Cum Swallowing

New Roommates, Mother And Daughter

A very hot Mother and Daughter move in with me
Is this story true??? Maybe…
All the names have been changed to protect the guilty (ha, ha, ha…)
For the last few months I have shared my house with a hot sexy woman and her equally hot sexy daughter.
My name is Chris, I am 44 years old, 6’2″ 190 pounds. I own a 3 bedroom 2 bath house near Houston, Texas. I had been having some slight financial difficulties lately and decided to try to rent one of my spare bedrooms to help defray part of my house payment. To that end I had placed an online ad and an ad on the bulletin board of the nearest college offering to rent out the room.
The ad read as follows:
“Room for rent in 3 bedroom 2 bath house, close to the college area. Looking for a female room mate only. Bedroom and semi private bath included plus privileges to use the rest of the common areas of the house. Rent will be $350 a month or $250 plus light house keeping duties.”
I also gave my e-mail addy and phone number.
I advertised for a female room mate due to the fact that I really had no desire to have to look at some other guy hanging around my house all the time and figured I would be more apt to find a woman willing to do the house keeping chores. Plus I hoped to find a nice bit of eye candy to look at every day in my home. I hadn’t had any relationships with a woman since before my last girlfriend had split taking me for about $700 in the process about two years ago.
So I waited to see what kind of response I would get from my ad. After a couple of days I got the first call, it was from a coed at the local college. Almost as soon as she heard a male voice answer the phone she was ready to hang up. She told me that she needed a room but was unwilling to share a house with a man she didn’t know and said, “Thanks anyway.” and hung up. This same thing happened over and over again. I was just about resigned to thinking I had been overly optimistic about finding a female room mate when the phone rang again. I answered and there was a long pause before the person on the other end of the line said anything, I figure it was going to be the same as all the other responses to my ad.
Finally a woman’s voice said, “I was calling about the room for rent, is it still available?”
I told her that it was.
“You’re the owner of the house and would be the other room mate,” she asked.
I told her yes that I would be.
“Oh, I see. I was thinking it would be another woman looking for a room mate,” she replied.
“Yeah, I have had a lot of the women that have called saying the same thing,” I answered. “Sorry to have disappointed you, guess you will have to keep searching so you can find a female room mate,” I told her and hung up the phone. Then about 30 seconds later the phone rang again and I picked it up and said, “Hello.” I instantly recognized the voice on the other end, it was the same woman who I had just talked to.
She said, “Please don’t hang up so quick, I really need a place to rent.”
“I’m sorry,” I said, “I thought you didn’t want the room after finding out you would be sharing it with a man.”
“Well, I was caught a little off guard by it but I really don’t have a problem with it I guess,” the woman replied.
“Okay then,” I said, “And I apologize for hanging up so abruptly before, it’s just been a little frustrating with all the other women who have called.” Then I asked her name. She told me her name was “Kim Jameson”. I said, “Well Kim, would you like to come over and take a look at the place and see if it might be something that will work out for you?”
“Absolutely, that would be great, could I come right over? I really need to find something right away,” she replied.
I told her that would be fine by me and proceeded to give her the address and directions to the house.
“Oh, by the way,” she said, ” I never did get your name?”
“Chris Richards,” I replied, “I will look forward to meeting you.” We said our “goodbye’s” and hung up.
I had been relaxing naked on my recliner in front of the tube watching a video when Kim had called. I figured if she was on her way over that I better get some clothes on before she got there. I went in my bedroom and slipped on a t-shirt and put on a pair of khaki pants over my naked dick.
About twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door. I went to open it and literally had to do a double take. Standing on my front porch was not one woman, but two. And both were drop-dead gorgeous. Both were blonde with bright blue eyes, one looked to be maybe in her early thirties, the other was quite a bit younger, maybe twenty or so. Both women were about the same height, maybe 5’6″ and both about the same weight, about 120 pounds. Both had nice tans and very sexy figures, with nice tits and nicely rounded asses, both had on jean skirts and tight tank tops, neither of them had a bra on and you could plainly see their nipples sticking up slightly. Suddenly my dick took a bit of a jump in my khakis.
I opened the screen door and the older of the two spoke up, “Hi, I’m Kim, I spoke with you on the phone about the room for rent. You’re Chris I take it?”
“Yes I am,” I said while shaking her hand, “Come on in, won’t you?”
They both walked through the door while I held it open for them. As they walked past me into the house I breathed in their scent and they both smelled fantastic. I motioned for them to have a seat on the couch and said, “Make yourselves comfortable.”
They both sat down on the couch, and then Kim was the first one to speak, “This is my daughter Julie.”
“Hey Julie, nice to meet you,” I said as I went over and shook her hand, “You two look more like sisters than Mother and daughter.”
“Everybody says that,” Julie said.
Then Kim started to explain their situation, “Julie is eighteen and will be a student at the college and will be starting there in a few weeks and that is why I have been looking in this area for a place to rent. All the apartments in the area are too expensive for us so when I saw your ad on the bulletin board over at her school I thought it might be just the thing for us.”
“Us,” I said, with a puzzled look on my face.
“Yeah, I was hoping you might have two rooms available for us to rent since you said you had a three bedroom house,” Kim said with a hopeful look in her eyes.
“Well, that will be a problem. I use the third bedroom for my office and for storage since I work out of my house,” I responded. “The only way that both of you could stay here is if you shared the one bedroom I have left.”
“I see,” said Kim, “We could do that, my daughter and I are very close and sharing a room would be no problem.”
“Well, maybe you had better look at the room before you say that, it isn’t that large and only has one full size bed,” I said as I motioned for them to follow me down the hall to the room.
As Kim started to get up from the couch to go look at the room she flared her legs a bit apparently unaware that she had just flashed me her shaved pussy! My dick definitely took another jump in my pants and then I wondered if her daughter was also clean shaved and wearing no panties as they were so much alike. But she was already standing before I had a chance to look.
They both followed me to the bedroom and I opened the door and stood back for them to go in and check it out. I walked in after them and went over and opened up the door to the walk-in closet. Julie plopped down on the bed and laid back.
“Oh Mom, the bed is really comfortable, check it out,” she said excitedly as she grabbed her mothers hand and tried to pull her down on the bed.
Kim looked her daughter over and said, “Julie, you shouldn’t just flop yourself down like that, it isn’t your bed yet.”
I told her not to worry, that it was okay. Kim then came over to look in the big closet and commented about it being plenty big enough for their clothes. I then offered to show her the bathroom they would use and the rest of the house. Kim followed me out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom. She poked her head in and surveyed it. She then followed me to the next bedroom, which was my office. It was its usual mess, a pile for everything and everything in its pile. We then turned back and she followed me back up the hallway, as we passed the bedroom I looked in and Julie was still lying on the bed, her feet facing me and her legs spread out some. Sure enough, she had a shaved pussy and no panties either and my dick went completely hard at that point.
Kim looked in and I thought I heard her giggle slightly under her breath and then she said, “Jules, don’t lay there all spread out on the bed like that!”
Julie just slowly sat up with a mischievous little grin on her face. Kim and I continued on back into the living room and then into the kitchen and dining room surveying as she went along. Then we came up to the master suite and I hesitated there and told her it was a mess and she probably didn’t want to see that.
Kim said, “Oh, don’t worry about it, I really want to see the whole house.”
“Okay,” I said, “But I am somewhat of a slob, you have been warned.”
She walked in seeing the clothes and other clutter scattered about the room and on through to the master bath and then back out to where I was standing.
In a sort of giggling voice said, “You are a bit of a slob aren’t you? That room is as bad as your office!”
“So,” I said, “Lets go back out to the living room and talk this situation over.”
We walked back out into the living room and Kim sat down on the couch and I sat in a chair opposite her.
“Jules,” Kim called out, “Come on back in here so we can all talk.”
A couple of seconds later Julie came into the room and sat next to her mother on the couch across the room from me.
I said, “What do you both think, would you be comfortable with the room and the rest of the house?” They both looked at each other, then at me and smiled and Kim said they thought it would be just fine. “Okay, then lets talk about some of the other details,” I said, “First thing I guess would be how do you want to handle the rent, full rent or rent plus house keeping?”
Kim then asked, “What would you want as far as the house keeping, you want us to keep the whole house clean, your office and bedroom too?”
“No, no,” I said, “Just keep the common areas of the house clean, do a little laundry and maybe a little cooking, if that would be alright with you. I wouldn’t expect you to clean my bedroom or office.”
“Hmm, sounds perfectly acceptable to me,” Kim replied, “What do you think Jules?”
Julie said, “Sounds like a good deal to me.”
Kim then said, “Because it is two of us instead of just one then I suppose you will want more rent?”
I hadn’t considered that. I thought about it while looking over these two beautiful women sitting in front of me. As I was looking at them and contemplating the situation I noticed that they both were sitting back on the couch and had their knees apart giving me tantalizing views up into the dark area under their skirts at the top of their legs. My dick started to rise, again, this seemed to get them both looking at my crotch just as I was looking at theirs.
The temperature in the room seemed to be rising by the second. At that point I stood up to pull the chain on the ceiling fan to try and cool the room back down a bit. As I stood up my dick pushed out the front of my pants and both women let out almost imperceptible gasps. I sat back down and noticed that both Kim and her daughter Julie had spread their legs a little further allowing me to see right up to their pussies. It was me who then let out a small gasp. Looking up at their faces, they both had that same mischievous little grin on their faces as Julie had earlier when she got caught with her legs spread out on the bed.
After catching my breath a little from the show laid out before me, I managed to say that I would not expect them to pay any more rent than what I had originally asked for, especially since they would still only be in the one room.
Kims’ face lit up and she said, “We’ll take it for sure then!”
I said, “Okay, but let me tell you a couple of more things about the house before you decide for sure. First thing is that this house doesn’t have central air, only has two window units, one here in the living room and one in my office. They do the job but for them to cool all the rooms the doors have to stay open so this may compromise some of your privacy. The second thing is, I sleep in the nude and I will have my door open so I can get the cool air into my room. Also, I am not used to having to worry about embarrassing anybody in my own home because I may walk out of the bedroom either nude or if I can remember to, in only my underwear. If you are going to be embarrassed or shy about that then decide now. So you will have to tell me now if those conditions are acceptable to you.”
Kim and Julie looked at each other smiling and said that “neither one had any problems with nudity and it wouldn’t bother them at all.” And as if to accentuate the point, Julie stood up and pulled her tank top off over her head and then unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor. I just about shot off in my pants!
Kim just looked at her daughter and smiled and said, “Oh Jules you’re so bad! Poor Chris looks like he may faint or have a heart attack!”
I just stared incredulously at the eighteen year old Julie standing right in front of me totally naked except for her three-inch platform shoes. My eyes roamed up and down her fantastic body and settled in on her pussy, which was glistening with her juices.
Julie looked at me, then down at the tent in my pants and with a giggle she said to her Mom, “Come on Mom, stand up a take your clothes off and help me show Chris how much we won’t mind him being nude around us.”
“Cool it a little Jules,” Kim said, “We don’t have time for that right now. If it’s still okay with Chris for us to move in here then we need to go get our stuff out of storage and your car and get moved in.”
I said, “It’s absolutely okay for you to move in, as a matter of fact I insist on it!” They both broke out in giggles at that.
Then Kim stood up and said, “Come on Jules, lets go get our stuff.”
Reluctantly, Julie reached down and grabbed her skirt, giving me a great view of her tits hanging down as she did, and slipped the skirt back up over her thighs and zipped it up and then pulled her tank top back on.
Kim then looked at me and said, “It will take us about an hour to go collect our stuff and come back, will that be okay with you?”
“Sure,” I said, “Do you need any help?”
“That’s real sweet of you, but we will be okay by ourselves,” she replied. And then they both went out the door and got in the car and drove off to collect their belongings.
I sat there for a while after they left. “WOW!” I thought to myself, never in my wildest dreams did I think anything like that would ever happen when I placed the ad for the room for rent. I sat there remembering how totally hot Julie looked as she stripped for me. STRIPPED FOR ME! “Oh shit” I almost blew my load when she did that, my dick was still hard as I sat there replaying the scene over again in my mind. I couldn’t stand it any more and unbuttoned my pants and unzipped my fly. My dick popped up hard, I wrapped my hand around it and slowly stroked it while replaying the strip scene over and over again in my mind. I don’t know how long I had been sitting there stroking my dick, I had my head back and my eyes closed watching Julie strip in my mind, I realized I was getting close to cumming and started stroking faster going for my release.
Just as I was about to get there the front door opened and Kim walked in and said, “We’re back!”
She had a big armload of stuff as high as her head and didn’t see right away what I was doing. She walked over to the couch and set her stuff down and turned as if to go back out and get more when she saw me sitting there with my dick in my hand. I didn’t even realize she had walked in at first as I had my head back and my eyes closed and was thoroughly engrossed in my fantasy. But as Kim set her stuff down and turned to go back out I finally saw her standing and watching me stroke myself, I started to jump up and try to put my dick back in my pants and pull them up.
She came over to me and said, “Were you about to cum?”
I nodded my head “Yes.”
She looked at my dick in my hand and said, “It would be a shame to waste such a nice hard cock all ready to cum.”
And with that she pushed me back into the chair as I dropped my pants down to my feet and then she pulled her skirt up and swung her leg over me, over the arms of the chair and grabbed my dick and rubbed it up and down her shaved pussy lips getting the head all wet with her juices. Then she lined the head up with her opening and slid her pussy down over my dick. I grabbed both her ass cheeks and she then started riding me up and down, she reached down between us and rubbed her clit as my dick slid in and out of her pussy. She then reached to the bottom of her tank top and peeled it off over her head and dropped it on the floor. As soon as she did this I leaned in and caught her left nipple between my lips a suckled on it and then used my teeth to gently chew on it as it stuck out hard and then switched to her right tit and did the same to it, this brought a moan out of her from deep down and I could feel her pussy clamp down tight on my dick as she had her first orgasm. About that time there was a noise at the door, then the door opened and as Julie was coming in.
She said, “Hey Mom, I thought you were coming back out to get another load of clothes and stuff.”
Then her jaw dropped open as she saw her mother and me in the chair going at it.
“ALRIGHT MOM!!!” she exclaimed.
Then she stepped up beside us and watched as my dick slid in and out of her moms’ pussy. Julie then pulled her tank top off and unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor, which she then stepped out of and kicked it aside. Then she got down in front of my legs and reached her tongue up and alternately licked my dick and her mothers’ pussy as my dick slid in and out. It was a bit of an awkward position and she couldn’t really get her tongue in very far. She then stood up and came to my and her mothers’ side and started fondling her mothers tits, then she stuck her head between us as her mother and I kissed and sucked her mothers tits. Then when her mother and I broke our kiss she leaned into me and kissed me, inserting her tongue deep into my mouth and swirled it around with my tongue. Then Kim told her daughter to get back to her tits and suck them and use her teeth like I had been doing to gently bite her nipples. Julie was more than happy to comply with her mothers’ request and feverishly sucked and licked and bit down on her mothers tits. Kim started to hump up and down on my dick faster and faster as I bucked up into her as hard as I could.
Kim was moaning, “UHHH, OHHH YES, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME!!!” as she came again and clamped down hard on my dick.
This was it for me as this pushed me over the edge and I started to shoot my sperm deep into her, shot after shot, more than I had cum in years. Then Kim collapsed on me and we sat there locked together at the crotch while we caught our breath. After a bit I could feel the mixture of our juices running down out of Kims’ pussy and down over my balls.
Julie was standing there with a big smile on her face watching us. Then Kim started to pull herself up off my dick and then she turned around with her back to me and took her skirt off and tossed it aside and then she sat back down on my legs and leaned back into me. I wrapped my arms around her as I was still catching my breath.
Julie then came around in front of her mother and saw the cum leaking out of her mothers pussy. She then got down on her knees in front of her mother and started to lick up the cum as it ran out of her mothers pussy. Kim started moaning as Julie did this. I just held Kim tight as I looked over her shoulder and watched as her daughter licked her clean.
Kim got up from my legs and out of the chair, this left Julie on the floor in front of me in front of my legs. My pants were still gathered around my feet. Julie then reached for them and pulled them the rest of the way off allowing her to push my legs wide apart. She then lowered her head to my dick and started to lick her mothers and mine combined cum off it, she then went lower and licked the cum off my balls. As Julie did this my dick started get hard again and when it was back to being fully inflated she lowered her mouth over the head and kept going until my dick was going down her throat. Then she bobbed her head up and down, fucking my dick with her mouth and occasionally backing off to breath and lick the head. I was in heaven, never had I ever received such a fantastic blow job. And Julie was so talented that she would bring me right to the edge and then back off a little to extend my pleasure.
Looking over her shoulder I saw her mother sitting on the couch watching her daughter giving me head with a slight grin on her face while she absent-mindedly stroked her pussy while she watched us. I could feel myself building back up to my release as Julie sucked me back in. Julie sensed this and looked up at me, I smiled down at her and nodded my head and she sucked me deep back down her throat and she fondled my balls with one hand as she slipped a finger down and slid it into my anus. This was all I could stand and started cumming hard down her throat. Julie gulped all my cum straight down without missing a drop. She pulled up off my dick and sat in front of me on the floor rubbing her own pussy, sliding her fingers in and out of her hole. I could tell she wanted to cum and I wanted to help her with that but I had just cum twice in the last 30 minutes and was exhausted.
Julie finally got up and went over to the couch and kissed her mother with a deep french kiss and reached down and started to squeeze her mothers’ nipples between her fingers. They then lay back and twisted around on the couch into a sixty-nine and started to eat each others pussy. I sat watching this scene play out before me.
Even though I was really wasted from my last cum I couldn’t help but start to get hard again. I pulled myself up out of the chair and walked over to them and started to stroke my dick while watching this beautiful mother and daughter pleasuring each other. My dick was fully hardened again and I felt like I could go again and moved to where Julies’ ass was sticking up over her mothers’ head. I watched Kims’ tongue sliding in and out of her daughters pussy, she looked up at my hard dick and reached out and took hold of it and started to pull it toward her daughters open pussy and started sliding it up and down between Julies’ pussy lips getting it wetter and wetter. I had one knee on one side of Kims’ head and one foot on the floor in front of the couch, I then leaned forward and slid my dick slowly into Julies’ pussy and she moaned long and hard as I did. She was a little tighter than her mother and it felt so good as I slid fully into her. I started to slowly slide my dick in and out while Kim stroked my balls and licked my dick as it slid in and out and licked Julies’ pussy and clit at the same time. Soon Julie started bucking back and forth faster and faster urging me to go faster. At the same time she was still tonguing her mothers pussy, all the while moaning a long drawn out moan from deep in her throat. I don’t know how many times she came but it had to have been at least four times, almost continuously it seemed. Soon I was past the point of no return and started shooting deep within her. As I finished my dick slid out and some of my cum dribbled down into Kims’ mouth. Kim pulled my dick down into her mouth and licked the combined cum, from me and her daughter off my dick and then started licking it out of her daughters’ pussy.
I just sort of collapsed on the floor in front of the couch with my back to them. After a few minutes Kim and Julie sat up on the couch, Julie twisted around and draped her legs over each of my shoulders on each side of my head. I pulled her platform shoes off her feet and placed her feet over my dick. She slowly massaged my tuckered out dick. I leaned my head back against her pussy and we all just sat there breathing hard trying to get our strength back.
In all this time we had hardly spoken more that a few words to each other. I sat there just going over the events of the last few hours since I first met this amazing mother and daughter. Sitting there thinking about what had transpired I started laughing to myself. Kim and Julie looked at one another trying to figure out what I was laughing at and just shrugged their shoulders at each other.
Finally Julie clasped her thighs together lightly on either side of my head and asked me, “What are you laughing at?”
I turned my head slightly kissing her thigh and looking over at her mother I said, “I was thinking about how just this morning I had been ready to give up on finding a female room mate and now look what I have!”
We all started laughing until we were nearly all in tears. What a wonderful day it had turned out to be, one that I will never forget till the day I die.

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Boys on the beach

This is part two of “Holiday takes an unexpected turn” let me know if you enjoy it and if I should write more follow ups, I’m enjoying writing again so hopefully I will continue! I didn’t do as much build up with this one it gets into the action much quicker. Drop me a message if you have any ideas or want to talk 😉

Becoming My MotherÂ’s Lover, Part two

This is a continuation of Tommy’s story about becoming his widowed mother’s lover. The reader is encouraged to read that story prior to enjoying this tale in order to have a better understanding of the characters and the circumstances that led to this phase of the story. This part explores the next several years if this incestuous relationship and how the experience expanded and changed.

Kayla Part 1

Very first story, although ive been reading here for years, please submit compliments and pointers, but please no suggestions for the upcoming parts.

Cumming at the poker game

Cumming at the poker game
Jim was an average fifteen year old teenager, his grades were fair and as every teenage boy he is always horny. Jim’s mom and dad have a large house in the center of the town, since his dad got a promotion he travels two or three weeks a month.
His mom Joann is always fighting with him about being out of town, things are not as smooth as they should have been.
Jim’s two best friends are Bill and Juan. Recently the three boys have taken too playing cards in the garage after dinner. The real motive for this is they have started smoking pot and with the door open and a fan running there is almost no smell.
Joann is a short red head, 5’1”, 135lbs and as her friends kid her most of the weight is in her tits. She has a 42c, on a small frame like hers they are accentuated. Her nipples are large and at the slightest cause the get rock hard and stick out almost an inch. She admits they are very sensitive and always enjoyed have them plated with, an occurrence which hasn’t happened in a very long time.
She pulled in her driveway just as the boys were getting home from school. Jim walked up to the car window, “need any help getting this stuff in mom”? She smiled “yes I do thanks”. The three boys had the groceries unloaded in nothing flat. “Thanks guys if you give me a few minutes to put this stuff away I’ll make some snacks for you”. All three boys gave her the thumbs up sign and headed for the garage.
In the garage as they set up the card table and chairs Juan looked at Jim, “bro I’d love to drop a load in that pussy.” Bill chimed in with “can you just imagine blowing a load down her throat”. Jim looked at his friends with a snicker, “not that either one of those things is a bad idea. I know she always horny since dad started traveling but I have no idea how to get some”.
The garage door opened and Joann stepped out with a plate of pizza snacks and ice tea. She placed the plate and glasses on the table, “are you guys going to play cards tonight”? Jim answered “yes mom is that a problem”?
“No honey I just think you should be going out with girls or something”. Juan gave her a sly grin “we much prefer older women girls our age are so stupid and immature, they don’t know what they want”. Joann was taken back but pressed on “what type of women do you look for”? Bill spoke “we all agree a woman just like you”. She gave them a sexy smile and turned to go back in the house.
Once in the house she closed the door but hesitated there for a moment listening to them. “I would fuck her brains out”, both guys laughed. “The fact is she’s my mom and if anyone fucks her it should be me first”. Juan chucked, “that’s ok I love sloppy seconds”. Bill said “matter of fact I love thirds”.
Joann was standing next to the door blushing, my god she though, they want to fuck me along with doing a lot of other stuff. I am horny and young cock stays hard forever but. She shook her head and headed for the kitchen but not before she heard one of them say she’s a number one MILF.
She went to her bedroom and closed the door; she opened her laptop and typed in MILF. She sat for quite a long time looking at women her age getting fucked by young boy and they seemed to be totally enjoying the experience. After a little while she realized her panties were moist, I can’t believe this I’m thinking about having sex with my son and his friends. I must be loosing my mind where is that damned vibrator she thought.
Her upcoming sex section was interrupted by Jim calling to her, “what is it Jim”?
“Can the guys stay over tonight”? She hesitated but after a couple of please mom she finally agreed.
Both boys left to get their stuff, saying they’d be back at 7. Jim and Joann sat down to eat. She was terribly frustrated so she opened a bottle of wine. Half way through dinner she asked Jim to open another bottle, as he did he poured her a glass and put some in a glass for himself. The wine was doing its job and she was relaxed, she just shrugged as he sat back down. “Honey earlier I heard one of the guys call me a MILF, what exactly is that”? She had a wicked smile on her face as her son started to squirm in his chair. ”Mom the guys are assholes don’t pay ant attention to what you hear”.
“But what does it stand for”? Now Jim sat straight up in his chair, “mothers I’d like to fondle happy now”! She looked into his eyes “Oh so that’s nice, can I look it up on the internet”? He looked at her then jumped up to clear the dishes from the table; it was obvious he wanted to change the subject.
Joann sat in her chair she gave her tits a giggle every once in a while, she knew Jim enjoyed that from the bulge in his pants she was affecting him. She was very pleased with her self, she was sure he would run to his room to tug out a load. Instead he sat back down making small talk for twenty minutes until his friends showed up at the front door with there stuff. On wobbly legs she told Jim to have them put there stuff in his room. She went back in the kitchen and finished the second bottle of wine. She was standing in the kitchen as the boys came in on their way to the garage.
She smiles seductively and asked “you guys playing cards again”? Juan looked at her “we sure are do you want to play”? There was a moment’s pause then she cooed “maybe what are the stakes”? At that moment all eyes in the room were on Juan. “Anything you want to play for is fine with us”. She thought about it for a few seconds and finally said “we’ll see”.
The boys headed out to the garage and she opened another bottle and had yet another glass. Now her inhabitations were all but gone, why not go out and play a few hands. As she stepped out into the garage a cloud of blue smoke hit her, it had a sweet smell. All three boys just sat and laughed. “What are you guys laughing at”?
“Nothing moms sit down and play a few hands”. As she sat in the empty she looked at Bill “is that a cigar your smoking”? Bill looked the other two and then handed it to her, “yeah try it”. She took the fat object and took a couple of hits on it. The boys just stared at her.
Finally Jim spoke “moms were going to video our game ok”?
“Sure honey it’s your game”, as she took yet another two hit on the pot stick she was already beginning to feel giddy. “Ok if were going to play cards my husband isn’t or ever find out number one. Second when were alone I’d like you to call me Jo or Joann ok”. They agreed Juan dealt the cards, he looked at her, “Joann were playing five card stud ok”? She looked at him with glazed eyes, “that’s five card poker right”? He nodded yes.
Joann looked around at the boys, “what are we playing for”? Bill looked at her well we don’t have any money so now what”? She took another hit on the pot stick and passed it to Jim. She looked at the three of them “I tell you what we can play for doing chores, if I win you clean my kitchen floor or mow the backyard etc”. Juan got a big smile on his face “ok but what if we win”? She looked at him “what do you want”? After a brief moment of silence he spoke, “we’ll make our bets on paper if we win you take off whatever piece of clothing the winner wants”. She though about this for a minute and looked at Jim, “wow you guys are really perverts aren’t you, Jim go in the house and bring out three pads and pens for everyone then we can get started.
Jim returned and they were ready, “just one thing if I win I can give back your paper and put my clothes back on right”? The three nodded in agreement the game started. Jim won the first hand and she lost a shoe, Juan won the second hand and she lost the other shoe. The next hand she was given two pair. She looked around “can we up the bet”? They all agreed she put a second slip of paper in. Juan won he took all the slips discarded them all except the two he wrote, he handed them to her, her eyes opened wide. “My blouse and shorts off”? Juan smiled and nodded. “Well ok but pull down the door I don’t want the neighbors seeing me sitting out here with you guys in my underwear”.
Jim jumped up and the door went down, she stood up and stripped out of her clothes in a very sexy manner. They boys all clapped and she bowed and sat back down. She won the next hand and had them agree to clean the garage and basement. The next hand Jim won, he wanted her bra off.
“You guys aren’t really going to expect me to take off my bra are you”? Jim replied “mom you agreed to the stakes, besides we’d all really like to see them”.
“I really shouldn’t be doing this, if any of you ever tell anyone I’ll kill you all”. Joann stood up, she unclasped her bra, held it up for a moment then let it drop, her two big tits came into sight. Standing in front of them she realized they all had hardons.
Juan smiled at her, “Jo how about wiggling them for us and how big are they”?
“Their 42c and here’s your wiggle”. Her nipples were standing straight out which didn’t escape their eyes. Jim exclaimed “mom you must not be too upset look at them”, he pointed to her hard nipples. She giggled, and sat back down. The next hand she lost as well they wanted her panties to come off. She stood up her big jugs bouncing, “look how about we play for something else”? Bill smiled at her, “Joann we all have hardons so how about we play for blow jobs”? She stared at him for a second, “you ok with that Jim”?
“I sure am mom”. Now she nodded “ok but I get to keep my panties on right”? All three boys shouted now fucken way, “listen Joann” said Juan “if you loose you are giving us all blow jobs”. “Then if you want we’ll play for pussy. If you loose were all going to fuck you, you can keep you panties on until we get to your room where you will hand them to the winner who will fuck you first. She looked at Jim “you good with this babe”? In a second he responded with a “sure am”. They played the next hand, she lost. “Bill asked Joann “do you like to suck cock”?
“Yes I do and I’ll tell you guys now I am a great cock sucker as you’ll all soon find out”.
Last hand yelled Bill, as the cards came out Juan had two aces already, the game ended she lost. Joann sat back in the chair and looked. All three boys stood up they dropped their short, in a flash she was staring at three very hard cocks. “Well you all have very nice cocks, which cock gets sucked first”? Jim stepped in front of her, “I won the blow job hand so I’m first”. She smiled at him got down on her knees and swallowed his cock down her throat. She sucked it slowly swirling her tongue around the head while slowly messaging his nut sack. He had his hands on her head; he increased the pace his cock was going down her throat, she knew he wasn’t going to last long. She kept slurping and gagging until she felt him stiffen, the first blast of warm cum shot right down her throat. She pulled back so only the head was in her mouth as the next four spurts flowed out of him. He had a glazed look in his eyes as she pulled back, showed him the mouthful of cum he had given her and the swallowed. It took two swallows to get it all down.
Joann was very proud of her self she had given her son his first blow job and loved doing it. “Did you enjoy that baby”?
“Mom that was fantastic, you really know how to suck cock”.
“Thanks sweetie, I’m glad you approve”.
She turned to Bill, “bring that big boy over her mister”. Bill pushed Jim out of the way and Joann swallowed her second cock. Bill’s cock was bigger then Jim not longer but fatter, she worked it slowly at first but the feeling of another hard cock in her mouth and a bellyful of cum was taking control of her. She increased he sucking and after about 5 minutes she was rewarded with a larger spray of cum. He came so much she swallowed twice while he was cumming and then twice more when his cock was out of her mouth. “Wow Bill you had a big load in there”. He smiled “I haven’t jerked off in three days”. The thought went through her mind I wonder what a weeks worth would be.
“Juan come here baby”, Juan extended his hand to her. “Get up Joann my first load is going into your sweet pussy”. She was in a cock trance with the taste of cum on her tongue and in her throat. Her pussy hadn’t been bathed in cum in a month, she stood up and they walked to her bedroom. Standing at the foot of her bed he gently took both tits in his hands and kissed each nipple, she moaned softly. “Joann would you like to take your panties off”? Without a word she hooked her thumbs in the waistband, she very slowly and sexy slide the panties over her hips and down her legs. She stepped out of them.
Juan smiled she had a small red bush trimmed as a heart. He started gently rubbing her clit with his thumb and forefinger. Her breathing was becoming rapid and she was wet. Juan whispered in her ear, she wrapped her arms around his neck and put one leg on the bed to give him better access to her pussy. Again he whispered in her ear. She moaned “please baby fuck me now”. Juan smiled “Joann take my cock out and lets get it in your pussy”. It didn’t take any time for her to get his cock out of his short.
Juan’s cock was bigger then her husbands, it was both a little longer but much thicker. He rubbed his cock head on her slit using her wetness as lube, finally the put the head in. Joann closed her eyes and moaned. For the next several he kept the head moving gently in her but never going deep. Joann was beginning to make animal sounds she need it deep. She pulled him close; she dug her fingernails into his back with her month near his neck she moaned “fuck me baby deep and hard now please, I need it bad”. Juan drove his cock in her to the hilt, she gasped and continued fucking him like an animal. She was sucking on his neck fingers holding him tight to her, her pubic bone kept pushing up to get more cock in her. She felt a charge of lightning coming from deep in her pussy, a massive orgasm overtook her. She was creaming on his cock, the sensation was too much for him and he drove his cock to the hilt and held it there as he started to bath her pussy with cum. She was moaning and crying at the same time.
It took several minutes for the climax to subside; she looked up in his face, “thank you darling that was the best fucking I ever had”. Juan smiled and rolled off, as his cock plopped out cum came gushing out of her. She looked down and a they all laughed, “wow mom Juan has made quite a mess of your pussy”.
Juan handed Joann her panties, “put these on I don’t want all that cum to go to waste I may feed it to you later”. Without hesitation she pulled her panties back on and sat on the edge of the bed. Before the evening ended Joann had been fucked by Bill, Jim and Juan once more and in between fucking had given several more blow jobs.
When Joann awoke it was 9:30 Saturday morning, most of her body was covered in cum. Her pussy was damn near glued together from all the cum it had gotten. She had a bit of a hangover but really felt wonderful. She went into the bathroom and grabbed a robe, he called for the guys but they were not in the house. As she entered the kitchen she saw a yellow pad, a note to her.
Mom last night was great, I gave Juan the video to take home and edit. We have baseball practice but should be home by 3. Please have something sexy on as Juan and Bill need to but a couple of nuts before they go home. It was signed Jimmy

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Marie (1)

Old man talks his sons young girlfriend into having some photos taken then teaches her how to pleasure a man in every hole

Jail Bait Part 2

Again, I’m a beginner writer, so any constructive criticism welcome. Any suggestions or opinions welcome, I’ll try to make a third part maybe more. Sorry this took a while, been busy with work and school.
Quick summary. Matt blackmailed Emily in the store he works in into having sex with him (more like a rape). And he taped the whole thing on video and took a bunch of pictures. He promised her that he’ll continue on Friday of that same week what he started and that she will beg him to do it.
Friday morning.
What a long freaking week, thought Matt as he got up at 10 am. He only had one class that day and nothing due until next week. So he was feeling happier than he had in a while. But what made him the happiest was what he had planned for that gorgeous stuck up bitch Emily. Although, her attitude had improved quite a bit since last time, still, she had left over “stuck up” attitude.
During the last week, he saw her 2 times in the store. Each time she came in, she was with at least 1 other person if not more. She was much nicer than before, but nothing too drastic. At least now she actually acknowledged him and did talk to him in somewhat of a formal manner. One time, she came in with her other “thief” friend. They were both in very skimpy outfits and to his delight, they were browsing the adult section again.
He was watching the security camera feed on the monitor next to the register. He watched as the friend picked up a KY bottle and stuffed it in her bra. It was obvious that Emily had taken the bait and didn’t warn her friend. It seemed to him that she was setting up her friend like he had said. He let them go that day without confronting them. That would be a meal for later, the thought.
He was anxious to have the day over with so he could head for Emily’s house; even his dick “A.K.A. junior” was awake and kept on rising every time he thought of that little tight gorgeous body. Or that amazingly tight pussy; every time he recalled the ecstasy on her face or even better, the pain shown on her face when he took her virginity, junior would stand up straight and struggle for freedom. It was so hard at times, that he would have to adjust it so it wasn’t too painful. He didn’t masturbate the whole time, saving everything for that night.
Since he was hoping the day would fly by, the day totally dragged. Even the morning class, the teacher was more boring than ever before that the 50 minute class felt like a week. At the store, everything was the same, but again it felt like the clock was slowing down. It was 6 o’clock and he was trying to close, but that was the time that a couple of families decided to do their shopping.
It was 6:30 before he locked the doors behind them seething and hating on ‘slow people’. He quickly counted the cash, wrote down everything and locked up in less than 5 minutes. ‘Record time’ he thought as he hurried towards Emily’s house. He had his backpack with him, but it didn’t have any school material in it. It was all ‘in case’ items.
It was another very hot day with lots of humidity; the sunset wasn’t until 9 something. Since he was indoors most of the day, he didn’t care about the temp. But now he was walking with the backpack on his back, he was sweating quickly. Luckily, Emily’s place wasn’t too far.
He was at the front yard when he decided to enter from the back. They had a fence around the backyard, but luckily the door in the fence was partially open. He squeezed in, trying not to make any sound and when his eyes took in the sight in front of him, junior stood up hard.
The backyard, if you can call it that, was huge. There was a pool right there in front of him. And to top that sight; Emily was laying right there tanning topless on her back. Even though he was thinking about her all week and even kept on reviewing the videos, nothing prepared him for the real thing again.
Her breasts were full despite her age, and even thought she was lying on her back; you could still see the definition and the nice firm shape. The pink nipples were hard and pointing towards the sky.
Slowly he walked towards her; trying not to make a sound and adjusting junior in his shorts so he could walk properly. She must of fallen asleep he thought, because she didn’t move and he could hear her steady slow breathing. He got down to his knees right next to her and slowly took the closest nipple into his mouth. He didn’t use any teeth, just his lips and tongue; at the same time he moved one hand down to her honey pot and started rubbing her clit slowly without moving her bikini bottom.
Her body started to respond and slowly he felt her bikini bottom get wet. Her breathing was slowly changing and within a minute her eyes snapped open but not before a moan escaped her lips. He was looking directly in her eyes with her nipple in his mouth. Her eyes widened at what she saw but another moan escaped her lips since he choose that moment to slide the bikini bottom to the side and inserted his middle finger inside. With her enjoying the pleasure, he lightly bit on her nipple. She bit her own lip enjoying the pleasure coming in along with the pain.
It didn’t take very long and she had a small but effective orgasm. Her back arched and her legs closed together trapping his hand in. within a few seconds, she calmed down and looked up at him. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Shouldn’t you ask that before you have an orgasm?”
“What are you talking about, I didn’t have an orgasm”
“Could’ve fooled me”
“What do you want?”
“Some ice-cream would be nice, what do you think? As promised, I’m here to continue what we started earlier this week”
“I didn’t promise anything”
“That doesn’t matter”
“Yes it does, you’ll not force me again. I’m not doing anything for you or with you. So get out”
While she was talking, his finger was still inside her with her own hand hold his. But he noticed that she wasn’t pulling him out, it felt more like she was holding him in place. ‘One last push’ he thought. So as soon as she finished talking, he moved his finger inside her and got to her g-spot again. Her reaction was immediate; she closed her eyes and her head rolled back for a couple of seconds.
It took her about half a minute for her to recompose herself then she opened her eyes and looked into his.
“You were saying?”
“Get out” she replied in a very small voice barely audible.
“Shouldn’t you remove my finger from inside you? It’s not like I’m forcing myself on you here.”
She tried to move his hand but her body wouldn’t follow her commands, instead of pushing his hand away, she pulled him in deeper and moaned.
“I thought so” he said with a smile. He pulled his hand out while watching her face and he saw the disappointment etched on it for a few seconds before she could recompose herself. She was watching him with closed fists trying to keep herself in check as she watched him take off his cloths.
She was watching closely when he took off his shorts and boxers and junior sprang up. Her eyes were glued on it and didn’t look away until she heard his taunt. “ Don’t worry, you’ll be sucking on it soon” he said with a wicked smile on his face looking directly in her eyes.
He pulled swimming trunks from his back and put them on incase a neighbor or someone unwelcome walked in. As soon as he put it on, he ran and jumped into the pool. It was a blessing from the heat of the day having the cool water all around reviving him and washing away the sweat from him.
He didn’t want her getting revolted by the smell of sweat or anything else, so he had decided that a quick jump in the pool should cool down his head and his other head as well as wash away the sweat from his body. After a few seconds he resurfaced and looked her watching his every move. “Come in, the water is awesome.” He said cheerfully.
She hesitated for a minute, but totally gave in. she grabbed her bikini top and put it back on. She stood at the edge of the pool looking at him; he had an innocent smile on his face that fooled no body. But she was already excited and just followed his lead and jumped in.
She was surprised when he didn’t have her do anything sexual. He did just want to have some fun in the water and calming down a little, she did enjoy playing in the pool. They played with the ball for a while; then started jumping and making cannon balls and so on. They were playing for at least an hour when they both got out tired but still very happy.
They both quickly dried off then she asked,
“Are you hungry?”
“Yes, in a couple of ways”
“Well there is only one thing you’re getting now, pizza, I’m ordering, anything you don’t like on pizza that I should know about”
“Mushroom pizza it is.”
“I see how it is”
“You can’t blame me now can you, I’ll get pay back anyway I can, no matter how small it is.”
“Fair enough, but I’ll still get to eat something even better tonight” he said while standing directly in front of her and then bent down and kissed her on the cheek.
When he stepped back, he saw the disappointment on her face which was quickly gone.
“I told you, you’re not getting anything from me”
“We’ll see”
She walked away hoping he didn’t notice the new wet spot on her bikini bottom that wasn’t pool water.
Fifteen minutes later, the pizza guy was there; Matt made sure he wasn’t seen in case things went downhill.
She took the pizza back to the pool. They sat and at the table by the pool; he had to pick the mushrooms off before he ate though. And it brought a smile to her lips every time he did it. She would pick up the mushrooms he removed and move it closer to his face as if it a bug or something that she was scaring him with.
After they finished eating, she decided to continue tanning. He didn’t have a problem with that; it would help him execute his revenge. She quickly laid face down so that she would tan her back this time. “Make yourself useful and put this on my back, and don’t get any ideas, this is the only thing you’ll be touching today is my back”
“Mhhh, your back, looks tasty” he said and even licked his lips. She paused for a second thinking maybe this isn’t such a good idea, but again her brain was set aside and she just closed her eyes. He picked up the tanning lotion bottle and straddled her legs. He poured some of the lotion on his hands and started applying it on her back.
He quickly undid her top and pushed the strings aside so he can have access to her full back. At the same time, he kept on edging forwards and backwards so that his crotch would move over her ass. Junior was already up and happy with his position, for now. He was moving his hands all over her back, moving every now and then to the sides and barely touching the sides of her breasts.
Slowly he started edging downwards towards her beautifully full ass. He would slide one hand down at a time going lower every time. He was easily sliding his hand under the bikini bottom and inching even lower. He was reaching her ass crack and kept going even lower; he pulled down a little on her bikini bottom so that it was only covering half her ass. He picked up the lotion bottle and dropped a glob right on her ass and started spreading it around.
Junior was fully up and struggling to get out, but he decided not yet. He stopped in mid stroke and moved down all the way to her legs. He picked up the lotion bottle again and dropped a couple of globs, one on each calf. He worked on leg at a time at the beginning. Slowly, he worked his way up; when he reached the upper thighs, he worked both at the same time. With one hand on each thigh, her pussy was getting very wet. She was sensing his intentions and hoping that he would hurry up and just ram her, but at the same time, she dreaded that he would do just that.
His hand “accidentally” brushed her pussy lips and she let out a moan that she couldn’t suppress. He smiled an evil smile that she couldn’t see; and continued “accidentally” touching her pussy lips every time his hands went up.
His hands were all the way up to her ass cheeks now and he decided that the bikini bottoms were in the way. So he gently started pulling them all the way down her legs and off. He stood so he can get them clean off her legs; he also took his own off with junior standing up straight.
He quickly mounted her back and she instantly noticed his nakedness on her. Her pussy reacted immediately by getting even more wet. She could feel his dick resting right in her ass crack and his hands were kneading her cheeks. He moved backwards a few inches and she felt a finger touch her pussy lips. She guessed it was his thumb, because it was bigger than a regular finger. She was building up quickly to an orgasm when she felt his hand disappear and his weight disappeared from her.
She looked up quickly total disappointment in her face “why did you stop?”
“I thought you said, I wasn’t getting anything today, so I think this is a good point to stop for now”
“No wait”
“Yes?” he said, not really looking at her. He made a show of putting his stuff in the bag and walked into the house. She quickly followed him and stopped him by pulling his hand back. Her face was totally red, she was breathing hard; her pussy was drooling and her juices were running down the inside of her thighs.
“Don’t go,” she said in a very small voice that could barely be heard
“Why?” he asked his face blank, but his dick totally gave him away. Junior was standing straight almost painfully. It was like a predator that can smell the prey just barely out of its reach and it was trying its hardest to get to it.
“I want you to continue” she said, again in a total whisper.
“Continue what” he asked again with the poker face.
“What you started earlier this week”
“But you said no”
She punched him in the upper arm, it didn’t really hurt him, but she was having a hard time admitting what she wanted and he was forcing her to say it and not making it easy for her.
“What was that for?”
“It’s entirely your fault, you made me this way. I tried and tried to make myself feel as good as you made me feel but I couldn’t no matter what I tried. And now after you made me get to this point, you want to stop and make me beg. That’s just mean. So hurry up and make me feel good” the last part was a command and her voice was rising in intensity.
He was smiling inwardly that she was breaking and slowly admitting and begging. So the evil smile broke on his face again and he bent down and put his face right in front of hers and said “you know what you need to do and say. I told you last time what it will be and I know you want it, so, to get what you want, you’ll have to give me what I want”
She looked directly into those evil eyes, the eyes that haunted her for the entire week. The eyes that made her pussy wet every time she thought about the mischief that those eyes make. All the awful things that were made to her, but at the same time, made her feel so good
She remembered his words from last time, they were in her mind the whole time ringing when she least expected it. She struggled internally and finally after the bad angel on the left shoulder won; she turned around bent over and said, “Fuck me”
“Sorry, I didn’t catch that”
“I’ll kill you”
“Oh, I never heard that before”
“I said fuck me!” and she yelled it that time
“Anywhere and everywhere” she said it and waited for him to ram his dick in side.
“Take me to your room” is what she heard in a calm, kind of cold, tone. She turned around and looked him in the eyes. Again those evil eyes with that evil smile looking back at her; they are always in control. She wanted to punch him again, and she did.
She ran quickly up the stairs with him close behind, she could almost fell his eyes on her ass all the way to her room. He walked in behind her and closed the door. She stood there waiting for him to make a move and almost flinched when he did. He walked over and stood right in front of her. He was so close that junior was poking her in the stomach. It tickled her a little and she almost broke contact, but he leaned in and kissed her on her lips.
It was a quick kiss, and then he put his hand on her cheek stroked it then pulled her towards him and kissed her again.
He broke the contact, grabbed her smart phone of the desk, pulled her desk chair close to the bed, sat in it and said “show me how you play with yourself” and he turned on her phone and turned its camera on.
She hesitated, but her body was in control. She sat on the bed and lay down with her legs spread open so he could have a full view. And she started playing with herself. For some reason, this time she felt better than any other time; she kept on looking at him locking eyes with him, watching the lust on his face drive her own. He was using her phone to alternate between pictures and videos. It wasn’t long before she had a massive orgasm; it took her about 2 minutes to calm down and then she looked up and saw his expression of a greedy hungry wolf looking at her and two thoughts ran into her mind “oh shit he is going to rape me and finally he is going to fuck me”
His hand was shaking so hard while he was trying to put the condom on junior. It was against all his instincts to do so. He just wanted to go in and ram her raw right then and there, but with the last bit of willpower, he put it on. Then he moved into action; he lifted her legs, pulled her to the edge of the bed and rammed his dick all the way inside. She was fully wet, but the girth and the fact that she was a virgin only a few days ago made for a painful shock for her.
But the amount of pleasure, expectation and excitement running through her, overcame the pain. Her body enjoyed the pain along with the pleasure, he was going in a slow, but long rhythm, reaching everywhere inside her, filling her. Her mind was totally blank, and she only felt pleasure and small receding amount of pain.
It wasn’t long before her orgasm started and she felt him convulse inside her too. She felt his junior pulsate inside her many times and the warm feeling of his fluids inside her, which drove her orgasm even further. It wasn’t long before he collapsed on her and then rolled to the side trying to catch his breath.
She recovered first and got up, she reached for junior, removed the condom and placed it in her mouth. She’d heard that after cumming, the dick would be very sensitive and painful. So she decided to pay him back by giving him pleasure and pain. At the same time, ever since the last time, the thought of a dick in her mouth made her excited.
He was groaning with pain and pleasure now, and junior was already standing and ready for round 2. She was at it for a couple of minutes when he decided that she shouldn’t have the upper hand. He pulled her off him by her hair, not too violently, more like gently guiding her off and had her on her knees.
“Time for your punishment.”
She wasn’t sure what he meant, but the look on his face made her reluctant about surrendering her backside to him. She was on her hands and knees when she felt his tongue on her lower lips. She moaned at the contact and was expecting full treatment, but he strayed in the wrong direction and his tongue moved over her asshole.
It was a totally new sensation and she wasn’t sure what to think about it. Then the new sensation got newer, he was licking around the hole while pushing a finger in it. So many things ran into her mind, but she heard a sound coming from her phone, which he was sliding so it was under her eyes. It was a video of her playing with herself. It was a total shock, to watch herself in that position, with the focus switching from her face to her crotch and back to her face again. The video must have been on a loop because it kept on repeating itself and she was so into it that she relaxed herself and his finger went in almost unnoticed.
She didn’t notice that he had 2 fingers in her ass by now and they were moving smoothly in and out. She did notice however when he took them both out and placed the tip of his dick with a new condom on her asshole. Before she realized what was going on, he pushed himself in and watched her expression on the mirror across the room. The pain on her face made him even more excited; he pushed in all the way and she screamed. He waited for her to recover then started moving slowly.
She was trying to ignore the pain and watch the video of herself again, but it was kind of hard to ignore that kind of pain and she could see his expression in the mirror too, he was enjoying tormenting her, and every time she cried he got happier and more excited. But what’s even worse was the fact that she was beginning to enjoy it. She was getting fucked in the ass for the first time, it was painful, but her pussy was getting wet, and she was getting excited and she could feel and orgasm building up. Noticing her pleasure, he moved his hand down and started playing with her clit.
It was a bit awkward, but he managed it and her pleasure was rising again until he suddenly stopped. He pulled out, pushed her and flipped her over, lifted her legs in the air and pushed them back with one hand and realigned his dick with her asshole again. Slowly, but with some force, he pushed in; again him entering her was painful, which she suspected was intentional, but the awkward position was more demeaning than anything. She could see his dick moving and she knew it was in her ass, he could see her face directly and notice the tears on her face. At the same time, he grabbed on of her breasts and squeezed it hard.
The thought hit her that she enjoyed pain and pleasure at the same time, and knowing that, made her orgasm hit fully blown. She was screaming from pleasure and pain and convulsing while he was moving in her asshole. She was squeezing him so much, that he came right then and there.
Again they both lay on the bed panting trying to recover, she managed to move to her side and punch him on the upper arm again. “Don’t you ever make me feel like that again?”
“I thought the massive orgasm meant that you liked it”
“No I didn’t…” pause “ok I did, but that doesn’t matter, it still hurts, so don’t do it again”
“No promises”
Another punch
“So what now” she asked
“What do you mean?”
“What’s our relationship “?
“You’re my slave”
“I don’t think so”
He turned and ran a finger on her breast and instantly pleasure from the expectation of what was to come made her moan loudly. But he removed his finger and just lay there. “Why did you stop” “I don’t feel like it.” “You can’t torment me like that” “I see no reason why I should do anything for you, you said you’re not my slave so I don’t have any obligation towards you.”
They were quiet for another minute before “Master” the word was barely a whisper. It sounded like she was just trying it out.
“Did you say something?”
“I said, I’m your slave” again it was barely audible
“Still didn’t catch that”
“Master, I’m your slave, please, make me feel good”
“Sounds good to me, I think this will be a nice long weekend after which I won’t be able to move, but still, I’m thinking about getting a second slave, what do you think?”
“Am I not enough?”
“Have you every heard of a guy refusing a threesome?”
“I guess not. Not that I hear any such conversations, I’m a good girl after all”
“Yeah and I’m a billionaire”
Thank you for reading; I hope it met your expectations. Again any suggestions or constructive criticism welcome, if there are any spelling mistakes I apologize, I started writing this on my phone.

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Fucking My Teachers Part 1

Hi everyone, fictional story about a schoolboy who enters a new school year and ends up getting into positions of power over multiple teachers, other friends, schoolgirls and teachers will be introduced in future chapters. My first work in quite a long time, please comment on any improvements or things you would like to happen in the future, and also check out my other 3 stories. There will be more coming in the Harry Potter series too shortly. Hope you enjoy 🙂

Pipe Crew, Part III

Remember, this is just a story of what would have happened if I had done all these things. Don’t take it too seriously.

Not so little brother: Chapter 1

This is my first attempt at a story so I would appreciate any comments, suggestions, and criticisms. It is a work of fiction and I intend to write several more chapters.
I guess I should introduce myself…My name is Charlie and my brother’s name is Steven. I’m currently 21 but this is about something that happened a couple years back…
My brother and I used to share a room. He’s 3 years younger than me so for a long time that wasn’t a problem. We hadn’t hit puberty yet and didn’t have the shyness that comes with it. We’d change in front of each other, occasionally share a shower, and use the toilet at the same time. We had bunk beds.
When I was 12 my parents decided that it would be a good idea for us to have separate rooms. I had started puberty and had grown uncomfortable changing in front of my brother. I talked to my dad and he agreed that it was the right thing to do. We had a play room which was always going to be turned into my room when we got old enough and that’s what we did. It only took about a week before the entire move was done and I was settled in, happy, to go through puberty in privacy. My brother and I didn’t see each other naked from then on.
When I was 17 my family decided to take a two week long vacation to Florida and that we would get two rooms. One for them and one for Steven and me. It would be two weeks of fun in the sun.
Now for a bit of info about myself at the time when the rest of the story takes place. I was your average guy; there was absolutely nothing special about me. I was 17 years old and nearing the end of puberty. I’m about 5’7” and 130 lbs. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I’m a rather slim guy and decently hairy. My dick isn’t anything special either. I’m just about average with an uncut dick that measures a little under 6”. Nothing to brag about but nothing to be ashamed of either. I was still a virgin at that point. I was unsure of my sexuality and really confused.
My brother was 14 at this point and about 5’6”. That’s really all I knew. He had brown hair and brown eyes as well. He was skinny too but he has a nice body. People often mistook us for twins and were pretty surprised to find out that I was 3 years older than him. I was in high school at this point and he was in middle school still so we never hung out and we had different friends. Hell, we barely saw each other when we were home except for at meals.
Back to the story…
After the 4-hour plane flight to Florida and the ride to the hotel we unpacked our clothes and headed out to dinner. My parents were really tired so they decided that they were gonna head to bed and that left me and Steven to head back to our room. We were always a night-time shower family so it wasn’t a surprise to me when, on the walk from the elevator, Steven called first dibs on the shower. I thought about calling age seniority on him but I figured I’d live through the 10 minutes he’d need to shower. Whatever.
We get to the room and I flop down on our bed and turn on the TV to see if there’s anything good on. Out of the corner of my I realize that my brother is taking his clothes off; he’s facing me. I cautiously watched as he stripped down. I’ll admit, my brother had a nice body and I had glanced at him more than once whenever we were swimming. I’d thought that he was kind of hot for a couple years but nothing could have prepared me. I figured that he was going to stop at his boxers and bring a clean pair into the bathroom with him to change into after but I was wrong. Steven slipped down his boxers, stepped out of them, and stood up to reveal a sizable cock. As I said, I don’t have a big dick. I’m just under 6” hard and maybe 3” soft so what my brother pulled out was huge to me. Soft my brother’s cock must have been 6” long and thicker than mine was when hard. I tried not to show any expression as my brother turned and walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Seconds later I heard the shower turn on.
I couldn’t get my mind off of his dick. How the fuck could my brother have such a big cock and me have one so small? I was the older brother God damnit! This wasn’t fucking fair! And we looked so alike too! And at the same time, I was kind of turned on. He did have a really nice body. He was slim, not too skinny, and had a nice “V” leading down to a nicely trimmed bush of light brown pubes out of which sprouted that monster. And those big balls hanging below his dick looked delicious. How big is it hard? I could only begin to wonder.
It was about 20 minutes before I heard the shower end but it seemed like only a moment since I was so entranced by the image of my brother’s cock still imprinted on my mind’s eye. I looked up when I heard the lock disengage when Steven turned the door handle to the bathroom door. His hair was messy and he looked mostly dry. His towel was lying, used, on the bathroom floor under the sink. He was completely naked. His cock looked, if possible, even bigger than when he had entered the bathroom. On the tip of his dick glistened a drop of cum as it seeped out of his piss slit. In my pants my dick stirred a tiny bit.
“All yours.” My brother said to me, glancing in my direction.
It took me a second to snap out of the daze I was in and realize what he had said.
“Looks like you had some fun.” I responded hoping to catch him off guard and maybe embarrass him a little.
“What?” Steven looked down at his cock, grabbed it, and tilted the head back a little while retracting the foreskin some.
“Oh.” As he said it he took his other hand and wiped the cum onto his finger before letting his penis drop back against his balls. It hit them heavily. He walked back into the bathroom and rubbed it onto the towel which he had dropped on the floor. He walked back into the room.
“All yours.” He repeated.
“Thanks.” Was all I could manage as I got up off the bed and stood up.
Steven watched as I began to take my clothes off starting with my socks and slowly taking off my shirt, unbuckling my belt, and my shorts. I paused at my boxers and decide what to do. I couldn’t let my brother know that his older brother’s dick was so much smaller than his… could I?
“Come on, let’s see how much dick you’ve got.
Fuck. Steven expected that I had an equally huge dick as him. This could only be absolute shit. I grabbed a clean pair of boxers and started walking towards the door. I’ll just play it off as not giving a fuck and finding this all a bit weird.
“No. Why do you want to see my dick anyway? You already jacked off.”
That’ll teach him to want to get a look at my cock. Threaten his sexuality; that always works.
“I’m not gay. I don’t need to prove that to you. I just want to see how much bigger I can expect to get.”
What to do?
Before I could even begin to think of a response or a plant Steven had decided what to do. Before I could stop him I found my boxers down at my feet and an absolutely shocked look on my brother’s face. The shock soon faded away as he started to laugh. During this exchange I had been standing there, in my boxers, in the chilly hotel room air and my dick had only gotten smaller than it normally appeared. There I stood, frozen, my boxers around my ankles, with my brother sitting on the floor in front of me laughing.
After a couple seconds Steven stopped laughing and stood up.
“That’s one pathetic dick you have there. What do you plan to do with that?”
Steven grabbed his dick with one hand and shook it a little.
“This, is what a real piece of meat looks like. That, that’s a toy.”
As I watched, Steven’s cock started to grow. The thick piece of meat between his legs swelled and elongated until it was fully hard. I stared at his hard cock. It must have been 9” long and was really thick. The foreskin rested just behind the beautiful, soft, purple head which was, itself, quite large. The entire thing jutted straight out from his body and then curved up a bit.
Watching his cock grow turned me on even more than the sight of the cum which had glistened on his cockhead when he exited the bathroom. Against my will, my own cock began to grow. Steven noticed and a smirk crossed his face as he realized just how much smaller than him I really was.
“That’s all? Fuck! I was that big when I was 12.”
I couldn’t say anything. I just stood there humiliated and turned on. My dick was now at its full size and rock hard. Steven knew that the sight of his big dick was what was doing it to me and he knew what to do.
“Touch it.”
That broke me out of it.
“What?” I gasped.
“Touch it.” He replied. “You know you want to. Go on, feel what a real man’s cock feels like in your hand.”
Tentatively, I reached out and placed one finger on the head of his cock. It was smooth and soft. His cock twitched at my touch and a small amount of precum oozed out of his piss hole. I ran my finger down his head to his slit and touched the precum. I pulled my hand away trailing a string of precum.
“Taste it.”
I brought my eyes up to meet his. He stared into mine. I dropped my gaze. Without protesting I did what he said. I slowly moved my hand up to my mouth and stuck my tongue out. I touched my tongue to my finger, licking off the small glob of precum which I had taken from his cock. It tasted good. Sweet, and at the same time salty. I liked it.
He grabbed my other hand and moved it to his cock. I looked into his eyes again. There was a hunger in his eyes. This was a look of a predator staring down its prey. The look in Steven’s eyes scared me. He placed my hand on his cock and wrapped my fingers around it. They didn’t even reach all the way around his girth. I couldn’t believe how big it is. Around, it was about the size of the can of shaving cream that I had in my overnighter. I could easily fist my own dick with my fingers all the way around and meeting again a little bit on the other side. Unlike the head of his dick the shaft was very hard and warm. I could feel the large veins that provided the blood to nourish his big piece of meat.
I started to slowly move my hand up and down his dick, jacking him off. He sighed and closed his eyes a little.
I moved my hand along his shaft faster. His foreskin moved up and down over the smooth head of his cock with each pump of my hand. My cock was still rock hard; precum was leaking out of my piss hole. He opened his eyes and looked down at his cock. A drop of precum sat on the tip of his penis. He looked into my eyes once again and I knew what he wanted. I stopped jacking him off as he put his hands on my shoulders, applying pressure, pushing me down onto my knees.
I looked up at Steven and he looked down at me with that same look of hunger in his eyes. Only this time I wasn’t scared by the look. Now, I wanted to do this. As turned on as I had been when I first saw Steven’s cock at its full size I was turned on so much more now that it bobbed just inches from my face.
From this angle his cock looked even bigger than it had from above. I reached out and grabbed the thick shaft of his cock and it twitched once again, releasing even more precum from his slit to join the already large glob accumulating at the tip. The glob started to extend, to drip onto the floor below. I couldn’t let that happen. Leaning forward I reached out my tongue and made briefly made contact with his dick as I licked off the glob of precum.
He sighed. I pumped my hand along his cock watching as his foreskin moved back and forth over the edge of his head.
“Taste it.” He commanded in a low, gruff voice.
I quickly looked up at him and met his gaze once again before looking at his dick. I leaned forward and gently placed my lips on the head of his cock. I kissed it gently. He gasped again. Using my tongue I flicked the tip and his dick twitched, hitting me in the nose. I giggled a little bit.
I took a deep breath and decided to take the next step. I opened my mouth and took the large head in. I wrapped my lips around it.
“Oh God” Steven moaned through clenched teeth. “You love my cock don’t you?”
It felt so big in my mouth. It was both soft and warm and tasted a little salty as I caressed it with my tongue. I felt him squirm as I stuck the tip of my tongue into his piss slit.
“More” Steven sighed as he put his hand on the back of my head and applied pressure.
I opened up my mouth a little wider to accommodate his large dick as he started to force it into my mouth. Jesus, this thing was big! I couldn’t even begin to be believe how much of his cock was filling my mouth and yet even more was outside of my mouth. I soon felt the large head hitting the back of my throat and Steven kept pushing as I continued to suck on his cock. I started to gag a little to no avail as he continued trying to jam as much of his huge dick in my mouth as he could. I couldn’t breathe.
He quickly realized that he had as much of his dick in my mouth as he was going to managed and switched tactics to fucking my mouth with what he could get in rather than trying to shove the whole thing in. He grabbed my head on either side and fucked my face. He slammed his cock into me hitting in the back of the throat with each thrust. At least this wasn’t as bad as when he was just pushing as I could get quick breaths in every time he pulled his cock out.
“Fuck yeah! You like this don’t you? You little slut!” There was anger in his voice.
Me? A slut?
It hurt as he rammed his dick into me and I really couldn’t help anything. Spit dripped down my chin as he fucked me. I still worked to caress his dick with my tongue and suck on it but it was difficult with him thrusting into my mouth like he was, fucking my face.
Suddenly he slapped me.
“Watch your teeth you fucking slut!” he growled as he slapped me again.
“Sorry” I half mumbled around his cock, my face stinging from the slaps.
As he continued to face fuck me I couldn’t help but wonder two things: Is he ever going to cum? What’s going to happen when he cums? As I said, I was a virgin. But more than a virgin, I was inexperienced by any definition. I hadn’t eaten a pussy, I hadn’t sucked a cock. Hell, I hadn’t even seen either in real life. I kissed a girl once in the 8th grade at a party and that was it. The thought of him cumming both excited me and disturbed me.
I had tasted my own cum once. That was a couple years back when I had first started cumming and I was stupid. It tasted disgusting and I couldn’t believe I had even thought about trying it after I was done. I didn’t want to taste his cum… And yet, the thought of him shooting his warm sperm down my throat turned me on. During this entire time that he’d been humping my face I had remained hard. A line of precum trailed out of my slit, down my shaft, and onto my balls where it dripped onto the carpet below me. I hadn’t even touched my cock.
“God I wish Sarah was this good.”
Sarah? Who the fuck is Sarah? Shit. Not only did he have a bigger dick than me but he’d already gotten more than action than me. Great. Fucking Great.
Time seemed to go slowly while this went down. What seemed to take hours only lasted 10 minutes as Steven fucked my face. I had gotten used to the feeling of his veiny dick sliding back and forth between my lips, of the large head slamming against my throat, of the ach in my jaw. Eventually I felt his thrusts start to get more ragged, his breathing get shallower, and his dick start to get even bigger. The head started to swell up and harden while his dick got longer and thicker. I knew he was close to coming.
Steven opened his eyes and looked down at me.
“I’m getting close Charlie. You know what that means?”
I looked up at him and met his gaze.
“You’re gonna be a good little bitch and drink my cum like the cumslut you are.”
Steven quickened his pace and I braced myself for the blast that I knew was headed my way.
Steven’s breathing got even shallower as he moaned and thrust even harder.
“Fuck yeah”
And with that Steven stopped thrusting, the head of his cock resting on my tongue. He started quickly jacking off his cock though it probably wasn’t necessary. I felt his dick swell even more as he moaned and I felt his dick start to pulse.
“That’s it. Drink my cum. Drink your little brother’s seed.” Steven moaned as he threw his head back in pleasure.
The first hot blast hit me hard in the back of my throat. The salty goodness missing my tongue completely and sliding straight down into my stomach. The next blast was a lot less powerful and some of his sperm landed on my tongue. It was very hot and tasted very salty and bitter. How could anyone like this I wondered as he cock kept erupting blasts of cum into my mouth.
6 hot blasts of cum later Steven’s dick stopped shooting and just leaked a little cum as it twitched as the orgasm died down. I swallowed his large load. It felt weird as it went down my throat. My throat felt itchy. I started to take his cock out of his mouth.
“Oh no you don’t! Don’t miss a drop. Don’t miss a fucking drop!” Steven growled, glaring down at me.
I grabbed his dick and, with my mouth open, his head on my tongue, slowly jacked his cock off, milking it. I squeezed out every last drop of my littler brother’s cum as it softened up and got softer. Eventually he took it out of my mouth and pulled the foreskin back over the head of his delicious cock. He slapped me, half playfully, across the face with his dick.
“That was the best blowjob I’ve ever gotten. You’re a natural.”
Steven turned around and went back into the bathroom which started all of this leaving me still on my knees where he’d left me. I could hear him taking a piss in the bathroom, flush the toilet, and brush his teeth. When he exited the bathroom I was still there. He looked at me, laughed, put on some pajama bottoms, and got in bed.
“Turn off all the lights when you get to bed slut.”
He turned off the lamp on his side of the bed.
I sat there for another couple minutes before I got up and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and got in while it was still cold. I sat there, the water warming up, going over what had just happened. I just found out my brother had a huge cock which he then forced me to suck. I swallowed his cum. I SWALLOWED HIS FUCKING CUM!
Then another thought hit me. This was day one of our two week vacation in sunny Florida. I could only begin to dream what the next two weeks had in store.
End of chapter 1.
More to come.

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Thank Goodness for Bathtime

This is my first story. It took a lot of effort, so I probably won’t write another story, but if I get enough positive feedback, I will write a part 2 to this.

Jeanette chapter 3

I had been sucking my best friend’s dad’s dick for over two weeks. Almost everyday he’d signal me that he needed me. Most days I’d say goodbye to Tommy then sneak into his parent’s room to suck his dad off.

Am I just using him – chapter 5

Hey guys,
Since a month I’ve been writing an interactive sex story. This means the story is non-linear; your choices influence the plot. This is a lot of work, so I’m having difficulties rereading it to find all the mistakes. If someone wants to proofread it, please send me an email.