Consensual Sex

My 14th Birthday Gift

This is the story of how I lost my virginity which led to me exploring sex for the rest of my life. I would love to hear your comments and what I can improve in the stories to follow

Hurt me

My first story published here. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

becoming the right hand

this is my first story. there’s a lot of background i didn’ include but this is the only way i could write it, sorry, tips are appreciated.
Terran was nervous.
He had been called to meet with his captain and he knew why. He was not in trouble, he’d had been one of the few men to stand when they had been asked who was willing to do what was necessary to be the captains new right hand.
Terrans captain was different from the rest, he was….odd. To be his right hand you had to abide by his religious beliefs and be his partner as well. He didn’t trust normal warriors enough to let them have a voice come decision making time, he had to trust them on a spiritual level. All of the men knew what this entailed. Which is why only three men rose from their knees and stood at full attention in front of all the others.
Terran had been the one he chose, he told himself this over and over again to calm his nerves. His reasons for standing were mixed. He did want a higher position in the Rat army, but he was also very interested in his captain and his…preferences.
The captains tent loomed before him and he wondered what waited for him behind this curtain, how would his future with the other men be if he accepted the position after their first interview, They would all know what went on between him and his captain behind this curtain. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and pulled the curtain to the side.
The captain was sitting on his knees behind a short table. His long blond hair was loose, Terran had never seen it out of it’s usual braided pony tail. His face really was too beautiful to belong to a man, his lips were soft and pink, his nose was straight and not too long, and his chin was rounded but still strong. Terran would never openly admit it to himself but he was very attracted to his captain.
The captain noticed Terran standing in the door way, staring at him. He gave him a stunning smile and waved him in. Terran walked to his captain and sat down next to him stiffly. The captain turned to him.
“First we’re going to have some tea, and then we will continue with the interview. But before that I have to be sure you fully understand what comes with this position.” The captain said, looking meaningfully into the young warriors eyes.
“I know what you require of your right hands and I’m aware of the way you’re religion works.” Terran said, trying to convince the both of them he was confident and ready for what was coming. The captain smiled again.
“What I ask of my right hands does not come from my religion, it comes from my own self, it comes from my need to be able to completely trust them. My religion is just more accepting than yours. Or the common religion of the warriors, I should say, I don’t know if you actually follow it.” He explained.
“I do, but I’m afraid I’ll have to abandon it for this position.” Terran replied.
“And you’re ready to do that?” The captain asked. Terran nodded.
The two had their tea and made polite conversation. Terran was feeling much more comfortable by the time the captain was ready to proceed.
“You have to assure me that you’re ready for our full interview, because once we start I will not stop.” The captain warned.
“I’m ready, sir.” Terran said bravely, the captain admired it.
The captains hand rose to touch Terran’s’ cheek. He stroked it a few times looking over the young mans face appreciatively. It was lovely, rugged but still smooth with youth. His lips were rough from dessert winds but given some time and proper care they’d soon be full and moist. He stroked the bottom lip and the boys breath caught in his throat. The captain knew from that moment he’d made the right choice. If they boy hadn’t reacted to the tender touches then he was only looking for a better position and couldn’t be trusted.
The captain slid his hand around to the back of the boys head and pulled their faces close together, close enough for their noses to be touching. “I need to stop thinking of him as a boy. He’s not, even if he does seem as innocent as one.” He thought to himself.
“You’re sure you want this?” He asked the young man. Terran nodded quickly.
The captain leaned in and brushed his lips against the boys. He jerked back at first but the captain held his head steady and laid a full kiss on him. He stayed like that until he felt the boy relax slightly, then pushed him farther. He sucked on the boys bottom lip and wrapped his other arm tightly around the boys back. He tensed again and tried to wiggle out of the captains grip. The captain pulled back without releasing him.
“I warned you that I wouldn’t stop once we’ve started, just try and relax. Have you ever been with a woman.?” He asked, the boy shook his head shyly. The captain smiled. “Then I suppose you can’t think of one of them.” he said and went back to sucking on the boys bottom lip.
Eventually the boy did relax. he parted his lips slightly and the captain swooped in. He claimed the boys mouth and gently stroked Terran’s tongue with his own. When the boy started to return the kiss he loosened his grip around his middle, moved his hand farther down, and began to rub they boys hip with his thumb. His hand was still in the boys hair and he used this hand to gently direct him to lay down on the floor.
Terran was still shocked he was in this position at all. His captain was on top of him one hand wrapped in his hair, the other firmly grasping his hip, and his tong was in his mouth. The captains mouth tasted sweet like the tea they’d been drinking and his soft blond hair fell onto Terran’s face in incense perfumed waves. He wasn’t sure what to do with his hands, so he wrapped his arms around the older mans neck. The captain smiled into the kiss and moved from the boys mouth to his neck.
The nipping and sucking that followed nearly drove Terran insane, he wanted it to last as long as it could, but he also wanted to move on to what ever was coming next. He’d been so caught up with the trail of fire the captain was leaving along his collar that he hadn’t noticed the captain trying to pull his shirt off. Terran helped him get it the rest of the way off and the captain went right to his nipples. Soon they were erect and sensitive. Every time the captains tongue moved across one of them he had to fight back a moan. Which ever nipple wasn’t in the captains mouth was being stroked lovingly by the hand that was not in Terran’s hair.
The captain pulled away and put his mouth next to Terran’s ear. “We should move to the bed.” he whispered giving the lobe a quick nip. Terran began to stand up but in his disoriented state he apparently wasn’t moving fast enough for the captain, who bent down and picked him up. He laid Terran down on the bed gently, kissing his lips before undressing them both.
He then climbed on top of the young man. Their naked bodies tangled around each other and they lost themselves in a flurry of hot kisses. The captain pulled away again to work his way down. He spared sometime for each nipple and continued down leaving a trail of kisses. Terran’s manhood was standing tall and the captain massaged the skin around the base with his tong while rubbing Terran’s sides and lower stomach.
Terran couldn’t contain his moans now and they fell from his lips one right after the other. The captain kissed his way to the top of Terran’s member and began to lick small circles around the tip. Terran threw his head back in ecstasy. The captain moved on to take the tip wholly into his mouth and ran his tong around it slowly. He got Terran nearly there before stopping. Terran gave him a desperate look, but the captain just smiled and reached for a small gold tin next to his bed.
He laid it down next to his knee and picked up Terran’s legs. He put them onto his shoulders, parted just enough for Terran’s cheeks to stay parted. He picked up the tin and removed the lid.
Inside there was a light green jell that smelled wonderful. The captain took some into his hand and warmed it up before applying it to Terran’s hole. He began by gently massaging the outside of his hole with it and slowly worked with the pucker. Before he went any farther he took some time to admire the small pink thing. It had obviously never been used and was perfect.
He began to work one finger into the hole. Terran squirmed and made small noises of protest. The captain kept going.
“Shh. Just relax and let it in, the more you resist the longer the feeling of wrongness will last. The jelly should take effect soon anyway.” He calmly told His young companion.
Terran tried his hardest to relax but the feeling was just too foreign. But the captain was right, soon the jelly began to tingle warmly and he felt his muscles relax.
The captains finger went in slowly and he moved it around to open him up a little. After he felt that the jelly was taking effect inside too he began putting in a second finger and Terran moaned loudly. When he got it in he began to work with Terran’s hole again drawing another moan from him.
Terran felt his hole stretch with the addition of the second finger, with the help of the jelly it felt amazing right off the bat. He’d been told by a warrior that knew the captains last right hand that it was suppose to hurt the first few times you tried this type of sex. But it didn’t hurt, it was amazing. When the third finger slipped in Terran felt he was going to die if he didn’t soon have the captain himself in him, he’d never been so desperate for anything before.
“Captain, please I don’t-ah- I don’t think I can take this much longer, you need to-to, do what you’re going to do.” He begged.
“i will, but I need to make sure you can take it.” He said smiling at the boy. Terran couldn’t find the words he wanted to say so he settled for moaning again.
After a few more moments of torture the captain decided it was time to let the boy have what he wanted, and too fulfill himself as well.
He took a small amount of the jelly into his hand and applied in liberally to himself. He grabbed Terran’s hips and lined everything up. At first he teased the boy by prodding him but never entering. Finally, after listening to the boys desperate whimpers, he began to slowly push himself into the tight hole.
Terran’s mouth flew open as his hole stretched to accommodate the captains large member.
He didn’t even moan, he couldn’t. This, this hurt and he now understood why the captain wanted him ready. His manhood was very thick and long, Terran wasn’t sure he could take it all. But after it was all in he was able to take a breath and close his mouth. He was settling into the fullness, the pain faded away. suddenly he didn’t want the fullness to go away. But then the captain started to move, in and out, slowly and with precision. Every time he moved back into Terran he hit a spot that sent waves of pleasure shooting through his body.
The slow pace was pleasant, but the captain was having a hard time not shoving into the boy with all of his strength. He looked at they boys face which was twisted in pleasure; his mouth hung open and he was panting heavily, he moaned continuously. The captain decided to throw his control to the wind and pulled out until only the tip was in and rammed himself into the young boy as hard as he could. Terran yelled and the captain stopped.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, panting. Terran shook his head.
“No, keep going.” he panted.
The captain started to ram into him again, still hitting that spot. He was moaning loudly and wished he could do something to stop it, he was sure everyone could hear him. The captain on the other hand wasn’t making any noise except for a few labored breaths. He caught Terran staring at him and the locked eyes.
“You were the perfect choice, Terran.” the captain said, puffing after each word. He then grabbed Terran’s manhood and began to pump up and down in time with his thrusts. The combination was enough to set Terran off. He came long and hard, covering his stomach in white strings.
It only took a few more thrusts for the captain after seeing the boys face screwed up in orgasm. He gave a few more thrusts as he was cumming inside this lovely young boy, yes he had chosen right.
Terran felt the warmth shooting out of the captain fill his hole and loved it. The captain pulled out, leaving him empty, and wiped them both clean before crawling up next to Terran and pulling him into his arms.
He was worn out, it was his first time after all, and soon Terran was asleep in his captains arms. He brushed the curly dark hair out of they boys face and kissed his sweaty cheek before settling down to sleep himself.
“I’ll have to remember to tell him to call me Ren from now on.” he thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

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Meeting Jennifer

My buddies and I finally make our way down the stairs to this new Blues Club. It’s been open for a while, and it is definitely the place to be lately in town. It is packed, wall-to-wall people. Lights are low, the band’s jamming out the music, and it’s almost a job squeezing through the crowd to get to the bar, even though some of that skin rubbing is well appreciated. We agree to that fact after hitting the ‘tendar for cocktails.
As I turn to scan the crowd, there you are, my eyes find you. From across the room I can see so deeply into your eyes. They are on me, as mine are on you. We smile, and somewhat shyly turn away, getting back to our group of friends. I cannot believe how sexy you are. Talking with your friends, my eyes drink you in, all of you. Your hair lightly caressing the skin of your shoulders exposed so sweetly because of the sun dress you are wearing. Dropping lower, almost all of your back is exposed for my pleasure too. I love the heat of summer in St. Louis so much. A small, wicked, smile crosses my lips. My buddies figured out that I am not interested in them much right now, and I really don’t care.
An hour goes by, glances and smiles are exchanged between us, but it’s so crowded, and I don’t want to break up your group. So I wait and wonder. ‘I need to meet this woman, no matter what’ I think to myself. Just then my buddies want to bale, and I rode with them. What to do. What should I do? ‘See ya guys’ I say as I wave them out the door, I’m staying. I can’t let you disappear without a shot. ‘So what kind of situation are you in now Kurt? What if she blows you off before you even say hi?’ Chances can make or break, and this woman is worth the break factor………….very much worth it.
This is it, you turn my way once again and I walk over. You friends have hit the dance floor leaving you alone. As I get closer, I can see in your eyes the same want that I have. You turn shyly away from me as I get closer, I’m hoping it’s because you don’t want me to see just how much you want this too. I slowly, gently, cautiously, slip my arm around you and pull you back against me. Leaning in, my lips caress the soft skin of your shoulder. A small nibble on it, then my tongue slowly slides up to your neck, tasting you. You taste so sweet. I could die happy right now I think to myself as I say, ‘Hi, sorry so forward, but I had to meet you.’ “I’m so glad you did,’ follows your response.
No words, our lips touch so slightly, teasing, expressing the mutual desire……..but caution too. You turn and I see all of you for the first time tonight. You are beautiful. I don’t have enough eyes to soak all of you in at one time. Those eyes see all the way to my soul. I know you can feel the desire I have for you just by looking at me. Your lips are so full, almost looking as if they are begging to be kissed. I pull you closer, my hands on your hips, my eyes surveying every inch of you. A smile starts deep inside me, and you ask what it’s for. All I say is, ‘Thank goodness for sun dresses, you make his one great.’ Your nipples stand firm against the light material of your dress. That’s why I enjoyed the low back on your dress mostly. I knew there could be no bra on under there.
One last sip of our drink and I lead you to the floor. Pulling you hard against me, forgetting anyone else can see us. The music is loud, deep, hard, and nasty. Damn, I love the blues. Your hand finds my chest, slipping fingers inside my shirt you start teasing the hairs by pulling on them. I can feel your breathe against your fingers at the same time. One hand pulls you harder against me; I want to feel the heat of your body. I want to savoir your smell. Your hair, perfume, body are doing wonderful things to me. My other hand slips under your breast, feeling its softness. Slipping higher my hand covers your breast. Feeling your nipple harden even more, I squeeze with firmness, hearing a soft exhale escape from your lips. I know that you are mine for tonight now, just as you have figured the same about me. My cock is growing, filling my jeans, until you have no reason but to notice. Your hand finds its way to my crouch, squeezing, you look into my eyes smiling, feeling that same exhale escape my lips now.
I can’t believe this, but your friends interrupt, and they want to leave. You smile to them and say bye. You aren’t going anywhere, at least not at this moment. A wave and they are out the door. You lean in, ‘Don’t worry, my car’s here for later.’ Taking you back into my arms, our mouths meet, our first real kiss starts. Lips and tongues teasing. Tongue and tongue dancing together. My teeth nibble your lip, then your tongue. I want to devour you. It takes every piece of my being not to have you right there……right now.
We sit. A dark, quiet corner has a spot with our name on it. Drinks are shared. Caresses are shared. Our hands become each others. Neither can keep them off of the other. You drag your nails against my thigh, all the way from my knee to my cock. Each time you grab and squeeze. Leaning in, you wrap your hand tightly around my cock and kiss me deep. Running your fingers all over my cock, my balls. The heat between my legs is incredible.
Your dress has crept to the top of your thighs, and my hands are all over them. Squeezing, soft pinches, light tickles………..damn they are so soft. Delicious. My finger comes to rest against you pussy. God it is so hot! I’ve enjoyed women in my past, but you I will want forever. I can feel something deep inside for you, I want this forever. Slowly teasing your legs wider, my fingers feel the warmth of you even more. Your pussy is on fire. Slipping a finger under your panties, they find your pussy is so wet. My finger slips easily between the lips. I want to bury them deep inside and stroke you until you cum, but I want to make this last. I want you to remember this for as long as I will, so I only stoke you lips.
Feeling you squirm is so sexy. My fingers return the teasing you did with me earlier…. they are softly pulling the hairs of your pussy. ‘I have to have you Jennifer, and I mean soon’ I whisper to you as my finger slips between my lips. ‘I want to taste you, all of you.’ You grab my hand, and out the door we go.
“Look at this, it’s raining.’ You grab my hand tighter and try to run. I pull back. I’m imaging just how much sexier you will look by getting drenched in this downpour. I want that dress to be a second skin on you. I want o see all of that body, still covered. But peeking through shouting TAKE ME DAMMIT!
You take the keys from you purse, and open the door. Throwing your purse inside, I shut the door a push you against it. My hands are all over you, you would swear that there were more than two hands on you right now. My mind is possessed with you. I WANT YOU! Taking both of your tits in my hands, teasing those nipples harder, watching them grow more and more erect through that dress, I almost cum. You are the sexiest woman I have ever known. I NEED YOU NOW!
Buttons fly from your dress; all of your naked beauty is exposed for my eyes. I pull you onto the hood, dropping to my knees; ripping your panties free. My tongue finally finds your pussy. You taste like heaven. You are so wet, so sweet. Your pussy is dripping juices all for me. My fingers slip inside and stroke you. You are so tight. I want to be everywhere on you. I want to kiss you. I want your nipples in my mouth. I want your pussy on my tongue. I want your mouth on my cock. I want it all with you. I WANT TO PLEASE YOU MORE THAN EVER!
My fingers pull your lips wider, my tongue slips inside. I slowly fuck your pussy with my tongue. I can feel your creamy juices dripping more and more on my tongue. Your hands are pushing me deeper into you. Thighs are squeezing against my face. I can hear muffled throes of passion and desires coming from you with each and every thrust. Your pussy feels so tight wrapped around the three fingers slipped back inside. My tongue is dancing hard and soft, fast and slow, all over your clit. Sucking it. Teasing it. Feeling it grow harder. ‘Cum for me, nowwwww’ I whisper between licks. That’s all it takes. Your pussy explodes all over my fingers, tongue, and face. Gush after sweet gush of pussy cream flows from you.
I suck even more on that clit, looking into those eyes of yours, I can see the disbelief, and you cannot believe that you are going to cum again. AND YOU DO! You cum even harder this time. Your pussy is squeezing my fingers; your button grows even harder on my tongue. And you explode for a third time.
Standing and unzipping, pulling my cock free, you lay back to see what happens next. Taking my cock in my hand, I trace it up and down that sweet little slit of your pussy. My cock’s covered in those dripping juices. My hand slides easily up and down it this hard cock, which is growing harder looking at you. I look up; you almost seem in awe, watching me stroke my cock for you. ‘You like that?’ I ask. “Yes, don’t stop’ you reply. ‘Then join me.’ And your fingers spread your pussy wide and stroke your clit once again. Matching stroke for stroke, my cock is so ready to cum. I want to feel you around me. I slip the head of my cock inside you, and stop. You pull your fingers away. I direct them back down onto your pussy. ‘MMMMMMM, don’t stop, make it feel good again,’ I whisper to you.
Again your fingers are all over your pussy, and I slide my cock deeper inside. Laying your legs over my shoulders, my cock buries itself so deep, I feel like all of me is crawling inside. My cock is slowly stroking in and out of you. I want this to last. I want to remember tonight, remember Jennifer, and remember the excitement, for many years to cum. Our eyes meet, the reason for this meeting, looking deeper and deeper, I can feel your pleasures…………and you mine. I ask, ‘One more?’ “PLEASE YES……NOW!’ as you fingers become a blur on your clit. My balls are so wet from your juices dripping between your legs, slapping against that tight little ass all this time. I feel you body tighten, you are so close again. Your eyes widen…… your fingers stop…… I lean in against you and whisper, ‘Cum again………NOWWWWWW!’ As my cock unloads stream after stream of cum into you……………your pussy cums and milks even more juices from me.
Lying with you across you on the hood, I ask, ‘Are you ready to go home sweetness?’ ‘Yes I am, but to whose home for the rest of this night?’ A kiss, a smile, ‘Yours, for tonight.’

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A new business venture

these are the fantasy adventures of me and my cyber wife. i am aged 49 in the UK and my cyber wife Robyn is 36. she is blonde and curvy with 38DD breasts. we hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment.

Family Ties (3)

I woke up the next morning and saw that I was alone. It wasn’t early by any means, but I’d assumed Steve would still be asleep next to me.
I sat up on the edge of the bed and rubbed my eyes. I stood and took a few steps. I figured after the night before, walking would be a little painful, but it didn’t really bother me a bit.
I opened Steves door and walked outside. I didn’t even bother to put clothes on. Hell, I’d fucked both of them. Nothing they hadn’t seen before.
The party room was empty and there was still no trace of Steve. I went to go ask Steph if she knew where he’d run off to, but I had to stop just outside her door.
“Mmmm. Oh my God!” I heard Steph say.
Was I about to walk in on Steph pleasuring herself? Maybe she’d let me help. Oh God, I hope she lets me help.
I opened her door as quietly and as little as possible. I was shocked.
Steph was getting pleasure…just not from herself. She was leaned back, bracing herself with her arms, and riding a long, tan cock.
I found Steve.
“Steve…Steve…STEVE!” She screamed.
Steve pulled his little sister (by 45 minutes) down on on his chest and wrapped his arms around her. He slammed his hips as hard as he could up into Stephs pussy and back down again.
“Oh Steph…” he shouted.
“Fuck me, Steve.” She answered.
Steve bent his head down and took a nipple into his mouth.
“Ohhhh.” Steph moaned.
Steve grabbed her ass cheeks and lifted her up and down and up and down.
“Oh shit. I’m cumming Steve!” Steph shouted.
“Fuckin’…me too!” he yelled.
The two tan bodies squirmed and shook as they reached their climax.
Breathing hard, Steph leaned up and kissed her big brother passionately.
“I love you, Steve.” She said.
“I love you too, sis.” he said.
They laid there for a moment and Steph said something about getting a shower. They stood and kissed some more.
“Alright. I’ll see you in a bit.” Steve said.
Shit. I was still watching. I ran over and sat on the couch. Steve walked out, still bare assed.
“Hey.” I said.
“Hey, man. When’d you get up?” He asked, fearing he’d been caught.
“Eh…a little bit ago.” I said smiling. “I couldn’t find you.”
“My room.” Steve said.
I followed Steve into his room and he shut the door.
“Well…you were right.” he said. “That’s some sweet, sweet pussy.”
We laughed for a moment.
“So how much did you hear?” he asked.
“Not as much as I seen.” I said.
Steve laughed.
“Fuckin’ stalker.” he said.
“Dude…I’m not gonna lie. That was fucking hott.” I said.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“Look!” I said, pointing at my erection.
“Need me to take care of that?” Steve asked.
“Nah. It’s cool.” I said. Steve looked somewhat disappointed.
“So how’d you do it?” I asked.
“Alright” Steve started. “I couldn’t sleep for shit last night after you told me that Steph wanted me. I kept thinking about it and I was still so fucking horny. By the way…you don’t wake up for blowjobs, ya fuck. Anyhow, you were still sleeping so I went out there to watch the tube. Steph was just coming downstairs in these panties and a tank top. I laid down on the couch and acted like I was asleep. She came over to me and was like “Steve. Wake up. Go to your room.” I told her she wasn’t my boss and she’s like “Where are your clothes?” I told her to quit acting like she didn’t like it. She told me she wasn’t acting and she grabbed me by the cock. Grabbed me by the fucking cock! She pulled me into her room and that was that.”
“Damn, man.” I said.
“Yeah. She’s a fuckin’ animal.” Steve said.
Steve bowed his head and smiled. He was so proud of himself.
“Ah, fuck.” He said. “Great day, great day. By the way, she said you were a great fuck.”
“Well, she seemed to like you just as much.” I said.
Steve and I high fived and agreed we needed a shower.
“Let’s get one.” he said.
We walked in the bathroom and showered together. I wish I could say we did something sexual, but really, it was just a shower.
We got out and dried off. Steve walked in his room and grabbed a pair of shorts.
“Fuck it.” he said. “The A/C feels good. Besides, everybody’s already fucked each other. No surprises.”
I followed suit and Steve and I walked out and sat on the couch. We watched TV for a few minutes when Stephs door opened. Steph came walking out in the panties and tank top Steve had been talking about.
She stood in front of us, our cocks saluting her.
“What’s going on, boys? Am I interrupting something?” She asked.
“Nope.” Steve answered.
“Alright then.” Steph smiled. She sat down between us.
Steve and I looked at each other. He winked at me. He put his hand on her left thigh and squeezed. I did the same with her right.
“Now, boys” she said, “Haven’t you had enough?”
“Not enough of you.” Steve said.
Steph smiled and stood up.
“I know what you can do with a girl. But what you can you do with each other?” She asked.
“Everything.” I said.
“Oh really? How about I watch you to jerk each other?” She said.
Steve and I looked at each other and shrugged. We grabbed each others dicks and started stroking.
“Mmm. Yummy.” Steph said. “Now, why don’t you go a little further?”
Sure. Steve leaned over and sucked my cock for a few seconds. I leaned over and gave his a few sucks.
“Anything else?” Steve asked.
“Mmm. I’m hotttt.” Steph said.
She got down on her knees between us and grabbed a cock in each hand. She started pumping us slowly. Steve and I each grabbed a side of her tank top and yanked it off.
Steph leaned down and took my cock into her mouth. Heaven. After a few minutes, she switched and took her brother into her mouth.
Seizing the opportunity, I got down off the couch and started to pull down her panties. Finally, we were all naked. I reached down and fingered her. She was already wet. This was gonna be easy.
I lifted my cousin onto the couch and lined myself up. I pushed against her pussy and entered with ease. I started pumping fast and furious. I was here to set the pace.
Steph was moaning, causing Steves dick to vibrate in her mouth.
“Oh shit.” Steve said in ecstacy.
After a few minutes, Steve and I switched positions. Steve penetrated her pussy, and her tongue lashed my cock.
Steve had a crazed look in his eyes. It was understandable. How many gallons of cum had Steph caused him?
Steve exited her pussy and started stroking himself. I laid myself down and Steph came up to me. She spread her legs over my head and I stuck my tongue in to tast our threesome.
I felt like my dick was in an air tunnel. I looked down and saw I was now in Steves gentle mouth. Steph turned around and then it was Steve who was laying down. She straddled his crotch and planted herself down.
I moved over a little and lined myself up for a different entry; the ass.
My cock was already slippery and I figured, no problem. No problem was right.
I slid in and started pumping. Steph was getting tag teamed.
Steve and I got our thrusts in synch. We were pounding Steph like tomorrow would never come. Of course, by this time, we didn’t care if it did or not.
Like a pack of fire crackers, we all popped.
“FUCK!” Yelled Steve.
“Ohhhh!” Yelled Steph.
“Shit…” I moaned.
I exited Steph and laid back. I was exhauted.
Steph laid on Steve and they began to kiss.
“You know…” I said. “I really don’t visit often enough.”
We all laughed and sat there, catching our breath.
I think this concludes “Family Ties.”

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My 14th Birthday Gift Part II

My 14th Birthday Gift continuation— This story follows the morning after my 14th birthday. Your comment and storyline suggestions are welcomed are appreciated!!