Cum Swallowing

A Dream Cum True

My first story. I know there are grammar errors and I’m not a pro at writing so keep the comments about the story please

Slave Bitches Chapter 1

Cameron rushes out the front door, her bag slung over her shoulder and her leather boots scraping on the rough wooden step. She spins around and yanks the door shut. Releasing the handle, she hurries down the small garden and along the wooden boardwalk that runs along the dirt road.
“I’m late, I’m late,” she chants as she cuts across the street and heads down Cervantes Street. Her skirt, the only clean one in the house, is shorter than she normally wears to work; it teases her upper thighs and she feels the warm spring air running past her legs. The brilliant red fabric is light and breezy. It complements her cream blouse and socks that stop right below her knees. The only piece of jewelry she wears is a butterfly hairpiece to hold back her curly, brown hair.
Ten minutes into her bustle, her thighs burn with her efforts to hurry up. She crosses Fairfield Drive at a diagonal and jumps up on the boardwalk on the far side. The crowds are thicker near the center of the city and she has to push her way around people to make it to work on time.
Ahead, she saw a man standing in the center of the pedestrian traffic, creating a swirl of humanity as they circle around him. He is watching everyone through dark eyes. As she draws closer, she sees he wears studded leather armor and has a sword. She grabs her handbag and feels a surge of worry. Very few people outside of the city guards wear weapons in town, more so during the middle of the work week.
She ducks her head and passes him. As she does, she hears him speak in a throaty growl. “Oh yeah, that’s the one.”
Peeking up, she sees him staring straight at her. With a squeak, she snaps her head back forward and pushes her way through the crowds. The look he gives her sickens her stomach and she wants to get as far away as possible.
She slows when she sees another man in leather armor standing at the opposite end of the block. His back is too her but doing the same thing as the first, watching the people as they pass.
Cameron comes to a stop and turns around. The man behind her has resumed his watching the crowds. Looking around, Cameron spots another watcher on the far side of the block, opposite of the first. When she sees the third, she knows there would be a fourth.
Fear fills her as she looks around frantically, trying to find some way out. Because she is walking through the upper merchant district, the stores on either side of the road are still locked and sealed shut. Bars cover the windows and metal gates along the entrances.
She spots an alley and rushes to it, shoving people out of the way. She feels foolish and terrified at the same time and the curses that follow her don’t help either. She makes it to the alley just as a man with dark brown hair steps out of it.
He is huge with muscular arms thicker than her waist. Two teeth poke out of his mouth as he focuses directly on her. His eyes looked like two orbs of ice. Like the other men she saw, he wears studded leather armor. Instead of a short sword, he has a long sword in a scabbard at his waist.
Cameron feels her ass clench at the dark, malevolent gaze he gives her. She steps back, but when she hit a pedestrian, she is shoved forward. Stumbling, her arms flail until she hits the man in the chest; it is like hitting a solid wall of stone. The studs of his leather arm dig into her face and she whimpers as she pushes away.
The man grabs her by the hair and pulls her to his chest. The studs scrape against her face as he crouches down. Wrapping one massive arm around her waist, he picks her off the ground and slings her over his shoulder.
She screams as shrilly as she can. Her attempts to wiggle free are useless against the iron tight grip holding her down. The ridge of the man’s shoulder digs into her stomach, adding pain to her terror.
The man bellows in a deep, rumbling voice. “Grab and stab!”
Light sparkles along the segment of road. The man slings her over his shoulder and she feels his shoulder digging into her gut. Terrified and confused, the world collapses around Cameron. One moment, she is staring at the stone wall and the next her stomach twists violently and she feels bile rising up in her throat. Then, they are somewhere else.
The stone wall becomes the inside of a warehouse. A hologram. Cameron throws up on the man’s back. She sobs and whines as she tries to pry herself loose. The man’s grip on her tightens and she feels his fingers digging into her side.
“Ah damn,” he mutters.
Another man laughs. “Bitch threw up you, Sirius.”
Sirius growls and turns toward him. “Shut up, Cain.” As he turns, Cameron finds herself staring at the people from the street. They are now in a large warehouse. Men with drawn swords push their way into the dazed and confused crowds. She watches as one of the armed men rushed up to a fat man and slams his sword into the man’s gut.
Cameron screams as the man collapsed to the ground, but the attacker isn’t done. He drops on the slaughtered pedestrian and sinks his teeth into the fat man’s neck. Next to him, a girl with brown hair is yanked from the downed man’s arm and pulled toward the wall by another man. She screams out and pummels him until another attacker steps in and punches her hard in the stomach. She folded in half and they drag her from the crowds and toward Sirius.
The attackers move quickly, picking out young people, male and female, and slaughtering the old. By the time the pedestrians manage to fight back, there is only a dozen left of them and they fall quickly under the onslaught of a dozen armed men.
Behind Sirius, the captured pedestrians are being dragged to a wagon. It is low to the ground but the sides of the wagons reach easily three meters above the base. A door is open and the abductors are shoving their prisoners in. Cameron can hear the thuds of them hitting the wooden floor of the wagon and the cries coming from inside.
One of the prisoners tries to escape the wagon. He punches the nearest guard, but before he can crawl out, an abductor runs him through with a spear. He falls back and there are more screams from inside. One of the men reaches in and pulls out the dying man. He bites down hard into the dead man’s neck before tossing him aside like discarded wood.
Cameron looks away, sickened. She tries to crawl away from Sirius’ grip, but Sirius just pins her tighter. She feels his shoulder digging into her gut and the discomfort mixes with her fear in a terrifying combination.
“Don’t worry, cutie, old Sirius will take care of you.”
Sirius gives her ass a slap before he turns around and heads for the wagon. Cameron sees three more wagons on their side of the warehouse and another four on the far side. All of them are filled with people, screams and terror.
In the center, there is just blood and corpses. In less than two minutes, the abductors have killed or kidnapped everyone on the street. A few remaining men head toward the wagons, stabbing everyone they pass. Cameron looks away at the violence and devastation. Her entire world has brutally changed in a matter of minutes and she doesn’t know what would happen next. It terrifies her and she feels sick to her stomach.
Sirius lifts her off his shoulder and tosses her into the wagon.
She hit someone’s thighs and arms and slides to the ground in a pool of vomit. Sobbing, she tries to get to her feet but she slips and hits the floor of the wagon again. Hands reach down for her and she clings on them, using the others to regain her feet. Looking around, she sees fifteen other people in the wagon with her. All of them are fairly attractive except for the naked fear on their faces.
Sirius leans in and looks around. His ice blue eyes focus on Cameron and he chuckles. “Yeah, we got ourselves a good catch this time.”
Cameron shudders at his look. She doesn’t know if it is cruelty or lust in the man’s eyes, but it terrifies her nonetheless.
He pulls back and slams the wagon door closed. Darkness swallows up the prisoners and Cameron stands, blind and terrified. Cries and sniffing surrounds her.
“What is going to happen?” It is a boy on the far side.
“I don’t know,” said an equally terrified woman.
Outside, Cameron hears shouting. Through the cracks of the wagon, a brilliant light spears through the darkness. Cameron gasps along with the rest of the prisoners.
The wagons move and darkness encloses on them for several long hours as they leave from the city. Light eventually streams in through the cracks, but Cameron can’t see anything.
“All right,” bellows Sirius, “let’s check out our catch.”
The door slams open and Cameron is blinded by light that pours into the wagon. Hands reach out and grab her, yanking her out into the fresh air. She lets out a shriek, but a slap silences her.
“Stand there,” comes an order. She cowers but obeyed. As they pull out more of the prisoners, Cameron looks around.
They are in a yard of some sort. The ground is packed hard beneath her, but she can see human footprints everywhere. Along the outer fence are guards with crossbows and swords. They watch the prisoners as they are unloaded from four wagons. Cameron wonders what happened to the other four wagons, but doesn’t dare ask.
A guard stands in front of her. “Strip.”
“What?” she asks incredulously.
He slaps her across the face. “Silence!”
Cameron opens her mouth to ask a question and he raises his hand. Cowed, Cameron looks down where they are lining up the other prisoners. Some of them are already stripping, prompted by the armed guards threatening them. She strips with tears rolling down her cheeks.
Sirius comes down the line as she pulls off her last sock. He looks over her and rubs his crotch. Cameron swallows her revulsion and looks away. She holds one hand over her own crotch and her arm over her breasts. At his gaze, she wishes her breasts were much smaller; they swell over her arm and she can’t hide them from his leer.
When she feels the large, meaty hand grab her arm, she lets out a sob. Sirius forces her arm down and grabs her breast with his other hand. She shudders at his touch and the rough fingers that squeeze her breast. Sirius twists his grip on Cameron’s soft mound. His fingers dig into her flesh and she feels her nipple growing tight from the sensations. It hurts but the humiliation that burns in her body aches even more.
“Now, little bitch, you’re just my type.” He releases her breast and cups her chin, forcing her to look up at him. She glares at him through tear filled eyes; up close, he is almost a half meter taller than her.
Sirius gestured with his chin. “Add her to our pile.” One of the guards shoves her to the side to an area marked off by two wagons a symbol painted on the side. She quickly recognizes belonging to the Clan Marquis. There is already a prisoner standing near the wagons, the first woman Cameron saw captured.
Cameron is shoved up against the girl and ordered to stay. Three guards surround them. Cameron turns to the girl and whispers, “Hi.”
The brunette looks at her, tears rolling down her face, whispers back. “What is going on?”
“I don’t know. I’m Cameron.”
“Selena. I was just going to visit the museum for the day. Why are they doing this?”
“Silence!” orders a guard.
Cameron flinches at his command, but clamps her mouth shut. She clutches Selena, holding her tightly. She lifts her head and watches as Sirius inspects the prisoners. He has a companion, a woman with a bloody shirt. Together, they walk down the line of sobbing prisoners.
“I want her,” announces Sirius as he points to a girl, maybe early twenties with black hair. She has large breasts and tries to cover them and the thick patch of pubic hair between her legs at the same time.
“Look at the tits on her,” the woman speaks with a cultured, almost elegant voice. “She’s a cow and you know it.”
“Fine,” grumbles Sirius as he points to the next two women. “Then I get these two.”
“I ain’t got time for small tit bitches. You can have them. You need a breeder, Sirius?”
“One,” Sirius points to a skinny guy with dirty brown hair. “That guy. You can have the others.”
She grins and licks her lips. They continue to pick and choose their prisoners. Every one that Sirius picks is immediately dragged to join Cameron and Selena. The woman’s choices are dragged into a circle guarded by two men with short swords.
As they reach the last one, a girl barely sixteen, both Sirius and the woman stop. They look at her as the girl sobs pitifully. The woman scratches her nose. “Not interested, she’s too young and she won’t produce any milk for months.”
Sirius shrugs. “Why not. I’ll take her. I’m not fond of breaking in ones that young.”
As guards drag the sobbing girl toward Cameron, Sirius shakes hands with the woman. “Pleasure doing business.”
“See you soon, Sirius.”
Sirius nods and jams his hands into his pockets. The man paces back to his prisoners. “All right, guys, let’s get home. I’m hungry.”
One of the prisoners whimpers, “What is going to happen to them?”
A guard barks, “Silence.” and smacks the one who spoke.
Sirius chuckles and stops in front of Cameron. His eyes bore into her and she shivers at the look. “Be happy you aren’t staying here. The girls will spend the rest of their lives shackled to stocks, pregnant and producing milk. As soon as they run dry, she sells them off as meat to Lord Morganti. The ranks of the king’s soldiers have to be filled somehow.”
“And the guys?” comes a question followed by another slap.
Sirius chuckles. “They will spend the rest of their days fucking until their hearts explode. Then,” he gestures with a hand, “off to the meat farm.”
Selena clamps her mouth shut before any words escape.
Sirius steps in front of her. She shies away from him but he follows her when she tries to back away. Selena wilts underneath his gaze. Sirius takes a final step forward and jams his hand between her legs. Selena jerks up, almost off the ground, and then let out a shriek. She plants her hands on his wrist and strained to move his hand.
He chuckles and draws her closer, dragging her by her hips. Cameron has no doubt that his thick fingers are violating Selena and holding her in place. Cameron feels a spasm with sympathy in her own pussy. Selena twists her hips, trying to pull away, as tears splash down on her pert breasts. She looks at Cameron with pleading eyes and Cameron feels a stab of guilt at her helplessness.
Sirius growls into Selena’s ear, “And you, little bitch, are going to learn how to be quiet. In fact, I think I’m going to take you and your little brunette friend,” he leers over at Cameron, “and train you personally.” Cameron shudders at the tone of his voice. Sirius, fingers still jammed into Selena, speaks to the prisoners. “And, if any of you don’t listen to my orders, then I will cut your pretty little throats. Do you understand?”
Sobs and cries are his answer. Sirius pulls his fingers free of Selena and brings them to his lips. “Mmm, tasty.” He licks them clean before speaking to the guards. “Come on, get them loaded.”
Cameron and the others are shoved into the two wagons and ordered to sit down on benches inside. When the only male tries to speak a guard punches him. As the guy recovers, the guard sits down next to him with his unsheathed sword on his lip. The threat is obvious.
She takes the hint and remains silent as the wagons heads out.
Cameron wakes up with a start. She was sleeping with her head on Selena’s shoulder. On the other side of Selena, the last girl, the young one, is curled up on the bench with her head on Selena’s lap. Yawning, Cameron sits up and looks around.
The wagon is quiet. Everyone but her is sleeping. She glances toward the back of the wagon and, to her surprise, it is clear. It would only be a matter of slipping away and running to freedom.
“I’d hate,” Cameron jumps as Sirius speaks up from the shadows in the front of the wagon, “to break those pretty feet of yours.”
“I wasn’t going to run,” she lies.
Sirius stands up from the shadows. He pads over to Cameron and squats down in front of her. Cameron’s body tenses at his presence. Even crouching in front of her, he towers over her. She feels vulnerable and helpless as he stares at her. One meaty hand rests on her thigh and she squeezes her legs together.
“You can’t stop me,” Sirius says with confidence. “If I want your pussy, I will take it.”
She squeezed her thighs together even tighter. “Why are you doing this?” whispers Cameron. Her voice cracks as she stares into the sparkling ice blue eyes.
“It’s my job. I’m going to break you, train you and then sell you off to the highest bidder.”
Cameron sobs quietly, her body shaking. “Please don’t do this,” she whispers, terrified to raise her voice. She feels her chest heaving from her breaths and knows that it only excites Sirius, but she can’t stop. She has heard of this. Men and women owning others like slaves, but no one stopped it and no one really knew what went on with those that were slaves.
Sirius drops his other hand on her knee. She looks down as he presses his thumbs on her kneecaps. His arms bulged as he pushes her knees apart. Cameron tries to stop him, but he overpowers her easily. He exposes her pussy and the thin triangle of hair above it and she can’t do anything. Fresh tears run down her cheeks. “Please… please don’t.”
His hands run up her thighs, forcing her legs further open. Her right knee presses against Selena who moans in her sleep. Knowing where his hands are going, Cameron squirms with discomfort and anticipation. His hand continues to drive up until she feels his thick fingers jamming into her pussy lips. He drags his fingers around until he catches her clit between two fingers.
She gasps at the sensation and tenses.
With a grin, Sirius drives his fingers down to the opening of her pussy and jams it deep inside. Cameron jumps and cringes as he forces his way into her dry pussy. Curling his fingers inside her behind the bone, he drags her to the edge of the bench.
Cameron doesn’t want to move, but there is no resisting his call. She feels her stomach clenching at the effort and plants one hand on the bench for balance. Sirius takes his free hand to push her knees even further apart. He leans into her, whispering in a deep, rumbling voice. “If you shut up and obey, the following months will be pleasant or at least tolerable. If you resist, then you are about to experience more pain and suffering and misery than you can imagine.”
Cameron chokes back a sob. She feels his fingers driving deeper into her, stretching her opening as he plunges his fingers in and out.
“Now, bitch, are you going to obey?”
When she doesn’t answer right away, he jams his fingers to the knuckle inside her, his thumb crushing her clit. She lets out a whimper.
“Are you going to obey?”
She nods frantically, just to stop Sirius. He withdraws his fingers and holds up his two fingers. They glisten with her juices.
“Lick them.”
Sirius frowns and he reaches out with his other. Grabbing her breast, he crushes her nipple in his hand. “I said obey, bitch. Now, lick them clean.”
Shoulders shaking, Cameron opens her mouth as he shoves his fingers into her. She tastes herself on his fingers, the tangy taste of her pussy. He pumps his fingers in and out until they are clean and glistening. She closes her eyes in humiliation and tries to get the taste of herself off her tongue.
Sirius smiles and stands up. She can see his massive cock straining at his pants. She wants to look away, but can’t imagine anything as large as his. The wagon comes to a halt. She can see torches out the back of the wagon and another yard, not unlike the one where Sirius and the woman bargained for the prisoners. She turns back to see Sirius smiling down at her.
“Listen, bitch, I tolerated you speaking just now. But as soon as you get off that wagon, if I hear you say a single word, I will beat you. Do you understand?”
Cameron whimpers but says nothing.
Sirius chuckles. “Learning already. All right, everyone off!”
Cameron helps Selena and the youngest girl off the wagon. Sirius lines them up in the yard. It is dark and cool and she feels the moisture clinging to her body. Shivering, Cameron looks around.
The large house is three floors in height and easily the size of a city block. On one side, she can see what looks like an agility course. It has ramps, loops and tunnels in a random assortment. Frowning, she looks at the other side of the yard then freezes. There are lines of small houses, dog houses, in a fenced in yard. From what she can see, there are easily a hundred of the smaller houses.
As she watches, a woman crawls out of one of the dog houses. She is on her hands and knees. Her hair is pulled into a pony tail on each side of her head. She crawls out of the dog house and sits on her ass, like a dog. To Cameron’s shock, she is naked except for knee-high boots and elbow-long gloves.
The teenage girl comes up to Cameron and whispers, “Is she naked?”
Cameron nods. “Yes, but I don’t know—”
Sirius grabs Cameron by the back of her neck. He squeezes down until Cameron’s knees buckle and she hits the ground. Leaning forward, he growl, “You really don’t know how to be quiet, do you?”
He bears down on her, forcing her head into the ground. Sirius holds her down as he speaks to the others. “Now, time for your first lessons. You are not people. You are dogs, bitches. Even you,” he points to the guy, “are a bitch. And bitches don’t speak. They don’t talk, say words, or do anything besides bark, whine and whimper. Do you understand?”
Cameron hears a few say yes but most of them are silent.
Sirius shakes his head and gestures to the ones who talked. Guards rush up and grab them. Like Cameron, they are forced down to the ground as the armed men shoved their heads down.
A pair of naked women crawls up on their hands and knees. Like the woman she saw in the kennel area, they are completely naked. Up close, Cameron can see that their hands and feet are different. The one girl has no fingers, just the palms ending with five tiny stubs. Her feet are the same, the toes completely removed and leaving her to balance. Looking at the mutilated hands, Cameron feels dread filling her. But, the girl is acting cheerful, her large breasts bouncing as she prances over to Sirius.
Sirius digs his hand into the girl’s bag, and then pulls out a collar. “Thank you.”
The dog girl barks once and wags her ass like a dog. She has a tail that matches her brown hair. At first, Cameron thinks it is attached, but the tail moves naturally and she can see where it comes out from the dog girl’s tailbone. She bounces toward the nearest guard with her bag held high in her mouth.
Sirius grabs Cameron by the hair and pulls her up. Cameron’s back arches to relieve the pressure, thrusting her breasts forward as he pulls her from the ground. With his other hand, he wraps the collar around her neck. As soon as the ends met, there is a scraping noise and the collar grows snug around her throat. Unexpectedly, he releases her hair and she falls down. The ground smacks her face before she can stop her fall. “Ow—”
Cameron’s world explodes into pain as electricity courses through her body. She screams out and spasms as her skin crawls with power. As soon as it starts, it stops. Panting heavily, she looks up to see everyone staring at her. “What?”
The collar gives off a cracking noise and her body is wracked with electricity again. She feels it driving through her, tightening all her muscles until they scream out in agony. She tries to breath, tries to move but the collar twists her into a tight, shaking ball.
When it fades, Cameron remains on the ground, sobbing from the pain.
Sirius leans over her, his breath hot. “I told you to be quiet, bitch. And now, you are going to demonstrate the second lesson too.” He leans up. “Collars on?”
“Yes, sir!” come the guards.
“Anyone wanting to talk?” asks Sirius.
Cameron pants as she looks around the yard. The naked prisoners, bitches, are shaking in fear. Two of them have thighs that glisten when they had peed in fear. Four are still on the ground, one of them with her ass in the air as she sobs into the ground. The others stand here, shaking and terrified.
“Good,” says Sirius. “Now, lesson two is a bit easier. But I think some of you,” he smacks Cameron on the back of her head, “are too stupid to learn the first time.” Cameron whimpers, tensing for the electrical discharge but it never comes. “You are bitches and bitches obey commands. The first command is present. When I tell you to present, you get on your knees and spread your legs. Put your head down to the ground. Do you understand? Oh, wait,” he chuckles, “you can’t answer, can you? When I ask you a question, you bark once.”
He leans over Cameron and grabs her collar, hauling her up. She chokes as the collar tightens around her throat. Her fingers claw at the collar but she can’t find purchase.
“Bark, bitch.” Choking, Cameron tries to bark. She gasps and chokes, trying to bark like a dog but she is unable to get wind to her lungs. He relaxes his grip slightly as she forces a strangled bark out. “Good,” he whispers. “When I say your name, you bark. Do you understand?”
Cameron barks once through the tears, her body trembling.
“Maybe you can be taught.” Sirius turns to the others. “Bark.”
A chorus of barks rises up among the tears and cries. Cameron sees that the two other girls, the two from the house, also bark once as they sit on their asses. The only difference is they are smiling as they bark.
Sirius tightens his grip on the collar. “Now, Cameron, present.”
Cameron knows what to do. She shakes on the ground as she lifts her ass and spreads her legs. Her breasts rub against the hard packed ground as she sobs.
Sirius’ hands grab her knees and force them apart. “Further apart. I want to see that pussy and asshole of yours. If your lips are touching, you aren’t spread enough. If your nipples aren’t on the ground, you aren’t low enough. Do you understand?”
Face in the ground, Cameron barks once and feels humiliation burn bright.
“Good girl,” he pats her on the head. “And now you get a reward.”
Cameron doesn’t know what he is talking about until she hears the sound of a buckle being undone. She is going to be raped, right in front of everyone. She tries to push up, but Sirius slaps her ass powerfully. Her entire body shakes from the impact.
“If you get up, this won’t be a reward, it will be a punishment.”
Cameron stops moving, except for the trembling that shakes her body. She holds her breath as she hears Sirius lower his pants. His fingers dive into her pussy, forcing the lips apart. They are still slick, much to her humiliation and his fingertips reach deep into her pussy.
When she feels his cock press against her pussy lips, she wonders how she could ever have sex with him. It is larger than her fist and it is pressed against her hole. It will never fit and she squeezes her eyes tightly in preparation for the pain of being violated. His cock is slick and hot, oozing precum. He slides his cockhead up and down her slit, soaking it in his juices. He leans into her and the pressure at her opening increases. She desperately tries to bear down, to prevent him from entering, but more of his weight leans into her and she feels her muscles being forced apart.
“Come on, this is your reward.”
It doesn’t feel like a reward as he forces his cock into her. It stretches her open, more than she thought possible. Her flesh strains to contain him as the thick cock drives into her.
She is almost dry, but he isn’t. She can feel precum oozing out of his tip and it lubricates his shaft as he forces it in. He withdraws a centimeter and drives it in. Pumping in and out with sharp, powerful strokes, she lets out a wail and stretches out, clawing at the ground to escape his shaft.
Sirius’ hands grab her hips and he pulls her back. She feels flesh tearing and screams out in agony. “No!”
Even as she says it, she knows she will be punished. The collar explodes into pain and she feels the electricity crash into her. Her body shakes in seizure and she feels Sirius ram his cock entirely into her pussy, burying the far too large cock into her pussy.
She screams out in agony and her eyes blur from the pain. His cock is a log inside her, tearing her open, but he doesn’t give her respite. Powerful hands grip her hips as he drives his cock deeper into her, ripping her open as she suffers through the last of the electrical shock. His cock is too thick, too long and too hard. It slams against the back of her pussy with hard, brutal strokes.
Sirius doesn’t stop or even slow. With every stroke, she feels his balls smack against her thighs. Every ridge of his immense shaft burns in her memory as he rapes her. He continues to drive into her, inhumanly hard and fast. She shakes with every stroke, her breasts scrape the ground. Even with the agony that fills her, she feels a hint of pleasure filling her and feels shamed by it.
Sirius releases her hips and grabs her collar with one hand. Cameron is forced back as he pulls. The tightness around her throat chokes her and she feels him grow even harder with her suffering. His cock swells with every stroke and the pounding drives her off her knees and on the balls of her feet.
With a bellow, he punches his cock into her pussy and lets go. Cum floods her insides, filling her until it pours out around the junction of their bodies. He continues to drive in slow, shuddering strokes until his cock stops spasming inside her body.
Releasing her, Sirius lets her slump to the ground. He pulls out of her pussy.
Cameron feels relief as he exits her, but her body feels strangely empty. Cum pours of her gaping pussy and puddles underneath her.
Sirius stands up. “All right, I’m taking Cameron, Selena and the young girl with me. The rest of you take three bitches to your room. I expect to see some trained bitches tomorrow at dinner, do you understand?”
“Yes, sir!”
“And, little bitches, I expect you to know how to shut up and present. Do you understand?”
On the ground, shuddering in revulsion of her rape, Cameron barks once. Then closes her eyes as the tears splash down.

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Possessed – Part IV

This story is a work of fiction that depicts sexual activity that some people may find offensive. If you are easily offended stop reading now and kindly keep your opinions to yourself. Everyone else enjoy and let me know what you think!

Sucking for Tattoo’s

tattoo’s are so expensive these days, who can afford to get them anymore? I know I can’t, but fortunately for me, I have a deal worked out with one of my local tattoo artist that gives me a huge discount on the work I’m getting done. everyday on my way home from work, I stop off at the shop and I spend about an hour in the back room with him sucking his cock. I’m not gay or even the slight bit attracted to men. but it gives me the discount and I think it’s worth it. besides, its just a dick in the mouth and the cum doesn’t taste that bad.
it began some months ago when I moved into town and started looking for a shop that could give me sleeves and cover up all the old tattoo’s I got when I was younger. I was your typical white punk rocker in the mid 80’s and ended up with plenty of spaced out tattoos. now that I’m 39 years old, they have become blurry. I figure it was time to update. but when I went into the first shop I found, I was blown away at the price. I want sleeves, that’s a lot of work and I can’t afford that. so I went shopping around all the shops in town and found the same thing. just to expensive.
well, I figured I wasn’t going to get the work done after all. then one day I went to this pizza shop because of a coupon that I had and saw a new tattoo shop next door, so I went in. the artist was a well built biker type covered in tat work of course, and somewhere around my age I would guess. I introduced myself and explained my problem I found with all the high pricing. he told me the price I have been getting quoted was the normal rate and unless I was a woman, that is what he was going to charge me.
I asked, “why would that make a difference in price?” he said, “because woman suck dick and I give discounts when I get my dick sucked. so unless you want to suck my dick, you pay full price like every other guy.”
that made sense to me. I like my dick sucked. I suppose I would give discounts too. I said to him, “so let me get this straight, if I suck your dick, you’ll give me a discount on my work?” he stepped up to me and said firmly, “you know what bud? I like my dick sucked. I don’t care who sucks it, it just better be good. now if you want to get down on your knees and earn a discount, then lets stop fucking around and get to it, but you should know, if you want sleeves, that’s a lot of work, and that’s a lot of dick sucking and you have to swallow.”
I was silent, maybe a bit stung by the force in his voice. his eyes were three inches from my eyes and he starred into them like he was reading my mind. after a short moment, without breaking eye contact, he took my hand and placed it on the huge hard bulge in his crotch and said, “ya! you want it, I can see it in your eyes. come with me girlfriend.”
I don’t know why I didn’t say anything or just leave. I believe it was the thought of getting my new tat’s that made me follow him into the back room. once inside, he closed the door and told me to sit in the chair that was in front of me. it was an adjustable desk chair with no arm rests and wheels on the bottom. typical desk chair. after I sat down, he handed me a piece of paper off the shelf that basically stated that I was sucking his dick because I wanted to and not for exchange of work. it was in a more formal format, but basically he was covering his ass from extortion. I signed it and that’s when he took his clothes off.
his body was pretty defined and he had tattoo’s everywhere. his cock was in the half hard mode and was very big. it was also fairly thick and circumcised without any pubic hair what so ever. he was clean shaven. there was a tattoo in the pubic area where the hair would normally be right above his dick. in fancy lettering and art work, it read, “SWALLOW THIS” with an arrow pointed at his dick. it was obvious he liked his cock sucked.
he stepped to me and told me to adjust the seat so that my face was a match for his dick. after I did so, he put the head of his dick against my lips and at that point, the reality of the situation hit me. I was about to suck another man’s dick for discounted tattoo work. I began to have second thoughts but I opened my mouth anyway and the dick went inside. as he began to slide his dick in and out of my mouth, he said, “take your time honey, I have all day.” I wrapped my hands around him and held his butt-cheeks as he humped my face.
as time went on and as I sucked, I caressed his balls, stroked his cock, licked his balls, licked his dick, kissed his balls, kissed his cock, licked up his pre-cum, I did everything I could to make his cock feel good. I figured the better he enjoyed it, the bigger the discount. then there was a knock at the door. he told me not to stop and yelled for that person to come in. it was one of the other artist from the shop. he looked at me as I continued to suck dick and he said, “I see your giving up another discount. anyway, the rest of us are going to the bar, I was going to ask you to join us.” his reply was, “go ahead, girlfriend here is going to suck my cock a couple of more hours. I’ll meet up with ya later.” then the guy left and there I was still sucking his dick. I was thinking, a couple of more hours, my jaw was getting sore.
anyway, it was a good long time into it when he held my head and began to thrust faster. he said, “I’m going to give you the jizz, don’t waste it.” I put my hands on his butt-cheeks and let him fuck my face and then I felt his dick swell up and all of a sudden, hot salty cum was running down the back of my throat. he held my head and continued to thrust his dick as I kept feeling squirt after squirt of cum shoot into my mouth. it seemed like he was never going to stop cuming. but when he did and he slowed his humping, I had managed to swallow every drop.
he said, “nice. don’t stop. time for round two.” his dick stayed hard as I continued to suck it for quite some time. but I managed to make him cum again but there wasn’t that much to swallow the second time around. he said, “you got your discount. come by everyday and suck my dick like you just did and you’ll have your discount every session. its going to take months, maybe even a year or two depending on what kind of work you want and when you have money for it. but the dick sucking everyday doesn’t stop. deal?” I said, “deal.” we shook on it and that is how its been everyday since.
I have gotten some good work over the six months, but I have a long way to go yet. so it looks like I’ll be sucking his cock daily for a very long time, but like I said before, its worth it.

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Candy never tasted so sweet

Her name was Layna. She was sixteen now, with dark brown hair,an hourglass figure with breasts that would drive an adult male insane. But she was still considered ‘normal’. At school she was far from popular, with few friends and still a band geek. Her family was broken. Her mother, Mary,33, an alcoholic, and her father was dead, but now with a new replacement named Donny, who was 50. Layna had two younger siblings, Abby and Brent. Brent was Donny’s son,17, and incredibly obnoxious. Abby was 12.
Donny and Mary would fight often, leaving Layna and the others to fend for themselves as far as dinner was concerned. Of course, when Mary passed out drunk, Donny would have his fun with the girls…and Brent would help. It hadn’t gotten too far yet, but still, when one is a teenage girl or a young girl, when an older man is feeling you up, it can be quite alarming.
On the way home from school one evening, Layna decided to take the path behind the school to avoid the usual teenage drama queens of the bus. She was wearing her school uniform : Blue and white dress-top with a short blue skirt. Fall had just started and the air was cooler so she picked up the pace, scurring behind the abandoned factory that ran into her path. It was more of a lab, but they had produced small items in the past, such as chewy candies and what-not. But rumor has it that the people that had worked in there before where creating things. Evil things. But it was just a rumor, right? Maybe I’ll see if there are any candies in there that I can bring home to Abby. Layna thought.
The cold breeze wanned through the area, causing her nipples to rise through her thin shirt.
Layna walked over to a window that had been knocked out, looking around and inside before making a move, and then made her way inside. Although it was slightly warmer, it was still below 60 degrees.
This room was empty, except for a few large tin barrels that perhaps some homeless folks used to burn wood in. She decided to further explore. No use in going home now. Her mother would be drunk and her step dad would just assult her. And although she had never had a boyfriend, she was now afraid of men. Great job Donny.
She walked down a series of hallways, mostly white except where the paint was starting to peels away. She noticed a stairway to her left, leading down into the basement.Maybe that’s where they keep the candy storage at!
Walking slowly down the stairs, she felt her heart beat faster. Would something happen to her? Of course not, this place had been abandoned for years. Her footfall echoed in the stairwell which was not helping her to feel at ease. She must’ve gone down at least two stories before she reached a large iron door. It was at least eight feet high and five feet wide with a large turn-dial in the middle. Curiousity came over her as she reached forward and spun the dial, and with a loud click the door heaved open, letting out an aged squeal, thankful to be open again.
She stepped slowly and cautiously into the room. Everything was dark. But there was a strange green light coming from the other end of the room. She walked foward, and that’s when the door slammed shut behind her.DAMMIT!
Now she had no choice as she walked towards the illuminated area.
“Hello?” Layna asked. “Is anyone here?”
No answer.
As she got closer she stopped, dumbstuck. The green light was coming from a large glass cylinder container, and its contents were indescribable. But one thing was for sure. The thing was alive.
Layna took a step backwards and fell on a piece of pipping that lead up and into the large glass case, and it lodged in out of place. As the pipe came loose it shot out green glowing liquid and the floor was now luminescent, and bits of it clung to her skirt.
The creature stirred and moved, too large for its small confinment, and shattered the glass container. It lay limp for a moment
before standing on two hind legs with its back to Layna. It was seven feet tall with black reptile-like skin and horns adorned on its head, placed ever so perfectly, giving it a demon-like appearence. She gasped at the size of its massive penis and even at the fact that this thing was real and in front of her. Its cock must have been a foot long!
The man-creature turned around to look at the being that made the noise, and Layna looked into its cold, red, snake-like eyes. It almost smiled and took a step towards her. Layna lay completely still, terrified of the monster. Then it charged at her, grabbing her waist and pinning her down. His tongue came out from his mouth and licked across her face, causing Layna to cringe. It lay beside her, still pinning her down as his hands began to wander…exploring her lucious, young, ripe body. She felt his hard prick stick into her, being turned on by her. One of his powerful hands ripped off her skirt and began rubbing his large fingers across the surface of her wet panties.
“ooO0oooo please…nnnNNNNnnoo0OoOo!” she begged him to stop, but she was clearly being ingored as his other hand now tore off her shirt into a now useless pile.
His hand grasped at her breasts, making her nipples rise to their fullest. He released one breast while one hand pumped away at the other, making her increasingly sore and even slightly aroused. His figers worked harder on her panties making her moan in discomfort.
“AaAhhhhH! Please stop!”
Again he continued, On her right breast, the one free of his hand, he began to lower his head as he let his tongue again. His tongue wrapped around her breast as his mouth opened around it and engulfed it. He nibbled her erect nipple as his he pulled off her soaked panties.
“nnnooo…please not that…please…”
His hands released her body parts but his mouth stayed firm. He lifted her legs with ease and pulled them to his hips…The head of his 1-foot long, four inch wide cock rubbed the edge of her pussy, teasing her as she squealed a bit. He made small circles until he slowly pushed into her virgin cunt ever so gently, streching it wide. Once the head was past he knew he could not do this…so he slammed his entire friend into her, making her head swell with blood and feelings of pain. He held it there for a moment, listening to her screams of agony make him grow longer inside of her tight cunt. He bit down hard on her pukered nipple and she felt herself cream on his cock as he pushed his hand into her side, forcing her to arch her back to increase the orgasm.
She cried as her virgin hole was torn apart and violated by this creature…she couldn’t believe that she climaxed for this thing…
He pulled himself out of her and she thought the worst of it was over…stupid girl.
He flipped he over onto her stomach so that her back was faced upwards and she was on all fours. Her buttox exposed, she knew what was coming and braced herself.
His hands massaged her buns roughly. After a few minutes he stopped and pulled her buns apart, showing off her wet, de-flowered pussy and her asshole. Sticking his middle finger and his index finger into her pussy he began to move them around, getting the wetness of her cunt onto his fingers. Pulling them out, he rushed them to her asshole, sticking one finger in slowly. Soft moans came out from her clentched teeth. He quickly shoved the other finger in, still hearing only the soft moans…but he wanted to hear more.
He mounted her, pushing his pulsating friend’s head into her ass, listening to her scream. He dragged his claws over her back and under her stomach, lapping at the blood. His hands made it to he breasts again, pumping as he rode her. He stuck his full length into her again…this time she passed out from it all.
Meanwhile back at the house Abby had just come home from school to a distrubing scene. Brent and Donny were raping Mary’s drunken, passed out body on the couch in the living room. It was a sick threesome, with Brent on the bottom, giving Mary anal, while Donny was half watching TV, half shoving a huge dildo up her milf-cunt.
“Heeeyyyyyiiiiibabiiii” Donny was slurring his words…it was obvious he had a drink as well, and from the looks of the scene and the noises Brent was making, Brent had obviously had some too. Donny was nude even though he wasn’t doing anything…
“HeeeyyyiiiAbbiiiii-I wan-na…a…show you somethin’ re-alllly cool…” Donny stammered and stood up, walking towards the 12 year old Abby with his jusk hanging out. She startled! She had never seen one, and had hoped not to ever see his! The most this man had ever done to her was touch her, but something made her think that something bad was going to happen…but she ignored it. Donny reached out a hand to her and she took hold of it.
He led her down the hallway and into his bedroom and once they were both inside, he shut and locked the door. What was she going to do?
“Ha-ha-ha…SLUT!” She screamed as his hand slapped her across her face.
“GET ON THE BED!” He yelled, slapping her again. When she didn’t move he picked her up and threw her on it. He quickly jumped onto her and tied her arms to the bed post and cuffed her hands there as a double. Just in case. He took out his pocket knife and cut off her clothing, keeping only her bra on.
“No, Donny. Please don’t do this! I promise not to tell Mom!” She cried to him.
“Bitch! Do not talk to me unless I tell you to!” Slap. She started crying harder.
“Oh…there, there…Daddy’s here for you…” He rubbed her face soothingly for a moment. And then grabbed her cheeks hard as he slid his body so he was sitting on her chest, making her gasp for air. Donny was not a skinny man…quite large really.
She stared at his cock that was now inches from her face.
“Lick it, bitch.” He held his knife to her throat and punched her, causing her to let out a small squeal. Her small tongue peeked out and licked the base of his cock. He sat above her now, forcing her to suck on his balls.
“Oh yeaaaahhh…Abby baby…Daddy’s always here for you baaaaabyyy…” He moaned as pulled out his balls and let her tongue work on his rod now. She lapped it up and down, like it was some of the sweet candies that the factory used to make. His six inch cock quickly grew to seven as she worked him. He pushed it in her mouth and down her thoat as she began to gag on it. He shoved it in and out, in and out. He felt it come like a freight train and he spurted cum into her little throat…
“Drink it all.”
Some had come up to her mouth, as she couldn’t handle it all. Little amounts dribbled out of her mouth and down her lips. He pulled himself up and out, but held his cock right at her mouth entrance.
“Clean it allllllll off baby.” She stood still. He held the knife to her.
“I said, ‘CLEAN IT OFF’!” No hesitation this time, no telling what a drunk man might so. She suckled the head, easing him again and bobbing her own head.
After a few minutes he thought it was enough so he pulled out and went south. He slashed her bra and left gaping wounds under the girl’s nipples…he punched her in the stomach and then prepared to climb ontop of her…until there was a knock at the door…
“Hey bastard, open uuuUPp.” Brent. The door opened up, the sound of a key turning the lock. Brent stepped into the room, shutting and locking the door back.
“Mary’s still out?” Donny asked.
“Like a baby!” Brent answered, thrilled “Speaking of baby…” His eyes looked at the scene before him, evily.
“Hmhmhmhm…want to join in?”
“NOOO! Please, let me go, please!” Abby’s tiny voice cracked, and in return Bret approached her and gave her a walloping smack.
“HA-HAH! That’s my boy!” Donny said.
Brent lifted the girls small body, crawling under her. He was nude too of course, his manly six inch pushing into her back.
Abby closed her eyes. Donny put a ball gag into her mouth…he knew she would be screaming bloody murder now.
Brent lifted the girl slowly down onto his cock, despite her muffled screams. For her being a virgin, it slid in with ease! He was on a roll tonight! He reached around and pumped her little mounded titties!
Donny pushed his beast into her pussy, popping that cherry as he felt blood come onto his cock. As he pulled out to prepare to push again, he felt blood and her on love juices flow down his leg. He knew she liked it.
She didn’t. Abby screamed and screamed, but there was nothing she could do. They pounded her hard, she felt their stiff cocks go in and out, caressing and banging her cunt walls. Ah, she wanted to enjoy it…but would it be bad if she did?
She took a chance and moaned with delight. The two men followed the example and both stuffed her to the max. She could feel Donny’s balls again. It pushed against her ass and his sweat made her feel hotter…she felt so dirty…enjoying this and hating it all at once…she could feel it happening and she screamed in pleasure! Their hips pounded forcefully into her, and she returned doing small thrusts back into them. Up and down, she loved it!
Her titties felt as if they were going to explode as Brent squeezed them to the max, about to release as well. Abby felt her step-father’s balls harden as her talked to her…
“Who am I?” He asked. “Donny?” Slap.
“NO! Who am I?!”
“Ohhh ooooooooooooOOO0oOo…Da-da-daaa-daAADDY!” She had her orgasm as he slapped her. Both men released the flood gates as sperm poured into her little fragile figure again, filling her up as amounts came out still with their continuing thrusts.
“That’s my girl!” Donny shouted.
Meanwhile a still passed out Layna lay in a heap of blood and sperm. The man-creature was still pounding into her ass. Her body was shaking; even in her unconcious state, she still had a raking orgasm, rattling her body to its core.
The monster was well pleased. He would keep her, he thought. She made a nice addition to this boring place and gave him something to do. He laughed to himself with the pun he had made.
Besides the good fuck, he had some other friends he would like her to meet…

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