The Golden Rule Ch3


The Golden Rule Ch3


The ride home from Tina’s house that late afternoon in June was the most spectacular I had ever experienced up to that point in my life. Not only was I enjoying the freedom of riding the streets without a care in the world, but every last little crack in the road, bump in the sidewalk, stone, pebble, or rough part of my path sent electric shocks up from my pussy to all parts of my body. Even though I got to coast a fair amount of the way back to my house I was still breathing hard from the fantastic feeling I was receiving from my bare pussy sliding back and forth on the bicycle seat. It was pressed up hard in between the folds of my now soaking wet little hole as my whole crotch slid from side to side and front to back. I felt so naughty riding past the few stores on my route, and the few people I had to ride around while I was getting such enjoyment from the vinyl seat pressing up between my legs. And the best part was that this bike was going to be mine in just a little while. The urge to ride around more was quelled by my thoughts of getting the bike for good, leading me to ride straight home. Payday was coming!

As I turned onto the street I lived on I could see Michael walking from the other direction. My timing could not have been better. When he saw me round the corner and head toward the house, he immediately broke out into a jog. Apparently he was not enthusiastic about me riding the bike around the neighborhood. I rolled up our driveway and around to the back of the garage where I parked his bike with the front tire visible from the driveway. That should get him to come around the back so this could be handled out of sight. I used the panties I had in my pocket to wipe all of my juice off the seat and from in between my legs. If this was going to work I would have to have everything otherwise he would get away with squirting his spunk in my panties and I still would not have the bike. I sat down on the wooden box and had just crossed my ankles when he came out of the alleyway at the side of the garage.

“Where did you go?” he asked as he began a quick inspection of his bike.

“Just around,” I answered as I watched him look at the bike from top to bottom.

“There had better not be a scratch on it,” he began as he stood it up and turned it around to inspect the other side.

“I know what you did,” I said after I took in a deep breath. Instantly Michael froze in place.

“What do you mean…’you know what I did’?” he asked as he looked up at me.

Reaching into my pocket I pulled my wet panties out and held them out in front of me. “I mean I know how this happened to my panties and I know who did it.” I turned and looked directly at his face while my words seeped in to that dark void behind his eyes.

Michael looked stunned. I could see the color running out of his face, leaving him this pale pasty white looking color. I would even go as far as to say that his mouth was probably as dry as a bag of cotton balls. He closed his mouth and made a very vain attempt at swallowing as he slowly stood up and leaned the bike against the back of the garage again. “A…an…an…and…j…ju…just what d…d…d…do you think ha…ha…ha…happened?” he stuttered as he slowly took a step back from me and the adjacent bike.

“HA!” I responded with a noted amount of defiance in my voice. “I don’t think, I know,” I answered as I began folding my panties up in front of him to preserve the evidence. “I know that after I left, you rubbed one out and spunked in my panties. That’s why they were all wet when I came back here. And I’m going to tell mom what you did,” I retorted as I stuck the undergarment back into my pocket before covering it with my hands.

Now Michaels color turned really white; so much so that I thought he was going to pass out. “Please don’t do that,” he said as he stepped over in front of me. “If mom finds out I will be grounded for the rest of my life!”

“Maybe we can come up with something,” I said as I tilted my head toward his bike and shifted my eyes over to it. “The bike is now mine.”

I could see the wind come straight out of his sales as he first looked at me and then over at the bike. “But that was my birthday present,” he protested as I watched the sorrow of losing his prized possession begin to build as the bike began to slip out of his grasp.

Just then our mom hollered out of the back door of the house, “Boys, come on and eat!”

Talk about perfect timing! “So what’s it going to be,” I said as I reached back into my pocket to pull out my panties. “Do I get the bike, or do I tell mom?”

He started to say something just as a little poof of wind came that blew the hem of my dress up, revealing that I was still naked underneath. Looking down my brother got another free show of my naked slit even though my legs were pressed together pretty hard. When I pushed the hem down I saw this little sparkle beam out of his eye and some of his color come back.

“I wonder,” he said as he stuck his hands back into his pockets, “what mom would say if she were to find out that you were running around out here with no panties on?”

Oops! This was not good. That one little gust of wind just changed the dynamics of this whole situation. Now I wasn’t going to get the bike without some really quick thinking. “Mom said it was ok if I was hot,” I retorted back almost instantly.

“Oh really? Well let’s just find out,” he said as he started toward the side of the garage.

Damn it! He called my bluff. The butterflies were flying around so hard in my stomach that I am honestly surprised I didn’t lift off the ground! “Alright wait,” I said as I looked around the back yard to see if it was clear. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll let you see again and I won’t tell mom you spunked in panties if you give me the bike.”

“Oh no,” he said as his confidence in his position grew, “that’s not enough. How about if you let me see REALLY good and I won’t tell mom that you weren’t wearing your panties, and I’ll let you use the bike whenever you want?”

We were at a stalemate. He had something on me, and I had something on him. It looked like the only way out of this was to compromise. I thought about his deal for a moment as I gazed down at the bike again. I really wasn’t doing anything but giving him a little show and it would net me the use of the bike anytime I wanted it. “Ok,” I said as I tucked my panties back into my pocket. “I give you a show again and I can use the bike whenever I want.”

“A really good show,” he reiterated as he took a knee right in front of me.

“What do you mean…‘a really good show’?” I queried as I looked down at him.

“At least 20 seconds and you have to hold it open.” he replied.

Just then our mom hollered out the back door again. “Come on boys, it’s time to eat!”

Now the butterflies were doing a spiral dance in my stomach as my breath became really short. “Either that or I’ll go and tell mom right now,” and he made like he was starting to get up.

“Ok, ok,” I said as I quickly stood up and pressed down on his shoulders. “Deal.”

I spread my feet apart, though not as wide as they had been this morning, and I grasped the front hem of my skirt. “No,” he said as he reached up and gently pushed on my hip a little. “Sit back down like you were only spread your feet as far apart as you can.”

This was new; I had not done anything even remotely like this before except for when I was going to the toilet. But if it was going to satisfy the deal, then I was all in. With just the edge of the wooden box pressing against the middle of my ass almost all of my weight came off my legs. I spread me feet as wide as I could while holding the hem of my skirt down until I was completely ready. “Ok,” I said as I started to lift my skirt up, “here you go.”

When the hem reached my waist and my pussy was completely in the clear, I let go of the material and reached down with both hands. A little pressure her and a little pressure there was all it took before I moved my fingers outward and felt my hole open up wide. “One…” I started to count as I looked down at my brother who’s eyes were once again as big as golf balls. “Two…three…four…five”

Now the butterflies in my stomach were getting chased out by this really good feeling as well as fear. Any moment now my other two brothers were going to be coming up through the back yard and see Michael looking at me with my dress pulled up and my pussy spread wide open. Immediately the little blasts of electricity began shooting throughout me as I tried to focus on the count. “Six…seven…eight.”

I could feel my juice starting to flow out of me as Michael inched in a little closer to my wide spread crotch and cocked his head to one side. ‘Oh hurry up’, I thought to myself as the cool early evening breeze tickled my clit and sent shock waves blasting through me. “N…n…nine…te…t…ten…elevvven.” It was starting to become difficult to count as the fear and pleasure built up inside me. I just knew Danny and Kaleb were going to burst in on the scene at any moment.

I picked my head up and looked around the back yard, scanning with my eyes toward the drop off that lead down into the ravine that ran half way across town. It was the one major feature that separated our neighborhood from the one immediately adjacent to us. But that one little slip, those few moments that I took my eyes off my brother was the one instance he was waiting for. As my gaze drifted from left to right I saw no one approaching. I was just about to look back down at my brother when I felt it. Immediately there was this searing hot pain that leaped out of my pussy followed by the sensation of something going up inside my body.

My shriek was instantaneous as I quickly looked down. My brother had shoved his index finger from his right hand all the way up inside me to his knuckles. “OW!” I hollered out as I quickly let go of my pussy and did my best to stand up. Even though I brought my legs together and stood up his finger was still stuck way up inside me. Michael was keeping the pressure in place as I danced around in pain. Immediately the tears started pouring out of my eyes as I grasp his forearm and struggled to pull his hand away. “That hurts!” I hollered out again as I pulled his hand free and turned away from him.

“I’m sorry,” he quickly responded as he stood up and the color began to wash out of his face again, “Jeff said it would just go right in.”

“Well he lied didn’t he?!” I retorted as I cupped my aching pussy with both hands while the tears of pain streamed down both of my cheeks.

It was right about now that Michael noticed the blood on his finger. “Oh my God!” he half whispered half stated in disbelief as he looked at his finger which was now a bright red. “I really didn’t mean to hurt you,” he stated as he began to take a step toward me.

“Get away from me!” I blurted out just as I saw his blood covered finger. I put two and two together and quickly pulled my hands up from my crotch. The one that had been resting directly against my skin while I cupped myself had a decent sized red spot right in the middle. “What did you do?” I again blurted out as I replaced my hands over my now tingling pussy while I sniffed my way out of my tears.

“I just licked my finger and pushed it in the hole right in the middle,” he said as if it were just a simple little task.

“Well that was wrong!” I bellowed. “You are in such big trouble,” I said as I straightened up and brought my feet together until they were touching. “You’ll be grounded for the rest of your life!” and I started off toward the side of the garage.

“No wait,” he said as he grabbed my arm and stopped me in my tracks. “It’s yours it’s yours it’s yours,” he said as he reached back and rolled the bike up next to me. “Just please, please, PLEASE don’t tell mom and dad.”

Mission accomplished! Tina had already told me what to expect if my brother were to try anything like this, but it didn’t hurt anywhere near as badly as she described it. Then again, it was just my brother’s finger and not the end of Karen’s hair brush. But it was just enough to hurt and to make me cry. All I did was embellish a bit. With just a little acting I now had him shitting in his pants and the bike was now mine! Can you say, ‘BINGO!!”

I took a hold of the handle bar and looked up at him, “Get away from me.” A human cannot vanish any quicker than Michael just did, and rightfully so. I didn’t need to hear his sorry’s or excuses. I just wanted him to leave which he did. As I walked the bike back around to the front of the garage Danny and Kaleb appeared from the ravine. In the moments it took for me to stand the bike up and wipe the tears from my face they had made it across the yard.

“Hey boys,” I said as I turned toward the house.

“What were you and Michael doing?” Kaleb asked as the two stepped right up to me and stopped.


The End CH3