Keeping it in the family – Chapter 1

My sister is a dog lover.

My sister and I had always been close. When my mother passed away we were quite young. Amy was older than me and sort of raised me I suppose. We remained close into our 20s. Amy moved interstate with her job. I got married to Barry and we often spoke on the internet. I would tell her about me but she was less forthcoming. She never got married or even had a boyfriend. She just didn’t seemed interested in men. For a time I even thought she was gay but I never raised it with her. It was none of my business I suppose.

A year later Amy got a transfer back and bought a house in the next suburb to me. I was overjoyed and visited her a week after she arrived. She looked so happy but she said she didn’t have any intension of finding a man. She said she had a dog, Trigger. We looked out into the backyard and there he was. A huge German Sheppard. “At least she has someone” I thought. After all, everyone I knew had a dog. Even Bruce and I had one, a Golden Retriever, Oscar. “Does he come into the house” I asked. “No, not when I have someone here” she replied. I guessed that was perhaps he wasn’t friendly and after all he was quite large.

Sis and I talked and I let slip that things between me and Bruce were not all beer and skittles. What I didn’t tell her was that he seemed to have lost interest in me to the extent that we hadn’t had sex for several weeks. He kept saying work was draining him and he was too tired. If it wasn’t for my masturbation sessions I would have been climbing the walls. Amy twigged that there was something wrong and bit by bit, over a couple of visits, she dragged out the whole sorry story. I assured her that he wasn’t having an affair, although she expressed some doubt.

It was a Saturday and I dropped into Amy unannounced. I knocked and it was several minutes before she opened the door looking flushed but she assured me she was fine. I walked into the lounge room and Trigger was lying on the floor licking what appeared to be a huge penis. I was shocked and Amy tried to steer me to the kitchen. “What is going on” I said. “Nothing. Now let’s have coffee” she said. “What is up with Trigger” I asked “that is so disgusting”. Amy was shaking and in the end I told her to sit down and I would make the coffee. Just then Trigger walked into the kitchen and pushed his nose under Amy’s skirt. As I looked I could see she wasn’t wearing knickers. She was trying to push Trigger away and saying “No boy. Down”. Then she led him by the collar and put him into the backyard.

She came back and sat down. She was still red in the face. “Amy, what is going on love?” I asked “there is something strange, I know it”. She kept trying to change the subject but her reluctance to explain only made me push more. Finally she looked at me and said “Trigger has been a God send Jan” she said “he is my companion and my relief when I need it”. She was very red in the face. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Do I need to spell it out?” she said. It took several seconds for me to suddenly understand. “Oh shit. You mean? Oh no don’t tell me. That is disgusting” I stammered “you and the dog? Oh God Amy”. I walked over and hugged her. I didn’t know what to say. My sister was a dog lover in the true sense of the word.

I told Amy I had something to do. I didn’t. I just wanted to leave. My mind was spinning. How could this happen. I hurried home and sat in the lounge trying to understand. Just then Oscar came to the sliding doors to the backyard and barked. I looked up and saw him. He was standing there peering at me and obviously wanting to come inside. I actually tried to imagine him as a sexual partner. “My God, stop thinking like that” I said to myself. Suddenly I felt the need for sex. My husband would be home soon and I wanted him. Perhaps to expunge the idea of my loving sister with her dog.

I went and had a shower and put on my most revealing dress. Short and low cut. The dress that always used to get my husband going. The phone rang. “Hi” said my husband “we are working late tonight. I will eat here. See you around 9 or 10 I think”. I hung up the phone and I almost cried. I needed him to take my mind off my sister’s obvious obsession. “Bugger you” I yelled out loud. Going into the bedroom I stripped naked and for the next almost an hour I used my recently purchased vibrator to get myself off numerous times. And when was I most turned on? When I visualised Amy having sex with Trigger. I realised that the lack of my own sex with hubby made Trigger exciting. “You dirty slut” I cried as I again climaxed. When Barry got home I was passed wanting sex with him and he wasn’t interested in me. Situation normal.

I was dreading my next visit with Amy. I made several excuses in the next couple of weekends. I was about to call Amy and make another excuse when the doorbell went. I opened the door and there stood Amy. “Hi Jan. We need to talk” she said and pushed past me and walked into the lounge room. “You have already guessed that Trigger fucks me haven’t you?” she said. I was shocked at her frankness. “Yes” I said. She continued “and you are dodging me. Judging me. Aren’t you?” I nodded. “Well I don’t care honey” she said “I am happy and he satisfies a need. The same as that vibrator you use because Barry won’t have sex with you. You know I could train Oscar to take care of you”. Then she came and hugged me and kissed me. “Oh God Amy I could never do that” I protested. She kissed me again. “Amy what are you doing?” I cried. “Jan for years I have wanted to make love to you” she whispered “let me show you there is more than one way to enjoy sex”.

I protested, tell her it was so wrong but she wasn’t listening. I fought the feelings inside me. It had been so long since someone had wanted me, had kissed me tenderly, had turned me on. I had never had lesbian feelings and certainly never for my sister. But now my heart was beating faster and my legs felt weak as she led me into the bedroom. My body refused to fight as she undressed me and then herself. We fell on the bed together and now I was kissing her back. “Oh Amy please stop” I whispered even as she began to rub my clit. I moaned and all thoughts of stopping left me as first she licked and sucked my nipples and then worked down to my pussy and clit. My first lesbian orgasm was so strong I thought I would faint. My second and third were just as strong.

“Make love to me darling” Any whispered in my ear and as if my will had left me I slid down the bed and returned the oral favour to my sister. Afterwards we clung to each other. “Oh Jan that was so good” Amy whispered “was it good for you darling”. I could not deny that at that moment I felt so satisfied and I told her so. “Will you forgive me for Trigger?” she asked. “Yes honey” I answered. “Would you like to know how good it feels?” she continued. “God Amy I don’t think I ever could” I replied. “Well maybe just having Oscar lick you would be fine” she said. My pussy twitched at the thought of having an animal pleasuring me. “Oscar’s tongue will feel 100 times better than mine” she said. We had a shower together, another session on the bed and Amy said she had to get home to feed Trigger. After she left I sat and tried to digest what had happened. I looked into the backyard at Oscar. Could I ever let him lick me? Could it go further? Back to the bedroom with my vibrator while I thought about that. By the time my toy had got me off the third time I was thinking “licking isn’t real sex is it? Being licked isn’t THAT disgusting is it?”