The Rush pt. 5
Power Play
A year after killing her parents, Chase wanders with a heart laden with guilt.
After Angela’s possession, Sophia avoids her lover. Angela, fearing she may have lost Sophia, realizes the depths of her feelings.
A ghost possess Angela and forces her to fuck Sophia with a spectral cock, breaking the lesbian priestess’s connection to her goddess, Saphique.
A young girl is forced to produce milk for a demanding master.
Chase and her family have to pass through the ruins of Portland to reach Washington State.
This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.
Chapters 3-5 of my story
A, B, and C have some fun.
Angela and her group are attacked by barguests.
The Ghost daughters are aged through magic so they can be old enough to perform the ritual to free their father!
The day of Mark and Mary’s wedding has arrived.
Scientist visits a very fertile island
Anglea and Sophia enter the elvish woods while Xerathalasia’s hunt of the basilisk goes wrong. Xera finds herself submitting to her prey’s lusts.
A Young Girls’ Sexual Adventures…
Angela’s party is led by Thrak across the orcland. Soon, an orc shaman tracks the party with magic, a bad sign.
The story of a girl and her amazing breasts
A short bit for 4chan’s /tv/ board about how I impregnate Jlaw and then fuck her while she’s pregnant. I took ideas from the audience, like on Whose Line is it Anyway, and then jacked off while I wrote it, unlike Whose Line is it Anyway. Enjoy.
Laura, once a lesbian, has been blackmailed into a path of degradation and conditioning that has left her as nothing more than a degraded fuckbunny…
Jon n snow takes the vale Mistress
She was John’s PA then she became a real cow
As Angela and her compaions cross the orc lands, Faoril grapples with her newly awakened feelings for Thrak. But behind them, the dark warlock Fireeyes follows, gathering the dead slain in the party’s wake.
Diapers Aunties and collers
This is a continuation of the Shaman series, and the events won’t make total sense unless you read the earlier parts of the series. I revised this to reduce the size of the paragraphs. Paragraphs are supposed to start with a change in the speaker, with a change of characters or subject, but it didn’t work so I added paragraphs also at a natural pause in the flow of action. I hope you like it.
Faoril the mage conducts a dangerous ritual to summon three spirits to harvest sexual energy from. Meanwhile, Xera the elf learns there are delights to be found in human lands in the form of a lactating serving girl.
Wyverns attack Angela and her group, and there is only one naughty way for Angela to survive. Meanwhile, the day of the test has arrived and Faoril the mage will have to prove her skills in magic.