Consensual Sex

Lift Perks

Daniel loved the farm life; the outdoors, the fresh air, the work, all of it was everything he liked, there was only one thing missing from that mixture and that was a woman. Part of it was his own fault, since he was rather shy around girls, during his college days it was much easier, met girls in a group and by the time they ended up in a room it didn’t matter if he was shy or not. Once he finished college things changed, since he moved back to the farm he grew up on which was in another province, he didn’t get to see his friends; that meant that the only gathering of people he ever went to was fairs and competitions.
It was month-end and he was driving to town, he had a list of groceries for himself and the farm workers, as he approached the main road, he noticed a figure on a bicycle not far in front of him. As he drew closer he noticed that it was a mountain bike and that the person’s arms and legs was bare, which was strange, not because it was cold, but that the most people who rode a bicycle around here usually wore clothing to protect them from the sun, the person wasn’t even wearing a hat. He slowed down and as he drew abreast the cyclist he saw it was a girl, she was wearing a black dress with white polka dots. He stopped the pick-up and rolled down the electric window, the bicycle came to a stop next to his door and the girl leaned forward to look in,
“Hey there.”
She had a stunning smile, rather cute face with a dash of freckles over her nose and her ash blonde hair caught up into a bun,
“Good morning, I take that you’re on your way in to town?”
She nodded, leaning onto the open window with her elbows, sighing slightly,
“I have to go to the doctor, totally forgot about the appointment, parents have gone to the other farm early…so yeah…”
He grinned,
“I forgot various appointments in the past, want a lift?”
She pursed her lips for a moment and then nodded,
“Yeah sure, it will definitely be much quicker and I only realized half-way just how silly it is to wear a dress on a bicycle.”
He chuckled,
“It sure is, here let me help you.”
As he got out of the cab he wondered for a brief moment where his shyness had gone to…the only explanation he could come up with while he loaded her bicycle onto the back and opened the door for her to get in, was that he was only talking to her, giving her a ride and not trying to get laid…yeah that about explained it…rationally. It also helped that she was friendly and seemingly VERY spontaneous. She mentioned that her father also farms with sheep, but for some strange reason she kept omitting her surname or her father’s name, come to think of it, as he helped her take down her bicycle he knew very little about her, he knew they shared the same taste in music, she had finished school the year before, she read the same authors as he and she kept in shape by cycling and jogging.
“Thank you Daniel, you really saved me a lot of hassle.”
He nodded with a wry smile, briefly touching the edge of his cap,
“No problem.”
She started pushing the bicycle and paused, looking over her shoulder, her blue eyes capturing his for a brief moment, it only then dawned on him that she was tall, basically as tall as he was,
“Name’s Natalya.”
She seemed to wait for a brief moment, leaving him at a loss,
“Uhm…it was nice meeting you Natalya.”
She flashed him that bright smile and walked away, he watched her toned legs as she walked away, the dress surely was a lot shorter than he had imagined a girl would wear on her way to the doctor. He shrugged, got into his pick-up and drove off to do his shopping. With the town basically surrounded by farms, the shops carried a wide variety of stock, also Fridays and end-of-the-month’s saw people flooding the town, some came to stay over in their “town houses” for the weekend, other’s to fetch the children and of course all of them went shopping.
Daniel met a lot of people he knew and his trip became a breakfast, became lunch and he skipped town before it became any later. His pick-up was loaded to the brim with groceries, he sat sipping on a cooldrink as he drove, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. He turned onto the dirt road and as he finished his drink, a very familiar figure loomed up on the next rise; he slowed down and came to a stop next to Natalya. He could see her laughing and as he rolled down the window that laughter reached into the cab over the music, which he leaned over to turn down.
“Well if it isn’t Mr Daniel the good Samaritan.”
He took off his sunglasses,
“Well if it isn’t the doctor visiting Natalya.”
She pulled a face, but smiled none-the-less,
“I’m guessing you’re going to offer me another lift?”
He glanced up and down the road,
“Yes actually I will want to offer you a lift.”
She held up a finger,
“On one condition only.”
He shrugged,
“You drop me off where I tell you to.”
For some reason that sounded strange to him, but what harm could it do? He spread his hands,
“You got yourself a deal.”
She hopped off of the seat and swung the cycle onto the back before he could even get his hand on the door handle, a few moments later she kicked off her black pumps and leaned into the seat, something seemed a bit different about her, she still wore the black polka dot dress, her hair was still tied back and she still seemed very guarded, not by words, but this certain look in her eyes…he shrugged it off, started the pick-up and drove off. It only took him a few minutes to realize what was bothering him; it was the sweet smell of marijuana which clung to her clothing and the slight redness of her eyes. That was what was different, he smiled to himself, so much for going to the doctor…or maybe she had gone, she just had to make a little side-trip as well.
She was definitely chattier this time around, but what made him uncomfortable, was that she was now actively flirting with him. Sometime between talking to her and looking at the road, her dress had ridden up her legs, there was much on display when she had gotten in, but now it was almost up to her hips. Two buttons on the dress had come undone, as she moved her arms during her very animated talking; her black bra caught his eye repeatedly. Through it all he kept his cool, she wasn’t curvy, being as tall and as active as she was, but her body was lithe, toned and tanned just perfect. It really took all of his concentration not to sit and stare at her, but to keep on the road.
What really got to him was the moment she sank down in the seat, pulling her legs out from the foot well and rested them on the dashboard, the dress riding up enough for him to see the black band of her thong. He now kept his eyes on the road, certain that if he looked at her, he would stare and drive off of the road, still she talked, more babbling than talking any sense, but it became quite clear that she was trying her best to seduce him and that made him nervous, horny, but nervous. After what felt like hours, she languidly sat up and pointed at a huge tree next to the road,
“There, you can drop me off there.”
She slowly buttoned the buttons that had come undone and when he stopped, she leaned over to him, getting onto her knees as she used her hands on his leg to keep herself propped up.
“You’re a good guy Daniel…”
She smiled and leaned closer to him, her lips brushing over his, her breath sweet and warm against his face,
“Don’t change.”
The door closing behind her, brought him back to his senses, he looked and found her straddling the seat of her bicycle, flashing him a smile and waving. He waved back and when she didn’t budge, he finally got the idea and drove off…of course after a few minutes cursing himself for allowing the moment and chance to slip through his fingers. He didn’t see her again for a few months, he heard about her in town, people talking about her driving around on her bicycle, usually on the dirt road, wearing sleeveless tops and shorts, mostly without a hat to protect her from the sun.
Daniel was returning home on a Friday evening, he has had a couple of beers and a few shots of tequila, he wasn’t drunk, but he wasn’t sober either. It was good driving with the windows open, music playing and not a real care about how late he got home, movement caught his attention and he only registered it to be a bicycle when he passed the person. He stopped, he felt rather generous and it would have been good to give the cyclist a lift…he wasn’t prepared for the cute face of Natalya popping up on his side of the cab.
“Well if it isn’t Daniel…I’ve been wondering what happened to you. Gonna offer me a lift?”
He frowned slightly,
“It is kind of late to be cycling without any lights.”
She smirked at him,
“Yes dad.”
For some reason she said it in such a way that his less-than-sober mind could imagine her leaning over his lap, ready to get spanked.
“Yeah…yes I was going to offer you a lift.”
She disappeared for a few moments, then the passenger door opened and she got in, in the dashboard lights he could see that she wore the black polka dot dress again, her hair loose and hanging passed her shoulders, she had black eyeliner, which actually accentuated her blue eyes and her lips glossed what he took as a rose pink. She sat back into the seat, stretching out,
“I had a really shitty day.”
He placed the pick-up into gear and pulled away,
“Want to talk about it?”
As it turned out she did want to talk about it, it also became clear that she was far from sober and after a few minutes started flirting with him again. Having lost most of his inhibitions thanks to the drinks he had, he flirted back. He wasn’t sure how far they drove before she had the buttons undone again, this time there was no bra, thanks to one more button undone, the dress opened up more, exposing the soft flesh of her breasts. She shifted, getting onto her knees, her hands resting on his leg as she nibbled on his ear, one hand sliding to his crotch, slowly stroking his cock, making it grow steadily under her very experienced hand. It became clear that his concentration was slipping, but who could blame him? Especially when a hot girl was nibbling on his earlobe; her cool hand massaging his throbbing cock and the smell of her arousal filling the cab of his pick-up.
“Stop here.”
He complied and found that he could make out the tree where he had dropped her off last time; she switched off the engine and flicked off the lights. They both knew that she would not be able to straddle him, her legs was just too long and the cab too small for that particular trick, her lips sought and found his, he pushed a hand into her hair, feeling the silky soft strands slide through his fingers. He met her tongue with his own, tasting mint and a slight hint of marijuana on her breath as she moaned into his mouth. His other hand slid over her arched back and over her firm ass, the dress ended just under her cheeks and she arched her back even more as he followed the soft skin of her legs up to her ass. She suddenly pulled away, grabbing the front of his shirt,
“Get out.”
She pushed him back into his seat and slithered away from him, he managed to get the door open and get out, he felt kind of silly standing there in the semi-dark with his cock throbbing through the open zipper of his shorts,
“Oh Danieeeel.”
He saw her standing at the bonnet of the pick-up, he made his way to her, she grabbed him by his shirt again and pulled him to her, pushing her lithe body up against his. Her lips found his and her tongue slid into his mouth like a sinewy snake, one he tried to pin down with his own tongue, for a moment he was at a loss what to do with his hands, but quickly filled them with two firm globes of ass-cheeks. He squeezed and she moaned loudly into his mouth, writhing against him, he could feel her nipples brushing against him as her firm breasts squashed against his chest.
She broke the kiss after a long while, leaving them both gasping for breath, she grabbed hold of his shirt again and out of nowhere slapped him. The sound was loud in his ears, his cheek stinging from where her hand impacted, he was lost for words or actions as she pushed herself against him. Her tongue found his cheek, lathering the impact with her spit, her hand slowly stroking his cock, her fingers deftly unbuckled his belts and pushed his shorts and briefs down to free his cock. Her whisper hot on his damp cheek,
“You’re such a nice guy…”
He wasn’t sure if that explained why she slapped him or if it was part of the reason she was all over him,
“You know what nice guys do to me? They make me want to act like a slut, just to shock them.”
She pulled away and he could hear a slight rustle in front of him, he reached out and impacted with her naked ass, she sucked in her breath and her hands found his, she guided his hands over the firm, yet supple flesh of her ass. Hooking the thin material of her g-string, drawing it inside to push the fingers of his other hand into her wet opening, she moaned lewdly, clearly enjoying it. Daniel didn’t wait for further instructions, he pushed his fingers deeper into her wet pussy; she released his hands and moaned as his fingers delved into her. Seeking and probing, finding the spongy area and rubbing it with the pads of his fingers, his hand sliding down the front of her g-string, finding her clit and rubbing it in time with his fingers massaging her g-spot.
It didn’t take long, her breathing quickened and her scream was deafening as her pussy clamped around his fingers, her juices flooding passed his fingers and drenching his hand. Her whole body convulsed and she went rigid, her breathing hard, he could hear her nails scratching over the metal of the bonnet, her pussy kept on convulsing though, it felt like soft tugs on his fingers. A huge shudder ran through her body after a few moments and she slumped forward, her ass pushed back, trapping his hand between their bodies,
“Come on big boy, I felt that cock of yours, come on, fill me up with that thing.”
He was surprised to say the least, but not by her actions, more by her words, as he withdrew his fingers from her, she whimpered softly, swaying her hips, like she needed them to be replaced. He gripped the throbbing shaft and pushed it towards her swaying groin, the head brushed over her lips, sending delicious shudders down her body, she held still for a few moments and in those moments he slid into her.
“Don’t cum inside me.”
Her words was moaned out, she was so wet that he slid all the way in to her, his groin pushing up against the pale globes of her ass,
“Oh yessssss, you’re way up in there.”
She swivelled her hips and he pulled back, pushing back into her, drawing moans of encouragement from her. He leaned forward as he started to stroke his cock inside of her, his head pushing past her cervix with each deep thrust. He slid a hand into her dress, grabbing hold of her soft breast and squeezed it firmly,
“Mmmm you got big hands too, come on, fuck me.”
He rolled her hard nipple between his fingers, tugging on it, she moaned louder, still begging for more. He let go of her breast and leaned back, taking hold of her hips, thrusting harder into her,
“Oh yesh, much better.”
His groin started to slap loudly against her ass, the sound fuelling him on to thrust faster, drawing her into each hard thrust, she moaned out her approval, nails scratching across the paint of the bonnet. Soon he was thrusting as fast as he could go inside of her, she shouted out curses and moaned wildly, seconds before climaxing, her cum coated his groin and her ass, dripping down his balls. He relentlessly kept on thrusting into her, one hand on her hip, the other rubbing her wet, hard clit, he could feel his own climax building up fast, he tried to think of everything but the feeling and tried to ignore her moans, the pressure kept building, the strokes started to get shorter and just as he was about to climax, he pulled out at the last moment, his cum erupting from his throbbing cock, splattering over her ass, he grabbed hold of his convulsing cock, aiming at the soft globes of her ass reflecting in the moonlight.
His cock was still convulsing, cum spewing from the head when he shoved it back into her pussy, he thrust hard into her, driving deep into her. She cried out at the sudden intrusion, not expecting the hard, fast thrusts that pushed her up against the grill of the pick-up, his hands on her hips, pulling her back into the almost frantic thrusts. She was building up to a huge climax before he pulled out, but now he had her right up there again, Daniel pulled back a hand and slapped her ass as hard as he could, the slap had his own hand stinging, but it was exactly what she needed.
The scream sounded like a banshee in heat, again her body convulsed, he pushed his cock deep into her, feeling her body tugging at it, her fists drumming on the bonnet as she ran out of breath to scream and settled down for moans. She leaned onto the bonnet, breathing heavily as he kept his cock buried deep inside of her, as her climax passed, so too did the insistent tugging on his cock, which made it to slowly start to grow flaccid, finally his cock slipped from her pussy, accompanied by the squelching sound of their combined cum escaping her. He found that he had shoved her g-string over her one cheek and slipped it back into place, she was still leaning over the bonnet, breathing heavily as he pulled up his shorts and briefs, wet from her cum.
With a soft groan she pushed herself upright and her dress fell down over her hips, he slipped an arm around her as she seemed to wobble slightly for a moment and she leaned against him, her head resting on his shoulder as she stared up at the sky. She giggled softly and he could feel her shake her head,
She turned her head to look at him,
“You really did a number on me, fuck I swear you dislocated my hip with that smack.”
He winced,
“Yeah that was a bit hard, sorry.”
She chuckled softly and kissed his cheek,
“You gonna be sorry for fucking me so hard that I will not be able to ride my bike for a while?”
“Uhm is that a trick question?”
She chuckled again and kissed his cheek,
“Tell you what, come here Sunday afternoon and I’ll give you a surprise. Now help me with my bicycle.”
She pushed away and he walked with her to the back of the pick-up, he pulled the bicycle off and she took the handlebars from him.
“Thank you for the lift Daniel.”
“It was a pleasure.”
He found it strange that after what had just happened, those simple sentences sounded like much more than what they were…actually they were, but that was another story. He got back into the pick-up and drove away, watching her disappear into the dark behind him.

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From Friend, to Stepsister, to Lover? Part 2

I apologize for the long break between Parts 1 and 2. Dealt with writer’s block for a bit while writing this part. And I am starting classes soon, so I will not have as much time to upload/write anything. Please leave constructive criticism in the comments below so that I can improve the next part. And without further ado, here is Part 2.

The Security Guard Takes Charge

“Damn” I thought to myself “just what I don’t need in this job. Something to actually happen.” I had taken a second job as a security guard to earn some extra money. When my ex-girlfriend and I broke up a few months ago, she had moved out immediately, leaving my name on the lease of our rented house. I was trying to keep things going until the lease ran out at the end of the year.
I had been doing this job a little over a month, usually 3 or 4 nights a week of the overnight shift-11 P.M. until 7 A.M. After finishing my shift I would go to my real job except if I worked Saturday night as I would always be off Sunday. This particular Saturday I was making my rounds in the company car around the perimeter of the property. It was a plant which had recently closed when they shipped the jobs overseas to China. The company was trying to sell the property, but due to the real estate crash wasn’t having much luck. Therefore they had to maintain security on the property. It was an easy job usually. Once an hour you would drive around to make sure the gates and doors were locked and that nothing suspicious was taking place. Since all the buildings were locked with external padlocks it was as easy to check them by just flashing a beam of light on them. When not patrolling you would be inside the guard building that dated from the early days of the plant. It had a small, cramped office, a tiny bathroom and a tiny locker room. It was situated just past the main gate which was locked.
It was around 12:30 A.M. and I was making my second patrol of the shift, when I saw a hole cut into the fence. When I had passed by earlier the hole hadn’t been there. I stopped the car and got out to investigate.
Someone must have used bolt cutters to cut a section open. Before calling my supervisor or the law I decided to check around first . I had my cellphone in my jacket pocket and my flashlight in my hand. It was one of those big 4 D battery maglight types, so I knew I could use it like a club if needed. I also had a few of those pull ties that could be used to restrain someone, although I doubted I would need them. I’m not a cop and capturing people isn’t my job. I started to quietly walk the property, staying very alert.
I heard them before I could see them. The sounds were coming from around a corner of a building ahead of me. I cautiously peered around the corner and was surprised at what I saw. It was a couple, in their teens probably. The boy was slight, with dark hair and baggy clothing that was the style today. His pants were open and the girl was on her knees before him sucking him. From what I could see of her, she was petite with short brown hair and she was wearing a short skirt and a tank top with spaghetti straps. I also noticed that the wall behind them had fresh graffiti spray painted on it. Realizing that was why they broke in, I figured they probably weren’t dangerous. I took my phone out of my pocket and put it on camera mode. They were perfectly illuminated due to a light that was mounted on the wall near them. I quickly took a couple of photos, then started to approach them. They didn’t notice me as they were too busy – him being on the receiving end, her concentrating on her task at hand.
“Come on Hailey, suck my dick right” I heard the boy say. The boy had a hand on the girl’s head and as I watched he slapped her in the face with his free hand a couple of times. The girl didn’t stop, but kept working his knob.
“You know you love it, you cock sucking slut” he said as he roughly pushed her head down. The girl seemed to be enjoying what she was doing and I felt a stirring in my cock from watching. But that isn’t what I’m paid to do, so I ignored my cock and continued forward.
When I was within ten feet of them I turned on my flashlight and shone the beam on them while yelling “Security – stop what you’re doing.” I know that sounds lame, but it’s all I could think of. The reaction though was almost instantaneous. The boy turned his head to look behind him, saw me and my flashlight almost on top of him and panicked. He must have pulled his dick out first, then took off running in the opposite direction from me. However in his haste he collided with the girl, who a moment ago had been sucking him, sending her sprawling to the ground from her knees. He managed to stay on his feet and kept going. I lifted my phone and took a picture of his fleeing back.
I closed the distance between myself and the girl, who was still on the ground. I then noticed that there was a knapsack on the ground beside her. The boy was too fast for me to catch even if I wanted to try. But she was trapped like a kitten up a tree.
“Don’t move” I said, towering over her. She looked up at me and she seemed a bit stunned, as if the wind was knocked out of her. “Are you ok? Can you get up?” I asked her. She nodded and started to scramble to her feet. I pocketed my phone and helped her stand. I kept my hand on her arm, preventing her from trying to escape. I slipped my flashlight into its holder and removed a plastic restraint from my pocket. I spun her around so her back was to me, grabbed both her arms and brought her hands together. I then secured the tie around her wrists and pulled tight. She made a small whimper as the plastic cut into her flesh. I looked around and observed that as well as the knapsack there was a small purse on the ground. Without touching the straps with my hand I slipped my arm through the strap and picked it up. I also picked up the purse, though with my hand. I grabbed her arm with my free hand.
“Let’s go” I barked at her and started walking the way I came from. We turned the corner of the building and approached the car. I unlocked the passenger door and had her sit, even guarding her head like they do on tv so she didn’t hit it. I then put the backpack in the trunk and also removed a bungee cord from there. I used that to somewhat secure the hole in the fence. I then called 911 on my phone and reported the break in. For some reason I didn’t report that I had detained one of the intruders or even that there were two of them. While talking to the operator, I went through her purse. In there as well as ordinary girl things like lipstick, I found an I.D. It identified her as Hailey Richards, an eighteen year old freshman at the local community college. When I finished the call, I got in the car and drove to the guardhouse to wait for the police.
While driving I began to talk to the girl. “You know that breaking and entering, trespassing, and painting graffiti are crimes. I see you’re eighteen, so they will arrest you and since it’s Saturday night you will probably be held until Monday morning at the least.”
I could see right away that she was getting scared at the thought of going to jail. She was making faces and her eyes began to tear up. I added “That’s some boyfriend you have, not only did he abandon you to take the fall, he actually knocked you down so you didn’t have a chance.”
She was really crying now, but in between sobs she said “That fucking jerk. Never again. Fuck him, the bastard.” I was smiling to myself , as I certainly had an ulterior motive to what I was saying. We arrived at the guardhouse and I shut off the engine and popped the trunk. I got out and looked in the backpack. As well as cans of spray paint there was some magic markers, a book that showed the young artist at work, tagging buildings and pictures of his “art”. I laughed knowing this was enough evidence to get him. Also in the backpack was a bag of weed which I slipped into my pocket. I closed the trunk and removed my “prisoner” from the car and brought her into the guardhouse. She was still crying and nervous.
“Sit down” I told her, pulling up a chair. She quickly sat down. I slipped the weed and her purse into a desk drawer and sat on the desk in front of her.
Now that I was sitting and in the light I was able to really check her out. She did have short brown hair, but with some pink highlight streaks. Her eyes were big and brown and she had a little snub nose. She was definitely tiny, as she only came up to the middle of my chest when standing. As I’m 6’2”, that meant she was around 5’. Her complexion was fair and seemed flawless. I didn’t see any blemishes on her face. She was wearing a short black skirt that showed plenty of her gorgeous legs. Her top was light blue with the A & F logo. She had on pink and white sneakers with little socks to round out her outfit. Her breasts were tiny, barely a bump on her chest, but her nipples seemed to be hardening rapidly from the AC in the room. All in all a true tasty looking treat, one I would love to eat.
“You know” I said “with your partner getting away, management will probably want to throw the book at you and press charges.” This was actually true, even if they both were caught, management would try to make an example.
“Isn’t there something you could do, to tell them I was just along and not really doing anything so they like might not be too hard on me, you know” Hailey said teary eyed.
“Believe me, I’d love to help but I have no control over management. Maybe….” I paused as if thinking. I already had a plan but Hailey didn’t need to know that.
“What is it you were starting to say, do you have any ideas?” Hailey said, desperation clearly in her voice. “If my father finds out about this he might throw me out if I don’t end up in jail.”
“Well I thought of something that might work, but then that could cost me my job. It’s not worth it for me” I answered her. Just as I planned, the ray of hope I offered her turned up the pressure. I wanted her to suggest a solution.
“Please I’ll do anything to make things right if you can help me with this” Hailey pleaded, looking me in the face with her big brown eyes. I got up and stood in front of her, maybe with two feet separating us. I knew that my crotch was at her eye level, which caused the blood to begin flowing to my cock.
“Hailey, I hope you don’t mind me using your name, but when you say anything what exactly do you mean?” I said while bringing my hand to the front of my pants and rubbing the growing bulge.
Her eyes widened and she took a big gulp of air. But in a steady voice she said “You saw I was giving that guy a blowjob. If you like I could do that for you. I‘m really good at it I’m told.” She did her best sexy look while saying this, even batting her eyes at me.
“Hailey, Hailey what am I going to do with you? I know I’m over 30, but I haven’t lost all my looks yet. I really don’t have trouble getting my cock sucked. If that’s all your offering me I have to decline” I said.
“Wait what more do you want? Do you want to fuck me as well? I guess I can do that “ she answered.
“Hailey you are a very sexy girl. I would want to do anything I want with you, no restrictions. And more than once. Once wouldn’t be enough with your body, especially with what you get in return” I said.
I could see she was thinking it over, calculating what she might have to do versus what she knew would happen if she didn’t. Just at that moment we heard the sound of approaching sirens.
“Well it looks like their here. Come on it’s time to go” I said sternly, reaching for her arm.
“No wait, I agree. You can do anything with me, I won’t say no to what you want. I promise. Please.” she cried.
“Ok” I said “wait in here and I’ll tell you when the coast is clear.” I opened the door to the locker room and guided her in, closing the door after her.
I went outside and unlocked the front gate and the police drove in. It didn’t take that long to deal with them. I told them what happened, conveniently forgetting about Hailey. I gave them the knapsack and we had a laugh about the dumb kid leaving his calling card behind. Then they did a quick patrol of the property to make sure he wasn’t still lurking about. While they did that I called my supervisor and filled her in. She was happy about how I handled things and how it would look good for the security company to be on top of things. What she was most happy about was since I took care of things she didn’t have to drive to the site at 1:00 A.M. I suggested that maybe I should get a raise and she agreed to recommend that. After I hung up the cops came back saying all was clear and they left. Then I locked up and headed back into the guardhouse.
I opened the door to the locker room. Hailey was standing there, still looking nervous. “Ok Hailey you can come out now. The police are gone and I didn’t tell them about you, so you should be in the clear.”
Hailey walked out of the room and immediately said “Oh thank you. You’re the best, I really mean it. Thank you.” I reached out and grabbed her shoulder and spun her around so her back was to me. I then used my pocket tool to cut off the restraint on her wrists and turned her back to face me. I stepped back so that she was at an arms distance and really studied her. Her face was very pretty, even beautiful. I stepped close to her, put a hand on her lower back and pulled her body to mine. As I gazed into her brown eyes I saw a mix of fear and excitement. Remembering how the boy slapped her I realized Hailey had a big submissive streak. I leaned down and kissed her hard. When I did I felt an instantaneous jolt go through me. Her pink lips were soft and sweet as candy. I continued kissing her and she began to respond, kissing me back. I slipped my tongue between her parted lips and her tongue eagerly met mine. Our tongues entwined and separated again and again as if dancing. My hand pulled her even tighter to me and my cock was growing rapidly as it pushed into her belly. I felt her arms encircle me and she pushed her mound against my leg. I broke the kiss while I still had some control left. My lips nuzzled her cheek and hair and I whispered in her ear “Wow Hailey that kiss was incredible.”
“Oh God yes” she responded “I think that was the best kiss I’ve ever had.”
Realizing I might be crazy, I broke our embrace and stepped back. Hailey, mistaking my intentions, began to sink to her knees. I stopped her with my hand and pulled her back to her feet.
“Hailey, some people might think I’m crazy for saying this but I’m not going to hold you to our agreement.”
She looked at me in confusion. “You mean you don’t want to sleep with me?” she asked.
I laughed. “No that’s not what I’m saying. I’m sure you felt how much I’d like to do that.” Hailey turned red, but she stared down at the large bulge in my pants, which to tell the truth was starting to be painful, trapped as it was.
“Then why don’t you want to?” she asked with a puzzled expression.
“I guess because I’m a good guy. I’ve never forced a woman against her will and I don’t want to start now. I know we made a deal but I’d be a scumbag if I took advantage of you. But most people aren’t so nice, so stay out of trouble and stay away from guys like that kid” I said. I was rolling the dice one more time, but whether I would hit the jackpot or roll craps I didn’t know.
Hailey looked me in the eye, like she was trying to figure out if I was telling the truth or messing with her.
She then gave a little shrug and smiled. “Ok if the deal is off then I can go, right” she said.
I did my best to hide my disappointment and answered “Of course you can go. Let me get your purse from the drawer and be careful going home.”
“Well since I came with the jerk, I don’t have anyway to get home so I have an idea. I can wait here with you, until you get off. Then you can give me a ride and while we wait we can do those things that we both want to do with each other” Hailey said, showing herself to be pretty perceptive as well as horny.
“Hailey did anyone ever tell you that not only are you beautiful and hot, but really clever as well.” Her face flushed but she did smile from the compliment.
She replied “People talk about my looks, but no one ever says anything about my mind.”
“Well Hailey” I answered “they’re fools for not noticing. Besides the brain can make sex better than the body alone. But enough talk for now.”
I pulled her close and started to kiss her again. The softness of her pink lips was incredible and I feasted on her mouth. This time I felt her tongue slip into my mouth and begin to explore. I eagerly began to suck hard on her tongue which she liked. After a couple of minutes of kissing I began to work my mouth down her slender neck, and when I bit the nape she moaned loudly. My hands reached to the bottom of her top and began to lift it up. Hailey raised her arms so I could pull it over her head. I tossed the shirt on the desk. Her breasts were very small, no more than a mouthful, a true A-cup cutie. Her nipples and areolas were a pale pink. The areolas were the size of half-dollars and her nipples were erect and protruding.
I couldn’t resist them, so I bent down and flicked one nipple with my tongue, then the other. I felt Hailey shudder as my tongue teased her nips. I then opened my mouth and took her right breast in, suckling it with my lips and gently tweaking it with my teeth. My hand reached up and started to play with her left breast and nipple, caressing and squeezing.
Hailey obviously was very sensitive as she let out a low moan and grabbed my hair and encouraged my mouth “Oh yes don’t stop. Keep sucking, oh please don’t stop, that feels so good, yesss. “
I then switched my mouth to her left breast and a hand to her right and continued my attention. She continued moaning and playing with my hair. I continued kissing and nuzzling her chest and I noticed the skin between her breasts was very sensitive so I began really sucking the skin hard there. This had such an effect on her that she pulled my head off her.
“Oh stop, I can’t take it any more” Hailey said.
I reached up with both hands and tweaked both nipples. She grabbed my hands and pulled them away.
“Stop” she said “you’re being bad.” I laughed and put my arms around her waist and lifted her into the air so that her chest was at my mouth level and began to work her nipple over again. She squealed and kicked her feet back and forth, but I held on tight.
“If you don’t stop then how can I suck your dick?” Hailey asked. The girl made a good point, so after one more nipple nip I put her down. She smiled and sank to her knees.
“Now it’s my turn” she said “so get those pants down and let me suck you.” I didn’t need to be asked twice as I’d been wanting this since I first saw her. I unbuckled my belt and pulled down my zipper before pushing my pants and underwear down freeing my cock. It sprang up after it’s long captivity, already dripping pre-cum. Now my cock is just under 8” in length and average thickness, around 5 ½ “ in circumference. Hailey let out a squeal when she saw my cock.
“Wow your dick is long, wait I don’t know your name” she said “and if I’m going to suck your dick I should.”
“My name is Joe. Now you know my name so start sucking Hailey” I said, as I took my cock in hand. When Hailey leant forward I slapped her cheek with my cock. I gripped her head with my other hand, then proceeded to slap her face all over.
“Open your mouth” I ordered her “and stick out your tongue.”
Hailey instantly complied, opening her mouth wide and sticking out her pink, pointed tongue. I pushed my cock into her wet mouth and she immediately went to work. Hailey wrapped her lips tightly around my shaft and began sliding her mouth down it. I removed my hand from the base of my cock, but kept my other hand on her head, entwined in her hair. She took me to the back of her mouth then slid her mouth back until only the head was in her. She repeated this a number of times driving me crazy. Hailey then changed tactics, taking her mouth off my cock and instead swirling her warm tongue all around my cockhead before licking down my shaft until reaching my balls. Hailey opened her mouth and sucked a ball into her mouth where her tongue continued licking. She took her mouth off my ball and started working her tongue up the length of me.
Again Hailey opened her mouth and took my rock hard cock inside. She began to bob her head up and down, taking in my head and the few inches below it. Her head was moving fast and at a steady rhythm and I didn’t no how much longer I could last, when I heard Hailey making little moaning sounds around my cock. I looked down and saw her hand between her legs, rubbing herself. I pulled Hailey’s mouth off my cock and heard a pop as my head slipped from her lips. She looked up at me confused.
“Hailey did I give you permission to play with yourself?” I asked her sternly.
“No” she answered “but I didn’t think you would mind.”
“Well I feel if you are giving me a blowjob you should concentrate on that 100% and not on your little pussy at the same time. Believe me, I will take good care of it in a little while” I said.
Hailey smiled at me and said “Sorry I thought you would, it’s just I’m getting so hot sucking your big dick.” She then swallowed me again taking me to the back of her mouth. Hailey took her hand and gripped the base of my cock. She then tilted her head and swallowed further, taking my cock into her throat. I gasped from the feeling of my cock sliding down her throat. She continued inching further down until the only part outside her was covered by her hand. Hailey then adjusted her head so she was gazing into my eyes. She then removed her hand and swallowed me to the root, her lips bumping into my pubic hair. It felt incredible, as most women didn’t deep throat me. Hailey moved her head back then deep throated me again. It was too much for me and I felt the cum boiling up from my balls.
“Oh God Hailey, I can’t hold back anymore. I’m going to cum” I exclaimed. Hailey pulled back but kept the head of my cock in her mouth and ran her tongue over it. My cock exploded in her mouth with more force than I ever remembered but Hailey kept sucking away as my cock shot cum deep into her mouth. My orgasm seemed to go on forever but finally the cum ran out. As I pulled my cock from her sweet lips a dribble of cum escaped as well, but Hailey stuck out her tongue and licked it up.
“Wow Joe, you came a lot and it tasted real good as well” she said.
“When you said you were good at this you sold yourself short little girl. Great is more like it” I answered.
I reached my hand down and helped Hailey to her feet. My hands then snaked around to the lower back of Hailey and I began to unzip her skirt. When I finished Hailey shook her hips and the skirt slid down to the floor. She stood before me wearing only a blue thong and sneakers, and there was a growing wet spot on her panties.
I sank down to my knees and I could smell her sex perfume. I leaned in and kissed her mound through the thin material. My fingers slipped under her waist band and I pulled her thong down to her ankles. Her pussy was right before me and was so beautiful it took my breath away. Hailey obviously waxed, as her pussy was bald with just a tiny landing strip a few inches long. Her pussy was a shade of pink, with her lips glistening from her juices. Her lips didn’t protrude, but were flush with her body. Her clitoris was erect and peaking out from it’s hood.
I took my finger and began to slide it up and down between her lips, making sure to graze her clit with each pass. I could feel her juice oozing out her peach as I did. Hailey began to push her mound forward as I played with her, letting out little mewing sounds. She must have been in a high state of arousal because after only a couple of minutes she grabbed my shoulder, digging her fingernails in hard. Hailey started to tremble and gasped out “ I’m cumming.”
I had to have a taste of her nectar, so I removed my finger from her slit and put my mouth on her lips and started sucking her love juice. This pushed Hailey into a bigger orgasm and her whole body shuddered. I began to use my tongue to lap up any escaping juice. Hailey’s taste was sweeter than April wine and I couldn’t get enough. I started to stick my tongue into her hole as far as I could lapping up all her nectar from her pussy walls. My thumb crept up and began gently rubbing her clit as my tongue made circular motions inside her. It wasn’t long before Hailey started having another orgasm from my efforts. This time she grabbed my hair with both hands, pulling on it hard while letting out a long moan. I felt her pussy muscles actually contract on my tongue as she came.
When her orgasm subsided I removed my tongue and stood. I grasped the back of Hailey’s head and leaned in and kissed her passionately. When I broke the kiss I said to her
“Hailey did you taste yourself on my mouth? Because you really taste good. If there was a way to market that you could be a millionaire.”
She laughed and just said “That’s silly.”
I hadn’t nearly had my fill of this hot teen, so I picked her up like a rag doll and put her on top of the desk. I placed Hailey on her back, with her feet flat on the desk and her knees in the air. I positioned a chair and sat so I was between her legs. With one hand I spread her wet lips and I inserted a finger from my other hand into her hot box. Though she was tight, she was so wet I had no problem as I began to finger her. After a couple of minutes I slipped a second finger into her which caused Hailey to begin moaning. I leaned my head in and began teasing her engorged clit with my tongue as I continued to finger her. My tongue made circular motions on her clit, with an occasional direct stab of my tongue. As I increased the speed of my fingers in her pussy her moaning became louder. I then sucked her clit and the surrounding flesh into my mouth bringing Hailey another orgasm.
I stood up while Hailey recovered from her orgasm. I took a number of plastic restraints and adjusted Hailey’s body into position so that her head was at the edge of the desk. I took Hailey’s hands and brought them above her head. I fastened a restraint to a drawer handle, then secured her wrists with another and a third to join the two together, imprisoning Hailey. I then restrained each of her legs separately so that she was held immobile with her legs spread.
Noticing the time, I approached Hailey’s face and bent down and kissed her while also tweaking a nipple. I then picked up Hailey’s thong and stuffed it in her mouth. I pulled up my pants, although my semi-erect cock resisted being confined again.
“Hailey I have to go make my rounds again. But don’t worry, I’ll be back to fuck you. Now don’t go anywhere.” I headed for the door.

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Hanging My Neighbor’s Holiday Lights

Hanging My Neighbor’s Holiday Lights
By rutger5 (An Original story – Copyright 2011)
It all happened because of my wife. Don’t get me wrong I’m not really blaming her but without her it never would have happened. Well let me start at the beginning. My wife and I had gone to high school together and though we hadn’t dated we were part of the same crowd. It was after we graduated that we started spending time together and six months later we were married after she became pregnant with our first child.
Twenty three years and two more children later with our last one now out of the house we decided to make some lifestyle changes. Our youngest was in college out west when he met the “One” and asked us to ship him all his things out there. Now it was just the two of us in our too large and too empty house. We sold at the right time, not long before the bubble burst, luckily enough for us and bought a smaller, older house at a good price. It needed work but since I’m a carpenter by trade I was able to do most of the work myself which saved us a lot of money. Plus we paid for it with the proceeds of our last house so we had no mortgage to worry about.
Carol had been working part time for years by now and she continued to do so to keep from being bored at home but usually worked only three days a week leaving her with plenty of spare time. Because she was home a lot she got to know many of the neighbors. My contact was usually restricted to weekends when I would be doing yard work or in passing when coming or going in the morning or evening. She on the other hand saw the neighbors more and a few of the neighborhood gossips would keep her filled in on the various goings on of the block.
Because of that we could say whose kids misbehaved and who drank too much or whose marriage was allegedly on the rocks. There was certainly trouble in paradise four houses down from us and it was so obvious that even I could tell. When we moved in two years ago we would see the couple pushing their little girl in her stroller and we would say hello in passing but they kept to themselves for the most part. Then the fights started or maybe just became worse so that everyone on the block could hear.
One evening my wife told me that the police were there during the day and though nobody was arrested she saw the husband leave with a hastily packed bag. Soon the reports came through the grapevine that they were getting divorced. Sometimes in the morning when I was leaving I would see the woman taking her daughter to school and she was usually dressed in those medical type scrubs. She would always say hello as she passed and seemed much more outgoing as if a dark cloud was lifted from her head.
Of course my wife saw her more than I did due to being home more and they became friendly, and on a couple of occasions Carol watched the little girl, who was named Elizabeth, when her mother Anna had no one else to watch her. Since we now had an empty nest my wife was eager to mother someone and little Liz fit the bill perfectly. She was an adorable child who loved Carol and would run up and hug her every time she saw her.
On the other hand I was always glad to see her mother. Anna was a thick, curvy Latina with long and curly brown hair that reached almost to her waist and she had flashing black eyes. Since her husband had moved out she wore clothing that showed her figure off more when she wasn’t wearing scrubs for her job as a nurse’s aid. Maybe as a married man I shouldn’t have noticed her phat butt and large round breasts but I never saw the harm in looking though I know that many women, including Carol, might not agree. But I was married not dead and since I’d gotten married I had never cheated or even attempted to put myself in a situation where I’d be tempted to. There was nothing wrong with noticing an attractive woman; they are the most beautiful of God’s creations in my mind. And to be honest when I looked Anna’s way she would invariably smile at me and often would seem to exaggerate the sway of her hips and ass as she passed.
No doubt as a woman going through a divorce she welcomed anything that made her feel attractive and desirable was simply the way I saw it. Besides I never flirted with her or did anything inappropriate in any way, it was just eye candy. Maybe if my wife and I were having relations more often it wouldn’t have happened the way it did. Maybe I’m just rationalizing now. To be truthful our sex life had gone downhill since the last of our kids was born, three babies in five years can do that to a marriage. But even once they all were in school and we had more time Carol seemed happy with our once a week lovemaking.
I wanted more as I was still in my mid twenties but I learned to cope with less. As the years went by I’d have gladly returned to once a week as our sessions became less frequent and just as bad was there was no variety. Every position but standard missionary caused her some pain or discomfort to some part of her body she said and blowjobs didn’t happen except on a few rare occasions where she was drunk and playful or on my birthday. Even that was now years in the past and though I remained fit and in shape with a still healthy libido masturbation became my main sexual outlet.
I had my workshop in the basement for my woodworking and other projects and I usually kept my laptop there. When I couldn’t take it anymore I would go to and read stories or watch a video while I brought myself some solitary relief. It was far from a perfect situation but it was what it was and I dealt with it. That is until that fateful holiday season.
A couple of years ago I’d made some wooden reindeer figures to decorate the yard during the Yule time season and once December rolled around I’d put them out and string lights up on the house. Ever since I was a kid I loved this time of the year so I would go all out decorating the property and the fact that it helped to keep me occupied was a plus. Once I was finished I had one of the best decorated houses in the neighborhood and the local kids would ooh and aah. Anyway one evening during dinner Carol started telling me how poor little Liz loved our decorations but since her father had moved out there was no one to decorate the outside of her house.
“You know John this is a chance to help a young girl have something to believe in” she told me. “You have some free time on Saturday and Anna has all the lights. She just needs someone to hang them and I told her you’d be glad to and she was beside herself with joy when she heard. I hope you don’t mind.”
“It would have been nice to mention it to me first since I’ll be the one doing it” I replied.
“Well you don’t have to you know. I didn’t think you’d have a problem doing it but I can come up with an excuse if you want.”
“No I guess I can do it, Saturday is free. Just wish I was asked is all.”
Well Saturday rolled around and it was sunny but windy and very cold as befitted a mid December morning. While I sat sipping my second cup of coffee after breakfast Carol busied herself getting ready to head out for a day of Christmas shopping. She kissed me goodbye on the cheek and headed for the door. She turned right before she left and spoke to me.
“I’ll be back in time for dinner John, Anna said anytime after 10:00 AM is fine to start. Be careful and I’ll see you later.”
“Good bye dear and don’t spend all our money” I told her with a grin.
She just huffed and closed the door behind her as I chuckled. In fifteen minutes I had on my Carhartt jacket and Mechanix gloves and I was in my backyard getting my extension ladder. Within five minutes at ten after ten I was ringing Anna’s doorbell. After two minutes and no answer I rang again and this time I thought I heard something approaching. The door opened and Anna stood there in a red robe.
“Good morning John” she said with a big smile “sorry I left you so long on the doorstep but I just got out of the shower. Why don’t you come in and I’ll show you where the decorations are.”
Since I was speechless I just nodded in reply. Anna wasn’t wearing a thick terrycloth robe like I do when I shower but a silky looking number that barely reached mid-thigh and also revealed a generous amount of her full bosom. She just turned sideways so I had to squeeze past her to enter the foyer. As I did I could smell the mingled scents of berry and soap emanating from her and it was marvelous. Once I moved past she closed the door behind us and motioned me forward into the living room.
“I really want to thank you for this John and I can’t imagine how I can properly show you my gratitude. Before you start would you like coffee or something to eat?”
“No thanks, I just had breakfast and coffee a little while ago” I replied but I did wish to taste her the way she looked and smelled though I had to force that thought from my mind.
“It’s so cold out there today, I really feel bad for you but Elizabeth will be so surprised and happy. The decorations are in the basement so follow me.”
The living room was already decorated and I caught a glimpse of a tree from the corner of my eye as we passed through but I admit it was hard to tear my gaze away from her big ass as it swayed in front of me. The entrance to the basement was located in her snug and warm kitchen and soon we were standing down there.
“The stuff is over here somewhere” Anna said as she led the way to some shelves along a wall.
When she bent over and started rummaging around I almost lost it. Her red robe rode up revealing her thick legs and stopping just before I could see her ass. In fact once she found what she had been looking for Anna turned her head back towards me and smiled when she saw where my eyes were looking.
“Do you mind lending me a hand – with the lights I mean” Anna said with a smirk on her pretty face.
I crouched down next to her and we were so close our bodies almost touched. Her scent was now intoxicating me and I felt the blood start to flow to where I hoped it wouldn’t but I understood why it did. My hand brushed hers as I took the boxes of icicle lights from her causing me to shudder with repressed desire. Quickly I stood to try and put some distance between us but Anna rose right after me and in fact she steadied herself by holding onto my arm as she did.
We were facing each other and the only thing that saved me from immediate trouble was the fact that I had half a foot of height on her. If Anna was taller I think I might have kissed her but instead I turned and moved away. As I did my arm grazed her full breast and even though it was covered it felt soft and yielding to me. Quickly I put some space between us by heading to the stairs and putting the boxes down on them.
Anna had followed close behind me and was standing a foot away.
“Anna, do you have some heavy duty extension cords? Also where do I plug them in?” I asked her trying to remain focused on the job at hand.
“Yes I have some extension cords, the orange kind for outdoors, right?” Anna asked to which I nodded in response. “And you want to plug something in as well” she said and as she did Anna leaned in a little giving me an even better view of the top half of her full breasts.
My eyes were drawn there like a moth to a flame. Even though I realized that I was staring I didn’t stop. Anna had to know what she was doing so if she wanted me to look then I certainly had no problem doing so.
“Yes Anna, do you have an outdoor electric outlet?”
She furrowed her brow as if she was thinking before she answered.
“I think there’s one under the front porch, I never really worried about those things before.”
“All right, I’ll check and if not we’ll have to come up with something” I told her.
“Ooh, come up with something, I like the sound of that” Anna replied saucily, turning my innocent question into an innuendo and causing me to hurry up the stairs before I could reply in kind and get myself in real trouble. Without waiting for her I headed straight outdoors and got to work. First I checked to confirm that there was a GFCI outlet, and then I set up my ladder.
For the next hour and a quarter I hung the lights from the gutters of the first floor roof. After plugging them in and making sure everything worked I saw that there were still a lot of lights left over so I rang the bell. Surprisingly when Anna answered the door she was still wearing the robe even with all the time that had passed.
“Oh, those extra lights we used on the front gutter above the second floor. You don’t have to hang them if you don’t want to” she said with an almost pleading expression on her face after I inquired about the extra lights.
“No problem Anna, since I’ve come this far I‘ll finish. I won’t be able to use my ladder to reach there though.”
“My ex used to just stand on the lower roof when he put them up John.”
“Okay, I guess I can get to the lower roof with my ladder and then hang them” I told her.
“Don’t be silly John. It would be much easier and safer to just climb out the front window then to climb up and down the ladder.”
Reluctantly I had to agree with her logic. It wasn’t that I wished to take the more difficult path but rather I wanted to avoid going into Anna’s house again. I might not be a genius when it came to the opposite sex but even I could see her intentions weren’t entirely innocent. The fact that she still wasn’t dressed made me suspect she was hoping I would try something with her. I had no intention of doing that but she must have hoped I would.
Again I followed her swaying hips and butt, but this time up the stairs. I held back a step so as not to be too close behind which unfortunately caused her to be at a perfect angle for me to see underneath the bottom of her robe. My eyes caught a glimpse of her fat ass cheeks as well as a flash of her pink before I adjusted my vision to my feet to avoid further temptation.
Anna led me into the front bedroom which just happened to be hers. It was stylishly furnished from what I could see with the walls painted a cream color with matching drapes and the furniture a light shade of wood. The bed looked to be at least queen sized with the luxurious bedding rumpled and in disarray. There were two windows which opened out on the roof and I wasted no time in opening the one adjacent to the foot of the bed and climbing to the roof. Closing the sash first I started immediately hanging the lights and before long I was over half done. It was when I reached by the second window that trouble found me and grabbed ahold tightly.
While attaching the lights above, my eyes happened to glance at the window before me. The fact that I didn’t drop the lights or even worse fall was almost a miracle. There were heavy drapes over the window but they were parted somewhat allowing me to see inside. Anna lay on the bed with her head resting on a pillow and a wanton expression on her face. But it was the fact that her robe was wide open and her hands were busy stroking herself that shocked me.
One hand was squeezing and pinching a nipple that topped her large breast while the other was buried between her parted legs playing with her pussy. I’m not sure how long I stood there unmoving, staring entranced at the vision of my lovely Latina neighbor pleasuring herself but I did feel my blood flowing to my quickly hardening cock. Suddenly I realized that she was now staring back at me and once our eyes met Anna licked her red lips suggestively while her hands continued their movements.
Every nerve in my body screamed to rush inside and take her with no mercy while my brain attempted to reassert control. With a supreme effort I tore my eyes away from Anna and resumed work. Within a few minutes I finished hanging the lights and if they weren’t hung as well as the earlier ones who could blame me. My erection hadn’t shrunk, in fact it felt harder than ever but I steeled myself to return inside and get away from my sexy neighbor as fast as possible. Plugging the end of the string to an extension cord I opened the window and went in feet first.
As I stood I saw that Anna was waiting for me and her robe remained open with one of her hands still playing with her large, full breast. Before I had time to move her free hand reached out and grabbed the prominent bulge in my pants, squeezing it gently and driving me crazy with desire.
“Anna…” I began but she moved her hand from her breast to my mouth and I could taste and smell her juices on it as her finger pressed to my lips.
“Shh John, don’t talk. Now isn’t the time for that, now is the time for action.”
While she said that her hand continued working its magic on me, in fact she managed to get my fly open and slip her small hand inside my pants. She took her hand from my mouth and with it took my gloved hand and brought it to her full breast. I grabbed her and Anna gasped from the rough material rubbing her soft skin but once I pinched her nipple between my thumb and forefinger she moaned with pleasure.
Leaning down my mouth took her other nipple inside where my teeth nipped it. Her hand now held me firmly to her bosom where I suckled eagerly on her erect nipple. By now Anna had managed to remove my erection through my underwear and her fingers were stroking it softly. It felt like heaven as she pumped it from the base up to my sensitive head when without warning she pulled free of me and sank her body down.
Holding it by the shaft she stretched her little pink tongue out and flicked my swollen head. A groan escaped my mouth causing her to look up with a wide smile before she parted her lips and swallowed me. Her warm mouth felt like heaven as she bobbed up and down my shaft, taking around half my erection before pulling back only to slide down again. Her wet tongue licked the sensitive underside below my head and as Anna did all this she kept her dark eyes firmly locked on mine.
First I pulled my gloves off and dropped them to the floor where they were soon joined by my jacket and shirt leaving me bare chested. Meanwhile Anna was now taking me deeper in her mouth with my swollen head reaching the entrance to her throat with each movement of her head. My hand found her curly dark hair which I grasped between my fingers. I leaned sideways so my other hand could reach her nipple and once I did I twisted it gently. Anna moaned while keeping me buried in her mouth but I knew if this kept up I’d be shooting before I wanted to.
Reluctantly I brought my hips backwards while I held Anna in place with her hair until with a pop my cock was free. She seemed disappointed as my erection no longer filled her mouth and attempted to take it between her lips again but I stopped her with a word.
“No Anna, I’ll cum if you start again. First I want to taste your sweet pussy” I told her in a firm voice.
She smiled when she heard that and I helped her stand only to push her backwards onto the bed once she was up. My hand grabbed her leg and I dragged her compliant body into the position I desired of her. Anna was sprawled on her back across the bed in a diagonal position relative to the mattress. One of her thick legs was on the bed while the other dangled down from it. Crouching down I leaned forward so that my face was inches from her wet pink slit.
It appeared that Anna didn’t shave or wax but her full bush was trimmed so that the hairs were very short. I exhaled my warm breath so that it tickled her as it passed over and caressed her pussy lips causing her to tremble from lust. First I kissed her inner thigh from just above her knee and worked my way to just below her kitty before I switched to her other leg. By this time Anna was squirming but I continued to tease her by now running my tongue down the silky skin of her thigh. By the time I had worked my tongue up her other limb Anna was at her breaking point.
“Please Papi, stop torturing me like that” she growled in a husky voice.
I raised my head so I could look at her and smiled a wicked smile. Next my fingers grazed her wet, swollen lips for a second before I moved them off her again but by this time I desired to taste her too much to keep the teasing up. My thumb and finger spread her lips at which time my tongue extended and speared her juiciness. We both let out a moan simultaneously at that point I believe.
My questing tongue burrowed deeper inside her pinkness and she tasted wonderful to me. I started to move it in a back and forth motion, touching the walls of her feminine tunnel as I went. After exploring her wet depths for a few minutes I then started to trace the outline of her puffy lips while tickling her insides with my pinky.
She attempted to push her pussy onto it but I had other plans so I pulled it away from her causing her to let out a disappointed cry. By now my tongue was circling her erect clit though I avoided touching it directly but instead I teased Anna by coming oh so close. Finally when I had her almost insane with desire I flicked her nub with my tongue tip.
She gasped and it turned to a moan as I sucked it between my lips. Anna’s body shook as orgasm overtook her and I could feel her nectar seep from her onto the skin of my chin. I continued to suck on her clit while rubbing the tip of my tongue against it for a couple of minutes before I upped the ante by sliding my finger between her lips and inside her hole.
“Oh fuck yes Papi, don’t stop! Make your baby girl feel good. Yesss!” she cried out as I frigged her with my finger.
Anna was soon close to cumming again and after I slid a second finger to join the first she let loose. My fingers were deluged by her wetness as it flowed freely. Not for a moment did my mouth or fingers stop working her until her orgasm subsided. I rose while pushing my pants down past my knees and without pausing I moved to where my head pushed at her entrance. I rubbed my cockhead along her furrow a few times then pushed deep into Anna.
“Yes Papi” she cried out as her legs hooked around my waist.
My erect cock sank to the depths of her vaginal canal and it felt like paradise. She clung to my shaft like a sheath or a skintight glove as my full length filled her. One hand rested on the bed while my other stroked her cheek as I started to move. Repeatedly my cock pulled back before again sliding deep in her pink slot. Within a few minutes I knew that I was going to blow my load very soon.
“Anna I can’t take much more of this, I’m about to cum” I managed to gasp as I pounded her pussy faster.
“Do it Papi, cum in your baby girl” she answered as her legs squeezed me in their grip.
“Don’t worry I’m on the pill” Anna said after seeing my expression which gave me the assurance to relax.
I sank to the hilt and my body stiffened as I felt my orgasm overtake me like a runaway train. My cock swelled inside her as I exploded spurt after spurt of thick, white cum. My body sank onto her soft frame as her hands held my ass tightly. Finally when no more spewed from me I managed to move my head so our lips could meet. We kissed slowly at first, our passion muted by our recent orgasm but the flame still burned.
The longer we kissed the more worked up we became until a cold gust of wind whipped through the still open window and passed over us. With a groan I broke the kiss and managed to stand which caused my still half-hard erection to slide from Anna’s red hot furnace. Quickly I yanked the sash down with a slam and hobbled back to the bed.
“Why don’t you get those boots and pants off before round two?” Anna said as she sat up straight on the bed.
That certainly made sense so I bent down and undid my laces. It was only a minute before I kicked my boots off and stepped out of my pants leaving me in just my sox. Her hand grabbed my shaft, and then Anna leaned in and kissed the head, shiny with our combined juices. Next she patted the mattress beside her and beckoned me to join her which I wasted no time in doing.
Once I was lying on my back with a fluffy pillow beneath my head Anna went to work. She positioned herself on her knees where she could again take me into her hot mouth. As she moved her head up and down my growing length her hand fondled my balls stimulating me further. As soon as I was close to full size Anna straddled my body and guided my heat seeking missile to her molten core. She let out a loud moan as it pushed into her willing depths and then paused before moving.
After thirty seconds where her pussy stretched enough to encapsulate my cock fully Anna started to move again. While biting her full lip she raised her pelvis up until just my head remained inside her before sliding all the way down again swallowing my thick erection completely. Her warm hands pressed against my chest for support at which time she increased the speed of her movement and started to ride me hard.
My hands found her big ass cheeks and I squeezed them and helped to guide her movements. She was making little moaning sounds when her breast came close to my face as she moved. I attached my mouth to it and sucked her large, erect nipple into my mouth. At the same time I began to thrust upwards with my hips to meet her descending body. Proving that she was a vocal lover Anna let loose as I did this.
“That’s it Papi, fuck your girl. It feels so good, yes. Fuck me hard baby.”
I had no problem following that request let me tell you. Since I’d already cum once I knew that I could hold out a while so I increased my speed and with each thrust I pulled down on her ample ass burying my cock to the root. Anna’s face became flushed as our rhythm became more and more rapid. Suddenly she cried out and her upper body sank onto my chest, her curly hair tickling me as it cascaded onto my skin. My hips continued to piston up as she came on my cock.
“How was that, did it feel good?” I asked her as I slid in and out.
“Oh Papi you’re making your baby girl cum like crazy” she whispered in my ear.
“That’s what I wanted to hear” I told Anna as I suddenly rolled us over so I was on top now.
I adjusted myself so that I was supported by my arms and started to pound her wet pussy hard. With each thrust our pubic bones collided sending shockwaves across our bodies. Even though I enjoyed this position I wished to change it as I had a desire to look at her phat ass. Without warning I slipped out and rolled off the bed and onto my feet. Her disappointed expression disappeared when I slapped her thigh and told her what I wanted.
“Come on Anna, get on your hands and knees with your big ass up in the air and at the edge of the bed.”
“Yes Papi” she replied meekly as she assumed the doggy style position, her full moon beckoning me forward.
I swatted her ass right before I drove to the depths of her pink treat again and as I did Anna pushed back at me.
“That’s it, fuck me back” I demanded of her.
She had no problem doing that and quickly we built up a fast tempo of fucking, our bodies slapping together with each movement. My hands reached down and grasped her thick ankles to keep her in place as I continued to increase my pace. We were both sweating heavily now as well as making little grunts of pleasure when I felt that old familiar feeling in my balls.
“Yes Anna” I cried out “your hot little pussy is going to make me cum again.”
“Yes Papi yes, cum for your girl” she yelled in reply and for a moment I felt dizzy as I exploded in her for a second time that day.
After I pulled my spent prick from her, Anna stood on her shaky legs and again kissed me softly.
“Thank you Papi” she said with a tear in her eye “it’s been so long for me and I really needed that.”
Now that lust wasn’t driving me I felt awkward and didn’t know what to say. Not only was Anna the first woman I’d ever cheated with she was also the first woman besides my wife I’d slept with in over twenty years. She seemed happy and was singing softly to herself as she headed out of the room before returning in a minute with a wet washcloth.
She knelt down and tenderly washed my now flaccid cock. When her gentle touch brought back a little life into it Anna laughed after which she kissed it on the crown before releasing it. When she finished washing it she put her robe back on though she neglected to fasten it closed.
“Get dressed Papi, I’m going to make you something to eat. You must have built up quite an appetite with all your hard work today” Anna told me with some extra emphasis placed on the word hard.
Truth be told I was famished by this time and I could use some nourishment so I nodded at her. Anna bustled out as I slowly dressed. When I came downstairs I could smell the food cooking so I walked to the kitchen where Anna greeted me with a dazzling smile.
“Sit down” she said indicating a chair at the kitchen table “it will be ready in a minute.”
Right after I’d sat down she brought me a plate with chicken and rice and placed it before me. In another minute she removed a pot that was on the stove and spooned a pile of beans over my rice then returned the pot. Anna sat down next to me while I ate, snuggled against me and rested her hand on my thigh. I found out that I was only the second man she had sex with, her husband obviously the first.
“My ex seduced me when I was in high school, not that he had to work hard to do it cause I was ready. But he was a lot older than me so he taught me stuff. Maybe that’s why I like older guys like you and not boys, you know. But my ex started to get so controlling, like telling me how I could dress and stuff. After my daughter was born he only got worse, he didn’t even let me go out after work to celebrate a co-workers birthday or anything like that. Once we split I missed the sex but I can think for myself, I’m not a child.”
After I heard this things about Anna made a lot more sense to me. Because of how her marriage ended I hoped she wasn’t looking for anything serious especially with me. Her being mushy while she was still in the afterglow of her coupling was fine but I hoped that’s all it was. When I finished eating I gathered up my jacket and gloves and Anna walked me to the door. We kissed again and she pinched my butt as I headed out the door.
Once I was home I jumped in the shower to wash the scent of Anna from my satiated body and got in some clean clothes. Well before my wife arrived home I started to drink some beer in the hope that being inebriated, if only partially, would help me keep things under control.
The next day Carol was going to see her sister and since I had never gotten along with her particularly well I declined to go. A few minutes after she left the doorbell rang and as I headed to answer it I wondered what my wife had forgotten. When I was home Carol would invariably ring the bell to avoid the hassle of digging up her house keys. The words I planned on saying to her died on my lips when I opened the door and it was Anna standing there instead. Without speaking a word she stepped inside closing the door behind her.
“I saw your wife drive off so I came over” Anna said as she sank to her knees while tugging down my lounge pants.
Before I could get a word in her hot lips had gone to work on me, sucking my head between them. She seemed in a frenzy and I was rock hard in no time. She was giving it everything she had and my toes practically curled from her efforts. Just when I started to get close without warning she pulled her ruby lips from me and stood. She kissed me while at the same time giving my cock a final squeeze.
“If you want to finish this then come to my house” she said and with that she turned and exited leaving me with my hard, saliva coated erection waving in the breeze.
To be fair she gave me a chance to reconsider things while also doing her best to influence my decision. Within five minutes lust had won out and I was at her front door. When Anna answered she had a triumphant expression on her pretty face. It was a good thing little Elizabeth was still visiting her father because we didn’t make it past the living room. We went at it like animals right there on the rug by the tree as the little lights twinkled on and off.
After that we slipped into a rhythm where at least a couple of times a week I would be waiting for her near the school where she dropped off her daughter in the morning. We would go at it like teenagers in my back seat before I’d drive her to her job then head to mine. We continued this to mid-February at which time her divorce became final. Around a week later we were sitting in the back seat post-coitus and Anna seemed very quiet yet nervous.
“Papi we have to talk” she told me as her fingers twisted some of her long hair.
“Okay what is it Baby Girl?” I asked referring to her by the name she loved.
“I’m not sure how, maybe cause when I was separated from my ex I got careless some. It only happened a couple of times but I guess it was enough. There’s no easy way to say this but Papi I’m pregnant.”
After she said this her head dipped a minute before she looked up and did her best to meet my eyes with hers. To say I was shocked would be an understatement, but what else was I feeling? There was such a hodge-podge of emotion I felt at that moment in time. Either way it was certain that it would be hitting the proverbial fan.
By rutger5 (An original story – Copyright 2011)
As always thank you to those readers who choose to read my stories, I do appreciate a lot.
Comments, PM’s and votes are always welcomed and due to the season this story is being posted let me wish all who read this – Happy Holidays 2011!

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Helping out a new friend

Before you read, forgive me for the length
Please rate and comment, but most of all, enjoy!
A few days ago I had just gotten my license, I was so pumped that I didn’t even remember that I had no car, and no money to buy one
I didn’t really have a job either, I babysat for some neighbors but the pay was crap.  I didn’t like any of their kids either, they were all little brats who pissed and shat everywhere.
My brother would occasionally lend me his car, a 1997 Pontiac, but it was crap and beaten to shit.  And plus, it never felt right driving someone else’s car… The individuality of having a license all kind of fades away when it isn’t even your car.
I eventually started mowing lawns and doing other house hold chores for my dads friend, David.
David was a nice man, nice house, great job, awesome pool, a NICE car, but no family. He also had a cute dog named Cookie
I envied the guy.  
I had saved up about $650 and was looking around the neighborhood for any cars to buy.  I saw a station wagon for sale, $479.
I laughed at myself, realizing that I was about to make myself into a soccer mom.  I quickly shook the idea of getting this girl-repellant car, and walked home.
One night during dinner, my dad asked if any car opportunities had popped up.  I told him no, and that I would keep looking. He quickly looked at me with enthusiasm, telling me about a car he saw for sale down the street.  
So after dinner, we walked down the street and saw the car he was talking about.
It was a nice SUV, pretty cool when you have a lot of friends to drive around.  
I immediately looked to my dad and told him I was ready for this car.
We walked up to the car and saw that there was a girl standing on the other side.
She smiled at us, “Hey! Are you guys the owner of this car? I’m interested in buying it!”
My heart jumped.  “Um no, we were also interested in getting it.”
She looked a little upset, “well I’ve been saving for 2 months to get a car and I was here first, so…”
I looked at my dad, who looked at me and chuckled
“Not my problem Son”
I quickly walked towards the door and rang the bell, and out came a elderly woman with a cane.  She looked at me and asked in a quiet voice “yes?”
“Hello miss, I’m interested in your car, I have about $650 and would love to buy it.”
“oh I’m sorry son, but I can’t sell it for that price…”
Fuck! This old hag was screwing me out of an awesome car!
I walked over to my dad who quietly whispered “$650? Really son? I thought you said $6,500”
He laughed and walked home.
I soon followed, pissed off at how this turned out.
I glanced over at the lady and saw her talking to that girl, she was smiling and nodding a lot, then the girl walked into the house and the doors shut.
That bitch… She’s buying the damn car. 
About a month passed and I kept saving up for a car, awaiting the day an opportunity would arise
I kept doing yard work and such for David, I hadn’t been in his house in a while, he hadn’t really been home much. He usually just came home, paid me, then ran off to God knows where.
One day he wanted me to take his dog for a walk.  I enjoyed time with Cookie, so I agreed, no questions asked.
We walked for about an hour, and then I decided it was a good idea to get on home before it was dark.
Cookie, being the little horn dog he is, noticed a Labrador retriever and ran after her, with naughty intentions I presume.  
Now I haven’t been to the gym in a while, so catching Cookie would be no easy task.
I sprinted after Cookie and the lab for about two blocks before seeing an SUV stop in the middle of the road. A girl popped out of the car and whistled with her fingers
“Here cookie! Come here boy!”
I watched as Cookie turned around, tail wagging rapidly.  He ran towards her and jumped into her arms.  She put him in the car and drove off.
“Holy shit!”  she just fucking robbed Cookie!
What would David say? I just lost his dog to some stranger, how would he ever forgive me? And more importantly, who would pay me a shit load of cash to basically do chores?
My head was spinning, but all my body did was run after her.
I chased her car down for about 5 more blocks, and as she finally stopped and parked in a driveway, she noticed me and laughed.
I ran up to the car and gasped for air, hands on my knees trying to gather up something to say.
I looked up at her with furious eyes
She looked at me, now slightly annoyed.
“What do you want?”
I was finally able to say something
“Give me… Back… The damn dog!”
She looked puzzled 
“Umm, he isn’t yours, this is my friends dog, I found him in the streets just now.”
“that’s because I was walking him for my neighbor! He’s my responsibility”
“Your neighbor?” she looked at the house she’d parked in front of
“You mean his?” she said, pointing at the house
I hadn’t noticed that I had ran all the way back to David’s house.
“Yea, he’s my dads friend, I work for him doing house work.”
“Oh… I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”
She got Cookies leash and handed it to me, then got back in her car.
I felt a little bad, maybe I had hurt her feelings by yelling at her
“Thanks for catching him… I chased him a good 2 blocks, I don’t think I would have caught him if it weren’t for you. ”
She smiled, “No problem, tell David I said ‘hey’.”
She buckled up, then drove off
I watched as she turned the corner and disappeared.  Right then, i realized that she was the girl who bought the car i wanted.  I just stood there in shock, and a little bit of anger hit.
I took cookie inside and then went home.
About a week passed and I was again walking Cookie.
Not even 10 minutes into our walk, that girl drove by again and slowed down to our pace. 
“Hey! It’s you!”  she yelled out with a huge smile on her face
I looked at her, and she instantly stopped smiling, I guess she saw the anger in my face.
“Hey… What’s the matter?”
We had both stopped now, and Cookie was impatiently pulling at the leash.
“Your the damn girl who bought this car I wanted!”
Now SHE looked pissed.
“Um, I actually HAD money, unlike someone.”
“Still, I haven’t been able to find any cars for sale, this was the best deal I could find!”
She looked away and laughed 
“Well that’s a shame, it’s really a great car too.  I would have taken you for a ride in it, but I guess you and Cookie can keep walking everywhere.”
She drove off quickly, and left a bunch of smoke in mine and cookies faces.
I hated that girl, and I wanted a car more than ever now.
I finally gave up and bought that shitty station wagon I had seen a while back, and tried fixing it up as much as possible.
I stopped working for David since the whole point of that  was to get a car.
I took the car out for a spin, it felt nice having my own car, even if it was a girl repellant.
I was trying to get used to driving again, since I hadn’t driven in a whole now.
I was fixing my mirrors while driving real slow, when suddenly-
Hit a car.
“Son of a bitch!!!” was all I heard 
I hit a hummer, and I prayed that whoever was about to get out of the car did not match the voice of that yell I just heard.
A huge 6’5 guy who’s had to have weighed about 220 lbs of pure muscle walked out and banged on my window
“Come on shit head! Get out here right now! Youre going to pay for this shit!”
I got out of the car slowly.
“I’m really sorry sir, I didn’t mean to, I was distracted”
“Well son of a bitch! you were distracted!? Look at this fucking dent fuck-tard!”
He grabbed my shirt and I swear I felt myself lift a few feet off the ground
My life was flashing before my eyes, I was about to get the beating of a lifetime!
“Put him down Joey!”
I opened my eyes and saw that girl walking over to us, she was walking Cookie.
“Jane, you know this faggot?”
“Yea, we’re friends, look I’ll pay for the damage, please just let him go.”
“Well, alright, if you say so… Tell your brothers and sisters I said hi.”
“sure will. Thanks.”
He dropped me on the hood of my car and drove off.
I was still in shock of what had just happened, I looked at her and she looked at me like my mom did when I failed a test in high school.
“Are you kidding me? You had this car for how long? A day?”
She puts her face in her palm for second and laughs 
“Thank God you didn’t buy the SUV”
“Hey lighten up, I was distracted, it couldve happened to anyone”
“Yea, whatever dude, just watch the fuck out next time. I can’t save your ass all the time.”
She started walking away with Cookie and I suddenly felt like an ass
She saved me from a serious beat down and I hadn’t even thanked her
“Hey listen, thanks for what you did, I was seriously about to piss myself.”
She looked back and smiled. 
“Be careful next time.”
And then she walked away.
I inspected my car, not to much damage, barely even noticeable.
I drove home safely, and went to bed, thinking about that girl…
The next day I went over to David’s house and asked him who that girl was
“Jane? She’s a friend of mine, she lives not to far from here.  She’s been walking Cookie ever since you stopped.”
“Sorry about that…”
“don’t worry about it, it’s not a problem.  She does it for free and Cookie really likes her.”
“Oh, we’ll I was just curious, she saved my ass by getting me out of an ass kicking last night.”
“Haha really? Well I hope you thanked her properly.”
“I didn’t really get too.”
“Well look, here’s her address.  Why don’t you go on over later, and thank her.”
“Thanks, I will.”
I hopped in my car and drove over to the address he’d given me, it was really close, about a 5minute drive.
I got to the house and walked up to the door.  I rang the door bell and heard kids screaming. Jane answered the door, she looked like shit.  She had food all over her, her hair was a mess, she was sweating and she looked exhausted.  
“Um, hey”
She turned around and yelled at what looked like a bunch of kids wrestling
“Hey guys, be quiet! I’m talking to a friend!”
She closed the door behind her folded her arms.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to say thank you for what you did last night, that was awesome of you and I feel really bad about how bad I’ve treated you.”
She looked down and smiled
“Look, it’s ok.  I just didn’t want to see you get your face beaten inside out.”
We both laughed, and then it got quiet.
“Those kids, are they…?”
“No, they are my brothers and sisters, I’m raising them.”
“Where are your parents?”
“They  left us here, told me that I had to be a big girl and raise them all.”
She was looking at her toes now
“They left us a bunch of cash, its lasted about 2 years, but its been running out lately. we were running out of options until David, your neighbor, walked by with Cookie and saw me crying on the door step.  He asked me what was wrong and i told him everything.  He’s offered to help us out.  He’s been paying bills and basically living here to help me with them.
So that’s why he was hardly home.  
“He’s really amazing, he helps so much and doesn’t ask for anything in return.”
She was crying now
She was fighting to hold it back, but I could tell she really needed to get the tears out. She probably hadn’t cried to someone in a long time. She was a tough girl.
Suddenly I felt like a bad guy, this girl needed that car and I hated her for taking it.  
“Look I’m sorry about how I treated you, and for yelling at you that one night.”
She wasn’t crying anymore, but her eyes were puffy and red.
“It’s fine, I understand. I felt bad about taking the car, but I really needed it-”
I cut her off, “It’s fine, I totally get it.”
I smiled at her and then it was quiet again.
A little girl opened the door from behind her and pulled at her shirt.
“Joshua hit me!”
Jane looked at me then back at the girl.
“ok ok, we will deal with him in a second. Go inside, I’ll be right there.”
I smiled at the girl who smiled back at me
“Is he your boyfriend Jane?”
We looked at eachother and laughed 
“No he is just a good friend mine.”
“He looks nice.”
The girl then quickly ran inside and left us alone.
“Well I really have to go, I have to take care of them.”
“Yea ok, I’ll let you go, thanks again.”
She rubbed my shaggy hair quickly, trying to mess it up
“No problem”
She smiled, then shut the door.
A few weeks passed and I hadn’t seen Jane in a while.  I guess she had gotten to busy to walk Cookie.
I went over to David while he was watering his lawn.  
“Hey David, where’s Jane been? I havent seen her walking Cookie.”
“Hey Steven.  Well Jane is really busy with her brothers and sisters, I can’t ask her to walk Cookie for me anymore, she needs to be at home taking care of them.”
I was a little disappointed, I actually missed seeing her around.
“Oh, yea I understand.  Well, thanks.”
I started walking home when David called for me.
“You know Steven, she could really use a friend HER age, you know? I can’t always be there for her, and she doesn’t really have anyone to talk to.  She had to quit school a while ago.”
Damn… I had no idea what this girl was going through.
“I guess I could help her with some chores?”
David laughed, “I said a friend, not a maid.  Someone to go out and hang with, see a movie, you know?”
“Yea, I get you.”
“Look Steven, that girl is an angel, I really want whats best for her.  I’m going to talk to her tonight and ask her what she thinks about me setting her you and her up on a little ‘play date’, she could really take a breather.”
“Who will watch her brothers and sisters?”
“I will. I’ll go babysit them, I’m not busy during weekends.  You guys could stay at my place, here is a key.”
He was trusting me with his house now? I guess he really did trust me.
“Like i said, she is an angel, so please take care of her. Show her a good time, ok?”
I nodded, I was actually getting really nervous at the thought of being alone with a girl for that long.  I only had one girl friend and she cheated on me with my best friend, so I was still kind of bitter.
David handed me the keys, then went over to Janes house.
I went inside, admiring the interior of the house.  It was super neat, well decorated, and smelled great.  
I really didn’t mind sleeping over at his place, I had a bunch of awesome stuff; the pool, the jacuzzi, the HD flat screen tv, awesome DVD collection,fridge with good food… Dude had it made.
About 20 minutes later, I see Jane pull up to the drive way.
She has a few bags, probably clothes and stuff.
I walk outside to help her, and she quickly displays shock in seeing me.
“umm, what are you doing here?”
“David told me to watch his place while he’s gone.  He wanted me to help you relax and have some fun.  He says that you should really take a break from babysitting.”
She looked at me a bit uneasy
“Oh really? And how are YOU supposed to help me have fun?”
I didn’t know what to say
“Um, well I don’t know… But if you want, I’ll just go home and let you relax on your own.”
She didn’t reply, she just stared at me
I started walking home when she soon followed
“Wait, I’m sorry.  Don’t leave me alone…”
I looked at her, and she was staring at me as if begging me to stay
She was really afraid to be on her own. 
“Ok, I’ll stay. Lets get your stuff inside.”
She suddenly became really preppy and giggly 
“ok! Here”
She said, Handing me one of her bags.
While she unpacked all her stuff, I made us some dinner and put on a movie.  She came into the kitchen quickly sniffing around, then looked at me
“That smell is from here? YOU can cook?!”
I laughed, “yes I can cook, pretty well too.”
“wow! It looks great! Spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, mashed potatoes… That’s a lot to cook in such a short time!”
“Well I usually cook for my family, so I’ve had a lot of practice”
She looked at me and smiled 
“Well maybe you can cook for us sometimes, my brothers and sisters haven’t had a good meal in a while, I can’t really cook”
“Haha sure thing, I’ll make them my special homemade mushroom soup!”
She looked at me and wrinkled her nose like if he just smelled something gross
“that sounds nasty.”
We both laughed, and I promised her I’d let her taste it one day.
The rest of the night was pretty nice, we spent the evening watching comedy movies with Seth Rogen in them, he’s one of my favorite comedians.  
The night was filled with a lot of laughter, something I’m sure she hadn’t done in a while.  After a while, I noticed she had fallen asleep on my shoulder.  I turned off the tv, and carried her into David’s room.  
I looked at her and noticed how cute she was.  She had a really girly complexion.  Cute dimples, a little mole above her cheek, soft smooth skin.  She was really beautiful.  I tucked her in, then grabbed a blanket and went to go sleep on the couch.  
After about an hour of trying to sleep, I woke up to use the restroom.  On my way back down, I looked into the room to check on Jane.  She was asleep, she looked really comfortable.  She probably hadn’t had a good nights sleep for a while.
I smiled, then went back down stairs and tried to fall asleep.
About another hour passed, and just as I was falling asleep, I was woken up by Jane coming down stairs and waking me up.
“Hey, boy, are you awake?”
“Yea. What’s up?”
“I heard a noise upstairs, I’m scared to go back up there.”
She was shivering, it was really cold that night.
“ok, let’s go check it out.”
I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her, then proceeded to walk up the stairs cautiously 
After about 5 minutes of inspecting, we found nothing.
“it must have been your imagination Jane, it’s safe”
She looked at me with a worried face
“Can you sleep with me? I don’t feel safe… I’m not used to being alone in bed, I usually have my sisters with me”
I was afraid to actually get in bed with this girl, I didn’t really want to make myself look like a pervert in any way.  She DID ask though…
“Yea sure.”
“yay! Thank you so much.”
She gave me a big hug which felt like it lasted for ever
She was so soft and warm, I didn’t want to let go.  She smelled really good, like strawberries.
I got in bed with my jeans and sweater, while she was in panties and a tank top.
“you sure your comfortable with this?” she asked
I smiled, “Anything to make you feel better”
She gave me the most cute little smile ever, then nodded.
“Thanks, but you don’t have to wear all your clothes! I mean who sleeps in jeans and a sweater?”
“Uh, well I don’t want to make things weird for you…”
“nonsense! I want you to be comfortable too you know.”
I did as she said, and took off my sweater and jeans, leaving me in only my t shirt and boxers.
She giggled, then tucked herself in.
I got in bed and faced to opposite way of where she was, and closed my eyes. This was way better than a couch.
I felt her moving around and squirming, then she finally came up behind me and put her arm around my waist.
“Thank you, I really needed this…”
I was so shocked, I actually stopped breathing for a second.
“You have no idea what it’s like to live in a house full of people, and feel so alone.  No one to talk to that isn’t a child.  No one who knew what I was going through, besides David.”
She was struggling to get the words out now
“I- I just really needed this.”
She layed her head on me and closed her eyes.
I didn’t say anything, and we both fell asleep.
I woke up and looked around the room.
She wasn’t here.
I went down stairs and smelled something terrifyingly gross
I walked into the kitchen to find Jane in front of the stove, with smoke everywhere.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
I got the fire extinguisher under the sink and put out what looked like horribly burned omelette.
The smoke cleared and Jane looked at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen
“I’m so sorry, I tried to make you breakfast to thank you for last night! But I couldn’t get it right, and-”
I grabbed her and held her tight 
“it’s fine… don’t worry about it”
“Now you probably think I suck at cooking, don’t you?”
“Haha of course not, I bet you can cook a mean bowl of cereal!”
She punched my arm and laughed.
We spent the rest of the morning cleaning up the mess, then took turns showering.
When I got out, I found all her clothes on the floor of the living room.  I walked out to the back yard, which was huge, and saw her inside the pool swimming.
“Hey! Come inside! The water is really nice right now”
I couldn’t say no to that!
 I took off my shorts and shirt and jumped in with nothing but boxers
“Woo! That a’ boy!”
I came up and brushed my hair off my face 
She looked at me then splashed some water around
“Haha I totally forgot he had this pool, it’s amazing!”
I had to agree with her on that one.
“Yea, he would let me come over all the time for a swim.”
“Lucky! I wish I had a pool, especially in those horrible summer days.”
We went on to talk about a lot of stuff, hopes, dreams, school, old friends, ect.
She started getting closer to me every few minutes, I guess she was getting pretty comfortable with me.
“So your girlfriend cheated on you?”
“Yea, back in highschool.  She was a real slutty type of girl.  Apparently everyone knew except me.”
“That bitch!”
Suddenly it was quiet
Then we both bursted into laughter
“Yea, she was a bitch haha.  So what about you? How was your ‘love life’ in school?”
“Well I never really experienced anything in the short time I was in High school, but in middle school, boys never noticed me.”
I couldn’t believe that, she was stunning, she had an amazing personality, beautiful features, and a smoking hot body
“I remember at a dance, back in middle school, the boys all had to choose a girl they wanted to dance with.  I had found the prettiest dress ever, and I tried my best to look cute so that a boy would choose me to dance with.  So I sat on the girl side for about an hour, and no one ever asked me to dance.”
“why not?”
“I don’t know, I guess they didn’t think I was pretty, no boy has ever really shown any sort of feelings for me.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“But you’re so pretty, I totally would have danced with you if I was there!”
She looked at me,surprised. then she started getting angry.
“Shut up.”
Now I was confused
“Shut up!”
She stormed out of the pool, got her clothes off the living room floor, and locked herself in the bathroom.
I stayed there, completely unknowing of what I had done.
I got out, got dressed, and sat near the door of the restroom waiting for her to come out.
About an hour later she walked out, with an apologetic face.
I stood up and walked up to her
“What happened out there-”
Suddenly she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me close to her face and started kissing me
I kissed her back passionately, feeling my heart race with emotions
She stopped kissing me and put her forehead on my chest
“No one has ever called me pretty before.”
I froze up.  I guess she didn’t know how to react to what I had said before
“Well you are, you’re gorgeous.  I would love to have danced with you.”
She smiled back at me with a few tears in her eyes
“Thank you… Why are you being so sweet to me?”
“I don’t know, I guess I like you.”
“You do?”
I smiled at her, “Yea, your an angel.”
She looked at me and bit her lip, trying not to cry again.  
Again, she pulled me in for a kiss- but this time she was more aggressive about it.  She needed this badly
She wrapped her legs around my waist as I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom
She wasn’t paying attention to anything else except my lips
She was sucking them, licking them, biting them, everything
She kissed me like she had never been kissed… Which was probably true
She ripped off my shirt and started kissing my chest
She became a lot more gentle now, slowly licking and nibbling on my chest and nipples.  She made her way down to my crotch and look up at me, as if asking for approval.
I silently nodded, and watched as she slowly pulled down my shorts and boxers, revealing my fully erect penis.
She examined it for a second, trying to figure out what to do first.
She began kissing the tip of the head, gently  placing her lips on it.  She licked it softly, making my cock jump from excitement.  She noticed how eager my cock was, so she began licking up and down my shaft, and cradling my balls.
  She finally placed my cock in her mouth, going all the way down in one go, and staying there for about 5 seconds, slurping and sucking all the saliva and pre cum off. Her chin touched my balls, and she stuck her tongue out to lick them as much as possible while gagging on my cock and her saliva. She pulled her head up slowly, looked at me in the eyes and whispered 
“I want to please you better than anyone else ever will.”
She took my cock in her hands and began jerking be really slow, then finally took my cock in her mouth again, and started moving her head up and down my cock, progressively getting faster.  My cock throbbed in her mouth, and I felt my balls begin to tighten
She started slurping and sucking harder and harder until I finally couldn’t take it anymore, and I came into her throat, string after string of cum flowing down her throat. She closed her eyes as I pushed harder and stuffed my cock down her throat further and further. She gagged, but held her ground- making sure she swallowed every last drop.
I finally pulled out my cock and she gasped for air
She licked her lips and smiled up at me 
“Was it good?”
I smiled, picked her up, and kissed her.
She leaned in and grabbed my half hard cock and whispered into my ear
“I want you inside of me… I want you to be my first”
She was still rubbing my cock which began getting hard almost instantly
She licked my ear then bit my lobe.
She slowly backed up and turned around, facing away from me
She took off her shirt and unhooked her bra very slowly, I could tell she was nervous 
She slowly pulled down her pants and revealed her white cotton panties.  She then began to lower those too, and finally- she was completely naked
She stood still, not facing me.  
I waited about 25 seconds before she finally said, “Well? Say something…” 
I walked up behind her and put my arms around her waist
“You’re so beautiful…”
I couldnt see, but I knew she was smiling.
I reached around and felt her unshaven pussy.She was soaked
I felt her clit, gently rubbing it with my index finger- then inserted my middle finger into her
She held her breath a few seconds, then let out a sigh
“mmm, wow….”
I kept fingering her, speeding up and becoming more aggressive and pushing in deeper into her tight virgin pussy
“oh… God….”
Her moans started getting louder, her breathing heavier.
“oh god, oh god…”
She was beginning to whimper, letting out little cries that sounded so sexy and cute at the same time
Finally her pussy tightened around my fingers and her body spasmed 
She stopped breathing and moaning, she didn’t make a sound
Her mouth was completely wide open and her eyes TIGHTLY shut.
It looked as if she couldnt breathe, when she suddenly said…
I laughed quietly and turned her to kiss her
She grabbed me close and jammed her whole tongue down my throat. She was incredibly horny and needed more.
I picked her up and placed her on the bed, I slowly got on top and prodded her pussy with the tip of my cock
“It’s going to hurt…”
“Yea I know, every girl knows that… It’s ok”
I began inserting it, and about half way in… 
“Holy shiiiiit… Uuuunh, slower please.”
After I was in, she was crying a little, but she wanted to continue
I slowly moved my hips back and forth, going in and out of her tight pussy 
She groaned from pain, but she didn’t want to stop.
I sped up and the groans turned to moans, moans of love and joy
“mmm yes…”
I started to thrust harder, pushing as far as my cock could go.
“I’m going to cuuuuuum!”
He pussy tightened up and a bunch of her pussy juice poured from her and all over my cock.  
I wasn’t done though.
I flipped her over and got her on all fours
She looked back at me, smiled, then popped her ass in the air
I bent over and licked her pussy while jerking myself
God she tasted amazing
I quickly inserted my cock and started fucking her like crazy
Her ass was slapping against my balls loudly, and it felt great!
I reached around and began rubbing her nipples and her body began to shake
“Oh yea! Fuck me harder! Please!”
I started going as fast as I could, dripping sweat all over her ass and back
I pulled out my cock just as she came again, this time squirting on the bed sheets
She relaxed her body and layed her face on the bed with her ass still in the air
I grabbed her thighs and slowly pushed my cock into her asshole
She looked over at me in fear
“aaaah… Wait no! What are you- aaaah!”
I fucked her hard, not letting her ass adjust to the pain of my cock stretching her little tight pink asshole
She finally accepted it and layed her face on the bed, grabbing the sheets and pulling really hard and trying not to scream from pain
“I’m almost there…”
Her asshole was so warm and tight, I couldn’t hold it in anymore
With one finally thrust, I let out all my cum into her asshole, releasing stream after stream of cum into her
I finally pulled my cock out of her asshole, which made a loud “PLOP” noise from being so tight
She got on her back and sat up straight
“well I didn’t expect THAT”
“Yea me neither, I just kinda went for it… Sorry”
“it huuuuurt!”
“yea, sorry”
“it’s ok, I guess.  Next time go slow!”
We laughed, then cuddled up on the bed and began to fall asleep.
She looked up at me and said, “hey…”
“I just realized something”
“what is it?”
“I don’t even know your name”
“It’s Steven”

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The Return to “The Hillbilly Girl” 3

The Return of “The Hillbilly Girl” 3
__Darleen and I gave that ol couch a work out. The squeaking and springs sticking up were tricky. She got on top of me a rode me like a pony. Now she knew how to ‘dig in’ and get a climax good. I held her little butt cheeks and held on. She loved to tongue kiss me while I felt her tits. She moaned and groaned like no other girl I had ever been with. I loved the wildness in her movements.
“..oh god Barry….yer mak’in me crazy”. I pushed my dick all the way in her and let go with a cum blast I didn’t even know I had in me. She bucked and squirmed as she groaned and dug her pussy on my dick. She finally collapsed on me, out of breath. Her body shivered at times as we drifted away together.
I woke up to the smell of that country breakfast she was so good at. She brought it out on a piece of plywood and I ate on the couch between her kisses. She said: “I’ll be back.”, and went out the back door. I watched her walk towards Millie’s back fence. Soon Millie showed up and they talked about something.
I watched her skipping back with one of her new dresses on…so carefree and with that sweet happy smile on her face. She came in and took the dishes away. She jumped on my lap, straddled my legs and pushed her pussy into me. She said: “I got’s a surprise fer you ta’night Barry, but I ain’t gonna tell ya what it is.”
I slipped my hands under her dress and felt her smooth legs and then her sweet ass. She started breathing hard. “…oh damn Barry…ya gotta wait till ta night, Millie is…” That was all she would say, and jumped off me.
It was getting dark. Darleen had her head in my lap, guiding my hand over her tits. We heard a knock at the back door. Darleen jumped up and ran to open it. It was Millie, drunk on her ass.
She had a jug of something, and kept tipping it to take a drink. Darleen parked her beside me and went and got a glass. Millie never stopped grinning and slurred: “Bare…. Ya ever had ‘sweet lighting?….huh?” I said “No.” Darleen held the glass as Millie poured some out of the jug. I smelled it. It burned my eyes and nose as the smell of gasoline, corn and sugar enter my nose. I smiled and took a sip.
It felt like a bomb went off in my mouth. It suck all the moisture out of my mouth. The fumes made me dizzy and then I felt like….laughing. It was so warm going down my throat. It was cleaning me out and it began to tickle. Darleen sipped the rest of the glass down.
With Millie on one side and Darleen on the other, I put my arms around them and pulled them towards me. I started kissing them both. They giggled along with me and we all proceeded to get very horny. They wasted no time in removing my clothes and theirs. They were all over me.
Darleen said to Millie: “Is he ready?” Millie went to the back door and came back with….
Her dog….’Uncle Zippy’. Meet ‘uncle zippy‘, Darleen said. I blinked. All this time ’uncle zippy’ was Millie’s dog? “We gonna show ya some entertainment, Barry. Uncle zippy git’s all horny when he drinks ’shine’. Watch”. She placed a dish down and Millie grinning, poured some ’shine’ in it. Sure enough, the big black hound dog lapped it up. He shook like he was wet.
Naked Millie got on all fours on the floor. Darleen snuggled beside me. Millie started bumping zippy with her naked hips. She got on her knees and held her tits up to zippy. He started licking them all over. She slowly got on her back as zippy kept licking. He stopped and sniffed the air. He went right for her pussy licking it. The girls giggled as Millie squirmed. “Did ya ever see a dog lick a girl’s pussy before Barry? I smiled and shook my head ’no’.
I was dizzy and everything seemed funny. Millie humping the dogs tongue, Darleen jumping down and jacking on zippy’s dick, Millie scooting down looking at zippy’s long dick. She and Darleen both jacked on it and zippy started to hump. “Ya wanna see more Barry?….bet ya ain’t never seen this before.” Darleen said. They both guided zippy’s dick in Millie’s pussy.
Zippy started licking Millie’s face as he started to hump her fast. Millie’s legs went up and she began to moan. Darleen came and snuggled by me again. “Bare likes it Mil, he’s got a hard dong now. “ Darleen began to jack my dick. “See.” Darleen said.
Millie was to busy enjoying zippy fucking her to notice me. She could fuck as fast as zippy. Her ass slapped on the floor as she pulled zippy all the way in her. She moaned big as I saw zippy’s dog knot slip in her pussy. She squirmed as zippy stopped. She held him tight as he tried to turn and pull out.
Darleen was panting with excitement as she pulled me on top of her. We were both naked and she quickly guided my dick on her wet pussy. She held my ass and we fucked as fast as we could. She reached down and tried to put my balls in her pussy too. She was thrashing and pushed hard on my balls.
She did it. Somehow she got both my balls in her pussy. She held my ass tight as she started to tremble. Her fingers dug in my ass as I had to cum like never before. She yelled “OH YES….BERRY YES!!!” as she climaxed hard and shook all over. I didn’t know I could shoot that much cum. She squirmed and pulled me hard in her pussy. Her tongue was all over my mouth as she kept moaning….and moaning.
I looked over and saw Millie still holding zippy in her pussy and giggling. Darleen continued to wiggle and kiss me. Soon Darleen and Millie both began to giggle. I joined in as everything was so damn funny. I heard a ’pop’ as zippy finally pulled out of Millie. This just made things funnier. We all laughed as Millie and…Darleen rubbed their pussy’s.
Driving the 1 hour to my home I thought….my buddy’s would never believe me even if I told them….
Darleen lay curled up beside me, asleep in my front seat…. Darleen was in for shock as she entered my world.
I lifted the door up on Darleen’s side of the Ferrari. She was starting to wake up. I picked her up and carried her to the door where Hobbs greeted us. Hobbs was an English trained butler my dad had. I kept him on when dad passed away. I set Darleen down. She held my arm and stared at Hobbs. “This is Darleen, Hobbs.” He held out his hand to shake it.
“Miss Darleen, it a pleasure meeting you.” he said. “He’s my best friend Darleen. Let him shake your hand.” I said. She smiled big and hugged him. Poor Hobbs looked at me in shock. I couldn’t help but laugh. “She’ll hump your leg if she likes you Hobbs.” ….as Darleen smiled and started humping his leg. Hobbs gave her a tiny hug back. He sniffed the air as we went in the house.
Darleen held Hobbs hand and stopped in the living room. She dropped to the floor and felt the imported fancy carpet. “Dang Barry, you walk on this?…it feels like a kitty’s fur.”
Hobbs wrinkled his nose and said: “This way if you wish to bathe, Miss Darleen.” Darleen stood up and looked at Hobbs. “I ain’t tak’in no bath with you Hobbie!”
We walked around my house as I gave her a tour she was not use to at all. “Is this Hobbie’s house?” she ask. I explained as best I could. We entered my bedroom. I has an in the floor hot tub. “Is that yer bath tub right in the bedroom???” The whole tour was questions and more questions. Hobbs and I tried not to laugh at her sweet innocent look at things. She looked at the big bed and began to smile. “Hobbie, why don’t you go play outside now, Barry and I are gonna play in this bathtub.” She started taking her clothes off. Hobbs raised his eyebrows way up and left the room and closed the door.
We both got naked and in the hot tub. To her it was indoor pond. She was all excited and all over me with her hands. I reached over and buzzed Hobbs. “Do we have any bubble bath Hobbs?” There was a pause, then he replied: “Yes Master Barry, shall I bring it in?”
“Yes Hobbs, please.” Darleen looked at the intercom and asked: “Does Hobbie live under this bathtub?”
Hobbs came in and brought bubble bath, shampoo, perfume for Darleen, two big fluffy towels and two cookies on a silver tray. Darleen hid behind me. One towel had ’Master Barry’ on it and the other had “Miss Darleen” on a card placed on it. He poured in the bubble bath and turned on the hot tub bubbles. Darleen jumped and said: “Barry! Ya gotta leak in yer bath tub!, it’s right here where these here bubbles are a com‘in out!” More explanations.
Darleen played in the many bubbles, putting bubbles on her head. She held up her arms and acted like a bubble monster of some kind.
We eventually ended up in my big bed. I turned on the bed vibrator. “Earthquake!”…, she yelled and held me tight. I finally got her calmed down and she said that earthquake made her horny. She got on top of me and it was ’ride the pony’ time as we began to fuck….and fuck….and fuck some more.
We woke up about 9am the next day, my erection was still in her and we continued to play, ’Darleen’s in heaven’ as she called it. I licked her sweet pussy and felt her wonderful tits until I fell back asleep for a while.
When I woke back up, she was gone. I put on my robe and found her in the kitchen with ’Hobbie’. I listened as she was showing him how to make a country breakfast. She was also grabbing his butt and cock. He would stop and say: “Dar!”….as he now called her…”I cannot cook with you grabbing my ’private parts’ “.
“Yer git’in a boner, ain’t ya Hobbie?”
We all ate with Darleen insisting that Hobbs eat with us. “Ya talk funny Hobbie, but I like ya.” Darleen said.
“Oh, and I like you too, Miss Darleen. I shall cherish this moment until the end of time.” Hobbs said.
Darleen smiled big, kissed him on the cheek and said: “Wanna blow job?”
——fast forward to today———
Darleen and I trade weekends with each other. She still thinks it’s Hobbs house. She drives him crazy taking his hand and rubbing it on her tits and pussy. She says things like: “Let me jack ya off Hobbie, you’ll like it.” Hobbs always says politely: “No thank you Miss Darleen, my ‘penis’ is not your personal toy.”
At her house Millie and her like to give me naked dancing shows. They love to rub their pussy’s on my face and have me kiss and feel their tits…… then,.. gang fuck me all night long.
I bring her comic books. I read them to her as she looks at the pictures. I bring her girl toys. I brought her a set of girl and boy dolls. She likes to hold them together like they are fucking, and giggle… and she brings me…..
…..pure happiness.

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My Endearing Angels: Part 2

Very long continuation of My Endearing Angels by Rightinthe. It’s quite long so feel free to pause after certain scenes. Below is a ‘what happened before’, but I highly recommend to read part 1 if you haven’t yet. Hope you’ll have a good read!

Picking Out a Girl for my Daddy

Picking Out a Girl for my Daddy
___I was all settled in bed when, here she came again. It was my daughter Darby. She crawled in bed with me, snuggled up tight behind me and began to rub my body. She always did that when she wanted to talk about the same thing. My hot bodied daughter had gotten a fixation on her daddy,… me.
It started when some girlfriends told her in confidence that they were having sex play with their daddy’s. Their dad’s, supposedly, were feeling them up, fingering them, licking their pussy and letting them jack them off and…., the girl were giving them blow jobs. They said they weren’t having sex with them….but in private whispers to Darby, they said they really were. True or not, Darby was envious and wanted the same sex thrills as they were getting.
They told her how it all started with them crawling in bed with their dads and started feeling them up. Sometimes with their moms asleep right beside them. A sleeping dad gets sleep hardons and if they were lucky, he would have one and they would slowly jack or even suck on them. After that, it was sneaking sex play behind moms back.
Darby told me all this to try and get me aroused so we could have some sex play. I had no wife now, so there was no sneaking around. I had told her I didn’t want to get into having sex with her, that she would be getting boyfriends and I would supply the birth control pills. Darby wasn’t in the mood to except that and kept on trying to get me to have sex play with her.
Darby thought up a plan. One night she snuggled up to me and said: “Daddy, what about having sex play with a girl like me….. that’s not your daughter? You two could have a great time and I….well….I would just kind of ’watch’?”
I told her to go to bed, but I’d think about it tomorrow.
If daddy won’t play sex with me, I’ll get one of my girlfriends to play sex with him. They all like him and on a sleepover no one will know. I’ll ask Morgan first, she’s hot for my daddy and has been for a long time. Daddy once held her across his lap and told her a story during a storm when the lights went out. She said that’s when she fell ’in love’ with my daddy.
I could see enough that night, sitting on the side with my daddy to watch him play with her long hair. As he talked low I could tell she was getting turned on. Her pajama top was part open and she felt her own tits. Daddy kept on talking but I watched is eyes looking down her top. She told me she felt him getting a hardon and it was big against her back. She slipped her hand down her pajama bottoms and rubbed her slit. He noticed it and began to feel her face gently as he told her a story. The story was kinda sexy about a man getting with a young girl. I was getting turned on myself.
She does a lot of sleepovers here. We’ve snuck in daddy’s bed before and he woke up with us snuggled up to him. He told Morgan that would be kept secret between all of us. She said one night he put his arm over her and snuggled up tight to her. She was in heaven and said he had a hardon. She pretended like they were having sex and pushed her pussy up against his hardon over and over. I envied her so bad.
I didn’t wait for daddy’s answer because he might take a long time to decide. I ask Morgan to sleepover that night. I told her what was going on and she got all excited. We planned an invasion of daddy’s bed that night.
I put off thinking about messing with some girl Darby would pick out for me. The only one that I ever got a rise out of me was that…Morgan girl. She had no daddy and got her brother to feel her up once, according to Darby. She was a very advanced girl. Nice tits, ass and so cute when she smiled all sexy at me. I had a dream about her one night and I was holding her and we were about ready to fuck, when I semi-woke up, there she was snuggled up to me. I had a big hardon and she was gently pushing her pussy up against it over and over. What a hot night that was.
I see Morgan is sleeping over again tonight. I wonder if Darby will pick her out for me to have sex play with. That would be very tempting. All I needed was for someone to find out and blab what was going on. ’If’…I decide to get into this I better have solid talk with the girl. Morgan can keep her mouth shut. I’ve met her mom and she’s happy that Morgan had a daddy figure to be with. She told me Morgan really likes me and to feel free to be her ’stand in’ daddy if I want. I got the feeling as we talked her mom was coming on to me herself. She stood so close to me and that smile of hers. Morgan sure got her good looks from her sexy mom.
I watched the girls that night whisper and giggle and I knew something was up. They were clever little shits, and both hung on me on the couch. They had on skimpy little nighties and Morgan….damn she was sexy looking with barely nothing on.
Bedtime came and lots of giggles and whispers from Darby’s bedroom. I figured I would find them both in my bed in the morning. I fell asleep hoping for a dream about Morgan.
I was really turned on thinking about what might happen tonight. I told Darby how excited I was. I whispered: (“…Darby, I’ve never been this sexually turned on before. Doesn’t it feel good!”) She agreed and hoped her daddy would let her do hot things with her. I took Darby’s hand and I said: (“…feel this.”) I took her finger and slipped in in my wet slit. She was a little shocked as she said she had never felt another girls slit before.
I said: (“Oh I have, it’s fun to do. Feel my clit and rub it. Then put your finger inside and feel how warm and slick it is. I reached over and felt her slit. This was our first time to feel each others slits. She began to breath heavy and said she liked the feeling we both were getting. We talked about fingering and how to get an orgasm if you do it just right. I said how I hoped I could get her daddy’s finger in me and more.
I became fixated on feeling Morgan’s slit. We laid down and she let me play with her slit all I wanted. Her finger in me was making me very horny. I ask her if I could feel her tits too. She said, sure and started feeling mine too. This was all new to me and she ask me If I want to orgasm with her. I whispered ’oh yes’. It was our first fingering together. She turned and put our pussy up to our faces. I felt so hot and nervous as she put her finger in me. I got to look close at her pussy in person. I played with her clit and rubbed it all around. She said: (“keep doing that daddy.”) and giggled. (“…lick your finger to make it all slick”)
I had never had a girl warm breath on my pussy before, and it was awesome.
Something just make my pussy tingle real good. I looked. It wasn’t her finger, it was her tongue. Oh my god…she was licking my pussy and it felt so good.
I had to try it. I gave her clit a lick. She jumped and said: (“…oh daddy…do that some more.”) She was pretending I was my daddy licking her pussy. I started doing the same. I said: (“…lick me daddy, it feels so good.”). We played sex with each other but now we wanted to go sneak in daddy’s bed.
I love to lick first time girls and get them all hot. Darby was so turned on now, I love the feel of a girls wet pussy.
Now on to her daddy. We quietly snuck in his bedroom. He was lying on his side. My heart was pounding with the kind of sexual excitement I liked. I carefully crawled in bed with him….oooo he was so warm. I snuggled up to him and stuck my finger in my wet pussy and got it all wet.
I held it under his nose. I rubbed it on his lips. His tongue came out to taste it. I snuggled closer. I felt his hardon growing between my legs. I gently put his hand on my tits. He slowly started feeling them. I started kissing him on his face.
Darby was watching all this and rubbing her slit. I reached down and gently felt his hardon. He made a soft ’mmmm’ sound. I gently put my hand in his pajama bottoms and started stroking his big hardon. His arm slowly went around me and gently pulled me to him. I now kissed around his lips. I let my tongue trace his lips. We slowly started tongue kissing.
He started moving his hips as I pulled his pajamas down and let his hardon out. I could hear him and Darby breathing hard. I started kissing slowly down on him. I kissed my way down and started gently kissing his hardon. Darby was all excited and fingering her self real good. I slowly turned and put my wet pussy by her daddy’s face. I lifted one leg and inched my pussy closer to his face. I felt his hand feeling my ass. I pushed my pussy to his lips. I waited.
I felt his tongue enter my wet pussy. That’s just what I wanted. As he began to lick me real good I put my lips over the head of his hardon. I was so hot for this I sucked him real good as he moaned along with me. His warm hands on my butt cheeks were awesome and I let my hips move my pussy on his tongue. Now for what I wanted next. I started jacking and sucking on his hardon. I see Darby’s hand reach over and touch her daddy’s hardon as I sucked it. She felt my lips moving up and down on it and now she began to quietly moan.
I had never sucked a guy before and it was making my pussy tingle along with her daddy’s tongue. I wanted his cum to shoot out like in the porn movies. I jack him and licked the head of his hardon. I started to orgasm big when I felt a big shot of cum land on my lips, then more and more in my open mouth.
I put my lips over it and still more shot in my mouth. It was hot and slick. My orgasm went way beyond like never before and my pussy twitched on his tongue. Darby was having an orgasm and we all moaned as it happened. Darby leaned over and put her mouth on her daddy’s hardon too. Her hands were now jacking him as she sucked and licked him. We had done it. A daddy to play sex with finally.
In the morning Darby and I were snuggled up to ’daddy’ as he began to wake up. He lay there and then began to smile. He put his arms around us and pulled us to him tight,…. then he mumbled:
“ Girls, I just had the best dream of my whole life.”

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Twincest Sabrina and Katrina’s Story Part 4

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