Cum Swallowing

A New Day, A New Us part 4

Tuesday morning starts off with my sister Liz in a different mood than previous mornings. She’s not happy or grumpy, just kind of blah mood as we all get ready for school. I let her be alone with her thoughts while I attempt to ask my Father for something I don’t usually ask for.
“Dad I’ve got a problem,” I tell him as he’s getting his boots on for work.
“What kind of a problem Guy,” Dad replies without missing a knot.
“I need some money for a date tonight,” I say watching him pause as he’s lacing up his boot.
“And who are we taking out,” Dad asks finishing the final knot.
“Mathilda, I need to get her out and doing stuff that doesn’t involve her weight set and I figured a date mid week would be a nice change,” I explain hoping for a miracle.
“Well I think that it’s a wonderful idea,” Mom says joining the conversation,” You need to have some normal time with all these girlfriends you keep around. And when are we going to meet this other one from Texas?”
“Soon Mom I promise,” I tell her to placate the question for now,” I just need like a hundred bucks for a nice dinner or something.”
I watch my Mother turn on her expectant gaze to my Father who stands up and takes out five twenty dollar bills then hands them off to me, I try to take them but my Dad has them in a tight grip to get my attention.
“A nice date, you will dress up and you will take the car,” Dad orders me.
I nod and he releases his hold on the money which immediately goes back into my room and in the lockbox in my computer desk. Getting to school after picking up Kori I notice Allison has elected to not follow us around like a happy puppy today. I don’t mention it to the crew at all as we head off to classes.
I just start to grab my bag and head off to lunch after third period when I get a visitor in Hanna waiting for me outside my class door. I get outside and am greeted with a goofy salute.
“Ginger ninja reporting for duty,” Hanna jokes as we head towards the cafeteria.
“So aside from you we have two other’s I’ve recruited, both are guys but that’s not a problem for you anymore is it,” I joke back.
“Yeah, some of the girls found out about my jumping the fence and while some were okay with it a few don’t want to even touch me,” Hanna says with very little sadness,” So what’s on the big list of things to do for today?”
“Well first off you might not want to try to take my job as assistant, that’s Natsuko’s job,” I tell Hanna as we get to the cafeteria,” You keep Mathilda up to speed and relay messages.”
I can see she doesn’t like being put into a single job informing someone else but it’s not like I have a million things that need to be done in a day and I make it a point to emphasize how it’s important to me. We get seated at my usual table and I watch as the rest of the crew fills in the table crowding it up to the point where I have to get a second table and pick people to move over.
“Okay, we’re too crowded so I want Jun and Lilly to pull that table over and I want Ben to join them,” I tell the crew getting odd looks.
“Why are we being moved,” Lilly asks confused.
“Jun has been here longest of the guys, you are his girlfriend and Ben is the second best fighter in the group,” I explain and watch my reasoning register in their brains.
As we get adjusted I see Hanna move over as well and then I watch as a few punks move over to the second table and quietly sit down. It doesn’t take long for me to recognize the girl and her guy friend after the ass-chewing I gave them for not standing up for themselves. I warned Johnny about this type of shit and now here they are creeping into the circle for protection. I finish my milk and tap Katy to get her attention as I stand up and head over to their spot at MY crew’s second table. I watch the girl get rigid as I stand behind her before moving over to the guy who turns to see my face.
“Outside now,” I order him getting a puzzled look.
“Ummm we can move to a different spot if that’s okay,” the punk says trying to worm his way out.
“Maybe you didn’t fucking hear him but when he says ‘outside now’ that means get your ass outside right now or your ass becomes three different colors of paste on the ground,” Katy barks at the two raising her voice enough for the cafeteria to pay attention.
I watch the punk couple get up and after grabbing their bags get lead out by Katy, I start to follow but getting an idea I stop at Jun’s nerd table and grab one of the guys I see him talking to more than most and point for him to go outside.
“Nothing to worry about everyone, just some business among the Pariah’s,” Jun says getting people to focus on their own lives.
Once outside I catch up to Katy who is taking the punk couple around the corner of the gym. Once we’re out of sight I back them up against the wall and turn my attention to the Asian nerd I had follow us.
“What’s your name man,” I ask quickly.
“I’m Hideo, I’ve been friends with Jun for…,” He starts in before I cut him off with a look.
“And you two morons, names now,” I demand from the punk couple.
“I’m Vince and she’s Jenny,” the punk boy says quietly.
“Wonderful, now hand over what you’re holding,” I tell them getting a desperate look.
“Maybe you didn’t understand him, hand it over now or we go tag team on your asses,” Katy says grabbing Vince by the shirt,” First we’ll kick your asses then I’m gonna fuck the two of you.”
I watch the Hideo’s face go completely shocked at the thought and both the punks don’t like their prospects as they slowly take a plastic bag out of their backpacks. Each bag has what I can only guess is about a hundred dollars in smaller portioned bags of drugs in them, mostly weed and a few pills. I snatch the bags out of their hands and take Hideo’s bag from him and moving everything up place the bags under a few of his books. The look on Hideo’s face is priceless as I turn him into a drug runner for the day.
“I’m going to make this simple, you answer to me right,” I ask Hideo getting a nod,” Good, now unless I tell you to you do not let what’s in your bag out for anyone to see, you don’t show it off and you don’t let anyone take it from you. If someone tries you come find one of my people and you tell them that I said you were protected. Understand?”
“Yes sir, does this mean I’m a Pariah now,” Hideo asks getting a withering glare from Katy.
“No but it means that I know your name, and if I know your name then I know that I can either trust you or I need to hurt you,” I tell Hideo coldly,” Pick one.”
I see him register the implications of failure with me before nodding and heading back to the cafeteria. Once out of sight I return my attention to the punk couple who are more nervous now than when they were being threatened.
“I will be bringing those in today when I go meet Johnny, Katy and I will be showing up there after school,” I start to explain,” now you will leave that boy alone and you will let Johnny know that I’m coming by and that I will not be in a pleasant mood when I get there. Do we have an understanding?”
I watch Vince nod but Jenny seems stubborn about the situation. I motion for them to head off and while Vince is quick to do so Jenny seems adamant about either saying something or doing something. I can tell Katy is itching for a fight but I step up to Jenny first to take inventory, green and red hair in short pigtails on the side of her head. About 5’7” with about b cup breasts and no bra on under her tank top and sleeveless jean jacket, her hips have a pair of long shorts that have been destroyed either by time or just because she bought them that way and striped black and red socks with black boots. I like her style but it’s her brains I’m questioning.
“Did you not understand that now is the time where you fuck off and do what I told you,” I ask Jenny who is giving me the asshole look.
“Because I’m gonna have to pay out my ass for getting my shit taken from me with Johnny,” Jenny explains,” Anyone who loses their stuff has to pay for it.”
“Did Johnny tell you all to hang around me for safety,” I ask grumpier now that when they first sat down.
“Yes but he told me you two were good about it so can I get my stuff back before I get in trouble with him,” Jenny asks plainly.
“No bitch, but maybe if you suck up really good next time you try looking to us to save your ass we’ll help you without taking your shit,” Katy growls.
“Fuck you, you get one bit of charity from someone with connections and now you look at me like I’m fucked up. You were fucking the same people I ended up fucking just to get by so don’t,” is where Jenny gets in her tirade before Katy starts in on her own.
I don’t know where it came from in Jenny to push Katy’s buttons like that but I definitely recognize the form when Katy drops Jenny with a hard shot to the gut. Jenny hits the grass on her knees hard but Katy isn’t stopping as I watch her reach up under Jenny’s jaw and stand her back up and put her against the wall. I can see the next shot coming and grabbing Katy’s arm by the wrist decide to stop the next one before it connects. Katy glares at me but I’m giving it back hard and after a moment she’s lets go of Jenny’s neck. I let Katy back off before getting in Jenny’s face.
“You start a fight you better be ready for the consequences,” I tell Jenny,” as for Johnny I’ll handle him and you won’t have to worry about anything when it comes to paying for something I did.”
I give Jenny a moment to catch her breath then send her back to the cafeteria. Once she’s out of sight I turn my attention to Katy who is still pissed about the comment made and a little pissed at me stopping her from delivering a wholesale ass kicking.
“So now you’re protecting Johnny’s shit and his people too? What the fuck are we doing Guy,” Katy demands.
“What are the fucking rules,” I growl back.
“What rules,” Katy asks confused and angry.
“Rules of engagement, first fucking thing you learned before Dad would teach you,” I growl getting in her face.
I know the rules, I’ve known them for eight years but she’s new to it and judging by the recognition on her face she remembers it too as I watch the anger drain out of her face.
“Guy I’m sorry, she really pissed me off and I just reacted,” Katy says with a little fear,” Please don’t tell Dad.”
I grab Katy by the back of the head and walk her to an alcove for one of the gym exit doors and shove her up against the wall. Katy’s got her punk hoodie on and a pleated school girl skirt with black leggings covering up to her mid thigh. She’s shocked by my being angry with her as I start in.
“You should fucking know better by now, you drop a girl just because she points out your past,” I growl,” If I did that I’d be out of school because they’d find a trail of bleeding people.”
“I’m sorry I just got mad dammit, what you never fucked up and had to explain it,” Katy says with a little more anger.
I love the look on a girls face when she’s angry and I’m not responsible for it. Katy is almost firing on all cylinders as I crash my body against her, shoving my mouth into hers hard and invasive. Its takes no time for Katy to adjust by hiking one leg up so I can grind against her mound. Katy tastes like metal today and it’s more of what I’m in the mood for as she slow down the kissing to bite my lip before pulling me back in for more tongue warfare. I was a little hard as she started threatening the couple but now I’m rock hard and not planning on settling for a rain check. Almost reading my mind Katy undoes my pants and gets my cock out in the cold air, stroking it lightly as I pull her panties aside so she can line us up. I keep her leg up and thrust about half my cock inside Katy’s pussy getting a moan in my mouth from her. She’s not as wet as she would be normally but with her hands on my ass pulling me in as we start pounding our bodies together gets me almost all the way in. Katy’s warm folds are getting wetter with each thrust and all our moving has me sweating a little in the cold, I’m feeling the need to hurry as I start thrusting up into Katy faster and deeper.
We’re not wasting time with our sex and Katy finally breaks our kiss and I bury myself in her neck biting down a little as her hands paw at my back. I can feel myself getting close and back out of Katy quickly and sensing my intention watch as she drops to her knees and opening her mouth I jam as much of my cock in her face as I can. Katy gags for a moment but I back out and push again bypassing her mouth and feeling my cock head opening in her throat, Katy herself is shaking and I can see one arm is down in her own nether rubbing away frantically. I back up my cock again and start taking short fast thrusts into Katy’s mouth getting myself up to the point of cumming, I look down and see the look on her face before burying my cock deep in her mouth and throat and cumming hard. The rush has me oblivious to much in the world as ropes of cum shoot directly down Katy throat, I can feel her panicking a little and someone is talking but I ignore it until I the rush fades.
“Oh god that is so fucking hot,” I hear coming from my left.
I turn and see Hanna and Natsuko standing there holding mine and Katy’s bags with wicked smiles on their faces. Katy helps to put me back in my pants and I get her up off the ground before watching her beeline it over to Hanna who has her bag and taking Hanna’s face in her hand before shoving her tongue in Hanna’s mouth. I grab my bag from Natsuko who is very turned on by the whole thing and we watch for a moment as Hanna stands awestruck after the kiss is broken.
“And that is what cum swapping is,” Katy says jokingly as we all start to head back towards classes.
The rest of the day goes by fairly smoothly and into final class where I am actually able to get into my homeroom class, there are a couple students in the moral club here but as soon as Ms. Detress sees me she starts writing up my pass for another class but I’m feeling awesome today and hand her the change of homeroom form. I watch her read it and it’s a priceless look on her face when she reads my reasoning why.
“I’m not able to speak with my teacher concerning my academic future due to her focus on non academic activities groups,” I watch her sputter the words out.
“Yes, every day I come in here and you are having a group meeting, and then yesterday I can’t even get into the class to get a pass so I don’t have to listen to a meeting for a group that I don’t agree with,” I reply smiling and feeling really smug.
“Well regardless of your personal opinion I think we need to have a student meeting about your academic performance,” Ms. Detress informs me taking an authoritative tone.
“So you won’t sign the form then,” I ask getting a head shake of no before taking the form back,” I’ll get Mrs. Jackson to sign it since you refuse.”
I get more sputtering behind me but I’m already half way out the door when I hear Ms. Detress following me out. I watch as Heather and Kyle lead a few students into the building but I’m bound and determined to get to the principal’s office and while she doesn’t ask her ‘youth group’ to stop me I don’t give her the chance. Once I’m in the office I stand at the door and wait like a student is supposed to and I can see Mrs. Jackson is working on paperwork, Ms. Detress however pushes past me and goes into a tirade about how as I’ve been a poor student and have disrupted her club activities. I watch Ms. Detress make a foolish display and finally Mrs. Jackson waves me in and I hand her the form so she can read it. When she finally turns her attention to me it’s more not the questions I’ve been preparing to answer.
“So Coach Campbell is taking on students for studies period,” Mrs. Jackson asks plainly.
“Yes Ma’am, I figured since I had been going there most of the year anyway I’d just get him to take over as my advisor,” I explain.
“And Ms. Detress’s club activities are keeping you from having any sort of meeting with her,” Mrs. Jackson asks.
“Yes Ma’am, my ex Heather is in her club and it’s just not an environment that I feel comfortable with,” I explain taking a slightly defeated posture.
I watch as Mrs. Jackson signs the form and Ms. Detress starts to lose her cool and argue about my
transfer and as I’m leaving I can hear Mrs. Jackson turn on her authoritative tone with Ms. Detress. I get to the gym and while my crew is up in the bleachers I hand off my form to Coach Campbell’s new assistant before heading up the bleachers and explaining what happened to Kori.
“I swear if that bitch held you up again Guy I would fucking lose it on her,” Kori tells me trying to cuddle.
I stop the cuddling due to my need to actually finish an assignment from earlier. I barely get my work done before the final bell and as we’re all starting to head out Katy explains she and I are heading off to do at Johnny’s place.
“I’m in,” I hear Ben chime in.
“Us too,” from Lilly and Jun.
“Not a group outing needed everyone,” I start to explain but my words seem to fall on deaf ears.
“Who else has a vehicle,” Kori says taking over and after a moment Devin raises his hand.
“Devin if you have a car why do you take the bus,” Jun asks confused.
“I don’t have a car, I can get my Dad’s truck,” Devin explains.
Kori grabs my phone out of my coat and fires off a message to my home explaining that we’ll be there late and then has Natsuko head back in so Hanna and Mathilda know what’s going on. I get the feeling we’ll be waiting when Hideo comes running back up and makes his way past everyone else and to me.
“Nobody came after me and I kept it hidden all day like you said,” Hideo tells me beaming with pride.
“Congratulations, you officially can perform simple tasks on command,” I tell him deflating his ego,” Now don’t go off thinking you’re in or out but keep around during lunch in case I need you.”
Not as happy with the results of his effort as he could be we transfer his smuggled contents from his bag to my bike before he rushes off to Jun to plead his case. I trust Jun to handle it his way before turning my attention back to Kori.
“So am I still in charge here or did I just get demoted,” I ask a little upset.
“Honey I spoke with Johnny and he promised me that he wouldn’t use us like that and he did,” Kori explains,” I warned him that if it happened that you’d come back and there would be shit to answer for.”
“Wait a minute, so when I left you made an ultimatum for me,” I ask getting a scared nod,” That’s my girl. Well he agreed so now it’s my turn to put the boots to him.”
I sit with Kori and Katy as they talk about what to do when we get to Johnny’s. Katy wants to bring violence and Kori wants something more subtle but that makes point. I am keeping my thoughts to myself considering I usually play it by ear and when people step out of line I’ll bust them back into place. Mathilda and Hanna join us after half hour once they’re out of practice and it’s another fifteen minutes later that I watch a large truck come rolling into the parking lot with Jun, Lilly, Ben and Natsuko in the back and Devin driving. It’s not an extended cab or even a current model but its big and made of real metal which is bumping Devin up in the world as far as I’m concerned.
“Dad says I have to bring it back by nine tonight and I can’t wreck it,” Devin says getting a laugh from everyone.
“Devin your truck will crush the shit out of whatever hybrid you hit with it,” I tell him laughing.
I ride solo on my bike leading the way; Mathilda and Hanna are in her car followed by Katy and Kori with Devin and the rest of the crew bringing up the rear as we head over to Johnny’s. The total trip takes a bout twenty minutes and the convoy rolling in has the punk/emo/slacker community that lives there at full attention. I get us rolled in and finally stop my bike and listen as all the vehicles get stopped behind me and motion for the engines off before killing my own. I hop off and wait for someone to address me and it only takes a few seconds before I see Vince from lunch time come running over to me.
“I told Johnny that you were coming but he’s pissed you took his shit,” Vince explains hoping to spare himself some sort of punishment.
“Get me Johnny or I will start going through people to find him,” I tell Vince who heads back off to find Johnny.
I wave to the rest of the crew to disembark and watch as everyone but Devin and Ben get out of the truck. It takes a moment and as soon as I see Johnny I can tell he’s pissed off and ready for a fight. A few guys are trailing him as he gets to me and I finally take off my helmet and pull up my hood so we can ‘talk’.
“Who the fuck do you think you are taking my shit,” Johnny says pissed off.
“Apparently when Kori and you agreed not to abuse my good nature and have your people hide behind mine that meant shit to you,” I say keeping calm,” Now I took your shit because you damn near put it in my hands whether you wanted to or not. The only reason I’m not kicking the shit out of you right now is because we have a history and I do like you, but that shit today has me more pissed than you so if you want to find out how bad this can get, bring it. Or we can try the talking again and this time you’re not going to make my girl look like a fool.”
I can hear Devin get out of the truck and move over to Kori and Katy while I see Ben start to flank me on the right as he’s watching the rest of Johnny’s boys. I let Johnny weigh the options before he backs down and gets a more talkative look on his face.
“Alright man, I did wrong by your woman and you’re right we’ve been friends before,” Johnny says calming down,” You didn’t flush my shit or turn it in right?”
I smile and open my storage area on my bike removing the two bags of ‘goods’ before handing them off to Johnny who looks a little relieved that I still have his property. I let him hand off his goods to his people before pulling him aside to talk privately.
“So the two people I took their shit from what happens to them,” I ask plainly.
“Well you lose your stuff you pay for it, cash or in some of the girls cases ass,” Johnny tells me a little smugly,” I gotta get mine back somehow.”
“And I just returned it, I want their debts waived,” I tell Johnny getting a surprised look,” You want some sort of an agreement where I help you then here’s the deal, your people get harassed while carrying they come to me and mine, I’ll make sure the runners are protected within reason but if I have to take it and hide it with my people the runner is in the clear.”
“Man that’s a lot better for me but still you holding shit means it ain’t selling and I need shit selling,” Johnny tells me trying to ply for more.
“Johnny this is the deal, either we keep your people safe when a real problem occurs or I just start shaking down every runner for cash and stash,” I reply getting a grumpy look,” You’ve got at least ten people running your goods at our school alone, even if I have two or three people covered you’re still not losing goods or runners.”
“Okay man, but are you sure you can’t help me out with sales,” Johnny asks getting a glare before backing off the topic.
I walk back with Johnny and let him start talking down his own people as I give my crew thumbs up and watch them relax. I explain what’s happening to Kori and Katy who both give me ‘what the hell’ looks and I decide to explain.
“Johnny has been there for me and us in the past, either we make some friends and help out a little or I make more enemies for us at school and if you didn’t notice not all of Johnny’s people run weed for him,” I explain getting a nod from both of them.
I make my way over to Mathilda who is feeling a little out of place not have been exposed to a punk community much with her old school. She perks up a little as she sees me approach.
“So what are you doing after all this awkwardness and conflict,” I ask Matty smiling.
“Dad’s home, he wants me back so he can spend some time with his daughter,” Mathilda says a little disappointed.
“Awesome, I get to meet your Dad and take you out tonight,” I tell her getting a shocked look.
“Dad won’t let me go out it’s his first night back, and I don’t think meeting my Dad would be a good idea,” Matty tells me a little concerned.
“Baby I need to meet him sooner or later and besides, it’s just you and me tonight,” I tell her letting the incentive of some more one on one time linger.
I head back and let everyone know to head home and get the others dropped off at their homes before I get back on my bike and head towards home. I get in the driveway and immediately head inside to get clean up and get changed. I get a pair of dress pants on with one of the ‘summer’ shirts that I got while I was down in Texas with Loretta and her family before grabbing my coat and waiting for Katy to get back with the family car.
“Where are you taking your date tonight,” I get asked by Liz as I wait.
“I honestly have no clue, gonna let her pick what she wants to do,” I reply shrugging.
I watch Liz give me a look like I’m making a bad move but I’d like to think that I know my girls a little better than my sister does. Katy finally gets home and she passes off the keys and a kiss on the cheek before I get behind the wheel and head off towards Mathilda’s house. It’s about six at night when I arrive and I can see her car is there along with a big rig sitting out in front of the house. I’ve seen Matty’s father before but only at a distance, I get out of the car and head up to the front door. A quick knock on the door and I’m looking at a large man in a beat up t-shirt and dirty jeans holding a beer in his hand, I’m more noticing the expression on his face as he looks down slightly at me confused.
“We’re not buying anything,” I hear him say as he starts to close the door on me.
“Sir I’m here to pick up Mathilda for our date tonight,” I tell him as he starts to close the door in my face.
“You’re dating my daughter,” I get asked with some skepticism,” Is this some sort of joke, did the kids at her new school send you to play a joke on her because if you are here to hurt my daughter I swear to god I’ll chain your ass to my rig and drive to New York dragging your carcass the whole way.”
“Daddy! He’s my boyfriend, I told you he would be coming by tonight so we could go out,” I hear Mathilda exclaim at her father,” Guy please come in, Daddy be nice.”
Mathilda’s father steps aside so I can get through the doorway and into the living room. I watch him move in and sit down in what I was told by Matty was ‘his’ recliner during one of the first times I visited, I take a seat on the couch and note he’s watching basketball.
“So how long have you known my daughter,” Matty’s Dad asks taking a swig of his beer.
“About a year now,” I answer calmly.
“So if you’ve known her for a year why am I just meeting you now,” He asks taking another drink.
“Probably because she’s been afraid that you would kill me when we first met,” I reply smiling.
“Considering I’m pretty sure I have a damn good reason to kill you for dating my daughter why shouldn’t I,” her Father asks putting his beer down and leaning towards me.
“Well aside from the fact that I have four girlfriends and she is one of them I’d say normally you’d have a reason with that alone,” I tell him getting a wide eyed look,” but in one year I have never lied to her, she’s met my other girlfriends who treat her like a sister and I never make her feel like she is anything less than
my Amazon goddess.”
“You have sex with my daughter,” He asks getting quiet.
“Yes sir, but mostly I make love to her,” I say making the distinction.
I get skeptical look before he resumes watching TV and drinking his beer. We talk a little about the game and after a few minutes Mathilda comes out wearing a yellow blouse and a black long skirt. I pause to take in my tough girlfriend in a skirt and watch her face get a little confused.
“You don’t like it,” Matty asks confused.
“Baby you look wonderful, I want to take a picture so I can show the other girls,” I tell her getting out my phone.
“Don’t do that, Kori is the one who helped me pick this,” Matty says a little disappointed,” I’m a little lost when it comes to clothes.”
I cover the distance between us and give her a quick kiss on the lips before we head out to the car. I get us out of the neighborhood and down the road towards the restaurants and mall in downtown Olympia. I start pointing out the ‘trendy’ independent restaurants to Mathilda who looks a little skeptical as we keep passing them up until we get near the mall and the chain restaurants. We drive around for a few minutes when I stop in the mall parking lot and let her think about where she wants to eat, I can see something is bothering her but I can’t figure out what it is.
“Matty I’m just wondering if you want to eat tonight at all,” I say starting in,” We’ve passed so many places I’m just wondering if you are feeling okay or something?”
“I’m fine I just don’t know, I’m not used to actually dating,” Matty says a little embarrassed,” And I feel weird wearing dress clothes to go eat.”
I don’t want her to feel out of sorts just because she’s getting some one on one time with me but I am getting a little hungry. I pick Red Robin in the parking lot and move the car closer before parking. We both exit the car and head inside, it’s a week night and before long we’re seated and there are TVs with different sporting events on and Matty finally starts to relax as we get our menus and browse the food. I get us an appetizer and we order before just settling down and talking a little.
“Why take me out tonight,” Matty finally asks,” I know Kori would love to go out and Katy could probably use a night out.”
“Kori gets a lot of attention and Katy’s idea of a date is let’s going somewhere and listen to music then have sex,” I explain,” And we’ve never been out on a date just us, I was just hoping that we could get you out of your comfort zone and have some fun.”
“Well I’m having fun so you win,” Mathilda says smiling.
We sit and I let her explain the sports shows to me and we enjoy each other’s company as we finally get our appetizers. We’re about half way through the plate when someone decides to join us.
“Well look who decided to attempt to look like a normal person in the real world,” Taylor, Heather’s little dork, says as he grabs a chair and sits down.
“We’re in the middle of our meal, be a good little stooge and leave,” I tell him not taking my eyes of Mathilda.
“I don’t need to go anywhere; we’re all civilized young adults here. Is it too late to get a menu and sit with you guys,” Taylor asks looking around for a waitress.
“Taylor, or douche bag, May I call you douche bag? Here’s the thing, I’m not sure if you realized this but of the two people at this table with muscle mass above average I’m not the one you have to worry about,” I start to explain,” It’s her, she’s out on a date and having a good time but here you are trying to ruin it. I’d suggest ‘a tactical retreat’ and maybe we can have this conversation tomorrow at school?”
“What and miss out on a wonderful time with some ‘quality’ people like you and your la…,” Is about as far as Taylor gets before I watch his face get contorted with pain.
It takes me a second to notice Matty’s hand enveloping Taylor’s, her knuckles are white with the force she’s applying but her face and body are calm as she uses her other hand to turn the pages of the menu. I sit back for a second and when she notices me she smiles lightly and pulls Taylor’s hand under the table.
“Honey I want chicken fingers as an appetizer tonight,” Mathilda says making Taylor grunt in pain,” Is there a dipping sauce you like best or should we just stick with ranch?”
“I don’t know about chicken fingers baby, their kind of boney and stringy I hear,” I say chuckling.
“What do you think, Taylor right,” Mathilda says turning her attention to him,” I want you to understand that I’m usually a really nice person and if it wasn’t for all the crap you’ve been pulling with my friends we’d be getting you a chair so we could be friendly. Now when I let go of your hand I want you to remember that I grabbed something with bones and not a few things without them.”
I watch Taylor pull his hand up from under the table and see him back away before turning and leaving the restaurant. I give Mathilda and an approving smile and we resume the deciding our dinner. Our dinner date goes well after Taylor’s visit and after paying the bill I have money left over and suggest a movie which gets me a disapproving look from Mathilda.
“I want to go somewhere private and enjoy my alone time with you,” Matty tells me smiling as she gets into the car.
I get out of the parking lot and after a little direction following Matty steers me to an old parking lot and once we’re far enough in the darkness we both get out of the front and into the back. I don’t push to start anything and neither does Mathilda as she leans me back and rest her head on my chest as we just lay down in silence. It’s quiet and peaceful with nobody around and when Mathilda starts to crawl up my body a little and starts to kiss me lightly on the lips. I kiss her back and gently wrap my arms around her back while sliding down till we’re both cramped but lying down in the backseat.
Our bodies are gently pressed against each other as we lie there kissing before I feel Mathilda pull herself up and sit down on the back seat start to get her panties off leaving her skirt on and then opening her blouse enough for me to see more skin in the low light. I watch as my Amazon goddess undoes my slacks and pulls my half hard member free before working it over slowly and with long deliberate strokes of her mouth. I don’t normally get any sort of oral action from Mathilda but tonight is special for us and I let her work me over. It’s warm and wet with the contrast of cool air in the car as she takes her time getting me fully hard. I feel Matty’s tongue working over my shaft and then without any warning she slowly starts to suck on one of my balls, it’s different for her and really different for me considering I usually have the girls do that but with her I’m enjoying the boldness as she gently takes one into her mouth and after some light sucking lets it fall out before switching to the other one.
I don’t push or rush Mathilda at all but I am aching to repay the favor she’s giving me and finally get her to stop before reversing our positions and with me on top. I kiss her again on the lips and work my way quickly down her body and pulling up her skirt marvel a little at her pussy before gently licking in between her folds. My Amazon starts moaning lightly as I lick up her slit slowly before stopping at her clit and gently sucking on it. I can feel Matty writhing and one of her hands rubs my head as I work her pussy and clit over with my mouth. I can taste her more as I work down to her entrance and as I get faster she speeds up pushing her hips towards my face. I slow down and move back up her body and while we’re not perfectly face to face we’re close enough for me to see some anticipation and a little joy in her eyes as my cock head reaches her entrance. I push inside slowly and as warm as Matty’s mouth was her vagina is a furnace as I push the whole length of me inside her and rest as adjust to the car’s cramped quarters. After a little shifting and some moaning at the shifting I finally start to rock my member in and out of Mathilda taking long and slow strokes.
Usually when she and I have sex it’s hard like the porn she watches but this is more about how she’s feeling and I letting her know how unbe-fucking-lievably special she is to me. I keep my pace slow and we don’t kiss much as we just lie there and enjoy the quiet intense moment we’re having. My Amazon is hot and clamping down lightly on me as I feel her wrap her legs around mine as we get into a rhythm of pushing our bodies together. I can feel my blood boiling to speed up but I push it down and keep my control as push as deep as I can making my strokes go from my cock head to the base. Matty’s is groaning and moaning with each stroke while I can feel the sweat building on my back and head. I watch as Mathilda’s face goes from please to shock before her first orgasm creeps up on her hard and I can tell it’s big by how hard she starts pulling me into her. I take my cue from her and speed up my pace which I think makes her own orgasm start to last out as she grunts while holding me against her. My blood is pumping and I don’t last long with all her attention and after a few loud grunts shoot my load into my Amazon’s warm folds. My own orgasm has me resting my weight on Mathilda and I can feel her patting my head and rubbing my back while her pussy milks the last of my cum out me.
“Baby I need to get up and step out so I don’t make a mess on the back seat,” Mathilda tells me getting me back to my senses.
We both get out of the car and I watch as Mathilda gets herself taken care of and all our clothing gets put back in the right spots before I back her up against the car a little and pressing my body against hers kiss her lightly again on the lips. We enjoy the moment before she decides it’s time to head back home. Our return trip is nice and I realize that we ate up a lot of time just holding each other in the back of the car as I pull in front of Mathilda’s house. I quick kiss and a wave to her dad who seems like he’s happy his daughter is smiling as she heads into the house has me in a better than average mood as I head home and get in the door just before ten at night. Dad greets me in the living room and I hand him the change from dinner but he waves me off as I head to my room and to bed to get some much needed rest.
Wednesday and Thursday don’t turn out too well for the school and some of the students outside of my group. On Wednesday I hear from Jun after school that a few of the nerds we bullied hard by some of the larger ‘moralists’ until Devin and Jun stepped in to break it up. Worse than that was Thursday when Tracy, Coach Campbell’s daughter and Liz’s friend was roughed up by a few females in the locker room, Mathilda and Hanna were there to even the odds but somehow shit got out of hand and a lighter took out some of the hair on Tracy’s head. After school on Thursday I’m getting looks from all sides and make it a point to tell everyone that I need to think and take the evening for myself. About half an hour into me working out my Dad and Katy pop their heads into the gym and seeing my expression Katy bows out leaving my Dad alone with me.
“People are getting scared at your school,” Dad says not wasting time,” they’re getting bullied around and I’m guessing your friends are looking to you?”
“Yeah, I’m just wondering when they are going to finally come at me,” I tell him sitting on a bench.
“I don’t know son. If I did I’d just point you at who they were and tell you to get them first,” Dad tells me getting a surprised look out of me.
“Dad you always told me to go on defense and let them make the mistake,” I say explaining my surprise.
“And in a fight that works, this isn’t a fight you’re looking at it’s a war,” Dad tells me,” Rules are kill or be killed. Or in your case take no prisoners and devastate the opposing force until they break and run or surrender.”
I shake my head at the thought, war. Really, a high school going to war with itself? I love my father but it’s sounding more like a goofy fantasy than a feasible idea. We talk some more and Dad tells me to be ready when they come at me but I feel more ready than I have in a while.
Friday comes and goes pretty easily compared a majority of the week but once I get into my home period I have Coach Campbell yelling at me to get into his office immediately. I don’t waste time heading over to his office, he’s sitting at his desk and I can see Tracy sitting across from him wearing a hat and black boy sitting next to her wearing a sweater vest and thick rimmed glasses, his hair is cut short. I leave them be and pay attention to Coach as they both leave the room closing the door after them.
“You bringing a fucking fight to my doorstep boy,” Coach asks once we’re alone.
“No sir I’m not bringing a fight here at all,” I reply a little put off that this could be blamed on me.
“Well my daughter says that she’s trusts you and my son doesn’t know you so I want you to tell me why someone would try to intimidate my family,” Coach Campbell asks with a little anger in his voice.
“Sir I know who’s doing it but honestly they won’t stop till they get what they want,” I try to explain,” Your daughter is a strong leader for the girls sports and they went after her because she didn’t do something they told her to do. They keep coming after people that don’t conform to what they say because they believe they are in the moral right.”
“So why did you send your girlfriends to bail out my daughter,” Coach asks calming down a little.
“Sir had I known that they would have gone after Tracy I would have had my whole crew there and the closest they would have gotten was the locker room door,” I inform Coach with a stern tone.
“Well as of right now I want some help keeping things calm around here and IF there are names of who was involved I want to know,” Coach tells me before dismissing me back to my friends.
I see that most of the crew is hanging around except for Kori and Ben; I ask where they are but get a bunch of shrugging and no real answers. I shoot Kori a text and go about just chatting with the rest of the gang while I wait for a reply. It’s almost the end of school when I get a reply from Kori saying her mom texted her and picked her up to head home for some mother/daughter time. I shrug it off and catch Ben getting on a bus as the rest of us are heading through the parking lot to head out. I get home and settle in to relax in my room.
It’s about an hour after getting home when Kori finally texts me again and tells me she’s at the mall and really wants to see me cause she’s got some items from Victoria’s Secret that she wants my opinion on. If you ever want to attempt to set a land speed record put a hot woman you are attracted to in lingerie and have her wait at the end of the track, I grab my coat and am out the door on my bike before anyone can ask me where I’m heading.
The trip to the mall only takes me about twenty minutes and after parking I shoot Kori a text asking her where she is, she replies with that they’re still in a store and she asks me to wait at the food court for her. I cover the distance to the food court easily enough and get a seat to wait for her. I check my phone and text Jun asking him if he heard from Ben, he replies he hasn’t and I ask him to get in contact with him before putting my phone away. I’m sitting there for at least ten minutes when I hear a voice that I really don’t want to hear today.
“Hey baby, so glad to see you here today,” Heather says with a smile as she sits down across from me.
“Heather?! What the fuck are you doing here,” I ask a little shocked and angry,” Never mind I don’t care, get the hell away from me you crazy bitch.”
“Well I’m here to see you sweetie,” Heather says going from smiling to a more sinister grin,” We have unfinished business and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
I take my phone out ignoring her and pull up Kori’s number and push it to call, I hear it pick up and look up to see Heather holding Kori’s phone. I don’t know how much fear is in my face but I know Heather can see it and she hangs up the phone before setting it down and smiling back to me with her new sinister grin.
“She’s really not the person you want to be speaking with right now,” Heather says sickeningly sweet.
“Heather what did you do,” I ask trying to remain calm.
“I told you that you had a choice to make and now we’re at that point, I tried to reason with you and show you that I’m the only girl you should have in your life but you didn’t want to see reason so now I have to make sure you see that little slut of yours for the dog she really is,” Heather says turning on a little rage in her voice.
“Heather whatever you think you are going to do to make me love you it’s not going to work,” I tell her trying to remain calm,” You killed that over a year ago.”
“Shut up Guy and listen to me cause for the first moment of our new relationship you are going to learn that I get what I want and you’ll give it to me,” Heather says keeping her anger under control,” Now as for your choices here they are; option one, you do what you’ve been doing and stop listening to me and my friends go through everyone in your little gang taking them all apart piece by piece starting with your precious little Kori today. Option two, you break it off with all of them here and now and we get you back to the way you used to be, calm and a good boyfriend.”
Everything in my stomach is churning and I feel a little sick, I know Heather is watching me but all I can do is slowly take Kori’s phone from the table and trace the edge of it with my finger. My brain kicks in and I can see Heather has waved over one of her friends, it’s the slacker from the bike ride with Hanna still decked out in his school clothes looking all unkempt and smug. He knows what’s going on, I turn my attention back to Heather. Her face has a cold confidence in it and I realize the grimmest thing about this situation, I take a deep breath and stand up from the table.
“Where is Kori, tell me now and this doesn’t get painful,” I say taking my coat off and stepping around the table to stand next to Heather.
“Awww baby, we both know that this isn’t going to end well for you, just break your soon to be former bitches hearts and we’ll both enjoy a soda,” Heather tells me smiling,” Besides, you won’t lay a finger on me and we both know it.”
That’s when the chucking comes, I don’t know where it’s coming from at first then I realize I’m the one who’s doing it. I feel really happy right now, all happy and excited. I can see Heather and her friend are confused and when he moves to help her up with her chair I slam my fist into his jaw sending him down to the ground. Slacker boy hits with a thud on his side and I can hear someone yelling but the only thing I hear is laughing, my laughing. I take a drop step and slam the toe of my boot into his gut doubling him over before dropping down over his torso and taking the back of his head in my hand I use the other to wipe as much of his nose on the floor of the mall as I can. I hear the laughing die out a little and can see my new ‘friend’ is still conscious as I get up.
“Tell me where she is and I’ll stop,” I tell him still chuckling.
I watch him shake his head, it makes me laugh a little harder and I’m not sure why. I reach down and place one of his hands flat on the mall floor before taking the heel of my boot and resting it on the back of the hand with the edge of the heel across his knuckles. I start to shift the weight in my foot under his pinky knuckle I can feel the tension and I close my eyes and tilt my head back before ending the tension by separating the knuckle with a light feeling of a pop and a scream from the slacker. I roll my foot a little and move up to the ring finger. I take a little more time grinding the corner of my heel on it and I hear him begging beneath me but I’m just waiting for the feeling and when it hits me I push down hard and feel a second pop and another loud scream.
“OH GOD PLEASD STOD,” comes flying out the slacker’s broken nose and mouth,” SHE’S AD DA STONE FIELD!”
“I’m sorry but who’s at the stone field,” I ask taking my boot off his hand and bending down to see his face.
“Your girlfriend Kori, She’s ad da stone field behind da circle key,” Slacker boy tells me again clutching his hand.
I can see the two fingers I separated on his hand as he clutches at them, it probably will be months before he can use his hand fully again and still that tickles me. I turn away from him and back to Heather who is petrified in place standing at the table. I calmly walk up to her and lean in so she can hear me.
“Am I everything you hoped for,” I whisper.
I pull back to see Heather’s face afraid and confused before I step around her making sure not to touch her before grabbing my coat and rushing out of the mall. I’m on my bike and down the road in a matter of seconds before I check my rear view and see no cops behind me, either she didn’t tell anyone what happened or nobody called the cops. The reality of what I’m riding into hits me more than the cold and light rain do as I race half way across town to the stone field. I slow down enough to keep from wrecking my bike as I cut through the gas station parking lot and up the trail to the field. I get to the edge of the rock clearing and see movement in the middle which gets my hopes up a little. I kill the bike and drop my helmet in a mad dash to what I’m hoping is my Kori. As I get up close I can see more of Kori’s skin exposed than I care for in this instance, her clothes have been torn open or off of her and her backpack with its contents have been scattered out by whoever did this to her. It’s the blood that catches my eye first, not a lot of it like she’s been stabbed but little pock marks across her back and some red strips to match them. I start to try to pick Kori up but as soon as I touch her an arm and a rock come swinging at me. The shot is easily deflected and I take Kori’s face in my hand and turn her to see me but she can’t, her eyes are swelling shut from getting punched in the face.
“Baby it’s me, it’s your Guy,” I tell her trying to calm her down,” Kori I’m here but we need to get you out of the cold and back somewhere safe.”
Kori drops the rock when she hears my voice and I wait for the tears that don’t fall, slowly Kori and I get her to her feet and I put my coat around her before slowly walking her back to my bike. As we walk I can see that save for her shoes and her panties the rest of her clothing including her jacket have been destroyed in the attack. I don’t have any of the pained humor or whatever I was feeling in my body anymore as I get Kori back on my bike and our helmets on before taking care to get us back to my house safely. The whole trip Kori has her arms wrapped tightly around me like the world will end if she lets go. I don’t bother to pull into the drive way at home I bring my bike right up to the front step which gets my father’s attention fast. Once the door is open and he can see the whole situation I watch my Dad go from slightly angry to calm and barking orders to Mom, Liz and Katy for everything from his first aid kits in the gym to contacting Kori’s mom. We get Kori into the house and my dad and the girls take her to my room before my Mom backs me out so that they can help. I don’t know what’s going on as I back into the living room but my head is swimming and I’m lost in the confusion of what’s going on with Kori. At some point her Mom and Carl come over and neither of them really notices me as my Dad starts to explain to them what happened and how my Mom is patching Kori up and that all her injuries are superficial.
At some point that I don’t remember I’m in the gym on my knees trying to piece together what happened. I don’t know what time it is but I can feel someone shaking me lightly by the shoulder, I turn my head to see Mary trying to speak to me. I don’t know what happened but all I could do when I wanted to speak was scream. Over and over again I sat there screaming so much that Mary got startled after the first one and backed off and nobody came back to talk to me. I screamed until I had no air left and I felt exhausted on the gym floor. Finally in the quiet I hear Mary again, this time with Mom coaxing me off the floor and onto a bench so they can see me. I’m hit with a barrage of questions about what happened. I keep from answering and just sit quietly until both women give up and finally my Father and Carl come in to take their places. Both men pull up a seat and wait for me to speak.
“Heather did this, she got a hold of Kori somehow and had her friends do… that,” I choke on the words feeling pain in my chest,” I got one of them to tell me where she was and when I found her I brought her here.”
“Well the women want to call the authorities but your Dad and I are holding them off,” Carl tells me solemnly,” He and I have been discussing what’s been going on with the school and the rash of bullying but this is too much.”
“I don’t want the police involved, Heather didn’t give me up when I destroyed one of her people in the mall and she let the other’s do it at all,” I explain quietly.
“Guy, he never said to call the cops,” Dad says getting me to look up.
“Where I’m from kid someone comes at your family like this you make sure they know they’re living on borrowed time,” Carl says putting his hand on my shoulder,” I want one thing from you in all of this, I want the kids who did this to be afraid of what happens when they even think about speaking my daughter’s name.”
I watch Carl get up and leave the gym before closing the door behind him. My Dad is sitting quietly before moving next to me on the bench.
“I’m sorry this happened to Kori,” Dad tells me putting his arm around me,” I can see where you’re going in your head boy. Keep that black inside for now, first thing is we let you ask your girl what she wants. After that I’ll help you plan the next piece.”
Dad helps me up and I walk out of the gym into the silence of the house, everyone is in the living room or dining room but all talking stops when they see me. I hold it together and make my way down the hall to my room where Katy and Liz are talking with Kori on my bed. Everyone stops when I get there and both girls leave me with Kori before closing the door behind them. My heart is heavy as I see that while they got the swelling down on Kori’s eyes and she has all her teeth it’s the wraps on her arms and the large bandages on her back and stomach that have me almost balling my eyes out. Kori sees my face and pulls me into her quieting me down.
“I didn’t cry baby, not once when they beat me with belts did I cry,” Kori says holding me,” Don’t you start now.”
“She told me that I if I broke up with you she wouldn’t hurt you,” I tell my battered Kori weakly,” But I knew she was going to hurt you anyway, I knew she couldn’t keep herself from it.”
“When they stopped I heard them tell me he’s coming,” Kori says softly turning my head to see her face,” Just the thought of you coming for them scared them so bad that they got back into their van and ran.”
I let her hold me and I finally calm down enough to sit facing Kori on the bed. I explain the whole confrontation to Kori leaving out no details, including my laughter and how happy I felt. Kori smiles a little and takes my hand.
“You ready to use that again,” Kori asks me getting my attention,” They hurt me but they didn’t break me. Fucking useless assholes should have tried to rape me if they really wanted to scare me.”
“I’d gut them and feed their fucking cocks to them before they died if they touched you like that,” I growl getting angry.
“Yes baby, you would. Now we are going to do this,” Kori says with a steely tone,” Not just you, all of us are going to be a family and we’re going to show them how dangerous we are. I don’t just want violence for this, I want everyone who will follow behind our family to be together and understand that we’re not going back until it’s over.”
“One thing, nobody touches Heather,” I say getting a questioning look from Kori,” I want to tear everyone down around her till she’s all alone again.”
Kori smiles a little and pulls me into the bed with her so we can hold each other. I replay all of the events for today and come to one factor that makes my blood boil, Ben. He wasn’t with us at all and when Kori gets grabbed he’s nowhere to be found. First place to start tomorrow is his front doorstep, reckoning is coming.
PM and Comment at your leisure, I know this is a bit of a dark turn but it’s not a rehash of the first series.

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Helpfull Neighbour

A Neighbour offers to help out with some building work after Jerry has an accident. The price is Mona. Jerrys wife. And the neighbour wants it all.

Adopted part 4

another part of the story. and to the guy who keeps complaining about the tags. don’t worry about it just enjoy the story.

The Teacher’s Right-Hand Man

Jimmy always had the hots for one of the elementary school teachers, Mrs. Clancey- even though she never had him for one of her students. But when Jimmy comes home from college and works up at the high school for the summer, he’s amazed to discover that he would be teaming up with her. Then, both Mrs. Clancey & her hubby asks him to do a rather ‘personal’ favor for them…

My Summer Back Home: Part Two

Part two of My Summer Back Home. Word count: 37,784, almost double the last. I spent time editing, as requested. I tried to cut down the line count for the paragraphs. I hope y’all enjoy the editing ticks, finding the reading all the more pleasurable. Please leave comments, lewd or not, constructive or admirable. I accept all. Farewell lovely readers, enjoy the incestuous tale of Julia and Jace. (Written by an amateur 18 year old male)


Two Men-1 Woman
By Blueheatt
…. I have to hand it to my wife, she’s honest.
…. This all started when the wife was young. Her and her sisters all got horny over their male cousin. He was a tall, dark haired guy. A wonderful personality. The outgoing life of family gatherings. He was charming to all the lady’s and was just a handsome guy. My wife told me about him and how her, and her sisters had the hots for the guy. She went on and on about him, and admitted she bet he’d be good in bed. She said she had more than just a crush on him, and that if he ever came on to her, she didn’t know what she’d do…..hmmm…I thought. She really would like to fuck this guy.
…. He was married and all the lady’s didn’t like his wife, feeling she wasn’t good enough for a stud like him. The next family gathering he informed everyone that he was now divorced. The wife and her sisters got all excited and giggled behind his back, thinking how they would love to ’do’ him…. ….except my wife. She got real excited and started cozying up to him. He liked her and responded with his wit and charm turned on high.
…. I watched her squirm and twitch talking to him. She fiddled with her hair, played with her blouse buttons, adjusted her bra about 10 times while talking and was putting out all her charms too. I saw he was getting a boner and he put a newspaper over it, but still adjusted his cock several times.
….That night at home, I started talking about him, and how nice a guy he was. (on purpose) just to see her react. She did and I watched her get herself all hot talking about him. I felt her pussy. Wet.
I suggested what about a threesome with this guy. She gasp, held her hand to her chest and stammered about how she could never do that:…”….a…he’s family….and…a….it would just be….to intense…and…a…what if someone found out from her family…..and….a…a…” she said. I smiled and whispered in her ear: (“..let’s just do it.”) She looked it me and said back: (“ would go for it, wouldn’t you.”) I just smiled.
….I let the idea simmer for a while. A few nights later the wife had been carefully thinking about all this (I knew she would) and very carefully began to feel me out. (I loved this part) She began slowly talking about him and how “IF” we all felt comfortable with a ’meeting’ at first….a….just a ..maybe a kissing thing the first time….to see how it went…and…”IF” …everyone was ’comfortable’ with it, then….maybe we could advance a little and then see how that goes. I let her squirm. I just listened, with no reaction. She continued: “Then…a….we could maybe…you and him…get more intimate with me…and…it would just be like having two boyfriends who liked you…and ….a … they both wanted you…and …we…all just…let ’things’ happen…and see how it goes….kinda thing.”
Now came the kicker. It was my turn to get some action too.
Her older sister and I had always teased each other about ‘stealing’ me away from my wife. She was single, a real good looker and was very sexy. I had thought about what it would be like to fuck her many times. We had kissed at a drunken party once, and It was hot! I still remember her hand feeling my cock and her tongue sliding across my lips. After that…. when we were together, the sliding of our fingers across our butts began. Little feels when no one was looking. A quick kiss on the back of the neck. An arm across her big tits. A squeeze of a hand. A ’family’ hug, with her pussy and my cock mildly pushing into us, and her big tits against my chest.
….My wife and her older sister were very close. I bet she’d already told her about my ’offer’ to have a threesome with their cousin. Knowing her sister, I bet she thought about ’well if her sister has a ’ok to cheat‘ deal, then why couldn’t she have one with me.
It turned out…. I was right.
Now was my chance.
The wife and I had another ‘feeling out’ talk in bed. I finally reacted. “Two guys making it with you, wow that sounds hot!” Her face lit up and she lost her breath for a second. She didn’t want to sound to anxious, so she said ‘we’ all could just see how it went. Now, I asked would he go for it? She said she was sure he would if she called him privately, and used her charm on him she bet he would love it. (I found out later she had already called him and got a big green light for it.)
Now for my end of a ‘ok to cheat’ deal. Now I ‘carefully’ said that to fulfill the complete picture, I had a request. Somehow the wife knew it was coming. She turned to me and smiled. She said: “My older sis?” I was a little shocked. She said she had already thought of that and talked to her sis and she was all for it…”IF”…I wanted to.
We all had a deal.
We decided we would like a one on one first, before….a threesome. It was now….SET.
My cock was the hardest I could ever remember it. The wife was soaking wet…so, let’s not waste it.
….It was the hottest sex we’d had that we could remember. She closed her eyes, and I knew she was thinking of her cousin, as I thought of her sister. We fucked like hungry animals at a feast. Wow…that was steaming hot! I think we fucked most of that night, over and over again.
A few phone calls, and the ’one on one’ was set for this Saturday night. I was to go to her sis’s apt, and cousin was to come her to our place.
….That Saturday the wife and I were excited. We joked that her cousin was coming by…to get a ’back rub’ that only she could deliver. I said: “Oh really?…sorry I’ll miss the ’cousin’ but I have to go move some ’heavy stuff’ for your sis. It’s real heavy and will take a ’very’ long time, maybe all night.” She said: “OH…ok, now you be nice to sis, and no ’messing’ around…ok?” I said: “Why dear, the thought never crossed my mind, now you make sure you only rub cousin’s back…I trust you…sweetie…(blowing a kiss to her.)
Sunday morning I came home…spent.
The wife was still in bed, with a big smile on her face as she slept. I crawled in bed with her and finally got some sleep. The rest of the day we went about our regular day, no discussion of last night. After a nice evening, we showered again and got into bed.
The wife’s thoughts…..
‘This is so cool. I don’t have to hide anything. No guilt, just pure pleasure. If he asks me about last night, I’ll tell him everything, if not, we’ll just keep it that way…but…I’m DYING to know how it went with sis and him. I just wonder how he compared sis to me in bed. Does she moan?…is she good in bed, or a dud. Does she like to have her pussy licked, does she suck cock real good….oh well…she’ll tell me eventually anyway. I’ve told her over the years what he likes. I bet she used that information on him good…..but…I didn’t tell her everything…of course. I wonder if she swallowed, he likes that, but …did he even cum in her mouth?,…I’ll soon get all the details…it’s exciting to hear it…cousin is not like him, he fucked me good, but then ran out of steam. I guess he couldn’t take a wild woman like me after his dud wife…tee hee.’
….I wondered if the wife even wanted to hear about me fucking her sister, maybe not?…oh oh, I feel a hand on my cock, somebody wants my attention. I turned out the light and felt a hot woman climb on top of me. She knew just what I liked and I sure knew what she liked. Looks like another hot sexy night for us….ahhh…I feel a hand putting my cock in a warm pussy. I guess she’s going to hang around a while….damn…. her butt cheeks are warm….mmmmm.
….We never got around to discussing our night out that night. My content mind was happy as we both walked around smiling. He sister and I decided to play down our great sex fest we had, so as not to upset the wife. The truth is she was a wild fuck. She liked it from behind and had a tight pussy. We had desired each other for a long time and now we got what we wanted. She had bigger tits than the wife which I loved. The wife only moaned when we fuck. Her sister was a talker….”Oh jezzz…fuck me hard!…put that cock in me baby, CUM in me good!…I want all of it!”….later….it was: “That’s it…lick my clit faster ….sink your tongue in my pussy all the way! Cum for me baby, shoot it in my throat…cum baby cum!” She sucked my cock raw, and wanted more. She was noisy and made wild noises as she had loud moaning climaxes. She was a little wild animal who couldn’t seem to get enough. She liked it rough, and I sensed it and threw her around and fucked her hard and told her to move that pussy faster!, and Suck baby, suck daddy’s cock harder.
….She loved it she told me later. She invited me to stop by anytime and just take her, hold her down, rip her clothes off and fuck her hard! A ‘drop by and rape me‘, sort of thing. That girl made me hot for the future.
All the wife got out of her was…”It was fun”…very very vague on details.
The wife told her sister that cousin was a real hot fuck and couldn’t wait for their threesome. She had fantasized about a DP (dual penetration, two cocks in her pussy.) Sister didn’t know what that was, but relayed all this secret sister talk to ……me.
Saturday night was…‘show time.’
The wife couldn’t sit still as we waited for cousin. She had it all set up. A hot porno film, low light, a blanket, lube and heavenly perfume all over her body. It only took about two glasses of wine, and the wife would fuck real hot. She had the wine ready. Cousin and I only like a little wine. He finally got there and I watched them kiss hot at the door. He seemed a little nervous of course, and gulped down a full glass of wine, as did she. I sipped mine and kind of helped get things going. She sat on the couch between us and started the film. She had on a jogging suit. I did too, as he had on short shorts and a T shirt. I took his arm and we both put them around her. I watched her squirm with excitement. I told cousin to rub her leg, she likes that. We both began to rub her legs. She closed her eyes and stretched her legs straight out. Our hands went to work feeling her legs and just kept going. Up to her tits, and then we unzipped her top and both got a tit to play with. I whispered: (“ about your first triple kiss.”) We moved in on her and were all over her face and lips. She started to shake. We both headed our hands down her pants and pushed them down and off. She labored for air. She put her hand on both our cocks and felt them. We dropped them down and off for her. Now she had a cock in each hand, a first for her. She leaned down to mine first and started sucking and licking, then switched to him. We slowly peeled all our clothes off and I tossed the blanked on the floor. We were all over her with feels and kissing her body. I opened her legs wide and he went for her pussy. I joined him teasing her clit. Now she moaned with each gasp of air. We all slowly drifted off the couch on the blanket. While he tongue kissed her, I licked her pussy, then we switched for a while. She was so hot, it was like her whole body had a high fever. Cousin laid down beside her and then moved her on her back, on top of him. She reached down and rubbed his cock against her pussy. He and both worked her tits, massaging them and I sucked on her nipples. She’s gasping and moaning all this time. I watched her work his cock and get it all wet with her pussy juice and move it up and down and …….in it went. I let them squirm and get her wide open. I put her legs on my shoulders, and moved in to her pussy. I had never seen her this wet….ever.
…. Cousin started slow fucking her. She never stopped moaning. I started putting my cock in her, just a little at a time. He pussy was on fire with heat. She kept squirming and adjusting to let my cock in. We all adjusted until it worked in on top of his cock in her wet pussy. It was a strange feeling to feel a cock under mine sliding in and out of her pussy with me. She had already orgasmed at least once, buy her moaning sounds. I tongue kissed her between breaths as her one hand felt our cock going in and out. He other hand was on my butt cheek, pulling and squeezing me. It was so excitingly different that when cousin started cuming, she climaxed as I had to cum a big load in her. A triple cum. It was super feeling with his cock pumping under mine, and my cock massaging her G spot on top of her pussy. She started gushing pussy juice as she squirmed. We all moaned and kept pumping double the cum in her already wet pussy. She yelled a long moan and kept pumping her pussy on our cocks. Cousin and I kept fucking her till we both went weak and just let our cocks keep shooting cum in until there was no more. Her hands went crazy feeling us both and strange moans, I’d never heard before.
… We were both spent, but she kept pumping us. Her pussy squeezed us both, over and over and then she just trembled and went weak….muttering something… she passed out.
She came to…. with us both still in her pussy and thought…….
‘….Oh jezzz…..did that really happen?…wow…I ….loved the feeling of both cocks in me….no other feeling like that… I watched a porn film of it….but this is the real thing….I’m a little sore…but I don’t care…we’ll all do this again….and again….if we don’t all have a heart attacks first……”
A week went by as we all pleasantly recovered. The coming weekend, the wife had to go out of town to a seminar. Cousin called and said: “Be home around 9pm Saturday night. I have a little surprise for you.”….and hung up.
At 9, there was a knock at the door. It was Cousin smiling and wife’s older sister hanging on him. She was already half drunk. She came in, kissed me and felt both our cocks. She plopped laying down on the couch, her dress pulled up to her pussy with no panties. She rubbed her pussy as we smiled at her. She smiled back at us and said:
“Now……what the hell is a DP?”

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This is the complete version of my story Slave. Hope you enjoy it, please feel free to comment!

Adventures with Hannah: Chapter 3, part 2

3 p2
I was the last one to wake up of the three of us. When I came to I saw Hannah and Abby, huddled together a few feet from me, whispering.
“How’d everyone sleep?” I yawned.
“Good, we’ve just been chatting about last night,” Hannah replied. “Abby wants to suck your cock again.” That was welcome news.
“Yeah, I told her that I suck you dry every morning, so she doesn’t want your routine to be interrupted.”
“How considerate of her,” I joked, smiling broadly at Abby.
“Yeah,” Hannah agreed, “but let’s let her do it instead of me. She needs the practice.” I had no arguments here, so I made myself comfortable and smiled.
Abby smiled, “okay, this time is going to be really good. Hannah’s been giving me some pointers.” She unzipped the sleeping bag and threw the flap back, revealing my bare legs and boxer shorts. My hard on was obvious, and Abby gripped my shaft firmly. I grunted, smiling at both of them, and wondered if she’d learned any new tricks. Abby roused and prepared me by stroking my cock through my boxers, letting the gentle friction of the fabric arouse and pleasure me. I saw Hannah move in close and start whispering. I couldn’t hear but it was obviously directions for Abby, who peeled back my underwear and freed my cock. She smiled and gripped it again, rubbing my flesh with force, and opened her mouth.
Hannah continued to direct, and Abby was under orders to perform a long and thorough blowjob. This meant starting slow, licking all over but not taking me in just yet. Abby’s tongue tickled every inch of me before being directed to my balls. Here Abby was lost, unsure of how firm to be and where to aim her tongue. Hannah offered more advice but didn’t once lead by example, letting Abby learn as she went, and I was happy to be her test subject. She tongued my balls awkwardly and seemed relieved to return her attention to my cock.
Finally she got the green light from Hannah to take me into her mouth. Abby’s sweet lips parted, barely wide enough to fit me, and my head was engulfed. I bucked with pleasure. At this point Hannah gently placed her hand on Abby’s head and guided her motion up and down my cock, while simultaneously informing her of how to swirl her tongue, when to pull off and when to hold me in. She taught Abby the importance of saliva, you really can never get a blowjob that is too wet, and how to suction her lips around my shaft and truly suck. After a few minutes of instruction, all wonderful, Hannah told Abby she was ready to do it on her own. With a little bit of over the top theatrics, Hannah sat back and said aloud, with hands raised, “now suck his cock!”
Abby did, and Abby was a fast learner. Her second blowjob was many times better than her first, and I envied the lucky bastard who would receive these from her once she had really gotten the hang of it. Abby made sloppy sucking sounds, soaking my cock with plenty of slick saliva, and bobbed on me lovingly. She was able to slide further down on me than last night, not anywhere near the neighborhood of deep throating, but the pleasure was noticeably more intense. I felt the tip of my cock brush up against the back of her mouth at her deepest. I wondered if Hannah had imparted any wisdom about how to handle fitting a cock in her throat or if that was too much for this lesson.
Hannah held Abby’s hair as she sucked harder. I gyrated my hips and tried to eek out every ounce of pleasure from each downward suck of Abby’s fabulous young mouth. Hannah reached and gently cupped my balls, and smiled at me as she felt them tighten with an impending orgasm. I would soon find out if Abby learned anything about how to handle my cum load. Last night she hadn’t had much success, leaking and losing most of my cum. This morning wasn’t much different. I had restocked over the night, and this morning I injected Abby with a torrent of thick cum.
My cock pumped and fired, spraying into Abby’s mouth. She held strong, apparently determined to have a better showing than last night. The waves kept coming, thick wads spurting and coating her mouth. I watched with joy as her cheeks filled and her little throat made quick and repeated swallowing attempts. Still, the flow of my cum forced her to lose containment. A flood a cloudy white cum sprang from her bottom lip and rolled down the side of my cock. Hannah slid her finger to the base of my cock and gathered a helping for herself. She sucked her finger sweetly, winking at me, while Abby still struggled to swallow and hold me in.
My cum load was finished but Abby still held me in her mouth, letting me feel the sweet pleasures of her mouth contracting and squeezing as she swallowed. She finally let me loose and looked with wide eyes at the sloppy mess she’d created.
“Fuck, you cum a lot. I don’t know how you handle it all, Hannah.”
“I don’t,” Hannah admitted, “I can never swallow his whole load. But I keep trying.” The two laughed at this and shared a cummy kiss.
A voice from outside our tent but very near startled us. “Alright sleepy kids, get up, we’re cooking and we’ve got a lot going on today.”
“Oh fuck,” Hannah rushed to cover me in case anyone popped in. Abby reached for a t-shirt and began cleaning her face, moving to another corner of the tent so as not to look like she had slept with us. Luckily, the intruder did not open the tent, just rattled the outside and instructed us to get up.
We joined the rest of the family, each of us smiling broadly, and enjoyed breakfast. The day ahead was packed with activities and I hoped the three of us wouldn’t be too tired for some fun later. The first activity was a long hike with most of the family, with a picnic in the woods. By the time we returned everyone was tired and the group consensus was that we could all use a dip in the lake.
To my combined joy and dismay, this meant both Hannah and Abby changed into their bathing suits. Hannah once again strangled her tits in the tiny light blue bikini top but also emerged wearing a matching bottom that squeezed her and drove me crazy. She had obviously bought a suit a few sizes too small because her luscious pussy lips were clearly visible, squeezed tight and looking juicy through the fabric, and the little back side of the suit was too small to stay properly on her ass. Even though it was a regular bikini bottom, the fabric squeezed and slid and barely escaped her ass crack, turning a respectable two piece into a breath taking thong. I was worried that once wet, there was no chance the top that was barely hanging onto Hannah’s luscious mounds would hold them back any longer. I daydreamed about Hannah’s tits bursting free, soaking wet… Maybe Hannah was always this comfortable and open around her family, because no one seemed as shocked as I by her bikini.
Abby suit was more respectable but still stunning. Also a bikini, this red and white number fit her properly, which meant it was also fantastic. Her tits were held in place, not that they needed much holding up, and stood proudly from her chest. The curvature of her tight ass was highlighted perfectly by the smooth fitting bottom, and I couldn’t believe I had explored that body so thoroughly the night before. Just about the entire family proceeded to the lake, most everyone else in much more conservative bathing attire, and everyone looked forward to Uncle Ted and Aunt Lilly’s new boat.
The afternoon was full of swimming, splashing, and flirting. To my surprise, Hannah’s tits did not spring free like I expected, but they did glisten radiantly and I stayed in the water most of the time to hide my noticeable hard on. Each time Hannah and Abby playfully wrestled or splashed they looked at me, knowing I was drooling over them, and giggled. Eventually, Abby said she needed some relaxation and would be sunning herself for a while. Hannah said that was a good idea, but I held her back.
“Babe,” I stopped her.
“Yeah Shane?”
“Let’s sneak off somewhere, just us.”
“C’mon,” I pleaded, “I have to fuck you. You’re outrageously sexy. Let me fuck that body.”
Hannah smiled and nodded. We both emerged from the water and Hannah quickly thought up an excuse.
“We’re… going to get some sun block. Be right back.” Abby smiled knowingly at us and mouthed the words “have fun.”
Hannah and I quickly trotted off the small beach and made our way up a winding path back towards camp. Soon, I pulled her off the trail and led her into the woods.
“Where are we going?” she questioned.
“You’ll see,” I said, pushing through undergrowth until I found the spot. “This should do.”
Hannah giggled. “Wow,” she said.
“Well, we can’t go back to the camp, your grandparents are there.”
“You’re right, you’re right.” Hannah stood for a moment, obscured by trees and bushes, looking down from a small cliff back toward the beach. Her family frolicked and played, and Hannah was about to be fucked.
I was beyond control with desire, and I treated Hannah rough. “Come here,” I commanded, pulling her by the arm. She stood before me, knowing I was going to violate her, and she whimpered.
“Be gentle,” she begged. I said nothing, reaching up and tugging once on her top. The thin piece fell easily and her full and beautiful tits popped free. They stared at me, two gorgeous mounds with hard little nipples, until I lunged forward and began sucking them ferociously. Hannah moaned, then quickly looked to make sure we wouldn’t be heard. I gathered her in, sucked hard on her tits, and fondled her ass roughly with both hands.
My cock was throbbing and Hannah massaged it through my trunks. I moved my hands up to her neck and shoulders and forced her down to her knees. She knelt motionless as I pulled my cock from my shorts and slapped it down heavily on her face.
“Open your mouth,” I commanded, and Hannah complied. Forgoing all foreplay, I aimed my cock directly at her throat and thrust. Hannah closed her eyes and eased her throat open, pushing her head onto me. I grabbed the back of her head with one hand and guided her down until her nose was pushed up against my stomach. Roughly, I began fucking her throat. Hannah gagged loudly, a sound I’ve come to love, and began squeezing her own tits. I grunted as I plowed her throat, feeling it give to my force and envelop my cock. Hannah never looked more beautiful than when she was gagging on my cock, and I stared deeply into her pleading eyes as I forced my meat into her soft throat.
Round and full, and clearly in view sticking well out behind Hannah, was Hannah’s voluptuous ass. Seeing it jiggle as I drove Hannah’s face onto me reminded me of how much I loved fucking Hannah’s heavenly asshole. In the weeks since our first night together, Hannah and I engaged in some anal play. I was practically obsessed with anal and while I knew it turned her on, I wasn’t sure if Hannah actually got much pleasure from it, so our anal exploits had been limited up to this point.
Roughly I pulled her off my cock, Hannah moaned loudly as she finally got to breathe, and I pulled her to her feet by the back of her head. I led her to a tree and told her to grab hold. Hannah did and I pulled her hips out, angling her so her triumphant ass was protruding as far out as possible. I pulled Hannah’s bikini bottom down and roughly pushed her legs apart. My throbbing cock brushed up against her soft ass cheeks and desire pulsed through me. I grabbed her hips roughly, using my thumbs to spread her supple ass, and I nestled my cock up against her clenched asshole. My cock had been well moistened by Hannah’s throat but we hadn’t any lube to ease the upcoming insertion. I considered diving down and bury my tongue in her, like I so loved, but I was too overwhelmed with lust to bear waiting any longer. I pushed my hips forward.
“Ahhh!” Hannah screamed loudly. I worried it must have been audible on the beach below and Hannah turned her head and bit her upper arm to silence herself. Her asshole had only given millimeters, barely clenched around just the tip of my cock, but already I could feel how rough this fuck was going to be. I flexed my legs and pushed further, pulling at Hannah’s hips as I did, stretching her ass to the width of my swollen cock. Hannah was whimpering but she didn’t say stop, and I don’t know if I would have even if she did.
The friction was intense. Hannah’s ass had a vice grip on the head of my cock and with each thrust it squeezed tighter. The heat and friction was like nothing I’d ever felt before and Hannah’s ass must having been burning with pain. I engaged in one long thrust and finally broke through some unseen barrier, be it physical in Hannah’s ass or psychological in her mind, and her magnificent ass accepted me. It was still incredibly tight, and when my cock reached its deepest point it was wrapped in heat so blazing I almost couldn’t handle it, but I had found my heaven. Hannah was beside herself, her legs seemed weak and her arms trembled to hold her up against the tree.
I leaned forward, pressing my chest up against her back, and whispered how much I cared about her into her ear. Hannah only winced and sighed, my cock inching deeper as I leaned in. I slid one had up off her hip and took her breasts in my hand. They overflowed my grasp and I kneaded them gently, eliciting soft sighs of pleasure from Hannah.
After fondling her breasts and kissing her neck and back, I stood back up to start my assault. At this point Hannah’s ass had held me in, deep, and had gotten all the chance I was going to give it to be comfortable with my invasion. I again gripped her hips tightly and began to pull halfway out. The air outside must have been 85 degrees, but after the heat of Hannah’s ass, it felt like a freezer blast on my exposed shaft. Hannah moaned and swore while I retreated, and down right shouted when I plunged back in.
I began this fucking with slow, deep strokes. Hannah swore and panted, grimacing each time my cock bottomed out. The pleasure was surreal, and I imagined myself slowly pumping Hannah’s ass for the rest of my life. But the pumps soon sped up, transitioning from strokes to thrusts, slamming Hannah’s ass cheeks against my skin with a loud slapping sound. A constant stream of animalistic grunts and growls I’d never heard before escaped Hannah’s mouth.
“Uhh…ahhh….nuhhhhhh…” she moaned. I thought I might have heard her trying to say ‘no’ but Hannah was incapable of forming words. Her body quaked and trembled so much that I think she was only holding herself up by shear will alone. I pulled at Hannah’s cheeks, spreading her and finding new depths. Hannah’s ass positively burned and I wondered how she could possibly feel any pleasure with what must have been intense pain.
With each inward slam I sent a concussive wave through Hannah’s body. When I hit bottom her ass and tits shook violently, a true sight to behold. Hannah’s body was that perfect point, neither fat nor thin, and each time we fucked I found the little shakes and bounces of her soft skin on her ass, stomach, hips, legs, and tits incredibly sexy and endearing. I couldn’t decide which I liked more: watching her bounce on my cock, or watching her shake as my cock impaled her.
I was nearing orgasm, the second one of the day. The first had been in sweet Abby’s warm teenage mouth. Abby was breath taking, a goddess, and I imagined her having an ass so tight that this kind of fucking would be down right criminal. As much as I was loving this weekend and exploring Abby, I knew as my cum boiled that Hannah was the woman for me. It may seem crass or perverted, but with my cock absolutely buried in Hannah’s ass, I was positive she was my personal goddess.
With one hand I gathered a clump of Hannah’s hair and pulled back. Her head rose and her back arched down, opening her ass to me like never before. My final push landed deeper and hotter than either of us imagined. Hannah screamed and I moaned with her. I held my cock there, letting the deep warmth and the writhing of each tiny muscle in Hannah’s ass work me to orgasm.
My cum launched from me and landed in some deep and unspeakable part of Hannah’s bowels. She could feel me filling her ass and for the first time I heard her say something that sounded like ‘yes.’ I continued to shotgun loads of cum into her and I could feel it backing up and forming a swirling vortex of cum around my cock. Hannah’s ass was full, between cock and cum every nook and cranny had been filled, and Hannah moaned a low sound that I knew from experience meant deep and thorough pleasure. My spent cock ached, suffocated by Hannah’s ever tight and clenching anus, but I never wanted to leave.
After minutes of savoring, both Hannah and I shaking, swearing, and sighing, I slowly pulled my cock from her ass. Hannah fell to her knees when I escaped and screamed one final time. My spent cock hung limp, still engorged but exhausted.
When Hannah had regained enough strength to dress and walk we hobbled back to camp, supporting each other as we went. When we reached our tent Hannah kissed me deeply and crushed her body into mine. Between kisses she told me how great it was, how she loved it. She never exactly said it felt good, I was still unsure if it did, but she made it clear she wanted my cock to violate her ass again and again.
An afternoon of lazy fun in the sun commenced. Hannah was exhausted, and after returning to the beach and the rest of the family, she spent most of the afternoon relaxing and tanning. Abby had a big grin on her face, not know exactly what we’d done but certain that we’d had some real fun. I took a private swim myself, letting the cool water wash over me and refresh my muscles, and I saw Hannah and Abby chatting on the beach. I noticed Abby’s shocked expression and assumed Hannah was relaying the details of a penetrating ass fuck.
Upon returning to camp, the three of us decided we could all use showers. Hannah and I gathered our things, heading for separate showers unfortunately, and headed down. The women’s shower was free but the men’s was occupied, so I trudged back up to our tent to wait my turn.
Abby hadn’t expected me to return. When I unzipped the tent flap I heard some clumsy rustling inside, and looking in I saw Abby wrapped in a sheet. Her face was bright red and she wore an embarrassed smile.
“What’s going on in here?” I asked, entering and zipping the flap behind me.
“Nnn… nothing,” she peeped, and I knew she was lying. I reached and tugged at the sheet. The thin fabric fell and I saw Abby, sitting sheepishly, her perky tits exposed with nipples standing straight out, and one of her hands buried between her legs. I smiled wide, and Abby giggled.
“Well obviously something was going on.”
“Yeah,” she shrugged, “I was thinking about what Hannah told me. About you. About…”
“About this,” I said, sliding my trunks down to my knees. My cock was half swollen, hanging as I stood. Abby smiled.
“Uh-huh,” she said, reaching her free hand up to cradle my cock. I stepped closer to her, standing almost up right in the center of the tent, so she could firmly grasp my cock. Both her hands began moving, one slowly massaging my growing erection, the other continuing between her legs. She spread slightly and I saw her hand resting in her crotch, her middle finger disappearing inside her juicy pussy.
“So, tell me about it,” I urged her.
“Hmmm, well, I was thinking about how you were rough with her.” Abby closed her eyes, imaging the scene from the woods. “And, uhhh, and how you fucked her, um, you fucked her…”
“I fucked her ass,” I said proudly. As the words left my mouth Abby groaned and rocked on her finger. “You like thinking about my cock in Hannah’s ass?”
“Ohhh,” she cried, her hand squeezing her delicious pussy and pushing her finger deeper. “Yeah, oh yeah.” She tried her best to keep stroking me but she was clearly focused on her own pleasure.
“Do you ever think about getting fucked in the ass?” I asked. Abby shook her head.
“I, uhhhh, I think about it, but I could never, ahhhhh, never do it. I haven’t even had sex yet.” She was right, Abby was so tight and inexperienced that she was not near ready to explore anal sex. Then again, so was Hannah during our first time…
“I have an idea,” I said, and Abby finally opened her eyes and looked up at me.
“You’re not fucking my ass, Shane,” Abby warned.
I laughed. “No, don’t worry. Just, here.” I took Abby’s hand and laid down next to her, on my back. “How about you suck my cock, and straddle your beautiful pussy over my face while you do it.”
Abby smiled. “69? Okay.” With that she repositioned, spreading herself over me and lowering gently onto my waiting mouth. She gasped as I slowly melted into her folds, savoring her flavor, and began massaging her hot pussy with my tongue. Abby leaned forward and gripped my cock, extending her tongue and teasing the tip. Her pussy was still firmly on my mouth, but as Abby leaned forward I watched in absolute amazement as her sexy ass slowly parted. For the first time I saw Abby’s virgin, teenage asshole, a creamy pink opening no wider than a pencil. I yearned for it, remembering fondly the first time my cock pushed Hannah’s insanely tight asshole open.
Abby smothered my cock with her mouth. She had clearly taken a liking to sucking cock and with each time she was trying to suck better than the last. Her warm little mouth was fantastic, eagerly slurping and sucking. I continued to eat Abby’s pussy, driving her to moan in pleasure on my cock, but I could never take my eyes off of Abby’s remarkable asshole. I watched as it clenched and relaxed, minor twitches, as she rocked on my face. Soon I couldn’t take the temptation any longer.
My hands slid up and took firm grasp of Abby’s ass. She still sucked happily, meeting the slight thrusting of my hips with long downward strokes of her mouth. She was getting me deeper than before, nestling my cock up against the precipice of her throat before sliding it back out. Slowly, my tongue made the short journey from Abby’s pussy, wriggling through warm and juicy folds, to her untouched ass. I heard a stifled yelp when the tip of my tongue first contacted her hole, and I held it steady there for a moment to let Abby relax.
She did, slowing her sucking down in anticipation. I wiggled my tongue and began circling her tiny hole, tickling the taught skin. Abby squealed and moaned and finally pulled off my cock. Soon I licked feverishly, soaking the outside surface of her asshole, and Abby whispered quietly, telling me to “lick my butthole.”
I did, I licked it passionately. Soon I pushed my tongue, struggling to slip it in, and began to caress the inner walls of her anus. Abby yelped and rocked back, sitting on my face now, and moaned constantly as I gently tongue-fucked her ass. She tasted great, Hannah always did also, and her asshole twitched with each plunge. My tongue was suffocated, unable to even push all the way in. My cock was straining, ready to explode, and I needed release.
I eased my exploration some, felt Abby relax, and used one hand on her back to guide her back down to my cock. She obliged, taking me back into her warm and moaning mouth. As she did her asshole was exposed again, wet and glistening. My hand remained on her back, keeping her sucking, while my other migrated towards her delectable hole. I swirled the surface with my pinky finger and Abby squealed loudly on my cock. She was trying to focus on sucking, but the anal pleasure was distracting her. I thrust my hips harder to get the full use of her mouth, and I gently pushed my pinky against her hole. The resistance was unreal. Abby was screaming now, stifled by my cock, and she yelped when my finger finally breeched her defenses. My pinky poked in, strangled by her asshole, only as deep as the nail, but the sensation sent Abby into convulsions, and it brought me to orgasm.
Abby was screaming on my cock and was unprepared to handle a load. My cum erupted and engorged her mouth. I heard her gag and choke as cum stuffed her throat and stifled her moans. She gurgled and pull off, my cock still spewing cum skyward. Abby coughed and choked, cum dripping from her mouth, as thick rockets landed on her cheeks and chin. I didn’t push Abby’s ass any further, knowing she couldn’t handle much, but I finished by devouring her sweet asshole one final time. Abby didn’t even bother trying to clean up my cum, she just laid above me and sighed, trying to take it all in.
When we had both caught our breath I asked, “Abby, would you like to see me fuck Hannah’s ass?”
Abby nodded sharply and said, “that would be so fucking hot.” It would be and I hoped we’d find time for it before the fast evaporating weekend closed.
After a few minutes, Abby and I managed to clean up enough to make our way to the showers. As we did we met Hannah, who informed me the men’s shower was free. I continued to the bath house but Hannah and Abby stopped to chat. I wondered if Abby would tell Hannah about what just happened and how Hannah would feel about it. I knew she would be okay with Abby and I having some fun, but I wondered how she would feel about me anally exploring her cousin.
After showers and dinner, the family spent most of the night together around the fire. It was the last night of the trip, we’d be leaving tomorrow sometime in the afternoon, so it was a big camp fire party. Hannah’s family was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the party, but my mind kept wandering to Hannah and Abby. Hannah had told me that we would make love with Abby and it would be her first time. I assumed tonight would be the night and anticipating such an event was making the party drag on forever. Alas the party bore on until midnight, and not wanting to leave suspiciously early, the three of us stayed and spent some quality time with the family. The entire time we winked and smiled at each other and when the party finally dispersed we three were seething with pent up desire.
When the three of us reached our private campsite, holding hands and giggling, Hannah finally spoke up. “I heard about what you did,” she said to me, Abby smiling wide. Hannah feigned anger but was licking her lips and squeezing my arm with lust as she spoke. “You licked my cousin’s ass? Huh, you violated my teenage cousin?”
I just shrugged. “She seemed to enjoy it.”
Hannah glared at Abby before dropping the act and blowing a kiss. “Yeah, you’re just turning this whole family into sluts aren’t you?”
I pulled Hannah close to me and motioned to Abby to join us. She grabbed Hannah around the waste and rested her head on Hannah’s shoulder. “No,” I said, staring deeply into Hannah, “just you two beautiful angels.”
Hannah pushed her lips up for a kiss, which I met, while Abby began sweetly kissing Hannah’s neck. Abby’s hands slid down between us, one fondling my package while the other rubbed Hannah’s pussy through her shorts. I caressed both as much as I could, my hands struggling to take in both these gorgeous women at the same time. My lips alternated between Hannah’s kisses, her supple neck, and Abby’s sweet lips. The mass of us slowly migrated towards the tent but when we reached it Hannah stopped us.
“Let’s do it out here,” she suggested. Abby smiled up at me.
“What? Where?” I asked.
“On the picnic table,” Hannah smiled. “C’mon, it’ll be fun. We’ll be able to see if someone’s coming from way off. Plus, Abby and I already decided on it.”
“When do you two find the time to discuss all this?” I asked rhetorically. Hannah just winked and began leading us to the table. Being the beginning of the camp season the table had been recently refinished, leaving a smooth surface devoid of agonizing splinters. I wondered how many people, if any, had ever fucked on this table before, and if it had ever seen a threesome. I guessed probably not, but then again some wild shit was happening in these woods.
Hannah and Abby had definitely spoken about this before and they seemed to have a choreographed routine prepared. I was happy to play my part. At the edge of the table Abby dropped to her knees and began eagerly pulling both mine and Hannah’s shorts to the ground.
Hannah whispered to me, “fuck me first baby, but save it for Abby.” I nodded, willing to go along with anything these two had in mind. Hannah and I resumed deeply kissing as both of us stood naked from the waste down. Abby looked at us with ravenous desire in her eyes. First she engulfed my cock, sucking furiously. After a few sucks she released and moved to Hannah, who put one leg up on the table bench to open herself. Abby blew a kiss to Hannah, about to taste her cousin’s pussy for the first time, and dove in. Hannah rocked back with pleasure, before placing her hand on the back of Abby’s head and driving her pussy down. Abby was tonguing her with lust like I’d never seen, these two really loved being with each other, and Hannah was quickly panting and moaning. Abby switched gears again, swallowing half my cock, letting Hannah catch her breath. This back and forth continued a few more times, both Hannah and I building to orgasm but being denied release.
“Sit on the table,” Hannah instructed me. “Yeah, now put your feet on the bench.” I did and Hannah climbed upon me. I sat on the table, feet on the bench, and Hannah straddled my towering erection. She slowly came down on me, gasping as my cock impaled her, and wrapped her legs around me. I held her ass firmly with both hands. Abby struggled to help us both removed our shirts and began shedding clothes of her own. Hannah sat for a minute, my cock buried completely within her, before beginning to grind. I loved Hannah’s pussy, fantastically warm and tight, and I wondered if I’d be able to maintain control and not cum before it became Abby’s turn.
Hannah, with guidance from my hands, began bouncing on my cock. She moaned with pleasure as each bounce landed me deep within her. Abby caressed and kissed her back, watching my cock penetrate her cousin. Soon Hannah lifted, pulling off of me, and my cock sprang free from her pussy. I thought this indicated the switch to Abby but Hannah stayed put, hovering over me. My cock was wet and sticky and the night air felt cold on my skin. I felt gentle fingers wrap around my cock and pull it slightly down, and then a new warm and wet opening surround me. Abby was sucking me, slurping at the juices that Hannah had soaked me with. Hannah craned her neck to watch, cooing with deep lust as her cousin sucked my cock. Abby released me and guided my cock back to Hannah’s sweet opening. The fucking resumed, hotter and harder than before. Every dozen thrusts or so Hannah would retreat again and Abby would devour my cock in her mouth.
As the orgy continued, Hannah sat heavily on my cock, pushing it into her velvety depths. My cock was crushed into the deepest recess of her hot pussy. She nibbled at my ear and said, “Shane, fuck my cousin, please fuck her.” I kissed her and told her I would if she wanted me to.
“Oh, yeah, please fuck her for me,” Hannah begged. I lifted Hannah from me and she rolled onto the table. Abby once again moved to suck me but I stopped her, pulling her gently up and leaning down to kiss her. Our tongues danced and she began climbing onto the table herself. Hannah rejoined us and directed me off the table. Then Abby sat at the table’s lengthwise edge and laid back, stark naked and beautiful before us. She laid on her back with her ass at the edge of the table, her legs dangling over.
I leaned down to Abby, our bodies pulsing with heat, and asked her if she was ready. She looked nervous but assured me she wanted this, and Hannah joined us in a three way kiss. I stood back up and told Abby to relax, I would take it slow, and to please tell me how it feels and if I should stop. Abby nodded and watched with wide eyes as I placed my hard cock on the outside of her pussy. No man’s cock had ever been there and, selfishly and unrealistically, I silently wished that this sweet young goddess would be mine forever.
I ran my cock along the outside of Abby’s pussy, her slick juices mingling with Hannah’s, and savored this moment. Hannah watched us, gently rubbing Abby’s chest and stomach and reminding her to relax. I placed the tip of my cock at Abby’s virgin hole and smiled at her as warmly and lovingly as I know how. I gently, agonizingly slowly, pushed forward.
Her pussy lips parted and accepted me, surrounding my cock with warmth. Abby’s mouth opened wide, a long moan punctuated by virgin yelps escaped. I felt Abby’s circumference, not as wide as I, and I felt it stretch to meet the demands of my cock. She was breathing sharply and biting her lip. As my shaft slowly disappeared within Abby began to rock, my cock was stimulating nerves that had never been touched before. I was hesitant to push in all the way but as long as Abby didn’t protest I continued the slow entrance. Soon my cock reached the pinnacle, Abby’s virgin pussy clamped around it, twitching, and I held it here. Abby was moaning and bucking, her pussy refused to relax and strangled my cock.
“How’s that?” Hannah asked, but the reply was only grunts. Hannah smiled at me and moved to the next stage of this preplanned show. She moved her angelic form up and over Abby, facing me, and straddled her cousin’s face. She carefully lowered herself onto Abby’s mouth, using two fingers to spread her pussy open. I watched as Abby reached her tongue upwards and it disappeared in Hannah magnificent pussy. Hannah let out a deep sigh, her eyes fluttering behind closed lids, before leaning to meet me. We kissed and smiled, each of us being pleasured by her divine cousin.
Concentrating on eating Hannah’s pussy, Abby began to relax. Her pussy was still a vice around my cock but the spastic twitches subsided and I decided I could move again. As slowly as when I entered, I began pulling my cock from Abby’s pussy. She moaned loudly into Hannah’s folds as I retreated, and any relaxing she had done was replaced by tense clenching. I only pulled out slightly, not wanting to over stimulate her, before pushing back down again.
Abby was a torrent of screams and cries, luckily all stifled by Hannah’s pussy rocking on her face, as I fucked her tight pussy as slowly and gently as I knew how. Speed and force, while wonderful, were not necessary to great sex. Holding back and being as gentle as possible was driving me wild and the pleasure from each millimeter of Abby’s virgin pussy was overwhelming.
Hannah told me to cum whenever I felt it, not to hold it too long because she wasn’t sure how much Abby could take. I understood, and the desire to flood Abby with cum began boiling up inside me. Hannah reached between Abby’s legs and using her thumb and forefinger, pinched Abby’s pussy lips together along the sides of my cock. Abby absolutely quaked with pleasure and I hoped desperately that she was enjoying herself. We had introduced Abby to sex this weekend and up until now the introduction had been a rousing success. Everything we did Abby enjoyed and she clearly was in a comfort zone with us. I hoped this, her first time, would be a success as well, the thought of Abby recoiling from us and sex because of a traumatic first time was more than I could bear.
I grabbed Abby’s hips and one final time thrust myself into her depths. Abby was breathless now and I doubt she was providing Hannah with much pleasure. Hannah’s fingers gently rubbed the base of my cock and Abby’s pussy lips as my cum began pulsing down my shaft. My thick and sticky load coursed through my cock and began to fill Abby’s heavenly pussy. Hannah matched Abby in moans and was certainly enjoying watching me pump the cum she so loved into another pussy.
My cock flexed and fired repeatedly, soaking Abby like she’d never experienced. She twitched and quivered and her pussy positively devoured my cum. I dumped my entire load into her, holding myself deep and savoring a truly once in a lifetime moment. When my convulsions finally stopped I felt Abby relax, her entire body softened and went limp. Hannah was beside herself panting and squeezing her tits.
I staggered as I tried to withdraw my cock. Abby’s pussy, virgin no longer, had a grip on it tight. I slid free and trembled. Cum began to leak from Abby’s puffy pussy. Hannah acted accordingly, leaning down and gingerly inserting her tongue. Hannah was careful to be gentle as Abby’s swollen pussy didn’t look like it could take much more penetration. Hannah scooped up globs of cum and was sure to use long soft licks to caress her cousin’s throbbing pussy.
We made our way to the tent, the three of us a tangle of kisses and hugs. None of us could believe what had just happened. Abby was basically speechless, and though Hannah and I both wanted to ask her all about it, we decided to let her relax. We fell into the sheets and snuggled like first time lovers. My two beautiful women held each other close and I wrapped an arm around the pair, and a deep sleep washed over us in no time.
When I awoke Abby and I were alone. It was clearly early, shreds of morning light barely blinked into the tent, and Abby was laying on my chest, absent mindedly swirling a finger through my light hair.
“Where’s Hannah?” I asked.
“Hmm, oh, she went to get us breakfast,” Abby said. “Shane, last night was amazing.”
“Really? I mean it was, I loved it, but I didn’t know if you did.”
Abby kissed my chest. “I did. I mean, it hurt some, I won’t lie, but beyond that there was a feeling I can’t even describe. It was wonderful.” I smiled and kissed her forehead, happy to hear this, though the next bit was a little sobering.
“I loved it. And, I don’t want to be with anyone else.”
I was confused. “What about your college guy friend?”
“No,” Abby corrected, “I mean, I don’t ever want to be with anyone else. I want you and Hannah, always.”
“Well listen, I mean, I don’t think that’s really an option.”
Abby nodded slightly. “I know, I mean I’m not trying to suggest anything, I’m just being honest. I wish the three of us could be together, you know, like really be together.” I was touched by what Abby was saying, and it did sound like a marvelous fantasy world, but it was unrealistic, and I hoped the impact Hannah and I had made on this impressionable youngster wouldn’t end up being destructive.
Abby sighed and nestled into me. Moments later Hannah returned, sporting a cornucopia of treats. “C’mon,” she said, kneeling at the opening of the tent.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“Well we can’t eat breakfast in bed, silly,” she laughed and motioned for us to get up.
Abby and I put on some clothes and followed Hannah out of the tent. It was very early and the woods were quiet. Hannah led us past the picnic table and into the forest.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“You’ll see,” Hannah winked. Usually Hannah and Abby planned any adventures together, but Abby seemed just as confused as I. We continued through the woods until we were quite far from camp and definitely alone. Hannah carried a picnic basket and eventually led us to a small stream.
“Perfect,” she exclaimed and she turned to smile at us. She pulled a blanket out of the basket and spread it a few feet from the stream edge. Abby helped her pull breakfast goodies out of the basket and spread them out. Hannah had collected a few doughnuts, little boxes of cereal, single servings of milk, juice boxes, and a healthy looking cantaloupe. I knelt down to join them but Hannah stopped me.
“Ah ah, you stand there,” she commanded. I looked quizzically at her but she insisted. Abby seemed uncertain but stayed silent. Hannah took out a knife and split the cantaloupe in half. The melon was ripe and juicy. She set half aside and said it was mine, the other half they would share.
“Shane, do you think we’re sexy?” Hannah asked with pouting eyes. Abby joined in, kneeling next to Hannah in front of me and smiling sweetly at me.
“Uh huh,” I nodded.
“Have you had fun fucking us this weekend?”
I nodded again.
Hannah glimpsed down at my bulge and asked the obvious, “does thinking about fucking us make you hard?” I smiled and said fuck yes. Hannah and Abby teased me, each one running their hands over their own bodies, feeling themselves through their clothes.
“It’s time Abby saw how we really operate,” Hannah said, smiling devilishly at me. Then her expression turned serious. “Cum on my breakfast.”
Abby giggled and licked her lips. I smiled and removed my now hard cock and waited but neither of them moved to touch it.
“Nuh uh,” Hannah shook her head, “we’ve done enough for you. This one’s for us. Stroke that cock. We want to watch you masturbate.”
I obliged. It wasn’t hard to get aroused by these two. I removed my shirt and pushed my shorts to the ground. My cock stood proudly and my balls hung gently in the cool morning air. I wrapped my hand around my throbbing shaft and both girls gasped.
“You’re both so sexy,” I said.
“Don’t talk, just stroke,” Hannah commanded. I grinned and started, slowly sliding my hand all the way up my head and then back down. My cock ached and I wished I could be inside one of them. I knew blowing my first load of the day would feel amazing but I still burned to do it with their help. Alas, I would have to go it alone. Defiantly, I began throttling my cock.
The girls grinned as my hand squeezed and pumped. The usual fantasies, like dreams of Hannah’s heavenly asshole or sweet mouth, or even new fantasies involving Abby’s divine form, were not even necessary. In front of me I had both beautiful women, their angelic faces staring up at me with intense lust, rubbing themselves and licking their lips each time they glanced at my cock. It was enough to make any grown man absolutely explode.
Hannah reached down and picked up her half of cantaloupe. “Pump that fucking cock,” she ordered. I stroked harder, burning with desire.
“Stroke it, stroke that beautiful cock,” Abby chimed in. Hannah held the melon up to me with both hands, holding inches below my furiously pumping fist.
“Give me that yummy fucking load,” Hannah said sternly.
“Oh, cum for us baby,” Abby pleaded. That was all the encouragement I needed. My cock was bulging, the pleasure up and down my shaft was unbearable, and my cum rushed to climax. I leaned forward to angle my cock into the hollowed out middle of the melon. A watery burst shot forth, clearing the way for a tidal wave, and splattered against the orangeish inside of the fruit. I quaked as the pleasure of orgasm overcame me. A thick wad fire out, accompanied by a deep groan from myself and a lustful moan from each girl, and smeared into the melon. I bombarded the fruit, pumping out mouthful after mouthful of thick milky cum. A pool of swirling cum, splashing as each new thick wad fired into it, formed in the fruit. I gasped as the climax reached it’s zenith and the spastic bursts were replaced by one long rope of cum streaming out of me. I thought I might faint, my cock was so alive with tingling pleasure, and the final splatters of sticky cum dripped into the bowl. Hannah hadn’t missed a drop and was now mesmerized, watching my cum pool up in her breakfast.
My cum load was enormous and Hannah and Abby looked from it to each other in amazement. The pool, a mix of textures, densities, and shades from nearly clear, to stark white, to milky pearl, to foggy translucent grey, filled up more than half the volume of the melon.
“That should do,” Hannah finally joked. I settled down onto the blanket and gathered my breakfast. I didn’t eat much of it, though, as I watched these two beauties parse out and savor my cum. They began by each pouring a bowl of cereal in little styrofoam bowls. With little plastic spoons they heaped cum onto their cereal, a couple of spoonfuls each, and began munching away. I was hypnotized. With each crunch of cereal, little globs of cum smeared their lips and they licked it up hungrily. Hannah then coated two doughnuts with a thick layer of slippery cum, spreading it from edge to edge, and bit in eagerly. Abby followed munched on hers, the cum pool noticeably smaller now but not gone, and even began dipping her doughnut in it. This saturated her treat, her doughnut became soggy with cum, and she suckled and savored it and repeatedly expressed her love for my cum.
The two finished by sharing the cantaloupe, scooping out melon soaked in cum and devouring it. Eventually the juice from the melon was completely mixed with the remaining bit of cum and they took turns tipping the melon back and drinking the juicy cum mixture down. I smiled sadly as the breakfast display ended. This weekend had been amazing, but soon it would be over.
We made our way back to camp and joined the family for breakfast. The girls didn’t eat much. On the way we were mostly silent, and I think each of us was realizing how bitter sweet this trip was turning out to be. While Abby’s desires to be with Hannah and I longer term had seemed juvenile not long ago, now I think Hannah and I were thinking the same thing.
The morning wore on and people began packing up. We slowly dismantled our tent and supplies, trying to make the hours we had left last forever. Most everyone wasn’t leaving until that afternoon and we knew our hours to be together were slipping away. We desperately wanted to be together one last time and needed an excuse to get away from the family.
Around noon the entire family decided to head to the lake for one more swim. Hannah’s relatives would take the boat out and even the most elderly of her family decided they’d at least cruise on the boat for a while. Abby whispered to us that she had an idea. We watched as she approached some relatives and began complaining of a nasty stomach ache. Abby, being kind of a princess in the family, was immediately fawned over by many of her relatives. A few aunts offered to stay back and comfort her but she insisted they go, have fun. When finally asked if there was anything at all they could do, Abby looked at them with a darling face and just asked, if it wasn’t too much, to hang out in the new RV and watch a movie. Of course they said it was fine and Hannah immediately offered to stay back and comfort her favorite cousin. Since I was basically attached to Hannah, the clever trick excused me from the day’s activities as well.
We watched as the mass of family departed and I wondered how none of them were suspicious of the three of us spending so much alone time together. But, I guess they just didn’t expect this sort of thing from sweet, young Abby or from shy, innocent Hannah. Once they were out of sight, we eagerly climbed into the RV. Hannah locked the door behind us.
The new RV was as nice as expected, damn near a mobile apartment, and my mind raced at all the possible sexy adventures we could have if we had it to ourselves for a while. As soon as we were inside, Hannah and Abby locked in embrace, kissing passionately. I moved in to join them, and Hannah asked Abby if she was still sore from last night or if she would be willing again.
“Actually,” Abby smiled at me, “Shane and I were thinking something different.”
Hannah turned and looked at me with wide eyes. “Were you now?”
I smiled and Abby continued, “well, you see, I just can’t believe that you can fit Shane’s gigantic cock up your ass. I mean, how do you do it?”
“Oh,” Hannah laughed, “it takes some work.”
“Yeah, well, I won’t believe it until I see it.” Abby had a naughty grin and Hannah looked a little shocked.
“You want to watch Shane ass fuck me?”
“Well,” Abby shrugged, “yeah. I mean, I’ll have some fun too, but yeah, I want to see that so bad.” The three of us restarted kissing and I guess that settled the matter. I started a DVD in the player, on mute, just so we were prepared in case there was a knock on the door.
Hannah and Abby moved to a cushy couch, kissing and fondling, and I tried my best to peel clothes off of these goddesses. Hannah seemed determined to take in as much of Abby as she could while we still had her, and I’ll admit even though I loved nothing more than fucking Hannah’s ass I was a little disappointed that I wouldn’t be enveloped by Abby’s sweet warmth again. Hannah sucked hard on Abby’s perky nipples while I gave my attention to Hannah. She was soaking through her panties and I lovingly fingered her sopping pussy while she attended to Abby. When I finally removed Hannah’s panties, exposing her lovely ass and pussy, Abby halted Hannah and said it was time.
Abby stood up and Hannah moved into position. She moved to one end of the couch, bracing herself by the elbows on the arm rest, and pointed her magnificent ass at us. She turned her head to watch us and smiled as we adored her ass. I spanked her voluptuous bottom, not violently, to watch her sexy ass bounce and shake. Abby had a wide smile and gave Hannah the same spank, followed by a deep groping and kneading of Hannah’s full and luscious ass.
“What a sexy booty,” Abby winked at Hannah as she fondled.
I sat down behind Hannah and Abby knelt beside me. I gently spread Hannah’s ass, displaying a soaking pussy and her unbelievable asshole.
“Isn’t it so beautiful,” I asked Abby. She nodded, lost for words. “And it tastes so good, just like yours.” Abby was rubbing herself gently between her legs. “Get it wet for me, Abby.”
“What?” she asked, caught off guard by my request.
“I need it slick to get my cock in there. Why don’t you do it.” Hannah’s eyes were closed but she was biting her lip and breathing deep.
“Do it baby,” Hannah pleaded, “oh Abby, baby, please lick my asshole.” I rubbed Abby’s back to reassure her and after glancing at me with nervous excitement, she leaned in.
Abby stretched her tongue out ahead of her and moved cautiously. Finally, as my cock strained in agony, her sweet tongue touched her cousin’s asshole. Hannah exhaled and her hole clenched.
“That’s it baby,” I encouraged Abby.
Abby began to slowly lick the outside of Hannah’s tight hole. I watched, enraptured, as it moistened with saliva and Hannah began to moan. Abby’s tongue was nimble, as my cock would know, and it danced across Hannah’s ass and teased her twitching hole.
“Ah, mmmm, fuck, baby, fucking….” Hannah was loving every second of it. “Fuck, Abby, fuck, please, ah, get in there baby, please!”
Abby responded, pushing her tongue down. I watched as Hannah’s delicious hole parted and accepted her cousin’s tongue. Abby was tongue fucking her now, wriggling her tongue inside to stimulate the walls of Hannah’s anus. The more Hannah cried the faster and deeper Abby probed. The sight was truly the most amazing thing I’d ever seen. Abby, the gorgeous teen beauty, had her serene face buried in the voluptuous ass of my Hannah. Abby’s tongue worked feverishly, and I nearly came as I watched Abby push in to her limit and I saw her throat muscles flex as she desperately tried to dive her tongue in further. Abby devoured Hannah’s asshole.
Out of breath, Abby pulled free and Hannah wiggled with pleasure. Abby looked up at me and asked, “slick enough?”
I nodded and pulled my cock free as quickly as I could. I stood over Hannah and my bulging cock was ready to penetrate her. Abby reached up and took me in her hand and began guiding my cock to Hannah’s asshole. The tip reached the slick fuck hole and Abby released. She held her face very close, right under me, and watched wide-eyed as I flexed and pushed.
Hannah screamed as I bore her ass open. This wasn’t the first time, and it was slicker and wetter than yesterday in the woods, but I don’t think her ass will ever have an easy time taking me in. With pressure it gave, stretching and swallowing me. Hannah moaned and grunted, and Abby made amazing little sounds of pleasure and desire. My swollen cock slid deeper and deeper, violating Hannah liked I loved so much, until I felt that familiar bliss of being completely buried in Hannah’s ass. Her tight fuck hole was hot and welcoming. Abby’s ass play had relaxed and prepared Hannah for my cock, and though it was always amazingly tight and hot, Hannah’s ass felt ready for a firm fucking.
Moving in half strokes, I began rhythmically fucking Hannah’s sweet ass. The pleasure was intense, Hannah’s ass clenched around me and devoured my cock. I pushed her open with each thrust, causing Hannah to scream and Abby to moan loudly.
“Ahhh, you, uhhhh, like that, Abby?” I asked.
“Fucking hot, so fucking hot!” Abby answered. She kept reaching in to join us, gently, sliding her fingers around my slippery shaft as it plunged, squeezing Hannah’s ass, or fondling my balls.
I clamped a hand on Hannah’s shoulder and pushed her head down, angling her ass higher and allowing me complete access. I still pounded hard and each thrust landed millimeters deeper than the last. Hannah swore and yelled and told me she fucking loved it. My cock thunderously slammed Hannah’s ass and would soon explode.
“Uhhhh!!!” Hannah grunted as Abby used her sweet hands to spread Hannah’s ass open to me.
“Fuck her, oh Shane, fuck that butt hole!” Abby urged me on. I responded, slamming harder and harder into poor Hannah.
“Ahhhh!” I moaned as orgasm approached.
“Cum all over that fucking asshole!” Abby cried. A few deep thrusts later I complied. Hannah’s gripping ass massaged me to orgasm, and I pulled out sharply. Hannah moaned and clenched.
I pulled my cock out of Hannah’s ass but left it hovering just an inch above her violated little hole. A thick load rose up and blasted out of me, exploding against Hannah’s ass and quickly flooding her. Abby reached her hand up and cupped it just below Hannah’s pussy to catch any cum that drained from hitting the couch. I dumped a heavy load, not quite as large as this morning, but thick and hot onto Hannah’s asshole. The cum pooled up and spilled over, dripping down and sliding through Hannah’s juicy pussy folds.
I shook the final spurts of cum from my cock and leaned back, admiring the mess I’d made out of Hannah’s ass. Abby, overcome with lust, dove in where I had vacated. She buried her face between Hannah’s cheeks and began ravenously devouring Hannah’s cum soaked asshole. Moist slurping noises filled the RV as Abby hungrily gathered in my load, digging her tongue into Hannah’s ass to find my cum. Hannah was overwhelmed and breathless. Abby’s face was smeared with sloppy cum, and she looked gorgeous.
Abby finished by carefully licking Hannah clean all over, to be sure not to make a mess in the RV, sucking down the thick pool that had accumulated in her hand, and then by enjoying a few sucks on my swollen but softening cock. She seemed to love the taste of the inside of her cousin’s asshole. My greatest desires were being fulfilled and I wanted this moment to last forever.
Hannah and Abby spent the next half hour or so locked deep in passionate kisses. I savored the satisfaction of another cum-draining ass fucking. When the passion subsided, the three of us talked at length about how this weekend was a limited time only situation, that Abby would have to go her own way and we would be best to leave it at that. None of us wanted to say it, but there really wasn’t anything else that could be said. Abby cried and Hannah wanted to. We noticed the end of the silent movie on the DVD player and decided we should probably exit the RV and join the rest of the family. We were all sad and quiet, knowing the fun had to come to and end.
That was basically where we left it. When final goodbyes came around we all hugged, but the family was around so no words of love or desire we exchanged. Our longing stares at each other said it all. Abby climbed back into the red sedan, as beautiful as when she arrived, and left us.

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