True Story

Molly – Chapter Six

The names have all been changed, including mine, to protect the not so innocent. If you want to read more about my history, read the prologue. Chapters 1 and 2 deal with meeting Molly and how our relationship evolved. Read Chapters 3 and 4 for more about Sanrda.
Chapter Six
Not knowing what else to do to pass the time, walked over to my computer to check my emails. Seeing hundreds of new messages forced a groan from my lips. Quickly scanning the senders and subjects, it appeared most were from parents. Scrolling all the way down, I noticed one from Jim that was marked urgent. Hesitantly, I opened it and saw that he had sent out a notice to all parents explaining the event that had taken place between a male teacher and two senior female students. He expressed regret and promised an inquiry with the full board, but reiterated that the initial findings showed that the male teacher was not to blame. While he didn’t name me, the hundreds of emails made it clear that everyone knew who he meant. Fucking great.
I was filled with trepidation as I opened the first email. Surprisingly, it and the vast majority expressed shock and dismay yet promised to speak with their child and offered their support during “this trying time”. I thanked them for not jumping to conclusions and said all I wanted was to put it behind me. A few were from fathers who felt that I was to blame and had somehow set it all up. More than one threatened to kick my ass. Awesome. Now I will have to watch my back at school. I didn’t respond, as I doubt anything I could come up with would sound like a cover up. So I forwarded them to Jim and asked him for advice before I replied. I was a bit proud of myself for my restraint. Had I been a decade younger I would have arranged a place and time to settle the matter. I was a bit of a hot head in my 20s.
Halfway through the list, I was shocked when I opened an email to find several scantily-clad pictures of an attractive woman. My email address was registered to the school district and I knew they saved a copy of all correspondence and reserved the right to read every message. I sure hoped that the IT guys overlooked this one as I didn’t need any more scandal right now. Her message was brief:
“I found the photos of you on my daughter’s phone. I have had a crush on you for a while Mr. White, and hope that you don’t think me too forward by sending you photos showing what seeing your gorgeous cock you did to me.” A photo of a bare, swollen pussy that was slick with her excitement filled my screen. Her labia was swollen with desire and her clit had emerged from hiding to announce her arousal, The thick lips were distended as if something thick and hard had just been removed from their velvety embrace. It was a very pretty pussy. “I would love to get together and discuss your situation privately.”
She included her name, address and every possible way to contact her. I couldn’t think of a way to respond, so I simply closed the message. I had not expected a reaction like hers. Nor did I expect the erection that bumped the desk when I stood to grab a drink. True, I had stared at her photo for a while. At first, I was too stunned to do anything else. Then I was captivated by her brazenness and delicious looking pussy.
Geez, I had more sex in the past twenty-four hours than I had in the previous five years! My cock should be quite content and resting comfortably, but it seems that my time with Sandra had only made him crave more attention. I chuckled and wandered to the kitchen for a drink. He had lost some vigor by the time I returned and I resumed reading and responding to most of the emails.
There were several more emails from women who offered to meet for coffee or a quiet dinner, but none of the others included nude photos. I confess, my self-esteem soared thinking of all these women lusting after me. My active imagination began displaying scenario after scenario of me allowing them to seduce me into their beds and leaving them breathless from our vigorous, repeated fuck sessions.
My daydreams were interrupted by the buzzing of my phone. I flipped it over to see Sandra was calling. Confused, I answered, “Hello?”
She giggled into the phone, “Hey you. Miss me yet?”
I smiled, “Of course!” I breathed huskily, “If you were here I would show you just how much.”
“Oh shit Jarod! I just put on a pair of dry panties. If you keep talking like that I’m going to need a fresh pair before I can walk around Alyssa.” Peals of her laughter drifted through the phone, “She kept asking what the funny smell was in the living room and when Christie went to the bathroom she asked if I had been,” Her voice dropped to a barely audible whisper, “fucking before they came over.”
Chuckling at the image of her blushing at Alyssa’s bold question, “Did you tell her that my cum was still dribbling out of your pussy?”
“JAROD! You are terrible. I told her no, that she was imagining things.” She paused, “I don’t think she bought it.”
“I don’t think she did either. You are a terrible liar.”
“Don’t I know it!” she whined bitterly. Sighing heavily, she continued brightly, “So when do I get to see you again?”
I took a deep breath to mull it over. I was getting hard thinking of all the things I would be doing to her had our day together not been interrupted. “Hmmm, I don’t know Sandra. It is far too risky to do anything at your parent’s house again. I’ll try to find a motel in the area that we can use.”
“A motel? I’m not that kind of girl Jarod. What if I came over to your place?” Her voice cracked as she asked, betraying her nervousness.
“I would normally say no. My house is my haven, my respite from the world. I have never had a lover here.” My cock was telling me to give her the address so that he could once again be buried inside her lovely, lithe body.
“Lover? Is that what we are?” Her voice was thick with emotion, but I had no idea which one. Damn it! Did I say the wrong thing?
“We’ve had sex three times Sandra and you slept with my dick in your hands, so yes I would say we are definitely lovers.”
She squealed so loudly into the phone I had to move it away from my head to prevent permanent ear damage. Seems that was the right answer. “If I was there I would be sucking that beautiful cock of yours!”
I laughed, “And I would let you!”
“Damn it Jarod, when can I come over? And where do you live? What should I wear? Do I need to bring anything?”
I chuckled at her eagerness and cut her off before more questions could spill out of her. “What if I cook dinner and you come over tonight?” I had a disturbing thought, “Do you trust the girls enough to leave them alone?”
“I would love that Jarod, but I agree leaving these two alone would be a BAD idea. Alyssa would probably talk Christie into hosting an orgy or something. Why does Alyssa’s brother have to be such a perv?”
I laughed, “He’s a guy. We are all pervs. You didn’t seem to mind my pervy nature last night. Oh, and what is up with calling me Jarod?”
“Well, I figure that since you put that magnificent cock of yours into me that I don’t have to call my LOVER by his last name.”
“When you put it that way, I am forced to agree.”
She giggled, “Why do I get the feeling that doesn’t happen very often?”
Laughing I replied, “You are far wiser than a nineteen year old ought to be. So you can’t come over tonight. What about tomorrow night?”
“Hmmm. I should be able to get Christie to stay with one of her friends. I’ll tell her I am having a guy over and that should get rid of her. So what time? What should I wear? Do I need to bring anything?”
“Sandra, relax. Come over around six and we can cook together; then spend the rest of the night relaxing together. You don’t need to bring anything, unless you want dessert. Well, maybe a change of clothes to wear home tomorrow. Wear whatever you like, but I will probably be in just a shirt and jeans. At least I will until you rip them off me and then I’ll just wander around naked.”
“Maybe I should come over at five so you can fuck me silly before dinner. It would be hot watching you cook me dinner wearing nothing but a smile.”
“Five sounds good. I am planning to pan-sear some fish, so I will be wearing at least an apron.”
Sandra laughed, “Oh that would be so cute! Please tell me you have one of those frilly aprons with a bunch of bows on it.”
I chuckled, “Heck no! I have a very manly apron. It’s camo. There is nothing manlier than camo.”
Once again, her laughter drifted through the phone. I do so enjoy making a woman laugh. “Oh, this I have to see!”
I gave her my address and then got busy straightening up once we hung up. I clean regularly, so it wasn’t too much work to have the house looking great. I may be a guy, but living like a slob bothers my OCD nature. A clean house allows me to relax completely. I checked the fridge to make sure I have everything I would need.
The sun was setting, so I slipped on some shorts and walked out onto the back deck to watch it. As I watched my thoughts turned back to the situation with Molly. I knew that I wanted her, but I wanted more than a tawdry, short-lived fling. For nearly four years she had captivated me, drawing me into her orbit. I feared drawing too close, lest I be burned by the contact. But at the same time I can’t deny how I ache to explore every inch of her body before sliding my cock into her until we both collapse from exertion.
I jumped a bit when the house phone rang. Very few people had the number, so I strolled over and lifted the cordless from its cradle without checking the caller ID.
“Jarod? It’s Molly. I, um, oh gosh.” I was shocked to hear how nervous she was as she rambled. It was the first time I had ever heard her sound the least bit unsure. “This is more difficult than I thought. I, um, need you to know that what happened yesterday can’t happen again.”
I was very confused. We hadn’t done anything, “Sorry Moll, but you lost me. Did I pass out or something while you were here?”
“Don’t make this any harder on me.” I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was blushing deeply. “I nearly touched your, um, thing. I’m married for Christ’s sake!”
I fought the urge to laugh, but it was not an easy struggle. She was upset because she NEARLY touched my dick and yet had let some random guy fuck her last year. I will never understand the way women think. “Okay Molly. I promise to never let you almost touch my thing again.” I lost the battle and snickered a bit as I finished my sentence.
“I’m serious! Look, we can talk about this later I think Chris just pulled in. Promise me that we’ll behave in the future.”
The words were out of my mouth before I could process them, “Sure Moll. I’d do anything for you. You know that.” Shit! Why the fuck did I say that? I was supposed to be pissed and angry, not bowing to her every whim.
“Thanks Jarod. Got to go. I’ll try to organize a night out dancing this weekend. Bye!” So a night of grinding and humping each other on the dance floor is okay, but not stroking my thigh on my couch? That’s a great example of female “logic” for you.
I woke before sunrise and was out the door in a few minutes. I jogged the five miles since my legs were still sore from the intense workout in the gym. I barely made it to the road by the lake before the sun crested over the horizon. This was my favorite route in the morning, just for this view. I was tempted to stop and enjoy it, but doubted I would be able to convince my sore muscles back into the slow gait.
Once I was home, I stripped off the sodden clothes. It was unseasonably warm, and in Texas that means the low temperature barely dipped below seventy degrees. So I was dripping sweat despite the slow pace. I toweled off and grabbed a sports drink out of the fridge. It felt great as I gulped it down. I grabbed my Tiger Tail and started rolling it over my legs. They were less defined than normal due to not running a marathon in over a year. I had been having trouble with my right calf so had taken time off to let it rest. I still admired the way each muscle flexed and rippled beneath my skin as I changed positions during the self-massage.
I made a simple breakfast and tried to come up with ideas on how to stay busy until five pm. Somehow I managed to pass the time without going crazy. I did some yard work, getting the beds ready for planting. I shook my head when I saw my neighbors planting flowers. Texas weather is always unpredictable but we were due for at least one more cold snap before Spring set in for good. I was baking under the sun and not for the first time wished I had been able to install a pool in the backyard. Maybe next year, I told myself. Of course, I had been saying that for three years. But maybe with my new pay raise I could swing it.
When it got too hot, I grabbed a towel and headed to the park. I slipped off my shoes and laid down my towel before sprinting for the dock. The water was so cold, I felt as if it sucked the air out of my lungs through my skin. I swam for the surface and spent a few minutes gasping as my body adjusted to the drastic temperature change. I spent at least an hour splashing around and swimming.
It was two pm when I got home, so I made a light lunch and cleaned up the gardening tools before hopping in the shower. I spent extra time shaving my nether regions in anticipation of the night to come despite barely being able to feel any stubble. As I keep my hair short, grooming takes very little time. I slipped on my jeans and at the last second I pulled on a polo instead of a simple t-shirt.

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Toy Store Boy: Chaper Five: Inseparable

Chapter 5: Inseparable
My senior year started on a low note. The first time I saw Abby I tried to explain things to her. She wouldn’t listen to me at all. She said that no matter what excuse I used I had betrayed her trust. There was no way around that fact. Sadly I couldn’t disagree.
After her birthday Ash and Sara had become best friends, they hung out after school and Ash would often spend evenings and weekends at Sara’s house. Ash tried to have Sara talk to Abby for me, but it only seemed to piss Abby off more. Abby told me I needed to stop trying to turn her sister against her and fight my own battles.
By October she finally let me tell my side of the story. She thought it was bullshit and told me I had, had enough time to come up with something better then that. She said again it didn’t matter, what she couldn’t handle was the fact that I had my cock in another girls mouth. She said there was no circumstance were that was acceptable.
I had told her the real truth, well mostly the whole truth. I left out two parts, first the part where I knew it was someone else and just let it happen. The second part I left out was where I had attacked the girls pussy. I told Abby she had simply rubbed it against my face.
I told her my version of the story then explained that I didn’t know it wasn’t her until she accused me of cheating. I told her that I had thought it was her being kinky. She said that she wouldn’t have done that at a kids party when she had already promised to not be alone with me. That was the last time she talked to me until we were standing in a hospital on Christmas break.
Things having totally fallen apart with Abby, Ash and Sara had become my best friends. Sara, who had just started her freshman year at my highschool, rode shotgun with me everyday after school. We went to the junior high and picked up Ash and Shawna. The we would drive to Abby’s and drop off Sara and Shawna. Abby would often hide in the house when my car pulled up.
Ash and I had the house to ourselves for about two hours every night after school. I would help her with her homework and we sometimes cooked dinner together for our family. It was a fun innocent time. Despite the flirting Ash still had held back from me in some ways. But after her birthday I started talking to her like a grown up not a little kid. This made all the difference. She really opened up to me now. I found that she was really smart, but it was like she didn’t want anyone to know, so she hid her intelligence under a layer of fake innocence. I wondered just how fake her innocence went, I again wondered if she had been my mystery girl.
Without a girlfriend to help me out anymore I had developed a routine where we would come home after school and I would help get Ash started on her homework and I would retire to my room for a while. I would spend about twenty minutes to a half an hour taking care of myself then come back to check on her. Once she had her homework done we would go sit in the livingroom and find something on to watch until my Lilly got home.
By November Ashley’s affections had moved on to her sitting with me on the couch with her head on my shoulder. I was really glad that I had, had that talk with Libby because this could have looked bad under different intentions. If not for that talk I just simply would’ve been uncomfortable with this in general. Knowing it was no big deal I found I enjoyed the closeness of the bond we were building.
I found instead of finding her bratty like I thought she would be when they brought her home, she was really fun to hang around with. She really helped me fill the void that Katie had left in me. She was easy to talk to and I really enjoyed her company. I really didn’t mind her flirting anymore either. I found it fun to actually be adored by some one. I missed having a girlfriend. For the first time ever felt like a real brother to someone.
We started going everywhere together. I would often take Ash and Sara to the mall or the movies. I got both girls into reading books for fun and not just for school. This started us three spending time at book stores and library’s. Sara had told Ash she believed me about Abby and that’s why she didn’t mind spending time around me. She said I was the nicest boy she had ever met. I was touched a little by that sentiment. It was a fun time for the three of us.
I asked Sara one day why her mom let her hang around us so much with out supervision? As rumor had it she was still clamping down on letting Abby out of the house. Sara actually laughed a little. She said her mom didn’t mind her hanging around me as long as Ash was with us. Plus she wasn’t really worried about her sneaking off to meet boys right now because she was already pregnant. I laughed at that, I guess it made sense I just felt bad that Sara’s pregnancy was affecting Abby’s life.
By Christmas vacation I as ready for a break from school. Word had gone around that I had cheated on my girlfriend right behind her back. I stopped even trying to deny it anymore, it was pointless when now one believed me anyway. The fact of the matter was that I had eaten out another girl. I couldn’t rationalize that to myself anymore, yes I was tied up but I had attacked that pussy when she put it in my face.
My reputation was destroyed. No girl wanted to go out with me, not that I had one in mind. I still loved Katie in my heart of hearts but I also still had feelings for Abby. I still had that moment in the library locked into my mind. The moment when we laid our foreheads together and looked each other in the eyes. Some moments are there for life.
Since I was a social leper I had tried unsusessfully to find a date for Homecoming and ended up not going. I had some girl-friends but they were mostly the girlfriends of by buddies. I was disappointed it was my senior year and I was missing out because of a fucked up situation. Instead of Homecoming I ended up taking Ash and Sara to the movies that night just to get out of the house. Ash surprised me by holding my hand all through the movie. I thought it was cute that she trusted me enough to be that comfortable with me.
The week after Thanksgiving dad and Lilly pulled us into the kitchen for a family meeting. I was fearful, I had no idea what we had one wrong as we never had family meetings.
We found out that my parents were going trust us to stay home by ourselves for a few days the first week of Christmas vacation. My Dad had an interview for promotion within the company. To get the promotion he had to go out of state to a corporate function for training. He was taking Lilly with him and they were going to trust us alone in the house from Monday to Friday. I thought it would be awesome and I was looking forward to it. I just wished I had a girlfriend to make use of no parents.
My main focus however was trying to find a date to the winter formal. I didn’t want to miss this dance as I had Homecoming. My friends were all going but they all had dates . As much as I wanted to go I also didn’t want to show up without a date. I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend or someone to fall in love with, all I needed was a nice girl willing to accompany me and dance for one night. Was that really to much to ask for?
We were sitting around the dinner table a few days prior to the dance when Ash quietly stated that if I wanted she could be my date for the winter formal. I was trying to find the right words to tell her no, without hurting her feelings. It would be more embarrassing to show up with a 13 year old, then no date. As I began to speak up Lilly jumped in.
“That would be so cute Ash!” she cried, “We could go get you a pretty dress tomorrow.” The look on both Lilly’s and Ash’s faces was so priceless that I couldn’t say no.
“What do you say Joey?” asked Dad, “It’s your dance, it’s your choice.”
“I don’t know,” I said really slowly. I could see the sparkle start to leave Ash’s eye. That broke me, “Yes you can be my date to the dance aunty Ashley.” Lilly smiled and Ashley squealed and ran to me hugging me tight.
“Alright, get off me,” I said jokingly. Ash kissed me on the cheek and sat back down at the table.
That night I went to bed feeling like I was the good big brother again. I lay there not really thinking of anything when I suddenly got a major erection. It had been a while since I had gotten a massive erection spontaneously. I figured since it was saying hello I would just go with it. I reached down and started stroking myself as someone knocked at my door.
I felt 12 years old again as I pulled my hand back and said come in. I sat up as the door opened, hoping that the blanket over me would cover it. It was Lilly who came in. I couldn’t remember the last time she had come to see me at night.
“What’s up Lilly?”
“Nothing,” she said looking down at me with a knowing look, “I just wanted to make sure before I bought her the dress that it’s really ok. You weren’t just being nice out of pressure at the time?”
“No, it’s really ok,” I smiled at her, “I wont take that away from her now.”
“I think you’re the sweetest boy in the world. You made her whole month, you know that?” She looked almost smitten.
“Well she is a sweet kid.”
“Yeah, but I know some kids will make fun of you. But what your doing is really good for her. Since our parents died you’ve been really good with her.”
“I’m just doing what you asked me to.”
“You told me to be nice to her. I found it’s not that hard.”
“I almost forgot about that talk.” She kissed me on the forehead and started out of the room. When she kissed me I had gotten even harder. I found that odd, my Lilly was attractive in the same way Katie was but I had never thought about her like that before. Maybe it was the fact that I was hard when she walked in my room.
The next day Lilly took Ash out to find a dress for the winter formal. They spent 3 hours at the mall looking for just the perfect dress. When they came home that night they giggled with each other and I was told I wasn’t allowed to see her dress until the dance.
Lilly told me that to Ash this dance was a really big deal. She had never gone to a school dance before, or been on a date. I told Lilly this wasn’t a real date. She agreed but said to Ash it still felt the same and I was to treat her the same as any other girl I took out to a high school dance. I agreed, thinking except the part were we rent a motel room and lose our virginity’s like some of my friends were planing.
At school the day of the formal I told my friends about who I was bringing. The guys laughed and made a couple jokes, they really didn’t mean any harm it was all in fun. The couple of girls thought it was the sweetest thing. They said they couldn’t wait to see Ash all dolled up in her dress.
By dinner that night I was dreading my decision, I was really starting to want to skip the whole thing. But it was to late to back out. I kept having images of people pointing and laughing. I was more worried if people laughed and made jokes, Ash would take them wrong and end up in tears.
The other thing making me dread this event was I realized that Abby might be there with someone else. I hadn’t heard any rumors of her dating anyone but I didn’t want to find out. I didn’t know how I would react to seeing her with another man.
When it was time I put on my suit I got ready and waited in the livingroom for Ash. I hadn’t seen her dress yet, so when she stepped into the room with her hair done up, wearing the most gorgeous dress I was blown away. She looked five years older.
Lilly seemed almost as excited as Ash. She made us stand in the livingroom so she could take a dozen photo’s. Ash blushed posing with me for the pictures when I put my arms around her. I just kept thinking these were going to be blackmail photo’s someday.
I drove us to the dance my heart racing in nervousness. As soon as we arrived I took her hand in mine and walked into the auditorium. To my relief no one gave us much of a look. That made my fears melt away almost completely.
As it turned out Abby was there but she had brought her sister. Sara ran up to Ash and I explaining Abby had come with her because Abby had turned down all the guys that asked her. Sara said that Abby had told her that the reason she turned them all down was so she wouldn’t have to pick one. Sara felt that the real reason was because she wasn’t over me yet. I really didn’t know how to feel about that.
Sara hung out with us for a while but ended up having to sit down. She was now almost six months along and her energy was warring down. I said I was surprised their mom let them out after what was going on. Sara said that she had dropped them off and with her as Abby’s date it was fine. But her mom was going to pick them up as soon as the dance was over.
I took Ash out onto the dance floor and tried to give her the night of her life like I had promised Lilly. We danced every time Sara had to sit down. Ash wanted to be with her friend when she was up and walking. They danced together a few times. I went to Ash a few times and told her she needed to let Sara rest. I could see something was wrong with her. Sara claimed she was fine but I was beginning to worry. I walked toward Abby to say something about it, yet before I could get to her she turned and walked away from me. Abby spent the bulk of her time leaning against the wall glaring at us. I think that she was a little mad about the fact Sara was spending all her time with us.
We were having such a good time that it never occurred to me that the whole thing could turn in an instant. When we first got there that night and the slow dances came on Ash was a little shy and would dance with me with a gap between us. By the end of the evening we were dancing like a couple. She had her arms around my neck and I had pulled her close with my arms around her back.
It was really nice dancing with her, it felt comfortable. I liked the feel of her cheek on mine and the smell of her hair. I fell in love with her in that moment. She may have been 13 but she was one of the most wonderful girls I had ever known. This too was a different kind of love then I had felt before. My heart always belonged to Katie, but now it shared space with Ashley.
It was in that wonderful moment slow dancing with her that things went south. I heard the DJ announce that there were only 4 songs left before the end of the night, he said grab that someone special and make the last songs count. I was already holding Ash tight as that dumb ass song started to play. I instantly went hard pushing against her stomach. Her eyes grew wide when she realized what it was. She had no idea it was the song and not her that had done it to me. She had a large smile on her face and I realized that this was probably the first time she thought she had made a guy go hard for her. I remembered how big of a deal that had been for Katie. I had done the wrong thing on that day. I didn’t know how to handle this today. She snuggled her head against my shoulder.
I broke our hold and walked quickly toward the back door. I went outside, it was warm for December, or I was warm. Walked to the far side of campus to be alone for a minute. I sat down on the stairs leading to the arts building and tried to wish myself down. I hadn’t wished myself down like this in a long time, but I wasn’t going to whip it out on the stairs that night. A couple minutes later I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and it was Ash. She sat down by me and snugged her head up to my shoulder.
“Why did you run away from me, Joe?” She asked softly.
“I………. it’s hard to explain………..” I started.
“Is it because you got a boner?”
“A little bit.”
“It’s ok. I………. felt special,” she said the last two words so quietly that I almost didn’t hear them.
“I don’t know what to say Ash. I shouldn’t be getting hard for you.” I didn’t want to tell her it was the song. She felt special and beautiful I couldn’t take that from her. I knew with the death of her parents and her budding sexuality she was very fragile emotionally. What I did now made all the difference. I know Lilly had told me to go along with things that made her feel nice and beautiful, but I knew she hadn’t meant I should go with it when were talking erections.
I was thinking on things when Ash moved her head from my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek. This broke me out of my chain of thought, without thinking I turned my head to look at her. The second kiss wasn’t as innocent as the first. She kissed my lips and opened her mouth. It had been months since I had kissed some one. Sitting there with a major erection I wasn’t thinking straight. I opened my mouth and trust my tongue forward. She squealed in both surprise and delight and trust hers into my mouth.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into her hard. I couldn’t stop. Her lips were so soft. I couldn’t stop. I had never kissed a girl that young. We sunk into our kissing and the world around us melted away. I really couldn’t stop. I was so into her kiss I hadn’t felt her hand move to my zipper. We kissed for what had to be an entire lifetime before we broke apart.
When she pulled away from me I tilted my head back and breathed in the night air. I was coming back to my senses and I realized only then Ash had pulled me out of my pants and was stroking me.
“What are you doing?” I asked snapping back to reality.
“I’m sorry. I’ve never seen one for real. I just wanted to………” she said tentatively but never let go of my cock. As she stroked me I knew it hadn’t been Ash, who had been my mystery girl. I could tell by the feel of her hand. Ash felt good but inexperienced. She was soft with a touch of hesitance in her motions.
I was losing my train of thought as Ash worked me over. It was Katie all over again. I should have told her to stop but at that moment I couldn’t get anymore words out. Her hand felt so good and it had been months since the mystery girl. I tilted my head back again getting into the feeling. Ash took this as a hint to continue and she started stroking harder. I moaned and she leaned in and kissed me again.
“ I’m so……….. so close……….”I managed. Ash pulled away from our kiss and I felt her mouth on my cock. I really needed to tell her to stop but I couldn’t stop. I needed her to finish then I would tell her how wrong this was. I came in her mouth the moment her tongue touched the tip of my dick. She took it all in until I was done. She pulled off me and spit down the stairs.
“Thank you,” I said panting. I kissed her again showing her as much love as I could ever put into a kiss. I opened my eyes and pulled back leaning my forehead against hers like I had with Abby months ago. I looked into her eyes and I could see the deep blue sparkle shining brighter then I had ever seen it before. I wasn’t just lost in her eyes, I swam in a sea of blue. There was no past only future with her and it started in her eyes.
“That was amazing,” I said to her.
“I did good?” she asked shyly.
“You did very good.” I kissed her lightly.
“I can’t believe I made you that excited.” I could see the need for reinforcement in her expression.
“In that dress with your hair up like that, you were truly the prettiest girl here.” She smiled so bright she was glowing in the dark.
“I love you, Joe.” My heart sank. I loved her very much but I knew my love for her wasn’t like her love for me. I knew she meant she loved me like I love Katie. I didn’t say anything for a long time.
“Ash……. I love you……….very much…….” I stuttered slowly.
“But your in love with some one else.” She finished for me looking down.
“I’m sorry baby girl.” I put my arm around her.
“It’s ok, I already knew that. I know you still love Abby.” Well that was partly true. I did have feelings for Abby too.
“Don’t be sad.” I kissed her again.
“I’m not sad,” she smiled at me and the glow was back in her again, “This has been the most amazing night of my life. Thank you for being honest with me. Some boys wouldn’t have been, right?”
“No they wouldn’t. They would lie and say they were in love with you, to get what they wanted.”
“Thank you,” she smiled bigger.
“I do love you Ash. Your so very special. I can’t imagine living ever again without you.” The words came out with out me thinking. I didn’t know were that statement had come from but I knew I meant every word.
“Thank you,” she said quietly tears in her eyes, smile never leaving her lips.
We drove home that night without another word. She held my free hand to her chest with both of hers, the whole ride home. I walked her up to the door and stopped her before we went inside. I leaned in and gave her one deep kiss. She looked up at me, blue eyes shining. She was glowing so strong in my eyes she lit up the whole street.
The next day started Christmas vacation. Lilly asked all kinds of questions about our night and Ash couldn’t keep the smile off her face. Lilly pulled me aside and thanked me for giving her the biggest smile she had seen on Ash in months. I just shrugged. I knew Lilly would adamantly disapprove of how I had given her that smile.
Monday afternoon I drove the parents to the airport. At the air port dad made sure to double check with me that I had all the phone numbers and info in case of an emergency. He told me he was putting a lot of trust in me and I better not let him down. I told him things would be fine and wished them fun on their trip.
Ash held my hand the whole ride home, we never spoke of what had happened the other night. It seemed like a far off dream. It had happened and brought us closer but we didn’t need to discuss it.
I made a light dinner for us that night. Ash was unusually quiet that night and I didn’t pry as to what was wrong. Instead I tried to make it a fun evening. We played card games and watched a movie. I let her stay up late and eat junk food like any good big brother would.
I went to bed that night thinking about the end of the formal. Remembering the end of the night had me stroking myself hard. The thought of Ash’s lips on my dick made me cum so with a vengeance. I cleaned myself up with an old shirt I kept next to the bed for such times. I was exhausted this orgasm had taken most of my energy out of me. It was after midnight when I heard a soft knock on the door. Only wearing my boxers I pulled the blanked up to my waist.
“What’s up baby girl?” I called to her.
Ashley came into my room. She was wearing a t-shirt and panties. She looked so good and I instantly got hard looking at those young legs. I was happy I had pulled the blanket up.
“I’m scared being alone in my room.” She said more timidly then I had ever heard her talk before.
“Why are you scared tonight? You sleep alone every night.”
“Yeah, but my sister and your dad are always home,” she said quietly. I understood what was in her tone, the last time she was in a situation where the parents left for a few days they never came back.
“Come here sweetheart,” I said to her and lifted up the covers. She looked at me and her eyes went big.
“Sorry,” I told her.
“No it’s ok,” she giggled as she climbed in bed with me. She laid down with her back to me and pushed herself up as tight as she could. I put my arm around her, wishing dick would go soft.
“That’s poking me in the back,” she said and began giggling hard.
“I can’t help it. Unless I roll over.”
“NO! Please keep your arm around me.”
“Ok then you’ll just have to live with me poking you.” She reached behind her grabbed me and shifted me into another position.
“There, that’s better,” she giggled uncontrollably now.
“For you maybe but now it will never go down.” I said it without thinking, I really didn’t mean it. She reached back and slipped her hand inside my boxers and began to stroke me.
“Does this help?” she asked still giggling. I moaned in response. I should have told her to stop again, but her little hand felt so good. It wasn’t like we hadn’t done this before so what was the big deal? I was justifying it to myself but I really wanted this. What we were doing seemed so naughty that I didn’t last long.
“I’m gonna……………… cum…………” I called out after a couple minutes. She spun around and pulled the waistband to my boxers down and took me into her mouth just as I started cuming. She took it all and sat straight up. She spun her head around looking almost panicky.
“Trash can…………” I managed and pointed by the bed. She moved in a flash and spit two or three times into the trash.
“I didn’t want a mess.”
“It’s fine. I love it when you do that.”
“Really?” she smiled.
“Yes now come here.” I kissed her deeply and laid her down next to me again. She rolled over with her back to me again. I put my arm around her holding her tight.
“Now that’s better, I can sleep now.” she giggled hysterically at this.
“You think your cute?” I asked.
“I know you think I’m cute.”
“I think your, a brat,” I said with a smile. She rolled over and started kissing me again. It started getting heavy and I could feel her heart beating against mine. I loved the feel of her chest on mine. She hadn’t developed a whole lot yet but it felt nice.
She pulled away from me and grabbed the bottom of her shirt. She pulled it off only wearing a sport bra and panties. I wanted so badly to see her naked but I stopped her as she pulled on her bra.
“Why…..”she asked timidly thinking I was rejecting her. It took all of my will power to put things to a stop. I wanted so badly to take her virginity in that moment. I would give her mine and take hers. Two things stopped me. First I still held on to the hope that I would make love the first time to Katie. I loved Ash very much but I knew I wasn’t in love with her. It was more like a cross between a big brother and a star crossed lover.
The second reason I stopped is the reason I gave her. I told her we had taken things too far already. I said that I should have stopped her the other night when she began stroking me. She was like my little sister and I loved her to much to hurt her.
“How would you hurt me?” she asked softly.
“I truly believe that the first time you make love it should be with some one who is in love with you. Not just someone who loves you like a brother.”
“Playing around wont hurt me.” she said almost like it was a question.
“I’m not rejecting you Ash, I’m telling you, I find you so adorable and so wonderful, if we do more then what we have, I wont be able to control myself.”
“I understand,” she didn’t put her shirt back on but she laid down with her back to me again. This time I somehow managed not to be overly excited as I put my arm around her almost naked body and held her to me. I could feel her skin on my bare chest and feel her breathing. It didn’t take long before I drifted off to sleep.
Tuesday happened without incident. Ash and I got up and took our showers, meeting in the kitchen for breakfast. She wanted to cook something special for me. I told her not to make a big deal but he wouldn’t listen. She cooked eggs, pancakes and sausage. Breakfast was fun as we ate and joked.
We spent the better part of the day sitting on the couch watching movies. I let her pick the movies which made her happy. She put the first one in and snuggled up next to me. After the first movie we went to the kitchen and made sandwiches. Ash put in a second movie and we ate our sandwiches in the livingroom. After she ate she leaned against me and snuggled some more.
I woke up sometime later having fallen asleep during the chick flick Ash was watching. She lay with my head on my shoulder, she had slipped her hand up my shirt and was rubbing my chest in her sleep.
I let her sleep and turned off the VCR. I flipped channels for a while but couldn’t find something to watch. Ash finally woke from her nap around dinner time. We ate light, just having salads. After dinner she put in another movie and curled up with me.
After two movies we decided it was time for bed. We went to our separate rooms, I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed. I was thinking about Ash again. She was such a little angel and I felt really bad that I had screwed around with her. As guilty as I felt the thought of it still made me horny. I reached down and started stroking myself thinking of her. When I was close to cuming I grabbed the old shirt off the floor and shot a major blast into it. I was just dropping the shirt back to the floor when Ash knocked on my door.
“Come in, sweety.” Ash walked in only wearing a sport bra and a small pair of panties. My breath caught in my throat. For 13 she was so damn sexy.
“Can I………” she started and I lifted the covers up so she could climb into my bed.
“Thank you!” she squealed and jumped in bed. I managed to maintain myself as she wiggled right up to me as she had the night before. I put my arm around her and we fell to sleep.
Wednesday is when things completely changed between us. I realize that it was only a matter of time before this would’ve happened but, I still didn’t see it coming at the time.
We got up and showered and met for breakfast in the kitchen again. We had cereal and sat down in the livingroom for another day of movies and cuddling. We had just settled into another chick flick when the phone rang.
“I’ll get it,” Ash said jumping up and running to the phone. I couldn’t hear her conversation but a couple minutes later I could hear her crying. I walked up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder.
“Ash?” I questioned. She turned her head and gave me a questionable look, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Ok, I’ll talk to Joey. I’m sure we be there.” She hung up the phone and sat down on the floor.
“Ash, what?” She couldn’t stop crying. It took her ten minutes to finally say a few words.
“It’s Sara………..” She said that it was Abby on the phone. She explained that Sara was in the hospital. That was all she managed to say. It was enough I grabbed my keys and shoes. Ash met me at the door with our jackets and we ran to the car.
We got there and I put my arm around Abby. I was really surprised that she let me do it. I asked her what happened, she took my hand and led me down the hall. The trouble had started the night of the winter formal.
“Sara disappeared for a while and I went to look for her. When I found her she was on the ground near the arts building.” I swallowed hard. If Sara had been out at the arts building, that meant she could’ve seen Ash and I.
“When I found her she was holding her stomach and crying,” Abby continued, “She wouldn’t tell me what had happened to make her start crying. All she would say is that she saw something. She said she had been running away when she had fallen over.” I felt really bad now. She had seen us. I didn’t realize Sara had felt so strongly as to be in tears over me and Ash.
“Sara had landed on her stomach and skinned her knee. When I picked her up she said that she hurt really bad where she had landed on her stomach.” Abby’s tears came heavier.
“I figured it was from the fall and she would be ok tomorrow. I took her home and put her to bed. The next morning I went to check on her but she wouldn’t wake up. I went to get mom and dad they couldn’t get her up either.” Abby was fully sobbing now. I hugged her.
“Don’t!” she said pulling away from me, “We came here Saturday afternoon and we haven’t gone home.”
“How come you didn’t call sooner? You know the girls are best friends.”
“We thought we wouldn’t call until things got better. But this morning they told us that there was nothing left for them to do. She not going to make it.”
“What did they say happened?” I asked tearing up now too. Sara was a cool kid. I didn’t want to lose her.
“I don’t have all the technical details. The doctors talked to mom and dad. All they really told us was it was some kind of complication with the pregnancy. They did some kind of emergency surgery on Saturday. I guess it she didn’t pull through like they hoped. All that matters is that my little sister is going to…… to………”
“You don’t have to say the word,” I grabbed her and held her to me. I wouldn’t let her push me away again. Luckily she didn’t try again. We held each other and she cried into my shoulder. Ash came out of the room and I put my arm around her too. Ash cried on my other shoulder. I found out later as Abby was telling me what had happened Sara’s mom had sat Ash down and explained things to her.
We stayed at the hospital all day Wednesday through early Thursday morning. I tried to get Ash to leave for just a little while to get some air and eat something. She wouldn’t budge, she said that no matter what she was going to be there for her best friend until the end. I admired her loyalty and heart. If I hadn’t already loved her I would have fallen then. It only made me love her more to see her love for her friend.
I left the room after midnight going outside. I needed air myself and I thought I would give the family a little space. There were a number of family members there with Sara. Abby walked outside an hour later and spotted me. It looked like she was trying to decide what to do before she finally walked over to me. She pulled my arm around her and laid her head on my shoulder.
“This doesn’t mean anything’s changed,” She told me, “I just really need to be held.”
“It’s fine. I don’t want to talk about us anymore,” I told her honestly, “I just want to be here for you and Sara right now.”
“Thank you,” she said quietly as if it almost bothered her to say those two words to me, “As much as I hate you, Sara really adored you. As much as I don’t want to admit it, you were always good to her.”
“Can we have a truce on the anger?” I asked, “I told you I’m done with the “Us” stuff. Can we try to just be nice to each other?”
“Your right. It’s been long enough,” She started crying, “Sara loved you the least I can do is be nice to you for her.”
We didn’t speak anymore we just sat on the bench holding each other.
Sara never woke up, Ash sat holding her hand until the end. I was completely lost in guilt. I was to young at the time to understand all the medical reasons for what happened, but it was explained that this would have happened whether she fell or not. I remember thinking something was wrong with her at the dance. I had tried to tell Abby about it.
I hated that her last moments had been seeing Ash and me together. I didn’t know Sara liked me or Ash for that matter in a way that would upset her. I still felt like it as all my fault.
Sara passed away Thursday morning. Abby had just returned to the room and I sat on a bench outside the door. The girls held each other and cried. I left them there and walked down stairs to the hospital church. I’m not at all what you would call religious but I walked into the church that morning and had a long talk with god. I asked him how he could do this to such a little angel. I didn’t get an answer.
I took Ash out to breakfast before going home Thursday. We sat quietly eating pancakes. She cried the whole time, tears running down her angelic face. It broke my heart that their was nothing I could do to make the pain stop for her. Ash fell asleep on the ride home. I picked her up like a small child and carried her into the house laying her down on her bed. I kissed her forehead and closed her door. I went and laid down on the couch drifting off to sleep myself.
I awoke in the evening, Ash was lying on top of me. At some point she had joined me on the couch pulling a blanket over us. I was just happy to look at her sweet face with out tears filling her eyes. I gazed at her for a while until her eye opened. She looked at me and gave me a half smile. I leaned over and kissed her gently to show her things were going to be ok.
We got up and I started to make dinner. I warmed a bunch of left overs that needed to be eaten before they went bad. We ate with out saying much. I didn’t know how to feel right now. I felt bad for Ash, losing someone else she really cared about. I felt guilty for what we did to Sara. I never told Ash that Sara had seen us that night. I didn’t want her to have the same guilt over it that I did. I felt bad for everything that had gone on this year for Ash it seemed like one tragedy after another. After dinner we went back to the living room and cuddled on the couch watching tv.
We decided to go to bed early tonight. I stripped down to my boxers as I did every day. I was tired more emotionally then physically. I lay there waiting for the knock on the door that finally came an hour later.
“Come in.” I called to her. I held up the covers before she even entered the room. She slipped in and wiggled up to me. I slipped my arm around her. Tears welled up in her eyes again.
“Please don’t cry,” I whispered to her.
“I can’t stop. She was barley older then me.” I pulled her tighter.
“I keep thinking if it were me, there are so many things I would never have done yet. Things I would be missing out on.”
“Like what?” I asked.
“Love, and making love,” She rolled over facing me, “I don’t want to die without ever making love.” She kissed me.
I pulled out of this kiss. I pressed my forehead against hers and looked into her eyes. I knew this moment was really big for her and how I handled it could hurt her. I knew enough about girls to know when they got curious about sex, they could potentially do something that could get them physically hurt as emotionally. Just like Sara had. Here she was in my bed asking me to make love to her. As I said earlier I should have seen this coming long before now. I made the decision right there looking into those eyes. I knew I couldn’t say no to her but I had to.
“Ash I love you. Very, very much,” I kissed her softly, “I’m still technically a virgin too.”
“Really?” she asked genuinely surprised, “You never told me that in all the times we talked about sex stuff. I thought you and Abby…….I thought that’s why she got so mad when she thought you cheated on her.”
“No. That’s not why she was so mad. To prove to her mom that we weren’t having sex, she let the doctor examine her in an extremely personal way. She only did it to because she loved me and didn’t want her mom to stop us from seeing each other. She put a lot of trust in me, to her I betrayed that trust.”
“I get it,” she blushed, “I accidently broke mine already. But I don’t want to talk about it.”
“It’s ok,” I told her. I knew that happened with a lot of girls.
“I was just thinking that if were both virgins…………..we……… could……………..each other………. not be………” She said pausing between words.
“Ash, I can’t.” I could see the tears form in her eyes. She rolled around not facing me anymore
“I’m sorry I just thought you………… would for me. Because you love me and ……” Her tears were rolling down her cheeks again, “I know your not in love with me but I don’t think I will ever meet someone who treats me with as much love as you give me………. and I love you so much.” My heart was breaking as she cried. This poor girl had been through so much this year. Her parents, her old life, and her new best friend all gone.
“Ash, I don’t feel right about taking your virginity. I will promise you two things right now.” She turned her head and looked at me.
“I want you to wait until you’re a little older. If you still feel for me like you do right now in 3 years, I’ll show you how much I love you.”
“Three years!” She exclaimed, “That’s so long to wait.”
“Let me finish,” I told her, “On your 16th birthday if you still feel like you do now I will make love to you. I want you to really make sure this is what you want. This has been a hard year for both of us. I’ve gone through a number of things I haven’t told you about as well as everything else.”
“Ok, I guess I can wait for you. You’ll see my love wont change. It’s just that right now I’m so…….. I don’t know. I just need to be loved.”
“That brings me to my second promise, I made a decision tonight,” I paused taking a breath, here it was, “I can’t resist you for 3 years. I love you so deeply like a brother, but I’m also wildly attracted to you.”
“So I’m confused,” she said quietly, “Are we going to………?”
“I’ve decided that I’m willing to let you have me in every other way except intercourse if that’s what you want.”
“I want. If we can be with each other that way I can wait 3 years.” She turned to me again smiling.
I couldn’t hold back anymore. I kissed her hard, she through her tongue in my mouth and I returned mine to hers. It was like we were melting into each other. I pulled her so tight to me I thought I would crack her in half. This just fueled her passion. I pulled away from her face bitting her lower lip and pulling it with me, she moaned. I moved to her neck, kissing and licking passionately. She moaned and squealed with pleasure. I gently moved her to a sitting position lowering my hands to the bottom of her shirt.
I moved off her neck only long enough to slide her shirt up her body and off her. I began running my hands over her breasts though her bra. She moaned wrapping her arms around my neck. I leaned back again long enough to remove her bra. I gazed just for a moment at her naked breasts. She had a full b-cup already. I returned my kissing to her chest.
I could feel her heart beating rapidly under my lips as I kissed her chest and shoulders. She needed to feel not just loved, but alive tonight. I had always thought making love on the day a loved one died wasn’t a sign of disrespect. It was a way of two loved ones to celebrate life. I actually pulled that thought out of a book I read once, but I thought it was really true.
As I kissed Ash I was trying to show her that love she so desperately needed today. I took my time kissing her so she could feel every bit of it, her heart beat, breathing, and physical pleasure.
I had never once felt like this with Abby. I loved her in a way but as I’ve said before it wasn’t like I loved Katie. Tonight I realized I never truly loved Abby. I had never before felt the feelings of love I felt for the beautiful goddess under me now. I felt sadden by that realization. It was only at that moment I finally gave her up. Abby was a great and wonderful girl but she wasn’t Katie or Ashley.
I finally gave Ash what she was looking for as I moved lower and kissed her breasts. I was holding the right one gently squeezing her nipple when I brought my lips to her left nipple. Under me her body seized up and she arched her back. She cried out as her body shook.
“Thank you,” She moaned, “I thought I’d had an orgasm before, but that was my first real one.” She took both of her hands and placed them on the sides of my head pulling me up to her face. I kissed her again.
“That was the best moment of my life,” she breathed out the words though kisses.
“Were not done,” I told her and moved back down her body.
“I don’t know if I can take more tonight, that was intense.”
“Sssshhh.” I said returning to kiss her right breast this time. I hadn’t had enough of her yet. I couldn’t get enough tonight. I just prayed that I had the will power to stop myself from taking her virginity when the time came.
I opened my mouth and took her nipple inside, I sucked on it using my teeth very slightly to clamp down on it. She cried out again. While sucking her breasts I slid my hand up her leg and began rubbing her pussy through her panties.
“Oh go, oh, oh, oh god, oh god,” she cried out. I gently ran my hands across the sides of her hips slowly removing her panties. Once pulled down her legs to her knees I slid two fingers inside her. Her body began to buck slightly.
“Jesus fucking god,” she cried out. I paused for a moment, I had never heard her utter a single swear before. I drove my fingers deeper, driving her into a thrusting frenzy.
I started moving down the bed kissing her sexy flat stomach. This was driving her wild with anticipation. She was thrusting so hard against my fingers I didn’t need to move them myself I just let her work her own pleasure. I slowed my kissing of her body just past her belly button. I moved really slow kissing this area for a long time.
I had never gone this slow with any girl before. I had of course done this, but never this gently and passionately. With Katie it was always hurried because we both knew we couldn’t be together. I also didn’t have this level of self control a year and a half ago with her. I would have came at least twice by now back then.
With Abby things had always been more animalistic. I could have slowed down like this and savored every inch of her but she wouldn’t have wanted it that way. She always wanted things raw, fast and hard. Not to mention in public as much as possible.
I finally moved lower removing my fingers and letting my tongue taste the first sweet juices flowing out of her. I once wrote that he mystery girls pussy had been the sweetest pussy ever. It didn’t compare to Ash. Hers was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted.
The moment I placed my tongue on her clit she tensed up again, arching her back higher this time. Her orgasm was so strong she squirted sightly right on my face. For and instant I thought I finally knew how Katie had felt all the times I had cum on her.
“JESUS GOD FUUUUUUUUUUUKING LORD!” She yelled out. Her juices were running down my face. She tasted so wonderful I thrust my tongue deep inside her, drilling in as far as it would go. She hadn’t come down from her orgasm yet and I was digging inside her seeking more and more of that sweet taste.
“OOOOOOOOHHHH GOD!” She screamed this time as her 3rd orgasm took her over. Her hips were bucking on my face, her hands reached down grabbing the back of my head as she squirted more on my face.
“Ok,” She panted, “Enough. I cant take anymore.” I slid up to her face and kissed her. I thought for a minute she would be grossed out kissing me with her juices on my face, but she kissed me hard digging her tongue into my mouth.
“Did I do good?” I asked with a smile, thinking back the winter formal.
“You did good,” she grinned ear to ear, “I think I’m a puddle of goo now.” I kissed her again melting into her lips.
We kissed for a few minutes when I felt a hand slide into my boxers.
“You don’t have to do that,” I told her, “Tonight was about you.”
“Shhhh,” she grinned, “Were not done yet.” I laid on my back and closed my eyes. She moved down on the bed and removed my boxers. I was expecting a hand job with her sucking out my cum like she had done the past two times, instead as soon as my boxers were off I felt warm and wet across my cock. I looked down to see her sweet angelic face sucking me. It felt awesome.
I closed my eyes again and drifted off in the feeling. This was the first time she had really given me a full blowjob. It was one of the best of my life. As much as I hated to admit it. But when Katie had done it I was younger and less experienced so it had never lasted that long. With Abby she didn’t put in the loving care that Ash was doing. This was amazing.
“Ash, get ready baby,” I told her. She lifted her eye to meet my gaze and sucked harder. That pushed me over. I came so much cum into her mouth. She took all of it looking me in the eyes and swallowed.
I was surprised she hadn’t done that in the past. She had let me finish in her mouth then spit.
“Wow, that was incredible!” I cried out.
“Your still up,” she said holding my cock.
“It’s such a turn on when a beautiful girl swallows,” I told her. To me that was a true statement. For some reason I registered the swallowing as a true act of love and hence was a turn on for me.
“But neither one of us can sleep if your still hard,” she giggle and put her mouth back down on me.
“Oh god,” I moaned out, “You don’t have to”
“You gave me 3,” she said smiling going back to work.
I was done after two that night. After all the effort we had both put into giving each other pleasure we both were completely exhausted. When I was done the second time she scooted herself up the bed into my arms. I held her there as we lay naked. I kissed the back of her neck as we drifted off to sleep.

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Massage Gone Awry

This is a true story. I have given hundreds of massages to athletes and nothing ever happen, then my friend asks me to do him a favor and give his extremely hot wife a massage.

Amy at the Beach

It wasn’t long until I saw Amy again. That weekend I went to the beach with her and her boyfriend. It was like nothing had happened between Amy and I, she acted completely normal whenever her boyfriend was around. Every time I looked at her body though, her huge tits wrapped in her bikini, my cock got hard and I had to really shift to keep it hidden from her boyfriend. I knew she saw me doing this, and she kept making a point of giving me good views of her cleavage and her ass throughout the day.
The following day her boyfriend had to work at the hospital, and like normal we decided to hang out. I picked her up from their apartment and we headed off to the beach. Halfway there she made me change direction, she said there was another beach she wanted to check out but that her boyfriend never wanted to drive that far. Just like that we headed off to this new beach.
Upon arrival at the beach I noticed a sign clearly warning that the beach was clothing optional. I hesitated and asked Amy what was going on. “My boyfriend would never go to a nude beach with me, but I think you’ll enjoy it. Come on”, she said. She took me by the hand and lead me down the trail to the small beach a couple hundred yards from where we parked. There were only a dozen people on the beach, three couples, Amy, me, and single men.
Our entrance got looks all around, the eyes of all the men were fixed on Amy. We found a spot and threw down our towels, I was setting up the umbrella when Amy started stripping. She pulled her shirt up over her head, and dropped her shorts, underneath she was wearing one of her typical bikinis. I started stripping down to my swim trunks and got distracted as Amy took off her bikini. The bottoms hit the sand easily falling away from her ass, but the top clung to her tits for a moment concealing her nipples before it finally fell away.
Everyone on the beach was staring at her. Amy sat down and started rubbing suntan lotion all over herself. I got down to my swim trunks and watched as she started massaging the lotion in. The whole beach was riveted. Amy ran her hands up and down between her huge tits, rubbing the lotion into the white patches of skin on her chest. Her hands caused her tits to bounce slightly when she rubbed her the lotion in between and underneath them. My cock was already hard, watching her get completely naked on the warm beach was more than enough, but as she started rubbing the lotion on her breasts I almost came right there.
Her nipples got hard as her hands glided over her tits, the lotion and her sweat making her hands move smoothly and easily. She spent minutes running her hands over her tits, circling her areolas, just barely tweaking her nipples to keep them hard, but everyone on the beach caught their breath when Amy slid her hands down her stomach and toward her bare pussy. I noticed she had recently shaved her pussy, the whole area where her bikini bottoms normally were was bare and white. Amy spread her legs and started running her hands over the pale flesh around her pussy, between her legs, and down the insides of her thighs. Everyone at the beach had a good view of her spread legs, her bare pussy, and her hands moving playfully over the area between her legs.
“Aren’t you going to take your shorts off?”, she asked looking over at me. I was reluctant, given my raging hard-on, but she kept rubbing herself, distracting me, not even waiting for an answer. She was leaning back on one hand and still rubbing her other hand between her legs, all while looking back at me with this pouty look on her face. The other men on the beach were all hard, their stiff cocks sticking out into the warm beach air. The women on the beach were all looking hatefully at Amy, their own naked bodies failing to attract attention anymore.
As Amy finished rubbing her suntan lotion into her thighs and pussy she turned to me, now intent to get my shorts off, and I watched stunned as she reached over and undid the string holding them up. She tugged them over my hard cock and pulled them down, letting them drop to the sand, my cock bounced in front of me just inches from her face; she smiled up at me. There was a moment where she paused, and I was certain she was going to put her mouth on my cock, I think everyone on the beach was sure of it. The moment passed and she sat back, moving away from me. I sat down under the umbrella, trying to hide my erection from everyone else on the beach. It didn’t matter, as I soon realized, everyone was watching Amy finish rubbing lotion down her legs and over her feet.
After a minute she asked me to help her rub lotion on her back. I eagerly complied, I couldn’t wait to get both my hands on her body, even if it was just her back. She sat down in front of me, between my legs, and leaned forward to give me full access to her back. For a few minutes I completely enjoyed running my hands over her back, I even started to massage her muscles a bit. It was obvious that she was enjoying it, her eyes were closed and her nipples were still hard, both of which did nothing to help calm down my erection.
“Okay, we have to get some lotion on you. You don’t want to burn”, Amy said to me as she turned around. Grabbing up the bottle of suntan lotion she spread her legs, and tucked them under mine, moving in closer. The way she was sitting blocked everyone else at the beach from seeing her tits or my cock. “Put out your hands”, she told me. I did and she squeezed some lotion into my hands. “Okay, you better start on your arms and chest. I’ll help so we can get to relaxing”.
I was rubbing the lotion into my arms and chest when Amy reached her hands down, both covered in lotion, and grabbed onto my cock. Surprised I asked her what she was doing. “You’ll never be able to relax if we don’t do something about this”, she wiggled my cock as she finished her sentence. “So I’m going to help you relax”, she said as she started running her hand up and down my cock. Her other hand reached down and cupped my balls, softly massaging them.
Amy’s motions got more vigorous, her hand jerking up and down my cock faster. I was transfixed watching Amy’s hands on my cock, everyone else on the beach may not have been able to see what was happening, but they probably had a good idea. It didn’t take long, in less than a minute I started shooting cum. Amy skillfully directed my cock so that my entire load landed on her thighs, cunt, and chest. After I finished spewing my cum on her, she rubbed it into her skin, moving back and forth over her legs and pussy until my cum all but disappeared.
She turned back away from me, leaving me to finish applying my own suntan lotion. We spent a few hours on the beach enjoying the sun and wind, Amy enjoying all the stares that she was getting from the men. Everyone else on the beach tried pretending not to look, but it was obvious that Amy was the center of attention that day. Thankfully I was able to relax a bit and avoided getting hard again, but Amy spent the day shifting and changing positions to keep the rest of the men on the beach hard. Shortly before it was time to leave Amy suggested we get in the water. The cool water against my skin was a nice change from the hot beach.
Shortly after we got into the water Amy swam up next to me. She was whispering in my ear, it was a ruse for the people on the beach. I’m sure from the shore it looked like she was just swimming next to me and whispering to me, but in reality she was rubbing her body against mine under the water. We were up to our shoulders in the water, and she had positioned herself with one leg wrapped around one of mine her tits rubbing up against my arm. As she whispered to me I could feel her grinding her pussy against my leg, “You like the feel of my body against yours?”
“The feel of my tits against you makes me so wet”, she continued whispering while grinding against me. I felt one of her hands on my cock, she was fondling it slowly bringing it back to life. “I should make you cum again, right here in front of everyone”, she teased me. It was obvious she was getting more aroused by rubbing her cunt against me and talking dirty to me. “Maybe we should go back to my place and you can rub your cock between my tits again, we should enough time before my boyfriend comes home and finds us. Maybe you want to get caught though”. I looked at her shocked, but she was teasing.
She grabbed my hands and moved them to her sides, then I felt her other hand slide between my leg and her body, she was now fingering herself while grinding against my leg. I couldn’t help myself, my hands moved to her tits and I started massaging them under the water. Her grinding intensified, the speed of her hand on my cock increased, and I knew she was getting closer to cumming. “Make me cum”, she told me, “and I will make you cum”. She removed her hand from her pussy and grabbed one of my hands then guided it down her chest to her cunt. I slipped two fingers inside her and she started grinding again, rubbing against my hand hard.
One of her hands was still holding onto my cock, keeping just enough pressure on me to keep me hard, but it was obvious she wasn’t interested in getting me off. Instead she just continued rocking her hips back and forth, my fingers wiggling inside her, her clit rubbing against my palm. She had moved closer to me to get my fingers deeper inside her pussy, and I glanced back to see what kind of attention we were getting from the beach. Sure enough everyone was watching us intently and all the cocks on the beach were still at attention.
“I’m going to cum… I’m going to cum…”, she whispered to me frantically. Amy thrust her hips against me hard a couple times as she came, her pussy grinding down against my hand. I squeezed her tits against my chest with her hand as she orgasmed, I loved the feel of her huge tits against me. She moaning softly in my ear, her grinding slowing down. When she finished cumming she kissed my neck, just below my ear, and then said, “We should go. We can head back to my place and take a shower to get all this sand off”.
We got back to our blanket and umbrella on the beach, my hard-on bobbing from side to side the whole way as I walked. I put my swim trunks back on and my shirt, Amy didn’t even bother with her swim suit though, she bent over to pick up her shorts and shirt giving the whole beach a perfect view of her bare ass and pussy. To the disappointment of all the guys on the beach she slipped her shirt over her head and pulled her shorts on. The water on her chest soaked her white shirt through and her huge tits might as well have been uncovered. We made our way back to her place like that.
When we got back to Amy’s place she called her boyfriend to see if he was going to be home for dinner; she acted disappointed when he said no. She was right to suggest that we shower to get the sand off, I had sand in the most uncomfortable places. “Go ahead and shower, I’ll order some dinner”, she said still holding the phone, waving me toward the bathroom. I started the shower and got in, I was just finishing washing the sand off my body when Amy came into the bathroom. “I ordered some pizza, I hope that’s alright”, she said peeking over the shower door.
Amy pulled her shirt up over her head and dropped her shorts to the floor. Naked, she climbed into the shower with me, again it was a really tight fit. As soon as her body rubbed up against mine I got hard. She’d spent the whole ride home teasing me, playing with her tits, and adjusting her shorts, supposedly to get sand out, but she and I both knew she was teasing me.
In the shower she started teasing me again. She pushed me to the side of the shower and got under the water, letting it run over her face, around her tits, and down her chest and legs. The water was washing some of the sand away but not a lot, so she started using her hands to get the sand off of her. I spent a few minutes watching her run her hands over her wet body, lifting her tits, kneading them, pushing them apart, spreading open her pussy lips, massaging her thighs and arms. Amy never took her eyes off me the whole time. I finally lost control when she lifted one of her tits and sucked her nipple into her mouth.
Our bodies had only been inches apart, and multiple times she had brushed against my cock or her tits had rubbed against me. I couldn’t take anymore teasing so I stepped the half step between us and pushed her against the wall of the shower, pinning her body with mine. We kissed, our tongues wildly lashing at each other as I grabbed two handfuls of her tits. I pinched and teased her nipples and she moaned softly into my mouth. She was obviously getting worked up also so I moved one of my hands from her tit down her side, heading slowly toward her dripping pussy.
My hand was an inch away from her clit when she grabbed my wrist and stopped my hand. “Get me off with your mouth, eat my pussy and suck on my clit”, she ordered me. It was obvious that she liked being in control. She brushed my hands aside, put her hands on my shoulders, and pushed me down gently. I eagerly dropped to my knees and buried my face in her crotch, my tongue immediately going to her clit. Her hips started bucking back and forth, grinding her pussy against my face as I kneeled in front of her in the shower. I moved lower and stuck my tongue between her pussy lips and into her cunt, digging as deep as I could.
Amy was moaning louder now and I looked up to see her pinching her nipples while squeezing her tits against her chest. She was looking down at me with lust in her eyes. I returned to her clit and sucked it into my mouth, pinching it between my lips while rubbing it with my tongue. That was enough, she came right then, her hips pushed against my face and she put her hands on the back of my head and pushed my face into her pussy hard. “OH. OH. OH. Ooohhh…”, her body convulsed with each moan causing her huge tits to bounce over my head.
“You want to fuck me?”, she asked me teasingly. I was getting up from my knees, and she stepped back as far as she could to give me room. “Your cock is so hard”, she rubbed my cock gently as she said it. “You want to fuck me?”, she asked again. She must have seen the lust in my eyes and taken that as a yes because she turned her back toward me and stuck out her ass. I hesitated for a moment but Amy said smiling, “Don’t worry, I’m on the pill. My boyfriend is a doctor after all”. That was all I needed to hear, I spread her ass cheeks with one hand and guided my cock toward her waiting cunt.
Entering her was absolute heaven. Tit fucking Amy was amazing, but her pussy was unbelievable. Amy’s cunt was tight as I entered her, but she reached back and grabbed my ass pulling me into her. Her hands gripped tight, pulling me into her so fast I’m sure it hurt her, but she just moaned deep and long as I plunged the last of my cock into her. Immediately she started pushing back against me, fucking herself on my cock, it was obvious that she didn’t care I was there, I was just a tool for her to use.
Amy was bouncing her ass back and forth, rubbing her pussy up and down my cock. My balls were slapping against her with each thrust and she was moaning constantly. I was trying hard not to cum, she had worked me up so much with her teasing through the day, but the feel of her cunt lips rubbing up against the sides of my throbbing cock was amazing. Her speed and moaning intensified, her ass slapping against me making a loud smacking noise with each thrust. “Fuck me… fuck me… fuck me…”, she was chanting.
I reached up from behind her and grabbed her tits, she had moved her hands up to brace herself against the wall so that she could increase her speed. We were timing our movements perfectly, my cock plunging into her willing cunt as she pushed back at me, and we were positioned so that we had as much room in the shower to piston as possible. “I’m cumming… oh Fuck!”, Amy practically shouted, and then her moans got so loud that she was screaming. I knew for sure the people in the other apartments in the building heard her.
She finished cumming, changed her rhythm, and moved slightly to bring her legs together. As soon as she did the sensation changed, her cunt became really tight against my cock, it was practically sucking me into her as if her pussy didn’t want to let me go. I couldn’t resist cumming anymore, I started shoving my cock deep into her, my thrusts shorter and harder. Amy was practically pinned against the wall of the shower I was pushing against her that hard. She reached back with one of her hands and grabbed hold of my balls, massaging them gently, and that pushed me over the edge.
Pushing deep into her cunt I started cumming. As I spewed my load deep into her I pushed hard against her, not moving, just keeping my cock deep inside her. Amy pushed back against me, holding me as deep as I could get, her one hand massaging my balls and her other holding my ass. I thought I was going to pass out I came so hard. Amy held me inside her for a minute, turning her body a bit so that she could kiss me, digging her tongue into my mouth. We spent another minute in the shower, cleaning each other off. “I should go get the pizza”, Amy said. She got out of the shower and toweled off before wrapping herself in a bath robe and leaving the bathroom. I spent a few more minutes in the shower, cleaning off and enjoying the feel of the water, before I also got out of the shower and went out to have some dinner with Amy… wondering how long before her boyfriend got home.

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His wife!

Lisa and Steve were looking to spice things up a bit, they found it in the back of Steve’s truck!

1 – My Gym Teacher

Note: This happened nearly a decade ago, so it may not be exactly what was said, but everything that happened is pretty well spot on. For anyone looking for a story littered with sex, it doesn’t start for quite a while. While the characters are all real, the names are not. This is my first story and I accept any criticism, whether it’s on style or any typos that may be found. Enjoy!
When I was growing up, I never really thought of myself as an attractive guy; at 5’9” and 180 pounds, I definitely could have gone for a few more walks. To top it off, I had glasses, was a pretty big nerd, and sat around most weekends playing video games with friends… until we became interested in girls. My best friend, Bill, was always a hit with girls; he was your typical jock with a well-toned body and all of the cool girls drooling over him.
Eventually, my relationship with Bill led him to encourage me to hit the gym with him after school on a daily basis. In no time at all, I had shed 15 pounds, and was starting to get the faint hint of a six pack, to go with some nice bicep definition. While I gained this new image for myself, however, I was still a bit of a geeky stoner; I preferred the company of a joint, Zeppelin, and video games to the company of girls. In an ongoing effort to get me to fit in more to his liking, Bill changed a big part of my life again.
Being his best friend since childhood had its perks, and I was openly welcome to run with whatever crowd I pleased. Part of Bill’s pull was getting into keggers and house-parties being thrown by people in the grades above us. I hadn’t shied away from his peer pressure up to this point, so we started going to parties every Friday and Saturday, with Bill always seeming to leave with a different girl. All of these parties had a good result for me too: my first girlfriend, Emily.
Emily was 5’7”, about 120 pounds, and a blonde-haired, blue-eyed goddess in my eyes. I was a sucker for her to the extreme. She didn’t have a car, so I would pick her up and drop her off, and generally drive her everywhere she needed to go, which was initially acceptable for me, because I got to be seen with one of the most attractive girls in my school.
It wasn’t long before I was getting regular blowjobs at lunch and sex four or five days of the week. After school, we would rush over to either one of our houses, depending on whose parents were working later that day, and pretty much fuck for a good couple hours. I was definitely not Emily’s first, but I was more than adequate in her eyes. While not having the biggest dick in the world, I definitely am above average at 8.5” with moderate thickness. How could life be any better for a teenager?
The answer to that is Mrs. Curtis. She had been a gym teacher at the high school for about 20 years, and was entering her mid-late 40s by the time this story really takes off. Mrs. Curtis was not your typical female gym teacher; she was not in the greatest shape, she was not the first older lady you would pick to fuck if you had your choice, and she was honestly pretty annoying. But there was something about her, a certain ‘it’ factor, that screamed ‘I want to fuck every one of you young studs right now’.
There were legends, in fact, of numerous trysts Mrs. Curtis had had with former students. As the rumour went, Mrs. Curtis had been caught fucking the school’s accountant by one of her soon-to-be graduating students, and he had blackmailed her into fucking him regularly until he went off to university. While there was really no way to prove this, as it had supposedly happened in the first five years she had started teaching, there were a lot of students claiming that they had gotten blowjobs from her, with a few even claiming they had fucked her after school. I figured most of them were full of shit. After all, no one even had any proof that she had ever fucked the accountant, or that she had ever been blackmailed by any students in previous years. Despite all of this, she was definitely a frequent mention whenever we talked about what teachers we would fuck, and how bad we’d give it to them.
During the last week of school before Christmas exams began, Emily was talking to her friend Sarah in the bathroom, assuming they were alone. As she related to me later, she was telling Sarah how full I made her feel when she was on top, and how much she loved when I would squeeze and slap her ass raw when we were fucking. She was in the midst of telling Sarah that she was going to consider letting me fuck her in the ass when she heard stifled laughter from one of the stalls. When Mrs. Curtis came out of the stall, Emily went beet red and rushed out of the bathroom to let me know what had happened, and how she was just going to die if her parents found out that their perfect little Christian angel had been fucking since she was in junior high.
Sensing the urgency of the situation, I decided a visit to Mrs. Curtis was in order. After school, I knocked on the gym’s office door, and was quickly told to enter. As Mrs. Curtis looked up from the papers on her desk, a large, impish smile spread over her thin lips.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Stenson”, she asked while leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs.
“Uhh”, I stammered, trying to find the courage to say what needed to be said. “Emily told me that you overheard a private discussion she was having with Sarah in the bathroom this afternoon, and I was hoping that we could maybe come to some kind of agreement.”
“What kind of agreement did you have in mind? She was pretty descriptive about some very inappropriate things.”
I felt my collar start to tighten, and was very aware of my heart beating.
“I was just hoping that you wouldn’t tell Emily’s parents about our relationship. They’re pretty strict, and they don’t know that we’re having sex. They think she’s still a virgin and saving herself for marriage.”
That mischievous smile immediately returned to her face.
“You can relax, Robert.”
“Please, call me Rob… most people do.”
“Well… Rob”, she paused, adding extra emphasis to my name, “I think your secret is safe with me.”
“Thanks a lot, Mrs. Curtis. Her parents would probably ship her off to a female boarding school if they found out.”
I started to relax a little, looking out at the gym, and becoming very aware that we had been talking for a few minutes – the school was quickly starting to clear out, and even the faint sound of lockers slamming had becoming less often by this point.
“Well thanks again, I really mean it,” I told her, trying to make sure she understood how genuinely happy I was with her decision. “Emily’s just real private about this sort of thing.”
“Not the way she was telling Sarah, she isn’t,” Mrs. Curtis retorted.
“Well, I gotta go… Emily is probably looking for me.” I took one last look at that devilish smile on her face, knowing I would be thinking of her momentarily when I was fucking Emily. As I was turning to leave her office, she quietly muttered my name.
“Rob,” she sighed, before I could get back out into the gym, “…just one more thing, young man”.
“Anything, Mrs. Curtis. I definitely owe you big for this.”
“I need some help cleaning up after school, especially when your team has basketball practice.” She rose and took a few steps towards me, lightly grabbing my elbow and pulling me into the gym.
“Whenever the boys finish practicing, most of them just hit the showers and take off, leaving me to clean up all the balls and cones by myself.”
“Absolutely, Mrs. Curtis,” I responded, sighing with relief that her task was something of relative ease. I was worried she was going to ask me to help with the upcoming girls’ volleyball tournament that was being hosted at our school all day Saturday and Sunday. Compared to that, sticking around after practice for a couple minutes was only fair.
The rest of the week went by very smoothly; I would stay after school for a few minutes to help her clean up. She was very grateful, and always thanked me with a smile. Not the same smile as when we’d had our conversation, but a genuine smile to display her appreciation for my assistance. Every day when I’d go home, I would picture myself fucking Mrs. Curtis while Emily was lost in our lust. I even went so far as to insist on fucking her doggy style more often, so that I could imagine it was Mrs. Curtis instead.
I would pretend her small ass was full, partially because Mrs. Curtis could stand to lose a bit of weight. I would pretend her breasts were bigger, more suitable for a woman who had two children. I would push Emily’s head down into the bedding, and fuck her for all I was worth. While she was getting off again and again, the only thought that crossed my mind was how I wanted to make one rumour into reality.
On the afternoon of the last day of school before exams, I had stopped after finishing up with Mrs. Curtis to once again extend my thanks. She wished me a happy holiday, and said she’d appreciate my help in the new year, if I was willing. I told her I’d have to think about it.
That afternoon, Emily was giving me a rather good blowjob; she could almost deep throat me, and had gotten pretty good at using her hands in unison with her mouth. I told her I was going to cum, and as usual, she screamed that she wanted it on her tits or her face. I was very willing to oblige, and immediately shot three times on her boobs, and then another four on her face. The last shot got her right in the eye, and she screamed.
“What the fuck, Rob?”
“I’m sorry, babe, I didn’t think I was going to cum that hard.”
“You’re an asshole. You’re probably going to laugh about it with your faggot friends later, aren’t you.”
“Relax, it was an accident. If I wanted to do that, I’d have done it ages ago.” I looked down at her as she was scrambling to stand up and find something to clean up with.
“Go fuck yourself, Rob. You think that just because you have gotten more popular this year, and you’ve worked out and gotten in shape that you’re hot fucking shit all of a sudden”. She continued to scream at me, which ended up having rather dire consequences for our relationship.
Unbeknownst to either of us, Emily’s mother had gotten off work early and had run upstairs thinking that her daughter was in some kind of trouble. When she slammed Emily’s door open, she was greeted with the site of my cock, still half erect, and her daughter wearing nothing but panties. To top it all off, her little angel still had not wiped all of my cum of her chin or tits, so she got quite a look at something pretty awful.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, young lady?” She screamed at Emily, seeming almost oblivious to me standing still naked less than five feet from her.
“Jesus Christ, Mom, you’re supposed to be at work!”
Emily began to scramble for her blanket, while I slowly edged towards my clothes, heaped in the corner of the room.
“Don’t fucking move, young man,” Emily’s mother turned to me, “if you think that you’re going to just sneak out of here, you’ve got another thing coming!”
I went into immediate survival mode, thinking faster than I ever had before.
“Look, ma’am, I mean no disrespect, but I have a pretty good feeling that your husband is going to shoot me where I stand if he happens to come home early, too.”
“What’s your point?” She shot back at me.
“My point is that, while I am partly responsible for this situation, there were two consenting individuals here, and I don’t think it’d be very fair that I get in trouble here and at home too, when you inevitably call my parents.”
“You have one minute, Rob, to get dressed, and get the fuck out of here!” She continued to scream at me.
As I stumbled around, trying to get my boxers and pants on as fast as I could, she quickly caught on to my little ruse.
“You better leave your address and phone number here, young man. I want to be sure that your parents find out what’s been going on.”
I stopped dead in my tracks.
“And don’t you fucking think for a second that I won’t go to the school board asking for your information if you end up giving me some fake numbers. I will track you down in a fucking heartbeat, young man!”
I did what any smart person would do – I gave her my real number and address, threw my shoes on, and drove home as fast as I could, so I could try to tell my parents before she did, thankfully I was successful. While my mom was busy berating me, and being concerned whether we’d used protection, which we had, my father was busy grinning from ear to ear, and sneaking me a thumbs-up whenever my mom wasn’t paying attention to him. While my dad obviously thought it was hilarious, I understood when he had to agree to ground me for the entire three-week Christmas vacation.
At first, it wasn’t such a bad deal; I couldn’t really do anything, since I had no homework, but I also wasn’t allowed out to see friends, which meant I didn’t have to go out in the cold. Suffice to say, it was a pretty boring few weeks, and I was actually excited about going back to school for the first time in years.
When I got to school that Monday, I had no idea the disaster that was waiting for me. I hadn’t been able to use the phone or computer, so I was completely out of touch with what had happened over the holidays. As it turns out, Emily did get transferred to a female boarding school that wasn’t even in the same country. I was pretty upset, and Bill definitely noticed.
“Dude, you’ll get over it soon enough – there’s definitely enough pussy in this school.”
“Yea, I know. It still sucks though… I’m going from pretty much daily fucking to nothing. I haven’t even fucked in over three weeks because of this shit.” I felt pretty low right then.
As we turned the corner, I knocked Mrs. Curtis right on her ass.
“Oh man, I’m so sorry, Mrs. Curtis! Are you alright?”
“I think so,” she responded, as she slowly got to her feet. “I think I might have sprained my wrist. You boys go on your way, and enjoy your lunch. I’m sure you have a lot to catch up about,” she winked at me as she rubbed her wrist and brushed past us down the hall.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Bill asked.
“I have no idea. Whatever, dude. I gotta take a leak before History – save me a seat,” I told him as I quickly went to relieve myself.
After school, I decided to check and see if Mrs. Curtis was alright. When I poked my head in her office door, she had an ice pack on her wrist, and it looked pretty swollen.
“I’m really sorry, Mrs. Curtis,” I told her.
She jumped up, startled at the sudden company.
“It’s ok, Rob. It was an honest mistake, I’m sure”, she flashed me the cheery, reassuring smile. “I could use a hand again, though… probably for a week or two.”
“Absolutely, Mrs. Curtis. I couldn’t let a poor, helpless lady putter around the gym with only one good hand,” I smiled at her, as she faked a frown, and then quickly laughed at my playful humour.
After a moment, Mrs. Curtis seemed to get serious.
“How come you never joined the basketball team, Rob? I know you’re not as tall as some of the other guys, but you’ve gotten into pretty good shape this year, and you’d probably be a good asset to the team with your endurance.”
“To be honest, Mrs. Curtis, basketball’s never interested me. Outside of gym class, I’ve never really played much.”
“Oh, I see what’s going on,” that dirty smile slowly appearing on her face. “You suck!”
I felt myself blushing a little, knowing she understood completely why I didn’t play on the team.
“It’s ok, Rob. You’re pretty good at baseball and lacrosse, you can play those too.” She was clearly trying to restore my confidence.
“I’d love to be on the basketball team, Mrs. Curtis. Most of those guys have been on it all through elementary and junior high, though. I haven’t put in the practice to compete on that level.”
“Well maybe you could spend the rest of this year learning how, and make the team next year with ease?” She was definitely pushing the subject – I knew she had some kind of angle that I wasn’t sensing.
“I guess I could. I don’t think I’d like to be seen taking basketball lessons, though. That’s pretty embarrassing for a guy who’s spent the last few months at the gym, you know?”
“Well maybe you could get one of the teachers to teach you. I’m pretty sure that one of your teachers played in university. In fact, I’m positive one of your teachers played…” she trailed off, curiously looking around the room, before making eye-contact and bursting out into laughter.
“You played college ball?” I asked her, clearly in disbelief.
“Just because I’m 5’2” doesn’t mean I don’t have what it takes. My team made it to the national semi-finals in my senior year, so I think I might know a thing or two about playing.”
“I had no idea…” I struggled to find the right words to say, “I guess if you had time, I’d definitely love to learn!”
“Well how about we start with some basics today, and we’ll go forward as my wrist gets a little better? Thankfully, it’s not my shooting hand, but it’s still probably too sore to work on some of the fundamentals.”
She quickly began to show me some of the basics about dribbling, shooting, and passing. Whenever she told me to watch her, she had her head turned, and had no idea that I was fully eyeballing her tits and ass through her gym clothes.
By the end of the week, she had started to teach me about intricate ball control.
“One of the most important things you will ever do in this game, is boxing out. You essentially use your body to keep whoever is guarding you at maximum distance from the ball.”
She was in a rather seductive position, even if she didn’t know it. She was in a half-squat, with her ass sticking out right towards me.
“Don’t just stand there,” she scolded me, “get up here and play some D!”
I quickly walked up to just behind her, making sure there was some room between my cock and her ass. She quickly threw my carefulness out the window, however, and began moving back and up into my cock, grinding her sweet, round ass into it every time she bumped me. She spun around me, and threw an easy layup in the basket.
“What’s the matter?” She asked. “Clearly you were playing better than that yesterday!”
“I got distracted. Sorry,” I offered a weak apology for my poor attempt.
We got back into position once more, my dick starting to become engorged with blood. She bumped right into my cock again, noticeably lingering for a moment, before pushing off, and bumping a few more times. She stopped dead in her tracks after a few bumps, with my now erect cock wedged right between her cheeks. She casually dropped the ball, letting it bounce a few times, before she slowly turned her head and looked me dead in the eye.
“Is that what distracted you,” she asked me, slowly reaching one hand behind her ass to grab my throbbing erection.
All I could do was mutter “Uhh” a few times, while she decided to take full control of the situation.
Turning her body around, she grabbed my cock threw my basketball shorts with both hands and whispered something so barely audible, that it still resounds in my head today, “…Fuck me, she wasn’t kidding.”
This left me a little confused, before she managed to gain my attention, looking through my eyes, right at my exposed soul.
“You better come to my office, so we can discuss what just happened,” she quickly snapped me out of my trance.
I assumed she was going to apologize profusely, and reassure me that ‘these things happen’, and it’s all a part of puberty – the usual health class spiel. Instead, she continued to tug me, leading me by my stiff cock to her office. The second we got into her office, she quickly turned around, locking the door. She then proceeded to turn the gym and office lights off, and closed the blinds, allowing just enough light in from outside so that we could see each other.
“You can’t tell anyone about this. Ever. I could get fired, Rob. I could go to jail. I have two kids to think about.” She continued to blabber, seemingly almost in tears.
“You kept my and Emily’s secret,” I slowly responded. “I think it’s only fair that I keep yours.”
She looked like she’d been stabbed through the heart, and tears finally began to run down her cheeks.
“That’s not entirely true, Rob,” she began to sob hysterically.
“What do you mean?”
“Didn’t you ever wonder how it was a little odd that both of your parents and Emily’s mom were all home so early at the same time?”
The realization of what she had just told me was like a punch to the stomach. My knees immediately felt week, and I quickly sagged to the floor in complete disbelief.
“I’m so sorry, Rob. I never wanted you to find out about that,” she looked at me, pleading through her tears.
“Then why the fuck would you do it!” I found myself suddenly screaming at her.
“I’m sure you’ve heard the rumours, Rob… you have to have heard them. Every year, I hear girls whispering about it in the bathroom. Every year, I hear immature little fuckers bragging about how they’ve fucked me.”
“You’re saying rumours, but I don’t know if I can trust you right now,” I spat at her, my words like a corrosive acid to her emotions.
“You want the truth, Rob? I’ve been married to the same man since the summer after high school. I love him with all my heart, and he is my true love, the one that I will always be with,” she trailed off, letting that thought linger momentarily. “But, he’s not always home, and I’m finding myself wanting more every year that passes. Even when he does have time to fuck me lately, it just doesn’t satisfy me. You won’t fully appreciate your penis until you’re older, Rob. The fact that you can probably fuck for hours with minimal breaks. The fact that you can probably cum five times and still be hard enough to keep going.”
I didn’t quite understand her point, so I just stared at her with a very doubting look on my face.
“I never fucked that accountant. I was at a staff party just before graduation that year, and I was very drunk. He was trying to take advantage of me out behind the bar, when a student, Joe, walked past. Joe told him to fuck off, and made sure I was ok. He helped me regain my composure, and then got a cab and personally walked me to my door. I thanked him by offering him inside for a drink, as my husband was on a business trip.”
“And that’s when he fucked you?” I cut in rudely.
“No, Rob. Joe is gay. He genuinely was concerned that I was in distress. He told me I deserved much better than being raped in alley. I had seen him in gym class though, Rob. He was about as hung as you are. I knew then that I had to have him, at least in part. I begged him, Rob. I begged him to fuck me, and he absolutely refused. After a while, I finally managed to convince him to let me jerk him off. And while he was enjoying that, I blew him too. But he never fucked me, the thought was disgusting to him.”
I had been so lost in arousal by her story, that I didn’t even notice that she’d taken off her gym clothes and was crawling towards me wearing nothing but her bra and panties.
“And that’s all that you’ve ever done. You’ve been faithful to your husband all these years, despite blowing a gay dude, and all those things are really rumours?”
Her hands were slowly sliding up my legs as she bit her bottom lip and nodded at me.
“When I heard Emily saying how fucking big you were, it brought me back to that night. I knew I was going to fuck you, I wasn’t going to let a cock this big get away from me again. When you told me what Emily’s parents would do, I knew immediately what I had to do. I’m sorry she got sent away, but I was being selfish. Now I know it was for the best.”
I quickly stood up, startling her. As she looked up at me and began to pull my pants down, I reached my hand up and backhanded her across the face.
“What the fuck?” She was clearly shocked at what I had just done.
“You deserved that,” I said coldly, as I pulled her back onto her knees by her hair.
With tears in her eyes, she looked up at me, cowering a little in anticipation of being struck again. I tightened my grip on her hair, while slowly pulling her towards my still covered cock.
“You said you had to have it. Get to fucking work,” I yelled at her, animal rage taking over.
She quickly licked her lips and pulled my basketball shorts of, licking the outline of my cock through my boxers. I pulled her back roughly with her hair and leaned in to kiss her, shoving my tongue into her mouth, and biting her lip hard as I pulled away.
She clearly was not used to being treated roughly, and appeared slightly dazed until I let go of her hair and pulled my boxers off, kicking them onto her desk. Grabbing her hair once more, I slapped her face lightly, showing her I meant business.
“Open up and get what you’ve been after, slut.”
A glimmer appeared in her eyes and she immediately tried to deep throat me, choking on her first attempt. As she tried to pull me out of her and try again, she got a quick realization of who was in control. Grabbing her hair even tighter, I began to pump half of my cock in and out of her mouth.
“Take your bra off, slut. I want to see your tits flopping around when I really start to fuck your face.”
She immediately unhooked her bra, letting her slightly sagging tits free from their constraint. I grinned briefly, before starting to fuck further into her mouth. Her hands were flailing wildly, trying to find something to push against, but I wasn’t allowing it, as I entered her throat, pushing roughly until she looked like she was about to pass out.
I pushed her onto her back and barked at her to lift her hips, to which she weakly complied. Ripping her panties off, I was surprised to be greeted by a completely smooth pussy. I quickly shoved two fingers into her cunt, sliding in effortlessly – she was soaked.
In a moment of empathy, I quickly asked her if she had any protection.
“Don’t need any, just fuck me already!” She screamed at me, pushing her hips up to try and force the situation.
As I lined my cock up with her pussy, I roughly grabbed both her nipples, pinching them hard as I plunged into her pussy. She wasn’t lying about her husband’s lack of sexual appetite; despite having two kids, her pussy was tight enough to grip my cock like a glove. I immediately began pounding her pussy for all I was worth, sweat dripping off my brow right onto her face. I hooked my arms underneath her armpits, grabbing her shoulders from behind. Leveraging myself for deeper penetration, I could feel her pussy start to spasm around me, I held my cock deep to enjoy the show her quivering was giving my hard cock.
As her orgasm subsided, she looked absolutely drained; for a gym teacher, she wasn’t in the greatest shape. I took this opportunity to get my final revenge on her for fucking my relationship with Emily up.
“Get ready for the big finale, Mrs. Curtis,” I snickered as I stuck three fingers into her mouth, met by her greedily sucking on them, and covering them with her saliva.
I proceeded to spit on her little asshole, roughly pushing one finger in, followed by the second, and the third after a moment or two.
Still recovering from her massive orgasm, she managed to gasp at me, “I’ve never been fucked in the ass…. please… please don’t.”
As I pulled the three fingers out of her ass, I leaned over, kissing her once more, before shoving my three wet fingers back into her mouth. As she quickly realized what had just happened, she began to squirm underneath me, which I stopped with a vicious slap on her ass.
As she cried out in pain, I took my cock and plunged it into her virgin asshole, grabbing her throat from behind.
She began to choke and cry, not fighting back at all, seemingly acknowledging that this was going to happen whether she wanted it or not. After a few minutes of punishing her even tighter asshole, I decided she had had enough being treated like a piece of meat and gave her a proposition.
“Mrs. Curtis,” I began, slowly catching my breath from the thirty minutes of hard pounding I had just given her.
“Melanie,” she responded, meekly.
“After what we’ve just done, I think it’s ok for you to call me Melanie,” she muttered, completely defeated.
“Fine,” I rolled my eyes. “Melanie, would you like to suck my cock, knowing that I’ve just spent the last five minutes in your shithole?”
Hesitating for only a second, she nodded her head twice.
I pulled her to her feet and turned her around, my cock poking her in her stomach. I slowly leaned it, and gently kissed her on the lips, with my closed mouth. Holding the back of her head lightly, I pulled her towards me and hugged her close, my cock now pushing up and resting just inside the bottom of her bosom.
“Why are you being so nice now?” She noticed the quick change in my actions.
“When we do this again on Monday, I don’t want you to hate me,” I responded, slowly cupping her large ass.
“We’ll be doing this again on Monday either way,” she told me, slowly dropping back to her knees.
Not even bothering to wipe my cock off with anything, she pushed me into her chair, and slowly wrapped her lips around my tool. She proceeded to give me the most sensual blowjob I’ve ever received. Cupping my balls gently, she slowly bobbed up and down, swirling her tongue over my throbbing purple head before bobbing back down once more. Within a few brief minutes, I told her I was going to cum, and she just nodded.
For the first time in a month, my cock erupted not by my own hand, and it felt incredible. Melanie swallowed the entire load, not missing a drop, before straddling over my still hard-cock on her knees and slipping her salty tongue into my mouth.

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Buster, Bec’s & Me 2

Buster, Bec’s & Me II
I would like to thank all those who have emailed me after my first story, Buster Bec’s & Me.
This is part two of the story.
Warning – The following story contains sex between ‘male-female incest’, ‘female-dog’, ‘male-dog’. ‘If any of these things offend you, or if any of these things are illegal to read about in your area, please close this file now.
Buster, Bec’s & Me – Part 2
Part 1 finished with Bec’s telling me how her and her friend Megan lost their virginity.
For the past couple of months I have been getting regularly getting knotted by Buster. He has been sleeping in my bedroom at nights. So most night before I have been going to sleep he has been fucking me. So now when he gets on my back to get his cock in, I help by lining his cock up with my arsehole. I can now quite easily take his knot, and when we get tied together for 15 – 20 minutes each time. And each time when knots with me I have a tremendous orgasm without actually touching my cock.
One evening as a family we were sitting down watching the television, Mum & Dad on one of the sofas, me on the other one and as usual Bec’s sitting on the floor. Dad said that he was going to get a shower. About 15 minutes later Dad came down wearing his short dressing gown and sat back on the Sofa. Mum then said that she was going to have a shower, then looking at Bec’s and me, she said you two can have one after wards.
Bec’s gave me a nudge and nodded her head towards Dad. When I looked over at him, he had put one of his legs on the sofa and the other on the floor, but as he had moved his leg up onto the sofa his short dressing gown had parted at his groin revealing his long cock. I noticed Bec keep make sly glances at him and licking her lips. Soon after Mum came down in her gown and told Bec’s to go and get her shower. Then she said when Bec’s has finished I can go and get mine.
I said “I’ll have mine when I go to bed”
Mum then sat on the sofa between Dad’s legs and leaned back into him.
I assumed the same position on the sofa as Dad had, hoping that when Bec’s came back down; I can get her to sit between my legs. When I looked over to Mum & Dad I noticed that Dad had put his arm over Mum’s shoulder and slid his hand into her robe.
Ten minutes later Bec’s came bouncing down stairs, totally starkers.
Mum said Bec’s why have you not put your robe on, go straight back upstairs and put it on”.
Bec said, “Mum I dropped it in the bath and it’s all wet”
Mum then said “Well you should have put a towel around you then”
Bec said “I’m ok Mum, I’m not cold” and with that she sat straight down on the sofa between my legs. For the next ten minutes or so, Bec’s kept squirming her arse in to my cock. I could feel my cock getting harder and harder by the minute, by her actions. Bec’s then turned herself sideways into me and laid her head on my chest.
I noticed Dad looking over to Bec and me and smiled, then said to Mum, don’t they look cute lying there together. Little did Dad know, but Bec’s had wormed her hand between her body and mine and was stroking my hard cock. My cock felt it was getting harder and harder by the minute with her playing with me. I knew I couldn’t keep this up for long before I would shoot my load, so I discreetly pulled her hand away from my cock. Some while later Bec got her hand between us again and started playing with my cock again. I instantly got a hard on. I’m sure the little minx was trying to get me off. I couldn’t stand this much more, so I announced that I was going to go to bed. My only problem was that I had a stonking hard on and how was I going to get passed my parents without them seeing it.
I waited as long as I could hoping that it would go down, but it wouldn’t. When I saw Mum was really engrossed in the movie, I got Bec’s to get up, and trying to keep her between me and Mum & Dad, I moved around the sofa.
Just as I was getting passed my Dad’s vision he turned, looked at me, and said, “My we are getting a big lad” then winked at me as I passed him. Thank fully Mum did not see. As I went out I just said “nite”.
Both Mum & Dad said “Nite Mark”.
I went straight up to my room, flopped on my bed and took my hard cock in my hand and started beating it, when Bec’s came into my room.
She said “Do you want a hand with that,” as she walked over to the bed with a great big smile.
Bec’s got onto the bed pushed my legs apart and got between then, then took a hold of my cock and brought her lips down to the head. She stuck out her tongue and licked the precum that was oozing out of my slit, and then slid her mouth right over my cock. She started bobbing her head up and down, taking it deeper and deeper into her mouth. I was on the brink of coming as she was sucking hard on my cock. I felt my ball tighten, the cum leave my balls and travel up my cock and before I exploded I pushed up with my hips as I pushed Bec’s head down into my groin. My cock went straight into her throat and I shot four or five thick ropes of cum into Bec.
Bec was trying to pull herself off of me, but I wouldn’t let her head go until I had finished shooting my cum. When I did release her, Bec was gasping for breath. When she got her breath back she said “That was scrummy”, jumped off the bed and went out the bedroom. After I recovered I went and had a shower. By the time I got back into my bed room, Buster was there. As I walked over to the bed, Buster tried to push his nose between my legs. I patted Buster on the head and said to him,” Not tonight boy, I’m bushed”. With that I got into bed.
The next few days were uneventful, and then Dad had to go away on a business trip again. The next day, before Dad left, he said he wanted to talk to me. I thought I was going to get a right telling off about the other evening. He was in his office, so I went in and he told me to close the door. I thought “Oh shit” here it comes. He said, “Right Mark, you are getting a big boy now, I shall be away for a few days and I want you to be the man of the house, while I’m away. That means you have got to look after Mum & Bec’s, and especially Bec’s”. Giving me a wink and a smile. With that he put his arms around me and gave me a squeeze, saying right see you in a few weeks, get yourself of to school now.
I left his office and went off to school. During the day I was trying to figure out what he meant by especially looking after Bec’s and then giving me a wink. The day passed slowly, and I kept thing what my Dad had said. I was glad that school was nearly finished and that the weekend was here. When I got home, no one was in, so I went straight up to my room and stripped off. It was so hot; I just flopped down on
my bed. Buster came into my room and got onto the bed. He then began to lick my cock and balls; it was lovely to feel his tongue slurping away on me. I could see the end of his pink cock emerging from his sheath, so I scooted down the bed a little and slid under his belly. I began to stroke his cock and it came more and more out of his sheath, getting bigger all the time. By the time his knot came out of the sheath he was fully extended and dripping pre-cum from his tip. I bent his cock down towards my mouth and was rewarded with his squirting over my face. I quickly put my mouth over his cock and began sucking on it trying to get as much of his in my mouth as possible. Buster started to hump my mouth forcing more of his cock into my mouth. I
gagged a couple of times as he pushed it to the back of my throat, by now his knot was up against my chin.
I took Busters cock out of my mouth as I was afraid of him pushing his knot into my mouth. If he had, once his knot had swollen he would probably dislocated my jaw, and that would have taken some explaining. I got on the floor, and Buster came around to my arse and began licking it swiping his tongue from my balls right through my crack. I opened my legs further so that he could get at my arse easier, and then felt him push his tongue inside.
Buster jumped on my back and began humping me poking me with his cock and shooting his cum all over my arse. He kept missing the mark so I went down on to my shoulders putting my arse further in the air. I pulled my arse cheeks open, and then he found the mark, with all his precum over me, he went straight into my arsehole. He grabbed me around the waist forcing more and more of his cock in me. I could feel his knot hitting my hole, then it went in and back out again, then in and out several more times until it would not come out. I felt it swelling inside me, stretching me wide, his cock going ever deeper and I was pushing back on him to get even more cock in me.
By now his knot had sealed my hole, and I felt him squirting into me. Then he cocked his back leg over my arse and turned, twisting his knot around in me. I then felt him firing his cum deep inside me. We had been locked together for over ten minutes, when I heard Bec’s calling me, and then she walked into my room. Saw me on the floor with Buster, and just said “Enjoying yourself”. She closed the door then came to me, kneeling alongside me. She rubbed her hand over my arse then between my legs gently massaging my balls then grabbing my cock and jerking me. Bec’s then got up and took her clothes off.
I asked her what was she doing and she said “Your not gonna have all the fun”. With that she got back on the floor and rolled underneath me, taking my cock in her hands. She then said “Lick my pussy”.
I said “What about if Mum comes home”.
Bec, then said” She won’t be home for sometime, she’s got some errands to run”
So I hungrily started to devour her. Bec then said “When I come I want it in my mouth and not down my throat” I agreed. Bec started sucking hard on me. Buster was still sending jets of his cum into me. My cock was getting harder and my balls were tightening up and I knew I would be blowing my load very soon. Busters knot began to shrink, and then come out followed by his cum. As Bec was right under me, it went straight onto her face. She pulled my cock from her mouth and went to say, “What the” when I shot my load, the first two spurts hitting her in the face before she got my cock back into her mouth. I finished spraying the rest of my cum into her mouth, before rolling off to the side.
I looked at Bec’s and her face was covered in cum, Both Busters and mine. Bec’s then wiped a finger across her face and licked the cum off of her finger saying “Mmmmmmmmmmm, tastes nice.
I told Bec “That she had better go and get a shower”
As Bec got up she said, “Coming with me”, and grabbed my hand.
I got up off of the floor and we both went and had a shower.
We washed each other, soaping every where. Bec was rubbing her hands all over me, and I was doing the same. Paying particular attention to her budding tits. I had a constant hard on. Bec kept trying to rub her pussy against my cock then trying to jerk me off. I was fingering her pussy when I could. I dropped the soap and Bec’s bent over to pick it up, pushing her bum against my cock. I grabbed her hips and pushed my cock between her legs as if I was fucking her. Bec’s bent slightly further and my cock slipped straight into her pussy.
Bec’s said, “Yeh do me” and she was pushing herself back onto my hot cock.
I was thrusting into Bec really hard for a few minutes, feeling my balls tighten; I pulled out of Bec and said, “I’ll do you real good later”.
Bec’s said “Oh no, I want your cock now”.
I just left Bec there and got out of the shower, dried myself off and went downstairs.
By the time Bec came down I was sitting on the sofa with one leg up and the other draped over the edge as I was a couple of days ago.
Bec flopped herself down between my legs, and said “Spoilsport”. She was naked.
Mum came back shortly after, and she didn’t seemed to bothered that we were both naked. We had dinner, and then sat down to watch television. Mum said that she had to go and see Grandpa again tomorrow and did we want to come.
Both Bec & I said, “No we will be ok here on our own”.
When I went to bed, I was really looking forward to tomorrow, knowing that both Bec’s and I will be on our own, and I could really give her a good fucking. I really slept well that night.
I was awake early in the morning, and had my normally morning woody, but refrained from jerking off so that I was well primed for Bec’s. It was going to be a very hot day today, as early as it was it was getting very warm. When I got down stairs Mum was already up, but not dressed. I was surprised that she didn’t even cover up. Mum was just sitting at the table drinking tea. I felt my cock begin to stiffen, so quickly got a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. Mum then said to me, “You and Bec seem to be getting on very well lately”.
I said “Yeh we have been having some fun”.
Mum got up and stood behind me. I knew she could see my hard-on.
She then said, “Dad told me you were getting a big boy”, she then moved the chair sideways, and said “My you are a big boy” then got on her knees and took a hold of my cock.
My cock felt like a rod of steel in her hands. I was in a little shock at the moment, and then Mum bent forward and put my cock head into her mouth and began sucking really hard. Mum then took her mouth off my cock and told me to stand up. I stood up and Mum resumed the sucking of my cock, taking it to the back of her throat. I involuntary started bucking my hips into her. Mum then moved her hands up to my arse as she was sucking me, and was wiggling her finger in my hole. She couldn’t penetrate my hole, so she just dipped her finger into the butter on the table, and then started wiggling back into my hole. With her finger lubricated it slipped up my arse. Mum started to finger my arse and I was really humping her face. I was gonna come soon, I tried to pull out but Mum wouldn’t let me. My cock exploded into her mouth filling it with my cum. When Mum had drained me, she let my shrinking cock slip from her mouth, opened her mouth to show me and then swallowed my cum.
Mum then said “I can see why Bec’s likes your cock”.
With that she got up and went upstairs. I was flabbergasted. I just sat there drinking my coffee. Ten minutes later Bec’s came down dressed in just a ‘T’ shirt, and sat opposite me and poured herself a glass of milk.
Bec’s said “Are you ok Mark, you look a little flushed”.
I told Bec’s that I was ok. A few minutes later Mum came down, and said that she was now going to Grandpa’s.
Mum said “Bye kids, be good and have fun”. With that she left and a couple of minutes later we heard her car pull away.
After we had finished breakfast and cleared the table, Bec’s said “What are we going to do now”.
I went over to Bec, gave her a big kiss, grabbed her ‘T’ shirt by the bottom and pulled it over her head. I then picked her up and sat her on the table and told her to lie back, which she did. I spread her legs wide putting her feet on the chairs, then put my mouth on her pussy and sucked her, licking up and down her slit, then burrowed my tongue into her pussy. I sucked and licked her pussy for a few minutes before taking hold of her ankles and put them over my shoulders. I took hold of my cock and rubbed the head against her pussy lips before driving my hips forward pushing my cock deep into her. I carried on fucking Bec’s real hard and fast, before unloading my cum deep in her pussy.
Bec’s started screaming, Yes.Yes.Yessssssssss. That put me over the edge, I slammed by cock in as far as I could go, shouting out I’m commmmmmmmiiiiiinnnnnnggg. With that my cock exploded dumping the biggest load of cum into Bec’s. I fell down on top of her exhausted. It took me about five minutes to regain my strength so that I could move. My cock was still stiff inside Bec’s pussy. I managed to pick her up with her still impaled on my cock and staggered out into the garden, where I laid her down on one of the loungers.
I went back into the kitchen to get us both a squash. When I returned back to the patio, Bec’s looked as if she was asleep, but had moved her legs either side of the lounger, so that her legs were spread wide. I could see my cum dribbling out of her. I decided I had to cool off, so I jumped in the pool and swam a few lengths. As I was getting out, I looked over to Bec’s and Buster was licking away at her pussy, and eating my cum from her. I watched for a few minutes to see what was going to happen. Buster just kept licking away. I got out of the pool and went over to them; Bec’s had this dreamy look on her face, but still looked asleep.
I pulled Buster away from Bec’s, and then shook her awake. She said that she had this dream that I was licking her pussy. I told her it was not me, but Buster that was licking her and eating my cum that was dribbling from her pussy.
Bec’s said “Mmmmmmmmmmm, that was nice, will he do it again”.
I told her to get on the grass on all fours, and see what he does. Bec’s was off the lounger and on all fours as quick as that. When I saw her bent over like that, I very nearly slipped my cock back in her pussy. I told Bec’s to spread her legs as wide as she could and to go down on her elbows, so that her arse was higher in the air. I then called Buster, and he came straight over and stuck his nose between Bec’s legs, and then he began licking her pussy. As Buster was licking and slurping on Bec’s pussy, Bec began to moan, and saying “Oooooh, Arggggghhhh”.
Bec’s then asked me if I would help Buster “Do her”. I said to her that, “I think Buster is too big for you”.
She just said that she wanted to try and would I help. I told her to stay there a minute, and went indoors to get a pair of socks to put over Busters feet so that he would no claw her. When I got back out there Buster was already on Bec’s back and trying to hump her. I pulled him off and quickly put the socks over his front paws, and then Told Bec’s to stay still. I helped Buster up onto Bec’s back and then slid underneath her so that I could guide Busters cock into her pussy and also to make sure that he did not go in to far.
Buster was really trying to get his cock in her pussy, squirting his precum all over her arse and my hand before I could get a hold of him. I finally got his cock in my hand and guided it to Bec’s pussy, as soon as he felt her hole he lunged forward pushing about three inches of cock into her. I had my hand there to prevent anymore from going in. Bec’s screamed a little as it first went in then relaxed.
I told Bec’s just to relax and don’t move, let Buster do the work. Buster was sliding the three inches in and out of Bec’s pussy, and then Bec’s said that she wanted more. I moved my hand so that I was now holding Busters cock with my thumb and finger allowing another few inches to penetrate. Buster was really slamming his cock in hard and it was slipping through my fingers. He put his paws tighter around Bec’s hips, pulled nearly all the way out then slammed back in, he went so hard that his knot went through my fingers and I was unable to stop it going into Bec’s pussy.
As it went it Bec’s shouted “Owwww, get him off he is hurting me”
I said “Sorry Bec’s, you will have to wait until his knot goes down when he has done breeding with you, it wont come out till then. I could see that his knot was swelling up and stretching Bec’s hole open. I kept telling her to relax. Then I told her to lift one of her elbows up so that I can get right underneath her”. This she did. I then told her to suck my cock as I began licking her pussy as well as Busters cock. Bec’s started sucking my cock. I could see that Busters knot had grown almost to its full extent and knew h would soon turn.
I told Bec’s that she was to keep relaxed as Buster would soon turn and if she tried to stop him it would really hurt her, once he has turned he will start shooting his cum into you”.
With that Buster cocked his leg and began to turn, I gently caressed Bec’s pussy as Buster turned, and then they were arse to arse. I could see as Buster was flexing his cock his cum was shooting into Bec’s pussy.
Bec’s said “He’s cumming in me, I can feel him shooting his stuff, and it’s very warm. How long will he take before he has finished”.
I said, “It could be ten minutes or up to thirty”.
Bec’s said, “Oh my god”
She then went back to sucking my cock, and I carried on licking and sucking her. After about fifteen minutes I could see Busters knot begin to shrink, then it plopped out, followed by a river of his cum. This dribbled down Bec’s pussy and onto my face. I told Bec’s to sit up, which she did so that her pussy was right over my mouth, and I drank busters cum straight from her pussy, sucking and licking it out of her. When Bec’s got off of my face, it was covered in Busters cum. I stood up and said now it is your turn. I held her head, took my cock in my hand and started jerking until I shot all my cum over Bec’s face. We then kissed exchanging mine and Busters cum.
When we broke apart I picked Bec’s up in my arms and walked over to the pool and down the steps into it so that we could clean our selves up. I asked Bec’s how was it and she said it was awesome but she is very sore. I told her the soreness will pass. We played around in the pool for some time.
Mum got back home late afternoon; she came out to the pool and asked us if we would like a drink. Both of us said “Yes please”. With that Mum disappeared. When she came back out with our drinks, she was totally naked, both Bec’s and I looked at each other. Mum placed the drinks by the side of the pool then went and walked down the steps into the pool and walking over to us. Mum gave us both a big hug, pressing her body into mine; my cock began to swell and in seconds was at full stretch. Mum didn’t seem to show any signs, she then asked Bec’s if I had taken good care of her. Bec’s said I had. I was leaning with my back to the side of the pool, and the drinks behind me. Mum came over to get her drink, she stood with her legs either side of mine, my erect cock was between her legs, she then lent forward, pushing her breasts into my chest and picked her drink off of the side of the pool. As she did so she closed her legs trapping my cock between her legs, and rubbing herself against it. Mum and I finished our drinks as Bec’s was swimming up and down the pool. Mum then put her hand under the water took a hold of my cock and pulled me to the steps, telling me that I can help her with the tea. Mum kept hold of my cock and pulled me all the way into the kitchen.
Mum and I prepared our tea then took it out onto the Patio. Fortunately my cock had now deflated. During our tea Mum had a phone call, when she came and sat down, she said, “That was your cousin Andy from France”. Uncle Zac, Andy and Kane moved to France about four years ago after my aunt died. They bought a farm out there. Mum said that “Uncle Zac had been seriously injured in an accident on the farm; Andy had rang to ask if I would like to go out there and help on the farm in the forthcoming summer holidays”.
I told Mum that would be a nice change, when would I be going. Mum said “Well you finish school next Wednesday, so I reckon, either Friday or Saturday. If you are sure I’ll phone Andy and let him know”.
We finished tea, and then cleared away everything, before retiring to the lounge, to watch the television. At about 10pm I told Mum I was going to Bed, Bec also said that she was going to bed. When I got to bed I relived the day’s events and started jacking off. I didn’t see Mum come into the room as I had my eyes closed. The first I knew of anyone in my room was when I felt someone sit on my bed. My eyes sprang open, but I was still fisting my cock. My Mum moved my hand away and said to me, ” I think after this morning it is your turn to pleasure me”, with that she lay down on the bed on her back, opened her legs and told me to lick her pussy and make her cum. I got between her spread legs, and marvelled at how different her pussy is to that of Bec’s. I buried my mouth over Mum’s pussy and licked and sucked her. I was licking and sucking her for about five minutes, my jaw was beginning to ache, and then Mum gave out a moan, her body shuddered and my mouth was filled with a sweet tasting juice. I just kept on sucking and still she stopped squirting her juices, she then pushed my head away, got off the bed, said “Thanks Son” and left the room.
I was so frustrated because I hadn’t cum. I was still lying on the bed with my legs over the edge, when Buster jumped onto me. I pulled my arse cheeks open as Busted humped me and almost straight away he was in to the hilt. He was going at me hammer and tongs and within no time at all I felt his knot slip into my arse and I was welcoming the feeling. His knot has soon swollen to its maximum and he turned so we
were arse to arse and began pumping his cum into me. We were tied for about fifteen minutes before Buster pulled out and his cum came gushing out of my arse. Buster retired to the corner and laid down licking his cock clean.
After I recovered, I got to my feet and realised that I had cum without touching my cock. I staggered into bed and fell asleep almost straight away.
To be continued, if wanted.

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