No Longer Home Alone With Alyssa, part 2

It’s the beginning of spring break and as many college students do every year Brad and Alyssa are taking a couple weeks off from classes at Uof F in Gainsville. But now that Alyssa is one month pregnant they’ve decided to avoid the party hardy atmosphere of Daytona beach and visit their parents, Jack and Grace and little sister Amy at their beach house in Clearwater. And topping things off during their break, Alyssa will be celebrating her nineteenth birthday during their stay.

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams- Dr. Seuss

Chapter 4

It’s a beautiful evening out on the beach as young lovers Brad and Alyssa stroll hand in hand down the shoreline, letting gulf of Mexico sea water wash over their bare feet. They’re both completely quiet as they walk taking in an eye catching scene of a colorful sunset as it sinks beyond the horizon under a sky bathed in shades of pink, orange, red and blue. Alyssa comes to a stop looking out over the blue gulf waters taking it all in.

“I love Florida sunsets,” she says in awe. “And this one has to be one of the best I’ve seen.”

Brad being taller stands behind her folding his arms around her body, letting both hands cradle her small one month old baby bump tummy which is growing larger as days go by. She’s gaining a little weight as well and her ass seems to be taking on a nice shapely girth. He loves how her now more pronounced butt cheeks feel so soft and warm clutching his cock like a home base catchers mitt. He’s trying to fight its stimulation but as always there’s no stopping what seems to happen every time he does this, his cock is growing stiffer by the second. Alyssa feels it pressing in between her cheeks, she reaches back touching him.

“Hey!” she says giggling. “You really do like my new big ass, don’t you baby!” He looks up an down the beach, seeing no one nearby he starts slowly grinding his bathing suit covered erection in between the folds of her backside.

“Yes,” he exclaims whispering. “I do like your ass, it makes me wanna take you back behind those sand mounds over there and do you like you need to be done, sexy girl.”

She breaks out laughing. “Well then big boy! Take me over there, throw me down on that blanket you’re carrying and do me the way I need to be done.”

With that said they both run hand in hand towards a group of four and five foot high beach grass covered sand mounds. Arriving behind the mounds, Alyssa looks down the beach making sure the coast is clear, while Brad flakes their blue and orange Florida Gators beach blanket out over the sand. Once it’s in place, he falls back landing over its large green Gator head mascot symbol pushing his swim shorts down as he lays back leaving his gray t-shirt on. Seeing the coast is clear, Alyssa slips out of a shear white beach dress then lies down beside her lover while shimmying out of a pair of pink bikini bottoms leaving a matching top covering her breast.

“Hey!” she jokes looking into his eyes. “You didn’t throw me down like I asked you to?”

She giggles as he rolls over her body, pinning her to the ground, fingering her as he replies.

“Well! I was going to throw you down then rip your bottoms off and fuck you hard, but as we both know you’re kinda pregnant so I controlled my urges. But! Now that I’ve got you right where I want you, I’m going to get you all nice and wet before I start fucking you. How’s that sound to you.”

She tries to speak but his rough fingering feels so good, only moans of pleasure escape her lips. Brad kisses his way down, starting at her mouth then down her neck leading to her chest. He takes his time licking and sucking her erect nipples. She has been dying for his special attention all day but earlier on in the day their young sister Amy had been out on the beach with them, it seemed every time they began kissing and cuddling little sis would interrupt their lovers play time, saying things like.

“Hey stop messing around, you’re my brother an sister I don’t think you should be doing that.”

So although they do love Amy, and they did get a kick out of her reaction to their adult play, her childish need for their attention put a damper on their youthful adult passion to say the least. Alyssa’s mother, Grace kept reminding them both with her southern bell Georgia girl wisdom that Amy is only being an example of what they will experience once their child is born.

But now once Brad leans his body over Alyssa’s in a sixty nine position, with his head between her legs and his stiff cock tangling over her mouth needing to be sucked, these memories fade as she takes her lovers cock between her lips in order to return the pleasurable favor he’s giving her with his mouth fingers and tongue. The taste of her stepbrothers salty precum mixed with his oral stimulation of her pussy turns her on, sending little tingles of ecstasy rushing from her cunt to her brain. She begins moaning with his cock in her mouth rocking her hips, letting him know he’s giving her exactly what she needs. And she’s giving him what he needs as well, sucking his cock the way he likes it to be done. He stops for second telling her.

“Lets roll over on our sides, we can suck each other better that way.”

Now lying on their sides she’s able to shove more of his cock inside her mouth, and he’s able to work his tongue and finger magic on her very sensitive pussy and clit. He keeps eating her pussy, while she slides her lips up and down his stiff shaft caressing his thick nuts with her soft warm fingers. Muffled moans of pleasure escape their busy mouths. She begins passionately rocking her hips enjoying his oral attention and he begins thrusting his cock between her lips fucking her mouth ejaculating small amounts of salty cum as he slowly fucks her mouth, she drinks every drop down as he drinks her cum as well. She stops sucking him to beg.

“Please fuck me now…I need you inside me!”

“Okay baby I’ll fuck you,” he replies. “Get on your hands and knees!”

Hearing his request she quickly moves around kneeling for him. Brad kneels behind her but feels a little vulnerable now that his head and shoulders are in plain view of passers by. He looks over the beach spotting an elderly couple walking the shoreline then quickly drops back down on the blanket.

“On second thought,” he retorts under his breath. “Lay down on your side with your ass to me.”

She giggles doing as he says. “Okay! Now fuck me big boy!” Hearing her playful order, he grabs her upper hip then shoves his cock in between the wet folds of her sex. “Mmm Yes! Now that is just what I need!” she gasps feeling his hard warm shaft slipping in deep.

Now lying on their side together, he begins thrusting deep inside her pussy. This position always makes Alyssa’s pussy so much tighter. The once warm daylight breeze is now blowing just slightly cooler than before but sweat is rolling down their half nude bodies, they’re both panting out little pleasurable moans. The breeze caresses their skin as Brad’s cock plunges deep then back then deep again.

Tingles of warm pleasure rush over Alyssa’s body, he feels her tremble and smiles knowing he’s loving her in the right way. He adds to her pleasure kissing her neck just below the earlobe, she moans her body trembles against his. He keeps shoving his erection deep inside her body, little tremors of pleasure rush from the head of his cock up his spine. Alyssa feels his cock throbbing, it adds to her pleasure. His hips slap against her ass cheeks as he begins fucking her harder, more tremors of pleasure rush over her body, this time more intense then before.

Brad feels an orgasm building deep within his groin but keeps thrusting his strong hips, wanting this passionate moment to last forever. Alyssa feels his heart beating against her back, she hears him panting and feels his cock throbbing against her vaginal walls. She cums, and although she’s trying to be quiet screams out. “Fuck Me!” in a loud voice as her orgasm rushes throughout her body. He begins ramming inside her even harder than before, in doing so he cums hard. He shoves in deep holding his body steady, letting his throbbing cock flood his step sibling lovers velvet walls with warm seed.

After lying together tangled up in each others arms and out of breath for a few moments, Brad rolls over on his back. Alyssa rolls over on her side. “Wow!” she gasps. “Sneaking back behind these sand hills to make love, is always so nice. Ha!” she giggles. “We had fun with Amy today, but it’s kinda nice to get away from the little brat. Although I did get a big kick out of her reaction of seeing us kissing, when she wanted your help in building her sandcastle out on the beach today.”

“She just can’t wrap her head around the fact, we’re lovers and step siblings too.” said Brad

“Well Yeah Brad, she’s only five she doesn’t understand we’re not related,” Alyssa peers into his eyes. “She’s stubborn just like you are and she looks just like you too. Earlier today I was comparing her looks to your dad’s, and I’ve come to a conclusion, she looks more like you then Jack.”

“Oh come on Alyssa!” Brad scoffs. “She only looks like me, because she’s young. My father’s getting older so of course she doesn’t look like him. Maybe next time you compare us, you should add graying hair and wrinkles to Amy’s appearance then you’ll see she’s his daughter, not mine.”

“Oh now calm down Brad. I was only saying she looks like you and maybe has some of your personality. Like being stubborn, which you are by the way. I know she’s not yours.”

Unsettled by her remarks, Brad places a hand over her tummy quickly changing the subject.

“It’s getting late. I think a young expectant mother like you should get more rest then you’ve been getting lately so lets head back to the house, and when we get there I’m pouring a shot or two of that whiskey I bought at the liquor store yesterday. I’d let you have a shot, but the doc said you shouldn’t drink. And beside that, you’re just too damn young to drink anyway.”

Brad stands up offering a hand to help her stand as well, but as they stand they find the elderly couple he spotted earlier walking the shoreline a while before, now standing about ten feet away looking right at them. And all too suddenly they both realize they’re still nude from the waist down. Without saying a word Alyssa dives out of sight back to the safety of their blanket wanting to slip back into her bikini bottoms, hoping they hadn’t seen too much. Unlike her Brad remains standing, their conversation about Amy being so much like him has him a little flustered, he’s numbed by their appearance. The old man speaks in a friendly tone, his voice showing a possible Wisconsin accent.

“Well howdy there young man, it sure is a beautiful night for a roll in the sand with your girl.”

Brad finally covers his now limp cock. “Oh yes sir,” he replies. “It is a beautiful night indeed. Ha! Yes,” he adds smiling nervously. “Just having a nice little roll in the sand with my girl.”

Alyssa’s hand appears holding his swim trunks. “Here! Put these on you fool,” she says giggling. He slips back into his trunks then offers her a hand helping her stand, on standing she’s taken a little off guard finding the old couple still there. “Excuse me,” she says bemused. “But are you two walking around out here spying on people like some sorta pervs or something.”

“Oh no hun,” the woman replies apologetic. “It’s nothing like that. We were just walking by and heard noises like someone having sex back behind the grass where you kids came popp’n out of. So we or at least I thought you were getten raped or somethen, we stopped to see if you needed help that’s all.”

Her husband cuts in, there’s a chuckle in his voice. “Well Liz, from what I can see here no one was getten raped after all. As a mater of fact, this pretty young lady and her boyfriend here seem just fine,” he nudges his wife with an elbow. “Hey maybe we should try getten it on out here, it’s a great night for fucken out under the stars. What do’ya say to that my dear?”

His wife takes his hand before pulling him away. “Oh! Hell no Al. Last time we did that I wound up getten sand in my cooch. Now come on you old fool, lets leave these kids alone.”

Once the intruders are out of ear shot, Alyssa scolds Brad. “Why in the hell did you just stand there with your dick hanging out, without at least telling the old pervs to get the hell outta here?”

He shrugs his shoulders. “I guess maybe I didn’t see them as a threat, they just seemed like a nice old couple out for a stroll, then they got a cheap thrill standing there listening to us making love,” he chuckles before adding. “I bet they’ll go home and do some fucken, as the old guy calls it. You know what Alyssa I hope we’re that spry when we get to be their age. Now lets go home, I need a drink.”

Chapter 5

Back at the beach house, Brad and Alyssa’s parents, Jack and Grace are enjoying some alone time of their own in the privacy of their bedroom. Before going to bed, their youngest daughter Amy fell asleep on the couch beside them as she watched one of her favorite Disney movies. Now after tucking her into bed in her own room just a few feet away down the hall from their bedroom, the family elders hope she’ll stay asleep as they make love. Now Grace has her long legs wrapped around her husbands backside, while he is slowly thrusting his cock deep inside her sex while kissing her soft full lips.

“Oh Yes!” Grace gasps breaking from the kiss. “Your cock is just what I need.”

Jack smiles hearing her sweet slight southern accent exclaiming approval of what he’s doing and begins fucking her a little harder. Grace moans out her pleasure and loosens her legs a little, feeling his long stiff cock stroking its girth against her velvet walls. Jack begins fucking harder, sounds of his hips spanking her inner thighs echo throughout the room. Jack wraps his fingers into his wife’s thick chestnut brown hair as he fucks her harder and harder.

She spreads her legs wider for him, moaning. “Yes…Fuck me harder!”

He starts talking dirty. “You like getting fucked hard, don’t you, you hot little slut.”

“Yes!” she exhales. “I’m your slut….I just love it when you talk dirty baby.”

And truth be known, she is a slut. After all she did have sex with his son, but just once of course. Just because she needed to scratch a curious itch, wanting to see if what her daughter said was true about the boys sexual skills. And now as Jack plunges his hard cock inside her, she smiles thinking back to the night in that hotel room she rented a few years ago, knowing both father and son do have the same skills. She keeps a fantasy hidden deep within the back of her mind of sharing father and son in the same bed, and maybe if Alyssa is up to it, she can share Jack as well with her daughter. After all it was only a few years ago when she caught Jack screwing her very willing daughter, she forgave him and he forgave her for what she did with Brad. Now their love for each other is even stronger than before.

Now as Jack makes love to her in the present these fond but unusual memories send warm tingles of pleasure rushing throughout her forty-five year old body. And strangely enough, as Jack makes love to her a vision of his stepdaughter, Alyssa appears in his thoughts. It’s the scent of Grace’s hair, both she and her daughter use the same floral scented shampoo. He tries blocking the vision of his very nude chestnut haired green eyed stepdaughter from his mind, but he cant. This vision has been taking place since that one little fling he had with her, Alyssa is on her hands and knees in the vision as he takes her from behind. This sensual vision, one he never tells her mother about now sends warm sensations of pleasure, starting somewhere deep within his forty-seven year old groin.

Grace moans out her pleasure bringing him back to reality and the vision fades, he feels her body tremble beneath him. Her vaginal walls flex and tighten around his cock sending warm sensations of pleasure rushing up his stiff shaft. He’s enjoying this moment alone with his pretty wife, he wants their passion to last forever he fights off feelings of the orgasm churning deep within his groin. Grace is enjoying his sexual attention as well, loving the way her tall dark haired husbands cock feels as its thick girth strokes the inner walls of her sex, sending warm electric shocks of pleasure throughout her body every time he shoves deep inside then pulls back. She cums whispering out. “Oh fuck yes!”

He feels her body trembling, her juices drench his shaft. Feeling this he cant hold back much longer but keeps going, now speeding his pace driving his hard shaft harder and harder inside the walls of her sopping wet pussy. He feels his own final orgasm, starting in small tingles deep within his body then suddenly rushing out from his groin and up his spine. He’s almost paralyzed by this sudden rush of pleasure but he keeps thrusting, grunting and panting out of breath as he floods the walls of her sex with warm seed. Now both completely pleased and exhausted, they lie entangled not wanting this wonderful moment to end.

Before taking time off from his engineering job at the shipyard for spring break, Jack had been experiencing difficulties in the bedroom. Nothing too unusual for a man his age, at least that’s what his doctor told him during his last checkup. But good ole doc prescribed some of those expensive little blue pills along with a prescription of a prostate medication, and now this massive orgasm has the old song I’m Back In The Saddle Again running through his satisfied mind as he kisses his wife’s soft warm lips. But the afterglow moment comes to a sudden stop when they hear their youngest daughter Amy’s little voice. “Mommy, Daddy. Can I sleep in your bed tonight?”

Completely startled by his daughters sudden interruption, Jack quickly rolls away from Grace’s warm embrace. Lucky for them they had been making love under the blankets in the darkness of their bedroom, hopefully Amy didn’t see what they had been doing. Grace sits up still wearing the shear blue nightie she slipped into before bed, at least her top half is covered.

“What’s wrong sweetie,” she replies. “Why can’t you sleep in your own bed tonight?”

Amy walks closer to the bed wiping tears from her eyes. “I had a bad dream,” she pouts, before quickly climbing into their bed slipping over her mother then plopping her three and a half foot tall Barbie pajama clad body in between her parents.

“Hey Now!” Jack protest. “I never heard mommy say anything about you getting into bed with us.”

She peers into his eyes. “Please daddy! Let me sleep here tonight.”

Her little pleading voice melts his heart, as it often does. A beam of light shining in from the open bedroom door shows her dark brown eyes. Noticing fear of her bad dream he gives in.

“Okay….You can sleep with us tonight.”

She throws her arms around his neck

“Thank you daddy! I know you’ll protect me from that bad man I saw in my dream.”

He laughs covering the fact, he now feels like a complete pushover.

“Little girl,” he replies. “You’ve got me wrapped around your little finger, and that’s why I love you so much. Now tell me and mommy about this bad man you saw.”

Her little voice trembles as she speaks of a very strange dream.

“He was a mean looking man and he was chasing me, Alyssa and her friend Kayla too. I think I heard Kayla say, it’s mister Jones lets get outa here. She was really scared of him, and Alyssa was too. We ran away but we couldn’t run very fast so we hid from him. And that’s when the dream ended, and I’m so glad it did because it was really scary daddy. I tried going back to sleep, but I just couldn’t do it. But I knew you’d protect me, that’s why I came to you and mommy’s room.”

Grace cuts in as her daughters dreams sends a chill down her spine.

“Amy baby, did Alyssa or Brad tell you a scary story when you were out on the beach with them today? If I find out they’ve been telling you scary stories, I’m going to kick both of their ass’s.”

Amy looks into her eyes, shaking her head. “No mommy, they didn’t tell me anything. It was just a dream that’s all. I have lots of dreams, but mostly nice dreams. This one wasn’t nice, it was scary.”

“Well okay then princes,” said Jack, now trying to ease her fear. “It was just a bad dream as you said it was. Now climb under the covers and go to sleep, you’ll be safe right here with us.”

Now feeling safe and sound in her parents bed, Amy quickly scurries around lifting the blanket then slips underneath, once she’s settled both parents give their little dark haired brown eyed girl kisses on each cheek then lie on their sides facing each other. But after a while as Grace tries to sleep the name mister Jones echos through her mind. ‘Who the hell is mister Jones?’

This thought tortures her to a point of complete worry, then something dawns on her. “No, it can’t be Jim Jones, that so called preacher who raped Kayla Morrison a few years back. He’s in prison up in Stark, and for life without parole as I remember. They should’ve strapped him into the electric chair for murdering that girl before he did those awful things to Kayla. But his Goddamned lawyer made that jury believe he was insane. Insane hell, that asshole is crazy all right, crazy like a fox. Shit I would’ve happily flipped the switch on him, if they’d let me. And I’d enjoy doing the job.”

Her little girls dream isn’t the only thing on her mind, there’s a secret she and Jack have been hiding from Brad and Alyssa. They had been discussing if they should reveal it to their oldest children earlier on as they slipped into bed. And there’s something else beside this secret they were discussing, it’s a little job they hope Brad might be willing to do for them. It was this task of his they were speaking of before passion erupted between them and they began making love.

Now finally after a while of tossing and turning, memories of making love and the calming sounds of her youngest child’s light steady breathing eases her mind. Grace falls off to sleep feeling as if Amy’s dream was just a child’s nightmare and everything will be just fine once their secret is revealed and Brad accepts his task.

Chapter 6. Happy Birthday Alyssa

It’s the weekend after the first week of the family’s spring break vacation, and topping things off it’s Saturday afternoon and they’re celebrating Alyssa’s nineteenth birthday with a barbecue dinner, birthday cake and numerous presents for the teenage birthday girl out on their vacation homes beach side patio deck. It’s early in the evening and as the sun goes down, Brad and Alyssa slow dance to one of their favorite songs along side their parents. Their grandparents, Paul and Clare Wilson, Jack’s parents are at the party and young Amy is having the time of her life being held in the arms of her grandfather as the seventy year old man does his best to keep in step with the music. Clare steps in hugging her husband and Amy, dancing along with them asking her five year old dark haired brown eyed granddaughter.

“Would you like to come home with me and grandpa tonight.”

Earlier on during the party, Grace asked her mother in law if she would take Amy home for the night being as she has plans to keep Alyssa’s party going later into the evening, and of course Clare happily agreed to take her youngest grandchild but only if the little girl wants to go.

Amy shakes her head.“No granny I wanna stay here at the beach,” she reply’s

Grandpa cuts in with a bribe. “Hey, if you come home with us we’ll take you to Disney World in the morning. Now how about that little lady. And when we get there, we’ll buy you anything you want.”

Her mouth curls into an ear to ear grin. “You’ll buy me anything I want! Okay I’ll go home with you and granny tonight, but you better not break your promise or I’ll throw a fit.”

Grandpa wraps his little finger around her small little finger. “I pinky promise,” he says. “And as you’ve told me over and over during the years, a pinky promise can never be broken.”

She agrees entwining her tiny pinky around his. “Okay, a deal is a deal,” she says before a big smile curls over her full naturally pink lips showing she’s pleased to have gotten her way.

Pleased to hear her grandchild’s agreement Clare Wilson helps Amy down from Paul’s arms.

“Come with me sweetie,” said Clare. “lets go to your room and pack a few of your things.”

A while later once Amy, Paul and Clare leave, Jack speaks up. “Okay my little girl’s gone for the night, lets step inside for some adult beverages,” he hugs Alyssa. “Sorry birthday girl, you’re a little too young for alcohol and pregnant too. I’ll make you a Shirley Temple, how’s that sound?”

“Sounds good to me,” she reply’s “And while you’re behind the bar, pour Brad a double J D on the rocks. That should loosen him up a bit, he dances better when he gets a little buzz on.”

Grace cuts in. “And speaking of dancing with Brad. I’d like a turn on the dance floor with my handsome stepson sometime tonight, that is if you don’t mind my dear sweet birthday girl.” She hugs Brad. “May I have the next dance sweetie,” she says before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

Her soft lips bring on memories of what she, he and Alyssa did so many years ago in that beach side hotel honeymoon suite. He’s a little unnerved feeling arousal building deep within his groin. Looking into her face he notes how even-though Grace is getting older, her forty-five years showing just so ever slight wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. This attractive women still has similarities to her daughter. The same chestnut brown hair; hers done up in a modern pageboy cut while Alyssa keeps hers cut just above her shoulders. And they both share the very same alluring green eyes.

The only difference between mother and daughter, Grace is slightly taller and her breast are firm D’s compared to Alyssa’s firm C’s, although now being as she is pregnant her breast have grown nicely plump in comparison to her mothers. And now the feeling of his stepmothers tits pressing against his chest as she hugs him causes his cock to grow hard. Grace feels his hardness and looks down spotting a bulge showing underneath the loose fitting black and white swim trunks he’s wearing.

She speaks with a chuckle in her voice. “Damn son, you’re hung like your daddy.”

Brad tries readjusting himself, pushing his long erection down only to see it spring back up again. Jack laughs seeing his sons nervous discomfort. “Yes my dear. As you know, he is my boy so of course there is a family resemblance between us.” He hands Alyssa her Shirley Temple along with a glass holding Brad’s J D on the rocks. “Here sweetheart, give this to Brad it looks like he needs one.” Then still standing behind the bar, he pours Grace a freshly made Margarita. “And! My sweet wife, you had one chance a few years back to sample my boys cock. And from what you told me, my boy here really does know how to use what he inherited from dear old daddy.”

Grace is sipping her drink when Jack speaks of past history, a nervous snicker causes her lime flavored Tequila soaked drink to spill down the front of her white lace beach dress. “Oh darn you Jack,” she exclaims. “You made me spill my drink.” She reminisces. “Yes darling I did sample Brad’s wares once, and yes I did enjoy him. But I know for a fact you had your own chance to sample Alyssa as well….I know this, because I caught you two in the act. And from the pleased look on your face as you took her from behind on our bed, you must’ve been enjoying her delights as I did Brad.”

Alyssa steps in fearing the situation might get out of control. “Oh now stop it mom and dad. What you’re talking about happened a long time ago, there’s no need to bring it up tonight.”

“Oh now don’t worry about us honey,” Grace reply’s. “We’re not arguing, we’re just remembering something of which we now have very fond memories of,” she smiles at Alyssa. “After all darling as I remember it was you who stoked my curiosity about Brad, telling me all about the way he made love to you. Then you and I came up with a way for us to share the boy together….And we had such a good time, didn’t we sweetie. And then there was that time, way after your own sexual animal was released, thanks to Brad that is, for seducing you when we left you two alone for that one weekend. Now do you remember how you seduced your stepfather. Come on now sweetie, tell us all how it felt to have Jack’s big ole cock inside you. And in doing so, you and I will agree about our men’s sexual skills.”

Alyssa’s face turns slight red at first but she surprises herself and everyone else, replying. “Okay mom, remembering back to that little romp I had with Jack a few years ago.” He spots an alluring look in her green eyes as she looks him over. “His cock did feel pretty good inside me…And yes as mom says, you do have skills. And yes mom, we did have fun with Brad in that hotel room. Thinking of it now I was so young back then but thanks to all those experiences I had, they didn’t change me for the worse they changed me for the better. I’ll never deny it, no mater what someone else’s opinion might be,” she looks at Brad. “What do you say my love, do you have fond memories of the past.”

He sips some of his drink before replying. “Yes, as a mater of fact I do have fond memories.” As of now this unexpected conversation has taken him a little off guard, his double shot of whiskey is easing his nerves, but not the erection caused buy the taste of his stepmothers warm lips.

Jack raises his glass, making a toast. “And here’s to fond memories of the past.”

Grace, Alyssa and Brad raise their glasses. “Cheers,” they say in unison. There’s a small stereo system on the bar. Grace inserts a compact disk of nineteen eighties hit music singles, then as the old Journey tune ‘Open Arms’ echos out through surround sound speakers in all four corners of the midsize living room. She steps over to Brad. “May I have this dance?” she asks. He takes her hand then leads her towards the center of the room. Jack downs his drink then steps from behind the bar to where Alyssa stands leaning against the bar watching her mother and Brad slow dancing a little too close.

He takes her hand. “Come on sweetheart, lets boogie,” he jokes guiding her out to the floor.

Out on their make shift dance floor, as Jack holds Alyssa close to his body she feels the girth of his erection pressing against her midsection. Its warmth excites her, memories of the ‘Romp’ they had as she calls it come flooding into her mind in vivid living color. As Grace dances with Brad she feels his cock pressing against her body, she looks over at Jack and winks. He winks back giving her the OK to go ahead with their plan of swapping partners. Earlier in the morning after making love they spoke of fantasies they’ve been having about their step children and in doing so they decided to turn Alyssa’s nineteenth birthday party into swinger party. This is why Grace had her in laws take her youngest daughter home. And now that Amy is away, they’ve decided it’s time for the adults to play. And there’s more to their scheme, this long time secret will be revealed but only if everything goes as planned.

Feeling Grace fondling his ass with both hands, Brad laughs it off but enjoys her touch as well. He’s not drunk but he does have a nice buzz going from the drink he downed in one gulp after his fathers toast to Fond Memories. Alyssa giggles seeing what her mother’s doing then feels Jack doing the same to her. “Wow sweetheart,” he exclaims. “Your ass is so nice and plump. I like it. It’s just like your mamma’s.” She feels warm pleasure rushing from her behind as he massages her backside while slowly grinding his hard cock against her body dancing dangerously close, she likes how it feels.

Brad spots his fathers antics, but he’s enjoying the feeling of his attractive stepmothers body against his too much to experience any feelings of jealousy or anger. And beside that, Alyssa doesn’t seem the least bit upset with her stepfather at the moment. She’s laying her head on the older mans chest letting him fondle her ass with a content smile crossing her full pink lips. Grace looks up at her stepsons face finding he’s watching his father and Alyssa, noticing what she fears might be contempt; although it’s nothing of the sort, she reaches up placing one hand on the back of his head forcing him to look at her. When he looks she plants a passionate kiss on hip lips.

He returns the kiss then breaks away asking.“Are you trying to seduce me?”

She giggles. “Well of course I am Brad Wilson.” Still dancing she pulls him closer to Alyssa. “Hey sweetie,” she asks her daughter. “Do ya wanna play a little game of swap partners tonight?”

Alyssa lifts her head from Jack’s chest. “What do you mean by a game of swap partners?”

“Well what I mean is, your stepfather and I had little talk about our fantasies this morning, and remembering what we all did a few years ago we decided it might be fun to do a little swap partners party tonight, but only if you and Brad want to….So what do you say, do ya wanna swap? We can do it right here in the living room, that way everyone can keep an eye on each other.”

Alyssa feels Jack’s hands gently roaming over her ass. “I remember your mom caught us in the act that day when you and I were getting it on,” said Jack. “she came in and stopped us. So now we have her permission to finish what we were doing. And she has promised not to scream, yell or throw any punches as both Brad and I experienced way back then,” he looks at Brad. “Do wanna try it son?”

“Well damn dad, guess you’re getting a little middle age crazy or something. But yeah I’m game if you are, and beside that Grace has my motor revving,” he turns to Alyssa. “How about you baby. As you know, we’ve done it before with your mom. And I think dad wants you bad baby,” he said with a wink

Alyssa touches Jack’s crotch, feeling his growing erection through the material of his swim trunks.

“Well shit!” she giggles. “I think you’re right …He does want me! Okay, lets do it.”

Jack leans down placing a passionate none stepfatherly kiss over Alyssa’s lips, she gladly accepts the mans passion, letting her tongue dance with his. Seeing his father take action Brad places his lips against his stepmothers soft warm lips and this time, he becomes the aggressor. Grace accepts him curling her tongue around his as if she’s been waiting too long for this moment. Both couples stand in the center of the room kissing and fondling each other like teenagers, Alyssa being the only actual teenager in this case. She’s enjoying Jack’s kiss, letting the older version of Brad lift the hem of her beach dress then slip his fingertips underneath the elastic waistband of her bikini bottoms.

Still swaying to the music, Grace reaches around and begins gently stroking Brad’s cock through the material of his shorts. Her sudden attention causes him to lose step, trying to slow dance while feeling her warm fingers stroking his erection. She giggles feeling his cock throb. He in returns lifts the hem of her dress then shoves both hands underneath the backside of the peach colored bikini bottoms she’s wearing. His hands send warm tremors of pleasure rushing from her backside up her spine, she loses step but neither she nor Brad care how well they’re dancing at this moment.

Wanting to go farther, Brad pushes her bottoms down. Grace lets them fall then takes his hand leading him to a nearby sofa. At the sofa, she sits down then hurriedly tugs his shorts down not bothering to untie the waistband string, just as his cock springs strait out she wraps her lips around it and begins giving him oral sex while watching her husband play with her daughters ass a few feet away. Brad moans rocking his hips enjoying the warm soft feeling of her lips and tongue as the older woman does her best to please him. She drinks down strands of salty sweet precum enjoying its flavor as she shoves more of his hard shaft inside her mouth, slowly working her lips up an down his stiff cock. She enjoys giving head, Jack often tells her she has the best oral skills he’s ever experienced.

Meanwhile out on the dance floor, Jack’s warm touch feels so good to Alyssa as both of his hands roam over her full soft ass cheeks. Pushing her bottoms down his fingertips caress the crease of her ass sending warm tingles of pleasure jolting from her backside up her spine. Jack feels her young body tremble as he takes time exploring every inch of her newly formed full pregnant girl backside. His cock throbs with need for his teenage stepchild, Alyssa feels its warmth. Seeing her mother giving Brad a little oral attention behind them on the sofa, she lets her bottoms fall to the floor then steps back to remove her beach dress and bikini top. “Lets go join them,” she says in excitement, taking the older mans hand leading him to the sofa. Wanting to please Jack the way her mother is doing Brad, she sits down on the sofa then unties the string from the waistband of his swim trunks. Pulling them down his cock flings out like a jack in the box having been wound up a few too many turns of its crank handle. Jack gasps with pleasured breath, feeling her tongue licking clear precum from the crease of its pee hole.

Her soft warm teenage hands feel so good, she’s holding his shaft in one hand while caressing his nuts with the other. She licks and kisses the warm sensitive flesh of his cock shaft, Jack enjoys her skills slowly rocking his hips back an forth as she works her own version of oral magic on him. Grace looks over at her daughter and husband. “Looks like Alyssa has my oral skills,” she smiles at Jack. “You’re enjoying her aren’t you sweetie?” with that said she goes back to her task of pleasing his son. From Brad’s view point he’s enjoying his self to the fullest, watching Alyssa suck and lick his fathers cock using a few techniques he taught her over the years, and not to mention she has learned a few techniques of her own as well. Brad moans feeling Grace sucking and licking his testicles.

Seeing his reaction Alyssa does the same to Jack, taking his sack in her mouth letting his cock rest over her forehead but adding one difference to the act, inserting the tip of her middle finger inside the mans anus. This little unexpected move takes Jack by surprise, suddenly having his prostate milked he grunts and lurches forward. A small amount of semen spills out, landing in her long reddish brown hair. She lets his nuts drop from her mouth then takes his shaft back between her soft pink lips, sucking drips of semen from its tip as she begins slowly stroking her lips up and down his still very hard shaft. She likes the taste of his cum, it’s almost like Brad’s but different in someway as well. Maybe a little saltier.

Grace stops what she’s doing with Brad, leans back into the corner of the arm rest against a set of throw pillows then spreads her legs wide exclaiming what she wants while fingering her cunt.

“Come down here and eat me Brad Wilson. I wanna see if you’re still as good as your daddy is. If I remember correctly, you were pretty good back in your younger days. Now get down her baby, shove that handsome face of yours right in here,” she winks at Jack. “You wanna watch, don’t ya baby.”

“Well yes I do wanna watch. Get down there son, show me how it’s done buddy.”

Brad quickly kneels and after spreading her labia using thumb and forefinger, he looks up at Jack.
“Now watch and learn dad, let me show you a thing or two,” he said confidently before lowering his face down between his stepmothers legs. As his tongue comes in contact with her already wet slit, the taste of her sweet musky scent brings back memories of the time he spent with she and Alyssa back in that beach side hotel, now so many years ago. Soft moans escape Grace’s lips feeling him flicking his tongue over her clit while shoving one long index finger deep inside her sex, she emits even more moans of pleasure when he shoves a second finger in and begins rocking her pelvis up an down sliding her wet cunt over his lips, his nose slips inside her wet slit as she does this, giving him a nice deep sniff of her scent. Her sweet scent arouses him causing him to work harder at pleasing her.

Jack stands above the scene enjoying the show of his son eating his wife’s pussy, all while enjoying the pleasure of having his beautiful young stepdaughter sucking his cock with all the passion she can give. Alyssa watches what Brad is doing from the corner of her eye, she notes her mother is really enjoying what her fiance is doing. Grace is rocking her cunt up an down smearing her juices all over Brad’s nose mouth and chin, the entire scene excites Alyssa she feels moister dripping down her cunt lips. The taste of her stepfathers cock, and the scent of sex in the air turns her on as well. Jack turns his attention back to her. “Do you want me to eat your sweet little pussy.” he asks sounding a little out of breath.

“Why yes, of course I do,” she replies letting her lips caress the tip of his cock.

“Well then lean back like your mother is,” he replies. “Spread your legs wide for dear old dad,”

She laughs hearing the words ‘Dear old Dad’ and oddly enough these words arouse her. Wasting no time she leans back quickly spreading her legs, resting her right foot on the sofa’s frame leaving her left foot resting on the throw rug placed on the hardwood floor below. Jack slowly lowers his body down eyeing the arousing sight of his stepdaughters pussy, now displayed in plain view waiting for his oral attention. He notes both mother and daughter keep their pubic hair trimmed neatly. Lowering his mouth to her sex he inhales the sweet scent of her pussy, her scent excites him causing his cock to grow even harder then before, even-though he did cum a little when his sweet stepdaughter fingered his prostate. Her body trembles feeling the older mans tongue touching her clit, his warm breath enhancing her pleasure. Jack begins licking, sucking an fingering her cunt like a hungry man. It seems in no time at all his vigorous oral attack sends her body into massive spasms of pleasure.

Brad spots her reaction to his fathers attention from the corner of his eye as he proceeds to lick, suck and finger Grace’s pussy. The woman’s girl cum flows down his tongue, he loves how she taste so sweet and musky. Grace holds Alyssa’s hand, this act of affection arouses her feeling her daughter trembling being licked sucked and finger fucked by her husband while the mans son does the same to her. Sharing her daughters experience as she is causes a massive orgasm, her heart beats against her rib cage as trembles of pleasure roar throughout her forty-five year old body. She pushes Brad’s face harder into her sopping wet pussy rocking her crotch up’n down over his lips and tongue.

Although Brad is almost smothered by her passionate reaction, he loves every second of it knowing he made her cum. Pulling his face away and straitening up, he discovers Grace leaning her head back. There’s a very pleased content smile on her face. He leans over her planting a kiss on her smiling mouth, she accepts the kiss enjoying the taste of her cum on his lips and tongue. Leaning over as he is she feels the heat of his hard cock as it hangs just a few inches away from her body.

She strokes it.“Well sweetie,” she flirts. “It Looks like you need a good fucking. Have a seat right here beside my baby girl and your daddy. Let me do all the work, you’ve earned my attention.”

Speechless of her request, Brad sits on the sofa only a few inches from Alyssa who is still being pleasured by his fathers tongue. She’s leaning her head back over the back rest, and like Grace there’s a pleased smile curling over her lips. Little moans echo from slightly parted lips, she’s humping Jack’s mouth, lips and tongue. Brad leans over and gives her a kiss. “I love you,” he says. She opens her eyes. “And I love you,” she replies, her voice trembling. Grace leans over and begins sucking his cock, Brad moans a little feeling the older woman’s warm lips roaming up’n down his sensitive shaft.

After sucking her stepson for a short while, Grace stands up then straddles her wet cunt over his stiff cock. Noticing Brad seems a little apprehensive over letting her mother fuck him, Alyssa holds his hand. “Its okay baby, just enjoy her,” she says in a soothing voice. Feeling Grace’s wet cunt clutching his erection, and hearing his true loves soothing voice giving her approval. Now any apprehension of letting Grace fuck him right next to his father escapes his mind, he begins to enjoy this taboo act. He looks down finding his cock resting over his black pubic hair, using the tips of her fingers Grace tilts his head up then plants wet kiss over his lips before expressing herself.

“I love you too Brad Wilson,” her voice trembles. “I’m going to fuck you now, and I’m going to make you cum. And when you cum…I want you to cum inside me. Do you understand me baby.”

“Well yes….I guess so. But what if I end up getting you pregnant?”

Jack cuts in. “Oh don’t worry about that son, just let her fuck you. We’ll explain it later.”

Seeing Brad’s about to speak Grace cuts him off planting a deep kiss over his lips. Her kiss is like some sort of enchanting spell, the question he was about to ask fades away feeling the woman’s lips pressed over his as she begins ridding his stiff cock in slow movements of her body at the same time. The warmth of her pussy feels so good as it strokes the length of his cock, raising up to the head then lowering back down leaving traces of girl cum gleaming on his pubic hair every time her cunt comes in contact. The warmth of his cock creates warm sensations of pleasure tingling throughout the inner walls of her cunt, she loves how it feels and begins fucking the young version of Jack a little faster.

Noticing puzzled concern in his stepdaughters green eyes, Jack leans over giving her a kiss before asking. “Do you wanna fuck me sweetheart, it’s only fair if we do right. I mean look at your mother she’s enjoying my sons cock. And as I remember, you like getting fucked doggy style. As a matter of fact, that’s how we were doing it way back on that day your mother caught us in the act.”

She smiles. “Well yes daddy I want you to fuck me, and yes do me doggy style!”

“Okay,” he says. “Get down on the floor, right here near the couch, that way we can keep a close eye on your mother and my son,” he chuckles. “I like watching them fuck, how bout you baby.”

She kneels down on the throw rug near the sofa.

“Yes I do,” she reply’s. “giggle. This is the best birthday party I’ve ever had.”

Jack kneels behind her then wastes no time pushing the thick head of his stiff cock between the tight folds of the birthday girls cunt. He slaps her ass. “Ouch!” she yelps. “Hey! Why did you do that?”

“Well I just remembered, you haven’t received a birthday spanking as of yet so I gave you one. But don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll let my cock give you the rest of your spankings. Hey,” he adds “I kinda like it when you call me daddy so feel free to call me that while I fuck you.”

His demented request sends warm shivers of pleasure rushing up from her now very full pussy, his cock is as long as Brad’s but it seems a little thicker then his sons. “Fuck me! Daddy,” she says unbelieving she actually said it, but then remembers she has been saying this taboo word to her stepfather since this little sex party began. At first it was unintentional but every time she said Daddy the word did seem to arouse her for some unknown reason. Glancing to her right as Jack fucks her, she watches her mother ridding Brad’s cock with wild enthusiasm. From her viewpoint she can see Brad’s cock shaft disappearing and reappearing every time her mother moves her body. Watching her mother with her lover and being fucked from behind brings her over the edge.

She cums yelling out. “Oh yes! Fuck Me Daddy! Fuck me harder!

Jack begins fucking his stepchild harder, so hard his hips spank the birthday girls ass cheeks.

Back on the sofa, both Brad and Grace are enjoying their fuck session. With Grace sitting on his lap as she is, her large tits are at eye and mouth level. He begins sucking each tit, playing with one plump breast while sucking the other. Grace slows down letting the boy suck her tits, his attention sends electric shocks of pleasure rushing through her body. After enjoying his attention for a short time she pushes his face away and begins ridding his erection harder, so hard her ass cheeks slap against his legs. The sounds of her ass smacking his legs and sounds of Jack’s hips spanking her daughters backside echo from the walls of their living room. The smell of sex fills the air, sweat drips down the bodies of each couple as they fuck each other harder and harder.

Brad feels an orgasm building but holds back wanting to enjoy this once in a life time moment. As Grace fucks him it dawns on him, maybe this will happen about every five years. When a sudden feeling of hot semen rises up from his groin his mind goes completely blank.

He moans out. “I’m coming….Oh shit I’m…Ahh!”

Feeling his hot cum flooding the walls of her sex Grace cums along with him, her final orgasm hits her so hard she suddenly cant move at all. Both she and Brad sit panting on the sofa holding each other letting their orgasms pass enjoying every second of what seems like and eternity. With her large tits in his face, Brad begins sucking the closest one to his lips, this causes another orgasm for Grace. Small but nice little tremors of ecstasy tingle from the nipple he’s sucking, she pushes him away then plants an affectionate kiss on his lips. After the kiss she moves from his lap then sits beside him to watch Jack and her daughter as they fuck on the floor nearby.

Alyssa’s eyes are closed, there’s a very pleased smile crossing her full lips as Jack fucks her pussy from behind. Brad enjoys watching her swollen pregnant breast jiggle every time his father rams his cock in deep and hard. Kneeling as she is, Alyssa’s one month pregnant baby-bump tummy jiggles with every thrust of Jack’s hips. Brad should be jealous or angry, but he’s not. Grace ignores any feelings of anger or jealousy as well. Watching her husband fucking her willing daughter as he is arouses her to an extreme, she masturbates using Brad’s semen to lubricate her well used pussy lips. There’s something on her mind and Jack’s as well, but it can wait until he and her sweet daughter are both satisfied.

Back the floor Jack feels signs of his impending orgasm but keeps thrusting hard inside his stepchild’s pussy. Her velvet walls; as Brad once said he calls them feel so good wrapped around his thick cock. He loves Grace and she loves him but this is a nice change of sexual pace for this forty-seven year old man. She was young the first time they fucked, and she’s young now as well. Her youth makes him feel young again. Alyssa opens her eyes and looks over at her mother and Brad, she smiles and winks at Brad letting him know she’s enjoying Jack’s cock but she’s not taking the pleasure she’s receiving too serious. She shuts her eyes as an orgasm rocks her body.

Jack tries to stop his orgasm but soon finds there’s no use in fighting it, he cums groaning and grunting his pleasure but keeps thrusting harder and harder while flooding his sweet stepdaughters vaginal walls with warm semen. Feeling his cock throbbing inside her sex Alyssa cums again, this time her knees go weak she would fall if Jack wasn’t holding her up by the hips as he is. They’re both suddenly brought out of their orgasmic high, hearing loud applauds coming from Brad and Grace who just suddenly imagine themselves as spectators at a live sex show. Jack pulls away from Alyssa then stumbles over to Grace where he gives her an affectionate kiss. Back on the floor Alyssa is just too warn out to stand, feeling completely spent she lies down on the small circular rug she had been kneeling on. Brad moves from the sofa then lies down beside his lover to hold the exhausted girl in his arms. A few minutes later Brad remembers something his father said before Grace straddled his lap on the sofa.

“Hey dad,” he asks curious to know. “Tell us what you meant by ‘We’ll explain later?”

Chapter 7

Both Jack and Grace peer into each others eyes as if silently asking who should explain. Jack stalls picking his shorts up from the floor then slipping back into them before walking to the bar. Grace follows his lead picking her beach dress up from the floor then slipping it back on.

“I think we’ll all need a drink before we explain.” she says in an uneasy tone.

“She’s right son,” said Jack. “I think you’re going to need another J D on the rocks. And Alyssa, I’ll fix you another Shirley Temple so you won’t feel left out.”

Now concerned over their parents sudden strange behavior, both Brad and Alyssa slip back into their cloths then walk over to the bar taking seats on a couple of old wooden stools. Both parents remain silent as Jack prepares drinks for everyone, both puzzled by their parents silence Brad and Alyssa do their best to remain calm. When Jack hands him a drink and one Shirley Temple to Alyssa, Brad cant help but ask. “Okay dad, now that I have my drink. Please explain.” He takes a big sip fearing he’s about to hear bad news, like maybe his father has inoperable cancer or maybe Grace has something wrong. Jack stalls taking a sip of his drink and Grace sips hers too before breaking their silence.

“Brad we found out a while back that your father has been sterile for quite some time.”

“And so,” he replies. “What’s the problem?”

Being a nursing student, Alyssa gets it. “Mom! Are you saying what I’ve been joking with Brad about for all these years. Oh my God mom, you’d better explain this to him, he’s not getting it.”

Now feeling as if she’s about to faint Grace downs her glass of whiskey then explains.

“Brad….Your father cant get me pregnant, he’s sterile. But five years ago, you came inside me when we did it in that hotel room. You got me pregnant sweetie, you’re…”

Finally getting the picture Brad cuts her off exclaiming. “You mean I’m Amy’s father…Oh shit!”
He downs his drink in one gulp then hands his glass to Jack. “Pour me another dad,” he looks back at Grace. “You’re pulling my leg, you’ve gotta be right. I mean this just cant be true. Back in the early days I had plenty of unprotected sex with Alyssa and she never got pregnant. Grace you and I only had sex one time five years ago, no almost six years ago. And in that one time I got you pregnant.”

Grace hands her glass to Jack. “Here pour me a double I’m going to need it. Okay Brad, let me explain something about us Dean woman. For some unknown reason it’s hard to get us girls pregnant when we’re young like Alyssa was back then, but when we’re older we get pregnant pretty darn easy. I was twenty-six when Alyssa’s real daddy got me pregnant and shit I was forty when you knocked me up. I know it was you Brad. I may have acted like a real slut back then but I never had sex with anyone but you and Jack. Now here’s my proof, a while back when Jack found out he was sterile. Just being curious to know for sure who fathered Amy I sent samples of his and her saliva to a private lab that specializes in paternity DNA testing. The results came back saying although Amy’s DNA has similarities to your fathers, it is not a perfect match. The report also states, Amy’s DNA is a possible match to one of your fathers relatives and so Brad, being as I never had sex with anyone else but you, you must be her real father……But please Brad and you too Alyssa, don’t tell Amy, she’s too young she just won’t understand. Maybe one day when she’s older but not now, okay kids.”

“So why in the hell did you and dad decide to break the news tonight, and right after this nice little foursome we just had for that matter? Now I did enjoy myself with you tonight Grace, shit it was even better then what we did years ago.” Brad points to his father wanting a strait answer. “You tell me dad, what the hell was this hot little foursome all about. Couldn’t you two just come out and tell us without the sex part. It was fun, but this news Grace just gave us kind of takes all the fun out of it.”

Jack downs his drink then pours another while explaining. “Well son, its like this. Grace and I want to have another child. You might say since you and Alyssa moved up to Gainsville to attend college we’ve been experiencing what the experts call The Empty Nest Syndrome.”

“But Jack!” said Alyssa. “Don’t you have your hands full enough with Amy as it is. And to top things off, you and mom are both in your mid forty’s. And so now you need Brad’s healthy sperm to create another child and you want him to donate the old fashioned way. What’s up with you two?” She caresses her baby bump. “And incase you’ve forgotten I’m carrying your grandchild.”

Jack chuckles before replying. “Well sweetheart I guess we have gone a little middle age crazy,” he hugs Grace telling her. “Maybe you can explain better than me sweetheart.”

“Okay I’ll explain,” she reply’s confident. “Brad you’re not related to me so there are no incest complications,and you look and even act like your father. And being as you’re so much like him we’ve came to a conclusion that you are a perfect sperm donor. Now if you agree to help us, you can donate in the clinical way of jerking off into a petri dish. Or if you want too and your father agrees, which I know he does, you can donate with me physically,” she winks. “I like that idea, how about you?”

Jack gives his opinion. “Son I have no problem with letting you be with my wife. And from what I’ve just experienced, both you and Grace have no qualms about sharing Alyssa with me. The way I see it, even though we’re not related we love and trust each other as if we are. This love and trust we have will make everything work out just fine. What do you think about it Alyssa?”

She nudges Brad’s arm. “I think you should do it baby. I watched you and mom tonight, you two love each other. I mean, not like we love each other but you have a chemistry. And judging from what I see in Amy, you make pretty baby’s. Now I will admit, at first I was a little leery about their crazy plan. But now as I sit here listening to their reasoning I do agree about you being a perfect donor.”

Brad smiles from ear to ear before downing his drink. “Okay….I’ll do it,” he winks at Grace. “And no I don’t wanna jerk off into some old petri dish. Being as dad approves I’m looking forward to doing more then a few physical donations right into that hot little slit between those gorgeous legs of yours.”

With tears flowing down her cheeks, Grace walks around the bar to where he’s sitting then throws her arms around him.“Oh thank you so much sweetie…I’m looking forward to our donation sessions.”

“Here’s to our beautiful growing family,” Jack exclaims holding his drink up high. “And may our family’s loving relationship grow stronger in these troubled times. Oh fuck troubled times, because there are none here.” he said slurring his words a little before downing his shot.

“Yes!” Brad agrees, slurring his words as well. “And here’s to fatherhood.”

The last of his statement sends a chill down his spine as thoughts of Amy actually being his daughter come to mind and Alyssa is carrying his child as well. He peers over to his father and stepmother seeing they’re kissing each other in celebration, their joy eases his troubled mind. He leans over then plants an affectionate kiss to Alyssa’s lips. This kiss sets his mind free. “Just remember baby,” he says looking into her eyes. “I love you more then life itself, and no mater what happens I’ll never stop loving you.”