Lost Empire 78

Things heaty up

0001 – Tempro

0003 – Conner- Thomas

0097 – Ace – Zimmel

0098 – Lucy

0101 – Shelby (mother ship)

0125 – Lars

0130 – Gillese

0200 – Ellen

0250 – Tendra

0301 – Rodrick

0403 – Johnathon

0778 – Jan

0798 – Celeste – Shelby (human)

0805 – Toran

0808 – Radella

0881 – Handrax

0908 – Tara – Mara

1000 – Sherry


Ungrown – unnumbered


0100 – Derry (father ship)

Rescued from Tendraxians

so far


4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen

8 on Lucy


Known and OR numbered


0501 – Thaddeus

???? – Lena


missing – 0667 – Marco

0999 – Zan – still lost


Kimison and Rayburn were still a little rattled, they had already started in on the commander’s orders. The thing is they were both certain that the man was suspicious. Both men looked over several projects that were laying on a nearby table.

“So, you think he has any idea what we’re working on?” Kimison asked.

Rayburn was looking back and forth between the table and Kimison. “Hell, I have no idea. Then again, the man was always far more observant than we thought. Not sure I want to test just how much he can suss out either.”

Kimison shivered a moment then nodded his agreement “I have to agree with you. Not really wanting to see him as pissed at us as he was before. I am sure he can find as competent scientists as us quite easily.”

A shimmering appeared next to the two men as Tempro appeared. “I find that statement to be highly unlikely. I am sure that the Emperor is under a lot of stress. I am also certain, that anything the both of you can do to alleviate that stress will garner his thanks and reward.”

Both men could only to stare at the holo-gram. “You really have no idea as to the who he really is. We served with him through the horror of war. A bloody, messy, confusing as hell war. One that at times, it seemed we were doing nothing to advance.” Kimison said.

“There were times that we felt we had been abandoned. Times when we thought there was no way we were getting out alive. The commander pulled us from the jaws of hell more times than we care to recall. We are loyal to him to a fault, the man is still military, therefore he still thinks with that mentality.” Rayburn continued.

“With us not following what he has ordered us to do, his military mind might think we are disobeying orders. We have to show a damn good reason for not doing exactly as he ordered.” Kimison explained.

“So, the improvements and the new machines you have started, is your working toward that end?” A surprised Tempro asked. To which both men nodded. “Then it would be acceptable if I was to lend my services to aid you?”

Wide grins broke out on both men’s faces as they were both vigorously nodding their agreement.

“Hello?” A familiar voice sounded from the speakers.

“Ah! Derry, no, we haven’t forgotten about you. Tempro is he ready to evacuate to space?” Kimison asked as he looked over the readings.

“Yes primes, I am reading forty percent regen of the body. Sixty percent of cerebral activity. Derry, I am about to evacuate you to space.” Tempro said.

“I am ready, I am anxious to begin serving the Emperor.” Derry said.

“Open bay one,” Kimison said as they all watched what was finished of the ship move out. “I’m sorry that you won’t be able to join the fleet for several days. You have to complete your regen before that is possible. Well, that and we have to make sure your personality matrix is functioning properly.”

“I concur, I do not wish to fail in my duty to the emperor.” Derry answered.

Both Rayburn and Kimison looked at each other, this they hoped was true. This was their first attempt making a personality, especially one as complex as the commander.

Shiloh and Grant appeared before Hartwell. “You called us sir?” Shiloh said as they both snapped off a salute.

Hartwell turned to smile at both men. “Yes, it appears that the both of you have been reassigned. Also,” there was a shimmering beside both men as the hologram of Derrick appeared.

“I regret that I am unable to be there to do this in person. Vice Admiral Gunter Shiloh, step forward.” Derrick said as both men could only stare at Derrick. Looking at Grant, Shiloh shrugged then moved forward to Hartwell. “For meritorious service and aid with the other empire business, I hereby promote you to admiral.”

Hartwell pinned a fourth star on Gunter who could only stare with his mouth hanging open. Hartwell shook his hand then whispered, ” close your mouth Gunter it might attract flies.” Gunter nodded closing his mouth saluted, then stepped back.

Derrick turned toward Grant, “Lower Rear Admiral Richard Grant, step forward.” Grant advanced to Hartwell with a slight smile. “For meritorious service and aid with the other empire business, I hereby promote you to Upper Rear Admiral.”

Hartwell smiled as he pinned a second star on Grant. “Welcome to my world the both of you.” Hartwell saluted then stepped back.

“As I stated I regret not being there to do this personally. With the threat of the Cregons upon both empires I am afraid that I am still trying to hammer out details. The both of you go to the empire planet. You”, Derrick said as he turned toward Shiloh, “have a family that is awaiting you. You,” here he turned to Grant, “need time off.”

“Sir?” Shiloh questioned.

“Both of you along with Jimison have been on duty for the last few months. Jimison, is engaged in more ways than one. He has an avenue to release all of his pent-up frustration. The both of you do not at the moment, though you Shiloh—?” Derrick started when there was the sound of small running feet.

“Mister nice man?” Derrick heard the voice of a small girl.

“In here,” Derrick shouted then heard the small feet divert, heading in his direction. A moment later Shelly Shiloh burst into the room followed closely by her mother, Empress Shelby and Mary.

Shelly ran to Derrick throwing her arms around him. “Hide me!” Shelly whispered to Derrick. “They want me to take a nap. I’m not even tired!”

A wide grin came to Derrick’s face as he felt almost all the tension drain from his body.

“Ah Miss Shelly, it is always so good to have you visit. I am sorry that, I haven’t been to visit you, so much has been going on. You know,” Derrick said low, “I think that there is someone who’d love to talk to you.”

Derrick slowly withdrew, revealing her father’s holo-gram. “PAPA!” Shelly screamed as he ran to then through the vision of Gunter. Shelly’s eyes opened wide, “Papa? Are you where the see-through lady is?”

Another gasp behind Shelly, had them turning to stare at his wife Mita. “Gunter! It is good to see you. I wish…” she started.

“Rest assured, I am sending him to be with all of you as soon as I can.” Derrick said making the smiles on Shelly and Mita’s faces grow large.

Both launched them selves at him as they were both hugging and kissing his cheek.

Mary and Shelby could only smile when they saw the look of pure joy on Derrick’s face.

“Hey!” They all heard Gunter shout. “I hope that the both of you save a lot of that for me. I have missed those kisses and hugs greatly.”

Shelly leaned up to whisper in Derrick’s ear. “I think that the see through lady is mad at me. I tried to go into a room with big letters on the door. Mainframe? She has been chasing me ever since.”

Mary sighed a moment, “I have not been chasing you the whole time. I only wanted you to stay away from there. If you damaged something there, I am afraid that I might disappear for a very long time. You are a very smart girl, I didn’t want you injured.”

Shelly’s eyes glazed over a moment as she stated. “I would not cause any damage to any logic nor personality banks. Though I was anxious to observe the full extent of your system.”

Derrick touched a band on his wrist, seeing that Shelly was rapidly returning to her more normal state. “Shelly?” Derrick asked as he saw the glaze look disappearing from her eyes.

Shelly was staring at Mary a moment more then, turned her attention toward Derrick. “Uncle Derry?” She asked then walked to Derrick, “I am better, no headache this time. I believe that Momma was able to suppress most of the damaging effects of the nanomites.” Turning toward Mary and Mita she stated, “I believe that .001 more microvolts might further impair more episodes.”

Mita looked at Mary, both nodded as Mary started to adjust the charge. “I do believe that will keep the episodes away further.” Mary said.

Shelly nodded then kissed Derrick on the cheek. “Thank you uncle Derry.” Shelly then fell into Derrick’s arms unconscious.

“Status?” Derrick asked.

“This latest adjustment should keep almost all her episodes at bay. She had to fight when the charge wasn’t enough. I am reading that she is healthy with no ill effects.” Mary said after she scanned Shelly again.

Derrick, Shelby and Mita all breathed a sigh of relief. Picking Shelly up Derrick walked her all the way across the palace. Placing her in her bed he saw that all her brothers had appeared deep concern on their faces.

“Let her rest guys, she has been through a lot today.” Derrick said to all three of her brothers that had appeared extremely worried looks on their faces.

The youngest boy’s hand gently tugged at Derrick’s shirt sleeve. “Sir?” The boy asked a few tears on his face. “Will she be ok? She is the only sister I have, I told her I would try to protect her.” Here the boy lowered his head as more tears escaped his eyes. “Please sir help her, she is the only sister we have.”

Mita’s eyes were wide she’d not heard not a word of this before. Looking from her son to Derrick, a pleading look in her eyes, Derrick nodded slightly to her.

For a moment Derrick’s thoughts drifted back a few hours. He’d convinced the emperor Kandra and the Delcrons to come to the empire planet for a while. He’d only been at it an hour, finishing several royal requests when all four of them had come in. Shaking his head, he still had no idea how he had achieved that small miracle.

Another shake of his head, cleared his thoughts as he now addressed what Shelly’s youngest brother asked. “We are doing all that we can to help her. She has even added to what we have done to help her.”

The boy nodded as he listened to Derrick. In a whispered voice he asked, “you… you don’t think she will hate me? I have been so afraid that she would hate me when I couldn’t help her.”

“No, I don’t think that she will, she is your sister, family. She might be a little mad though, hate you? No, I don’t think so.” Derrick explained.

A wide, happy smile, slowly started to dominate the boys features. “Thank you sir, I will do my best for her.”

“I think, that will make her happier than you think, just be there for her. That I think, will help her more than anything.” Derrick replied as he turned to go.

“Thank you sir,” Mita told him outside of the room. “That, I believe will help more than you know, well the return of Gunter won’t hurt either.”

Derrick nodded then turned toward the opposite side of the palace. He still had the official dinner that the Delcrons had agreed to. Moments later he sat again at the desk he’d been at before. his day was starting to grow stranger and stranger.

With renewed vigor, Derrick again started in on the preparations for the dinner. An odd shimmering across the room had Derrick snapping his head toward it.

“Sire,” came Mary’s voice, “I am detecting a foreign transmission to this room. Should I attempt to block it?”

Attempt to block it? Since when, didn’t Mary NOT have ther power to block anything?

“Can you tell where it is emanating from?” Derrick asked almost afraid of the answer.

“The signal seems to be coming from the direction of the Delcron galaxy.” Mary replied.

Derrick nodded he’d been afraid that was where it was from. “Allow it, though, you are having trouble keeping the signal out?”

“Sire, this is no ordinary signal. It contains brain waves, plus it is backed by a substantial amount of broadcast power.” Mary informed Derrick.

Shit Derrick thought, these bugs were starting to seriously piss him off. “Keep working on blocking it, no need just letting them in without permission.”

“Open sire,” Mary replied.

“Ssssoo the great human ruler hassss power after all. Though you are the firsssst to block ussss, you won’t lassst long. Your antiquated machine will sssssoon be nothing. We will crussssh it, we… what isssss happening?” The Cregon voice asked.

“You should do far more research before you insult a living machine.” Snapped Mary’s voice.

“This is not over! We will…” The Cregon started then the sounds of explosions then nothing.

Derrick had a smirk on his face as Mary appeared. “So, mind letting me in on the secret?” Derrick asked when he saw the look of satisfaction on Mary’s face.

“Nothing much sire, it was a simple thing to over load their systems. I’m sure they lost a lot of equipment judging by the size of the explosions I am detecting on their planet.” Mary replied nonchalantly.

A wide grin broke out on Derrick’s face, so he guessed the old adage was true. Never piss a woman off, by insulting what she is most proud of. Good thing she was on his side Derrick thought.


Hartwell tried his best not to grimace each time he looked in on Lucie. He had enough to do without worrying about her.

The commander, had sent him all that had been gathered about the Cregons. The commander seemed to be at his wits end coming up with a plan that didn’t include complete genocide of the Cregons.

The only problem he was having was this bonding that Bee had mentioned. Then of course was the fact that not once but twice his sister had passed out. Though, the second time was entirely his fault, well, he felt it was his fault.

He had been at it a few hours when he got an urgent call from the commander. “Please tell me you have something.” Derrick’s irritated voice stated.

Releasing a sigh Hartwell looked up at Derrick’s holo-gram. “I’m afraid not sir, with all that’s been going on I have only had ’bout two hour to look over the data. As of yet, the only thing I have noticed, is that when they they seem to always use a type of swarming attack. Reminds me of bees and ants, they prevail with numbers more than strength.”

Derrick was nodding his head, “I had noticed the same type of thing. It is difficult to defend against, especially when they seem to have an endless, replacement army for those that are destroyed.”

“That’s the thing sir,” Hartwell said. “At the onset of our last battle the numbers didn’t matter as long as they were swarmed together. Remember? We were picking them apart before they could separate. Might I suggest that we keep with that strategy ’til something better might be found.” Bee said something a moment later as she was staring at the screen. “Hang on a second sir. What was that Bee?”

“I…I did not wish to interfere with you, talking to the beas… the emperor. I just noticed something while you were watching the battle.” Bee almost whispered her head and eyes down.

This of course, peaked the curiosity of both Derrick and Hartwell. “Please speak up,” Derrick’s holo-gram said.

“Well lord sirs, it seems to me that you were lucky. Had the enemy had only a little more shield power the battle would not have been as it was. Had you attack them here,” she pointed to the middle of the column. “Also this point,” here she pointed to the far end of the column. “It would have caused far more confusion among them.”

Derrick and Hartwell were nodding, though they both were a little skeptical. “You know this for a fact?” Derrick asked.

Bee dropped her head and voice lower, “my people used it quite a lot. We would uncover at all three points, catching them by surprise. The confusion usually caused them to destroy far more of themselves than we actually did.”

A very large smile came to Derrick’s lips, yes he thought. Quite a few that were destroyed had crashed into those behind. Hmmm, if they were going both directions it would work very well.

“This idea has serious merit,” Derrick said making Bee’s mouth drop open in surprise. “Though we do not have the cloak that your people have.”

“Lord sir,” Bee said, “I have seen how fast your ships can move, going through the evil blinking eye. It seems that you could be there, long before they can react, disappearing before they could fire on you.”

Both men looked at each other then at a still head bowed Bee. “See?” Derrick said, “I told you they were accustomed to battle. Always battle ready, told you she could be of help. Now, aren’t you glad I suggested it?” A smirking Derrick said.

Hartwell tensed up about to retort loudly to Derrick when he saw Bee start to inch away. Taking a deep breath, he shook his head calming.

To say that Derrick was surprised was an understatement. “By god! you have to marry this female. I have never seen you exercise the control that you just did. Personally, I find it refreshing, I…”

Through clenched teeth Hartwell whispered in harsh tones, “look sir, don’t push it!” Looking over to Bee he saw that she was inching away faster.

Derrick followed Hartwell’s gaze, shocked when he saw Bee trying to hide herself. Taking a deep cleansing breath, Hartwell felt almost all the anger leave his body.

“I am sorry Bee, I sometimes forget just how afraid you are. I did not mean to add to it.” Hartwell said as he extended his hand to Bee. Tentively she grasp it staring into Hartwell’s eyes. With a little nod she crept out of hiding, a small smile starting to dominate her lips.

“I am sorry lord sir, I was hardly ever allowed in the command area. It was expressly forbidden for females to be there. The penalty is almost always death, since this is an unwanted condition we avoid it at all costs.” A slightly trembling Bee stated.

It took all of Hartwell’s willpower to not lose his temper. The last thing he needed right now, was Bee to be hiding the whole time they were out here.

To say Derrick was still in shock about Hartwell’s control, plus his restraint was an understatement. He didn’t know if there was something airborne about the female or it was just Hartwell. All he knew was, this new Hartwell was a breath of fresh air.

“I leave it to you Admiral. I still have this dinner with our possible new allies to plan. The security alone is a nightmare as is Mary keeping the Cregons out. Though after what she did, we might not have to worry about it for a bit.” Derrick said as he recalled all that Mary had done and reported.

“That does sound good, though knowing our luck, those damn bugs have several back-ups. Never seems to be as easy as it appears, does it commander?” Hartwell said.

“No Admiral, it never is or does, at least not in our case. How is your sister? I haven’t had a chance to check on her.” Derrick said changing subjects.

“All you have to do is remember the terror of the bio-beds to guess. Though, she has stopped most of her complaints since I talked to her about them.” Hartwell said.

Both men shuddered a bit remembering their own time in them.


Duke Risen was laughing as his ship started to lift-off from the planet where the small colony of stranded Cregons were.

Finally, everything ready he reached for the controls when the ship shuddered. What the hell he thought. Bringing up a view of outside he saw that the soldiers that were left were firing on him!

Damnit! Though they didn’t really have much that could hurt the ship, there was still a chance. Pressing several switches, a whirring noise announced that his weapons were opening.

Even when the soldiers saw them, they continued to fire. Now completely pissed off, the Duke opened fire almost continually for a few minutes. When the dust and smoke cleared, the Duke laughed. There was hardly anything left except body parts all over the place. Patting the weapons panel the Duke nodded his head, first class energy weapons.

Lifting, the Duke made for space as fast as possible. With the help of the Cregons he felt assured of the eventual defeat of the fake to the throne. Smirking, he thought of Maury, the last president. Not the smartest man, though he was a good manipulator of people.

It was a shame that the idiot had let himself get captured. Then again, the Duke thought, the man’s assistant was still alive. Good thing he wasn’t using the Taiolan sect anymore. That leader had been crazy beyond even the Duke’s liking.

The Duke’s hands flew over the controls as he set course for the next planet he needed to visit. One look at the time piece told him it would be a day or so ’til he arrived. This was the last ship he had left when he escaped.

Shaking his head he really hated to smear his body with more foul smelling liquid. If it got rid of the pretender to the throne, then it would well be worth it.

It was almost two days later when the Duke’s ship exited trans-warp. Looking at the dark world he was approaching, the Duke dialed a certain frequency. A sadistic smile twisted on his lips as he heard the static. It had been set up by his family so that they would know that this was the correct planet.

The Duke shuddered as he thought of meeting with more foreign allies. Opening another vial, the Duke began to smear it all over his body. The Duke had to hold his nose, this was by far worse than the last one.

Turning the translator on, the Duke spoke the prearranged phrases. A few moments later a scratchy voice was heard.

“So our ally has returned. It has been far too long since his evil presence has been felt.” The voice said.

“I am afraid that, that bastard is dead. His usefulness was far passed. This is the second seed from him, I have come to help you arrange revenge upon the empire that trapped you here.” The Duke said.

“We do not know you, try to land, you will be vaporized before you touch the ground.” Retuned the voice.

A little pissed the Duke snapped, “fine then I will take the plans for the ship and the power sources to the Cregons. I am sure they wish revenge on the empire that trapped them here also. I..”

The Duke was interrupted by another voice. “How dare you talk to us like that! We should…”

“HA! You’ll do nothing especially without my help. No one knows you are here, just like the Cregons. As I said I can go to them, they want revenge. My family has kept the secret, allowing you to live and grow. THAT, can soon be rectified!” The Duke snapped.

“You dare…” the second voice started.

“I dare what ever the hell I want! I hold the plans, the energy sources, ALL the replenishers. Another word and I’ll let your rivals the Cregons know just where you are! Well!? Bah! I am through with pitiful shadows of once proud conquering races.” The Duke spit out slowly turning his ship away.

“Wait!” A new more authoritative voice shouted over the com. “You are indeed your sire’s seed. You may land, it will be a glorious day when we can take revenge. Revenge upon this hated humanoid race, plus are hated enemies the Cregons.”

“That’s more like it. Know that, I have more than sufficient firepower to destroy the colony if I detect treachery.” The Duke growled out.

An hour later the Duke’s craft touched down. As he was shutting down a series of alarms went off. “Warning, Warning! Reading slight malfunction within trans-warp engine. Weapon’s efficiency has been reduced fifteen percent. Self repair has started, estimated time to finish, thirteen hours, thirty two minutes. Trans-warp will require ten hours, twenty three minutes.”

Shit! The Duke thought, then a sick evil smile came to his lips. All those bastards were dust after all, so really he got the last laugh. “How much will have to be shut down to accomplish this?” The Duke asked.

“Complete shut down of all systems.” The monotone voice reported.

The Duke thought a few moments then shook his head. “With the hostile environment we are in, I am afraid that isn’t possible. I need shields up the entire time I am gone, if you can shut them off do so. Though, you need to keep an active scan on at all times. If you are approached by any of the inhabitants of this planet I want them up, weapons also.”

“This will seriously lengthen the repair time.” The voice stated.

The Duke growled, “just follow my damn instructions!”

“Compliance,” the voice said, “now commencing shut down of almost all systems.”

The Duke breathed a sigh of relief, reaching into a large box, the Duke started to withdraw several items. Clicking several switches on the items, the Duke smiled as each came to life. Taking a deep breath, the Duke stepped out of the ship.

Only a few moments later, the Duke turned as he heard the sound of humming approaching. Shading his eyes he saw several forms as they started to come into view. Just as I remember he thought, the forms started to take shape.

Within moments several cleared winged, insect like creatures landed. “We have been instructed to bring you to the Queen.” The obvious leader said as it tried to grab the Duke, only to be knocked back over thirty meters. Then there was the fact that legs of the creature were severely burned.

“I think I will walk.” The Duke said to the rest that were assembled. “Oh yes, I forgot.” The Duke said as he drew a strange looking weapon, firing at the one that had tried to touch him. The weapon emitted a strange beam that seemed to melt the burned legged one, amid screams of tortured pain. The Duke turned to the others, “there saved the queen having to correct his failure.”

There was what sounded like snickering as the Duke started to walk to the nearby hive.