Teen Male/Teen Female

Catfish -Chapter 2-

Here’s chapter 2… Right on time!
I haven’t gotten very much feedback on the first chapter, but what I have gotten is that people like my other story better… or that it’s really different, and you’re not sure where I’m going with it.
Well, I hope you’ll all give it a chance.
It’s gonna take a few chapters, but we’ll get to the sex and the boys and such…
I can promise you that once I get a few chapter in, this is going to be a really awesome love story. And the sex will be just as delightful!
And I think that this story will provide lots of chapters, because I’ve got lots to say on the topic!
So, I hope you like this chapter. The next one will be up on tuesday. I’m on spring break right now, so I’m going to get a lot of writing done during the next few days. Thanks for reading!
“Ella?” Abby yelled from the other room. There was an edge to her voice, which was enough to get Ella out of her chair and approaching Abby at the door in a matter of seconds.
It was March. Ella was in her senior year now, and Abby was in the sixth grade. Time passed so quickly when Ella and Abby got into their daily routine. They continued with work and school for all that time, and now Ella was months from graduating.
Abby turned when she heard Ella behind her, and Ella could see the scared look on her face. She peered around her and caught a glimpse of the tall, scruffy, bearded man carrying several duffel bags standing with one foot in the doorway, not allowing Abby to shut it.
I quickly took Abby’s place at the door, on high alert for some sort of threat.
“Can I help you?” Ella asked flatly as she sent Abby into the other room.
“Are you Ella?” She didn’t answer. “I’m Jimmy. Your mother told you I was coming, didn’t she?”
“You mean the mother that left a 16 year old here, deserted, with no money, with her child? The one I haven’t spoken to in the last three years?” She couldn’t help raising her voice at this stranger. “No, I don’t think she mentioned that three years ago.”
The look on his face was enough to tell Ella that he wasn’t aware of her relationship with his mother. Her expression softened as he nervously said, “Oh… uh, she-she told me that it’d be fine if I got here before her. She went to go talk to Lily about her old job. Or was it Lola?”
Ella was so confused. A hundred questions flew through her head. Why were her mother and this man in town, just expecting that they could come crash at their house? Why was she in town in the first place? And why did she tell Jimmy that she had spoken with Ella about it? And she was going to speak with Lola, not Lily, about her old job at the salon where she worked as a hairdresser for so many years. She was staying?
Jimmy cleared his throat, and Ella glanced back up at him, realizing that he was just standing there watching her and the many thoughts that crossed over her face.
“When is she going to be here?” asked Ella. He glanced at his watch, and then said, “About 15 minutes.”
Ella finally moved her foot and let him into the house. Abby was sitting on the bed that the two of them shared, looking scared and confused at why Ella was letting a stranger into our home.
“Abby, this is Jimmy, mom’s, uh… friend. I guess mom’s going to be coming to see us.” Ella had always done her best at keeping her opinions on their mother to herself. She wanted Abby to have her own view of her, but it was obvious by the less than excited look on her face, that either Ella didn’t do a very good job, or Abby was just smart enough to realize that she and Ella were on their own for a reason. The reason being that their mother found whichever boyfriend she was currently seeing much more important than she found her kids.
Ella finished cooking the spaghetti she was cooking and put it into three bowls; one for Abby, one for Jimmy, and one for Ella’s mom whenever she showed up. Ella had lost her appetite from the surprise visit, and had a bad case of butterflies in her tummy, that would’ve made eating very difficult. She heard Abby and Jimmy talking in the other room. Abby was already opening up to him; talking about school and friends and hobbies. Ella felt bad for being rude to him. If Abby seemed to like him, he must not be that bad. Abby was a really good judge of character, so Ella figured she should give him a chance. She just didn’t understand what he was doing with her mom. After putting one of the bowls of spaghetti into the microwave for her mom, Ella took the other two bowls into the other room to give them to Abby and Jimmy.
As she walked in, Jimmy was walking quickly out the front door. Ella handed Abby her food and glass of milk and then peered out of the window, catching a few parts of the conversation that was now happening outside.
“What the hell, Jenna?” She heard Jimmy saying to my mom. Ella caught a glimpse of the top of her head as the started up the stairs to the door. Her hair was as bleach blonde and ridiculous as the last time she saw it. “Why didn’t you tell them we were coming? Do you know how rude I just felt, barging in there like that?”
“Well, I’m sorry. I meant to call, but I just forgot. I was going to though, honest,” Her voice was shrill and defensive; a tone Ella had gotten used to all the times that she tried to talk to her about something important since she was 9 years old. Whether it be the fact that their gas was turned off, again, or that one of the many gross men that she let stay over had stolen something, again.
“When were you going to, Jenna? Your daughter said she hadn’t seen or heard from you in three years. You told me that you talk to them all the time,” Jimmy’s voice sounded angry, and Ella decided that she liked him. Ella’s mom didn’t seem to know what to say to this. She opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but then shut it, again. Finally, Jimmy spoke again. “Let’s just go inside, okay? We can talk about this later.”
Ella quickly moved away from the window and glanced at Abby, who was staring into her bowl, eating silently. “Well Abby, I guess Mom’s home.” She went back into the kitchen to get Jenna’s food, and then came back to see them coming through the door.
Jenna appeared surprised at her less than welcoming welcome. Ella didn’t know what she expected… a banner?
After they all ate, and had finally gotten past the awkward niceties, Abby was in bed, Jimmy was sitting in their one dining room chair reading, and Ella and Jenna were going outside to talk.
Ella sat on one of the steps on their porch, and Jenna followed suit. They sat in silence for a few minutes, and then finally, Ella’s mom asked, “So, what’s been going on with you two lately?”
Ella looked at her mom with an amazed expression. “That’s what you want to ask me? What’s been going on with us?” Ella laughed, and then continued, “Well, mother, what’s been going on is that you’ve missed three years of our lives. You just up and left us one day. What’s been going on is that I dropped out of school to do online so that I could work two jobs and take care of your child. I’ve been paying bills and making sure that she was fed and on time for school every day, and I just barely turned 18. You missed most of my high school life, and her starting middle school. You would’ve missed my graduation if you wouldn’t have come out of nowhere all the sudden, showing up at my house with your boyfriend, who you lied to about having talked to us!” Ella was yelling now; she couldn’t help it. Her mother made her so furious, just appearing and expecting everything to be the same. Jenna was surprised that Ella was so angry. After finally calming down, Ella said in a hushed tone, “Why are you even here?”
“Well I wanted to see you guys! Jimmy wanted to meet my girls, and I missed you,” Jenna was putting on her hurt-feelings face that Ella could see through so easily. It wasn’t even the tiniest bit genuine, and it disgusted her.
Ella sighed and put her hands in her head. She didn’t know what to do about this, about her mom. “What do you want, mom? Do you want us to live with you again? Do you want to take care of us and be a family?”
“Well… yeah.” Jenna said.
So that was it.
That night, and every night for the next few weeks, Jenna and Jimmy stayed in a hotel. During the day, they both looked for jobs and a bigger house so that they could all live together.
Jenna ended up getting her job back with Lola at the hair salon, and Jimmy got a job as a cook at the diner Ella worked at. They finally found a small three-bedroom house to rent, and they were soon moving the few things in the apartment into it.
Abby was much more excited and willing about this new change than Ella was. She and Jenna had been spending lots of time together; bonding and shopping and baking cookies for Abby’s friends. Ella stayed with her online schooling even though she had the option of going back. She figured it was just easier to finish this way since she only had a little bit longer until she graduated.
It turned out that Jimmy and Ella’s mom had quite a bit of money saved for this move. They seemed to be really serious about being a family, and Ella almost believed it. In fact, every day, she believed it a little more.
It was already the end of May, and graduation was only in three days. One day when Abby was still at school and Ella was in her new room, working on her schoolwork, Jenna and Jimmy knocked on the door and came inside with big smiles on their face.
“Ella, honey, we have something to tell you.” Ella’s first thought was that they were leaving. She was almost disappointed until she remembered that she had been expecting this. It was just so early, still.
She shut her laptop and set it off to the side. “You’re already leaving?” Ella tried to keep her voice from breaking.
Jenna’s face was confused. “Leaving? No, of course not. Why would you think that?” She sat down on the bed as Ella shrugged her shoulders.
“We’re not going anywhere. In fact, it’s you who’s leaving…”
“What do you mean I’m leaving?” Ella glanced up at her mom and saw a thick package in her hands. “What is that?” She asked cautiously.
Jenna smiled brightly and slid it across the bed to Ella. “Open it, sweetie!” She said, enthusiastically.
Ella picked it up and glanced at the front. It was addressed to her and the sticker for the return address said University Of North Carolina – Wilmington. Ella drew in a nervous breath. That was the school she had always wanted to go to, since she was little.
Ella slowly and carefully opened the package and took out the contents. The first thing she saw was a typed letter, starting with Dear Ms. Ella Adams. Glancing at the next line was enough to tell her that she had gotten in.
“I got in?” Ella whispered to herself, and then jumped when her mother squealed and threw her arms around her. When she finally let go, she looked back at the letter, skimming over the rest of it. Finally, she looked up at her mom and Jimmy. “I didn’t even apply here. How did I get in?”
Her mom smiled sneakily at Jimmy, and then said to Ella, “I may have applied you there, just in case. I know you were planning on the community college, but I just knew how much you wanted to go here, so I figured why not?” Jenna was obviously pleased with herself, but Ella wasn’t as enthused.
“Mom… that’s really sweet of you, but I can’t afford this school. It would be amazing to go here, but I have just enough saved for community college. I can’t go here,” Ella didn’t understand why Jenna was still grinning at her.
“That’s the rest of the surprise honey. I talked it over with Jimmy, and we have enough saved for you to go here. We planned on keeping it for emergencies in case something happens, but were doing so well here, that we really don’t need it. We have more than enough money to send you to college, and we really want to do this for you.” She was looking at Ella expectantly, but Ella was still processing this. She got to go to her dream school? And she didn’t have to pay for it?
“All four years?” Ella asked. Jenna nodded. “And what about books? And dorms?”
Jenna smiled. “All taken care of.”
Ella let out a deep breath. She still couldn’t believe this. She knew this was her mom’s way of making up for the last few years, but would it be that bad if she let her? This was her education, her future at stake. She could swallow her pride for this. It was important.
Ella looked up at her mom and smiled. “Wow. Thank you.”
Jenna smiled brightly and pulled her into a tight hug. “You’re welcome, honey. You really deserve this. You’ve worked so hard. And I know it’s been hard for you to get used to this, but I just want to thank you for letting me back into your life.”
Ella smiled again, and hugged her back. This was hard for her. But she knew it was the right thing to do. Her mom was different, and Jimmy was making an impact on her. They were acting like real parents. And Abby loved them. She had to at least try.
A few days later, Ella graduated from high school. There was a small ceremony with only about 25 other students who went to the same online school as her, and that lived in the same area. Jenna, Jimmy, Abby, Penelope, and Jackson were all there. After the ceremony, she and her newfound family went out to eat, and then her friends took her to a party.
A few days later, Ella didn’t know what to do with herself. She didn’t have homework to focus on, she didn’t have a job, and she didn’t have anything to do at all.
It wasn’t long before she decided to get online and see if all her old friends had completely forgotten about her. She had tons of messages.
“Where have you been?”
“Are you okay?”
“Did you die?”
These were the most common ones. There wasn’t anyone else online that she recognized, but she soon had a request to chat from an unknown name, sexybeast17.
She accepted, just out of boredom and curiosity. The avatar had dark hair, dark eyes, and tan skin.
Ben: Hey, what’s up?
Ella: Hi. Not a lot, what about you?
Ben: Same.
Ella: Cool, so what’s your name?
Ben: Ben… what’s yours?
Ella: Ella.
Ben: Hmm.
Ella: What?
Ben: Haven’t we done this before?
Ella: What do you mean?
Ben: I mean, I’m pretty sure that we’ve spoken before.
Ella: Oh… I’m sorry, I don’t remember. I haven’t been on in a long time.
Ben: Yeah, it was a long time ago when we met.
Ella: I’m really sorry. Care to refresh my memory?
And just like that, Ella was hooked, once again, on this website. Or maybe she was hooked on Ben.
Her memory of meeting him long ago was very vague. And she found it either strange or impressive that he remembered so well, since it had been such a long time.
He continued impressing her though. Every time they talked, which was often, they talked about more things and learned more and more about each other. She learned that he like the same music, movies, TV shows, books, and many other things as her. They shared so much in common, and the more they talked, the more she liked. He didn’t break any of the rules that she set for boys, and he even made the one good boyfriend look bad.
But Ella fell back into her fake story of who she was just as easy as she fell out of it. The only time she ever felt guilty for lying about who she was, was when she was lying to Ben.
She could tell he was extremely honest with her, and she felt so bad for not telling him the truth. She had to keep telling herself that it’s not like their relationship was going anywhere. They were just talking. They weren’t going to get married one day.
And even though Ella kept telling herself that, she had to admit to herself that there was a lot more to their relationship that just talking. And soon, she was really going to find herself regretting having lied at all in the first place.

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The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 7

Just so you people know I do NOT own Naruto I wish I did.
Plz RnR
“Normal speak”
Written by Dragon of the Underworld
Revised by Evildart17
And on to the story.
The Way I Dreamed It
Part 1
Chapter 7
“Dreaming?” said Hinata a bit confused, and then she noticed the surroundings. They were not in bed, and they were not naked. She was in the couch in the hospital sleeping just like the other girls. Then she remembered they had fallen asleep waiting for the nurse.
‘What a minute if I’m awake, then that means . . . . . . He . . . He’s’
“YOU’RE BACK!” yelled Hinata as she launched herself at him hugging and kissing him. The other woke up only to see Hinata hugging and kissing Naruto; they had woken up when Hinata yelled.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere, I decided to check the hospital and when I checked at the front desk they told me that Hanabi was here and so I knew you would be here too”
“Hey your back” said Tenten.
“Yeah and just in time” said Ino.
“Uhh why is everyone here?” asked Naruto.
“Naruto we’ll tell you that later” said Tsunade.
“Yeah theirs other things that need to be said” said Tenten with a nod towards Hinata.
Naruto then turned to Hinata.
“Naruto-kun I . . . I have something to tell you”
“What is it?”
“Naruto-kun I . . . I . . . I’m pregnant”
“Your pregnant” said Naruto he had a surprised face that was very slowly softening and turning in to a face with a smile full of joy, Hinata only nodded.
“Your pregnant” he said, again Hinata nodded again.
“We are pregnant” Hinata continued to nod.
“That . . . . . . That means . . . . . . That means you’re . . . You’re going to a mommy” he said with a big smile on his face.
Hinata nodded yet again with smile, “And your going to a be a daddy” Naruto quickly took Hinata in to a passionate kiss as he hugged her, lifted her up, and twirled her around.
Naruto stopped what he was doing, “Were . . . . . . Were ganna have a baby”
“Were ganna be having a baby” Hinata repeated his words.
“Hinata . . . . . . You make me so happy”
“I told you” said Tenten as she wiped away tears that were trickling down her cheeks. She was just so happy for Hinata she got what she wanted, in a sense she got what all girls want, she knew because she too wanted that.
“Hinata I’m so jealous . . . you’re so lucky” said Ino as she smiled at the couple.
Naruto looked to the side only to see all the other girls crying except Hanabi who was just smiling. They all came towards them.
“Congratulations” said everyone as they hugged Naruto and Hinata.
“Hinata we should tell you father ASAP” said Naruto.
“No Naruto it doesn’t matter” said Hinata with a bit of a sad face.
“What do you mean of course it matters” Naruto noticed the others also had a down face.
“Naruto I guess its time to answer your question about why were here” said Tsunade.
“What happened?” he asked.
“You see Naruto, Hinata’s father already knows, he wanted Hinata to get rid of the baby, but when Hinata didn’t want to he began to beat her badly, when Hanabi stood up for her he beat her a—“ Tsunade was cut off.
”HOW COULD HE DO THAT THEY ARE HIS DAUG—-” this time Tsunade cut Naruto off as she brought a hand up to stop him.
“That is why they will no longer live in the Hyuga compound; this isn’t the first time that he has treated them this badly. In response to this Hiashi said that he disowned them and they no longer are Hyugas” Naruto looked at Hinata she had some tears on her cheeks as did Hanabi.
“Hinata wait here a couple of minutes” said Naruto as he began to walk away.
“Naruto where are you going . . . your not going to go cause any trouble are you?” asked Tsunade.
“No . . . . . . At least not yet . . . I’ll be back in a couple of minutes” he said as he left.
“Where do you think he’s going” asked Ino.
“I don’t know, I guess were ganna have to wait” said Tenten.
They all waited about twenty minutes and Naruto finally came back. He went up to Hinata.
“Hinata I . . . I want you to come and live with me” asked Naruto.
Ino leaned closer to Tenten and whispered, “That was sudden”
“I . . . I . . . I don’t know” said Hinata.
“What do you mean?”
“I can’t leave Hanabi all alone” said Hinata.
Naruto gave her a small chuckle.
“Hanabi is going to came and live with us as well” said Naruto.
“REALLY” yelled both Hinata and Hanabi.
“Of course . . . . . . I can’t have my little girl’s favorite aunt out on the street, right” said Naruto as he kneeled down and rub Hinata’s belly.
“I’m ganna be her only aunt” said Hanabi.
‘His little girl? . . . . . . yesterday when Hinata barged in to Tsunades office she referred to the baby as a her, how could they possibly know it’s a her if she’s barely going to be two months pregnant’ thought Tenten.
“Hey what about us” said Ino, the girls wanted to part of the little baby’s life.
“Yeeeeeeaah” said Hanabi as she turned to Naruto.
“Anyway . . . . . . Were all ganna be together then” said Hanabi.
“How do you guy know the baby is going to be a girl” said Tenten.
“Yeah?” said Ino.
“Because we just do” said Hinata.
“What do you mean you just do?” asked Ino.
“I don’t know we just know” said Naruto, while both Hinata and Hanabi nodded their heads in agreement.
Ino leaned in closer to Tenten again and whispered, “Watch it turns out to be a boy”
“Anyway so you are moving in with me right,” asked Naruto
Hinata and Hanabi just nodded.
“You left for twenty minutes just to come back and say that” asked Tsunade.
“No I left for ten minutes to find something” said Naruto.
“What?” asked Ino.
“This” . . . said Naruto as he pulled something out of his pocket and opened it.
Naruto got down on one knee and asked, “Hinata will you marry me.”
“YES I’ll marry” said Hinata extremely happy; she hugged him as she cried from all the joy she was experiencing.
Ino whispered to Tenten, “I stand corrected this is way more sudden”
“Naruto-kun . . .”
“Yeah Hinata-chan?”
“You . . . . . . You make me so happy” she returned the same words he said to her.
Hanabi was finally cleared to leave.
“Come on guys lets go home” said Naruto.
“Wait you guys don’t want to hang out” asked Ino.
“Not me I just got back from a mission and I’m tired, but . . .” Naruto looked at Hinata to see if maybe she wanted to go.
“I want to rest as well” said Hinata.
“Yeah me too” added Hanabi.
With that the three headed home, while the other two, Tenten and Ino looked at each other smiled and left together in the opposite direction.
The two went in search of their teammates to spread the news, they searched all day, they found most of them, and they saw Chouji, Shikamaru, Shino, and Lee together. Tenten and Ino quickly told them about Hinata’s situation and what had happened.
All of them were shocked, first of all because they thought that Naruto never knew that Hinata liked him, and they never thought that Hinata would actually tell him, but to top it all of she was pregnant, they were ganna have to talk with them tomorrow.
The three arrived at the apartment, and entered.
“Alright, um Hinata you could sleep in my room, Hanabi you will take the guess room, OK” said Naruto.
“Mmm where are you going to sleep” asked Hanabi.
“I’ll take the couch” said Naruto.
“But Naruto, umm” Hinata wanted to say something but was hesitant with Hanabi still standing there looking at the two of them.
“What is it Hinata?” asked Naruto, he noticed that she looked at Hinata and knew what was going on.
“Hinata its ok you don’t have to be embarrassed”
“Naruto ummm if you like you c-can sleep in the same bed with me, I-I . . . I mean . . . w-we already you know ummm slept together [she blushed big time] and we . . . we are going to get married. I think its ok” said Hinata.
“Ummmm ok, yeah sure” said Naruto.
“Alright guys lets go to sleep, tomorrow we have somewhere important we need to go” said Naruto.
“Where are we going” said Hanabi.
“You’ll see” said Naruto as he finished setting up Hanabi’s room, fixing her bed, and finding some pj’s she could use.
After that Hinata Naruto headed to their room, where they slept holding each other.
‘Tomorrow’ thought Naruto.

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Fixing Problems (Revised)

ok im sorry about the last version of this(i really wasnt thinking of the age diffrence,thanks for reminding me),im a new writer so im not that experienced but i will respect your judgement in the comments. enjoy 🙂
My name is Sean, I’m ‘6,3’, brown hair, a little bit tanned,and a little muscular but not so much it makes you think i go to the gym everyday. I’m 16 and currently in high-school, and i usually get straight A’s. I also live with my mom and my sister. My Shit-head of a dad left when my little sister was born. And my mom doesn’t mind reminding us every once and a while how our dad doesn’t worry about supporting us. She tries to keep it from us, but we heard from our aunt that our dad was cheating on our mom long before me and my sister was born.
My sister,Rosey, is 2 years younger me then me,so i always refer her as my little sis. She is ‘6,0’,long brown hair that goes to the mid of her back,and the cutest face you could think of. she is a well tanned and haves curves that goes all around. She also has C36 breast that just beg for attention and a well rounded ass that any guy would want to be around (or their hands atleast) She could get any guy she wanted,but just because she has this body doesn’t mean she’s some kind of slut. she’s the effect her body has on guys,but shes really kind and fun,and she knows how guys can be. Of course shes dated a couple of guys before, but most of them were jerks pretending to be “Mr. Nice” or “Mr. Considerate”. I’ve never been attracted to my sister in any way before,but that all changed,and THIS is how it happened
I just came home from another date fail. The girl I was with, Chelsy, Seemed like she wanted to go on another date,but i wasn’t. She was one of those girls who would talk through the whole date and not let you say a peep. She was nice,but a chatter-box. I closed the door ( a little to louder then i meant to) and walked to the living room. I sat on the couch,put my feet up on the coffee table,reached for the remote,and tried to relax and forget about my so-called date. Unfortunately my sis heard the door and had a feeling something was up. Our house wasn’t small but it was quiet. It was a two-floor house,with plenty of room,that’s how the sound of the door echoed off the walls.
She asked me how was my date,already knowing the answer. That’s one thing i always enjoyed about coming home from a failed date, my little sis always wanted to comfort me. “Another fail” I told her,but she a quizzical look on her face,so I explained to her what happened.?Ahhhh sorry bro, but you shouldn’t worry about It, you have it lucky? This time it was me who gave her a quizzical look,then she smiled and said ? Your an amazing guy who,unlike most of the guys at our school,try to treat a girl right. Any girl would be lucky enough to have you? I smiled back and for a split second I wished she wasn’t my sister because I would ask her out in a instant. I know its wrong, but there’s no other girl like Rosey. She’s always so sweet and comforting,that if it was legal I probably would ask her out. But I quickly brushed the thought aside,if I keep thinking like that who knows what will happen.
I look her in the eyes ?Thanks sis, I truly am lucky enough to just be your brother,you always know how to cheer me up? She gives me a heart warming smile, then I say playfully? You know,when your not annoying the crap out of me and hogging the remote!? She laughs but pushes me against the side of the couch and grabs the remote. ?You mean THIS remoter bro?? She says as she stands up,and then runs off through the house giggling when I get up to chase after her. Its easy to catch her when she starts to go up the steps, I jump every 3 steps and tackle her. I grab the remote and stick my tongue at her, then she does the same playfully but didn’t think about how close our faces were. Before I even noticed her tongue brushed against mine,and I feel as a tingle go through my mouth, down my spine,to the tip of my cock as it twitched. We both just stare at each other in shock for a few seconds,not knowing how to react. ?EWWWWWW EWW EWW EW EW!? Rosey whines as she pushes me off of her,and continues to over react to it in a way that tells me shes being playful
?Now I got your germs!?
?No I got your germs,now I’m going to become a alien zombie!?
?umm excuse me I don?t have any germs and you gotta stop watching Sci Fi?
?Oh no its to late, I can. . . . ehhhh . . . . my body. . . . CHANGING!?
She giggles ?Hey I’m kinda tired,I’m going to take a nap. Night Sean? She says while I finish my Oscar Performance material. ?K,night Rosey? I say as she closes the door,and I’m not sure but I think I also heard her lock her door,which is weird because she never locks her door, because in this house everybody just knocks. But I just think nothing of it and go watch some TV. I turn it on and try to watch something on the Disney channel but I didn’t even pay attention to it. I was too distracted by what happened earlier. Then I started to think if I could feel her tongue again,to feel it wrap around mine,or my tongue exploring her mo-NO what am I thinking? I shouldn’t think of stuff like that,its wrong.
I decide to go to bed early like Rose,and probaly like my mom would too when she got home. Shes a very successful woman, she owns her own company. But sadly neither me or Rose knows what she does. She says that she’ll tell us when were older,so naturally we think its probaly a company that makes alcohol or something and shes trying to protect us from it. But anyway, I go to bed trying to get my little sister off my mind. I lay down and try to go to sleep,i usually jerk off before I go to sleep as the horny teen I am,but tonight I’m to worn out and confuse to do it.
I wake up in the morning to the smell of breakfast. I try to go back to sleep but I can’t resist the smell of it, I can’t tell what it is but I CAN tell that my mouth is watering. I get up and walk down the stairs to the kitchen to see Rosey cooking eggs,bacon,and of course,pancakes! She see’s me and smile ? Morning sleepy-head, I wanted to help you forget about last night and I was hungry so I made us breakfast!? She said as she flipped a couple eggs. ?I’m just about done,and I don’t worry I know how you like your eggs? I smile but stop because I was starting to drool,but I go up to her and kiss her on the cheek. We both get out our plates and start to eat one of the most amazing meals I?ve ever had in my life. When we finish I chuckle as I spot some syrup on Rosey’s mouth down her chin. I tell her and she wipes it off with her finger and sucks on it with her mouth. My cock twitches under my pj’s after seeing how erotic it was just to see her suck syrup off her finger.?Mmmmm sweet? She says after sucking the syrup off,and I try to hide my now growing hard on.
I try to change the subject ? Hey is mom still here??
?No she left when I started cooking?
?She went to work this early??
?She said it her company was working on a important project?
?I’m bored,you want to watch a movie??
?Sure but YOUV’E got to make the popcorn?
?but I MADE breakfast,its the guys turn to do the cooking,unless you cant handle putting popcorn in a microwave? She got me there,so I got the pop corn and put it in the microwave while she puts in a movie,Cloverfield. I try to get rid of my erection. I bring over a big bowl of pop corn (infront of my hard member to try to hide it) and when I sit down she unfortunately,decides to sit in my lap and hold the popcorn. DAMN. Mid-way into the movie she starts to move around trying to get comfortable and then she suddenly stops. At that point I know she can feel my hard cock,especially after she says? Is that because of me?? She then turns around and looks at me in the eyes then at the tent being made in my pj’s. I think to myself fuck it might as well tell her and hope she doesn?t get disgusted with me ?Yes it is,but its also because I didn’t jerk off this morning or last night like I usually do. ?But I still had something to do with it right?? I nod not expecting what she said next. ?Well if I caused you any problems then I should be the one to ‘fix’ them? She says as she rubs my cock through my pj’s ?Wait no you shoul-? She presses her lips to mine,and what ever voice left in my head trying to tell me this is wrong instantly got quiet. I know I have feelings for her,so why not let her take care of me? I wanted to see how far I can get. She stops kissing me ? I know its wrong but after yesterday I realized I have feelings for you,and I want to please you? she says while getting my pj’s down releasing my cock and hitting softly on the nose. She smiles ?I?ve never seen one of these before,its really big? truefully its only 8 inches but I’m still proud. She then slowly starts to stroke me,slowly at first then more steady,getting the hang of it. She see’s my balls and starts to roll them around with her other hand whil stroking me. ?Does this feel good big brother,do you like the way your little sister is playing with your big juicy cock?? I don’t know what got into her but I liked it. I nodded. She then says ?Speaking of juicy, what it tastes like? I almost exploded when I heard that,and again when she started to lick my shaft, paying special attention to the head. Then she got bolder and put the whole head in her mouth and started to suck,and trying to go deeper. ?Mmmmmmmmmmmm? She moans while closing her eyes,that’s when I went over the edge. The vibrations from her mouth on my cock,and the fact that my little sister ENJOYED sucking my cock made me explode with out warning,but she felt my cock swelling up and by balls swelling in her fingers and she guessed what that meant. She took her wonderful mouth off my cock with a loud wet ‘Plop!’ and I sprayed 5 loads of cum on her face. I never came like that before,the whole thing was so erotic to me.
1 load went on forehead,another on her chin and two both cheeks,and one more on her mouth. Then I started to get hard again when she started to scoop up the cum with her finger and suck all of it off while moaning! She see’s my cock and sucks it off one more time to clean me off from any left over cum. Then she strokes my cock slowly and says ?That?s enough for now,but I cause any more problems,let me know so I can ‘fix’ them.? she then walks out of site and up the stairs,leaving me in shock but then before going to her room she yells?By the way,let me know if you have anymore of that white stuff,it tastes REALLY good!? She closes her door and leaves me to think of what just happened and what might happen next.
*** thanks guys for reading and let me know wat u think and any suggestions 🙂 and if u want a part 2

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Full Moon Rising

This is my first story. I have to tell the true. I suck at spelling and grammar. I tried my best, but mistakes do happen. This is a little long and has a small scene at the end. I hope you like part one.

Young Slut

I was 15, working as a camp counselor for a summer daycamp near where I lived. It was pretty sweet for a first job, you got to basically play kickball and dodgeball all day for money. The only problem was that the older kids in the 6-14 range weren’t that much younger than some of the counselors, so they gave you all kinds of shit.
One such kid was Kari. Kari was 13, and had the thin body of a track runner, topped off by small b-cup breasts. She wore low cut tank tops and flaunted herself often, making the older male camp goers, and some of the counselors have to adjust themselves.
She knew she was attractive, though still probably overestimated herself a bit. She had a lean face to match her body, dotted with freckles. Somehow, no matter what, she always managed to look like a skank. And she never listened. Ever. She knew her parents would give a ration of shit to whoever yelled at her.
“Kari, get back here!” I yelled. She’d gone sauntering down one of the hallways of the school we used. It had its advantages; we could use the cafeteria, the gym and all the equipment. However, much of the school was off limits to the kids. It was just too difficult to keep track of over 100 kids with 8 counselors.
She saw me, gave a smile, then took off running. Shit. I’m fairly athletic, but so was she. I’d be hard pressed to chase her down. I rounded a corner to find her halfway down the hall laughing. I did have one advantage, I noticed, I had sneakers on, her, flip-flops. Finally, after the next turn, she stopped in front of a door that said “Custodians Only.”
“I wonder what’s in it,” she said.
“Don’t you dare, you’re in enough trouble as it is.”
She gave a fake pouty face. “You know, I used to think you were cute, but now you’re just being annoying. Besides, what are you going to do?” She blew me a kiss, smacked her ass and walked in.
I quickly followed her, thinking it might lead to the basement or something. It was your standard janitor’s closet, about the size of a small half bathroom full of buckets, mops, various cleaning liquids and some basic tools.
“Boo!” She jumped out of one of the corners, not startling me one bit.
“Aw, no jump, you’re no fun.”
“So, you think I’m kind of cute hmm?”
“Not when you’re yelling at me.”
“Hmm. Show me your tits.”
“What?!” she practically yelped.
“Come on, everyone and their brother knows you’re not wearing a bra under that. I gestured towards her prominent nipples poking out. She grinned coyly at me, then grabbed the bottom of her pale pink tank top, lifting it slowly.
The taught, pale stomach of a runner appeared. I was delighted to see that while not overly present, her freckles weren’t restricted to her face. She slowly lifted it, pausing just beneath her small breasts. “All the way off,” I told her. She smiled devilishly and lifted it up and over her head.
I got a brief look at her dime sized areolas before her forearm covered them. “What are you, some kind of perv?” She challenged.
“Oh absolutely, I said, grabbing her arms and easily pinning them behind her back with one of mine, leaving the other free to roam.
“Hey!” she yelled, struggling.
“And you know what? I bet you are too.” My free hand ran up her stomach over her miniscule six pack to her perky boobs. Her nipples were fully hard now. I pinched one, and almost immediately she went limp. The struggles and grunts turned to a low moan. She jutted out her chest to give me better access.
“Going to play nice now?” She nodded, and I let her go. Her arms fell to her sides, and mine ran up hers. They caressed her soft skin, making their way slowly back to her breasts. I cupped them both, simultaneously, squeezing lightly. She squealed and giggled as I lifted her 90 pound body off the ground by them.
I grabbed her shirt from her hand and tossed it aside. “Pose for me.” She turned to face me, running her hands through her hair, giving her best model smile.
“Nice,” I said, clicking the shutter on an imaginary camera. “You could actually model,” I only half lied. She had a nice slender form, and the right look.
“I don’t know, let’s see those shorts come off.” She hesitated. “Come on, if you’re going to model, you’ve got to be comfortable showing your body. She thought for a moment before slowly sliding them down. They revealed the reason behind her hesitation. She wasn’t wearing any underwear. She covered her pussy with both hands.
“Don’t be shy now.” Gradually her hands slid away to her hips. They revealed a smooth pink pussy. No hair in sight. To her shock, I ran my hand over that patch of skin between her belly button and her snatch. “When did you start shaving?” I asked her.
“A few months ago.”
“Why?” She shrugged at that, hands now clasped together behind her back.
“Turn around, let me see the rest of you.” She did a 180 degree turn, showing off her slender, but slightly rounded ass. I walked up behind her, and gave it a soft, but firm smack.
“Ooh,” she jumped and giggled. I pulled her in close, wedging my cock in between the to of her asscheeks. Her face flushed at the recognition of what was poking her in the back. I grabbed her arms once more, pulling them behind her. I slid one arm between them and her back, holding her once more. Her fingers brushed my cock, readily apparent beneath my athletic shorts.
I slid a hand from her breasts down her stomach, not stopping this time, I rubbed her pink pussy lips, one with each finger. I smacked her ass again. “Spread your legs.” She complied, sliding them apart on the concrete floor. I slid a finger into her tight crevice, then followed with another. She moaned at the feeling of being filled. I started to fuck her with them.
Her body was so light I damn near lifted her off the ground each time I thrusted them in. She convulsed as I finger fucked her, moaning so loud I thought someone would hear and investigate. Her hands found their way to my cock, trying to stroke it through my pants. She nodded. I let her go and stood her up straight. She turned around to watch as I slid my shorts and boxers down to my ankles and stepped out of them. I stripped my shirt off to give her a full view. She looked in amazement at my 7 inch cock.
I grabbed her shoulder and guided her to her knees. She looked up at me, nervous, the innocent look on her face belying her nudity. Both of her small hands were wrapped around the base. She stared into my eyes and opened as wide as she could, taking two inches of me in her mouth. She wrapped her lips tight and bobbed her little head.
I put my hands behind my head and watched her work for a few minutes, unskilled, but eager. I put my hand on the back of her head, pushing her down. She made it another inch and started to gag. She pulled off to regain her composure, stroking me before licking the tip and taking me again. She sucked some more before pulling off. She went down and licked my balls, sucking on them, then running her tongue all the way back up my shaft to the tip again.
“Mmm, you’re good at that for a young’n.” She smiled
I lifted her to her feet, and turned her around. I pushed her over, bending her onto a stool. She trembled slightly, knowing what I was about to do. I rubbed the tip of myself on her wet slit. “Oh god, yes,” she moaned.
I entered her, slowly and fully, causing her to inhale sharply. Her eyes clamped shut, and her mouth opened, but no sound came out. I reached around and grabbed her breast with one hand and wrapped my fingers around several strands of her wavy brown hair with the other, pulling her head back.
Her voice had returned, emitting ragged gasps and moans. I slid my breast hand down to her hips, and fucked her harder. She was half screaming now. I smacked her ass, knowing that if two fingers filled her, she must feel positively overflowing with cock now.
She’d laid her head on the stool now, here eyes were clamped shut, her face was read, contorted into one of pain and pleasure. I felt her tiny pussy start to contract. “Oh god,” she screamed as it started to squeeze my dick even tighter. She ripped off a quick, but powerful orgasm that nearly brought me over the edge.
I had other plans for her however. Before she knew what was happening, I slid out, spun her and forced her to her knees. I pulled her head towards me, and she instinctively opened her mouth, taking my cock with no thought to the juices that covered it. She bobbed up and down quickly, matching the pace at which I’d been fucking her. Her tongue moved back and forth across my head.
When I felt myself getting close, I grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her off me. She continued stroking me, while her eyes flitted back and forth between mine and my cock. I rolled my head back as she sent me over the edge, shooting rope after rope of cum into her hair and on her face. She opened her mouth catching some with her tongue.
When all was done, she looked up at me, face and hair a mess, covered in cum. She grinned impishly and licked some of it off her fingers. She sat back, still kneeling, resting her ass on her ankles. I dressed as she began looking for her clothes and something to wipe her face off with.
“Looking for these?” I held up her tank top and black shorts.
I opened the door, tossed them into the hall a ways and walked out.

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The Wrestling Match

His eyes grew wide with surprise, his heart thumped, his chest froze, he couldn’t breathe for a few seconds as he searched her face for any hidden meaning, to sense if she was teasing him. He saw nothing but honesty looking back at him, “You want—uh,” a quick shudder rumbled through his balls, “I can fuck you?”

Nerdy Girl 2 – The Wrath of Cum

This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.

Allie the Alien

She caressed her body for a few minutes then pulled her panties off, put both hands between her wide spread thighs and started rubbing her sex. Even from his theater seat two rooms away he could tell she was turning herself on, getting hot. His hard-on was massive, swollen as never before watching his stepsister fulfill one of his fantasies. This is why he bought the voyeur toy, this was the moment he had been waiting for since he gave her Allie several months earlier.

Hitting On My Sister

My sister started to wear bulky clothing so that the boys would stop hitting on her. Once I saw what she had under those clothes I hit on her myself.