Cum Swallowing

The Harem Pt.3

This the 3rd chapter, I recommend to read part 1 and 2 first. All described persons are of legal age. This is my first story and I’m not a native speaker but I’m happy for your criticism – good or bad. Please comment if you want the story to continue.

My Perverted Family: 1. Bella’s Story

I come from a long line of sexually perverted individuals. My family is riddled with tales of incest and debauchery. My parents, my wife’s parents, my Aunts & Uncles, my Brothers & Sisters, my Cousins and most of our In-Laws have engaged in Incest and every other form of sexual deviancy. You name it, and someone in my family probabaly did it.

Higher Education

This story is fictitious and is set in the west coast of the USA in the mid-1980’s . This is my first attempt at writing erotic fiction and constructive feedback is appreciated. If responses are positive I’ll post more chapters.
My parents had finally left after saying their goodbyes, leaving me to unpack alone in my new dorm room. They would be ninety miles away now, just far enough that I didn’t have to worry much about surprise visits and close enough I could go home pretty easily when necessary. My new roommate seemed pretty cool, and had wisely stepped out to give my family and I space to move me in. I was on the sixth floor out of eight of this coed dorm. The floors alternated between womens rooms on the odd floors and mens rooms on the even, two students to a room, with one very large communal bathroom on each floor. I was in what was considered the freshman dorm although my roommate had already pointed out the one advantage to the freshman dorm, our windows faced the all-girls dorm right across the street.
Part of the reason I had selected this university was because my high school guidance counselor (bless his heart) had let me in on some little known data about this school, namely that 61% of the approximately 8,000 students were female the previous several years. It also didn’t hurt that my older brother Mitch was attending this same university and had raved about it. He had shown me around the campus when I had visited him the previous spring and the place was truly beautiful, spread over a wooded hilltop overlooking the bay to the west that led to the Pacific. When I asked him about 61% of the student body being female Mitch laughed and said that sounded about right. He went on to joke that college had been “very educational” for him in that regard and that I had a lot to look forward to.
Mitch and I had never been very close growing up and didn’t usually discuss personal matters so it kind of surprised me when he had asked me if I had any of that kind of “education” yet. I lied to him and told him about a drunken hookup at a party with a girl from a different high school that was a story I had concocted for just such an occasion. He seemed to believe me and I made sure to follow up with asking him for details about his “education” to get the conversation moving away from my non-existent sexual resume.
I was so ashamed to still be a virgin and I was almost always really horny but girls scared the hell out of me. I was kind of shy in general but to say I was shy around women was a big understatement. Ever since puberty, whenever I made eye contact with a girl I was attracted to my heart would start beating really fast, my stomach would tighten up, I wouldn’t be able to think and sometimes I would blush. Naturally I learned to cope with it somewhat. I could usually carry on a limited conversation with a pretty lady as long as it was brief small talk but beyond that I was useless. I had made myself ask a couple of different girls out in high school but, because of how I reacted when I was near them, it was very awkward and in both cases I was politely shot down.
I knew that, objectively, I was a little above average looks-wise and my biggest problems were inexperience and lack of confidence. I had forced myself to take weight training for my physical education requirement my senior year at high school. I’d always been a little chubby growing up but now my 5’9″ frame was still pretty lean and muscular even though I hadn’t worked out since graduation. My thick dark brown hair had lightened a bit over the summer as I had been working full time outside washing cars at the hometown Ford dealership to make a little money for school. All that time outside had given me a pretty good tan too so when I arrived on campus I knew that I looked as good as I probably ever would. I just needed to find a way to overcome my fears so I could fulfill my lust.
The next morning I had just made it on time to my freshman orientation class and took one of the few remaining seats in the back of the lecture hall. I got settled in to my seat and everyone quieted down as a stern looking older lady approached the lectern and welcomed us and then began giving a brief history of the university, which I actually found interesting. When she moved on from the history of the university to the various departments and majors offered I lost interest a little bit and, being a perpetually horny 18 year old guy, diverted some attention to truly important matters like the young ladies seated nearby.
As I scanned the seats in front of me I noticed to my delight/dread that the ladies did seem to noticeably outnumber the guys and, as you can imagine, a good portion of the ladies were quite attractive in one way or another. I noticed a few classmates from high school peppered into the crowd too which was oddly reassuring. The orientation lecturer was distributing some papers that were being passed back. While this was going on an acquaintance from high school caught my eye and waved. I gave a little wave back and that must have caught the eye of the young lady that turned around to her right and looked at me. Our eyes met and I immediately felt the intense panic reactions. She was literally one of the prettiest women I had ever seen.
‘Don’t look away’, my inner voice surprised me, although it was like I was feeling my consciousness through a tunnel. This was the strongest reaction to a woman I had experienced in years, maybe ever, I noticed clinically. I could feel my heart pounding and my stomach tighten up. She was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at her. I had to look away, this was too intense.
‘Little smile’, my inner voice prodded. In the state I was in I had somehow achieved a kind of detachment, like I was an observer and not a participant, and one of things I observed is that this gorgeous brunette lady still had her big dark eyes locked with mine. How long has it been?
‘Give her a little smile’, the voice insisted. I somehow made the muscles work and I could feel the corners of my mouth twitch up a little bit. Using my new found detachment I started noticing details without really realizing it until later. She had long eyelashes that seemed like part of a trap to imprison my gaze. Her short dark brown hair was thick with a slight curl, styled in a New Wave fashion that had become popular in the last several years. She had cream colored skin and it looked so smooth as her slender neck met her jaw. Noticing the dark red lipstick contrasting with her pale skin I also noted that she had returned my small smile.
How long have I been staring at her, I wondered, as it seemed like it had been going on for several minutes. As she finally looked down, breaking the spell, the strangest question popped into my head… why would someone with such beautiful skin wear so much rouge?
Now that she had looked away my awareness started returning to what passed for normal in my head. ‘What is wrong with me?’, I thought. She is going to think I’m a total weirdo for staring at her like that! She’ll probably tell all her friends….
My fear-filled reverie was abruptly interrupted by the guy seated to my right who nudged me with his elbow. “Oh my God!”, he whispered as I looked over to see who nudged me. His jostling combined with the handouts now arriving served to fully return my consciousness to normal and gave me a clue as to how much time had actually passed. It had only been a three or four seconds, five at the most. I looked at my neighbor as he handed me one of the handouts and he repeated, “Oh my God!”
I looked at him and was crushed because I immediately realized that the girl must have been looking at him. He was an obviously good looking guy and quite a bit bigger than myself. She was just far enough away that I could have made the mistake, as I have always been a little nearsighted. Hopefully she was too engrossed with him to notice me staring so moony-eyed at her. Realizing I hadn’t replied to my neighbor’s whispered exclamations, I chimed in and tried to be a good sport. “She’s… something”, was all I could manage.
He chuckled knowingly and said to me, “What did you do to make her blush so much?”
“Huh?”, I said stupidly as it now dawned on me that she wasn’t wearing too much rouge. “She was looking at you, wasn’t she?”
“I wish! That was all you, buddy”, he replied while giving me another nudge with his elbow. He seemed like he was excited for me and I had a feeling I had made my first friend at college. “So how did you make her blush like that?”, he asked again.
“I just smiled at her”, I said after thinking about it for a moment. I turned to him and recreated the little smile I had forced out a minute earlier.
He looked at my smile and replied, “Guess it doesn’t work on guys”. We both laughed
“Usually it doesn’t work on girls either”, I muttered.
“Hmpf, I know that feeling. I’m Paul, by the way”, he said, extending his right hand.
“Steve”, I replied, shaking his proffered hand.
“So, you going to talk to her after this?”, Paul asked. It hadn’t yet occurred to me that I should approach her after class until he mentioned it but I knew right away that I would. I had no choice even though the thought of it terrified me.
“A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do”, I said ruefully. Fortunately Paul misunderstood my meaning and thought I was pretending to be put out by having to talk to a gorgeous young lady.
“Awww, poor guy!”, he said with a chuckle. As the orientation wound down I became more and more alarmed at the prospect of going to speak to someone who caused such an intense turmoil inside me. As terrified as I was about approaching the object of my desire I knew I had to see if I had a even a chance with her and I also didn’t want to seem like a pussy to Paul who seemed to be rooting for me. The lecturer dismissed us and everyone stood up almost as one. I looked over towards the girl I had been obsessing over and she was looking right at me again. Our eyes met once more and I could feel it all start to happen again until someone stood up between us.
‘Be a man’, my inner voice said sternly. This somehow spurred me on through my terror and I grabbed my backpack, took a deep breath, and turned to go talk to her. She was now hugging some other guy and they both seemed pretty pleased to see each other. I felt relieved and crushed at the same time as I did an about face and turned to leave. Paul had seen what had happened and gave me a sympathetic look and chucked me on the shoulder, “Figures! Better luck next time, brother”.
A couple of days later I found myself alone in my room after classes. I had already realized that privacy is at a premium living in the dorms with a roommate and that if I wanted to “rough up the suspect” now was probably the best time I would get until I learned more about my roommate’s patterns. I hadn’t jerked it for several days and being surrounded by coeds all the time had made me extremely horny. Figuring I’d make it especially festive, I grabbed the bag of weed my brother had given me and loaded a bowl.
I loved to smoke pot and especially before I masturbated as it seemed to make my cock even bigger and harder. I was getting pretty high sitting by the window, trying to make sure I didn’t reek up the room too much. My roommate knew I liked to smoke and he was cool with it but didn’t partake and I didn’t want rub his nose in it. Just as I was about to drop my pants three soft knocks sounded from the door.
‘Fuck!’, I shouted inwardly and my heart seemed to stop. I couldn’t get busted and kicked out of school so I decided to pretend like no one was home. Three more knocks, a little louder and faster this time. I stayed perfectly still except to cross my fingers and hope whoever it is just went away.
“I know you’re in there and I know that smell”, a young man’s voice said through the door. Just as I imagined the worst he continued, “I’m not here to bust you, I just want a hit or two, ok?” It has to be a trick I thought, until a moment later he said, “C’mon man….”. Somehow, the way he said it, established his credentials as “cool” and I opened the door without even really thinking about it. He quickly pushed in and closed and locked the door.
“Dude, that smells awesome but you’re stinking up the whole floor ya know?”, he was a couple inches shorter than me with brownish-orange hair and a contagious grin.
“I just about had a heart attack when you knocked!”, I was so relieved I wasn’t getting busted.
“Ha! Sorry about that! You should really cover this smoke alarm”, he pointed to the alarm I had totally failed to notice. “You just might get that heart attack when that goes off”, he continued as he snatched up a plastic grocery bag. “Got a rubber band?”, he asked as he pulled out a chair to get up to the alarm. He was still grinning. I was still trying to settle down from the adrenaline rush as I handed him the rubber band. “Push a towel along the bottom of the door will totally help too”, he added helpfully.
“You got it figured out!”, I replied, thinking that he did seem to have put some thought into smoking weed in the dorms without getting caught.
“Yeah, I got my room all set up…”, he paused for a moment and added, “We should just head over there, it’s just the next building over. There’s no RA on my floor either. Give this place some time to air out too…”
He did indeed seem to have it figured out so I grabbed the goodies and my keys and we headed over to the next building which was essentially a clone of the dorm I lived in. As we headed over to his building I learned his name was Ron and he was a freshman also, from one of the larger agricultural towns in the eastern part of the state. He told me his roommate was kind of a straight arrow and didn’t seem to share our enthusiasm for partying but concluded “he shouldn’t be too hard to corrupt”.
We got to Ron’s room (also on the sixth floor) and lo and behold his straight arrow roommate turned out to be Paul, my buddy from orientation.
“You two know each other?”, Ron said as Paul and I greeted each other.
“Yeah, we met at orientation. Hey, this is the guy that made her blush!”, Paul said. I knew who and what he was talking about but wondered how he would have had occasion to tell the tale to Ron. I didn’t wonder long…
“The aerobics instructor?”, Ron wanted to clarify, “She’s so fucking hot!”
“Aerobics instructor?”, I looked at Paul wondering just how stoned I was.
Paul grinned, “Yeah, your girlfriend teaches aerobics in the main lobby a couple days a week”.
“She’s your girlfriend?!?”, Ron looked at me with a mixture of disbelief and disgust.
“Only in his dreams, Ron.”, Paul chuckled, “I’m just giving him a hard time because he didn’t get a chance to talk to her after orientation”. I could already tell I would likely be spending a lot of party time with these guys and the last thing I needed was for them to get their expectations too high as far as girls and I were concerned.
“I haven’t seen her since”, I added, trying not to sound too sad. I had been thinking about her quite a bit since the orientation and had been keeping an eye out for her but had to seem nonchalant in front of my new friends.
“Well, she lives in this building if she’s teaching aerobics here”, Paul observed.
“She’s so fucking hot!”, Ron repeated for emphasis and none of us could disagree. We all ended up pretty stoned as Ron’s prediction that his roommate was easily corruptible turned out to be true. After we trooped up to the dining hall for dinner and to sate our munchies we headed back to Ron and Paul’s room. Their next door neighbor startled me when he walked right in without knocking but Ron and Paul hardly noticed until he spoke up. “Beer run?”, he said more than asked.
“Beer run!”, Ron agreed and I started digging for my wallet. It didn’t take long for them to get back and not much longer before a small party had formed in Ron and Paul’s room. We were well into a heated round of quarters when I got up to use the restroom. On the way back, I recalled that Paul had pointed out one of the fliers for the aerobics class on the floor’s bulletin board as we went to dinner. Maybe I could get her name or room number, although I knew the chances of me following through with anything that required that information was pretty remote.
As I turned the corner to the bulletin board the nearby elevator dinged open and out of the parting doors walked the woman of my dreams herself. She seemed lost in thought and her eyes didn’t meet mine until she was about five feet in front of me. As her eyes met mine we both stopped. The effects on me were almost identical to what had happened at orientation only now we can add a touch of nausea to the list of symptoms. The one bright spot for me was that I had a pretty good buzz going and that dulled the intensity of my panic reaction just a bit.
“Hey Steve! Did you fall in?”, I heard from around the corner behind me. Just how long had we been standing here? I couldn’t take my eyes from hers and she kept looking me in the eye as Ron rolled up behind me. “Hey buddy, there you are!”, he said slapping me on the shoulder, only slurring a little bit, “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?”. He said the last word playfully like he was teasing me at recess in second grade. At this point I figured that if there were a merciful God he would just end my misery with a nice quick brain aneurism. I somehow knew that was the least likely outcome and seriously considered just running like hell and dropping out of school forever.
She finally broke eye contact with me and looked over to the always grinning Ron. As noted previously, Ron’s grin was contagious and I saw her full lips break into a grin too. “Hi, I’m Kim”, she announced as she stuck her right hand out to shake Ron’s hand. Her voice was just as beautiful as the rest of her. As they shook, her eyes met mine again and she added, “and I’m not his girlfriend”.
“Yet”, she added again looking back to Ron, grinning even more.
“I’m Ron” he said as their handshake finished. Ron now slapped his other hand on my other shoulder and started rubbing my shoulders like I was a prizefighter and he was my trainer loosening me up before the big fight, “And of course you already know our buddy Steve here”, he continued. Kim had an amused look on her face and was back to looking me in the eye again as she and I shook hands. She was just opening her mouth to object that she didn’t know me at all but Ron quickly added before she could speak up, “He’s the guy that’s going to buy you a beer!”
I had apparently misjudged Ron, he came across as kind of a simple fun-loving bumpkin but he had quite cleverly helped me along. Why couldn’t I be more like that? I had been trying to think of something to say for what seemed like forever but between the beer, the weed and Kim’s presence I had no hope of doing much beyond returning her smile. I did the only thing I could think of and rotated to her side and offered her the crook of my arm as if I were escorting her into the formal ball. The look in her eyes told me I had finally done something right as she latched on to my arm. It was only then that I really noticed that she was quite petite, about five feet tall, slender with a smallish but perky looking chest and the most perfectly rounded derriere.
As we headed back to Ron’s room Kim gave me a mischievous look. “Hey Ron, do we need to use sign language around Steve?”
“Huh?”, Ron replied and then, getting it quicker than I, started laughing loudly. A moment later I started laughing too as I realized I still had yet to say a single word in Kim’s presence.
“Nah, he’s just a little retarded”, Ron managed to get out in between laughs, “He’ll speak up if he needs something”.
The look on Kim’s face for the moment it took her to realize Ron was kidding was priceless and we were all laughing as we went back into Ron’s room. The party was still going strong and I noticed a few other ladies had joined the party while I was gone. Paul was grinning at me, almost laughing. I could only imagine what he thought of me now. Seating was getting scarce in the dorm room however and I somehow had the presence of mind to snag one of the remaining chairs and offer it to Kim with a gesture.
“I’ll just sit on your lap”, she said after looking at the other ladies that were similarly seated. Who was I to argue? I sat down and thanked my lucky stars that she didn’t sit down square on my crotch as some of the other girls were doing but gently seated herself on my left leg, near where it joined my pelvis. If she had sat down on my cock and I gotten hard underneath her I probably would have had that aneurism that I’d recently been praying for. Just as she sat down Ron came up behind me and got my attention and handed me an opened beer bottle in each hand, unseen by Kim. I brought the beer in my left hand over to her left hand and she accepted with a surprised smile. We clicked our bottles together and drank up in unison.
I made two mental notes right then: 1) Ron had turned out to be a pretty damned good wingman 2) I still hadn’t said a word to Kim. I knew I was going to have to say something to her sooner or later but I knew it was best to say and drink as little as possible in hopes of not screwing things up and prolonging my exposure to Kim. Paul helped us out and got Kim talking about herself. I learned that she grew up only 20 miles from where I did, was a freshman music major, played the alto saxophone, and lived on the 3rd floor. Kim protested she wasn’t really the aerobics instructor, she just got it going and led the group but didn’t really do much instruction. I could feel her relax as she spoke, leaning back into me gradually until I had no choice but to put my arm around her to support her. She smelled so nice, I couldn’t place the scent though. She seemed very lady like, almost elegant, but would occasionally surprise you by using profanity for emphasis.
After she finished her beer Kim hopped up off of my lap and grabbed my shoulder to steady herself. She gave my shoulder a little squeeze and then, as if she were just then realizing I had some decent muscles on me, looked at my shoulder and gave it another little squeeze. I was watching her face the whole time and she smiled as she looked me in the eye and announced, “Potty time!”. She giggled as she turned around and headed to the door, picking her way through the crowd a little unsteadily.
I didn’t have to look around to know that I wasn’t the only one watching her backside as she navigated the small obstacle course to the door. I wondered if she knew she was giving us a little show with way her perfectly rounded little butt strained against her tight acid-wash jeans as she made her way to the door. As the door was closing behind her she looked back with a serious expression, right at me, and made the little head and eye gesture that means “get your ass over here” in any language. I knew I was expected to get up and follow Kim and felt all the old anxieties boiling up again. I wasn’t the only one to see her gesture and now the room had gotten a little quieter. I had to do something…
‘Be a man’, I thought but was horrified to find I had actually said this aloud but because I hadn’t really spoken in a while it came out as a barely audible poly-syllabic croak. I cleared my throat and smiled as I got up and said, very properly, “Pardon me folks”. I picked my way through the crowd towards the door and it just popped into my head, and I said loudly, “Potty Time!”. The room erupted in laughter and I was laughing too as I closed the door. Maybe I could do this after all…
Kim was standing out in the hall nearby laughing also, she had heard my outburst and it’s reaction. Now that we were out of the noise of the party I noticed she had the cutest laugh. I was just starting to hope that I might not screw this up, that this gorgeous young lady actually liked me, but her face turned serious and she straightened up as I moved towards her.
“I really need to talk to you Steve but I really, really need to run downstairs and use the bathroom first. Can you meet me in the third floor lounge in a few minutes?”. My mind immediately started racing wondering what she wanted to talk to me about and why it’s so serious. I still had a pretty good buzz going so my thinking machinery was going a little slow. “Ok?”, she asked when I hadn’t responded for a couple seconds. I nodded my head in the affirmative, still resolved to say as little as possible for fear of saying something stupid. I kept smiling at her but I saw a flash of anger pass over her face after I nodded.
“Third floor lounge”, she repeated flatly as she hurried off, almost running for the stairs. I stood there a little stunned but not entirely surprised that things have started to go downhill. In addition to being one of the prettiest ladies I had ever seen, she genuinely seemed like a sweet person and it felt like my heart had dropped in my chest when I realized I might have somehow upset her.
If my heart had dropped in my chest it must have been pressing up against my bladder now as I realized that I really had to pee too. As I took care of that and washed up in the nearby restroom I kept trying to think of ways to salvage the situation or, barring that, maintain some dignity as I crashed and burned. Based on my limited experience it seemed apparent that she liked me but there was some obstacle… That’s when it hit me, she was probably going to tell me that she had a boyfriend. How could she not have a boyfriend already? She could have just about any man she wanted…
I rode the elevator down to the third floor feeling like I was headed to the firing squad. I took a deep breath as the doors opened and I exited. I headed towards the lounge only to find that it wasn’t located in the same room on this floor as on the sixth floor. As I turned a corner I saw Kim up ahead with her back turned to me, leaning in a little into an open doorway. She straightened up as two other ladies left the room she had been leaning into and looked back and saw me approaching. Her big smile when she saw me was interrupted as one of the other girls said something to Kim and she took her eyes off of me and nodded to the other girl. The two girls that had exited the room now were all giggles as they walked away from Kim and past me, one of them visibly checking me out, head to toe, as they went by. I felt my face get warm as they went past and then one of them said teasingly, “Have a good night, Kim!”. Their giggles turned to laughs as they walked away and now Kim was blushing too.
Our eyes met and somehow I was standing right in front of her, both of us still blushing but the serious expression had returned to her face. She grabbed my hand and led me into the now empty lounge. Kim let go of my hand and closed the door after we had both entered. She turned to face me and demanded, “What’s the deal?”
I stood there dumbly with no idea on earth what she meant. All of my panic reactions that had been on a simmer most of the night suddenly intensified. She must have seen the dumbstruck look on my face and that flash of anger I had seen before on her had returned. I knew I had to say something but with the confusion and anxiety it just wasn’t going to happen.
“Why wont you talk to me?”, she said softly, her voice catching at the end of her question. I saw tears starting to form in her big brown eyes and she raised her hands as if to place them on my chest and then thought better of it and brought them up to her own chest, as if to protect herself. I was still speechless. My mind just couldn’t compute a response to this situation. Her eyes broke from mine and she looked down as she lost the battle to keep from crying. I couldn’t stand to see her like that, it was breaking my heart to see this perfect girl crying. I felt my own eyes starting to tear up as I stepped forward and instinctively wrapped my arms around her gently pulling her close to me. Her forehead was on my chest and her arms were still in front of her as I embraced her.
“I can’t stop… thinking about you… ever since we… since orientation…”, she managed to get out, just barely audible between her sobs. I thought I knew what dumbstruck was until she continued, “I never … really believed in… love at first sight… but when you…. when we…”. Her body shook as her crying intensified. “I know you feel it too”, she looked up to my face for confirmation. I knew I had to say something to her but seeing her crying and processing her latest revelations only impaired my thinking even more. She can’t stop thinking about me? Is she saying she’s in love with me? I needed to say something…
“I feel it too”, I whispered, “It’s just so… overwhelming…”. That was all I could seem to get out. Kim buried her face into my chest and wrapped her arms tightly around me as she started crying even harder than before. I hugged her tightly back, not sure what else to do.
“I’m pretty overwhelmed too”, she whispered after she had stopped sobbing enough to speak. She pulled back and looked up into my eyes. This was just too unbelievable. Unbelievable that this gorgeous young lady not only was somehow in love with me but also that she seemed determined to keep me from screwing it up. My body seemed to operate on it’s own as I slowly leaned in to kiss her. She kissed me back in what became a slow and passionate but still fairly chaste kiss. As we both pulled back to catch our breath, we both simultaneously sniffed through our noses to clear the snot that had formed from the tears and crying. We both started laughing at our synchronized snorting, the tension between us somehow making it even funnier. She let go of me, opened the door and grabbed my hand and led me to the nearby bathroom.
I was a little leery of going into the ladies restroom but Kim tightened her grip on my hand as she sensed my reluctance and pulled me in behind her. We stopped at a bank of sinks and seemed to be alone. She released my hand and turned to me and held up her index finger. I waited there while she turned around and went to the toilets stalls and grabbed enough tissues for us both to blow our noses. We were both all smiles as we cleaned up, both of us giggling a little, a lot of the tension between us was now gone. After she and I had first kissed I had slowly begun to accept that I might just have won some kind of cosmic lottery and was able to loosen up a little.
“I’m sorry Steve, I almost never cry but.. it’s just the way I feel about you… it’s just so…”, Kim faltered, searching for the right words.
“Intense?”, I offered.
“Yes! I knew you felt it too!”, she exclaimed, so pleased I had selected the word she was looking for thereby confirming for her that I felt the same way as she did
“I feel it too.”, I assured her again. I must have been grinning like an idiot I was so happy.
“Good because I’m going to kiss you some more and it would be kind of awkward otherwise”, she said with a twinkle in her eyes.
I was leaning back with my rump against the bank of sinks as Kim slid in front of me and before I knew it we were lip to lip again. It wasn’t long before our kisses became more intimate and Kim’s body was firmly pressed up against mine. Her body felt so warm against mine and she smelled so nice. It felt so good to hold her in my arms and kiss her. These were my first real kisses and I had worried in the past if I would be a good kisser but it seemed so natural to be kissing Kim that I didn’t even think about it when it was happening. Her hands started to explore my back and sides and I could feel my cock swelling rapidly. My hands started their own exploration of Kim’s back and sides. Her waist was so tiny!
She pulled back for air and gasped quietly, “God, you’re so…”. Unable to find the right words she decided to go back to kissing me until a moment later she blurted, “Great kisser!!”. We both cracked up laughing at her syntax error.
“Hmmm, what’s this?”, Kim said pretending like she hadn’t felt my erection against her for the last minute. She looked down and started tracing the outline of my rock hard cock through my jeans with her fingers. I saw her eyes go wider as she realized the size implications of what she had just traced out on the denim. She looked back up into my eyes and said quietly, “There’s something you need to know about me if I’m going to be your girlfriend”. She said the last word like Ron had earlier making me match her smile but I was starting to dread what it was that I needed to know about her. Devoutly religious popped into my head although at this point that seemed unlikely. She pulled me down closer and whispered in my ear, “I’m a pervert!”.
I could tell she was enjoying my surprised expression but I, somehow, recovered quickly, “Now I’m really speechless”. I knew it was only partly true now but she and I shared another laugh in each others arms as it had been a pretty clever thing to say this time. We started making out again and my hands started to explore Kim’s incredible butt causing her to softly moan into our kiss.
“Get a room you two!”, a cute girl with long blonde hair startled us as she passed by. I looked up to see her grin at us as she made her way back to the toilet stalls.
“We should probably…”, Kim started disengaging herself from our embrace.
“Yeah…”, I said, a little disappointed, thinking that she was going to say “call it a night” and then I recalled that she had just told me she’s a pervert.
“…find someplace else.”, Kim finished. We both looked at our watches, both obviously trying to gauge if our roommates would be home or asleep by now (only RAs had singles in these dorms).
“I’m pretty sure my roommate’s home by now”, I had learned he was an early to bed, early to rise type already and it was a Thursday night, “but we can can go check”.
“I know my roommate is home…”, she paused for a moment. I was about to suggest going back to the lounge but then I saw her smile grow as an idea formed and she once again grabbed my hand, this time leading me out of the restroom. She dragged me only about 20 more feet, stopping at room #311 and fishing out her key from the front of her jeans. She held up her index finger again and disappeared into the room while I waited outside. I could hear her talking to her roommate but I couldn’t make out what was being said. A minute later she reappeared with two bath towels and a clear bag containing shower supplies.
“Did Blondie leave yet?”, Kim asked after she closed the door and handed me the towels.
“Uh.. I don’t think so”, I hadn’t seen or heard her but I was a little lost in thought and could have easily missed her leaving. My erection had subsided a bit while I waited for Kim but upon realizing what she had in mind my cock almost hurt because of how hard I had become.
“Speak of the devil”, Kim whispered as I looked over to see the blonde girl leaving the bathroom. The smirk on Blondie’s face told me that she had seen the towels and put two and two together.
“Have fun Kim!”, Blondie called playfully as she walked away.
“‘Night Amy”, Kim’s back to blushing. It seemed like everyone in this dorm knew everyone else on their floor.
“‘Night Blondie!”, I decided to join in, I was giddy. Kim’s eyes went a little wider and now she was smirking.
“‘Night Cute Guy!”, Amy said with a chuckle just as she moved out of sight. Kim couldn’t resist a little giggle at that and it was my turn to blush again. Once Amy was out of sight Kim hurried into the bathroom with me hot on her heels. She led us to the back of the bathroom to the shower stalls that I had been unable to see previously and selected the farthest stall.
As she closed the first privacy curtain behind us, I dropped the towels and came up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. As I pulled her gently back into my embrace, I made sure she could feel just how hard she had made me. She started caressing my arms and leaned back against me, tilting her head back. My body just seemed to know what to do as I leaned in and started to softly kiss her neck.
“Mmmmm”, she hummed in delight as my lips slowly kissed up the side of her neck. My right hand had started to work it’s way up to explore Kim’s chest and she began to gently push my left hand down towards her pelvis. My kisses had climbed up the smooth pale skin of her neck to her ear, as my lips touched her earlobe my hand found her left breast. “Steve, I…”, she didn’t seem to be able to continue. I could feel her hard nipple poking the fabric under my hand and she pushed my other hand past the top of her jeans. My lips worked on her earlobe and, without meaning to, I gently exhaled through my nose right into her ear. I felt her twitch a little against me as I blew into her ear. She pushed my left hand against her groin just as I squeezed her nipple through her shirt with my right.
“Fuck!”, she gasped as she bucked hard against me. Her reaction startled me and I thought for a moment that I had done something wrong or that something was wrong with her as she was now completely still in my arms. Her echos quickly brought her back to earth and she stepped away from me and turned around. The lust was obvious in her eyes, “Get the shower going”, she hissed quietly. I turned to obey and I could hear her disrobing behind me. I was familiar with the shower controls so it was only a moment or two before I turned back to Kim and found she was already down to just her pants and panties and those were gone before I could kick off my shoes. I didn’t get the chance to admire her body much as she stepped over to work on my belt. As she pulled my pants and underwear down my hard cock popped out right against her cheek. She flinched a little but it was only a moment before she was trying to wrap her hands around it. It was my turn to flinch as her hands gripped my manhood.
She looked up grinning and whispered, “Jesus Christ, what the hell did they feed you growing up?”. She had one small hand on each side of it and was slowly stroking the full eight inches, seemingly mesmerized by how it felt in her hands, “I’ve never seen one this thick before!”. I nearly came as she slowly licked up the underside of the shaft like a popsicle. I felt like the only gentlemanly thing to do was to warn her she was going to get a facefull of semen if she continued.
“Kim…”, I started.
“Oh, right!”, she misunderstood and backed away to let me step out of my pants. I took the hint and quickly finished disrobing, almost forgetting my socks. It was pretty hard to keep my eyes on what I was doing with Kim standing a few feet away completely nude. Her body was very nicely toned. Her breasts were firm and tight like the rest of her body, two smallish mounds topped by nickel sized areolas and perky nipples. Her flat belly led down to her dark pubic hair that looked neat and tidy as if she had trimmed it. She saw me hungrily eyeing her body and started to slowly run her hands across her smooth pale skin. Once she was certain she had my full attention she slowly turned around and, legs together, bent over at the waist and began rummaging through her shower bag.
When I saw Kim’s perfectly rounded little butt and her toned legs displayed in such a provocative pose I couldn’t help but to start to slowly stroke my engorged member. Her legs spread slightly and I saw her hand snake it’s way between her thighs. Her hand gently cupped her genitals and she began to slowly massage her pussy lips. I could see the wetness begin to spread around as she rubbed herself. I snuck a glance at her almost upside-down face and she seemed mesmerized by my hand going up and down my hardness.
“Damn you!”, she whispered as she straightened up and faced me. “I was going to tease you but you and your pal there have got me so worked up!”, Kim added as she placed a hand on my chest and slowly pushed me backwards into the shower.
“You’ve got my pal and I pretty well worked up too”, I said quietly as I felt the warmth of the shower hit my back.
The hand she used to push me had trailed down to my cock and started working on the head. She couldn’t miss the look of ecstasy on my face as she played with it. “Mmmm, just how worked up are you? Are we talking hair trigger situation here?”, she purred.
“That’s a… pretty accurate way… to describe it.”, I was back to having trouble speaking again, this time for an entirely different reason.
“So if I were to keep doing this…?”, she asked teasingly, increasing her pace a little.
“You’re about… ten seconds from finding out… if you don’t stop”, I panted quietly. I had never been so aroused.
“9.. 8.. 7..”, she grinned, the look in her dark eyes daring me to try to stop her as her other hand found my balls. The water from the shower had lubricated her hands and she picked up her pace. “6.. 5.. 4..”, she got on her knees in front of me without missing a beat, “I want to see you cum, baby!”
It felt like my penis exploded. I came so hard it hurt. Kim had brought the hand from my balls up to help it’s mate in milking rope after thick rope from my twitching cock. She seemed to relish the hot semen splashing on her face and chest, licking the corner of her mouth to get a taste when she couldn’t seem to get a shot to go in her mouth. After the fifth strong shot she looked up at me and her expression seemed to say ‘Seriously dude?’ but she kept working the head with short hard strokes. I was getting weak in the knees and the next blast hit Kim right on the chin and, as the next one hit her chest, she started laughing and put her hands up and said, “I surrender! Hold your fire!”
After Kim had released me I put my left hand out and slowly lowered myself to the floor coming to rest right in the shower spray and now, on top of everything, I was laughing my ass off. I couldn’t believe that on top of everything else Kim had such a great sense of humor too.
“Holy shit Steve! Are you ok?, she reached over to me, not sure if I was laughing or crying. She quickly realized my body was shaking because I was laughing from her surrender and she couldn’t help but to start laughing again. After a moment she pushed me back, so I was laying down on my back, and straddled me. The warm water splashed over us and I could see the semen being rinsed off of her face and chest. Her warm groin pressed gently against mine as she leaned in so we were almost nose to nose. Our laughter slowly petered out as the warm water cascaded over us.
“Oh my God Kim…”, I was still trying to catch my breath but wasn’t too out of it to start exploring Kim’s bare skin for the first time.
“That was the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen!”, she whispered running her hands through the hair on my chest. “I can’t believe how much you came! Do you always shoot that much semen?”
“That was by far the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had”, I said. My hands were caressing the curve of her hips as she gently began to rock on top of me
“God, you must have been saving that up for a while”
“Yeah, it’s been 3 or 4 days…”, I didn’t get to finish my sentence.
We both cringed when we heard laughter. Kim stopped rocking on me and we communicated through facial expressions while we listened intently. It sounded like two girls at the sinks and they were laughing and talking excitedly while they washed up before bed. It was hard to hear everything they said over the shower and sinks but it was pretty clear they were talking about a guy they knew and what they wanted to do to him. While we were listening Kim starting rubbing her groin on my still semi-hard cock. She sat up a little so I could finally get my hands on her firm breasts, slowly kneading them and running my thumbs over her perky nipples as the water splashed across her chest. I was a little shocked at some of the things the girls at the sinks said and Kim and I had a hard time stifling our own laughter.
After they had departed Kim whispered, “I find it hard to believe all these horny young vixens left a strapping young man like you alone for 3 or 4 days.”
“Horny young vixens leaving me alone has never been a problem”, I chuckled and then regretted it when I saw where it might lead. I didn’t want to tell Kim I was virgin at least until after our first time and certainly not right now when I was so close. Things were going so well and I really didn’t want it to get weird.
Kim chuckled too but, being face to face with me, she couldn’t help but notice I had become a little uncomfortable. “Seriously?”, she asked, starting to put it together. I could feel my erection quickly deflating in between us as it had indeed gotten weird. Shit! There’s no way she couldn’t feel me deflate too, “Wait, you don’t mean… never?”, she probed. Of course, I could only nod resignedly. I really didn’t want to lie to her and certainly not when we were almost nose to nose. “Wow, I get to be first?”, she asked excitedly.
“If you want”, I said quietly, still uncomfortable but liking the turn things were taking.
“Oh Steve! You are just too good to be true!”, she kissed me tenderly and continued softly, “I know it’s embarrassing for a guy to be a virgin but I can’t tell you how… special I feel knowing I get to be your first.”
I couldn’t think of anything to say that didn’t sound too corny so I did what I really wanted to and pulled her into a passionate kiss and started playing with her tight little butt. She got the idea and shut up and kissed me back even more passionately, our bodies pressed tightly together. Just as I could feel my dick shrinking between us earlier, I now felt it growing and Kim felt it too. She slid a hand in between us and started stroking my cock. It was only a few moments before she had me as hard as possible and we were both moaning into our kisses and Kim had started to grind on her hand as it worked on my erection. I loved the way her body slid across mine with the warm water from the shower lubricating our skin just enough. Kim had finally slid up far enough for me to get my mouth on her boobs and I happily latched on to one of her hard nipples as my hands automatically came up to fondle her tits.
I felt Kim’s hips raise up and her nipple left my mouth. She looked down into my eyes as she slowly started rubbing the head of my cock against her pussy. I couldn’t believe I was finally going to lose my virginity and it was beyond unbelievable that it was with someone like Kim. I savored the feeling of the tip of my cock sliding over her soft warm pussy lips but she finally decided it was time. Kim ever so slowly started lowering herself onto my shaft. The feeling as I slowly entered her for the first time was almost enough to make me climax again right then and there. The moment was slightly spoiled by this nagging feeling I had. It was the same feeling as when I was forgetting something important. What the fuck was it and why the fuck was I thinking of it now of all times?
“What’s wrong Steve?”, Kim whispered. She had stopped lowering herself onto me, I could feel the heat of her pussy surround the head of my cock.
“I don’t know, it’s like I’m forgetting someth…”, I whispered back but just as I said it hit me what it was I was forgetting, “Oh! Birth control?”
A huge smile came across her face and she grunted softly as she lowered herself down another inch or so onto my dick. Her cunt was like a hot, wet vise on the top of my cock. “That is so cool that you thought of that!”, Kim said softly and grunted again as she started to slowly ride the top two inches. She enjoyed my look of disbelief for a moment before taking pity on me, “Relax, I’m on the pill”. I matched her smile and she sat up straight and sunk down another inch or so. Kim grabbed my hands from her hips and and placed them on her breasts. I took the hint and started gently fondling her boobs and playing with her erect nipples. She maintained eye contact with me as she picked up the pace of her riding, occasionally wincing and cooing as she slowly took more and more of me.
After a couple minutes she had me almost all the way inside her, she was now panting as she bobbed up and down. Her pussy had a kung-fu grip on my dick and I was getting close to cumming again. With about a half an inch still to go, I felt my cock bottom out and Kim’s cunt flexed hard. I gasped out in pain as her flex was so strong it really hurt. “Cumming…”, she quietly groaned just before her pussy unclenched. Her mouth locked onto mine and she was trying to kiss me but she was having a hard time because she was twitching or spasming slightly. I locked an arm around the back of her waist to steady her and placed my other hand on the back of her neck and kissed her back hard. She was moaning and breathing quickly through her nose and I could feel fluttery contractions around my penis. It was so erotic to hear her erratic breathing through her nose as she tried to kiss me. If Kim hadn’t clamped down on my cock a few moments ago I surely would have orgasmed again during her climax but the surprise and the pain had set my orgasm back.
I wasn’t really sure what I should be doing while she was riding out her twitchy climax so I just held on to her tightly and returned her kisses as best I could. Kim eventually relaxed and put her hands out to support some of her weight which I hadn’t realized I had been supporting. She pulled her face back from mine and we just stared at one another under the spray of the shower for a half minute or so while she caught her breath. I was getting uncomfortable laying on the floor of the shower so I sat up and once again locked my arm around the back of Kim’s waist to steady her. My lips found hers again as I sat upright with her still impaled on me. She wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and we kissed tenderly for a few moments. She broke the kiss and whispered in my ear, “You’re doing pretty damned good for your first time”.
I grinned and whispered in her ear, “I’ve got a pretty damned good partner!”.
“I love it when you clamp me hard against your body like that! It’s so….”, she trailed off unable to think of the proper words. The way she had phrased it made me recall a position I had fantasized about many times. I held onto her tightly with the arm around her waist and used my other arm to help me stand up with her still impaled on my hardness. She let out a soft whoop as we ascended and held on tightly to my neck. Once I was standing I got my arms underneath her thighs was supporting her weight by cradling her buttocks in my hands. “Oh fuck yeah…”, she groaned into my ear as I began to slowly raise and lower her petite body onto my shaft. This was even better than I had ever imagined, it was pure carnal bliss. The primal urge to fuck her hard and deep was almost overwhelming and Kim must have felt similarly as she was squirming around trying to get me deeper inside of her. I somehow had the presence of mind to try to tease her a little, resisting her movements and keeping it slow and shallow. She was shooting me this sexy glare like she was getting pissed but that only made me want to savor it even more.
Kim eventually took the hint and relaxed as I slowly built up the speed and depth of my strokes. Soon we were both panting but the faster and harder I went the more my arms were tiring out. It was only a few feet to the wall opposite the shower head and I moved us there and pinned her to the wall, her buttocks still cradled in my hands. Once I had her pinned I looked her in the eye and thrust up hard. “Aaaahhhh”, she cried and I stopped, thinking I had hurt her. “Don’t stop!”, Kim whispered breathily and then kissed me hard. I took her advice and continued to fuck her into the wall. “Harder!”, she commanded and I happily obeyed.
It took only a dozen or so more hard thrusts deep into her before I felt my orgasm rushing past the point of no return. I didn’t know if I should pull out before I came or if I was expected to cum in her. “Kim, I’m…”, I started but she interrupted me.
“Cum in me… please…cum…”, she panted. Once she said that I instinctively thrust deep as cum erupted from my cock. I grunted hard as the most unbelievable primal pleasure I had ever felt was compounded by Kim’s reaction to being filled with semen. She had used the extra leverage of being against the wall to push her hips out, forcing my twitching erection even deeper and pushing against her cervix. Just as before when I bottomed out in her, I felt her pussy contract hard around my prick but she released almost immediately when I thrust a little deeper. I was panting into her ear as my balls seemed to empty themselves and she bit my shoulder to keep from crying out as her own orgasm crashed over her. She hugged me tightly to her and emitted a high pitched moan into my shoulder as I felt her cunt twitching around my manhood.
The last time she climaxed I just held onto her and let her ride it out, this time I decided to see what would happen if I kept fucking her. My hands and arms were getting really tired and I felt a little weak in the knees from just cumming but I was determined to gut it out during Kim’s climax. I slowly withdrew an inch or so and she shivered against me. As I pushed back in, her head came off of my shoulder her mouth tried to find mine. I kissed her gently and she moaned in my mouth as I fucked her with slow, short, deep thrusts. She trembled against me occasionally as her orgasm wound down and I slowly released her. She slid down the wall but instead of standing when her feet hit the ground she used her feet to brace herself as she sat down on the floor with her back to the wall and her mouth hanging open. I thought that was an excellent idea and I sat to her right, taking her hand in mine as we both sat there and caught our breath. It was so pleasant just sitting there holding hands with her while the warm water splashed over our feet and legs. We both seemed to be savoring the moment and neither one of us spoke for a couple of minutes.
She squeezed my hand and whispered, “I’m so glad we found each other.”
“Me too”, was my easy reply.
“Were gonna be a couple of prunes if we stay here much longer”, she said softly.
“I know, but it’s so pleasant sitting here with you…”, I sighed. She squeezed my hand and we sat for another minute in silence. “Ok, now my butt is getting sore”, I said quietly as I wearily started to stand. She giggled and I took her hand to help her up. We both moved into kiss the other and we shared another passionate kiss under the shower’s spray. Her hand found my limp member and I started to harden again. I thought she was playing with it but I quickly realized she was making sure it was getting rinsed off.
She grinned up at me as I continued to harden and whispered, “Seriously?”
I grinned back at her, “I can’t help it, you’re just too sexy”
“Ok baby but my pussy is a little sore…”, she said softly and I could feel that she hated to disappoint me.
“It’s ok Kim”, I interrupted, “I’m a little sore too”. I smiled to reassure her. My cock was sore, I had never heard anybody talk about guys getting sore from sex.
“I’d be more than happy to suck you off if you’re not too sore”, Kim said with a twinkle in her eyes. The thought of Kim’s full lips wrapped around my cock made me even harder and sorer.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but maybe later, ok?”, I asked, still not believing I was turning down my first blowjob. I was pretty sure there would be plenty of that from her in the future but still…
She gave me a quick smooch and whispered in my ear, “It’s ok baby, just let me know when and I’ll take good care of your pal”
“How about we walk to the diner down the street and grab a bite to eat while he rests?”, I asked. I could think of nothing better than spending more time with Kim.
“Oooh yeah, good idea! They have the best milkshakes!”, she whispered excitedly. We finally turned off the shower and dried off our pruny bodies. As we got dressed she asked quietly, “I thought I smelled weed at the party, does someone there have some?” I smiled and pointed at myself. “I’d love to get stoned and drink one of those milkshakes”, she said excitedly and then added giggling,”or maybe two!”
“That sounds perfect!”, I agreed. We finished dressing and making ourselves presentable. Kim left the shower first and whistled when the coast was clear for me to leave. She dropped off her towels and grabbed her purse. We left the dorm hand in hand, both of us so happy we were almost skipping. We found a little wooded area on the way to the diner and used that for privacy while we toked up. We were both pretty stoned and giggling as we entered the diner. The place was moderately busy and we were seated at a booth. We sat next to each other and ordered our shakes and a plate of fries and told each other funny stories while we waited. Once our order arrived I found Kim was right, they did have the best milkshakes.
“God, I can’t stop thinking about how you hoisted me up and fucked me so good with that fat cock of yours”, Kim said out of the blue after a sip. We both laughed as it was a funny thing to blurt out.
“I loved that sexy glare you gave me as I was trying to hold you still, that was so hot!”, I replied with a grin. She grinned back at me and tried to replicate the sexy glare but she couldn’t keep a straight face. We both laughed some more and our conversation drifted back to more getting-to-know-you small talk as we sipped and ate. We both decided that we didn’t need a second milkshake after all and it seemed like all too soon we were walking back to campus.
On the way back Kim stepped in front of me and stopped. “So, think you’re rested up enough now?”, she inquired with a smirk. Her hand reached out and gently rubbed the front of my pants.
“Sure, but…”, I started and then noticed she had stopped us right in front of the wooded area we had used for privacy earlier. She saw that I understood what she had in mind and started walking to our spot and I was right behind her. Kim stopped us after she felt we were sufficiently concealed and grabbed my belt. She had my pants and underwear down in no time and was down on her knees with my hardening cock in both her hands. There was just enough light filtering in through the trees that I could make out her face, grinning at me as she stuck out her tongue and started licking my cock.
“Mmmmm… I love how hard you get”, she purred as she stroked and licked me slowly. I just kept my mouth shut and grinned at her. I wasn’t very sore anymore and she had me at maximum hardness when her lips finally engulfed the head of my cock. Kim worked my cock about three or four inches into her mouth but that was about all she could take. She worked me over with her lips sucking and tongue swirling while her hands stroked the saliva coated shaft. My moans of pleasure seemed to spur her on to go faster. She pulled her mouth off of my dick and started stroking the head. “Cum in my mouth”, she whispered and went back to sucking me. I put my hands on her head and just held on while she picked up her pace and had me jizzing in her mouth a minute later. This felt almost as good as when I came in her tight little pussy.
I had wondered if she were going to spit or swallow but she just swallowed it all and kept sucking and licking my twitching rod until I was too sensitive and I had to push her head away. She took the hint and gave the head a last gentle kiss before pulling my pants up and tucking my spent penis away. “That was your first blowjob?”, she asked as she buckled my pants.
“Yup!”, was about all I could get out.
“I take it you enjoyed it?”, she could see the answer on my face but judging from her smirk I think she wanted to see if I could form a coherent sentence.
“That was amazing Kim, thank you!”,
“I’m glad you liked it because I really enjoy sucking your big dick. Don’t ever be bashful about asking me to suck you off, ok?”, she replied with a lusty grin and I fell even more in love with her.
“I think I can agree to that”, I said happily and then it occurred to me that I wanted to make her as happy as she just made me, or at least try. “May I… um, return the favor?”, I asked hopefully.
“Let’s save that for tomorrow, when we have better light and I can be nice and clean for you”, she countered and it made sense but I was still a little disappointed She seemed to sense my disappointment and added with a little smile, “Tonight I’ll settle you walking me home and then some of your great smooches before I send you on your way.”
“I might be able to live with that”, I answered as I took her hand and led her back towards campus.

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“WATCHING PORN with our mom”

Watching Porn (with our mom)
By Blueheatt
* A young brother and sister had one computer for the whole family of 3. They hid the porn sites from their mom. Mom was no dummy and found them, but kept quiet about it. She wanted to see just what ‘their ‘sexual interests were at the their young ages…*
__After school Randy and Melanie use to fight over who went first on the computer….., then, they just watched….together. *
Melanie (Mel)…..
“Ewwwww, that’s gross Randy, go on to the next one…”
“Shut up Mel, I’m surfing for hot girls,” Randy would say. I was only trying to hurry him up so I could do my own thing when his time was up on the computer…. 20 minutes max, we had decided, then I got my turn.
Randy was a cool brother, but still typical guy and brother. He would ask me to ’go watch for mom’, and then go porn sites he didn’t want me to see him at. I learned to sneak back and watch him. I told him I would go and watch for mom but my phone rang. It was mom, and she wouldn’t be back till real late, she had a date with a guy at her work. I ran in the room to tell Randy when I saw the site he was in. ’Bro & Sis’ it said. He looked at me and smiled, but didn’t click out of it. We both giggled and said…’Ewww’, but continued to watch.
To be silly, I put my arms around his neck and told him about mom being home late.
Randy had never showed any affection towards me but he didn’t take my arms off him as usual. Instead, he reached behind the chair and felt my hips. We didn’t talk as we watched the ’bro & sis’ vid as they started feeling each other up. We just kept watching as Randy kept feeling my hips and now my ass. He then whispered: (…Mel, you’ve got way better hips and ass than she does.”)
That took me by surprise but watching them made me feel Randy’s chest. I said: (“…that guy is fat, not like your chest Randy. “) I think it took us both by surprise how we were reacting. I was truly aroused by my own brother. We watched them undress and she lay on her back naked. He started kissing her tits and working his way down kissing on her. Randy’s hand slowly went inside the back of my shorts. I got chills. I was getting a sexual thrill from him…and I liked it.
Now, was I brave enough to put my hand down his shirt and feel his bare warm smooth chest? I….slowly let my hand go for it. I felt his nipples. He never stopped me.
“Hello” It was mom. A quick stop to change clothes while her date waited.
Randy quick clicked to a map thing or something.
That afternoon changed everything. All I could think about was watching more porn with Randy and us doing some feeling of us. He said I had better hips and ass than that girl?…I thought she looked hot. I whispered to Randy: (“..can we continue watching ’that’ after mom leaves?”) He said: (“I want to if you do Mel.”) He pinched my butt. I blushed but pinched his butt in return as we quietly giggled.
That was pretty hot, feeling Mel while watching a brother and sister get it on. I think she’ll keep quiet about this, but I better make sure. “What happens in this room…stay’s in this room, you understand Mel?” I told her. The little shit kissed me on the cheek! Ewww…was my first reaction, but then I paused to take a good look at her. She was getting some nice tits and shape to her body now. Not a bad girl toy for me. I kissed her back on her cheek…damn…this is getting interesting. I’m turning her on. She’s pushing her tits into my chest and breathing hard. This could be a lot of fun.
Mom yelled goodbye and we heard the door shut. Mel clamped herself on me and it felt pretty good. I was getting a boner over my sister.
It was getting dark as we started doing like the brother and sister in the vid started out. Feeling us. It didn’t take much imagination for me to feel like I had a new very young girlfriend to play with.
* Well….it seems that Randy and Mel have discovered sexual thrills between them. The trick is to not get caught by mom or anyone. Let’s see what transpires between them. Mel, tell us what your thinking….*
This was so hot. A secret affair between just Randy and I. I wanted to tell my best friend Lindsey so bad about what was happening, but I didn’t dare. Randy was now in my arms and feeling my ass. My pussy was tingling as I pushed it into his boner. My hands were under his shirt and he felt so warm and masculine. I wanted boyfriend kisses, so I started on kissing his neck. I felt his hands un-hooking my bra. They came around and for the very first time…he felt my tits. I felt his boner get bigger. My hand went inside his shorts and I felt his bare ass. I pulled his shorts down some. I wanted to feel his boner, bare skin. His one hand drifted down inside my panties in front. We could both hear our breathing in our ears. This was the highest sex thrill I had ever felt.
As my hand came around to feel his boner I felt his finger going up and down my wet slit, then he took his hand out….
He picked me up…and placed me on mom’s bed. We started kissing our faces. His kisses went down my front and stopped at my tits. My nipples felt his tongue trace around them. They were the hardest ever. His tongue made them stand up firm waiting their turn to be licked and sucked on. I felt wonderful jitters in my whole body. I dared to think about where his tongue was going next. I felt his hair and back as he headed down. We both had uncontrolled ’gasps’ for air…. As this was really happening.
He pulled my shorts and panties down both, all in one motion. I kicked them off and spread my legs wide apart. This was my first time to have my pussy licked. I tried to lay still, but I had some spasms from the tingles. I had watched this on porn vids, but…there is nothing like the real thing….
I had never licked a girl this young before, and it was awesome. To make her twitch when I licked up to her clit was hot. Soon she raised up and pulled on me to turn to 69 on our sides. Down came my shorts and I felt her hands fondling my boner. I hoped she would do more than just ’fondle’ it…
My heart was beating so fast as this was my first time feeling a guy’s ‘package’. It was hard to think with Randy doing his licking on my pussy. I all happened so fast, just yesterday we didn’t even touch each other. I was so tense I jumped as each car drove buy our house. What if mom came home early?…but for now I had Randy’s boner staring me in the face. In the porn vids the girl kissed, licked and sucked it…I wanted that too. Randy had me so hot I just went for it. I let my tongue touch it, and then slide all over it. He gave out a pleasure moan, so I put my mouth over the end of it. Now he was twitching like I was. I guess I was doing it right as he pushed more in my mouth. I jacked it with each push he made. My clit couldn’t take much more of his sucking and licking as I was starting to orgasm. We got a rhythm going and I had to moan as I jacked faster and he stuck a finger inside my pussy. “Oh jez!” I moaned as my pussy had to orgasm. I moved my clit on his tongue when I got my first taste of cum. It shot hard in my mouth, all warm and sexy. I had the best orgasm of my life while rubbing my clit on his tongue.
Now I really had the jitters as my pussy fucked his face and I had cum flooding my mouth….no wonder they make vids of this. My first oral sex was beyond any thrill I’d ever had….
* Mom was having herself quite a time with her date. She had a lot to drink and now wanted to have sex with the guy. He lived with a girlfriend so that left her place to go have sex. The kids would surly be asleep by now? The were quiet and slipped in her house. Up the stairs the went and into her bedroom. She pulled him down on the bed….but wait…the bed was warm? …and a wet spot? …now she knew without a doubt what the kids had been doing.
She pulled the guy on top of her and said to be quiet and not wake her two kids. The wasted no time but….the drinks didn’t keep them quiet. They got naked fast and started in moaning as things got real hot……*
(“….Mel….listen…mom’s fucking some guy in her bedroom.”)
* Randy’s bedroom was next to their moms. Mel had snuck in Randy’s room to sleep with him that night figuring mom would come home half drunk and never know. Randy and Mel had planned to have some quiet sex play themselves late that night. *
Listening to mom and the guy have sex was pure torture to Randy and I. We would now have to wait a long time and listen to them moan and fuck….shhhhhh….
(Randy and I did it anyway….)

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Son win’s Prize but He really wants his Mom

My name is Luke and I’m your typical 21 year old guy living in the UK. I live with my girlfriend Becky who is the same age and we have been together for 3 years.
The story starts just after I won a university award in my field of maths (sounds boring I know!). Anyway, as the university advised me of my winning presentation they told me the prize I had won. A long weekend at a luxury hotel in Paris. They advised me that the trip was for 2 people as I would not know anyone there as it was for the other winners around Europe and other universities. I was ecstatic and accepted the trip there and then and gave my girlfriends name as the other guest.
It was only when the trip agenda arrived through the post I realised the problem. It was for a time when Becky was already away with her family on holiday. She was going on a sightseeing trip that was being paid for by her parents so I had not been invited – a good job now! However, I started to think about who could come with me to enjoy the free trip as the agenda looked pretty good. It was a posh hotel, a nice dinner and presentation ceremony on the Friday night and then you got the rest of the weekend to enjoy the hotel facilities and Paris which seemed pretty cool.
The next evening I was talking it through with my best mate but he said he was already booked up that week with his girlfriend that he couldn’t get out of. I was running out of options. Then Becky and I were invited round to my parents for dinner the following day as obviously my parents were very proud of my achievement and were celebrating with a decent meal and plenty of wine. That’s when dad mentioned that mum had always wanted to go to Paris but they had never been able to go. The conversation carried on for a while about how I thought it might be better for mum to experience Paris with him and that this wasn’t probably the right occasion for Mum to join me.
“aww, Luke, I’d love to go to Paris, plus I’d love to be there to see you collect your award, you know we’re both very proud” Mum challenged
“Plus, I’m not really that bothered about going to Paris son so you would be doing me a great favour if you help your mum see the sights” Dad continued
“But this will be the first time I’m meeting lots of new people in the field I want to work in, it won’t look very professional or grown up if I am there with my mum!” I complained “I would love to go with you mum but I would feel really embarrassed and awkward if they all knew you were my mum”.
“She doesn’t have to be your mum son, she could be a colleague or a friend, she’s not that old!” my dad joked
“Oi!,” mum said “what do you mean I’m not THAT old”
“Mike does have a point Luke” Becky butted in “your mum does look a lot younger than she is, they won’t think she is your mum at all” she said trying to get into my parents good books.
“But your name is down on the guest list Becky” I proclaimed, full well knowing it was in vain.
Anyway after a further few minutes I caved in and accepted the fact mum was joining me in Paris. But only the agreement the words Son and Mum were never used and she would pretend to be Becky when in public. Becky was also very pleased as felt it was safer than me going to Paris with a mate on the drink for a long weekend. So effectively that was that and we had set the plans in place for the trip in a few weeks time.
I had never really thought of my mum in any other way than ‘my mum’ up until that point but as I thought more and more about the trip my mind started to take a turn to the dark side. The thought of being in Paris for a few days with another woman other than my girlfriend was really getting me horny. The fact was I was spending 3 nights in a hotel with an attractive 45 year old who would have been drinking, the fact it was my mum was irrelevant, well to be honest that started to make it more of a turn on. However, the extra horniness was also the major problem. I’m sure my mum would not have been that forward about any advances or in fact very receptive, I’m sure she would think it was wrong and disgusting. So I had a few weeks to devise a fool proof plan to make this work, to make my long weekend into a dirty weekend and hopefully experience all the things Becky is either too young or too shy to try. The days counted down and the plot became clearer and more devious the closer the trip came. I was getting so horny the more I thought about it and so by now I was quite regularly sorting myself out numerous times a day.
The time arrived, I sent Becky off with her parents and told them all to have a good time, I packed my stuff and went to collect my target (I mean mum). She got into the car, ever before had I noticed every curve of her figure in her jeans and top as she got into the car.
“Hi mum, you all set” I asked
“It’s Becky to you young man this week remember” she replied “But, yes I’m doing great thanks, really looking forward to it”
“You look after her son! “ Dad said forcefully “She’s bought a new dress for the posh event this evening and she looks hot, you’ll have to guard her for me!” he said while winking at my mum.
“No problem dad, I’ll do my best, they’ll probably mostly be maths geeks anyway so don’t think you have too much to worry about” I reassured him. And with that we set off for the airport for the short flight to Paris.
The conversation on the trip was not too flowing to be honest, mainly as I was nervous about my plan and mum noticed.
“You ok Luke?” she asked “You’re really quiet”
“I’m ok mum just really nervous about tonight, I’ve never received an award before”
“it’s ok hon, you’ll be great, I’ll be there” as she put a reassuring hand on my leg “and you better keep calling me Becky from now on in case anyone else we meet is going to the event” she whispered.
We had a glass of wine on the plane that seemed to relax us both a little and following a short taxi ride we arrived at the hotel. It looked really impressive from the outside and when we walked in the door it got better, really palatial with a grand stair case and huge chandeliers.
“I could get use to this” mum exclaimed as we wandered over to check in.
“Welcome sir” started the receptionist “and congratulations on your award” she added “here is your room key and we will see you at the champagne reception at 7pm”
I said thanks, took the key and we walked up to the room.
“That was really good of them to know who you were and have everything ready” mum said surprised “it’s like being a celebrity, I could get used to this young man”
We walked into the room and it was almost like a suite, very well decorated, a huge bathroom, 4 poster bed and to top it all a bottle of champagne in the room on arrival.
“This keeps getting better” I added “although I was hoping for a sofa so I could kip on that” I said, lying as that certainly wasn’t part of the plan!
“It’s ok hon” mum said “it’ll be fine in there together and by the time we’ve finished the champagne I think we’ll both be ready for sleep anyway!” she added. “Would you like a glass?”
“It’s ok, you get unpacked and I’ll get the bottle open” I said. This will help my plan even more I thought cunningly.
“Here you are Becky” I said with a grin as I handed mum a glass of champagne. “So we have a couple of hours before we have to be downstairs, do you want a relaxing bath?” I asked “if you’re anything like Becky you will need almost the 2 hours to get ready if you’re washing your hair”
“That would be great, looks a really nice big bath and with a glass of champagne it will be even better”
So I popped into run the bath and put plenty of bath foam in to hide our dignity (for now!).
“I’m just going to lie on the bed and watch some TV while you’re in the bath then, but leave the water in and I’ll jump in quickly once you’ve finished.”
As I crashed out on the bed. Mum unfortunately shut the door to get undressed and have her bath. I lay there and went through my cunning plan again, I started to get hard almost straight away and had to turn my focus to the TV to avoid suspicion. I took my champagne sipped half of it and poured the rest into the plant pot in the corner. This was all part of the plan, to pretend to drink so much and pretend to be very drunk later on.
I waited about 20 minutes and then called to see if Mum wanted any more champagne. Surprisingly I got a yes. I grabbed the bottle and waited at the door “are you decent, can I come in?”
“Yes hon, come on in” she replied
I entered the bathroom and she had used the foam very tactfully to cover up and just raised her glass for a refill. It wasn’t quite empty.
“You slacking Becky?, I finished mine a while ago” I commented
“Ok you” she replied “we can’t all drink as much as you, but just you be careful as you have got to receive an award later on”
I smiled and made my way out of the bathroom. Pouring a bit more champagne into my glass and pretending I had drunk it all. Mum got out of the bath, dried herself off and wrapped up in a towel and came out into the room.
“Now that’s what I call a bath” she said “and great champagne, this is a great prize you got here young man”
“It is indeed” I replied and headed for the bathroom. I stripped off and looked in the mirror, I wasn’t a ‘muscle man’ by any stretch of the imagination but I was pretty toned and had broad shoulders so was looking in good shape. Not bad, I thought as I looked in the mirror. The other point to mention was that I was about 6’3 in height and was well in proportion if you know what I mean. I wasn’t a monster but certainly bigger than anything else I had seen in any of the changing rooms. My girlfriends had previously called me donkey boy which I guess is an indication. In truth I was about 9” long and very thick, about the size of a red bull can. It also hung pretty well went soft, about 6” in length and nice and fat. My girlfriends used to joke that I was bigger soft than most of their previous guys. Anyway, I admired my physique and swinging appendage in the mirror one last time and then stepped into the bath. I poured my remaining champagne into the bath, covered myself with bath foam and called out for some more.
Mum wandered in with the bottle “here you go Luke but please be careful, you’re drinking this very quickly” she added. But she topped up her glass and went back into the room as I heard the hair drier be used for 10 minutes or so. While this was happening I inspected my crown jewels and took the razor to make sure I was completely shaved down there. I loved it when I was shaved, everything felt so smooth and made me look even bigger, my girlfriends also preferred it so I was hoping mum would too. I finished up, got out of the bath and wrapped a towel round the waist, deliberately picking a smaller towel that only just fitted round me. I wandered out of the bathroom..
“Looks like you took the only big towel” I said cheekily as I stood there with my rippled torso and broad shoulders on view with just a towel covering my hips to my knees.
Mum looked round “oh yes, so I see, that only just makes it round you” she smiled “someone’s looking buff aren’t they, Becky is a lucky girl, shame the towel is that big” she laughed, by now obviously the champagne was taking effect and she was flirting in that way that older women tend to do to younger guys.
I laughed and then deliberately stretched to reach my glass as I knew the effect it would have. In full view of my mum’s eyes my towel slowly became untied and slipped to the floor. There I stood, completely naked with my cock looking even bigger after soaking in the hot water for a while. My mum’s eyes widened immediately.
“Oh my goodness” she gasped “I wasn’t wrong when I said Becky is a lucky girl, look at the size of that thing!”
I acted all embarrassed and quickly grabbed the towel and covered myself up “sorry mum, that wasn’t meant to happen” and took my trousers into the bathroom to put on. I smiled to myself in the bathroom as the plan was working perfectly so far. I slipped my trousers on deliberately with no boxers as that was part of my later plan. Luckily my tuxedo trousers were pretty thick and so my member swinging free was not visible I just had to avoid getting hard!
I came out of the bathroom with my trousers on and apologised again.”Sorry about that mum, I feel a bit embarrassed now” I said shyly,
“Don’t worry about it Luke, it’s not a problem, plus not a lot to be embarrassed about is there!” she laughed “let’s say no more about it” she added as she topped up our glasses with the last of the bubbly.
It seemed as though the drink had loosened mum up a little as this time when she went into the bathroom she did not shut the door completely so I got a bit of a view as she was getting dressed. First she removed the towel while facing away from me so I could almost see of her from behind. I have to say for a 45 YO she had a pretty nice ass. It was big, yes, but nice and pert and round with just a bit of a wobble that was asking to be spanked. She bent over to slide on her knickers. The shiny satin thing slipped up over her peachy as like a stripper on rewind. This was some show I was getting. I was starting to get hard and so had to lean on my front on the bed so missed the rest of the show unfortunately, although this was probably wise otherwise I would have been difficult to get soft again. Mum emerged a few minutes later dressed in a tight navy dress that hugged her more than ample breasts and her ass so tight you could just make out the panty line. This was even better than I had hoped, she looked really hot!
“Wow mum, I mean Becky, you’re looking great, Dad wasn’t wrong, you’ll be fighting them off tonight, I’m in for a tough job” I joked
“Aww, thanks honey, but you are looking dashing too so I think they’ll keep their distance but you may have more than a few admiring glances from the ladies, I better help Becky out tonight!”
With that note we grabbed our stuff and headed down for the reception. Everything started well and another glass of champagne later we made our way to the table. We were sat a table of 8 people, another couple (a geeky bloke and rather ordinary girlfriend, a relatively attractive lady and her friend and a rather chunky girl and her friend. So it was a table of 6 women and 2 blokes. It was overall a small gathering with only a handful of tables but that made even more intimate and everyone seemed to having a great time.
The meal progressed with plenty of wine and lots of good chat and I collected my award successfully. Following the meal mum and I made our way to the bar for the band and dance. Mum asked me to look after her bag as she went to the bathroom. I ordered us both a drink, I ordered a coke for me and more wine for her. I then got intrigued, I knew mum talked to her best friend about everything and I saw her phone in her bag. I opened the text messages. I saw one to Di (her closest friend that has been a family friend all my life). I knew I shouldn’t but I had to read the text. I opened it up.
“Di, you will never believe this” Started the text from mum “you know Luke and I are away in Paris on this trip, well Luke just came out the bathroom and his towel came off accidently! Wow, oh my god – it is huge! I know he’s my son but Jesus – it was much bigger than his dad’s and he was still soft! It was also completely shaved, it looked awesome. Can’t get it out of my head”
I smiled to myself, the plan was coming together perfectly, I had implanted the thought of my big cock into my mum’s mind to make her want to see more. I then saw a reply from Di.
“Oh my god Julia, I can’t believe it, you lucky bitch! I want to see it, I don’t care if he’s your son, you got to send me a picture as I’ve never seen a huge or shaved one before. I knew there was something special about that boy”
Perfect, I thought. I needed to carry on with the plan and quickly put the phone back in her bag as she arrives back at the bar.
“What are you drinking honey?” mum asked
“Vodka and coke, need a break from the wine” I added with a smirk.
Mum was starting to get quite drunk now and was becoming more and more flirty, there was a lot more touching between us. I was acting quite drunk too even though I had not drank too much, I couldn’t believe it was working so well. I asked mum to dance as I knew that would let her know I was really drunk as I never usually danced. She was surprised but couldn’t wait as Dad was the same so she never usually got to dance. It was a fairly slow band so the dancing was fairly basic but we were very close. Our arms wrapped around each other as swayed across the dance floor.
“You are quite the centre of attention tonight Becky” I whispered in her ear “have you noticed all the guys ogling you all night. Good job I am here to look after you as otherwise you would have had to fight them off” I winked
Mum smiled and was starting to look slightly glazed with her eyes “Well thank you young man for protecting me” she laughed “but I think it’s the other way round, these girls obviously don’t see a hunk of a guy at these events very often as they are all drooling, it’s a good job I’m here to fight them off” she squeezed me slightly as she said it “and they don’t even know what’s in those trousers” she laughed.
By this point I could tell she was now very drunk and obviously her inhibitions and limits were reducing I waited until we swayed so my back was facing the crowd, I couldn’t resist it I gave her ass a little spank and added “Becky, you naughty girl” and winked. She looked a little shocked by the spank but then smiled and held me a little closer. My hands were on her lower back but as she pulled me closer they naturally slid down over her round ass. It felt so good through her sheer tight dress. She started to sway more provocatively, I then panicked, I could feel a stirring down below, the slow gyration of our groins and the feeling of her bum really started to take its toll. Within seconds my now rigid cock was starting to turn my trousers into a tent and started to press against mum’s thigh.
“I’ve had enough dancing now” mum said “shall we go for a sit down or take a drink back to the room?” she whispered in my ear.
“Errm, I’m not sure we can, I think we have a problem” as my eyes looked down.
“Oh yes, so I see” mum winked “Don’t worry, we’ll stay here til it dies down young man” with that she held me a little closer and my fully extended dick pressed between her thighs, I think she was enjoying this as much as me as I started to feel a warmth against my groin as she held me tighter. We danced for another 10 minutes but it still was not subsiding.
“oh my word young man” she whispered “I forgot what young men are like, that thing is not dying down in a hurry, especially after so much drink”
“I’m sorry mum…. I mean Becky, I wish it would just die down so we could get out of here” I apologised
“don’t worry hon, I used to have a trick” she winked “though I haven’t used it for some time as it’s been a long time since I had a problem with it being up for too long” she laughed. And with that the reached in between her thighs briefly and gave my cock a solid flick of her fingers, just under the head on the underside. I wasn’t too sure what this would do but within minutes it had subsided.
“You never lose it” she smiled “are you ready to go now?” she asked
“Sure am, I hadn’t realised how much I had drank, I may need your help up the stairs” I commented and pretended to walk very drunkenly and slurred my speech a little.
“Ok young man let’s get you to bed to sleep this off” she said kindly and we got the lift to the room.
We entered the room, I took off my jacket and I flopped onto the bed, lying on my back.
“Do you need the bathroom?” mum asked
“It’s ok” I slurred “you use it first
“Thanks dear” she replied and made her way into the bathroom. By now she was really drunk too and so did not shut the door. She quickly cleaned her teeth and then starts to peel off her dress. Her arms lifted up and slowly the dress came up over that sexy round ass, revealing the sexy knickers she had so sexily slipped on earlier. She bent over to pick something from the floor, I was in heaven I just wanted to go in there and bury myself into her from behind. But I had to stick to my plan otherwise it could come unstuck. She removed her bra and 2 mounds of flesh dropped into view. She was not huge up top but certainly looked like a D or DD cup and were surprisingly pert for her age. She looked at herself in the mirror and then quickly put on a small t-shirt that I have often seen her around the house in at home, it must be her night shirt I thought.
By now the image of her changing had got me hard once again. It was not too visible as it was pointing straight down into the crotch of my trousers. Now the next part of the plan. As mum started to walk out of the bathroom I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing pretending to be asleep.
“You’re turn Luke” she commented but there was no reply “bathrooms free” she added. Still nothing came back from me.
“Shit” mum said “he’s fallen asleep and taking up most of the bed, what do I do”.
I then heard her take her phone from her bag.
“Hi Di, sorry it’s so late, but I thought I better call you” she started “Luke has crashed out on the bed and I’m not sure what to do”
The room was so quiet and like all of the older generation all sound settings are set to maximum and so I could clearly hear Di’s response.
“Julia, its midnight, you’re lucky bob’s not around otherwise I would have been in trouble” she replied. “So tell me about it what was it like? I can’t believe you you lucky cow”
“I can’t go into it now, what if he hears” mum said cautiously
“If he has passed out after drinking a lot Jules then he’s not waking up for a while, trust me. Plus you haven’t sent me a picture! you keeping it all to yourself?” she asked greedily
“Di, he’s my son and I haven’t had an opportunity as I only saw it briefly” she said in repost
“Well you can’t let him sleep in his suit can you? He’ll ruin it. You need to get him undressed” Di said with a great deal of self interest. The fact they were talking about me like this continued to make my cock rock hard, it was throbbing in my trousers needing to get let out.
“Ok, you’re right” said mum “hold on”. She put the phone down on her side of the bed and walked over to my side. She started to undo my tie and slowly slipped that off and then one by one she undid my shirt buttons until she pulled the last bit of shirt from my trousers.
“I have unbuttoned the shirt but not sure I can get it off as I’m sure I’ll wake him” she said to Di
“It’s ok. If he wakes now there’s no issue as you are only taking his shirt off aren’t you? He can then get the rest off himself. And if he doesn’t wake then you know you can take the rest off without fear of him waking up” she laughed “Now do it!”.
Mum came round to the side of the bed again, and slowly lifted one shoulder and peeled off one arm of the shirt. She then became a bit more forceful rolling me onto my other side to remove the other arm. This was done without me even flinching which assured her I was fast asleep. She then removed my socks,
“Done” she said confidently “he’s definitely a goner, he always has been a heavy sleeper bless him”
“Sod bless him Jules, get those trousers off, I want my pic! Ever since you sent that text I’ve been dying to see it, I’ve been horny all night because of you getting to spend it with a hung young man” she added
Mum did not need too much encouragement, she put the phone down once more and walked to the bottom of the bed. I felt the bed sink either side of me as she must have straddled me with her kneeling on the bed to start with the belt, it came off in seconds. She then undid my top button and slowly undid my fly. She grabbed a hold of the waistband on either side and started to pull my trousers down, they struggled initially as they started over my ass, my cock straining, pushing upwards still on the crotch dying to be freed from the constraints. Then all of a sudden they became free as she tugged on them and they shot down to my knees. My now big, thick, solid cock sprang from the prison of the trousers and slapped me in the stomach.
“Holy shit!” mom exclaimed “wow!” I was trying not to smirk as my plan was working better than I could even have imagined. I then heard a voice from the phone
“What? Tell me, tell me!!” Di ordered
“He’s fucking hard” mum said “ I took the trousers off and it sprang at me like a snake” she laughed “you have never seen anything like it, so big, thick and so shaven and clean it’s like something out of a porn movie” she gushed “where has he been hiding this all these years”
“Enough of the description, send me a photo” Di ordered once more. I felt mum sit back on her haunches a little and heard the snap of the camera on her phone. Then again and again. A few seconds of silence passed as she obviously sent them over to Di.
“Daaammmnnn!” came the response “that is one fucking cock. I have never seen anything like that, you lucky mare, if I was there I’d be riding that already” she said.
“Di, he’s still my son…even if it is the best cock I’ve ever seen” she laughed
“Well go on, touch it!”Di said “You know you want to feel it and I want you to too as I want to know what it feels like”
Mum waited a few minutes to almost think it over and then reached out her hand I felt the flesh on flesh contact as her hand made its way around the base of my shaft. She closed her grip almost to see how hard it was.
“Oh my god” she whispered “it is soo hard, it’s like a granite pole, but the skin is so smooth without the hair, I really want to touch his balls they look so big, soft and inviting”
“Well what’s stopping you, you know he’s dead to the world so you can have a bit of a play before going to sleep can’t you? A quick feel of them, then a quick stroke of his length and that should be enough for you to frig yourself off all night while he sleeps. He’ll never know” Di tried to explain
“Ok” mum said “but this is the last thing, he may wake up and I’ll never forgive myself” she added and with that comment I knew I needed to enact the next stage of my plan.
She started to run my balls though her hands, cupping them in each hand, she was telling Di how good they felt and then started to move one hand up to my shaft and slowly stroked the full length of my cock.
“Jesus” mum said “I’m not sure how Becky manages all this, it’s so long and thick but god does it feel good” she added. But just as she was taking her hand from my cock I started the next phase of the plan, I stirred slightly, pretending to be in a drunken stupor but never opening my eyes.
“MMM, Becky that feels so good, you always know how to treat me” I slurred almost in a trance
Mum froze not sure what to do
“Shit Di, now what do I do?” She whispered “He’s stirring” she said with a bit of a panic
“I know I heard” replied Di “I’m thinking”
“MMM, don’t stop Becky, it felt so good” I uttered to speed up their decision making
“you’re going to have to do it Jules” Di ushered quickly “if he wakes now you’re in trouble and so you can only hope that if he thinks its Becky he will drop off back to sleep soon and then you will be fine” she justified
Mum thought for a few seconds and then conceded “You’re right Di, if he wakes up now if he thinks something is odd then I will be in big trouble. Thanks for your help” she whispered and was about to put the phone down.
“what do you think you’re doing Jules, you’re not hanging up!” she ordered “I’ve helped you out so far, I want my reward, I want to listen to this” Di ordered “I’m home alone with images of that cock and I want to hear what’s going on”
“Ok Di, you did help, just stay quiet, this is dodgy enough as it is!” mum whispered back and with that she reached out her hand to place it once again on my still rock hard cock. She started to slowly move it up and down my full length.
“That’s it Becky, keep going” I slurred
Mum had gone very quiet, she was concentrating on keeping me happy and trying not to wake me from my stupor it could not be going more to plan. I then started to test the boundaries a little.
“Mmm suck me Becky, you know you love it, I love the way you suck me” I ordered not quite sure what would happen next. There was a hush around the room even from the phone for the first time as I’m not sure Di knew what mum was going to do. Then I felt a soft warmth surround the tip of my eager cock.
“Mmm, that’s it babe, just like that” my comments alerted Di to know what was going on
“you go girl!! Suck that monster! I would if I was there” as a slow humming started to come down the phone.
“Shhhh! Di” mum ordered briefly removing her lips from my cock for 2 seconds. “And I can hear your vibrator on the phone”
“You’re not the only one getting some fun out of this”.
Mum continued to suck my cock for another few minutes but I really wanted my balls sucking so that was the next test. “MMM Becs, you suck me so well, now you can do your favourite and suck my big balls, mmm”
By now mum was following every order she dropped down the bed slightly and started to lick my balls, her tongue swirling around each one before putting each one in her mouth while still gently wanking my cock.
“That’s it baby, god you’re soo good” I muttered
“God they feel so good Di. I’ve never had shaved balls before but they are so soft and big I can’t stop sucking them. I wish his dad’s were like this”
The whole scenario of tonight had kept me horny all night and the wanking, sucking and ball licking was starting to take its toll. I was about to cum but I didn’t want to end it here, I was debating coming all over her face while she sucked my balls but I wanted more than that and this may be my only chance. I almost wanted to slide down the bed and pound her from beneath but I needed to cool off and get a second wind. I started to make some incomprehensible murmurings and then turned onto my side and went quiet as if I had gone back to sleep. Mum waited a minute or so to check I was still not moving and slowly removed herself from above me and made her way round to her side of the bed. She squeezed into the side of the bed and due to my position in the bed almost had to adopt the spoon position although still a small distance from me.
After a few minutes a voice broke the buzzing from the other end of the phone”what’s happening Jules?” Di asked as if disappointed if her voyeurism had been cut short.
“I think he’s gone back to sleep Di” she commented “god, that was good, I’ve never played with anything like that before”
“I bet it felt so good Jules” Di answered back, still blatantly using her toy on the other end of the phone “Do you wish it had gone further hon?” she asked
“well I’m kind of glad it didn’t due to the complications but I have never felt so horny, I’m virtually dripping over here and there’s not a lot I can do about it now” she added a little frustrated.
“Well get to the bathroom and get yourself off love, you must be used to doing that after years of marriage” she laughed. “And I will look at those pics and finish myself off this end”
I started to panic, I wasn’t expecting this, if mum got to the bathroom her horniness would go and I would be without a finish tonight. I had to think quickly, my cock was still almost hard but the urge to come had subsided significantly. I started stirring again. “Is that you Becky? Is that you?” I asked
There was a long silence until Di told mum to say yes in a very unclear voice.
“Uh-huh” mum mumbled.
I reached out my arm and felt her hip and her ass, “mmm, there’s my baby, come here” I pulled her slightly towards me as I inched towards her. Just as we started to get closer my now hardening cock reached her thighs. Her thighs were together and I wasn’t sure what to do. But by now my cock was still covered in mum’s saliva and my precum and was quite lubricated. So with one push I forced my thick cock through her thighs and let out a nice groan.
“mm, that feels good baby” my cock brushed against the soft smooth fabric of her knickers and I felt the warmth from her now hot pussy, I started to slowly slide back and forth as the friction built up between my cock and her pussy the heat increasing.
“Oh you feel so hot Becs, it feels like you’re ready for me” and with that I tried to push the head of my cock deep into her, I could feel my wide tip start to part her lips and almost enter her warm wet hole. She let out a small whimper as she tried to keep quiet. The thong was stopping me going any deeper and needed to be removed.
“Oh baby, you need to lose those knickers if you want it” I said sleepily although by now I had my eyes open so I could see my mum from behind. She had her face away from me so she could not detect this. A voice came from the phone “get em off quickly!!” Di ordered “You lucky bitch!”
Mum’s hands went quickly to her thong and slip over her ass and down over her knees. Just as she was still leaning forward to get them over her feet she was in a perfect position so I grabbed her hips and forced my cock deep inside her.
“Oooh holy mother of god” came a muffled response “that is fucking huge” mum’s voice was low but clearly audible to both me and Di.
I was surprised how easily I slid deep into her with how big she thought I was but she was so lubed up and warm it felt so good.
“Mmm, oh yes baby, you feel soo good, so warm and tight” I added “you like that baby?”
“”Uh-huh” came the low response again “love it baby” trying not to say too much to cause me to wake up. I could not believe my plan had worked, I was now balls deep inside my mum’s juicy pussy and she was loving it. To top it off we had an audience.
I continued to slide in and out pulling her hips towards me as I wanted to try to get deeper and deeper, I could feel her pussy contracting around my cock and stretching as my balls reached her ass.
“Oh my god Di, it is so deep, it’s stretching me, I’ve never felt anything like it, I’m about to come” she whispered into the phone
“You go girl, get it inside you, you may never get another chance, I’m nearly there too just by listening to you”
“You like it harder baby?” I asked but knowing she really didn’t have a choice.
Her hand reached out behind her to ease me in gently but it wasn’t working I was now pumping into her hard and deep. “Oh that’s it you like it like that don’t you babe, like it hard and deep” I groaned
“Oh god, oh god, yes, please don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop” came my mum’s cries as I could feel her pussy tightening around my cock. “Oh shit, oh shit oooooohhhhh shhiittt”” she grabbed my ass and held me deep inside her as her body pulsated all over my cock.
“I think it’s safe to say you came then” Di said “sounds like you’re a convert to a big cock now honey”.
“oh my god Di, I have never felt anything like that before I came in waves, my body is still shaking, the problem is he hasn’t shot his load yet so I don’t know what to do” mum sounded worried. I took that as my hint and started to gently ease out of her now sodden pussy.
“I hope you’ve saved some energy for your favourite baby” I said being very vague
“Uh-huh” came the standard reply.
“Oh good honey as I can’t wait to bury myself in your ass” I said confidently.
“Holy shit” mum said out loud “Di, what do I do, I can’t take that thing in my ass, I have only let that happen once and that hurt” she sounded really worried. This didn’t stop me as I slid my huge throbbing dick to rest against her now twitching entrance to her ass.
“Jules, I’m not sure there is anything you can do, you’ve come this far and saying no will wake him up. I’m spry hone but you may just have to suffer for a couple of minutes. “
With this I started to ease my head into her ass. With the amount of precum and her juices on my cock it started in quite well. I could tell she was tense and trying to fight it a little,
“Just relax Jules, it’s the only way” came Di’s voice again. Mum tried and this eased me in some more. I was now over half way in and could feel her whole body stretching around me. I was enjoying this so much and was not causing mum as much pain as I had thought, she must have been so horny and wet that her ass relaxed completely.
“Oh you feel good honey, you know I love your ass” as I entered further and deeper into her.
“Ooh god. I feel like I’m being split in 2 Di. But it’s not as bad as I remember,”.
“You must be soo fucking horny you dirty cow, god I’d love that thing up me” came Di’s response.
I reached all the way in and left my cock impaled in her ass for a few moments to allow her to accommodate my size before gently easing back out and then in again once more. I was so close to coming, being buried in her ass was proving too much I just started to quicken the pace once more and began to slowly fuck my mum’s ass.
“Oh yes baby, it feels so tight in your ass. I am so close to coming” I added
“Oh that’s it baby, it feels good too, don’t stop, please don’t stop” mum replied. I couldn’t believe it after her initial protestations I could feel her body starting to quiver with excitement again, she was going to come through me banging her ass. This got me so horny and I quickened the pace thrusting deep into her. I gave one final thrust as I left my cock deep as it could go into her and my huge load started to spurt from my cock, filling her ass with my cum.
“ooohh god baby, there it goes, that feels so good” I uttered still somehow pretending to be in a semi conscious state, once more her hand reached round and held me deep inside her as she squirmed on my cock.
“Oh god you cumming in my ass feels soo good, ooohh yeessss” she yelped as she once again shook with pleasure.
She removed her hand from my ass and I rolled back onto my back as if pretending to be back out of my trance and fast asleep again.
“Di, I think he’s gone back to sleep” mum picked up the phone “I can’t believe just what happened. “It feels so wrong what just happened” she started to regret her actions
“Look honey, I would have done exactly the same thing but you have to tell me how that felt. Please!” she begged.
“Like nothing I have felt before babe, I was stretched so far in both my pussy and ass I came almost immediately, it was so pleasurable and a lot less painful than I had expected. I’ve never come that hard before, I didn’t know where I was”
“oh dear hon, how are you going to manage with a normal size one now” she laughed “plus you need to get me a go on that thing as it’s not fair just seeing and hearing it I want some!” she went on. “But remember you better clean him up otherwise he’ll know that something happened” she said wisely.
At this point my mum went into the bathroom to let the cum ooze from her ass and clean herself up she then came into the bedroom to wash my cock clean with a flannel. I drifted off to sleep with a huge grin on my face as my weeks of planning had really worked and I was one happy guy.
The next morning came round pretty quick and I awoke with morning glory as I normally do, I opened my eyes and my mum was nowhere to be seen, I got out of bed and wandered, hard on bouncing in front of me into the bathroom. Mum was lying in the bath.
“Oh shit. Sorry mum. I didn’t mean to walk in on you” as I tried to cover up my cock with a towel
“that’s quite the impressive bit of kit you have there young man but I wouldn’t worry about hiding it” she laughed “you were sleeping out of the sheets a lot last night in a pretty similar state, I guess the problems of being young and virile” she smiled.
“Shit, sorry mum” I said again “didn’t mean you to see me like that. I think I was having a really good dream last night though. I just hope I didn’t talk aloud like Becky says I do sometimes” I added.
“And why’s that young man?” she probed
“Its private mum, it was about me and Becky” I said shyly.
“Well, sorry to say honey, but you uttered quite a lot of your dream, she sounds quite the naughty girlfriend” mum joked.
“What do you mean mum?” I said pretending to be embarrassed
“Well it sounded like her favourite things were a little naughty” mum replied “you honestly don’t know what you were talking about?”
“I can’t remember all of it, please tell me” I said trying to get my mum to talk dirty to me while we were both sober.
“well, ok, but don’t judge as I didn’t really have a choice but to listen… you said she loved sucking your testicles and also liked anal sex” mum said very diplomatically
“Yeah, I guess so” I replied “but that’s why I can always tell it’s a dream.”
“Why’s that?” mum asked looking a little worried
“Because she never sucks my cock or balls mum, says it’s too big for mouth and hurts it. And as for anal, she won’t let me anywhere near her”. I said rather bluntly. At this point my mum’s face looked a little shocked
“But… but.. You said…..” she was trying to think back to last night about what she had been forced to do. I let out a little smile and at that point she knew she had been played.
“You bastard, you little shit Luke!” mum yelled “How could you do such a thing, and to your own mother?” she argued
“Look mum, you were the one who started playing with me, you couldn’t keep your hands off it, and tell me you didn’t enjoy it, tell me you wouldn’t want to do it again”
“Luke” stop this, I’m your mother it shouldn’t have happened, I was just curious, I couldn’t help it” she tried to act innocent.
“Look mum, we both wanted it, it happened get over it, the problem now is you know how good it is and you won’t be able to say no given another chance”” I said cockily
“Look son, yes it was a very pleasurable experience but it can’t happen again, it won’t happen again”” she insisted.
At which point I walked over closer to the bath, my still rock hard swaying in front of me. I reached into the bath, grabbed one of her hands and placed it on my cock.
“Remember how good it feels?” I said looking at her in the eyes. “Now suck my cock”
Mum looked appalled at what I had said, as if a son could never talk to his mother that way, she lay there for a few seconds as if to try and fight the longing she had. Then with one smooth motion she climbed out of the bath got on her kneed, dripping wet and started to suck my cock like she hadn’t eaten in weeks. She devoured it trying to fit as much in as possible while playing with my balls and wanking my cock. I leant over and gave her ass a good spank and said “you like that cock don’t you, you want that cock” I said shoving it down her throat
She removed her lips from my cock to nod and say “I’ve never had anything like it before I fucking love it! It’s so huge and I can’t stop wanting it”
“Well. It’s all yours you dirty little slut. You can have it whenever you like as long as you do what I want when I want it” I said forcefully
“Yes darling, anything you want, just don’t make me go without this again”
“Right, well as you came twice last night, I think you owe me one, so suck me til I come in your mouth”
She quickened her pace and was almost like a porn star going to work. “cum for me baby, give mommy that huge load of yours in her mouth” she carried on.
It wasn’t long before I shot another huge load inside her. This time all down her throat with a little bit dribbling down her chin. She looked up into my eyes as she swallowed every last drop as if to say ‘I’m yours now’.

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Actress & Me(Part 7 All Most Lost Her)

This is a series on the Movie business, and it will take many parts to tell the whole story. it is based on my book called We Did It Our Way. If you enjoy the story please vote Remember that this purely fictional

The Hillbilly Girl

The Hillbilly Girl
…When they put a big highway thru a very rural backwoods part of this area, the people there were not to happy. Young boys shot BB guns at the cars, and threw rocks at them, to no avail.
…I drove down the new highway looking for old vintage cars to buy cheap. I got off the main highway and I got lost in the maze of unmarked dirt roads.
…..I had stopped to ask directions. It was a rundown old farm house at the end of a road you couldn’t drive any further on. This slim girl watched me walk up the path to the front door. She came out on the porch and walked towards me. Long brown hair down past her ass, medium tits and nice hips and ass. She had a pretty face as she squinted in the bright sun. As she walked towards me I said: “Howdy, I’m kind of lost,
…I….” She walked past me and circled me, looking me up and down. No smile, just gawking at me all over. Around and around she walked. She finally spoke as the walked…”Yer not from around here, are ya.” She stopped and started feeling my shirt. “Nice shirt, what’s yer name.” “Barry”, I said, “What’s yours?” She started circling me again. “Darleen” she said. She started walking closer around me and then rubbing up against me as she circled. “Do I make ya dizzy?” .
…“Well Darleen I need directions out of here.”
“Do you chase girls?” she asked.”
…I thought…she may be retarded or something, I better get the hell out of here…but on the other hand she was very sexy and that got my interest.
“I do chase girls but…”
“What cha do you do when ya catch’m?”
She stopped circling me and stood with her back to me. She stepped back and leaned on me. I was 6’2” and she was about 5’. She leaned her head back and looked at me upside down for a minute. She took my arms, and put them around her middle, and held them there. She took my hands and started moving them up on her bra-less tits.
..“Do ya like ta feel’m up some?”
“Darleen, I should be going.” I could just picture her dad or someone pointing a shotgun at me saying: “Git yer hands off’in that girl, mister.”
…She bolted and ran for my car. She reached in and got my keys. She smiled and held them up, dangling them to show me. Obviously she wanted me to chase her or something. She kept smiling big and lifted up her plain flowered little dress and put my keys in front of her white cotton panties. I didn’t chase her. She put her hand on her hips and said: “You want some lemonade?” …and walked toward her door. I followed of course. She started walking in circles again and giggling. I walked after her smiling myself. I broke into a run and she squealed and ran from me. She let me catch her as we both giggled now. I said: “I’ll take that lemonade …and…my keys, Darleen.”
…“Well, come on in and git both.” she said. She pushed her butt back into my crotch and wiggled it. Again…she grabbed my hands to feel her tits. We walked lockstep in this position into the house. She stepped away and got the lemonade.
….We sat on the old couch as she snuggled up to me. “Darleen….that’s not very nice you putting my keys there.” She smiled big and reached in and got them and handed them to me. She said pouting: “I didn‘t want ya ta leave.”
…..“Put them back Darleen, I want the fun of going and getting them.” I said smiling. She smiled big and back they went.
…..We talked as she leaned her head on my shoulder. Her dad only came home once a month from the mines he worked in. She had completed the 8th grade as the county made her go. ‘Pa’ had her temporally fixed, so no baby’s for now.
….She then jumped up, pulled her dress up and straddled my lap. I felt my keys rubbing against my dick. She was looking my face over and touching it. Her sweet smile was so curious as she played with my face and hair. She said quietly….(“..did ya wanna kiss me Barry?, it‘s ok if ya did.”)…she put my hands on her nice tits again.
…I said: (“…now close your eyes and wish for a kiss.”) She smiled and closed her eyes. I kissed her soft and gentle over and over again. She started loosing her breath as we slowly started leaning over with me on top of her. She whispered: (“I think ya better git your keys too, their stick’in me some.”) I kissed my way down her neck and unbuttoned the top of her dress. I kissed her nice tits and teased her nipples with my tongue. She squirmed and moaned. She moaned…”…oh Berry…that feel so dang good, keep that up.”
….I found out her sex experience was:
A quickie from a boy named Tommy,
Jacking off Tommy’s dog Clyde once,
her dad, when he was drunk once,
And her uncle Zippy when he was drunk once.
….She had never had a man make love to her and with full foreplay sex. She had never had her nipples or pussy licked. She talked during my advanced kissing and licking her body.
….I continued down her body kissing her tummy. “Oh shit that tickles good Barry…hell yeah!”…”Your tongue is mak’in me heat up.”…”Oh damn…OH damn!..keep do’in that Barry.”
… I inched down her panties and got my keys in my teeth. She looked and giggled as I dropped them on the floor. I got to her tiny patch of 3 pubic hairs as she squirmed and moaned as I licked it. Her legs went wide open and she moaned: “Keep a go’in Berry…oh yeah!” I licked her clit. “Right there! She said loud. “Oh Barry….I’m keep’in you Barry….yer not leave’ in.” She held my head and gently started fucking my tongue with her pussy. She was a moaner and didn’t hold back anything….”Barry…..yes….it’s feel’in so dang good…oh lordy be…I’m gonna go crazy honey…I..” She began to shake and twitch and pushed up her pussy high. She trembled and let out a long, long moan….. Her first licked orgasm. “Oh god baby…oh baby…yer beautiful…oh my god yes…” she moaned.
….I moved up on her and took out my full hard on. She grabbed it and felt it over and over. “Oh baby, put it in, put it in Barry…oh god yes!…Oooooo baby…oh…oh…yes…Yes baby…YES….YES!!!” Her pussy was tight and it felt wonderful.
…The more we fucked the more she moaned and held me tight. Her body went wild, digging her fingers into my skin and thrusting up her pussy. “Ohhhhh Berryyyyy”
She screamed “YES!!!”as I shot a blast of my cum in her. She moaned with a natural sweetness.. We both moaned and shook as she was making me dizzy with the good feelings I was having. I had to force myself to breathe as she had her arms locked around me. My dick just kept shooting in her and she moaned loud with each shot. She started kissing all over my face as she gasp for breath. Our bodies had the jitters as we lay there in euphoria. We both moaned softly now and after a while just lay quietly with just a twitch now and then.
…I could feel her trying out the new feelings in her tight little pussy. My hardon was still in her as she worked her ‘squeeze’ muscles. Her hands just keep feeling me all over. She felt every inch of my face and smiled with her pretty eyes, deep in thought.
Darleen thought….
….I guess this is what pa called ’love mak’in.’ It sure is a mak’in me feel good all over. I’m might jes be in love with Barry caus I gotta keep him forever. I’ll cook for him, wash him and take care of him real good. He ain’t gonna wanna leave. He’s sure is a ‘keeper’…
…It was so quiet and peaceful, I drifted to sleep with my hardon still in her. When I woke up, it was dark. I was naked with a sheet over me. Then I felt Darleen scoot in next to me. Her sweet face smiled at me. She was naked. She said quietly: “I washed us up some, cuz I wanna do that love mak’in again. Feel my titties some more like ya do, I like that.” I started in feeling her tits as she closed her eyes and kissed my face. I felt her hand feeling my returning hardon.
…“Damn that feels sa good, I like feel’in you there Barry.” she said. Slowly she rolled me on my back and slid down under the sheet. She slowly stroked me. Soon I felt her give my hardon a kiss, then more kisses, then her tongue was all over it. Over the head went her lips went as she stroked me. No one had taught her to do this, she just did what came to her mind. She finished and kissed her way around my balls and then up my tummy she came, out of breath and hot. “I love do’in that, it’s excit’in.
…I held her and said: “My turn.” She smiled big and rolled on her back. She opened her legs wide as I scooted down to her pussy. She squirmed with excitement. “Do what ever ya want Barry, that last time was a real pleaser.” she said panting. Her legs twitched as she remembered her first orgasm was with me licking her clit. This time I stuck two fingers in her wet pussy and felt for her good spot. She bucked and moaned when I stroked it….”Berry….that’s a driving me crazy when ya to that…but keep it up.” she moaned out of breath.
….I had her so hot she was shaking. I climbed on top of her as she reached down and put my hardon in her wet pussy. She started in fucking me like no woman ever has. Pulling my butt cheeks, kissing me with her wild tongue, gasping for breath and working her pussy for that good feeling she wanted so bad. She clamped herself on me and pushed her pussy up tight to me and let out a loud moan and just shook as her max climax hit her. I shot a huge load in her as this had me all shook up with pleasure I hadn’t felt before. She finally managed to moan out…”…oh god Berry…Berry….Berry…yer beautiful….so ….beautiful…”
….She was a joy to watch, so happy as she skipped around the house. She washed me down again and cooked a wonderful meal. She even washed my clothes. She sat on the couch with me, holding my arm and her head on my shoulder. That night she led me into her bedroom and undressed me and her. Into bed we went. She didn’t know what 69 was and I introduced her. She like that and now to teach her about…. blow jobs.
…I slowly explained how a guy gets his best feelings like she gets with my tongue on her pussy. That is when a girl jacks him until he cums with her mouth clear over his hardon. She was all excited and wanted to do that to me. We lay on our sides as I directed her on what to do. I licked her pussy as she followed her natural desires now. She was good. She practiced deep throating until she got my hardon in all the way in. He tongue felt wonder working with her mouth stroking my hardon. She started in moaning as I licked her clit and massaged her good spot….I couldn’t hold back anymore. I shot a big load in her mouth. She moaned but kept her mouth on it. I continued to shoot as I could feel her pussy squeeze tight on my fingers. She moaned long moans as she gulped down my cum. Her hips moved with each shot of cum as she fucked my fingers. She had these wonderful long moans as her body trembled.
…It was the best blow job ever…..
…She licked and licked as she panted for air. Her pussy kept twitching until we both were completely spent.
….When I got home, my wife was sitting up in bed reading a book. She ask me if I found any good buys. I said: “Only one dear, a 1999 Darleen Special.” She never stopped reading and said “Oh, that’s nice.”………

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Home for spring break

Hey All! This is my first attempt at writing… I’ve been an avid reader for a few years now, and thought I’d get some of my thoughts & stories out there. Please let me know what you think! Love constructive criticism.
All characters in the story below are 18 years or older.

I Teach My Wife: Part 2

After forcibly taking my wife’s anal virginity that morning, Linda was exhausted during our daily on board activities. I planned on taking it pretty easy on her for most of the day, letting her regain her strength before I had my way with her again tonight.
At about 2 in the afternoon, Linda decided it was prime time to sun herself on the deck. I watched her change into a sensible bathing suit, which was as revealing as she liked to be, and I struggled to restrain myself. Linda was still strikingly beautiful, and that isn’t just a husband’s biased view, and as much as I was reveling in dominantly fucking my wife, seeing her now I wanted desperately to show her passion and love.
My resolve broke and I couldn’t contain myself. I moved to Linda and threw my arms around her just as she got her suit comfortably in place.
“Tom,” she smiled at me. I didn’t speak, rushing in to kiss her deeply instead. She was a little startled but soon began to join my tongue in passion. I peeled her suit down as we kissed, exposing her pale, creamy skin that drove me wild. I broke the kiss but continued to take her in, kissing and nibbling down her as I finally got her naked again.
I leaned back and gazed at her beauty, her full chest, shapely but fit form, and her smooth skin. She smiled at me sweetly and I think by now she had fully accepted my ultimatum from last night. I stood and spun her, wrapping my arms around her torso and diving in to bite and kiss her neck from behind. She pressed her luscious ass into my growing hard-on, and my hands explored her chest, stomach, and soft pubic skin.
“Oh, Tom, baby, take me baby,” Linda breathed into my ear as I squeezed her breasts firmly. I hurriedly complied, pushing her to bend at the waist and put her hands on the bed. Linda did readily and even surprised me a little when she spread her stance, arched her hips, and used two fingers to naughtily spread her yummy looking pussy lips. This kind of display, believe it or not, was Linda being dirtier than I’d ever seen her before, and I fantasized for a moment that I had awoken a slutty side of her that had been hidden and dormant for all these years.
I rushed my cock out of my shorts and pushed the head up against her opening. It was moist and warm and it quivered at my touch. Linda moaned and to my surprise reached her hand back through her legs to grab my shaft and guide me in.
“Fuck, Tom, fuck me with that big cock!” I’d never heard Linda like that before, but I liked it! Linda’s pussy was delightfully tight and I responded to her by rocking my hips forward hard and pulling her ass to me, stuffing my cock against the velvety walls of her vagina. Linda’s legs collapsed and she was now on the bed on her knees and elbows, her heavenly ass arched at me. I began to lovingly stroke my cock in and out of her pussy, firm but not violent, and Linda was rocked with pleasure. Her pussy quaked and her body trembled and she came faster than I’d thought possible, clamping down on my cock and actually uttering the word ‘cunt’ for the first time in her life.
When she relaxed her vice grip, I resumed my strong pumps. As I did I took the opportunity to enjoy a sex and seldom seen angle of my lovely wife, on her knees getting fucked like a whore. Her full tits swung with each slam of my hips, and her supple ass begged for attention. Lust had overcome me, and I once again found myself wanting to dominantly own my wife. I reached forward and grabbed a bundle of her dark hair and pulled back. Linda screamed as her head flew up, her back arched, and her pussy opened to new depths and that were quickly stuffed with cock.
I slammed hard down into her, her warmth and quivering muscles urging me to orgasm. As my cum boiled I grabbed Linda with both hands by her shoulders and slammed my cock into her harder than I ever had before. My arms strained and I pulled her back with all my strength, and my cock landed deeper in her than I ever thought possible. Delirious with passion, I howled an animalistic cry that I never knew I was capable of as my cock erupted into her sweet depths. My cock pumped with a ferocity I’d never known, it felt as though my balls were purging a lifetime of pent up seed into Linda’s hungry cunt, and indeed I came longer and harder than I thought possible. Linda begged for more, her hand had snuck up and was squeezing my balls hard, just to the edge of too hard, trying to milk every milligram of cum from me.
We collapsed together on the bed, my stiff cock still stuffed inside her now sloppy pussy, and laid there panting and swearing. Eventually my cock softened and I slid out, a sizable pool of sloppy sex had formed on the bed beneath Linda’s pussy. Linda was drifting off to sleep, and I kissed her and told her to relax, I was going to take a walk.
Dressed, I left the room quietly and began to wander. For awhile I thought about nothing, just enjoying the relaxed cruise atmosphere, until I casually walked past the dining room. Here I suddenly thought about last night, about our dinner mates Mark and Tara, and about my swinger fantasies. I also remembered that I had mentally promised myself that I would approach them, for better or worse, because if on the off chance they were thinking the same as I was I didn’t want to waste another minute.
I found Mark and Tara’s room and gave the door a quick rap. After a long pause it opened wide and I was struck by a dynamite vision of Tara. She stood before me in a loosely secured bathrobe and she smiled devilishly at me. Her robe was barely tied and her enormous tits were barely covered. I could see, I tried not to look too much but I couldn’t help myself, the outside edges of two large, brown areola on each mound along with a veritable cavern of delectable cleavage.
“Oh, hi Tom, what’s up?” she asked. Her short blond hair was disheveled and she stared at me with obvious desire as she spoke. I had been nervous about knocking on the door, I almost chickened out, but the sight of Tara had strengthened my resolve.
“Well, I was hoping to talk to you and Mark about something,” I said, letting my eyes drop to her mountainous chest and no longer making an attempt to hide it.
“C’mon in and sit down,” she said. I did, passing close to her luscious body, and as I drifted past I smelled the distinct scent of cum on her breath. I took a seat on the tiny cabin couch.
“Where’s Mark?” I asked.
“Oh, he went to some golf activity thing, I was just going to take a shower while he was gone.”
“I can come back later, when you‘re both around…”
“Nonsense,” Tara cut me off and took a seat on the couch next to me. She crossed her legs and her robe slid apart, revealing her smooth and mouth watering skin. She was essentially naked from the waist down, only her crossed leg obstructing my view of anything x-rated. “I can speak for Mark, what’s up?”
“I…” oh shit, I hadn’t thought this far ahead! I had been so wrapped up in whether or not I should approach Mark and Tara, that I hadn’t really considered what I should say! “Would you two like to come by and have some drinks this evening?” That was the best I could think of.
Tara was on to me, she gave me a knowing look and chuckled. “You could have asked us that at dinner, Tom. Why are you really here?” As she asked she slid her left hand along her body lightly, her fingers gently tugged at her robe but her eyes stayed on me.
“We just…. Well, I just…” I stammered, my nerves were breaking. Tara laughed a little.
“Tom, I know what you want.”
“Mark and I are thinking the same thing.” As she said this she slid her robe back slowly, exposing one of her massive tits. She had the largest areola I’d ever seen, the width of a softball, with a tiny hard nipple in the middle. Her legs uncrossed and I saw the top of her shaved mound.
I was speechless. My dreams were coming true and I didn’t even know how to handle it.
“I need you to say it, Tom. Tell me what’s on your mind.”
My cock had sprung to life and I was certain I could’ve had Tara right then, but I wanted to save it for tonight. I stood up, obviously readjusting my bulge, and smiled at Tara.
“Just join us for drinks tonight. Oh, and Linda doesn’t know anything about this yet, so we three will have to convince her nicely.” I winked at Tara and made for the door. She just smiled and pinched her little nipple before pulling the robe back and saying she’d see us at dinner.
When I returned to our cabin Linda was showering and I joined her. We relaxed for the afternoon and the anticipation of tonight’s activities made the day drag on endlessly. When it came time for dinner I was nearly shaking with excitement, but I knew I couldn’t rush things too much. I wanted Linda to ease into it, and to let a considerable amount of alcohol soak in, to make sure everything went smoothly.
Dinner was pleasant and Mark and Tara were very good at playing it cool, acting like nothing was up their sleeves, and it made me wonder if they hadn’t done this before. We made it through three bottles of wine during dinner and Linda was noticeably tipsy. The four of us hit it off very well, which was obviously very important, and Linda and Tara both expressed the desire to spend the rest of the evening together.
Mark and Tara were pros, I was convinced, because as we got up and made our way to the rear deck to enjoy some fruity drinks and the Caribbean sunset, I watched as Tara playfully touched and caressed Linda. Their hands met multiple times, fingers twining together for only a moment, with each laugh or giggle I saw Tara’s hand placed gently on Linda’s lower back and I watched it fall and settled just on the top of Linda’s round ass before Tara finished laughing and removed it. None of this seemed to phase Linda, and in fact she too playfully brushed and squeezed Tara’s arms or hands, though I don’t think she was flirting on purpose.
I pulled Mark aside and asked him what the plan was, because I couldn’t wait any longer.
“Be patient, buddy, this is a process. Tara knows what she’s doing,” he winked at me and laughed. “Just play along and keep it casual, she’ll come ‘round. Oh, and we’re going to take you to a club after the sun goes down. It’s a cool place, and I think that’s when we’ll see the fireworks fly.”
“Which club?” I asked. I had looked through the ship’s map and seen a couple of bars and dance clubs, which weren’t exactly Linda’s cup of tea.
“You’ve never heard of it,” Mark said with a sly smile. Before I could probe further the girls dragged us to the deck bar and we were enveloped in bubbly conversation. At one point, lounging in deck chairs as a miraculously orange and gold sunset lit the water on fire, the conversation turned explicit. We were all telling funny stories and entertaining each other, and Tara told a story about a trip she and Mark had taken to Hawaii. Tara crafted the story perfectly, managing to convey a steamy sex adventure with her husband without using crass language or lurid details.
The climax of the story was Tara revealing that there was a young, beautiful couple staying in the same resort and through some plot twists that would be unbelievable if we weren’t half-drunk, both couples wound up sneaking off to have wild marital fun in the same remote island location, and a wholly unbelievable but fantastic sounding four-way swinging episode followed. Tara didn’t give any naughty details, only to say that the two couples “had more fun than you can imagine!” and that it was the best vacation of their adult lives. Linda was enraptured and, being forward only because of the alcohol, eagerly asked Tara to explain. Linda’s face went red and she sat back sheepishly when she realized she had blurted out a desire to have Tara describe an orgy.
Tara, always one step ahead, placed a playful hand on Linda’s bare knee, slipping it about an inch up her skirt ever-tastefully, and said “honey, it was beyond words.” Linda’s eyes flared at Tara’s soft touch and I knew that a thought had flew quickly through Linda’s mind, she probably dismissed it mere milliseconds after it arrived, but for a moment she had thought exactly what I’d been thinking for two days.
Mark smiled and averted any awkwardness by suggesting that we move to a club he and Tara really wanted to show us. They led us down to the lowest decks, crew quarters, and I asked where we were going. We navigated a maze of hallways and finally stopped at a dark and heavy-looking door with a sign warning in many languages that the area was dangerous and off-limits to passengers. Mark took a moment to explain.
“This is a family-friendly cruise, wholesome and all that, but the cruiseline knows that some people like some more… entertainment. So this club isn’t exactly advertised, and it wouldn’t go over very well the public if they knew about it, but if you’ve ever wondered how these cruise ships make so much money, look no further.” I was still confused and I could see Linda was too, though Tara had a wide smile on her face.
Mark gave the door a single knock and a peep-hole no bigger than a baseball slid open. Mark smiled and produced a large wad of cash. I looked on in amazement as Mark put the money, all hundreds, through the hole and some figure beyond snatched it.
“Jesus, that had to be a few grand!” I said.
Mark smiled, “you can get us tomorrow.”
The door creaked open and we were ushered into a dimly lit hallway. I recognized the man behind the door, it was our room steward, but he said nothing and motioned for us to follow him. The dark hallway twisted some more and went down one more flight of stairs until we reached another heavy door. At this point I could hear music, obviously the thumping beat of hip-hop or dance, through the door. Our steward gave a succession of knocks on the door and we could hear it being unlocked from inside. Linda and I were both speechless when it opened.
Inside we saw what could only be described as a strip club, but it was the most impressive strip club I’d ever seen (not that I’d seen many, but the few I had always seemed dirty). The place was cozy, with comfortable looking booths lining the walls and each booth’s table was a small stage complete with a pole and enough room for explicit dancing. There was also a dance floor in the center that was not meant for performances but for interactive dancing.
There were about ten passengers dancing on the dance floor, clinging tight to each other and unabashedly groping their partners, and among the passengers we saw a handful of strippers dancing along with them, joining couples or just grabbing people and grinding. A few booths were occupied but there were still a handful vacant, and at each occupied booth a solo dancer performed for the seated guests. Suddenly I realized what I was seeing and I nearly fainted: these weren’t ordinary strippers, these were the cast and crew of the ship! First I noticed, on the dance floor grinding against some middle aged man, the voluptuous singer from the jazz show last night. I recognized a few of the others, too, including a waitress from the dining room and a housekeeper from the deck below ours. I had noticed how the female help on the ship was almost entirely young and beautiful and now I was starting to understand why.
Another striking thing about this club was that it was, by the very nature of the cruise industry, exotic. Because the assembled crew of the ship is a mish-mosh of nationalities, the dancers were not only beautiful but foreign. I noticed Asian women from multiple countries, a dynamite Latina with a round and swinging ass that was hypnotizing, and a young Russian girl with bright pale skin and the silkiest looking blonde pussy hair I’d ever seen.
Mark and Tara led us in and a handsome young man directed us to a corner booth that was plenty separate from the rest of the show. The music highlighted the atmosphere perfectly; it was loud enough to dance to but also somehow managed to remain in the background enough that conversations were comfortable.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Vladimir and if there is anything you require this evening, please do not hesitate to ask.” Tara and Linda sat in the recess of the curved booth, Mark and I on the outsides next to our respective wives. Tara slipped in very close to Linda and Mark and I squeezed up close to our wives, so the four of us were quite cozy even though there was plenty of room.
We ordered a round of drinks and after Vlad handed them out he spoke again. “So, if you are interested I have a few girls who are available for private entertainment tonight. I also have a fine selection of gentlemen if you’d care for them, as well.”
Mark spoke up. “Why don’t we see the ladies, please, and we’ll take whichever one she chooses,” he pointed to Linda, who blushed and tried to object but Vlad was off before she said a word. When he returned he was followed by three women, each dressed in some kind of skimpy, tight dress. The first was a red headed girl who introduced herself as Sveta from Belorussia. Sveta had perky tits and was very skinny, and she had a lovely smile along with a bubbly personality. The second girl was Renee, a lovely French girl who I recognized as a Guest Services desk attendant. She was beautiful, a face that could be in magazines, and she had long hair that was impossibly dark and smooth. She was also thin but the tight dress showed off a trim physique. The final girl was African, from Cameroon, and introduced herself as ‘Julie’ though I got the impression that was her Anglicized name. She was blacker than black, the darkest skin I’d ever seen, and she had a unique body. She looked strong and feminine at the same time, she was tall and muscular, not like a body builder but she looked solid nonetheless. She had large, heaving breasts that stretched the tiny dress to its limits, and she had thick but not fat legs that led up to what looked to be a dynamite round ass. She spoke confidently and looked at each of us with intensity.
We ogled each woman for a minute, my cock rising steadily, and Linda made her decision. We all loved her choice.
Vladimir led Sveta and Renee away and Julie sauntered up to the table. “Please,” she said to us, her thickly accented words dripping with sexuality, “enjoy yourselves.”
Julie drifted over to Mark and asked him to unzip the back of her dress. After he did she climbed onto the table and began to slowly sway with the music. We were all entranced by her, Linda included, and I noticed Tara had taken the opportunity to melt against my wife. Tara and Linda each had an arm around the other, and Tara’s large breasts were pressed up firmly against the side of Linda’s. I saw Tara’s other hand, placed high on Linda’s thigh, gently stroking up and down.
Julie was out of her dress and teasing us, obscuring our view of her mountainous tits her arm, when I looked around the room. To my surprise, things had changed some since we first entered. Some people still danced on the dance floor, but passionate groping had led to public nudity and the beginnings of lurid sex. The jazz singer was on her knees and was lovingly lapping at the ball sack of the middle aged man, his cock was glistening and had certainly been made wet by her mouth. The dancer at the nearest booth I could see was sitting on the table and had her legs spread wide to her audience, and I saw each patron had a hand sliding up her legs and exploring her naked pussy. I began to wonder if there was going to be more to Julie’s act than just dancing.
I was right. Julie had lost her dress and the mouth watering thong that disappeared between her delicious looking ass cheeks, and had now singled out Linda for attention. She was on all fours and was crawling slowly towards my wife, and Linda was clearly drowning in lust. Mark was the first to touch Julie, I saw his hand caress and squeeze her tits and then ass as she crawled by. When Julie reached Linda they were face to face, nearly touching, and I saw Julie whisper something I couldn’t hear. A moment later, Julie sat up slightly and squeezed her tits together, taking both large nipples in her fingers and pinching them towards Linda. Linda responded by leaning down and taking a nipple in her mouth, sucking furiously, and licking the African’s massive tits.
My cock was throbbing as I watched my wife with another woman for the first time. Tara joined her by clamping her lips down on Julie’s other nipple, and Mark and I reveled in watching our wives suck hungrily on two beautiful tits.
Julie sat back and the wives released. Immediately Tara locked Linda in a passionate kiss and I knew we were off and running. Tara’s hands started working over Linda, squeezing her tits and caressing her legs. Mark had pulled Julie to him and was now himself indulging in her heavenly mounds. I could sit still no longer, so I joined Tara and began to hungrily take in my wife.
Linda’s blouse was open in no time and she alternated between kissing Tara and I. Whichever one wasn’t kissing her bent down and sucked hard on her tits, and Linda was rocking with pleasure. I took advantage of the situation by letting my hand wander over and take in fantastic touches of Tara’s body. Tara responded by rubbing my cock roughly through my pants as she sucked on Linda’s tits. When Linda saw this she looked at me with sudden surprise.
“We’re going to fuck them, baby, Mark and Tara,” I said to her.
“No, I don’t…” she started, trying to form an objection as Tara bit gently on her nipples.
“It wasn’t a question, Linda,” I said and I looked at her firmly, not with any malice, but with determined eyes that reminded Linda who was in charge. After a long minute she nodded slowly and sunk back, enjoying the pleasure Tara was administering.
I heard Mark thank Julie for the performance but tell her that it was just going to be the four of us this evening. Julie smiled and said maybe another night then, and squeezed Mark’s bulge firmly before dismounting and bidding us good evening.
Tara said something to Linda and them smiled at both of us. Mark sat back, knowing what was coming I suppose, and our wives slid off seat and under the table. There was some unseen shuffling below and then I felt a hand take firm grasp of my cock. I looked down and knew without a doubt it was Tara’s hand, so when Mark began to moan with pleasure I knew my wife was giving it to him.
Tara wanted my cock, she had made it pretty clear by now, and she freed it from its prison in no time. It stood proudly before her and I heard her swear softly before I felt my cock being devoured by warmth. Tara’s mouth was magnificent, she was a more experienced and eager sucker than Linda, and she dove onto my cock with a passion I’d never felt.
I reached below the table and grabbed two handfuls of her soft blonde hair. I held her strong, my hips bucking with her, and I felt her throat open eagerly and bottom lip hit my balls. I hoped Linda was giving Mark pleasure, because I knew she wasn’t this good at blowjobs, but he was breathing heavy and urging her on, so I knew if nothing else she was trying.
If Tara kept up sucking me much longer I knew I would explode, but I didn’t want this to stop here. “Mark, can I fuck your wife?” I asked over the music.
“Only if I can fuck yours,” he said, his eyes never coming up from watching Linda suck.
“Deal,” I said. Tara gave me one final deep plunge before releasing and crawling out from beneath the table. We stood up and kissed deeply, and I saw Mark and Linda do much the same. I caught a glimpse of Mark’s package and knew Linda would have some fun. Mark’s cock was a bit shorter than mine but noticeably thicker, and mine isn’t thin, and Linda would be stretched like never before.
Mark spun Linda around and roughly bent her over the table. She looked at me with some hesitation, but I smiled and nodded confidently. Mark pulled up her skirt and dropped her panties, and Linda spread for him like a little slut. I saw her slick pussy for a moment before Mark quickly jammed his cock in. Linda moaned and resisted some, his girth catching her by surprise, before he landed balls deep and she screamed with pleasure.
Tara climbed onto the table next to Linda and laid on her back. She lifted her legs and quickly had her pussy free and ready. I freed her tits and dove onto them, the tip of my cock planting against her clit as I did. She shook and cried, and I rubbed and pushed her clit with my cock until I felt her juices flow. Tara’s soft blonde hair around her pussy that was now soaking wet, as was my cock, and I slid it down her slit and plunged into her cunt.
Tara held the edge of the table with both hands to keep herself firmly in place, and I squeezed both of her gorgeous tits as I fucked hard into her. Both women were delirious with pleasure; Linda was feeling her pussy stretched wider than she was used to, while Tara was experiencing a cock at depths Mark couldn’t reach. Mark and I hammered away, driven by intense lust, and soon both our wives were crying our names. Tara came first, my cock bouncing repeated off her g-spot, and soon my balls were dripping from her flooding juices.
Linda was beside herself. Her torso lay flat on the table and she was so wracked with pleasure she couldn’t stop herself from drooling. I soon remembered how I’d fantasized earlier about this moment and I knew I had to take advantage of it.
I leaned forward and kissed Tara, whispering a request in her ear. She nodded eagerly and I carefully exited her hot pussy. She slid off the table and I climbed up, kneeling in front of Linda’s face and pointing my glistening cock at her. I grabbed her by the hair and lifted her face, Mark was fucking her so good that her jaw was slack and her tongue hung out, and I assertively thrust my cock into her drooling mouth. Linda gagged when it hit her throat and her tongue lashed along it, not even intentionally but it still felt amazing.
“Can you taste my cum honey?” Tara asked wickedly. Linda just moaned and gagged as I held my pussy-soaked cock against her throat. Mark’s pumping had slowed and Linda tried to focus on accommodating me, but just as she eased open Tara fulfilled my request. Linda’s throat and mouth clamped hard, just shy of biting, when Tara’s two fingers bored into her clenching asshole. Mark roared with pleasure as Tara’s fingers worked him from within, and Linda moaned and cried as Tara stretched her still inexperienced ass.
Mark and I developed a rhythm and we began to fuck Linda at both ends. All three of us thrust at the same time, filling Linda to the max, and then easing off. Each time we thrust her eyes bulged and I felt her throat tighten. I knew her ass and pussy clenched too, and the three of us urged and cried for Linda to fuck us.
Finally Mark bottomed out and held himself deep with Linda. “Ah, I’m gonna cum in your wife’s pussy! Ahhhhh..” Mark rocked and cum pumped from him. Tara watched closely and moaned with lust. Suddenly, Linda’s entire body twitched and convulsed and Mark screamed hard as her pussy clamped down on his spewing cock in an intense orgasm of her own.
The fulfillment of my fantasy was making me dizzy and I could hold no longer. I arched up and fired, cumming thunderously into Linda’s twitching throat. She choked and gagged as I erupted and thick strands of cum poured from her lips and pooled on the table. I was lost in ecstasy and came for what felt like years. Linda failed to swallow any of it, and when I finally pulled free her face crashed down and splashed in a pool of cum and saliva.
Mark and Tara cuddled on the seat and I slumped on the table, satisfied beyond belief. Linda was motionless, nearly passed out, cum bubbling up around her mouth with each breath, and thick wads of Mark’s sperm running down her legs.
I had to carry Linda back to our room that night., but all four of us agreed before parting that we were going to have a fun week ahead of us.

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