Consensual Sex

Alpha Chapter 1 – New Family Member

AN: It’s been 5 years since i last wrote something, so i apologize if i’m rusty, and olny started this story as a hobby right now. I will wait some time to write the rest because i want some feed back. So there you have it.
Alpha Chapter 01 – New Family Member
Allison was trying to find a way to enjoy that night the most, but Kristen was completely and utterly shooting down her ideas.
“But we could do anything! Mom said she won’t be home tonight!” Allison said with her hands moving fast in front of her.
“No, she said she ‘probably’ won’t be home tonight. Whatever the emergency was I’m sure she will come back tonight” Kristen said not even looking at her twin sister while walking home from school. But Allison would not give up, she wanted to have fun all the time, every chance she got. I won’t give up, she thought. She kept thinking but when they got home her spirits took a dive, because just as Kristen had said, their mother’s car was on the entryway. Walking in, they found their mother, Alice, crying in the couch. They never before had seen such a scene, never thought it possible.
“Mom?! What’s wrong?” Kristen said dropping her things and running to her mother, Allison jus steps behind.
Looking up Alice hugged her daughters. “Your aunt, my sister Melissa is dead” She said between sobs.
“We have an aunt? You have a sister” Allison asked shocked. I did not know that, she thought, looking at her twin, she saw the same surprise on her face.
Releasing both girls, Alice took more tissues from the coffee table. “Yes” She said while wiping her tears. “She kind of drifted away from the family, I went away this morning to go to her funeral, and I only found out last night”
“How come?” Asked Kristen while hugging her mother, trying to comfort her.
Alice could not stop crying. “Our parents did not like the choices she made for herself. They did not even show up for the wake. And the worst part is that Kyle, her son had to take care of everything alone, even when she first got sick. Taking care of paying the bills, getting medical and legal help, and when she died he made sure to invite every single one of her friends, even some that had not seen her for years. He only got a hold of my contact yesterday, that’s why I had to leave on such a short notice. He’s only 16 and has been through so much already. And Mom and Dad said they wanted nothing to do with him. God! I never liked them, but now I swear I HATE them!” Alice spat before going back to crying even harder. Kristen and Allison hugged her harder and through the family solidarity wept together with their mother, Allison felt horrible for wanting to have a party at the house. After a long time the tears stopped and they decided that they should make an early dinner.
While chopping some vegetables, Kristen piped, trying to get her mother out of the dreaded silence she felt. “So, we have a cousin?”
Alice stopped setting the table for just a second before getting a small smile on her face. “Yes. Kyle is so sweet, I wish I had met him sooner” She finished setting the table before continuing. “Well… Since his only 16 and all… and he’s father is… uh… not around or anything, I kind of offered to him to come live here” She said, a little shy.
“What?! Without clearing it out with us first?!” Allison exclaimed, No way we’re getting a boy in this house! She thought.
“That’s exactly what he said” Her mother said with a little chuckle. “He said he would be extremely happy to have some contact with us, but he would hate to impose and said he would only accept if you two were okay with it” Turning to an almost pleading tone. “He’s only 16 and will have to fend for himself, but he’s family, shouldn’t that mean something?”
Kristen who was finishing the salad said. “Well, I don’t exactly have a problem with that, but can we do it? Financially speaking?” She asked serious.
“We could, but that won’t even be a problem, my sister left some money and Kyle said that he only would come if he paid his share and rent, even if it was only a symbolic rent” Alice said as she sat, waiting for her daughters to put the food on the table, which was salad, chicken and rice with garlic bread.
Putting the salad and the bread on the table Kristen smiled at her mother. “Then no problem at all. And with a man around any heavy lifting will become a lot easier. Don’t you agree Allison?”
Allison was mad at her sister, always voicing reason that could not be denied. It would be hard, but she could do it for her mother, and her mother wanted it. “Yeah… Sure. He can come, since he sounds so considerate and everything” She said with a veiled irritated tone, taking the chicken and rice out of the microwave.
Alice was now smiling “Oh! You girls will love him! He’s such a sweet boy!” And they ate dinner. “I’ll call him later and tell him he can come”
Later that night Allison entered her sister’s room fuming. “I can’t believe you could say yes so easily to a boy moving in. I know he’s our cousin but we never met him or anything”
Kristen who was on her computer turned to face her sister. “I know, but there was no way mom would let it up, and think about it, she’s gonna put him in the guest room downstairs, which has it’s own bathroom. You don’t have to worry so much. And didn’t you hear what she said? He would only accept if we said yes, and the talk about paying his share and everything, that sounded like excuses to me, so he’s at least reluctant to come. And even if he really comes, as I said, we’ll have a boy around, that could be useful in many ways” Finishing stating her logic, Kristen turned back to her computer.
Allison thought hard on what her twin said. Yeah… Having a boy around could be useful. With that she went back to her room.
The next day, at break feast her mother told them that she talked with their cousin, and he accepted come live with them, although she admitted having to convince him. With that they made plans and prepared for the arrival of their new family member. He would arrive from Chicago the next Saturday, with his things arriving Monday. So Saturday the three of them went to the airport to pick him up. While waiting Kristen said she had to go to the toilet and that left only Allison and her mother when the gates opened. Just then Allison realized that her mother did not describe her cousin, but when she thought to ask her eyes saw the most handsome man she ever saw. She saw him looking around and realized that she was staring and tried to stop, but couldn’t. His eyes fell on her and on her they stayed. STOP STARING1 YOU’RE EMBERASSING YOURSELF! She yelled at herself in her mind but could not stop staring. The man smiled, and her mind went blank. He started walking in her direction and she started sweating. Just then she saw her mother walking forward and say “Kyle!” and hugging him. She panicked. He is my cousin?!
Kristen was unsure how she felt about this whole situation. Her mother certainly was happy, considering that she said that if their father had not died she wanted to have a boy, Kristen thought that such feelings were part of the reason why. She walked back to where they were waiting. She found Allison frozen in place with clear shock on her face. Following her gaze she saw why. Their cousin was a god. A Greek god. He was probably 6 feet, maybe 6 1’’, and in contrast with the three of them, that were 5 1’’, he was a giant, a giant with a lean body and a handsome face. He had a smile that was worthy of a toothpaste commercial. Stopping besides Allison, Kristen were also stunned into inaction. She was thinking they were going to have a 16 years old boy in the house. She corrected herself. He’s no BOY, he’s a MAN!
Alice walked him back to them for introductions. “Kyle, these are my daughters, Allison and Kristen” She said beaming.
Kyle’s smile got even larger, although with a hint of embarrassment. “Hi” He said extending his hand. Mumbling a response Allison and Kristen shook his hand. Kristen was stunned, as was obviously her twin, but they managed to follow their mother to get his baggage and back to their car.
When they got on their way home Alice finally realized the silence of her girls. “Come on, Why are you both so quiet?” She asked.
Kristen looked at her sister and saw no possibility of conversation there. I have to say something or I will look like a weirdo. Looking for inspiration she noticed a long black shape on the side coming down on the side of Kyle’s head. “Uhm, Kyle… What is that… Uh …” She said indicating to him what she noticed.
Kyle gave a small smile. “This?” He said pulling and showing what looked like a thin rope that went into his shirt. “It’s a small braid. I had it for years now” He reached into his shirt and took out the end of the braid. “When I was nine I made a bet with my mom, she said that she would give me a hundred bucks if I kept a braid for a month. I counter-proposed the she should give me a hundred for every month I kept the braid. She accepted” He chuckled, and then gave a sad smile. “She used to put a hundred dollars bill in this jar every month. I still have the jar. Never spent one dollar. There is over seven thousand dollars there.” He turned and looked out of the window.
Kristen felt like the stupidest person in the world. Her mother lost the smile she had before, Allison looked like she was about to cry. I’m sorry! I didn’t know! I’m sorry! She yelled in her head, and when she was about to apologize he turned to her and smiled at her. “I like it, so I doubt I will ever cut it” He then tucked it back into his shirt. “So, why don’t you tell me about my new school?” He asked with clear sincerity in his voice and about school they talked. When they got home they left him in his new room to rest, Alice started to order some food for lunch. That left Kristen guiding a still stunned Allison into her room. She locked her door behind them.
“OH! MY! GOD!” Were Allison’s first words since the mumbled hi she said at the airport. “What the hell is he? He looks like a model!” She asked with eyes wide with excitement.
“Is he really 16? He looks older” Kristen comments to no one. “I can’t believe how hot he is!”
“I know!” Allison piped with a huge grin. “Imagine how it will be going to school with him every day!”
Kristen imagined. She felt warm somehow. “Damn him for being our cousin! If not for that…” She let the sentence drift.
“I know! I feel the same!”
“Yeah right! You were like a dear on head lights! Completely frozen!” Kristen said, laughing at her sister’s face.
“Like you were any different! At least I didn’t say anything stupid like you did in the car”
“How could I know?!” Kristen retorted. “I thought it was some new kind of headphone or something. Even if I knew it was his hair how could I know it had something to do with his mother?!”
“Well, we don’t really know much about him right?” Allison took on a pensive look for a moment. “Actually, we know nothing about him, so we have to be careful. You were on the other side of the car so you didn’t see, but when he turned he had the saddest look I have ever saw, I felt like crying myself!” Allison, remembering, had a sad look.
“Okay, we have this weekend to get to know him before he starts going with us to school. We just have to be careful of what we say.” And that was the plan. They started going downstairs and found him and their mother, Alice, setting the table for lunch.
“…see no problem with that, but we have to find some place for the boxes” They heard their mother saying with a big smile.
“What’s no problem?” Kristen asked, eager to enter the conversation, feeling more relaxed now that she had the ‘home field’.
“Kyle here asked if he could bring his car in from Chicago” Alice said setting the last plate.
“I was thinking in selling, but I saw that your garage is really big, even with a third car there” He said with a shy look. Kristen felt herself melting. He’s handsome AND cute!
Taking some sodas out of the fridge, which she put on the table, Alice said “There are some boxes on the garage that we would need to move, so we would need to find some place for them, maybe the attic, but that’s for later” And she changed the subject. Kristen was clearly more relaxed, as was Allison, but still she felt glad that their mother took charge of the conversation. A short time later the food was delivered. After lunch everyone sat in the living room and talked. Kristen learned a lot about Kyle then. That he played football while a freshman, but somehow stopped. That he was looking forward to finding a gym in which he could train, he was a martial artist. On the music field he had no dislikes, but a slight preference for rock. Movies he found that romantic comedies were better than blockbusters, but had almost no stomach for dramas. And much more.
Around 3 she heard their dog, Jinx, barking like mad. With everyone so concentrated on Kyle they forgot to give him his food.
“You got a dog?” Kyle asked. He had something like glee in his eyes.
Kristen beckoned him to follow her into the backyard. “Yeah, he’s really big, but so mellow. But he’s still a little wary of strangers so I think you should be introduced” She said as she got the backdoor open. Jinx was a big dog, a Saint Bernard that looked just like Beethoven, only he was even bigger. When Jinx saw Kyle he stopped barking and stared.
“Damn he’s big!” Kyle said smiling at the dog. To everyone’s surprise Jinx wagged his tail like crazy and jumped on Kyle, putting off balance for a moment. “REALLY BIG! What’s his name?” He asked laughing and ruffling the dog’s fur. Kristen was astonished. Jinx’s last visit to the vet showed that he weighed around 200 pounds, and Kyle kept him on up like nothing.
“It’s Jinx” Said Allison with amusement. “I hardly see him so happy, or so taken with strangers”
Still Playing with the dog, Kyle says “I like dogs. I really do. They can sense such things. Isn’t that right?” He asks the dog, who answer by licking his face totally surprising Kyle “Seems like he likes me too!” Everybody starts laughing then. And with the help of Jinx, any awkwardness that existed before evaporated.
At first Kyle didn’t know if moving into a new city was a good idea, but by Monday morning he had changed his mind. His Aunt and cousins were delightful. The girls had seemed a little awkward at first but since the incident with the dog they became more open. He spent his Sunday getting his new room ready for his things and moving the boxes in the garage to the attic so that when his car arrived he had a place to park. He was just glad he finally met the sister his mother talked about so much. Maybe he could be happy here with them. He was still sad for his loss, but would still keep moving forward. He had just woken up and gotten his things ready when someone knocked on the door.
“Break feast is ready” A voice said, one of the girls. Being twins, he had no way of knowing which one without looking, and even then he could only differentiate because Allison had longer hair than Kristen. Even Alice, their mother, was alike them. It was funny. And they are so short! He thought with a smile.
Getting to the kitchen he sat down for pancakes and juice. It was weird having someone else cooking after so long. But it was a good weird.
“So, first day at the new school, nervous?” Asked Alice while sipping some coffee.
“Nah… Been there, done that. Every school is the same. The only thing that changes is the name of the students.” Kyle said between bites. “I’m more nervous about my things. It’s a long way from Chicago and who says nothing is broken?”
Alice smiles at her nephew. “Don’t worry so much. Didn’t you say you spent a long time packing because you used more bubble wrap than was needed?”
Kyle laughed. “Because of the extra volume I had to use more boxes than was needed too.” Looking at his watch he comments. “Well, I’m glad the school is so close so we can leave almost at the last minute”
Kristen, who was at his left smiles “Yeah, but today we’re leaving early, you have to go to the school’s office to know which classes you a taking” After that they ate the rest of the food and the three teenagers left. Kyle knew that somehow problems would arise, but for now he was content. The short walk to school had been filled with the girls talking about teachers he would like or hate.
Arriving at the school Kyle realized he was right. Every school is the same. The jocks were with other jocks, cheerleaders giggling like mad in their little circles, the punks in a corner and nerds hurrying into the school, probably trying to not get any bully’s attention on themselves. Normal students, the ‘in’ crowd and the ‘outcasts’ were always the same. Only the names change.
While walking through the front gate Kyle got many students’ attention. He knew he was handsome, but it was funny how he honestly did not care. He was tall, but not overly much, although with Allison and Kristen at his side he probably looked taller than he really is. Kyle felt kind of smug, walking in on his first day with two beautiful girls. And twins to boot. And as he walked further in more people stared at him. He tried to look everyone in the eye and smile. Always be polite his mother used to say and he took it to heart. Following the twins into the school building and through the halls he got more stares. This was a lot more than what he got in Chicago, but of course, there a lot of people already had seen him, or heard of him, so there wasn’t so much surprise when people saw him. Here was different. Here he was new. They finally arrived at the principal’s office only to see the secretary freeze at the sight of him. It’s getting tiring.
“Hi! I’m new here. My name is Kyle Sharp” He said smiling at her and saw her blush. And although there was some difficulty at first, he got all the paper work done. Leaving, Kristen took his class schedule.
“Great! We have almost all the same classes! So, just follow us around today and you will get used, tomorrow we have different classes, but that’s tomorrow” Kristen said with a grin, handing back the schedule. And follow the twins he did.
He met theirs friends. Many people introduced themselves to him, mostly girls. Many tried flirting with him, so he humored them but showed no interest. Guys from the sports team came to see if he was interest in joining, he turned them down. The day passed. His things arrived. He decorated his room and arranged to bring his car from Chicago. It was expensive but worth the money. It had sentimental value to him.
The week passed and people invited him for parties but he turned them down. Kyle always gave the same response. “I’m still getting used to the moving and everything. Maybe next time”
And so the weekend came and on Saturday his cousins had plans to sleep in a friend’s house and his Aunt had a date. They debated if it was right to leave him alone but he insisted for them to go and have fun.
Kyle spent his evening surfing the internet looking for a gym and other places of interest in this new city. But later, while watching some late night TV, he heard the front door open and his aunt walk in. She sat at his side without uttering a word. Looking at her Kyle realized that she had been crying. He only knew her for a short time, but his mother talked so much about Alice that he felt he knew her his whole life, and so her red eyes broke his heart. Moving Closer he asked “What happened? Are you okay?”
Alice, in her state did not notice the boy when she got in. Actually she completely forgot about him. But he put an arm around her shoulders and the touch was so gentle and comforting the she leaned on him and sobbed some more before answering. “My boyfriend Roger dumped me”
Kyle was surprised. This Roger must be a fucking moron to dump such a beautiful and great woman, he thought. “Well, if he is stupid enough to think he will find someone better he doesn’t deserve you” He said rubbing her arm.
Alice laughed. “He said he found someone else” After a moment tears started flowing again. “Someone younger” She whispered.
“Ah! I see. He’s even dumber than I thought then. One should not choose a women based on how old they are, but on who they are” Kyle said in a gentle tone.
Alice lifted her eyes to look directly at Kyle’s. “That is sweet” She said with a small smile. “But I know you too would rather have someone younger”
Kyle pushed his aunt away a little so that she could have a good look at his face. Serious he started “I’m telling the truth here. A Man who’s smart will choose a woman by who she is. Let me tell you who you are. You are a beautiful woman who works hard, can cook, have a good sense of humor, have great tastes in both music and movies, is kind and is a friend to her daughters. You’re gentle, smart and funny. People say that it is hard to see one’s own qualities, so I’m telling you yours. Even then, I’m only listing the obvious, since I’ve only know you for such a short time, but I’m 100% sure that there are many, many more that I’ll get to know with time”
“You’re serious, aren’t you? You really think that of me?” Alice asks with a whisper.
“Alice, if I had to choose right now from all the women I’ve ever met the one I would like to have, I have no doubts at all that it would be you” Kyle says with a reassuring smile.
Putting one of her hands on top of Kyle’s, Alice whisper “Then choose me” while looking down.
Kyle freezes for a moment. Did I hear that right? “Come again?” He asks with a surprised look on his face.
Alice Lift her eyes and blushes furiously. “Choose me” is barely a whisper.
Kyle starts to think, and then stop. What’s to think, I was speaking the truth when I said that I would choose her, so what the hell, he thinks and lean in to her and kiss her on one cheek, then the other, then the lips. A quick one. Then another a little longer and he feels his aunt returning the kiss. The next one becomes a real kiss. Passionate. Warm.
Felling Alice moan in his mouth he leans a little more on her, putting his arms around her waist, running gently his hands on her back. Another moan escapes her and it only instigates Kyle to do more. Leaning her on the couch he starts kissing her neck, felling now her hands on him, on his hair. More moans push him to do even more. Opening her blouse he finds something out of a dream, small glorious breasts, only a B cup or so, but looking at them he thinks. Who would ask for more?
Kissing them over the bra he loses himself for a while. “Take it off!” Gasps Alice who is now breathing hard. Kyle do as she says, taking off her blouse and her bra, only to be blow out of his mind once again. Her nipples are a soft shade of pink and he can’t help himself. He attacks them with his mouth. His hands now start going down through her body, passing her stomach until he finds her pants. Undoing them without looking is complicated but Kyle doesn’t dare leave the most beautiful breasts he has ever seen. He finally stops so he can breathe and looks right at his aunt’s face. It’s a face full of desire. Desire for him. He literally rips his own t-shirt and pulls Alice’s pants off, leaving her with only a pair of purple panties, a matching pair with the bra. Picking her up and putting her on his lap he returns to kissing her. Mouth, neck, breasts and anywhere else he can reach. Kyle’s hands rub a perfect round and firm bottom and his desire only increases even more. Alice’s hands reach down into his pants and starts rubbing his crotch. Opening his pants, Kyle lifts himself off the couch a little to pull off both pants and boxers. Looking at his erection Alice gasps. “How big is that?”
“I don’t know, I never got around to measuring it” Kyle says with a small chuckle. Wishing to continue the session, Kyle is surprised when his aunt pulls her own panties to the side and line herself over his cock. “Wait! What about a condom?”
“Forget a condom. I’m on the pill. So just fuck me!” She says sliding down on his member. “God it’s big!”
Kyle, deciding to give as much as he can to this beautiful women in front (or on top) of him, grabs her hips and sets a slow pace of penetration. With mouths connected, the movement never stops, but it’s so slow it’s almost imperceptible. When, after almost a full minute, he hits the bottom of her entrance he feels pains on his arms. Alice’s nails piercing into his biceps draw blood but that is not important. It’s insignificant. What’s important is her pleasure. Still with a firm grip on her hips he starts to move slowly. Alice’s moan demands more speed but he sets a slow pace, trying, every few movements a new angle, until he finds it. A loud moan escapes the small woman in front him and he stops. He grins at her. By the partly scared and partly wishful look on her face, Alice knows what he wishes to do.
Now, with sudden strong and fast moves, Kyle’s cock hits the most sensitive spot on Alice’s pussy over and over again. “Oh God! You are gonna make me cum you bastard! Yes! Make me cum!” Alice Shouts at the top of her lungs, again riling her nails on his arms. “Fuck Yeah! Fuck Me hard!”
Feeling himself reaching his climax, Kyle speeds even more, using more force, hitting the deepest parts of the soft wet and tight pussy. “Damn you are so tight Alice! I’m close!”
Leaning closer, Alice shouts “Yes! Kyle! Cum! Cum inside me! Fill Me up!” And that’s what he does when he feels her pussy contracting. He slams her down and spurts all his seeds on her. Alice Bites his shoulder, breaking skin, and groan like an animal
Feeling the end of his orgasm, Kyle waits for his aunt’s to end, which takes a while. After some time he realizes she has passed out. He passes his arms around her waist and hold her close. He feels blood dripping down his back and arms. Even knowing that the bite was deep enough to leave a small scar for a time, he relaxes. It was worth it. For her, it was worth it.
Alice opens her eyes and sees her nephew’s face in front of her, and everything comes rushing back to her. I had sex with my nephew! Is her first thought, than she feels his hands, holding her gently, the look of pure compassion on his eyes that tells that it was not simple sex, but so much more. This was not just sex, it was something else… something beautiful.
She relaxes and feels that he still inside her. Smiling at him she says “That was amazing. I never came so hard on my life! Best I ever had”
Kyle blushes and smiles back at her. “Although I must say I have nothing to compare it to, I can honestly say that you were amazing too”
Alice jumps back a bit. “What?”
Kyle blushes even harder. “I’m saying you’re my first”
“You’re joking. You must be!” She says. “You’re handsome, nice and smart! How come?”
With a knowing smile her nephew answers “I told you, a man must choose his woman for the right qualities. You have them, girls my age just don’t.” Kyle’s smile disappears and he looks down. “I just don’t want you to think I tried to take advantage while you had a moment of weakness or something”GOD! He’s just so cute! Taking his face on her hands, Alice kisses him. “No. I needed AND wanted that”
He smiles and she melts for him at the moment. The he winces a little and gently takes her off him. The sensation of him leaving her almost gives her another orgasm. Even only Half erect he’s so big!
“I need your help with something” he says.
“Anything” Alice responds relaxing at his side.
“I need a first aid Kit” he says a little embarrassed.
Startled, Alice demands “Why?” Her nephew indicates his arm and shoulder, where she sees blood flowing. “I did that? I’m so sorry! Wait a moment!” Running fast into the kitchen and opening the cupboard where is kept a small first aid kit Alice realizes than that it’s actually later than she thought. Looking at the clock on the microwave she sees it’s not even Saturday anymore, it’s 2AM! How long had I stayed out? She wonders.
Returning to the living room she sees the Kyle is now with his boxers on and that he used his ripped t-shirt to keep the blood from staining the couch. “A few drops got past me, blood is hard to clean” He says.
Pushing him again on the couch she admonishes him. “Forget the fucking couch and let me take care of it”
Using iodine to clean his wounds, Alice sees Kyle flinch sometimes and every time he does she feels bad, Like I’m bulling him or something. After the cleaning is done is time for bandages. And some questions. “How long was I out?” She asks.
“I’m not sure, two hours maybe”
“Two Hours? Why didn’t you wake me up?”
Kyle smiles “It felt nice, being there holding you”
Alice thinks a little about it and then wonders “Two hours, which you were inside me the whole time, and you didn’t want to wake me up for more?”
Kyle turns a mischievous smile and a boyish look at his aunt and answers “Oh… But I wanted. It was difficult restraining myself. But I just didn’t want to wake you up, since you looked so peaceful. And as I said, It felt nice holding you”
Alice stopped bandaging his arm and looked at him. He was telling the truth, she could tell. This could be dangerous. It would be so easy to fall in love with him.
“I still don’t believe you had no experience before me. You seemed so knowledgeable” Alice asks starting to bandage his shoulder.
Again Kyle blushes before answering. “It’s mom’s fault. When I was 13 she bought a bunch of books about sex and gave them to me. Her exact words were ‘So you don’t embarrass yourself when the time comes’”
Alice is forced to laugh. “That is SO Melissa”
Kyle is laughing too. “Yeah… She was great” After a moment he continues. “She used to talk a lot about you, you know? Even though it had been years since she had seen you, she still bragged about how you won a track competition on 8th grade or how you played the piano. Hearing her talk you would think you were the greatest younger sister in human history”
Alice felt tears on her cheeks. “Then why didn’t she contact me?”
Kyle reached over and wiped her tears. “I asked her a few time about it. Once she said that she was afraid, because she made a mistake so big that you would hate her for it if you found out and if she met you she would not be able to lie to you. She never told me what it was. But know this. She still loved you a lot. She loved you so much that she passed some of that love onto me” He smiles wickedly. “When you showed up for the funeral I felt like laughing, you know? You’re so short and cute I thought you were as young as in the stories mom told me”
Alice playfully smacks him on the top of the head and giggles. “I loved her a lot too”
Silence comes into the living room. Kyle gently pulls his aunt into his now bandaged shoulder. She weeps. After some time both of them fall asleep

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It’s Jeffs Turn

It’s Jeffs Turn
Sitting in his office at the back of his house, Jeff scratched his stubbly chin in thought, desperately trying to find a way to make the numbers work. His boss had been on his back to balance the company accounts but they just seemed to be losing money no matter what he tried. Sighing he stood up and walked into the kitchen to find something to eat, maybe a break was what he needed.
As he leaned into the fridge he heard the front door open, followed by the unmistakable laughter of his 19 year old daughter Danielle. Looking up from the fridge he watched her walk into the kitchen, her hand locked with her boyfriend Garth, a quite boy, but she was happy and he treated her right so who was Jeff to complain, though he occasionally felt a pang of jealousy seeing them together, she was still his little girl in his eyes.
“Hi daddy” The young brunette said happily, Garth standing silently and shyly behind her
“Hello princess” Jeff replied “Hi Garth”
“Hello Mr Parsons” Came the meek reply. Jeff grinned to himself at how after so many months the boy still felt intimidated
“Garth, please, I told you before, call me Jeff”
“Daddy can we borrow some money to go bowling?” Danielle said before Garth could open his mouth
“You know I would normally princess but this month has been really difficult. How about we all go out bowling after my next payday”
“OK daddy, that sounds fun” She said, jumping up to wrap her arms around Jeffs neck “Thank you”
And with that she grabbed Garths hand and ran out of the kitchen, up the stairs and into her bedroom, half dragging the poor boy behind her.
He knew there was nothing he could really do about Danielle sleeping with Garth, but the parent in him wanted to walk into her bedroom and pull his arms off, quickly pushing the thoughts aside he returned to making his sandwich. Before long he could hear the bed banging against the wall and the muffled screams of his only child. He thoughts this time turned to Danielle, her tanned legs looked so good in that short skirt and the way her teenage breasts strained at her top. Jeff stared blankly at the wall, taking a bite from his sandwich as he realized what he was thinking.
“Damn it old man, you know you can’t do that” He whispered to himself
Since his wife had left 2 years ago it had just been Jeff and Danielle in the house, he hadn’t dated at all and as far as he knew Garth was the only guy in Danielles life, he was happy for her, but he wanted to protect her, and occasionally over the years he had caught glimpses of her he really shouldn’t have, a brief flash of underwear when she bent over, bumping into her in the hallway as she walked out of the bathroom wrapped in only a towel, and one time he had accidentally wandered into the bathroom while she was in the shower. She had asked him politely but firmly to leave, knowing he couldn’t really see much through the frosted glass.
The memories of that day came rushing back and Jeff found himself craving more, part of his brain saying “Go, go, get some more” And a slightly more rational part say “What are you thinking, she’s your daughter” Finishing his lunch Jeff put his plate in the sink and returned to his office to get back to working out how to get the company making money again. His job was on the line but he couldn’t focus, rubbing the palms of his hands against his eyes he sighed dejectedly and clicked on a link to one of his favourite porn sites, reaching over to lock the door while the page loaded.
Searching through the videos he came across a girl that looked a bit like Danielle, he felt his cock twitch and before he knew it he had clicked on the video. A couple of minutes in he realized it was a dad/daughter incest role play scene and this fact grabbed his attention, pulling his cock out from it’s confines he proceeded to jack off to the video. The foreplay was over fairly quickly and his cock was throbbing as he watched the ‘dad’ on screen slowly pushing his shaft into the teen, closing his eyes Jeff thought of his daughter upstairs being pounded by Garth, wishing it was him instead. An idea formed in his mind as he felt his climax approaching, looking back at the screen the girl was now riding the older man furiously, she screamed “Oh daddy I’m cumming” and those words pushed Jeff over the edge and he shot his cum under the desk, spraying the underside of the wood with his sperm
Sitting back in his chair panting slightly he picked up the wet wipes nearby and started to clean up, first himself, then his desk, throwing the used wipes in the bin as he leaned back and ran his plan through his mind. Searching through the drawers in his desk he quickly found what he was looking for, a small remote webcam he’d gotten as a promotional item, he’d never been interested in using it, but couldn’t seem to bring himself to throw it away, a fact he was now glad of as he put his plan into action
“Dani can you come downstairs for a minute” Jeff shouted from the living room, using the name she preferred, kids these days, never enough spare time to say full words anymore it seems
“Down in a second dad” Came the reply from the other side of her closed door. Jeff heard bed springs creaking and the unmistakable sound of 2 horny teenagers rushing around trying to find their clothes, grinning to himself he walked into the kitchen as he heard Danielle skipping down the stairs
“What is it daddy?” She asked oh so innocently
“I felt bad about not having money for bowling so why don’t you go out and get some ice cream” He answered, handing her what little cash he had left
“Thank you daddy” She said happily, kissing his cheek as she ran over to Garth coming down the stairs. She told him what was happening and without another word dragged him half running out of the house and into her car
“No princess, thank you” Jeff muttered quietly to himself as he heard them pull out of the driveway
Wasting no time he ran up to his daughters bedroom and opened the door. A typical teenage girls bedroom greeted him, she may be 19 but she was refusing to let go of her childhood, the walls were pink, the furniture was pink, the bedsheets, all pink, and a pile of stuffed toys in the corner of the room, also mostly pink. He scanned the room looking for the best spot to plant his new favourite toy, somewhere obscure but with a good view, somewhere that wasn’t frequently visited. Eventually he found a spot on the shelf above the door, more stuffed toys of various shapes, but also fairly dusty, showing lack of interest in the location on his daughters part. Angling the camera towards the bed he could tell the view would be perfect, side on to her bed. Jeff slipped out of the room and into his own across the hallway, turning on his laptop and loading the program for the camera
“Oh hell yes” He said to himself, rubbing his hands in anticipation as he realized just how good his view was going to be. He closed the laptop and went back to his office to work, the days events so far helping him relax a little and the thought of what he might see later on allowed him to concentrate on his job for the first time today.
An hour or so later he heard a familiar engine pulling up the driveway, the slam of a car door and then the living room door creaking open
“Hi kids” He shouted from the office
“It’s only me dad, I dropped Garth off at home” Jeffs heart sank a little as he realized he wouldn’t get a chance to watch his daughter get fucked later that night “Oh well” he thought to himself “There’s no rush”
“I’m gonna put a movie on” Came Danielles voice from behind him as she poked her head through the office door
“Take a break and come watch it with me” With that she took his hand and pulled him out of the chair and into the kitchen
Settling down on the couch Danielle snuggled up to Jeff as the movie started, some teen chick flick, he was never interested but he loved the time spent with the only woman in his life. About 20 minutes into the movie Danielle sat up and stretched, pausing the film
“I’m a little chilly, I’m gonna grab a blanket, be right back daddy, don’t go anywhere” And she hopped up and quickly ran up the stairs, Jeff watched her short skirt flapping around and revealing her white panties as she ran, his cock starting to grow. A couple of minutes later she reappeared holding a blanket and had changed into her pyjamas, a pink strappy top and pants combo, she flopped down next to him on the couch, pulled the blanket over them both as she snuggled up to her dad and resumed the film. Jeff shifted slightly so she wouldn’t feel his bulge straining to be released
Another 20 minutes rolled by and his cock was still hard, pointing towards the teenager as if hinting at his secret desires, he let out a small groan at the thought, quickly trying to cover it up before Danielle noticed, but he wasn’t quite fast enough
“What’s up daddy?” She asked, looking up at him with her sparkling green eyes
“Nothing princess, I guess I just miss your mother now and then”
“Me too daddy” She said, snuggling in closer as he put his arm around her shoulder
“I know you do honey, but she left us, we have to deal with that”
“We don’t need her anyway, we have each other” Danielle reached up and kissed her dad innocently on the cheek and then rested her head back on his chest
The movie finished and Danielle asked if Jeff wanted to watch another one, he nodded though he wasn’t really watching the TV, he was lost in his thoughts, thoughts of his own daughter, the beautiful teenager who was snuggled up to him for the night, the one he was sharing a warm blanket with, the one girl he knew was off limits
“Mmmm that feels nice daddy” He heard a voice say, bringing him back into reality and he realized he was rubbing his hand up and down her arm. Not wanting to seem distracted or to alarm her he continued, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin against his hand, he kissed the top of her head tenderly
“I love you daddy” She said happily
“I love you too princess” He replied
“I think I’m going to go to bed after this movie” Danielle announced
“OK honey, well I’m going to head up now, don’t stay up too long” She sat up to let him stand and he kissed her cheek, her arms going around his neck for a quick hug
“Goodnight daddy”
“Goodnight princess”
Jeff lay in his bed, unable to sleep with the thoughts of Danielle running through his head, he was slowly stroking his manhood, not interested in pleasure so much, just gently stroking to the image of his daughter behind his closed eyelids. He had heard you go into her room a while ago, losing track of time he had no idea how long it had been, so he decided to open up his laptop and check the camera. The room was dark so he turned on the night vision mode, the room suddenly lighting up in different shades of gray, the sight that was waiting for him made his jaw drop and his cock almost burst. Danielle was lying on top of her blanket, naked but for a pair of gym socks, one hand squeezing her firm breast and the other hand between her legs, slowly pushing a dildo in and out of her tight hole
Not believing his luck Jeff remembered there was a microphone function on the camera, reaching for the volume controls before he stopped himself, too risky to put the sound on in case she heard, he reached into his bedside table and pulled out his iPod, taking the headphones and plugging them into the laptop. Her quiet moans instantly made him even more aroused and he turned the volume on the headphones up while he loaded a recording program. He heard her shuffling around in the background while he got the program running, linking it to the webcam the image came up on screen again and he smiled, pressing the record button and wrapping a hand around his rock hard cock
Danielle was up on her knees, a pillow between her legs, evidently the dildo was still inside her, the pillow offering resistance as she pushed down against the toy, both hands on her breasts, squeezing and pinching the nipples, her moans becoming more rapid, more urgent, more lust driven. Jeff was pumping his cock in his fist getting closer and closer to climax, determined to orgasm at the same time as his daughter on the screen, then she said 4 words that would change his life forever
“Cum in me daddy” she said, not so loud to be heard outside her room, but with pure lust and passion and sexual desire. Jeff sat there stunned, his mouth open in shock, barely even noticing the cum flying out of his cock and splattering the screen. He blinked twice and regained his composure, cursing under his breath at the mess he made he quickly wiped the screen clean and watched her put her pyjamas back on and crawl under the blanket, quickly falling asleep, a smile clearly plastered across her beautiful face
Jeff sat in bed for a while replaying the video over and over again, listening to her say those magic words again and again, pinching himself to make sure it wasn’t a dream. Eventually closing the laptop he lay back and tried to sleep again, but just as before he was plagued with thoughts of his sweet daughter, only now with more depth and desire. Looking over at the clock he could clearly see the bright blue readout say 2:17am. Thoughts and idea racing through his head he decided it was now or never
“It’s Jeffs turn” he said to himself as he stripped himself naked and crept quietly out of his room and into his daughters, closing the door as quietly as possible behind him he waited for a moment for his eyes to accustom to the darkness
He could see her clearly against the pink bed sheets now and he silently crept over to her, tapping her on the shoulder once, twice, no response, he knew she had always been a heavy sleeper. Pulling the blanket back he could see her nipples poking against her top while she lay on her back, gently lifting her top up from her tummy and over her breasts, exposing them to his lustful gaze. Tentatively he reached out and took one breast in his hand, his cock achingly hard as he gently squeezed the firm yet supple flesh, rubbing his thumb across the nipple, making it stand up firm, like a pencil eraser
Growing a little bolder he took a breast in each hand, squeezing, kneading, rubbing, Danielle let out a quiet moan and Jeff froze, pulling his hands back slowly he moved closer to her face, looking into her eyes for signs of movement…….nothing, phew she’s still fast asleep. He gently pressed his lips against hers, feeling the softness and struggling with all his willpower not to rush himself and scare her
Reluctantly breaking the kiss he made his way down her body, kissing and licking her firm nipples before kissing his way down her tummy, circling her belly button with his tongue and continuing further down until he reached the waistband of her pyjama pants, taking a deep breath he hooked his fingers into the elastic and slowly pulled down, lifting her ass ever so slightly to allow the fabric to pass under unobstructed he let out his breath slowly as he easily slipped the garment off her legs, throwing it to the floor
He stood there for a while admiring his 19 year old daughters perfect body, firm round breasts, a smooth flat stomach and a pussy covered in short dark hair. While he liked girls to be shaven or trimmed there was nothing sexier than the fur covered pussy in front of him right now. He licked his lips as he slowly lifted her knees and spread her legs, exposing her moist pussy to him completely. Heart racing he leaned forward and sniffed her womanly scent, inhaling her musk, the sweet smell of her juices mixed with her perfume and a hint of shower gel. Sticking his tongue out he ran it tenderly from her hole up towards her clit, she moaned slightly and shivered, but he was too far gone to care now. Danielles pussy was soaking wet, practically dripping, he had come this far there was no point turning back now.
Positioning himself above her Jeff lined his cock up at her soaking wet hole and slowly pushed against her, feeling a little resistance he increased his pressure
“Damn this pussy is tight” He thought to himself, pushing himself in another inch before he stopped and looked down, he was in her, he was really in her, his cock was actually inside his own daughters pussy, it took all the control he had not to cum right there. He looked back up at her sleeping face and saw her eyes were still closed, not even a flicker as he pushed in further. Another gently push and he felt his head slip in completely, the inner lips of her pussy spreading around his cock, now free to push in his entire length. He took another deep breath and pushed, not too hard, until his entire cock was buried to the balls in Danielles teenage pussy.
She gasped at the feeling and her eyes shot open, looking up into a blurry face she tied to focus, she was sure she had dropped Garth at home, and this somehow felt different, she was more full than usual, it felt amazing and she whimpered as the feeling withdrew, before entering her again, she was sure she was awake, but she was also sure it was not Garth, and that left only one possibility in her mind
“Daddy?” She asked quietly
“Yes princess it’s me” Came the reply
“But you’re….I mean we….”
“I know honey, I heard what you said earlier, and I love you so very much”
“Oh daddy I love you too, I’ve wanted this for so long, please make love to me daddy, make love to your little girl” She practically begged
With an invitation like that how could he refuse, wrapping his arms around her back Jeff rolled them both over so Danielle was on top, she leaned forward to kiss him, pushing her tongue into his mouth where he gratefully accepted and they played their tongues together as she ground her pussy onto his throbbing cock
“Oh daddy it feels so good” She said as she sat up, her hand reaching down and finding her clit, rubbing it faster and faster as she sped up her bouncing on her dads rock hard tool, his hands reaching up to play with her magnificent breasts
“I’m getting so close daddy”
“Say those 4 magic words for me princess”
“Ooooooh cum in me daddy” She squealed
“Oh god those are the words, those are the right words” He grunted through gritted teeth as he fired spurt after spurt deep inside her tight pussy
Danielle squealed, moaned and screamed her orgasm as she frantically bucked back and forth on her dads cock, the most intense orgasm she had ever had threatened to render her unconscious, collapsing onto her dads chest, body still spasming in the aftershocks of her climax, each jerk making her pussy move on his cock sending more jolts of pleasure through her small body
“That was amazing daddy” She said breathlessly
“You’re amazing princess” He said, kissing her lips lovingly “Lets get cleaned up”
Slowly the young brunette climbed off of her dads deflated cock and she sat on the edge of the bed, Jeff sat up behind her and put his arms around his daughter
“I love you honey, you’re not mad at me waking you up like that are you?”
“Mad? How can I be mad? That was perfect, I love you more than anything, can I sleep in your bed from now on daddy, please?”
“Of course you can princess, nothing would make me happier, now lets get cleaned up and get some rest, I got a feeling we’re gonna have a busy day tomorrow”
They jumped in the shower together and started to wash each other tenderly, lovingly, Jeff smiled at his daughter, the future was looking very bright indeed

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A chance at a new sex life; Part 4

All characters and events in this story are completely fictional of my own creation. Any similarity to real events or people is purely coincidence. All characters in this story are over the age of 18. I am not a professional nor even an amateur writer. Please remember this when reading. Positive comments about storyline are welcome.

The Return to “The Hillbilly Girl” 2

The Return to The “Hillbilly Girl” 2
‘Darleen takes her first ride in a Ferrari ‘ENZO’
__I woke up to Darleen washing me up in bed. When she saw me open my eyes she crawled up and sat on top of me. She leaned over and said: “Barry,…ya sure do fuck good. “, and started kissing my face.
She made me a country breakfast to die for. Fuller General Store delivered groceries to the house. Her hands were all over me while I ate. I ask her how she liked my car. “It looks like a ‘red turtle’ ta me, but it’s cute, no room to carry anything tho.” I ask her if she wanted to take a ride in it. She sat on my lap and grinned. “You ain’t got no keys, but you know how ta git’em.”
I was so full from her meal, I had to lay down on the old couch. She immediately got on top of me. More kissing my face and then she scooted up. She had no under panties on and kept inching her pussy closer to my face. She grinned as I looked. I see my keys in her hand. She rest’s them on her pussy. I have to go, ‘git’em’. I pulled her pussy to me and bite and drop the keys on the floor. She holds my head and rocks her pussy back and forth on my face. (I think she’s trying to tell me something.)
I grabbed her sweet butt cheeks and rock them as my tongue did the rest. She’s getting out of breath and moaning….”..damn you Barry, yer git’in me hooked on do’in this. Keep a go’in…oh hell yes…faster Barry, that good feel’in is a com’in.”
She gave out a loud long moan as she squirmed and jerked her pussy. She slowly fell into my arms and purred like a kitten.
“Let’s go for a drive, Darleen, and do some shopping,” I said. “..ok“…she mumbled…”..but we got some make up fuck’in ta do when we get back Barry.”
I showed her how to open the raised up doors on the Ferrari ENZO. (..yes my dad had left me lots of money.) I strapped her in as her eyes were wide and all glazed over. She had driven farm tractors and old pickups a little, but this was all new to her. I headed for the main highway. When I pulled out on it, it was clear. I mashed the throttle and nailed us back against the seat.
Darleen started laughing. “Holy Shit!, this turtle can haul ass!” she had to yell because of the big engine right behind our heads. The white lines soon began one white line as I reached about 150 miles per hour. “Yeeeee Hawwwww!”, Darleen yelled. I slowed down to where I could do a long hi speed sideways drift and go over the center grass strip and go back the way we came. Darleen clapped her hands and stomped her feet. “Do that again Barry!!!”
Darleen had never been to an amusement park and ridden all the rides. “Barry’s Jack Rabbit” was her new name for this car.
We arrived at Fuller’s general store. She ran inside and started tickling old man Fuller as he giggled. She said: “This here’s my boyfriend Barry, ( she whispered: he’s got a real big dong).“ They both chuckled. “I bet Millie’s gonna like’em too.” she said. (Millie?…who was Millie?) Millie turned out to be a girl who lived on the farm behind them. Darleen’s only girlfriend. They didn’t see each other much as Millie had to work on the farm all the time. Millie would be putting a new adventure in my life soon.
I bought Darleen new clothes and things and told him ’not’ to put it on their bill. I paid him cash, and slipped him the money for their bill too.
I knew I could never take Darleen out of her life in these hills….so I made other plans for her and I. When we got back to the house, Darleen had to do a fashion show for me with her new clothes. After the last dress I began to undress her as she began to undress me. I laid on top of her beautiful naked body on the old couch. She squirmed and then giggled. She reach under the old couch and damned if she didn’t have my keys again. She dangled them and then put them back under the couch.
I felt her legs wrap around mine as she reached down and put my dick in her tight and wet pussy….
“Take me ta heaven Barry, like ya did before” she moaned. We tried to take our time but our own anxiety got us into a bucking moaning and fucking frenzy. “Oh god …oh Barry…oh jez…” she moaned as I pumped a big load in her. The old couch squeaked a shook as she twisted her body in her version of ’heaven’. “Oh dam…oh yessss….Barry…” she moaned. She held me tight squirming, moaning and all. I finally opened my eyes to see her wonderful smiling face.
Someone was standing watching us. “Damn you Millie, don’t cha ever knock!, you jes scared the crap outta me!” Darleen said.
It was Millie ok. She grinned and said: “I did knock, but you was a hoop ‘in and didn’t hear me!”
Millie was a little fox in her shirt-less, bra-less overalls…..
+ 2 main
___Millie just stood there looking at our naked bodies. She was a slim girl with big tits. A long pony tail and very cute. She stepped forward and started to reach out and touch me. “Millie!”, Darleen said. “I want ya to meet Barry my boyfriend. Hand me those clothes on the floor and go sit down.” Millie never stopped grinning and sat down. Darleen whispered: (“…Millie is a horny toad, but you’ll like her. We share things.”)
Share things? WTF?… Was Darleen trying to tell me she was going to ‘share’ me with Millie? My imagination was running wild about now.
What she was referring to was Millie’s uncle Zippy when they all got drunk on ‘shine’ one time, I found this out later. Zippy was ‘everybody’s’ uncle when he got drunk. Millie was use to farm animals and she wanted to feel my skin. Millie never went to school and was fascinated with ‘strangers’. She watched us get dressed and kept grinning. She looked me over real good.
“Millie, come over here and sit next to Barry. You can touch him, he won’t bite ya.” Darleen said. Here she came to sit by me. I said ‘Hey Millie’. She got red in the face and looked away. Very shy. (“…put yer arm around her Berry, I know she wants ta touch ya.”) Darleen whispered. I did as she asked and Millie got redder in the face. “Go on Millie, feel his arm, it’s ok.” Darleen said.
Slowly Millie’s hand came up to feel my arm. I watch her start breathing deeply as he started rubbing her face on my arm. “Yep, she likes ya. Kisser on the neck like ya do me. Feel her big ol tits, she likes that.”
I was being played by Darleen.
She wanted me to get Millie all horny and watch Millie squirm and then slowly attack me for Darleen’s amusement. I gladly played along.
“Are you shy Millie?…I said as I started kissing her neck. I watch her big tits go up an down breathing as she closed her eyes, still grinning. “Show’em how ya do uncle Zippy when he gets drunk and let’s ya fool with him. Her hand slowly came to rest on my upper leg. She rubbed it like a horse or dog. She shivered as she also pulled my hand down to her tits. She slowly leaned me over on the couch. Darleen scooted way over to watch and grin. Millie slowly got on top of me and rubbed her pussy in my upper leg. I kept kissing her neck and the side of her face. She was gasping as my arms went around her warm body. Darleen was giggling and put my hands on her tits.
She un-buckled Millie’s overall straps and pushed them down. She moved my hands and now I felt two nice warm full tits. She leaned over to our heads and said: “Kiss’er Barry, she likes that. Squeeze her tits, she likes you Barry. Give’er one of those tongue kisses. Feel his ‘dong’ Millie, he got a big’n. Push her overall down Berry, and yers too, so’s she can feel yer dong bare.
Darleen was directing us for her hot little pleasure. I sure didn’t mind and neither did Millie. We both worked our pants down and wondered how far Darleen was going to let this go.
Millie’s hand found my hardon and put between her legs. She felt it all over and worked it like pump handle. Her tits felt big and wonderful in my hands. Slowly I kissed over to her lips. (“…open yer mouth, Mill.”) Darleen whispered. I eased my tongue in and flicked hers with it. She was out of breath but got the idea and returned the tongue play. (“…how’s she do’in Barry?..”) “Mmmmm just great“, I managed to say. Millie’s hands were all over me feeling my skin. She had a big bushy pussy and it was real wet sliding up and down on my dick.
(“…fuck’er Barry…fuck’er!, give‘er a good‘n like ya do me.”) an excited Darleen whispered. Millie was panting as I slipped my dick in her wet pussy. I must have hit a nerve as she started fucking me fast and deep. Being on top, she was like a rocking horse and began to make grunting sounds.
Her tongue was going wild in my mouth. She was very strong and held me like a bear hug. She was almost snorting like a horse as she was getting her big clit to rocking on me. She paused and put her head next to mine. She made this squeal sound and started to shake all over. Darleen’s head was right next to mine on the other side. “That’s a good one, ain’t it Mill. Berry can fuck good.”
Now I had two girls kissing my face as I blasted my cum in Millie. She bit my ear, hard and held it as she twitched and squealed more. Darleen felt my face and tongue kissed me at the same time. Millie bucked at times as I shot all I had in her. She put my hands on her ass and had me squeeze and rub her firm cute butt.
Millie moaned quietly and said: “Damn you Darleen, now I want him sa’more, you gotta share.”
I guess they thought I had an unlimited supply of cum. Darleen had to peal Millie off of me. She finally stood up and felt her own pussy. She turned around, but I could see her lick her fingers. She pulled her overalls up, hooked the straps and walked out the back door without saying a word. “Ain’t she a wild one! She’ll be back. Now…where were we.” She laid us on the couch, her on her back. She raised her dress up and took off her new panties. “You guy’s a got me all horny,… Barry, put yer tongue where ya know I like it best.”
I felt Darleen’s warm legs tight on the side of my face as she pulled my hair and squealed softly.
To be continued…..

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Earning Money

This would be a temporary job, I told her I would do this until I could take the trip with my friends but if I become even a part time whore, what will you think of me? I mean will you still like me, respect me? And you won’t tell mom will you?”

My Perverted Family: 5. Dad’s Story

I have known since puberty that I was addicted to sex. I come from a very long line of sexually perverted individuals. My family is riddled with tales of incest and debauchery. My parents, my Aunts & Uncles, my nieces & nephews, my Cousins and most of my In-Laws have engaged in Incest and every other form of sexual deviancy. You name it, and someone in my family probably did it.

Our Deceptive Mom

Our Deceptive Mom
….Our mom was very secretive. She never talked about our dad or about the strange goings on in our house. When my brother and I were little, she would send us out to play in the back yard, but locked the door for us to get back in. We noticed strange smells afterwards in the house and on mom. Sometimes she would be all hot and excited when we came home from school. We lived right by the school and she would watch out the window at the guys.
…She would ask my brother about certain guys. Sometimes she would go outside to the school fence and talk to some guys. We never knew what they talked about.
….I was walking home from school when I noticed two guys I knew, running out of our front door. They took off running and smiling to their car and drove away. I smiled because I was sure knew what was going on.
….This started when my brother and I wondered if my mom had a thing for teenage guys. Our mom was what guys called a ’Looker’, she was real sexy looking. My brother and even I thought so too. We got to see her almost naked all the time. She had all the things guys liked, (and me too). A hot body, nice full tits, long hair down to her waist, and eyes that made guys get boners.
… Some of my girlfriends even got wet around her too. My brother and I, we were very close to each other. My poor brother had to ignore our mom to keep from getting boners. I giggled to myself, but the fact was, I too got wet sometimes watching her. The first time I told my brother that I got a little wet looking a our sexy mom, he said: “You too?’ mom makes me almost get a boner all the time.” We giggled and compared feelings we got from her sexy ways. We compared that she had never made a sexual move on us, but now that we were older, we kinda wish she would.
…The first time we watched a 3some video together on the internet, my brother got a boner and I got really wet. We both instantly wished it was us and mom in that video.
…The video was about two teenagers, a guy and a girl, making their mom all hot and aroused in her bed. She had been asleep and they woke her up by feeling her up. She enjoyed it so much she just let them play with her body. They both played with her tits, licked her pussy and then the guy put his cock in his mom. The girl put her pussy over their moms face as mom ate her pussy. The guy felt his sisters tits. Finally the guy pulled his cock out of his mom and shot cum on her. His sister immediately went down and sucked his cock as he shot a little more.
…That video got my brother a rock hard boner and me the wettest pussy I had so far. The hottest scenes kept repeating themselves in our minds.
…That was the first time we got aroused together. We sat there together and re-watched parts of it again and again. Our mom was at her mom’s house for the night. As we sat and discussed the parts that make us the hottest, my brother turned the computer off.
… It was all dark in his bedroom except for a lone hallway light. He had on loose shorts as I looked at his big tent. I had on my robe and was naked underneath.
..Something happened to us that night. I wanted to be held and felt up. He told me later that he wanted to feel me up, but not get in trouble with mom if she ever found out he felt me up.
… I knew him so well,… so I just reached over and took his hand. I spun my computer chair around the other way beside him. I put his hand on my tits and closed my eyes. He caught on quick and took my hand and put it on his rock hard boner. That was our first real contact as now our hidden wishes were becoming real. We didn’t say anything at first, but just let our hands enjoy us. Pounding hearts, heat, and excited breathing were all part of the feelings we got.
…I love the memory of that night. Slowly we got more and more turned on. We didn’t even try to stop ourselves from getting bolder and bolder with our hands. He pulled me close to him as we felt more of our bodies. Thoughts of having sex with my brother were not new to me, or to him, I found out later. The driving force was on to get closer and feel us more.
…We stood up together and pulled ourselves tight to each other. It was the high point for me as boyfriends never got me this aroused. I realized now I had desires for my brother I had ignored. Now they came to the surface in a rush. I finally now got to feel his warm body and that boner I had only seen tent before. I now felt it between my legs pressed tight against my pussy.
…My legs quivered as his nice hands felt my tits and played with my nipples. I spread my legs some to feel more of his boner which was now hard for me, not some other girl. Our hips began to move as I felt his boner slightly sliding between my legs. With each movement his boner pressed on my clit. Something I knew arouses me faster that anything. My hands squeezed his butt as I felt dripping in my pussy. He parted my robe and I lowered his shorts some…oh yes…there…we felt skin to skin between us, all warm and wet between my legs. His warm hands went in my robe and felt my body up and down.
… I had to hold on to him tight to keep from falling. I could feel the heat from his breath on my neck. He began to kiss it slightly. I just had to return those kisses. I had once had a dream about us making out, but tried to forget I had it.
..I felt my robe sliding down as I let my arms down and let it drop to the floor. I worked his shorts down and they dropped to the floor. The heat from our bodies was awesome. All warm and exciting. We got kinda dizzy with all the new feelings we were now both having. Were we going to kiss?…the anticipation was maddening. Our two minds worked at one as our lips got closer and closer together. The warm air of our breath felt so good I got a special tingle in my pussy.
…Our lips just slowly slid together. That triggered us, as our tongues quickly went crazy in our mouths. I felt his boner jump as my pussy just stayed tingling. We became animals to each other now and my hands felt his body and then straight for his boner. Our hands met there as I felt his wet boner and he fingered my clit. We stumbled over to his bed.
….Down we went as our legs intertwined and the moaning began. Now our feelings came out vocally. From…”..oh my god.” to “oh baby finally”…and many more little emotions came out of us. The rush was on and we wasted no time in getting his cock in me. I wanted to feel it deep in me and so did he. My hands were all over him as he and I began pumping us together.
…I almost couldn’t moan it felt so good. Just little peeps of moans came out as we went higher and higher. I clamped my body around his and drove my tongue deep in his mouth. He pushed his fast moving cock deep in me as we both knew the peak was here.
…How do you describe euphoria….we felt way above it…as I felt warm cum shooting in my pussy. I gasp for air as more cum kept shooting in…we both shook as I had a body shaking climax and moaned…and moaned and he shot more ….and we just let the euphoria flow..
…Our hands couldn’t get enough of feeling us for a long time. We were going to keep the feelings between us going for as long as possible, and we did just that,… as time just seemed to… stop…
…We had the hottest sex we’d ever had all that night. We talked about everything, our hot desires we’d had for each other and now we were fulfilling them to awesome highs.
…We talked about our mom. We were both sure she was having teenage guys over while we were at school. We got a plan. The computer had a camera built in it. We got a motion sensor that would activate it. The computer appeared to be off, but motion turned on the camera with no sound and no light. My brother got a mega stick with all kinds of gig memory and installed it in the back.
….Monday mom went early to her work, and brother and I went to school after setting up the computer up. The camera test showed the couch. For 3 days…nothing happened. The fourth night late we checked it again…..oh my god…
…My brother quick removed the stick and we took it up to his room to secretly play it. Mom went to bed early and her bedroom was down stairs. Brother and I waited till very late and then we watched it together on his computer.
…. Two teenage guys came into view with mom. They started talking quiet and then started kissing her neck and feeling her tits. She had on a long skirt and their hands went under it. They slowly leaned her over on top of one guy, who was now on his back and mom was now on her back too. Up came her skirt by one guy while the other unbuttoned her blouse.
… He felt her tits and then took down his pants. The other guy was taking down his pants. The guy under mom began putting his dick in her pussy. We could hear her moan. The second guy put his dick in her pussy also. Sis looked wide eyed and said: (“ooh my god!, she can take two dicks in her pussy!”) They all fucked as mom moaned and then you could see cum coming out of mom’s pussy, lot’s of cum as they all groaned and squirmed. Then the guys left and mom started counting some money they apparently had left on the table.
….Now we knew what she was doing.
…That video made my brother and I super aroused. I think we fucked that night all night long. We were so hot for each other we really don’t remember….
….My sister, she wanted to watch that video of our mom all the time. She would then get me on my back, and she would lay on her back on top of me. She would fuck me like a wild girl as she finger fucked her pussy while we fucked…. Her squirming and moaning was awesome.
…. As time went by I had come home from work early that day. I looked out the window at the school.
….There was my sister. She was in a tiny bikini.
I smiled…. as she was talking to a bunch of guys at the school fence…..

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Ben Morgan-My Time with Bobby

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