
Detention 12

I’ve never been jealous over another dude – I never had a reason to be. And I didn’t wanna fucking admit it, but I was kinda jealous of that dumb-ass dude, Luke Block. B was looking at him the whole fucking time, looking at his dick and shit, getting hard and all that. Pissed me the fuck off. I shouldn’t give a fuck. I fucking broke up with B so I wouldn’t have to give a fuck. But now I realize that I do fucking care about him. I don’t know how that shit happened, but it did. I never thought I’d find myself ever liking a dude – and not just liking him, but like really fucking liking him. Now I fucked everything up and B doesn’t even want to talk to me.
At first I thought that was what I wanted. I wanted to go back to the way things used to be when I was just chilling to myself, free to do whatever I wanted with any body I wanted – but now that I got what I wanted, I see that it’s not what I wanted. I’m such a dumb-ass. I fucked up on the only good thing I had for me – I fucked up on the only person that really gave a damn about me. And now I wanted him back.
After detention, when B walked away from me when we were talking I got in my truck and went around to as many bus stops as I could find, seeing if he was there. I didn’t know which bus Brandon took to get home, which was the real fuckin problem. Twenty minutes later, I said fuck it and gave up. Even if I had saw him, he probably wouldn’t want to say shit to me anyway. I drove around for about an hour, no place to go. I really didn’t wanna go home, `cause I didn’t wanna see my fucking dad. If he said anymore shit to me about anything – if he looked at me the wrong way, or did anything to fucking piss me off like he usually did, I was gonna knock the shit outta him. The best way not to start shit with him was to not be at home.
I thought about going to Brandon’s house. He should’ve been home by then, I guessed. I drove about halfway to his house and turned right around in the other direction. I didn’t know what the fuck I was thinking. Instead I drove to the playground I took Brandon to that night when I told him that I didn’t wanna see him for a long time. I went over to that same tree where I held him and told him that I didn’t believe that love lasted forever.
Sitting there, against that tree, I thought about all the things I said to B, the way his face looked when I said all those things – how he looked so fuckin mad and disappointed and shit. I don’t know why I said all that shit I said to him that night. I didn’t even know if I believed most of the shit I said. I told B that I didn’t want him to take us being together so seriously, cause I didn’t want him to have all these expectations of me that I wasn’t gonna be able to live up to. He wanted me to be his boyfriend, to love him…My eyes kinda stung a little, and I forced myself not to let a fuckin tear come out of my eye. I leaned the back of my head against the tree trunk, looking up at the orange sky.
Of any of the times we’d been together, I wished B was with me right then at that moment. Part of the reason why I broke up with him was because I was afraid that if I really believed that he loved me like he said he did, then I would start to really trust him and then I’d find out that he was just fuckin with me, and that he didn’t love me at all. But I think he really did love me – and nobody’s ever loved me…well maybe my mom – but she’s dead. I never had somebody that was really into me, not just `cause of my face, or my body or bullshit like that, but just `cause they liked me. That night after I broke up with Brandon, I laid in bed that night, thinking about what he said to me on the swings: “I don’t think you give yourself enough credit for the great person you are”.
I thought about that again so more as I sat under that big tree, watching the day slowly turn to night. I felt alone, and I had brought that loneliness on myself. B kept coming in my mind, and I kept thinking about what we would be doing if we hadn’t gotten into that stupid fight. Maybe we would’ve both been sitting under that tree together; maybe we would’ve been screwing or something. I don’t know. Just being with Brandon was better than being alone with myself. Again I thought about going over to B’s house and trying to talk to him about what I said before. Maybe he wouldn’t listen to a fucking thing I said – but then maybe he would. I thought about it for a good ten minutes and finally decided that I was gonna go over to his house.
I was fucking nervous the whole time when I was driving over to Brandon’s house. I just kept thinking that he was gonna slam the fuckin door in my face or something when he saw me. But I still wanted to try anyway. When I pulled up to B’s house, about five minutes later, I just stayed in my car for a long-ass time, just looking at his house. I was kinda afraid `cause I didn’t know if his mom was home. I didn’t know why I was so fucking nervous to begin with though. I’m usually never nervous when it comes to talking to people or whatever. Except Brandon wasn’t just any person. He was different.
Taking a deep breath, I got outta the truck and jogged across the street to B’s front door. I rang the doorbell and waited. Seemed like it took forever for somebody to come to the door, so I rang the doorbell again. I cracked my knuckles as I waited and held my breath. Brandon still didn’t come to the fucking door. I waited and waited, but he never came to the door.
“Fuck this shit,” I said, mad as fuck, and turned to walk away. That’s when I heard the door open up behind me and heard B’s voice:
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
I turned around and all those nervousness I had before came right back. Brandon was standing halfway out the doorway. He was lookin at me with this cold-ass look in his eyes as though I was the last fucking thing that he wanted to see.
Trying to sound all confident and shit, I said, “Came to see you.”
“I don’t wanna see you,” Brandon answered. “I told you that already today.”
“Still some more things I wanna say to you though, B. I didn’t come over to fight with you or any of that bullshit. C’mon. At least for like five minutes or something.”
I could tell that B wasn’t really all too excited about talkin to me. He was still lookin at me like I was a monster. “I don’t want to talk to you, Chris.” Brandon went back inside of his house and closed the door, leaving me outside by myself in the cold. I thought about just sayin ‘fuck it’ and go back to my truck and take my ass home. But I didn’t wanna go home and go to bed tonight without thinking that there was something I could’ve done to make shit better between me and B. I went up to his door again and knocked.
From the other side of the door, I heard Brandon yell, “Go away, Chris. Leave me alone.”
“No. I’m not going anywhere until you come out here and fuckin talk to me.”
“What the hell do I need to talk to you about?” B screamed through the door. “Why should I go out there so you can say some more fucked up shit to me.”
“You know that’s not what I came here for, B.”
There was like a pause for a couple of seconds, and then finally Brandon jerked the door open again – hard that I thought the thing was gonna fuckin come off its hinges or something. He looked even more mad now then when he first came to the door. B still stayed inside of his house, not coming’ out to see me. “Come out here so I can talk to you.” I said. “Stop acting’ like a…” I was gonna say ‘bitch’ but I caught myself right in time. “Just come out here so I can talk to you. I told you, just for like five minutes. And then you can go back inside and never talk to me again if you don’t want to.”
B looked at me a little bit, like he was trying’ to see into my head or something. After a while, he stepped out of the house onto the porch, closing’ the door behind him. He took a seat on the porch steps in front of me. I sat right beside him. Now that I had gotten him to come outside, I really didn’t know what I wanted to say next. When I looked over at him, B was just staring’ at me, and he knew I was nervous and didn’t know what to say. His face kinda softened a little – he didn’t look so pissed off anymore which was a good thing to me. “What did you wanna say to me?” he asked.
I looked at him again. It had been a few days since I’d been that close to him; looking at his lips I thought about how long it had been since I last kissed him. He was the best kisser of any female or dude I’d ever kissed before and I missed that. “Just wanted to see you,” I guessed.
Brandon stood up. “If you don’t have anything to say to me, then I’m going back into the house.”
“No. Stay here with me.”
“What for, Chris? I thought you didn’t want to see me.”
“I thought the same thing. But I do.”
“I’m not gonna have sex with you tonight,” B said. “So if that’s what you came over here for, you can just go home and jack off. Or find somebody else -”
“Is that what you want me to do?” I asked. “Go fuck some other dude and forget about you?”
“You don’t owe me any loyalty, Chris. You can go out and do whatever it is that you think you wanna do.”
“Is that what you’re gonna do with Blockhead?” I asked. I remembered B staring at that dude, Luke, when we were in the showers. I started to feel that same anger all over again.
“What I do and don’t do with Luke is none of your fucking business,” B said.
“Go ahead and do whatever the fuck you wanna do with him,” I said, getting mad again. “I don’t give a fuck. You can go ahead and fuck him until your brains fucking come out your ears.”
“You never fucking get it, Chris. It’s not about sex. Yeah, Luke is good-looking and he has a nice body, but that doesn’t mean that I’m gonna fly to the moon over him. If I wanted to, I could have him, but I chose not to.”
“How come?” I asked.
Again, Brandon stared at me for a few seconds. “`Cause I knew you were gonna come over here.”
“But I thought you didn’t want to see me,” I said.
“I didn’t. That doesn’t mean I knew you weren’t going to come over here.” For the second time, B came up and sat beside me on the porch. I knew I had to be careful with whatever I said so that he didn’t get up and leave me again. For a while, we just sat there without making any noise. We just looked at the houses across the street with no lights on. The whole street was dark and quiet. I was waiting for B to say something and I think B was ready for me to say something but neither one of us said anything for a long time. And then B said, real quietly. “How come you don’t ever treat me the way you really want to?”
At some point in time I knew he was gonna ask me that question. I had been trying to figure out the answer to that question for a long time. “I don’t know,” I answered.
“You do know, Chris. Tell me.”
“What do you want me to say, B?”
“I want you to say how you really feel. Stop trying to act so fuckin unaffected by everything. You always act like nothing means anything to you.”
“You mean something to me,” I said. And that was true. He really did.
“How am I supposed to know that if none of your actions show me that?” Brandon asked. “Saying you care about me, and then treatin me like shit beneath your shoe doesn’t make me feel all good inside, Chris.”
I could feel my eyes start to sting again. I looked away from B so that he wouldn’t see the tear that might come down my eye. “It’s hard.”
“What’s hard?” Brandon questioned.
“Everythin is hard. Just fucking being alive is hard most time. I’ve never fuckin been with someone the way I was with you. I never was interested in someone that long. Nobody’s ever been interested in me that long. Sometimes that shit is kinda scary.” I shook my head. It was starting to get cold outside. I wanted to ask B if we could go inside of his house and finish talking, but I didn’t.
“Chris, relationships are always hard. Life is always hard. If it wasn’t hard, then it would be fake and boring and pointless. You can’t just give up on everything and everyone just `cause shit gets difficult sometimes. Being in a relationship isn’t just about fucking and all the other sappy shit you see in the movies – don’t chose to be alone when there’s someone out there that really wants you – that really cares about you.”
“You still love me?” I asked.
B looked away from me when he said that. I watched his face and realized just how good-looking he really was. “I don’t know.”
“Yeah, you do. Tell me. Whatever the answer is, I can take it.”
“But I can’t take it,” Brandon whispered. “I can try to pretend that I don’t like you – I can wish to God that I hated you and never wanted to see you again. But the more I wish that, the more I wish you were with me like you are right now. I do love you, Chris. But right now, that’s not enough. Right now, being in love with you doesn’t make me feel anything but cold inside.”
My feelings were kinda hurt when he said that. I tried to fake it like I didn’t care what he just said, but I did. I stood up from the porch and began to walk down the stairs. “You’re leaving now?” B asked.
I kept my back facing him. “Yeah.”
“Maybe one day you’ll learn not to run away from the good things in your life,” B said.
Turning around, I asked, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“It means just what I said…and the next time you come over here – the next time you talk to me…I hope you have something important to tell me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, B.”
“Chris, you do know what I’m talking about.” And with that, B went into his house, leaving me alone for the second time, in the cold dark.
* * *
I still didn’t wanna go home, so I decided to go over to Billy’s house to see what he was up to. I was hoping that he might let me spend the night. His house was dark, except I saw a light coming from his room. I walked up to the door and knocked on the door. It took about five minutes before I got some kinda response. “Who’s there?” Billy asked from the other side of the door.
“Dude, open the fucking door. It’s me.”
“Green?” Billy unlocked the door and opened it up partway. He leaned out the door and I saw that he didn’t have a shirt on. “What are you doing here?”.
“Just came to see what your punk-ass was doing.” I tried to push the door open a little to get inside, but Billy wouldn’t budge.
“You should’ve told me you were coming over here,” Billy said. “Got somebody up in here.”
“Somebody,” Billy responded.
“Let me sleep on the couch or something. I don’t feel like going back to my house.”
“Go to whats-his-name’s house…Brandon.”
“Just came from there. He wouldn’t let me in.”
Billy shrugged. He shifted over a little bit so that I could see what he was ass-naked. “Who are you fucking up in there?”
“You fucking wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Billy said. “But let me get back to you later. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And then Billy closed the door in my fucking face. That was the second fuckin time in one fuckin night that had happened to me and I was pissed the fuck off.
* * *
I slipped in my house quietly, hoping that my dad wouldn’t hear me come in. Everytime I came into my fuckin house, I always felt like I was walking into a fucking disaster site. Looked like somebody threw a fucking bomb in that place. The more I tried to clean up and make shit look decent, the more my dad would fuck the shit up again, so I gave up trying.
I went into the kitchen, trying to find something to eat, which was a fucking waste of time. The only thing I found in the fridge was a bag of bread with only two slices in it and a can of beer. I took both of them out and brought them to my room. It was almost eleven o’clock. I didn’t know I’d been gone for that long. My dad was probably gonna bust into my room and ask me where the fuck I’ve been – unless he hadn’t fucking blacked-out already from drinking so goddamn much. As long as he didn’t start shit with me, I was cool. I took off all my clothes except my underwear and climbed into my bed.
Drinking that beer, I thought about what B had told me earlier – about how loving me made him feel cold inside. What kinda shit is that about? If him loving me doesn’t make him feel good -then obviously he doesn’t give a fuck about me at all just like all those other goddamn motherfuckers. And Billy – that fucking asshole – he could fucking lick the hair on my balls for doing me like he did. Everybody could just fucking kiss my ass.
I crushed the beer can on my chest and tossed it somewhere. I took off my underwear and threw them on the other side of the room as well. My dick was kinda hard and I thought about jacking off, but I hated jacking off. I rather do the real fucking thing. I wanted to be with B; I wanted to feel his lips on the head of my dick, I wanted my tongue in his tight ass – I wanted my dick in his ass too. But it was more than just wanting to fuck B. I wanted him to be right beside me in my bed; I wanted him to be sleepin on my chest like he usually did. I really wanted shit to go back to the way they used to be.
I closed my eyes and visualized all the shit me and Brandon had done together, all the times we fucked, all the times we kissed, all the times we just stared at each other without saying a word. My dick started to rise again, making a tent under the blanket. I reached under the covers and clutched my dick tightly and started to yank on it. Spreading my legs wider, I rubbed my hand up and down my dick while I played with my balls. I ran my finger up my asscrack and then sniffed my fingers afterward. I loved the sweaty, funky smell of my own ass, but I liked the smell – and taste of B’s ass even more. I was really getting into it, yanking my shit faster and faster – and then my bedroom door busted open and my dad was standing there. I snatched my hand off my dick as fast as I could and brought the covers up higher so that he wouldn’t be able to see that I was naked.
My dad had that fucked up look on his face as he usually did. “Where the fuck were you? I’ve been looking for your ass all day!” he screamed. “And I come in here and you’re fucking jerkin off under the covers!” He took a step into my room.
“Get the fuck out and close the door!” I yelled back.
This made my dad so fucking mad that I thought he was about to fucking explode. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talkin to, boy! This is my fuckin house!” He walked up to the edge of my bed and in one easy motion, ripped the covers off of me and tossed them aside, leaving me ass-naked, covering my dick with my hands. “I want you fucking outta here now!” he yelled.
“What the fuck for?” I hollered. I stepped out of bed, still covering up my dick and pulled on my jeans. “Why the fuck are you always on me all the goddamn time?”
My dad stepped up to me. He had so much fucking anger in his eyes. I thought he was gonna fucking punch me out right there. “I want you outta here, `cause you don’t do a goddamn thing around here but piss me off. You don’t do shit at school – I keep getting all these fucking calls saying you got fucking detention for two weeks in a row for messing around with some faggot-ass boy. You don’t do shit here, you don’t have a fuckin job. All you fuckin do it is sit around on your ass and make my fucking life miserable!”
“You don’t fuckin need me to make your life miserable,” I said. “You’re doin a fucking good job on your own.”
He punched me right in the jaw. I expected it so the pain wasn’t as great as I thought it would be. I could’ve beat the shit outta him right there and then. But I knew if I started, I wouldn’t be able to stop and one of us – maybe both of us – would end up dead. It wasn’t fuckin worth it. I didn’t want to be in that house any goddamn way. I bumped past my dad, found my duffel bag and started to pack as many clothes in there that I could fit. I didn’t know where the hell I was gonna go, but I sure as fuck wasn’t gonna be staying there any longer.
My dad followed me as I made my way to the front door. I opened the door and stepped out. Right as I was about to go to my truck, he said, “I don’t ever wanna see you again.” Maybe for some other son who heard their parent say they didn’t want to see them again, maybe that would fucking devastate them. But for me, I really, honestly, truthfully, did not give a fuck if I ever saw that asshole again in my life.
“Fuck you, you fucking dumb-ass bitch,” I screamed and ran to my truck. I got in and fucking charged down the street like a fucking maniac, driving blindly, not knowing where the fuck I was going – but not even really giving a fuck where I was going. As long as I was moving I didn’t give a fuck. There was nowhere left for me to go. There was nobody I could ask for fucking help – not Brandon, not Billy – I was fucking alone.
I parked on the side of some empty road and just fucking start bursting out crying. The last time I cried was when I was twelve at my mother’s funeral. And I fucking promised myself that I wouldn’t ever fucking cry again,whatever the reason was. I wanted to stop, but I couldn’t. I don’t know how long I was just sitting in my truck, crying like a little ass girl on the side of the road, but it must’ve been a long fuckin time. Finally, I stopped and started to drive again. I still didn’t know where I was going. But wherever the fuck it was, it had to be as far away from here as possible. I didn’t want to be anywhere that was close to my house, close to school, close to B – I just wanted to fucking get away from everybody and everything. I got on the freeway and just kept driving. It didn’t matter where I went – as long as I went as far as I could.

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My Teen Love Triangle Part 2

After such an amazing response to my pilot chapter. I immediately went to work on part two. I stayed up tonight to please you all and finish the second part so I hope you all like it. It’s much shorter than part 1, but that’s because part 1 was a pilot and I needed to go further into the story. The other parts to this will be about this length. For those of you who are following the story so far and loving it, give me your thoughts on Zoe and Kylie. Who should my main character end up with? I’d love to hear some feedback on it. Again thanks for the overwhelming response. Enjoy.

I Met Her at a Christmas Party

I met her at a Christmas party.
My husband and I were attending his companies Christmas party. Arriving at the home of the CEO, you couldn’t help but notice the magnitude of the house. The landscaping was majestic in size…it was incredibly beautiful. Off from the driveway, you couldn’t help but notice the tennis courts, a putting green, hot tubs…swimming pools with fountains and waterfalls. When we first stepped into the home…the first thing that I thought of was, this is the reason you play the lottery. I had to admit, the home was very spacious and elegant.
My husband was a new employee and so, up to this point, we hadn’t done much socializing. Those that were in attendance; I didn’t know a soul. And so, my husband and I began to mingle. Whenever my husband would recognize someone, the introductions were made…in time, I was feeling very comfortable, and the food was simply fantastic!
The title of this story is: I met her at a Christmas party. My husband wasn’t present when the introduction was made. He had excused himself; he had to pee. And so, I recall standing with a glass of wine in my hand…aside from smiling at those that passed me, I was taking in the beauty of the room that I was standing in.
She approached me from behind. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Instinctively, I turned in her direction and I was greeted by a woman that I had never seen before. She was strikingly beautiful…she was wearing exquisitely tailored clothes; I guessed that she was a wife of an executive. I was in the midst of greeting her, introducing myself to her…when suddenly; she put her finger to my lips. I instantly became quiet.
I was immediately stricken by her commanding presence. My mind was searching for a name…had my husband introduced me to her? My mind though, was a blank. “Your husband wanted me to let you know…that for the rest of the weekend; I own you.”
Her voice had been crystal clear…not harsh or cold. She portrayed such confidence. “Where…where is my husband?” I asked.
In one quick moment, my mind began to travel in circles, confusion had settled in…my husband was loaning me out? I started to look in every direction, I felt his presence…it’s as if I could sense that he was watching me.
A few moments after our initial introduction, I came to the understanding that this woman was in upper management…if she had mentioned her name; I quickly forgot it. I remember her saying that she was married…I stood facing her, star-struck, my heart was beating a mile a minute…and I quickly came to the understanding that this woman was quite brilliant…very beautiful…brilliant, married and gorgeous.
“Steven has been planning this moment for you.” My eyes were blinking as she spoke…she knew my husband’s name. “You’re going to serve me in an unconditional way. If you choose to mis-behave, you will be severely punished.” Her long fingernails were painted red…she caressed the side of my face; her fingernails touched my lower lip. “Does Steven own you?”
I could only nod my head up and down. “You will speak to me in a polite and respectful way.” A moment went by and then she said, “I do not like having to repeat a question. Does Steven own you?”
Shaking the cobwebs from my brain, I heard myself say, “Yes Maam…he does.”
“Stay in my shadow for the remainder of the evening.” And with those words spoken, she moved towards the guests that were idly talking together.
I can recall those first few steps…it’s as if a ball and chain had been attached to my ankles. Again, my mind was traveling in circles. I was aware that I was following her…questioning the reasons as to why I was allowing myself to follow her. With every step taken, I was stealing glances, trying to locate my husband…to get some sort of clarification from him. What was her name? What did she mean by ownership? She had mentioned the department that she worked in, and yet; I forgot that bit of information. She spoke to the guests with such ease…as for myself, I remained behind her…it’s as if I became irrelevant; she didn’t introduce me to anyone. Too, no one asked who I was.
As the evening progressed, I remained close to her side…the brilliant factor of her personality was becoming visible. She spoke with such clarity…I sensed that she was very intelligent. At one point during the evening, she pulled me aside to a table filled with people. She knew them all…my heart was filled with such joy; she introduced me to everyone at the table.
Two men who were seated got up and asked if we would like to sit. “Thank you so much for allowing us to join you, we’ve been standing most of the evening,” this mysterious woman said graciously.
“Not at all,” an older grey-haired man responded.
And so, we began to engage ourselves in polite talk. I was trying to do so many things at once. Stealing glances around the room; I was still trying to locate my husband. It was difficult to carry on a conversation without knowing where he was. And of course, this mysterious woman that was seated next to me…the message that she had conveyed to me; I was confused, frustrated and yet, aroused. At one point…I was in mid-sentence talking to someone…this woman reached beneath the table; she gently had placed her hand on my thigh. If it wasn’t for the tablecloth…everyone seated around the table would have notice her bold move. My heart skipped a beat.
Her hand had felt like a jolt of electricity; I involuntarily drew in a brief gasp. Looking in her direction, her demeanor remained calm; she was very much in control. She continued to carry on a conversation with someone across the table. I quickly regained my composure and continued the conversation that I was having. Her hand…her fingernails…at her own leisure, she began to caress my thigh, to include my inner thigh. She was sending shivers up and down my spine.
Was it a subliminal message? It’s as if I knew, or became aware of; she was expecting me to re-position my chair, so her travels would be more convenient. As soon as I had re-positioned myself, her hand began to slowly travel up my thigh…descending towards my quickly dampening pussy. She was teasing me…I was desperately trying to focus on the conversation at hand, and still; I aware of her destination. At long last, the tip of her fingernails were touching, caressing the outer fabric of my panties. I became aware that my legs had parted…and I began to wonder, while I continued on with my conversation…when did I part my legs for her?
My pussy was wet…it became increasingly difficult to have a conversation with anyone. I was aware too, that my breathing had become erratic…I was losing my composure, and I felt as if I had to escape.
“Pardon me. I need to visit the ladies room.” I abruptly stood up from the table. I did so, with her hand up my skirt.
I wasn’t quite out of earshot, when I heard this woman say, “I have to use the ladies room too. Will you excuse me?”
I glanced back, some of the men at the table rose as we left. As she stepped away from the table her eyes locked onto my eyes. She was incredibly beautiful. As she approached me, her voice was stern, “Follow me.” She then walked past me…and like a lost puppy; I followed her.
And so, again I remained in her shadow. She acknowledged a few people as she led me from one room to the next…and I had to assume that she was leading me to the ladies room. We reached a staircase and together, we began the climb to the 2nd floor. Once in the hallway, away from everyone’s view…she grabbed my arm and pulled me close to her. A second later, she kissed me with utterly endearing and overwhelming passion. Her tongue felt soft and warm in my mouth…I had never kissed a woman in this way before. When her arms went around my waist…I felt my tongue entering her mouth; our tongues danced together. She pushed me up against the wall in the hallway…it’s as if she wanted to show me, to remind me…that she was in control.
It’s as if I had lost total control over myself…the logical part of my brain had ceased to operate; I had given myself to her. She then took my hand and she led me further down the hallway…we stepped into a beautiful master bedroom; she quickly led me into the master bathroom. Once the door was closed…she took me into her arms; our tongues began to dance together. Kissing her in such a passionate way…I wasn’t even sure what my sexuality was…I was just being sexual with her. Her hands were running over my body…and my hands began to roam across her body. She massaged my breasts and I felt my nipples harden. Her hands had ventured further south…she reached under my skirt and again, I felt those familiar fingernails against the fabric of my panties.
In one smooth motion, my skirt had been raised over my waist; she cupped my pussy with her hand. There was no denying the fact; my pussy was drenched. I wanted her to touch me…and when she whispered in my ear to lower my panties; I simply obeyed her. With her tongue in my mouth…though I struggled, I was able to lower my panties to my knees. A second later, she thrust a few fingers deep in my pussy; I fell against her.
My back was against the door, she used her body against mine for leverage. She began to steadily fuck my pussy with her fingers…her fingernails were both abrasive and sharp. I was stretching my panties…trying to spread my legs wider for her. As she looked into my eyes, I noticed her passion…and I sensed her power and influence. Removing her fingers from my pussy, she began to tease my clit…at that specific moment; I didn’t care where my husband was. She brought her hand to my lips…instinctively, I opened my mouth and when she placed her fingers against my tongue; I tasted my pussy juice. I lovingly cleaned her fingers…and when she withdrew her fingers from my mouth; she was smiling. No words had to be shared…no instructions had to be given.
Her hand returned to my pussy…her fingers easily found the entrance to my pussy. Once again, she found her rhythm…and again, I fell against her. The speed of this unexpected train of events…and now, I was hoping, wishing to feel the flood gates of my orgasm. I could hear my own moans, my gasps. I was trying so hard, to repress the moans and gasps that were inadvertently escaping from my lips…and then, as if she was aware of my moans; she closed her mouth over mine. My moans were now muted…and her fingers continued to work their magic; she orchestrated a rhythmic dance below my waist. I became aware that I was riding her hand…eager to have her fingers deeper inside me. My body was experiencing pleasure that had never been felt before.
In one quick motion…this woman dropped to her knees. In that quick moment, her lips began to suck my pussy; her tongue was flicking my clit. I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t breathe…I was so focused on the blissful sensations being provided to me, from this perfect stranger. This woman was clearly talented in the art of licking a woman’s pussy. My head was against the door, I had managed to free a leg from my panties…it became too much, slowly I began to feel myself reaching my orgasm. As her tongue lapped up the juices from my pussy, as she slowly and lovingly sucked my clit…as her fingers continued to penetrate me…finally, the world burst with light. My juices flowed from my pussy and she remained on her knees…she was aware that I had reached my orgasm…she sucked my clit, perhaps wanting me to know how much she was relishing my taste. My body had settled down, my breathing was returning to its normal self.
She then stood up and kissed me. I could taste my pussy in her mouth. Somehow, that made the taste of her lips even more intoxicating. I once again lost myself in her mouth, as she pressed herself against me. As we kissed, I realized that she had lifted her dress above her waist…in a deliberate way, she removed her panties. When our lips parted, she brought her panties up to my face…I could sense that the crotch of her panties were wet; her scent was intoxicating. When she told me to sniff her panties…I didn’t argue, I brought my face closer to the fabric and inhaled.
“Lie down.” This woman wasn’t asking me. More to the point, she was ordering me to comply with her wishes.
“What?” I asked her. Not immediately complying with her wishes, her demands…she abruptly slapped the right side of my face. My reaction you ask? I stood with my back against the door in utter complete shock. My mouth fell open…my hand quickly covered that area of my face; the sting was paralyzing.
“I can be very gentle. I can also be very harsh.” Her voice was low and yet, not threatening. She had grabbed a fistful of my hair…and she was pulling it just enough, to get my attention. Her instructions had been crystal clear; I surely didn’t want her to slap my face again.
She released my hair; she stood a few steps away from me. “For the next two days, I own your ass. You will learn to be obedient. You will learn not question my authority. You will serve me in whatever capacity that I choose.”
And so, with my back pressed against the door…I felt my body slowly sliding downwards, towards the chilly tiled floor of the bathroom. Part of my brain was wondering if anyone on the other side of the bathroom door had heard my moans. The slap to my face…in my opinion had been loud and explosive. When my ass reached the floor…she moved and I positioned myself so that I was lying flat on my back. The severity of her voice intrigued me…my pussy remained wet, I was nervous and yet, I wasn’t afraid.
“Get on your hands and knees”, she demanded. From lying on my back…I quickly obeyed her. I wasn’t going to question her authority.
“Lift your skirt up over your waist. I want to see your lovely ass.”
Upon hearing her voice, I reacted. I lifted my skirt over my waist…my panties were still dangling around one of my legs. My ass and pussy were on display; I was exposed. I turned my head around when I heard her rummaging through the drawers of the bathroom. What she pulled out from one of the drawers…well, my eyes grew wide; my heart sank. She found a rectangular wooden paddle-type hair brush.
“You have questioned my authority.” Her voice was crystal clear…she was in total control of herself; her emotions. She was lightly tapping the wooden part of the hairbrush against the palm of her hand. “You will learn to listen…you will respond to my voice, to my instructions.” As she spoke, she moved herself to a position of comfort, of leisure; she stood by my side. She was staring at me, looking at me straight in my eyes. When her arm rose high in the air…I turned my face away from her.
I was becoming very concerned. She was going to strike my bare bottom with the hairbrush. No one but my husband had ever spanked me before. I was in the presence of this woman…whom I didn’t know, in a stranger’s master bathroom…and before the hairbrush had ever met my bottom; I felt my eyes begin to water. I didn’t want to bring any attention to myself…I didn’t want anyone downstairs to know that I was being spanked…I didn’t want anyone to hear me cry.
The strength of this woman…the force behind the impact; I fell forward. I wanted to scream…instead, I bit my lip. A shock wave of pain traveled through my entire body. The sound of the hairbrush making contact with my bottom had been loud. Seconds passed and then I felt her presence…her hand by my mouth. She held her panties in her hand…when they were close to my mouth, instinctively and without having to be told; I opened my mouth. My eyes continued to water…and when she stood back up; my teeth clenched onto her panties. I knew that my spanking was going to continue…and I couldn’t help but notice and enjoy the scent of her damp crotch.
The seconds went by, I felt myself shiver in anticipation. The bathroom became very quiet. I was trying to hear if anyone was on the other side of the bathroom door. I again looked over my shoulder…she was looking down at me. She stood tall, confident and appeared to be in total control. My heart skipped a beat, her arm was raised…I looked forward and closed my eyes.
I bit into this woman’s panties…my arms folded under me; my face was against the tiled bathroom floor. I was exposed and vulnerable…with each swat, I fought not to scream out. If this woman’s intent was to swat the center of my ass, catching both of my ass cheeks…well then, her aim was perfect. I did my best to regain my composure…I became aware of my erratic breathing; I wanted to cry. I wanted my husband to come to my rescue.
She began to lightly tap my ass cheeks with the hairbrush. I then felt the abrasiveness of the bristles…I clenched my ass cheeks; surely I didn’t want to be spanked on that end of the hairbrush. As if she sensed this, I heard her chuckle.
I began to squirm on the tiled floor; her fingernails were tracing the length of my ass crack. I could have stood up. I could have stood up and screamed…ran to safety. Instead, I remained in position and allowed her to touch me. Her fingernail eventually made its way into my ass crack…and in such a gentle approach; her finger came into contact with my anus. My pussy was wet, my whole body was shivering.
And then she asked me a specific question. “What’s the purpose of your asshole?”
I was trying to maintain my composure. I was aware of my heavy breathing. With the question she asked, I knew that she had spoken to my husband. My answer came with ease. “It’s to provide you with pleasure Maam.”
Again, I heard her chuckle. “When we arrive at my home…I’m going to redden your ass and thighs. I’ve been told that your state of mind is more effective, more pleasurable when you’ve been brought to tears.” I was looking over my shoulder while she spoke…while she continued to play with my anus; she smiled in my direction.
She continued to speak with such clarity. “Your mouth, cunt and asshole…I’ve been told that your holes do in fact, serve a purpose. We’ll test that theory.”
A few seconds went by; her finger remained in the crack of my ass; she continued to show me her smile. A few times she had pushed her hand further south, she came into contact with my wet pussy…I hear my moans, her fingers then returned to my anus. She was gentle massaging my darkened hole…teasing the entrance with the tip of her finger. She knew…as did I…that at any moment of her own choosing, she could have pushed her finger into my asshole. My body was responding to her touch…I began to rock my body, wishing that she would finger fuck me; I so badly wanted to feel my orgasm come to life.
“Get on your back.” Her voice was sharp. My selfish thoughts had been interrupted. A moment later, I was lying flat on my back. When she stood over my body, when she began to raise her dress above her waist…I knew what her intentions were. Her pussy and ass were simply beautiful to look at…from my angle, I could tell that she had lined up my face to her holes. She crouched herself in a downward motion so that my mouth was able to lock onto her sex.
I was so eager to taste and lick her pussy. Her salty sweet juices were truly enjoyed…it awakened my mouth. I heard her gasp when I found her button and began to run my tongue quickly back and forth. I had never been exposed to my bi-sexuality…but what was happening seemed to be so natural. I felt her bearing down on me…she was pressing herself into my mouth and she began to move her ass over my face. I simply lost myself in her pussy…it didn’t matter to me that my tongue was making contact with her anus; I wanted to please her. She bore down on me further…seemingly, she was grinding her pussy against my face…I felt her juices on my forehead, my chin…it became apparently clear to me from hearing her moans, her cries of ecstasy; she was close to her orgasm. When she suddenly cried out and her body buckled…I felt her orgasm covering my face.
Abruptly, she stood up…she faced the mirror and in a short period of time, she had totally regained her composure. She had reached for her panties…another quick moment, they were in place, covering and protecting her pussy. “Get yourself together. I will expect you downstairs in a few minutes. You are not allowed to wear your panties.” With those few words, she left me lying on the bathroom floor.
When I got up, I looked over my shoulder…my ass cheeks were normal, hardly any redness was seen. And yet, I remembered what she had said to me. She was going to spank my ass and thighs…she wanted to see my cry. I shivered…something told me that she was very capable in providing discipline to a submissive. My eyes had watered…not out of pain, it was more directed from an emotional release. I desperately was trying to get myself together; to make myself look presentable. My hair…my make-up, it was the best I was able to do…before I stepped out of the bathroom; I stuffed my panties in the bottom of the wastebasket.
I was relieved when I stepped into the hallway…no one was there. When I began to walk down the stairs to the first floor…I felt as if everyone who made eye contact with me, was aware that I had just been mauled by this secretive woman. I immediately began to scan the rooms for my husband. I also kept a watchful eye out for the woman. A server passed me and I quickly reached for a glass of wine. The alcohol was needed…my breath must have smelled like pussy juices…when anyone looked in my direction; I was self-conscious of my appearance. In truth, I had done a miraculously job with my hair and make-up.
Entering one room to the next, at long last, I saw the woman. I seemingly gave up…wondering where my husband was. When I returned to her shadow, she was engaged in a conversation with an older gentleman. She quickly faced me…she looked me up and down; she smiled. She didn’t have to ask me…she knew that I wasn’t wearing my panties. She then continued with her conversation. I was back to feeling irrelevant…no one seemed to care who I was.
At some point during the evening, she whispered in my ear that we would be leaving. She had said a number of goodbye’s to the people who were in attendance…wishing them a happy holiday. With the goodbyes and holiday greetings said…we were alone in her car; she was driving away from this magnificent home. Where were we going? Only she knew the answer to that question. I wanted to say something…anything, but I remained silent. I wanted her to say something…anything, but she remained silent. I felt as if I was being punished with silence.

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 3

This is the third chapter of the story. I had to make a few changes in this chapter as well as the previous ones in accordance to the new rules, but hopefully it doesn’t take much away from the story. As always please comment and add any suggestions you would like to see!

Her Taste Pt.2

I left the room and got in the shower and was still fantasizing myself with my mother. I still couldn’t believe that I just fucked my mother. While I was showering I was cleaning my cock that was rising again with my mom on my mind. I grabbed a towel and rapped it around my waist. I walked to mom’s bedroom to see if she would need any help and to my surprise she was still naked doing the bed. I guess she wasn’t considered about me seeing her naked again after we just had intercourse. Perhaps she thought I would take more time in the shower.
Anyway she was blowing my mind in every way. She was bending over making the bed and all I could think was to shove my cock in her pussy that was still loaded with my come. I had to think and decide fast what I was going to do before she would notice me. But my thoughts were to slow and my mother saw me before I could grab her by surprise.
“No T, go to your room and get dressed and give me some time to get dressed.”
“But mom, I want you again. I can’t get you out of my mind. Look at my hard on.” I removed the towel from my waist and extended my cock that was harder than before. Her eyes were glued on my erection.
“T, we must not do such thing again. It is not right for anybody and especially to your father. I love you and you know that but that’s where it has to stop.”
“But you liked it mom, I know you did? I need you now. Please at least on more time?”
“That is out of the question! Of course I enjoyed it but that doesn’t mean that it was ok for us to do it. I haven’t had sex for a while and that was another reason for me to be so weak”
“But you gave me a blowjob on Saturday and I found you today on your bed with my underwear in your hand?” She was quiet for a second like I caught her on the act.
“T that was my biggest mistake and fantasizing about you smelling your underwear was wrong to and it will not happen again. Do you understand that we can not do this again?”
I turned around and left the room and went to my room. I lost my hard on and was very upset that I couldn’t have her again. But I wasn’t going to give up easy now. I caught her with my underwear in her hands. She even admitted to be fantasizing about me. So now I was going to play my game. I was going to try to seduce her. I was going to make her go crazy. My plan was very simple but I was sure that it was going to be successful.
I started to ignore her when ever I was in the house or around her. I became very cold and was very bold in everything I did for myself. I walked around the house with my bicycle tights with any underwear. I would exercise in the back yard when she was in the kitchen so she could see me through the big window viewing the back yard completely.
My hard-on was always visible and I know at least a few times she would see it. She would walk in my room on Saturdays and see me naked on the bed pretending to sleep. I was just haunting her. After a week she finally talked to me.
“T, I know you are upset but you must understand that this is impossible to happen again.”
“I am sorry mom but I can’t get you out of my mind. And I don’t think I will ever!” But that gave me another idea. Since I was spending so much time with her and my father was always at work except on Sunday’s, I could take advantage of that and that my father was not pleasing my mother sexually. I could go on with what I was doing but at the same time I will pretend of getting over it until the moment is right. And believe me; I did get her into bed again.
But only this time it was better than the first time. I kept tempting her every single day and I added a girl in the scene to get her jealous. I talked on the phone in front of her like she was not there and I was enjoying every moment of it. I know she was listening because I was watching her wipe the counter that was completely clean dozens of times.
She would wash a single glass in the sink for ten minutes! She never cleaned the dishes or glass with her hands. She always used the dishwasher. So I knew my plan was on the right path.
“Mom, I am going out tonight with Patty and we maybe late. She is going to pick me up with her dad’s car.”
“Where will you go?”
Aha! Got her attention for sure, wait till she hears where we are going. “We’re going to the lake restaurant and maybe take a walk after.”
“The restaurant sounds good but the walk at night doesn’t sound that great for a girl to walk in the night because you know what goes on there late at night. We discussed this before.”
Of course I knew but that was the plan. Couples would go up there by the lake shore and “mate” in their car’s, on the grass and… let her imagination fly.
“Yes mom we both know what goes on up there and if we decide to do it there, we are adults!” That made her swallow and I could see in her eyes saying: “That little bitch is going to fuck my boy!”
I bet she went crazy that night. Patty and I after a nice dinner we had we droved to the lake shore and we made out but not have any sex. Just some breast touching and she played with my cock over my pants. But when I tried to put my hand under her shirt she stopped me saying that she wanted to take it slow. But I was horny as hell because I was thinking about my mom and I know she was too.
Patty dropped of at home and it was about 12.30 after midnight. I know my parents are in bed 11.00 sharp. But when I walked in the front door I saw my mother in the living room on the couch pretending to watch some stupid program. I know she was waiting for me and that she was going to ask me if I had a good time with the intention of find out if I got laid.
“Hey mom, why are you up so late?”
“I was just watching this program about decorating houses.”
“Well, I am going to bed because I am tired.” I guess that gave her the answer. She probably thought that we fucked or brains out with Patty. I walked slowly close to her and placed my hands on her cheeks. I bended just a bit down looking at her straight in the eyes. Her mouth was extending out as if she was expecting me to kiss her on her lips.
I had her burning that moment. I bet you that I could’ve fucked her right there on the couch but I was going to make her crazy first. I slowly approached my face to hers and her eyes closed. I don’t know where I found the strength to avoid the kiss but I did. I kissed her on her forehead leaving her with her mouth open and her fantasy running at the speed of light. “Good night” I said and left to my bedroom.
She was shocked and surprised. She didn’t even say good night back to me. I went to my room and took my nice nylon bicycle tights and headed for the shower. I knew she was not going to stay any longer in front of the TV and she would hear me taking a shower and that would even make her more sure that I had sex with Patty. Then I heard the door open fast and close fast as well.
“I am sorry T, I didn’t hear the water running but I can’t hold myself any longer because I had too much to drink. I won’t make to the other bathroom.”
I heard the toilet seat go down and she let her bladder release all she had to drink before. I could see her figure right through the curtain.
“I hope you don’t mind T, I apologize again for my intrusion.”
“That’s ok mom. No need to worry about, you can’t see anything and either can I” moving myself closer to the side where the curtain has a gap from the bathroom tile wall massaging my cock slowly with the soap. I moved just enough for her to be able to see my full erection holding my head a little bit back so that she wouldn’t think that I could see that she is watching me.
I just love what I was doing to her. I was curious if she was going to leave or stay. Well she took the longest piss in history because I could clearly see her image on the toilet seat for a long time. Then I could see some kind of movement and from what I figured she was masturbating. She probably thought that I couldn’t see that she was still there and I was going to let her believe that. Since I was masturbating too she was sure that I wasn’t aware of her presents.
I was going slowly but I wasn’t going to hold for long because I had this hard-on from the lake and with the thought of my mom masturbating for me I was in total ecstasy. I couldn’t hold myself from peaking to get a glimpse of her even for a second. I moved my head without looking directly at her so that I wouldn’t surprise her if she saw me looking. But to my luck she had her legs spread wide and her head was looking up while she was fingering herself.
I missed that site of her beautiful pussy for a while and couldn’t take it no more. Then her head moved back down and before she opened her eyes I moved my head back and started to blast my come in the tub. A few seconds later I could hear her getting up and flushing the toilet and leaving very fast.
I was getting there and I know it would be soon. I didn’t want it to happen one time again and then be sorry again. I was going to be her lover for ever. I went back to my room and fell a sleep in a few seconds with my mother’s pussy image in my mind.
Next morning was Saturday and I was going to have the entire day to make her go crazy. When my father’s car engine faded out of the drive way I took my tights of and rubbed my cock for a few strokes so I could get him up. I knew she wasn’t going to blow me like the first time but she was going to be tempted.
When she walked in the room she made silence trying not to wake me up. But she was dreaming of my cock and I know it. Then I moved scaring her and making her go fast out the door and close it behind her. I was laughing. It maybe sounds cruel but I was going to fuck her and this time, make her my lover, but not just yet because she wasn’t ready and I wanted her to beg for my cock and not just a fuck relief from her sexual deprivation.
I got up and did my usual tempting moves and walked with my hard-on right in front of her, with my tights on of course. Then the phone rang.
“I’ll get it!” I told her. “Hello? Hey Patty, how are you this morning cute face? Any regrets for last nights happenings?” I was talking out loud purposely do get moms attention and I did because she turn the TV volume down to hear. I had to do this right. “Want to go again? You do? You can’t take the car tonight? Don’t worry tonight I get to take moms car.” That’s when my mother jumped in.
“Sorry T, but tonight I will need the car to go to a movie with my friend Lora. You can ask your father when he comes from work.”
Yeah right, my father would never give me his new car, I thought. I know she didn’t have a date with her friend and she just came up with that idea.
“Mom that isn’t fair, you promised last week. Why can’t Lora pick you up with her car?” I was trying to see how far she would go because I really didn’t care about going with Patty to the lake than fucking my own mother. And now I had a plan that was going to drive her even crazier!
“Forget it Patty, we will do it next week if you don’t mind? That’s a date!” I closed the phone and proceeded with my new plan.
“Mom since I can’t take the car, can I come with you and Lora to the movie? I haven’t seen a movie for a long time.” I knew Lora didn’t have a clew about the movie and she would have to call her and plan it the last moment. Her friend Lora was a couple of years younger and was also a hot mature babe but my mother was number one for me.
“I will call Lora later and ask her if she is ok with it but it sounds ok with me!”
“I am going to do a few miles with my bike and when I come back I have to know.”
When I came back I was in sweat and my cock was hard as a rock because during the entire session I was thinking of my mother. I took of my shirt and stopped right in front of her. Her eyes were staring my body and stopped at my erected cock for a second.
“Well? Are we going to the movies tonight or…?”
She interrupted me “Of course you are welcome to come with us and Lora agreed with the idea of someone escorting us.”
“Good!” I smiled with a thousand of ideas of how to get mom jealous to death. I was heading straight to the shower when she stopped in front of the bathroom door.
“We are leaving 7.00 PM to grab a bite and then head for theatres”.
“Ok mom, I will take a nap and please wake me up at 6.30”.
“Ok sweetheart”.
I finished the shower and went to take a nap and I fell on the bed with the towel on my waist pulling it enough on the side to reveal the head of my cock.
“T, wake up and get ready because you got 30 minutes”. She pushed my thigh touching with her fingers my cock.
I knew she would try something like that. But I played it cool. “I have awakened mom and I will be ready in a few minutes”. I got dressed and it was 7 when we left the house to pick up Lora. I got out of the front seat and I offered the front seat like a gentleman to her. She was smiling and gave me a kiss on my cheek thanking me.
We talked about what we were going to have for dinner before the movie. We decided something good and fast so we went to this place with delicious pizza and had our dinner. Lora was looking at me all the time and was telling my mom that if she was ten years younger she would hit on me.
“Leave your hands of my son Lora you are to old for him” she said smiling but I saw jealousy in that look.
“No she is not mom, Lora looks very beautiful and is very sexy and I would never mind dating her”.
“That is the nicest compliment I had for a long time, thank you young man”.
“I am speaking from my heart and not being polite”.
My mother was freaking out and I could tell because she was very nervous and shoving the pizza in her mouth bite after bites trying to hide her feelings. Then she interrupted us and said that it was time to go so that we could find tickets for the next play of the movie and a good parking.
I sat next to her and on my right hand side sat Lora. The lights dimmed and the movie started. On my left hand I was holding popcorn that I was sharing with my mom and Lora was holding her own. During the movie my mother put her hand on my thigh near my cock and asked me if I was enjoying the movie with them. Of course I ignored the hand and told that I was enjoying it.
She didn’t take her hand of my thigh and her hand moved slightly to my cock and made him go up to attention. Again I ignored and pretended that I was not aware of her real intentions and asked Lora if she was ok too. My mother was pissed because she immediately removed her hand from my thigh. The movie ended and we got home after we dropped Lora off.
“Hey dad what’s up, what are you watching?”
“Just the news”.
“We had a good time at the movie and we had some pizza”.
My mom sat next to him and curled on him and tried to assuage her wounded ego but my father did give her much but a kiss on the forehead and his eyes were back on the screen.
“I am going to sleep guys, see you tomorrow”. I said and went to my room. She was pissed and horny as hell and if she wouldn’t get anything from my dad then she would be an easier target for me next week.
Now the following week was the last week of school and after that I would be free to work on my plan all day. All week I did the same teasing to her and she was always looking and I could tell that she was praying for me to make a move. But I was going to wait until the week after school. Next weekend I pretty much did the same with Patty but of course no sex yet but I really didn’t care because that was the Saturday that I was going to make the move.
On Friday after I got back from my date with Patty I went to my room and fell a sleep. I was going to need it because my mom was going to fuck my brains out.
Next morning I got up early and went downstairs right after my father left. My mom was in the kitchen sink preparing some things to cook. She was slightly bended over the sink and the water was running so she didn’t here me coming behind her. I passed behind her on purpose instead of going around the table to go to the fridge.
While I was passing I stopped behind her and kissed her on her neck a little bit under her ear lobe. My cock pushed on her thin night gown that she was still wearing, between her ass cheeks. She shivered and almost lost her balance but her ass pressed hard on mine.
“Good morning mom, are you ok today?” I said and went to the fridge to get some juice to drink.
“Good morning darling” she said in a weak sexy voice.
“Want some juice mom?”
“Sure sweetheart I will sit and drink some with you.”
“Ok, mom”. She sat next to me and every time I looked her way I could see her cleavage. I was getting hard and I had to fuck her. I think that today was going to be the day, I thought inside my mind.
“You want me to make you some eggs with a few slices of bacon and two slices of toast with butter and honey? I know you love honey!”
“I would love it mom if you did.”
While she was frying the eggs and bacon I was looking at her ass and I noticed that she was not wearing any under wear. Now I was getting hard and hard every second going by. I was thinking of going behind her and lifting her gown and shoving my cock in her desirable pussy.
But I wanted her to be the one so that I would be sure of her too.
“Here you go T, just the way you like them.”
“Thanks mom.”
“Are you going to go exercise today?”
“Yes I will go after this breakfast I will take the bike and go do some miles.”
“Ok cause after I finish the cooking preparation I will take a hot bubble bath in the big tub. I need to relax and release the tension I have.”
Oh! My god I can’t miss this! Maybe I will join her? No, that won’t be a good idea unless she asks me to join. But I was going to come back soon.
“Ok mom, by the way breakfast tastes delicious.”
I put on my bicycle shorts with my hard cock throbbing which was caught by my mother’s eye making her stare for a second.
“See you later mom!”
“By darling and be careful.”
I couldn’t go too far with all those horny thoughts of my mom in the bathtub so after about 30 minutes I was back hoping that she would be in there. I passed out of the bathroom and saw that the door was open and she was in the tub relaxing.
“T darling you can take a shower while I am in the tub if you want to.”
“Thanks mom!” Was that inviting or just because we had only one shower and bath tub in the same room? I wasn’t going to refuse the offer so I got in and asked her to close her eyes so that I could take my shorts of and get in the shower. But that was just to make her think I was not into anything sneaky.
I got in the shower and left the curtain this time about a foot open so see could see easy what I was doing. The bathtub which is actually some kind of hydro massage thing that I haven’t tried yet was next to the toilet. I washed my body and every time I came by my cock I would play with him slowly pretending I was cleaning him but I was really jerking off imagining my mother in the big tub. I know she was watching because the way she was sitting she was facing directly at the shower.
Then I came up with another idea. I washed off the soap and then turned of the water. I heard some water flowing in the massage tub and nothing else.
“Mom, my muscles are killing me. I wish I could have a massage but I guess that is out of the question.”
“My little darling would you like to join me in the tub? The water is very relaxing and you can sit on your father’s side. The water gives a good massage.”
Was that an invitation or what? Of course I was going to accept. “Ok mom but don’t look until I get under the bubbles.”
I sat in the water and it was really driving me crazy but I still wasn’t sure if she was ready. My left foot was touching her on the side of her hip. I was so close but still not close enough. Then she did something that was really bringing me to a relaxation state. She grabbed my foot and began to massage the sole of my foot.
“Here sweetheart let me relax your feet.”
“Mom that feels great, oh…”
I moaned in her hands. I was turned on relaxed at the same time. But then she took my other foot and the left rested on her pussy. I left all the weight on it and she spread her legs a bit but not completely so that my foot would stop on her lips. Now I was getting hard and I was ready to jerk off in the tub. But I didn’t move yet. I was waiting for her first move. So I tried to make things much easier.
“Here mom, let me relax you too” I grabbed her foot and did the same to her right above my cock. When I raised her foot she spread her left leg just a bit so my foot was now face to face with her “love hole”. Then she raised her head and closed her eyes putting more pressure with her waist on my foot and the same time her foot was now on my cock. She was masturbating with my foot and her foot was rubbing my cock. I thought that it was going to happen again but for my luck the phone rang and she came to her senses and grabbed the wireless phone that was sitting right next to her head.
“Hello? Hey honey what is going on? What? So you are leaving tonight? Well I am taking a bath in the massage tub. He is gone with his bike!” She lied! That is what made me believe that I was closer than I thought to her pussy.
“What happened mom?”
“Dad is going to be out of town for a week or so. He has to attend to three different meetings of his company but the executives are leaving tonight all together and will be back next Sunday night. He says sorry because he won’t be able to attend to your graduation on Monday.”
I was jumping inside and was dreaming of this week to come. “That’s ok mom; you will be there though right?”
“Of course I will. But now I have to get his suitcase ready because he is on his way and he won’t stay long. I enjoyed the massage. Maybe we can do it again some other time?”
“Sure I still need a massage on my thighs and my back and neck are killing me.”
“Don’t worry T, I will give you a massage and get you relaxed.”
She got out of the bath first raising her towel in front of her and when she turned I got a glimpse of her gorgeous ass. My mom is really hot for her age. Anyway I got out after her and went to my room where I got dressed and went downstairs in my father’s office to surf on the net and plan my next move. But I was thinking that maybe I should let her make the next move and I should go on with my normal plan.
My father came and he left after he changed and wished me the best for Monday on my graduation. Then the house was suddenly quiet until the phone rang and Patty was looking for me. My mom was looking more likely “pissed” and was listening to the entire conversation. And then I saw a big smile when I told Patty that I was in a bad mood and that I wouldn’t want to go out tonight, hoping for the best to come.
“I am glad you aren’t going out because I am making you your favorite meal!”
“Wow! You are making that stuffed meat with your secret ingredients? Yes!”
I went back to my room and tried to figure out what was going to happen tonight or tomorrow or Monday or…! But then I thought again, that I had fucked her already and I was acting like I hadn’t. Now I know that the anticipation was driving me crazy and that is the secret formula of sex. The actual intercourse is not much exiting but relief to the wait and is like an award.
I understood more and more every second that was going by. I think I know how to play the game and I will continue until she gives me the reward. Lost In my thoughts I fell asleep.
Her gentle lips gave me a kiss partly on my lips and partly on my cheek. I was surprised but tried not to show it.
“Wake up sweetheart. Dinner is ready and I am very hungry”.
“I am very hungry to Mom and can’t wait to eat!” I got up as I was without putting any shirt on and headed for the kitchen. Mom was wearing a long T-shirt that just covered her ass. My cock was erected in a second.
“It smells great mom and I bet it tastes good too.”
“I hope you like it”
“Mmm! This is delicious!”
“I am glad that you like it because I made it a little bit spicy.”
With all the spice in the food and the spice from her was getting me hot and I started to sweat. She was eating slowly and each bite would go in her mouth with her tongue out and her eyes closed driving me to crazy thoughts. But I loved every moment of it. She finished before I did and left. I was eating a second dish but I was too curious why she left without saying a word.
I couldn’t hear a thing coming from the living room, no TV not a sound. I finished my dish and went looking for her. I passed her room and saw that the light was on but she wasn’t in. I saw her panties on the bed and approached boldly to the bed and picked up her panty and “stuffed” it in my nose. I could smell her aroma that was arousing as hell. I placed back where it was and head towards my room and saw the bathroom light open as well.
“Hey sweet heart are going to join me in the tub? I believe I owe you a massage from this morning.” She called me once she saw me in front of the door. And of course I wanted to get in there but I had to act normal because I wanted to continue playing my game and I was enjoying the stress of lust for my mom.
“Oh mom I really need that.” I rapped a towel around my waist and dropped my tights and headed towards the tub. I was getting hard and I rushed in the tub and once I got in I took off the towel and held it in front of me so that she couldn’t see my cock even though I wanted her to. I sat like this morning but that wasn’t the right position.
“No T! Come close to mommy and let her rub your back and shoulders because you already had your feet down this morning.”
How could I refuse the offer? I turned around and sat in front of her opened already legs. Her hands were all over my back giving me chills and relaxation at the same time. Her fingers were running up and down my spine. She almost got to my asshole but her fingers stopped an inch after my crotch. My cock was throbbing and pulsing but not in full erection. I guess it was the massage that was relaxing at the same time.
After a while of back massage she pulled me closer and concentrated on my shoulders and neck. I was in total ecstasy and when I left my weight fall back I was on my mom huge breasts. I loved the feeling of her soft flesh on my back. So I was purposely pushing back on her tits. I don’t know what size they were but I know that they were very big and tight at the same time. Not saggy at all either!
After a long session my mother asks “T does that make you feel any better?”
“Mom that was great! I wish you can do that to me more often.”
“I promise to give you a massage whenever you feel so much tension.”
“Mom you are the best and I love you, do you know that?”
“Of course mommy knows that and she loves you more than you can imagine.”
I turned my body side ways creating a 90 degree angle with my mother’s legs having them over my legs. I turn my head directly to her face and I could see with the bottom of my eyes her luscious tits because my movement caused the bubbles between her body and mine to disappear. I slowly moved my lips towards her face and she closed her eyes once again as if she was waiting for my lips to join hers.
That gave me a chance to look clearly at her boobs that made my cock pulse more and my mother could feel that since her thigh was on my cock. I kissed her on the cheek surprising her and hugged her squeezing my body on her breasts. That feeling was even more intense because the water was very oily due to the aromatic oils and soap that my mother loaded the tub with.
“Mom you’re the best” I said humping her thigh trying to get some comfort. She was humping lightly the side of my ass. We continued this for some minutes as a mutual masturbation until her breathing and moaning started to get louder. That is when I interrupted and pulled away from her.
“Mom thanks! I feel so relaxed (I mean horny and I don’t know where I found the strength to stop it) and I think I am going to go to sleep.”
I turned back around and told her that she could get out behind me now that I wasn’t looking.
“Thank you sweetheart I guess it is time to go to bed. I hope you have a nice deep sleep.”
“Thanks mom and I promise to return you the massage another time.” But I wasn’t going to sleep and I knew it because I was so fucking horny but I was enjoying the anticipation.
I got back to my room and was trying to get some sleep but that was not going to happen like that. I got out of bed around 12.30 after midnight and went in the living room and turned on the TV. I was zapping the channels trying to find something interesting to get my attention but nothing. Then without noticing her, my mom sits next to me in her pink transparent nightgown.
“What’s the matter T darling? Can’t you sleep? My massage was not that great was wasn’t it?”
“Oh no mom your hands were great but I am in over-strain from the exercise” I looked back at the TV but my eyes caught her pubic hair under her nightgown! She wasn’t wearing any under wear and no bra. My cock was up in a second. I didn’t try to hide it though and I know she noticed it.
“Do you want mommy to put you asleep like she use to when you were a little boy?”
When ever I couldn’t sleep when I was younger she would lie next to me on my bed and play with my hair until I fell asleep and when I would wake up in the morning she would be gone.
“Mom, would you do that for me?”
“Come on darling, let’s go to sleep.”
I closed the TV and walked back towards my room but once I got to her door she stopped me.
“Where are you going T. You have grown up to much and I don’t think we could both fit in your bed now? Come on there is an empty space on my King size bed.”
Ouch! She was inviting me to her bed! I didn’t say a thing but walked there and lied on my back and she came in behind me. There was a small nightlight that she kept on throughout the night always and was plugged in the outlet across the bed. So when she raised her leg to get on the bed next to me a got a dim view over her pussy. My god she was hot.
She sat next to me and started fondling my hair. She was in a sitting position whilst I was lying with my head next to her side. I turned and hugged her and cuddled my head on her breasts trying to find comfort just like I always do with my pillow. She released I small sigh or rather would I say breathed out releasing something like stress pushing my head on her tits.
My eyes though were on her pussy and I could smell her excitement. Her Pussy was calling out for a good fuck. But I was not going to make the move, at least yet! Then I fell back to the pillow and let her hands full of love to put my tension aside. I don’t know when, but I did fall asleep.
When I woke up I was surprised and my cock was hard as a rock because my bladder was calling out for release but also my mother had her knee over my body and the inner part of her thigh was on my cock. Her arm was around my waist and her hand was on my chest. Her head was a little bit under my chest! I don’t know how or when she got in that position but she did.
I had to go to the bathroom bad so I had no choice to but to try to get up without waking her if I could but if I did I couldn’t do anything about it. I actually caught her attention when I got up because once I was up she called: “hurry up sweetheart, mommy is waiting! You don’t have to go back to your bed trying not to wake me up and I am planning to sleep in today with my little young my next me.” She said with a very sexy warm tone.
I was not going to go back on that offer since I was actually going to go back to my bed after. When I got back she was looking towards the other way that she was before and her moving caused her gown to pull up and her ass was in my full exposure. I could also see her pussy just like when I first saw it. I wasn’t going to do anything yet though. You see I understood now that what I did the first time was sort of a rape and so was her blowjob even though I was aware.
Her seduction was waking me feel better than ever. But I was not going to let this go but use it in my advantage. I hugged her from behind placing my hand on her stomach that way my arm was on the side of her right breast. I rubbed my cock on her naked ass and she pushed back and shifted her ass a bit placing my cock between her ass cheeks. Together we made a couple of moves which caused my cock head to escape out of my underwear and I know she felt it because she paused for a moment like she was thinking about it. But then she humped him while I humped her for a few strokes again until a full stop.
My cock was now half way out of my underwear and was between her ass cheeks. I fought very hard not to move any more and I made it. It was more like a cuddling situation than a sex act. I think I was getting in her skin deeper and deeper every minute that was going by.
I fell asleep once again in my warm thoughts about my mother because when I woke up she was gone and my cock was still half out of my underwear and was sure that she saw that. Anyway I got up washed up and changed to me tights and naked of course under. I got to the kitchen and saw my mother making some breakfast.
“Ah! Great timing! I was going to come and wake you up but I see you read my mind.”
“Good morning Mom, it smells great! I am sorry about yesterday mom! I didn’t mean to keep you up!”
“What are you talking about honey? I had a wonderful sleep! Actually I never thought I slept better than last night ever before!”
That was good to hear. I know it was a matter of time for us but I just didn’t know when exactly. We ate breakfast looking at each other with sexy thoughts I think because I was and by the way she was looking at me like a sexy cat I think she was. My eyes were playing with hers like two little love birds. I wasn’t even looking at her desirable tits that were visible threw her gown!
“Mom I am going to go bicycling for a few miles than I will work out my abs when I come back. If you need anything from me before I go let me know.”
“Sweetheart that is just fine and I don’t need anything for the moment so go on and hurry back and also, be careful. I will work out too. I got to keep in shape.”
“You are doing a hell of a job mom because you have a perfect body!”
“Thanks sweetie but I need to get my abs tighter just like yours!”
I left and after I came back I did the rest of my workout out in our back yard. I didn’t see my mother anywhere but I know she was somewhere inside. I finished and off to the shower I headed. When I got near the door I heard the water in the tub again so I figured that my mom was in there and she was.
“Mom I need…”
“Come and join me darling I just got in from my workout too!”
I didn’t even think about it. I got in the tub and took my tights off once I sat in. I could smell here workout sweat as mine but also the oils and bubbles were mixing together making everything feel even sexier. I think that she had more oil than last time because the water was very oily.
“Ok mom it is your turn to get a nice massage. Come an sit as I did yesterday in front of me so I can do your back and neck and your hands.”
“So you are going to pay back the favor?”
“Sure! I want to get one again another time too so one for me and one for you.”
“You are a sweetheart T.”
She turned and then moved back towards my open legs and almost touched my cock that was in almost full erection. I began rubbing her arms all the way to her elbows and back up. I was doing the outer are of her arms and then I turned my wrists so that I could do the inside. So every time I headed for the armpit I would touch her breasts with the back side of my palm. I was trying not to make her think I was purposely doing that.
That went on for a while but I had to move on even though I liked it. I started massaging her entire back from top to bottom. She was enjoying it because she seemed so relaxed. Then I did what she did to my spine. My finger was started from the top and slowly went down. I was curious of her reaction when I would reach my finger to her ass crack.
“Mom, am I doing it right?”
“You have hands of an angel.”
When I reached the “DO NOT TOUCH AREA” she leaned forward giving me some more space to go. I almost touched her ass hole but I didn’t want to go too far. Being bold at this moment could make a different reaction than I would expect. Plus I have gone through a lot to bring her in this “state”. I was having a bath with my mother naked!
I guess you would all say that I was stupid at this point because it seemed like she was calling out “Fuck Me!” but I was choosing to prolong it more. And at the end it paid me off more than I could dream of.
Next I rubbed her neck and I concentrated on her main nerves giving her “goose bumps” and “chills”. When I was done she did exactly what I did yesterday. She turned around and was ready to kiss me on my lips but I moved to her cheek when she closed her eyes. She hugged me and I could feel her tits on me. Then she turned back and laid on me and put my hands around her right on her “fury triangle”. My cock was on her back pulsing and my balls were at her ass crack.
“Thank you T! I feel so great!”
“Anytime mom you need me you have me!”
That is when she got bolder and started to move her back in a motion that felt as if she was masturbating me. I was ready to put my hands on her opening but I didn’t. I whispered in her ear.
“Mom I love you!”
“Mommy loves you more sweetheart!”
But my cock was about to blow out because of her ass and back rubbing on my cock. I didn’t know what to do that moment. Come on her back or move to un-trap him. My breathing was getting a bit faster and I knew she could tell that I was approaching climax. Then she moved her hips a bit forward and stopped my climax and opened a conversation that revealed how jealous she was about Patty.
“How is Patty getting along with you?”
“Just fine mom, but why are you asking?”
“I am just concern if she is right for you!”
“Mom I think that I can evaluate her by myself but thanks.”
Now to the question that gave me more confidence.
“T have you had sex with her?” she asked.
“I know sweetheart I sound bold but we should discuss these things.”
“Ok but I get to ask you too anything I want about sex if you want me to answer.”
“I guess that is only fair to answer to your sex questions also.”
“Ok then! I haven’t had any sex with her but she told that she wanted to go further”
She relaxed and released a sigh of relief like she was glad that I had not gone all the way with Patty.
“Don’t rush things because you may get hurt and I don’t want that to happen.”
I was laughing in my thoughts because I knew why she was saying all this. I know she wanted me to come on her but that was not going to happen. She was going to make the move first. That way she wouldn’t be able to say anything.
“Mom I am 18 and I have needs and you know that.”
“I know you are right but…” she fell in to her deep thoughts that I interrupted with a question.
“Mom when was the last time you had sex?”
“T that is none…”
“Mom you promised!”
“I am sorry! Well it was two weeks ago and lasted 5 minutes and I don’t know why I am getting in to details with you but your father is losing his sex drive and I am still in need of sex.”
“Mom that’s ok, I won’t say anything to anybody else!”
“I know you won’t sweetheart.”
“I am sorry mom!” I hugged her around her breasts and kissed from behind on her cheek.
She held my arms with her hands and squeezed them more on her breasts and turned her head and reached with her lips to my lips. But when she was about to touch them I gave her my cheek once again. She kissed me again but this time it was a wet kiss with a bit of tongue and bite. I was horny as hell and I don’t know how I could hold my self so long.
“Yes darling!” she said in a low sexy tone as if she was waiting for me to say something about fucking her.
“I wish I could help you but…”
With the “but” she turned and locked her lips on mine in to a long kiss that I thought last for ages. She sucked, licked and did whatever she knew with my lips and I was just following. She moaned more and more and kissed me with so much passion.
“T, I am …” I now she was ready to say sorry but I wasn’t going to let all this go for nothing. So I locked her lips this time and made her moan even more.
I took more control and move towards the center of the tub and lifted her body over mine making her spread her legs and sit on my lap. Her pussy was now rubbing on my cock.
“T, what is…?”
I locked her lips once again and after a while of more kissing I stopped and looked at her in the eyes and told her “Mom, don’t fight it! You want me as much as I want you. I love you and you love me. What else could we ask for? Let go as I will.”
“Take me now T!” she said and grabbed my cock and rubbed two three times on her labia and then pushed him all the way in.
“Ah! T that feels wonderful. I can’t understand why I want you so much even though it is not right.”
“Mom I feel the same way and I can’t get you out of my mind.”
“I don’t want any body else but you and I will never want anyone else.”
“Oh, T! Take me my little boy! Give me your love darling!”
She fucked my cock like a maniac and with such speed that was going to bring me to the end.
“Mom I can’t hold any longer.”
“I’m coming too T, yes, yes…ah…”
I came in her pussy over and over and she kept fucking me slowly now. Her spasms of her orgasm were coming one after the other. Her lips were open in front of mine and I could hear her trembling voice moan and sigh. Her vagina felt as if it was sucking my cock. When she finally finished completely she noticed that I still had a hard on and was surprised.
“You still have a hard-on sweetheart?”
“Mom, I still have it because you make me so horny and I want to be in your pussy all the time.”
She kissed me deeply after my words and it wasn’t long before she started moving up and down on my shaft once again. But this time she was moving slowly in a rhythm of slow song. I looked at her breasts and then started to suck and lick on her nipples one after the other. I was rubbing my face on her huge tits. Her moans were growing and getting loader again.
“Mom, you are the most beautiful woman in the whole world!”
Her reply was another deep and passionate kiss. My hands now where on her ass cheeks opening them as she would go down. Soon my hands found there way to her labia and ass hole. When I touched her anus she was surprised and pleased at the same time. I got into dirty thoughts and was thinking how it would feel if I fucked her ass. But I didn’t want to rush things until I knew that she was going to want it to.
“T, I am going to come again, no one has made me come with their cock like this before. T you are so wonderful.” She kept moaning and soon her breathing was so strong. She grabbed my head and hugged me tight till her voice got louder and then she bent her body backwards trying to get my cock deeper but in the position of me sitting that wouldn’t be possible.
But she continued in the same pace and was reaching her peak. I then stuck the tip of my middle finger slowly up her ass and made her scream and speed up the pace.
I thought the neighbors were going to hear us but I didn’t care. That is were I got overwhelmed by her moaning and screaming and released my come once again inside her pussy.
“Mom, I love you. I am coming in your pussy.”
“Yes T, shoot your come in my pussy. Come with mommy!”
The following minutes we were kissing and acting like to normal lovers. My cock was still in her and she didn’t move at all. Then all of a sudden she looked worried.
“T what are we doing? This is not right!”
“Mom I don’t care what is wrong or right! I just want to be in you all the time. And who is going to know if we don’t say anything?”
“But still it is not right as much as I desire to have you in me.”
“Why should we fight it? Dad can’t please you any more but I can. What would be better to do? Find another boy friend and cheat on dad or me your own blood?”
“I wouldn’t even consider choosing to go with a stranger than with you!”
“I will never let dad guess that we are lovers. All this I went through the last months was just to seduce you. And Patty was just another way to get to you! I was just trying to get you jealous.”
“You little teaser!” she smiled at me and kissed me.
“As long as I can make love with you I will never go with another woman. And even if you put an end to this I still will be thinking of you when I fuck another woman!”
She hugged me tight and kissed me again for a few minutes. Then she slowly got off of me and took my hand and we both were standing as she dried me with her towel and then she dried her self. I was looking at her fury mount and my cock was half way up again and she smiled at me and said:
“Let’s go to bed sweetheart and relax.”
I followed her to her bedroom and we lied on the bed. I was facing the ceiling and she curled her right leg around my waist and cock that was growing again. Her right breast was on my chest. Her head was resting on my neck. But then she kissed me goodnight and turned her back on me and said that she would decide if we should go on or put an end to this tomorrow.
I fell a sleep thinking about everything that had happened. When I woke up it was still early. It was 5.30 AM. I had my hand around her stomach and my cock was hard as a rock on her ass crack. She was still deeply asleep and seemed so relaxed. I moved slowly away from her but when I saw her ass I went into dirty thought again.
I went down and looked at her ass that was probing out towards my face. I could see her pussy and anus. But that little anus was calling me and I couldn’t get the thought of my cock in there! It smelled so clean so I licked it for a few strokes up and down with my tongue. My mom didn’t move but she felt something because she released a sigh that was almost like a moan.
I continued and I enjoyed it very much. Soon I was sticking my tongue in her ass hole and then she woke up.
“T? What are…? Oh! That feels wonderful!”
I didn’t say a word and kept going on. She then slowly turned on her face spreading her legs giving me full view and access to her anus.
“T… Yes…Lick my ass hole… Yes… I love it… Stick your tongue in…”
I slowly started spreading her ass with my hands and licking and sticking my tongue as deep as I could. I thought it would smell bad but I think my mother was cleaning up her self very thoroughly. I was licking her for a while and my cock was ready. I had to take her but I don’t know if she was going to let me. But I was willing to try. Her pussy was dripping but I didn’t lick it at all. I was fully concentrated on her ass. I was drooling all over it.
It was so wet with my saliva. I thought it was slippery enough for me to fuck it. I got up and positioned my cock in front of her ass hole. I rubbed it on my saliva and stopped at her entrance.
“Mom, can fuck your ass?”
“Yes sweetheart! I want you to fuck my ass! I want you to do whatever you want with me! Stick that big cock of yours in my ass!”
I slowly got my head in and stopped. She was moaning in ecstasy. From what I knew I had to take it easy because it was very sensitive area.
I pulled my head out and then slowly back in. Then I spat more saliva on her entrance again. This time it went in easier. Then I pushed a little more until I was half way in. My mother was moaning louder and louder…
When I had him fully in my balls where touching her labia.
“T your cock is all in my ass! I feel so full. Fuck me T! Fuck my ass!”
I banged her like there was no tomorrow. Every time I banged my balls on her labia and my stomach hit her ass you could hear a clap so loud! I was fucking her like an animal and she loved it.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! T… Fuck… Me…”
“It feels so good and tight in your ass mom! I think I am going to come! I can’t hold any longer!”
“Yes T! Come in mommy’s ass! Come with mommy! Mommy’s going to come soon too! Don’t stop!
I shot cob after cob in her tight warm ass but kept banging as hard as I could till I heard her scream!
“Yes! Ah! I am coming!”
After I lied on her body without taking my cock out and whispered in her ear how much I love her.
“T I love you too sweetheart. You are the first to fuck my ass! Your father never wanted to because he didn’t like it. I used a vibrator once in a while but the real flesh is better.”
“I loved it too mom! It was amazing. But I still want your pussy more!”
“I know you do and so do I but we could spice up things like that.”
“Mom, are you saying that…?”
“Yes sweetheart I decided to enjoy this as much as I can and as long as I can! Well as long as you will want me too.”
“Mom, I will always want you.”
“But you will have to see other girls too so that your father wont suspect anything.”
“But I don’t want anybody else than you Mom?”
“Darling I want you too but I will have to do it with your father also.”
“Ok mom but I will do this for you!”
I pulled my cock out and got up to go to the bathroom and relieve my bladder. I looked at my watch and I saw it was almost seven. I decided to take a shower and get ready to go to my graduation. I got in the shower but my mind was still with my mother. My cock was growing again. Then all of a sudden she opened the shower curtain.
“Can I join you?”
“You don’t ever have to ask that question Mom!”
She got in and kneeled in front of me and took my cock in her mouth without a second thought. She sucked me so good and looked at me in the eyes.
“Oh Mom, that feels so good that I want to come in your mouth!”
“Come in mommy’s mouth darling!”
“No mom, I want to fuck you again!”
I got her up from her knees and lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around me. Her hands were around my neck and her eyes on mine.
“I want to fuck you mom all the time! I want to come in your pussy! That is where I came out of and that’s where I want to go back in.”
“Oh baby, fuck your mother!”
I found my way into her pussy without even using my hands and she was kissing me with sounds of ecstasy coming out of her mouth at the same time. The water was running all over our bodies and I could feel her tits on me sliding up and down my chest as I was fucking her. In a few seconds I was slamming her pussy like a rabbit on my cock controlling the speed with my hands.
“Mom I am going to load your pussy with my come!”
“Honey, give me your come. Mommy’s pussy or mouth or ass or any where else you like to come is always ready for you.”
I but I didn’t come yet because I wanted to please her too. So I held on as long as I could until she was shouting under the water and holding my face looking me straight in the eyes while I was banging her.
“You are going to make mommy come againnnnnnnnnnn…!”
I banged so fast that you wouldn’t be able to see my cock going in or out.
“I am coming too mom! My cock and come is yours for ever!”
I kept her on my cock and stayed under the water kissing her.
“Mom you are so sexy I can’t keep my hands of you!”
“Me too sweetheart, I can’t keep my hands off you either! You can touch me whenever you like darling!”
“Mom I love you so much and I will never hurt you or do anything to upset you.”

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Halloween Frat Party Nightmare

I am headed to by boyfriend’s Halloween Frat Party with my roommate. She’s going as a slutty cheerleader, while I’m a sexy witch. She seems really eager to go, probably because she’s a slut in real life, but I’m going just to support by boyfriend since he’s setting up this party for his frat.

One Bold Night–Part One

Tyler is a lot like me—a supposedly straight guy who had experimented with gay sex and enjoyed it—and who has a crush on a hot friend that he’s never admitted to anyone. A guy who has a very exciting encounter out of the blue.

Daddy Filmed My Sleepover Party

Daddy Filmed My Sleepover Party
* A handsome dad, 3 ornery wild teen girls, and a plan by one girl led to some wild rumors around the neighborhood…. *
Jeff, (the dad)……
__I had a pretty wild daughter Jodi, and her girlfriends. They would have sleepovers at the house and play a game, ‘Let’s shock Jodi’s dad.’ They were all teens and the point of the game was to try and give me an erection. I was sure it was a girl named ‘Missy’ who’s idea it was.
I had a plan to get my dad to have sex with me. I had wanted to since is was a very young girl. He had his limits, and had resisted all my sexually suggestive tricks so far…. I decided to get my girlfriends to try to have sex with him and ‘wear him down’ until he would go for having sex with me. Missy and Tina were all for it. This was a two day sleepover, and Missy was the sexiest and most aggressive. Dad already showed some interest in her, so she took the lead with him.
It started out with them all wearing skimpy night clothes to get my attention. I would kid with them and threaten to call the F.B.I. and have them put in prison. They would laugh at me and say: “Ooooo we’re so scared, you’d just love to get us alone in a cell, wouldn’t you?, Mr. Pervert.” I would tell them they needed a good spanking. They would giggle and rub their butts.
“You’d like to spank our bare butts with our panties down, right Mr. P.?” they would say. Then they would parade around in front of me. I would roll up a newspaper act like I was going to swat them…. and watch them screech and run.
One weekend I thought what a good personal porn vid this might make. Friday night the usual 2 girls showed up for a big sleepover in my daughters room. I knew they watched porn and it didn’t take long for Missy and Tina, the two wildest girls to start in on me. I was ready for them and put my video camera under a news paper.
“Oh Mr. P., (for pervert) how do you like our new bras?” they said lifting up their long t-shirts. They wiggled their chests to model them and of course show me their tiny thongs. I really took notice of Missy. She had the biggest tits and best sexy shape. She always had that sexy look in her eyes that meant she ‘might’ want more than to just tease me……..
I quick grabbed my vid camera and started shooting. They screeched again and all took off running and giggling. Soon, here they came, all wearing robes. My daughter Jodi said: “You have to pay us daddy to take a video of us.” as they all giggled.
I said: “Pay you?…dream on girls. Here Jodi, you take my camera in your room and you give me a ‘free sample’ first.
You could just see their little minds at work thinking of what they would do. They all headed for Jodi’s room whispering and quietly giggling.
I waited for about an hour while I heard them all talking and I could hear ‘Oooooo’s and quiet mumbling.
Soon here they all came with Jodi handing me my camera. “Here daddy, but that’s all you get. You’ll have to pay us for more.” They all gathered around to see me watch it on the camera screen. I stood up and went over to my big screen TV. I plugged on the camera and sat back down with the camera remote. Mumbles, whispers and giggles started as they all got on the couch. Jodi sat on my lap, and Missy tightly beside me, and Tina snuggled close on the other side.
I started the vid. Jodi said: “Stop stop, first we have to tell you the story that goes with it.”
They had picked Tina to be the innocent victim of their theme: ‘Attack of the Bi Ninja Lezzies’ Jodi called it. She explained that this girl was attacked by a bunch of wild ’ninja lezzie’s’ and this was just a sample.
__It started out with Tina laying on Jodi’s bed when Missy and Jodi rushed in and started attacking her. They tied her hands and legs to the bed with some string. She pretended to struggle as they started feeling her up. They felt her tits and put their hands down her panties. She protested and told them to stop molesting her. They told her to shut up that she was their sex toy now.
They, between giggles, started kissing her all over. She said: “No no! I’m not a bi lezzie, leave me alone…Oh please stop…your making me hot and stop touching my body.”
Missy, the apparent leader, said: “Take her clothes off. We’ll make you into a ‘bi ninja lezzie’ whether you like it or not!” They slowly started getting her naked. The sucked on her tits and put their fingers in her slit. Tina told them she would tell the police and they would both go to jail. They laughed and said: “Who would believe you bitch, we’ll say that you’re a ninja lezzie and you attack us. Now squirm for us and make us all orgasm with that tongue of yours. Missy crawled up and put her pussy right on Tina’s mouth. The End.
I got a big hardon and Jodi felt it. “He liked it, look! She jumped off my lap fast before I could even cover my hardon. They all looked at my crouch with the bulge. My face, of course got red as they made comments and started surrounding me. Missy and Jodi said: “You gotta pay us if you want more. We want $1,000 dollars each.
I said: “Ladies, there was only one naked girl in the vid. You gotta do better than that.
I said I’d order pizza. They all squealed and ran in Jodi’s bedroom.
I’m only human,…. and to see 3 teen girls ½ naked was a turn on. I planned my next move with them to provide myself with some live entertainment. The pizza kid showed up and they all dived in. I think I got one slice of pizza as they all gobbled it up.
I suggested this: “I’ll be the camera person while you girls make a part 2 to: “Attack of the Bi Ninja Lezzie’s” They all said ’no way’, you just want to see us naked, Mr. P.
Missy spoke up and said: “Wait, he can get those close up shots of making the girl into a bi ninja lezzie!” They all discussed it and soon agreed to it. “Jodi, you make sure your dad doesn’t try anything with us, Ok?” They all giggled as Jodi smiled, put her hands on her hips said: “I’ll ‘try’….and make sure he’s not being a pervert, but we may have to tie him up.” They all giggled.
Missy took charge and stood close to me as we discussed a plot. She whispered in my ear: (“…you can take a close up of me all you want, ok?”), and then she ran her tongue inside my ear.
Jodi was right. She had told me that Missy made it known that she would love to ’mess around’ with me. I didn’t know exactly what Missy was up to, but I was soon going to find out….
I had plans for Jodi’s dad Jeff. I was going to make him so hot for me we would end up having sex….but first….I was betting he had never seen two girls ‘tribbing’ live and two girl rubbing their pussy’s together was going to get him hot. This little video thing was just a nice stepping stone to get what I really wanted.
“Ok girls, you must put on disguises in case this video got in the ’wrong’ hands.” Into Jodi’s bedroom they all went whispering. Soon they called me in to be their camera man. They all had on head scarf’s down to their eyes, with holes cut into them too see. They had eye shadow colors on the rest of their faces. I looked around and said: “Where did the girls go?…and who are you guys?” They all giggled feeling pleased with their disguises.
Missy said in part two, a cop came to investigate a report that ’Bi ninja lezzie’s’ were reported in this room, but had to have proof girls were being attacked.
I started the video. They talked to the camera like they were talking to the cop. I played the part of the cops voice.
The Cop:
“I received word that girls were being forced to become ’Bi ninja lezzie’s’ here. I need proof to investigate this.”
Missy: “Oh officer, we were just playing a game….., here…we’ll show you.”
With their ninja masks on, Missy chose Jodi this time and her and Tina held her down on the bed.
Now….. is was time to turn Jeff on using his own daughter to do it. We held her down and tied her hands and feet wide apart. We slowly took her clothes off as she protested and squirmed. We felt her tits and pussy. “Stop!.. I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to be a bi ninja lezzie.” she said: “Too late bitch, your going to be one of us, whether you like it or not!” I said. I paraded in front of the camera and slowly took off my clothes. I got on top of Jodi and first had her lick my pussy, then slid down and went pussy to pussy with her. I knew she had never tribbed with a girl and I started in.
Slowly at first rubbing my clit against hers. “Stop it, your making me all horny doing that.” she protested. Tina giggled and was feeling Jodi’s tits and body. “Your going to cum with me bitch, so get with it. You have no choice!” I told her. She began to moan and squirm more. I pushed down firm on her pussy and speed up a little. “Oh god…your going to make me cum!” she moaned.
I glanced back with a smile at Jeff. He was smiling and had a huge lump in his pants. It was working as I was making his own daughter and myself cum by tribbing with her. Tina all turned on too and said: “Go go go!” I was having a great orgasm doing her and I moaned out as did Jodi. We squealed together as we both orgasmed.
I lost my breath for a second and said: “Now do you want to be a bi ninja lezzie girl?”
“Oh yes!…I…want to be one!, Jodi moaned out….. That was the signal and Tina jumped in and got naked. A 3 girl pile of horny girls all feeling each other up and tribbing each other…..
“See officer, just some harmless fun…Ok?”
I took the camera to keep filming the girls and sat on Jeff‘s lap…. The poor guy was sweating and had a huge boner in his pants for me to sit on….just what I wanted…..
I sat in a daze. I had never seen anything like that before and ‘live’ right in front of me. It was a major turn on. Three teen girls all in an orgy, feeling, licking and rubbing their pussy’s together, and I had it all on video. Missy was sitting right on my boner and squirming on it she was of course…… naked.
I had reached my limit. I had to get out of there. If this ever got out, I could be in big trouble. I lifted Missy off of me and stood up. She leaned back on me still filming. I whispered for her to give the camera back when she was done. It was hard not to stare at her beautiful tits and body. She leaned her head back and whispered: (“…We have to talk, I’ll come to your room later on tonight.”) I left holding my big boner thru my pants pocket.
It must have been about midnight when I was wakened by a girl laying on top of me naked. It was Missy. It was like a dream that came true somehow. I could feel her heart beating and her breathing as she started kissing me. She was very warm and squirming her pussy on top of my boner. She reached down and pulled it out of my pajama bottoms.
Now was my chance to stop this….
….to late…she already had my boner started in her. I lost all resistance as she slid it in her pussy all the way.
I have to admit, it was heaven as she slid back and forth on my boner. I went for it and felt her soft tits and ass. She started gasping and tiny moans as she really knew how to fuck a guy. I rolled her over and up came her legs around my back. Her tongue went wild in my mouth. She quietly moaned: “…god.. I’ve wanted you for so long…”
I lost it and started fucking her with all I had. She was so tight and felt wonderful. She whispered: (“…Oh yes Jeff…oh hell yes!”) We didn’t even notice the slapping of our bodies together because it was happening and happening now. She tensed up and shook…I shot a beautiful load in her that shook my brain. She went wild fucking me as fast as she could, her arms locked around my neck….we both held on as the highest high hit us both. What a beautiful pussy this girl had…..
We were both gasping for air as the feeling lasted and lasted. Her tongue traced my lips …so hot and beautiful.
My ceiling light went on. What the fuck!’’
In the doorway was my daughter with the camera, Tina was with her watching. They began to giggle as Jodi filmed us. Jodi said:
“Daddy, we want to talk about money now.”, as they both giggled.
Tina said “Next!”. They both giggled, turned out the light , shut the door and scampered away giggling.
Somehow…Missy and I didn’t care. We went on and on with our glorious time.
When I next woke up I felt a girl kissing me. Wait…this wasn’t Missy. This girl felt like Tina…it was Tina. (“my turn.”) she whispered. These girls were taking turns with me. I still had a boner from Missy, so Tina took advantage of it. Tina was a slim girl and got on top of me. Oh my yes, she was hot and sexy. She put her nice tits right in my mouth and had me suck her nipples. She then pulled her knees up and in my boner went in her nice wet pussy.
She rode me like a horse. She put my hand on her ass and put a finger in her back hole. She like to bite my lip as she started fucking me hard, pushing my finger deeper in her ass. She was very hot and excited as she made wonderful moaning sounds. She took my other hand and had me rub her clit…she knew what she wanted and went for it. Damn, she was hot to fuck. She began to peak and tense up….that made me cum and cum hard as she squealed and trembled. “…oh daddy…oh daddy,” she kept saying…..”’re my daddy now…oh yes…”
After squeezing my boner with her pussy over and over….she gave out a big sigh, and got off me and left.
The next day the girls whispered and giggled all day. All three girls were at their flirtiest best. Rubbing up against me, feeling my ass and wearing their skimpy little nighties. No bra’s, no thongs just tiny little panties. That night they all wanted to see the video. I showed it to them with Jodi on my lap again, and Missy and Tina hanging on me on each side. Missy and Tina left and that just left Jodi and I in a dark living room. She started in on me. She leaned back and put my arms around her , raising them up to touch the bottom of her tits. She talked softly and asked me how I liked having sex with Missy and Tina.
It was pretty clear her intentions…as in ’what about me?’ After a whole wonderful night and a whole day of teasing me sexually I whispered to her: (“ Why don’t you go get in my bed, and find out for your self?”)
She jumped up and pulled on my arm all excited as she drug me upstairs. Her bedroom door was open but dark inside. The hallway light was dim. I knew Missy and Tina were listening and watching. I stopped by her bedroom door and decided to give them some horny teasing back.
I held Jodi tight to me and pushed my boner into her pussy. She moaned as she kissed on my face. I let my hands feel the body I had resisted all this time. Soft young tits with hard nipples. Jodi trembled and squirmed her pussy on me. Next…her sweet ass, so soft and round. She had to gasp for air as her tongue went all over my lips. We slowly dropped to the hallway rug and began to squirm together, right in front of her bedroom entrance.
Missy and Tina whispering….
(“…omg…their going to do it right here! Do we…do we dare? …I have the camera….do it do it!…set it here on the night stand and point it right at them..”)
Memories of the first time I had sex with her mom came into my mind. This was a turn on for both of us to make out in front of Missy and Tina. We both know how horny they would get watching us. I said to her: “…your more beautiful than your mother, and a lot sexier.” We could almost hear Missy and Tina moan as tiny little sounds came out of Jodi’s room.
It was beyond the point of stopping. I pulled my shorts off as she took her panties clear off. It was going to happen right now. She scooted down under me with my boner in her hand. She had a magic tongue. Around and around it went on the tip. Then….I felt the warmth of her mouth and the jacking of her hands gently. I was in heaven for sure….
We could wait no more and I pulled her up as her knees came up to her tits. I felt the warm wetness of her pussy on the underside of my boner. I gently rubbed it on her hot clit. She moaned sweetly and held my face as she kiss me with that wild tongue of hers teasing my tongue. I guided my huge boner slowly in her pussy….oh man…she felt so damn good. We fit perfect, tight and hot inside her. Now to do the final act as a natural rhythm started between us.
The feeling of her hot little legs up on my arms was beyond awesome….our minds memory stopped working crowded out by the massive good feelings. Deeper, faster, the feeling were racing to come to us. She let out a high pitched squeal as I shot the most intense shots of cum I could ever remember. We locked together and fucked hard until there was only a floating high left in us. We lay locked together for a long time as spasms took over the rest. It felt like we were really floating somewhere……
As we slowly came back down to earth we realized Missy and Tina had been tribbing and slowly let their moans go free as they both climaxed together. Jodi was in a daze of happiness as she held on tight and moved her pussy slowly back and forth feeling the cum between us…
What a beautiful night it was……
* ‘click’ went the camera as it went to the end of the tape…*

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Marching Band (Part 2)

If you liked it, leave a like and tell me what you’d like to see. If you didn’t, dislike it, I guess. Give some criticism. I need it haha. Thanks for reading! horny college sophomore is forced to join marching band by his parents, and hates it. Luckily, he gets into a situation that can change his college life forever.

Aruni: Part One: Meeting Joelle

Aruni knew very little about the world. She knew what she learned up until the fourth grade, and to her, that felt like an awful lot. She knew how to spell all of the states, what a verb is, and multiplication tables. She knew how to work the DVD player, and how to jump rope to 137. But Aruni still knew very little about the world.
Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didn’t like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It fell passed her shoulders curling every which way. Her father said that her hair made her lucky, and that he had learned that from a book. That made Aruni feel very proud. Aruni did not like wearing dresses and skirts. Being different made her feel very special.
Aruni was just discovering a new emotion in her chest. She felt queasy and unsteady sometimes. She might be brushing her teeth absentmindedly when her heart would start thumping wildly in her chest. She worried about that for a long time. When she asked her mum about it she said that Aruni was probably just getting too excited and that she need not worry. Aruni was falling in love, and neither she or her mother knew.
When Aruni was nine, her family moved to a new house. She liked her new room, but she missed her old friends. Summer was lonely and it was hard to make friends in a new neighborhood.
“I’m boored,” Aruni whined.
“Why don’t you ride your bike?” her mother asked.
“Because it’s hot,” Aruni complained.
“Okay,” her mother said, but it was not ten minutes later that Aruni was complaining of boredom again. So her mother sent her out of the house toting a water bottle and her helmet and forbade her from coming back inside until she met someone new. Aruni pouted until her mother was out of eyesight, then smiled. It would be so much more fun if she found someone to play with. She rode around the block, but every kid she passed looked busy; playing in the sprinklers, chasing other kids around with sticks. One was even crying while his older sister picked him up. Aruni felt really shy every time she thought about approaching anyone.
Disheartened, she set her sights for home when a cocker spaniel as black as the night and as shiny as silk darted in front of her bike. She quickly yanked her handle bars left, and her tires skidded out from under her. She tried to stand and not fall, but she hopped on one leg three times before she finally toppled backward and landed on her hands. Her face felt hot and tears of shame welded up in her eyes. She quickly tried to wipe them away. She heard laughter and looked up to see a girl her age standing over her.
“You should have seen your face!” she hollered and roared laughing again. Aruni tried to let out a small chuckle but a little squeak came out instead.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry,” the girl smiled. “Need help?” Aruni shook her head no, afraid to open her mouth. She got up and tried to wipe the dirt from her skinned palms.
“Bad dog, Yippie! No! No!” she scorned suddenly. “I was supposed to be watching him, but he ran out.”
“That dogs a he?” Aruni asked. “Why’s he wearing that bow?”
“Oh, my Momma said he don’t know any better, so I can put that bow on him if I want to,” the girl smirked. “Don’t he look pretty?”
“I guess,” Aruni held out her hand for the dog to sniff. She had never had any dogs because of her father’s allergies. The dog sniffed her hand, then licked her fresh cut. “Ouch,” Aruni yelped.
“I have a band-aid inside if you want it,” the girl said.
“No, that’s o-” then she remembered her mother’s instructions, “Actually, okay. I could use a band-aid,” she decided.
“Good, the cat behind the house just had kittens. Let’s go play with them.” The little blond grabbed the dog’s collar. “What’s your name? Mine’s Joelle.”
“It’s Aruni.”
“That’s weird. A-runi. I think I like it though,” and with that she was off leaving Aruni to follow her.
“Thank you for the band-aid,” Aruni said. She watched with jealousy as Joelle reached inside a fish bowl filled with candy. Joelle house had a funny smell to it, almost like stale bread. It felt too messy and dark for Aruni to be completely comfortable. Dishes littered the counters, and the laundry was half-folded in the dining room.
“You can have some if ya want,” Joelle shrugged and unwrapped a big lollipop. Aruni grabbed a blue one and follow Joelle out the back door.
“Where’s your parents?” she asked.
“Mom’s at work. My brother’s home though.” Joelle’s little nose wrinkled at the thought of him. “He stays in his room, so hopefully you don’t have to see him.” Joelle ran behind a white shed. Her backyard was big, and to Aruni, it looked like the best playground she had ever seen. There were two fat rabbits huddled underneath a bench to her left. Joelle had an in ground swimming pool and a trampoline. Aruni thought that Joelle would make fun of her if she saw how excited she was, so she bit her lip and followed Joelle behind the shed.
“Hey-lo! Hey!!” Joelle cooed to a cardboard box. Aruni could hear the soft high-pitched mewing. She peered over the edge and saw four kittens pushing themselves around in the box. Aruni had never seen a kitten before, but in pictures they looked cuter, she decided. These kittens were small, and their faces were smushed in. They could not stand, or see very well because they kept pushing themselves into one another.
“What’s wrong with them?” Aruni asked shyly. Joelle shrugged. She popped her red lollipop out of her mouth.
“Mama said they’re ugly cause they were just born, but one day they’ll get bigger,” she reached a finger out to pet an orange kitten on his head. Just then, a big fluffy black cat landed in the box. The cat looked defensively at Joelle, its tail swishing back and forth. “We best go, that mama looks mad,” Joelle backed away. Aruni agreed.
“So…” Aruni said while trying her best to look nonchalant. “Do you swim a lot?”
“Huh? Oh. Yeah, I mean I guess. It’s boring to swim by myself and my brother don’t like to swim too much. I guess you could swim with me if you wanted, but we’d have to wait until my mom got home. Else my brother would have to come with us.”
“Oh,” Aruni tried to hide her disappointment. She never had a swimming pool. She sucked diligently on her lollipop and looked up. “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if he came. We could just ignore him,” she said.
Joelle pushed the blonde hair away from her face. “Well, it is really hot. Come on, I got a swim suit you can put on!” She skipped back inside, Aruni giggling behind her. They ran up the wooden staircase and into Joelle’s room.
“Your room is cool,” Aruni said politely. Joelle’s room was painted dark blue. She had a bigger bed than Aruni, with a red and white striped blanket on top. Aruni sat down on the bed while Joelle dug through her closet.
“Here,” she said and threw the garment at Aruni. She held it up. It was a white one-piece bathing suit that glimmered a little in the light. The back had a heart shape cut out of it. “I got a prettier one last week anyway,”
Joelle said as she held up her purple two-piece. Hers was indeed prettier; it had purple flowers sewed onto the fabric on the top piece. The bottom was in the shape of a short skirt. “You can change in here, I’ll use the bathroom,” Joelle said and then left Aruni to change.
Aruni stripped naked and stepped into the suit, but when she pulled it up to her shoulders it was a little tight. It pulled the fabric tight between her legs. Aruni decided that it fit okay though; mostly she just didn’t feel like going home. Aruni buddle her clothes up, hiding her pink panties underneath her shirt and then stepped into the hallway just in time to see Joelle come out of the bathroom. “Let’s go get Rudy,” Joelle said.
Joelle knocked on the last door in the hallway as she pushed it open. “Rudy!” she yelled. Aruni timidly peeked around the corner and saw a tall, lanky, black-haired boy sitting at his desk. Yippie had made his way upstairs and was sitting at Rudy’s feet. His headphones were in his ears as he typed away on his computer. “Rudy!” Joelle yelled louder this time.
The boy looked annoyed, then surprised to see the two girls in the doorway. His eyes lingered on the girl with the rust colored hair, covered in freckles. He saw, but didn’t mean to see, a small mound of skin peeking out from between her legs in the bathing suit that was too small. Rudy had never seen a naked girl that wasn’t at the end of the computer screen, and he decided that he very much liked the sight. Aruni saw his eyes dancing on her skin and she felt very exposed. Her face flushed red.
Rudy pulled the earphones from his head. “What do you want?” he asked his sister.
“You have to come sit outside with us. We’re going swimming,” she said with her arms crossed.
Rudy pursed his lips and rolled his eyes. “Fine, but not for long, I’m busy.”
Joelle scoffed and stomped away, Aruni close behind. As she turned, Rudy saw the small curve of a cheek coming out of her swim suit. He rearranged his now stiffening cock, and grabbed a book to follow the girls.
“Come on, Yippie,” he said, scratching the dogs head.
“He can be such a jerk!” Joelle murmured when she thought they were safely out of ear shot. Aruni didn’t know what to say to console her new friend.
“I don’t have a brother,” she said.
“Good! Let’s hope you never do!” Joelle said frowning. She picked up a pool noodle and threw it in the water. She gave Aruni a wicked grin. “CANNONBALL!” she announced with a running start and a leap into the water. Aruni giggled.
“ME TOO!” she exclaimed and followed. Rudy had come out just in time to see the girls disappear under the water. He sat at a pool chair with his book.
Aruni had taken swimming lessons last summer. She loved being in the water. She pretended she was a fish and swam around the bottom of the pool. There was a funny feeling between her legs as she kicked and the too-small swim suit collapsed further into the folds of skin. She came up for air to see Joelle leaning against a green water noodle.
“Hmph. You a good swimmer, but I think I’m better.” She grabbed two plastic rings from the side of the pool and dropped them in the water. “Wanna race?” she grinned. The girls dived in the water. Aruni liked the feeling the fabric was giving her in her private parts and spread her legs further apart as she swam with her new friend.
Rudy tried his best to focus on the page in front of him. But every time the girls came out of the pool, he could see more of Aruni. He found himself day dreaming. Thinking about what it would look like if he pulled the fabric all the way aside. Thinking about if she had freckles everywhere on her body. He thought about if any hair she might have grown down there and wondered if it would be rust colored too.
Rudy was not usually so perverse, but he had stumbled on a website with naked girls on it last week. The thing he was most curious about was kissing a girl between her legs. Rudy still knew very little about sex though. His appetite had become inflamed as he learned more. Where he used to touch himself a few times a week, he found that he could touch himself a few times a day. Watching the girls splash around in front of him was more than he could take.
“I have to go to the bathroom,” he announced. He shuffled inside using the book to conceal his erection. Yippie followed close behind.
“Whatever,” Joelle yelled annoyedly. She quickly focused her attention back on trying to catch Aruni in a game of Marco-Polo. When the sliding door closed behind her brother, Joelle hopped in the water. “Can we take a break?” she asked.
“Yeah,” sighed Aruni. She was really enjoying the feeling of swimming around. The pressure on her privates was similar to the touching she did sometimes at night, but being in front of her friend and her dark-haired brother made her feel a new excitement she had not known before.
Joelle settled on her favorite spot in the pool. She folded her arms on the concrete and felt the familiar jet of water spraying on her vagina. Joelle knew it wouldn’t take very long for her climax and would be finished before her brother came back. She smiled and sank into the pressure innocently laying her head on her arms.
Aruni noticed her friends face was red and her breathing was heavy. She thought she must be very tired from running around the pool trying to catch her. She straddled the green noodle and floated in the water. She was feeling bold with the water hiding her bottom half and her friend looking away. She started rocking back and forth. She bargained that it would look innocent if anyone should see her. Her small pussy lips rocked back and forth and she squeezed her eyes tight, humping and pleasuring herself.
Rudy stood behind the staircase peeking at his sister with his hand slipped in his shorts. The blond hair on her head was wet and pressed to her forehead. Her eyes were closed and her cheeks were red. He imagined that she might make that face if he was kissing her pussy. He imagined that maybe she was making that face because Aruni was kissing her pussy under the water. That was a new thought- that women could be together like that and it sent Rudy into a fit of ecstasy. He unzipped his pants and looked disappointingly at his still hairless crotch. His penis was hard even though he had cum twice this morning. He rubbed himself to orgasm thinking about Aruni touching his sister, kissing his sister, kissing him, kissing his sister between her legs. He imagined that he would press his penis into the pink folds that he had seen this morning of Aruni’s vagina. That he would shoot his cum there while Aruni licked his sister.
The children all masturbated, together, but alone. And none of them felt the least bit guilt of their lust. Rudy moaned and three long streams of clear cum shot out of his penis. He leaned against the wall, ignoring the wetness rolling down his hand. He took a moment to catch his breath and then looked embarrassed at the puddle he made on the hardwood floor. Yippie sniffed curiously at the liquid. His pink tongue quickly darted out for a taste, and then lapped it up eagerly. Rudy looked curiously at the dog then laughed, ignoring the small tingle in his limp penis. “You stupid dog, that’s gross!” he said. Rudy decided that it was okay though, because now he didn’t have to clean up his mess. He shrugged, zipped up his pants and went back outside to join the girls.
The children were all very tired and all for the same reason. “I think my mom might be wondering where I am,” Aruni said apologetically as she climbed out of the water and grabbed a towel ignoring Rudy’s innocent glance.
“Hey. You should ask your mamma if you can spend the night here,” Joelle said with a wicked grin. “Then we can swim some more.”
Aruni tried her best to hide her excitement. “She’ll say yes, I know she will!”
“Good,” Joelle smiled. “Um, you can go change. I’m going to keep resting,” Joelle said, her face turning pink again.
“Sure,” Aruni said, thinking her friend must be very tired. Yippie was sitting by the door, looking at Aruni as she approached it. “Do you want to go inside, puppy?” She opened the door and walked up the stairs, Yippie at her heals.
In Joelle’s room, alone in the house, Aruni felt out of place. She closed the door behind her, Yippie still following close behind. “Are you a sweet puppy?” Aruni said to the dog looking up at her happily. She reached out to scratch the dog’s ears, and the towel wrapped around her arms fell to the floor. Yippie’s tail slowly thudded up and down on the carpet. That made Aruni feel pleased. She squatted down to better give Yippie some attention.
As Aruni’s legs parted, the little dog’s nose started to open and close, taking in the new scent. He moved his head closer to the source, and pressed his black nose into Aruni’s still wet private parts. Aruni gasped. That spot between her legs was throbbing painfully from the orgasm she didn’t have. Yippie pressed his nose more frantically, butting her over again. His paws danced on the carpet from excitement. Aruni was nervous and embarrassed from the attention Yippie was giving her, and she fell backwards for the second time that day.
Yippie did not miss a beat as he followed her to the ground. Aruni knew that she should push him away, but the thought of anyone else, even this dog, touching her in her no-no spot thrilled her. She could feel his cold nose on the outer lips of her vagina that were peeking out from the white fabric. Yippie begin to whine and scratch at the floor. Aruni had never had a dog and wasn’t sure what to make of the attention she was getting. Yippie pushed his nose under the wet fabric at last and all at once a small pink tongue darted at her moist folds. Aruni pushed the dog away in fear. Her father had told her once not to play with strange dogs because they might bite her, and Aruni did not want to be bitten. She pushed the dog away gently with her foot so that she didn’t hurt Yippie’s feelings.
Aruni changed into her clothes and walked downstairs to say goodbye to her friend. She could see Joelle in the same spot that she left her. Her eyes were closed tight and her mouth was open just a little. She was facing away from her brother who paid her no attention. Aruni opened the door and Joelle jumped back, kicking away from the sidewalk.
“Jesus, you scared me!” Joelle said defensively. “Wait, lemme give you my cell phone number before you go.” Aruni was too embarrassed to admit that she didn’t have a cell phone, so she tried to hide her jealousy. Aruni rode her bike home, Joelle’s number in on a post-it in hand.
“Why is your hair wet, Aruni?!” her mom exclaimed worriedly. Aruni told her the story of her cool new friend. She highlighted the cute animals, the trampoline and the pool and left out the part about Yippie almost biting her no-no spot. Her mother wrinkled her brow.
“It makes me nervous for you to be there without any adults, Aruni,” her mother said.
“Mooom! It’s fine! Her brother was watching us and he’s very responsive!” Aruni whined. Her mother cracked a smile.
“Do you mean responsible? I sure hope he’s responsive!” she laughed, but Aruni didn’t understand the joke. “You can spend the night tonight, but I’ll drive you over there so I can meet her mother.”
Aruni told her mom thank you and ran to pack her bag. She was very excited to spend time with her new friend.

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Bar Snack

When I was 35, I lived right on Venice Beach in Los Angeles, overlooking Muscle Beach and the White Men Can’t Jump basketball courts. My neighborhood was a frequent location for movies, and for television shows like Baywatch. Despite the frenetic and bizarre activity going on all along the tourist-filled boardwalk, depression and social withdrawal had made me very reclusive. When the money ran low and I had to get out of my cave to find a job, I found one at a small bar in a hotel just a few blocks away in Marina del Rey, the legendary singles locale in LA ever since it was created from wetlands a generation earlier. The “World’s Largest Man-made Yacht Marina” boasted 10,000 boats, thousands of inexpensively-made but expensively-priced apartments, dozens of restaurants and countless bars that all served as meeting places for horny singles, and more than a few horny marrieds.
Bartending might seem an unlikely occupation for a reclusive, withdrawn depression-sufferer. But the clarity of the roles made it easier for me: I pour/you drink, I flirt/you tip. The difficult interactions with complete strangers were made easier by the presence of the long mahogany barrier that existed between me and the customers. The customers came and went at fairly predictable intervals, none lingering too long, and I could keep up with the best of them in repartee, banter and travel experience. And a big factor in choosing a singles bar in which to work was that I was horny, very horny. It had been months since anything but my own hands and a favorite toy had touched me anywhere interesting. My mouth was so hungry for cock or pussy that I started salivating every time I thought about what I would desperately like it to be doing later.
On this Friday night the hotel in which the bar was located was filled with a small convention of retail store managers, and many of them drifted in before or after dinner with their colleagues. Now all that remained were a half dozen “locals” who were trying to figure out the new bartender—a fairly attractive blonde in a red faux-leather mini-skirt and a long-sleeved white blouse that was so sheer that her prominent nipples poked through with nearly every move I made. What was not obvious was that I was wearing nothing at all under the miniskirt, something that one would only discover by groping me inappropriately—and I was hoping desperately to be groped inappropriately.
One of the locals, a cute, little dirty-blonde named Debbie, was perplexed. She proudly announced that she had blown every bartender who’d ever worked at the bar—right there behind the bar. Her companion for the evening, a charming but hard-drinking pilot named Al, who made one want to avoid his airline, was egging her on, saying she had to do it. And I was offering neither resistance nor encouragement to help her dilemma, an expressionless half-smile that added to her confusion. Four other locals were weighing in on the topic: out of work actor Tony, who seemed to be attached to the lovely, young, redheaded sometime-hooker Katie; and boat builder Darren, who was hovering around the buxom, brunette Sandy, who seemed to be the most reserved of the group.
I was pretty sure that I would have sex with any one of them—hell, maybe with all of them at once—if they’d approached me in the right way, but I was less than a week into the new job and didn’t want to jeopardize it by hooking up with anyone too obviously or too soon. I was horny, but I was also trying to be a little bit practical.
I was at the other end of the bar, near the wide entrance from the hotel lobby, when my attention was first diverted, then riveted, by the sight of a tall brunette walking toward the bar, backlit so that the only view was of long legs, and long, dark hair gone slightly wild. The woman stopped at the entrance and turned around as though looking for companions in the lobby. My jaw dropped and I stopped working as I saw that the woman was not only tall and slim, but also wore exceptionally tight designer jeans wrapped snugly around a magnificently shaped ass that made the curve from thighs to hip to waist a downright erotic experience.My God, she just has to come in here. What can I do?
“Um, excuse me, Miss, can I help you?” I called to her. She turned toward the bar again and suddenly materialized in front of me. I have no memory of how she got there. All I knew was that I was facing a beautiful, wild, green-eyed sexual animal who was making me warm and wet and nervous and excited. As usual, the most obvious reactions came from my now-extremely-erect nipples, whose full shape could be seen through the translucent material of my blouse. I had to say something. What?
“Hi, I’m Gay,” I said as I held out my right hand. She took it, shook it and held it gently for a moment too long, sending electric charges up my arm and into all the parts of me that were already racing in fifth gear.
“You’re gay?” she asked as she cocked her head to one side and raised an eyebrow in inquiry.
That I was bisexual was not in doubt, but it was always a spur of the moment thing usually fueled by a few too many drinks and a proposition I couldn’t refuse. I didn’t have enough confidence in my gaydar to ever initiate an encounter, just to make myself very, very available. I wanted to scream, I’m queer as a three-dollar bill and I want to you to fuck me right here, right now! Instead, I swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and said with what I hoped was a warm, inviting smile:
“My name is Gay, and you are?”
“Sonia. I’m Sonia.” She drew out the first syllable and her pursed lips looked invitingly kissable.
“Well, Sonia-with-a-long-sexy-O, what can I get you?” I wanted to tell her that I was the best thing on the menu, that she could get a to-go order.
“Coke would be nice.”
“I don’t think that’s been on the menu here since the ‘80s,” I replied, hoping I could coax a smile from that beautiful, intense face.
“Coca-Cola will be fine,” she said, smiling broadly with the mouth I wanted to kiss me, her green eyes twinkling with delight.
“Nothing stronger?” I wanted her drunk so that maybe she would think me worthy of her obvious sexual energy.
“No, afraid not. That’s off-limits for me.”
“Good that you know that. The only difficult part of this job is dealing with people who shouldn’t be drinking. It makes me sad.” I drew her Coke into the finest tall crystal glass I could find, added a splash of Rose’s Lime Juice and garnished it with a section of lime. I wanted to dip a nipple into it, offer her a taste and ask her if I could pour—pour it all over me!
“That’s on the house.” And so am I!
“You treat all the hotel guests that way?” Oh my God she is staying here! I want desperately to be her midnight snack, her room service, her breakfast in bed.
“Only the special ones, and Sonia, you are one of the very special ones.” Oh shit, I hope I didn’t overdo it. I wish the hell I knew what I was doing. I’m a nervous wreck. I’ve got to do something. We’ve been staring into one another’s eyes for the seconds, minutes, hours or however long it had been since she sat down at my bar.
“I think I’ll put on some CDs and maybe those folks’ll start dancing, and maybe even leave.” I nodded toward the half-dozen people closely huddled at the other end of the bar.
The music came up and, sure enough, the three couples at the other end of the bar ambled out onto the dance floor.
“So, do those sell a lot of drinks?” What the hell was she saying? Oh, I see, she’s staring at my nipples. Oh god, they give me away very time. Maybe that’s good. Oh shit, maybe it isn’t.
“I don’t know about selling drinks, but they seem to attract tips pretty well.” I wanted to raise my hand high and jump up and down like a school kid with the answer, to yell, Choose me, choose me!
“Are they always that long?” Oh God, she’s talking about my nipples, my best feature, my best friends!
“Um, well, they’re always kinda poky, but they’re appear to have some extra incentive just now.” She smiled again! A beautiful smile that lit up her face and mischievous green eyes, a face framed by that long brown hair. A few strands, wildly out of place, ran across her forehead and down her smooth cheeks before settling into a contrast with the denim off-white shirt that was unbuttoned halfway down her chest. Because the fabric was so thick, very little showed, but it was obvious that her breasts were large and low slung—which meant they were real—I love real boobs!
“Can I see them?” She wants to see them! See them? Hell, she can suck on them until sunrise! But I can’t just take off my blouse with other customers here, even if they are sexually liberated. What to do?
“Why don’t we dance?” My suggestion took me by surprise, and her, too, but she broke into a grin and stood. I came out from behind the bar undoing buttons and when we met to figure out who would lead, I pulled my blouse open and fell against her chest. Until this point I didn’t know she was wearing cowboy boots—hell, I didn’t even know she had feet; she just moved from the entrance to my bar as an apparition, an animal on the prowl. Oh, I hope so much she’s an animal on the prowl for me. With me in cute little sport-shoe sandals, she was at least four inches taller and her large, low slung breasts met my little nipple holders as we embraced.
“Now, open your blouse, too.” My voice was noticeably husky even to me as I stared into her eyes and dared her to reciprocate.
“In public, right here? They’re a little floppy, ya know. If you spin me, someone could get hurt.” I laughed and our eyes met again and I did it, I actually did it. I started to unbutton her blouse as we swayed to the sweet, soft music, hardly dancing, just bringing our bodies together.
“Well, if they look like they’re getting out of control, I’ll just have to grab ‘em.” She laughed at that, tossing her head back, her wild brown hair flying. She’s playing with me; oh my God, I want her to play with me in so many ways.
When I had her shirt unbuttoned, I pulled it open and held her close, and we both looked down to check one another out. My little 34Bs with the pencil-eraser nipples, her large 34Cs with big, smooth areolas that I wanted to touch and kiss and lick, succulent little buttons at the center of each that made my mouth water.
I have no idea whatsoever how long we clung to one another, but I do know that our hands explored as much as they could reach while we embraced breast to breast, our open blouses keeping our nakedness at least somewhat private between us. I do know that she wore no panties at all and I know she now knew that I wore none under my mini skirt. The music ended and we each buttoned one strategic button mid-torso and returned to our places—me behind the bar, she in her seat in front of me. I buttoned a few more buttons and went to the other end of the bar to refresh the drink of the half-dozen remaining customers.
When I returned to Sonia, she asked:
“Got any bar snacks?”
“Oh, sure, Sonia. Sorry.” Filling a clean bowl with the dry, salty snacks, I put it in front of her. I loved saying her name, a name I now associated with wild animal sexuality.
“I was thinking something less dry, maybe even wet.” She arched an eyebrow impishly. I blushed. I flushed. I gushed. I was completely kerfluffled.
“Hop up on the bar and sit facing me,” she said, not asking but not exactly commanding either, just stating the obvious. Oh my god, she wants me! Without giving it a second thought, I jumped up on the bar and slid forward, my legs dangling over her side of the bar. I spread my legs and presented her with a full view of a naked dripping-wet pink pussy. I was so glad I had shaved before coming to work. I braced myself with one hand on the bar, and used the other to play with her long, wild, brown hair, to touch her neck, her cheek, her chin, her lips. She moved slowly, tantalizingly forward, planting random kisses on either of my inner thighs. She was an inch from my wet sex and I knew that at any moment her tongue would find my slit.
Instead she moved her head up my body and boldly suckled on my erect nipples, sending jolts of electricity to my already wet pussy. How could she possibly know that my nipples are my best features, my best friends; that they are so sensitive that I can sometimes come when they are licked and sucked? She licked and sucked and nibbled my sensitive buds to a rosy redness, and finally I managed to huskily whisper:
“I’ll give you a half-hour to cut that out.”
She had another idea, and it wasn’t a bad one at all. Her mouth dove back down toward my dripping pussy and hovered in front of it as though waiting a tantalizing moment before attacking.
But she teased me again, using a hand to move lightly just across the tips of my inflamed outer lips and using her breath to stimulate my hypersensitive sex. I bucked up against her, but she eluded my thrusts, until finally she touched me with her tongue, lightly, just tickling me. Fingers found my lips and gently began to pry them apart, then her tongue began to lap up the juices I was secreting as she swirled her tongue all around my clit, time after time. I was on fire. I was wet; no, I was literally dripping wet, sitting in a pool of my own juices. With those first few touches I was already near orgasm, so excited was I by this woman who had so completely overwhelmed me. I was completely, but delightfully, out of control.
“Fuck me, Sonia,” I pleaded, unnecessarily, for she had just thrust two fingers into me and was further energizing me by moving them in and out rhythmically. Her thumb circled the o-ring of my anus teasingly and her tongue eagerly lapped up every bit of juice I produced. She traced lines on either side of my swollen clit, daring it to grow more, to emerge from its hooded hiding place. She sucked on my pussy lips and pulled them apart.
My free hand found one of my nipples, and twisted it and pulled it and pinched it to the limits of its tolerance. Miraculously, Sonia used her free hand to treat the other nipple identically. How could she know so much about my body? In one sense there was a mind-boggling jumble of activity all aimed at producing a giant orgasm that I could already feel beginning in my extremities and moving toward my center. In another sense I could feel every single thing that was happening to me, and I wanted to scream…or laugh…or cry…or erupt in the most amazing orgasm of my life.
Sensing how close I was, Sonia accelerated her manual fucking, and thrust her face against my sex; her face must be covered with my juice. At last her tongue made direct contact with my clit and my climax burst forth from deep within, convulsion after convulsion completely absorbing my every nerve ending. I put a hand in my mouth and bit it to keep from screaming at the top of my lungs. My body had turned dark pink in one giant blush, or flush. And my sex creamed Sonia’s face with a gushing of my love juices. The waves continued and she seemed determined that her tongue feel every undulation. Thoroughly sated at last, I fell back onto the top of the bar.
As I began to regain my bearings and opened one eye to try to recall where I was, Sonia grabbed my face and pulled me back up to her. We exchanged a long, slow, wet kiss. When I tasted myself on her mouth, I expanded my licks and kisses to the rest of her come-covered face. At last, fully realizing where I was, I looked around, and the six patrons of the bar broke into applause. And I broke into an even darker blush.
“Oh, shit,” was my eloquent response. Then, I thought, the hell with them and I looked into Sonia’s eyes and said, “Thank you, Sonia. Thank you so much.” And gave her a tongue kiss that pleaded for more.
“Thank you, Gay, for the nice bar snack,” Sonia replied. “You’re so sweet I could just eat you up.”
“I think you just did,” I smiled.
The first of the spectators to speak was Debbie. “I’m glad I didn’t try it. I never, ever could have done that as well as Sonia did.” She looked a little disappointed, so I winked at her to let her know that I might let her try.
“Oh my God, it must be closing time,” I said as reality began to intrude on my reverie.
“Well past,” Debbie told me. “We’ve closed up the bar; you just need to drop your money. We’ve done this before for bartenders whose minds—and, um, other things—were elsewhere.”
I turned to Sonia with a boldness I rarely felt and said, “I’m hungry.”
“For what?” she asked coyly, batting her long eyelashes.
“For you! Your place or mine?”
“My place is right around the corner—103.”
I grabbed the money in the till, put it in a bag and dropped it into the safe without counting it. I came around the bar, grabbed Sonia by the hand and we strode out of the bar, destination very clear in both our minds. Within a half-dozen steps, we’d released hands and each fondled the other’s closest butt cheek as we continued our short walk to what we knew would be even greater sexual adventures.
Even through my lust-stoked sexual haze, I realized that I was going to love this bartending gig.

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