The Path to Enlightenment (Chapter 1)

A story of self-discovery for the Taylor family

The men trooped into Steven’s living room, beers in hand, ready to unwind after an arduous week at work. It had become customary for the group of four to hang out on Friday nights, but today their boss had invited himself to dinner and subsequently to the Taylors’ family house for a night of cards and beer. Nobody really enjoyed Michael’s company – he was a loud, domineering personality and equally unpleasant outside of work as any other day in the office.

Steven brought out a pack of cards and cleared the room of his sporting paraphernalia to make way for his guests. Already irritable from his boss’ presence, his head was beginning to throb from a headache. He had been working overtime lately, as the company was struggling and his sales records were sinking to a new low. Temples buzzing, he reached for a family photo from a recent holiday sitting on the table, when Michael caught his arm.

“Hey, is that your daughter? How long ago was this taken?” he asked. In his mind he briefly recalled Steven bringing young Natalie Taylor with him to a company function several years back. He clearly remembered her as a beautiful girl, very bright and well-behaved. Staring at her teenage body framed in a two-piece bikini, it was evident that she had only blossomed with age. “She sure looks like she’s all grown up!”

“We took this in Hawaii a couple of months back,” Steven replied, oblivious to Michael’s lascivious stare. A hand absent-mindedly rubbed at his forehead. As their only child, Natalie completed a warm and close-knit family. “I’m surprised you remember her.”

Michael shrugged and eased himself onto a sofa, not bothering to assist his host. His co-workers quickly finished setting up the chairs and tables. Despite their silence, none of them disagreed with his verdict of Steven’s daughter, having seen her now and then when dropping by his place, but refrained from asking any more questions.

As the five men took their spots around the table to commence the game, a door opened on the second floor and soft footsteps echoed down the stairs. Two long, toned legs came into view, followed by the rest of seventeen-year-old Natalie’s elegant frame. She was wearing nothing but a loose T-shirt that dangled at her mid-thighs. Rubbing her eyes, she blinked at the visitors for a moment before recognizing her father’s colleagues. Ted was a tall black man, muscular and powerfully-built, but with a goofy aloofness to him. Grayson was bespectacled and much shorter and skinnier. Completing the trio was Phil, a mousey-looking fellow, quiet and shy. They were in their late thirties, like her father, and would greet her cheerfully whenever they met. She yawned and stretched luxuriously, unaware of the hem of her tee rising to reveal the bottom of her white cotton panties. It was then that she noticed the fifth member of the ensemble, a fat, balding white man whose beady eyes were fixated on her teenage body. She vaguely recalled that he was her father’s boss – a disagreeable forty-year-old man. His unflinching stare was making her uncomfortable and she hurried to her father’s side.

“I just took a quick nap,” Natalie saw her father’s raised eyebrows and answered his silent query. She gave him a quick hug then politely greeted the rest of the men. Michael was still smiling creepily at her. Slowly he ran his gaze from her angelic face down to her petite feet, appreciating her young, nubile body. Her breasts had developed to what looked like a pair of C’s which sat pertly on her slim frame. A mane of golden hair cascaded down to her tiny waist. Lecherously, he let his eyes linger a heartbeat longer on her tan, smooth legs, before addressing her for the first time.

“Hey Natalie, how time flies! I remember when you were still a little girl and I could bounce you on my lap. My, you look great!” He chuckled loudly before reaching an arm out to her. “Come here.” She reluctantly let him wrap his pudgy arm around her shoulder. “You remember me don’t you? I’m Michael, your father’s boss.” “Yeah,” she replied hesitantly. His grip felt warm and slimy on her skin. “Your father has been a real pain, but I’ve been taking good care of him all week, why don’t you return the favour and take care of us tonight? Go fetch us some drinks.” He guffawed obnoxiously while the rest of the men looked away, embarrassed. Nudging her towards the kitchen, his hand slid down her back to her perky ass and rested there a moment too long. Natalie hurried away, feeling her cheeks heat up.

She was no fool, she could tell Michael was lusting after her, it radiated from his salacious stare. It was not an altogether new experience to have males eye her as she was by all accounts a stunning young lady. Boys at her school constantly harassed her with dirty cat-calls and comments, and she had learned to shrug it off. But having a grown man looking at her this hungrily was a first, and it was definitely disconcerting. She tried to push her discomfort to the back of her mind as she returned with five mugs of ice and a bucket of beer bottles. The men had begun to deal the cards when she set the drinks on the table. “Baby, pour them out for us won’t you?” Michael looked up from his cards to give her a lewd smile. He watched while she filled the mugs to the brim. When she shifted to distribute them, he placed a palm on her side and grinned meanly again. “You’ve already seen your father’s hand, you can’t go round and see the rest of their cards! Just hand them their drinks from over here.”

Ever obedient, Natalie moved to slide the mugs to the rest of the men. Steven barely paid her any attention as his focus remained on the pair of Kings in his hand, and the dull ache between his ears. She had to reach on tiptoes as she leaned across, pushing the mugs to the two men sitting at the distal end of the table. Ted looked up to thank her, only to be greeted by the view of her generous cleavage as she bent over, full breasts hanging low, the curve of her soft flesh barely hidden by her loose T-shirt. Gulping, he found himself unable to tear his eyes away from the teenage beauty. On the other end, Michael was enjoying the sight of her tight panty-clad ass as her shirt rode up to her back. Her toned thighs flexed and he appreciated the definition in her calves as she strained on her toes to reach. Of course, Natalie was completely oblivious to the compromising position she was in. Straightening slowly, she didn’t realize that the front of her tee was damp from leaning over the condensation left by the mugs. Her nipples, hard from her earlier embarrassment, were poking outwards and just visible through the fabric. The four visitors pretended to be engrossed in the game but couldn’t keep from sneaking the occasional peek at her skimpily attired body as she perched herself beside her father.

The last card was opened and Steven pushed his stack of chips to the centre of the table. Natalie let out a small, childlike gasp. Steven was not a risk-taker, but his increasingly acute headache was grinding on his nerves and he was unable to keep his mind on the game. As the players folded one by one, Michael drew everyone’s attention by matching his host’s gesture. “I call,” he smirked confidently. He turned over his cards to reveal a pair of aces. Half-hearted claps and congratulations sounded around the table. Steven groaned outwardly and stood. “Well guys, I’m not feeling up for it tonight, my head is killing me. I’m going to retire for the night, but please don’t stop on my account.” As he turned to climb the stairs to his bedroom, his friend spoke up. “At least let your daughter continue on your behalf.” Everyone turned to the normally reserved Phil, who flushed deeply. Nobody could tell if it was from self-consciousness, the alcohol, or the innocent little minx standing opposite him. Steven pondered a second before handing Natalie a bill from his wallet, then turned to leave the room, but not before warning her, “you better not lose it all!” His tone was light but she could tell he meant it.

Natalie took his seat at the table and the game resumed. Being relatively inexperienced, she found her pile of chips diminishing round by round. Within half an hour, she had lost her last bet. “Well I guess you’re out, girl!” Ted remarked genially. “Don’t worry, your dad lost just as much in one turn.” The chorus of laughter failed to ease the girl’s nervousness as she sat unmoving, looking at her feet. “If you wanna win anything back for your father, we can always change the rules of the game,” Michael spoke up. Again the creepy smile. “Since you’re out of money, let’s bet with clothes.” Natalie glanced up slowly. The rest of the men stared but held their silence. “You choose a piece of clothing at the start of each round and if you lose the round, you lose it too. But if you win, you can take our chips instead of our clothes.” There was no doubt that Michael had been giving this some thought since the start of the game, and Natalie did not want to fulfil any of the man’s perverted desires. Only a few weeks shy of her eighteenth birthday, she had successfully spurned all male advances towards her. Never had a boyfriend, never kissed, never revealed herself to anyone before. A blush rose to her cheeks. The sexual tension in the room was palpable. As much as she wanted to wipe the cocksure grin off the man’s face, Michael’s proposal was the only way she could hope to win back any of her father’s money. Sighing, she made up her mind. “Let’s do it.” The sound of her sweet voice cracking broke Phil’s heart and he almost regretted asking her to join in the first place, but at this point all the men in the room were too excited to intervene.

The game resumed, but with Natalie’s blatant lack of experience there could only be one natural conclusion. As she stood to remove her top, all laughter and banter stopped. Her face burned with embarrassment but she forced herself to honour her word in the hope that she could present some winnings to her dear father. She could feel four pairs of eyes riveted on her as her fingers slowly lifted the tee. Her breasts bounced free as she lifted the fabric over her head and the men sat entranced, gaping at her round, perky C cups. Her nipples stood erect from all the attention she was receiving, and her tan, flat stomach rose and fell with every breath. Blushing deeply, she tried to look away, but the men’s hungry stares felt like insects crawling on her skin, and the feeling of four middle-aged men devouring the sight of her young, tight body unsettled her to a fever pitch. After what felt like decades, she sat down and the game recommenced, albeit at a much slower pace as the men stole frequent glances at her ample bosom.

Within two rounds the inevitable happened. Again Natalie stood, surrounded by silence. Her fingers latched around the waistband of her cotton panties and she slowly slid the garment down. Everything happened tantalizingly slowly. Her pubic area was fully shaven, bald as the day she was born. A tight slit appeared, and as she stepped out of her panties one leg at a time her pink lips spread to expose the unmolested flesh inside. Her pussy was tiny and slightly parted, revealing a glistening wetness forming around her swelling clit. Completely naked, Natalie’s mind was a whirlwind of confusion and terror. Her breasts heaved as she trembled, feeling exceedingly embarrassed. Every inch of her skin shone with a lustrous glow as she let her body be exposed to the men’s scrutiny. Their eyes ravished the image of her teenage body, running from her firm breasts to her flat stomach to her tight pussy to her creamy legs. No one spoke for several minutes. Michael’s right hand had travelled to the tent in his pants. Even Grayson, the geekiest, least outgoing member of the group, stared slack-jawed at the adolescent beauty.

Unsurprisingly, it was Michael who broke the spell. “Well now that you have nothing left to bet, I guess we have to call it a day.” Natalie, already awash with humiliation, found herself close to tears. “Please, I’m already naked before all of you. Be a gentleman and return my money.” Her voice shook with distress. “Well I did mention that you had a favour to return by taking care of us tonight. Keep it up and we’ll think about it,” he replied. His lips were turned up in a devious smile but his tone lacked any humour or compassion.

For the next half hour, Natalie fetched the men bottles of beer, leaning over each one of them to refill their mugs, and letting them pull her onto their laps in between rounds to and from the kitchen. Hands groped her slender body every time she came within reach, brushing her nipples and pussy until they were hot and sensitive, spanking her bouncy ass to make her squeak nervously. All the while she was bare-ass naked, her T-shirt and panties lying abandoned in a heap on the floor. Her perky breasts swung freely and her ass swayed from side to side every time she moved to do her job. The men could never tire of her sexy body, taut and firm from years of volleyball and dance. She had the perfect teen body and it was being paraded on display in its fullest glory. As time wore on, the men became progressively more drunk, but Natalie never relaxed. Her mind was in a whirl and her face burned with embarrassment and desperation. The entire experience felt surreal.

When she was grabbed and hoisted onto Michael’s lap, he placed her legs outside of his and sensually stroked her inner thigh with his non-playing hand. Slowly he spread his legs, resulting in Natalie’s legs being parted further apart as well. Her tight pussy was leaking juices, more from the physical attention than any arousal on her part. He placed his cards on the table and began massaging her inner thighs in earnest. Searching fingers found their way to her pussy and roughly rubbed her labia. In a circular motion, they closed in on her tender opening before one finger abruptly probed the insides of her pussy. One hand grabbed her perky breasts, fingers rubbing her already swollen nipples, while the other continued to finger her pussy slowly. Natalie’s head was swimming with the inflow of new emotions and sensations. The sexual excitement from Michael’s stimulation was clouding her mind, bathing her with waves of pleasure. She felt completely vulnerable and exposed, but her body was responding to the physical touch in ways she had never experienced before.

The game had all but ceased and everyone watched intently as Michael exploited Steven’s teenage daughter. His hands had run over every square inch of her silky skin and his fingers were still clamped over her nipple and inside her tight pussy. Her pussy lips were spread obscenely by his own legs so the entire audience could see her shining wetness. Juices were flowing profusely down her thighs. Finally, she let out a guttural moan as her first ever orgasm erupted within her, pussy lips squeezing the finger that was barely an inch into her, her face contorting with a forbidden pleasure. Returning from her climax, weak and hazy, she realized she was being pushed off Michael’s lap and onto her knees. A pudgy hand released the belt buckle and a rock-hard cock sprang from his boxers, almost striking her in the face. It was six inches and of unspectacular girth, but it was the first cock that Natalie had ever seen in person, and even in her daze her stomach squirmed with a mix of horror and sexual energy. “Suck it, baby,” an arrogant voice commanded. A palm nested on the back of her hand and pushed her firmly onto his cock. Blankly, she allowed her lips to part, letting the tip enter her mouth. It was pungent and salty. Instinctively she squirmed and tried to push away, the small part of her brain that was still conscious of her surroundings struggling vainly to protect her dignity. But the hand had wound a ponytail out of her blond mane and was forcing her head further down onto the cock. Gagging from the taste, she struggled to resist but the continued pressure forced the cock deeper into her mouth until it was filling it up entirely. “There’s a good girl.” Natalie hardly heard his voice as her mind struggled and failed to catch up to the situation. She was barely conscious of her head bobbing up and down on his cock guided by Michael’s fist. The three men stood frozen, watching as their boss’ cock pumped in and out of their best friend’s daughter, her pretty mouth engulfing almost the entire length. Soft moans could be heard from her throat, almost drowned out by the sounds of her lips kissing against the shaft and her gagging as the tip of the cock probed the back of her throat. The sight of her sexy body curled up on the ground with her head buried in Michael’s crotch was enough to drive them crazy.

Suddenly, a door creaked open on the hallway above. The four men scooted back onto their chairs in panic, scrambling for their cards to salvage some semblance of normalcy. With Natalie’s mouth still wrapped around his cock, Michael slid back into his original position at the table, forcing her backwards under the table. “You better stay quiet, bitch,” he whispered fiercely, before retrieving his cards. Steven emerged at the landing, bleary-eyed. “I thought I heard some strange noises,” he remarked, scratching his head. There was an uncomfortable silence before Ted replied calmly, “You must have been dreaming man, you look a mess. We might have gotten a bit rowdy. Sorry for waking you up, Steve.” Shrugging, the host looked ready to return to his bed, when he paused and asked, “Where did Natalie go?” The poor girl wriggled, hearing her father’s voice, but her mouth remained clamped around his boss’ hard cock. Underneath the table, Michael’s hand returned to twist her mane into a knot, forcing her deeper onto his cock. Applying more force, he directed her to continue sucking. He felt her lips slide over the shaft, wetting it with drool, as she kissed the tip lightly, before sliding the entire six inches back into her mouth and down her throat. Faint smooching sounds drifted up. Her cascade of soft curls tickled Michael’s inner thigh, driving him to madness. He could feel her boobs pressing against his legs each time she leaned forward to envelope the entirety of his cock, and her little hands, instead of pushing him away as she had earlier that night, rested submissively on his knees. This time it was Phil who bailed him out. “I think she went back up to her room, she said she was still tired and didn’t want to be disturbed.” Thinking nothing more of the matter, Steven disappeared back up the stairs. The quartet did not let out their breath until they heard the door shut.

Michael slid his chair back out and all four men stood to stare at Natalie. The seventeen-year-old goddess sat gazing back up at them. Her eyes were glazed with a confusion and panic. Her mind, having never accommodated a single thought of a sexual nature in seventeen years, was overwhelmed by the onslaught of new experiences the past hour had presented – stripping before an audience, exposing her privates to a group of grown men, allowing her breasts and pussy to be stimulated to orgasm, then forced to give her first blowjob. She had lost all control, blindly obeying Michael’s every whim, her disgust unable to fight through a body paralyzed from emotional turmoil. Before she had any chance to come to terms with the situation, she found herself surrounded on all four fronts by an array of cocks. Grayson’s was of similar size, Phil’s had a wider girth, and Ted’s was eight inches and jet black. The sight of four hard cocks around her, coupled with their scent, terrified her to the core, but she let the men guide her two hands and mouth, beginning to service the four cocks that dangled over her.

For the rest of the night, Natalie sucked obediently on each of the four cocks, bringing the men to the brink of orgasm before moving to the next. She bobbed her head up and down relentlessly, tasting the flesh, inhaling their manly scent. Despite being inexperienced, she was able to take their whole cocks down her throat, burying her face in their pubic hair, feeling their balls smack against her chin. With her typical obedience and eagerness to please, she allowed herself to be commanded to fulfil the men’s every fancy, losing all dignity as she let her mouth and throat be used for their pleasure. Every cock she turned to, she would kiss and lick every surface of the shaft, sweetly puckering her lips then running her pink tongue over the surface, coating it with her spit. In the meantime her free hands would find their way to another two cocks and slowly rub them up and down, feeling the heat emanating from them. The four middle-aged men struggled mightily to stop themselves from cumming prematurely, feeling her soft fingers work their magic, as they looked down at the sexy young thing before them. So angelic and innocent, kneeling on the ground with her pert breasts bouncing up and down, legs parted slightly revealing a constant trickle of pussy juice flowing from her tight hole down her smooth thighs. Her upper body arched to show the definition in her shoulders and back and caused her round, juicy ass to sway alluringly in the air.

Before long, she had driven them past the point of no return and they crowded around her, ready to blow their load. Natalie knelt on the floor looking up at the four cocks pointing at her, lips and chin already glistening from saliva and pre-cum. Her nipples and clit were swollen from the pent-up sexual energy. “Oh baby, take my cum!” Michael cried out, thick ropes of jizz shooting out of his cock and onto her face. The nasty image of her sweet face painted with cum was enough to set the rest of as they ejaculated violently together as if orchestrated, coating Natalie’s face. Cum burned her eyes and filled her open, waiting mouth, some trickled off her chin and onto her boobs. Its salty taste disgusted her and she tried to spit it out, but Michael quickly reached up and grabbed her chin, turning her head so he could glare into her fearful eyes. “Swallow it.” His voice rang with authority. Deferentially, she nodded and dutifully let the cum trickle down her throat, before scooping the globules of sticky liquid off her face and chest and licking them up. Despite her clear reluctance, she was in no state to fight the situation.

Still not satisfied, Michael grabbed her by the neck and ordered, “Suck our cocks clean with your whore mouth.” Again she complied, crawling on all fours to suck each cock dry, swirling her tongue over the tip, milking it with her lips to make sure they had nothing left to give. All the while, Michael grinned down at her, making lewd comments. “You love the taste of our cum, don’t you? I knew you would grow up into a little slut.” He slapped her perky ass a sharp smack, causing her to yelp, then turned his back on her, chuckling callously. Their high subsiding, the other three men stumbled around zipping up their pants and gathering their belongings. Ted, Grayson and Phil looked at Natalie, still curled up naked on the floor, gazing at them quietly, and almost made to apologize, but no words could justify why they had taken advantage of the innocent seventeen-year-old girl. Michael however, stepped over holding the bill her father had handed to her hours ago. “You sure can suck cock, little girl.” His slimy, self-assured sneer had returned. “I will definitely be seeing more of you.” He let the note fall to the ground before turning to leave.

Something seemed to awaken in Natalie as she set up straighter, noticing as if for the first time her nakedness, quickly wrapping her arms around her bare breasts and hugging her knees tight. Her mind whirled as it tried to comprehend what had happened over the past few hours.

Ted, Grayson and Phil stole one last glance at the poor little girl, then cast their eyes down regretfully and left without a word, leaving her to clean up the mess they had left in the room and in her life.