Cum Swallowing

Teacher, Teacher chapter 11

The twins have taken complete control over Julie, Dawn and Sandy, They have trained them to be submissive slaves unable to resist any command. Now as the get ready to sell them off a wrinkle appears in their plans

Draconic Transformations 2

I flapped my wings, flying higher and higher. I suddenly stopped my ascent and just began to soar. I loved flying. I loved the feeling of the wind of my wings, splitting at my head and rolling over me all the way down to my tail. The sun, now so much closer shinning on my back always felt amazing.
I brought my wings in and began a dive, corkscrewing through the air. Dives are my favorite. I continued to fall, my speed and excitement growing. I let out a loud road that echoed around the mountains that were my home.
I had been living here for the two and a half years since I was turned into a dragon. I still see Emeral from time to time, but not as often as before. Once the mania at my old home had calmed down she went back to her cave just north of it. I continued to live in the cave where she turned me into a dragon. Dragons never live together, for several reasons. For one, nowhere can the land support two dragons. For another, dragons are primarily solitary creatures. That works for me; I prefer to be by myself most of the time. Although I do wish she would stop by soon, I have not seen her in a while. We both agreed that I should never visit her, the people where I live are terrified of dragons and if they knew one lived just north of them they would freak out and attack her, even though she means them no harm, and they are more likely to find out if she keeps having visitors.
I live in a mountain range that stretches north to south on the western end of the continent. The southern end of the range boarders the ocean. The water there is pure blue and warm, cold never bothers me anymore, since I became a dragon, but warmth makes me feel so alive. I will often go for a swim and not come back all day. I can not breathe under water but I can hold my breath for days. I have never reached the max of my ability because I have had to eat and drink first.
I continued my dive until I had but a few meters left before I hit a shallow river. I spread my wings pulling out of the dive, my claws brushing the surface of the river. I continued to follow the river flying south. It turned right and I did, dipping my right wing into the river.
The mountains on either side of me began to get closer together the more I followed the river soon there would not be enough room for my wings. I began to flap my wings to get higher and higher. But the mountains were getting too close. I had mere centimeters on either side of my wings. I knew that I would not be able to keep my wings open much longer, and when I had to close them I would begin to fall towards the river below me. I continued to flap, rising higher and higher, and then at the last possible second I closed my wings.
I continued rising for a few seconds then began to fall. I kept my body ridged and began to spin. I fell like a spear. I kept my body perfectly strait as I fell closer and closer to the water below. I had only 50, 40, 30 meters left. The mountains were continuing to close in on me. They were becoming closer and closer to my sides. It as unclear what would happen first, that I would collide with the water or the mountain.
Then with less than five meter from the water and the mountains I broke free of the mountains and fell into the ocean below. I swam further and further down till I reached the ocean floor. I landed there on my feet and looked up. I was so deep that even with my improved vision and the clear water, I could make out little of the light above me. I then pushed up and swam as fast as I could towards the surface. Breaking it with a roar, I flapped as I hard as I could to gain altitude. I angled myself towards my cave, and flying over the mountains, flew home.
In less than ten minutes I landed on the main entrance of my cave, stretched out in the sun and lay down. “What, no hello for an old friend?” Said a female voice in my head
Surprised I looked up. “Emeral, I did not see you.” I got up and walked toward her. “It is so nice to see you. It has been to long, I had begun to think you had forgotten about me.”
She laughed. “Oh Jack you are still so human, no I could never forget you. No it was just that things were very busy around the city. The king and visited and security was increased 10 fold, there were powerful magicians everywhere, far more powerful then those native to your town. If I had flown to long they would have sensed it and I would have been found out.” Dragons flew not just from their wings but from magic, every time they flap they send out a little bit of magic that helps keep us up. “If I had flown for too long I would have built up too much magic around me and the magicians would have sensed. I had enough trouble getting enough food let alone leaving to visit you.”
“You know next time that happens you could leave beforehand and stayed here for as long as he is there, I would prefer it, the king’s xenophobic nature is worst than anyone else and you could not possibly get away from his sorcerers.”
“I would have if I had known, since you left I never know what is going on in the city.” She leaned in a kissed me. “Enough talk for now it has been too long.”
I kissed her back. We stood there kissing for several moments. She then broke the kiss and lowered her head to my now erected 1 meter cock. She kissed the tip of it. Then she let her tongue slip and licked my piss whole. I growled my pleasure. She then began to wrap he tongue around my cock as much as she could. However it barely covered 50 cm. “Oh Emeral, I remember back when I was human you were able to completely cover my cock with you tongue.”
She growled her displeasure that I dare question her ability. “Ok let me see you do better.” I hesitated for a moment, thinking it was weird to suck my own cock. Dragons are not as strict in their sexual preferences as humans (a trait I inherited) but I had still never been with a male. I had never been with anyone but Emeral. “Oh Jack what is it, afraid you won’t be able to do any better?”
“No way” I lowered my head down to my own cock and started wrapping my tongue around it. “Sit back so I can see.” Emeral demanded. I did as she asked, sitting on my but and lifting my tail behind me (a position I don’t usually use) my cock sticking strait out into the air.
I began to wrap my tongue around my cock. Although I had never done this before I had a much longer tongue then Emeral and managed to get over 60 cm covered. It was an interesting sensation, my tongue felt different than Emeral’s. It felt really good. I began to rub my tongue against it.
Emeral, mad decided to hit me with her tail knocking me to the ground. I let out a small roar of pain and let go of my cock. “What did you do that for?”
“Nobody likes a showoff.”
“Still you did not have to hit me so hard.”
“Oh I am a wimp huh?”
“Yep, what are you going to do about it?”
I leapt at her spreading my out my legs to pin her legs and wings. However before I had finished her hind legs heaved shoving me over her. Her fore legs grabbed mine and she flipped on top of me. “You may have a bigger body but I have the experience over you. “
“Experience huh, prove it.” I then leaned up and kissed her. The last few minutes now completely forgotten she kissed me back. While still on top of me she lowered her head back down to my cock. “You may be able to rap it around more but I bet you cannot do this.” She then began to deep throat me, deeper then she had ever gone before. Her muzzle was touching my pelvis. She began to create a sucking sensation in her mouth around my cock. I let out another growl. She rapped her tongue around my cock again. I loved it when she gave me blowjobs.
I lowered my long body over her and stretching my long neck as far as I could and got all the way around her back to her nice, already wet pussy. I licked it; I loved the taste of her. I licked it again. Emeral began to growl now. I lowered my muzzle down to it and gave it a kiss, then without lifting my head I sent my tongue out again right into her pussy. I extended my tongue all the way into her pussy until it could not go anymore then doubled back until my fork tipped tongue was sticking out of her pussy. I then began to create as much distance between the two halves of my tongue as possible pushing up against her pussy walls. When I could not push anymore I brought the two halves of my tongue back together then back out.
Emeral let out a roar of pleasure. “Oh Jack, Jack…Jack! That feels so good” I continued to do that for several minutes. “Oh Ja…ack. Oh…Jack…I’m cum…ing.” I shoved all of my tongue into her and expanded as mush as I could. “Ah…ah…Ahhhhhhhh” Large amount of her juices started flowing out of her. I filled my mouth with as much as I could (which is no small amount) and swallowed the rest.
During her orgasm she had let go of my cock but she went right back to her administrations. She began to deep throat me but this time instead of rapping my cock with her tongue she let it slip of her mouth and lick my asshole. My growling which stopped when she let go of my cock started up again, creating bubbles in her cum juices that were still in my mouth.
I lowered my head to her back and let a little of her juice squirt out of my mouth and onto her back in a thin line one and a half meters in length right down the middle of her back. I did this two more times on either side of this line parallel to it. I then did several more lines going perpendicular to these lines. Then making sure not to let any more of her juices slip out I stuck several centimeters of my tongue out of my mouth and began to use it to spread her juices on her back.
Her back was shining with a nice sheen from her juices when Emeral decided to stick her tongue into my hole. My growling got louder. She began to pump her tongue in and out of me while continuing to suck on my cock. I lowered my head down to her ass and put my mouth against her asshole. I pursed my lips and shot some of her juices into it. “Oh Jack, that feels amazing. Don’t stop.” I pursed my lips even more increasing the pressure of the flow even more. I continued to spit her juices into her ass for almost ten minutes. As I did that she continued to pump her tongue into my asshole. As every second passed I got closer to cumming but I did not want to yet so I held it in as hard as I could.
Eventually I could not take it anymore. I squirted the last of her juices into her, splashing a lot onto her ass and pulled my cock out of her mouth. “Not yet Emeral” She looked at me evilly, but pulled out her tongue.
I walked around her and got on her back aligning my cock with her pussy. But I did not put it in just yet; I just held it there, the tip of my cock resting on the entrance of her pussy. I had my forelegs on her shoulders not touching her back.
“Oh Jack please.” I smiled evilly at her and began to rub my cock up and down against her pussy. “Jack you are so cruel please I need your cock in me.” I continued to rub for a few more seconds then quickly and without warning shoved my cock into her. I then lowered my fore arms to the ground so my chest was lying on her back. I began to pump my cock in and out rubbing my chest against her lubricated back.
I was already so close that it did not take me long to reach my climax. I came into Emeral several times. It lasted for over thirty minutes. The feeling of my cumming in her pushed Emeral over the edge and she had her second orgasm. We let out simultaneous roars of pleasure.
After we finished I pulled out of her and we lay down, I wrapped myself around her and slept.
Dragons are not monogamous. We do not have the same relationships that humans do. We will have multiple sex partners at once. I know for a fact that Emeral slept with another female dragon named Ainagi a few times in the last few years. I personally have not even met another dragon.
The next mourning the two of us flew together for a while then a little after noon she left for her own cave. I decided I needed to go hunting. A few hours later I was eating a couple of mountain goats reliving last night’s excitement. Just thinking about it made me get hard. I looked down at my lengthening cock. I let out a sigh and got up, thinking that I would go for a swim.
I leapt into the air and used an updraft to rise above the mountains heading south. I coasted most of the way there. When I cleared the mountains I dove down into the water as deep as I could.
I found a hot water jet at the bottom and lay in the hot water for a while. I looked up, although still at the bottom of the ocean I was not as far from the surface as I was last time because a mountain was growing here, and saw a full moon shinning down into the water. The moon was closer than usual, a giant white or just floating there in the ski.
I just lay there for about ten minutes watching the moon when there was a large splash right above me and a large shadow passed over me from whatever it was that made the splash passing over me blocking the moonlight.
It was about 5 meters in length, had a long tail and bat-like wings on either side. It was a dragon. At first I thought it was Emeral, but when it passed through the moonlight again I saw that its scales were a deep reddish color.
I froze; I had never met another dragon and did not know how to respond to it. The other dragon continued to swim around for a few minutes until it spotted me. “Well are you going to just sit there or are you going to join me.” The voice was definitely female. Without knowing what else to do I kicked off and began to swim up to meet her.
When I got there she began to swim around me. I began to swim around her countering all of her moves in a sort of underwater dance. The other dragon was amazing. She performed moves flawlessly that I had never dreamt of. Our dance continued for hours, until the moon went down behind a mountain.
The other dragon stopped, flapping her wings slowly to prevent sinking. “Follow me.” The other dragon said to me. She turned and began to swim just south of the growing mountain that I was laying on earlier. There was a drop off at that point and she swam right into it. I hesitated for a moment. I had never been that deep, but then I though that I would always be able to just swim back up I am no where near out of air. So I dived down right after her.
The water began to grow darker and darker. I could no longer see the moon behind more or the other dragon ahead of me. I did not know where I was going and I began to feel nervous. I could crash right into the bottom of the ocean and I would have no warning. So I began to slow my decent. Then I began to make a faint light at a few hundred meters down. I started to head toward the light.
The light came from a cave entrance. I swam into the cave. The cave angled upward and I continued to swim through the cave. Then all of a sudden the water ended and the cave leveled out. I climbed out onto the dry, solid ground and took a deep breath. The other dragon was standing there looking at me. I looked at her. My earlier estimate of about 5 meters seemed to be accurate. She was a deep ruby red. She had a stouter muzzle then Emeral and smaller ears to match. She was much thinner than Emeral too; she looked more like a giant snake with legs and wings then a dragon.
“I am sorry I did not know any other dragon lived here. I am Lenicha, what is your name?” She asked me.
“It is not a problem. I am Jack, nice to meet you. How long have you been here?”
“I have only arrived yesterday but I used to live here a few years ago. Well it is nice to meet you Jack.” She gave a small laugh when she heard my name. I looked at her questioningly. “Well it is not a usual dragon name. It sounds more like a human name.”
“Well that is because I used to be a human.”
“Really now that is interesting, how did this come about?”
“A dragon named Emeral turned me into one.”
“Ah the old powers, well I hope she knew what she was doing, we have had a lot of problems with humans that turned into dragons.”
“Most began to war with the humans and take their land and gold, killing and burning wherever they go.”
“Oh I do not want anything like that; I just want to be left alone.”
“Humph, just be warned, as a rule we dragons are not a unified bunch but if anyone of us starts to harm any sentient being we will unite against them to stop them.”
“I am forewarned.”
“Very well I am sorry to have bothered you; I will be out of here in a few days.”
Still feeling a little horny from earlier that evening I became a little more daring then I would normally be. I said, “Well there is not reason why we can not have any fun before you leave.”
She gave me the evil smile Emeral usually used just before sex. “Well aren’t you the bold one. I don’t know, have you ever had sex with a dragon other then with that other dragon, Emeral you said her name was.”
“Well no, but I bet, if you are as good as you dance that you would be an amazing teacher.”
She let out a loud laugh. Oh you do, do you. I am better but what make you think I would be willing to teach you anyway.
“Well you will be well paid for it.”
“Oh I will, will I? Prove it.”
“OK.” I lowered my head to hers and kissed her. I broke it after a few seconds. “Is that enough proof for you?”
She gave me another of her evil smiles. “I don’t know, I pretty skeptic, I think I need a little more convincing. It was my turn to laugh but I lowered my head and began to kiss her again. She let my tongue into her mouth and I let her tongue into my mouth. At the divide of our mouths she wrapped her tongue around mine and continued into my mouth. I let my tongue explore the inside of her mouth.
She was definitely very experienced. She was doing things that neither Emeral nor I thought of. And her very actions were instructive. They left no doubt what she wanted me to do next and this was just a kiss.
Our kiss felt like it went on for ever, although it could not have been more than ten minutes. I did not want it to end but at the same time I wanted her to proceed because if she is this good at kissing then I wanted to feel the sensations she will cause me to feel in sex. She eventually broke our kiss and my body, seemingly moving of its own accord moved forward to try not to break the kiss.
“Did you enjoy that?”
“Yes it was amazing.”
“That was nothing. Just wait.”
She opened her mouth made as if to bite me. She put a little pressure against my scales at my neck with her teeth but not enough to pierce them or even to cause pain. She wrapped her tongue around my neck and began to lather my neck in her saliva. After she had completely covered my neck she began no move her head down along my torso.
She continued down my torso using her tongue to moisten as much of my front as her incredible long tongue could reach. As I watched her I was amazed at how long her tongue really was, it is longer than mine, I though. As if reading my thoughts Lenicha said, “Yes my tongue is my special trait, it is longer than any other dragon’s I have met.”
When she got down to my already fully erect cock she began to wrap her tongue around it just as Emeral had done. However unlike Emeral or even me she was able to completely cover my cock with her tongue, from the very tip to the base. She even had enough tongue left over to play with my balls with her forked tongue. She began to constrict my cock a little bit with her tongue and then loosen it. She repeated this over and over again which sent a wave of new sensations over me. I had had sex with Emeral plenty of times but she was never able to make me feel this good.
She stopped playing with my balls; dismayed but the sudden lack of pleasure there I looked down and saw her tongue working its way behind me. Then I felt her warm tongue against my hole. She began to lick around my moistening it. The probed my hole with one of the two forks on her tongue. I was surprised how far it went it, is felt about 6 cm to me. She then had the other fork of her tongue continue to swirl around the outside of my hole. I began to growl in the pleasure of it again. The combination of sensations felt so good, I almost came but I held it in because I did not want it to end yet.
She continued her administration for another ten minutes, at which time she removed her tongue from my ass. I moaned my displeasure until she started to massage my balls with her tongue again. But then I felt something I was not expecting. The tip of her tail was resting at the entrance of my asshole. She began to gently push it in. I felt a little pain but not too much. However the longer she did it the more pain was replaced by pleasure. Then eventually I felt her tail slide into the hole.
Now I had had Emeral’s tongue in my hole before but never anything so large. At first pain shot through me like I couldn’t believe but then it quickly died down and was replaced but a strong feeling of pleasure. She began to pump her tail in and out of my ass, all the while continuing her ministrations on my cock. She began to pump her tail in and out of me faster and faster. My growls quickly were becoming roars of pleasure. I could not take it anymore I had to cum.
Sensing this Lenicha removed her head from my cock but continued to thrust her tail in and out of me. Even without her blowjob I still came a few seconds later, blowing my load all over her head, neck and torso. And this was no small amount; this was one of my largest orgasms ever. Her naturally red scales were nearly completely covered in white on the upper half of her body.
She lowered her head to her torso and licked some of the cum off her and swallowed it.
“Um you taste good. Your turn, you made this mess now clean it up.”
Smiling at her I lowered my head to her torso and began to clean her scales of my cum. As I licked my cum off of her body I kept it in my mouth and when it was full I would life my head up to meet hers and give her a deep kiss sharing my cum with her. When my mouth was empty I would lower myself back down to my remaining cum on her body and start licking it up again.
When I got to her neck I decided to try on her what she did on me and gave her a light bight on her neck while gathering up my cum from her neck. She began to growl in pleasure. Wanting her to experience as much pleasure and she had generated for me as I was cleaning her I brought my tail around to meet her pussy and in one quick sharp motion I shoved my tail inside of it.
Lenicha was so surprised by it that she let out a great roar. Once I got my tail in as far as it would go I quickly pulled it almost out then pushed it in again. I began to pump my tail in and out of her as fast as it would go and soon her roar turned into one of pleasure instead of one of surprise.
As I continued to clean her of my cum I got to her face which was nearly completely covered in my juice. As I began to clean her face her tongue came up to meet mine and danced around it while I licked up the cum. I got a long line of cum onto my tongue and placed it cum side down onto her tongue. The taste of my tongue mixed with her saliva was amazing.
Lenicha, using her considerably longer tongue, licked a huge patch of my cum from the thickest concentration of it left on her face and rapped her tongue around my sharing the flavor. I pulled her tongue into my mouth with my own tongue and we began another deep kiss.
Our kiss was suddenly broken however when Lenicha let out her loudest roar yet, I felt her vaginal muscles tighten on my tail. I knew she was cuming. I was surprised, I knew she was enjoying it but I had no idea that she was even getting close.
“Oh Jack that was amazing, I was not expecting that one.”
“Neither was I.” I admitted
“Hum, seems we have a natural here, maybe I will get something out of teaching you after all.”
“What do you still need convincing?”
She smiled her evil smile at me. “Have you ever tried anal?”
“Nothing but what you did not me earlier with your tale.”
“No I mean have you ever given someone anal with you cock?”
“No I admitted.” It was actually surprising where my home town was not the most open about sex there were a few positions one had to try, that everyone knew about, once you were sexually active, anal being one of them. I was surprised I had never thought to do that with Emeral.
“Well then wanna try?” If possible her smile got a little more evil looking.
I smiled back at her and without saying anything I pulled my tale from her pussy and got and her and lined my newly re-erect cock up with her asshole. I tried to push it in but found that it was too tight.
“No you have to loosen it first, try using your tongue.”
I nodded at her and lowered my head to her hole and stuck my tongue out in a brief flick tasting her hole. I had done this a few times for Emeral and was always surprised that it was not as bad as I would have expected. I began to circle my tongue around her hole just and Lenicha had done to me. Then I stuck one of my forks on my tongue quickly into her.
Lenicha roared in pain. “Slower than that, you have to give it a chance to loosen up.” I nodded and tried putting my tongue into her and but this time much slower. It worked, instead of a roar of pain I heard growls of pleasure coming from Lenicha. I stuck the second fork into her and got an increase in her growling.
First few centimeters of my tongue were now fully incased in her asshole.
I began pumping my tongue in and out of her asshole, gaining speed and depth with each pump. Lenicha’s growls were quickly becoming roars.
“Oh…O…Ja…ack… Please I need yo…our cock in me…Oh Please…Jack.”
Smiling I stopped my pumping but with my tongue nearly 50 cm into her ass and slowly began to remove it. Lenicha moaned in anticipation.
“Oh Jack, why do you toy with me so?”
I didn’t answer. I only slowed down my removal of my tongue. Lenicha let out a roar of anger and pleasure. “Oh please Jack, I need your large cock in me now.”
I didn’t do anything about my tongue however I did bring my tail around and begin to rub it against her pussy. This did not help her mood any, she was now so horny and I refused to give her what she wanted. She leaned her head down to where my tongue was entering her asshole and wrapped her tongue around it and yanked it out of her ass.
“Now no more game and fuck me up the ass.”
I aligned my cock with her asshole as I did before but this time felt that it was much looser and ready for my cock. I bushed it in and at the same time had my tail, which was still rubbing her pussy, end her as well.
We both let out loud roars of pleasure, her from being doubly penetrated, and me from this new experience of giving someone anal. Despite all that I did to loosen her up it was still very tight on me. I began to pump very slowly in and out of her ass with my cock while my tail was once again pumping in and out of her at full speed. However the longer I went the faster I became.
I began to feel pressure on my asshole as I did earlier. I looked back and saw that Emeral was working her tail into me again. I looked at her and saw she was smiling at me. I smiled back and leaned in to kiss her. We stood there kissing for several minutes; Me, pumping my cock in and out of her ass and my tail in and out of her pussy, while she was pumper her tail into my ass. This was all getting too much. I was so close to cuming but I fought it with all my strength. I did not want to cum so soon and end this experience.
I knew I was so close. Then, when I pushed both my cock and my tail as far into her as possible, Lenicha let out a huge roar and I heard her project, “Oh Jack…I’m Cuming.” Then I felt her clench down on my tail and cock. This was just too much, I let load my second load of the evening and surprisingly it wasn’t any smaller than the last one, if anything it was bigger. Together we came for over 45 minutes, me filling her ass so full of my cum that it spilt out around my cock and got my entire pelvic region covered in my own cum.
When finally I we finished cuming I pulled my cock out of her (leaving my tail in) and lay down next to her. She kissed me again. Then she looked down to where I was covered in my own cum.
“You know I did it for you, it is the least you could do.”
“Trust me I would have done it anyway.”
She lowered her head and began cleaning me up just as I had cleaned her up, right down to kissing me and sharing my own juices with me.
By the time she had finished I was hard again and ready for some action.
“Well aren’t you the resilient one?”
She continued to suck on my cock. I, not wanting to be left out, removed my tail from her pussy and inserted my tongue in its place. I re-adjusted my body so my head was closer to her pussy and my cock was closer to her head.
I folded my tongue back over itself as I did with Emeral those long years ago and began to pump in and out as hard as I could. Her juices were already beginning to flow. I was lapping them up as best as I could but a lot still got around my and spilled out onto my face, neck and upper torso. I began to separate the two sides of my tongue pushing not just the back wall but also the side walls of her pussy. Every time I pulled my tongue back I would slap the two halves of my tongue together, splashing more of her juices over me.
At the same time Lenicha was had her tongue wrapped around my cock but in the opposite direction as before. She had the beginning of her tongue wrapped around my balls, gently squeezing them, and continued up the length of my cock so the tip of her forked tongue was near the tip. She then proceeded to insert of the forks into my piss hole. I was surprised it would fit, but the tips of her forked tongue easily fit into it. However she did not get far in before she had to stop only about a centimeter. But leaving it in there she swirled the other around the top of my cock, causing the part that was in my cock to swivel around. It felt amazing. I began to feel my balls began to tighten, but I fought it. I was not ready to cum. But I knew it would not be too much longer.
I began to massage the outside of her pussy with my claws. I could tell, from her breathing and the how much she was growling that she was close to cuming, and I knew she knew that I was also close but we were both determined not to be the first one to cum.
Lenicha grabbed my cock around her tongue and began to jack it off. With the extra pressure on it and the increased movement of her tongue against my cock made me almost cum right off the bat but I managed to get control of myself.
In return I inserted my left claw up to my wrist, without retracting my tongue. It then began to open and close my hand, rubbing my fingers all over her pussy. I then began to push my arm further and further into her, all though I did not get much more than a few centimeters pass my wrist. However that seemed to be working, her breathing quickened significantly and more juices cam flowing out of her, but she was not cuming yet. I growled in frustration.
Lenicha laughed. “You are not going to get me so easily.”
“Yah well me neither.” I said, pointing to her hand and tongue around my cock, although sounding a lot more sure than I felt.
“OK then.” She then opened her mouth all the way and covered my cock so that her nose was touching my pelvis. She then produced enough saliva to cover my cock. Letting it sit there for a minute she then began to suck the saliva away then spit it back at my cock, letting the flowing water massage it. This was more then I had ever experienced, she was good. I was not sure I was going to win this, however she had reminded me of something.
I begun to gather as much of her liquid in my mouth as possible, nearly filling it. I then, removing my arm but not my tongue, started to spit it back out in a thin, powerful stream back into her pussy. At first I did a long powerful stream into her, and then changing it to short bursts into the places she liked the most, all the while continuing with the pumping and expanding of my tongue and the rubbing of both my hands again against her pussy.
The two of us continued with this for several more minutes. It was plain that the question was not if we would cum, but who would cum first. I could let got at any second and cum and I knew that Lenicha was the same way.
I then felt my balls tighten, I tried to fight it but it was not use. I let out a roar of pleasure, releasing the rest of her juice all over myself, at the same time she did. We both came at the same time. I let load several loads of cum into her mouth but it was too much for her to handle and most of it landed on her face again. Also a large amount of her vaginal juices came out, and same as her I could not handle it all and most of it landed on my face.
I looked at her and she looked at me. Both of us were covered with each other’s juices.
“Maybe we should clean each other up?” I offered.
“Sounds like a good idea.”
As we licked each other’s faces clean I asked. “So teach, did I pass?”
“Oh you did more than pass, you got an A.”
And when we licked the last bit of cum of each other’s faces and began another deep kiss, sharing the tastes on our tongues; I was once again thankful towards Emeral for making me a dragon.
Lenicha left the next day to look for a new home and I did not see her for years to come.

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What Mary gets up to…… part 6

This is the story of Mary, she is sixteen, during her summer school holidays she works at the hotel her parents own. This story needs to be read in order for continuity, this is what she gets up in that holiday……

Tristen, My Daughter’s Friend (chapter 3)

Jay is a 40 year old married man who recently fucked his daughters best friend one night when she spend the night at his house. The line gets pushed back again in this chapter as Jay involves his daughter some on a free weekend.

Explicit powers Chapter 3

Sorry for the long wait. Please read chapters 1 and 2 to fully understand whats going on. Please constructive critisim only. Resuming from chapter 2

Lost luggage

This is the first story I’ve ever made. So give me any comments you fell you should post. I didn’t know what to write about so I just wrote something that popped in my head so here it goes.
I was standing in front of baggage clam to get my luggage. I was tired and my ass Hirt from sitting so damn long on the airplane. 13 hour flight isn’t fun at all. And to make everything worse it was about 5 snow flakes away from being a full blown blizzard. I thought Fairbanks Alaska would be a nice cool place in the fall. Boy was I wrong. All the sudden the conveyer belt stops as well as my heart. No bag.
“Son of a bitch!” I said under my breath. I looked around hopefully that I was at the wrong number. I went back to the board and double checked. “Nashville, number 5”. I look at the big number 5 above the very spot I was just standing at. “Son of a bitch!” I repeated only at a normal tone of voice.
I finally strode over to the lost luggage like I had something shoved up my ass. Walking up to the desk I didn’t see any life, at all. But it was 1:30 in the morning so I could understand that with a small population. I walked up to the desk to find it abandoned. The only thing at the desk was a pad and pencil and a bell that you ding when your food is ready.
“Ring for assistance” I read out loud. Giving the bell one sharp ding I waited for a few moments. “I’ll be right with you” I heard from the back. Finally she came out of the back and I had to remind myself to shut my mouth. The first thing I noticed about her was that she was of Native American decent. She had light, copper like, skin. Long black hair to accent her big brown eyes.
And had the body of a model. Long legs. Nice, perky, breasts. And a warming smile that made me forget about the snow storm outside.
” Hi. How can I help you?” I lost all train of thought. I just stared for a few moments.
” Umm ya. My bag kinda didn’t show up”.
” Ok. Let me see if I can find it” she began to type way at the computer before her. I couldn’t help but look at her beautiful eyes as she took a sip from her coffee. Did she have coffee when she walked out? Does it matter?
“What’s the name under?” I lazily handed her my ticket and told her it was coming out of Tennessee.
“Sooo. That explains the accent.”
“Is it that noticeable?”
“Ya. We don’t have many people from the south. But I just love the way you talk”
“Thank you. I wish I could say somethin nice about this place but” I pointed out the window.” I can’t see any of it.”
“You’ll get used to it. It’s supposed to stop by the end of tomorrow.”
“I hope so. Rednecks aren’t any good frozen.” She let out a soft giggle.
“Ohh” she breathed as her soft smile faded away.
“What is it?” I asked concerned.
“Well. I found your luggage.” There was a short pause before the continued.
“It’s in JFK airport”
“New York?! How the hell did it end up over there. That’s on the other side of the country!”
“I’m sorry sir” she said timidly.
“I can have it here in…. Two days” I let my head hang low as the have me the bad news. Man. What am I gona do. That had all my clothes and I’ve got to fly to Nome tomorrow. My boss was going to be pissed. But right now I had to think of a place to stay. Cheap. The company was going to pay for my room and board but I was a little short on cash.
I looked back at her. She was almost wincing. As if I was about to smack her and she know it.
“Do you know of a cheap place to crash for the night?”
“Ummm the cheapest place around here is $139 a night” I sighed in protest.
“Is there nowhere else?” She just nodded her head and said I’m afraid not.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t have any money. Everything was paid for in Nome.”
“Well. I have an extra room in my trailer. It has heat and everything. You can stay in the extra room”
“Would you mind? I’d hate to impose”
“No. I don’t mind at all. I’m just trying to help you out”
“Well thank you. I can’t thank you enuff” I then pulled out my cell phone and let a unfriendly voice mail for my boss. I then seen the beautiful girl walk up next to me.
“I get off in 15 min.” I just nodded and continued my voice mail.
The rest was kind of a blur. I suppose it was from not sleeping on that small ass plane. But the next thing I know. In at here house. She showed me around and told me to make my self at home. I decided that now would be a good time to use the rest room. When I came out I could see that she was in her room with the door barley cracked. When I walked up to it and utter a single word I froze in place. Though the small crack in the door. I could see her getting dressed. There she was, in the buff. Her breasts seemed to keep the same shape as before. It seemed she didn’t even have to wear a bra.
I was in shock at how beautiful and how even her copper tan was. By the time I started looking at her lower parts I noticed she was staring right at me. I almost had a heart attack. I quickly turned and left. Sitting down at the living room seemed the only thing to do after that. And even then I didn’t seem right. She walked into the room covered in a bath robe carrying some blankets.
“Here you go. You might need a few. Because this trailer doesn’t hold heat well.”
“Oh. Ok. Thanks.”
“You ok?”
“I’ll be alright.” I said trying not to sound nevus.
“Ok yell I’m off to bed. Goodnight.”
Laying in bed I couldn’t stop thinking about how firm her boobs were. Soft and round. Nipples hard from the cold weather. I could feel my dick slowly getting harder. The more I thought of her the harder it got till the point I thought it was going to explode out of its skin. Just about the time I pulled my cock out my door opened. I jumped at the sudden movement. I felt like I had been commuting a crime. I seen her sweet face come into view.
“Can I come in?” Dear god
“It’s your house. Um ya. Come on in”
She can strolling in with those long dark legs. And sat on the bed next to my raging hard on. Only then did I see that I was pitching a huge tent.
“I hope I don’t make you uneasy. But I’m really cold. Would it bother you if you slept in my bed. So we can stay warm?”
Dear god!
“Um ya. Ok. I’ll follow you.”
About the time she stood up she glanced down at my circus tent. The back at me. And walked away. I waited for a moment to see if my penis would at least soften. No such luck. So I waked into her room with a blanket in front of my dick. She was already in bed.
“Just lay that blanket next to the bed just incase.”
“Ok then.”
After doing so I eased my way in between she covers. I was careful to have my back to her so she wouldn’t see all of me. Finally settled in I closed my eyes to try and sleep. With my member standing tall for some attention I knew it was going to be hard. Then out of nowhere. She lays her arm across me. My eyes shot open. Her skin was so smooth and warm. Then I seen something that made my heart skip a beat. The bath robe she was wearing earlier was in a pile on the floor.
“No need to be so shy.” She said as she pressed her naked body against my bare back. What have I got myself into?
“But… Um…. We just meet.” I could feel the precum ozzing it’s way out.
“I know. That’s what makes it so much more fun.” She then reached around and took my long shaft in her hands.
“Besides. I know you want it.” She moaned. Slowly stroking my dick.
“I seen you looking at me when I was changing. Oh god your cock is so hard. Ummmm. Let me suck it please.” She purred. I lost all control. I slid my boxers down as fast as I could. The moment my dick sprang up to life she put it in her warm wet mouth. She just held the head of it in her mouth for a few moments. She looked deep into my eyes.
Her face seemed to glow in the dim light of the snow. Still keeping eye contact she slowly started to swallow my pole. The low the got the more I moaned in approval. Finally she reached the base of my dick. She then began licking my balls with the end of her tongue.
“Oh god that feels good. Just like that baby.” She finally came up for air after it seemed like she would never let up. She then began to lick it all over.
“It taste so good. It makes me so wet when I can taste his big juicy cock” she moaned
“Your mouth is so warm. Can you lick my balls? I want your sweet mouth all over my fucking nuts”
“Hmmm you want it?”
“I want so bad! Please baby? I want to feel your tongue slither all over my balls!” I begged.
“Ummm…. Ok” she then sank down to my balls and then began to massage them with her warm mouth.
“Ohh that it baby. Lick my balls.”
After a few minutes of that she jumped on top of and began to grind her sweet clit on my rock hard member. As she began to moan loudly I could feel how wet she really was.
“Fuck me with your big cock you stud. Show me how you so it in the south.” That was all the motive I needed. I didn’t take much effect to slide my penis inside her tight pussy.
I began to fuck her hard from the bottom as I held her body wight by her boobs. Her tits felt even better than I ever imagined. She moaned and panted as I repeatedly rammed my cock, hitting her gspot. She tried to keep eye contact with me. But she just felt so good and couldn’t stop her eyes from rolling back into her head.
“Ohhh god. I’m going to cum all over your fucking cock.” She breathed. And then let out a scream as her body was hit with waves of pure pleasure. I could fell her juices surrounding my stiff prick. She rolled over on her back with her legs straight up. I easily entered her. And resumed my ramming motion.
“Ohh fuck. I’m gona cum baby.” I could start to feel my balls tighten. I started pumping harder and deeper.
“Cum on my face you fucking stud”. That was all the motivation I need. I pulled out and held her face close to my cock. I shot rope after rope into her sweet face. She kept eye contact the entire time I sprayed my load on her face. She didn’t even blink.
When I was done I watched her wipe the cum off of her face and eat every last drop. After she properly cleaned her face we fell asleep in each others arms. I began to wonder. What was in store for me tomorrow? So I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
So tell me what you think. I would like to make more story’s(better than this one) so if you have some tips let me know.

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My journey to Crete

Hello to everybody who is actually reading this. I’d like to make a few statements about this story. First, it’s a tale with some real rough sex in it. If you like romantic gf sex, feel free to move on. Second, I use abusive, discriminating and humilating language in here, especially against women. If this offends you, please don’t read it. Third, everything you read in here is fictional – but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do it if chance came along. As in my story, it’d have to be consensual. Now please enjoy my story and feel free to critisize fairly. Since I think about writing a pornographic novel in this style, I also like to know whether you would buy something like that.
A holiday on crete part I
Let me introduce myself to you first. My name is Andrew, I’m 35 and with 5′ 10″ and 160 lbs. I consider myself quite an average-looking guy. Last year, my marriage broke up after 4 years of love and 1 year of pain. Luckily, there were no kids to consider so after the decree came through, there was no need to see my ex-wife again. But I have to admit that the main reason for our split was my suppression of my secret desire. When I married her, I was aware of my dark side but also sure I could keep it under control. When it broke out with force a year ago, there was no way to keep our relationship going. What exactly my dark side is? Well, just follow me on my trip to Crete and you will find out…
After my divorce became legal, I decided to go on a holiday for two weeks just to set my mind on other things. My company agreed, so I looked on the internet for a cheap but comfortable offer. 3 days later, I was on a plane to Crete. The hotel was in a city near the airport with small, but clean-kept rooms at reasonable prices and the food was good.
It was on the second day in the evening when I first noticed this waitress. I had just sat down with my dinner when she came to my table. She was not the kind of woman I was usually interested in – fortyish, skinny, nearly flat-breasted and just a little smaller than me – but the look in her deep brown got me somehow. I had trained myself to search for it in the last year and after a split second of thought, I let my dark side take control of me.
She turned around to address me. Looking straight into those lovely, weak eyes, I imagined me pushing her to the wall in my room, raising her up. She greedingly wrapped her legs around my waist, allowing my cock to thrust forward into her willing cunt. I conjured up all the feelings of lust, greed and desire in this situation and directed them at her.
She had started to ask: “What would you like…” but then our eyes locked. Overwhelmed by the rush of emotions coming from me, her eyes grew larger. Still fucking her in my mind, making her moan and scream with my hard, long strokes I finished her sentence.
“To drink, you mean? A glass of wine would be nice.”, I said pleasantly. But my eyes never left hers, and in my mind we were getting near to our climax.
She fumbled her pen and had to fight for her speech. She started stutter:”A-a-alcoholics are not incl-cl-cluded and have to be paid …” She drifted off. Unable to tear her eyes away, she was lost in the heat of her emotions, which were both mysterious and irresistable for her.
“I know. Why don’t you put it on my rooms tab?” I said in a gentle voice. But in my mind, I fucked her ferociously. As I flushed her my key to show her my rooms number, I imagined me shooting my load into her while she screamed her orgasm in my ear. When we came together in my mind, I heard her breathe deeper and saw her knees buckle a bit.
I knew I had won, so I looked away at my key. Still mesmerized from what had happened, she didn’t realize it. I had to wiggle it in front of her to get her attention. She shook her head, blushed in a bright red and jotted down the number. Turning away, she went to the bar with an unsteady walk. When she relayed my order to the bartender she couldn’t resist to glance in my direction. I smiled, giving her a small wink. She looked away abruptly, like a small child being caught doing something forbidden.
I wasn’t set back by the fact that she didn’t serve my wine but asked a male waiter instead. She was trying to get a grip on what had happened and needed time for that. That was fine by me, because I knew that afterwards, she would get curious. When I stood up after my dinner, I saw her watching me from the corner of my eyes. Feeling her eyes upon me when I left the restaurant, I mused about the old saying of the curiosity and the cat. This cat here wasn’ t facing death, of course; but as sure as hell a real good screw and a whole lot of satisfaction.
I went up to my room and took a shower. Knowing there was no need to get out tonight to look for someone to shag, I bided my time. After half an hour, I stepped out of the cabin just to hear a knock on my door. Putting on my jeans and a shirt, I called:” Who’s there?” As if I didn’t know exactly…
Momentarily, only silence came from the other side of the door. Then she answered:” Room service”. I went and opened the door. There she stood, blushing red, her whole posture showing her uncertaincy.
“Exactly what I ordered.”, I said with a coy smile, gesturing her in. Obediently, she came forward. I followed her and when she stopped in front of my bed, I pulled her close with her back turned to me. I placed my mouth on that soft space where her neck and shoulders touched and kissed her gently. She didn’t fight me. I saw goosebumps breaking out on her skin. Now it was time to take control. I gripped her blonde hair, pulling her head back. My other hand found the buttons of her blouse, opening them swiftly. She didn’t put on a bra, so I started to play with her hard, erect nipples. A soft moan escaped her as she started to shiver from lust.
“It’s rare that the prey offers itself to the hunter in free will.” I said, removing her blouse while turning her around to face me. She was breathing heavily; her feelings had clearly overtaken her. I put off my shirt, grabbed her head again and pushed her mouth to my nippel. “Suck it!”, I ordered.
This part of my body has always been very sensitive, so when she obeyed, a bolt of lust and greed shot through me. I fastened my grip, enjoying every second of my control over her. Yeah, she wasn’t my type of girl, so what? She still had a mouth, a cunt and a glory hole. Putting my cock in those three openings and fucking the hell out of her was all I cared for. She had started to lick my nipple, too. The thought of her doing the same on my rod nearly drove me crazy. I let her continue for a while. When the tension in my loins became to strong to bear, I pulled her head back again. I pushed her down, forcing her on her knees. That’s one of my favourite places for a woman to be, her mouth on the same level as my cock. She looked up to me with dazed eyes, clearly no longer in control of herself. Still gripping her head firmly, I opened my jeans. It dropped to the floor and I kicked it aside. She gasped at the sight of my steel-hard cock and licked her lips. Now it was time for her total submission.
I held my rod in front of her mouth, but when she moved her head towards it, I held her back. She looked at me again, this time confused.
“You offered me room service, didn’t you?”, I asked in a commanding voice. She nodded.
Displeased, I shook my head. “Didn’t they teach you to answer when being asked?”, tugging her hair a bit.
A hint of pain distorted her features and was replaced with a look of lust. “Yes.” , she replied.
Still looking displeased, I tugged her hair again. “Yes what?”, I demanded.
She got my line and concurred. “Yes, sir.”, she said.
“Fine. So service means that you’ll do everything in your ability to please me and satisfy my needs, am I right?”
“Yes, sir.”, she replied, her tone a mixture of suppressed wanting and devotion. But I wanted to hear it from herself, so I tugged her hair again.
“Tell it to me!”, I ordered. “What will you do?
“I will do everything in my ability to please you and satisfy your needs, sir.” She looked at me, her eyes showing she enjoyed every second of this submission but also begging me to get back in action.
I had welled in the feeling of domination and control I got over her, but now the tension had become unbearable even for me. “All right.”, I said,”Let’s check how far your abilities go.”
Still holding her head, I placed my cock on her lower lip. “Open your mouth.”, I commanded. When she obeyed, I pushed slowly forward, letting it slide in. Closing her lips around my best friend, she created that warm, wet and rubbing feeling I think every male enjoys immensly. She started to twirl her tongue around the tip of my rod, but I decided that was for later. Steadily I pushed forward, more and more of my cock vanishing in her mouth. When half of it was inside, I felt her become uncomfortable. From principle, I slid it in a little farther, but stopped then. I didn’t want her to gag, at least not yet.
I kept still for a while, enjoying the wetness and warmth of her mouth and keeping her in doubt of what I would do to her next. Changing the grip on her head, I grabbed the hair on top of it and pulled it slowly back. Just when I was about to slide out of her mouth, I pulled it back forward until I nearly reached her gag point again. I did it again and again, each time a little faster. Sometimes I moved her head a little to the left or right, making her cheeks bulge from my cock, a sight I enjoyed tremenduosly. After nearly ten minutes of that, my pace became so fast she seemed to nod furiously with my rod in her mouth. She had started to make a gargling noise but didn’t beg me to stop, which I wouldn’t have done anyway. But just before I was about to unload into her mouth, I pulled back out.
She turned aside, spit drooling from her mouth. But a few seconds was all she got from me; after her second deep breath I grabbed her chin and hair and turned her head back. Her mouth was still open, so I shoved my cock back in. Keeping her head still, I pulled it out just to push it back in. Now the face-fucking started in earnest. In a steady pace, I moved in and out of her mouth, using it like a cunt. Soon she started to gargle again. Again, I picked up speed. I didn’t care any longer whether she had to gag or not. All I thought of was my power over her. But she took my pounding of her mouth like a champion, making me think that she obviously had experience. Pushing my rod a little to the side made her cheeks bulge again. Controlling myself, I managed to fuck her face some minutes longer. When I couldn’t hold it back any more, I grabbed her hair harder. There was no courtesy clap, just three hard strokes of my cock, forcing its way nearly to her throat and shooting my come right into it. Still, she didn’ t gag, but had to swallow all of it. One hole down, two still to go I thought, my rod still in her mouth.
Not releasing the grip on her head, I pulled my still hard cock out. Gasping for air, her whole body shivered. I wasn’t about to show any mercy, so I tugged her hair hard, forcing her to stand up. I led her around the bed where a small dresser stood. I opened the upper drawer and fetched a condom. Only the lord knew how many cocks had been inside this fucking slut before, so I wanted be sure that I didn’t catch anything from this piece of meat.
I threw her on the bed which squeaked from her landing on it. She barely had time to look at me with dark, lustrous eyes before I climb after and over her, her upper body firmly caught between my knees. If she had had anything resembling tits I would have fucked these first, but there were only nippels. I tore the package open and applied my protection with the right hand, while my left found the way under her skirt and panties to her slit. Wetness and warmth greeted my fingers there and she moaned loud when I touched her clit.
“Whoa there, bitch! You enjoyed it being treated as fuckmeat, didn’t you?” Not waiting for answer, I rubbed her clit hard. She went in a kind of frenzy, twisting and thrashing on the bed, screaming and moaning and coming for herself. I didn’ t waste any more time and went off her just to rip her skirt and panty off. Her legs flew apart just like of their own will, so I placed myself between them and my rod just before her second hole. Grabbing her hands, I moved them up and pinned them on the pillow. Still in total control of her, I shoved my cock hard and fast into her cunt as far as it would go. A loud scream emerged from her throat and her cunt muscles contracted and massaged my best friend when she came again.
“Hey slut! Who allowed you to come first? You’re nothing but three holes on legs, remember?”, I shouted in her face. “And since you obviously forgot, here comes your punishment!” And I started fucking her. My rod went into her until my balls touched her slit, then I pulled back out just to ram it back in again. The raw force of my strokes made her body move upwards until her head hammered against the wooden front of the bed. I didn’t give a shit about her pain which I was sure she didn’t feel anyway. She was all lust, heat, greed, nothing but meat needing, craving to get fucked. But I didn’ t want to leave any visible marks so I turned her sideways, her head lying on the rim of the mattress. I took her ankles, spreading her legs as far as they would go and shoved my cock into its rightful place again.
I pounded her hard and fast, my rod went in the whole way all the time. Soon her head was dangling over the mattress, her body arching, her throat muscles standing out. Harder and faster I went, the sound of me nailing her mixing with her screams. I felt myself getting ready to unload into her for the second time. I wanted to shoot my come in her cunt when I was in her as deep as possible, so I pulled her back on the bed. I forced her legs up, her feet resting on my shoulders. This position I nicknamed “fucking package” because that’s all a woman is to me in this moment. She is kept in a perfect angle for my cock to enter her as far as it would go. I pushed back into her probing her depth. Then I went back to business, thrusting my rod as deep as possible into her. But I wanted to have all I could get, so I threw all constraints overboard and rammed my cock in her like trying to split her in two pieces. We both came together screaming like maniacs. With my steel-hard rod still inside her ravaged cunt, I thought: Two holes down, best one still to go.
I let myself drop to the bed beside her. Her legs fell down on the mattress like they were made of stone. We both needed some time now, me to regain my power and her to come to her senses again. After some minutes, I realised her rolling off to her side and getting up. A surge of adrenalin went through my body. I jumped up, grabbed her neck, placed the other hand on her back and shoved her on the bed again. She landed flat-out on her stomach. I threw myself on her back, my weight nearly squashing her. Pulling her head back, I shouted in her face:
“I’m not finished with you, fuckmeat. Three holes, I said!”
I sat up on her back and fetched my shirt. Holding her hands back, I tied them together. This cunt wouldn’t get away from me without her ass being fucked, I swore to myself. I raised her hips up, her upper body still on the bed and spread her legs.
“Don’t move or you’ll be sorry, slut!”, I ordered. She obeyed, but her eyes followed me as I went around the bed to get a second condom. I kneeled between her legs, put it on and pushed my rod into her overflowing cunt again. A few hard strokes was all it took to get the condom wet with her juices. I pulled back out and spit on her asshole two times, then rubbing my saliva around it. I couldn’ t care less about her being in pain while I did her ass, but still I didn’ t want to leave any visible marks. I placed my cock right before her ass, the tip of it on her entrance. Then I grabbed her ass, pulling it back while pushing my best friend forward. First, I wasn’t able to break through so I had to use more pressure. Just as I was about to give up my first attempt, her sphincter gave way and I slid in her ass all the way. Her loud screams of lust and pain got muffled by the mattress. Then I moved back to halfpoint and shoved it back again, forcing more screams from her. Her ass wasn’t as tight as I thought. I became convinced that I haven’t been the first one to treat this low-down slutty whore like a piece of meat. So I didn’t give in to pity and nailed her ass in the same speed as her cunt before. Judging from the sound of her moans I could say that she didn’t want any.
I had emptied my balls thouroghly the two times I came before, so even with her ass being tighter as her slit, I pounded her for a while before I could even start to think of coming again. But something was missing here. I soon realised what it was: the bitch enjoyed it too much! Her holes were there to give me pleasure – she was the least of my worries there. Thrusting my cock into her ass as far as possible, I leaned over her back und pulled her head up by her hair. A loud scream came from her mouth, her pain unmistakable. I leaned back keeping her body up and fucked the hell out of her ass. Seeing her in this uncomfortable, painful position aroused me greatly, but still I wasn’t completly satisfied. She was no more than an howling, screeching creature nearly lost in oblivion, under my total control. What was missing still? In the spur of the moment, I pushed her head back on the bed and raised her still-bound hands up. Holding them at the height of my breast, she was forced to press her head into the mattress. Lucky me as for the loudness of her screams would have split my ears instead. After a few hard thrusts in this position I felt myself rise up to my third climax again. Faster and faster I went, now trying to rip up her ass instead. When I came again, I shoved my cock deep into her and raised her hands to the height of my chin. The intense pain and the power of her orgasm made her faint. She slid down on the mattress and I collapsed over her back.
When I opened my eyes again, I looked at my alarm clock. It had taken me about an hour to reduce a woman to an unconscious breathing piece of meat with three ravaged holes. I still was lying on her back, so I rolled off her and got up. She started to stir now, her eyes still closed. I picked up our clothes, putting mine on the bed but throwing hers on her back. As I untied her hands to reclaim my shirt, she came back to her senses and turned around to look at me.
“The room service has been satisfactory.”, I said. Then I took my purse and searched for a 2€-piece. When I had found it, I threw it on the pillow beside her.
“This is for your efforts. Now get up and get dressed, slut. You have 5 minutes to leave my room. If you’re not gone in 5 minutes I’ll have a nice chat with your boss telling him how good your service was and how far it went.”
She got up wordlessly and dressed. After taking the money, she slowly walked to the door, opened it and went out. The door closed again. I looked at my alarm clock. There was still time for a few beers at the beach bar I found yesterday. But first I’d take a shower again. I would never get out with the smell of that whore on me.

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