Cum Swallowing

Harry Potter Loves You Part 7

Part 7 Bank and Burrow
Harry woke to the aroma of an aroused woman, feeling a warm mouth around his erect member, opened his eyes and saw his wife’s beautiful vulva in front of his face, he gently attacked it. Savoring it’s taste.
Ginny was stilling talking with her mother. Hermione said she was going to check on Harry. Finding him asleep dropped her robe, pull his pants down and slipped him into her mouth as she lower her wet vagina to his face. He barely licked her and she came, covering him with her juices. Harry moaned and began lapping her nectar like a man drying of thirst who found a oasis. She came twice more before he did. She swallow greedily the first few spurts but held the last couple in her mouth, savoring his taste.
Ginny walked in “Hermione, mums about to le… you hussy” giggling. Hermione raised off Harry grabbed Ginny and kissed her sharing Harry as she did her earlier. She rose as they kissed, they broke, she grabbed her robe swallowed “you were saying” she put on her robe.
Ginny swallowed “huh, oh mums leaving wants to say good night, Goddess he tastes good” they walked out, Harry grinned ear to ear. After Molly left he was attacked.
Two Weeks had pasted since that evening Molly found Ginny was going to marry Harry and Hermione.
Two wonderful weeks, they made love in the morning, the day was mixed in quickies, munching and shags, with snogging thrown in. Of course they didn’t make love all the time.
They did make trips to The Burrow, visiting with Molly and Arthur, which however did seem to involve a few quickies upstairs and there was that once down by the stream. Harry swears Molly heard Ginny scream as he filled her, then later Hermione screams, she sure gave them a funny look, then shook her head, when they returned from their three hour walk, famished.
Early bed time was a love battle about half the time, they were all winners. Ginny and Hermione still woke sore, from time to time. Harry did his thing and the loving commenced once again, sometimes, more than not.
They made trips to London, Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade for shopping, visiting, site seeing. And of course there was the visit to Gringotts. The Prophet managed to take a few pictures, of their outings, which made the Ministry happy, The heroes were in the public eye.
The Trip to Gringotts was magnificent, they made plans to spend the day in the main vault. Dobby would bring in refreshments from time to time, including lunch, After all he had access to the vault, as he was bond to the Potter house. Upon arriving to the vault, Ginny went to the gem chests and was having way too much fun, Harry though laughingly, Hermione to the Books, she was beaming, He was going check the old Parchments and just generally look around. Hermione was soaking wet after a short time going from one unknown tome to another, they were so old, she squealed and cried. Harry walking by her, was grabbed thrown down on a loveseat, clothes vanished, her mouth harden him and inside Hermione, she riding him hard, before he realized what hit him. She came three times, Harry hadn’t.
A temporary satiated nude Hermione was back up in book heaven, leaving Harry with a still almost painful stiff cock, as she was back pulling one book after another off the shelves giggling and moaning. He shook his head smiling at her, ’more trips to the vault needed’ he thought, as he started to stand up, a completely nude Ginny, save a ring or two on each finger, several necklaces around the neck, twenty or so bracelets, three or four jeweled belts draping off her hips, two tiaras and ten or twelve hat pins and a huge smile approached, she would have looked like a little girl playing dress-up in her mother room, if it weren’t for she was most assuredly a woman, a beautiful sexy woman. She pushed him back and wrapped her hand around him and guided him slowly into her, she had four orgasms, she cooed and told him of her love, all the while he licked, nibble, sucked and even lightly bit her nipples back and forth between them mixed in with kissed both nipples and mouth, his hands running amuck over her before he exploded deep inside her.
She laid on him and as Harry nibbled on her ear, he felt what had to be a tongue lapping their mixed juices from his testicles. Instead of going soft, he got harder, Ginny moaned, as Hermione licked their joining, Harry slowly raised Ginny off him and Hermione cleaned him. When he popped out, Ginny moved to the side, Hermione took Harry in hand and sat down guiding him once more inside her, they kissed, she began rocking slowly on her husband‘s cock, Ginny kissed them. Hermione broke their kiss, raised up turned away from Harry, guided him back in, pulled Ginny up and to her, bent slightly to get to her core and began making love to the both of them. Ginny’s knee finally gave way after four orgasms and multiple screams she collapsed, barely landing on the loveseat next Harry, Hermione after her four she had while eating Ginny, then three more ‘God I love him’, she sighed to herself, before Harry erupted inside her, He filled her with that wonderful nearly burning seed he did that first night with Ginny, her pussy spasmed, milking and sucking Harry into her, she screamed in pleasure so loud. “ GOD YESsss HHARRRYYEEEEEE!!! Harry was expecting the bank guards any second, surely they hear her in the main lobby.
A few minutes later Harry panting said “What we need, is more trips to the bank” both women moaned or was it purred.
Needless to say, Hermione didn’t get thru all the books that day and if wasn’t for Harry’s magical healing hands, two women may have crawled out the bank. Harry praised Hermione for having several soothing potions, in her bottomless hand bag, which was now carrying more books than before. Ginny decided she needed to get one of those.
There were times Harry was by himself talking to old friends or buying something special for his ladies or sitting in The Leaky Cauldron, sometimes Tom would join him.
Of course Hermione and Ginny were almost inseparable and made the rounds of shops and such.
One such times Harry sat by himself in the Leaky Caldron watching the fire flicker, drinking his butterbeer, Ginny and Hermione were off visiting their old girl friends. Ginny was going to ask Susan and Luna to be her bridesmaids, of course they said yes.
Harry was just finishing his drink when in walked Neville, Harry invited him to join him, ordering a round, Lee joined them shortly, they sat for hours talking, catching up on this and that.
Neville and Lee hadn’t seen Hermione or Ginny for some time. And when the two visionary sparkling lovelies’ walked in, both just stared.
“Hi boys” Ginny purred. The guys fell over themselves making room for her, but she walked around to sit on the other side placing Harry between Her and Hermione, they both kissed him first one then the other,. Neville and Lee looked at Hermione, who they knew was married to Harry, and of her possessiveness, she wasn’t at all upset.
Harry chuckled, “sorry guys I didn’t tell you, Hermione and I are marring Ginny next week.
“Bloody hell, two wives” Lee said “way to go Harry”
Neville added “and what a pair too… huh congratulations”
“Even though it’s a small family wedding, you’re invited, we‘ll owl you”
Harry motion and more butterbeers arrived, finally it was time to leave
At home they ate, sat on the couch cuddling together in front the fire, reading, sipping wine, not saying a word.
Around nine, Ginny said she wanted a soak and went upstairs. Harry moved over to the end and Hermione laid her head on his lap, they read. Ginny quietly came back into the room and sat in the large overstuffed chair opposite them, sipping her wine and watched, her two loves reading. A family, her family. Harry, her first love and Hermione her next love, although she remembered the times as a kid and in school with Susan and Luna, she still loved them, just not as much as those two, watching them read. She was so happy, she thanked the stars for giving her, her dearest loves, and after next week, perhaps she‘ll do as her mum wants and stop taking the potion, she wanted him, Harry was always in her dreams, first as a little girl, and even still now those dreams, visited her. Having Harry baby, feeling him or she growing inside her, give birth and raising Harry‘s children. Of course practicing making one was very nice too.
She watched in silence as Hermione’s hand move to Harry’s lap, then shortly as she slowly rolled over undoing his slacks, moving up, freeing his erection and lowering her mouth around him, taking him in deeper than she ever had, Hermione’s hand around what she couldn‘t, stroking. Harry’s hand moved over her arse and pulled her dress aside and slid into her knickers, Ginny could tell his finger just entered Hermione. Her own fingers were now deep inside her as she watched her two lovers, she could hear them moan. Sitting his book down, he saw Ginny sitting there, he smiled and motioned her to join them, she shook her head and mouthed “not yet”, he understood and moved down twisting, sliding under Hermione, her soaking wet panties, vanished as Hermione gasped and lowered her wet core to his waiting mouth. He feasted upon his wife flower licking, kissing, munching, devouring her. She screamed around his cock as she flooded his mouth, he drank as a camel fresh out of the desert. When he bit her clit, she came and bit him and , ’the pain’ he screamed into her setting her off in one continuous orgasm as he erupted in her mouth nearly choking her, she jerked up screaming, coughing, Harry kept spurting as she stoked him, her hips jerking on his mouth, trying to drown him. He drank as fast as he could, loving every drop he could get.
Ginny jumped up and moved to them, with some difficultly she capture Harry’s spurting cock in her mouth as Hermione stroke.
She taste Harry’s seed, loving it, filling her as she swallowed then she taste blood ‘BLOOD”.
She jerked off Harry and looked “Oh shit Harry you’re bleeding”
Hermione froze “WHAT?”, they both began checking Harry’s cock, there were small teeth marks, blood on the side of his cock and pelvic area and a few fresh drops of blood from the marks. Hermione started crying “I’m sorry, sorry oh Harry I’m sorry I hurt you my love”
Harry grabbed before she could move away, he forced her to sit in his lap, she tried to rise “Harry you’re hurt”
“It’s ok my love it’s ok I love you and a little bite won’t ever stop that, not even a big bite. I love you Hermione Jean Granger Potter with all my heart” and kissed her.
Harry reach to Ginny and pulled her to them, they hugged and kissed, again and again. After Hermione calmed down, they checked the damage.
Hermione reached her wand and a simple wave Harry was good as new and clean.
” See no worries, it was my fault”
“Your fault, how’s me trying to bite you dick off, your fault”
He simple said loudly said “Note to self, do not bite Hermione’s clit while sixty-nineing”
Hermione stared at him for an instant, then smiled, then began laughing “Oh Harry my love, God I love you”
Ginny looked puzzled “Sixty-nine”
Harry began laughing . Hermione finally calmed down enough to explain what sixty-nine meant.
“It’s what muggles call it”
Ginny looked moved her hands, twisting them , “Oh” and turned red. Hermione almost fell off the sofa, all three had a big laugh.
After they stopped laughing, Harry took Hermione in his arms and said “Now where were we. Oh I remember and laid her back and rubbed his cock down her slit, till she wetted and he slid in
“Oh Harry”
“Yes my love”
“oh, nothing, fuck me, my love”
“Yes my love “ He then looked at Ginny “You’re next, my love”
Ginny wetted.
And Harry did, after he came in each, he said “little tired, Quick shower, then bed… ladies“ Held out his hand.
Both together purred “Yes Harry“.
On the Burrow visits Molly was harping about more Grandkids. Harry, smiled big time, loved the idea, he wanted a big family. Ginny wanted five and Hermione says three, well maybe five.
And finally on the morrow was Harry, Hermione and Ginny wedding. Even though Hermione was his first love, Harry did love Ginny, and when Ron lied to Hermione and took her, he may have eventually married Ginny, but Ron lied to her also, to cover his lie to Hermione and she of sorts turned away also, not because she didn‘t love him anymore, but for the same reason Hermione turned away. They both thought he was seeking for the other team and be happier with someone… else.
Ginny and Hermione were to spend the night at The Burrow. ‘Night before the wedding stuff’ Susan and Luna were there also. Harry of course had to leave after dropping them off. He kissed each and then gave Molly a peck on the cheek, then disapparate.
So here he sat in this muggle restaurant eating, realizing this will be the first night he’d been without Hermione since their wedding, He missed her, her touch, her smell, her feel, her presence, her love, and Ginny’s also, since she moved in with them, love sprang forth or was it back, anyway, she has became just as much part of him as Hermione. He loved them both and couldn’t imagine a future without them, but tonight he was. He had been alone most of his life, there were a few times at Hogwarts he hadn’t felt so, those only moments that didn’t last long. However over the last nearly two years, he hadn’t been alone, save tonight.
He finished his meal, He didn’t know what to do, had no where to be. He paid his bill and left, step out of sight and apparate home. The only friend, besides Hermione and Ginny he had, wasn’t. Remus, Tonks and Percy were working late, the twins with Alicia and Angelina, were at the Burrow, Molly didn’t want them near Harry tonight, afraid Ginny might have to marry a something or the other that was really Harry. Moody was in Spain, Charlie had been called back to work, but would return in time for the wedding, the Grangers were at burrow also, visiting with Hermione. Bill, Fleur and the kids arrived late. Maybe he’d floo-call Neville, no he had a date. He had no one to go visit or somewhere to go. He should have went to The Leaky Cauldron, may have seen some old schoolmates, could have talked to Tom for awhile. Old habits of staying out of the public eye, from the glamour, are hard to break…. Too late now.
He had cut himself off from the wizarding world after Voldemort’s defeat, to avoid the ’the-boy-who-won’ praise. He seen too many deaths, too much pain, and really wanted to be left alone and being he didn’t have his love, he’d retreated away from the world. Well hung on the fringe, so he could be there for Hermione, if she needed him in any capacity. If it hadn’t been for his need to be there for her, he would have left, long ago.
Things now are different, definitely better, Hermione and Ginny was his life, his family and he was loved, for the first time since his parents were murdered by Riddle. They loved him, not that other stuff, just him, ‘just Harry’ and he loved them.
He hadn’t socialized much, damn near nonexistent actually. You could count the people he interacted with on your two hands., most of the time one. And those he did were busy. So he now sat in his lounge, in front of the fire and stared at the flames, he called Dobby and Winky and ask how their day was. They wasn’t much help, oh they talk some but it was over too soon, So he decided to check that novel Hermione said “was good” and began reading, Doddy brought him a glass of wine and there he sat, reading. Hermione would be proud.
At the Burrow, Hermione realized the same, this was the first time they’ve been apart at night since their wedding, she spent the night before hers with her parents and Ginny, of course. Remus, Arthur, Bill and the twins got Harry drunk. But a sobering potion fixed that, even the headache. Hermione knew Harry wasn’t having a bachelor party, this time, after all he wasn’t. Knowing Harry, he’s probably alone, feeling down, thinking. She loved Harry, but knew that, even though he gotten better over the last year, he still had issues. Those people and Dumbledore really messed with Harry’s head. She was slightly worried. She knew He wouldn’t do anything, but still, she knew he was alone. He’s been alone so much during his life.
Hermione had try to image, Harry’s loneness, several times. She didn’t know what she would have been like growing up without loving parents. She didn’t have many friends growing up herself, due to her, as one of her classmates said, ‘parent perfectives’. She was the perfect well-mannered bookworm, who did very well in school, every parent criticized their children for not being like her. Most of her classmates hated her, but she had her books and parents and there were a few girls who would play with her occasionally, and she had the family love, they showed their love, they went shopping together, movies, outings, vacations and trips to visit relatives. Harry didn’t, well there were a couple of outings which turned into more trouble for him, more beatings. After those, on future trips they left him locked up, with a glass of water, sometimes.
He was the forgotten human house-elf, who they beat on when they felt like it. Living in a house with three people alone, no hugs no kisses, no presents, just a fist, a belt, used as a punching bag or worst. He wasn’t even allow to excel in school, if his grades were better than his cousins he got a beating, he found out. All he got to do was to wait on them, cook, clean, gardening, do chores, when he wasn’t locked in the cupboard under the stairs, later his cousins second bedroom, after they installed locks on the outside. He played with a few of his cousins broken discarded toys, that he managed to hide. That was Harry’s life for ten years, before he went to Hogwarts, but back every summer. He seemed happy at school for the first five years, then sixth year, then Ron lies and Harry changed for sometimes happy to just being there, she never noticed. Her eyes began tearing up again.
Ginny noticing her future wife somber almost painful look. Sat down beside her, took her hand, asking
“What wrong Mione?”,
she turn to Ginny and hugged her ”nothing just thinking” then kissed her.
Ginny looked at her friend/lover “You sure?”
“Yes, I’m fine, just thinking of Harry” Hermione dried her eyes.
“I’m sure he fine, out drinking having fun most likely at the Cauldron”
Hermione looked at her, shook her head. “ No Harry wouldn’t be there, no one expecting him there”
“Well , what does Harry do when he’s not with us?”
“The same before I moved in with him, nothing”
“You really think he’s home all alone”
“Yes” Hermione whispered. “Harry will be alone tonight”
Then Molly hollered “Girls lets eat”
Molly was a gracious host, everyone had enough eat and drink, although she did limit Hermione and Ginny drinking. They needed to be sober tomorrow. What floored Hermione was Molly on-going argument with Her daughter about her contraceptive potion, Ginny said she was going to still take hers for awhile and Molly was trying to get her to stop.
Ginny said “Mom I can’t play Quidditch if I’m pregnant “
Molly’s answer was simple, “Quit, You don’t need the money. Harry ne….”
“I enjoy playing and we practice hard” Ginny rolled eyes
“making babies is more fun”
“but Quidditch”
“you needed to start a family”
“ I do practice a lot”
Then Molly said “well, it was time for bed, young lady there‘s a big one tomorrow”
“Yeah it’s a big one alright” Hermione squeaked out.
“Yes it is..” having seeing Harry starkers, Molly added before she thought, blushing.
That did it, the look. even those who wasn’t laughing before were holding their side or rolling on the floor.
And after a moment a sputtering Molly join in.
When they finally retired to bed Luna grabbed Ginny and pulled her into her bed, Susan not to be out done pulled Hermione to the other. At first Hermione was standoffish, we had only been with Ginny. However when she heard Ginny moan in pleasure and Susan kissed her, her lips opened to Susan”s tongue and soon joined Ginny in a happy moan. After some hot and passionate love making. Hermione asked Susan to switch, Ginny crawled into bed with Hermione and they cuddled. Susan and Luna were soon moaning and groaning.
About half past one in the morning, Hermione and Ginny both still restless. Hermione sliding out of bed, “Ginny” she whispered “downstairs” and pulled her quietly to the hallway, Hermione was thinking about floo’ing home to check on Harry. Slipping down the stairs, she accidentally knocking over a jar on the stairs. Molly was up in a flash. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”
“Can’t sleep” Ginny said
“Hot chocolate” Molly said.
Fleur, Susan , Luna, Alicia and Angelina overheard and join them in the kitchen, soon a hen gathering was brewing. As they sipped their coco, Hermione softly ask no one, “ wonder what Harry doing?” Angelina popped off “no one tonight” and the laughter roared.
Around three, a drunk Ron staggered in the back door, first thing he saw was Hermione in a nightgown.
“What are you doing here whore, waiting for me to fuc…”
Ginny got to him first, and knock him against the wall, he fell to the floor unconscious. Good thing to, cause Fleur’s claws were coming out and had blood in her eyes. Hermione grabbed a hand full of floo power, threw it in the floo said “Godric Hollow upstairs“ and floo’ed home. She walked into the master bedroom, Harry wasn’t there, “where’s Harry?” she said sadly. Still slightly furious and then didn’t found Harry in bed, She called “Dobby” and he appeared . Before he could say a word “Where’s Harry!!”
Dobby flinched, “the master iss downairs front of fire, mistress Hermione Potter ”
“oh.. thank you Dobby, I’m sorry I was rude I need Harry and didn’t find him here, Sorry Dobby”
“Iss undstood” grinned and vanished.
She changed into her sexiest nightie, Green, Harry loves her in Green, it so sheer you see thru it, just a little harder in places and slipped downstairs.
There he was, her love, sitting in front of a beautiful fire, sipping something, reading a book. Almost wished she had a camera, She smiled and walked quietly to him. The next thing Harry knew his beautiful sexy wife was sitting in his lap, taking away his book and softly placed her lips on his.
After Hermione had her, she’d lost count of orgasm for the night, huh morning, they noticed the sun was up, kissed and wondered where the night went.
“I didn’t expect to see till later, isn’t it bad luck for the Groom to see the Bride on their wedding day, before the wedding.”
“yes , my love but I’m not marring you, We’re marring Ginny”
“Oh yeah, come here you” he rose from the floor, pulled her up from the floor, sat down on the loveseat and pulled her to his lap, placed his arms around her. As she got comfortable, he harden again. She felt him growing, rose up, took him in hand and guided him, as she lower herself tenderly, filling herself with him once more, she moaned and leaned back to him, he wrapped his arms around her and they just sat.
Back at the Burrow, after Hermione left, the ruckus woke the remaining household, Arthur stepped into the kitchen, Molly was fanatic, Bill rushed to Fleur to calm her down. The twins were silent for a change. Ron laid on the floor, Ginny was shaking, you could almost see the steam coming out her ears.
Arthur ask “what happened?”
Six women spoke at once. Arthur raised his hand “lets try this again, Ginny what happen?” he asked being she was the one closes to the unconscious Ron.
“I hit him”
“He staggered in, called Hermione a whore and I hit him”
“ oh… where’s Hermione” looking around, not seeing her..
Mr. and Mrs. Granger walked into the dining room “What about Hermione, she ok, where is she?”
Alicia said “ Ron walked in and called her huh, yeah she jumped up, good thing Ginny hit him, she had blood in her eyes, Fleur started changing, he hit the wall, she stopped, turned, flooed the Hollow and left, without a word.”
Ginny called, ”Dobby” a moment the little elf appeared “ Ye“ “ Dobby is Hermione ok?” before he could say anything else.
“Yess misses Whezzy, shess and the master iss”
“Thank you Doddy, tell them I‘ll see them at the chapel”
“Yos weecom and yess misses Whezzy” and vanished
“She’s ok she’s with Harry”
The floo flared and Tonks stuck her head in ask to come thru, she just got off work and figured there be a female get together. Fred open it and in she stepped, just in time to see Arthur picked up a bucket of mop water and throw it into Ron face, he woke sputtering. “what happe…” looked around Not seeing Hermione “What’s was she doing here, why’d you hit me for?”
Molly unloaded on him, “Hermione was here cause she is always welcome in the house and for Ginny’s wedding, you rotted dodger… you foul mouth git…” and more.
“Ginny getting married… who to??” Ron looked at his sister.
Ginny growled at him “to Harry and Hermione, you, you rotten back stabbing, no good, devious, selfish, worthless asshole and your not invited”
“You marring him, him and her you, you’re nothing but a wh…” he said without thinking.
Arthur reached Ron first this time and jerked him up off the floor, one hand around his neck and carried him towards the door. Not saying a word.
Molly said “it’s time for you to leave, you’re no son of mine.”
Tonks follow them to the door,
As Ron picked himself up off the ground, “Well fuck you all too” Ron shouted, Arthur just pointed towards the path leading away from the Burrow. Ron stumble and staggered away, his mouth bleeding. “damn whore and that faggit twit even got my family against me, I’ll get them… I’ll get that whore I’ll fuck her up good.. slave her out… I’ll kill him… then I’ll fuck that whore sister of mine, knock her up.. slave her out too… I’ll show them.. They’re gonna pay”
He stumbled again, then turned pulled out his wand and pointed it sort of towards The Burrow. “Inci…“ Tonks had him in a full body bind, took his wand. “Arthur would please call the Auror desk for a pick-up“. Ron, smelled of firewhiskey. She said “Ronald Weasley, you’re under arrest for public intoxication, attempted arson in which to cause bodily harm and attempting to do harm to a public servant, to start”
To be Continued

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The Devil’s Pact Chapter 10: The Trap is Set

The Devil’s Pact
by mypenname3000
Copyright 2013
Chapter Ten: The Trap is Set
There was a soft knock at the door, bursting the bubble of my dream. “Good morning, Louise,” Madeleine greeted, her voice muffled through the door, “breakfast is ready.”
“Okay,” I said groggily and rolled out of bed, stretching.
I had been dreaming about Susanne, being her slave again. It was a common dream I had. It played out in minute variants: sometimes I would be forced to be her slave, others I would crawl on my knees and beg her. A few, Susanne would be my slave, crawling before me. Regret stabbed through me. What would my life have been like if I had not been dominated by Susanne. Would I have married Kurt? Would I have had children, watched them proudly grow up. A Warlock stole your life, your dreams. Mark had already done irreparable damage to these womens’ lives. I needed to stop him before he destroyed more.
My body was sore from spending most of yesterday in a car watching the Fitzsimmons house, gathering intelligence, as the military would say. And what I learned was daunting. When I arrived yesterday, Mark and his girlfriend, Mary were out of town, leaving behind two Thralls; the teenage Allison and Desiree Fitzsimmons. Yesterday, I had performed the Prayer of Zanah on the two women. When the time came, Mark would find his own slaves turned against him. Then, I had returned back to my car to watch. To wait.
Near 8 PM, Mark returned with a car full of naked women. There were five of them, all clearly Thralls of Mark. It was a setback. The best way to deal with a Warlock, particularly a male Warlock was to seduce him, or let him think he was seducing you. But, I found it was more satisfying, however, to turn his thralls against him. The prick deserved a little comeuppance. But five more Thralls would make that vastly harder. I would need to get the odds back in my favor before I could make my move. And if Mark kept adding to his harem, this could drag on for a while.
Maybe I should go the easy route and let Mark seduce me. It wouldn’t be hard. Although I was fifty-one, I appeared as my attractive, eighteen year old self. I had the perky tits and tight ass of a teenager. One of the Gifts God gave me to fight Evil. I could let Mark seduce me, but that was too good for him. He deserved to be humiliated, to know fear. To know that when he came in my pussy that would be the end of all his fun! I had dealt with far worse Warlocks in the last thirty-years and Mark would not stand a chance.
God, I prayed silently, grant me the strength to save these women, grant me the courage to face this challenge, and grant me the guidance to see it quickly ended. In the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!
I felt better after praying, and got dressed. After breakfast, I could sit here in Madeleine’s house, at her dining room table, and watch the Warlock, wait for my opening. Last night, thanks to God’s Providence, Madeleine, out of the goodness of her heart, offered me a place to stay. I was parked on the street in front of her house when she walked up to the car with two cups of tea and asked if I need to talk. Sensing God’s Providence, I said the first story that popped into my head. I suspected my husband was shacking up with Desiree and wanted proof. I flew all the way out from Chicago to confront him. Madeleine had a good heart and offered me her guest bedroom.
“There’s a good view of that hussy’s house from my breakfast nook,” Madeleine had told me in a sexy, southern twang. “Doesn’t that sound better than sittin’ in your car, sugar?”
I left the bedroom, after dressing in a white skirt and red blouse, I headed for the kitchen. Madeleine was pouring a thermos of coffee and I paused to admire her fine rump beneath her business skirt. She was a fit looking, thirty-something, who was recently divorced. She had made a simple breakfast of yogurt sprinkled with granola for me and pointed to a fresh pot of coffee. She apologized, but she had to go to work early.
“You can stay as long as you need to, sugar,” Madeleine said, her southern twang melting my cunt. “My husband was a no good horndog, too. That’s why I kicked his ass to the curb.” She gave me a comforting hug and kissed my forehead, I wished she kissed my lips, and headed out the door. She was off to her office job in a respectable looking skirt and blouse. I sighed in regret, watching that fine ass sway out of the kitchen. It was a shame she was straight. I gave her some subtle signs last night and she didn’t bite, or even notice that I was flirting with her.
I missed staying with Sarai already, but I would preserver.
I looked out the window in time to see the Warlock, Mark jog by, naked save for a pair of running shoes. I winced. He was an overweight man, his fat jiggling as he ran. He must have wished for some powerful mind control to be so confident in jogging naked. I angrily stabbed at my yogurt with a spoon.
You won’t be so confident for long, prick!
I was breathless when I returned form my jog and my romp with Anastasia, who lived across the street. When I awoke this morning, I decided I need to get in better shape for Mary. She was such a beautiful creature she deserved a man that at least tried to not be an overweight slob. After yesterday’s naked walk through the hotel and drive back to South Hill, I found I liked the freedom of going nude, so I set off jogging, my dick flapping in the wind.
It was an interesting experience. I was stopped three times by Puyallup Police officers once by a Pierce County Sheriff deputy. I had thought long and hard how I wanted to handle the police, so I was ready. I gave each cop two, simple orders: “I am Mark Glassner and whatever I am doing is perfectly legal, and anyone who approaches you and says ‘I serve Mark Glassner’ or ‘I am Mary Sullivan,’ do what they say without question.” Each cop would then apologize for bothering me and walk back to their cars and drive off.
On my jog, passing cars honked at me and insults were hurled as they sped by. I didn’t mind. They were lesser men and women, mere ants cursing their betters. Other joggers would cross the street or bolt the other way while pulling out cell phones to call 911 on me. I did catch up to one pretty woman in her late twenties, with a round ass covered in tight, black leggings and a pink, Lycra tanktop that fit her like a second skin. Her name was Anastasia and I invited her to join the Naked Jogging Club. She was more than happy to be the first recruit. Needless to say, jogging was a lot easier when a woman’s beautiful, naked ass jiggled and bounced in front of me. When we reached her house, across the street from the Fitzsimmons, I fucked Anastasia in the kitchen while her husband showered upstairs.
When I walked into my house, Desiree was leading the sluts and Mary in some type of aerobics. Apparently, Mary wanted to make sure the girls kept their bodies nice and tight. Naturally, the exercise devolved into an orgy for an hour, a better way to get some cardio I thought. Everyone was covered in fluids and sweat, so showers were in order. Mary and I went first, as befitted our station.
“You going to see that friend today, the real estate broker?” I asked her as she washed my back.
“Yeah, Alice,” Mary answered.
“Alice, huh, is she cute?”
“Yes,” Mary answered playfully. “And happily married, so stay away.” Mary emphasized her point by poking me in the back.
“Sure, Mare,” I told her. “There are plenty of women in the world for me to fuck.”
“Good,” Mary said. “Anyways, I had an idea were we could build out mansion at.”
“Oh yeah, where at?” I asked.
“Behind the house at the end of the cul-de-sac is a large field that they started to build a housing development in. We could bulldoze that last house and extend the road and build back there. It has a gorgeous view of Mount Rainier from back there, and the Puyallup Valley.”
“Okay,” I said with a nod. Mary was an artist and had far more appreciation for atheistic then I did. “I trust your judgment, Mare.” She beamed at me, turning around so I could wash her back.
“So, are you really going to rob a bank?” Mary asked as I scrubbed her back with a loofah
“Yeah,” I said. “I’ve always kinda wanted to. I think I’ll take Violet along with me.”
Mary turned around so I could start washing her front. “Oh, you want to get more of her tight cunt,” she said with wry smile.
I couldn’t deny that her tight, teenage cunt was a bonus. “No, there’s an Amber Alert out for her,” I said, as I started washing her flat stomach. I wanted to start with her small, perky breasts, but the I decided to tease her a bit. “I called her mother before I went jogging when I saw the alert on the news, but it might be a few days before the police aren’t actively looking for her.” I paused. “And me.”
Mary nodded. “Well, you are the only one of us that could talk your way out of any problems.”
“You could’ve had the same power,” I pointed out. I looked at her and asked, “Why didn’t you? I meant to ask but then the Devil gave me that gem and …”
Mary thought for a moment, then finally answered, “I didn’t want the responsibility of that much power.” She swallowed. “You can do a lot of harm, Mark. Hell, you have done a lot of harm, and some of that was at my request.” There was a pregnant pause. “I mean, don’t you ever feel guilty for what we do to the sluts?”
“No,” I said without hesitation. “When I got these powers, I told myself I was above such petty concerns. I only felt guilt for what I did to you.” I said. “Shit, I still feel guilty.”
Mary rubbed my arm. “I forgave you,” she said, and leaned in to kiss me. It made me feel a little better. “But how do you stop feeling guilt?”
“You just need to tell yourself your better than all the rest of them,” I told her. “We are better than other people, than the sluts. We’re special, and they’re not.”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah,” I answered. She sighed, and hugged me tightly and her body shook and I realized she was crying. I froze. I didn’t know what to do, what to say. I didn’t have a lot of experience comforting crying women. I just squeezed her back, stroking her wet hair. “I … uh. We can …” I cleared my throat, “We can let the sluts go. Just say the word, Mare. We don’t need them. I don’t need them. We just need each other.”
“I … I can’t,” Mary sobbed. “There’s this voice, whispering to me, telling me its wrong. But my body, my pussy, is telling me its so very right.”
“So, which voice do you want to listen too?”
She sobbed, “My pussy.” Mary relaxed in my arms, tension fleeing her body. “Make love to me, Mark. Make me forget.”
Her lips were passion on mine, her tongue writhing in my mouth. Her wet body pressed against me, soft and firm. My cock hardened between us and my hands roamed her sleek body. I felt her plump ass, kneading a cheek between my hands, while my other hand found a firm breast and hard nipple. Her groin rubbed against me, seeking for my hard cock. Her soft hands ran down my back, across my side and found my hard cock and guided it to her wet vulva. We moaned together as my cock slid inside her, agonizingly slow. Our nerves were on fire with passion for each other and our hips found a slow, steady rhythm.
“My stallion,” Mary moaned, “my handsome stallion, fuck me harder! I need it!”
I gripped her hips and started thrusting hard. Mary groaned and clawed my back. “My sweet filly!” I panted. “You’re all I need.”
“Give me your cum!” she ordered wantonly. “Oh, I need it! Warm and sticky! My pussy needs it!”
“Here it comes, Mare!” I gasped and unloaded into my love; one, two, three powerful jets of semen. Mary’s cunt convulsed about my cock, squeezing it with a velvety warmth and she gasped as her passion overtook her.
Mary clung to me in the shower, her face pressed against my chest, my cock growing soft inside her pussy. We didn’t say a word, we just enjoyed the warm water spraying over us and enjoyed the comfort of each other. Holding my love, being held by her. This was all I really needed. The sluts, the women I made fuck me, they were just fun, just pleasant diversions. This is what was real, what mattered. Somehow, Mary had become my whole world in just a short time. I would have gladly stayed like this forever, but the hot water heater had other ideas.
Mary seemed in a better mood when we slipped out of the cold shower. She grabbed a towel and playfully dried me off. She then insisted on shaving me and only managed to nick me three times. She giggled each time, tearing a piece of toilet and sticking them to the cuts. From guest bathroom we could here a lot of shrieks and giggles as the sluts were forced to take cold showers.
“The mansion is definitely going to need some heavy duty water heaters,” I told Mare as we checked in on the sluts. “Like a hotel.”
Mary nodded, watching Korina shivering in the shower as she quickly washed her body.
As Mary and I prepared to leave to run our errands, we left instructions for the sluts. Xiu, Fiona, and Korina needed clothes, so I sent them out with Desiree to buy some. They had to wear Desiree’s old clothes that didn’t fit any of them well and no one was happy about that. Allison was charged with cleaning the house. She seemed disappointed, probably because she’d been cooped up in the house all weekend. So, I promised I would spend some one on one time with her when I returned and that brightened her up. Violet was wearing the same pink dress she wore yesterday, and I decided to take her clothes shopping after I robbed a bank or three.
“Be careful,” Mary ordered, kissing me. “Do you have your crystal?”
Friday night, when Mary had made her Pact, the Devil had surprised us with a crystal, saying, “If you are ever in trouble, hold this crystal and say, ‘Lilith, appear before me.’ ” Mary and I were both worried about what it meant and I decided to keep the crystal with me. When I went jogging this morning, I was clutching it in my bare hand.
“Yeah, it’s right here,” I said, pulling it out of my jean pocket for a moment, and showing it to her. Mary relaxed. “I love you, Mare.”
“Love you, too, hun.”
I was on my third cup of coffee as I boredly watched the Fitzsimmons house. Nothing had happened since Mark returned from his jog. The disgusting pervert had returned with a naked woman, took her inside the house across the street and left there fifteen minutes later with a smile on his face. The poor woman was married and I saw her kiss her husband goodbye from the open doorway in a loose dressing gown.
Did Mark make the husband watch? Did the pervert get off on making the man watch the women he loved get violated before him. Mark made Desiree’s husband, Brandon, watch him defile her. Fucking Warlocks. My fingers slipped under my skirt. The woman across the street was quite beautiful. I bet Mark fucked her, bent over a table. I moaned, slowly rubbing my clit in delicious circles. Her husband was sitting in the corner, looking sad and pathetic while his wife howled and moaned like a whore for Mark.
I started fucking my fingers slowly in and out of my cunt. The woman would be a whore for Mark. That’s what he did. Degrade women. Turning them into his cumbuckets. I bit my lip, imaging the woman’s breasts. They looked like a nice pair beneath that silk robe. With hard nipples. And her mouth, moaning wantonly. She should put that mouth to better use. I came, picturing the woman between my thighs, her fingers fucking into my pussy while Mark looked on, looking sad and pathetic while his whore pleasured me. I licked my fingers clean and went back to watching.
Nothing else had happened for two more hours, when the garage doors slid open. The silver Mustang pulled out first. I could just make out Mark and a teenage girl as the Mustang roared down the street, followed quickly by one of the red-heads in a maroon convertible Volkswagen Eos. I rushed outside to follow her. This might be my only chance to catch Marks number one woman alone. I got into the black BMW 7-series I borrowed from Brandon and fumbled at the keys. Mary roared off up the street, driving almost as fast as Mark had, and a third car, a white BMW driven by Desiree and crowded with three other women pulled out onto the street.
The Eos was gone, but there was a red-head in the second car. Maybe she was Mary? Probably not, Mary was likely the one driving her own car. I made the decision to follow four ladies. Maybe I could get the opportunity to perform the Prayer of Zanah on one of them, or all of them, and get the odds back in my favor. I waited for the white BMW to pass and pulled out behind it, my heart thumping in excitement.
I kept glancing at Violet’s coltish legs peaking out underneath her pink skirt as I drove my Mustang out of the housing development onto Shaw Road. I placed a hand on her thigh, sliding up under her skirt and Violet beamed at me, her face flush with excitement.
“Thank you for letting me come with you, Master,” she said in a cheerful soprano.
She was a cute fifteen year old. Her brown hair was pulled into two pigtails over her ears, tied off with pink ribbons. Her breasts were small and shapely and her body slim with youth beneath the conservative dress she wore. That dress would definitely not do, my sluts needed to show the world just how whorish they were.
“You ever sucked a dick, Violet?” I asked.
Violet shook her head, blushing. She was a virgin before I fucked her in the elevator yesterday. Her hands reached out and she gently rubbed my cock, feeling it harden in my pants. “W-would you like me, to Master?” she nervously asked.
“Definitely,” I answered.
There was a metallic rasp as she slowly drew my zipper down and then her warm, delicate hand reached into my pants and pulled out my hard cock. She bent down, her breath warm on my cock as she slowly ran her hand up and down on my dick. She tentatively stuck out her tongue, licking up the shaft and brushing the sensitive head.
“Just like that,” I told her. “Use more pressure, yeah that’s good.” Her tongue felt amazing as she lapped at my cock. “Stroke the shaft and cup the balls.” I wince as she squeezed a ball. “Gently with the balls.”
“Sorry, Master,” she apologized.
“Now, suck the tip into your mouth, be careful with your teeth,” I told her. “You can brush the cock with them, just don’t bite hard. Ohh, yeah that’s nice. Keep doing that with your tongue.” She had the head of my cock in her mouth and was swirling her tongue around it. “Suck it like a lolipop. Oh fuck that’s good. And see how much you can fit in your mouth.”
She was bobbing her head now, moving slowly down until my cock brushed the back of her throat and then rising up. It wasn’t the best blowjob I ever had, but knowing it was her first added a certain spice to her uncertainty. She was sucking harder and I watched as her right hand drifted over to her thighs and slip up under her dress to start fingering her cunt. Horny little slut.
She was turning into a great slut. I was proud of her, and stroked her brown hair. “I’m gonna cum, slut,” I told her. “So don’t be surprised. Try to swallow what you can.” And then I erupted into her mouth, semen spilling out the corners of her lips. She tried to pull away, but I held her down. When I was finished, I let her sit up.
She was breathing hard, cum smeared across her lips and tears ran down her face. “Was it good?” she asked, wiping at her tears.
“It was great!” I told her, kissing her forehead. “You’re turning into a good, little slut. I’m very proud of you.”
“Thank you, Master,” she said, smiling happily, still masturbating. When she came on her fingers, I pulled them to my mouth and sucked her juices off her digits. She had a light, barely spicy flavor.
We made a quick stop at Dick’s Sporting Goods at the South Hill Mall where I grabbed a bunch of duffle bags. I was so excited to rob a bank, I didn’t even spend the time to give the cashier a nice fucking. I needed to remember to go back to Dick’s and look Ambrosia up. With a name like that, I hoped her pussy tasted wonderful.
I pulled onto highway 512 towards, heading west to Parkland and the Bank of America that screwed me over two years ago. When my debit card got stolen and my accounts emptied, I filed a claim. But the branch manager, an asshole named Ted, dicked around with appeals process and I barely recovered half of my money. I had to crash on a friends couch for two months while I got back on my feat.
As I raced down 512, Violet got to practice her blowjobs some more. This time, she didn’t pull away as I came in her mouth.
I followed Mark’s thralls towards a mall and parked near them and discreetly followed the four women through the parking lot. The only one I knew was Desiree, who I had imprinted last night. The other three women were dressed in ill-fighting clothes. There was a black-haired women with short hair and a blue eyes, a strawberry-blond that might be Mark’s girlfriend, Mary, and a short, Asian woman
Please God, I prayed, give me the opportunity to save these women. Then I followed them into the mall. I just needed to be patient and be careful and God would grant me the opportunities I needed.
They led me to a clothing store, Old Navy, and I realized why they were here. The three new Thralls in the ill-fitting clothes had arrived naked last night. Wherever Mark had found these women, he didn’t bother to bring any of their clothes. I browsed the clothing racks and watched the women out of the corners of my eyes as they spread out across the store.
“Hi, welcome to Old Navy,” a nasally pitched, effeminate voice asked me. I turned to see a slim young man whose nametag read, “Gabe.”
I blinked in surprise. He had a faint, blue-black aura about him. Mark must have been here and given him a minor order. The aura was fading and would probably be gone in another week or so. He was not under any lasting commands or had suffered any personality changes
“I’m fine,” I told him.
One of the girls, the red-head, was heading for the changing room and I pushed past Gabe, grabbing the first shirt off the rack. Gabe protested, but I ignored him. I reached the changing area in the back but not before the red-head closed the door. Shoot. Thinking quickly, I knocked on the door.
“Yes,” she answered.
“Hi, I’m Louise with Old Navy and I just need to talk to you.”
The red-head opened the door, frowning at me. I moved quickly, shoving my hand over her mouth and pushing her back into the changing room. I shoved my hand down her loose-fitting jeans and found her hairy pussy. She struggled and tried to bite my hand covering her mouth. My finger found her cunt and wiggled in, fingerfucking her hard and fast. Being transformed into a sex slave by a Warlock usually left the woman incapable of resisting a sexually assault.
Not this woman, however.
My face stung as she slapped me and I had to pull my hand away to block the second blow. She started to scream so I silenced her the only way I could, kissing her hard while I pinned one of her arms to the wall. She still had one hand free and clawed at my hair, trying to pull me off her lips. My thumb found her clit, rubbing in small, fast circles and she stiffened in my arms. Her cunt was getting wet as her body began to react to my stimulation.
I could feel the resistance fleeing her body. The hand pulling at my hair relaxed its grip, the tension in her body slowly bleeding away. Her lips, tightly closed at first, relaxed and I shoved my tongue into her mouth, tasting the mint of toothpaste. Her hips started to shift as the pleasure from her pussy slowly spread throughout her body.
She surrendered to me.
Her lips were hot on mine she kissed me back, her hips writhed on my hand. Her hand gripped my hair, pulling me tight against her as she moaned into my mouth. I let go her other arm and she wrapped it around me, caressing my back through my blouse. I slipped that hand up her shirt and found a large breast, gently caressing and squeezing her soft, firmness. I found her aerola and gently circled her nipple before I finally rolled the turgid nub between my fingers.
The red-headed shuddered in my arms as her orgasm began to roll through her body. Without thinking, my hand that was groping her breast slid down to my own, wet pussy and coated my finger with my juices. Still fingering her, extending the orgasm, I quickly drew the Mark of Qayin on her forehead with my juices and prayed, “Zanah!”
One down. Two to go.
I pulled the Mustang into the parking lot of the Parkland Bank of America, a brick building on Pacific Avenue and told Violet to wait in the car. With an excited jaunt in my step, I walked into the bank. There was a short line of customers queuing to deal with the bank tellers, a few more sitting at desks, talking to loan officers, and one fat security guard.
“I need to speak with all the staff in the back right now!” I hollered loudly. Confused, the staff led me back into the bank by the vault and gathered about me. “Who’s the manager?”
Ted turned out to still be the manager. It couldn’t be more perfect. I told him to open the vault. “There’s a time lock,” Ted protested.
“I’ll wait,” I said. I grabbed a buxom, honey-blonde teller and pulled her next to me. “Ted, open the vault and everyone else go back to your jobs and ignore everything Ted and I do. Except for you, Monica,” I told the buxom teller. “Let’s see what you look like naked.”
She flushed, and untied the decorative scarf around her neck that partially covered the cleavage revealed by her low-cut, blue blouse. Her large tits were supported by a lacy, black bra which came off next. Her tits were still perky with youth and her light pink aerola’s were large, with fat nipples jutting proudly out. As she unzipped her black skirt I hefted one her tit, feeling the plump firmness of her breast. She shivered as I rubbed her aerola.
“I’m going to fuck you hard, whore,” I told her, “and you’re going to love every minute of it.”
Monica flushed and licked her lips as she peeled off her pantyhose and black panties. Her bush was a darker brown, neatly trimmed and her pussy lips were large and protruded out past her pubes. I bent her over a table, ran my hand through her cunt, feeling her getting wet at my touch. I stuck a finger inside her pussy and she wiggled her hips in pleasure. I coated my finger with her juices and then shoved it up her ass.
I fucked my finger in a few times then pulled it out of her ass and replaced it with my cock. She gasped in surprise and then growled in pleasure as my cock slowly sank into the warm tightness of her ass. “Oh my god!” she gasped. “That’s amazing!”
“You’ve never been fucked up the ass before,” I asked, plumbing her bowels with hard thrusts.
“No,” she panted. “My husband he always wants to, but I thought it would hurt!”
“What a bad wife,” I said, slapping her ass. “You let me fuck your ass and not your husband
“I am,” she moaned. “I’m such a bad wife. He always wants me to give him blowjobs, too, but I always say no.”
“From now on, bitch, you do what ever filthy things your husband wants,” I growled, rubbing my hand down her back. “And do it with a smile on your whorish face!”
“Yes,” she panted. “I’ll be a good wife from now on.” Her orgasm rolled through her body, ass clenching on my cock.
I grabbed her purse and pulled out her cell phone, flipping through her address book while I fucked her slowly. “What’s your husband’s name?” I asked. “Jonathon,” she answered, breathless. I found her husband and gave him a ring.
“Hey, cutiepie,” Jonathon answered.
“This is Mark,” I said. “I’m with your wife. I’ve been counseling her.” I put the phone on speaker and sit it on the table. “Say hi to your husband.”
A look of panic crossed Monica’s face. “Hi, sweetie,” she said, trying to sound casual as I started fucking her ass hard again.
“What kind of counseling,” Jonathon asked, sounding concerned.
“Your wife tells me she’s had problems doing certain things in the bedroom,” I said. Monica bit her lip to stifle a moan. “But, I’ve helped your wife understand that its her duty to do whatever perverted things her husbands wants. Right, Monica?”
“Yeah, Jonathon,” Monica panted, her voice was thick with excitement as my cock reamed her ass. “I’m going to let you fuck my ass, or I’ll give you blowjobs.”
“Really?” he asked, sounding excited.
“Y-yeah, sweetie!” Monica gasped and then clasped a hand over her mouth to stifle another moan.
“Man, Mark, how can I repay,” Jonathon said, excited.
“Your wife’s already covered the payment,” I told him, enjoying his wife’s ass on my cock.
“I love you, cutiepie,” Jonathon said.
“Oh, I love you, too, Jonathon,” Monica whispered and then she started to moan, her ass clenching on my cock. She quickly slapped her hand over her lips and as she came on my cock. Her other hand fumbled to hang up the phone. “I’m such a bad wife!” she moaned as her orgasm continued to ripple through her body. “Such a terrible wife!”
My balls boiled and I shot my cum up her ass as her body shook. I gritted my teeth as I enjoyed her tight ass and my pleasure coursing through my body. Breathing hard, I pulled out of her ass. Monica continued shaking, her face in her hands and I realized she was crying. Guilt stabbed through me, and I beat it back down. You’re above guilt, Mark. She’s just an ant.
“Oh, god, what have I done,” she sobbed.
I rubbed her shoulder. “You have nothing to fill guilty about,” I told her. “You came twice, right?”
She sniffed. “Yeah. I never came so hard in my life,” she said, a smile ghosting her lips.
“You should never feel guilty about something as nice as cumming,” I told her. “You should never feel guilty about anything you do with man or a woman.”
“A woman?” she asked and I saw something in her eyes. Desire?
“You want to be with a woman?”
She nodded, shyly. “I’ve … thought about it. With Kylie.”
“The cute red-head?” I asked, referring to the other bank teller I thought about fucking.
There was a series of beeps and the bank vault was opened and Ted started filling the black duffel bags with bundles of bills. I called for Kylie to come back here as Monica started getting dress. “Kylie, I want you and Monica to go to a hotel on your lunch.” There was a no-tell motel up the street from here, the Blue Spruce, that had hourly rates. “And explore any desires you two might have for each other. And if you enjoy yourself, go home with Monica and give her husband a special treat.”
“Okay,” Kylie said, giving Monica shy smile. Monica flushed and returned the smile.
I made Ted carry the duffle bags out to my Mustang where Violet waited, playing around on her smart phone. I popped the trunk and Ted threw the bags in. I started the car and Violet greeted me with an eager kiss, her tongue a little timid as it wriggled into my mouth.
“Did it go well, Master,” she asked.
I nodded, pulling my cock out, dirty from Monica’s ass. Violet knew what to do, and bent down. Her nose wrinkled, but she engulfed my cock anyways. “That’s ass your tasting,” I told her. “Good sluts clean their master’s cock after its been in a whore’s ass.”
Violet was getting quite skilled at blowjobs.
“How are you doing, Mary?” Alice greeted me with a friendly hug.
We were standing in her office at Evergreen Realty. Alice had been a good friend to my older sister, Shannon. Unlike Shannon’s other friends, Alice had always been kind and friendly to me and would provide a shoulder to cry on. We kept close on facebook after she graduated high school and I had even been a bridesmaid in her wedding last year.
“I’m engaged,” I told her, excitedly, holding out the black diamond ring Mark had given me Saturday night.
“Oh that’s amazing,” Alice cooed. “So Mike finally proposed.”
I shook my head. “We broke up. His name is Mark and I know its fast, but he’s the one. I just know it.”
“Wow,” Alice said, a little flummoxed. “You sure you’re not rushing things.”
“I’m not,” I told her. “I’ve never been happier. Mark is the greatest guy in the world.”
Alice hugged me again and I became aware of her body pressing up against me, the curve of her breasts, the warmth of her breath on my neck, her thigh pressings on my hip. Alice kept hugging her, longer than she should. Is she into me? Alice had always been a friend, but could she be more? My heart beat loudly in my chest as I considered that possibility.
Alice was beautiful; large, hazel eyes with long lashes were the center-point of an attractive, round face with full, kissable lips. Her hair was a thick and full bodied, a raven black that fell about her shoulders. She had been wearing a pinstriped, charcoal blazer over a blue halter top, her cleavage on display. Her hips and butt filled out her matching charcoal pants very nicely.
Alice finally broke the hug, her cheeks bright with excitement, her lips moist. Alice’s slim fingers grasped my hand and she guide me to her desk and a chair that lay on the side. We sat down, next to each other and she laid out a binder with property listings. She leaned close to me, her flowery perfume making me a little lightheaded with its fragrance. Our hands kept brushing each other as examined the binder, every touch fueling the fire burning in my womb.
“It’s getting a little hot in here,” Alice said, unbuttoning her blazer and pulling it off. Her halter top was very low cut, her snowy breasts almost completely exposed. The left strap of a blue-gray, lacy bra peaked out from beneath her halter top.
Alice sat back down, scooting even closer, leaning in so I could not help but see down her cleavage. She turned the page in the catalog and pointed at a cute, ranch-style house while her other hand casually rested on my thigh. Fire burned at her touch, running up my thigh to my moistening pussy and I shifted in my seat, my thighs rubbing pleasurably against my clit.
“This is a cute house,” I said, pretending to ignore her hand. If Alice wanted to seduce me, I was happy to let her.
“I know,” Alice purred, her hand slowly inching up my thigh. “It’s two bedrooms and one-and-a-half baths. The perfect house for a young couple.” Her hand was higher, pushing under my skirt. “Have you and Mark set a date, yet?”
“A date?” I asked, turning to face her. She was just inches away, her lips wet and red. It was getting hard to think as fire coursed through my veins.
“For your wedding.” Her lips were so close to mine. Her hand was inching higher on my thigh, almost at my pussy.
“No,” I said, “we …”
Fireworks exploded as Alice lips met mine. They were soft and inviting and her tongue pressed at my mouth. I opened my lips for her, tilting my head to the side. Her tongue was wresting with my own, then pulled back, inviting me in. I accepted, exploring her mouth eagerly, playing with her tongue. And her soft hand slid higher, so near the heat beneath my legs.
Alice broke the kiss. We were both breathless and flushed with excitement. “There’s this motel,” Alice said, carefully. “We could …”
“Yes,” I whispered huskily and a shiver of pleasure ran through my body as her fingers finally brushed my wet vulva through my panties.
We rushed out of her office, trying to act normal as we excitedly made our way through her work. “Just going to show Mary a few houses,” she told her boss, trying to sound casual. Our lust must be so obvious. He wasn’t going to buy the lie. How could he not hear my heart thudding with desire in my chest. We positively exuded desire.
“Okay,” he mumbled, and went back to talking with the receptionist.
“Cute car,” Alice complimented when she saw my Eos.
“Mark got it for me,” I told her and she gave me this knowing smile. “It’s not like that, I love him.”
Alice paused. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this. If you love him, you don’t want to …”
“Do you really want to stop?” I asked.
“No,” she said, smiling. “I’m too horny to stop.”
The motel was a dive just up the street called the Blue Spruce Motel that offered ‘hourly rates’. The facade of the U shaped building was faded blue siding, paint chipped in may places. I followed Alice into the lobby where two women; a honey-blonde woman wearing a black skirt, blue blouse, and decorative scarf and a red-head in a pale-green, wrap-around dress with a loose skirt were paying for a room with the motel manager.
“Room 11,” the manager said, bored, handing over an actual key to the red-head, not an electromagnetic keycard that most hotels used.
“We’re not the only ladies looking for some afternoon delight,” Alice whispered in my ear.
Alice paid in cash for three hours and we got room 5’s key. I held Alice’s hand as she eagerly led me across the parking lot to room 5. The room was surprisingly clean, albeit a little worn. Scuffed carpeting, faded walls and frayed comforter on the two, twin sized beds.
Alice was on me the moment the door closed, her lips hungry on mine. I wrapped my arms about her waist, pulling her close to me. Her black hair, silky soft, caressed my cheek and her soft hand stroked my arm, leaving a trail of fire where ever her finger touched. The kiss was different than with Mark. His lips were rougher, more demanding while Alice was soft and gentle. I loved Mark, loved the urgency of his kisses, but variety was the spice of life.
Her hand trailed down my arm and gently stroked my hand. Alice brought the hand up and she broke the kiss and sucked and licked my finger while smiling shyly at me. Her tongue was pink and I was transfixed by the sight. I pressed my thighs together, feeling my juices trickle out of aroused vulva, turning my panties into a sodden mess.
“You’re so beautiful, Mary,” Alice purred, kissing my palm. “I wish I had the courage to do this sooner.” This was surprising. I thought she was seducing me was because of my wish. When I made my Pact with the Devil last week, I wished that all women would desire me. How long had Alice been thinking about me this way? “You were just so … radiant today,” she continued purring, “I was ust helpless before your beauty.”
Her hands trembled as she reached out and pulled my white, peasant blouse over my head. Her hand traced the strap of my lacy, gray bra, down to the cup and slipped her finger inside, brushing my achingly hard nipple. I gasped. Her fleeting touch sent pleasure coursing through my body. My bra was suddenly tight on my body, uncomfortable. I reached behind me and the bra fell away, freeing my freckled breasts.
“So beautiful,” Alice murmured, almost in a daze. “I’ve dreamed about your breasts since you were fourteen.” Fourteen? Out of the fog of lust, rose a memory of Alice catching me coming out of the shower, naked. Her face had flushed in what I thought was embarrassment. I guess it was actually desire.
She grasped my shoulders and guided me to the bed and, with a gentle pressure, pushed me back onto the bed. She crawled over and started kissing my right breast, licking everywhere, except my aerola and hard nipples. She licked down the slopes, the underside of my breast where sweat liked to collect, up my breastbone between my mounds. She kissed me everywhere. She circled my breast, coming ever closer to my nipple. When I thought she was finally going to reach my nipple, she started from the beginning on on my left breast.
I was so aroused, so horny, when her lips finally, gently, reached my hard nipple, I orgasmed. It wasn’t an earth shattering orgasm, but a tiny, pleasurable one that just left me wanting more. Her lips and tongue caressed and pleasure my nipple, making sensuous love to the hard, sensitive nub. She kissed over to my right nipple, and pleasured it just as gentle and tender as my left. Her hand slipped up my thigh, slow and careful, up under my black skirt and found the sticky mess between my legs.
I gasped as her fingers slid through my panties leg hole and touched the shaved lips of my vulva, rubbing through my labia. Alice’s wet mouth was leaving a trail of fiery kisses up my breasts, my neck, reaching my ears. She licked and nibbled on my lobe, her breath hot and moist. “So wet,” she whispered, slipping a single finger up inside me. “Did I do that?”
“Yes!” I gasped as her finger invade my pussy. This was amazing. We could have been doing this for the last five years.
My entire body burned with desire as she slipped a second finger inside me, moving them slowly in and out. Her lip kissed and sucked at my neck and a low, throaty moan rose from within me. Her thumb found my clit, brushing softly, tenderly. I gripped the bedspread with one hand as I writhed in passion while my other hand stretched out, finding her thigh beneath her charcoal-gray pants. My hand slid up her thigh, to her hip. I found the clasp for her pants and fumbled to open her fly, trying to use one hand.
Finally I got her pants open, her zipper down and slid my hand inside. She wore silk pantyhose over panties and I could feel the heat and moisture of her desire. My fingers slipped into her silky pantyhose and into her satin panties. Her pubic mound was shaved bare. I slid further in and found her wet passion. Alice moaned into my ear as I lightly caressed her hard clit, running a finger down her swollen labia, and then my digit was engulfed by her warmth. My fingers matched the delicate caresses that Alice was performing on my pussy.
“Oh, that’s nice!” Alice moaned. “Your fingers … so sweet!”
Her lips found mine and we were kissing again, and I drink her passion. I turned on my side, pressing my bare bosom to her clothed breasts. The cotton fabric of her halter top rubbed roughly on my hard nipples. Our legs rubbed together as we gave each other pleasure, running headlong towards the cliff. Alice went over first, her body shuddering delicately.
“Yes, Mary!” she gasped, breaking the kiss. “Oh, God, yes!”
I followed her right over, my second orgasm sending spasms of delicious through my limbs and body. We held each other, my lips finding hers as we continued to finger each other to another orgasm and another, each more intense, more fulfilling then the one before. Gasping next to this beautiful angel, I pulled my hand out of her panties, sticky with her juices and sucked them into my mouth.
“You taste so delicious,” I said, huskily, sitting up and moving to her feet.
I pulled off her shoes, comfortable black flats. Her dainty feet covered in dark nylons. Alice lifted her ass as I pulled off her pants while she pulled off her halter top. I gently pulled off her pantyhose, trying not to cause any runs and then I gently kissed her barefoot, licking her toes while Alice cooed in pleasure. Her breasts heaved in her lacy bra and her face was flushed with passion, her eyes shining with love.
I kissed her bony ankle, then up her shapely calf, her knee, and then her inner thigh, moving slowly higher. I could smell her arousal, a spicy musk, through her gray-blue, satin panties. When I reached her panties, I rubbed my cheek against them, breathing deep her musk and enjoying the soft, cool feel of her panties on my cheek before I pulled them off her legs, exposing a shaved, flushed pussy weeping juices.
My tongue was licking through her labia, savoring the musky spice. Alice moaned in pleasure as I feasted on her womanhood. I sucked her engorged labia into my lips, stuck my tongue deep into her pussy, and kissed the hard bud of her clitoris. My world had been reduced to the silky warmth of Alice’s pussy. I was an explore in uncharted territory, searching every crevice and fold, until I had mapped her vagina in all its beauty. And when she orgasmed, I was ready, drinking the flood of passion like a woman dying of thirst.
“I need to, ohhh fuck, taste you!” Alice panted as I continued licking her sensitive pussy through her orgasm.
I looked up, face wet with juices, and saw the desire in her eyes. I peeled off my lacy panties and straddled her face, lowering my pussy to her lips as I lowered my lips to her pussy. I writhed on her tongue and she writhed on mine. Her tongue was skilled, gentle and knowing. She seemed to find all the spots that gave me pleasure and together we came, and came, until our pussies were too sensitive to cum any more.
Panting, I lay pressed up against her. She still had her gray-blue bra on and I played with the strap as Alice hugged me, our legs entwined together. Our lovemaking was intense and deep and different than any other sex I had ever had. Was it better than with Mark? I thought of Mark, his boyish smile, how tender he was with me, and how honest and open he was. No, nothing could replace Mark in my heart, or his a cock in my pussy. Even sitting her, basking in the lovemaking with Alice, my body still ached gently for Mark while my soul yearned to share with him all that happened in this motel room. I saw my engagement ring glinting on my hand as I played with Alice’s bra. What I experienced with Alice was nice, fulfilling even, but it wasn’t love. At least, it wasn’t the deep, romantic love I felt for Mark. Alice was nice to cuddle with, but I wished Mark was here, pressed against my back, his strong arms wrapped around me, sandwiching me between him and Alice.
Then what did I feel for Alice? It was something more than lust and desire. Friendship? A deep, physical friendship?
“Are you feeling guilty?” Alice asked, seeing me stare at my engagement ring.
I shook my head. “There’s nothing to feel guilty about,” I told her. “Mark and I have an open relationship. He doesn’t mind me being with other women. I’m going to tell him all about our fun.”
Alice arched an eyebrow. “Wow, timid little Mary sure has changed.”
“Mark …” I paused, how to explain it. “He awakened desires within me. Showed me pleasures I didn’t even know I could experience.”
“He sounds like a great guy,” Alice said, flatly. Was that bitterness I heard in her voice. Was her marriage with Dean not going well.
“Alice,” I said, carefully. “Is everything well, with you and Dean.”
“We’re fine.”
I hesitated. “Well, um, you seemed really familiar with this motel and …”
Alice caressed my face. “No, it’s not my first time here.” She sighed. “After Dean and I got married, he got a promotion and he’s been working a lot of hours. There hasn’t been much time for us. I started talking to my yoga instructor, Esteban, confiding in him the problems in my marriage. He was so supportive and then we were flirting and kissing and …”
“You were sleeping with him,” I finished.
Alice nodded. “He was an amazing lover. Dean, he always tried, but Esteban did things to me I never experienced.” A smile creeped across her face. “I thought about leaving Dean to be with Esteban but the irony was, Esteban was cheating on me.” Her voice was thick with pain and I hugged her and then she sobbed, “It’s what I deserved. Dean’s a great guy. He deserves a better wife than one who cheats on him.”
“It’s all right,” I consoled, rocking her gently in my arms. “What Dean doesn’t know can’t hurt him.”
Alice barked a laugh. “Like what you and I just did.”
“If you love him,” I said, “then don’t tell him. You can get what you need from me and go back to your husband, satisfied and happy.”
Alice wiped her tears and smiled at me. “So, that makes you … what?”
“A friend who comforts you,” I told her. “A friend that relieves certain … tensions.”
Alice smiled, “I like that.” And then her lips descended, and we were kissing again. My hands reached behind her to unclasp her bra. This time, I wanted to play with her breasts.
I robbed two more banks, another Bank of America and a Chase-Manhatten. I figured, if I was going to rob some banks, I would hit only the national banks and spare the local credit unions. I filled up all the duffel bags with cash, barely having room between the trunk and the back seat. I also enjoyed two more bank tellers: a feisty Latina woman and a very busty blonde who gave me an amazing titty fuck.
Violet needed clothes, so I swung by the South Hill Mall on the way back. I was paranoid about all the money in the car, so I ordered a group of teenage boys hanging about to watch my car, defending it with their lives. I took Violet to Hot Topic and was pleased to see Lillian behind the register. I had a fun time with her last week.
“You’re back,” Lillian said, beaming. “I could use some more training!”
Lillian was smiling naughtily. Today she was dressed in a black, transparent dress decorated in white flowers. Underneath, she wore a black slip that was quite visible underneath the dress. Thigh-high, heeled boots, black, added spice to her outfit. The black lipstick and eyeliner contrasted with her pale face and gold rings that glinted in her lips and eyebrows.
“Violet, go get some slutty clothes, whatever you want,” I told her. “I’m going to be training Lillian.”
When I lifted her skirt, Lillian wasn’t wearing any panties. “I need to be ready to be trained,” she giggled.
Her cunt was wet and tight when I slipped up inside her and I fucked her hard. Her cunt felt great on my cock. Lillian was biting her lip, trying not to moan and gasp as I really fucked her. I wasn’t trying to be careful and unobtrusive like last time. I wanted people to know Lillian was getting the fucking of her life. I reached around and pawed her breast through her dress and slip, feeling her hard nipple through the fabric.
It wasn’t long before Mall Security showed up along with a Puyallup Police Officer. I gave them the standard orders and they left me to fuck this goth angel in peace. When a customer walked in, I would tell them just to shop and then I would enjoy watching Lillian trying to ring them up as I fucked her hard. Her fourth customer was a cute, punk-rocker girl buying a pair of black thongs. She was wearing a black t-shirt with skull-and-crossbones printed all over and a pair of tight, stonewashed jeans, artfully ripped to show off her pale, inner thighs. Her black hair was spiked up into a mohawk, the tips dyed red.
The punk-rocker smiled as she watched us fuck, her nipples were clearly hard through her shirt. When I felt my balls tightening, I pulled out of her and shot my load across the counter all over the punk-rocker girl. The girl screamed in surprise as my white cum sprayed across her tight black t-shirt. “Fuck!” she exclaimed in surprise, finger a glob of cum over her nipple.
“You’re customer’s dirty,” I told Lillian.
That was all the prompting she needed. Lilian bent over the counter and started licking my cum off the punk-rocker’s t-shirt. The punk-rocker’s nipples hardened beneath the cotton of her shirt. Lillian pulled the girls t-shirt up, revealing a pair of small, pale breasts with hard nipples pierced by silver rings. Lillian’s lips found a nipple and started sucking while I went back to fucking her pussy.
Lillian unsnapped the punk-rocker’s jeans and snaked a hand inside and started to finger her. “Oh, god this is nasty!” the punk-rocker moaned.
The punk-rocker girl was panting, writhing on Lillian’s fingers while I fucked Lillian hard from behind. A group of teenage boys had gathered outside the entrance to Hot Topic, filming us fucking with their smart phones. Lillian noticed too, and her cunt convulsed about my cock as she came. The punk-rocker was cursing as she orgasmed on Lillian’s fingers and I shot my cum deep inside Lillian’s tight hole.
“Wow, that was so fun,” the punk-rocker cooed. “I’m Zelda,” she said, and bent down and kissed Lillian. “When do you get off?”
“Five,” Lillian said, licking her lips.
“Then, I’ll see you at five,” Zelda purred. “I would love to return the favor.”
Lillian grinned. “I’d love that.”
Zelda pulled on her cum stained shirt and sauntered out of the Hot Topic to the applause of a bunch of horny teens. She blew them kisses, and sauntered off. I slid my cock up Lillian’s ass. I was wondering if I should keep Lillian. I almost did a few days ago. She was such a great slut.
“Lillian, you’re going to be my sex slave,” I told her, deciding. “And my girlfriend, Mary’s, sex slave as well.”
“Oh, that’s sounds fun,” Lillian panted as I reamed her ass.
“When you fuck Zelda, film it with your phone. When you’re finished, go to this address,” I told her, writing the Fitzsimmons address on a piece of paper.
“Yes, sir,” Lillian purred. Mary was going to love the slut.
I waited in the living room of the Fitzsimmons house for the Warlock, Mark, to return home, my stomach tied in nervous knots.
I had five of his Thralls under my power, immune from his commands. After imprinting the red-head, Fiona, in the changing room of Old Navy, it was simple to get the other two. Fiona lured Xiu into the changing room and we easily held the Asian girl as we molested her. Unlike Fiona, Xiu did not fight. From the moment we grabbed her, Xiu was excited. Apparently the girl really liked to be dominated and hurt and she came quickly as Fiona pulled painfully hard on her nipple piercings.
That left only Korina. But with Desiree, Fiona, and Xiu imprinted, we easily overpowered her in the ladies room. Now I had all but two of Mark’s thralls imprinted and immune to his power. God had answered my prayers. I ordered the woman to return to the Fitzsimmons home and followed them in my borrowed car. I gathered all the Thralls I had imprinted in the living room: Allison, Desiree, Xiu, Fiona, and Korina and I told them the plan.
Alison was at the entrance to living room off the short hallway that led to the front door, while the other four ladies were spread about the living room, Desiree clutched a baseball bat and Korina a rolling pin. I clutched my furry handcuffs in sweaty hands. When Mark came through the door, we were ready. Alison would grab Violet and the rest of us would beat and wrestle Mark to the ground. And then I would exorcise him and free these poor women from his lusts.
A car pulled into the driveway.
“It’s time, ladies,” I said, standing up. I crossed myself, my heart hammering in my chest. Please, God, let your servant free these women from evil.
I pulled my Eos into the driveway, excited to be home. This afternoon was far more pleasant than I planed. Alice and I had made love twice more after we talked. The second time was sweet and loving. I was comforting my friend as she dealt with the problems of her marriage. She seemed a lot happier after I gave her a few more orgasms. As we lay in the mused sheets, I told her about my plan for the abandon housing development behind the Fitzsimmons house and Alice had said to get in touch with owner with an offer. She seemed doubtful about the entire thing, not believing Mark had that kind of money, but I made her promise while playing with her pink nipple. We were both sweaty and covered in pussy juices so naturally we took a shower. And naturally we made love one last time before I drove her back to her office.
I sped home. I couldn’t wait to tell Mark about Alice. Preferably while in bed, him on top and his hard cock filling me up so deliciously. I was getting wet just thinking about it. I had to park in the driveway, not having a garage door opener, yet, and got out of the car. I would get one of the sluts to put my car in the garage. I didn’t see Mark’s Mustang so I pulled out my phone and sent him a text, “Hun, just got home. Meeting with Alice went well, tell ya all the juicy details later! 🙂 When will you be home? Love, your naughty filly! :-x”
As I walked up to the front door my phone buzzed and I got a text back from Mark. “Home in 5, Mare. Love, your randy stallion!” it simply said. I smiled happily. I couldn’t wait to get Mark in bed and tell him all about the fun I had with Alice. Putting my phone back in my purse, I reached for the front door, humming happily to myself.
To be continued …

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Attacked at home

Snuggled up and lying on the sofa, I rest my left arm over Nick’s stomach. My head lies on his chest against his heart that gently beats against my ear, as his left arm pulls me close and subconsciously strokes the back of my right hand. We lay there watching a film, I’m not sure what it’s called since I’m not really paying attention to it, instead I just close my eyes and breath in the manly scent of his lynx deodorant and cool water after shave as they combine together to make a very sexy combination that for some reason makes me feel safe and loved. His chest slowly rises and falls with each breath he takes. Lifting my head I look at him, willing him silently to lower his mouth to mine. Looking back at me he smiles as his lips start to move closer to mine just as I hear the doorbell ring
“Damn” I say quickly pressing my lips to his “hold that thought, it’s probably the Chinese, you get the door I’ll grab the money” I groan feeling moisture pool between my thighs at the thought of what was bound have happened if the door hadn’t rung. He laughs as he sits up and makes his way to the door, slapping my arse gently as I turn to the kitchen leaving him to make the rest of the way to the door alone
“Such a horny girl I have” he calls over his shoulder to me a smile over his face and a sparkle in his eyes that are filled with his love for me.
“You love it” I call back, hearing him mumble something that sounded like ‘hell yeah I do’, Smiling to myself I pull his wallet from the kitchen draw and go through it to pull out a few tens. Suddenly I hear a strange male voice rise in the hall followed by Nick’s sudden shout asking what the hell is going on. Confused and annoyed I make my way to the door to see what’s happening when hand suddenly captures my mouth smothering a scream
the hand pulls tighter over my mouth, dragging me against the owners hard chest, the smell of beer and cigarette’s fills my nose as I’m turned towards the door allowing me see Nick pushed against the hall wall, a man not much older than him maybe thirty-two with dark brown hair and a tribal tattoo covering his right arm from his shoulder to his wrist is holding a sharp knife to Nick’s throat. Fear quickly wipes away my confusion and annoyance as the man standing in front of him leans closer to his face and growls at him to shut up, his foot kicks back to push the door closed blocking any chance of a passer-by seeing what’s happening and calling the police.
“Now…” says the man holding Nick “if you both do as we say I promise you will both live” as his eyes slide over to me I notice there is not a promise not to hurt us, just that we will live.
“We don’t have much money” Nick says through gritted teeth “you can have what we got but it’s not much”
The man holding me laughs,
“We don’t want your money!” his bad English accent booming around the hall
Looking back and forth between the two men Nick looks confused “what do you want then?” he asks just before he notices both men’s gaze fall on me
“NO” he screams, a new determination surging through him. he launches forward knocking the man and his knife out of the way, anger and hatred covering his face as he licks the man before him and makes his way to me “GET THE FUCK OFF HER NOW” he shouts about to grab me out of the way but the man he kicked grabs his ankle making him to trip and fall to the floor.
Suddenly I’m pulled back further down the hall away from the two men on the floor as they start to fight, fists flying between them, I see Nick grab the man and pin him down as he straddles his waist, his right fist connecting with the man’s cheek. I lean forward before thrusting my head back against the nose of the man holding me, I can see the knife the other man was holding on the floor by the door `if I can just get to it I can stop this’ I think to myself, one hand releases me but not for long, it comes back with a growl from the owner and an even bigger knife which he presses against my throat hard enough to just pierce the skin and small drops of blood to drip down the blade and trail down my neck, his other hand moves from my mouth and holds my head back against his chest as I gasp at the sharp pinch of the knife, the sound of my gasp pulls Nicks eyes to me, he sees the blood and stops punching the other man, his right hand still raised.
“FUCK SAKE JACK, WHY DIDN’T YOU FUCKING HELP ME?” the man screams at the one behind me
“I’m holding the girl aint I? You can’t deal with one man? Get the fuck up Tommy and let’s get this moving. This little bitch is squirming and making my cock hard” the man behind me replies, his words register with my brain and I stop moving straight away, the thought that I’m getting him hard makes me queasy.
With my head held uncomfortably far back I try to ask what they want, still not realising what Nick already has. A hot breath creeps over my ear as Jack leans down and whispers
My heart stops for a moment, my mind going blank and I freeze in the spot “w…why?” I ask
A smile plays over Tommy’s face, “we been watching you aint we, you’re a very pretty girl. That body of yours just screams sex. You think you’re too good though. You ignore us” he says as he pulls Nick back up to a standing position and pushes him hard against the wall, bending down he picks the knife he dropped up and turns to Nick again “and you do anything like that again and I will slit your throat in front of your misses you understanding me?”
Anger and pure hate fill Nick face, it’s clear he wants to do a lot more than just punch Tommy but the sound of my gasp makes him look at me and see Jack pushing the knife harder into my neck. Fear clouds his eyes “I understand, just don’t hurt her” he says
Tommy takes hold of Nick’s upper arm as the arm Jack is using to hold the knife to my throat snakes round my waist and lifts me up and closer to him and drags me towards the bedroom. As Jack gets to work handcuffing me to the bed to keep me still, Tommy forces Nick into a chair and uses some rope he has in his pocket to tie Nick to it making sure it’s tight enough that he can’t move. Once I’m cuffed securely Jack moves over and helps Tommy to cut way Nick’s clothing
“You touch her and I will find you, I will kill you and I will do it slowly do you understand” Nick growls
Laughing they cut way his jeans and boxers leaving his cock exposed, together they lift the chair and bring it up close to the bed so he will have a close view of everything they have planned
“Wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable when you get hard watching us fuck your girl” says Jack
“Please” I beg “I don’t intentionally ignore you. I have a boyfriend; I just don’t see other men that’s all it is. I love Nick I don’t mean to make people think I’m being rude or ignoring them.” I try to reason with them but it’s no use
“Don’t give us that shit” Tommy says “you notice. You just think you’re too good for us, with your perfect tits and barely twenty-three year old body” he continues as he climbs on the bed and reaches above my head to the handcuffs. I feel the metal brake away from my skin just as Jack moves to sit beside me. I try to push him away as his fat face moves closer to mine, the smell of beer and cigarettes becoming overwhelming but Tommy grabs my wrists as he pulls me to a kneeling position and kneels behind me with his legs on the outside of mine, trapping my arms behind my back, his rough fingers grasp my breasts making me shudder in disgust. Jack kneels in front of me as he pulls my face up towards him stretching my neck and causing it to start to bleed again, his mouth closes around mine, his tongue pushing its way past my lips.
“GET OFF HER YOU BASTARDS! I hear Nick scream as Tommys hand moves down my stomach and back up to my breasts, this time moving under my white tank top.
“Mm god they feel perfect Nicky boy, you’re a lucky son of a bitch ain’t ya” Tommy laughs.
Nicks struggles become wild with determination to help me, our eyes meet and I know he can see the fear and pain I’m feeling. His eyes mirror mine and seeing the pain in his gives me some strength to fight back, I don’t like him hurting. I relax knowing Tommy will relax too thinking I either want then to do this or I have no fight left in me, before I pull my wrists from his hold and swing my arm back to punch Jack in the face. He loses his balance enough to have to put his leg on the floor to stop himself falling from the bed, quickly I lift my foot hard pushing myself forward on my hands as my foot connects with Tommy’s balls. Nick continues to struggle but it’s no good, Jack grabs his knife and walks over to Nick, he looks me in the eyes as he pushes the knife just hard enough to pierce the skin like he did with me but this time he pulls the knife across the base of Nicks neck.
Both mine and Nick’s screams collide around the room
“NO PLEASE” I scream trying to make my way to them but Tommy holds my upper arms tight, pulling me against his chest, his long fingers digging into me and hurting enough that I know I will have bruises tomorrow.
“STOP FIGHTING US OR HE DIES” Jack shouts at me, my eyes still locked on Nick as I nod, sobbing and hoping he’s okay.
“LEAVE HER ALONE YOU PRICK” he shouts at them but Jacks hand just swings back and punches him in the face
“Please…I will do what you want just please don’t hurt him” I cry looking over my shoulder at Tommy who doesn’t seem to care about what his partner is doing and just continues to paw at my breast and kiss his way over my shoulders and upper back
“Prove it” he stops long enough to say “take your top off” he continues, moving away from me.
My shaking hands cross over my waist as I grip the hem of my white tank top and begin to lift it up exposing my smooth stomach, then higher to release my naked breasts before lifting it high enough to pull it over my head and drop it to the floor beside the bed.
“Baby no…” Nick says quietly. I look over at him and move down the bed till I’m right in front of him, though both attackers watch me closely neither move to stop me as I stand up and bend down to my knees in front of Nick. Looking him in the eyes mine fill with tears again as I lean forward and softly kiss his lips. I feel his lips move under mine as he kisses me back filling it with all his love and a silent promise he will stop them. I know that’s not going to happen, the best case is going to be, we live.
“I’m going to pretend it’s you Nick. Just you and me like before they knocked on the door” I whisper quietly so I can’t be heard by the others. I can see tears filling his eyes, his hatred at himself loud and clear. “I will be ok. As long as they don’t hurt you. I love you and only you Nick” I say standing up and moving back over to the bed.
“So sweet. Now come here and kiss me” Tommy sneers as he pulls his tee shirt over his head. Looking back over my shoulder I see Jack standing behind Nick with his knife still poised at Nick’s throat. I climb onto the bed and kneel in front of Tommy; I close my eyes trying to picture Nick in front of me
“Open your eyes bitch.” He says as his right hand moves to the back of my neck and pulls me towards him, slanting his lips over mine he pushes his way into my mouth before I can say anything. I feel as well as hear him growl into my mouth before I starts to slide my tongue around and over his. He lifts my hands and arms that are clenched at my sides and wraps them round his neck, pulling me closer with his hand on my waist until our bodies are pressed tightly against each other’s, I feel his cock hardening against my stomach as he starts to move his mouth slowly over the corner of my mine and down towards my chin. he lifts my head for better access at my neck causing me to wince at the pain from the cut, I see him smile from the corner of my eyes before I feel his flattened tongue move from the base of my throat all the way up to the painful red cut that Jack made not long before, pain shoots through me again as his hot tongue pushes harder against it, he pulls my face down towards him and I see my spilt blood covering his tongue, his green eyes sparkle with humour and lust at my disgust. He pulls me tighter to him again and starts to use his left hand to caress my right breast, his thumb sliding in circles around my nipple before firmly rubbing over it. Surprised I feel pleasure course through me and unconsciously arch my back for more.
“Mm like that do you?” He breaths into my mouth, “god you got a hot little body aint ya” his mouth travels back down my neck this time moving lower as he places his tongue on my chest, sucking my left nipple into his mouth and tugging gently, I feel my stomach clench and my juice’s pool against my will between my thighs, looking up at the ceiling I feel my tears start up again. ‘I can’t believe my pussy is getting wet, I don’t want this I hate this’ I think to myself as his hand move down my pink cotton shorts and between my thighs
“Wow your wet” he says pleased “I knew you would like this, I could see it in you that day at the Supermarket. You looked so beautiful with your white dress and blonde hair flying behind you as you rushed to get what you wanted, the look in your eyes as you past me said you needed to be fucked good and hard… we followed you here. We watched you dance around cooking for that useless cunt, his hands pawing all over you but I could tell he wasn’t giving you what you needed as he fucked you on the sofa.”
I try to make sense of what he’s saying, I vaguely remember wearing my white dress but it hasn’t been for a while, the weather has been too cold for it lately with us not having much of a summer this year, I know the last time Nick and I last had sex on the sofa was at least three weeks ago, does that mean they have been following and watching me all that time? I look towards Nick seeing he has worked it out too; the anger on his face says it all.
“Every night he would paw at you and never give you what you needed, such a selfish bastard but we have been planning to finally give you want you need and now we can. You will love it and after you will leave him for a real man, for me”
Jack catches my eye as he still holds the knife to Nick but now his other hand caresses his cock through his jeans while he watches Tommy’s hand movements under my shorts and between my thighs. Still holding on to his shoulders I feel his middle finger slide inside me and the palm of his hand rub against my clit, again my body betrays me as I lean my head into his chest and moan, the need to be filled starting to affect me.
“Mm baby you feel so tight, I love it! So hot and wet for me” he says as his other hand lifts my face and he kisses me hard, I gasp as suddenly I feel another pair of rough hands slide over my bare waist and start pulling my shorts down over my hips, I want to pull away but Tommy keeps my mouth pressed tightly to his as Jack’s right hand moves round my waist and pushes Tommy’s out of the way, I feel Jack’s left hand holding tightly to my waist as Tommy shuffles back with his hand still holding me to his mouth causing me to have to lean over, I hear the sound of a zipper being lowered just before Tommy pulls me away from his mouth and pushes me down on my hands and knees. His 8” hard cock just centimetres from my mouth
“show me how good you are with that gob” he says as his hands move through my hair, gathering it up into a make shift pony-tail so he can watch clearly as I take his cock into my mouth, “oh fuck” he moans, his head falling back “fuck me Nicky boy. If I had known about her mouth before I would have killed you that first day and just taken her.” His words make me shiver,
I feel Jacks hands caressing and grasping at my arse as his fingers breech my lips before he thrusts them inside me hard and fast
“Shit she’s soaking” he says with a laugh, pulling my legs left he positions me right in front of Nick before moving next to me and spreading me open for Nick to see. “See that? She loves it mate. Look at her juices running down her thighs” he says to Nick before spreading me wider and sliding three of his fat fingers into me, pulling them back out he manages to smear my juices over Nick’s mouth before he turns his head in disgust
“DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME YOU CUNT” he screams, but automatically his tongue slides along his lips tasting my juices there, his eyes flare with lust and his cock starts to twitch
Laughing Jack bends down and slides his tongue between my lips making me gasp around Tommy’s cock, I feel Tommy’s hand on my head making me take his cock all the way to the back of my throat. My moaning escalates as Jack’s tongue becomes more insistent as he pushes it deep into my pussy. I feel Tommy start to thicken as he gets ready to cum, the taste of his hot salty cum fills my mouth and makes my juices pool between my thighs. Grabbing me by the hair he pulls me round telling me not to swallow yet. He places me right in front of Nick, I start to feel sick as he orders me to open my mouth and show my boyfriend. Nick looks away but it’s too late he knows what fills my mouth and I know it will take a long time to get that vision out of his head if ever. Laughing Tommy pulls me forward and makes me bend my head to suck Nick
“Don’t worry mate we won’t her let leave you out, we want you nice and hard so you can cum while we both fuck her” he says to Nick as he thrusts my mouth down hard on his cock, as he throws his head back in pleasure I know he doesn’t want it and the reaction is automatic but part of me is happy that at least Nick will get something out of this. I try to make it the best blow job of his life, putting everything I feel for him into it.
“oh fuck baby..” he moans while I use my hand to help him along, he looks me right in the eyes and knows I’m trying to make this easier on him “I’m so sorry” he says, guilt over whelming him.
“Don’t be this isn’t your fault, I love you”
“I love you too…” Tommy’s hand comes flying past me and connects with Nick’s cheek
Laying down across the bed and grabbing my hair he pulls me on top of him making sure Nick as a good view of my arse. I hear his chair scrape across the room as Jack pulls him closer to the bed, Tommy spreads my legs and lines his cock up with my pussy, the thought that he isn’t wearing any protection and I’m not on the pill at the moment runs through my mind
“Please… I’m not protected” I tell him begging him with my eyes
An evil smile spreads across his face “Perfect, hopefully by the end of tonight you will be growing my child inside you” he replies, his hand surprisingly rubbing my stomach gently like the idea of me carrying his child is something he really wants.
“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE” I hear Nick shout from behind me, I try to climb off him panicking at the thought of letting him inside me but Tommy just laughs at him and grabs my hips thrusting up into me as he pulls me down, his right hand moves up to my neck and pulls me down to his lips, kissing me hard while he forces his tongue inside my mouth and thrusts his cock deep inside me
Jack stands behind Nick for a moment holding his head straight and whispering in his ear
“See that Nicky boy? How amazing does that look? Tommy’s cock sliding into your sluts soaking wet pussy, her juices covering his cock. Can you see it? She loves it, she wants it, and she needs it” He laughs as Nick tries to look away “I know you’re enjoying this too, watching her get fucked. Makes you hard doesn’t it?” he laughs looking down between Nick’s legs and nodding at his rock hard cock. Moving back away from the chair and over towards me, he gets on his knees straddling Tommy’s legs and pushing his fingers into my bum, I moan into Tommy’s mouth as Jack lines his cock with my tight little brown hole before thrusting in hard and fast, I scream but it’s muffled with Tommy’s mouth, tears freely falling down cheeks and dripping onto his naked chest, they start awkwardly trying to get into a rhythm that they both can enjoy but slowly they start to work together, pushing in at the same time to make both holes that much tighter, Jack grabs my hair and pulls me up crushing me against his bare chest, his hands pawing and caressing my breast hard as he uses his mouth to kiss and bite his way up my neck, turning my face up and towards him as he licks a trail up my throat and over my chin before crushing my lips with his, he pushes and grinds hard into me causing me to side further down onto Tommy’s cock each time,
“Oh my god” Tommy moans as Jack’s fingers crawl slowly around my hips to my clit and starts to rub hard against me pushing me over the edge and bringing on a climax so big I start to black out. Smiling Jack looks at my half closed eyes
“You love it you little whore don’t you?” he asks
“Jack leave her” I barely hear Tommy say as he pulls me towards him and out of Jack’s arms
“Don’t start getting attached mate, she’s just a bit of pussy” he growls
“no she’s not, she’s perfect” Tommy replies raising his voice at Jack, his hands caressing my face and neck as he continues to slide into me, pulling my face to his he kisses my lips softly and gently
“Be mine” he whispers as I feel is cum shoot into me, his thrusts becoming slower and longer.
“Come here bitch” Jack says grabbing me and pushing me on my back, he pulls Nick towards me and tips his chair until his face is inches my cum soaked pussy
“go on mate you know you wanna, lick that pussy” he continues laughing at Nick’s attempts to turn his head, I try to close my legs but Jack has Nick bent too close to me, Tommy grabs my hands pinning them above my head while he uses his other hand to push hard on Nick’s head, as my smell hits his nose I hear Nick whisper he’s sorry before his mouth opens and he devours my pussy. my back arches at his tongue sliding slowly between my lips, reaching my clit and circling it slowly until I squirm then sucking it into his mouth and grazing his teeth over it, I’ve known since the first time Nick and I had sex that his favourite thing was to lick me, to taste me, just the smells of my arousal would have him hard. I decided one night to rub his pillow case over me to see if he would notice, that night as soon as his head hit the pillow he was on top of me pinning me down and pleasuring me until I couldn’t move and my god was he good at it. Past sexual partners never got me off that way but Nick could do it over and over again without trouble.
I start to moan as the warm sensation fills my stomach, my eyes open as Tommy’s lips fall upon mine again, he swallows my moans as I get closer, just as I’m about to come I feel something hot hit my stomach and see Jack wanking his cock over me
“Ohhhh Nick” I moan as I start to go over the edge, Nick’s mouth moves faster desperate to taste my cum
“Say my name baby” I hear Tommy moan between kisses
“Oh god yes Nick” I moan loudly as I fall over the edge his tongue moving to my hole and licking all around me
“I said say my name not his” I hear the growl from Tommy “you will choose me at the end of this and now I’m going to show you why” he adds as he grabs hold of me and pulls me up pushing Nick on the shoulder away from me, he positions his cock at my pussy again this time from behind and gives not warning before he thrusts hard and fast deep inside me, I scream at the pain of his cock going too far into me, his hands grab my hair pulling hard making me straining as he pumps hard and fast not slowing down. My back arches, Jack moves in front of me and lays down trying to pull me towards him but Tommy grips me harder causing me to gasp,
“suck him bitch” he growls at me as he thrust me forward onto Jacks awaiting cock, my mouth fills fuller than when Tommy made me suck him, I realise Jack must be at least 9” and very wide, his hand reaches my head and pulls me down on him making me gag slightly
“That’s it slut suck it like a good girl” he says moaning with pleasure
“GET OFF HER, YOU HAD YOUR FUN LEAVE HER ALONE” Nick shouts but neither of the other two men pay attention I feel both my holes suddenly fill with cum, Jack pulls his cock from my mouth and goes to take my pussy but Tommy growls at him, telling him to back off. Confused Jack growls back
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he asks
“Nothing, her pussy is mine. You can use whatever you like but not her pussy!” they quickly get me into position so they can both fuck my pussy and arse again. This time there is nothing sweet about the way Tommy acts with me, he keeps it hard and fast not letting up until he makes me cum again and unloads his cum inside me twice more. As jack pulls put Tommy tells him to knock Nick out.
“no please” I try to say but Tommy grabs my neck, he spins me round to my back and quickly fills me again, grinding me hard and thrusting deep as his hand reaches my neck and squeezes, Jack stands up and smiles at Nick
“been looking forward to this point all night mate, your girl was great might have to come have another go soon” he says before pulling his fist back and punching Nick hard over and over again, knocking the chair back onto the floor
“P…please d…don’t” I manage to say but the look in Tommy’s eyes says he doesn’t care anymore. This is just about him. He starts to grunt as he comes again deep inside me, grabbing a pillow he thrusts it under my hips and cuffs my hands while his cock starts to soften inside me, he pulls out thrusting another pillow under me and tying my feet with the rest of rope he used on Nick.
As they begin to get their clothes back on, I look over at Nick who is now laying on the floor his body at a strange angle.
“he will wake soon enough and when he does he can untie you,” Tommy says walking over to me while Jack stands at the door looking round to make sure nothing is left behind, placing his hand on my stomach he leans forward and whispers in my ear “thanks for a great night, maybe in three months you will come find me and tell me the great news, maybe I will just watch you grow big with our child.” He leans down holding my chin and kisses me softly and deeply “I love you, I will be watching you don’t worry” he adds as they walk through the door.
It takes Nick half hour to wake up; his groggy pain voice calls out my name
“I’m here babe, “I call back through my tears, he looks up at me, seeing me tied up , he jumps up forgetting his own pain and quickly releases me from my restraints. His arms circle around me as he pulls me closer and presses his lips to my hair.
“I’m so sorry baby, I’m so sorry” he says over and over as I cry into his shirt, “Please forgive me”
“It’s not your fault” I sob back holding him tight. “I love you”
“I love you too baby so much. I will kill them men for what they did to you. We have to call the police”
“I know, later…please just hold me” I say as he pull me closer whispering he loves me and is sorry.

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Boating Holiday

A good part of this story is true and what occurred on the trip has been slightly improved. The girls were a little younger than what is portrayed here.

G.R.I.T.S Editted

I decided to add what would of been a second part to the already posted first part to add length to the story.
G.R.I.T.S. that what we call them: Girls raised in the South. I’ve been to Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, South and North Carolina, and Virginia. That’s not a lot of states but I know the farther north I go the fewer gorgeous women I see. This could be because of bad timing, but anyway this is my mind blowing season with the local bombshells and their mother who was the definition of Milf. In my small town in north Georgia there was plenty of girls that were pretty, but there was two that stood out among the rest. They were sisters, Sadie and Macy Swift. Sadie was 18 a year older than me; she was the girl all the guys went after. She was 5’7” wavy dirty blonde hair, sporting a set of D’s that looked amazing with her flat stomach. Her legs were long, slim, and tan that ran into a nice round ass. She had the repetition of shutting all the guys down when they asked her out or tried to make any move on her, which caused a lot of guys to give up on her. I happened to work with her at the local sports store it was the only one for miles and had several different counties come to it. I would spend my afternoons restocking the shelves, making shirts for the local little league teams, or admiring God’s work in making Sadie.
Her sister was a year younger than me. Her body was different than her sisters. She was little shorter than her maybe about 5’5” her body was a little different her but hair the same long wavy dirty blonde that went down her back. Again just like her sister sported. Her tits were not as big as her sisters. They were a solid B possibly a C. She had wide hips that supported a fat ass which rocked back and forth when she walked.
I was the typical playboy, which was my repetition in the school. Even though I had only been with a two girls in my sexual life. I was always bouncing from one girl to another. Well more like I had a cycle of certain girls that were of questionable repetition. They had no problem being with me because I was the schools ace pitcher, quarterback and overall cocky son of a bitch. Many of the guys hated me but my best friend was Sam he was the schools middle linebacker and overall bad ass. We were friends for as long as I could remember. I guess that’s how a quarterback and a linebacker become friends. We ran the school along with a few of our other friends. Besides sports the Swift sisters was one of the only things we focused on.
One Friday morning Sam comes up to me in the school parking “Dude Mom and Pop are leaving to visit my grandparents in Mississippi” I replied kind of confused by his excitement “Cool? Are you going” “Hell no, I’m staying here I’m not riding all the way to Mississippi.” I countered with “Alright well why are you so excited.” Finally with a shit eating grin he said “they are leaving, we have a cabin out in the woods, and there are no neighbors for miles, its right on the river.” His broken sentences were his attempts to make points without having to say reason 1 and etc. “OHHHH! I got you! When are you going to throwing this party Friday night or Saturday night?” “Both nights” He replied. I shook my head laughing “you know you are crazy right” laughing her said “Yea but that’s why I have scholarship offers and you don’t.” He was always giving me slack about not getting any major division 1 offers. That day flew by we were inviting all the people we could. I was the one who got saddled with asking the Swift girls to the party. As I approached Sadie and Macy, I said “hey gorgeous, Sam is throwing a party at the cabin tonight y’all two are more than welcome to come.” Giving a wink as I said it, which caused Sadie to shake her head in disgust Macy snickered little. “You know what Yea I will go” said Macy. Sadie’s mouth dropped at the shock of what her sister said. “BYOB right?” she asked. “Yea, if you as long as you don’t plan on driving back” I said. She smiled and said she would see me there. As I walked off smiling I turned back around to see Sadie giving her sister a stern look and was talking to her firm.
Once we got out of school Sam immediately called his brother who was at the local community college asking him if he could furnish us a keg or two for the night. His brother had been cool about it ever since we caught him fucking the preachers “angel” of a daughter. So we met up with him and handed over all the cash we had. He managed to get us two kegs and he loaded it in his truck and followed us out to the cabin. We got the kegs set up and the bonfire wood chopped and piled for later that night. As the people started showing up, we started partying. Once Macy rolled up the party stopped. She hopped out of her red rag top Jeep wearing a short denim skirt and a tight white tank top that showed off her cleavage. She immediately walked over to me and tossed me her keys. I smiled and said “valet parking will cost you.” She smirked and walked over to get her a cup. After mingling around a bit Macy and I managed to cross paths. Our eyes caught and I could feel the tension between us. Later that night after most of the people had left it was just all the ones drunk and my buddies. We were all sitting around the fire on the wooden benches that Sam and his brother had built. I was chilling, sipping on my solo cup of coors light. When Macy walked over she sat down beside me and placed her head on my shoulder.
It was a shock to the guys but I calmly place my arm around her. Shortly we were cuddled up on the bench I went to make my first move. I leaned in a place my lips on hers. The kiss was like lightning flowing through our body. Shortly after that first kiss we were full on making out. She had swiveled over and was now straddling me. I had my hands firmly on her ass for a while. She started to grind a bit as our lips continued to wrestle with each other. Soon she broke free and grabbed my hand and led me to the cabin. The cabin had several rooms it was big enough to sleep ten people or so.
She led me to the first room. Once the door closed our lips met again. This time I immediately started sliding my hands under her tank top. With her back pressed up against the door she felt for the door handle and locked it. As I reached her bra I slide my hands to her back and released the hooks freeing her tits. I ran my hands around her sides tickling her, which caused her to laugh and squirm. She slide her tank top off and she pushed me onto the bed and unzipped her skirt. Dropping her panties and skirt at the same time I was in heaven. She crawled on the bed and kissed me. I grabbed her ass firmly. Once I released my grip on her ass I slide my hand under her to her pussy which I could feel was hot. I leaned up and removed my shirt as she kissed down my body I removed my jeans and boxers. She was on all fours with her hair flowing down she grabbed hold of my rock hard cock. With a smile on her face she raised her head and she said “And my sister said you would have a small prick.” “I think I’m in love with your cock, it’s so big.” As she stroked her hand up and down my shaft. She soon had my head in her mouth. She was bobbing up and down on my dick. I could feel her sliding forth down my shaft in no time she was deep throating me without gagging. I had my hands tangled in her hair struggling to not blow my load. She withdrew my cock from her mouth and smiled knowing I was about to blow she took me deep in her mouth again I could feel my head hit the back of her throat and I was done I blew my first shot down her throat. She withdrew a little catching the rest of my hot cum in her mouth. She pulled away from my cock and slide up my body straddling me she raised up and placed my cock in her pussy. I slide in with no problem bottoming out, which was kind of a surprise.
We all knew she was great at giving head, but none of us figured she had sex before only because nobody knew of anyone who had slept with her. Soon as I pressed up against her cervix she started riding me hard. Thrusting up and down on my dick like a wild woman. She loved my cock throwing her head back as she grinded on my cock once she hit bottom. Screaming “old my god. I fills me up so good.” I was trying to hold on best I could as she rode my dick. She was moaning with every thrust we made. She made one last violent thrust down on my dick and I could feel her pussy start clamping down on my dick. She started grinding her clit on my pelvic bone as she came on my dick I couldn’t hold it back I sank my hips into the bed and rammed back up into her pussy spewing my cum in her tight pussy. We both collapsed and nodded off to sleep.
I woke up first the next day with Macy cuddled up next to me I slowly slide out of bed smiled. I threw on my jeans and walked into the kitchen looking to see what groceries Sam had stocked up prior to the party. I looked in the fridge and every cabinet. There wasn’t even a grain of rice in the entire kitchen it was completely bare. So I walked back to the room. As soon as I walked in Macy was starting to awake. She smiled as she struggled to wake up. I said “Hey there’s nothing to eat here, do you want to run back to town and grab some breakfast.” “she smiled and said “Yea, let’s go.”
She said we could take her Jeep. So she flipped me the keys and off we went. As we rode down the road I couldn’t stop smiling knowing that I had just hit the jackpot I continued to glance over at her and her hair blowing in the wind. Once we got into town I rolled up to the grocery store and as we got out we looked over and saw Sadie. Macy kissed me on the check and said “I will be right back.” She ran over to her sister who didn’t look happy to see us together. I walked in and grabbed a cart and started grabbing enough cereal and milk for 10 people. I saw the girls walk in the door and Sadie was slack jawed obviously not believing what Macy was talking about. Soon I had everything we need and I paid for it and loaded it in her Jeep. She came out a few seconds later she said bye to her sister and hopped in. As we headed back I asked, “so is this long term?” she blushed and said “Yea, I like you and that cock of yours is at least keeping around for a little while.” Smirking as she said it. She said “I have to tell you one thing first though. I’m going to have to share you though.” I was kind of taken back at this comment “Share me?” “Yeah” she said. I countered, “With who?” she blushed and said “With my sister … and mom. I want to tell you this because I didn’t want you to freak out when I invited you over and my sister and mom are nude.” I was in pure shock; I didn’t know what to think I was excited but kind of uncomfortable about it, but I couldn’t let this bombshell and her sister get away.
We went back to the cabin to dropped off the food and wake the others. As everyone got rounded up we ate and decided to clean up what mess we had made. We rounded up all the beer cans, solo cups, and liquor bottles. Once we were through we all decided we would load up and go eat at the local diner. Walt’s wings and things was the local bar and grill. We would all go through Thursday nights to eat wings and Friday after the football games to eat, drink, and talk about the events that unfolded. So we all walked in and grabbed the biggest table. We were all eating and recalling the night’s events when Sadie walked through the door. She walked over to our table and sat and chatted for a while. Getting up to go join what looked like to be an older sister and her grandparents. As we sat and ate, the older sister kept looking over my way making eye contact with me as she sucked the wing flavoring off her fingers. Every time it would happen Macy would shake her head and laugh.
Once we finished Macy and I went back to her house. Once we closed the door she stopped there in the entrance way. Smiling she said, “There’s a rule in this house you must know.” “What’s that” I asked. She laughed again and said “no clothes allowed.” I cocked a grin and she dropped her skirt and panties and removed her top. As I looked on she was standing there in all her glory. She fixed her hair and said “Your turn.” I laughed and shed my clothes off. She led me over to the couch once I was in front of the couch she pushed me down on it. “What’s your favorite body part of mine? Is it my tit’s or my ass” Grabbing both as she asked. She was enjoying the fact that I was letting her have a little power over me. As she leaned in she asked, “Well what is it?” as I moved in for a kiss she pulled back saying “You are not touching any part of me until I hear your favorite.” I sat back and grinned “I just don’t know. Can I get a closer look at them all?” She moved in this time our lips met. I leaned back in the couch and she straddled me. I immediately started kneading her ass. She started grinning as I played with her ass. Soon we swiveled and I rolled on top of her. She started stroking my cock as we made out on the couch. As she guided my cock into her, the door swung open. Sadie entered saying, “hey love birds cover up.” As we sat up Macy said, “Sadie you are just jealous.” Coming through the door behind them was who I thought to be there older sister. Macy said “Hi mom” I was confused now. The woman I thought was an older sister Macy had just called mom. She replied with “Hi baby, how was the party?” “Oh mom, it was great.” “well that’s good baby.” She walked up to the couch and said, “Hi I’m Mary.”
As they walked down the hall Macy dropped back under me and slid my cock into her pussy. I was wonderfully confused. Here I am fucking a smoking hot girl as her mom walked around the house. I started driving my cock into her as she played with her tits as she started to softly moan. Soon I heard a noise coming from behind me. I couldn’t look over there because Macy had wrapped her arms around the back of my neck keeping me from pulling out of her. I was sucking on Macy rock hard nipples when I heard another moan coming from the room.
I let go of her nipples and whispered in her ear “Did you hear something?” She laughed and said, “That’s my mom, she enjoys watching a good fuck.” I couldn’t believe it. Not only was I pistoning in an out of Macy her mom was fingering herself in the corner of the room. I could tell Macy was enjoying being watched. She was meeting my thrust with even harder force. She was massaging her tits and pulling on her nipples. Softly saying; “Yea. Yea. Right there. Fuck me deeper. OHHH yea! Right there.” I was fucking her with long hard strokes. She loved the force behind each thrust running her fingers through her hair with each hard thrust. She was starting to get out of breath a flush. She wasn’t going to last much longer. As I shoved one last stroke deep into her cunt. She clamped down on my dick and started to squirm. “OHHHH!” “OH YEAAA!” “OHH MY GOD” As her orgasm subsided. My balls started tightening up and I could feel a load building up as I thrust into her. I yelled out, “im going to cum!” She leaned in and whispered “cum on me, show my dirty mom what kind of a load you can shoot.” I pulled out of her cunt and immediately shot a hot creamy load that landed on her chin. The next shot covered her tits. I shot a few more times with it all pooling up around her naval. I feel back and leaned against the arm rest of the couch throwing my head back not believing how hard I had just came. I raised back up and was surprised to see that not only was Macy trying to scoop up some cum, but her mom was down on her knees licking the cum off her daughter’s body. Once she had licked her daughter’s body clean of my hot cum she moved her way down to Macy pussy. They started 69, right there with me still on the couch. I could see Mary’s tongue flick against Macy’s clit as she held Macy’s pussy lips apart. I could hear Macy’s muffled moans as she was eating out her mom’s pussy.
I could see that Macy was loving the attention her mom was placing on her clit by the movement of her hips. She was shoving her clit onto her moms face wanting her touch more and more. I had already been sporting a nice steel hard cock by the time Sadie walked into the room. She walked up behind me whispering in my ear “Well Macy wasn’t lying about the size.” I leaned back to face her not wanting to take my eyes off what was going on between my legs. She reached over my shoulder and grabbed hold of my rock hard cock. “Let me help you with this beast.” She started stroking my cock all the way from the head to the bottom of my shaft. I could tell she wanted to feel it inside of her by the way she was staring at it and biting her bottom lip. I swung my leg over the Macy and her mom was both two knuckles deep in each other and both had each other’s juices covering their face. I got up from the couch and walked around the arm rest of the couch where Sadie stood. As we met it was more like a collision. We were both horny as any two teens could be. I soon bent her over the arm rest inches from her sister’s wet pussy and her mother’s slick face. Being that Macy had told me the night before that Sadie thought I had a small dick, I was going to make her beg for it. I rubbed the head of my prick up against the inside of her upper thigh up to her wet pussy. Circling the head of my dick around her lips and clit she began to “Just stick that damn thing in!” I let out a laugh and started going down the inside of her other thigh. Once I got far enough down I returned it back to her hot pussy. I began to probe the head of my dick against her snatch teasing her more and more. Moaning “She finally yelled out why are you teasing me?” I laughed and said “Well your sister told me that you thought I had a small dick and I’m not sure if you deserve the entire thing.” She screamed “I’m sorry I’m sorry. Please just put it in.” I laughed and inserted the head of my cock into her soaking wet pussy, she let out a low moan as I pushed deeper and deeper into her pussy. I was sliding deep into her pussy as her mother and Macy both started getting louder and louder both glistening with sweat.
I could see that their mom was close to cumming. She had stopped eating out Macy and I could see her face was wrinkling up. With one swift flick of her tongue Macy set her mother off. She let out a moan and sat her hips down on her daughters face grinding her clit on her daughters tongue. Sadie was obviously loved watching the two of them. I had long picked up speed up from long and slow to long forceful strokes that made a slap sound with ever thrust. She threw her head back in ecstasy. As I continued to pound into her cunt her legs became weak. She was now just laying moaning deeply, my cock was starting to drive her over the edge. With one swift deep stroke her body clinched up. As I pulled my dick out of her, her orgasm hit her, her body shock and she let loose flow of cum flowed out of her pussy along with my cock. She collapsed on the arm rest gasping she said “Oh wow! That was insane. I’ve never been treated so rough.” Her mom and sister had gotten up from the couch. Their mom went back down the hallway and Macy when into the kitchen.
They both walked back in at the same time with her mom carrying a small chest. Sadie, Macy and I moved to the couch as her mom placed the chest on the floor. The two girls looked on with excitement knowing what was in the box. As she sat there nude she said “Now that you girls have had that wonderful cock I want it, but since you two demand something inside your cunts I figured I would break out the stash for y’all.” As the girls got up to go open the box their mom came and grabbed hold of my cock. “I should of called dibs on this monster.” As she began to stoke my cock her daughters began going through all the sex toys. As Mary began to take my cock in her mouth Sadie and Macy were deciding on the toys they wanted to use. Sadie decided on a nice pink vibrater while Macy decided on a long, thick, flesh looking dildo. As Mary began to bob up and down on my dick, the girls propped up on the floor so they would be able to see their mom work my cock. As their mom started to deep throat me I saw Macy place the head of the dildo in her mouth, lubricating it, while Sadie already had the vibrater in to its base fucking it in and out of her. Their mom was sucking and swirling on my dick like a pro. I couldn’t take her working my dick and her two daughters play with themselves much longer. I ran my fingers in her hair and started throat fucking her. As I forced her head down to my pubic bone Macy slid over to Sadie and started sucking on one of her nice ripe hard nipples. I pulled Mary up and shoved her head back down as Macy forced Sadie on her back. Macy started crawling up Sadie’s body kissing her up her body.
As their lips interlocked I felt my balls tighten. As they kissed Sadie began feeling around the in chest picking up and dropping several items before getting the one she wanted. As Sadie slid a finger into Macy pussy she pulled a double headed dildo out of the chest. I saw the lust in their eyes; I was locked into the moment with them, until Mary deep throated me and I lost control of my load. I shot a load down her throat, pulling out my dick I shot another three across her face. Once my balls were empty Mary got off her knees sat down beside me. As we watched her two daughters insert the double dildo into each other’s pussies Mary gathered all the cum off her face licking her fingers with each little bit she got. We both sat there on the couch watching her daughters on their hands and knees drive their hips back getting as much of the dildo into them. As we watched them Mary started stroking my cock and I began to finger her. I slid one finger in and pump it in and out before sliding a second finger into her pussy. As I slid my fingers in and out of Mary her daughters were feverishly trying to sink deeper and deeper on the dildo they were sharing. They began groping their tits that and rubbing their clits wanting to climax. Finally Sadie pulled the dildo out of her and spun around facing her sister’s ass she grabbed hold of her slick end of the dildo and shoved it into her sister causing her arms to give out and moan loudly. Within moments of Sadie roughly shoving the double headed dildo into her sister Macy was cumming. She was shaking violently and her breathing was scarce.
As Macy sprawled out from exhaustion Mary got off the couch and walked over to were Sadie was still on all fours. Mary spoke up “Ah, you want to treat your sister rough? Do you? You want to fuck her like the little slut she is?” About that time Mary grabbed a strap on out of the box and she attached it to her and forced it down Sadie’s throat. She spun Sadie around and smacked her ass with all the might she had. She said “I’m going to treat you like you treated your sister.” She rubbed the head of the plastic dick along Sadie’s pussy causing her to shutter, as she inserted the strap on she also began to probe Sadie’s asshole. Mary started pulling on Sadie’s long hair and ramming in and out of her daughter like a freight train, slamming up against her almost knocking both to the floor. With each thrust Mary would try to stretch out Sadie’s asshole more and more. Finally she withdrew the strap on and shoved it up her daughter’s ass with no regard. Sadie was squirming and moaning but it wasn’t up to her mother’s approval. So she grabbed the vibrator that Sadie had been using earlier turned it to full power and shoved it into her pussy. This caused Sadie face to wrinkle as she yelled out in pleasure. Finally after a constant slamming she screamed out and her body went limp. We were all spent. Finally Mary got up grabbed us all a bottle of water. The two girls both moved to the couch were I was. As their mother came back into the room she said, “Macy I think you made a good choice!” They all laughed as Macy stroked my cock. Mary said I was welcomed over any time and that this would happen on a regular basis. As I began to throw my clothes back on Macy kissed me and said, “Thanks for the night!” I replied with “no problem” and also mentioned that we was having another one later on that night. She cocked her head sideways and said “I don’t think I can make it and for me not to pick up another girl.” I laughed saying, “Baby what y’all just put me through I don’t think I could manage another girl tonight.” She smiled and kissed me as I walked out to my car. I checked my phone and saw five text and three voicemails all from the guys asking where I was. If only they knew what I had just done.

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War on Geminar prt 2

I really want to thank you all for the positive support of my first story. I worked a little harder and tried to catch more of my spelling errors and I tried not to rely on spell check so much to catch my mistakes. A little side note there isn’t a lot of sex in this story either as I wanted to build the story first. I do hope you enjoy this next installment, and remember all feed backs are welcomed and taken.
A lot of things ran through my mind as I waited for the signal of the ambush. Mainly being the situation I currently found myself in. I am stuck in a foreign land, and no real clue on how I am supposed to get back home. The people that found me, has made a deal with me. I am to help then in a plot to over assassinate the current ruler of Shtrayu Empire for the chance that they will send me back to my home.
Another thing is the fact that somehow I can pilot this huge and strange robot called a Scared Mechanoid with just the thoughts from my mind. To be honest, it’s almost too surreal I was actually piloting the mechanoid. Almost every morning I expect to wake up in my grandparent’s cabin and found out this was all a dream.
What I have gathered so far, the mechanoids move with the when a compatible pilot touches the cocoon of the dormant mechanoid and they unite with the mechanoid. The controls are operated by two orbs on both sides of the pilot’s chair that help link the pilot’s mind with the mechanoid. They are powered with an energy call Aho. I guess it is some kind of radiation in the air that is not lethal but it does take a special type of person to use mechanoids do to the pilot’s resistance to the Aho energy. The Aho is collected from the air and used by the Aho reactor generators. It seems like mostly women have this resistance and very few men.
The mechanoids themselves are a sight of wonder and amazement. They start out as robotic skeleton frames surrounded by this clear cocoon. As a pilot enters the cocoon they are surrounded by a bubble and lifted through the cocoon into the robot skeleton’s chest. The rest of the cocoon material becomes the mechanoid’s armor, and from what I have seen no two mechanoids are the same. I’m guessing here but since connected to the pilot’s mind the mechanoids take on the pilot’s personality, talent, or strengths.
These Scared Mechanoids are used as weapons of mass destruction because of the power they wield. One mechanoid could easily wipe out an army without much effort. Doll told me that is why there is a limited number of mechanoids accessible to each empire. That number is controlled by the Church of the Holy Lands. She also explained that when a mechanoid pilot isn’t recruited by a military or empire they are none as ronin pilots. Many are skilled enough or have a low endurance to the Aho energy.
To add on everything else was the whole assassination plot I was a part of. Getting myself mixed up in killing a queen of the empire just so I could go home wasn’t sitting too well with me. This went against everything I was ever taught by everyone from my grandparents, my mother, and my sensei teachings. The fear of never going home or seeing any of family and friends ever again was just too painful. So, I rationalized my part in this coup d’état in being I was just a diversionary tactic for the man in the mask to kill the queen. I was to distract the queen’s body guard and draw her into a fight away from the queen. I didn’t have to do any of the killings. Doll, the green haired beautiful girl who piloted the black mechanoid, was to support us from the air with a long ranged riffle and make sure no one interfered from outside of the ambush zone.
Damn it, and then there was Doll. She had been my teacher and trainer in use of the mechanoid. She was actually the only one that I had any real interactions with for several weeks. Sure, there were others that would spare with me with mechanoids but I rarely got to talk with any of them. I knew I was starting to have strong feelings for her to the point of fantasizing about being with her most of the time. Then to have been caught by her as I was jacking off mortified me. I’m such an idiot for doing that before this mission.
Then to make matters even worse were the cramps in my stomach and the cold sweat pouring from my body. I figured it was just nerves play havoc with me before the fight was to begin. I began to meditate and slow my breathing down. I needed to get a hold of myself so I don’t screw up my one chance at going home. I didn’t want to die on this world or go back to that prison cell.
“Kenneth, get ready the ship is about in range. You will go on my signal and attack the ship to draw out the queen’s body guard.” The man in the mask commanded.
I powered up my Scared Mechaniod and watched as my displays came into view to see a floating island with a castle built towards the rear of the ship. The ship had to be around a quarter mile long. The bottom of the island looked to be rock. The island castle almost seemed like it was pulled from the ground and fitted with these engines on each side.
When the ship was the predetermined spot I began my attack. I took off in the air and headed straight for the front of the castle at full speed. Now was the time to take my destiny in my own hands and do what I needed to do to get back home. Nothing was going to stop me from my goal.
As she boarded the Swan, Queen Lasharra was mostly pleased with the way the crowning ceremony. Since the death of her parents, everything in her life had unraveled. The Prime Minister Babalun Mest had stepped in and taken control of the empire while she was attending the Holy Land Academy. She had just started her 9 grade classes when the accident happened.
Lasharra had taken off school so she could return home to be crowned the queen in front of the empire. Lord Babalun had suggested that this would help the people unite under the government’s leadership. The crowning ceremony would also assure the other empires of their strength. Just because the Shtrayu Empire had lost the former rulers their daughter was more than capable in ruling the empire into the future.
She was very much honored the Pope of the Holy Lands allowed her to take the Scared Mechalord and use it in her crowning ceremony. The Scared Mechalord was a very ancient and powerful mechanoid built by an ancient race called the Senshi. It was very rare for the Scared Mechalord to be used outside of the Holy Lands Academy where it was usually stored.
The Swan took off and set its coarse back to the Holy Lands Academy. Queen Lasharra was very anxious in getting back the academy for a couple reasons. The first was to return the Scared Mechalord and the burden of having such an ancient relic aboard her ship. The second was the feeling that forces were beginning to move in and take the crown from her as well as her life.
Babalun was not a man she trusted completely. She had heard rumors about him wanting to have the crown for himself, but she had nothing to support those rumors. As a Prime Minister, Babalun was very good at his job over seeing the country while Queen Lasharra was away attending school. She also knew that keeping him in the position would be easier to keep tabs on him. If he was planning something the world’s spotlight would be on him at all times. Babalun couldn’t just seize power outright without the watchful eyes of the other nations or causing a civil war in the Shtrayu Empire.
Since leaving the Shtrayu boarders and crossing into Shurifon Kingdom Lasharra felt a bit more at easy. She didn’t think anyone would be foolish enough to attack her ship in Shurifon Empire. The dark elf race was ferociously territorial about their lands. The king had given her safe passage through his territory. She also knew Princess Aura Shurifon would be on patrol and she would be meeting up with her to escort her on the final leg into the Holy Lands and finally the Holy Land Academy.
Lasharra and her entourage had gathered in the hanger bay looking over the Scared Mechalord when the alarm sounded. They were under attack by an unknown Scared Mechanoid. Chiaia Flan ran to the window of the hanger bay to see if she could recognize the mechanoid. As she saw it come into view she gasped at seeing a solid white mechanoid. To her memory, a white mechanoid has never been recorded or heard of until now.
She turned to Lasharra to explain the situation of the white mechanoid attack on the Swan when it was rocked by explosions. “We would like you to capture this white mechanoid pilot to question her Chiaia. So do be careful in not banging her up too badly.” Lasharra told her bodyguard.
“We have several questions to ask her about this attack.” Lasharra continued.
“As you wish your majesty.” Chiaia answered crossing her fist over her heart in a salute.
Chiaia ran across the hang disrobing her uniform she was wearing revealing a body suit that showed off her amazingly tight body. Her red hair and bright green eyes seemed to top off the rest of her 5’4 tall 110 frame. Her 36c breast seemed to be barely contained in the mechanoid pilot’s suit.
Chiaia placed her hand against her Scared Mechanoid’s cocoon and she entered into the bubble that took her into its cockpit. After her mechanoid finished with its transformation it stood up. Chiaia’s mechanoid was an elegant rose pink colored cross between a humanoid and a fox. The long bushy tail of the mechanoid was a lighter shade of pink as were the ears of the mechanoid.
Chiaia pick up her sword then proceeded to exited the hangar and complete her mission of capturing the mysterious white mechanoid’s pilot. She was very confident in her abilities as a Scared Mechanoid pilot since she was in the top of her class at the academy. There were very few pilots that could make her in a one on one dual. Plus, she was to be knighted as a Scared Mechamaster upon her return to the academy.
She flew out the hangar and chased the white mechanoid to the front of the ship and where she engaged the attacker. Chiaia got a better look at the white mechanoid noticing the long horn on top of its head and thick tail. Even standing across from her the mechanoid took up a strange fighting stance as they each sized each other up.
Chiaia announced to the mysterious pilot if she was willing to surrender peacefully no harm would come to her. After a brief standoff between the two Scared Mechanoid pilots neither mechanoid moved. Chiaia not being one to hold back in a fight lunged forward with her first strike hoping to catch the white mechanoid off guard or the very least judge her opponent’s abilities.
They easily blocked her attack with its sword and using their free hand gave a quick but powerful grab to Chiaia’s midsection. Chiaia jumped back to avoid the blow and revaluate her assailant. Running at her the white mechanoid spun at the last second bringing it sword down at her in a board high arch that took every bit of her skills to block. Many lesser pilots would have been crushed with such a fierce attack.
Chiaia knew right then her opponent was no mere ronin mechanoid pilot. From the last few seconds of this battle she knew whoever this girl was, she turned out be an elite mechanoid pilot, and that this threat was very serious. Chiaia also knew that this wasn’t going to be an easy fight, nor was she so confident on its outcome anymore.
She fired a small wrist laser at the white mechanoid in hopes of landing a stunning blow with her next attack. As the laser beam hit a bright light showed the shadow of the mechanoid, and Chiaia seize opportunistic moment and attack the white mechanoid with a crossing slash, but it didn’t hit anything where not but a milliseconds the white mechanoid stood. As the light dimmed she didn’t see any signs of the mechanoid. When a glimmer of light reflected off the sword making her look up and the white mechanoid came down from the air with another mighty blow that brought Chiaia’s mechanoid to its knees.
As the fighting outside commenced the masked man in his blue Scared Mechanoid entered the hanger in search of the Queen Lasharra. Standing by the Scared Mechalord on the second level was Lasharra and Ulyte Mesut. Ulyte Mesut was one of the Holy Land Academy’s most popular teachers as well as Babalun’s younger brother. The mysterious blue mechanoid raised it shield and sword for the attack that would complete their mission. He first fired a stun beam into Ulyte so that it didn’t look like he was anyway related to this assassination.
“Who are you and who ordered you to attack us?” Queen Lasharra demanded the blue mechanoid.
“Prepare to die Lasharra.” The mask man in the blue mechanoid answered.
Lasharra took that time to try and escape around the Scared Mechalord only to be blocked by the blue mechanoid’s attack. Outside the fighting intensified as Chiaia was firing a barrage of laser blast at the white mechanoid. The white mechanoid dodge all of the laser blast but was becoming more aggressive with its attacks that it was all Chiaia could do to keep a little distance between them. The blue mechanoid started to bring down his sword to kill Lasharra. The white mechanoid outside seemed to power up for its next attack. This caused a trigger in the Scared Mechalord to give out a thunderous growl taking everyone by surprise.
The Scared Mechalord has never reacted or been powered up since its discovery. This distraction was all green armored mechanoid need to ram the blue mechanoid out of the way allowing Lasharra to escape further into the ship.
Stunned and off balanced the mask man yelled out, “The Scared Mechalord? What is happening, and where did that other mechanoid come from? There was only supposed to be one mechanoid on the Swan!”
Wahanly Shume was a mechanic and inventor that came from the Barrier Workshop where she worked with Chiaia’s father Naua Flan. She had attained the queen’s coronation and hitched a ride with her friend Lasharra back to the academy. Wau to her friends stood about 5’5 and weighed about 110 pounds. Her complexion was very soft and smooth and her purple hair gave her a pixie quality about her. Her breast was 34b and the rest of her body was very slender. Wahanly’s mechanoid was what you expect a mechanic to look like. It was brown and heavily armored. Though it was surprising agile with many extras Wahanly personally invented.
Proud of herself Wahanly turn back around facing the blue mechanoid readying her lance as it turned its attention to her. “Oh yeah, I just rescued Queen Lasharra like a pro!” she exclaimed.
“Point totally scored for me.” She continued.
The mask man scanned the area looking for the last chance in assassinating Lasharra saw her disappear into the build out of reach. “Lasharra has escaped! How dare you get in my way with such and inferior mechanoid? I shall show you no mercy for this intrusion!” he shouted.
Turning his rage towards the pilot of the green mechanoid he backed out of the hanger to give himself some room to destroy this interloper. The green mechanoid followed the blue mechanoid as it entered the darkness of the night. Once the green mechanoid appeared past the hangar doors the blue mechanoid attacked giving the green mechanoid a barrage of sword strikes driving it closer the edge of the Swan.
“Just a little more, and then I’ll show you what I can really do.” Wahanly smirked as she reached the edge of the side of the Swan.
With his next strike the masked man sent the green mechanoid over the edge of the Swan in a sudden free fall. Seeing his opportunity in finishing his opponent the blue mechanoid drove in after her to drive his sword through the cockpit.
Lasharra emerged from her balcony to watch the battle taken place around her ship. Seeing Wahanly’s mechanoid go over the edge and the blue mechanoid go in after her Wahanly raised her specially outfitted lance and fired a round into the shoulder of the blue mechanoid shattering it completely.
“So this is the famous gun powder, we have heard so much about. We are just impressed with it Wahanly.” Lasharra smirked with glee at seeing the blue mechanoid driven back by the impact of the shot. Hearing the explosion of the shot Chiaia realized the white mechanoid was a decoy and turned to head back to the hangar.
Taking in the damage done by this new weapon the pilot of the blue mechanoid called for Doll to come in a rescue him. “This is bad, my mechanoid is too damage to continue this any longer.” The mask man said to himself. As he turned to make his escape the green mechanoid blocked his route and took aim again at the blue mechanoid.
Just as Wahanly was about to fire on the blue mechanoid she started taking damage from laser blast coming in from above them. The black mechanoid Doll piloted came in firing and took hold of the blue mechanoid and withdrawing him to safety.
Wahanly not wanting her test subject get away switch weapons from the lance to a strange stick she was holding. “Wait right there I still have a bunch more stuff I want to test out on you.” Wahanly said as she cocked the weapon in her hands.
“Wait now the there is a black Scared Mechanoid?” Lasharra gasp at the sight of it lifting the blue mechanoid out of the battle.
“Falling to pieces already?” Doll smirked as she asks the masked man.
“Silence! Take me to a safe location immediately!” The man in the mask shouted.
“Is that anyway to talk to the lady that just saved you?” Doll retorted.
“Hurry it up Doll!” he said exasperated.
Wahanly took aim and began to fire on the two escaping mechanoids. Doll moved the blue mechanoid into position to block the incoming rounds Wahanly was firing at her. Noticing the tactic the black mechanoid was using to protect itself Wahanly said:” Oh wow that hurts. I feel bad for her, but not bad enough to stop.” As she continue to fire at the retreating pair of mechanoids.
Doll used the blue mechanoid as cover returned fire as she continued to make their escape from the battle. As they made it out of Wahanly’s range, she turned her sights towards the white Scared Mechanoid still fighting with Chiaia.
“It’s just you and me now!” Chiaia told the white mechanoid pilot as they clashed swords together.
“Useless imbecile! We failed because you couldn’t hold them at bay! Now, I have to retreat thanks to you. You must take the responsibility of your error and kill Lasharra by yourself. If you should success I’ll keep my promise and return you to your home.” The man in the mask told the white mechanoid pilot.
Chiaia noticed the pause in its attack as if they were distracted, and she took the advantage striking with a series of well place attacks. She wanted to drive the white mechanoid back into the side of the castle and hopefully pin it a draw out the pilot into surrendering.
Chiaia took another step in her continued attack when all the sudden the white mechanoid dropped to all fours and its tail swept her feet out from under her. “Its tail?” she exclaimed. In all her years of training and fighting with Scared Mechanoids she has never once seen anyone use their tail.
The white mechanoid turned to finish the job of assassinating Queen Lasharra but was blocked by the green mechanoid of Wahanly. “Now it’s two against one. This is going to be easy!” Wahanly said excitedly.
“Don’t count on it Wau. She is skilled and her fight stance is very powerful. Beside what are you doing out here? I thought you were in the workshop.” Said Chiaia.
“Is that anyway to speak to the person who saves the queen? Besides you looked like you needed a little help.” Wahanly explained. “Besides, you were supposed to capture her and not kill her.” She continued.
“Yeah, so I was.” Chiaia said dejectedly.
As the two mechanoids surrounded the white Scared Mechanoid getting ready for a joint attack it release it Aho reactor’s limiter. That sent a surge of power throughout the white mechanoid increasing its speed and strength radically.
“What? She removed her reactor’s limiter!” Wahanly exclaimed.
Just as the words left Wahanly’s mouth the white mechanoid turned on Chiaia’s pink mechanoid and with one hand strike to her arm the white mechanoid severed the arm at the should joint and knocked Chiaia mechanoid to the ground. Then it turned its sights towards the green mechanoid of Wahanly.
“What is that thing, some kind of monster?” Chiaia asked.
Wahanly began to fire her cannon that the white mechanoid. “Come on, hit it already!” she yelled as she quickly emptied her cannon at the white mechanoid.
“That Scared Mechanoid pilot is true amazing.” Lasharra gasped at witnessing the attack.
“How can she still be going without the limiter?” Chiaia asked in a panicked voice.
“I really don’t know how she can keep going; she should have passed out by now with that much Aho flooding her system.” Explained Wahanly.
With blazing speed the white mechanoid was upon Wahanly as it was grabbing the green mechanoid’s head and lifting it off the ground by one hand. “Oh crap, I think I just peed myself!” cried Wahanly as she was staring at the face of the white mechanoid too close for her comfort.
Just as if all was lost the Aho reactor started glowing bright blinding everyone. The skin on the scared mechanoid started rapidly turning black and the blackness was spreading up its legs. The white mechanoid grabbed its head as if in pain but no sound came from the pilot.
“Now what is happening?” Chiaia asked shielding her eyes from the blinding light.
“She’s hit her operational limits!” shouted Wahanly. “The reactor is over accelerating!” she cried.
The shockwave of Aho energy emitted from the whit Scared Mechanoid flood into Wahanly and Chiaia’s mechanoids causing them to reach their limits. When that happens a terrible sickness over comes them both. The strains on Wahanly’s body cause her to pass out since she was right next to the white mechanoid.
Even with hitting her limited Chiaia tried to attack the white mechanoid with a one handed blow from her sword. As the white mechanoid’s right arm turned complete black it fell off. Chiaia seeing this she lunged with her sword at its head hoping to bring this battle to an end.
With a twist of its body the sword missed its mark and sliding along the shoulders until its tail wrapped around the sword pulling it from Chiaia’s hands. With a powerful thrusting kick the white mechanoid sent Chiaia’s pink mechanoid hurtling through the air before crashing back into the ground. In vain Chiaia tried to get her mechanoid to respond to her but the damage was too extensive.
“NO! Wahanly!” cried Chiaia but she noticed that her mechanoid had reverted back into its cocoon state. “Oh please not now.” Chiaia panicked as she watched the white mechanoid running toward the castle were Lasharra was still watching from her balcony. Chiaia disengaged the link to her mechanoid and started exiting the cocooned mechanoid.
How I made it out of the battle I wasn’t sure. All I do know was both of the mechanoids I was fighting were down and the way to Queen Lasharra was wide open. This was the only silver lining since this all started. The man in the mask failed to do his job and put the blame on me. Now if I want to go home I have to see this to the very end all alone.
Before the battle I thought my nerves had gotten the better of me, but now after all is said and done my body is retching from the pain that seem to worsen as time goes on. The sweating and chills seem to come and go at random. It almost feels like a bad flu or maybe it’s some other kind of virus from this world that my body has no immunity to fight it.
Regardless what it is I need to finish this job before anything else happens. I steer my mechanoid toward the castle but the damn thing is falling apart. Half of the frame of my mechanoid has turned black causing one of my arms to fall off and one of my legs. I am left using my tail and remaining limbs to the castle and climb up to the balcony.
I guess I have pushed my mechanoid too far because when I disengaged the link nothing happened. The mechanoid powdered down but the cocoon never formed and I seem trapped in the bubble. The only thing left to do now is use the knife that doll gave me and break through the bubble. Using all my strength I ram the blade into the bubble. The blade pierces the bubble and I am able to cut enough of the skin to work my hands through it and rip the rest of the bubble out of my way so I can escape this mechanoid.
As I start to climb out of the cockpit my foot slips on some residue left behind from the bubble and I start to fall to the ground. I managed to grab the edge of the cockpit but my right was cut on a piece of metal. This is turning into a real cluster fuck between the sickness coursing through me and the job at hand it is hard to not wonder if it could get any worse.
Search my way along the balcony for Lasharra since this was the last place I saw her. Trying to stay in the shadows I don’t know if I could take any prolonged fighting at this point. My body is feeling so drained that just walking is such a daunting task. So my best chances are stealth at this point of the game.
I around the corner of the balcony to see Lasharra facing away from me looking out in the night. She almost seems like she is waiting for me and then she says “That was quite the show you put on out there Scared Mechamaster.”
Well since she already is expecting me I didn’t want to be rude and keep her waiting. I emerged from the shadows into the moonlight to face her as I drew my blade. This is the first chance I get to see the queen up close. The light from the moon makes her golden hair shimmer as if it were truly spun of gold. Her blue eyes seem to sparkle and shine as if they have a light of their own. The moon light looks like it is dancing across her soft white skin. To say she was just beautiful would be an insult to her. Another thing that struck me was she looked so young. If I had to take a guess, she couldn’t be any more than thirteen, or fourteen years old.
“You! You’re not a female?” Lasharra asked as her eyes widened in shock.
“No, I am not a girl.” I told her.
“Well then, we wouldn’t mind being killed by a Scared Mechamaster as strong as you.” Lasharra countered.
That statement hit me hard coming out of such an angelic young woman voice. The thought of robbing any world of such beauty and grace was just too much for me. I just couldn’t live with myself to do what was asked of me and kill her in cold blooded murder. I let the knife slip from my hand as I made up my mind. I was going to take her back to the masked man’s ship and he could do his own dirty deeds. I figured this was the best compromise available.
“Let’s go, I’m taking you back with me.” I told her.
“Oh? Are you saying you wish to elope with us?” Lasharra said mockingly as she put her hands on her hips. “To say that it isn’t an every so tempting offer, but you seem to be suffering from a nasty case of Aho sickness. Unfortunately, you are hardly up to whisking us away. Although, it is rather impressive you can move after everything you have done.” She continued.
Just then, the door behind me slams open and I could hear a single person’s footsteps coming up behind me in what I knew they were going to attack. The attacker lunged just as their foot was right behind me so I bent forward a second before the attack came. I grabbed the wrist holding the weapon and brought it over my shoulder in a simple throw. As the weapon came into my view, I took it out of their hand by bending their wrist slightly further back while they were in midair. They let it drop right into my hand.
I would learn later it was Chiaia that landed on the ground in a roll and came up by Lasharra to protect her from me. “It seems you still have some fight left in you.” Lasharra said with a smirk. The incursion from Chiaia triggered something that lit every pain receptor in my body off at the same time. Dropping the short sword I had to fight back the urge to vomit with what little power I had left in my body. That seems to be my biggest mistake because as I stopped from throwing up my brain felt like a drill just passed through my skull and was boring deep into it. The world went black as I stood there holding my head, and then I felt like I was falling into a deep void of blackness and pain of like I have never known.
“Hold on he’s a…he’s a guy!” Chiaia said as she straddled my waist with her hands on my chest. If things hadn’t gone so wrong and were different this would be a dream come true. Laying here on my back with an incredibly gorgeous woman straddling me, but as it was I couldn’t even think as the rest of my world slipped away from me into the void.
Chiaia grabbed for the sword and brought to a position to plunge it into the assassin’s heart. As she brought the blade of the short sword down in a killing blow Lasharra shouted at Chiaia to stop. Chiaia was able to stop the blade mere millimeters from breaking the skin.
“It is my duty to kill this assassin for attack your highness. Not only did he try to kill you but he broke into your bedding chambers. You know only one man is allowed in there and that is your future husband.” Growled Chiaia steering down at Kenneth.
“This fine.” Answered Lasharra.
“But if people stared to don’t the purity of your majesty it would damage the reputation of the empire.” Explained Chiaia.
“Which is not a problem, if those people never find out.” Lasharra told her. “But, primarily he is a precious witness in this assassination attempt. “She continued.
“I know Scared Mechamasters are rather rare it is difficult to believe someone would use him as an assassin. “Said Chiaia.
“We doubt he is even a true assassin. If he truly serious he would have kill us when he walked through the door. Whoever decided to use him in their plans elected to use him as a sacrificial pawn. Who is to say we could not take him for ourselves now?” explained Lasharra.
“But why would we take him?” asked Chiaia.
“Think about it, he is a young powerful male Mechamaster. We would think he would sell for a high price do you not agree? Asked Lasharra. “Or maybe we shall just keep him for ourselves and sell his sperm to the highest bidder. Can you imagine the children of this Scared Mechamaster would be like? We believe he could be the start of a new kind of power struggle throughout all the empires.” She continued in her thoughts.
“Place him in the holding cell and tend to his wounds Chiaia. We shall entrust his care to you.” Commanded Lasharra. “Oh and do remember Chiaia no one but us is to know anything about his true identity. At least not yet, and when we have had some time to consider how to deal with this business.”
“As you command Queen Lasharra.” Spoke Chiaia holding her fist across her heart.
Lasharra adjourned to herself to the bedroom for the night leaving Chiaia there alone with Kenneth. She stood there several minutes thing about this strange mechanoid pilot. She knew everyone that attended the High Land Academy and yet she has never seen him before. Remembering the fight, she was very impressed with his tactics and fight style. In some ways she was rather attracted to him.
Leaving him there for a minute she wheeled back a gurney that she would use to take him to the hold cell. As she loaded him she noticed the cut on his arm was still bleeding. His clothes smelled and were in need of washing. If he was going to have any interaction with the queen the least she could do was clean him up and make him presentable for her highness.
After getting him loaded on the gurney, Chiaia pushed him toward the infirmary to address the cut on his arm first. While she was pushing down the hall toward the infirmary she was met in the hall by the senior house maid Mahya. When Mahya asked about the man in the gurney she told her he was a witness to last night’s attack and may have information on the assassins. Mahya assisted Chiaia in tending to his wound and taking him to the holding cell. After he was loaded in the cell Chiaia asked Mahya to help her undress him so she could wash his clothes so when the queen would question him he would be more presentable.
“Now Chiaia, you wouldn’t be peek into the gentleman’s undergarments would you?” Mahya teased Chiaia.
Turning red almost instantly Chiaia stammered “What? No, no of course not!” she stammered.
Before she could explain anymore Mahya escorted Chiaia out of the holding cell. “Don’t you worry about a thing Chiaia,” I’ll take care of it from here she told her. Besides, how would it look to for the queen’s bodyguard to be found stripping a man?” Mahya continued.
Chiai couldn’t speak or come control her imaginations. The thought of seeing such a strong good looking man naked seem to stir something inside of her. Getting herself under control she agreed with Mahya and left the room. Mahya on the other hand did want to see this handsome young man naked.
She wasn’t ashamed at the idea but then at forty years old chance of see a naked man of his age came far and few. Especially one that had blonde hair, with light blue eyes, and he had such an innocent baby face. He had to be just over six foot tall with broad chest and thick muscular legs. Mahya start removing his shirt and running her hands along his chest and stomach she could also feel his strength beneath his smooth skin.
His shoulders and arms seem well defined, so she figured he worked on a family farm or something like that. When she started unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants her heart began to quicken. She felt like a school girl again getting her first glimpse at a man naked. Once they were loosened she removed his shoes and started pulling on the pants legs. Every so slowly his pants lowered, and her excitement was building higher and higher. When the pants cleared his hips is when she saw his manhood coming into view.
She finished removing his pants from his body but her eyes couldn’t leave the thick, soft five inched cock. Her last lover had been this long hard, so her imagination was running wild with curiosity at how long this man’s erection would grow. She could feel the familiar itching of her arousal spreading throughout her body.
Mahya didn’t think time had been too cruel to her. She could still bed just about any male workers on the Swan. She stood at five foot eight inches tall and weighed close to one hundred and thirty pounds. She always amused herself in that must of her weight was in her breast. Her 36 DD cup breast always got the attention of men as well as women. Her slender waist and long toned legs were another favorite of her lovers, and many of them love to run their hands through her long dark brown hair. Of course, a few of her lovers found her cute round little butt to be mouthwatering since them would smack it and kiss it often enough.
Mahya love to fool most people that didn’t know her personally into think so was this refined and proper woman. One fitting to be the royal Head of Maids when in her personal time she was a wild woman. So, it came no surprise to her when she reached down and took the five inch soft cock into her hand and bent down to run her tongue across the head. She tasted the slightly salty sweetness of cum from the head and smirked to herself.
“Oh you naughty young man, wasting such tasty cum for your own satisfaction.” She chased the unconscious man.
Placing her hand at the base of his soft cock to keep it pointing up she used her other hand to softly caress his pair of heavily cum filled balls. She ponder when he last been with a woman if ever. The thought of him never felt the touches of a woman thrilled her to no end. She took his cock back into her mouth sucking it into her mouth, and running her tongue along the underside of his shaft until she reached the head. When the tip was barely in her mouth she ran her tongue around the head and pressed the tip of her tongue into his slit. Then she repeated this several times. On the fifth time down she could feel it starting to grow in her mouth.
The excitement factor of this just stepped up and notch when she felt the blood rushing into the cock filling and expanding it while it was deep inside her mouth. She began to swallow with the cock growing in her mouth feeling it growing until it hit the back of her mouth and start to grow down her throat. Never in her life had she felt her mouth so full of cock. Not only did the length grow but it thickened quite a bit. This had put her into a frenzy of lust. Her only regret was this young man wasn’t wake so she could hear his moaning for herself.
She removed her hand from his balls and hiked up on the hem of her dress so she could finger her wet little pussy as she sucked this beautiful cock to the finish. She just had to have his cum inside of her one way or another. She resumed sucking his cock but it had become harder and harder to force it down her throat to get the entire length of his cock inside of her mouth. Resided to the fact she wasn’t going to be able to do it she placed the hand holding the base to her mouth and using it as an extension to her mouth and went back to jacking and sucking his cock in earnest.
By the goddess this boy was blessed with the most amazing cock she had ever come across. She couldn’t believe the length or thickness of his cock. Her small hands couldn’t even wrap all the way around it, and she had already gagged herself several times in an attempt to swallow his monster.
Mahya doubled her effort to bring this monster off in her mouth. Then she felt it beginning to swell some more as she knew he was about to cum. Mahya added and twisting motion to her hand and mouth hoping this would seal the deal and reward her efforts with the tasty cum she craved so much for. The fingers in her pussy and rubbing her clit were bringing her speeding towards her own climax. It was simultaneous their climax hit at the same time. Mahya moaned her orgasm with the cock deep in her mouth with the head of his cock stretching her throat and his cock released a flood of cum straight down her throat. It was all she could do to swallow the first load or choke it back up along with his cock.
Being the greedy lover she was, she refused to give up on either. She did manage to pull back the spurting cock so she could savior his cum. It shot three more times of his thick sweet and salty cum filling her mouth causing it to seep around the edges of her mouth. She began to swallow some of the cum that was in her mouth and using her hand to milk the cock from the base to the tip to ensure she took every last drop he had to offer her.
Mahya, being the good house maid start to lick clean his cock making sure not a drop of his cum was wasted. She felt the nectar of her orgasm start to run down her leg after it started seeping past her panties. She knew that she had spent far too long alone with this boy, and knew if she didn’t hurry that someone might discover her extracurricular activities. Once she was satisfied he was properly cleaned back up she put the blanket over his body and gathered his clothes to have them washed. She closed the door to his cell and made her way down the hall to the laundry room.
“Good morning Miss Mahya.” Said Angela. Angela was one of her subordinates and fellow house maid.
“Good morning Angela. That was some excitement last night wasn’t it.” Mahya answered.
“Wow, it sure was. Did you happen to see that white mechanoid? I was really worried for Queen Lasharra and Lady Chiaia for a moment.” Responded Angela. “By the way Miss Mahya, you seem to have something on the corner of your mouth. Did the chief make some of his famous pastries again?” Angela asked her.
Thinking fast, she took the droplet of cum from the corner of her with her index finger and sucked it into her mouth. “Err, yes I had him save me one from yesterday in the kitchen. I guess you found out about my guilty obsession. Please don’t make a big deal about this and keep it between ourselves.” Mahya said with a wink of her eye, and walked off before any more questions could be asked by Angela.

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Closet MILF

Shelly Wright always threw the best women-only house parties the weekend before the Superbowl as a kind of special reward to all the women that would have so much work to do for each of their own big football parties the following week. The night was still pretty young, but Heidi decided her early morning plans would probably be harder to keep if she continued socializing and drinking with her colleagues from work. Leaving her coworkers house early would also alleviate the amount of grief she would receive from her husband, Jason, for the next week or so for staying out late and partying without him.
Shelly was a gracious hostess and tried feverishly to get her friend and guest to stay for the real fun, but did not argue too strongly against the early departure because Heidi had told her she wanted to sneak out unnoticed if possible and avoid all the questions. Heidi’s hand fell comfortably into Shelly’s as the two talked and made their way through the other women toward the large coat closet to fetch the scarf and coat Heidi had arrived wearing.
Heidi always dressed the sharpest of all the women. That night she had worn a hot pair of velvety black pumps with her favorite short black mini skirt and a low cut, tight fitting knit blouse under her sexy blazer that revealed a generous amount of her abundant cleavage. Shelly complimented Heidi on how hot she looked one more time as she opened the door to the walk-in closet and gave her friend a quiet goodbye before returning to her party.
Just as they separated but before Shelly turned away, she whispered softly in Heidi’s ear and gave her a gentle nudge. “Be careful in there honey.” She warned playfully. “That is where the strippers are hiding.”
Before Heidi could respond, the door closed behind her and she found herself surrounded by total darkness. She reached blindly for a light switch so she could find her coat, but she was so nervous or excited that all she could think about was whether what Shelly told her was a joke. She turned to head back toward the door, and ran into what felt like a very well built, muscular man. Frozen and unable to speak a word, she simply remained against the man for an awkward moment that seemed like an eternity.
The tall stranger’s hands had caught Heidi’s narrow waist when she bumped clumsily into him and held her right where she stood. “Wow.” The man spoke in a soft, confident whisper. “This has to be one of those once in a lifetime chances to privately fuck a total stranger in complete darkness that most people only read about.”
Heidi stammered, pretending to be appalled, but before she could speak she felt another man move against her from behind and grind his hips gently into her at the same time his hands cupped each of her heaving breasts tightly and pulled her petite body against his. Heidi swallowed hard and her nipples jumped instantly to attention in the arousing grip of the second stranger.
The tall, strong man in front of her slid her skirt up smoothly over her hips and kissed her deeply on the mouth without speaking another word. Heidi’s heart was pounding with excitement and nervousness. The feeling of helplessness gave her a brief excuse to let the seduction continue, a moment long enough to allow her mind to go down a path that discarded her ability to think rationally. Her mouth opened with pleasure and a soft squeal escaped her. She had never been with more than one person at a time, but had always fantasized of it. There was the danger of being caught by all of her friends. It was forbidden because she was married. All the reasons that seemed to tell her it was wrong before only turned her on more once inside that closet.
Heidi could feel her juices flowing in a way they hadn’t done since she was a teenager. This stranger was such a good kisser that she nearly forgot about the man behind her until she felt his thick, throbbing cock pressing against her naked backside. She started feeling faint she was so excited.
“You want to fuck don’t you?” The man in front of her whispered as his lips broke from hers.
“Yes.” Was all Heidi could muster and she felt so strongly about the answer, she repeated it. “Yes.” She said again.
The next thing she felt stole her breath for a moment. “Oh my God!” She exclaimed as the biggest cock she had ever felt made one smooth glide so deep into her that it felt as though her stomach was being pushed into her chest. “Oh yes, I do want to fuck!” She said, trying to contain her excitement to a whisper.
The man in front of Heidi took a step back and pulled her over with him, bending her at the waist. “Suck it.” He whispered softly, gripping her hair tightly in each of his hands.
Heidi didn’t hesitate to carry out the stranger’s order. She loved being told what to do and she loved sucking cock. Her mouth quickly found the thick swollen head of his bone hard cock and slurped it loudly inside. Heidi tried as hard as she could to focus on giving a great blowjob to the stranger, but she was busy being fucked by a cock that felt almost twice as long and probably twice as thick too. Each time his hips thrust that beefy tool into her hot, tight pussy, she couldn’t help but gasp with the most pleasure filled pain she had ever felt.
The thrusts from behind started slow and long and gradually settled into a smooth steady quick pace that had Heidi’s hungry mouth bouncing on and off the cock in front of her just as smoothly. The strangers whispered to each other the entire time about how hot of a fuck Heidi was and were constantly giving orders on how to suck or fuck their cocks.
Heidi could feel the big cock inside of her stretching her muscles each time it throbbed inside her and she knew even through the silence he was about to climax. She wanted to beg for it, but her mouth was stuffed too full to speak.
“Oh, FUCK!” The big man whispered as quietly as he could and filled Heidi with a generous flood of his hot, manly spunk. “Ugh.” He said, squeezing out another blast. “Ugh, yes!” He grunted again. “Man that pussy is hot.” He said, sliding his enormous member out of her and stepping back.
Heidi dropped to her knees with exhaustion, but her mouth continued to glide on and off of the other strangers thick vein ridden shaft right behind her slobber soaked hand that jerked him wildly. Her experience told her that when his hands tightened, the reward was near and she buried his cock as far into her throat as it would go, letting him blast his load down her pipe. She held him into her until his body relaxed and then she sucked his cock clean.
It took a moment for the blood and the adrenaline to stop racing so quickly, but once they did Heidi stood, composed herself and reached for where she had laid her coat earlier. She quickly put it on and carefully slid unnoticed from the party.
Once in her car, Heidi turned on the dome light and tried to hide the just fucked look she now wore. Her panties were soaked with cum and her hair was a mess. She searched for a piece of gum to hide the smell of sex from her breath, but had none in the car. She resolved she would just use the excuse of having to get up so early the next day to shower at night instead and hoped that would satisfy her husband’s curiosity.
It was only a short drive to her house from Shelly’s, so Heidi was home almost instantly after leaving. Pulling in the garage had her heart racing even faster than it had when she entered the closet. Remorse should have been setting in, but it had been so exciting, so spontaneous and so unexpected that all she could do was replay it all in her mind and she found herself still extremely aroused.
I was sitting at the kitchen table when my beautiful wife walked in the door. I stood up and greeted her with a hug. “Wow, baby.” I said, “You look great, did you have a good time?” I asked innocently.
“Great party.” Heidi told me. “I came home early because I have to get up so early tomorrow though.” She said, trying unsuccessfully not to sound frazzled.
We had been married for fifteen years and I can tell you until this night I had never been more turned on by her. I grabbed her hair tightly in my hand and kissed her deeply. “Baby.” I said, “I’ve wanted to fuck you all day.”
She tried to resist at first and I knew she was trying to get out of it, but I tugged her skirt hard and it dropped to the floor around her ankles and I dropped to the floor with it, burying my face in her strong, sexy, freshly fucked pussy. I devoured her there, slowly lowering her to the floor and listening to the shrieks of pleasure crying out as her first orgasm of the night shuddered wildly through her totally aroused body. I sucked her gently down from her high, being careful not to take her beyond that point of sensitivity. When her body finally quit shaking, I pushed myself up and gave her a sweet kiss on the mouth.
“Don’t you want to cum baby?” She asked, still squeezing her breasts tightly in her hand.
I let my cock slide into her pussy and whispered softly in her ear. “Baby, you sucked me off in the closet at Shelly’s house.” I confessed. “But I’ll cum again.

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