office in the third bedroom and their incoming payments and outgoing invoices (copies of) were sent to me and I entered all of the data for them and on Fridays, delivered the appropriate paperwork, incoming mails, and a data Disk for each customer. I had a time clock and charged them by the hour at a healthy rate, but still much cheaper than for them to have another employee to be responsible for. I lost very few customer by their choice and always had a backlog of ones that wanted to come on board. I kept strict control of how many hours a week I worked, to keep plenty of time for my little playmates.

About this time, Gail’s younger sister now thirteen wanted to come on board with me, and since Fannie was pregnant again, this time by me, she didn’t mind farming out another daughter to me. But, though she was a miniature sex bomb, I turned her down until her fourteenth birthday. There was a very harrowing time until then, with a lot of very unsubtle reminders of her desires. None of the guys that I knew of would touch her in that way, and she was very frustrated by that. Not even her own father would do so.

When Fannie got her baby by me, she and Gail were very excited about it. Her other baby-fathers were less so. And since they had much lessened their support to her and their own kids, and since I was helping her very much because of mine, she simply cut the others off and concentrated on me from then on.

Eventually, she gave Gail and me three children to raise, and after having her tubes tied, continued to nurse and fuck me anyway. She acted as the wet nurse to the babies and helped take care of them while I worked and Gail was in school.

As the years went by, Gail continued on her studies and eventually had to move out of town for a few years to finish her advanced studies leading up to a PHD in astrophysics. Fannie took her place in my regular nights from then on, and she was a lot of fun. But, I missed Gail a whole lot and felt that she would meet someone at the UDUB and it would be over between her and me.

But, she did come home for every holiday and other school breaks that she could and was as lovely to me as ever on them. And our kids were so happy to have her visiting us. They were never told of the fact that their grandmother was actually their baby-mother. A firm family secret.

When she graduated from college with her PHD she got a professorship at our local college that was developing an astrophysics program in response to the continuing enlargement of that field of study and operations. With her now supplying income to the family, we sold our condo, closed her mother’s and moved the whole brood out to an outsized home on a large lot in the country surrounding Big City.

She with all of the extra bedrooms that we had added, had a private study for her work at the college, and I had the same setup for my work set up in another one.

On our first night in the new home, Gramma Fannie took all of the kids out for dinner, a movie and a night at a hotel to give us some room together.

Gail appeared to me in the slutty costume and proceeded to act the part very well. She was brazen about displaying her body to me, accompanied by twerking of her bottom as she bent over and showed off her ass.

She then looked back over her shoulder to me and ordered me to suck up on her ass. So, I kneeled behind her and used my fingers and lips to very good use on her. She had loaded up her rectum with caramel syrup after cleansing her whole lower G.I. I shocked me at first when it came leaking out, but when I got a taste of it very gingerly, I went wild in sucking it all out of her. And when she was cleaned out, she wanted my magic wand inside of her and got it.

With me pumping on her and her twerking, we both came very quickly and she then turned around and laid out on the bed widened out with, “I saw you staring at me!” And I did, too. As I moved forward to plunge my dick into my favorite pussy.