Male Solo

First Threesome for Aussie Teens

An amazing threesome experience between some young Aussie school mates. There is a bit of tension between Andy and Cameron but Jamie (the author) is able to juggle the situation and the three teens have an amazing first threesome experience.

Speedo Stains Tell Tales

Well I have and I’ve got to write this down quickly because it happened only last week and it was one of the horniest, sexiest experiences I can remember!


I had left Rachel to finish her project, and clean up the bathroom, as I went down
to greet our father. I met him in the kitchen. He had sunken onto the bench of the
booth we used as our daily dining table, and was drinking a well-deserved beer. He
rose as I entered, and as we hugged, he asked how everything had gone in his
absence. I told him Rach had given me a ride to practice on Saturday. I left out
all the good parts obviously. I told him nothing much was going on. Which was as
far from the truth as it was possible to be. I asked about his trip. He expounded
on the problems with air travel. Bla Bla Bla
“I’m going to need you to help get Rachel’s room ready for Lidia” Dad said,
reminding me forcefully of the reason I had spied on Rach in the first place.
“Sure” I responded, “What’s the plan?”
“Tomorrow, we need to get a bed.” He started, “Then we need to rearrange Rachel’s
“I’m free at 11, after lessons” I offered.
“It’s a plan.” My father finished.
“Let me take your stuff” I said, grabbing his suitcase, and briefcase. I exited the
kitchen, and headed past the stairs, to his office, and my parent’s bedroom on the
first floor. I dropped his stuff off, and returned as Rach came down the stairs in
front of me. I followed her into the kitchen.
“Daddy” she squealed like a 6 year old, and she gave him a hug too.
“You’ve got a guest arriving soon” he said, resuming his seat.
“Yep, she’s really excited to meet everybody.” Rach said, sitting opposite our dad,
and glancing a knowing look at me.
It suddenly dawned on me that Rach had been communicating with Lidia for over a
week. I wondered just how much communicating she had done, knowing how much she had
wanted to tell someone about us.
“Have you been emailing her?” my dad asked.
“We’ve been messaging every day. We’ve even video chatted.” Rach answered, looking
dead at me. Oh god, what had she done. The possibilities were varied, and
horrifying. I decided to grill her as soon as possible. “She is so pretty, and her
English is really good.” Rach continued, seemingly oblivious to the sledge hammer
she had hit me with.
Dad went to go take a shower (not in Rach and my bathroom thank god), and I took the
chance to interrogate Rach. “Exactly what have you told Lidia?” I asked her in my
most serious voice.
“Oh stop being so dramatic.” She said, brushing me off. “I didn’t TELL her anything
about us.” I could hear her emphasis on the word tell.
“Please Rach! Tell me what you aren’t telling me.”
“Well,” she said, seeming uncomfortable, “I video conferenced with her, before we
did anything last week. I was showing her my room, and then I saw your computer
come on, and I
shared your webcam with her so she could see you. She was nervous
about the move, and I was just trying to make her feel she knew us. You weren’t
naked or anything.” She finished, doing her best to seem casual.
I replied sheepishly, “Oh. O.K., sorry, I just knew you had wanted to tell somebody
before, and I was afraid you might have said something.”
“I would never tell anyone without checking with you first” Rach said, seemingly
hurt by my lack of trust. “I just wanted her to see how cute you were. She said
you were hot, by the way.” Rach finished, in a huff.
“O.K. O.K.” I said, my hands up in supplication. “I’m sorry. I should know you
better than that.” I continued. “She’s pretty hot too, don’t you think?” I asked,
trying to seem not that interested.
“Oh my god! She is stunning.” Rach answered, and then she looked at me; a troubled
look in her eyes. “I know you like her.”
“I think she’s hot, like I said.” I replied. “I’m not sure what we are, but I
wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you.”
Rach didn’t respond right away. She sat there, lost in her own thoughts. Finally,
she said “I don’t know what we are either, and I don’t want to hurt you. Maybe we
should decide what we are.”
“I love you Rach.” I began, trying to figure it out as I talked. “It’s more than
because you’re my sister. I think I’d die if you were with another guy.”
Rach brightened unexpectedly at my admission. “Only if it were a guy?” she asked
“I think so.” I replied, trying to search my feelings. “I think a girl would be
o.k.” I sat thinking, unsure what Rach being with a girl would do to me. I knew
what it would do to the monster in my pants, but would I feel jealous, or left out?
Rach seemed to sense my thoughts. “Jake. What if you were there?” I looked at
her. She was looking at me so tenderly with her big green eyes. She seemed mainly
concerned for me, but I thought I caught a hint of excitement as I looked at her.
“Maybe that would be O.K.” I answered. “I know somebody would like that.” I
finished, letting her follow my look down to the, now continual, bulge in my shorts.
“What about me with a girl?” I asked, feeling sure, from her reaction to Sharon,
that I knew the answer already.
Rach considered thoughtfully. “If you mean going out on a date, I don’t think I’d
like that.” And then after a slight pause, “I think maybe if it was just messing
I’m not sure.” She trailed off, her eyes now in her lap.
“What if you were there?” I asked, knowing it seemed to help make me more
comfortable if I were there when Rach was with another girl.
“Maybe,” She answered, looking up, and seeming more at ease. “But I don’t think I’d
like it if you fucked anyone else.” She continued in a whisper.
“O.K., so no dating, and we have to be there if either of us is with a girl.” I
summed up, “oh, and only you get the Big Bro treatment.” I added, taking her face in
my hands, and giving her a quick kiss. She smiled, gave my cock a little squeeze
through my shorts, and got up.
“You want to see the final product?” Rach asked, looking up towards the bathroom.
“It should be ready by now.”
“Sure.” I answered, and we headed upstairs.
Rach grabbed the mold, and we headed to her room. Once she closed the door, and
locked it, we sat on her bed, and she opened the mold. There it was, my dick copied
in all its glory, sitting in the plaster.
“Wow!” Rach Exclaimed, pulling it free. “It’s so heavy.”
“Tell me about it” I said, joking. Rach smiled at me.
“Can I compare?” She asked me, looking down to my shorts. “O.K., but I was super
hard when I made that” I said, leaning back, and pulling off my shorts.
“Let’s see” Rach said, putting the dildo next to my cock. “You need some help to
measure up” she said, grabbing my cock with her free hand.
I pulled off her shirt, as she worked my dick. She seemed fascinated; watching my
semi-hard cock grow as she stroked it, looking back and forth between me and my
After a minute, Rach said “There, perfect.” And smiling, leaned down, and kissed the
tip of my cock.
“You aren’t gona get off that easy” I said, “You came in the bathroom without me ya
“That was your fault. You made me pass out. Besides, don’t you still need to catch
up a bit?” Rach said, jumping off the bed giggling, and bolting for the door. I
sprang after her, catching her at the door. I held her to me; my dick parting her
ass, her arms pinned to her sides.
I leaned over to whisper in her ear “do you want me to take it?” She looked at me
over her shoulder, her eyes wide with shock and hunger, and nodded very slightly.
As soon as she had nodded, she twisted, trying to break my hold on her. I tightened
my arms around her, and pulled her off the ground. She squirmed, and kicked as I
carried her to the bed.
Rach struggled silently against me as I put her, face down on the bed; one arm still
wrapped around her, holding her arms. I pulled her little pink shorts down with my
free hand to expose her perfect ass, and yanked out the toy, tossing it aside. She
flailed her legs uselessly where they hung off the side off the bed, panting with
the effort. I kneeled behind Rach, and releasing her arms, put my hand on her back,
pushing her down onto the bed with all my weight. She continued to writhe beneath
me, as I kissed her neck, and whispered “you’ve been a bad girl.” I lifted myself
up; my hand still on her back to keep her pinned to the bed, and spanked her once,
“Eek” escaped from her lips.
I needed a release. Grabbing my dick with my free hand, I lined up and pushed into
her as hard and deep as I could, feeling myself bottom out in her. Still wanting
her to enjoy it, I rolled my hips searching for the spot that would take over her
will to struggle. Rach let out a grunt, and I zeroed in, hammering her with all the
power I could summon. I rose to orgasm quickly; my sister’s writhing no longer
focused on escape, but on her need.
I felt her pussy begin to tighten, and slammed my dick home one last time. Holding
myself buried in her as she came. As she subsided, I pulled out, and flipping her
limp body over, I jacked myself over her, sending stream after stream across her
pussy, then her stomach, then her boobs, and finally her face. Rach regained
herself in time to suck down my final jet of cum. She continued sucking until the
sensation was too much, and I pulled away. I sank onto the bed next to her, truly
“That was fun” Rach said, rolling to her side to face me, and scooping cum from her
cheek into her mouth.
“Try and get the dildo to do that.” I said, breathlessly.
“You’re the only toy I need.” She said, kissing me.
“Sorry I messed you up again.” I said, looking at the cum coating her chest and
“No problem, Big Bro” Rach said, rubbing it into her skin like lotion.
“You know Rach,” I said, a problem occurring to me, “we’re gona have to figure out
how we do this when Lidia gets here.”
“I know,” she said, getting up and pulling her shorts back on. “I’m workin on it.”
“What does that mean?” I stammered.
Rach pulled on her tank-top, and smiling sweetly said “You’ll see.”
“Hey, don’t forget this” I said retrieving the vibes.
“Oh yea, oops” she giggled, and pulled her shorts back down to re-attach our toy.
I pulled on my shorts and smacked her on her exposed ass, as I walked past. “Eek”
Rach exclaimed, pulling up her shorts back up.
“Be careful Rach” I said opening her door, “I think I really like that sound” and I
closed her door behind me.
I saw Rach heading to Sharon’s as I trimmed the lawn. She had the bag with my
package (literally) with her. She swung it back and forth as she walked to the back
corner of our yard, smiling innocently at me as she went.
It was strange. I felt somehow, that I was pleasuring 2 girls now. The feeling
stoked my ego, and libido. I wondered what it must feel like to be a ‘model’ for
one of the dildos in the porn store. The feeling of knowing that thousands of
girls/women were using you to get off must be a heady experience.
Mom got home, and Rachel came back from Sharon’s a while later. I had been looking
through Lidia’s bio, passing the time till dinner. Lidia was from a town on the
coast of Italy. That explained her dark tan. She played tennis, and ran. Maybe I
could invite her to go running with me. She was an only child; her parents had
split up when she was 10. She lived with her mother and grandparents, in a house
their family had owned for over 150 years. She would have some adjustments to make
to get used to sharing a room with Rach, not to mention sharing a house with me.
Mom was getting dinner ready, and I, being bored, took Lidia’s bio with me to the
kitchen table. Rachel came in a few minutes later, and sat at her traditional spot
at the back of the ‘U’ shaped booth. Rach had obviously gotten more info than the
bio contained, and I asked a few questions, pointing out things in the bio that were
either vague, or incomplete. While we talked, Rach put her foot in my lap, and
winked at me when I looked up at her.
Mom set the table, and dinner was served, my dad’s favorite, Chicken Marsala. I had
been wanting to repay Rachel for that foot job under the table she had given me, and
now was a perfect opportunity. Dad had put music on for us to listen to during
dinner, and I knew it would be the perfect cover for the vibe. Dad was asking Rach
about her week when I turned the clit vibe to 1. Her foot in my lap jerked
slightly, and she glanced at me, a look of surprised terror in her eyes.
I managed to keep from laughing, and Rach managed to keep her face calm, but I
noticed her body tense. I put my left hand under the table, and held Rach’s foot,
caressing it as dad asked her questions, and she answered in clipped, short
responses. I waited till dad started talking to mom before I put the vibe up to 2.
Rach was expecting it, and I saw her grip the table with shaking hands as she
stared, unseeing, down at the table. Her foot twitched more forcefully in my lap
and hand. I squeezed it, knowing she was getting close. I felt her toes go rigid,
and her leg jerked strait, driving her heel into my crotch. Her stare at the table
flipped up to me as her eyes went glassy.
I had to hold her foot down to keep it from spasming away from me as she came. Her
beautiful body went silently rigid. Her glassy stare underlined by a forcefully bit
lip. Her rigidity came to an end with a pop, as she twitched, her whole body giving
one last jolt. I quickly turned off the vibe, and took a drink of water.
“Hey Rach, can you give me a ride to practice tomorrow?” I said, as blandly as I
could manage.
A vicious look passed over her so quickly; I would have missed it had I not been
expecting it. “Sure thing” she answered remarkably calmly “ANYTHING (she emphasized
‘anything’) for my Big Bro.” Dad glanced at us for a moment, undoubtedly wondering
at the ‘Big Bro’.
We finished dinner, Rach playing footsy with my cock, and we all went our separate
ways. I went to my room to play around on my computer. It was funny how much less
I used my computer, now that I had no need for porn. I kept my Rach window open, as
I chatted with friends.
Rach came into her room awhile later. She stripped off her ‘bite me’ shorts, and
held then up so I could see the wet spot. I smiled wickedly, and she stuck her
tongue out at me, then turned and walked away, her bare ass waving at me as she
I finished at my computer, and, setting my alarm, headed for bed, knowing morning
would come all too soon. At some point in the night I woke to a warm body snuggling
up to me.
“Rach?” I asked groggily.
“I didn’t want to oversleep.” She offered.
I wondered, as I drifted back to sleep, why she thought I wouldn’t wake her in the
morning. The next thing I knew, the alarm went off, signaling the start to my early
day. Rach her leg and arm draped across me, groaned into my chest.
“Time to get up Rach.” I managed, in as cheery a voice as I could muster, brushing
her hair back from her face.
“Why did I agree to this” she grumbled as she sat up; her petite naked body at odds
with the gravel in her voice.
“You like giving me rides, Remember?” I jibed, getting up, and pulling her up to
stand in front of me.
“I doooooooo” she hummed, giving my dick a squeeze.
“We don’t have time for that” I admonished halfheartedly, doing nothing to end her
hold on me.
“Are you sure” she said, leaning into me, stoking me softly.
The battle inside me raged fiercely. As Rach kissed my chest, and my cock grew in
her hand, my will to fight began to slip away. Looking at the clock, I reasoned “We
have 5 minutes, if you speed.”
“Yeay”, she beamed, and she threw herself backwards onto the bed, pulling her legs
up and apart, presenting her beautiful pink pussy to me. She tore off the vibe,
flinging it away. Gathering myself for a sprint, I dived my face into her waiting
Rach giggled “weeeeeeee” as I set to work licking and sucking. I felt her legs
start to twitch and got up. Leaning over her, my hands to either side of her
wiggling body, I positioned my hips to aim my dick into her. Not having time to
tease her, I entered her fully with one thrust. As I drew back, Rach grabbed my
hips, and pulled my back into her. I held myself up with one arm, and moved the
other across her stomach, feeling her muscles ripple and shake under me.
Searching for that spot inside her, I moved my hand down her stomach. Rach arched
her back as I found her spot, and sputtered “that’s
Bro.” I could feel my
dick through her stomach, pushing into my hand. I pushed against it, my hand
sinking slightly into her stomach; Rach’s legs convulsed at that pressure and she
grunted “Uhhhg.”
I found I could reach her clit with my thumb, and I flicked it up with each thrust.
Seeing Rach below me; her tan little body writhing at my touch, got me to my orgasm
quickly. I increased the ferocity of my assault, to make sure I left my sister
Her hands hardened on my hips, and I felt her feet on my ass, pulling me into her
hard, and then she erupted. Rach bucked her hips wildly, grinding as she held me
deep inside her. The feeling of her pussy, pumping and pushing at my cock, sent me
off. I shuddered as I pumped right back at her.
I realized too late, that I was cumming into her, but was unable to stop, as jet
after jet filled her. We ended together, me falling onto her, my cock still buried
in her twitching wet pussy.
“Rach” I gasped, “I came in you” The shock of possible consequences hitting me like
a truck.
“I know” she cooed, and then, realizing the horror in my voice, “don’t worry silly,
I’ve been on the pill forever.”
The combination of my release, and the evaporation of my worry, combined to sap me
entirely. I managed to roll off Rachel, who bounced up, and wiped herself dry with
my pillow.
“Here’s for you” she giggled, and bounced out of my room.
I lay there, struggling to get up. I managed to sit, and reached for some shorts.
I could see through our computers, that Rach was getting dressed too. She had
gotten something out of her dresser, and then, skipped out of her room. In she
came, as I had finally managed to stand.
“I almost forgot” she tittered, picking up her vibe, and jumping up, kissed me on
the cheek. “I’ll be in the car.” She chirped, and spinning, her hair flying out to
brush across my chest, skipped out of my room.
How I managed to make it through practice is beyond me. Rach drove like her ass was
on fire, and I got there on time, but within minutes, I knew I was in trouble. My
arms were O.K., bud my legs were useless. By the time practice was over, I couldn’t
have gotten out of the pool. Luckily, I had lessons in a half hour, so I just
floated there, recuperating.
Dad picked me up after lessons in a truck he had borrowed, and went and bought a
twin bed and dresser for Lidia. We loaded them in the back of a pickup, and we
headed home. Getting the furniture up the stairs almost made my legs collapse.
We finally got everything up to Rach’s room, and she directed us, choosing where
everything went. She could see my legs were wobbling, and was evil in her demands,
taking joy at telling me (completely ignoring our dad) to rearrange her room several
times. Getting even for dinner last night was her right, and I bore it as well as I
could. Eventually, Rach was satisfied, and I collapsed on the new bed, as dad left
to return the truck.
“Havin’ trouble Big Bro?” Rach teased, bouncing up and down on her bed opposite me.
“Only because my sister is evil” I replied, lifting my head to stare at her in mock
“I wanted to make sure you could see both our beds, see?” she beamed, jumping off
her bed to show me where her computer now sat, in the corner of the room. “You can
see the whole room now” she sing-songed, jumping on top of me with a whoosh.
I was so gone; I let her bounce on me like a trampoline. Realizing I wasn’t playing
along, she laid her chest down on me and stroked my hair.
“I’m sorry Jake, you really are pooped hu?” she whispered softly.
“More than you could imagine” I answered.
“Let me take care of you” she whispered, climbing off of me and helping me lift my
legs onto the bed.
“I’ll give you a massage” Rach piped, helping me roll onto my stomach, and Rach sat
on my butt. Her little hands started gently rubbing my shoulders and neck. She
gradually started applying more pressure, digging into my knotted muscles. I
groaned in pleasure and pain as Rach’s kneading untangled me, muscle by muscle.
She slid down, now sitting on my heels, and started on my butt. My shorts were
frustrating her efforts, and she whined “pull these down”, yanking on my shorts. I
reached under and undid the button, and she shimmied my sorts off.
Her hands renewed their work on me; finding the deep muscle, and rubbing it hard
with her knuckles. She spent a long time on my ass. I could feel her pussy on my
heel, rubbing slowly up and down as she leaned into the pressure, and then sat back
rhythmically. She moved onto my legs, pushing and pulling my muscles until they
relaxed into her hands. Her ministrations may have released the tension from my
muscles, but also engorged my cock, hidden from her, under me.
She asked me to roll over. I wasn’t sure I wanted her to see my dick; unsure of
weather I could handle the possible consequences. I decided quickly, that I was in
no shape to ward her off, but didn’t see I needed to participate. I could be like
my doppel-cock, and she could use me if she wanted to. I rolled onto my back, my
dick springing away from me to hang suspended in air, throbbing to my pulse.
Rach was defiantly less in control of her hornyness than I had ben during her
massage. She didn’t mention my cock, but when she climbed back onto me to continue,
she straddled my hips, her pussy pinning my dick to my stomach.
She worked my pectorals, digging her fingers into them as if trying to pull out a
plumb. Working her way down to my stomach, I could feel her pussy wetting her
shorts where my dick had nestled. She moved her hips more now, her body no longer
in time with the motion of her hands.
Without any encouragement or, to be truthful, any discouragement, I felt the tingle
of an orgasm, rising in me. I gave no indication that I was going to cum; in fact,
the only part of my body taking part in her molestation was my cock. I didn’t even
react as my cock began, of it’s own volition, to pulse, shooting cum onto my chest,
stomach, and Rachel’s hands.
She giggled “just what I needed,” and without missing a beat, rubbed my cum, like
lotion, into my chest, pausing on occasion to lick her fingers. Rach eventually
moved down, straddling one of my knees, and started on my quadriceps. These were
the most damaged of my muscles, and her deep, hard kneading was almost too much to
absorb. I could feel her pussy, now on my knee, pushing more forcefully, and her
hands stopped moving on my thighs, pulling, and squeezing in one spot.
I felt the bed begin to tremble, her squat on my knee causing her legs to shake. My
dick, having relaxed after it’s fun, had re-sprouted; I would like say ‘of it’s own
volition,’ but her insistent grinding on me, had woken my hunger despite my efforts.
Without any direct contact with my cock, I could feel a second orgasm creeping up.
I debated whether to reach down and help it out, but my decision was literally taken
out of my hands.
Rach began to cum, and releasing my legs, leaned forward and grabbed my dick with
both hands. Holding onto it in a vice-like grip, she used in for leverage as she
slid herself forward and back over my knee. Her unintentional jacking, caused me to
erupt a second time. The first stream of cum sailed into the air, rising strait
above her. She quickly, without pausing her rocker-ride cumming, pulled my dick
toward her, pointing it toward my feet, and sucked it in. There was my little big
sister, sliding up and down my knee, her forward slide burying my cock deep down her
throat; her backward slide, ending when her lips caught the edge of my cock’s head.
She continued this strange ride long after I had finished cumming. It seemed she
had finished too; as the spasticity of her movements had diminished. I think she
was simply reveling in her cum, and didn’t want it to end.
Finally, Rach seemed to run out of steam. She lifted off of my knee and, letting my
dick drag out of her mouth with a final “pop”, flopped forward onto me, her head on
my chest.
“I’m sorry Jake. I couldn’t help myself” she whispered guiltily.
“I know how you feel. I have to restrain myself, constantly, from doing the most
depraved things to the most beautiful girl in the world.” I said, my hand stroking
her back.
I could feel her smile on my chest. “I love you Jake” she whispered through her
Rach rolled over onto her side, her elbow propping her head up, and stared at me. I
turned my head to return her stare and noticed she was crying. Summoning my
strength, I rolled to face her.
“What’s wrong?” I said softly, putting my hand on her face, and brushing away a tear
with my thumb.
“Absolutely nothing” she said in a low voice through her smile. Keeping her eyes on
mine, she leaned into me slowly. Her lips touched mine, and we kissed, staring into
each other’s eyes and souls. It was so intimate and deep, I felt my throat tighten,
and my tear joined hers as our cheeks touched.
She backed away from our kiss ever so slowly, stopping only inches away. “I love
you too Rach” I managed in a hoarse whisper. She leaned back into me, her soft pink
lips kissing my tear.
She rolled back, pulling my head with her, onto her chest, and stroked my hair. Her
heartbeat slow and strong, lulled me. The softness of her skin on my face soothed
me. I fell asleep there, on Lidia’s newly christened bed, Rach holding my head to
her breast.
I woke up with a start, momentarily unsure of where I was. As I got ahold of my
senses, I looked down to see my shorts, which Rach had yanked off to better get at
my ass, where back on, and I was alone in her room, the door closed. She had,
somehow, managed to get them back on me as I slept, and left me to rest here.
Not wanting to raise any suspicion, I attempted to get up, intending to go to my bed
and resume my much needed sleep. It was immediately apparent that the additional
two orgasms Rach had litteraly yanked out of me, had taken with them, all of my
remaining strength. I managed to sit up. My head spinning slightly, I lowered it
into my hands.
I sat there, marshaling myself for the epic journey of 30 feet it would take to get
to my own bed. I heard the door open, my head flipping up jerkily to see Rach
closing the door behind her, a tray in her hands.
“What are you doing” she scolded quietly, setting the tray down on the floor. She
came over to where I sat and, gently forcing me back down, continued “you stay.” I
was in no condition to resist, but my worried look prompted her to continue, as she
returned with the tray.
“It’s O.K., I told mom and dad you were exhausted from all the moving, and it was
the least I could do to bring you supper.” She finished smiling, and setting the
tray on her bedside table.
“That’s sweet Rach, but I don’t have the energy to eat” I answered, trying to seem
grateful anyway.
“You just lie there. I’ll feed you.” She said smiling. I noticed a strange look in
her eyes as I watched her preparing the food. It was hard to know for sure, but it
seemed she was angry, not at me, but at herself. She felt she had taken advantage
of me, and blamed herself for my condition.
As she sat on the bed and lifted a slice of pizza to my lips, I reached my hand out,
and cupped her cheek, her nuzzling into my caress. “You are wonderful” I said
softly, reminding myself of the time, just a few days ago, when I had heard her say
the same thing to me as I cared for her.
We shared the silence together; Rach feeding me pizza and salad, and I felt totally
at peace. I knew, somehow, some way, I would never let this end.

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Dad Doesn’t Stand A Chance: Part 2
If you haven’t read Part I, you should in order to understand how the events in Part 2 happened. This is a true story. Names have been changed.
At the end of Part I, I said that I had decided on a master plan that would end in Ben finally fulfilling my lusty desires, but unfortunately, it had to be put off because I got the flu that the same weekend we went to the ball game. After I recovered, I tried to put the plan back in action but the person I had in mind to help me with it was on vacation and wouldn’t be back for a couple days.
During this time, I still watched Ben jack off to pictures of the blonde girl on cam but after asking me for my number the third time, he got frustrated and started ignoring my private messages. I was really disappointed that it was over and more than ever wanted to make what I had in mind happen.
When Ashley finally called me to come over, I was psyched. Ashley is my 16 year old cousin from New Jersey. Ben doesn’t know her because she is the daughter of my real dad’s deadbeat brother, Mike. Mike is an asshole, plain and simple. He’s a drunk, and only works when he needs money for booze, or just bothers my dad for cash when he can’t find one, which brings me back to Ashley. Since her dad doesn’t take care of her, she does what she can to make money, and that involves having sex with men, as long as they’re paying. I first found out when I caught her giving Thomas a blow job. I didn’t tell Tom that I saw them, but I told her about it and she admitted that it had been going on for a while. She didn’t own up to the fact that they had sex, but I had a feeling they did. She told me she had done it with other family members of ours for money but she actually liked the male attention. She asked me if I wanted a blow job for $10 but seeing as she had confided in me, I told her I was gay and since then we’ve been really close.
When I called her about my plan, she was really excited. I had $200 in it for her, but she was in from the time I mentioned Ben. His birthday was coming up and this would be the perfect time to spring my trap. I was going to get him the best birthday present a son could get his dad. A young, hot teen with a tight, dick-craving pussy. As long as everything went according to plan, getting him to fuck me would just be a few phases away. I worked out everything with her and I patiently counted down the days until that night.
When his birthday finally came around, we got dressed and went out to dinner. Ashley came along as a friend from New Jersey who was staying in New York, and Ben was happy for her to keep me company as many of his work colleagues joined us at dinner and he was afraid I would be bored. The night was surprisingly fun and made easier by the fact that his friends kept ordering bottles of wine. Ben isn’t much of a drinker so after two glasses he was a little buzzed but by the time we left the restaurant he seemed to sober up a bit. I told him Ashley’s parents would pick her up at our house later in the night after he kept insisting that he wanted to take her home himself. I needed everything to go perfectly from here on out.
When we got home, I sent Ashley upstairs while Ben headed straight for the den and switched on Sportscenter to see the highlights before bed. I helped him take off his shoes and I sat there watching the show with him, happy to buy Ashley some time. After it ended, he switched over the tv and kissed me on the forehead saying he was ready for bed but I stopped him. I told him I had a birthday present for him and went into the kitchen and brought out a gift box and a white plastic bag.
He opened the gift and was pretty pleased with what I had got him. A couple shirts, some ties and cufflinks, and a sharp pair of shoes he had said he liked in a magazine ad. When I saw he was getting ready to leave again, I pulled out what I had in the plastic bag. It was a six pack of beer I had Ashley buy before she came over that day. I didn’t know Ben would have been drinking tonight so it was a last ditch attempt to get him buzzed before the big surprise.
“Where’d you get that?”
“I asked a friend to buy it for me. Well, for you.”
“You bought your old man beer
“Haha yeah
want one?”
“Nah champ, I’m tired. I’m gonna head to bed”
“Actually, the truth is dad, I’ve been wanting to try it but I didn’t want to do it behind your back. I thought it would be better if we did it together. You know, like a father-son thing.”
let me see one.”
I handed him the beer and he opened one and tasted it. He handed the can to me and opened another for himself. He smiled and knocked his can with mine and took small gulps and let out a loud burp. The beer actually didn’t taste that bad, but I was hoping it would put his buzz over the edge.
“Alright champ, we good now?”
“Oh come on, at least finish it
He smiled and drank the rest in one sip. I opened another without asking and handed it to him but he refused. I told him I wanted to challenge him to a drink off to see who could down the entire beer first but he wasn’t budging. Needless to say, I can be very convincing and after a minute or two, we had our drink off which he won by a landslide. He unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his semi-swollen “beer gut” and tried to jiggle it but it wasn’t doing much. By the time I opened the third and set it down on the coffee table, he was standing up.
“You’re gonna drink me under the table boy. You want a challenge? Help me up these stairs.”
He laughed as I struggled to hold his strain as we walked up the stairs. He wasn’t drunk but he was significantly impaired by all the alcohol and I could feel the butterflies rising as we neared the upstairs corridor. When we got to his room, I opened the door slightly and we both stumbled in, me still balancing him and pushed it close behind me. When he looked up, he seemed a bit stunned into soberness by the sight of Ashley on his bed and to tell you the truth, I was too. Face down, ass up, legs spread apart, wearing the sexiest bra she owned and a short school girl skirt with no underwear, finger in pussy. She looked wet and ready.
“What the fuck”
“Happy birthday dad”
“Happy birthday. This is my gift to you.”
“Travis, what the fuck is this?”
“Come on dad, I know you like teen girls. She’s hot ain’t she? And she wants you”
He paused and said he needed to pee and took two steps towards the bathroom, pulling his semi-hard dick out of his zipper but he didn’t take his eyes off Ashley. And right then and there, he started peeing. Right in the middle of the bedroom, on the carpet. Not looking down, just holding his dick and watching Ashley on the bed. His stream of urine was strong and yellow and after he was done, he just stood there, still holding his semi-hard dick, still looking at Ashley playing with her pussy.
I was rock hard at all it. Seeing him in this situation, seeing his dick in real life, seeing him pee right in front of me, I was taking it all in. I needed to step in though and I slowly walked up behind him and undid the last two buttons on his shirt and pulled it off him. Ashley began moaning and calling his name, saying that she wanted him inside of her, and after he looked at me, I nodded and told him to go for it, that it was my present to him.
He walked over and rubbed his hand over her wet pussy and then over his dick and positioned himself and pushed into her. The first phase of my plan was finally happening. He was fucking someone in front of me. He started thrusting small but as she pushed back, he started ramming his dick into her. It was beautiful. He held onto her shoulders and pulled her back repeatedly on his thick cock, only sometimes stopping to wander to her small, perky tits to give them a rough grab and squeeze. I was jacking off so hard by now but trying to stay out of eyesight, hoping not to stir any guilt in him but I couldn’t help but want to see the whole vision. He pulled out and came violently, blowing his hot cum all over her ass and back pulling her hair as shot after shot of cum splattered her body. He unclicked her bra to remove it and flipped her over, sucking her breasts and biting her nipples. I moved up behind him, and as he held himself partly over her, I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down and off. He didn’t stop to look at what I was doing and just raised his legs one at a time when it was needed. I tried pulling his boxers down next but it was more difficult because of his posture and the fact that his semi-hard cock was exposed through the front hole. After two failed attempts, he stood directly up, his hands now reaching down to her pussy and I easily removed his boxers and threw them in a corner. Here he was, my dad, my perfect guy, standing completely naked, with his cock dripping cum, sweaty, horny and ready to plow teenage pussy.
He turned around and smiled at me and asked me to go to his underwear drawer and grab a bottle of lube. I felt so weird with him looking at me with my dick in my hand but relieved that it was done and that things would be much hotter now. I got the lube and handed it over to him. He squeezed it onto his dick, making sure he was slippery and then took a little and rubbed in nicely onto Ashley’s pussy. He called me over and held the tip of my dick and squeezed lube up and down it, and gave it a one over rub. I’m surprised I didn’t bust then and there.
“Now that’ll make it feel much better. Come here. You want to fuck your friend?”
“Nah dad, she’s all yours. It’s your birthday. Get some.”
He smiled and turned back to Ashley who was rubbing her pussy. She seemed so horny and hot for dad, and I couldn’t blame her. He was a god. He spread her legs wide open and guided his thick cock into her gaping pussy. It seemed that he was now getting deeper than before with this new position and Ashley started screaming loudly from all the pleasure. By the time, he started thrusting all the inches into her pussy, she was going crazy and he let her feet go and lay directly on top of her, using one hand to muffle screams while using the other hand to squeeze and suck her tits while his cock pumped in and out of her pussy. His ass showed how much he was fucking, tightening and exhaling with ever pump. It was the most glorious image I had ever seen and to this day, after everything that has happened, I can still remember it as clear as day.
He kept diving into her harder and faster for about ten minutes until he pulled out and jumped over her, stroking his massive cock over her face. She pulled herself up and put it into her mouth sucking it hard and gagging a couple times before he drenched her throat with more steaming, hot cum. I could see the beads of sweat running down his back and he was breathing heavily and smiling down at her. She looked up at him, mouth open, showing that she had swallowed all of it and he seemed very happy to know he added some protein to her young diet. By this time, I had cum multiple times, all over my hands, chest and legs and was covered in dry, sticky cum spots.
It was about 2am at this time, and he said that was about all the fun he could have for the night because he had work in the morning and jumped off the bed and headed into his shower. I went over and lay down next to her, smelling him all over and making sure she was okay. She was more than okay though. She seemed to be in love, smiling, giggling, lusting for more. I was getting a little jealous but she did her part so I guess I could allow her to enjoy it too. Then, she got up and ran into his bathroom.
I could hear them talking and her giggling and then I began hearing water splashing. I walked to the door and peered in and there he was, inches deep in her pussy once more. She was sucking his fingers while he was leaning against the wall, her pussy riding back on him, hungry and starving. He turned her around and picked her up and bounced her pussy on his dick as she wrapped her legs around his waist. When his toes started to curl, he shouted he was close to cumming but she wrapped her legs tighter around his waist and whispered in his ear, continuing to take his thick shaft up her body. After a couple minutes, he let out a loud groan and shot his third cum deep in her pussy as she kissed him. They stood there in the shower, kissing for a while before we all finished showering and got ready for bed.
When she went to the guest room to get her clothes, I confronted her about letting him cum inside of her but she brushed it off saying that she was on the pill. I was furious that my plan seemed to be bringing her more pleasure than myself and locked her out of his bedroom that night. As I crawled into his bed, he was drowsy and naturally tired, but still somewhat awake and lay there in his boxers under the covers, with his arms behind his head looking up.
“Damn fun night champ.”
“Yeah, it sure was. Really happy you liked it.”
“Liked it? I loved it! Your friend okay though right?”
“Yeah, don’t worry, she’s on the pill.”
“Not what I meant but good to know. We got wild eh. How old is she?”
“16! Fuck! Really?”
“Yeah. She’s 16.”
“SHIT! Nice. Well, we better make sure she won’t tell nobody.”
“No worries dad. She’s all paid for.”
“Fuck. Son where’d you get her? You fuck her before?”
“I know her from by Snr. She fucks for money. We fucked before.” (I was obviously lying to prolong the conversation.
“Damn, my son turning into a big man. How come you didn’t tell me?”
“Haha, I don’t know.”
“Well from now on, no more secrets.”
“Yeah, no more secrets.”
“God. I don’t know. I still think that you’re 6 sometimes. But you’re definitely not 6 anymore. You gonna make those bitches scream.”
“Not like you dad. Your dick is HUGE”
“Haha, it’s alright. You have to know how to use it. How to make a woman feel good. You’ll get there son.”
“How big is it?”
“My dick? Hell, I haven’t measured it in ages. Your mom used to measure it. She said it was 8.5 inches sometimes. Sometimes 9 inches.”
“Wow. I’m only 5 inches.”
“That’s big for a man your age son. Just keep jerking and fucking that pussy and you’ll be big like your old man.”
“Well, you gotta teach me.”
“Don’t worry champ, after tonight, I owe you big time. Good night.”
“Good night dad.”
I think I fell straight asleep that night snuggled close to dad. It had been such an amazing experience that I didn’t want it to end, but I knew I would have to move on in order to get to the ultimate goal. The game had just begun and I was going to get my way, no matter what I had to do.

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This story was too long so I’ve broken it into the three days that it took place during.  On Day One:  After five years apart, I was reunited with Belinda and Marcella at a friends wedding.  Belinda had been my high school girlfriend and Marcella was her best friend.  Back in 1999 when we were all nineteen or twenty, the three of us all had sex together a number of times.  In 2001, we reunited for one night of passion despite the fact that Marcella was engaged.  Now it’s five years later and Belinda and I have been broken up for three years.  Belinda is in a relationship with someone else at this point, and Marcella is going through a divorce.  When Marcella and I are finally alone, things heat up dramatically and we end up having sex in the front yard of my parents house in the middle of the night. On Day Two, we went to the wedding and Belinda got into more fights over the phone with her boyfriend Bruce.  After the wedding we went to my fathers house and drank some wine in the hot tub and listened to a crying Belinda worry over Bruce’s fidelity.  As the night wore on and the wine flowed, one thing led to another.  Marcella and I confessed our true feelings and the three of us went on to have another amazing sexual experience.  We talked about Marcella moving to Florida and the possibility of the three of us all living together.  Now it’s day three and I’m in for the biggest surprise of all…


Please read the chapters in order. it would be redic to have to explain everything over and over. Thanks for all the encouragement. i am thankful so many of you like the story. for those of you who keep asking if this story is real, i will tell you that some parts are real. You’ll just have to wonder at which ;o

The Brothers Return

Derek had never mentioned his brothers in any of our long chats at his house or during break at school. I never asked because I assumed it was a sensitive subject. I had no idea.

Dad Doesn’t Stand A Chance: Part 1

Dad Doesn’t Stand A Chance: Part I
I’m so happy I found this site. I was searching for individuals who are having the same experiences as me, and while I can’t talk to anyone about them just to be safe, at least I can share my experience through writing and get some anonymous feedback :). I’ll start where it all began, about 3 months ago. This is a true story. Names have been changed.
My name is Travis and I live in New York. I just turned 13 at the beginning of summer and I consider myself a pretty average teenager. I’m really into computers and video games, but I’m also outside a lot playing basketball with my brother and friends from school. I’m pretty good at it I guess, my height is an advantage. I hit puberty when I was 11, and aside from things dropping and getting hairy, I shot up like a beanstalk. I’m 5’6”, and lanky. Flat chest, flat stomach, but my arms and legs are a little toned because of all the ball. I just started getting hair on my legs and under my arms, but its pretty fair and nothing to boast about.
My brother’s name is Thomas and he’s 18. He’s really into video games and basketball too. I guess I like it because of him. He’s on his school’s basketball ball team and he’s pretty good. He’s 5’11”, and has got a decent body, although he is not ripped as he should be, maybe because he spends his time off the court playing Halo and eating pizza. He’s not the gym type. He believes in getting fit through sport. We have a really good relationship and he’s thought me everything. About girls, puberty, masturbation, he’s an open book to me. He’s basically been my father-figure since my mom and dad split years ago. Not that my dad wasn’t around, but after the divorce, he said it was us against the world.
My mom and dad separated when I was 5. My dad never remarried and lives in New Jersey. He’s a teacher. My mom remarried to Benjamin, who is pretty decent. He’s always treated me and Thomas like his own sons, it’s a shame, he and my mom divorced last year. I remember when my mom used to take me to his house and dump me on the couch while they had sex. It was only a matter of time before she left my dad for him. After they got married, he made her a partner in his real estate business, and after a while, she left to start her own real estate business and dumped him. Needless to say, she’s a people user and a huge bitch.
I really consider Ben to be my dad and I still live with him. I told my mom that living with him would be more convenient for me and school but really I just hated the idea of living with her and having to meet some other poor guy she would just use. Thomas got an apartment with his friends and lives with them now. He visits sometimes but he feels weird to come over now that mom and Ben are over. I understand how he feels because he was 10 and knew the situation pretty well enough when Ben came into play but I grew up feeling like Ben is my real dad and only remembered different when Thomas Snr came around.
The biggest thing is, as I’ve become older, I’ve become really attracted to Ben. I mean he’s not perfect, and he definitely would die without a maid, but he’s got a lot going for him. He’s only 35, runs his own company, still boyishly handsome. He keeps himself well groomed, for the sake of business, and is in good shape. He doesn’t have a six pack or lift weights, but he has a morning workout routine that keeps him in order. But most of all, he’s got the most heart melting lips and the most intense, brooding eyes that are dark and captivating. I can tell he really loves me and would do anything for me. He always makes sure I have the best and whatever I want, I get.
It’s been almost 10 months since he and my mom split and he’s taken it pretty well. They were fighting for a while so I think he was more relieved than ever to get it over with. I think he really missed the sex though because they had a lot of it. They would fight over dinner and go upstairs and very loudly make up. I always wondered how he was in bed because he sure sounded like a lot of fun but I was never lucky enough to catch them at it. All I had to go on were cum stains in his boxers and little impressions of his penis head as he walked around in his towel getting ready for work. One thing was for sure, my hormones would not give it up until I found out for myself.
A couple months ago I set up a plan to try to catch him naked but it never worked. I would wait up until he came home and try to catch him in the shower but he would go straight to bed and then shower during the early hours of the morning when he woke up. He knew I already had the puberty talk with my brother so there was no way I could go down that road, and he wasn’t much of a drinker so him coming home drunk and passed out would be a miracle. I had to get creative.
One night I came across a keylogger program that saves typed characters on the computer and I installed it on his pc while he was making dinner. A couple days later, I found out from the program that the night before, he was IMing ladies in a chatroom. He definitely had a wild side and I could just imagine him beating off to the conversation. I saw that he set up a sex meeting with a woman for that same night but I’m not sure if it happened or not. I knew this was my way in so I set up an account that same night and looked out for his username to pop up.
Two days later after dinner, he went into his office to do some “work” while I pretended to go to bed and about 30 minutes later, he came on. He was immediately popular and I could tell he had been here a lot so I private messaged him introducing myself. I was a young hot blonde, just out of high school with a dream of getting deflowered by a hot older man. He bit, hard. I could tell he was interested immediately and he asked if I wanted to cam. I couldn’t believe it was going to happen. I told him my cam was broken but that I had lots of pictures and after a little hesitation, he agreed to just go face and chat for a while.
When he popped up, I got chills. My heart was beating so fast and my dick was in hand. Just seeing his gorgeous face there, all horny and waiting to see teen pussy got me rock hard. He was charming but dominating. I sent him some pics that my brother left on the computer that girls sent to him and Ben couldn’t stop talking about all the naughty things he wanted to do. After a while he stopped typing and I realized he was looking at the pictures and jacking off. I asked him to see and after a fumble or two, he pushed the webcam down exposing his dripping, thick cock. I came immediately just seeing it, shooting my cum all over the underside of my desk and my legs. It was beautiful. I asked him to turn on a light if he had one, and he switched on his desk lamp which revealed it in all its glory. I was so horny, my throbbing cock remained hard and I continued pumping it so utterly enjoying the show. His shirt and tie were still on but below his waist, his pants were gone and his gorgeous dick was shooting out of the hole in his boxers. But it wasn’t enough, I wanted to see the whole thing. I asked him to lose the shirt and the boxers, to get naked, promising that if he did, I would let him be my first fuck. He was more than willing, pulling off his shirt and dropping his boxers exposing his massive balls and more inches of delicious dad cock.
He tugged on it roughly, and slapped it on his stomach and the sides of his big, muscular thighs. I loved his whole body. Very hot and very dad. I knew his face was clean shaven and his chest hair was short and cropped but his balls hair was untamed and wild, just like his sex drive. He was all business on the top and all man in his pants. I felt like I could smell his man scent through the screen. He continued pumping his cock, spitting in his hand occasionally to add lube. He didn’t have the rock hard type like mine, but the extra thick, meaty type, that hung oh so long, and was bendy and could fill you and split you. I could see some veins and the head was a bursting mushroom of pleasure, almost purple from all the excitement.
It must’ve been ten solid minutes of him stroking his big cock over those photos before he told me he was ready to cum and I watched in amazement as he shot two globs of cum on his chest before letting the rest ooze out while he slowly pumped his deflating shaft. I came for a third time after that just totally mesmerized by his cock and his manner. When he was done, he moved the cam back up to his face and that’s when I truly knew I had to have it. He was smiling and his cheeks were red. He looked like he really enjoyed himself as beads of sweat ran down the sides of his face. I knew that was the face I wanted to see hanging over me when I was being fucked for the first time.
He asked for my number, but I told him I lost my phone that same day and that I would be getting another soon. He wanted to make plans to meet up but I told him we would do that soon and made an excuse to leave. He said he had to shower too and signed off.
I went into my bathroom to clean up and a little while after I heard his office door close and he started walking up the stairs. I peeked out and he was wearing his pants but his shirt was still off and he went into his bedroom and closed the door. Then I heard the shower turn on and though I had just came three times, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see him wash all that cum off his big cock.
After I showered, I decided to walk in with the excuse that I need toilet paper or fresh towels or something and hopefully strike up a conversation or catch him naked. Walking down that corridor, the only thing I could hear was my heartbeat but my adrenaline was moving my legs forward. When I opened the door, he was lying in bed and the tv was on. His eyes were closed but the shower was still running. I thought he might have just been resting but after a while, his breathing got really deep and I could tell he was asleep. I turned off the water and snuggled into bed with him. God, he smelled like sex. His pants were buckled and I didn’t want to risk him catching me trying to undo them so I got close to him and went to sleep.
During the night, I felt him shift and heard the shower come back on. He crept into the bathroom and showered and came back smelling fresh and heavenly. He pulled the covers over us and pulled me in close to him. He put his arm around me and kissed me on the back of my head and went back to sleep. I felt guilty that I was spying and lusting after the man who was living to love and protect me but I couldn’t help that he was so unbelievably hot.
His alarm woke me up at 5am but he didn’t budge yet. His back was towards me and he had some small cute little moles that I had not noticed before. It had been a while since we slept in the same bed. His back was hairless, whether naturally or waxed, I was thankful. When the alarm clocked the second time, he reached up and clicked it off. He stretched from under the covers and his short under arms hairs surprised me. I had not noticed them either. He rolled over and put his arm around me and gave me a big, strong hug and smiled when he saw I was awake.
“Good morning champ. Had a bad night?”
I heard the shower running for a while and came in and I guess I fell asleep watching tv.”
“Oh yeah, must have did that again. One of these days, I’m gonna flood the house.”
“Haha yeah.”
“Ah, time to get up. Want some breakfast?”
“I’ll make it.”
Cereal and milk it was. We ended up just making some plans for the weekend. He promised to take me to a baseball game since summer had just started and we hadn’t spent any time together for a while. I would’ve been perfectly fine sitting at home behind the computer screen, watching his dick dangle over some girl’s underage pussy but it was nice going out with him, just us alone. We ended up chatting for so long that he didn’t have time to work out and just showered and got ready for work.
When he left, I just sat there thinking of ways to get him to want to fuck me. I didn’t want to drug him or get him drunk. I wanted him to fuck me like he wanted to fuck that blonde bitch in the photo. I wanted his real essence, the real fuck. I wanted to know what it felt like to be fucked by Benjamin, not a shadow of him. What all the other girls felt, what my bitch of a mother screamed loudly over. While I was so grateful my cam scheme worked, it would only be a matter of time before he got bored of my excuses and lack of cam, phone or photos. Plus while seeing his dick in action did wonders for me, I wanted to see his face too, his expressions while he strokes it hard, imagining he’s ripping some man’s poor virgin daughter, while he’s thinking about cumming in her tight pussy.
I finally decided that I had to start small. He wasn’t going to just start fucking me on a whim. I needed to make it a comfortable progression. I needed him to first be open to being naked around me and then be willing to masturbate infront of me or with me or fuck someone infront of me. Once that barrier of showing me his dick was broken, anything would be possible and I had just the person in mind to make it all happen.
There’s much much more but I’m tired of typing.

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Toy Store Boy: Chaper Two: Brother and Sister? Really?

Chapter Two: Bother and Sister? Really?
I said before that I hadn’t paid any attention to what my father was doing the whole wedding and this was probably a big mistake but I will explain the irony of all that in a while.
For about a month I couldn’t get up the courage to call Katie. I was thinking of her still every time I took care of myself. I couldn’t help it, I knew she was my sister but she was also the only girl I had ever been with. I was conflicted. I had thought of her all the time since that day in the park.
The incident at the wedding had put me into hyper drive. Every spare moment I had I was stroking it to the memory of us. I had almost got laid! She thought of me while she fingered herself! How hot was that? Yet she was my sister. This was almost to much for me to handle at 15. I wanted her ten times more now then before. She infested my brain every waking minute now. But I couldn’t talk to her about it. I was under more guilt now then when I started masturbating. Talk about mixed up sex questions. If I had no one to talk to about the first issue then who the hell could I tell about this?
I finally called her and asked her if she wanted to hang out, go to the movies or something. She said yes. This was the beginning of us being inseparable. For the next four months we went every where together. We didn’t even so much as hold hands but we had a blast with one another. She was the most wonderful girl I had ever known. She told me I was the greatest brother.
Things were utterly perfect in my life for once except for the fact that I still wanted to be with her sexually. Take that part out and life was all aces. We went to the movies, book signing’s, hung out at the library, school functions at both of our schools and even met all of each other’s friends. I was so happy being around her I tried not to think of t he sex, except when I was all alone.
What made things even better is when we finally mixed all our friends everyone got along so well it was as if we all had been friends for years. We had a couple of raging parties together and I made out with her friend Abby.
Abby was a really pretty girl but she wasn’t Katie. I hadn’t meant to go there and make out with her friend but it just happened. We all had to much to drink and one thing led to another. Abby was a good kisser but I couldn’t get into it the same way I did with Katie. It felt weird being with someone else after fantasizing for so long and finally getting the girl of my dreams. I was just trying to respect what Katie wanted and move on.
Katie on the other hand took a liking to my friend Rob. At the same party I made out with Abby I saw them walk into a bedroom and close the door. I asked her later what had happened and she told me they had just talked, but she liked him. I was hurt but we were really trying to do the brother, sister thing.
As far as things went I had completely stopped taking all the risks by the time I turned 16. I had other things going on and almost always had people with me. I wasn’t going to whip it out and do it around my friends. I couldn’t even admit to them I did it. Even when I was old enough and mature enough to understand everyone does it, I still couldn’t tell anyone. I had sat in the room
while other guys talked about where they did it and didn’t get caught I still lied and said I never did it.
I don’t even now understand why I couldn’t admit to it with in a group of friends who talked about it like it was no big deal and would have still accepted me. I mean I knew it wasn’t a big deal but I still was holding a lot of guilt from my childhood. At the time my guilt over jerking it rolled over into my guilt for wanting to bang my sister.
Now with this nearly perfect life I had going on things were bound to hit a bump in the road. When my life hit that bump everything crashed hard.
The first thing that went wrong was Katie ended up dating Rob. I was crushed. Our night together had been almost six months earlier and she had settled down into this whole sibbling thing so from her point of view dating my friend was no big deal. I mean I had made out with her friend in front of her so why would she think it was a big deal? I really believe she thought I was in the same place as her and she had no idea that I was so hurt. I just thought to myself at least we don’t live together and I don’t have to see them dating.
Funny thing about wayward thoughts like that are some times they happen. When I had said that I should have paid attention to what my dad had been doing at the wedding I also should have really paid attention to what he was doing after the wedding as well.
Apparently seeing each other at the wedding had re-kindled the spark with my father and Lilly. They started secretly dating while I was all caught up with my issues with Katie. Six months after the wedding they sat us both down talking about how happy they were that we got along so well because we were all going to be moving in together. They weren’t talking marriage yet but they wanted to see where it went.
Ok this just took things to a whole new level of weird. Now she was going to be living in my house while dating my friend. I couldn’t think of how this could be any worse. But it did. Both them and us lived in two bedroom apartments and our parents told us that we were all going to move into a three bedroom apartment.
The new problem came in the form of the girls gave up there apartment and we were all supposed to move on the same weekend. Then due to some mix up the new apartment wasn’t ready. The girls had to put their things into storage and we managed to keep our apartment for a little while longer. This meant for 3 weeks not only would Katie be living in the house we would have to share a room.
Damn you cruel fate! Now the girl of my dreams was going to be sharing a room with me and I couldn’t do anything with her. Not thinking anything of it our parents asked if we would be ok with sharing my full size bed or if we would have to buy a cot or something for one of us. Katie said we could share no big deal she said she thought we were comfortable with each other enough to handle it.
This proved to only be true for the first week. With them in the small apartment I couldn’t find time or space to take care of business for the whole first week. To make things worse Katie only slept in a sport bra and shorts. I was awake half the night just looking at her body.
On the 9th day I couldn’t take it any more. I was a warm evening and she had kicked the blanket off herself. I was lying there looking at her trying to fight myself from getting hard, but it had been nine days! She moaned in her sleep and I just shot up. I pulled my sweats down and couldn’t stop myself. I was going at it full force, and considering how long it had been I was lasting a long time.
I closed my eyes for a minute and when I opened them again she was looking at me.
“What are you doing?” She asked quietly.
“I….. I couldn’t sleep.”
“Oh. I do that when I can’t sleep too,” she said bitting her lip, “I just thought……..”
“I … can stop.”
“No. If you need to do that to sleep,” she said looking at my hand, “I understand and I think I will to, to go back to sleep.”
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, I thought to myself as she slid her hand inside her shorts. She moaned, her eyes closed her back arched and her hand moving under her shorts. This is so unfair, I thought. I want her so bad and were here masturbating together and I could just roll over and fuck her. She slid her hand up under her sport bra and started rubbing her breast. She was getting so into it she pulled her bra up exposing her breasts. I was done we were so close I popped so hard it shot onto stomach.
“Again really?” she moaned but didn’t stop. I was really worked up and started again and she wasn’t angry that I came on her. I took a chance I reached over and started caressing her breast.
“No,” she moaned but didn’t stop me when I continued. I slipped my hand down into her shorts and moved her hand out of the way. She said, no, again but let me continue to finger her. I began to kiss her breasts. She moaned, no really no, but didn’t stop me instead she grabbed my dick and started stroking. I began to suck her breasts and she pulled harder on me.
“What if someone ……… comes in…..” she moaned. With my free hand I pulled the blanket over us.
“Ooooh yes!” she moaned into the blanket. I pulled her shorts off her and took my sweats completely off. I climbed up on her and between her legs. She still had her hand on my dick and it was resting on her pussy! I started to move her hand and she gripped harder.
“No,”she moaned, “No………” she rolled me over on my back. She reached under the blanket and pulled her shorts back on. I laid there feeling stupid as she moved her bra back into place. I started to say something when she slid down the bed and began to suck my dick. I closed my eyes and moaned. I shot into her mouth again minutes later. She spit in the trash can next to the bed and laid down again.
I tried to kiss her and she turned her head away.
“I thought you really were just trying to sleep,” she said quietly, “I thought we were past this months ago.”
“We are,” I lied, “I just got caught up in the moment.”
“Oh,” she said so quietly that I barley heard her, “We shouldn’t have done this. I’m your sister and I’m dating your best friend.”
“Yeah, I know I just hadn’t done it since you guys have been here, I thought you were asleep and I was just trying to relive tension.”
“Oh,” she said quietly again, “It wasn’t about me?”
“No.” I lied.
“Oh,” she said, “I was just caught up too. I’ve never done that in front of anyone before.”
“I have, just once, that day……”
“Oh, yeah, that day, I just thought it would be exciting to have someone watch. When I woke up and saw you I was turned on a little.”
“Yeah.” I said softly, “I saw you and got more turned on. I never saw a girl do that. I’ve never seen a live girl’s ………part, just pictures. With the blanket in the way I still really couldn’t see it”
“Oh,” she said embarrassed, “I forget you’ve never had sex.” I was taken back by the way she said it. It was like she had, had sex. But when was that? She never told me she had gone all the way and I know she hadn’t when we met at the wedding. Who had she slept with in the last six months? I thought we told each other everything. It had to be Rob. I could feel my cheeks burning with envy.
“Yeah,” I said trying to hide my thoughts, “I’ve come close twice.”
“Yeah, I didn’t think I should screw my brother. Everything else is bad enough, but we’ve been there before.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Maybe we should just go to sleep,” She said rolling over
We had an awkward morning after that. She seemed really out of sorts. I felt like a total jerk because I had taken her down a road she didn’t want to go. Going to bed that night was really weird. We laid there in silence until I heard her sleeping softy and I rolled over and fell asleep. The next two nights were the same thing. We didn’t talk and we laid there in silence.
I woke up on the fourth night after to find Katie masturbating next to me. I woke up and she was already into it enough she had her bra pulled up and hand in her pants. Her eyes were closed and she had her back arched. At first I just sat there watching I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want her to know I was awake and stop.
“What are you waiting for……”she moaned softly. How did she know I was awake? She moaned again as I slid my hand into her shorts and she pulled the blanket up over us. I started sucking her breasts and she kissed the top of my head. She slid her hand in my sweats and started stroking me. I slid her shorts off her again under the blanket. I wanted to see her pussy this time. I really wanted to see a real one. I started moving lower kissing her stomach. I had just made it down to her waist when she pulled my head up to her face. She kissed me on the cheek and pulled my sweats off. OH MY GOD THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING! I thought to myself. I wanted this so bad. I rolled over on top of her and made it as far as my dick was in the hair above her pussy and I popped.
“Really?” she said and pushed me over onto my back.
“I’m sorry.”
“I should have expected it.” she smiled at me.
“I’m confused…….. I thought you were upset. We haven’t talked since the other day?”
“It wasn’t you,” she said turning her head away, “I broke up with Rob the day after we almost ……”
“He didn’t say anything.” I wasn’t sure where she was going with this.
“The other day just happened. Tonight I’ve just been upset and I was horny. I knew you were watching me and I know it doesn’t take much to get you going. I figured why not.”
“So this was just another in the moment thing?”
“Yeah, but when you came on me, again, I realized we were taking it to far.”
“Your still up huh?” she said looking down, “I’ll help you fall asleep.” She slid down and sucked me until I was back to sleep.
The next day we talked again. She said that it was getting really weird between us. I lied and told her not to think to much about it. It was all really just in the moment stuff and after we moved we would have our own rooms. She said I was right but we really shouldn’t do it anymore. She had almost let me have sex with her and if I had popped inside her she could’ve got pregnant and how would we explain that.
I don’t know why but I asked her who she had, had sex with. She admitted that she had slept with Rob the night of the party. They had to much to drink and her boundaries came down. I was so angry inside. I wanted to kill him for getting were I wanted to be. But after they did it he stopped paying attention to her. She realized that was all he wanted from her. I really didn’t hear most of what she was saying. I was so upset she had sex with someone else.
The next 6 days things were really good with us. It was like things were before we lived together. We went to the movies, hung out and drank coffee at the book stores. We went roller blading through town, and just talked like we hadn’t in weeks. Things were so good that I thought maybe I was finally ready to give up and just be her brother. At night we were just sleeping and nothing else. I did wake up and watch her while masturbating on the third night but she didn’t wake up. I couldn’t give up cold turkey.
It was on the last night we before we moved into our new apartment and Rob through a big party. Katie went even though she didn’t want to see him. I drank a little to much that night and ended up on the couch with Abby again. We were making out really hard, I had her shirt unbuttoned right there with everyone to see. She didn’t mind as I sild my hand in her open shirt and played with her breasts. Katie came to me at about 10:00 and said that we were already supposed to be home and we needed to go. I some what reluctantly pulled away from Abby and we left.
We didn’t really talk on the way home. She drove and I tried to sober up as much as possible before walking in the door. To my surprise the parents weren’t waiting for us when we got back. We slipped in quietly and went to bed. I had drank so much I passed out rather quickly.
I woke up to Katie kissing my neck and she was completely topless already. I kissed her mouth going into full gear. She slid off my shorts and grabbed me. I still continued to kiss her enjoying the fact she was lying on me this time. I liked the feeling her breasts on my chest. She climbed up on me and dry humped me though her shorts. I shot up on her stomach after about fifteen minutes of this.
“Is it sad that I was expecting that?” she asked giggling. She slid down sucked me for another fifteen minutes until I went off again. Sliding back up to kiss me again she pulled her shorts off not wearing panties.
“I was wanting you to go off a couple of times before I took of my shorts,” she whispered in my ear, “The more empty your are the less chance for accidents.”
She pulled the blanket back up over us and rubbed herself up against me. I could feel all of her as nakedness and understood very well what she meant by accident. It felt awesome I kissed her and sucked her breasts and she rubbed on me for at least an hour before sliding down and sucking me again until I passed out.
When I woke up, not long after, she was lying there with her hand in her panties trying to get herself off.
“You want me to help you?” I asked kissing her stomach and moving lower. She lifted my head and kissed me.
“With your hand,” she moaned moving my hand to her, “If I take anything else off I’ll want to do more then let you lick me. I ……..” twenty minutes later I finally had manage to get her off completely.
“Ok,” she said as I kissed her neck, “Tonight is our last night in here together. After tonight there is no more in the moment.”
“This was another in the moment?” I asked as she pulled her shorts back on.
“You’re my brother, where did you think this was going. I told you no sex.” she said pulling her bra back on.
“I didn’t…….” I stammered, “Just the last couple weeks…….. they’ve been the best of my life……… I……..”
“Come here,” she said pulling me into a hug, “I liked you the moment we met. We both know things aren’t right for this. I’ve had fun but it needs to stop.”
“I know……. I know.”
“It needs to stop because I want to have sex with you.”
“I know…….,” My heart was breaking.
“We need to find a way to live together in the same house and not do this, I really mean it after tonight it’s over.”
“I know…….. I’m not thinking about a relationship, we just keep doing this because were in the same bed is all.” I knew it was the wrong thing to say only because it wasn’t what was in my heart. I loved her. I could never tell her that. She would never understand. I didn’t know if she could see strait through my lies.
“That’s all? Just because were in bed together?” she asked quietly.
“Yes. You’re a great girl but your right, it’s not right,” I lied, “I just can’t help it when I have a sexy girl in my bed.”
“Ok,” she turned her head away, “As long as it’s not….. anything else.”
I laid there for about a half an hour with her face turned away before I kissed neck. She didn’t stop me. She turned her head and kissed me on the mouth. We kissed passionately the whole rest of the night finally passing out only about an hour before we had to be up to start moving. We didn’t say another word to each other all night. It was understood between both of us she had said no more after tonight , so i made as much use of the night as i could.

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After dinner, as Rach helped mom clean up, I took the opportunity to pull up my shorts, close them as best I could, and excuse myself. I left the scrunchie on my dick, not knowing yet, where or when I was going to give it back. I went to my room shakily, still recovering from “dinner”, and fell back onto my bed exhausted. I must have fallen asleep, because, suddenly it was dark outside. I looked at the clock on my bedside table, it read 9:30.
I could hear music coming from Rach’s room which was unusual because she usually used headphones. Curious, I went to my computer, and pulled up Rach’s web-cam. I considered turning off the speakers, and then decided she might as well know I was watching, which she would pick up on for sure, when she heard her music coming from my room too. She was dancing. Not, out at a party dancing, but sexy, dancing like I imagined strippers danced. She was wearing the same stuff she had on at dinner and the motion of her hips and flat stomach had me mesmerized. I noticed she was looking right at me, as if I was sitting in her room, and realized she had been waiting for me to wake up. She might have even turned her music up, to rouse me. I assumed she had my webcam on, and decided she deserved to see how well she was dancing. I backed up my chair enough to be sure my dick would be in view, and opened my shorts. The cum from dinner had congealed, but not dried, and Rach’s scrunchie, was so sticky and slimy, that I wasn’t sure I could use it again. I took it off, setting it carefully down on my desk, and got ready. I looked up to see Rach had stopped dancing. She looked right at me, a puzzled/almost hurt look on her face. Then she bolted off camera. She was gone a minute, and then I heard her door open; I thought I had blown it; somehow, I had upset her. Was taking off the scrunchie seen, by her, as rejection? I was just about to start really panicking, when I heard a soft knock on my door. I flew to it, hopping I could explain before it was too late. Just as I got to my door, I heard her’s close. Baffled, I opened my door. Sitting in a neat pile, on the floor in the hall, were 3 white scrunchies, and a pair of dark blue lacey thong panties. Laughing in relief, I scooped them up, closed the door, and went back to my desk. She was there, on the cam, waiting; her hands on her hips, a stern look on her face. Without sitting down, naked, my dick standing proudly at attention, I put one, two, three scrunchies on my dick, like I was decorating it for her. I watched her as I did it. She got less stern, and more excited, as I decorated. By the time i got to the panties, she was wiggling around, and giggling like a five year old walking through the gates of Disney world. I was about to add the panties to my now wreathed cock, when I noticed they were wet. I brought them up to my face to get a better look. The crotch of the panties was soaked, as if they had been dipped in water. I think I could have wrung them out, and gotten a drink. I looked back at Rach through the cam. She was so intent upon what my reaction would be that for a moment, I was nervous I might screw it up. Then I looked down and saw her jean shorts were undone, the zipper down, a little bit of her light blond pussy hair showing. She was just wearing these panties, I realized. She was this wet now. When she had bolted off camera, she had stripped them off, and pulled her shorts back on, not bothering to do them up.
Looking her dead in the eye, I brought them up to my face, and smelled them, she trembled. I very slowly licked the wet spot, and watched as Rach put her hands to the sides of her shorts and, pushing them down over her hips and ass, let them fall to the floor. As I lowered the panties to my throbbing cock, she followed their progress, pulling off her bikini top. I stopped lowering her wet panties, holding them suspended an inch above my cock; she looked up at me, an excited pleading in her eyes. Finally, I was in control. I was winning. And then, as I looked at her; her beautiful face, her amazing body, I realized I didn’t need, or even want, to win. I wanted a tie, and here we were, both naked, both horny, we were even
almost. With a burst of inspiration I bolted from my room. Not bothering to put anything on, Rach’s scrunchies bouncing on my dick as I ran, I streaked to the bathroom, and grabbing my electric toothbrush, ran to Rach’s door, knocked and tore back to my room. Slamming the door behind me, I skidded to a stop exactly where I had been seconds before. I was just in time to see Rach, my beautiful sister coming back to stand in her place, my toothbrush in her hand, the devil in her smile. I smelled her panties again, and she turned on my toothbrush. I could just hear it’s hum through the cam. As I brought the panties down to my dick, she brought the head of the toothbrush to her pussy. I wrapped the wet crotch of her panties over the purple swollen head of my cock, as she touched my toothbrush to the top of her pussy, and quivered. I started slowly sliding her scrunchies up and down my shaft, wanting this moment to last forever. As much as we had shared today, this was the first truly intimate experience we were sharing. I felt a connection to my Rach, here, us doing this together.
With all of the cumming I had done today, I was sure I could make it last. I kept up the slow rhythm, the soft silk of the scrunchies sliding smoothly. Rach, I was pleased to see, was not having as easy a time. From the moment the toothbrush touched her pussy, she started quivering, her legs began shaking, and she grabbed onto my toothbrush with both hands, as if it would help her stay standing. As we watched each other, she started squeaking, just the way I had heard her squeaking in the bathroom, but louder, and with more heavy breathing. I could feel myself rising to an orgasm, and slowed slightly, releasing some of the pressure from my grip. I wanted more. Her squeaking became high pitched grunting, as her hips began thrusting into my brush. I turned sideways, hoping she would get the hint, and copy my move. After a few moments, she turned also, her legs clearly not working well. With her turned, I could see the dimple of her ass muscle flex with each thrust she made into my toothbrush. I put my free hand to my chest and mimicked pinching my nipples. With a glaze in her eyes; she imitated me, and started pinching and pulling her near nipple. She apparently liked that, because as soon as she stared playing with her nipples, her little grunts got bigger. She started to shake violently all over, somehow managing not to fall. I realized she was close, and viciously cranked at my cock, determined to catch up. Her grunting stopped, and she froze in place. For a moment in time, she stopped, then it hit her; she managed to stay standing for a moment, and then she softly, in almost a whispered panic, said “jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake”, and fell to the floor in convulsions repeating my name in the spasms of her orgasm. I came hard into her panties as she hit the floor.
It was a strong orgasm for me, but I managed to stay standing unaided; Rach on the other hand, had a monster orgasm. I finished, and came back to reality, hearing a croaking “JAKE” coming from Rach. She writhed on the floor; the vibrator slammed on her pussy like a vice. With each thrust of her hips, she called out my name. My exultation turned into worry, as a particularly violent spasm threw the vibrator across the room, and yet her convulsions continued. After perhaps 2 minutes of her or writhing on the floor, repeating “Jake” over and over, she suddenly went limp; her eyes rolled up.
Panicking, I rushed to her room, opening, and closing her door as I raced to her. She was lying on her back, legs splayed wide, in a messy pool of her own cum, unconscious. I could see, by the rise and fall of her chest, that she was breathing. I knelt next to her, speaking softly to her, my mouth inches from her, “Rach? Are you O.K.?” She mumbled something incoherent, weather in response to me, or not, I couldn’t tell. I slid my hands under her head and shoulders, and pulled her to my chest. “Rach, it’s me Jake. Can you hear me?” I whispered into her ear. Her eyes fluttered open, a glazed look in them. Her hand moved, quivering to my leg, “Jake?” I barely made out her whisper. “Yes Rach, It’s me Jake.” I whispered back, relief flooding through me. Her hand quivered jerkily up my leg, and made it’s way to my still moderately hard cock. As her hand wrapped around my cock, her expression went from confused, to contented; she whispered “I love you” and passed back out, her hand still holding me.
I scooped her up in my arms, and both of us naked, carried her to the bathroom. I laid her gently in the tub; putting a towel behind her head, and filled the tub with warm water. I gently bathed her, not allowing her beautiful body to dictate my actions. When I started to wash her hair, she responded; opening her eyes, and smiling up at me. She started to move as if she was going to get up, which, by the feebleness of her movements, I knew was impossible. I took her head in my hands, and got her to focus her slightly less glazed eyes on me. “Rach. It’s O.K. Your Big Bro is here to take care of you.” Her smile widened, and she relaxed. She laid there like a rag doll, a big smile on her face, as I finished washing her. I wrapped a towel around her, and carried her to her room, laid her down on her bed, and massaged her as I dried her, hopping to rub some life back into her. She let me do as I wished, literally not moving a muscle. As I pulled up her covers, and arranged her head on the pillow, our eyes met, and she softly repeated “I love u”. “I love you too Rach. Go to sleep now. I’ll see you in the morning.” She closed her eyes, and I left to take a shower myself. Before going to sleep, I retrieved the forgotten scrunchies and panties, now nicely coated in my cum, and laid them under Rach’s pillow. Her contented innocent dreaming face, the image I took with me to sleep.
I woke up a bit confused. The events of the last day seemed to come back in waves. It hardly seemed possible to fit into them into one day. I got up slowly, still naked, and glanced over to my computer. The web-cam, still active from last night, showed only the bottom half of Rach’s bed, but, I could see, from the lumpy covers, that Rach, was still in bed, and by the lack of motion, I guessed she was still asleep. A glance at the clock showed me that it was 8:15am. We would have to leave for church in a little over an hour and a half. Knowing Rach wouldn’t need a shower, I let her sleep, and, after dressing in clothes fit for church, which is to say nice khaki shorts, and a polo, I went down to the kitchen for some breakfast. Mom was there, and we talked sporadically as we ate, her commenting on our “roughhousing” last night. I suppressed a grin, and apologized for the noise.
Having finished my breakfast, I got some cereal, juice, and a banana, put them on a tray, and carried it up to Rach’s room. It seemed strange after all we had shared, and the fact that we had mutually “agreed” to let each other see, via webcam, into our rooms, that I still felt the need to knock. “Rach? Are you up?” I said, trying to thread the needle in volume between too soft for her to hear, and so loud, I’d wake her up. “Yea” came a sleepy response. “Can I come in?” i said as sweetly as I could. “Uhu” just as sleepy was her answer. I quickly stepped in, and closed the door behind me. There was Rach, my Rach, sitting up in bed, the covers falling, unheeded to her waist. The morning sun angling through the window, cascaded across her tanned torso; highlighting every perfect curve of her body, and lighting her hair as if she were a haloed angel. She took my breath away. I couldn’t believe this vision had been invisible to me until yesterday.
“Are you O.K.?” she said with a crooked grin. “I was about to ask you the same thing.” I retorted, feeling silly for my mind wandering. “I brought you breakfast” I said indicating the tray, as I walked to her bedside. Just as I bent over to place the tray she said “You’re sooooooo sweet”, and jumping up on her knees, the sun now lighting her blond pussy hair like white fire, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. It wasn’t a passionate kiss, it was more like the hug wasn’t enough, so she used her lips too. “Careful” I managed to say as our lips parted, and she sheepishly sat back down, a delighted look on her face.
As I placed the tray over her, her nakedness was all too apparent, to both me, and the quickly growing monster in my pants. I firmly, but silently, told the monster to get lost, and sat down on the edge of the bed.
Not being sure where our intimacy began and ended, I said nothing about yesterday, and simply kept her silent company as she ate. After a few minutes off ravenous eating, she looked up, a puzzled look on her face. “Did you give me a bath last night?” “Well
yea, you were kinda a mess, and I was just trying to help
?” I broke off my babbling as I saw her starting to cry. With no regard for the tray of food, she threw herself at me, nearly knocking me off the bed, and hugged me so long and hard I thought she was trying burry herself in me. When she finally let go, she had a look on her face that I’m positive, perfectly mirrored the look I had on my face minutes before, as I saw the sun shine on her. It was wonderful to know that look from both sides, and I smiled at her, hopping, somehow it would convey my thoughts. We sat there, on her bed, her naked, and me in my church clothes, and stared into each other’s eyes for a long time; neither of us wanting that feeling to end. Eventually, though, I remembered church. “Rach” I said anxiously “We’ve got church in like 30 minutes”.
The spell broken, she hugged me again, and kissed me; a real kiss, long and passionate, as if she wanted to breathe in the feeling, and then she hopped up and scampered to her dresser. “Hey Rach” I said as I reached her door. She turned, her face glowing at me, “I left you some presents under your pillow.” And I closed the door behind me as she scrambled, hungrily, over to her bed.
Mom and I were waiting in the car as Rachel came out of the house, a vision of beauty. She had on a sun dress of pale green which looked amazing on her tan body; and she had her hair done up in two pigtails that stuck out just above and behind each ear. She looked so innocent, I almost couldn’t believe it was the same girl who had shared yesterday with me. As she skipped to the car, I noticed each pigtail was held by a white scrunchie; and I knew it was the same girl.
She hopped in the car, all smiles and sunshine, and we sat together in the back seat, as our mom drove us to church. We didn’t speak the whole trip, content to sit together. Along the way, she set her hand next to my hand, and curled her pinky around mine, and we sat there sharing an intimacy I hadn’t known could exist 24 hours ago.
We got to church, and mom went off to practice with the choir. We made our way to our usual spot in the last row, but instead of sitting haphazardly, each picking our own place, we slid down the pew, me leading, to the far wall together; as far from the isle, and, the rest of the world, as possible. We sat, my left side feet from the wall, my right side against Rach, and waited, as people wandered in, each passing our row by, for the “better” seats.
Rach slid her pinky up and down mine; a secret caress, and I turned to smile at her. She smiled back, and reached forward for the paper and pen they used to get the attendance, from the pocket in the pew in front of ours. Her smile turned mischievous as she began to write on the blank attendance sheet. When she finished, she handed them to me. It read “I’m wearing three of your ‘presents’. How did you find out I was spying on you?” I read it again. I didn’t understand. She was spying on me? When? What? “Holy shit” I said to myself. I had no way of knowing how long her spy program was on my computer. I had just assumed she was retaliating to my spying. I laughed out loud at the irony, drawing a few disgruntled glances from fussy church people. I turned to look at her; her face was tight with worry. I wrote “Not until after I started spying on you. Did you know I was watching yesterday before practice?” and handed her the paper and pen. She read it, and giggled, flashing me a “really?” look. I nodded, and she bounced in her seat, pulling one leg under her as she voraciously wrote a response. “YES YES YES!!! I was so excited when I saw my cam light was broken. And when I heard your speakers blasting my hair drier back at me, I knew you were watching. I was watching you too, I wanted to show you, like you had shone me for so long, but after I took off my towel, I got nervous, and had to finish in the corner of my room. Did you know I was masturbating?”
Me: “No I didn’t, you were very quiet, and fast. I thought you were just getting dressed. I see two of the presents, where’s the third?” Rach giggled a little, and, after making sure no one could see, she turned away a bit and pulled the back of her dress up enough for me to see her butt, sitting on her tucked under foot, and the side of her blue thong, the one that had “capped off” my masturbation last night.
Rach: “I was so excited, I came really fast. And then I felt bad because I didn’t let you see, and bad that I didn’t get to see you too; so I decided to make it up to you. Did you like my ride?” As she watched me reading, she wiggled her but, and let out a low breath. This gave me an idea.
Me: “I was terrified the whole time. I didn’t know you were spying on me, so I wasn’t sure you wanted anything sexual from me, so couldn’t relax, but, yes, I loved it. So you’ve been spying on me how long?”
Rach: “Remember this spring; I went to your state meet. I guess I hadn’t realized how hot you were. I saw how big you were, and all your muscles. And then, when we were having that picnic between sessions, you were sitting there, with just you tight little suit on, and you must have gotten exited because your dick started to get bigger. I watched it grow bigger and bigger, and I wanted to see it so bad. When we got home that night, I masturbated; thinking of you, and it was the best orgasm I ever had. The next day, I snuck into your room and put the program on your computer. I’ve been watching you all summer. Every time you went to your room, I’d run to my computer, hoping I’d get to see you
all of you ;). I’m sorry you were scared yesterday. I just wanted you to know I wanted you. Are you mad?” I looked up to see that worried look on her face again. I smiled reassuringly.
Me: “I’m not mad. Exited, and complimented is how I feel. See? So the way I see it, you’ve seen me cum about a hundred times. I’ve only seen you orgasm once. And while it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. It’s only fair that you start catching up. What do think about right here, right now?” I watched as she read. When she got to the part where I said I was excited, she looked at my dick, which was running down my right shorts leg, and occasionally pulsing with little jumps. Her eyes went wide, and she gave me a look of mingled surprise, and greed. Then she went back to reading, and as she got to the end, she looked at me with hunger, and nodded.
I was expecting her to hump her heel, or secretly slide her hand under her dress, but instead, she pulled her leg out from underneath her butt, stood up, and sat back down so close our legs were touching. Spreading her dress out like a tent, her but on the bare pew. Her dress now covered half of my lap. She took my right hand, and guided it under her dress, using her other hand to keep the dress spread. She put her hand over mine and, tucking both our hands under her panties, she guided me to her pussy. I wouldn’t have had a clue, but I didn’t need one. She started using my hand to rub her pussy. She focused right at the top, a little bump, she later told me was her clit. After she got me started with her, she got started with me, she grabbed her little handbag, and pulled out some nail clippers. She took them in her left hand and, sliding her arm behind mine, reached under her dress, and into my pocket. I heard a little rip, and her hand was through my torn pocket, and wrapped around my dick, she looked at me and mouthed “Tell me before you cum”.
I might have been in church but it felt like heaven. I rubbed her clit, and she, squeezing hard, stroked my dick, as we sat facing forward, to all eyes, model siblings, pretending to listen to some guy at the front talk about “love thy neighbor”. Rach didn’t take long. Within a couple of minutes her body went rigid, her grip on my dick, like a vice. I looked over, and she was staring at me; a look of complete love on her open mouthed silently screaming, face. She stayed rigid for 10 seconds or so, and then shuddered, and melted into the pew. Within moments though, she was stroking me again, watching me as I stared straight ahead. After another 30 seconds or so, I could feel my own orgasm coming. With the shocking realization that I would soon be a mess, but too far gone to care, I turned to her hungry, eager eyes, and mouthed “I’m gona cum”. Everything happened fast. Rach did a single pass with her eyes to make sure no one was in position to see, and scooted off the pew, sliding in front of my right knee. Her hand still in my pocket, stroking my almost erupting cock, she used her right hand to push my shorts leg up, and expose the head of my cock. As soon as it came into view, she pounced, her mouth engulfing the whole head. That did it for me, and I came. I spewed 9 or 10 loads of cum into her mouth. She swallowed all of it, except the last load, which she kept in her mouth as she regained her seat; then she spit it into her hand, lifted her dress up, exposing her soaking panties, and rubbed my cum all over them. Then she stood up and slid in front of me, pushing her ass out to tease me along the way, and sat down on my other side. Grabbing my hand, she held it for the rest of church. As we left, she giggled, pointing out the puddle on the pew where she had cum.

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