Cum Swallowing

Fanstastic weekend: part 2

This is the second part to my first story. I would suggest going to that and reading it before this one. I haven’t written many stories so any advice is appreciated. Enjoy!

Broken Birds, Part 35 Healing

Part 35
Alice and Michael sat on the lounge pool deck, watching the sunrise over the ocean. They’d arranged the meeting the previous evening, not wanting to be disturbed.
Alice had been treating Kelly for almost ten days and needed help.
“She’s in really bad shape, Michael. She’s in a very dark place knowing her own stupidity caused her sterility. Hate is still coiled inside her. She lets it out in her sport, but it’s still there. She told me you said to imagine something she wanted desperately as a reward for the pain?”
Michael nodded.
“She wanted a child. She said I could tell you.”
“There’s more, but I can’t talk about it.”
“What I wanted to talk about was moving forward. She can’t train for six weeks. That was her outlet, her relief valve. We’ve got to figure a way to let her hate and pain out quickly.”
Michael watched the sparkling ocean, remembering his own recoveries. He’d been a terrible patient.
“She used to draw when she was a kid. She was pretty good. We’ve got room. What about setting up a studio for the girls. I know Beth loves to paint.” It was something he’d been considering for a while.
“Then encourage her,” Alice said thinking, “Challenge her. Tell her about the walls. Make her feel she is part of us.”
Alice loved this man and his intuitive intelligence. If Kelly could express herself on paper, it would provide her with an outlet and Alice with a continuing barometer of her recovery.
Kelly and Jennifer returned from Brisbane three days later. While the surgery had gone well, the violence of the penetrations had caused significant collateral damage. Kelly would be unable to exercise for at least eight weeks, probably longer. Then she might need additional surgery. She would have to stay in the infirmary for at least a week.
Michael and Alice took a thick sketchbook and drawing pencils to her. She looked small and fragile, pain written on her face. Jennifer was adjusting her pain meds. “Hi Honey. Brought you something.”
Kelly’s eyes lit a bit. She loved to draw, but after the rape, she’d concentrated on her sport. Like Alice, Kelly worried about the forced inactivity, but for an entirely different reason. Her body was accustomed to an athlete’s diet. Kelly loved to eat and feared the weight gain. When she’d been younger, she could lose herself in drawing, sometimes not eating for days.
“You can put that memory of yours to work … and as you’ve seen, we’ve got a lot of empty walls.”
“I don’t know, Uncle Mike, it’s been a long time.” The meds started to work and the lines of pain on her face eased.
He said nothing. She looked into his eyes. She saw disappointment.
“I’ll do my best,” hoping to see the look in Michael’s eyes ease.
“Honey, your father died because people only did their best. Doing your best is an excuse for failure. Don’t ever accept failure with an explanation or excuse. It’s still failure. If you set your mind to do something, do it.”
She looked hurt, like a scolded child. She started to cry. He put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Alice squeezed his hand, a signal to keep going.
“I’m sorry you can’t carry a child. It happened because you couldn’t face your rape. Face it now. Beat it. No excuses. Just do it. You’ve still got an ovary, so there’s still a chance.”
“It’s time to claw your way out of all that hate and pain inside you. I’ve seen your fights. There’s no surrender in you. You’re just like Beth. You’ve seen the pictures, but that doesn’t tell it all. They drove a broom handle through her uterus. They tortured her. They pulled her teeth because they feared she’d bite them. She was bleeding to death and crawled out a second story window so I would know she never gave up.”
“Why do you think they used the taser on you? They were afraid of you. Now your body’s healing. Let us help your soul and heart. Any time you want to give up, remember Beth crawling out of that window, bleeding to death. She beat her attackers. Now it’s your turn to beat yours. They wanted to ruin you. Don’t let them win.”
Michael turned and walked off, shaking with empathic pain.
Alice stayed, her admiration for Michael reaching new heights. He’d gone off the script when he saw she was resisting. His extemporaneous idea to switch to her fighting spirit to defeat those who wanted to ruin her was pure genius.
Over the next month, Kelly attacked her mental and emotional recuperation with a ferocity Alice had never seen. Pain that had terrorized her was ignored and conquered. Kelly never wavered. Alice helped Kelly turn the pain inside into a victory over her attackers.
Now they had to conquer her terror of physical intimacy.
Jan had not forgotten her promise to Michael. She and Shoshana polled the harem and arranged for another night with Michael. None of the girls would ever say “no” to Shoshana.
Michael was surprised when he opened the bedroom door. He’d expected Rafaela.
“Surprise!” Jan called out, jumping into his arms.
With Alice’s words still in his mind, Michael began to focus on Jan. He kissed her fervently. She broke the kiss with joy in her eyes.
“I want to make love to a man for the first time in my life,” Jan said, still in his arms, “and give you my last physical virginity.”
Shoshana pushed him back into the bedroom, a determined look on her face. “Tonight we’re going to make mad, passionate love to our man, so you better take a pill and a 5 hour energy drink! You’re going to need it, husband.”
Michael chuckled and followed instructions.
When he came out of the bathroom, they were naked on the bed in a loving 69 with Jan on top. Jan saw him and disengaged from Shoshana, motioning him to the bed. He shed his robe and hopped on, taking Jan into his arms.
They kissed warmly, then with passion, then frantic need. Jan had not been with a man for many months. She desperately needed him inside her. Michael understood, but did not want to hurt the teen.
He laid on his back, his cock hard and demanding. Jan took it into her mouth and slurped the head, lubricating it freely. She swung a leg over him, facing his feet. Shoshana took his shaft and parted Jan’s inner lips. She was dripping with need. Shoshana fitted his shaft into her lover. As Jan slowly impaled herself, Shoshana claimed Michael’s lips.
Though she had fucked many men, Jan had a teen’s tightness. Michael felt huge. Jan concentrated on relaxing. Michael’s hands taught her hips how to swing to minimize the stretching pain, all the while kissing Shoshana.
Shoshana broke the kiss and scooted down to help Jan.
Finally, her ass rested on his pelvis. She swung her legs out and fell backward. Michael caught her. He swept her blonde mane so he had free access to the sensitive area behind her right ear.
He felt her go rigid as Shoshana’s incredible tongue began to explore her stretched inner lips.
She moaned her pleasure. She gasped as Shoshana began to caress her clit.
Jan urgently pulled Shoshana’s lips to her pussy. Michael’s hands kneaded her breasts and teased her nipples.
“You are loved, Jan,” Michael whispered, “Feel that love now and forever.”
He pinched both nipples. Jan screamed in ecstasy. She bolted into a sitting position, driving Michael’s cock deep in her sheath. The head of the cock rubbed along her “G” spot sending incredible pleasure through her nerve endings. Shoshana seemed insatiable, sucking at Jan’s clit and pussy lips.
Jan’s neurons kept misfiring until it became painful. She pushed Shoshana away and rolled off Michael, his cock popping out of her pussy.
She rolled over onto her back. When conscious thought returned, she found herself cradled between Michael and Shosh.
“God, you’re big! But I still want it in my ass. Just be gentle or I’ll be walking bowlegged for a month!” she said giggling.
He looked over Jan into Shoshana’s eyes. “Time for me to be inside you.”
She leapt on him, joy written on her face. She faced Michael, her dark eyes smoldering as she impaled herself. Jan scooted between Michael’s legs behind her. Jan began caressing Shoshana’s shoulders and back with her fingertips.
Shoshana moaned, closed her eyes for a moment swaying to unheard music. Michael twisted and pinched her long nipples.
Her breathing became ragged. Jan lubed a finger with Shoshana’s juice and gently inserted it in Shoshana’s ass.
Shoshana screamed her pleasure. Jan whispered something to her, kissing the sensitive place behind her ear. She kept climaxing.
Michael’s thumbs played with her clit, capturing the little nerve hub, torturing it gently.
Shoshana shrieked her climax. She’d never felt like this. She was the center of Michael and Jan’s love. For the first time in her life, Shoshana was at peace and totally happy.
The girls rested for a while, basting in the pleasure and love. Michael swallowed his frustration, knowing his girls needed time to explore the wonder of this night.
They brought him champagne, the joy in their eyes infinite. Two giving souls had found a mate that brought them peace and love.
Finally, Jan looked at Michael. “I need you to take my last virginity and say goodbye to Janet.” Michael realized she was terrified of the pain to come.
He almost said “no”, but Shoshana’s stern eyes stopped him. This was something that needed to happen.
Shoshana whispered to Jan. Jan moved to Michael’s cock and began to lovingly caress it with her practiced tongue.
Shoshana started to lick Jan’s puckered hole, caressing and penetrating it.
Lube and warming gel followed. Shoshana caressed her lover until she was sure the pain would be minor.
She signaled Michael and helped Jan to a “doggie” position. Michael knelt behind. Shoshana took control.
First she aimed his cock at Jan’s dripping pussy. Michael pushed forward, re-lubricating
his shaft. After three strokes, he pulled back. Shoshana repositioned his cock. He pushed forward carefully.
Shoshana flipped onto her back, her face now inches from Jan’s. Jan felt her breath. She opened eyes that had been closed in fear. Their lips touched. Need flowed through them.
Shoshana felt Jan’s pain as Michael’s shaft slowly impaled her. She knew Michael would never be brutal. His shaft was just unusually large.
Jan kissed Shoshana urgently. Shoshana chuckled inside. Obviously Michael was fully inside her lover’s ass.
Michael felt Jan’s incredibly tight sheath and the fiery heat of her bowels.
Suddenly music filled the room. Shoshana was behind him, her body teaching his to move to the rhythm. As he moved, Shoshana grabbed Jan’s hips and the three of them moved as one.
Jan’s breathing became ragged. Shoshana reached around and found Jan’s clit. She began caressing the bundle of nerves.
Jan began to shriek her joy.
Shoshana frigged Jan’s clit mercilessly.
Michael inserted a finger in Jan’s pussy.
Jan screamed her climax. And she kept screaming as Shoshana and Michael continued.
Michael was too close. As Jan’s vaginal muscles spasmed, Michael announce, “I’m CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMINNNNNNNNNNNNNG!”
Jan fell forward. Shoshana moved quickly to bring Michael’s shaft into her mouth, taking several ropes of cum.
After his cock stopped spasming, Shoshana looked up to ensure Michael was watching. Jan lay on her back, understood what she wanted. Shoshana’s mouth hovered above Jan’s. Shoshana opened her mouth and shared Michael’s seed.
Michael thought it was one of the most sensual things he’d ever seen.
Jan and Shoshana kissed deeply.
Michael laid on his back, his cock responding to the sensual kiss between Shoshana and Jan.
Shoshana and Jan were exhausted.
Michael spooned Shoshana who spooned Jan. Shoshana could feel Michael’s cock start to rise. “Why did I tell you to take a pill?” she wailed happily.
Later that night she found the answer to her and Jan’s delight.
Kelly was eating breakfast when Michael, Shoshana and Jan came to the table. She adored Michael. His hard-nosed approach to her recovery had helped her more than anyone knew.
She was a professional athlete, accustomed to challenges. Only Michael had understood how to reach her. She also knew from Beth how Michael had forced her to confront her fear of physical intimacy. Kelly realized that Michael was also her answer. Typically, Kelly went to Beth.
“Honey, I want Michael to be with me, to teach me to make love, to make me whole.”
Alice warned Beth that this could happen.
“Kelly, we love you. We really do.”
“Two things. First, we make love. For us, that’s a lifetime commitment to him and to each other. Is that what you want? Second, do you want to give your once in a lifetime virginity to Michael?”
Kelly looked confused.
“I’m far from a virgin,” Kelly said.
“Really? You’ve given your body, heart and soul to a man?” Beth said, “That’s what making love is all about. I didn’t know you’d done that.”
Kelly’s head snapped up as though she’d been hit.
“Honey, Michael is a very special man. You’re a very special woman. If you want to dedicate your life to him, I’ll happily ask the harem to agree. If you want to use him to prove that you’re healed, I don’t think that’s a good idea. He’ll do it, but it will tear him apart later. He’ll feel he stole something very precious from you.”
“Think about it, Honey.”
Kelly did think about it. She thought about going to Michael, but decided to go to Alice.
Alice confirmed what Beth had said, including Alice’s willingness to support Kelly as a harem mate.
They talked about it for hours. Kelly thought about her burgeoning marshal arts business with the closed life she would lead in the compound. She found her answer by accident.
Kelly wrestled with the decision on the lounge pool deck. She heard a child’s cry for help. Something in the tone caused her to react. She hit the water before her conscious mind engaged, finding a sinking child and then holding a terrified Vika high. She gave Vika to her nanny who had left for a moment to go to the toilet.
When she climbed from the pool, she had her answer.
She went to Beth first. “I’m all in. One condition. If I find a surrogate, Michael and I can try for a baby.”
Beth hugged her daughter’s savior with fervent passion. “Deal.”
Michael had never faced the united support from his harem quite like this. It was a bit comical. Everyone was in violent agreement. They all wanted Kelly as a mate.
Beth begged for the chance to tell Kelly, her daughter’s life still on her mind.
Beth approached Kelly, “How do you want this to happen?”
Kelly’s eyes sang. “I want Michael for myself the first time.” No doubt; no hesitation. She finally had her answer.
The festive atmosphere in the compound was palatable. Kelly’s heart sang. Ten years on she would make love for the first time and to a real man.
There was a ferocity to Kelly that both attracted and frightened people. Michael and Beth embraced it. They shared the same ferocity.
The next night, the harem helped her to prepare with its newest member, Jan experiencing the moment for the first time.
The girls explained Michael’s preferences. Kelly barely heard them, having nearly seventeen years of knowing Michael. She was frantic to feel him inside her.
Beth and Alice saw it. They waived off the others and took Kelly to Michael.
He was just out of the shower when they knocked on the door.
He welcomed Kelly into his arms, chuckling. “You’re a little early, Honey.”
She looked into his eyes defiantly, “Michael, I love you. I always have. I can’t wait to give myself to you for the first time. I want you to make love to me and really make me a woman.” No bull dung. No hesitation.
“Then let’s get into bed.”
Kelly had never made love, so Michael started slow, kissing her passionately. Kelly would have none of it. She needed to believe, to feel physical love.
Michael chuckled inside, but he knew what Kelly wanted.
He stripped her bathrobe and his own. Kelly had a feral light in her eyes. He pulled her to him.
“I want you to give me an hour,” Michael said softly, “an hour to set the pace, to teach you to savor. Then we can go wild.”
Jennifer had told Michael that the damage had been extensive. They’d removed a good deal of scar tissue, so Kelly’s sheath was very tight. Coupled with Michael’s weapon and desperate need, rough sex could rip her badly. They’d suggested taking Kelly to the sex gym, but she only wanted Michael inside her. Jennifer had gone to Michael to explain the problem.
Her eyes screamed in frustration, but she nodded, her trust in Michael absolute.

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Romance at Swim Practice Camp

Two teenagers find lust and love on a swim practice camp. ——————- ATTENTION: I am an author with several other stories, but I HAVE TROUBLE REGISTERING ON THIS SITE. My accounts always get deleted a few hours after creation. If there is anyone who reads this, who could assist me, please contact my email [email protected]. Thank you and enjoy my story 🙂

The Brother and Sister Next Door (12-13)

The Brother and Sister Next Door (12-13)
Brad talked to Lisa, and said here, take my camera. Tell Jen to tell Mark she’d love to do his mom, and maybe her friend too, but they want to get off by watching Mark fuck his mom first, then she’ll eat his mom‘s pussy, and try to get his mom to eat her pussy too.
I want you to sneak some no flash pictures. Just one picture of Mark fucking Maggie, and Maggie will never bother Mom again…got it?
Lisa giggled and said: “Big brother, you just took my plan right out of my head!”…She kissed him, all excitedly and felt his dick. Brad lifted her little top and kissed both of her bare tits. They started in with what they both like to do best. Brad then smiled, and picked his sister up and took her in the garage, to the hidden bed. Lisa always wanted to fuck her brother anytime.
He turned her over on her front and pulled her shorts down and off. He raised her butt up in the air, laid over her and reached under her and played her clit. She moaned softly and rocked back on him. He pulled his boner out and slipped it in her pussy from behind. Lisa began to squirm and pushed back harder on him. She whispered: (..”brad, have you ever fuck a girl in the ass?”..) He paused….then said: “Yes“. (“I want you to do me, please…I’ve never had it done to me”….)
Brad took the wet from her pussy and rubbed it around her little butt hole until it was lubed real good. (“ have to relax your butt hole so I can get my dick in, sis.”…) He stuck an old blanket under her tummy, and began to ease his dick in her….She was panting hard and tried to not make her butt hole tight. He eased a little in…she moaned, then relaxed her hole…a little more and she began to rock back with his short strokes moaning and panting more.
(“….oh god brad, it feels so different, I’ve got new tingles I haven’t had before…put it in a little deeper, and make me cum.”…) Brad kept putting in more of his dick in deeper. Lisa is red in the face and starting to push back on his dick and fuck with him. She starts in moaning steady as they both finger her pussy and clit. She start to orgasm and moans real loud
“Cum in me Brad I want to feel your cum in my ass!” Brad’s finger squeeze’s her clit…“Oh my god!…oh oh….as she humped back on him. She jumped, and trembled as she moaned and squeezes Brad’s dick with her ass and yells, “Gezzzz! Oh god yesyesyes… He jolts and cum’s deep in her ass…she shakes and they feel her pussy squeeze down on their fingers. She can’t stop moaning, and moans till she is to weak to moan anymore.
Brad carried her in the house and set her in her bed. She just smiles and closes her eyes.
Brad showers and mom is up and making breakfast for all. She sings and prances around like a little girl. He tells her Lisa is in the shower now, but will be down soon. Mom checks to see if Lisa might be done, and whispers to brad..( “you guys were a little noisy in the garage you naughty kids.”…and giggled.”…)
Brad got red in the face.
He knew now that mom knew they were fooling around. Mom giggled to herself as she smiled at Brad. Brad didn’t know what to say to her. Mom checked again for Lisa and whispered: (…”lisa has good taste in men. She’s so sexy I can’t blame you at all. The time may come when you’ll have to wait for your mommy to finish having sex with her little girl, before you can have sex with your sister.” ) Brad smiled and kissed his mom.
He had a plan….
He wanted his mom to get with Lisa and have sex with her as was her long time desire. He had to talk to Lisa….alone.
Brad said to himself…perfect! Mom’s birthday is Sunday, I’ll give the ultimate present. He had to talk to Lisa first.
“Morning everybody…Lisa said as she came to breakfast in her white robe. “Morning sweety, I like that robe on you” mom said. Brad looked at Lisa and licked his lips and ran his tongue in and out, as they all ate. “Mom!…Brad’s making faces at me.” Lisa said.
“That just means he loves you dear, don’t pay any attention to him.” They all busted up laughing even mom. Mom was in a good mood and she began to pick on Brad in fun. “Brad dear, would you check in the garage, I thought I heard some cat’s fighting out there this morning.” She grinned and looked right him. “Oh sure mom, I’ll check it out.” Lisa began to get red in the face and got up to get some more milk. “Whew, this robe sure is hot.” Lisa said. “Go put on your little bikini, sweety, you always look so good in that.” Mom said. Brad smiled at mom, she winked at him.
Mom was slowly getting a little bolder with Lisa, and Lisa liked it, she had thought her mom was hot and sexy for a long time now. Lisa at 17, was getting bolder too, touching mom, and feeling her legs and saying she had hot legs. Watching her shave her legs, changing clothes and even went in and showed with her one day, just to her naked. She remembers mom washing herself so carefully and rubbing the wash cloth gently across her tits, and vagina as Lisa watched. Then she washed Lisa. Taking her time washing her body slowly and spending so much time washing her vagina and her tits.
It made Lisa hot. Lisa didn’t realize it but it made mom hotter. When she finished she hugged Lisa front to front, and felt her butt. When they dried off, mom dried off Lisa’s back, and between her legs over and over. Lisa again, got hot, as did mom. Lisa remembered that night, just a few months ago, because as mom was drying her off, mom looked at her vagina and said: “Oh, I see a little red spot down there, let mom take a look at it. She placed Lisa on the toilet seat, and got on her knees. She had Lisa spread her legs wide apart and her rest one on the counter and the other on the towel rack, opening Lisa’s pussy wide open. Mom came in close and looked an inch from Lisa’s wet pussy and started breathing hard for a long time. Her face felt red, and it was.
She felt trembling in her stomach and fingers. Finally Lisa said: “See anything mom?” She snapped out of it and blinked from her hot fantasy and said ..oh it’s nothing. Lisa thought then….I bet she wanted to lick my pussy, but didn’t have the nerve.
Lisa was right.
That day mom kept seeing Lisa’s pussy in her mind, and how much she wanted to just close her eyes and lick it and taste her. She had just been an inch from Lisa’s wet clit, and got so hot inside her body, she just wanted to suck on it and make Lisa orgasm.
Lisa talked to Brad. He told her that mom had the hots for her. She said, “I just knew it!, how did you find out Brad?” He said you didn’t hear it from me, and to just let happen naturally, mom will like that. “Lisa will like that too, I’ve wanted to have sex with mom for along time, she HOT, Brad!” Lisa said. “I have a plan.”…Brad said. “Her birthday is Sunday, and let’s give her what she wants…..a “Lisa” to play with that night.” Lisa put her hands down over her pussy and said: “Oh….. My….. God…I think I just had an orgasm!”
“I’ll go somewhere, so you two can have the house to your selves, Sunday night. I have a little present for you too. Brad went in his bedroom and brought out a box. He opened it, and there was a sleep mask, red with black trim for Lisa. Now you both have sleep masks to play with. Lisa hugged him around the neck and kissed him deeply….”Oh, there is one other thing, this we’ll call a ‘Maggie’ mask. Look. He took the mask and it had a hidden removable inner pad. He removed it. He said, now look through it…Lisa held it up to her eyes and she could see thru it, but you couldn’t see in. “I wonder if Maggie has one of these?” Brad said.
Friday night Jen talked to Mark and he said it’s a go. He’d fuck his mom tonight, while Jen and Lisa watched, he liked that. Then he wanted to watch her eat his mom and try to get his mom to eat Jen.
All went according to plan as they quietly walked into Maggie’s well lit bedroom. Mark slowly got up, and fucked his mom and came in her. All she did was moan. He didn’t even see Lisa’s camera taking shots secretly. Jen and Lisa got hot watching and rubbed each others pussy in the back ground. Jen then took off her shorts and slowly got up to lick Maggie’s pussy. As she licked her , Maggie moaned real good and squirmed, by did nothing else.
Then came the big moment.
Jen carefully turned and slowly put her pussy down on Maggie’s face. Maggie could still smell and slowly up came her arms and held Jen’s hips and began to lick her. She moaned more now as Jen licked her clit. Maggie’s tongue felt Jen’s big clit and she really start to suck and lick now. In all the moving of Jen’s body on Maggie’s lips, Maggie’s mask started to slip down. Maggie just reach up and put it back and continued licking Jen’s pussy. Now Maggie was really starting to squirm and moan. She licked Jen’s big clit faster and faster as Jen lick her clit fast also.
Soon Maggie held Jen’s head and pushed her pussy up to Jen and moaned loud and shook hard. Jen got so excited she squirted on Maggie. Maggie just moaned and licked her lips over and over, then lay quietly, and was silent again.
Mark was smiling and gave Jen the thumbs up. Jen and Lisa smiled and tip toed out. They checked the pictures in Jen’s car, perfect! One was Mark’s face clearly fucking his mom, with his mom’s scar on her side showing. Lisa got a shot of Jen squirting on Maggie’s face. They couldn’t wait to show Brad.
Brad was molesting his mom, as she giggled and tried to run away. She said: “You naughty little boy, you can’t feel up your mommy! What’s that in your pants! …. Oh my, ‘I see a boner-I see a boner’ and ran up stairs. Brad chased her and trapped her in Lisa’s bedroom.
She said Lisa will be home soon and we have to cool it. I just know I’m safe from you in here. She had on a see thru night gown, no bra, no panties, just to tease Brad. He said: “Mom, I just killed Lisa a few minutes ago, so your not safe! I’m a com’in at get ya!” She giggled and got in Lisa bed, and pulled the covers up over her. Brad made like a monster, slowly coming to her. She squealed, a giggled while pulling covers over her head. He growled and pulled at the covers. She squealed more.
They didn’t hear Lisa and Jen come home. They went up stairs to find Brad. That when they heard Brad and mom laughing and squealing in Lisa‘s room. The listened quietly….’ brad, don’t feel mommy up like that. You make mommy all hot….brad..stop …let’s do this later, Lisa is due home….oh baby…don’t touch mommy there, it’s makes mommy have the chills…..
Lisa and Jen covered their mouths and ran in Brads room, and hid. They heard mom and Brad leave and go down stairs laughing and giggling all the way. Lisa and Jen checked, mom and Brad were in the kitchen playing grab ass. They snuck down the stairs and went to the front door and opened it, went out then right back in and Lisa yelled..’Mom, I’m home.”
Brad went in the living room while mom tried to fix her messy hair and night gown. Lisa pointed to the camera and gave it a thumbs up! Brad smiled big and kissed them both very hotly.
They both were very horny after what they had just did and wanted to attack him right there. They both grabbed at his dick, as the scooted away back in the kitchen. Later Lisa showed him the pictures she got. Brads eyes went wide open in shock. He whispered: (“, great job, you two! Now ol’ Maggie will never give mom a hard time ever again, once she gets a look at this. Jen spent the night with Lisa and they tried to be quiet as they had a lick fest and climaxed hard. Lisa was in heaven, licking on Jen’s big clit.
Brad went to moms room later when Lisa and Jen had gone to sleep. She sat up in bed reading that same porno book. She had on a white robe, with nothing on underneath it. Brad took his clothes off and laid down. He reached over her and got the sleep mask and looked at it. He didn’t tell mom, but it too had a removable inner pad. He put it on and said: “Who’s there? Is there someone there?” Mom started to giggle…then started laughing and laughing. “Who is laughing?…who’s there.” Finally mom said still chucking in a high voice: …“It’s me Maggie, son. Now you just go too sleep and don’t talk or anything.” Brad just smiled. Mom talked in a high voice again….
’oh son, mommy just had a bad dream, could I sleep with you tonight son?’….Brad just smiled and nodded his head. She laid beside him and laid her arm over his lower tummy, just touching his dick. She whispered….gee my son has a nice penis, I would love to touch it, but he would freak out if his mommy touched his penis, and get mad at me. She tried not to giggle…I’ll just lay my hand on it and see what happens…..oh my…it’s growing bigger…I like big penis’s …..I sure would to lick it…mmmm…I like his penis….I like the feel of it on my tongue…mmmmm….
She held back a giggle as did Brad.
….it’s so cold, I sure would like to warm it up…let’s see, where can I put it to warm it up….oh…I know a place where it’s warm and wet so it can slide right in…I’ll put it there. She carefully mounted Brad’s dick, and put it in her. She gasp, as it went in deep.
She was panting as she began to ride Brad. He just laid there at first. Mom leaned over and kissed him hot, He felt her on him, her body heat, and could feel her breath in between her kisses. She started a slide on him, causing his dick to go back and forth in her. She found she could regulate the depth so his dick just touching her cervix with each stroke. They had never done this way, and it was exciting her, in a new way. Her tits glided over his chest, exciting her nipples more and more. She started moaning and build up to more moans…then louder moans.
Brad knew his mom was building up to a very big climax. His arms came up slowly and he placed them on her sweet butt cheeks and joined in with her motion. She pick up the pace, her eyes closed like his so they only could feel their body’s. She was headed there to a super climax and she and he knew it….his hands squeezed firmer on her butt…she began to shake…’oh….oh…oh yes baby….Brad!…I’m gonna….oh god oh baby mommy’s cuming ….fuck mommy….fuck me baby….Oh Gezzzzzz Brad!, and she let out a yell….that caused her to stop breathing and hold it…that’s when Brad exploded in her and he yelled….Oh god…. MOM!, and a flood of his cum came squirting deep in her….pumping and pumping…oh god mom..she then screamed as loud as she could..AA AAAH AHHHHHHHHH!….OH GOD!!….and her climax came…and she shook hard.
oh god…brad baby….yes…it’s so good.. …oh god and she slowly went weak and collapsed on him….His dick still pumping cum, and her pussy still squeezing his dick……
Sunday morning
Mom woke up paused, then began to smile remembering last night. Lisa peeked in and said to stay in bed please. Soon Lisa and Brad came in with a tray with her breakfast. They sang…”Happy Birthday part one…. They both jumped in bed with her and talked and laughed. Later on Brad said he had a surprise for her that night. She was still glowing from last night and wondered if she could take more super good feelings. Lisa said it’s ‘spoil mom’ day and led her to her shower.
Lisa got naked with mom and began to wash her. The warm soapy water started getting mom excited as Lisa took her time washing her mom. Mom leaned against the shower wall and closed her eyes and let Lisa hands glide over her. Lisa was getting really hot feeling her mom’s body, her tits, her ass and began slowly washing her pussy. Mom was losing her breath as the slick warm soapy suds covered her body. She felt her legs quiver and spread her legs apart to steady herself. Lisa slowly put her hands between mom’s legs and massaged her pussy….mom’s arms came up and started soaping up Lisa also.
They both enjoyed feeling their slick body’s and the warm water. Lisa let mom feel her pussy as they leaned in to each other moaning a little. Mom’s warm hand knew just where to go on her little girl, and soon Lisa clit was tingling as Lisa squirmed. Lisa knew that tonight she was going to have sex with her mom, after wanting it for a long time.
She stopped and whispered to mom…(“..we gotta do this more sometime”….) mom whispered back: (“..I know I missed a spot, I’ll just have start over.”…) Lisa washed her and mom off with the warm wand, but she just had to put the wand up to mom’s clit and watch her jump. They both giggled as the shower was over….. for now that is.
Mom and Lisa were semi-wet all day. Lisa excited about tonight thinking about the sex she was going to have with her mom. Mom was thinking about last night and the great shaking climax she had on top of Brad.
Jen was still there and Lisa felt her clit every chance she got, making Jen jump, and then smile. Before she left for home, Jen whispered: (“….my clit will be waiting for you, anytime. Let’s us get some sleep masks and play ..’eat your girlfriend’ soon.”…) Lisa got chills when she said that and a jolt in her pussy. Jen grabbed Lisa’s hand and ran it over Jen’s protruding clit, and then went home. Lisa shuttered as she watch her walk away.
Brad talked to Lisa about tonight, Lisa heart was beating fast as he talked. He said mom’s bathroom has an extra door at back. It leads to the empty spare bedroom. Brad fixed the door so that appears to be locked but isn’t. Because he wants to watch her and mom have sex for the first time. Lisa smiled big and whispered: (“you’re a peeping brad, you bad boy”…, ….mom and I decided to just cuddle and no sex, brad bad boy.”….) She pinched his butt hard and took off running down stairs with Brad chasing her. “MOM…Brad’s chasing me”…Mom giggled and said: “Now you two 5 year olds play nice.”
Brad and Lisa took mom out to a nice dinner. They all played ‘feel the legs under the table’ and had a good time. They brought out a 1 candle cup cake for mom when they got home. Brad said he had to go somewhere at 9pm for a hour. Brad said: “Lisa, you take care of mom while I’m gone, OK???” Lisa said: “Oh ..I will big brother, this is ‘pamper mom night.”
Mom blushed and hugged her two kids. At 8pm Lisa yelled at Brad up stairs: ”Ok Brad, where having a ‘girls night tonight’, so you can go away, and stay away, bad boy.” Brad giggled and said he had a date tonight with JEN…and she said to tell you that she hate’s your guts, your ugly and your feet stink. Lisa took off up stairs to get Brad. He was waiting in his room for her.
She stalked him slowly and pounced on him on his bed. He grabbed her tits and started kissing them. She whispered quiet:…(…brad’s kissing my titties…mom…come save me…mom…brads touching my little pee pee..) They giggled and started kissing and feeling their body’s.They got excited fast and wrapped their legs around each other and felt each other up… Lisa giggled and said he better not touch jen’s clit, the rest of her, she didn’t care about…he tickled her and swatted her on the butt, and pushed her away. She gave him the finger, turned, shook her ass and left. Brad left.
Lisa said to mom…”Come with me, birthday girl.” She led her mom out of the kitchen by the hand. They went up stairs and Lisa proceeded to undress her mom.
She got behind mom and reached around her. Mom felt tingles everywhere. Lisa slowly unbuttoned her blouse, mom felt Lisa’s hands rub across her tits. Lisa slowly removed it, sending a hot flash across her mom‘s nipples. Mom could feel Lisa’s warm breath on the back of her neck She felt the heat from Lisa’s body behind her, and Lisa‘s front, brushing across her butt cheeks. Lisa felt for mom’s button and zipper and undid her red skirt, and let drop to the floor. Mom stepped out of it and her hi heels.
Lisa slowly un- hooked her bra, and smelled moms perfume. All that was left was her red panties. Lisa was behind her still and inched the silky red panties slowly down her legs and off. She watched as the chill bumps traveled up mom’s legs.
Lisa didn’t realize how undressing her mom was such a turn on to her. Lisa’s pussy was dripping wet.
Mom was really getting off on this undressing by the daughter, who she had sexual desires for a long time. Lisa whispered to her:
(“now, undress me.”)
Mom’s hand trembled as she got behind Lisa. She pulled Lisa’s top off over her head, taking a second to take in the smell of Lisa’s sweet body. Lisa had no bra on. Mom peeked over her, to look at her young firm titties. Now for her little blue shorts. She reached around the panting Lisa and undid them at the front. Slowly unzipped them and let them fall to the floor.
Now Lisa felt the chill bumps run up her legs stopping at her wet pussy. Mom’s warm hands glided over her hips and felt the final item of clothing. She felt mom’s warm body and her breath on the side of her neck. Being mother and daughter they liked the same things touched on their body’s
Now for her little bright pink bikini panties. Mom gently leaned Lisa back against her, feeling Lisa warm body on her tits and her little cute butt against moms pubic hair.
Slowly mom’s warm hands slipped down the front of Lisa’s panties, and slid them off, letting her hands glide over Lisa’s patch of pubic hair. Lisa moaned a little. She just held Lisa against her and enjoyed the feel of her warm body’s back side against her front. She put her arms around her and just let her hands squeeze Lisa titties. Mom was getting really turned on, and gasp big, for air.
She had thought of Lisa body against hers many many times, now it was real. Lisa reached back and rubbed her mom’s hips and waist. Mom gasp, and got chills at Lisa’s touch. Lisa led mom to the shower while mom still was holding her. Lisa set the water to very warm and they stepped in. Lisa did all the work, soaping mom all over with scented soap. She washed mom’s hair, and massaged her head as mom got dizzy from it. Now, Lisa brought in a shower table, and gently laid mom on it face up.
Lisa took the warm wand and slowly let the warm water flow over her mom. Lisa got a special bottle of scented soap that smelled like a garden of flowers, and soaped her mom down. Feeling every part of moms body with her hands. They both were panting and so turned on now. Lisa hands felt her mom’s tits and pussy all slick with the scented soap, and rubbed her mom’s nipples and her pussy over and over again. Mom strained for breath over and over again. Lisa washed every part of her mom’s body, by having her roll one way and then the other. When mom was on her front, Lisa soaped up mom’s butt cheeks, and let her fingers slowly slide in and massage her little butt hole a little. Mom moaned and puckered her butt cheeks hard and shivered.
Mom was weak with pleasure. Lisa rinsed her mom off with warm water. Then she carefully stood mom against the shower wall and slowly dried her off, and helped her to mom’s bed. Lisa dried herself off and put her mom’s arms out, and her legs wide open. She turned the lights low. Lisa laid down on mom but on Lisa’s back. She pulled mom’s hands up and on her titties. Mom moaned and her hands trembled on Lisa tits. Lisa guided mom’s hands over her tits and let mom squeeze them while she put her hand down thru to mom‘s clit. Mom’s legs came up and she locked them over Lisa’s. She pushed her pussy up against Lisa’s butt crack firm in a slow fucking motion. Lisa squirmed her butt against her mom’s bush, Lisa heart beat hard and fast.
Lisa thought back….about how she liked it when she was about 11, and mom would always get in the shower with her, and wash her. She started admiring her mom’s body back then. Mom had sexy curves, long hair, nice tits that jiggled when she washed Lisa. Mom had pubic hair, a full bush, when little Lisa had none. The way mom washed her, with such care…and carefully rubbed her little pussy, making her tingle and giggle. Mom got big tingles in her pussy and fought back the thoughts of wanting so bad to finger little Lisa’s pussy.
Mom was slowly getting the hots for her own daughter bad, about that time. She pushed the thoughts away, but they never left, but only got stronger. When she washed her, she felt her own pussy get wet and tingle. Little Lisa loved it and let mom do the touching all she wanted. Little Lisa did a little touching herself, and would ask to wash mom, and mom gladly let her. She remembers washing mom’s tits, and watching them sway back and forth as she soaped them up good and felt them.
Playing with mom’s nipples with her tiny fingers, and giggling. Mom would get so excited she could hardly stand up. One time she sat down on the shower floor with mom’s legs together and let little Lisa stand over her with her legs apart and wash her. She watched Lisa’s little wet slit move back and forth right in front of her eyes. She wanted to kiss and lick it even then, but just tried real hard to keep it to herself. The taboo of it all was making her wet, more and more.
When dad was gone, mom would masturbate in the locked bathroom. She would sit on the toilet seat, open up her legs wide and rub her pussy, thinking about how she wanted to lick little Lisa’s slit. She pictured licking her little pink clit and her tiny pussy, faster and faster she would rub her clit…and then………..
She would raise her pussy up high with her tip toes, and shudder hard!… and have a wonderful body shaking climax, that would leave her in ecstasy……
She never ever got that from her husband.

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Mom Makes a Porn Video

Mom Makes a Porn Video
* The gift of a video camera caused a bored housewife to release an obsession in her. Now the trick was….to get the shot that she became obsessed with……
___Sister Jodi and I should have never gotten a video camera for our mom’s Donna’s birthday. Little did we know she would get obsessed with it. We showed her how to work it, figuring she would just take videos of family stuff. It started out that way, then I saw her taking a secret video of my sister undressing thru her not fully closed door.
I was of course shocked at what she was doing,
….but then again…I would love to see my sister Jodi undressed myself. She had a killer body, nice tits and her and I ….well….we kinda liked to cop feels on each other once and a while. I had only seen her once semi-naked in a very shear nightgown, and I could see enough to start a hardon going each time I looked at her now.
We both were afraid to go any further as it could lead to trouble with mom. We had one close call when I was helping her move her bed. That morning she had on a tiny nightie, and her tits were really showing good. We rubbed by each other and grinned. She whispered: (“…if you weren’t my brother,…”) and grabbed my ½ hardon. I whispered back: (“…oh?, well ’if’ you weren’t my sister I would…”) and I grabbed her beautiful tits. We giggled quietly, but we didn’t move away from each other this time.
She put her head on my chest and continued feeling my growing hardon. I continued feeling here soft wonderful tits, not just a playful grab. This was the furthest we had ever gone and we didn’t stop. I felt her warm breath on my chest as I went for her nipples.
They were rock hard. She rubbed my hardon up and down as it grew down the inside of my leg of my shorts. I took one hand and went to feel her sweet ass. She parted her legs some and pushed her pussy into me. She was just starting to put her hand down my shorts, and I was just going inside her panties when we heard mom.
We panicked.
We started pulling on her bed, I squatted down to hide my hardon as I pretended to be having a hard time moving her bed. Mom came in and just smiled and watched us pretend to struggle with the bed.
She immediately started taking a video of us. I couldn’t stand up with my hardon. Jodi knew this and started showing off sexy poses to distract her. Mom now pointed the camera on Jodi and not me, as I quick slipped out to the bathroom…..whew.
Later on Jodi and I talked private and giggled at the close call…but…everything was changing now, and ’things’ got a little crazy.
Jodi and I wanted more of the hot feels of each other. Jodi now knew she could give me a hardon and it seemed to delight her. Using that little coy sexy smile of hers must have been an ego trip, to watch me get hard over her. Our playful grabs were now slow sexy feels, and very horny feelings grew in us for each other.
We were in the kitchen and thought mom was up stairs. I moved close to her. She back up out of site of the doorway and leaned against the kitchen wall. She spread her legs apart as I moved in to rub my hardon against her pussy. I felt her sweet tits as he rubbed her hand over my semi-hardon. This was the hottest one yet. I put my hand down the back of her little shorts and felt that smooth ass of hers. She put her hand down the top of my shorts and started feeling my bare hardon. We both trembled a little as it was a real turn on for both of us.
We heard mom and broke it off quickly. I had a big shirt on and the shirt tail hid my hardon. Mom came in the kitchen smiling and holding that camera of hers. She seemed to always have it with her.
Jodi’s thoughts……
I was becoming drawn to my brother more and more. I had boyfriends, but my brother was exciting to sneak hot feels with, and I was liking it a lot. To know he was getting a hardon over me….was awesome, I now craved doing it and then feeling it, so warm and big. He made my nipples tingle and get hard better than any boy I had met. If he just wasn’t my brother…..but those rules…I just don’t seem to care anymore. I’m hot for him and he’s hot for me, that all I know.
My mind was full of ideas. This camera opened up a new door for me. I had seen porn vids, and had some ideas of my own. I wanted to make my own porn vid, but I had a lot of talking to do, to get my kids to help me. They didn’t know it, but I got really turn on hot over ‘brother / sister’ porn films.
My own brother and I never did anything, but we talked about it one time as young teens, and I got really turned on sexually that wonderful day.
He secretly told me how he wished I wasn’t his sister. He said how he would kiss me all over my naked body and feel my tits. How we would be boyfriend and girlfriend and make beautiful sexy love together. He said he would take me down in the woods where he had a secret place for us to be alone.
He held my hand a he continued to talk real close to me. I was breathing so hard by now I felt like I had to pee. I’ll never forget his eyes as he talked. He looked down my blouse at my tits and said how he wished he could kiss them. My nipples instantly began to tingle and get hard. Our hands began to sweat as we rubbed them together slightly. I looked and saw him with a big hardon in his jeans for the first time. I thought I had peed some as I felt the wetness in my pussy.
Someone was coming. He quick kissed my cleavage and left…..then I really did…wet my panties. I dreamed about this only being the beginning of ’us’, but it never happened again. It must have been to risky, as our parents would have sent us to reform school if we had ever been caught even touching each other in the ’wrong’ way. All we could do was sneak a look a few times and a few whispers like: (“…I want to feel you so bad“….and…”I dreamed about you again last night.”)
He was a year older than me, and moved out right after graduation. He had room mates so I couldn’t come over to be alone with him, then he got a job in a different town and moved away.
I kept my deep dark secret feelings of having beautiful sex with my brother to my self, and never told a single soul my secret thoughts.
Now, you can see brothers and sisters having sex on the porn sites. Oh how I envied them doing what I could never even talk about.
I’ve been watching Chad and Jodi and I see them getting sexually drawn to each other. I’ve been gathering some ‘scenes’ for a private video for myself. I’ve got them hidden in my computer. They are already making me aroused.
So far…I’ve got Jodi undressing, showing her sexy body. I’ve got them fixing her bed, and Jodi doing sexy poses. I saw Chad quickly stand and run out of the room with a big bulge in his pants out of the corner of my eye. My last hidden camera shot was in the kitchen when they snuck in some hot feels. I had gotten on my knees and poked my camera around the corner. Watching them made me so hot as they rubbed themselves together. I got dizzy and almost fell over.
I was so envious of them. Oh how I wished my brother and I had done that. I went in my bedroom and downloaded my shots. I re-watched all of my shots over and over. I realized I hadn’t been this aroused since I had that one hot sexy talk with my brother years ago.
My little obsession was very exciting, but my goal was to take a video of Chad and Jodi…Oh my god…
It took my breath away just to think about what I was thinking. I wanted a video of my own two kids…..(gulp) having…sex. I must be a bad mom to even think of such a thing, but that was the bottom line of my obsession.
Since I could never make it with my own brother, second best would be to make a video of them. Chad looked a lot like my brother and Jodi looked a lot like me. I wanted that more than anything. They were both about the ages of my brother and I when we had that sexy talk that time….only this time no one was going to stop them from making it with each other.
I was very wet again as thinking about it always did that to me….I paused my thoughts as I drifted into one of my day dreams. I pictured my brother holding my hand and looking in his beautiful eyes that special day. I felt him kiss my cleavage and I looked at him as I gasp for breath.
I froze in place….it wasn’t my brothers face. It was Chad’s. I stood up in shock and tried to clear my head. That didn’t help at all. Chad had just kissed my cleavage in my day dream, and now his face was in place of my brothers.
I walked out back to get some fresh air and have a smoke. I tried to think about anything but Chad. My heart was beating fast, I felt so warm inside and my fingers felt weak. My pussy was so wet, I quick had to go change my panties.
I closed my bedroom door and sat on my bed. I pulled my panties down and saw the big wet spot on them….I had an idea…the site of my panties make me think back of when I got so wet from that sexy time with my brother. I got my video camera and took a shot of my wet panties. I took a shot of my wet pussy also. I opened up my legs wide and let the camera see my very wet pussy.
I got really excited. I grabbed a picture of my brother and held it so it looked like he was looking at my pussy. I propped up the picture and started fingering my pussy like it was for him to see. I had never done this and it had me turned on very high. I began to moan quietly. I stuck more fingers in me and began to finger fuck my self. All the while holding the camera to tape it.
Oh my I was going to orgasm big as I felt it coming. I started to peak when I looked right at my brothers face. I orgasmed like bolt of lightning hit me and kept hitting me….my hips and fingers were making me a little crazy with pleasure. I thrust my pussy up and felt my G spot as ….my brother in the picture watched. I gasp for air as my eyes finally closed and kept rubbing my pussy….
I drifted away with my fingers still in my pussy…I started seeing my brothers face and Chad’s too?….oh my…this was way to much as I fell asleep.
“Mom….Mom, are you ok?” ….someone was saying. I tried to come out of it and smile. “I knocked and you didn’t answer, and I though you were hurt or something because I heard moaning earlier and…”
It was Chad. He helped me up and pulled my panties up and my dress down. I was weak and fell into his arms. Chad saw the picture of my brother, my camera and figured I was up to something. He ask no questions at all. He held me real nice and laid me down on the bed. I held onto him as best I could. I pulled him on top of me and held him there. I opened my eyes and there was his smiling face and those eyes. I closed my eyes again and let the feel of him on top of me just run thru me.
He ask me if I fainted. I said…’kinda’…but I was ok now. He said to take a nap for a while. We both smiled….and then….I felt the most beautiful feeling of all… I felt his hardon against my wet pussy. I had an instant orgasm from my own son.
He let me sleep for a long time. I woke up all happy and then realized…..the camera, where’s my camera?
Well…. I’m sure seeing another side of our mom. She was fingering herself to her brothers picture, and video taping it?…oh my…this is interesting. Now it was effecting me.
When she pulled me on top of her, the taboo effect caused my adrenalin to rush in me and straight to my cock. I had no choice. Mom was hot looking and she was like an adult Jodi. I felt my hardon grow right between her legs. She held me so tight and I had never laid on top of my mom before like this. Getting sexual feelings for my mom was shaking me up.
The way she was feeling me with her hands, her breathing in my ear, her nice tits under my chest had me not wanting to get off of her. She didn’t help any by squirming her pussy slightly on my hardon. My own mom was aroused and I was on top of her….and I didn’t want to get off of her This was all new to me……
There was something about the taboo of it all that was a real turn on for me. I had new urges I had never felt before. I wanted to go further with her and get us both real hot. It would have been so easy with her already so turned on. My cock was throbbing with the desire to have sex with her. We came so close as she was not stopping this and neither was I.
I wanted to reach down and feel her pussy so bad. I stuck my hand in her panties and did a quick feel of her wet pussy. She took my fingers and pushed them in her warm pussy. Damn this was a mind blowing turn on.
I had to snap out of it and clear my head. I had to force myself off of her and let her sleep it off.
I checked and she was still asleep. I picked up her camera and quick downloaded her pictures. I put every thing back and went in her bedroom and put the camera back on her bed, like it had never been moved.
I waited until night and she went to bed. I had told Jodi earlier to come to my room later, I had something to show her. She took it as a sexual invite and said: (“…oh? Really? Mom might hear us and we‘d be in trouble.”) I explained I’ve got something out of mom’s camera you will want to see. She look puzzled at first and then began to smile. (“…is it naughty?”) I just smiled at her as we did a short feel on each other.
It was an hour after mom had gone to bed when my bedroom door slowly opened. In came Jodi with her pajamas on. I sat in my computer chair with her on my lap. She liked that and quietly squirmed on my dick. I clicked on the video. We watched everything mom and shot. Jodi was leaned back against me and I could feel her breathing increase. I whispered: (“…that’s our mom.”) Jodi said: (“…she’ll kill you if she finds out you have this!”) I told her things have changed with mom now that she has the camera. She was coming on to me when I woke her up. Now…watch this.
Mom had never erased the chip in the camera. I downloaded all of it. Mon didn’t realize the camera had sound and mom had whispered some of her thoughts as she made the videos.
I began to feel Jodi’s tits as we watched.
Jodi gasp! It started out with mom secretly shooting her undressing in her room. I said: (“…I like this one, you have such a hot body.”) She pinched me on the leg and said that mom was naughty doing that secretly to her. I paused the video. I felt her tits so nice and firm. She moaned and then said she was glad I liked the video of her.
Next was us fixing her bed. Mom must have seen my hardon even with me on my knees trying hide it. (“Somebody’s got a big lump in their pants, Chad.”) Jodi said. I pinched her leg this time as we giggled quietly. Next was Jodi and her sexy poses to distract mom, so I could quick leave. (“…my my, Jodi, your such a naughty girl, let’s see that again.”) Jodi wiggled her pussy on my cock some more as I replayed her sexy poses.
The last shoot we were totally unaware of. Jodi hid her face in her hands and said: (“…we are so busted now, we’re in big trouble Chad.”)
“No your not” came our mom’s voice at my bedroom doorway. She was holding her camera and had been taping us.
Jodi let out a screech and dived for the floor. Mom said for us to sit on my bed. She put the camera down and began to talk. She told us everything about her and her brother. She told us about wanting to make a ’private’ video for herself. She said I know how you feel about each other and she ‘just’ wanted to tape us…..well….’making love’, she called it.
“I wont be in the way, I’ll record you guys and it will be like I’m not even there. Now you guys think about all of this and we’ll set a time when your ready.” she said. “Mom we haven’t had sex before, this would be our first time.” I said. She said that made it all the more perfect to record. She said how exciting it would be to have a private record of your first sex together and to please let her do this.
She left the room. Jodi and I took a big sigh and then begin to giggle. Jodi whispered: (“Oh my god,…… can you believe what’s happening! We not only have moms permission to have sex, but she wants to record it!”) She threw her arms around my neck and began to kiss all over my face. I held her close to me as we slowly laid down on my bed. I began to feel her body and rub her pussy.
“Let’s set it up for tomorrow night, and we’ll give her a real hot show to record!” Jodi said. I agreed and got down between her legs. I kissed her pussy over her pajamas as she squirmed and moaned. “Now get out of her before we spoil it for tomorrow.” I said.
We didn’t hardly sleep at all. We started giving mom things to record right away. Right in front of our mom, we did feel ups on each other. She would scramble to get her camera and record us. Jodi’s nipples stayed hard all the time and I had a constant hardon. We watch mom get very hot and excited.
After doing this all day long, mom got me alone in her bedroom. She whispered: (“…oh how I wish I could join in with you guys. I wish my brother was…) She put her arms around me and said: (…could you…a…well…just maybe let me pretend a little?”) She didn’t wait for my answer and I felt her hand on my hardon. She really tense and slowly felt and stroked it over my shorts. She was gasping and panting as she took my hand and put it on her nice tits. She wanted me to feel her up like I had been doing Jodi.
I went for it and put my hand in her robe and began feeling her nice big bare tits. She started driving her pussy in tight to my hardon. She was pretending I was her brother. She whispered and called me his name, Johnny. I let her pretend as I put my hand in her panties. Her pubic hair was all damp and I slipped two fingers in it. (“…oh Johnny…at last we can be together and have the sex we always wanted.”) This was kinda weird pretending I was her brother Johnny, but I was so hot for her now and Jodi too, I couldn’t resist a thing.
(“…hurry Johnny, before someone comes.”) She took out my hardon and she quick slipped it in her pussy as we stood up. I went into shock. I sure wasn’t expecting this. She started humping my hardon like a wild woman. “Oh god yes Johnny!” she said. I went for it. I couldn’t hold back my cum if I wanted to. I shot a max load in her as she groaned and squirmed with her trembling climax. Cum came dripping out of her pussy as she kept on humping me. Our legs got weak as we sunk to the floor with me on top of her. She just moaned and squirmed, on and on.
I was in a state of euphoric shock as I panted for air. My cock was throbbing with pleasure. Her tits were the best I had ever felt as I just keep on feeling them.
Mom then started to giggle. Then I heard Jodi giggle. I turned my head and looked back. I saw Jodi standing in the doorway holding moms video camera up to her eye.
They had planned this out. I collapsed and started to chuckle myself.
That night, mom took her camera and set on a tripod. She told me to turn it on when we were ready and left my bedroom. I locked the door, turned on the camera and began to slowly undress my sister.
At last we were free to be together. We took our time as we dance a little completely naked. Our hands were free to feel us all we wanted. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around me. I laid her in my bed. We licked each other until we couldn’t take it any more. I had dreamed of licking and finger fucking her pussy, and she had dreamed of licking my hardon and then putting it down her throat.
As we were all wet now I turned and got on top of her. I put her legs on my shoulders and let my cock find it’s way into her pussy. We both panted as it slipped in and the good feelings began. It was a natural motion as we began to move together. To feel her bare sweet tits in my hands was beyond thrilling. Her hands felt my ass as she began to moan in spurts. “Oh …oh…jez …Oh…” was our sounds of much delayed pleasure. We went to another place together in our minds. Her pussy felt awesome and hot on my cock. She knew just how to move with me and we became one hot fucking animal. We pulled on us and our fingers dug into us as our bodies began to slap together.
We squirmed and twisted as the pleasure became so high we locked up and shook…..we both felt her clit as a blast of my cum shot out of me and deep into her. She yelled and trembled as tears of joy ran down her face. We just kept pumping it in as it seemed to never end. I was holding a beautiful girl as we were climaxing. I doesn’t get any better than that…..we just let all our feelings out and slowly kept fucking and fucking.
We ran that camera out of recording space as we fucked all night. We remained locked together until the next morning. She opened her smiling eyes and wiggled on my cock. That triggered us again and we were at it again. She got on top now and I held her sweet moving ass as we wanted more.
About noon we staggered out as mom ran in to get the camera. Later that afternoon mom came out of her bedroom all spent. She said she lost count of all the orgasms she had, fingering and watching us on her computer…..
It is so cool now to walk around the house and be able to feel Jodi’s…and now moms tits and pussy’s anytime I want to. She….. and now mom do cock feels, jack off’s and give me the best blow jobs ever.
We never get tired of watching moms old and new videos……..all in bed… all together.

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Jeanette chapter 6

Cynthia and Jeanette have just learned the toy dick they’ve been using on each other was a copy of Jeanette’s dad. Jeanette is disturbed by this discovery, Cynthia intrigued.

Isabella: Part 2: Vacation

Following her mother’s death, Isabella came to live with her father, Mr. Blancher, and his family. It is now summertime and the whole family is on vacation.

Marching Band (Chapter 8)

You guys asked for it, so here it is. This chapter will be a bit shorter than the others, but there is plenty of sex in here! This chapter is meant to wrap up the current story line and set up a future for the characters. The ending is left open ended, so depending on the rating of this chapter, I may continue the series! Let me know if you want that!

Endless Summer

This is my first attempt at writing, well, anything. I apologize if it’s terrible. It has a slow start, if you want to get to some sex, just wait for the next part to be posted, I promise it’ll be much more raunchy.

Teen boys Rest Stop

My name is Preston. I’m 14- almost 15 and I’m gay. I Kind of consider myself a boyslut. After reading a bunch of stories about boys my age getting it on in lockerrooms and at sleepovers I decided that’s what I wanted. I found a path through some woods by my house and it led to a rest stop by the highway. I knew this was were I’d have my chance if I had a chance. I locked my bike to a tree and passed a group of five boys playing hacky sac. Kne of them had a rainbow bracelet. I walked across his line of sight and scratched my head making sure he saw my bracelet. I went into the mens room to a stall. Sure enough there was the graffiti with phone numbers and a gloryhole in the wall. I dropped my shorts to my ankles and adjusted them so my DC shoes were clearly visible then my red and blue plaid boxers fell to my ankles. I adjusted everything that would be visible under the stall wall so it would be obvious a teen boy was sitting there. I shut the lid and sat down. I held my 6 inch boner stroking it a little and waited. I hoped that boy would walk in. I heard some chatter outside the door and someone walked in. The stall next to me, the one in which the glory hole was connected to opened and that boy walked in! He was standing in the stall taking a piss. I thought that was weird. He had a nice cock and balls with all natural pubes. He held his shirt up with his chin and he was fit! What a chest! I decided to go for it and draw attention to my self before he left. I grabbed my cock with my left hand and jacked it hard so my balls hit my legs and smacked together making the obvious noise if a boy jacking off. I glanced through the hole and the boy was jacking his cock while looking through the hole.
“Put it through” said the boy.
I almost jizzed right there. My plan was working. I stood up and put my boner through the gloryhole. The boy sat on his toilet and took hold of my cock.
“Nice prick you got here.” he said
“thanks” was all I could manage.
“ever been blown before?” he asked
“no, I haven’t.” I replied.
“well you’re about to be.” and with that he engulfed my dick and started sucking. It was amazing. His warm mouth surrounded my cock as he sucked it. It was just sensational.
“oh yeah! Suck my cock. Swallow it. Oh yeah” I exclaimed.
He increased his speed at that. My legs were getting shaky. I grabbed the top of the wall for support and I slammed my cock farther through the hole. This boy was fantastic. He had done this before.
“oh jeeze. It’s coming! I’m gonna blow. I’m cummmming!!” I almost yelled.
I blew my load of five ropes of hot juicy sperm sauce in the boy’s warm mouth. He let off and I heard him swallow and smack his lips together. My dick as still in the hole. He went down on it once more to clean my 6 inch uncut cock off. He gave it a kiss and I pulled it back through.
“You’re turn” the boy told me
He stood up and put his uncut cock through the glory hole. My legs were shaking from excitment. I grabbed his cock and licked around his foreskin. I then pulled it back and licked his head. I let the foreskin go back so my tongue was under it. I licked around somemore and I went down completely on him. I loved the smell of his crotch. It smelled just amazing that i can’t describe it. The smell of his lubes was just overwhelming. I came back to reality and realized I’d stopped sucking. I got back in it and bobbed my head up and down on this beautiful cock. I mimicked all the porn stars I watched everynight. I tried deep throating it and I onl gagged once. I got it down and started swallowing actions to massage this 6 1/2-ish inch long cock that was down my throat. The boys balls retracted up to his body and he started to quiver and shake. He let out loud moans and that was enough for me. I knew he was gonna cum. I sped up and bobbed all the way on ad almost off the cock and jacked it with my mouth over the head. He let his giant load of cum from his huge balls loose in my mouth. I rubbed his cock and siphened out the rest of sperm into my mouth I didn’t swallow immediately. I swashed the semen around coating my mouth in it. It was so delicious. I swallowed it and let off his cock. I let out a breath and sat back.
“hey” said the boy “come into my stall and we can exchange numbers. Let’s do this again sometime.”
“pick ur kegs up I’ll just slide under the wall.”
He did so and I slid under. The boy stood up, grabbed my face cheeks and planted a kiss right on my lips. He broke the kiss and stared into my eyes and I stared into his ice blue eyes.
“you give really good head” he told me. “what’s your name?”
“Preston. You give good head too” I said back. “what’s yours?”
“Aaron.” he replied.
He got his phone out and hit some buttons.
“what’s your number, Preston?”
I told him my number and he told me his. I input it in my phone.
“are you from around here?” I asked knowing the answer. He had the same area code as me.
“yeah. I live just across the highway.”
“cool. I live back on the other side if the woods.”
“let’s meet up again sometime. Maybe we can go to my house nxt time.”
“definatley. That would be awesome.” I replied.
“I’d better get going.”
“yeah me too”
He gave me another kiss and smacked my ass. I giggled.
“here let me get that for you.” I pulled his boxer halfway up, fondled his balls the. Pulled them the rest up. Then I pulled up his shorts. He did the same to me. I really liked this boy.
He kissed me again and said bye. He left the stall and washed his hands and left.
I stayed for another minute. I couldn’t believe I swapped head with another boy and he wanted to meet again!
I walked out of the stall and left the bathroom. As I walked out I saw Aaron and his friends waiting down by the highway for a clearance of cars to cross. I went to my bike and rode home.
What a fantastic day.

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His Mom Never Said: (stop)

His Mom Never said: (stop)
__”Hey dude, your so hot for my mom, you get red in the face around her.” Troy got red in the face, but said nothing. We laughed as I said: “Good luck, ya can’t touch her, others have tried.” Then I whispered: (“I can’t even see her naked, she’s a ’no go’, even now that my dad’s gone.”) We continued to talk quietly about how hot she was.
I told him how she always locks her bedroom door, the bathroom door and how I can’t even sneak a peek at her. Troy asked: “Dana, what does she wear first thing in the morning?” I said: “A thick robe and buttoned at the top. Ya can’t see a fuck’in thing.” “I think she likes me Dana, the way she ’kinda’ looks at me, ya know?” Troy said.
“Dream on, with her sexy eyes?…any guy she looked at would get a boner.” I said.
We had done this before. Mom was home but I got up and locked my bedroom door. Talking about my mom made us get boners….so it was wank time. To sneak in a wank while she was home, was exciting to us.
We took out our cocks and started wanking. Here came the ’What if’s’. Troy said: “What if….she came in here right now and said: “Oh boys, let me do that for you.” and gave us hand jobs. “Shut up Troy, I’m picturing her fucking us both at the same time, some night.”
“Oh hell yeah, that would be great.” Troy said.
Ava, the mom….
Our computer room was right next to Dana’s bedroom. They didn’t realize with the closet open I could hear them. I heard them talking and quietly listened in. They were now jacking off thinking about me. At first I had to hold my hand over my mouth to keep from chuckling….but….as they talked about how sexy and hot I was, I couldn’t help but get aroused. Then I got more aroused as they talked about licking my vagina and sucking on my tits. I was actually getting wet.
Troy was a good looking guy and he had caught me looking it him a few times. The very last time we locked eyes, he came over and started giving me a neck rub.
I froze and my greatest weakness took over. I couldn’t say ’stop’.
This was a closely guarded secret of mine. If a guy I liked put his hands on me in a sexual way…I would freeze up and was powerless to say ’stop’. I would get this hot feeling in the pit of my stomach, tingles throughout my body and especially in my vagina. I was a slave to the feelings and a guy could just keep going until we had sex.
Only my son’s dad knew this because this was how we met.
We were kids and he put his arm around me down in the woods. I froze and he kept going and started feeling my tits. Soon we were laying down in a pile of leaves and he was taking my panties off. I was enjoying all this new thrill and let him do anything he wanted. We had my first sex and returned to the woods many times.
From then on I had to be careful as I would freeze up if a guy put a warm hand on me….only now, it was any guy. My daddy, uncles, cousins all got me aroused and didn’t know it. This controlling feeling took over and turned me into a totally submissive girl….but….I kinda liked it though..
Troy’s strong hands made me weak and dizzy. I don’t think he ever told Dana about that day. Dana was outside doing something and Troy’s hands gently pulled me back to lean on him. My heart was beating hard as I felt a lump resting between my butt cheeks. His neck rub kept inching further out and down my arms. My eyes closed as I was powerless to resist him. He felt my hips and waist and up under my arms, just brushing the sides of my tits. The chills raced thru my body as his lump grew bigger.
We heard Dana coming and Troy quickly walked away like nothing ever happened.
I continued to listen as Troy described how he would have sex with me. Dana joined in and the details they said were giving me hot flashes. It got quiet in there. Then I heard slight groans as they must have shot their cum. They sighed, giggled, moaned and then left the room. They never knew I was in the computer room. I was a mess. I was sweating and my panties were sopping wet.
I couldn’t hardly wait until they next did it again.
I wanted to be alone with Troy and see how far he would go, massaging me, ‘knowing’ full well I couldn’t say stop. Somehow by ‘letting it happen’, I didn’t feel guilty of messing with a young guy. I knew it was ‘kind of’ wrong, but I was a single woman now and I had needs I wasn’t getting anywhere else, and this was so private and convenient. Troy was over here all the time, and sometimes….we were alone.
I let my mind fantasize about Troy and I having passionate sex, and no one would know.
I waited as my desire for Troy grew…then it happened. Dana was going to camp all weekend. Troy was not going. I got warm thinking about the opportunity I would have.
I secretly ask Troy to come over Saturday morning to do something. He smiled and said quietly ..”yes”, and quick squeezed my arm. The chills ran thru me as he and Dana went up to Dana’s room. I headed for the computer room to listen in.
Troy never said a word to Dana about him coming over Saturday morning. I felt relieved and secure about Troy’s and my…’togetherness?’…I had this sexual feeling going on inside me I hadn’t felt for a very long time. It made me feel warm inside and an excitement I can’t really explain.
Now I had some ’wanking’ of my own to do. It would be 24hours before Troy would get here. I had avoided rubbing my pussy, so I wouldn’t get to attached to Troy. It was to late for that now. I was just plain horny. They left to go somewhere and I still had my robe on. I headed for Dana’s bedroom. This is where they wanked and I sat on his bed. They apparently had just wanked on his bed, I could smell the aroma of…. cum.
I felt Dana’s bed. A wet spot. I laid down next to it. I let the aroma of the fresh cum intoxicate me. I had never ever done this before and I let my fingers slide inside my robe and down my panties. My pubic hair was wet already. I put my fingers down my slit and rubbed my clit.
Now I felt the excitement of sneaking a wank with them able to come home at any time now. I opened my legs wide open and started in. I could feel and orgasm building. I pushed my fingers in my pussy, in and out like Troy was having sex with me. The palm of my hand rubbing on my clit and I began to get hyper. My hips raised up to meet my fingers and I was mentally having sex with Troy. I felt my nipples and I began to shudder. A moan slipped out as my body twisted in orgasmic pleasure….oh my god…
That was the most intense orgasm I had ever had… Now I was all wet and so was a spot Dana’s bed.
I didn’t care somehow as I lay there and drifted in my euphoria……I could still smell the cum they had left. I heard the front door open. I scrambled to my bedroom and closed and locked the door. I listened. They went to Dana’s bedroom and shut the door.
The spot…oh shit! What were they going to say.
We went in my room to watch some porn. Troy always sat on my bed as I sat at the computer chair. Troy was quiet and smiling.
I smelled something I liked on Dana’s bed ….his mom’s pussy. Dana’s mom had been in here.
I remembered the sexy aroma from a pair of her panties Dana had swiped from her. She always wore a certain body lotion. It blended with her pussy aroma and was heavenly. Dana assumed…..I was just smiling about a hot porn video he found. My mind was going wild with pictures of her wanking herself right where I was laying….. I said nothing to Dana as I was day dreaming about tomorrow…
I began to get real tense as I waited for Troy to come over. I had kept my body in good shape and to have a young guy like him go for me was very arousing. I put my ‘special’ pillow between my legs last night and moved my clit firmly on it. This led to a dream of me being on top of Troy and him finding his young passion blended with mine.
I put on my other robe which I let my cleavage show. No bra, no panties. I heard him knock. I let him in and let him look at me. We just stood there smiling.
I turned my back to him and whispered: (“I need a neck rub Troy, would you mind?”) I felt what I wanted. Two warm hands on my neck. My head slowly leaned back on him. He was breathing as hard as I was.
I let it happen. I felt his big boner between my butt cheeks. He began to whisper. (“…Ava …I….I think you are so beautiful. I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it. When I touch you I get real horny and……my I kiss your neck?) I was frozen in my sexual glory, but I managed to say: (“…you…(gasp)…can do….anything you want….Troy.”) and I moved my neck into his lips.
This was better than my dreams of feeling her body. I couldn’t hardly believe she was letting me feel her and kiss her neck. I still had the fear she would stop me…but she was going to let me do anything I want?….whoa…those words were hot.
(“…we better move away from the windows.”) she said, and led me to her bedroom. ‘Anything you want’…her own voice kept saying that over and over in my brain. She closed and locked her bedroom door. She again turned and put her back to me. I started feeling her neck and kissing it. I moved my hand out and her robe came off her shoulders. She let me push my boner into her ass as I looked down at he beautiful cleavage.
Her eyes were closed as she gasp for air. I now started feeling the top of her tits and inched down her front to feel the softest warmest tits I had ever felt. I kissed the side of her face as she returned the kisses while she panted.
I had never done this to an adult woman before and my legs had the jitters.
I was so hot and now my woman urges were to the tipping point. He was inexperienced and I had to help him. I reached up and dropped my robe clear off my shoulders. I put his hands on my tits. I took his fingers and had him roll my nipples. I then raised my robe in back and undid his shorts. I held his rock hard boner and guided it between my wet legs. I started rocking on it letting the head rub on the underside up my warm pussy. I felt the jitters in his legs.
I was in my own world of pleasure and he caught on quick as we began feeling us both, hot and heavy. I worked us over to my bed and laid face down. I raised my butt up and reached between my legs and guided his boner in my pussy.
There…that’s what I had wanted for so long.
I bucked back on him and we started fucking smooth and deep. He became real excited and the energy of his youth started in. His hand were on my tits and he was fucking me hard and fast.
I knew he would cum fast, so I stopped and rolled him off me. I got on my back and pulled him up. I guided his big boner up to my mouth. He wasn’t expecting this and I took his cock in me deep. Here it came. He groaned and his cum came gushing out with force. I sucked as he kept cuming and bucking. He flooded my mouth and couldn’t swallow all of it. It was coming out my mouth and on my lips and chin. I was squeezing my own clit and I jolted with a orgasm.
I was in a new world. I hadn’t expected her to suck on me so fast as this. She let me pump cum in her mouth as her body wiggled with mine. Her tongue was going over and over the head of my cock and driving me crazy with pleasure. Her one hand kept squeezing my butt cheeks and she made a moaning sound that I loved….”mmmmm”….she would say, over and over. I finally got the strength to pull off her and now I wanted to put it back in her pussy.
She put her legs up and in my cock went. Her arms went around me in a bear hug. My cock slipped in as she moaned so beautiful. We started slow fucking as she kept feeling my body. An adult woman’s pussy feels a lot different the a young girls. She knew just how to move and work the feelings we wanted.
Things were changing and fast. All those men in my past, I was powerless as they all fucked me. Now I had control with Troy and I was training him to fuck me the way I wanted. His youthful blast of cum I swallowed just invigorator me and now I was going to get the climax I wanted. I wanted to pull every bit of passion out of him and give it to us. I had him doing what I wanted. I guided him in me right to my G spot with his cock. I felt wild and free to fuck him as hard as I wanted.
We had all weekend and I had plans for him. I speeded up and let myself go. ’Fuck me hard Troy’…I thought. He was getting there and my pussy was ready for a super climax. I squeezed him tight as it began to build and build. I heard the sound of him peaking as I joined him. We thrashed as I drove his cock deep in me and locked up as the climax shook my whole body. I had to yell out as he shot a big load in my pussy. I squeezed my pussy on his cock as hard as I could. He shook and shot again and again. I loved the feeling of his hot cum being injected in me with the passion I wanted…
I didn’t want to go home ever. I just want to stay and fuck Ava.
All weekend we had fucked over and over. I had to tell my parents story’s of where I was to keep them from knowing. I lay in my bed thinking how Dana and my buddy’s would die of envy if they knew. I would make sure they never knew. I wanted her all to myself.
That next week I was at Dana’s house as we talked in his room. I told him I had a new ‘young’ girlfriend I was after. I told him I wasn’t into fucking ’old women’ anymore, and he started agreeing with me. We talked about young chicks with hard body’s and how sexy they were. I made sure we ’didn’t’ talk about fucking his mom. I never brought her up again. I felt comfortable I had Ava all locked up for my self.
We went into the kitchen to look for something to eat. Ava was in there ignoring me as we planned. She then backed up to Dana, and said: “Would you give me a neck rub Dana.” She leaned her head back on Dana and closed her eyes. Dana looked it me. I gave him an ’ewwwww’ look and pointed at my mouth like I was gagging. He said: “A…I gotta make a phone call mom, and reached in his pocket. He pretended to call someone and slowly walked outside, talking to ’no one’.
Ava looked at me, smiled big and blew me a kiss. I quickly took Dana’s place and began massaging Ava’s neck. She froze as I kissed around her ear. She just stood still as I began to feel her nice firm tits. We watched Dana walk across the street to his new girlfriends house. As the door opened and he went in…my hand went up Ava‘s skirt in the back. I bent her over the kitchen table as we both watched Dana’s girlfriends house. Ava then unzipped my pants. She took out my cock and stroked it. She had no panties on and put it in her pussy. I began fucking her leaned over the kitchen table. She quietly moaned as the table shook. We started fucking faster as we saw the door across the street open. Ava said: “Cum in me, hurry!”
Just as I came with a big load in her, we see Dana started walking back home. I quick pulled out as we straighten our clothes. Ava sat me down and put a towel over my lap. She quick put a bowl of walnuts in my lap and a nut cracker. I played like I was cracking them for her while my hardon wouldn’t go down.
Dana came in and looked at me. “Ewww, I hate cracking those damn things. I’ll be at Danny’s , see ya later.” and quickly left.
Ava smiled.
I smiled.
She went and locked the frond door and came back in the kitchen. She put the bowl and towel on the table. She whispered out of breath: (“Watch that window.”) She leaned over, unzipped me and took out my cock.
I felt the warmth of her mouth as she sucked my cock so heavenly. I ran my hand up her skirt to finger her warm pussy. She froze at first, but then she spread her legs further apart. Her fingers joined mine as we both fingered her wet pussy. The window became a blur as she knew just how to make me cum so good. I squirmed as she sucked the shooting cum. Her beautiful “hmmmmm” sound got loud as both our fingers became wet with her squirting. She shook all wobbly as I held her tits to steady her.
That evening Dana came home all excited. We went in his bedroom to talk private. He had finally got Danny’s sister alone and they fucked out back in a storage shed.
Then he looked at me smiling. He started to laugh. He said:
“Sorry dude that you got stuck cracking nuts for my mom.”
I just grinned……

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