me, my girlfriend, and best friend

friend comes to stay unexpectedly and brings more than just good company


I would be a fool not to be proud.

She was very much in her element, Laughing and openly flirting with Greg, much to his delight.

We had been married four years this September and I knew her antics well. When ever her drug of choice was on the table, which happened to be mine also…

She would transform into this energetic soul, brimming with sexuality and excitement.

Ecstasy was our favourite tool for fun, and tonight my long time friend had arrived unexpectedly, grinning ear to ear as he proudly presented us with a bag full of goodies.

An hour later we were enjoying probably the best pills we have taken for a long time.

I mean they were intense.

As often happened I found myself drifting around the house, my mind in tune with the techno-trance music that pumped from the stereo.

I was no stranger to these pills but tonight though they seemed strong enough to put me on my ass, forcing me into my favourite lounge chair, where I watched my beautiful wife dance and sway…

She always wore this glamorous make up that never rubbed off. No matter how hard or how long I kissed her it never rubbed off, like magic…

Obviously I am a sucker for lipstick, especially dark red, almost plum colour which is what she usually wore.

She was definitely a glamour girl and believe me, reeked with sex appeal…

Sometimes a little too much.

It took years to let my guard down and get used to the idea that she wasn’t going to be stolen away, although I knew in my heart it had come close on a few occasions.

She had a long curly mass of red hair, big unbelievably blue eyes, perfectly bowed lips, trust me when I say she was gorgeous…

and she had the perfect body. Her breasts were large but extremely firm with plum coloured nipples. I had been with many women in my time, women who were gorgeous, but Anna’s body was hard to believe unless you saw it for yourself.

She spent a lot of time on personal maintenance, yoga, and she was also a professional dancer…

Not like a stripper…


It was all the Latin stuff.

Another thing she did which previous girlfriends didn’t is she was always devoid of any pubic hair, preferring the shaved look.

Many times I was stunned when she would be casually getting dressed, her mind on other things and not realising the extent of the effect she had on my body.

I dare say she was my obsession, and many other men would undoubtedly say the same. For the first few years I had constant blue balls.

I watched as Greg in his drunken state sought out every chance that he could to glimpse more of her body under her clingy short dress…

And watched also as she gave him ample chances with her being just as intoxicated, if not more so. We had both partied the day before, so we had stayed awake pottering around even before Greg had shown up so we were horny and our inhibitions were no longer what they should be.

“surprise ” Greg excitedly chirped while doing a little dance.

He held out an open hand with three more pills.

“these will ensure we get right and royaly fucked up” he then searched my face for the excitement he had hoped for.

I smiled happily…

And I too did a little dance.

One of the perks of having a hot girlfriend is having other people going out of their way to impress her.

We were already fucked up and these little babies would end the night nicely.

At that moment she walked in and swirled excitedly at the sight of the pills.

“*you rock Greg”* she swirled again, rewarding him with a hug that made Greg’s face turn bright red. His hands didn’t know where to go, eventually resting on the small of her back.

He handed each of us a pill and we toasted with water and swallowed them together.

*”the three musketeers ” *Greg announced before walking to the stereo and going through my trance collection for some cool beats.

We all then ran around turning the lounge room into a comfort centre before they hit us.

Greg disappeared then came out dragging a large double mattress that we kept in the spare room, which he then placed in the centre of the room.

*”just Incase anyone needs to lie down” *Greg grinned almost shyly.

He had only just finished saying those words when the first wave rolled over me…

And shite let me tell you it was fucking intense.

I grabbed my water and before I could put it to my lips the second wave hit and I felt nauseous. I needed to get some air so I proclaimed my plan to step outside for some much needed air then vanished.

Outside I began to feel better, but the waves kept on coming until I was…

I was seriously fucked up.

Ten minutes later I wandered back in to find them in obviously similar states…

But I also noticed that they suddenly changed the subject and acted awkward. I knew my girlfriend very well, and knew she had managed to talk Greg into getting another pill, this was confirmed when I caught the movement of her secretly slipping it into her mouth.

Who was I to complain, let her have some fun.

Greg asked me how I was feeling and then laughed when my answer was more of a groan than a reply.

I sat down on the couch and enjoyed the feel of the ecstasy, listening to the electronic music as it played tricks on my brain, sounding incredible.

This was really good stuff and soon my eyes were rolling back in my head.

“hey jeff, would you mind if I gave your girl a massage” I heard Greg say.

I struggled to focus and almost laughed when I saw her lying on the mattress with a huge smile on her face, kicking her feet and pleading at me playfully…

“pleeeeaaaaassse” she begged excitedly, before rolling onto her stomach before looking over at me.

“Your next baby” she stated in a matter of fact tone.

I nodded at the thought, knowing how good a massage can feel in this state.

I stood and swaggered over to sit on the edge of the mattress while Greg knelt next to her, his hands proceeding to rub her shoulders.

She groaned and sighed as he worked his hands over her skin obviously really enjoying the contact.

I watched on and found myself rubbing my legs, the feeling was amazing…

Everything my hands touched felt awesome.

He started off slow, just her shoulders and neck…

And I lay back, lost in my own trip, my eyes closing as I listened to her little gasps.

It was the same little noises she made when she was having sex, so my drifting imagination was brought constantly back to sex.

I couldn’t help it, my mind was quickly being thrown repeatedly against the visions of…

My wife when she’s fucking….


Anna, naked with her long sexy legs spread wide as I explore her cunt.

Damn I was getting horny.

Long lazy minutes went by and I realised he too was making little noises.

I looked over and noted that his hands were no longer slow, but more aggressive and demanding as he pawed at her shoulders.

She was now moaning openly and loud.

“oh jesus, shit, fuck, shit” she swore.

“oh fuck me it feels fucking awesome. ” she continued.

I could tell that the pill or pills she had coaxed out of Greg was now hitting her hard. She sounded like she was having an orasm.

“I’m so jealous ” I said, moving to sit on the floor next to the mattress. I reached over and swept the hair back from her face and over her ear…

Her expression was far away. lost in the feel of Greg’s hands, and the fresh onslaught of waves now hitting her hard…

so at first she didn’t answer.

“Babe” she finally said a minute later, her voice noticeably shaky…

“oh my god ” her voice broke after finishing these words, ending in a moan that made my semi-hard cock twitch and jump into a hardened state.

I almost moaned at the sound of her whimpers that followed.

From over the music I heard Greg breathing heavily. His own noises were almost hungry whimpers, often coinciding with her moans

I could see his urgency visibly growing in the way he moved his hands. His fingers growing white as he clutched almost desperately at her smooth skin.

It was highly sexual and responsible for my hands now growing bold, my finger tips sliding teasingly over the lump in my jeans.

I noticed her hips almost humping the mattress as he became more desperate. He would slide his hand down her spine before sweeping out midback, where the hem of her dress began.

It was extremely erotic and I knew how easy it was to become detached from reality and drawn into things when on pills.

The noises they made were resounding in my ears…

I then thought of the fantasies I had involving Anna and watching her with another guy. Something I had always thought about, and longed for, but of course, never happened.

I was being tortured by the level of sexual atmosphere and tension growing slowly. I shook my head and closed my eyes, but this only made it worse.

I opened my eyes and ran my tongue over suddenly dry lips and as I leaned back along the floor beside the mattress…

I watched and let my imagination run wild, entranced by her expressions, seduced by the sight of them lost in each other.

Both were completely drugged stupid, and both there eyeballs were rolling back in their sockets, flickering slightly.

I don’t know why I did it…

Maybe I too was pulled into it…

But I grabbed her shoulder straps and pulled them off her shoulders, and as I did that her instincts were to lift up, making it easier. My own instincts responded by slipping her dress down to the small of her back, just before the arch that rose up to the cheeks of her buttocks.

It was a natural and honestly innocent manoeuvre done without thinking, to make her skin more easily accessible.

“*there we go*” I said, laying back on my side, my eyes drinking the sudden vision of so much warm bare skin and drawn also to the vibrant colour of her brightly coloured red bra strap.

It was like ringing the lunch bell, cause Greg now began to move his hands down her back, lingering occasionally on the strap as if fighting the urge to unfasten the inviting clasp.

She just lay their moaning, not even registering anything but Greg’s wandering hands.

I was painfully hard and as I grabbed myself for a quick re adjusting, I was struck by a strong warm flood of. What felt like electricity shot through my body, ending at my groin…

And I groaned aloud.

I gave myself a hard squeeze before gripping the mattress at the intensity off pleasure that had me clenching my jaw.

Even the material of the mattress felt incredible, and so as if seeking to lessen it, i grabbed her shoulder instead. I found myself gripping tightly.

I could only imagine how my girlfriend was feeling.

“oh babe you feel so warm and yummy ” i groaned, and I wasn’t kidding.

The look on her face showed me she was almost incoherent.

“Let me help too ” i mumbled and seconds later both my hands were revelling in the feel of her warmth, coaxed on by the increased writhing of her body..

The effect of both our hands, endeavouring to enhance her pleasure…

Any increase in her voice or volume making me crave more…

And more…

It was at this point my inhibitions slipped away, my sense of reality warped, all I could think of is how good her skin felt.

The bra strap began to get in the way and without even a second thought…

But also deep within this drugged stupor…

Not entirely innocent…

I un-clasped Her bra, flicking away the straps, freeing any further obstruction from halting the path of my hands…

Or Greg’s for that matter.

Greg answered with a sharp intake of breath at the sight of her long exposed back.

Both mine and Gregs hands began to collide, forcing him to move down a bit, his movements now slowly lowering her dress, her hips slightly but surely rising to make it easier for him…

He eventually became more daring, before slipping it over the cheeks of her ass, revealing her matching red panties.

I heard Greg loudly swallow as his hands Reciprocated, grabbing the elastic of her panties, they too slipped up the curve of ass cheeks.

My mind was now brimming with thoughts that were totally explicit…

These wicked thoughts also involved Greg.

His hands now explored this newly exposed area.

Her whole body suddenly jerked, her hips thrusting down on the carpet, moaning, long and loudly.

Needless to say this made me lose control…

Wanting more…

Desiring only to tease Greg.

I moved down her body, my fingers also slipping under the elastic of her panties…

Then in one smooth and quick move, pulled her knickers down to her knees, also drawing down Her dress.

She went suddenly still as she lie there, her ass now in full view, and…
I wondered if I had gone too far.

It didn’t matter at that point, my fantasy now so close. Even having got to this point was enough to know I would have wanking material for the next ten years.

“Please don’t ” she said huskily,

And I felt the disappointment of reaching the point where she would put this to a stop.

“Please stop ” and as she said this, she moaned…

Her hips thrust again at the mattress and I breathed a little sigh of relief, wanting only to take this as far as I could.

I smiled knowing she was just as horny and Just as much a slave to this scenario as we were.

We both continued to massage her, but this time I was bent on continuing her pleasure in the hopes that she would go further.

We continued doing this, growing braver as the desire built to almost a frenzy.

I watched Greg too as his own desire grew, loving the look on his face, and the large bulge now straining at his jeans. It showed strongly just how much more he wanted, his expression like a kid in a candy store.

I grabbed Greg’s hand and placed it on her upper thigh, close to the junction where her ass cheeks delved inward…

Letting him know it was ok with me, and hoping to make him braver and more adventurous.

She sighed loudly and shifted her legs so that they parted slightly. The dim light of the candles still keeping her most intimate parts in shifting shadows…

And I almost cursed aloud at the unwanted darkness, intruding on my fantasy. I wanted to show him just how beautiful and how fuckable she was.

My own hands stopped massaging her and began to grab and pull at my hard cock through my jeans…

Watching Greg as he grew hungry, his hands running down to the back of her knees then sliding up again slowly. Each time he did this, his fingers would get closer and closer, then finally he did what I had been waiting for…

His exploring fingers suddenly delved into that shadow, the darkness in which her pussy waited. On finally achieving this he let out a deep moan as he made contact….

At the same time she also moaned long and deep, and I cursed the candle light for hiding what his fingers were now doing. I didn’t want to miss anything.

Then, knowing it had gone far enough now that I could take a big chance…

I grabbed her shoulder and quickly rolled her onto her side, her back towards me and facing Greg, her bra still covering her ample titts…

She made no attempt to stop me as I slipped the bra strap down her arm, in the process revealing her creamy white titts, crowned with those plum coloured nipples…

It felt so surreal as I moved back away from her, watching as his eyes devoured and drank in the sight of her.

I heard his intake of breath long and deep, groaning as he stared so intently.

Anna said nothing, only continued to moan. Her eyes remained closed, but her hand came up and grabbed my arm, squeezing tightly…

And as Greg pushed her on to her back, She turned her head to face me.

“are you sure you can handle something like this babe” her voice whispered at me. Her jaw shuddering under the Powerful effects of the ecstasy.

I almost couldn’t contain myself.

“Yes I can baby, I begged, then moved to kiss her deeply.

“i want this to happen…. I want to see Greg fuck you ” I growled lustily into her mouth…

And was met with her lips growing suddenly more demanding.

At first I thought it was my kiss that caused her sudden hunger…

My kiss that drew forth a moan, spilling into my mouth, causing my cock to twitch and swell.

Then another long moan sounded over her own, and I looked down to see Anna’s legs now spread wide, with Greg now kneeling between them, his hands on either side of her pussy.

With her on her back and legs parted wide, I could now see it all.

His hands pushed against her thighs, holding them open. His thumbs now pulled open her pussy lips, exposing her fully.

Her pussy shone wetly, and her hips rose and moved striving to make his fingers slip between her folds, opening herself up fully to his gaze and his thumbs, her whimpering sounding more like a plea.

I couldn’t believe my greatest fantasy was happening, and that I sat witness to my best friend now enjoying my girlfriend’s naked writhing body as she waited desperately for him to touch her.

His facial expression was not of the shy man who only moments ago looked on in awe…

Now his face was filled with determination, a look of intent which seemed almost angry in the flickering light of the candle.

The sight of her so brazenly revealed..

. Just drove me over the edge.

I moved around so I sat behind her head. My hand slipped down over shoulder, then down to cup both her titts. My fingers began to pull and pinch her hard nipples, before moving down to take her arms and lift them up over her head.

Keeping a firm hold of her wrist

My teeth clenched hard with desire as Greg now moved his thumbs between her velvety folds, making her cry out.

She tried to pull her hands away from my grip, but I held them fast, mesmerised by her breasts and how they moved and shook with her erratic movements.

Greg’s fingers worked her pussy, sliding along her slit slowly up to her clit, teasing it with tiny circular movements…

Coaxing it until it swelled and extended, slipping out of its hood.

I licked my lips at the sight of her pussy being examined by friend. I had never seen her clit so swollen…

It was like a small penis. It quivered slightly as he flicked it softly.

“oh god you are so beautiful Anna” Greg whispered to her.

“your girlfriend is so fucking gorgeous jeff… And her pussy is so fucking wet” his voice now adding to the experience, making the whole scenario more real.

Greg was right…

he looked fucking amazing.

Her hard nipples stood firm as I leaned forward, closing my mouth over each one, circling with my tongue, biting…

Then quickly looked up when Greg spoke.

“i just have to taste you Anna ” he said,..

And I became still, witnessing as greg now slid his hands up to her knees, spreading them wide and up until her knees were nearly resting against her shoulders.

“No…Greg… Stop please” Anna pleaded. But her protests were ignored…

And as his head lowered, his hot breath on her pussy was met with her hips rising to meet his Waiting mouth.

“oh Greg… Oh my god Greg” were her next words as his tongue flicked at her clit.

“oh Greg,… Please stop! Oh my god that feels too fucking good.

Greg’s tongue explored every inch, slowly and deliberately…

But with a hunger that threatened to consume him.

I still held her arms locked with one hand while the other undid my zipper, releasing my painfully hard cock. I stroked myself slowly, noting also that if she wanted to free her hands then she easily could have…

But she didn’t.

I had never felt so restrained In my jeans. so my free hand Tore desperately at my button and zipper, then in record time I had them off and thrown into the distance.

Greg Then did the same, his mouth never leaving her pussy.

“oh Greg… baby… I’m going to cum” squeeled Anna, her hips now thrusting at his mouth.

I will admit I felt a small measure of jealousy at her calling him baby, but was short-lived as he quickly stopped and withdrew so only his hot heavy breath now danced teasingly over her swollen wet pussy.

“pleeeeaaaaassse… Don’t stop, oh I want your fucking mouth mother fucker! ” she yelled.

In all our years together I had never heard her so desperate, so worked up…

And I had never seen her squirt pussy juice like she was now. It shot out…

The first jet sprayed his lips and cheek,…

The second shot into his Waiting mouth.

I had never actually seen this in reality, only saw something like that in porn films…

I was shocked!

“pleeeeaaaaassse Greg… I want… I need to cum now “

His answer came quickly as he slapped her tit hard so that it almost cracked like a whip.

She yelled out, rocking her head from side to side, groaning deeply.

Greg slapped her tit again, watching as they shook, then rolled her nipple hard between thumb and forefinger and she screamed out…

“”pleeeeaaaaassse… Baby please, let me cum” her words were desperate and shaky, her jaw shuddering as she again shot another stream of pussy juice into Greg’s waiting mouth.

I noticed her jaw shuddering and I knew she was losing control…

But so was Greg, making these growling noises as he stood quickly, he couldn’t get out of his jeans fast enough.

My wife was born to be eye candy and spent her life playing the game…

Always in control!

Greg had been one of her favourite victims when it came to flirting and teasing and Greg had at times, been tortured by her on many occasions…

But this night was different and now this woman who was pure sex on legs, was now lying naked and extremely horny, her expression was one of sheer lust as she glared almost angrily back at him as he stood naked, his eyes taking her in.

Now I’m not gay and have never even entertained any idea of the sort…

But greg had the biggest Dick I had ever seen. It wasn’t just big, it was a fucking monster…

I think both myself and Anna noticed it at the same time as she suddenly went silent…

Both of us just staring at it. It must have easily been over 12 inches, but it was incredibly round…

Incredibly thick…

And incredibly angry.

It stood straight out, the head was even thicker than the shaft. At that frozen moment it was the elephant in the room.

My jaw was hanging open and my own cock…

Which in itself was quite large…

Twitched and grew even harder at the thought of my girlfriend being fucked by this mammoth.

The look he gave her was somewhere between a smirk and a confident smile.

I stood, moving back to sit on the couch. Knowing I was about to see something rare and unforgettable.

The look on Anna’s face was shock first, then followed by fascination.

She looked like she was about to protest….

Then her eyes closed and her jaw shuddered. Her now free hands moved to her pussy, as if completely she had completely forgotten about us both.

Her hips undulated, rising to thrust at empty air and her lips parted, moistening her lips with her tongue…

Moaning hungrily, she now began masturbating. One hand flicked at her clit, and the other slipped two fingers inside her soaked sex.

She looked like a wet dream come to life.

She closed her legs, closing of our view.

I looked back up at Greg again, his face was now strangely contorted, an almost cruel expression now on his face as he Dropped onto his knees, grabbing her ankles and roughly spread her legs. He edged back between them, one hand moved up, grabbing her jaw so that she stopped moving her head.
Greg pulled her mouth open, his fingers then slipped into her warm wet mouth… Her lips closed on them, cheeks drawing in as she sucked, her tongue swirling and licking.

He pulled them back out again, his eyes feverish, lost in the moment, knowing and revelling in the power he now possessed.

He began climbing over her body, his cock swaying like a predator, stopping when it reached her breasts.

He knelt there, reached behind to where her hands still played with herself. He pushed them away, denying her attempt to get release, and cupping her mound, he slipped three fingers into her pussy.

Anna moaned and thrust her hips hard at his fingers

“I heard her say…

“no please Greg, we have to stop ” but if she had meant it, then she had failed. Her plea was more a very sexy beg that only fuelled our rising lust.

She looked absolutely perfect. I locked my lips as my own jaw shuddered, and the whole world shrank to one goal in life…

I craved to see her become completely vulnerable to his lust.

I wanted to see what he would do to her.

He fingered her hard, slipping his fourth finger inside her. He then spat at the valley between her breasts, withdrew his now soaked fingers, and stroked himself, coating his cock in her pussy juice.

Her hands tried in vain to return to her sex, but he had successfully pinned them under his legs.

By now I was lying the length of the couch, unable to look away as he grabbed both titts and lowered his cock between them, where he pushed them together over his hard cock and began fucking her titts, occasionally stopping to spit on his cock for lubrication.

after several minutes he stopped, He lowered his head down so that his face was only a few inches from hers.

“hey Anna,” he said, his hips still moving so that his massive cock still rubbed against her skin

Her eyes opened, her eyelids heavy as she tried to focus.

“Greg… Baby ” she responded and smiled wickedly.

All those looks of perversion that he threw at her over the last couple years he had known her, now flashed unbidden through my mind…

How he had only ever caught Hints of her nakedness with his ever watchful wandering eyes…

I stroked my cock, Knowing he wanted her so bad…

And here she was, completely at his mercy

I was in heaven.

One of her hands came free, unexpectedly coming between them, she pushed against her chest…

But he slapped her hand away with impatience, continuing to stare at her like she was a meal.

“oh my fucking god your fucking beautiful ” he panted, a dangerous tone in his voice.

Her shapely perfect lips were parted as she breathed heavily in response .

“oh Greg , we can’t do this ” her voice whimpered…

And she had never looked more beautiful.

I heard my own voice begging…

“Please don’t stop” and I realise I’m not just talking to Anna…

“I want this more than anything, I need this ” i implore to both of them, the sound of desperation heavy in my words.

“Please don’t stop ” i am not even embarrassed as I slip from the lounge and fall to my knees.

“i swear I won’t ever think little of either of you. ” i fall silent, ironically praying to god.

My hands return to my cock, still drawn to her nakedness, and Greg kneeling over her with his big cock now larger than life, hovering over her titts.

I became aware that they were both looking in my direction, both lying still and listening to my desperate plea’s.

And the fever in my soul was hot and out of control.

inhibitions had no place in that lounge room that night…

There was the devil in my voice as I looked straight at Greg..

“Greg… She wants you to fuck her stupid…

For this one night she wants you to treat her like a whore and do whatever the fuck you want to do to her” I swallowed hard, throwing in all i had, not caring how I might look. His eyes returned back to the slender naked form that still writhed under him…

And her eyes blazed back at him, looking up at his face as he knelt over her chest, then finally back to the huge cock, now only inches from her face.

Time stood still for me, wondering what would happen next.

I knew this was my only chance to make this Fantasy come true…

I had to try, even at the risk of looking like a perverted fool.

I decided to keep pushing.

“she loves being dominated and the rougher the better. ” i said

“Please Greg, fuck my woman” i begged again.

He didn’t even look at me, instead he continued to study Anna, groaning quietly as there eyes connected.

“jeff”l ” he breathed, visibly trying to gain control of his voice.

“she has had four pills” he continued

“it would be taking advantage of her.

“you know she probably won’t even remember much of this right?”

I saw Anna’s eyes suddenly narrow, her look grew sharp as she said…

“Greg” she barked, anger now brimming to the surface.

“Who said your going to get any further anyway…

You really presume you could dominate me…

You and your little weener. “

She laughed then, and it was cruel…

But there eyes remained locked.

“don’t tempt me Anna, you’re the one lying on her back. “

She laughed again, mocking him.

She began to rise, but was pushed down onto her back.

She glared back up at him, dangerously.

“what are you going to do now Greg?, you going to fuck me now hey?” Gregs sexual frustration finally beamed and he spoke to me directly.

“jeff” his voice was stern

“do I have your permission to satisfy my craving, no matter what I do? ” he kept his eyes locked to hers, fuelled on by the mocking expression that still silently laughed at him.

The tension in the air was thick.

“Greg I want you to own her and teach her a lesson she will never forget. “

“He licked dry lips then said “I’m gonna destroy her jeff, lm gonna own her ass”

All she could do was lie there, still pinned to the mattress, but she did laugh again.

Her body still writhed against the places on her body that held contact with his. Whether it was drug induced, or real lust…

Her movements were plainly obvious…

Her body wanted to fuck!

Greg grabbed her breast roughly,…
His body too was trembling with pent up lust.

“oh Greg, my hero, please don’t hurt me” she mocked again. This was followed by a tone of voice that sent a thrill coursing through my body…

Even Greg suddenly reeled…

“come on lover, let’s see how long you last with a real woman…

I believe your all bark and no bite. I reckon someone like you wouldn’t even know what to do with it. ” her words were an obvious challenge as she lowered her hand to his still erect man meat. She smiled then, her look one of pure lust…

That look would make a priest curse his vows…

Her fingers stroked him, and he immediately drew a sharp intake of breath at the unexpected contact.

It made him groan…

It sent him over the edge.

“Please Greg… Please fuck my pussy with your beautiful big cock”me” she teased, her voice like honey.

He spread his knees wider, pushing his cock into her hand. He half growled, half groaned, his body reacting strongly to her touch.

I hardly breathed as Gregs body trembled under her ministrations.

I stared in un-masked fascination…

Her hand looked so small as it stroked the length of him, still smiling that wanton smile.

It was huge…

I couldn’t take my eyes off this monster that seemed tamed by her tiny hand . It looked like it was large enough to split her in two.

Now let me get this straight… I am not gay, nor have I ever even come close to experimenting…

I. May have already mentioned this point, but I have to make sure you understand…

But I just had this urge to touch it…

To feel this cock that was going to do god knows what to my girlfriend.

He looked at her with eyes of fire…

Grabbing her chin firmly, she didn’t even have time to stop him, before his lips came down haRd on hers. It wasn’t sensual, nor was it in any way loving…

It was brutal and designed to place him back into a position of power. His hand grabbed a fistful of her hair, holding her still as his tongue delved between her lips.

. I moved back onto the couch, struck dumb by this bold move. I had mixed feelings right now…

Sex was one thing, but kissing was a bit personal…

I felt the cold cruel kiss of jealously, making my heart flutter wildly. Mixed. Within its grasp was another feeling I didn’t understand..

I could only describe it as a painful rush, a surge of hurt that rode on the ebb and tide of desire.

As I watched, both hurt and fascinated by the sudden turn of events,

As I watched a chill of fear ran down my neck, she was kissing him back, meeting his hunger with her own. Her hand remained on his huge member, the other reaching up and around his neck. Pulling him harder into her lips,

She kissed him back just as hard, her tongue pushed back and forth, dancing and teasing with his. Both voiced their passion through grunts and groans. It was animalistic and primal. When he would begin to pull away, she would chase, her lips drawing him back down, his tongue once again savagely crushing her lips, her hand on his cock, leading him to where she desired.

Without warning he pulled back away from the kiss, leaving them both out of breath and panting like animals…

His hips drew back too, his cock now finding its way free of her grasp.

Much to my dismay they stared at each other for a long minute. Each calculating the other.

“you bitch” Greg croaked, his voice hoarse with prolonged passion.

“oh Greg, is that all you have to offer ” she purred back.

Her expression returning to one of mockery.

He bowed his head, still breathing heavy, pulling himself together. When he raised his head again his expression was pure determination.

He smiled back at her.

“jeff, do I have your permission to make her scream” he said, and waited for the reply.

It didn’t take long.

I was angry at her. To me kissing was sacred. I hurt inside, though the desire to see her fucked and punished was even stronger.

“Greg, I want you to more than make her scream…

I want her punished and treated like a whore. You have my permission to do whatever you want, and I won’t step in…

Hurt her Greg… Tonight she belongs to you”

Anna laughed at my words, then said to Greg…

“what are you waiting for. Big boy”
She teased again, brimming with confidence.

“I’m so sorry Anna ” he whispered over and over. now climbing back up her body. His body shaking and the look on his face far away. As he came within reach of her, he slapped her hand away hard…

Then continued up and over until his cock now angry and red was now only inches from her face. This time though he gripped her hair in both hands. So winced at the sudden aggression but refused to break her smile.

He pushed his hips forward until his cock now bobbed and made contact with her lips.

Her tongue flicked out, with the obvious intent of making him come quickly, but it only added to the surge of lust now sending him out of control.

He climbing over her, until his hips moved awkwardly over her head

I still stared openly at his ridiculously Huge monster cock as it swayed almost dangerously,

Visions of a python about to devour it’s prey drifted through my head. He only came to a halt when both knees were placed each side of her face.

Anna watched in mesmerised, her eyes held locked on this monster cock, hypnotically swaying as it drew near.

Her eyes watched in fascination, not the horror I would have felt. She seemed more entertained, her eyes betrayed her…

It was quite evident that she believed he didn’t have the guts to go through with it…

I prayed that he did.

My mind began imagining scenarios of his cock tearing her open as he sought to invade her.

But she continued to only show amusement, but looking at Greg’s expression, I wasn’t so sure.

She licked her lips, Looking up at Greg…

Catching his fevered gaze…

“you want to put it in my mouth don’t you baby”

I grew angry at the use of that word, which she should only ever call me. I couldn’t help it, i had to say something…

“Get her greg, she is yours and I want you to punish her” I angrily retorted.

I leaned back on the couch, my hand again stroking my cock. I had a feeling I was about to see something special. I stared unblinking as my wildest fantasy began to unfold before my eyes.

“fuck her hard man ” I barked as I stroked myself.

“make her scream Greg “

He didn’t answer, he just kept. Whispering to her over and over…

“I’m sorry Anna” as he lowered his cock onto her face, moving his hips so that it bounced on her nose and cheeks. She flicked out her tongue again…

Greg let her licked it, then while her mouth was open…

He slid the head into her mouth, his hands gripping her hair, forcing her head flat.

She had made the mistake of allowing him into his mouth with the intention of making him cum quick. But her eyes suddenly widened as her lips stretched to accommodate his girth.

She had expected him to be more gentle, but as he continued to slide between her lips, filling her mouth, her expression changed, now concentrating on taking him.

I almost came at the sight of this monster now invading that mouth, those beautiful lips stretching, the sound of her moaning as he held her fast by the hair.

Her head looked so small compared to the cock now forcing its way inside her hot little mouth…

His hips moving over her head as he began to fuck her mouth slowly. Each thrust gaining depth. Her hands came up and began pushing his chest, seeking to push him out, but her strength was near incomparable compared to his,.

He smiled finally, his own eyes locked onto those perfect lips that only minutes before mocked him.

I was in pure heaven. So many nights I imagined this, never truly believing he would get to see it for real. I moaned unashamedly, still angry for making it personal.

“oh fuck yeah Greg, fucking make sure it goes down her throat.

I no longer cared about angering her…

Hell, if he failed to do it, then I would. I moaned with each thrust he delivered, enchanted with those beautiful blue eyes that now stared at him…

And he responded by smiling, drawn in to the bright blue glare of disbelief, loving the warm wet feel of her mouth.

This time when he withdrew, his cock stopped right on the verge of slipping from her luscious lipstick painted lips…

“you love my cock in your mouth don’t you Anna”? He now teased

I waited for him to thrust back inside her…

But he held his position, waiting for her response.

He suddenly pulled out with an audible plop. I waited for her
To get angry and start abusing him, but she only stared at him, those big blue eyes still mocking him.

He smiled, his hands still gripped her by the hair. He surprised me then by releasing one of his hands from her hair. He then traced her lips slowly with his finger, his expression softening under the gentle caress. Her lips parted, and he slipped two fingers within.

I too was mesmerised by the slow gentle move….

I was then shocked to see her tongue swirling around his fingers.
“You want my cock back in your pretty little mouth, don’t you?”

He pushed his fingers further into her mouth, all the way in to his knuckles…

And held them so that she began to retch…

And as he pulled them out her tongue still followed, licking his fingers, her mouth remaining open, inviting him to return them..

“tell me you want my cock in your mouth ” he said calmly…

She said nothing, only continued to lick his fingers.

He slipped them back in, his fingers Pulling downward, opening her mouth as he withdrew his hips so that the head of his cock now rested on her lips.

Her tongue flicked out and licked him. Finding a growing bead of cum on the tip of his cock…

She lapped it up, smiling coyly.

He pushed forward and I watched as he entered her again slowly, obviously savouring what he had always wanted to do.

Her lips, Stretched to accommodate him, until the was once again in her mouth.

I had always wanted to see this, I was in heaven. It was really fucking sexy and I wished I could have been filming it.

“I’m so sorry” he said again…Then suddenly he thrust hard, pushing himself into her, still it was only half way in but her eyes flew open at the harsh movement.

“oh fuck yeah ” he yelled as he began to roughly fuck her mouth.

His hands gripped her hair, holding her still as he literally fucked her mouth. His hips thrust wildly, then stopped still as he held his cock in as deep as he could get it.

He would literally ram his hips hard, each time he did this brutal act, he would take longer to pull out…

Ensuring that for a few seconds her eyes would bulge and her face would go red, then he would pull back, leaving her retching and gasping for air.

The whole scenario that played so dramatically before my eager eyes felt dreamy and surreal. You may think me cruel and a really bad partner…

And maybe you would be right!

But you will have to wait for part 2 to really judge me.