Taking circuit riding religious services to new heights.

No one under the age of fourteen has any sex in this story.


Hardin Simmons was a good boy growing up in Indiana. He was a serious Christian, singing in the choir and helping out around the sanctuary, when the other boys were playing football or basketball. He liked the girls, but they thought of him as being too soft, not manly enough. So, they smiled when he came by, but showed no personal interest in him.

When he graduated from high school, he had good, but not great grades, but he was recommended by his pastor to a seminary that he had attended up in Maine. And so off to college went Hardin. There were some courses on the Bible each year, but the emphasis was on official Christian doctrine and the business matters of running a congregation. But, he took it all in and did quite well until he graduated. He ended about two thirds up his class scholastically and was not a serious candidate for advanced classes, nor a post bachelor degree.

So, he moved back to Indiana, and his home town after graduating and went on to serve in the congregation that he had grown up in. His pastor was very supportive of him, but with his own needs, there was not a lot of money for Hardin in his new profession. He liked the distinctive clerical outfit and the respect that he got from it, but he was still living at home and the girls of his age were busy marrying starving athletes and janitors, leaving him behind. He got the message and after two years of seasoning in his home congregation, he got an appointment as the assistant pastor of a congregation in Wichita, Kansas.

He moved to the city that was still a bit wild from its cattle days, and took up his duties there. His income took a spike up and he finally had enough to live alone in his own quarters. But, the bank president’s wife insisted that he stay with them in a remodeled shack to be near her daughter, he surmised. Since it was comfy and free, he accepted and also gained free meals at the lady’s dinner table. They were very well prepared, too.

The father of the girl wasn’t at all impressed with him, but knew better than to interfere in his wife’s matters and left it all alone, though he thought that his dear daughter could do better than a ‘staving minister’ for a husband.

Since Hardin was about twenty four at this time, and she was seventeen, they were a bit apart in their life’s horizons at the time. And she was no beauty, but just a nice looking young lady with a pleasant if uninspired personality. She would make a fine housekeeper and mother to children, a comfy decoration to his bed and probably nothing else. As time moved forward, he was thinking of moving on from any interest in the girl, Flora, but the mother had other ideas on that. She was afraid that Flora would marry some no account and so desired for her to marry Hardin, a feckless assistant minister, rather than someone else.

Then the chief minister of the congregation got an appointment in the state’s religious hierarchy and so the position opened up and was designated to Hardin, since he was at least marginally effective and not likely to stir things up, which would please Minnie, the banker’s wife immensely. If she could only get the two kids safely into a marriage she mulled over.

So, before Hardin could get the gumption to move to the minster’s quarters, Minnie prepared a trap for him with Flora as the bait, no as the prize. She had a definitive discussion over marital dues of the wife and after Flora came down from being floored at what would be expected, her mom dressed her up with a sheer nightgown and nothing underneath with instructions to in the night move out to Hardin’s bed under a false pretense and get him to take her for his own.

Hardin was shocked by the appearance of Flora into his bed, with her body mostly bare and the gown lifted. He had dreamed of this kind of thing for years and was relatively inexperienced, except for a night with a scullery maid at the college. She had enthusiastically instructed him in everything he would ever have to know about how to use a woman. And after that night had cried when she was sent away for breaking one of the rules of her employment.

But, here Hardin was being presented with a lovely female prize for his night, with he knew, the object of which was a quick wedding before any progeny showed up to disturb the public’s attitude to the minister and the young girl. As he turned over to face her, he could see in her eyes that she was expecting the full treatment and seemed to be aware of what that would include. So, not wanting to disappoint a hopeful and willing maiden, he moved forward with her in a night’s delights.

To his amazement, she mostly nude and expectant looked very fetching to him in the dim light and so he reached over and pulled her up to him and began to caress her and to lightly kiss her. She was reluctant at first, not because she didn’t want it, but she in fact had never been kissed before, except by her doting father. And so it took a bit before she got into the roll of things, but once she did, Hardin was in for the ride of his life. She being primed as to what she should do and what the objective was, took over the positive progression of their bedtime fun.

She soon had him up to her breasts, kissing and sucking on them as the hoped for grandchildren of Minnie would do in the near future. And soon after that, he was down to her intimate area to kiss and lick it as her mother had taught her was regularly done in France by the men to their women. Flora didn’t know or care much about what was done in France, but she really liked the feelings that his mouth and tongue stirred up in her loins. And she got into that too by actively rubbing her nether regions up to his face as he was actively using his tongue on her.

Her mother had told her about using her mouth on his male member, too. She was dubious, but to make sure that he would follow through with the main course of this seduction, she braced up and moved down to put her mouth on to his member, something that she would cease doing as soon as they got married, her mother promised. But, at this time it was working very well, with his member getting very long and stiff. So, then she knew that it was time for the briefly painful entry of her into womanhood.

So, she let him wrestle her into place up on a pillow and make his way up her baby port to officially take her as his wife. The officiation soon after would be the only remaining obstacle to its reality. When she nodded that she was ready, he moved up to her and began to enter, it stung a right good bit to Flora and she begged Hardin to push in quickly to stop the pain. And he did as she asked and was soon up to the end of her womanliness with her holding on to him with strained fingers. When he rested up into her, the pain slowed down to be just a background soreness and she began to get into the reality of her being possessed by a man, evidently the one that she would have for the rest of her life. And the inevitability of that didn’t seem too bad at that moment.

Then Hardin began to pump in and nearly out of her and the sharp pain returned, though not as bad as it originally was. But, she wanting the pain to stop, gritted her teeth and grabbed his behind cheeks and pulled him up into her to gain his release of his baby makings and her deliverance from the pain of this. It didn’t take long and actually felt rather good, especially the explosion of his man stuff into her female place. Then he relaxed and soon his member withdrew from her and they laid together for the rest of the night, like they would do after they got married.

In the morning at daybreak, she woke first and leaned over to kiss him on the lips and return to her bedroom in the house. When he went into breakfast, Minnie turned to him and asked him when they could plan the wedding for them.

Actually the idea wasn’t bad at all to him then, but he greatly objected to Minnie, who wasn’t even his wife or mother, trying to take over the planning of his life and so without thinking he remarked, “I don’t know. Maybe never!” It was just a temper tantrum, but it started a landslide of retributions from Minnie and caused him to lose his position at the church and his place in the community, so he loaded up his belongings and rode out of town to never return.

As he rode out of town he was not in a bad way, except for his feelings. He had his horse, a mule and all of the supplies that he would need for some time. He also had money in a bank from his earnings, not in the girl’s father’s one, thankfully and could draw upon that as he traveled, too. He had no idea of where to move to and was just aimlessly moving in the general direction of California. He traveled and camped out for several days and then ran into a small farm well out from any town.

He saw some mid and late teenage children working about the place and so approached the front door to greet the parents of the family. The older children were very nervous with him at first, but when they saw the minister’s garb, they welcomed him up to the home. With that their mother came out and she was a beauty for sure, even with a passel of kids. So, he greeted her and asked if he could have a cold drink of water and be able to spend the night in her barn. She invited him in and gave him a cold drink of milk instead and they sat and discussed the news, little of which made its way out to the little farm.

As they sat and talked, she let it out that her husband had returned briefly to their homeland to help with the ‘freedom fighters’ there and had been slain in one of their actions, so it was just her and the kids now, but since several of them were adult sized, they were making out pretty well. As to the barn, the girls slept out there, so he was invited to sleep on the floor in the house for the night and after a fine dinner, did so.

In the middle of the night, he had to use the refuse pit to drain off his bladder and as he was busy in doing so, saw one of the late teen daughters doing the same. So, he carefully opened up a conversation with her and she out of curiosity and general good nature invited him to spend the rest of the night in the barn with the girls. He agreed and when they settled down, he found her up to his side and kissing him. So, he responded and soon found himself up another young woman’s privates to his pleasure and hers. She moaned a bit when he came and then held him tight as she got her ‘fun’ too. With that, the girl next to her, also in her mid teens took her place and it started all over again. When he finished with her, he moved back into the house and that is where the mother found him in the morning.

After he woke up and had shared in a breakfast with them, the kids moved out to their various duties and the mother, Mabel asked him if he would like to stay on for a bit, to help with some chores that would require a more mature man’s touch. So, since he was in no hurry to move on, he agreed. In in a couple of days he found himself in the mother’s bed pumping his manhood into her, too. By the time two weeks had passed by, he had entered and filled up every young woman of bleeding age and the mother a number of times and he concerned at what might come of that, excused himself to move on to their disappointment. They invited him back when he circled back this way, and he said that he just might take them up on that. The idea of a circuity ministerial route was being born in him.

He made several more similar stops along the way and found that many of the women in this part of the country were left alone for long periods of time and often with children to care for alone. And so they often would welcome him into their beds to warm them and their souls up and he found a lot of satisfaction in doing that for them. A lot of the daughters too, were very welcoming, since they were often isolated with only their brothers or fathers, when present, as males to seek; so they welcomed a stranger minister to take them on a ride of intimacy and left a number of prospective new humans in his track.

One of the fathers, evidently, took umbrage at his daughters being ‘freshened’ as it was said and looked him up and after finding him late at night with him sleeping out in the country side proceeded to beat him up to close to death. Not wanting to have the death of a clergyman, even a reprobate like this one on his conscience, he stopped short of finishing the job. And Hardin stayed out in that location to heal up.

He next took a job at a ranch to rebuild his strength and consider what would come up next. After only a couple of weeks, he noticed that one of the hands was especially adept with a pistol and begged him to teach him, also. The young man’s pride in his craft led him to work with Hardin with Hardin’s very fine arm that he had bought when he originally hit the road. And soon, Hardin became as proficient as the young hand, maybe even better the younger man admitted. With that, Hardin openly wore his pistol in a well-oiled holster with none of that cross draw nonsense. Straight to his left hand side to match up with his left handed draw and a monstrous Bowie knife mounted on his right hand side. He became with practice blindingly fast with either and deadly, too. He vowed to never be treated again like the father had done.

And he returned to that father’s farm and moved in, in the night and thumped him over the head and dragged him out to the barn and tied him up to a pillar there. And then, he brought each daughter that was of breeding age and his wife one at a time and had sex with them right before him. And then after sending them back to the house in tears, he untied the father let him pick up the gun before his and ordered him to draw if he wanted to do anything about it. The father knew that he had beaten this slim minister before, but it looked like it to him that this man was considerably more now. And with a family to take care of, he demurred and left the gun where it laid.

Hardin then said, “Okay, for now! But, if your shadow crosses mine at any time after this, I will bury you right here in your yard. And when I come through again, you are to high tail it out for a couple of weeks and I will reacquaint your women with me and then leave them in peace for you to treasure when I am not here. Do you understand?” And the father glumly nodded that he did. With that Hardin rode off and his reputation spread that he was a woman user and a fearsome gun hand, so that fueled his success in this circuit riding from then on.

Several months later he stopped in a small town to get some supplies and the store owner looked him over in his all black sleek outfit with a beautiful gun and a cleric’s collar and decided on the spot that this was the man for his daughter. So, he asked Hardin, who he knew by reputation if he would go to the back of the store and bless his only child there. Hardin looked a bit spooked over that, but to make the owner happy with the price reduction implied he decided to do so.

When he arrived in the rear living area, he found a young woman about eighteen sitting and knitting. She looked up to him and Hardin immediately knew what the girl’s need was. She was not attractive at all, and had a bit of a sour expression on her face. Evidently used to rejections because of her looks. But, Hardin had been with a lot of women by this time and knew that prettiest horse was not necessarily the best ride and so he motioned for the girl to get up so that he could see her better. What he found was that despite the unattractive face that probably a very fine female body was underneath the very fine clothes that she was wearing.

With the girl looking downcast with the expectation of another rejection, he took her into his arms and danced with her to unheard music. He had whispered the name of the song to her into her ear as he took her into a first dance move and she caught on right away. This broke the barrier between them, since a girl that hates herself is usually a poor lover. But, as she felt his arms caress her in the dancing, she began to melt in her reluctance and when he whispered into her ear, “What is your dearest desire, young woman?” She looked him into the eyes and said, “A baby of my own.”

So, he nodded and asked her to move to the couch and take the position with her knees on the pads like she would during her personal prayers and that he would then bless her prayers. When she was in position, he reached over to raise her skirts up to reveal her intimate undergarments and as she voiced her dearest thoughts to God in vocal prayers, he lowered her pantaloons and with his cock ready took her up into her pussy as he had recently learned to call a woman’s privates.

She at first shuddered and flinched at the pain of first entry, but soon was rocking back on him as he plunged up into her. And after several minutes, he having delayed his climax, she came to her surprise and he then emptied right up into her. She then collapsed back onto him with tears of joy at experiencing what she feared that she never would and he turned her and held her with his cock still up in her on his lap and gave soothing and comforting words to her ears from behind.

As they were sitting there on the couch with his cock up into her, her legs splayed over his and her back up to his chest with tearful joys that she was embracing, her father came into the room and saw what had just happened. He moved up to embrace and kiss his dear daughter and then withdrew to let the couple have some more time together.

That night Hardin slept with her all night and made love to her a couple of more times to her increasing enjoyment of it. When they awoke in the morning, she had a hard time letting him go, but after he kissed her right on the mouth, she smiled and let him go. He then picked up his supplies and was given them free and was on his way.

Two years later he came this same way, he having two circuits now and alternating them each year. The same proprietor was there and when he showed up in the door, Hardin was immediately invited to move to the back room to see Angelique. There he found the young woman, looking a bit more attractive and holding a young son who was busy nursing on her. From what Hardin could see, the boy was beautiful and very healthy. And the young woman looked up to him with worshipful eyes. As she looked up to him, she mouthed the words, “Thank you!” And this time it was Hardin that was moved to tears at the happiness that he had brought to a lonely unattractive girl.

She asked him to stay on for a couple of days and they spent every minute of it when not eating or caring for the child in bed in intimacies, as she wanted another. And with the happiness that she felt with the first one, there was no way he could deny her a second one. When it was time to leave, she asked Hardin if he was annoyed at her giving her son his last name, with the first name George. And Hardin said that ‘No.’ he was honored by it and so she said that she would do so with the next one if they had succeeded in planting another one in her.

Over the years, he saw her every two years for a couple of weeks at a time and gave her a total of three children. The proprietor would not allow one word of ill favor towards Hardin to be said in his presence and the couple continued to see each other over the years every other year and they remained lovers for the rest of their lives, except with no more babies at her request. She had found out ways for them to enjoy each other without a baby resulting and she was diligent in giving him anything he wanted except another pregnancy. Her father was very happy with his three grandchildren to a beloved daughter who had been a candidate to live her life childless.

When Hardin made the round in the second year and returned to the widow that he had first met on his wanderings, he found them still stable in their situation and two of the girls with young children of his. They both had strong hopes of marriage in the near future, since the ‘freshening’ of a young maiden was officially looked down on, but in private was a strong presumption that they would be able to produce more children, a key factor in success as a farm family in those years.

By this time, Hardin was well into his thirties and being a success in the traveling ministry and not just in women’s beds. He regularly got substantial gifts from the women of his rounds, even from the prostitutes at the saloons that he occasionally favored with his drinking presence. Instead of him paying them to fuck him, they contributed to his ministry as a sort of remonstration for their fallen state. They were very creative with him also.

So, when he rode up, the widow was very glad to see him and immediately invited him in. After they shared the barebones of his and her current status in life, she invited him to stay over with his now usual two week visits into his flock’s women’s beds. And the invitation was to her bed directly. She also informed him that two more of her daughters were of breeding age now and that she expected that he would avail himself of their favors in between serving hers. Hardin smiled and acknowledged that probability.

The first night, he dedicated to the fine mother of this brood. And he made sure that she got her ‘cookies’ in bold and repeated sensual efforts. She was just melting into his arms by the end of the first night.

The second night, he left her bed to address the two newest mother candidates in the barn, her daughters now fourteen and fifteen years old. The others took note of this, but the older ones already had husbands lined up and so didn’t want to sour those relationships. The younger ones were hopeful that they would qualify someday, too.

When he arrived in the barn late in the evening, the two girls were gathered up on a large quilt up on a pile of hay. He smiled up to them and then began to play with their young woman bodies. They had heard all about these things and were now ecstatic to be sharing in them themselves now. As he played with them, he alternated back and forth between them to their shared joy. And when he came into them the second time after breaking the seal on each of them the first time, he piled them up face down, belly to back and took them in rotation until he emptied up into both of them fully. And then he kissed them both tenderly and returned to their mother’s bed. She didn’t ask anything about the barn, just took him up into her arms to comfort each other through the night.

On the third day as they were talking together and the kids were all busy in their chores, she asked him how he passed his winters when it was too brutal to travel. He remarked that he usually spent them in a city and whiled away his time. Then she quietly suggested that he spend the winters with them here. He would be safe and warm, have plenty of female attentions, save his money and have an abundance of food, since they were running an exceptionally productive farm.

And on the other hand, he would provide a male presence in the home for the benefit of the boys and for the girls, besides the sexual ones. Also having his gun would discourage other less successful farmer folk from taking advantage of a family with a mother and children during the dreary and dark days of winter. They could be very insistent on a sharing, when much of their trouble was to their own doing, or in some cases not doing.

With Hardin in residence, that would cease and then she could offer aid to those that she felt most needed it and deserved it without threatening the needed supplies for her own family.

Hardin took her up on this. The plan was for him to come home each year when the weather turned bad and stay until spring brightened up for him to resume one or the other of his yearly circuits. She and the kids were really happy with this decision on his part and it worked out very well for him too.

During the second week of the first winter of his residence, a delegation from one of the local less successful farms made its appearance at the widow’s door and demanded that she show Christian charity and give them over enough supplies to bide them for a while for the winter. Mom knew that despite their struggles, that they actually did have enough food and fodder to last the winter. This was all for show in order to get the food stuffs to sell to others for their liquor needs. She knew this because one of her daughters had dated one of the boys from that family and he had inadvertently let out this proclivity of theirs.

So, she refused this and ordered them off of her property. Hardin had just stayed inside up to this to listen to what was going to happen. They didn’t really want to hurt Mom, and so the older guy in the middle shot through one of her windows, endangering her children. At that, Hardin moved out and quick drew his gun and shot that man’s horse right between the eyes. It to the man’s shock immediately collapsed and then Hardin ordered them to remove the carcass from the mother’s property and to never come back. They lassoed it and with great difficulty removed it off of her property and then returned to their home to never cross her property again. And the word of this spread throughout the area and no one dared to bother her again, whether Hardin was in residence or not.

When it was time to return to the farm of the man who had beaten him to near death, he showed up and as soon as Hardin moved over the hills near the house, the father gathered up some supplies and lit out to take up about two weeks habitation in a line shack to watch over his herd and not think too deeply on what was going on in his home and bed. It so happened this time, that he found a couple of neighbors trying to rustle some of his herd and after some lead flew around the boys left quickly and he never lost any cattle in that way again.

Meanwhile back at the ranch/farm house things were progressing Hardin’s way. He had made it clear how things would be and he started the first day with a fine meal and some muscle help around the place. And then as the night came on, he took his place in the wife’s bed and gave her a fucking like she had not had in years. As he was furiously pounding up into her baby port, she was begging him to stay on and she would make her husband second in her bed.

As he was emptying up into her for the second time, he advised her that he had other responsibilities, but that he would return every other year to give her and the girls the same. And between her sucking on his cock to clean him up, she asserted that she would look forward to that.

Over the next few days he in rotation fucked her five girls that were old enough for this service and returned to her bed for her repeatedly, too. The girls were at first afraid of him after what had happened the first time he returned to punish their father. But after a couple of intimate times in their beds, they got used to him and his ways with them and began to really like him. They wanted him to remain also, but he let them know of what he had said to their mother and so were comforted to know that they would see him again in every two years. And so that happened, too.

His last night of residence, the father had returned to his home and bed with his wife, so Hardin moved to the barn and spent the night in feverish plunging in and out of his youngest daughter old enough for this intimate activity. The father could hear her cries of passion and frenzy over Hardin’s using of her mouth, pussy and ass. Especially her ass, as this was rapidly becoming one of her favorite modes of sexual play.

In the morning, she was the last one to bid him good bye and opened up her dress for him to finger and kiss her, so that he wouldn’t forget to come back. He to her comfort whispered to her, “I will be back, my young lovely to play with all of that again!”

And she fervently kissed him goodbye.

After he had been in his ministry successfully for over twenty years, he decided to establish himself at Estelle’s, the widow lady he had been living with in the winters, now all the year around except for two of his regulars. She was very happy with this, because it would provide a security presence for her and her family all year around. And warm her bed, too.

Since, he had become quite wealthy in his ministry, he no longer wanted to have to maintain his gunny reputation with younger guns wanting a reputation of their own. And he didn’t really need any more money. And Estelle’s farm was quite successful, so she didn’t need any either.

But, he had promised Angelique, the young unattractive mother of his children to continue to see her for a couple of weeks every other year, so he was determined to keep that promise. Few things he ever did in his life was as appreciated as him showing interest in her and giving her three babies of her own. And the up the ass intimacies that she demanded of him now, except for the days just before and after her monthlies were a lot of fun, too. She would do practically anything that he could want, and he had experimented with Pros, so he knew a lot. She even got very good at blow jobs, too.

His other promise was to, Margaret, the wife of the man who had beaten him near to death and her daughters. He visited her on the years opposite of his visits with Angelique, and over time, her husband just took it as a matter of course that he would disappear when Hardin showed up. And anyway, his wife continued to serve him well too when he was home over the years, holding no evident grudge over his allowance of Hardin’s use of her and the girls.

Back home at Estelle’s things had moved on. All of her daughters were now married and with families each. But, several of them had had the misfortune to marry guys who were not as successful in life as their mother. They had no intention of abandoning their husbands, but they did send daughters of a breeding age back to mom’ to take care of to lower the expenses of their families. This was partly because the girls were not nearly as helpful around the farms as the boys were. This helped the struggling families to a great deal. The girls coming back to their grandmother’s place were also joined by girls of the same deion from her sons’ struggling families.

They all knew what would happen to them, with Hardin there. But, that would be of advantage to them for their futures and be a reward to him for helping grandmother to afford to take them in. The girls took to this very well, naturally. As it trained them in womanly intimate duties and sometimes gave them a baby of their own to qualify them to be an aspiring young farmer’s wife.

Penelope was one of the granddaughters that came to stay with grandmother Estelle. She was fourteen and the youngest daughter of her oldest son. She was very shy about herself when first arriving and begged to sleep in her grandma’s bed, like she had with her oldest sister back home. Estelle only asked Hardin to find another bed to sleep in for the first five nights and then brought him back in and let little Patsy know that she would be sleeping between her and Hardin from then on.

On the first night of them all together, Hardin confined himself to just giving the young girl a kiss behind the ear as she faced away and a light pat on her behind before he rolled over and went to sleep. He made up for his lack of play at night, with a series of encounters with the other girls, sometime during each day. Penelope learned about this, but remained silent over it. She even got to watch one of the encounters up in the hay loft and was very stimulated by what she saw. His limited attentions towards Penelope remained at the same level for the first week.

At the start of the second week, he cuddled with Penelope when she came to bed and used his hands to glide over her body over her night gown. Then he turned her head and kissed her soundly to go to sleep. On the third day of that week and with Estelle in serious intimacy need, he rolled Penelope to behind him and shared in a B.J., some kissing of her pussy and finally a fucking of her with Penelope paying attention to what was going on in the dark. He felt her hand gently pat him on the buns during his active pumping into Estelle. And then they all went to sleep. He repeated this on the fifth night of the second week, but on the other nights contained himself to what he had done on the other nights of the second week.

On the first night of the third week, Estelle went to sleep with one of the young girls and Hardin took young Penelope that night for her first time. When he came to bed, she asked where her grandma was and Hardin said that she was sleeping in another bed for that night. And when the young girl began to freak out over it, he took her into his arms and gently at first began to seriously kiss her. With that she settled down very quickly and began to enjoy his playing with her body.

After the kissing got real serious with tongue plunging and then his cock in it, he moved down to play with her growing titties and despite the fact that they were very sensitive, she found that she enjoyed that, also. Then he moved down with his lips on her young belly, this all with her night gown still on. When he got down to her genital area, he moved the gown up to her neck and shoulders, leaving it in place to comfort her in her transition from being a girl to a woman.

With his attention to her pussy and clit, she began to lose all inhibitions as to what would come next. In fact after seeing it in action a couple of times, she now strongly desired it for herself. So, with her pussy sopping wet and opened for his intimacies with her, he moved up the head of his cock to her opening and after telling her that it might hurt a bit, he plunged up into the interior of her body, to only a slight pain on the way.

When he was fully entered up into her, he asked her how she was doing and she relieved, told him that she was fine. And that he was very welcome up into her. Hardin smiled and tenderly kissed her for that comment and then proceeded to pump in and almost out of her. With this, her eyes began to bulge out and she began to respond to his mating with her, by moving her body up to meet his down strokes with her hands on his male buns. She also began to seriously kiss him, on her own authority.

When they got near to cumming, she raised herself up and told him that she loved him so. And then after a couple more plunges, they both came very profoundly and then slept with his arms around her for the rest of the night. She never did wear a nightgown at night after that, even on the coldest days of the year. And a year later in the spring when she turned sixteen, he married her and favored her in his bed, while still taking care of the others in the family. They eventually had ten children. And the whole family was very happy over the years.