Teen Male/Teen Female


Corey is the 16 year old son of the leader of the survival clan. There was a massive nuclear war and the clan is confined to a maze of bunkers and catacombs until the surface world is safe. Corey is beginning to have feelings about one particular person here: Casey Greene. Casey is the daughter of Timothy and Susanna Green, two prominent people in the clan and helped Corey’s father, James, with the bunkers and catacombs. This is the untold (and maybe told in part) story of Corey and Casey’s love

family camping trip_(1)

Hands pushing on my back woke me up. I opened my eyes and looked out the small net window over my head, it was not full daylight, but quickly dawning. The hands on my back pushed again, with more urgency, I rolled over to face my sister. “What the hell are you doing in my bed?” was the first thing she said.


I got a few constructive comments on my first post, and some claiming that my first story was “bad porn” since the girl got some cum on her face. The stories I am writing are 100% true, with only names and maybe in the future some ages changed. I was thinking about my past sexual exploits last month, and thought it would be fun to write about some of the highlights. If you care to read along, you’ll start with my virginity and end, eventually, when I get to the present.

My First Time With Sarah Part 1: Meeting Sarah_(1)

Intro: I have been a huge fan of this site for as long as i can remember. I finally decided to share my story with hopes that readers will find the same enjoyment from it as i have found from many quality stories posted on this site. Once again it’s my first story so please feel free to give me feedback. If the overall feedback is positive ill write another instalment. This is the story of my first time. names of the people involved have been changed to protect their identity.
My story starts 3 years ago. I was 17 years old, and a grade 11 in high school. Prior to my grade 11 year, I had been a competitive swimmer for 7 years. And being just after i quit, i prided myself with my athletic build. I was 6’3, 190lbs with a clear, tanned complexion and brown hair. I considered myself a little lengthy but i had been told by a handful of girls that i had a “hot” swimmer body.
Up until this year i had only dated a few girls. I was fairly inexperienced when it came to sex, and I based everything i knew on what i had learnt from watching porn. The few relationships i did have, for the most part involved making out and on a couple occasions went as far as me fingering a girl or receiving a hand job. Never did it progress any further until i met Sarah.
I had very recently broken up with my girlfriend, and in all honesty i was upset at how my relationship had ended. We were just beginning to get real “intimate” and physical when things ended. Im not one of those guys who puts effort in to relationships for the sole purpose of getting laid. however, i was a typical horny 17 year old boy, and sex occupied my mind all day, everyday it seemed.
So, i was sitting on my couch at home one night, watching tv and every few minutes checking Facebook with my laptop. Like many teenagers my age, Facebook was the new thing, and everyone used it. I heard a beep, and noticed i had received a friend request from a girl named Sarah. Before accepting, i checked out her display picture and thought her face was familiar but i wasn’t sure where i had seen her before. She looked cute from what i could tell and i accept her friend request. amazed within a minute or two of accepting her, she started a fb chat with me.
Our conversation was very casual at first. She told me how she was a grade 9 at my high school and how she did gymnastics and such. the conversation slowly turned as she asked about my girlfriend, obviously interested in my relationship status. I told her we had broken up recently and how i was “single and ready to mingle” (trying to make it seem like i was completely over it). Her response surprised me. she immediately responded saying “im sorry to hear that things didn’t work out… but im kinda glad. I have had a crush on you since the first time i saw you in the halls”
catching me off guard, I took a minute before responding and thought about what she had just typed. I decided to play it cool and said “well im flattered. maybe you and i should hang out sometime?”
Thinking that this grade 9 girl would be slightly shy about just telling me she liked me i didn’t expect her to take me up on my offer immediately. i figured i was pretty safe and it would take some time before she felt comfortable enough to hangout. (seeing as we really had no friend connections or anything with each other to kinda break the ice).
however she shocked me again when she said “omg i would love that. how about tomorrow night? im going to a friends house after school and spending the night.”
turned on by this young girl’s confidence i agreed to meet her at her friends house.
We talked for another hour or so about directions to her friends house and what we should do together and finally we exchanged phone numbers. After saying good night to her, ( and receiving the ever important “good night XO” from her i fell asleep wondering where this was going. Thinking back, If someone told me where it was heading, i would never have believed them.
I got to school the next morning. keeping an eye out in the halls for Sarah. curious as to what her reaction would be if we ran into each other. I figured she would be shy and possibly even avoid me at school. but i was proven wrong when our paths crossed between 3rd and 4th period. she was with her friend and i was alone after just leaving my friends to get to class. I saw her and her friend coming down the hall towards me and she had already noticed me and had the biggest smile on. we stopped momentarily to say hi, and she asked me if i was still ok with hanging out after school which i replied “absolutely”. her and her friend continued walking away. That’s when I really noticed Sarah. she was wearing a colourful sun dress (unusual for someone her age) but she looked incredible in it. And i couldn’t help but notice as she was walking away that she was incredibly hot for a grade 9. She had the perfect ass, and her breasts made her look like one of the seniors at school.
It goes without saying that my mind was elsewhere during 4th period physics, and i was having trouble concentrating on anything. finally, the bell rang, i collected my things from my locker, and headed for my car. I picked up a bite to eat from subway as i gave her and her friend enough time to get home and settle in. finally i finished my early dinner and drove to the friend’s house. I Walked up to the small house near the school and rang the doorbell. I was happy to see Sarah answer the door and invite me in. She acted like we had known each other for years and it made seeing her outside of school really easy. She invited me downstairs to an entertainment room and introduced me to her friend Amy. Amy was nowhere near as good looking as Sarah but she seemed like a really nice girl.
The girls informed me that Amy’s parents were out of town for the night so we got the house to ourselves. The girls decided to play some rock band for an hour or so and i watched them play. declining every opportunity to take a turn at it. (not wanting to embarrass myself with my horrible ability at rockbound). The girls finally got bored of it and suggested they make a sandwich for dinner and we all watch a movie after. I was happy with this, knowing that movies were always a safe bet for a date, or when ur just getting to know someone such as my situation.
Amy threw on Fools Gold and we all got comfortable on the couch. Amy sat by herself on the love seat and Sarah and i sat on the couch. Before too long Sarah was slowly shuffling her way closer and closer to me until she was half leaning on me. I loved the contact and i started getting turned on by how confident and comfortable she was with me.
Just then the phone rang and Amy jumped up and left the room to answer it. This got me more excited now that it was just Sarah and I. Sarah pressed up against me further and moved her hand to my thigh. WIthout taking her eyes of the movie, she ran her hand up and down my thigh getting closer to my now very hard dick with each pass. I couldn’t believe what was happening and i just sat there in disbelief and let this beautiful grade 9 girl rub me through my shorts. Sarah paused for a second and grabbed a nearby blanket and threw it over us, making sure to cover my lap. She started in right where she left off and began feeling by dick from the base to the head, now running alongside my right leg.
Just then Amy re-entered the room saying it was her parents checking in on her. She glanced at us now covered with the blanket but didn’t say anything. to my astonishment Amy’s presence had no effect on what Sarah was doing. she continued slowly tracing my dick through my shorts, periodically making sure the blanket was keeping her activity hidden.
Another few minutes went by and the phone rang again. Once again Amy jumped to her feet and ran out of the room. Finally Sarah took her eyes off the screen and turned to me
” hey, do you mind if we lay down and get comfortable, im getting a little tired”
not wanting to ruin what had going on but also optimistic about the new position she was suggesting i agreed and we shifted so we were laying side by side on the couch with the blanket over us.
Once we got comfortable Sarah rolled away from me on her side and shifted back, pushing her ass directly into by hard on, and nestled into me. she then found one of my hands with hers and began slowly playing with my hand rubbing it in hers. This went on for a few minutes before she took my hand. and gently led it around her to the edge of her dress on her thigh. Pretty sure by this point that i knew what she wanted i began moving my hand under her dress slowly making my way up her leg. My movements were immediately met by Sarah reaching down behind her, and grabbing my dick. This time she was more firm with her grip, and she started stroking me through my shorts.
My heart began racing as my hand reached the top of her leg and i continued over top of her panties until my hand rested on her mound. I started working my fingers over her clit and she responded by pumping me faster. This was making me very hard but i knew that as long as she was pumping me through my shorts i wouldn’t lose control. It took less than a minute before Sarah’s panties were soaked with her juices. I remember thinking to myself “this girl is sooo wet for me and we haven’t even kissed yet”
I kissed her on the back of her neck, lingering there a moment as i adventured under her panties and continued rubbing her. She was so wet that my hand was coated by now. I slid a finger into her and started slowly in and out. She was incredibly tight. after a few minutes of this and watching sarah’s heart rate and breathing frequency increase, and her hand now working a vigourous pace on my dick, I changed my strategy and dove a finger into her and started working her g spot. This sent her over the edge immediately. she stopped rubbing me and just kept a death grip on my dick. her pelvic muscles were spasming and she was thrusting erratically back and forth against me. her pussy clenched my finger and she closed her legs together locking my finger deep inside of her. The sight and feeling of this combined with the possibility that her friend could walk back in at any moment almost sent me over the edge. This was easily the hottest thing i had ever seen. she slowly regained her composure and settled down. exhausted from the orgasm i had just given her she removed my hand which was now just resting on her mound again. she turned to me and kissed me deeply. No sooner did we part lips when Amy came back into the room explaining that her boyfriend had called. Amy noticed us laying down now and asked in a playful tone whether we were comfortable or not, I couldn’t tell whether she noticed the beads of sweat on Sarah’s face. so i pretended like nothing had happened.
I was slightly disappointed that Sarah didn’t get me off (but i would soon learn she was too), but at the same time i felt so good with what had just happened. After all, this was just the first time we hung out.
After the movie ended i decided to go home. Sarah saw me to the door while Amy remained seated. As I finished putting me shoes on i looked back to
Sarah to find her smiling back at me.
“oh my god” she said with a smile
“We need to hang out again”
I smiled and agreed. she gave me a quick kiss on the lips before i got into my car and drove home.
no sooner did i leave the neighbourhood when i received a text from her “oh my god. you were amazing”
End of Part 1

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I haven’t posted in awhile for some… personal reasons. This might be my last poem, and you’ll see why once ya read it. I lost my story on my pc, but I’ll retype it. A month max. Once you read the story the poem makes more sense…

The Lost Tribe, Part 6

This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.

Watch and Learn_(0)

“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” asked Jen as Kevin turned off the highway onto an old dirt road.
“Quite sure,” he replied. Kevin is my older brother. He met Jen at school and they’d been seeing each other for a few months now. Summer vacation had just started and he said he knew of a nice place to go swim for the day to beat the heat. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but as we go further down this road, the woods aren’t the only thing that’s looking shady.
I look over at Cathy, sitting next to me in the back seat. Cathy is Jen’s younger sister; she’s the reason I’m along on this trip. She convinced Jen that it would be better to bring her along than leave her alone all day at home. I was brought along to keep her company.
My name is Mark. I’m the same age as Jen. Due to the oddities of the school districts, we went to different schools even though we live down the street from each other. It’s another oddity why Kevin and Jen didn’t bother to introduce us earlier.
She is looking around at the deep woods and the decrepit roadway. Then she notices me watching her and gives me a nice smile. I grin back. I’m never sure how to act around girls anymore. Last year, I could just ignore them. Now, I find the shape of their bodies and movements fascinating while at the same time being scared to death of interacting with them. Maybe that’s why Kevin never mentioned Cathy to me before.
“We’re here,” Kevin says as he drives his Jeep into an open clearing.
“Oh, wow! This is beautiful,” gasps Cathy as she looks around. The old dirt road we had been following opened up into a grass-covered clearing. Off that clearing is a still lake with a tall waterfall crashing into it on the far side.
“This used to be an old campground a dozen years ago, but it closed down and was forgotten,” Kevin explained. “It’s a nice quiet place, and the water is cool and good for swimming. A friend told me about it during graduation.”
As we all got out, Jen walked over towards Kevin and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Well, this is beautiful,” she said and gave Kevin a deep kiss.
I glanced awkwardly around and went to the back of the Jeep to pick up the basket and towels. Cathy turned towards the water on the other side of the clearing. She peeled off her shirt and shorts, revealing a yellow bikini. The color complemented her sandy-brown hair and her light skin nicely. I also noticed that she was curvier than I first thought. She looked back at me and shouted, “Race you to the water,” and took off towards the shore.
Kevin and Jen immediately striped down to their swimsuits and took off after Cathy. I was stuck holding the blankets watching them run off. I tossed the blankets in a pile in the middle of the clearing, peeled off my shirt, and ran after them. By the time I got to the edge of the water, Cathy was half-way across the lake, while the other pair was splashing water at each other in the shallows.
I swam out towards Cathy but when I got near the middle of the lake and lifted my head up, she was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, I hear a “Got you!” from behind me as Cathy jumped on my back from behind, pushing me down under the water.
I tried to turn around and get back to the surface. I could see Cathy ahead of me and surfaced right next to her, drenching her with a splash. After the initial expression of shock crossed her face, we both started laughing. I particularly liked the way her chest bounced when she laughed.
We swam around the lake together, enjoying the cool water. The waterfall on the other side of the lake was really nice. It was so tall that the flow of water when reached the bottom was scattered enough that it was like being in a light rain shower. Under that shower, when we were swimming close together, she darted in and gave me a quick smooch, before swimming away out of reach.
“Want to head to shore for a snack,” I offered, hoping to make some use of that basket of treats I’d been forced to carry.
“Sure,” Cathy said.
We reached the shore and the pile of towels that I dumped. As I toweled off, I realized that we hadn’t seen Kevin or Jen in a while. As I looked around, I saw Cathy over by the edge of the clearing, near some bushes. She was waving in my direction, and as I started towards her, she indicated to be quiet.
“What’s up,” I asked quietly when I got over to her. Cathy pointed towards a gap in the bushes and I looked through.
Behind the bushes in a small clearing, I could see Kevin and Jen. Jen was lying flat on her back. Her bikini top was untied and lying to either side of her generous breasts. Kevin was kneeling over her, holding both breasts with his hands, kneading them slowly. As we watched, he bent down and started licking one of her tits. Jen’s head was slowly rolling back and forth and you could hear little sighing sounds coming from her.
Both of us were watching with rapt attention and breathing faster. “Are they supposed to be doing that?” I asked.
“I wonder what that would feel like,” Cathy mumbled.
Her comment broke my reverie. “What?”
“Why don’t you try it? I know how you’ve been looking at my tits.”
Well, why not? I reached out towards her breasts, taking one in each hand. I could feel their weight and firmness, even through the damp bikini top. There was also a hard point right in the middle. Cathy gasped sharply when my thumb ran over that bump. I jerked my hands away at the noise. “Are you okay?”
“Fine… it was just intense,” she nodded. “Keep doing it.”
I put my hands back over her tits, giving them little squeezes. After a moment, Cathy reached back and untied the string holding the top on. The material fell away in my hands and then onto the ground. My hands were now directly on her tits and it felt much smoother and warmer. I could see the little pink circles in the middle with the tiny nipple points sticking up. It’s odd how the nipples could be so hard when the rest of the breast was so soft.
I leaned down towards one of the nipples, watching for any signs of disapproval from Cathy, and put my mouth around her left nipple. She gave another gasp as my tongue touched her skin, and sucked on the nipple point.
Cathy wasn’t sitting idle during this either. I felt her hands move down my body towards my swim trunks. When her hand glanced against the bulge of my cock, I instinctively jumped back.
Cathy motioned back towards the bushes and I looked over. Kevin was kneeling straight up now, with Jen sitting up in front of her. She had pulled his trunks down to his feet and was moving her hands all over his cock which was sticking straight out in front of him.
I was sitting on the ground now and Cathy crawls over towards me and says, “Let me see too. Is yours that large too?” She reached out towards me, her tits hanging in front of my face, mesmerizing me, and grabbed the waistband of my trunks, pulling them off me.
My cock sprang out in front of me. Maybe it wasn’t quite as large as Kevin’s (just like Cathy’s tits weren’t quite as large as Jen’s), but this close, it seemed to make quite the impression on Cathy. She seemed as uncertain about what to do with it as I had about her tits. Cathy reached one of her hands out and touched the tip, flinching back when this caused my cock to twitch involuntarily.
Cathy looked back at what Jen was doing and then reached out her hand and put it around. “It’s so soft,” she said, “but so hard at the same time.” Her hand started slowly moving up and down the outside. I was leaning back, just taking in the feel of this. It felt way better than when I touched it myself.
I could feel myself getting close to cumming though, and I didn’t want to freak Cathy out. Instead, I sat forward and ask, “Can I see yours too?”
Cathy clearly looked reluctant and I could see her mulling things over in her mind. She still had a hold of my cock though, slowly pumping it. Then she came to a decision, smiled at me, pushed the bottom down her legs and sat down on the towel that we were drying ourselves with earlier.
I leaned forward and looked down between her legs. I hadn’t seen a pussy before and I didn’t really know what to expect. There was thin brown hair around the opening. I tentatively reached out and touched the slit and found it very hot and very slick. As I stroked up and down, Cathy’s hips squirmed around.
As my finger reached the top of the slit, I felt a little bump. When I touched it, I heard a loud gasp from Cathy. “Right there…” she said. “Not too hard.” As I rubbed my finger around in circles, I could feel even more wetness leaking from her, making my finger very slick. “Not too hard,” she said.
I looked up from her pussy up the rest of her body. Cathy was breathing quite rapidly. Her tits were heaving up and down on her chest, and she was rolling her head slowly back and forth, the same way Jen was earlier. That reminded me of our siblings, so I glanced back over across the bushes.
“Cathy, sit up and look at this,” I said. We could see Kevin was on top of Jen now, both lying flat on the ground. Kevin’s ass was bobbing up and down, causing Jen to slide a little bit back and forth.
“Are they…” Cathy asked.
“I think so. They certainly look like they’re enjoying it.” My finger, which was still at Cathy’s pussy, stroked up and down a few more times, as I asked, “Do you want to try it too?”
Cathy paused and slowly said, “Do you think we should?”
“Not any more than Jen should,” I replied. Actually, I was pretty sure we shouldn’t, but I didn’t want to stop now.
Cathy appeared to be pondering. “Will it fit?” she asked, as she put her hand back on my cock.
“Let’s find out,” I said, as I laid her back on the towel. I lay down on top of her. The tip of my cock brushed against her pussy, causing both of us to gasp at the contact. I rubbed the tip up and down the opening and then pushed in.
It was a very tight fit. Even though I felt like I was pushing so hard, and everything felt so slick down there, it was barely sliding in. I looked up and could see Cathy wincing in discomfort. “It won’t fit… it won’t fit…” she muttered.
Now, I wasn’t about to stop after getting this far, so I pulled back a little bit and then pushed in hard again. This time, I felt something give and suddenly most of my cock slid deep inside. Cathy screamed out at the penetration. “Are you okay?” I asked, buried inside her, but not moving.
She lay there, looking back at me. Her breathing became more regular. “It fits,” she said, smiling at me. “It really hurt when you went in, but it’s better now. I feel so full!” I was marveling in the sensation myself – it felt so warm and tight inside her. I could feel a squeezing sensation and it seemed to undulate when she moved or talked.
It looked like Cathy had recovered, so I slowly pushed back and forth. The sensation of my cock sliding in and out of her felt so intense. Very different from when I touched myself. I could tell that Cathy was similarly overwhelmed, as she started moaning and rocking in time. “I had no idea it could feel so good,” she gasped.
It was getting easier to move in and out. It felt like her insides had loosened up a little for me. I started moving faster and Cathy wrapped her legs around my back, pushing me deeper and deeper with each thrust. As the pace increased, I could feel that familiar tingling in my cock and I knew it was time.
I gave one final push deep inside her and felt a large jolt as my cock squirted a large jet deep inside her. “Oh!” Cathy started as she could feel the twitching. I gave another push into her and another twitch marked a second squirt of my juice into her. A third push and a third squirt followed. At this point, I was just resting as deep inside her as I could, feeling the remaining pulses of my cock deliver the last bits of cum into her waiting womb.
Cathy kept moving underneath me, thrashing about. I could tell that her moment came, as she was moaning and panting, while thrusting her pelvis up at mine, trying to get my cock even deeper inside her.
We just lay in each other’s’ arms, letting the sensation of our orgasms pass. I had never felt anything so intense before and I don’t think Cathy had either. “That was wonderful,” she said to me. “We have to do this again.” I couldn’t agree more.
Then we both heard a voice from above us that put the shock of reality back into us. “What have our little brother and sister been up to?”

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My First Time With Sarah Part 1: Meeting Sarah_(0)

Intro: I have been a huge fan of this site for as long as i can remember. I finally decided to share my story with hopes that readers will find the same enjoyment from it as i have found from many quality stories posted on this site. Once again it’s my first story so please feel free to give me feedback. If the overall feedback is positive ill write another instalment. This is the story of my first time. names of the people involved have been changed to protect their identity.
My story starts 3 years ago. I was 17 years old, and a grade 11 in high school. Prior to my grade 11 year, I had been a competitive swimmer for 7 years. And being just after i quit, i prided myself with my athletic build. I was 6’3, 190lbs with a clear, tanned complexion and brown hair. I considered myself a little lengthy but i had been told by a handful of girls that i had a “hot” swimmer body.
Up until this year i had only dated a few girls. I was fairly inexperienced when it came to sex, and I based everything i knew on what i had learnt from watching porn. The few relationships i did have, for the most part involved making out and on a couple occasions went as far as me fingering a girl or receiving a hand job. Never did it progress any further until i met Sarah.
I had very recently broken up with my girlfriend, and in all honesty i was upset at how my relationship had ended. We were just beginning to get real “intimate” and physical when things ended. Im not one of those guys who puts effort in to relationships for the sole purpose of getting laid. however, i was a typical horny 17 year old boy, and sex occupied my mind all day, everyday it seemed.
So, i was sitting on my couch at home one night, watching tv and every few minutes checking Facebook with my laptop. Like many teenagers my age, Facebook was the new thing, and everyone used it. I heard a beep, and noticed i had received a friend request from a girl named Sarah. Before accepting, i checked out her display picture and thought her face was familiar but i wasn’t sure where i had seen her before. She looked cute from what i could tell and i accept her friend request. amazed within a minute or two of accepting her, she started a fb chat with me.
Our conversation was very casual at first. She told me how she was a grade 9 at my high school and how she did gymnastics and such. the conversation slowly turned as she asked about my girlfriend, obviously interested in my relationship status. I told her we had broken up recently and how i was “single and ready to mingle” (trying to make it seem like i was completely over it). Her response surprised me. she immediately responded saying “im sorry to hear that things didn’t work out… but im kinda glad. I have had a crush on you since the first time i saw you in the halls”
catching me off guard, I took a minute before responding and thought about what she had just typed. I decided to play it cool and said “well im flattered. maybe you and i should hang out sometime?”
Thinking that this grade 9 girl would be slightly shy about just telling me she liked me i didn’t expect her to take me up on my offer immediately. i figured i was pretty safe and it would take some time before she felt comfortable enough to hangout. (seeing as we really had no friend connections or anything with each other to kinda break the ice).
however she shocked me again when she said “omg i would love that. how about tomorrow night? im going to a friends house after school and spending the night.”
turned on by this young girl’s confidence i agreed to meet her at her friends house.
We talked for another hour or so about directions to her friends house and what we should do together and finally we exchanged phone numbers. After saying good night to her, ( and receiving the ever important “good night XO” from her i fell asleep wondering where this was going. Thinking back, If someone told me where it was heading, i would never have believed them.
I got to school the next morning. keeping an eye out in the halls for Sarah. curious as to what her reaction would be if we ran into each other. I figured she would be shy and possibly even avoid me at school. but i was proven wrong when our paths crossed between 3rd and 4th period. she was with her friend and i was alone after just leaving my friends to get to class. I saw her and her friend coming down the hall towards me and she had already noticed me and had the biggest smile on. we stopped momentarily to say hi, and she asked me if i was still ok with hanging out after school which i replied “absolutely”. her and her friend continued walking away. That’s when I really noticed Sarah. she was wearing a colourful sun dress (unusual for someone her age) but she looked incredible in it. And i couldn’t help but notice as she was walking away that she was incredibly hot for a grade 9. She had the perfect ass, and her breasts made her look like one of the seniors at school.
It goes without saying that my mind was elsewhere during 4th period physics, and i was having trouble concentrating on anything. finally, the bell rang, i collected my things from my locker, and headed for my car. I picked up a bite to eat from subway as i gave her and her friend enough time to get home and settle in. finally i finished my early dinner and drove to the friend’s house. I Walked up to the small house near the school and rang the doorbell. I was happy to see Sarah answer the door and invite me in. She acted like we had known each other for years and it made seeing her outside of school really easy. She invited me downstairs to an entertainment room and introduced me to her friend Amy. Amy was nowhere near as good looking as Sarah but she seemed like a really nice girl.
The girls informed me that Amy’s parents were out of town for the night so we got the house to ourselves. The girls decided to play some rock band for an hour or so and i watched them play. declining every opportunity to take a turn at it. (not wanting to embarrass myself with my horrible ability at rockbound). The girls finally got bored of it and suggested they make a sandwich for dinner and we all watch a movie after. I was happy with this, knowing that movies were always a safe bet for a date, or when ur just getting to know someone such as my situation.
Amy threw on Fools Gold and we all got comfortable on the couch. Amy sat by herself on the love seat and Sarah and i sat on the couch. Before too long Sarah was slowly shuffling her way closer and closer to me until she was half leaning on me. I loved the contact and i started getting turned on by how confident and comfortable she was with me.
Just then the phone rang and Amy jumped up and left the room to answer it. This got me more excited now that it was just Sarah and I. Sarah pressed up against me further and moved her hand to my thigh. WIthout taking her eyes of the movie, she ran her hand up and down my thigh getting closer to my now very hard dick with each pass. I couldn’t believe what was happening and i just sat there in disbelief and let this beautiful grade 9 girl rub me through my shorts. Sarah paused for a second and grabbed a nearby blanket and threw it over us, making sure to cover my lap. She started in right where she left off and began feeling by dick from the base to the head, now running alongside my right leg.
Just then Amy re-entered the room saying it was her parents checking in on her. She glanced at us now covered with the blanket but didn’t say anything. to my astonishment Amy’s presence had no effect on what Sarah was doing. she continued slowly tracing my dick through my shorts, periodically making sure the blanket was keeping her activity hidden.
Another few minutes went by and the phone rang again. Once again Amy jumped to her feet and ran out of the room. Finally Sarah took her eyes off the screen and turned to me
” hey, do you mind if we lay down and get comfortable, im getting a little tired”
not wanting to ruin what had going on but also optimistic about the new position she was suggesting i agreed and we shifted so we were laying side by side on the couch with the blanket over us.
Once we got comfortable Sarah rolled away from me on her side and shifted back, pushing her ass directly into by hard on, and nestled into me. she then found one of my hands with hers and began slowly playing with my hand rubbing it in hers. This went on for a few minutes before she took my hand. and gently led it around her to the edge of her dress on her thigh. Pretty sure by this point that i knew what she wanted i began moving my hand under her dress slowly making my way up her leg. My movements were immediately met by Sarah reaching down behind her, and grabbing my dick. This time she was more firm with her grip, and she started stroking me through my shorts.
My heart began racing as my hand reached the top of her leg and i continued over top of her panties until my hand rested on her mound. I started working my fingers over her clit and she responded by pumping me faster. This was making me very hard but i knew that as long as she was pumping me through my shorts i wouldn’t lose control. It took less than a minute before Sarah’s panties were soaked with her juices. I remember thinking to myself “this girl is sooo wet for me and we haven’t even kissed yet”
I kissed her on the back of her neck, lingering there a moment as i adventured under her panties and continued rubbing her. She was so wet that my hand was coated by now. I slid a finger into her and started slowly in and out. She was incredibly tight. after a few minutes of this and watching sarah’s heart rate and breathing frequency increase, and her hand now working a vigourous pace on my dick, I changed my strategy and dove a finger into her and started working her g spot. This sent her over the edge immediately. she stopped rubbing me and just kept a death grip on my dick. her pelvic muscles were spasming and she was thrusting erratically back and forth against me. her pussy clenched my finger and she closed her legs together locking my finger deep inside of her. The sight and feeling of this combined with the possibility that her friend could walk back in at any moment almost sent me over the edge. This was easily the hottest thing i had ever seen. she slowly regained her composure and settled down. exhausted from the orgasm i had just given her she removed my hand which was now just resting on her mound again. she turned to me and kissed me deeply. No sooner did we part lips when Amy came back into the room explaining that her boyfriend had called. Amy noticed us laying down now and asked in a playful tone whether we were comfortable or not, I couldn’t tell whether she noticed the beads of sweat on Sarah’s face. so i pretended like nothing had happened.
I was slightly disappointed that Sarah didn’t get me off (but i would soon learn she was too), but at the same time i felt so good with what had just happened. After all, this was just the first time we hung out.
After the movie ended i decided to go home. Sarah saw me to the door while Amy remained seated. As I finished putting me shoes on i looked back to
Sarah to find her smiling back at me.
“oh my god” she said with a smile
“We need to hang out again”
I smiled and agreed. she gave me a quick kiss on the lips before i got into my car and drove home.
no sooner did i leave the neighbourhood when i received a text from her “oh my god. you were amazing”
End of Part 1

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The Dance_(0)

Sorry, i’ve been offline for so long, I had to get a new computer. And my gf and I just got in a fight.

Almost Caught

I know this is incredibly rough and it jumps into the sex very quickly but I wanted to see how this would hold up. This was a nice cyber a friend of mine had with me and we decided to let others know so we can see what they think, of how this story should go and if I should release more of our times together. I did change our screen names for our protection. But a since this is a cyber between two people it’s not needed to go into specifics. While reading this just believe it’s you and someone you definitely lust after. XD Enjoy people!

Il sogno diventa realtĂ 

Il racconto narra di un uomo e una donna che hanno una relazione cibernetica, e di un ipotetico loro incontro, dopo che da tempo reprimevano le reciproche pulsioni per timore di rovinare l’amicizia. Incontro che forse diventer? reale. Narra di quando un giorno l’uomo prende l’iniziativa e si dichiara, ed esplodono entrambi in un turbinio di erotica passione, appagando tutti i desideri repressi da troppo tempo. Il racconto ? a tratti romantico, a tratti erotico, ? esplicito e coinvolgente pur non essendo mai volgare.-


It’s my girlfriend’s birthday and this is the same as in the other stories.
Heather turning 22. Brittany 21. Me 15. Chris 16. Libbie 16. Chelsea 15.BEFORE THE PARTY
I walk into her house and she was getting ready for the party and she ran over to me and hugged around my neck and so my face went right into her cleavage. Heather said ok go sit your present in th living room your friend Chris and my friend Brittany will be here any second now. So I go put my present in the living room and then Chris showed up and said I brought a friend along I said ok I think that’ll be cool and he said also my girlfriend Chelsea and we all brought presents I said ok sit them next to mine. Then Brittany arrived and her nice thin body with a pair of C cup boobs and a really nice ass came in and said the party is here.THE PARTY
Started out with all of us Heather. Brittany, Chelsea, and Libbie sitting in a circle on the floor talking about me and Chris while we were grilling shrimp and steak. When we got done grilling we served it to the ladies and after we ate cake the Heather said time for presents then games.
She opened mine first it was a pair of short shorts, a nice thong, a pearl necklace, and pearl ear rings. Chris’ gift was some designer jeans and so was Chelsea’s and Libbie’s gift. Then Brittany said last but not least Heather opened it and it was six bottles of whiskey and 3 bottles of lube. After the gifts were opened the first game we played was strip poker which actually turned into everyone just get naked game and then everyone was drunk except me Chris and Libbie since we don’t drink and we said to each other this should be fun. The next game was twister completely naked and that was fun three naked hot drunk chicks and one non drunk hot girl and two non drunk guys. Then the games were done and me, Chris and Libbie were sitting on the couch and Libbie leaned over and said I love you in my ear so no one could hear and I whispered back I love you too she asked you wanna make out I said ok so we started. Then Heather say came over and started sucking my dick and Brittany started sucking Chris’ dick while Chelsea started making out with him. Then Heather stopped and said Blake why are you making out with Libbie I said because you were drunk and annoying me after she heard that she punched me and I started bleeding and she picked me up and slammed me on the ground and she said since you don’t like me then I will fuck Chris right in front of you. After she said Brittany hold Chris’ little girlfriend down so she won’t try to stop me and she positioned herself over Chris’ dick and sat down on it and started moving up and down on his hard dick. I finally said if you wanna be a bitch be one and she got of Chris and came over to me I was still on the ground because Libbie came down there and layed next to me. Heather said finally you grew a pair and she tried to get on me and I said fuck no get away and go over to Chris and then I got to my feet and I helped Libbie up and we picked up our cloths got dressed and went to my truck. While we were doing that Heather went over to Chris and fucked him while Brittany was making out with Heather and Chelsea started making out with ChrisIN MY TRUCK
Me and Libbie got in my truck and we drove to the school(which was out on summer break) and I parked and we started making out and she started going down on me and then she started sucking on my dick and it felt so good and her eyes were so beautiful looking up at my with those baby blue eyes. Then I got her up and kissed her because that sight melted me heart and I also with that kiss I got some of my cum. We kissed for about 10 minutes and then we got in the Big Backseat and moved the front seats up and we undressed and we got into position and she sat on my dick and we fucked really slow at first in a up and down really slow then we speed up and boobs were flopping(she had a huge rack) and then slowed back down then we switched positioned into doggy style and I went slow penetrating very slow and when on inch of my eight inches was in I slammed the whole other seven in as hard as I could and she whimpered just a little and she looked back at my and she had a little tear running down her pretty little face so I pulled out seven inched and rammed it again and again until she was crying none stop but I knew those were tears of ecstasy and pure pleasure and she turned her head and I grabbed a hand full of her hair and kept at my anal penetration and finally before I came I turned her around and stuck my cock in her mouth and started shoving my eight inch cock in her mouth and down her throat and unleashed not one bot two but three loads of hot cum down her throat. Then we got dressed and got back into the front seat and I drove her home and I gave her a kiss good night and told her I loved her and would do anything for her and she went inside but I just noticed she had a little cum on the back of her shorts and her dad was at the door and when the door shut I knew he found it because she ran back out and got in my truck and drove to my house not Heather’s. We got inside and we went to sleep and the time was 0700 and when we hit the pillow we were out

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