Cum Swallowing

The Last White Hope(Chapter 4)

This a fictional story about becoming President of our country. It sort of parallels our present history and time line.
Chapter Four is about the House & Senate decisions
First couple of days the two Vice-Presidents were interviewed. The third day was the President turn, and the Senator was interviewed on the fourth day. Then finally it was my turn.
I was introduced by the Speaker of the House.
“I would like to thank you Mr. Speaker, and to the Senate Majority leader, for granting me this interview in front of both the House and the Senate.” I responded to his introduction.
“This is probably the most difficult decision that you will have in your political careers, to select the next President, and Vice-President. No matter which of the candidates that you decide upon, there will always be some sort of paradox, with the choices that were made.” I stated as I began my speech.
“Let me help you in making this decision. If I am selected as President, I will not relinquish the few campaign promises that I made. I will start with reducing the size of the Federal Government. That means everyone, no exceptions, all governmental departments will under go a 10% reduction in budget and staffing. I will make major changes to our Energy and Transportation departments. I will work on overhauling the income tax, and the IRS. I will work on getting our Nation Debt reduced. What is most important, with your help, I will put American’s back to work, and get American companies to reinvest back into this country.” I paused to take a drink of water, and let what I just said sink in.
“I am just one person, and I can’t do all of this by myself. I will need the help of everyone in here today, to help me with these tasks, if we are to be successful. I plan on meeting with both the Speaker, and the Senate Majority Leader, and barnstorm some ideas with them. This is not a one person show, we are a team, and I need all team players aboard.” I finished my pep talk.
I spent the better part of four hours talking and answering question from both Houses, even though the Senate will not be voting on me, I did answer all their questions. I walked out of their chambers in the mid afternoon, feeling good about just how the day and interview went.
After a week of discussion and mock votes, all the candidates were called into the chamber of the House. The Speaker will read the House vote, and the President of the Senate(the sitting Vice-President) will read the votes from the Senate. The two candidates for Vice-President, are the current VP, and my selected VP, who is a retired General, and former Joint Chiefs of staff, and Secretary of Defense.
I think it shocked the VP to read the name of my candidate, General George C Jefferson, as the new Vice-President. The Speaker took the podium, and the place was deathly quiet. He announced that the new President was(pause), Mr. Stewart Thomas Whitteman. I was stunned, and my VP congratulated me, as did the other candidates.
Fortunately the time between the election and the interviews, I had been busy with my chief of staff, going over a list of possible candidates to be cabinet members, and advisors. Just in case, I wanted to be ready. We still have a lot of work in front of us to get done before Inauguration Day on January 20, 2013.
I went home for Christmas break. I tried to get a hold of Lynn before Christmas, but she was busy. The estate was lonely without my wife there to be with me. I took the corporate jet up to Tommy’s house Christmas eve day, and spent a couple of days with him and the rest of our family. While I was at Tommy’s house I got an email from Lynn, wanting to know if I would like to get together for New Years Eve, when I got back home. Of course I responded yes.
We went out for New Years Eve and had a very good time at the Country Club. She was sending signs all night long that she wanted to have sex. Even a man at my age could understand those signs. We got into the limo and had it take us back to the estate.
We got up to my bedroom, and I headed to the bathroom to take a piss. I got back to the bedroom. The booze had her sex motor in high gear. She was laying on the bed naked, with a seductive smile on her face, and her fingers were stroking her pussy lips. Seeing her play with her pussy like that. It really had me turned on with my cock getting rock hard.
“Stroke that pussy baby, I want to see you cum.” I softly cooed, as I stripped my clothes off, and got into bed with her.
Slowly she started to play with her pussy, and with her clit, I could see the moisture collect on her fingers and pussy lips. Her other hand was tweaking her nipples. She picked up the speed with her fingers, and I could hear a slurping sound coming from her cunt.
Her eyes were staring right at me, her mouth was opened, and she was starting to gasp for air. I could tell by the look on her face she was getting close to an orgasm. I thought I would help her out by starting to masturbate my hard cock.
Her eyes flicked back and forth, to watching me, to watching my cock, and she worked her fingers even fast and deeper into her pussy.
“OOO fuck shit, I am going to fucking cum soon.” She cried.
“Hold on baby. I am almost there.”, I replied, as I stroked my cock faster
“Hurry the fuck up, so am I .” She panted.
I gave a groan and shot my load all over my stomach, just as she gave a sharp cry, and creamed into her hand from her orgasm. We laid their panting for a while, till we calmed down. Then she leaned forward and started to lick my cock, cleaning it up, and then licking my stomach, getting all my liquid white gold off it.
I pushed her back on her bed and kneeled down and started to lick her soaked pussy. Her lips were puffy and swollen with lust, and her clit stood out begging to be sucked. I sucked on her clitoris, till I heard her start to moan, and her body started to squirm and twist. She grabbed my head and pushed it hard into her pussy, and blew her orgasm all over my face.
By this time my cock is hard again. I moved up tight to her pussy, and planted my cock deep inside of her. We got into a rhythm, and had the bed just a rocking. I pounded her hard and deep, as she wrapped her legs around me squeezing me tight.
“Fuck me hard you bastard, keep that fucking big cock of yours deep in my pussy. I am fucking ready to cum.” She screamed as another orgasm racked her body.
I finally felt my cock start to throb, and I fired off my second load of the night, filling her pussy up with my precious fluid. That last explosion tired me out and I sort of collapsed on top of her. We laid there for a few moments, till she pushed me off. I pulled the covers over us and we fell asleep.
It was Inauguration Day, and I was as nervous as a new born fawn. I tried to keep it simple, but mainstream Washington, said no way. Evan so, it was not nearly as elaborate as the previous last couple of Presidential Inauguration. It was a nice day and everything went off without a hitch. I went to a few of the Inauguration Balls, but I have two left feet, and my dancing skills suck. Finally all the pomp, and celebrating came to an end, and it was time to get to work.
I had my first meeting with my cabinet, and I broke the first year down into 90 day segments of what I wanted to accomplish. I wanted them to start working on a plan to reducing the size of the Federal Government, by a minimum of 10%. I meet with both the Secretary of Energy, and Secretary of Transportation, to address ways to down size their departments. I also wanted to change the way the gas tax was collected, and dispersed. I set up a committee with the Secretary of Treasury to work on overhauling the income tax system.
I set up an executive committee that include myself, the VP, the Speaker of the House, and the Senate Majority Leader. Some of the topics I planned on discussing with them were, getting our Nation Debt reduced, put American’s back to work, and get American companies to reinvest back into this country. I was receipted to any ideas they might have also.
I knew that all of this could not be accomplished in 90 days, this was really just an outline of what I wanted to accomplish in my first four years in office.
The first week in February, I gave my State of the Union speech to the joint houses of congress. It was a cold windy, snowy day in Washington. It was just a really miserable day. I arrived at 8:45 p.m., for my 9:00 p.m. speech. I was announced by the Sergeant at Arms, right at 9:00 p.m.. I walked into the chambers to a rousing round of applause, as I am the first President to be elected as an Independent, and history was in the making.
I talked about my goals, and plans for the first four years, as well as other ideas that I had to improve our country. I could lay the whole speech out here, but I am sure that you watched it on TV, and don’t want to be bored by it again.
Needless to say it seemed like my speech and ideas were well received by congress, and the press. There were a lot of positives written on it, and the American people gave me high grades on my content.
Late April, Western Michigan University, asked me to give the key note address, at their commencement. Western was the college that I graduated from, and Kalamazoo is my hometown, I gladly accepted their invitation.
While there I ran into Christina, or Tina as she is generally called. I got to know her fairly well, during the years that our company worked at the college. I have not seen her since I moved to Florida. She worked for the campus affairs part-time, in the construction division. Basically she was the person in charges of paying the contractors. You always want to make sure that you knew who that person was. She is a few years younger than I am.
Let me tell you a little about Tina. She is about 5’4″ with honey blonde hair, soft brown eyes, a beautiful body, great breast, slender waist, nice ass and legs. If I had to guess her measurement, I would say 36-24-35. From the past, I remember her telling me she works out almost every day in the morning for about an hour. For a lady in her mid 50’s, she is extremely attractive.
We chatted for a few minutes. “My husband has past away a few years ago, and that I lost my job about a year after he died, due to budget cut backs. The school is using students to do my job now. My son has moved out of state to take a better job. I have no family at all around here anymore.” She told me.
I felt sorry for her, as her situation was similar to many Americans who lost their job and their hopes were slowly fading. This is what I was hoping to turn around.
I gave her my business card and on the back I wrote a password for her to use if she were ever in Washington, and need to see me for some help. She just has to call and give the person who answers the password.
“Well I have to go, I wish you the best, and hope to see you again sometime.” I said to her, but I was really thinking just how I would love to fuck her.
In mid summer I had my first crisis. We got some intelligence reports, that terrorist plan to attack our Texas refineries by either land, air, or sea. The reports could not identify the target or the type of attack. This was going to be a difficult job protecting the refineries, with all the traffic that goes into them by various means.
I order the navy to send a battle group to patrol the Texas gulf coast. I had the air force patrol the skies over the refineries, and Fort Hood as on alert to patrol the roads around the refineries. The attacked were launched a few weeks later. Fortunately we were able to stop most of the attacks, a few made it through, but the damage they caused was minimal, and there was no loss of life. The FBI discovered their base camp, but it was empty. There was a lot of documentation on different targets and time frames. The FBI is still busy sifting through all of the evidence that was discovered at the camp.
The fall was rather uneventful, both the cabinet and staff, were busy working on various forms of the proposed changes that I wanted done. It was the Friday before Thanksgiving. My secretarial assistant buzzed me saying, “Sir there is a female caller on the special phone line, who gave the password Thunder1, and did I want to take the call.”
I sort of drew a blank. “What is her name?” I asked her back.
“She said that her name is Christina Kay Smith.” She replied back to me.
Ahh the light went on Tina from Western Michigan, I just saw her this past summer when I was there.
“Yes put her through.” I replied.
“Hello Tina are you there?” I asked her through the phone.
“Hi Mr. Pres, I mean Tom, yes I am here.” She replied back to me.
“Where are you calling from?” I asked as I could hear a lot of background noise.
“I am at the bus station here in Washington.” She said to me a little louder over the noise.
Shit this is not good, there are deplorable people that prey on unescorted women and young girls, at the plane, train, and bus terminals, here in Washington, as well as in other larger cities.
“Tina hold the line for a minute would you please.” I asked her with some concern in my voice.
I use my cell phone to call my security chief. “I need you to get some men down to the bus terminal and pick up Tina for me.” I told him, as I explained the whole situation to him.
“I think there is a couple of cars not too far away from there, and I will redirect them to go to the bus terminal and pick her up, and bring back here for you Sir.” He said to me.
“Thanks I appreciate the help on this problem.” I told him as I hung up.
“Tina are you still there?” I asked.
“Yes I am, but there are some………..
“Hello Tina are you their hello?” I shouted into the phone. I could hear some background voices, and what little I could make out did not sound too good. Then nothing as they must have hung the phone up on her.
My cell phone rang, and it was my security chief, “Someone has taken her.” I told him with some anger in my voice.

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OFFICE FUN 2: It Starts

Patty gives Bob her answer and the Office Fun begins, but slowly. They shop for new clothes more fitting for an Office Toy. Like all my stories, this is a story with sex and not a hard-core porn story.

Teenage Hormones pt. 2

From the shadows of the stairway, Becky secretly watches her big brother vigorously fuck their Mom in the dark family room. She wants him to fuck her like that and plots a way to get him into her bed.

My Sister In Law, The Unexpected Cum Slut

Dinner was pleasant. My wife and I were out at a nice Italian restaurant with my wife’s brother and our sister-in-law. The food was fantastic, the wine was delicious and the conversation was flowing; all of us sharing stories and laughing.
Well, most of us, anyway. Our sister-in-law, Jenny, isn’t quite as outgoing as the rest of the family. She has the occasional anecdote to share, but mainly her life revolved her children. She didn’t seem to have many of her own friends and she was a stay at home mom, so she only had so many stories to share. She realized that the average person, even relatives, could only listen to so many stories about her children, so she mainly remained quiet and listened to everyone else.
The conversation did turn back to Jenny’s preferred topic as the evening rolled on when my wife asked about their plans for a third child. It was no secret that Jenny desperately wanted to have at least one more child, while Jason wasn’t as keen on the idea. In his opinion, they had two beautiful children and they weren’t getting any younger, so why not just be happy with the family they had?
As the conversation continued, Jason decided to share a story with us that illustrated how badly Jenny wanted a third child. He began:
“Seriously you guys, she wants another kid so badly that she practically raped me!”
“Jason!” Jenny exclaimed, trying to keep her voice down, but obviously shocked at the story he was about to tell.
My wife and I had the same reaction, yelling, “WHAT?!”
“Yeah,” Jason continued, obviously not caring about Jenny’s objection, “I got home one night after work and was exhausted. I ate dinner, played with the kids for awhile, but I just couldn’t stay awake any longer so went to bed around 9:30.”
My wife and I were leaned in, listening quite intently. Jenny knew there was no way to stop Jason once he was in the middle of the story, so she just sat there blushing as he continued.
“All of a sudden in the middle of the night, I feel something moving on top of me. I opened my eyes, and there’s Jenny on top of me!”
“Like, trying to get you to wake up to have sex?” my wife asked.
“No!” Jason says, “We were having sex! She somehow got me hard while I was still asleep and she was having sex with me. That’s how badly she wants to have another kid! She doesn’t even care if I’m an active participant! She just wants my stuff!”
“So she was “milking” you!” I blurted out.
We were all roaring with laughter. Well, all of us except Jenny who just sort of chuckled, trying not to be a stick in the mud. You could tell she was pretty embarrassed, but I had to give her credit; she took the story like a champ. I know a lot of people who would have stormed out at that point or at least fumed for the rest of the meal. Not Jenny. She sat there and enjoyed the rest of the evening with us.
We changed subjects, had desert and after everyone had their fill, we paid our tab and left. On the way home my wife and I talked about the “milking” story. We just couldn’t believe Jenny would do such a thing; it was so out of character for the woman we knew. We laughed about it a bit more and the two of us occasionally took to calling Jenny “the Milker” in our private conversations.
But as with most things, time passed and the reference began to fade.
A few months later, Jason and I went out drinking with some friends. With the two little ones at home, Jason doesn’t get to go out with the guys very often, so when he does get the chance he likes to make the most of it. I’m not one to reign anyone in and I enjoy my nights away, as well, so our nights out often end in fun, a few foggy memories and a pounding headache the next morning.
This particular night was no exception. Beers were followed by shots, which were then followed by many more beers. At the end of the night, neither of us was in any shape to drive home, and since we were closer to Jason’s house we shared a cab back to his place where I was going to crash until the morning.
Jason set me up in their guest room and stumbled off to bed for the night. I passed out pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow.
At some point in the night, I began to have a dream about sex. This is nothing new and it actually happens quite often when I have a lot to drink. You’re out in a bar, lots of pretty girls are around and the images stick with you through the night.
The dream was extremely vivid. I couldn’t see what the girl looked like, but the sex itself seemed so real. I could seem to actually feel my hard cock sliding in and out of a wet hole. I wished the dream was real, but knowing that it was just a dream I tried to keep my eyes closed and hope the dream would last. Since I was gaining consciousness I knew it would end any minute now and I would be disappointed to find myself in a bed by myself, but I tried to hold on to the dream as long as I could.
To my surprise, the dream wasn’t ending. In fact, it seemed to be getting more and more vivid. I could still feel my cock engulfed in a tight hole. I could hear the girl in my dream moaning as if she were right there. Maybe I had remembered the night’s events incorrectly? Did I somehow get home that night? Was I possibly in my own bed? Even possibly having sex with my wife?
I was afraid to risk waking up and ending the dream. On the other hand, I would have to miss out on actively having sex if this happened to be real. I decided to chance it and wake myself up.
I opened my eyes slowly, not sure if I was going to see my wife on top of me or an empty room. I shocked when I saw neither.
Directly in front of me was a pair of unknown, but quite large, milky-white breasts. I looked down the silky smooth stomach and watched as the woman’s hips straddled my own and moved rhythmically back and forth over my pelvis; my penis buried deep in the woman’s womb. I looked back up the body. Her arms were extended with her hands in the middle of my chest for support. Her back was arched slightly, breasts protruding forward and her neck was tilted backward with her eyes closed; enjoying the ride. My sister-in-law, Jenny, was fucking me as I slept. To use the expression we had developed, she was “milking” me.
At this point I was left questioning what to do. On the one hand, I was at that moment cheating on my wife. Plus, I really liked my brother-in-law and, even though I had no idea what had been happening up until this point, this was still his wife that I was having sex with. On the other hand, neither my wife nor Jason would probably care – or possibly even believe – how I came to have my dick buried deep inside of Jenny. And being inside of her felt so good and her tits looked so wonderful bouncing on the chest above me. Do I just close my eyes and enjoy this, let Jenny leave when it’s finished and act like nothing happened?
I didn’t have time to make a decision. As I was debating this in my head, I saw Jenny open her eyes and look at me. She could tell I was about to say something and simply whispered, “Shush, shuuush.”
Jenny leaned forward until her face was a few inches from mine. I could feel her dangling breasts rubbing against my chest. She began to talk quietly as she continued humping her hips on my shaft.
“Just relax,” she tried to reassure me, “just relax. No one will ever find out about this. Just enjoy it.”
“Jenny, what about Jason? What about the kids? What if someone wakes up and comes in here?”
“Wakes up?” she replied, “Oh, you still think it’s the middle of the night. It’s actually 9 in the morning. Jason got called into work and will be gone all day. Saturdays the kids spend with their grandfather so they’ll be gone all day, too.”
She kept sliding slowly up and down my shaft. She was obviously enjoying this immensely. I was too, it felt great! But it was wrong, too.
“Jenny, we shouldn’t be doing this,” I began to protest, but she cut me off.
“Relax,” she said again, “I just want your cum and then we can be done with this if you’d like. Mmmm, if feels so good though. Doesn’t it?”
She just wanted my cum? What? I knew she wanted another child, but this was crazy! How would she explain it if I knocked her up?
I tried to explain that point of view.
“Jenny, I know you want a third kid, but …”
Again, she cut me off. “I’m not trying to get pregnant. I’m not stupid!” she said. “You can only get pregnant at certain times of the month and this isn’t one of them for me. I couldn’t get pregnant if I wanted to right now. Like I said, I just want your cum.”
“What?” was the only reply I could come up with; not exactly witty or anything, I know!
“Jason wasn’t lying about the story when he woke up with me having sex with him, but he was wrong about the reason,” she explained. “I’d love to have another child, but getting pregnant wasn’t my plan that night. And it wasn’t my motivation the other nights I’ve screwed him while he slept and never woke up to notice.”
She had me puzzled.
She continued, “I just love cum. Sperm. Jizz. Whatever you want to call it. I just love it. I need it. I always have. I love to feel it fill my insides. I love to feel it coat my tongue as a guy cums in my mouth. I love to feel it shot all over my body.”
“So Jason won’t give it to you?”
“He will, and does. But he has to work so much that he’s exhausted when he gets home and is asleep by the time we could have some “alone time” from the kids. And when I get a craving for some cum, I NEED to have it. I planned on getting some, lots in fact, today, but then he was called in to work. And then I remembered you were here and I couldn’t help myself.”
Holy crap that was hot! Jenny, timid, shy Jenny, just confessed her cum addiction to me. She was still riding my cock. She was taking it in longer strokes now. She would pull her hips up until just the head of my cock was left inside of her and then she would slide slowly down until my balls were pressed against her ass.
“So?” she asked. “Can I have your cum? Can I feel it shoot inside of me? We can stop after that, if you’d like, but I would love to feel your cum all over me today. You can shoot it wherever you want.”
I knew this was wrong. I knew we should stop. But I hadn’t stopped it when I first knew what was happening, so I was already cheating with my sister-in-law. We had been screwing for awhile now and I was getting fairly close to cumming anyway, so I might as well finish I thought.
I had been a passive participant the whole time up until the moment. I had kept my arms at my side letting Jenny do all the work. Now I was going to join in. I reach around and grabbed her ass and squeezed, pulling her down onto my member until I bottomed out in her.
I looked her in the eyes and asked, “Wherever I want?”
Her eyes twinkled as I asked that question. Jenny knew she had me. She knew she was going to get what she wanted so badly – cum! And she knew she was going to get more than one load from me.
She smiled and replied in a sultry voice, “Wherever you want. In my pussy; on my face; in my mouth; you can even explode all over my big tits and I’ll lick it off of them for you.”
Fuck, so hot! Whoever knew Jenny would be such a cum slut!
There was one place I most definitely wanted to plant my seed though, and she had not mentioned it.
“What about deep in your ass?” I asked as I slipped a finger between her crack and rubbed her ass hole.
“Oh fuck. No, not there. I’ve only done anal once and I didn’t like it.”
I knew she was desperate though and would give in. “Well, you said ‘wherever’ and that’s where I want to cum. Either you let me cum in your ass or we will stop right now before you get any cum. You will have to go all day without fulfilling your craving. And who knows whether Jason will be too tired when he gets home from working all day after being up late last night …”
Now I had her! “OK, you can cum in my ass. But later. I want to feel it in my pussy first. Then I want to feel it shoot either on my face or tits. Then you can have my ass. Deal?”
Jenny then picked up the pace. She started moving up and down my cock faster, determined to now get the first of what was going to be many loads today.
I reached up and for the first time felt the weight of her large breasts in my hands. I squeezed them, fondled them, and then brought them to my mouth.
I ran circles around her nipples with my tongue and then bit her nipple. I then sucked her breasts into my mouth, trying to suck in as much as I could.
“Oh fuck, yes!” Jenny moaned, “Suck my nipples. Bite them, pull on them, lick them, suck them! Yes! I love it.”
I went back and forth sucking one breast before moving to manipulate the other one. Jenny kept fucking me. We had fucked so long that I couldn’t believe she hadn’t gone dry, but the anticipation of the cum that was about to fill her kept her soaked.
I was finally about to cum and so was Jenny. She took her breast from my mouth and sat back into the position she was in when I woke up. She put her hands back on my chest for balance and I grabbed her hips, helping pull her on my cock faster. She was bouncing up and down on my cock and I watched her supple breasts bounce with the same rhythm.
Finally, I reached the point of no return. “Jenny, I’m going to cum. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m about to cum. You want to feel me cum inside of you?”
“Oh yes, fucking give it to me! I want to feel it shoot inside of me! Give it to me now!”
And I did! I thrust up as she pushed down on my cock and I shot deep inside of her, filling her with every ounce of warm cum I had.
As I finished shooting and the last drops oozed out, Jenny just sat there, as if she were waiting for something. Eventually, after a minute or two, I could feel my own cum run back down onto the head of my cock.
“There it is,” she said. I wasn’t sure if she was talking to herself, me, or both of us. She raised off of my lap, my shrinking cock popping out of her pussy, and she hovered for a minute. She looked down with intent and we both watched as my sperm slid out of her pussy and dripped onto my cock. I could see her trying to push more out and covered my cock with my own cum.
“Oh I love feeling it slide out of me. That feels so good!”
“Are you ready to start building up your second load?” she asked me.
“Sure,” I replied simply. Jenny then lowered her head into my crotch and swallowed my cum covered cock. I could feel her sucking up as much cum as possible into one mouthful, and then she looked up at me, took her closed mouth off my cock and then opened it to show my load on her tongue. She closed her mouth and swallowed.
“Yum that’s good!” Jenny exclaimed and then went back to sucking my cock, still with a bit of cum on it, to get me hard and ready for round two.

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Making of a MILF, Mary

My name is Mary, and I am the mother of two twin teenage boys, Aiden and Chris. There is that point when teenage boys discover the delight of masturbating. I would like to think that many moms have the same ‘fear’ of walking in on their teenage son(s) in the act.

“Will You Teach My Daughter?”

“Will You Teach My Daughter?”
* Teaching the new neighbor lady’s daughter about sex?…strange request….but Brandon was only to delighted to …’help out’. *
__It is still unclear as to just where and how the neighbor lady, Jan, and her daughter, Melinda, had been. Some secret government location in the U.S. They had spent most of their life there and were isolated from the rest of the world. When the dad came up missing, that’s all they were told…’missing -permanent’. They had to get permission to move away from there, and never say anything about where they had been or anything else.
They decided to move next door to us in a regular neighborhood. The mom Jan, became friends with my mom instantly. She had a million questions about regular life here. Daughter Melinda just sat quietly. Mel, as we all called her, was out of school now and she was a good looking, hot bodied girl. I was drawn to her right away. Her mom was pretty hot looking too and so friendly to me.
They were over as Jan talked to mom in the kitchen, Mel and I sat on the couch. With no TV or computers, Mel only read old books for entertainment. I found out she had no contact with guys at all. Her schooling was in an all girls small school and another one for the guys….all separated.
My mom had to leave but would be back in 30 minutes. As soon as she left, I had Jan on one side of me and Mel on the other. They had both been waiting for this opportunity. Jan sat real close and said: “Can you help us Brandon,….we need a guy to get us ‘up to date’ with this…kinda… new world were in. Dad was never home, and Mel has never had a date with a guy.”
“Could you come over tonight where we can talk private and you can fill us in on…’guys’ today. I don’t want your mom or anyone to know how uninformed we are.”
I thought, ‘is there any other answer but ’oh yes!’ as my heart raced…. I said: “ Sure”. I was old enough now, I came and went as I pleased. That night I quietly walked next door and entered thru a back door as Jan had planned.
They were both waiting for me and walked me arm an arm to their couch. They both had on robes. They explained that they liked to walk around in the nude at night. I said: “Oh…please be comfortable, don’t put robes on just because I’m here.” They both said…oh…we were hoping you might say that. They both took off their robes and were totally nude,…. like it was nothing. Mel said: “We really like you Brandon, do you like us?”
I said: “You girls are very sexy and pretty, I don’t know which one of you I like better…”
The both smiled big and ask if they could kiss me on the cheek.
It was hard to believe this was happening. I said: “Go ahead.” They got on their knees, one on each side of me and slowly scooted in close to kiss me on my cheeks. I had a big hardon, already picturing how this night might turn out.
I put an arm around each of their necks and pulled them gently in close. I got a close look at four beautiful tits and two dark pubic haired pussy’s. I had two hot girls breathing heavy on my face. They both kissed my cheeks and held the kisses.
…mom was right, he’s just the right guy we had talked about getting. I had never kiss a guy until now. I held my kiss to feel the rush mom said I would get. His arm around my neck just intensified these new feelings. I had dreamed about a girl’s feelings and what they would be like when she was close with a guy. He somehow was making my pussy feel good too.
I slowly moved my lips around to his mouth…while mom started kissing him all over the side of his face. Finally a guy to get me what my stored up urges wanted. I felt so good and I kept going as more urges came up. I unbuttoned his shirt to feel his chest.
It had been a long time since I had been with Mel’s dad, and I was so turned on I wanted Brandon naked. He was just what we wanted to relieve this great sexual tension inside us.
Mel and I had to help each other for relief, now we had a young guy for real… to help us. I can’t believe how horny I’ve gotten. I see in Mel’s eyes she can’t wait to be with him. I want to kiss him for days it feels so good just kissing his face.
I helped her take his clothes off as our fingers trembled. I dimmed the lights as Mel pulled out the couch into a bed. I hope he understands our aggressiveness, but we’ve waited a long time for this. I let Mel go first to do the things she had only dreamed about with a guy.
I watched as they kissed slowly. The passion was building up in both of them as he lay between us. Watching Mel get fondled for the first time by a guy was awesome. He was gentle with her and felt her tits so nice. Poor Mel was so hyper, her whole body twitched with new exciting feelings. She was very wet as she squirmed her hips. Even I could see the wetness between her legs. She was huffing as he began sucking on her nipples. I just had to scoot close behind him and feel his warm body on mine. I pressed my tits into his back and pushed my pussy tight to him.
I eased my hand down to his warm hardon…omg… it had been so long since I had felt a nice warm hardon. It was between Mel’s legs now, as I stroked it. It was slick with Mel’s wetness and it caused spasms in my neglected pussy. I played with the slickness with my fingers. I felt Mel’s clit, so hot now and sensitive. I want his hardon in my mouth so bad. I love the feel of a warm hardon in my mouth, with the head going in and out of my lips. I would have to wait to get him to shoot his cum deep in my mouth to taste it again….
I never realized how a mans tongue could be so sexy. I held his head and let my tongue feel his. He then took his tongue and ran it all over me….and then down to my nipples…omg…this is so breath taking… He’s continuing down my tummy….oh god I can’t take the tingles. I have to twitch my hips, it’s too much. Goose bumps…I feel his tongue licking my pubic hair. He’s….ooooo…licking my clit. I can’t take it, he going to make me orgasm with his tongue and mom’s finger both.
That’s enough! I start pulling on him to bring him up…I want him in me now…right now! Oh yes…almost here. I feel mom’s hand started to put his hardon in me. Easy…oh god easy, I’m a virgin still…ooooo… so tight…but so wonderful…there… The head of his hardon is in me and my pussy is expanding and getting bigger now. A little deeper at a time….. I can’t think at all, just feel him in me. I’m seeing visions of light in my head as he begins to slowly pump his hardon in me. He’s rolling on top of me….oh there…oh yes…oh yes…ooooo….., it’s just like mom said it would be….my knees are fully wide apart and he’s pumping me faster. Oh my god…oh yes! I think I’m cuming…yes…yes!…oh jez…here it is!
I had to yell out, I had no choice. My soul was shook and I lost control. I felt euphoria as I felt hot cum rushing in me, over and over. “Oh baby yes!” I yelled out as I pumped him back deep with my pussy. I held my arms tight around his neck and kissed and kissed his face all over….my whole body trembled…my mind seemed to float away, somewhere….,somewhere beautiful….
…wow…what a site to witness, my daughters first full on sex with a guy…I lost track of how many times I orgasmed with my fingers in my pussy….who can keep count at a happening like this…
They repeated their togetherness all night long…
It was a week before I got my turn.
Mel came up to me and whispered: (, he’s all yours tonight.) I think my heart jumped 10 beats and a shot of warm wetness filled my pussy. I had been waiting for this to happen…..
I have fucked my share of girls, but nothing like Mel. I couldn’t tell my buddies what luck I was having, they’d all be over her wanting to fuck Mel and Jan…so I just kept my mouth shut. Jan was a hot copy of Mel but well seasoned and horny as hell. We exchanged hugs and feels in their hallway, I thought she was going to faint. I loved to do a quick sneak and run my hand down her panties and watch her eyes close and I think she orgasmed right there. She would start humping my fingers and moan quietly. She would grab my hardon and squeeze it hard, then tremble.
It was time to get her in bed and us really get it on. Mel brought it up first and ask me to have sex with her mom. Lady luck is smiling on me.
A hot daughter and her hot mom….I couldn’t hardly believe the luck I was having. Mel told me…”Tonight Brandon, do her tonight..”
Now how could I turn that down…
It was all set to happen in their big bed. I came over and the house was dimly lit. Mel came in the living room…naked…and escorted me to their bedroom. There was Jan, all hot looking as they both undressed me.
Jan and I wasted no time and locked together still standing in a hot kissing session. Mel sat on the bed smiling as she watched us. I picked Jan up and put her on the bed. Mel watched us, all intense. Now it was her turn to watch her mom have sex with a guy. I noticed she was rubbing her pussy slightly.
Jan barely whispered to me: (…oh…let me suck you first…it’s been so long..”) I turned as now we lay 69, side by side. Her knees came up around my head with the first lick of her clit. “Ohhhhhhh” she moaned. Pussy juice began to soak her leg. I’d never seen a girl this hot before.
I wondered what two of my fingers would do on her G spot. I went for it as she deep throated me over and over. When I massaged her G spot…she went wild. I’d never seen a girl squirt before. She flooded my fingers, with gasping moans and squirming hips. I just touched her clit with my thumb and she squirted again. She mumbled some moans and gasp for air.
I was crazy hot watching and feeling her in her ecstasy. I looked at Mel. She was reaching in her pussy like she was trying to find her G spot. Her bucking and moaning told me she must have found it.
Mel was looking at me and as I turned to fuck Jan, Mel started feeling me all over. Next I had two girl kissing me and playing with my balls.
This was a first for me as the two hot girls began to work together to really turn me on.
Things got a little crazy as Mel and her mom started sharing me.
I was just starting to fuck Jan when Mel rolled me off. She got in top of me and stuck my hardon in her pussy. Now Jan started feeling my balls and feeling my body. They both tried to tongue kiss me at once. I felt like I was being attacked by two wild girls….and I like it!
Mel fucked me wildly and got an orgasm, Jan immediately took over and got on top of me. I didn’t realize it but all their years alone had built up inside them, and now it was coming out. They didn’t hold back now as they must have had sex with each other someway. Jan and Mel started feeling each other up and playing with each other tits, finger fucked their pussy’s and Jan got down and licked Mel’s pussy.
I was in shock, but so turned on also. They got me on my back and both took turns putting their pussy’s in my face as they took turns sucking on my hardon. My balls were ready to explode as they seem to be working for a peak in their sex fest with me. They made these hungry growling sounds as they attack my hardon. Squeezing, jacking and alternating sucking it.
They kept switching pussy’s and fucking my face, rubbing their clits on my lips. I held their hips and alternated licking their pussy’s as I felt a huge load of cum ready to shoot.
Out it came as they squealed and let it shoot on their faces and in their mouths. They took turns putting my hardon their mouths and taking a shot of cum. My mind went numb.
It was so over the top I just let my hardon shoot until every last shot was on or in them. They played with it and licked and swallowed until it was all gone….
I woke up. It was morning. Two girls were washing me. I wonder if this was a dream, until….they saw me awake. The both started kissing me and then…..
Jan and Mel held up all the handcuffs, and said:
“You know of course, we are ‘never’ going to let you leave.”…….

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My Naughty Aunt May

I could remember aunt May from when I was ten, but at sixteen I saw her in a whole new light. She was a very good-looking woman, with the most enormous tits I had ever seen in real life. She wore tops that weren’t exactly revealing but showed more than enough cleavage to give a sixteen-year-old boy a near-permanent erection, and a real problem trying to hide it.

Sibling reunion leads to new relationship – Chapter 2

First of all a big thanx for all the positive coments. Second I did notice a few typos and wish I knew how to correct them.. Third I just hope there weren’t any grammatical mistakes.. anyways moving on…
This part has what we all have been waiting for.. 😉
Quick Recap of where we left of :
Bobby reads lines with his sister Jessie (for the new movie that she will be shooting in three days) and goes to bed all restless thinking about how much he loves them both, the Jessie back home and the new one
Chapter 2 : My first time
The following day Jessie started off with a full tour of her house, from the old light room at the top of the tower to the conservatory with a grand piano sitting in the morning sunlight and finally to the Jacuzzi, which overlooked the steep cliffs. Taking my hand she led me down a flight of steep steps that dropped to the beach.
Reaching the beach we kicked off our shoes and walked down to paddle in the warm waters. We walked in the surf with the warm sun beating down on us.
“I actually thought you’d live in LA,” I said as I gazed along the golden beach.
“I did for a while, but then one day I was driving along the coast and I saw the house and fell in love with it. I was lucky because it was for sale and so I bought it and moved out here. It’s peaceful and I like that, and I can be at the studio in about an hour, also I hate living in cities, they’re just too crowded and everyone seems to be rushing around”
“I know what you mean”
We spent the rest of the day relaxing and talking, I guess five years takes some time to catch up.
I helped Jessie cook dinner that evening and afterwards as we relaxed with a glass of wine Jessie switched the TV on.
“I thought you’d like to see one of my movies”
“Yeah sure, are you OK with that?”
“If you’re coming to work with me tomorrow, I think you’ll see me naked and I’m not embarrassed by what I do”
As we settled down to watch the movie I was surprised when Jessie sat next to me, resting her head on my chest. I put my arm around her and we snuggled together as the movie started.
The movie was hot, in no time I was sporting an erection as over the next hour and a half I watched my sister have sex with various people, both men and women. At some point in the movie Jessica moved slightly and I found my hand resting against the side of her breast, while one of her hands rested on my thigh.
As the movie ended I looked down at Jessie and our eyes met, and suddenly we were kissing, kissing as lovers, deep and passionate. She twisted towards me and we slid back until I was lying beneath her on the couch her body pressed to mine.
She moaned into my mouth as our tongues met and I held her tight against me. We broke apart and I pulled at her dress pushing it up, she raised her arms as I pulled it off her and threw it onto the floor. We kissed again as my arms went round her, my fingers fighting to unfasten her bra. The catch opened and I pulled her bra down her arms, she sat up and I gazed with wonder at her beautiful full breasts.
Her hands were trying to unfasten my shirt, in the end she just yanked it open, sending buttons flying and material ripping. Her breasts pressed to my chest as we kissed, breaking the kiss I lifted her higher and closed my mouth on an erect nipple. As I suckled at her breasts I slid a hand between her parted thighs to touch her panties. They were wet with her arousal and she moaned as my fingers slipped into them.
“Mmmmmm oooohhh god Bobby that feels soooo gooood, but the bed will be more comfortable”
She stood up and as I watched, slipped her wet panties off. I climbed off the sofa and unsnapped my jeans, stepping out of them I dropped them on the floor and wearing just a pair of shorts I followed my naked sister upstairs. As I followed her I skimmed my shorts down and dropped them. Naked with my erect cock bobbing in front of me I followed Jessie to her bedroom.
Standing by the bed we kissed, naked bodies pressed together. Lifting her in my arms I carried Jessie to the bed and lay her down and stopped.
Jessie, there’s something you need to know”
“What, what is it Bobby?”
“I’ve never done this before, I never made love with anyone. Jessie I’m a virgin”
“Oh Bobby that’s OK”
She reached for me and pulled me into her arms and we kissed again.
“I don’t want to disappoint you”
“Bobby you could never do that”
We kissed, our bodies pressed together. Kneeling above my naked sister I kissed her face, her eyes, ears, nose and mouth. I spread kisses down her throat to her breasts, stopping to suckle at her perfect breasts I licked and gently nibbled at her erect nipples, bring a moan of pleasure to her lips. She moaned words of encouragement and direction as I slid lower, running my tongue across the under slope of her breasts and down over her stomach, feeling the muscle jump with sexual arousal. As I moved across her stomach I caught the scent of her womanhood and at gentle pressure from her hands, I moved lower.
For the first time I found myself looking at a woman’s aroused pussy, what made this moment even more special for me was that it was my sister’s pussy. I kissed her inner thighs before raising my head and running my tongue across her swollen labia.
With gentle words, moans of pleasure and light touches on my head Jessie guided me, showing me how to give her pleasure. I used my fingers to spread her pussy lips before pushing my tongue deep into her cuntal opening. I revelled in the sweet, musky taste of her pussy juice, lapping and sucking at them as I made love to my sister with my tongue. With slight pressure she moved my mouth to her engorged clitoris, I lapped at it sucking it between my lips as my fingers pushed into her honey pot. She moaned and jerked in pleasure as I explored her womanhood. Suddenly she cried out aloud,
“Oooooohhh fuck!! yes Bobby, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cummmmmmiiiiiinnnnnggg”
I removed my fingers, pressing my mouth to her pussy and pushing my tongue into her as I massaged her clit with my pussy slick fingers. She orgasmed, flooding my mouth with her womanly nectar. I drank it down, sucking and licking at the juices as her body seemed to shudder to orgasm after orgasm. Until finally she pulled my up her body, we kissed and then she sensually licked her pussy juices from my face.
My cock was hard, throbbing between us as I lay on top of Jessie, her hand reached between us and she guided my cock to the entrance of her pussy. As my cockhead slipped between her labia I pressed forward, slowly burying my erection in the hot embrace of her womb. I was surprised and amazed at the feel of her hot, wet, tight pussy as it engulfed my manhood. I was soon locked in her hot embrace, we kissed, our bodies joined at mouth and groin. I withdrew until only my cockhead remained locked in her pussy, before plunging forward. The feelings were too much and I groaned in pleasure as I made love to a woman for the first time and felt my cock jerk and my cum flood into Jessie’s womb.
“Oh god, oh fuck, Jessie I’m sorry, god I’m so sorry”
“It’s OK Bobby, it doesn’t matter”
I realised after a few moments that my cock was showing no signs of loosing it erect state. I kissed Jessie and started to thrust once more into her womb.
“Mmmmm.., my stud,” she said with a smile.
Our bodies moved together, slowly at first, savouring the feel of our joining, as our passion increased Jessie lifted her legs to her chest and rested them over my shoulder. Suddenly my cock was going deeper into her womb, the head brushing through her cervix causing her to jerk and moan in pleasure. As our need and desire increased I drove myself faster and deeper into my sister’s body. Her hips lifted to meet me, driving my cock harder and deeper into her womb. Faster and faster until she threw her head back and screamed,
“Cumming Bobby, cumming O fuck yes I’m cumming cumming cuuummmmiiinnnngggg”
Jessica’s body rocked to her mind blowing orgasm and seconds later I pumped my second load of hot jism deep into her womb.
“Ooohhh Jessie, Jessie, Jeeesssssssssiiiiieeeeeee”
As our orgasms passed Jessica’s legs slipped from my shoulders and I rolled over pulling her onto me. We lay in each other’s arms, my soft cock lay damp on my stomach, coated in a mixture of sperm and pussy cream. Jessica’s head rested on my chest and I could smell the fragrance of her shampoo, and the aroma of our spent passion. One of my thighs rested her legs and I could feel the juices from her pussy running onto it. I stoked her body and hair, gently kissing the top of her head as we held each other. Trying not to disturb her I pulled the sheet over us both as she snuggled into me.
“I love you”
I kissed her upturned face and smiled,
“I love you too Jessie, always have and always will”
“Mmm, my Bobby, you’ve always been my Bobby”
“I know”
She hugged me and I lay there listening to her breathing as she drifted into a deep sleep. For a while I just lay there, unable to believe what had happened and hoping Jessica wouldn’t regret it in the morning.
More chapters to come… and please keep commenting

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Christmas With The Family (Re-Write)

Not really personaly satisfied with my first post, I had requests to make the paragraphs easier to read but I also realized after posting that I missed part of the chapter.Hopefuly this is a bit mre enjoyable and easier to read. Continue with feedback of course.

Family surprise – part 1

Family surprise, part 1.
Sometimes a person can surprise you, this is the story of the time an entire family surprised me.
I suppose a bit of background is in order. My name is Mathew Webb, I’m 37 and a retired stockbroker.
Being retired my seem odd at 37, but the truth is that I made a lot of money in the .net bubble,
cashed in my shares, and have been living handsomely on my investments since then. Life is good.
Being so focused on my career I pushed people away, never forming a close relationship,
and when I retired I was determined to make up for it. It was 3 years of painful discovery,
going from relationship to relationship with young women, always looking for the 20 year old
bleached blond bimbo, always disappointed when they showed more interest in my money and material
things than in me. That all changed when I met Laura. Laura was 35 and a single mom. Standing just
five feet tall, brown hair, and not fat but definitely on the plump side, she was everything I never
looked for. We met at a local restaurant, I had stopped in for a quick bite and she was my waitress.
She was just going to take my order, but with her warm green eyes, her friendly smile and – if I’m honest –
her generous breasts, I stretched out the conversation. The restaurant was quiet and she seemed
happy to talk to a new face. We started off talking about the restaurant, but then I
slowly moved it on to her, finding out her name, that she was a single mom, and that she was just
working here so she could save up and move her family back to her parents in California.
I finished my meal and she brought me the bill. When she bent forward to put the bill on the table
I couldn’t help but stare down her top, her breasts pushing against her waitress uniform, my dick
standing to attention. God how I would have loved to put my dick between her breasts and fuck them
till they were covered in my cum.
I paid the bill, thanked her and was about to leave the restaurant when I thought fuck it,
here was a women who knew nothing about me, seemed like a nice person, and who I would like to get to
know better.
Short story even shorter I asked her out, she said yes, and we’ve been going out for the last 2 months.
I still hadn’t met her family, but we’d spent a lot of fun evenings out together.
I’d kept hidden from her how much I was worth, even going so far as to buy a small car to
take her out in, rent an apartment in town to take her home to, and let her pay for the odd thing.
I had to know that she liked me for me, and she did.
We were on our way to her place after spending the evening at a comedy club and I decided the
time was right to let her know the truth about me. She looked so good tonight, just in dark blue
jeans and a loose red blouse. I couldn’t help glancing at her breasts as they bounced up and down
in time to the car.
“Take a picture”, she said smiling, “It lasts longer”.
I blushed, I had been caught. Laura reached out her small hand and put it flat between my legs,
gently resting it on my dick. It began to get hard and I could see Laura feeling it grow.
“I like you, let me do this” she said, then she undid her seat-belt, leaned over and pulled down my zip.
This may seem hard to believe but I was so determined Laura like me for me that
I had held out on close physical contact. Tonight I couldn’t hold back any more.
As we sped along highway 15 I tried to look dead ahead, hoping no one could see what we were doing.
Her hand felt inside my pants and her fingers grasped around my dick.
“Wow!” she said with a sly grin, “Somebody’s been keeping a big secret from me”
I blushed again, but God it felt good. I’d always thought my dick was pretty average, a shade
under 8 inches, definitely not as thick as my wrist. But hey, I guy likes a compliment.
One thing I knew, I could come cum. A lot. Women often got a surprise when I came
and I got a kick out of that.
Holding my dick in her warm fingers Laura pulled it out my pants. It stood up straight and hard
and she slowly licked the top, circling her tongue over the head. She bent it back a bit and
ran her tongue up and down the bottom.
Without taking her head away from my lap I heard her say: “I’ve waited so long for your cock,
I wanted to do this from our first date.”
She kept licking before she admitted, almost guiltly, “At work today I fucked myself with carrot and pretended
it was you.” She licked some more, then chuckled, “I should have picked a bigger carrot”
She then went back to licking my dick, her spit running down the shaft, then she opened her
mouth and put it round the head, sucking softly as she kept licking the top.
She slowly moved her head down my dick, taking more and more in, trying hard to get down to the bottom
but stopping with a couple of inches to go.
She pulled out for a breath then dived back on, moving up and down faster now.
I slipped my hand under her chest, cupping one of her breasts. She moaned but kept on sucking.
I could feel her hard nipple, and I took it between my thumb and forefinger, squeezing it through
the fabric. I pulled it softly and she moaned some more. God her tits felt so good.
She hadn’t been sucking long but it had been so long since I had last had a women suck my dick
that I knew I wouldn’t last. I told her so.
“I’m gonna cum!” I shouted it, almost as a warning, I hadn’t told her about how much I could cum and
I wasn’t sure how she would handle it, would she want to even keep her mouth over my dick when I came?
“Cum” her response was muffled, her mouth full of cock, and I did, I took my hand off her tit
and put it on the back of her head, softly pushing down as I felt myself erupt. Spurt after spurt
filled her mouth, so much that I felt her gag and some cum come running out of her mouth down my dick.
I felt like I would never stop cumming, but Laura kept her mouth over my dick long after the last
spurt, her tongue lapping gently.
She pulled her mouth up my dick, keeping her lips tightly closed and keeping as much cum as possible in
her mouth. Eventually she reached the top of my dick and took her head off, sitting back up in her seat.
She turned towards me so I could see her face, the cum dribbling over her full lips,
down the side of her chin. She made an exaggerated swallowing motion and opened her mouth to show
me it was empty. I pointed to cum on her chin. She took her finger and scooped it into her mouth.
Then she looked down at my dick and saw some cum still on it, she bent down and licked it up, running
her tongue all around until it was clean. She tucked my dick back into my pants and
pulled up the zip. Then she sat up in her seat and put her seat-belt back on.
I didn’t know what to say, her mouth had worked so well, but I had done nothing for her. Yet.
We arrived at her house and I was wondering if she would invite me in, and maybe she would have, but at
that time another car drew up. What the hell! I thought, don’t tell me she’s married.
“That’s my daughters,” she said, “looks like there home early”
Two girls stepped out the car. Like their moms they were short, with brown hair, although
unlike their mom they were skinny. I couldn’t help but notice that both girls had nice breasts,
not as big as their moms but a real handful. God what was I thinking, they were young enough to be
my daughters. Despite this I felt my dick begin to stir again. I later learned that the older one
was Trisha, she was 15, and the younger one was Kathy, 14.
“I had a fantastic evening” Laura said, planting a soft kiss on my cheek, “see you tomorrow?”
Without waiting for an answer she got out the car, smiled at me and walked over to the girls.
Putting her arms around both she walked them in to the house.
All in all a great evening, and I hadn’t even told her the truth about me yet.To be continued…Please let me know your thoughts, what you liked, what you didn’t. The story for part 2
already exists, since this is my life, but I really want part 2 to be fun to read.

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