Jenn and Teresa 2 (Chapter 3)

Part 2 (chapter 3) criticism welcome

Chapter 3

Teresa was naked and tied spread eagle to the bed. Jenn stood over her in complete control. She set down the three bottles and took off her black underwear, leaving just the black corsette, pressing her tits together exposing alot of clevage. She pulled out a digital camera and started taking pictures at all angles “this is so I can masturbate to you later, sis” then she climbed on top of Teresa, who was pulling hard at her bonds, only to have the furry handcuffs hurt her wrists and ankles. Jenn climbed onto the bed and straddled her older sister, inching up until she had her knees on Teresa’s shoulders, to keep her already restrained sister from moving. “You call this revenge? Hey! I can see your pussy, looks nice!” Teresa laughed. Jenn slapped her across the face several times, then put her hand on Teresa’s neck and started to squeeze thightly. Jenn started grinding her pussy against Teresa’s tits while choking her. Once Teresa’s face started changing color she let go. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Teresa gasped. Jenn just smiled and reached for one of the Vodka bottles. “You wanted to get me drunk and fuck me, right?” Jenn asked. “Untie me right fucking now Jenn, I’ll fucking tell mom if you don’t.” “If you tell mom what I did, I’ll tell her what you did”. “she won’t believe you, Jenn. You were fucking adopted” (this was an obvious lie, considering anyone could tell Jenn and Teresa were related, but Jenn played along) “Then I’ll just have to rape mom too, as punishment for giving birth to you and dragging me into this fucking family. Care for a drink?” she asked. Before Teresa could answer, Jenn started pouring vodka over her older sister, the started licking her tits. “Oh please, this is the most painless thing ever. God forbid I actually enjoy your ‘revenge’” she laughed. Jenn pulled out a lighter and Teresa stared in complete shock, then her demeanor changed “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT FUCK FUCK HEEEEEEELP” she cried but there was no one to help. Jenn held the lighter closer to Teresa’s alcohol covered body, Teresa started crying and begging her to stop. “Why should I stop?” Jenn calmly asked, holding the flame closer to Teresa “I asked you to stop and you tried to rape me. Now I’m going to have my way with you” “I WASN’T GOINK TO KILL YOU” she screamed. Jenn thought for a minute, and let off the gas button. “Oh thank you thank you thank you sis” Teresa was bitch-slapped across the face. “I thought I wasn’t your sis. Now, I promise not to light you on fire if you promise not to resist whatever I do to you”. Teresa’s face grew fearful again, but nothing could be as bad as being lit on fire. “ok” she finally said. “good” Jenn replied. She reached oevr and grapped an empty bottle and the other bottle of vodka, then poured half the vodka into the empty bottle and set it down next to the bed. She leaned over and started playing with Teresa’s boobs, like Teresa did to her, then pinch-twisted-pulled her nipples in a vice-like grip, like Teresa did to her. Teresa screamed so Jenn slapped her a few more times. Finally, after caressign her older sister for a while and playing with the front of her body, Jenn asked “Teresa, you know how mom rubs alcohol on us when we get a cut?” “yea” teresa sobbed “it hurts like hell, why”. Jenn grabbed one of the vodka bottles and put her thumb over the opening “spread your legs” she commanded. “What? Why? Jenn what are you—no stop?” she panicked. Jenn got in Teresa’s face “do it, or I’ll light you on fire” she comamnded. Teresa started sobbing “ok look I get it, I’m sorry I treid to rape you, please let me go I’ll do whateevr you want and I wont tell Mom–” Jenn forced Teresa’s legs open and put herfelf in between so she couldnt close them. She put the long neck of the bottle up to her older sister’s cunt, put the opening inside, and took her thumb off, then jammed it in as depe as it would go. Teresa screamed in agony “you fucking bitch! You fucking BITCH! Take it out, your burning me, now I can’t have have kids you fucking PSYCHO!” Jenn grapped the back of the bottle and started fucking ehr with it, slowly yet roughly “Oh don’t worry ‘sis’, you can still have kids, and when they get to be around 15 or 16 I’m gonna rape them too” she laughed. “YOU FUCKING PSYCHO! I’M CALLING THE POLICE AS SOON AS MOM GETS HOME AND UNTIES ME! I DONT CARE IF WE BOTH GO TO PRISON!” Teresa screamed. Jenn just laughed and asked “do you know what prison dikes do?”. “It can’t be as bad as what you’re doing, this shit BURNS!” Jenn kept sliding the botle in and out and looked at Teresa “picture being in the prison yard and fist raped by someone who decided to cover their hand with gravel…Its like being dildoed with sandpaper…say that gaves me an idea. Slut, where do you keep your dildo?” “DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT PLEEASE STOP HURTING ME…haven’t you done enough?” Teresa begged. Jenn thought it over for a bit…Teresa kept begging “please, I’ll let you keep fuckign me if you have to, just stop burning my cunt”. “ok” Jenn said “I’ll take out the bottle and untie one leg so you can…piss it out?” “thank you sis, thank you so much”. Jenn took the bottle, thrusted it in hard one last time, then took it out and untied Teresa’s right leg. Teresa let the alcohol drain from her pussy, and asked her sister to clean it out with water. Jenn took an empty bottle, left, came back with water, and fucked her sister/slave with the water. When she took it out (after about 2 minutes of rinsing/fucking) Teresa kciked her in the side “thats for raping me, psycho bitch!” Jenn just sighed and looked at her sister like she was an idiot. “You know You’re still tied down, right?” Teresa looked at her wrists and left leg “oh…I was just playing sis…hahaha…like I said, you can fuck mef you want” Jenn walked over and tied Teresa’s right leg to the post with her left leg, then cuffer her right hand where the left was. Teresa was confused “Jenn? Jenn? What are you doing?” Jenn remained silent. She untied Teresa’s left leg and ties it to the opposite post, and did the same with the cuffs on her left arm. Teresa was lying face-down, spreadeagle on the bed. Jenn took off her corrsette ands now completely naked. She got on top of her older sister and started grinding her pussy angainst the older siblings amazing ass. While doing that, she reached forward under Teresa’s chest and played with her big tits, rubbing, pinching, and twisting her nipples. Then she started kissing/ licking her neck, and left a Hickey mark and said “just so tomorrow you know that yes, this did happen”. Then she got off her sister, picked up the camera and took pictures of her naked backside “for my colelction” she laughed. Then she picked up the other half-bottle of vodka, took a quick swig, and said “bottoms up” right before ramming it up Teresa’s ass. Teresa groaned when the class neck went up her ass, and screamed when the high octane beverage leaked inside her ass. Again, Jenn grabbed the bakc of the bottle and started fucking her older sister with it, this time anally. “STOP STOP STOP TAKE IT OUT FUCK FUCK TAKE IT OUT IT FUCKIN BURNS” Teresa begged. Jenn just laughedand started ramming harder. Tears were poring down Teresa’s face. Jenn was in complete control, and her older siser who had always pushed her around was now her sex slave. Jenn pulled Teresa’s hair, lifting her face so she could see her, and asked “so you still think my revenge is a joke?” Teresa just started sobbing, so Jenn continued “you are now my slave. Don’t ever try to rape me again. When I want to cum, you’r gonna do whatever I tell you to, or else I might light you on fire, or try the sandpaper dildo. You’re my bitch, don’t forget it, and if you tell anyone, I’ll kill you”. The 16 year old had complete control over her older sibling.
A car door sounded outside. Teresa yelled out “you here that? Mom’s home, you’re in huge trouble now” she sobbed. Jenn walked over and pushed whe bottle in again, just to make sure it was as deep as it could go, Teresa screamed and was still burning inside. Jenn put some clothes on, walked to the door (leaving the bottle in her sister’s ass), and looked at her sister and said “I didn’t cum yet. So Mom’s next”