
Mother’s Future Helper

This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.

A new world

this is a stroy i wrote for a friend on here but i hope you all like it. and before you start saying things in this story are impossible remember it’s science fiction

Becoming the Prom Queen; Chapter 1 & 2

A boy, who after moving to the city in order to transfer to a new high school for his senior year, mysteriously turns into a beautiful girl overnight. A girl with a long, thick cock. This is the story of how John became Jane the Prom Queen.

Heavy Matter

Please enjoy; the adult action begins in Chapter 1, hopefully you will read the background so that things make sense for you later on.