The Boys Locker Room

This is the beginning of my life as a sexual being

Well I was a cheerleader in high school (and later in college)
but this event occured when I was still in high school and
still a virgin.

I was cheering at a football game on a saturday afternoon
prior to the school year starting. It was a summer game between
our own team. So all the players were on the field. I was doing
a mount formation and my knee buckled and went out. We were
wearing our uniforms which were cut so short that you could
see our ass cheeks as we walked. Some of our parents were
upset by this but it was the required length. I would be a
Senior that year and this was my second year as a cheerleader. This year I was to be the captain of my squad.

Anyway, my knee went out and the assistant football
coach came over after I fell because our football trainer wasn’t hired yet. He was doing double duty. He said he needed to get me the key to open up the locker room, this is a locker room that is out by the field. It was really rustic looking and not very pretty. The guys use it during football games so its not nice like the normal locker rooms.

The place was really dusty too from all the time off during the
summer. Well, as I limped to the locker he ran to the door
and opened it for me. I recall him locking it but I thought
he had gone back out onto the field and I was wondering at that moment how was I going to get out. Well, he was still there and it did
suprise me a bit. So he led me to the whirlpool which was like
this stainless steel tub. He told me to take off both my shoes
and socks and just put both feet in it would be easier and
more comfortable. I didnt really care about comfortable
at that moment so I took off the 1 shoe and sock and sort of
straddled the tub and got my knee into the tub. The coach
was a babe. I think he must have been 23 years old. We were 17 yrs old that year. All the girls loved him, he was adorable and always wore shorts! Great tan legs and great blonde hair. We didnt know if he was married or not!

So I put my leg in and he said, “that looks really uncomfortable
and you are gonna be here soaking a while”. So I tried
to lean and get the other shoe off and it was impossible.
So I had to get my leg out of the water and bend over and get
my shoe off. My ass was clearly showing and I was so worried
I would fall backwards into the tub. But I didnt and quickly
turned back around and put my legs both back into the water
now. He walked up behind me and leaned over and started running
his hands down my mid thigh towards my knee and then gently
pressing his thumbs into the area of my knee that really made me scream. I immediately leaned back and gasped. He caught
me with his shoulder and said he was sorry. So he took off
his shoes and socks and got in the tub on the other side. This
tub was a tiny little stainless steel tub. Maybe 3 people
could soak legs or 1 person or one person sitting in it. Anyway.
he leaned over in front of me and started working my leg that
wasnt hurt. Now of course my legs are apart and we all know
my skirt barely covered my ass so the front was equally as
short. Granted we wore our underwear plus the colored leotard type underwear over them. It was still so much man in front of me and I was
obviously very attracted to him. He was talking to me and
showing me how swollen my knee was compared to the other
one. Told me I should get to my doctor after this but that
we’d wrap it and probably wouldnt be able to cheer for
a month. Or no jumps or formations or lunges. So, he now
just worked on the sore leg rubbing his hands up and
down my leg and each time getting to about the half way
part of my thigh.

He looks up at me and asks if Im getting hot with the sweater
I had on. I told him I was and he said I should take it off because
I would overheat. So I took off my sweater and I had on my little
white polo tshirt under. Today I didn’t wear a bra because I knew it would be hot and I had the sweater over me so who would notice. So I took it off and didnt really think about it. So now Im sitting there braless in a thin white polo shirt. He said you really have a nice pair of legs.
I said thanks and was completely embarrassed. Then he complimented my arms and asked if I worked out. I told him I had to because I lifted the girls sometimes.

Im 17 years old, I am only 5’6 and I had a 34C forever. So after about 20 min he tells me that my pants are wet. I kinda make a funny face and say…I don’t have any pants on. He says no, your panties! Oh my god, he’s looking at my panties, I am mortified! I realize its probably from the tub bubbles. So I tell him that it’s probably from the splashing. He then takes his hand and places his hand in between my legs right on my
crotch and looks at me. I look at him and Im sure my eyes were
wide open in shock. He says this is hot, do you feel how hot
you are here? I shake my head “no” and say uh,

He asks if I’m dating anyone on the football team and I
say no, I dont have a boyfriend. He says if he wasnt my football
coach he would want to date me. So I feel flattered and meanwhile
he is rubbing his hand on my crotch. My mind is racing in a million directions and don’t know how to react. He takes his finger and slides it in my double layer of cheer panty and regular panty and now is touching my pussy. I’m swallowing hard and dont know what to expect. I think I know what’s coming but I’m a virgin and haven’t done much more than kiss at this point in my life. I have wanted something to but my parents are always harping on getting pregnant and if I want to get it on I better get the pill.

Is this gonna happen to me here? Am I going to allow it? Is
he really gonna do it? All these thoughts. So, he slides
it in and rubs it back and forth on my pussy. Then he tilts
his head to the right and looks closer and his finger goes
right into my pussy. He says…ummmm this is a nice wet tight
pussy. He is licking his bottom lip and looks at me. I’m sitting
there with my feet in the tub and my legs parted with my football
coachs finger in my pussy! I’m in utter shock. He says he would
like to have more and takes his finger out and smells it and
then sticks it in his mouth, then smiles. I’m absolutely
freaking out but yet frozen as if I am a statue. I haven’t moved an
inch. I know I can’t tell anyone this just happened and I’m
not sure that I didn’t like it either. I sort of want more to
happen. He gets out of the tub and wipes off his legs and feet
and puts his shoes and socks back on.

I’m still frozen and he comes up behind me and says let me help you out. He grabs my left arm and I swing my legs out of the water. He put his used towel for me to stand on then he wipes down my legs as
he’s kneeling next to me. He motions for me over to the
bench between the lockers and helps me hobble over there.
He has this lotion which I don’t know what it was and an ace
bandage. He rubs my knee with the lotion and wraps my leg.
At this moment I realize I can feel my pussy wet. It feels
like I have a pool of liquid in my underwear and if I move its
going to all come out. He tells me that my leg is fine for now
but no more cheering. He says I should plan on coming in each
day and soak for no less than 30 min. He will give me the key
so I can let myself in. He says that he will come in when he sees me leave the field and come in 30 min so he can wrap my leg. He then walks over and gets my sweater. He hands me the sweater and as he does so, he asks me if it is okay to not wear a bra when you cheer? Then he reaches over and sort of touches one of my boobs. I tell him that I ususally do but today was our day time cheer and I knew
it would be hot so less is best. He said it was a nice surprise but with such full breasts I should always wear a bra when I’m jumping. But since you won’t be doing that for a while, going braless will be fine. I slip the sweater over my head and we both head out. He says he will see me tomorrow here and hopes I am not too uncomfortable the rest of the day. I’m wondering whats gonna happen next!