
My first story has a good background story, enjoy!

Well this is my first story if its received well ill write some more, im a bit busy with exams at the moment so i cant make any serious deadlines. Anyway on with the story and i hope you enjoy it, is a sort of fantasy that i decided to put on paper ENJOY….

I walked into class on a Monday morning taking my usual seat at the front of the class awaiting the dreary,
monotonous drone of my teacher to begin and make me remember why I hate school so much, like the army its so old fashioned it cant see where its going wrong. I look around the class seeing the same people sitting in the same places as they have been for the past two years, Shit has it really been that long I think to myself, then my eyes settle on the one bright spark in my life, her name’s Lily and in my eyes she is the perfect girl, a pretty face and piercing blue eyes that warm you inside instantly, my eyes flicker downwards to her breasts, beautifully shaped and perfectly proportioned to the rest of her body, her lucious brown hair just reaches her shoulders…

“Hey anybody in there? Matt are you staring at my tits?”
“Sorry what, I.. uh no I was just umm looking at your tie, its a bit crooked thats all.”
“Yeah right, god Matt your such a perv, why dont you take a picture it’d last longer!”
“actually I wouldnt mind a picture, if you would just hold still while I-“
“Matthew, face the front right now, stay behind after class I want a word!”

Shit I mutter to myself things couldnt get any worse, As I turn to face the front I see Lily giving me a mischevous grin, im so dumb I think to myself she was playing me all along..
Class proceeded as uneventfully as ever, we completed a few maths problems but I was in a world of my own I couldnt stop thinking about Lily, mainly her body and the things I wanted to do to her.
I stayed behind after class as my teacher gave me the classic pep talk on how I should be concentrating on studying and not daydreaming about girls etc. etc. He finally let me go and I went to hang out with a few friends and relax.

Later that night I sat in my room texting a few friends and making arrangements for a trip into town that weekend, it wasnt looking good as most of my friends were hooking up with their girlfriends and heading off to a party. I found myself hovering over Lily’s number and just as I was about to call her asking if she fancied going into town that weekend my phone began buzzing, I answered it to find Lily on the other end of the phone

“Hey Matt sorry to disturb you, do you think you could come over and help me with the maths home-work we got set today?”
“Sure” I replied, “When do you want me to come over?”
“Ummm tommorrow about 7pm would be good are u free?”
“Yeah ill be there dont worry”
“Cool thanks Matt I really, really appreciate it.”
“No-problem” I said “maybe you can make it up to me some-how”
“Hahaha Cheeky, well we’ll see, I’ll see you tomorrow”
“Yeah cya hot suff”
“Stop it” she said playfully and hung up.

Wow I thought to myself tommorrow could be interesting.. Dont kid yourself Matt nothing’s going to happen she’s just messing with you…

My phone buzzed a moment later, a text this time with a photo attatched. What the hell I thought as I opened the message. My jaw dropped a moment later as I looked at the photo and saw Lily standing there in a bra and panties posing for the camera, under the picture the words “Sorry about getting you int trouble yesterday, dont hold it against me.”

“Holy Shit” I said out loud my cock standing painfully erect in my trousers.
Suffice to say I spent a long night imagining how tommorrow would play out…

Somehow Tuesday seemed to drag on forever, every minute lasting what seemed to be an hour. I only caught glimpses of Lily every now and again not being any of her classes. The day final bell rang at last and i practically ran home to prepare for that evening.

6.30 that evening..

I checked myself in the mirror, cleanly shaven and white teeth, deoderant (Lynx of course), mints in my left
pocket, condoms in my right (I had snuck in to the medical centre earlier that day to get some) and finally a maths textbook just in-case I had mis-interpreted what she REALLY wanted to do this evening.

I walked out my house and down the road, thankfully Lily only lived a few blocks down the road and I reached her house at exactly 6.55. I knocked on the door slightly nervous of who was going to answer the door, the last thing I needed was questioning parents. To my relief Lily opened the door moments later looking absolutely stunning, she was wearing a tight vest that showed off her large breasts and her slim figure. She was also wearing a mini skirt that took the title “mini” to the limit My eyes were instantly dragged downwards to her lucious curves and her long tanned legs. After 30 seconds of deinking in the sight before me I finally managed to stop drooling and look at her eyes. They were alight with a passion I had never seen before and I almost grabbed her there and then but decided against it because her parents might be in.

“So uh.. are you gonna invite me in?” I said nervously

She also seemed to regain control;

“yeah sure she replied, my parents are out tonight so we have the house to ourselves”

I could have sworn i saw her eyes sparkle as she spoke

“Cool I said lead the way”

She turned and walked back inside shaking her small ass all the way, I groaned as I followed feeling my cock awaken and stand to attention. I quickly followed her inside and she led me upstairs to her bedroom, she seemed intent on maintainig the pretense of me helping her with the maths home-work and so we sat on her carpet and I talked her through the home-work. About half an hour after we started Lily got that all too familliar mischevous grin in her eye and I knew she was up to something.

“So Matt do you want to sit on the bed, its more.. comfortable than the carpet.”
“Whatever suits you” I replied
“Ok you wait here while I go get something to drink, ok”
“yeah sure thanks”

Lily left the room and I heard her head downstairs. I breathed deeply and lay back on the bed wondering what she was playing at. Surely she didnt just want to do maths all night, why would she ask me to lay on the bed? I heard her come back up the stairs a few minutes later, holding two cans of beer. She set them down on the table and walked over to the bed.

“Good to see you’ve made yourself comfortable”
“Yeah you were right this is a nice bed, You wanna join me?”
She didnt reply just walked over to the bed and stood over me the passion that I saw in her eyes earlier returned and she leapt onto the bed straddling me.

“What the hell” I said slightly shocked at this sudden move.
“sssshhhhh Matt” she whispered in my ear, I know you want this
“Oh shit” I muttered to myself not for the first time in the past two days and pulled her body against mine.
She inhaled sharply and the feeling of her body against mind brought my cock to attention instantly, pressing against her already wet knickers.

“Some-one’s eager to get started” she whispered sexily in my ear.

I rolled her over on the bed and kissed her passionately on the lips while she ground her pussy against my erection.

Animal lust overtaking I broke the kiss and started pulling off my clothes, she did the same and soon we were drinking in the sight of each other’s naked bodies. She was perfect, from her lucsious lips to her curved breasts and hips down her tanned legs. In a second I was on top of her again her nipples rubbing against my naked chest, I began kissing her neck making my way down her body to her right breast while carressing the left one with my hand. As my tounge flicked over her nipple she let out a soft moan apparently sensetive to the slightest touch. I continued making my way down her body until I reached her shaven pussy I penetrated two fingers inside her and her back arched in pleasure.

“Ohhhhh Matt fuck me with you fingers I want you so bad”

I answered her wordlessly, driving my fingers into her pussy and moving them in and out. My mouth ligered over her pussy and I inhaled her musky smell, I tentatively flicked her clit with my tongue, still finger fucking her. She began begging me to keep going, I increased the pace and started licking her clit at the same time.


I sensed her reaching her climax and inserted a third finger so I could find her G-spot aswell. After some
searching I found it and began rubbing it woth my index finger driving her to a bigger climax.


her body began thrashing with pleasure and her hands clenched the dovet and her mouth opened in a wordless scream as her body shuddered from such an intense orgasm. she lay there exhausted for a moment but quickly sat up and had a longing look in her eyes. I instantly knew what she wanted and grabbed a condom from my trouser pocket.

“No” she said “You dont need that im on the pill”
“Are you sure” I replied “I dont want you to get pregnant”
“Honestly its fine” she said her mouth twisting into a smile “Now where were we?”
I grinned and leapt on top of her.
I rubbed the head of my penis up and down her pussy to get her wet and make penetration easier.
“Stop tesing me and fuck me already!”
“Yes Miss” I replied in a mocking tone.
I gently pushed myself inside her, feeling her walls adjust to my size, (a pretty decent 7.5 inches) eventually I was stopped by a barrier I presumed to be her hymen.

“this is gonna hurt a bit but I promise it will get better”
I pushed against the barrier until it gave way and Lily let out a small cry of pain. I stopped for a moment until she nodded her head and I pulled back for a minute.
“well here goes” I said and thrust myself deep inside her making her bite down on her lip in pleasure this time. I began getting into a rhythm with her thrusting her hips in time with my thrusts until we were both in ecstacy. She began moaning softly and I increased my pace to her delight.


I began pumping harder now with pure lust driving me. As I pumped in and out I reached up and grabbed one of her tits, stroking her nipples and increasing her arousal.


She cried out as she reached her orgasm wildly thrashing her head from side to side.



Her moaning and dirty talk finally drove me over the edge and I felt a tingling sensation in my balls.



I finally exploded deep inside her pussy, a huge orgasm wracking my entire body, as i buried myself to the hilt inside her.


I noticed her legs were wrapped round me as if she were trying to make me bury myself deeper inside her.
As her orgasm shook her I felt her vagina contracting around my cock milking it of all its cum.

Afterwards we lay there holding each other the intensity of what just happened still had us in shock. It was going to be one hell ofa night that was for sure.

Authors Note: Well thats the end of my first story hope u all rnjoyed it, not too bad for a virgins imagination i thought so well REMEMBER TO COMMENT ur the only support i have!