Sheep in a Fence

An American, an Englishman and a NewZealander were waling down the road one day, when they saw a sheep that had tried to jump a fence. The poor beast was hung up with it’s rump in the air and the back legs splayed and tangled in the wire.
The American looked up and said “oh Gods I wish that was Jaylo
The Englishman looked up and said “Lords I wish that was twiggy
And the New Zealander looked up and said “God I wish it were dark.

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anonymous readerReport

2012-05-30 19:27:29
So that’s the case? Quite a revletaion that is.

anonymous readerReport

2012-01-15 22:40:51
the newzealander did make sense you nitwit he wished it was dark its ass was in the air you figure out the rest smart guy

anonymous readerReport

2010-08-07 22:10:56
for annonomous reader 2008-07-25 11:53:39
Twiggy’s like a 40-year-old supermodel

Anonymous readerReport

2009-10-09 19:48:30
I want my click back

Anonymous readerReport

2009-07-03 15:24:50
He wished it was dark so he could fuck the sheep and the others wouldn’t see.