True Story

My Sister in Law Beth – Chapters 19-21

Chapter 19
We enjoyed a long weekend together but soon it was Monday, back to the old grind. I knew Jennifer had a busy week, so I was surprised to get a call from her Monday afternoon at work. She told me she had a break in her schedule and had been thinking about me. We talked for a while, until she had to get back to work. She mentioned to me that she was going to call me later in the week and try to have lunch with me.
On Friday morning, Jen called and asked me if I could meet her for lunch, downtown near the Federal Courthouse Building. Since I am pretty much free to come and go as I please at my job, I agreed quickly to meet her. We arranged to meet for eleven-thirty at a restaurant that was close to her office. I arrived a bit early, around eleven o’clock, so I asked the hostess to be seated and just show Jen to my table when she arrived. I was there for about twenty minutes when I saw Jennifer walk in. She appeared to be having a conversation with several people who were trailing behind her. I was hoping, we were not going to be having lunch with all of her colleagues. It’s not that I didn’t not like them, but I felt somewhat out of place when they started talking shop. When that happened, I felt sort of uneducated for some strange reason.
I saw the hostess point Jennifer in my direction, she waved and started over. I noticed a short brunette was following her, along with three men and another blonde. So much for being alone, I thought to myself. I was relieved when the three men and one women took a table in front of me. Jennifer and the petite brunette however continued to my table. As they got near, I could not help but notice, even though small in stature, the tiny woman was a knockout. Jen is five foot, ten inches tall and maybe 135 pounds. The brunette was close to maybe five foot four, weighing maybe 115 pounds, with an incredible figure. She was wearing a tight knit dress, that clung to her petite figure like a wet tee shirt.
Jen leaned over and kissed me hello and then introduced her company.
“Jeff, I would like you to meet Tiffany, she is my personal assistant, we are together all day, everyday. I thought it was time you meet her.”, she said to me.
“Hello Tiffany, its very nice to meet you”, I said standing, extending my hand to hers.
She shook my hand and it was amazing how tiny her hand looked inside of my own. I quickly pulled the chairs out for both ladies, helping them to their seats. I saw Jennifer smile at Tiffany in a “I told you so”, look. I sat back down in my chair and motioned for the waitress to come over and get our drinks started. We ordered drinks, the ladies were given their menu’s. The ladies talked back and forth as they scanned the lunch menu. Tiffany’s voice was as tiny as her stature. She seemed almost like a doll, one that was almost too fragile to touch. As soon as the ladies decided on their selections , I called the waitress back over and we ordered. The waitress picked up our menu’s and excused herself. Tiffany spoke first.
“So Jeff, its nice to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you.”, she said.
“I hope its all good.”, I replied quickly.
“Oh yes, in fact its all very good, Jennifer gives you high marks.”, she replied, looking at Jennifer and smiling.
“Well, I am glad I get a passing grade.”, I responded.
Both of them laughed, looking at each other. I was beginning to wonder, just how much these two shared about their private lives with each other. I noticed they appeared to be really comfortable with each other, almost like one was an extension of the other. Jennifer went on to tell me that Tiffany had been working for her almost four years now and that she was invaluable. She added that without Tiffany she would be lost, never be able to get through her hectic schedule. Tiffany chimed in that it was easy with Jen, she was the best boss she ever had. I am guessing that Tiffany was maybe thirty at best, maybe even younger.
“So Jen, how is the weekend looking, you think you may be free ?”, I asked.
“I think so, we have been really busy this week, but I think it will wind down by this evening.”, she replied , looking at Tiffany.
“Good.”, I responded, looking at Tiffany, “You make sure she is free, Tiffany.”.
“I will”, the tiny woman answered, “And call me Tiff, all my friends do.”
About that time, our waitress brought our plates to us. Both ladies had ordered a small Filet Mignon that was covered in Crab Meat, topped with an Oyster sauce, a baked potato and salad. I had ordered the seafood platter that was loaded with fried shrimp, oysters, crawfish and catfish, served with spicy cajun fries. We continued our conversation as we began to eat. The food was excellent, so was the company. The topics ranged from work, to family and back again. I am not sure where it took a turn, but before I knew it, the topic had changed to a more intimate nature. Jen mentioned something about she was really looking forward to the weekend. Tiffany smiled at her and said something close to “I bet you are”, and they both laughed looking at me.
“What did I do ?”, I asked innocently.
“It’s not what you did Jeff, but I think how you did it, is the point.”, Tiff replied with a grin.
“Ok, now I am lost.”, I responded, trying to figure a way out of this conversation. Jen leaned over and grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently.
“Your far from lost, honey.”, she shot back at me, smiling.
I was trying to figure out just how much Jen may have told Tiffany, but the more the talked, the worst it appeared to get. By now, I was sure that several details of our relationship had been discussed at length, as both ladies were having a great time watching me squirm.
I was a really private person, this was very new to me.
“So Jeff, I heard you know the owner of the new club on Bourbon Street personally.”, Tiffany stated in a matter of fact tone.
“Uh, yes, we went to school together and played ball on the same team in college.”, I replied looking at Jennifer. Jennifer would not look up from her plate, pretending to be surveying what food was left.
“Well maybe the next time you two go, you could take me along. I have been wanting to go there since it opened.”, she said.
I mumbled something about, it was pretty much probably a one time thing, but if we did go again, Jennifer could let her know. I could tell by Tiff’s facial features that she knew a lot more then she was letting on. In fact, I became to get somewhat annoyed with Jennifer sharing this much of our private life with someone else. I am guessing Jennifer noticed it too, quickly changing the subject to how close it was getting to one o’clock. We all finished up and I motioned to our waitress for the check. Both ladies were relatively quiet as I waited for my credit card to come back. Finally the waitress returned, I signed the receipt and we started out for the door. Once outside, Jennifer leaned up and kissed me goodbye, mouthing the words “I’m Sorry”, silently out of view of Tiffany’s staring gaze. Tiffany walked over and put her arms out. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. This was the first time, I was this close to her, she smelled incredible. I made a mental note to get Jen to find out what perfume she wore, it was intoxicating. Once again, I could not help but notice how small this woman was, due to how far I had to bend down to hug her. The ladies waved and starting walking in the direction of the Federal Complex, I turned and headed to the garage to get my car. I had no sooner walked back into my office when the phone rang and it was Jennifer.
“Hey, I just wanted to call you and make sure everything is ok.”, she said.
“Yes, I’m ok Jen. I was just caught off guard somewhat.”, I laughed.
“I’m sorry, I guess I talk too much sometimes. It’s a woman thing, but I swear she is my best friend and the only one I talk to.”, she confided.
“It’s ok Jen, don’t worry about it. I’m a big boy, I can handle it.”, I replied.
“Good, so I will see you tonight ok ?”, she shot back.
“Great, do you want me to get dinner on my way home ?”, I asked.
“That would be nice, how about Chinese ?”, she asked.
“Sounds good, I will see you this evening.”, I replied.
Later that evening , I left work and stopped at the restaurant, placed my order and waited. About twenty minutes later, it was ready and I headed home. It was about six in the evening, when I arrived home.
I headed in, placed the food in the oven to help keep it warm and took a shower. I was just out of the shower, when the doorbell rang.
The door opened and I heard Jen shout “Hello” and close the door behind her. She walked in, gave me a hug and a very nice kiss. She had stopped home and changed already. She was wearing white sweat pants, a pink tee shirt and running shoes. She had pulled her hair back into a pony tail making her look much younger. She bounced over to the oven and lowered the door, sticking her head inside. She reached in and took out the bags telling me she would get everything ready, for me to sit down. I headed for the great room to relax while Jen got dinner ready. I had no sooner sat down, when the doorbell rang again.
I got up and headed to the front door, not sure of who was there, I was not expecting any company. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Beth through the center glass of the door. This was definitely not good, I had to think quick. Two cars were in the driveway, so she knew I was home. I had no choice but to answer the door. I opened it slowly.
“Hi Jeff, what’s up ?”, she asked in a cheerful voice.
“Not too much Beth, just fixing to eat.”, I replied.
“Oh good.”, she fired back, “I am in time.”
“Well yes, you are.”, I said softly, “But I’m not alone.”
“I don’t mind.”, she said stepping up and into the foyer.
Chapter 20
As I followed Beth into the great room, my worst nightmare was becoming reality. Beth and Jennifer would be in the same room. I now so much regretted not telling Jen the truth about Beth and I. Although I had no contact with Beth after I had met Jennifer, I still felt guilty.
Jennifer was still in the kitchen preparing food, when we entered the great room. I offered Beth a seat and went into the kitchen to prepare Jen.
“My sister-in-law is here, we better fix and extra plate, Jen.”, I told her.
“Oh ok then, just give me a few seconds.”, she replied.
I walked back into the great room as Jen finished up in the kitchen. I grabbed another tray from the locker and placed it by Beth. She had come straight from work , I could tell by her clothing. A red silk blouse, short black skirt, high heels and stockings. I sat back down in my chair, just as Jen entered with the food.
“Hi Jennifer. How are you ?”, Beth asked.
“I’m great, Beth and you ?”, Jen responded.
“I’m ok, thanks.”, Beth answered.
I could see Beth eyeing up Jennifer, taking in I am guessing, what she felt was her competition, although I had never made it seem that way. Beth and Jennifer struck up a conversation about family, which I stayed out of. I let the two of them catch up, but I also was ready to intervene in the conversation, in case it took a bad turn. Every time Jen would look down to get a bite of food, I noticed Beth would glance my way. I tried not to look in her direction as much as possible, feeling extremely awkward. Finally the family conversation ended, which was what I feared.
“So Jen, how are you and Jeff getting along ?”, Beth asked coyly.
“Pretty good Beth, but we are taking it really slow.”, she replied.
Beth smiled at the response, I am not sure why. Maybe it’s because it was the exact same answer I had given her days before. Maybe it was the uncertainty in Jen’s voice as she said it. Whatever the reason, it appeared to go over well with Beth.
“I guess you know, I have been having problems with Lance.”, Beth told Jen.
“No, I had no idea, Beth. I am so sorry.”, Jen responded with care in her voice.
“Jeff didn’t tell you ?”, Beth asked in amazement.
“No, we really haven’t talked much about family.”, she replied.
Beth looked down into her plate with a disturbed look on her face. I was beginning to worry that this conversation was going to be bad news. I needed a distraction, anything.
Beth went on to tell Jennifer about the events that led up to the separation and the recent getting back together of her and Lance. She basically repeated most of what she had confided to me over the past year. Jen listened intently, although I could not tell if she really was interested or just being polite. Beth went on to ask Jen, what the two of us had been doing lately. I was really relieved when Jen told her that mostly we just hung out on the weekends, not going out much. They went back and forth for a while, when I noticed Beth look at her watch.
“Well, I have to go.”, she said standing up, “It’s getting late.”
I was relieved as hell and started walking her to the door. I opened the door, she stepped out, I followed her on the porch and closed the door behind me. She turned to face me.
“I really wanted to talk to you alone.”, she told me. “Maybe later.”
With that she turned, walked to her car and got in. I breathed a sigh of relief as I opened the door and stepped back in. I re-joined Jen in the great room and sat back down to eat. A few moments passed and finally Jen spoke up.
“Jeff, I hope you know, she cares about you ?”, she asked me.
“What ?…… Well, we are family.”, I stuttered.
“No, not like family, she was looking at you like I do.”, Jen continued, “It’s not hard for another woman to see it.”
I just shook my head trying to get out of this conversation as quickly as possible. I did make a silent resolution that the first time the moment seemed right, I was going to confess to Jen, lay it all out there. I had to.
We spent the entire weekend together enjoying each other’s company, sleeping late and making love several times a day. The more time I spent with Jen, the more comfortable I was becoming with her. I decided that next weekend, I would take her someplace really nice and when the moment was right, confess to her about Beth. As I entered the new work week, all that was on my mind, was how I was going to tell her about it. What word’s should I use ?
The week passed quickly and soon I was looking at the clock, late Friday afternoon. I called Jen’s office and Tiffany answered, telling me Jen had just finished up in court and was heading back to the office. She told me she would have her call me as soon as she got in. I thanked her and hung up. Maybe fifteen minutes later, Jen called.
“Hey sweetie, how are you ?”, she asked.
“I’m fine, just waiting on you as usual.”, I laughed.
“I’m sorry Jeff, I have to work tonight, I have to prepare a motion for Monday morning at nine in the morning.”, she replied.
“It’s ok, I understand. Maybe tomorrow ?”, I asked.
“Definitely, I will call you when I get up.”, she responded.
I was getting used to having Jen sleep in my bed over the weekends. It felt cold and lonely without her and I fell asleep early just wanting the night to be over. I woke up to the sound of rain beating on the roof, it was a real down pour, New Orleans style. I got up, walked to the front and looked out. Apparently it had been raining a while, everything was drenched. I looked at the clock and it was seven – thirty. I made a pot of coffee and sat down in front of the TV. About an hour later the phone rang, it was Jen.
“Hey Jeff, I am so sorry, we couldn’t finish last night, we are back in the office again today, we will be most of the day.”, she informed me.
“Oh well, it’s a bad day to do anything, anyway.”, I replied with disappointment, “What time do you think you will be done ?”.
“I’m guessing maybe four or five this evening.”, she replied, “How about you come pick me up for dinner about five ?”
“Sure, sounds great.” , I shot back, happy that we would be together later.
I passed the day running errands, grocery shopping, washing and drying laundry among other things. I took a long hot shower, dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, left to go pickup Jen from downtown. I called Jen when I was close so she could come down and meet me. It was always a hassle to park in the city no matter what time it was. As I pulled in front of her building, she was waiting on the bench sitting there talking to Tiffany. I pulled up, reached over and opened the door.
“Hey, we have a guest for dinner, if that’s ok with you. Neither of us have our car’s, we rode in with someone else today to avoid the parking.” she stated.
“Sure , no problem.”, I responded, “Hop in.”
Jen pulled the seat back and Tiffany climbed in the back seat. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans, a pull over top and sneakers. Jen was dressed basically the same, with jeans and a tee shirt. Both of them looked incredible and I saw a few envious stares from men passing by, as they both entered my car. We pulled away and I asked the ladies where did they want to eat at. Jen replied that they had discussed it and they wanted to go to a seafood and hamburger restaurant that was close to my house. It’s well known and very good, we eat there regularly. I listened to the two of them talk about all the work they had put in on this motion and how they hoped it would be successful. Soon we were pulling into the parking lot and getting out of the vehicle. We entered the restaurant and surprisingly it was not crowded, which is rare for a Saturday night. The waitress seated us and took our order’s. Jen ordered wine, as did Tiffany, stating that they had a rough day and wanted to unwind.
As usual the food was very good, and the ladies were having a good time. They each had several more glasses of wine as they ate and chatted. The topic kept coming back to how hard they had worked both today and the night before. They both agreed they were not going to do a thing on Sunday but lounge around. That sounded good to me, a whole day alone with Jen. The girl’s ordered one last glass of wine, as we finished up.
We walked out of the restaurant and toward my car, when I had the realization I had no clue where Tiffany lived at. I could have to drive back across the river , then back, something I did not want to do. I decided I had better ask.
“Tiffany, where do you live honey ?”, I asked.
“Not far from Jen’s.”, she replied.
We pulled out of the parking lot and Tiffany gave me directions to her place. I knew exactly where it was, Susan and I had rented a condo in that area when we were first married, though I hadn’t thought of it in years. I turned into the entrance to the buildings and noticed a lot of people out in the court yards and a few utility trucks as well. I pulled up to Tiffany’s building and parked. I walked around, opened the door and let her out. About that time, a young woman, who I found out was her neighbor approached her and told her a gas line had broke in the area, the building had no gas service. That meant no one had any hot water, nor could they cook or dry clothes. She added that it would probably be late Sunday evening before the line would be repaired. As the two women were talking, Jen got out of the car and walked over to Tiffany. She told Tiffany that she could spend the night at her place and stay until the gas line was repaired. Tiffany thought a while and finally agreed, going up to her place to pack a few things for the overnight stay. We got back in the car and waited for Tiffany to return.
“Jeff, I’m sorry about this, it kind of messes things up.”, Jen told me.
“It’s ok Jen, I don’t mind, it would have been miserable for her with no hot water and no way to cook, you did the right thing. I will drop you two off at your place.”, I replied.
About ten minutes later, Tiffany returned and climbed in the car. I pulled out of the lot and turned in the direction of Jen’s Condo.
“You know I never thought to ask but did you guys have any plans ?”, Tiffany asked, “I don’t want to intrude on you.”
“Not really Tiff, we were just going back to Jeff’s for the rest of the weekend.”, Jen replied.
“Well, you drop me off at your place Jen, you go be with Jeff, I will be fine.”, Tiffany answered.
“I can’t do that , you’re my guest Tiff.”
They went back and forth for a while, I was beginning to sense that Tiffany felt bad about breaking up what was left of our weekend.
“Look how about, no one gets left alone, Tiffany you come to my house with us. I have three bedrooms, you can use one.”, I stated.
“Oh Jeff, I can’t impose on you like that, I can go to Jen’s.”, she responded.
“First, your not imposing, I invited you. Second, I would much prefer you do come, because that way, I will be with Jen, instead of alone.”, I answered.
“Yea Tiff, we can have a slumber party.”, Jen laughed.
“Good, then it’s settled.”, I said, slowing down to take a U-Turn on the highway.
It took about twenty minutes to get back to my house. I let the ladies out, got Tiffany’s bag for her and opened the front door. We all walked in and moved to the great room. I suggested Jen give Tiffany a tour of the house, show her where everything was in case she needed something. They went off down the hall to the bedroom area of the home. I took off my shoes, placed them in the locker, went to the kitchen and poured a glass of ice tea. I could hear the ladies in the back laughing and giggling, the wine was definitely affecting them.
I sat down in my chair to relax as the ladies returned.
“Jeff, your home is beautiful. I am really impressed.”, Tiffany said.
“Thank you Tiff, I really like it. I can’t imagine living anywhere else.”, I answered.
We sat and talked for a while then Jen checked the cable TV guide to see what was on. She noticed that there was a movie coming on at nine o’clock that she had been waiting to see for quite some time. Tiffany remarked that she would like to watch it as well. Looking at the time, Jen suggested we all shower, get comfortable before the movie came on since it didn’t end until after eleven. We all agreed and I went to the master bedroom, jumped in the shower, while the ladies used the other bathroom. I got out of the shower, put on a tee shirt and some loose shorts, cleaned up the bath area and headed back to the great room. Tiffany was already out of the shower sitting on the sofa watching TV. She had a long cotton shirt on that was almost knee length and had pulled her hair back into a pony tail. She looked like a teenager sitting there, hell she could almost be my daughter. I sat down in my chair and a few short minutes later Jen joined us. Jen was wearing a tee shirt and a pair of pink cotton shorts, she had also pulled her hair back in a pony tail. She plopped down on the sofa, curled her legs under her like a school girl.
“This is going to be fun.”, Jen laughed.
We all talked for a while and probably about ten minutes before the movie was about to begin, Jen suggested I make popcorn for everyone. I got up and went to the kitchen, pulled two bags from the pantry and began to prepare them. Jen came into the kitchen and walked over to the wine cooler. Susan had a built in wine cooler put in the kitchen between two cabinets under the countertop years ago, so it blended in. It held twenty-four bottles of wine, which I kept about half full most of the time. The rest of the wine was downstairs in the cellar Susan had designed. Jen bent down and open the door to the cooler.
“Is anything open ?”, she asked peering inside.
“Yes, I think the bottle of Merlot at the top is open. It’s the one you opened last weekend.”, I answered.
“Oh yea, good, I liked that bottle.”, she replied reaching for it.
She grabbed two wine glasses out of the upper cabinet and returned to the great room. I had been tempted to say something about more wine, especially considering how giddy the two ladies were, but decided against it. Every once and a while I had to stop and think about the age difference between Jen and I. I know sometimes I must have come on more like her father then her boyfriend. So I finished two large bowls of popcorn, poured my self a large glass of iced tea and returned to the ladies. I placed both bowls on the coffee table in front of us and sat down on Jen’s left with Tiffany being on her right. The movie started a few minutes later and everyone got quiet. During the next two hours as we watched the movie, the ladies finished off the bottle of wine and had opened another. I’m not going to say they were drunk, but they were feeling no pain to say the least. The movie ended about eleven fifteen, both ladies seem to have enjoyed it. Jen scanned the cable guide and found another show and quickly changed the channel.
“Jeff, I’m sort of cold. Do you have any blankets or throws I could cover with ?”, Jen asked.
“Yes in the closet in the master bedroom, there are blankets and throws on the top shelf, let me get one for you.”, I replied.
“No, I will get it. Tiff, you want one too ? “, she asked.
“Yes, I am kind of cold too, thanks.”, Tiff replied.
Jen left the room to get the blankets, I returned to watching TV with Tiffany. I noticed that Jen had been gone for quite some time. Just as I was thinking, perhaps she couldn’t find the blankets, she returned to the room with her arms full. She gave one to Tiffany, dropped the other and then turned to me.
“Um, Jeff, what is this ?”, she asked.
I looked over and was immediately jolted into severe embarrassment. She was holding a game that had been buried in the top of my closet for years. It was a sort of truth or dare board game that Susan had been given the night of her bachelorette party many years ago. It was still shrink wrapped, we had never opened it. I had no idea, it was even still there, I thought it had been thrown out years ago, why Susan kept it I had no idea.
“Where did you find that at ?”, I asked Jen.
“It was buried under the stack of blankets.”, she replied.
I went on to tell her about how it was a gift that Susan had received but I had not seen it in many years. I thought it had been thrown out.
“I see you never played it. It’s still sealed.”, Jen remarked.
“No, we thought it was kind of silly. That’s why it’s still sealed.”, I replied.
“I think we should play. How about Tiff, you up for it.”, she asked her friend with a wicked grin.
“You know me girl, I am up for about anything.”, laughed Tiff.
“And you ?”, Jen asked, looking dead at me.
“I think I’ll pass. You two can play though.”, I responded.
“No, you can’t pass, we all play.”, Jen replied, hopping back on the sofa with the game in her lap.
The ladies looked like two kids at Christmas unwrapping toys as they pulled the shrink wrap off the board game. I figured the game had to be twenty plus years old, so considering the year it was created and the climate of the times, it was probably pretty mild. I got up, headed out to the kitchen to get a refill of iced tea. I could hear the ladies giggling as they opened the box and took out the contents. I arrived back to see the board laid out on the coffee table, two different colored stacks of cards, one red, one green and several cardboard characters of naked men or women that attached to plastic stands, that you moved around the board. They quickly read the instructions and informed me on how to play. Apparently, you rolled the dice and moved that many squares on the board. If you landed on a red square, you had to draw a red card, vice versa with the green square and green cards. On the red cards there were questions you had to answer. If the other player’s thought you answered correctly, you got to stay where you were at. If you they thought you lied or dodged the question, you had to go back to the spot you were on. Same with the green cards except on green you had to perform an action. The other player’s rated the action and you either advanced or moved back to your previous spot. Apparently you just kept going around the board , there was no clear winner. You just kept playing till you began bored or aroused enough to adjourn to more pleasurable activities. I once again tried my best to get out of playing, even using the excuse I would be the judge or moderator but Jen wasn’t buying none of it.
Chapter 21
The ladies discussed the rules for a few more seconds, then decided it was time to get started. I could tell the wine had made both of them more courageous than normal. So after a quick decision, Jen was to go first, Tiff was to be second and I was going to be last. Jen rolled first, a three, and moved into an open spot. Tiffany rolled a five and had an open spot as well. Great, I was going to be the first one carded, I had no luck at all. I was relieved to roll a three and take my place next to Jen. Jen rolled again and once again managed to find an empty spot to land in. Tiffany picked up the dice nervously and rolled a six, which landed her into a red square, which by the way was instantly the color her face was turning. Tiff slowly pulled the first red card off the top of the statement pile. Her eyes nervously scanned the words.
“Oh crap.”, she exclaimed, “Can I pick another one ?”
“No way girlfriend.”, Jen squealed, “You read the rules. You have to answer. What’s the question ?”
“ Um, it says, Have you at any time ever masterbated anyplace other than home ?”, she read softly, barely looking up from the card.
Jen bust out laughing and squealed in delight. Tiff reached over and slapped her softly on the shoulder with a look of disgust on her face. Jen leaned in intently toward Tiff like she was waiting for the winning numbers to the lottery. Tiff squirmed in her seat, looking at the card, then back at us, finally putting it down.
“Ok, I can’t lie about this one because Jen knows better. I have from time to time, uh…you know, did it at work.” , she confessed.
Jen howled in delight and was laughing hysterically, much to Tiff’s dismay. Tiff protested saying Jen already knew about it, and it was no big deal, since apparently Jen had confessed doing the same thing to Tiff.
“Just what the hell goes on in your office ?”, I asked Jen.
Both Jen and Tiff bust out laughing at the same time, I think Jen was actually crying she was laughing so hard.
“Don’t tell me you never did it at work Jeff, I know guys, you are horny all the time.”, Tiff shot back at me, “Anyway, it’s your turn, cause I answered truthfully.”
I picked up the dice and rolled a seven, once again landing me in a safe place. Jen then rolled, moving her piece the allotted spaces and she , like Tiff, landed on a red square. Tiff was elated, clapping her hands and laughing. Jen picked a red card off of the pile and began reading.
“Tell the other player’s one sexual fantasy that you hope comes true.”,
Jen read.
“That’s easy, it did come true, Jeff made it happen when I was with Raine. I wanted to have sex with another woman. I did it.”, she smiled.
Tiffany looked at me and back at Jennifer, she looked deep in thought. Finally she spoke up.
“Nope, that doesn’t count. It’s no longer a fantasy since you actually experienced it in real life. You have to come up with another one.”, Tiffany exclaimed.
Jen looked at me for some sort of help, but I put my hands up. I told her she was the one who wanted to play this game, accept what comes with it. Jen just sat there thinking for a while looking very unsure of what to say. Finally she blurted out an answer.
“I have always thought about having sex with two men at once.”, she answered.
“Oh really Jen, any two guys I know ?”, Tiff replied laughing out loud.
Jen reached out and slapped Tiff on the arm and told her to be quiet. I could see how this game could get really out of hand quickly. And so far no one had landed on a green or “action” card yet. I reached down on the floor and picked up the box cover and turned it over. I quickly read the introduction and judging by it, felt I was dead wrong about it.
I began to get worried.
Tiff took her turn, landed on another red card, drew a question about what was the worst sexual encounter she had experienced. She went on to mention a date she had been on, and how it led to sex in the back seat of a car. Nothing really memorable, I guess you had to be there. I rolled again and I drew a red card as well. Both ladies were overjoyed, but I got lucky and the question was to discuss how many sexual partners you had in your lifetime. Mine was easy, Susan was my first, my high school sweetheart, and then Jen. I told the story quickly, but dishonestly as I held back my relationship with Beth. The ladies looked at me in disappointment, they were hoping for much more, I could tell. I apologized telling them, that’s all there was, all the while lying through my teeth. Jen picked up the dice and rolled a ten moving her piece slowly and there it was, the first green space. Tiffany laughed hysterically and pointed to the green pile. She was urging Jen to pick one, be the guinea pig so to speak. Jen carefully and slowly, drew a green card, turned it over and read it. She quickly put it behind her back, holding it with two hands.
“No, no, no, the game is over. I quit”, she said with a serious look on her face.
“You can’t quit Jen, suck it up big girl.”, laughed Tiff, “Lemme see the card, give it.”
Jen protested but Tiff kept it up stating that we all agreed to the game and to the rules. Jen had to read the card and do exactly what it said. Jen nervously took the card from behind her back and read it aloud. It stated that she had to kiss both the player on her left and the player on her right, on the lips, for a duration of two minutes each. I, for the first time, burst into laughter, looking at Jen’s face. I could see the predicament she was in now. Tiffany had gone dead silent was just staring at Jennifer, every once in a while glancing at me. I have to admit, the sudden thought of Jen and Tiff kissing for two minutes was very arousing. Jen shrugged her shoulders, told Tiff to time her and leaned over to me. She pressed her lips to mine, softly at first, then somewhat harder. I soon felt her tongue on my lips and soon our tongues entwined in a sensual kiss. It’s surprising at how long two minutes is when you’re being timed. Finally we heard Tiff state that two minutes were up. Jen pulled away from me and I could see the anticipation in her eyes. She turned slowly and faced Tiff, I could tell she was nervous as hell. I agreed to keep time, glancing at the clock on the cable box. Jen, leaned in and placed her lips softly on Tiff’s, and began to kiss her. For the first half minute, it was pretty much bland, not much movement. But then you could tell there was a change. I’m not sure which one of the two started it, but now their lips were firmly pressed together and I sensed that this kiss had escalated. Moments later I saw Tiff’s mouth open slightly and I knew what was going on. As they both slightly turned their heads, I could see their tongues dancing together. I glanced back at the clock and the two minutes had elapsed.
“Ok, times up.”, I said.
The ladies broke the kiss, but I could tell it was an intense moment for them. They nervously looked away from each other, as Tiffany grabbed the dice to roll her turn. I noticed that Jen would not look in my direction, which kind of surprised me. After all I had saw her kiss Raine several times before, it was no big deal to me. Tiffany rolled the dice, picked up her piece and moved five spaces, she also landed smack dab on a green square. She looked at both of us in dismay but had no other choice then to pull the card. She reached down, took the card and read it’s contents. She closed her eye’s and hung her head. Jen reached over and took the card from her finger’s and read it. I saw a nervous smile cross her lips.
“Give one person in the room a very sensual, erotic massage and you must touch every body part they have, the massage must continue for a full ten minute time period.”, Jen read.
Now this was going to be good. No way she picks me in front of Jen, so I will get to see her rub down Jen right in front of me. I looked over at Tiff, who was coming to grips with her task. She looked at Jen, then she looked at me. Back and forth she went, until she spoke up.
“Jen, please don’t be mad but, can I pick Jeff ?”, she asked.
“Sure you can, that’s the rules, in fact I prefer you do.”, Jen replied laughing.
Tiff looked over at me and gave me a “what the heck” shrug and moved over closer to me. Jen suggested I lay out on the sofa and she moved over to my chair. I did as I was told and laid face down on the sofa. Jen agreed to time the event and she told Tiff to proceed. No sooner had she finished those words when I felt her tiny hands on my shoulders. She softly began to massage my shoulders surprising me with just how strong her tiny hands were. She rubbed up and down my back really pressing firmly into my flesh. It felt very, very good. Her hands moved down my back, to my waist line and hips. She firmly pushed the muscles back and forth in her small hands. I felt her hands leave me for a second, then they were reapplied to the backs of my thighs. As she kneaded my upper legs, I could not help the feeling I was getting, I knew my cock was hardening, but I was trying like hell to fight it. She moved down my legs to my calves and feet, making sure she covered my entire body. Jen suggested that it was time to roll over so Tiff could do my front. There was no way I could do that in the state I was in.
“That’s ok Jen, the back will be just fine.”, I replied.
“You wish mister, roll over and let her do the other side.”, she demanded.
I looked at Jen and saw she was determined, so I had no choice but to roll over. I now regretted wearing loose shorts, as my cock was now pushing up against them.
“Whoa, someone likes the massage Tiff. Look what you did.”, Jen laughed pointing to my shorts.
I have to say this was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. I was now laying face up, my cock pushing against my shorts, in front of my girlfriend and her best friend.
“Ok, continue Tiff, you still have six minutes.”, Jen laughed.
Soon, I felt Tiff’s small hands on my legs again. She was slowly working my feet and calves up and down. As embarrassed as I was, this small woman was turning me on. When she moved up to my thighs, I thought my cock was going to tear through my shorts. I had my eyes closed, trying to think of anything I could that would get my mind off of Tiff’s touch.
“Um Tiff, you missed a spot.”, Jen squealed.
“Shut up, Jen.”, Tiff shot back.
I could feel Tiff’s hands on the upper most part of my thigh’s and it was amazing. Even though my girlfriend was only a few feet apart, I wanted more. Suddenly I felt a hand on top of my cock, squeezing it firmly. From the touch, I knew it wasn’t Jen. I opened my eyes to see Tiff, softly but firmly squeezing my rock hard cock with her small hands. It felt absolutely wonderful and she knew it. She brought her other hand up and soon, both of her hands were stroking my cock.
“Um, ladies, I think the ten minutes might be up.”, I stated, thinking of anything I could to get out of this situation.
“No ten minutes is not up buddy, so shut up.” Jen replied.
Tiffany continued to slowly stroke my cock up and down sending waves of pleasure through my entire body. There was no use in trying to fight the feeling, it was just too damn good. Suddenly I felt, a hand slide up the leg of my shorts, then with a quick motion, pull my cock out of the leg opening. I opened my eyes to see Jen sitting next to Tiff now, holding my cock in her hand. Her demeanor had become dead serious as she began to softly stroke me up and down. I looked over at Tiff, her eyes were glued to Jen’s hand.
“If you’re going to jerk him off Tiff, do it right.”, Jen whispered hoarsely.
I looked down to see Tiff’s small hand grasp my cock, her other cup my balls. My cock looked so much bigger in her tiny hands, that were now expertly pumping my shaft up and down in a perfect combination of speed and pressure. Jen moved up to me and lowered her lips close to mine.
“Does that feel good, baby, you like Tiff jerking you off ?”, she whispered.
“It feels incredible.”, I responded.
Jen leaned in further and pressed her lips to mine, pushing her tongue between my lips. With the feel of Jen’s mouth on me and the knowledge that Tiff’s small hands were jerking my cock, I was afraid I would explode way too quickly. I had to get my mind off of my cock and quickly. I pulled away from Jen’s mouth for a second and whispered to her.
“Take off your shorts baby, let us see your pussy.”, I whispered.
With absolutely no hesitation, Jen stood up and pushed her shorts down to the floor. With another motion she pushed her panties down on top of them. I reached up from where I was laying and placed two fingers into her very wet, warm slit. I heard a small almost inaudible moan as my finger touched her clit. Jen placed both of her hands on top of mine and pressed it deeper into her pussy. I looked over at Tiff, who was still stroking my cock, but whose eyes were fixed on Jen’s pussy. I put my hand out and motioned for Tiff, to move back on the sofa. When she did, I sat up facing Jen, who was standing directly in front of me. I continued to work my finger’s in her now sopping wet pussy. I glanced towards Tiffany and in all of the movement, saw that her long night dress had moved well up her thigh’s giving me a clear view of her yellow panties. I motioned for her to come closer, which she did without hesitation. I reached up between her legs and began to stroke her pussy through the sheer fabric of her panties. She tilted her head back slightly and closed her eyes. I looked back at Jen and noticed that she was focused on my hand between Tiff’s legs.
“Why don’t you take these off Tiff, they are in the way.”, I said grabbing the crotch of her now soaked panties.
Almost as if she were under a hypnotic trance, Tiff stood and pulled her night shirt up and off of her tiny body. Her breasts were small but full with large nipples, they were perfect for her size. She slowly bent over and pushed her panties to floor exposing her small but beautiful ,almost bald pussy. She climbed back on the sofa next to me and spread her legs offering me access. I reached up and with my index finger, slowly moved up and down her very wet lips. Jen stepped back off of my other hand and knelt down on the floor next to me. She reached down and began to stroke my cock as she watched my fingers play with Tiffany’s pussy. Tiff reached one hand down and gently caressed my balls, as Jen stroked my cock. I had my finger now rubbing Tiff’s clit in small quick circles, which was beginning to have quite an effect on her. I reached up placing one hand on the back of Tiff’s neck, pulling her face down to mine. My lips met her small mouth, my arms wrapping around her tiny body. She immediately opened her mouth inviting my tongue to join hers, which I immediately accepted. She hungrily kissed me back flicking her tongue in and out of my mouth. I suddenly felt another pair of soft lips on my face, it was Jen. I broke my kiss with Tiff, turned and pressed my lips to Jen’s. I have said before what an incredible kisser Jen was and soon I was lost in another mind numbing kiss with her. I felt Tiff slide down my body allowing Jen full access to me. As I was enjoying Jen’s tongue in my mouth, Tiff’s hand once again wrapped around my cock. It was immediately followed by her mouth, as she sucked the head of my cock into her small, wet mouth. I have never experienced such an incredible feeling in my life. One woman kissing me passionately on the lips, yet another taking my cock into her mouth. Jen must have sensed my pleasure because she interrupted our kiss briefly and looked down at what her friend was doing. She moved down to join Tiffany, taking hold of my cock and pumping it slowly into her friends hungry mouth. This went on for a few seconds, until Jen pulled my cock from Tiff’s mouth and placed it in her own. She began an immediate intense suction on my cock sending me ever closer to an orgasm. I had to push Jen off of my cock for fear of cumming too quickly, I wanted this to last.
I sat up, turned and faced Tiffany, I gently pushed her back until she was lying on the sofa in front of me. I lowered myself down slowly until my face was just inches from her pussy. I extended my tongue and touched it to the bottom of her hot , wet slit. I slowly licked her pussy from bottom all the way up until my tongue was softly brushing against her small clit. She tasted much different then Jen, her fluid was thicker, sweeter. In a matter of minutes I had her hips dancing on my face. Jen moved up and sucked one of Tiff’s nipples into her mouth. That was all it took. Tiff moaned loudly, grabbed my head with both hands, pressing it deep into her pussy. Her body bucked and thrashed as waves of pleasure hit her every nerve ending. She rode wave after wave of pleasure until the feelings subsided inside of her. She reached down and pushed my forehead away, separating my mouth from her pussy.
“Oh God that was good. It’s been so long since anyone has went down on me.”, Tiff panted.
I raised up and got back into a sitting position giving Tiff a chance to recover. She got up as well and pushed Jen down into the spot where she had been. Jen laid back, spreading her luscious thighs exposing her soaking wet pussy. I began to lean forward in preparation to suck Jen’s juicy pussy when Tiff grabbed my shoulder pushing me aside. I moved over as she requested, wondering what she had in mind. That question was answered quickly as Tiff quickly lowered her mouth on Jen’s pussy, sticking her tongue deep inside of her friend. Jen arched her back in response, as she exhaled deeply. The sight was absolutely incredible, my beautiful girlfriend laying back, her legs spread having her pussy licked by this gorgeous little brunette. I sat back and just watched for several minutes taking in the breath taking view. I knew from past experience Jen was hurtling quickly toward her first orgasm. I got up and moved behind Tiffany reaching down and lifting her up off the sofa by her hips. She knew exactly what I had in mind as she raised her ass in the air, opening her legs allowing me to get close behind her. She raised her mouth off of Jen for a second and turned towards me.
“Jeff, go slow, its been a while since I have been fucked.”, she said.
She reached up between her legs and grabbed my cock guiding it to her wet opening. I gently pressed the head of my cock between her warm, wet lips. I felt Tiff pushing back against my cock trying to help me get inside her. I pushed against her once more and the head of my cock popped into her pussy. I felt her let out a gasp, as I entered her. I froze for a few seconds, letting her get used to my cock inside her. Her pussy was very small and extremely tight, it gripped my cock like a vise. She lowered her mouth back down on Jen’s pussy and began to suck her clit with renewed interest. I slowly began to move my hips, pushing my cock in and out of her tight pussy. After a few long, very slow strokes, I was deep inside of her, my hands on her hips , pulling her onto my rock hard cock. Jen began to breathe heavily, making small whimpering sounds, I knew she was close. I began to pump Tiffany faster, slamming my cock into her tiny pussy. Jen let out a long soft moan, then erupted into an intense orgasm, crying out in pleasure. Watching Jen in the throes of orgasm, enjoying her girlfriend’s tongue, sent me over the edge. I pulled out of Tiff’s tight wet pussy, grabbed my cock with my right hand, pumping it rapidly towards her ass. The first spurt of cum shot out and landed on Tiff’s back, then wave after wave of hot cum spilled out, covering her small, tight ass in gobs of white milky cum. She reached back with one hand, grabbing my cock pulling on it, milking the last few drops of cum left in it. We all fell back on the sofa, spent, trying to catch our breath.

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In my high school years, a few friends would gather about once a month to play poker. Gambling was not the draw; we played penny ante. To lose $5 in an evening was a lot. We considered it a time of male bonding. We smoked cigars and drank a little. Those were the days.
One of the girls in our crowd had heard about the game. She wasn’t anyone’s girlfriend, just a friend who was a girl. She was cute: seventeen, small, with perky breasts, slim, blond, and lots of fun to be around. She begged to be included, but we said it was a guy’s game. Besides, our girlfriends would be jealous if she came and they didn’t. That logic kept her quiet for a while, but then she had a new idea. She wanted to attend as our waitress. She said she would serve drinks and sandwiches and clean up, just to be able to attend. That did it. We agreed. We also agreed that we would never tell our girlfriends, either.
The fateful Friday night came. The game was at Stan’s house. His folks were recently divorced, so his dad had moved out. And, his mom was going through her adjustment phase of re-entering the dating game with a vengeance. Therefore, we had the house to ourselves until morning.
I arrived early to help Stan set up because Stan was my best friend. Lynne arrived right on schedule, about 15 minutes before the others. We set up in the dining room, adjacent to the kitchen. We oriented Lynne to the locations of the food and drink and cups and plates. Right on schedule the others arrived. The game began with six boys of the tender age of 17.
Lynne was stunning. She had dressed like a cocktail waitress: short skirt, white blouse, black hose, high heels. She took our orders as the game began, and served us professionally, complete with serving tray and hand towel.
About an hour into the game, we noticed something. Her blouse was unbuttoned one button further than before. And, when she reached for a glass to refill, the bending and stretching motion gave us the clear indication that she wasn’t wearing a bra. For Lynne, this was not a problem, since she was 17 and had B-cup breasts. She gave several of us a real eyeful. Her breasts were firm and rounded, upturned at the end.
She gave no indication that she was aware of our stares.
Then, it dawned on me. Being normal, 17-year-old boys, Stan and I had given Lynne the once-over when she arrived. So had the other boys when they arrived. Since she was wearing a white blouse, the outline of her bra would have been clearly visible. If that familiar outline had not been there, we would have noticed. She must have removed her bra after the game had started. I’m not sure how long it took the others to piece this together. It took me about 10 minutes. But remember, we were only 17 and really naпve. The sexual revolution hadn’t started yet. An occasional feel was a memorable date. With a steady girl, you might progress to mutual manual and/or oral stimulation. Real intercourse was rare.
Another 15 minutes passed, and another button magically came undone. Then another. We played manfully onward, but our attentions were definitely divided. Her ministrations to our needs included more brushes of a breast across a shoulder, a hip across an arm. The turning point came when, as Jack folded after four cards in seven-card stud, and asked for a refill, Lynne came with a fresh drink and, after placing the drink, slid into his lap, asking, “I’m not much on this game. Why did you fold?”
Jack, always the gentleman, instinctively put his arm around her and picked up his hole cards. As he explained, she took the hand with the cards, folded them against her breast, and said, “Now I do know you shouldn’t show you cards until the hand is over.” Jack’s hand, hidden under both of hers, cupped a marvelous, firm breast and an erect nipple. I supposed it was erect because the other one was poking out the material of that stiff white shirt. As the hand ended, so did Jack’s free feel. As she hopped up, she made a point of looking back down at Jack’s lap, then asked, “Anyone else need a refill?”
Everyone needed a refill. She served us one at a time. As she returned on each trip to the kitchen, her blouse was open a little wider. She reached around Tom to place his drink on the table, rotating from left to right, putting a nipple in each ear along the way. For Terry, she faced him to reach across to his glass and brushed her blouse open on his nose in order to whisp her nipple across his lips. His reaction time was just slow enough to kiss nothing but cotton. By the time she came back with Rick’s drink, the blouse was gone.
Gentlemen to the end, we played manfully onward. She walked around behind us and rubbed our ears and necks with her fingers and breasts. Since she was behind each of us for a minute or more, we each had the opportunity to reach around and stroke her leg. But the one in the adjacent chair had the best angle. Only a contortionist could feel up a leg behind his back, but the player in the next chair had perfect access. I was the first to venture higher up her leg. Lynne obviously was in control of this situation, as she shifted herself to give an unhindered approach. My hand had gone up the back of her leg and discovered that she was wearing regular hose instead of pantyhose. The smooth flesh at the top of her thigh was warm and inviting. As I moved higher, expecting to find the bottom of her panties, I found only a bare bottom. She hadn’t worn panties, or at least had removed them at some time before any of us had gotten that far. I stroked and gently squeezed than luscious cheek several times before she moved on around the table. This voyage of discovery was repeated several times around the table. Stan was quicker than most, so he had more time with his hand up her skirt. He worked his hand between her legs, for which she accommodated him be spreading her feet to shoulder width. He stroked her slit apparently just right because her eyes closed and she turned her face a little upward. As she moved on to the next chair, Stan was obliged to return his hand. But he stopped to pass his finger under his nose, and then licked it clean.
With that, Lynne announced that Jack’s glass needed refilling, grabbed the glass, and disappeared. When she returned, the skirt was gone. She was left in high heels, black stockings, garter belt, and a thin silver necklace. For the first time we were assured that she was a natural blond. Her neatly trimmed bush had bikini-wax edged edges. Her pussy lips were neat and straight, but clearly puffy and wet. Her clit was a prominent little tube at the top. As she placed Jack’s glass in from of him, she sat in his lap and planted a big kiss on his lips. Jack was so surprised that he momentarily forgot to kiss back. But, soon they were locked in a battle of tongues as Jack’s hands stroked first one lovely part of Lynne, then another.
Suddenly, Lynne broke off the embrace, stood up, grabbed Jack by the shirt, and led him down the hall to the master bedroom. Jack stumbled once or twice along the way. Lynne closed the door behind them. After a moment of shock, we individually came to the conclusion that Lynne had wanted Jack all along, and this was the way she set about to get him. So, we went back to the cards.
Twenty minutes later, Jack sheepishly appeared at the door to the hallway. He stood there a moment, dazed and still blinking in the brighter light of the dining room, when a bare female leg hooked around him from behind. By process of elimination, we determined that it was Lynne’s leg. She rubbed it up and down Jack’s leg. Then a hand and arm appeared to stroke his chest, then his crotch. Still invisible to us due to her short stature, she took him by both shoulders and moved him back to his chair and sat him down.
For the first time since her reappearance, we now had a full view of Lynn. The garter belt, stockings, and heels were gone. Her pussy lips were red and curled outward. Her clit was still a visibly hard knob. Her throat and upper chest were flushed. And one more thing. There was a condom full of semen knotted around her necklace. The filled end hung down between those perky breasts.
Tom was sitting next to Jack. Lynne pivoted expertly and stepped over Tom’s legs to sit on the edge of the table, recently occupied, slightly open pussy in full view. She put one hand on his shoulder and leaned down to caress the obvious bulge in his pants. Then, grabbed his belt, pulled him up, and went back down the hall. When they returned, Lynne had two filled condoms on her necklace.
I had the good fortune to be third. Having recently been introduced to oral sex, I was anxious to try my new-found techniques. Fortunately, the condoms Lynne had purchased (and secreted in her purse that had been placed in the bedroom with the coats) were not pre-lubricated, so I did not get a mouthful of spermicidal gel. I let her undress me, then I laid on the bed on my back. As she started to put a condom on me, I stopped her and guided her hips toward my mouth. Apparently, she was unsure what to do, so I explained to her that I wanted her to cum like she had never cum before, and that I was going to do it with my tongue. In her fledgling experience, she had never been with boy who had put her satisfaction ahead of his own, so no one had ever eaten her out for more than a few minutes, and then only as part of sixty-nine. In her limited experience, her partner had always wanted to shift to penetration before she reached the top.
She had had orgasms, but never this way.
After a little explaining, she straddled my head and gripped the headboard. I must give some credit to the two who had gone before, because she was already at a high level of sexual excitement. But, in all modesty, I must say that I used my tongue rather well, reading her movements to learn quickly what gave her the most pleasure, but not repeating one thing so much so as to wear it out. I ran my tongue first up one side, between her left lip and the shaft of her clit, up and back, then over the top and down the right side, avoiding the tip exposed by her erection. Up and down, up and down, then around, then dipping down to her hole and in and out and back again. Then I would suck in a lip and knead it between my lips, and poke the tip of my tongue up to her clit again. All the while I was squeezing first her buns, then her hips, then her waist, then her nipples, then cup her breasts gently. As she started to shake and hump involuntarily, I would suck the whole area around her clip and tease the end with my tongue. As she tensed, I would drive my tongue between the end of her clit and the surrounding flesh, around and around and up the length of the shaft, and at the same time ever so gently rub hernipples.
When she came, she nearly crushed my skull with her knees. I loved watching her perky, tight breasts, erect nipples, flat stomach, and downy pubes as she stretched and shook and stiffened and moaned. The two full condoms on her necklace swayed out as she rocked forward, then slapped back, again and again. After three times to the top, she couldn’t stand it any more and fell off my face. It took her a few minutes to get her bearings. Then she realized that I was still naked and hard as a rock. As her own loins pulsed and glowed and receded to semi-normal levels of sensation, she descended on my cock and balls like a girl possessed. She licked and sucked and massaged and rubbed and pulled and even nipped and pinched.
This was before the days of HIV (in the mid 80’s), so condoms were for birth control only. You couldn’t get pregnant from sperm in the mouth.
When I knew I couldn’t last much longer, I grabbed her hips and pulled her to me, loosening her suction grip on my penis. She looked back questioningly. Although I’m no strongman, she was small, so I could virtually lift her off the bed and turn her around to mount me. She caught on quickly and made the position change smoothly. Fortunately for both of us, she recovered enough of her senses to remember the condom. She grabbed it quickly from the sheets where it had been abandoned earlier and rolled it down expertly. She impaled herself on my cock in almost the same motion. The combination of her own wetness, my saliva, and the fact that I was the third penetration in 90 minutes made it easy. She wasn’t quite down from the oral ecstasy of a few minutes earlier, so she immediately went back to spontaneous humping. She fell into self-awareness mode, not thinking about my pleasure but about hitting just the right spots for herself. That was fine with me because her obvious pleasure heightened my own.
I tried my best to keep from coming, to prolong the moment. But, when she came again, her pussy went through spasms that rippled up and down my cock. There was no holding back. I emptied myself into the condom. She flopped down on my chest, still engaged. Being so small, she was a comfortable coverlet of warmth and softness. Her pussy continued to throb, milking me dry. Seventeen-year-olds usually can recover their erections for a second round in less than a minute. In later experience, I found I could go three or four times (those were in years gone by, not now). In fact, sometimes I would pull out just before ejaculation because, in doing so, I could start again immediately. But not that night. I was done.
We dozed a moment, until someone flushed the toilet in the bathroom on the other side of the wall. The sound of voices from the dining room reminded us of the obvious next step. We kissed one time – our first, actually. She slowly rolled off and turned to recover the condom from my semi-erect cock. It pulled off easily. She deftly tied it with the other two on her necklace, three evenly spaced trophies, one at each nipple and one in the middle.
I pulled on my clothes and dutifully stumbled back down the hallway, Lynne hiding herself behind as usual. I paused at the door for the now usual show of her leg rubbing down mine and her hands patting my crotch. She put me back in my chair and pirouetted over Stan’s lap. She had seemed sluggish as we had left the bedroom and as she had manoeuvred me to my chair, as though this had been enough. She had had three hours of foreplay, teasing us. After that she had had two hours of serious fucking. (Yes, I had taken an hour after Jack and Tom had each only taken 30 minutes or less. I suspect they only satisfied themselves without thinking of her.) But, her mission kept her going. She had set out to screw the poker club. Besides, her sexual tension was not altogether depleted. After all, she was seventeen, too.
Still straddling Stan’s lap, perched on the edge of the table, she swayed forward to dangle the three condoms in his face. As they swung out, Stan being Stan, he caught the middle one in his mouth. This re-lit the fire in Lynne’s eyes. She leaned further forward, trusting that Stan would catch her, and reached both hands into his lap. Stan held her up with one hand on each breast. Lynne unzipped his pants. Fortunately,
Stan wore boxers, so she had little trouble reaching through the fly to grip his erect member and pull it out. She hopped down and stepped back over his lap, never losing her grip on his cock. He had no choice but to stand and then follow as she pulled him to the bedroom. Valiantly, we played on.
Stan returned in 20 minutes, looking dazed. Lynne had a fourth condom on her necklace and a renewed vigor. It was nearly 12:30 and she had two more trophies to collect.
Terry was next. Lynne made no more pretence of teasing or modesty. Instead of straddling his lap as she had with the others, she came around behind him, swinging the condoms over the top of his head and dragging them back. The newest one, still wet, stuck to some hair briefly. She reached around him and began unbuttoning his shirt. When the last button was undone, she pulled it off him, then gripped his tee shirt and peeled it up over his head. She grabbed both his nipples and rolled them between her fingers, pulling slightly at the same time. He tried to reach back and return the favor, but he couldn’t manage it from that position. Then she reached over both shoulders to keep him in place and unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Grabbing him by the nipples again, she pulled straight up, so Terry quickly stood up.
Using his confusion to gain the advantage, she quickly pushed his trousers and drawers down, dropped to her knees, and sucked his dick into her mouth. At the same time, she pulled his drawers to his knees. Because jeans were tight and no one had thought to remove their shoes in anticipation, that was as far down as she could get them easily. She pulled back and slowly revealed his cock, sucking hard, as she used one hand to play with his balls and the other to steady herself on his butt. The head of his cock slowly appeared. The very instant that it popped from her mouth, she jumped up and ran to the bedroom. Terry tried to follow and fell over, forgetting the location of his jeans. He scrambled to his feet while pulling up his pants (why up?), grabbed his shirt, and headed down the hall. He was gone only 15 minutes.
With five condoms on her necklace, Lynne can back, somewhat unsteadily, for Rick. Amazingly, we never broke the civility of the moment. There were no catcalls, no lewd comments, no grabbing. While Lynne was in the bedroom obviously fucking her brains out with the former occupant of the empty chair, we played on as though the missing party were merely making a head call. No one asked another player how his turn had been or what had transpired. Those who went early were obviously more relaxed than those whose turns had not come. But, after the second trip to the bedroom, no one doubted that all would get a turn. Lynne was definitely in control.
What would she do for the last man standing? She looked tired, sated. But now she had a real resolve to finish what she had started. And she wanted to do it with style. She moved predictably to Rick’s chair. Instead of perching herself almost lewdly, splay-legged, perched on the table edge across his lap, instead of stripping off his clothes and grabbing his cock, she slipped as demurely as a naked, five-times-fucked girl could into his lap and nestled into his chest with her arms wound his shoulders, hands caressing his neck and ears. “Ricky,” she said, “I’m about worn out, and I’m afraid I won’t be much fun for you, laying like a rag doll on the bed. Let’s take this one slow. I have an idea. So you can get as excited as you deserve to get, and I can be as relaxed as I feel right now, let’s do it here, on the table. You can screw me – only you – while the other five caress me and stroke me and make me feel like a purring pussycat. Are you up for that, lover?”
Who could refuse? Lynne sent Stan to the bedroom for her purse and suggested that the rest of us clear the cards and chips and glasses from the table. Fortunately, we had put a plastic tablecloth on the table that evening to prevent damage to Stan’s mother’s dining room table, so the final act that Lynne had obviously planned in some detail could unfold, consummate, and be erased without leaving a trace. In the minute or two it took us to clear the deck, she began to work her magic on Rick. A seventeen-year-old boy may talk a good game, but performing in froom of five friends could be stressful. She stayed curled up in his lap, stroking his hair and ears and neck and chest while nuzzling his neck and lips and eyes with her lips, whispering her desires to only him. He was in heaven while still fully dressed.
Rising gracefully from his lap, she focused her eyes deep into his and took his hands. With a gentle pull, she imparted the next idea: stand up. She pressed her beautiful body into his side while unbuttoning his shirt, then slowly removed it. Next, she helped him with his tee shirt. Since taking the shirt over his head is somewhat awkward, she took a moment to re-establish the mood by suckling at his nipples and rubbing her body up and down his. When he was again in dreamy sexual stasis, she slowly dropped to her knees by sliding down his leg. As she untied his sneakers, she spread her legs and slowly humped his calf. With his shoes untied, she unbuckled his belt and slowly lowered his zipper. Reaching up to rub both his nipples, she then dragged her hands down slowly to his waist and ever so carefully lowered his pants and shorts just below his butt. As soon as his erection popped free, she took his balls in one hand, the head of his dick in her mouth, and wrapped her other hand around his knees. She pulled forward on his knees slightly while pulling down on his balls, so he say back down on his chair. She stepped across his legs with her back to him and bent double, displaying her gaping pussy in front of his face. Before he could react, she grabbed both cuffs and pulled straight out. The shoes went with the pants. Having taken two steps forward in the process, she turned to finish the job on his underwear, removing the socks in the process. When she had finished, she was leaning slightly on the table, facing Rick.
Staring deeply into Rick’s eyes, she said, “Now boys, I need your help. You’ve left me a little sore, so Rick and I will need some lubrication. So that Rick can stand up and screw me and be in complete control while I relax and enjoy, I will need to be at the edge of the table. So, two of you need to be on either side of Rick to hold my legs. Two more need to be on either side of the table to massage my boobs. And one of you needs to play with my head. Stan, get the bottle of baby oil and a condom from my purse. You be in charge of the oil. Hand me the condom.”
That said and in possession of the condom, she put out her empty hand to Rick, who was still sitting down. He rose to stand directly in front of her, the tip of his rock-hard cock less than an inch from her stomach. Lynne opened the condom package and rolled it on, then she slipped up on the table. Terry and Tom took her legs. Jack and Stan put their hands behind her back so she could lean back onto the table slowly and gently. I took her head.
Stan poured a little oil on her pussy. Then Rick moved forward. He was mesmerized by the scene. Stan added a little more oil to the top of Rick’s condom as he slipped it in her pussy slowly. Lynne purred, “Oh, baby, that’s nice.” Rick started a slow in and out motion. The rest of us started to get into the moment, wanting this girl who had brought us such a memorable evening to have the climax of a lifetime. Stan figured out that the oil could make massages feel really good, so he proceeded to oil her from neck to toes. Her breasts glistened. Her nipples pointed out like brand new pencil erasers. Her flat tummy and blond bush received ample attention. Then her legs and toes were massaged delicately. Terry got the idea that his task at one leg should include the territory all the way to her clit. As Rick got into a slow rhythm,
Terry rubbed oil on either side of her clit. Not to be outdone, Tom oiled below her pussy until her anus was dripping. I kneaded her neck and shoulders and ministered to her ears.
As Tom played around her bottom, she sighed, “Go ahead, Tommy. Try a little bit.” Tommy began making slow circles on the patch between her two holes, being careful not to interrupt Rick’s concentration by hitting his dick or knocking his balls. “O-o-o,” she cooed. “More.” Of course, each one thought he was being appreciated, so we all redoubled our efforts. Every inch of her body was caressed and stroked and pressed and squeezed. Baby oil was everywhere. Tom sank two knuckles of his index finger in her ass and stroked in counterpoint to Rick.
She began to tense. Her pussy lips spread wide. Her clit stretched out. I helped her lift her head to get a better view and so she could look into Rick’s eyes again. She encouraged him as if no one else were in the room. “That’s it, baby. That’s the spot. I’m going to come. Come with me. She went rigid. Rick’s face turned red. He began to drive as fast as he could. She went over the top. I knew that Rick was getting the pussy massage I had felt. He came with a groan. After a few slow and unsteady final thrusts, he backed up and sat down, his condom full.
Lynne collapsed back onto the table, spent. The five of us massaged her lightly as she came down. “That was fantastic,” she whispered.
But now what? In a trashy porn story, we would have all whipped out our dicks and jerked off on her before leaving her there to clean herself up. Not his girl. She owned us. We carefully lifted her from the table and carried her well oiled body to the master bathroom where Stan had run a bubble bath. We soaped her gently and let her relax. Rick got dressed and helped, too. We retrieved the last condom. But, instead of awarding her the sixth medal of a whore, we removed the necklace and added it ourselves. Then, Stan came up with a gift box in which we could arrange it like the crown jewels, the necklace in an oval with six bangles fully straight. We arranged it on tissue paper, and showed her just before we put on the top and tied it up with ribbon. She watched as we carefully placed it in her purse. She knew that this secret was hers.
As the water cooled, we all knew the evening had to end. We helped her out of the tub and dried her lightly. No hands touched her, only towels. No one squeezed or felt. We helped her dress because we thought that leaving her alone might tell her we were rejecting her now that we had had our fun. Jack held her panties open and low. She put an arm across the willing shoulders of Terry and Rick so she could step into each leg. Stan and I pulled them up, front and back. Tom held her bra open in front of her so she could insert her arms. After Terry and Rick straightened the straps, I got the honor of hooking it. Next, with arms again supported by Terry and Rick, Stan held out her garter belt, into which she stepped nimbly. He positioned it neatly at her waist. Jack and I each rolled a stocking. One at a time, we smoothed them up her legs and attached them to the garter. Tom held her blouse in front of her like a coat so she could turn and insert her arms. I buttoned her up and tugged the blouse straight. Jack held out her skirt. He and I pulled it up. Tom zipped it in back. Finally, her shoes were slipped onto her feet and her coat retrieved. We escorted her to her car. Each one gave her a hug that no peeping neighbour would have thought was unseemly. When she arrived, she was in charge. When she left, she was still in charge.
None of us have spoken of that evening in the last 15 years. But what we learned has helped us satisfy other women, and has given each of us a memory that will last forever.

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Confessions of a Teenage Slut

Introduction: To comply with this sites new censorship rules all references to age have been edited. Readers should consider all characters to be at least 18 years old. Sorry for any confusion in the story line.

Potential Part 25

A teenage boy’s normal struggles with growing up are complicated by his porn brain and pantie fetish, or at least that’s what he thinks. There might be more to the story.

My Sister In Law Beth. Chapters 22 – 23

* Thank you to all of the wonderful members of this forum who have
been so supportive of my story. I so appreciate all of your comments
and have valued your critique, using it to try and improve my story.
I will conclude this story shortly, there is one more post to come.
Once again, thanks so much for the encouragement and I am glad
most of you found the story entertaining.
Chapter 22
I stayed on the sofa composing myself for a few minutes, pulled my clothing back on and headed for the shower again. After a nice long shower, I walked back down the hall and heard the shower on in the second bathroom. I walked into the great room, but it was empty. I figured both ladies were in the shower at once, so I headed back to my bedroom. I pulled back the comforter and sheets and slipped into bed. I was laying there with my eyes closed when I felt someone climb in next to me. I looked over and both Jen and Tiff had gotten into bed with me. Jen leaned over, close to my ear, reaching for my cock.
“I hope you’re not done with us.”, she whispered softly.
I have to say that sex with two women at once was probably the most erotic and intense sexual situation, I had ever been in. But, as good as it was, I felt somewhat strange. I’m not sure if it was guilt I felt for fucking Tiff in front of Jen. Or perhaps, it was watching Jen enjoy herself with Tiffany. I couldn’t decide what exactly was wrong, but it definitely bothered me. I knew I was falling in love with Jen and somehow this, perhaps tarnished what I was feeling. By the time I had finished showering I felt guilty as hell. I turned slightly to face Jen.
“You sure about this sweetie ?”, I asked.
“Yes, why is something wrong ?”, she replied.
“No, I’m just asking.”, I responded, “I just don’t want us to be awkward with each other after tonight.”
“Everything will be fine.”, she answered.
Jen leaned over me and put her mouth on mine kissing me softly. I pulled her close to me, responding to her lips with mine. She slid her tongue between my lips and reached for mine. I felt Tiffany moving in the bed and soon she was between my legs, both hands on my cock. Jen released me and continued kissing me, as Tiffany warm wet mouth surrounded my cock. In no time, she had me rock hard again, as she softly licked and sucked my cock back to life. The feeling of her small mouth was incredible, almost mesmerizing, she really knew how to please a man. At that time I really wondered why she had no boyfriend. Strange thing to think while your in bed with two women, but it crossed my mine. I knew this time, I would be able to last longer, so I was not concerned. Jen’s lips left mine, slowly moving down my body, until I felt a second mouth on my cock. I looked down and both ladies had my cock trapped between their mouth’s, moving up and down my shaft. The feeling was indescribable to say the least. They continued for a few moments, then Tiffany leaned over to kiss Jen. Their lips met in a very sensual kiss, their tongue’s probing in and out of each other’s mouth.
Jen broke the kiss, smiling at her friend, reached over and took her hand. She guided Tiffany on her back, laying the tiny woman next to me. She slowly lowered herself down Tiff’s body, until her lips met Tiff’s small, tight pussy. Tiff arched her back in appreciation as Jen’s tongue entered her. Tiff reached up and pulled my face to hers, kissing me firmly on the lips. Her tongue quickly separated my lips and plunged into my mouth. I reached over and softly began to stroke her breasts, every now and then gently squeezing one. By this time Jen’s tongue was having quite the effect on her friend. I could tell Tiff was close. I pulled away from her and looked down at Jen to see that she was alternately licking and sucking Tiff’s clit with her lips and tongue. She was completely oblivious to anything else going on around her. As I watched her, I have to say, I felt a twinge of jealously. I don’t know if I was thinking she was too much into this or what it was. I didn’t have time to really dwell on it because Tiff erupted in orgasm.
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Jen, dammit.”, Tiff screamed.
Tiff’s hips came up off the bed pressing into Jen’s mouth. Jen reached under her, grabbing her ass with both hand’s and pulling her tightly into her lips. Tiff bucked and squirmed against Jen’s mouth continuing to moan in a very loud tone. It took maybe twenty seconds before Tiffany, pushed Jen’s mouth off of her pussy.
“Geez girl, stop for a second, it tickles.”, she giggled.
Jen lifted her face from between her friends legs and I could see it was completely coated in Tiff’s cum. Jen ran her tongue along her lips tasting what was left of her friend’s orgasm. Tiff sat up and pulled Jen close to her kissing her deeply. I could see Tiff’s tongue licking Jen’s lips, tasting her own cum at the same time. They kissed for quite some time until Tiff, turned over and rolled Jen onto her back. She grabbed my hand pulling me towards Jen.
“Fuck her pussy Jeff, make her cum.”, Tiff said in a husky voice.
I climbed between Jen’s legs and guided my cock into her dripping wet slit. I slid in as easy as a knife cuts warm butter. Never have I been inside Jen when she was this wet. I started to move in and out of her in a slow but steady pace, making sure I pressed hard against her mound on the down stroke. Tiff moved from behind me, and got on one side of Jen. She lowered her mouth to Jen’s pussy, using two fingers to open her up and expose her clit. Tiff then extended her tongue and began to flick Jen’s clit as my cock pumped in and out of her. It took maybe a half of minute and Jen erupted in a violent orgasm. I buried my cock deep into her pussy and pressed as hard as I could. Her body convulsed and I felt the walls of her pussy contracting against my cock. Wave after wave of pleasure shot through her body, filling her pussy with fluids, which now had begun to leak down her ass.
Tiff moved her mouth off of Jen’s clit and looked up at me.
“Fuck her Jeff, fuck that pussy till you cum.”, she urged.
I began to pump my cock into Jen’s soaked pussy. Jen was exhausted, her eyes closed, coming off of a mind numbing orgasm. It did not take long for me to feel my balls tighten up and move up into my body. I knew I was going to cum soon. Tiff got up, and pressed her lips to mine in a very hungry kiss driving her tongue into my mouth. She probed it for a few seconds, then broke the kiss, staring into my eyes.
“I want you to cum in my mouth, when you’re ready pull out.”, she whispered.
She leaned back down intently watching my cock piston in and out of her best friends pussy. It took only a few seconds for me to lose control. I reached down, grabbed my cock and pulled out of Jen’s pussy. Before Tiff could get my cock completely in her mouth, the first stream of cum shot out coating her lips, dripping down onto Jen’s stomach. The second spurt hit the back of Tiff’s throat as she swallowed with quick motion. She moved her lips up to the end of my cock and began to lick the head as cum continued to pour out, falling all over Jen. Tiff reached up and grabbed my cock in her hand and began to pump it rapidly, milking what was left of my cum into her mouth. The orgasm was intense, leaving my thigh’s trembling trying to support my weight. Finally I had to push away, sitting down for a second, to catch my breathe.
I looked at Jen who was now fingering her pussy intensely. Tiff was leaning over her, licking my cum off of Jen’s stomach. Tiff’s hand was buried in her own pussy as well, frantically rubbing herself. When Tiff had completely cleaned Jen of all of my cum, she moved up and pressed her lips to her friend’s mouth. It took only a few seconds and once again Jen’s body began to shake and tremble in another orgasm. Tiff followed her quickly and she began to spasm on her own finger’s as she drove her tongue into Jen’s mouth. They shook and moaned together as the orgasm’s subsided and their breathing became more normal. They finally broke their kiss and Tiff looked at Jen.
“I think we need another shower.”, she giggled.
The ladies got out of the bed and went into the master bathroom, turning on the shower, grabbing two towels. I watched them step into the shower and close the glass door. Through the door, I could see the ladies soaping each other lovingly, enjoying the hot water and each other. I saw Tiff lean in and kiss Jen, pulling her close. The kiss lasted a very long time and I remember once again feeling very jealous. As they broke the kiss, I saw Tiff slide down Jen’s body until she was kneeling in front of her friend. I watch Tiff take Jen’s pussy in her mouth again and begin to pleasure her. I am not sure what happened after that, as I must have fallen asleep.
I opened my eyes quickly sensing something was not normal. The room was pitch black and my eyes struggled to adjust to the blackness. I heard faint sounds from over my shoulder, not quite sure of what they were. It took a second for me to realize what had happened and remember that I was not alone in the bed. Just as I was about to close my eyes again, I heard Jen’s soft voice behind my back.
“I love you.”, she whispered.
I swallowed hard, closed my eye’s as a warm feeling swept across my body. Finally, the words I had been waiting to hear, it was real. I opened my eyes, but before I could roll over to face her, acknowledge those same feelings to her, the silence was broken.
“I love you too Jen.”, Tiff replied in a soft sensual voice, “I love you so much it hurts.”
I froze, holding my breathe not wanting either of them to know I was awake. I laid there perfectly still, not moving a muscle. My stomach suddenly felt in was in an elevator going down, giving me an uneasy feeling. Was this simply a result of what had happened tonight or was it something more ? I once again heard noises and it took a few seconds for me to realize they were kissing each other again. I had no clue as to what to do, so I just laid there, motionless. For the next half hour I guess, I listen to these two beautiful women eat each other pussy’s to orgasm, all the while expressing their feelings to each other. I felt horrible. All Jen and I had shared and not once had she ever expressed her love for me. Of course, I had never uttered those words to her either, but still it hurt like hell. I’m not sure how long I laid there before I fell back to sleep, it seemed like an eternity.
I opened my eyes, to light flooding the room, blinking quickly to dull the absorption. I looked at the clock on the night stand, it was nine -twenty in the morning. I rolled over and saw I was alone in bed. I slowly got up and headed into the main part of the house. I entered the great room, but it was empty as well. I walked into the kitchen to see Jen and Tiff sitting at the table drinking coffee.
“Hey sleepy head, good morning.”, Jen said, “How did you sleep ?”
“Good, I guess.”, I replied lying to them, “Was I asleep when you got out of the shower ?”
“Yea, you were.”, Jen replied, “We fell asleep right way as well, we were exhausted.”
This was the first time Jen had ever been untruthful to me, at least that I knew of. Maybe I was reading more into this then I should be. After all, how many guys actually complain when their wife or girlfriend wants a three way. Most guys dream of it their entire life, never ever getting to experience it for themselves. I decided to down play the entire night and just see where we went from here. I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with them.
The rest of the day was really uneventful, just relaxing, watching TV. Then was no more physical contact between any of us, which I found kind of surprising after what we had shared the night before. Late that afternoon, Tiffany called her neighbor, who informed her that the gas line had just been repaired and the building was back to normal. I went to the back changed into jeans and a shirt, loaded Tiff’s bag in the trunk and we all left to bring Tiff home.
We dropped Tiff off at her building about thirty minutes later. I open the trunk, grabbed her bag and handed it to her. She kissed me quickly on the lips and thanked me for being so nice. She waved to Jen telling her she would see her in the morning at work. I got back in the car and pulled out heading for Jen’s. We drove for about five minutes in silence, the mood was very awkward.
“So, you have a busy week ahead ?”, I finally asked Jen.
“Yea, it going to be a killer. Not looking forward to it.”, she replied.
She went on to tell me she was opening a new case Monday, in addition to having one not yet conclude, then she had to prep for two more. We agreed to try and talk as much as we could by phone during the week. I pulled up to Jen’s and parked in the lot. I got out and walked around to open her door. She got out and put her arms around me, kissing me softly on the lips.
“Thank you for being you.”, she said softly.
I struggled to find words. I wanted to say it, the words choked in my throat. My mind was demanding that my lips tell her “I Love You”, but somehow the words did not come out. She once again, told me she would call me soon, turned and entered her building. I got in the car, pulled out the lot and fought every urge I had to pick up the cell phone and call her right way. As great as the sex had been last night, emotionally I felt destroyed. I had no way of processing just what had happened and how it all affected Jen and I. I arrived home, pulled in the drive and went in. I grabbed a quick bite to eat, showered and got into bed. In the dark, I laid there just thinking, trying to make sense of it all. One thing was for sure, I was sure I did not want to share Jen again with anyone. I knew that perhaps was very selfish on my part, but it’s how I felt. I close my eye’s and drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 23
The work week started much as any other, cleaning up the previous week’s mess. Soon it was mid-week and I had still not heard from Jen. I called her office, Tiffany answered telling me she was in a meeting and was really busy. I left a message for Jen to call me when she got a chance. Later that night, Jen called me at home. She told me she had just gotten home after a long day in court. She did sound tired, so I decided to cut it short. I told her I would call her Friday to see about the weekend. I told her, I wanted to take her somewhere special, just the two of us. She replied that sounded good to her and we would talk later.
I had no sooner hung the phone , when it rang again. I grabbed it quickly, thinking Jen may have changed her mind. It was Beth.
“Hey Jeff, how are you ?”, she said softly.
“I’m ok Beth, what’s up with you ?”, I replied.
“Jeff, I need to talk to you. Just you and I, one on one, no interruptions.”, she stated.
I started to make excuses, the last thing I needed right now was more drama in my life. I added that things were really crazy right now and I might not be the best person for her to confide in.
“Please Jeff, if you care for me at all, do this, please.”, she pleaded.
What could I say, I was trapped. After all she was family, and really we had to get this settled. I agreed that we would meet the following Friday night at my house. It was over a week away and I had a plan. I was going to tell Jen that I loved her, that I wanted us to be a permanent thing, whatever that took. That would take care of both situations and by the time I met Beth next week, Jen and I would be a couple for good.
The weekend arrived quickly and I was so looking forward to meeting with Jennifer. I called her Friday night but she was still at work. She told me she would be getting home at about nine o’clock, if all went well. I asked her if she had eaten, offering to bring her dinner. She told me she would fix a frozen dinner when she got home, she didn’t have time to eat. She told me she was staying late tonight to avoid going in on Saturday. She promised she would call me in the morning as soon as she got up.
I hung up the phone and looked at the clock, it was seven thirty. I thought to myself, if Jen got home at nine o’clock and was off tomorrow, why not grab a late dinner and surprise her ? I jumped up, showered and dressed. I called in a take out order at one of Jen’s favorite sandwich shops, deciding to surprise her. I picked up the order and drove to Jen’s condo arriving there about quarter till nine. I saw Jen’s parking spot was still empty, she had not arrived yet. I sat in the parking lot for about an hour waiting for her. At a little after ten o’clock, I started up the car and pulled out of the lot. As I did, I suddenly got a feeling, and turned the other way. As I drove in the other direction, I really hoped I was wrong. A few minutes later, as I pulled into Tiff’s parking lot, my heart sank. Jen’s car was parked next to Tiff’s, they were together. I turned the car off and thought for a moment, not sure of what to do. After a few moments, I reached down, started the car and pulled out, heading home.
I woke the next morning to a dull, overcast sky threatening rain. I waited a few hours and called Jen to try to make plans for later. She answered in a sleepy voice. I asked her how her night went, did she get her work done ? She told me yes, she had finished and gotten home about nine thirty and went straight to bed. I didn’t let on I knew better, I was going to wait till tonight to lay all my cards on the table. We made plans to go to a nice restaurant that night and enjoy a quiet evening.
I picked Jen up about seven and we drove to the restaurant. All day long I had been trying to come up with my “speech” so to speak. How to say it, when to say it. I had rewritten it in my head a thousand times, I would probably do so a few more before I got it out.
I asked the hostess to seat us in a quiet booth so we would not be distracted by patrons coming and going. She seated us near the rear of the restaurant, in a very private booth. We both slid in across from each other and picked up our menu’s. A few moments passed, and our waiter approached. He took our orders, picked up the menu’s and told us it would be about twenty minutes for our food to arrive. Perfect, it’s now or never.
“Jen, there’s something I have been meaning to talk to you about.”, I said softly, reaching over and touching her hand.
“Yea, me too.”, she replied looking into my eyes.
“Oh, well, you want to go first ?”, I asked, surprised.
“No, you go ahead Jeff.”, she answered.
I thought one last time, making sure I knew what I was going to say.
“Jen, these past few month’s I have spent with you have been special. After I lost Susan, I thought that part of my life was over. But then you came along and things got a lot better.”, I started.
“I have been wanting to tell you something now for over a month, but never could find the right time, or the right words.”, I continued.
“Jen, I think I am in love with you. I would really like for us to be a permanent thing in each other’s lives, if you feel the same way.”, I ended.
It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders. I looked at Jen trying to get an idea of her reaction to the words I had just spoken. She had brought her hands up to her face and I could see water filling her eyes as she looked down at her napkin. I knew with Susan, crying at an emotional moment was usually a good thing. It seemed like forever before Jen lowered her hands to speak.
“Jeff, I don’t know what to say, I’m trying to think.”, she replied.
Well that was not the reaction I was hoping for, but sometimes ladies take the long road to get where they are going. I squeezed her hand gently, as I watched a tear roll down her cheek.
“Jen, did I say something wrong ?”, I asked, “If I did, I am sorry.”
“No Jeff, you did not say anything wrong, it’s not that.”, she answered.
“It’s ok Jen, just tell me how you feel, I will understand.”, I promised.
She swallowed hard looking down again at her napkin, more tears rolling down her cheeks. She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes that I loved to look into.
“Jeff, I am in love too.”, she said softly.
Once again, I squeezed her hand softly and smiled at her. I felt a warm feeling spreading over me as I waited for more.
“Jeff, I’m so sorry, I have fallen in love with Tiffany.”, she said between sobs.
She must have felt my hand relax on hers, as the news hit me like a heavyweight fighters punch to the stomach. I think she saw the sadness wash over my face, my shoulders sag to the weight of her words.
“Jeff, I am so sorry, you deserve so much more. I never meant this to happen. It just did.”, she said softly.
There was just silence as I saw the waiter approaching with our order. He set our food down in front of us, ask us if we needed anything else. I simply shook my head no, he turned and walked away.
“Jen, its ok, I understand, love is a strange thing, it just happens.” I started, “But can I ask you something ?”
“Of course you can.”, she answered.
“When did you realize you were in love with Tiffany ?”, I asked, “Was it the first night we were all together at my house ?”
“No Jeff, it was before that.”, she answered. “That was just the first time Tiffany and I had any physical contact. The sparks have been there for a long time. We just both knew it for sure that night.”
“Yes, I know. I heard you tell Tiff you loved her that night in bed.”, I replied.
Jen reached up with her hands covering her face in horror.
“Oh My God, you heard us Jeff ? I am so sorry, I feel terrible.”, she replied.
She went on to explain that she had a crush on Tiffany almost as soon as the small woman began working for her. At the time Tiffany had a boyfriend, so Jen did not give a thought. Then she met me and she thought maybe she was wrong. But her feelings proved to be too strong. She kept apologizing to me over and over.
“Jen, it’s ok sweetie. I understand, just be happy. That’s all that matters in life.”
We quietly finished dinner and made our exit to the parking lot. I knew that we both felt terrible, so continuing the night made absolutely no sense for either of us. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed back to Jen’s. She realized where we were going and said nothing. As I pulled into her space, the silence in the car was deafening. I reached over and took her soft hand in mine.
“It’s ok Jen, really. I hope you are happy. I care a lot about you, I want that for you.”, I told her.
“Jeff, please stay here for a moment. I will be right back.”, she asked climbing out quickly.
She went into the building and was gone maybe five minutes when she re-emerged with Tiffany at her side. I looked around, I did not see Tiffany’s car anywhere. They both walked up to the driver’s side window and Jen motioned for me to step out, which I did. Jen reached up and put her arms around my neck and buried her face in my chest sobbing.
“Jen, told me what happened Jeff. You’re quite a man.”, Tiff said softly.
“Not really Tiff. But I want her to be happy. Life is too short to be anything other. I know from experience.”, I replied.
As soon as Jen released me, Tiff came over and gave me her own hug and kissed my neck. She broke away and looked up at me.
“Jeff, we talked for a minute before we came down. Would you spend the night with us here. Let us be as kind to you, as you were to us tonight. We both want to do this for you. Please.”, she asked.
I have to say, I seriously thought about it for a moment. Another night of wild passionate sex with two gorgeous women who were solely intent on my pleasure. But no matter how great that sounded, it would not help any of us.
“Thank you so much. But I think I will leave you two alone.”, I replied.
“You sure Jeff ?”, Jennifer asked.
Yea, I’m sure.”
I wished the two of them goodnight, but made sure they understood to keep in touch with me. I still wanted Jennifer to know, I was there as a friend if she would need one. I got into my car and took a very long and lonely ride home.
I dreaded Mondays, but this one was really bad. I was starting a week with absolutely nothing to look forward to, this weekend, I would not spend with Jennifer. I trudged through the day at work, several people asking me if I was alright. I guess you could tell, I was somewhat not my normal self. On the ride home my cell phone rang, I looked at the number, saw it was Jen. I answered quickly. She told me she just called to make sure I was ok, once again telling me how badly she felt about what had happened. I reassured her as best I could, once again wishing her happiness. Then she brought up something I had not thought of. How was she going to explain this to her parents, and my mother in law ? She confided in me she really was not prepared to tell her parents she was in love with another woman. We discussed it for a few moments, after which I told Jen to tell everyone, I was the one who decided that we stop seeing each other so much. That I was just not ready and I still missed Susan too much to get serious with anyone. Jennifer replied that would not be fair of me to take the blame, when it was her fault this happened. I assured her this was the only way we could explain it, but not let on about her relationship with Tiffany. After some thought, we agreed.
It was mid-week when I got the call I had been expecting. It was my mother-in-law. After a brief hello, she got right to the point.
“Jeff, what happened with you and Jennifer ?”, she asked, “She told her mother your not seeing each other anymore.”
“Yea Mom, that’s true.”, I replied, “I just wasn’t ready.”
“That’s not true Jeff. I know better, just what happened ? Jen’s mother is really upset, she really likes you.”, she demanded.
I didn’t know what to say and not give Jen away which I had no intention of doing.
“Mom, it’s me, I still miss Susan. No one can replace her.”, I lied.
“Jeff, I will find out what happened, so you might as well tell me.”, she continued.
“Mom, that’s all there is. I’m sorry, I really care for Jen, I wish it would have worked out.”, I answered.
“I know you care for her, that’s why I know something more happened.”, she stated.
I thanked my mother-in-law for her concern, but again told her I had made the decision to break it off with Jen. We talked for a few more seconds then hung up. I got home, took a shower and dropped into my chair to watch TV. About an hour later Jennifer called and told me her mother had just gotten off the phone with her. She told me her mom had grilled her for over an hour about what had happened. I told Jen the conversation I had with my mother-in-law as well. Jen was scared that they would discover what was going on before she would be ready to tell them. I reassured her I would stick to my story and not let her down. She thanked me and we hung up. How in the hell, did all of this get to this point, I thought.
Beth called me at the office on Friday morning to make sure we were still on for later that night. I assured her I would be home and had nothing to do. She told me she would be there about seven, as Lance was leaving town for a long weekend of golfing in another state. I told her that would be fine. During the day, I gave it a lot of thought and decided since I was already feeling pretty low, I would put my relationship with Beth to rest as well. It was time to end it all.
I got home around six in the evening, jumped in the shower, got out and ordered a pizza. I had just sat down to eat, when the doorbell rang. I got up, answered the door, it was Beth. She stepped in, I closed the door behind her. We entered the great room.
“Want some pizza Beth ?”, I asked.
“Sounds good“, she said with a smile.
I went into the kitchen, got Beth a plate and a glass of iced tea and returned. We sat and ate, making small talk, both knowing what was to come.
“You seeing Jennifer this weekend ?”, Beth asked.
“No, I’m not.”, I answered, “We aren’t seeing each other right now.”
“What ?”, Beth exclaimed, “Jeff, what happened?”
I gave her the same lame duck excuse I gave her mother earlier in the week. Beth took it as well as my mother-in-law had, she knew better, but didn’t know how to get it out of me. I quickly changed the subject.
“So Beth, what did you want to talk about ?”, I asked.
“Jeff, I have decided what I want in life. I can’t be real explicit yet, but I wanted to tell you a few things.”, she said.
“I’m not sure you really trust me anymore, but I need to say this. I still have feelings for you. Not a day passes that your not in my mind. I want you to know that.”, she continued.
“I know I handled this whole thing badly and I am very sorry for hurting you. I don’t know what the future holds for me but I know I have a future. And very soon, it will be a reality.”, she ended.
For the second time in as many weeks, I had no idea what to say. I had no clue what she was talking about, or even much less how it pertained to me.
“Well Beth, I hope it all works out for you. I want you to be happy.” I answered.
I had been saying that a lot lately. I wanted everyone to be happy. But it seemed nothing was working out the way I intended it to. We talked for a while, then Beth got up, thanked me for listening and head for the door. She kissed me briefly, thanked me and told me she would call me soon.
Several weeks passed by and I heard nothing from anyone. I was falling back into my normal routine before all of this mess had started and was beginning to get comfortable. I was on the way home from work and passed in front of Beth’s. There was a U-Haul Truck in the drive way with the tail gate down. As I slowed down, I saw Lance walk down the ramp. He waved and motioned for me to stop. I lowered the window as he walked up.
“Hey brother-in-law.”, he said with a smile.
“Hey, Lance. What’s up ?”, I asked.
“Aw, nothing much. Beth kicked me out for good this time.”, he laughed.
“Oh man, I am sorry to hear that. What happened ?”, I inquired.
“Heck, I don’t know. I was being good this time. But I don’t blame her, she deserves way better then me. It’s been coming for a long time. We will both be happier doing our own thing.”, he answered.
He went on to tell me that they were drawing up final papers to sign and he would be leaving the state to move back closer to his family. He shook my hand and wished me well, saying he would keep in touch.
I drove home and pulled into the drive. I have said before, life can be cruel and relentless. Every time you think your one up, it has a way of beating you down. I was just so tired of thinking about everything and everyone, I was exhausted.
Over the next several weeks, life was almost normal. I had my routine down pat again and was beginning to feel like my old self. I had not heard from Jen in over a month, I hoped she was doing ok, but really did not want to call. I did not want her to think of me as a long lost puppy begging for a home. The holidays were right around the corner again, another year had passed.
I started Christmas shopping early in December and was finished the week before. I agreed to Christmas Dinner at my mother-in-law’s as usual and planned on spending the rest of the holidays relaxing. It was very cold out this year, very unusual for New Orleans. Three days before Christmas, I got a call from Beth.
“Hey Jeff, what’s up ?”, she said in a cheerful voice.
“Not much Beth, how are you ?”, I asked.
“I’m doing great, thanks.”, she replied.
We went on to talk about the upcoming holidays and what our plans were. She told me she was going to her mom’s for dinner as well, she would see me there. She asked if I would be interested in spending Christmas Evening with her for supper and dessert after leaving her Mom’s. I told her, I really wasn’t up for anything more, that I wanted to spend the rest of the holidays just relaxing. She persisted that I go, she wanted to take me out and thank me for being a good friend to her during her troubles with Lance. I told her , we would see how dinner went and go from there.
I arrived at my in-laws early for dinner, giving out presents and helping my mother-in-law in the kitchen. Mom told me she had invited Jennifer again this year, but she declined saying she had other plans. I was relieved, it would have been sad to see Jennifer in a lot of ways. About an hour later Beth arrived, and entered from the rear kitchen door. She looked absolutely stunning. She had on a very short red skirt, white pull over sweater and knee high suede boots. My father in law sprung up from his chair.
“How’s my baby girl ?”, he shouted, grabbing Beth around the waist and squeezing her.
“I’m great Daddy, I love you.”, she exclaimed.
You could see the old man eyes tear up. Since he had lost Susan, he had become so close to Beth. She was all he had, his only baby girl. Beth kissed her mom and moved over to me. She leaned over to kiss my cheek, and as she did whispered in my ear.
“Merry Christmas Jeff, I love you.”, she said in a very low voice.
She turned very quickly and hugged her father again and followed him into the den. We all ate dinner together and really enjoyed the day. Everyone was in a good mood, the food was great. About four o’clock, we helped mom, clean up and put everything away. We had coffee in the den and about an hour later, I was ready to go. I thanked everyone for a nice dinner, grabbed my coat and headed outside. Beth followed me quickly and soon caught up.
“I will call you in about an hour. Be ready.”, she demanded.
I got home, took a long hot shower and dressed casually for dinner. I was sitting in front of the TV when the doorbell rang. I heard the door open and Beth yell out.
“You ready ?”
“Yes, be right there.”, I called back.
Beth told me she wanted to drive, so I climbed into her SUV, it would be nice not to drive. I reached for the seat belt, I saw Beth look over and giggle.
“What’s so funny ?”, I asked.
“Nothing”, she answered with a laugh.
We backed out of my drive, and pulled off. We drove around the corner and pulled into her drive way.
“We’re here.”, she laughed.
“Here ?”, I asked, “I thought we were having dinner ?”
“We are. Come on.”, she said, jumping out.
She unlocked her front door and we went in. Beth’s house was not quite as big as mine, but it was every bit just as nice. The layout was very different though. Beth’s master bedroom was in the front of the home, mine was in the rear. Her bedroom door, was immediately off of the foyer when you walked in. She also had a formal dining room, which I did not have. As she walked through the kitchen, I could smell something very good was cooking. She led me to the dining room where the lights had been dimmed, three candles were lit on the table.
“Isn’t this better then a noisy restaurant ?”, she asked.
“It’s very nice Beth.”, I replied, sensing the amount of work she must have put into this.
She pulled my chair out holding it for me, sort of laughing, this was something I always did. She slid the chair under me and bounced off to the kitchen. She returned shortly, carrying a large white casserole with a top on it. She set it down and scurried off to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee.
“I had mom make your favorite.”, she said, lifting the top off the casserole.
I knew instantly by the smell, it was homemade Bread Pudding, and it was my favorite dessert. She grabbed a bowl and spooned out a large serving for me, poured me a cup of coffee. She made some for herself and sat down next to me.
“This is a nice surprise Beth.”, I said thanking her.
“Don’t thank me, you better call mom, she made it for you.”, she replied.
“She knew it was for me ? She knew we were getting together for dinner ?”, I asked
“Yea, she did, I told her.”, she answered.
She went on to tell me that Mom had been worried about me lately. I had once again shut myself off from most of the world, staying home a lot, not going out. I have to admit, it was nice, the bread pudding was warm, the coffee was hot, but it was cold outside, really cold below forty degrees. And for New Orleans, that is cold. We finished eating, put the dishes in the sink and moved into the den. Beth had a fire going and that was the only light in the room. She sat next to me on the sofa, watching the flames jump off of the wood. I was think to myself, how did things get this crazy in one year’s time ?
“What are you thinking ?”, Beth asked.
“Nothing.”, I replied, “Things just don’t go like you think they should sometimes.”
“You miss Jennifer ?”, Beth asked.
“No, it’s not that.”, I answered.
“Susan ?”, Beth shot back.
“Yes, I still miss Susan sometimes. I think I always will.”, I responded sadly.
“I miss her too Jeff.” Beth replied, grabbing my hand in hers, “But she knows we still love her. She can see us, she is always with us.”
“Oh God, I hope not Beth. I am not proud of my self lately. I feel I have really let her down.”
“No, you haven’t let her down.”, she scolded, “Never say that to me again.”
We got quiet again as the only sound was the cracking of the wood in the fire. I glanced over at Beth, the fire was dancing in her eyes.
“Jeff, I want you to look at me.”, Beth demanded.
I turned and looked at my wife’s sister. No matter how hard I tried to deny it, she was beautiful. She reminded me a lot of Susan in so many ways. Physically they were much different, but they had so many of the same character traits, the smile, the laugh, the great sense of humor. I guess that’s why it was so easy to love Beth.
“I Love You. Really Love You. I know I messed things up by being indecisive, but I had to be sure. I know I hurt you and I probably lost you for good, but I have to tell you this. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I am willing to go right now to my parents and tell them everything. Tell them I Love You and have for a long time now. If you get up and walk out, I understand, I will move on and I will try and make a life for myself. But I just had to tell you, its your choice. I Love you, I want you, I want to be with you, period. The choice is yours.”, she boldly stated.
“Ok, I’m done.”, she finished.
I just sat there stunned, looking into her eyes. Suddenly my mouth was as dry as the desert, my brain was not working. It seemed like an eternity passed.
“You heard me, I Love you.”, she stated. “It’s simple. Do you love me at all ?”
Again I just sat there stunned, not knowing what to say. Finally I gathered some wits.
“Yes Beth, you know I still love you. But……. “
“No but’s. No regrets. I messed up bad once Jeff, and maybe I lost you, but I need to know.”, she whispered.
“I turned my life upside down to make this possible. Not for you, for us. But you can walk away and nothing will change, I will still love you. You will always be family, I just want you to be more. I want to be loved, liked you loved my sister.”, she stated.
We sat there, holding hands, looking into the fire for a long time. I had a million thoughts running through my mind. I had fallen in love with Beth, what seemed like a very long time ago. Was it still there ? Could we spend the rest of our lives together and be happy ? So many questions, not enough answers. Am I supposed to make a life changing decision in the wink of an eye ?
I looked at the clock, it was almost eleven, Christmas was almost gone. I did not know what I was feeling nor could I attempt to express myself.
“Oh, I almost forgot. I have your present here.”, she said jumping up, running to the stock that was pinned to the mantle of the fire place.
She reached in and carefully pulled a long white envelop from the stocking, turned and walked towards me. She handed me the envelop and told me she would leave me alone for a while. I looked at the envelop which was sealed, nothing on the outside. Beth left the room, and closed the door behind her. I reached under the flap and tore open the envelop, pulling out a single legal sized white sheet of paper that was hand lettered. I opened it up and immediately recognized the hand writing, it was Susan’s. I looked up and Beth was gone, the door was closed. I lowered my eyes back to the letter and started reading.
My Dearest Jeff,
If you are reading this letter, I have left you alone in this world, and for that my darling, I will be eternally sorry. We have fought a long and courageous battle, but in the end it was not meant to be. Please know, my love, without you by my side, I could not have walked these last few miles. You were my rock, my strength, you never gave up hope, you never let me give up. I fell asleep every night holding your hand, I awoke every morning, you were still there. Now as I approach the end of my life, I have no regrets, for I had you, even if it was not as long as we both hoped for . You showed me what true love was, for I know I was your entire world, as you were mine. Perhaps a love as strong as ours cannot endure forever, it is too strong, perhaps it burns itself out. But, if I would have a choice of a short life with you or grow to be a very old woman never knowing you, I would choose the fleeting moments we shared all over again.
I know I will close my eyes soon for the final time, my pain will be forever washed away. Please do not wrap yourself in grief and try to understand what has happened. I want you to, one day in the future, again have a happy life. Please do not let my death, be your own.
Please tell my parents, I love them and for what they have given me, I am so grateful. My mom is strong, but my Dad will take this very hard. Please tell him, he was the only other man in my life that I ever loved. You both made me the woman I am, and I love you both with all of my heart.
I am sorry but I do not have the strength to go on writing, I am so tired. I want to leave you with one last thought my love. For the rest of your life, when you are sad, lonely, hurting, or troubled, close your eyes and feel my loving arms wrapped around you. I will hold you close to me for all of eternity, even in death I will not forget you.
All My Love
By the time I finished reading the letter, tears were streaming down my cheeks. I pressed the letter to my chest and wrapped my arms around it. I bent over, closed my eyes and cried like an infant. I’m not sure how much time passed until I felt Beth’s hand stroking my hair. I looked up at her, wiping my eyes.
“I’m sorry, I must look like a fool.”, I said apologizing.
“No Jeff, you don’t. You’re the most thoughtful, caring man I know. Never be sorry for that.”, she replied.
“When did you get this letter ?”, I asked Beth. “How ?”
Beth went on to explain that in Susan’s last days, she had called her over to her bedside and handed it to her. Apparently Susan had asked me to go and ask the nurse for some pain medication so she could pass it without my knowledge. Susan had made Beth promise to wait and give me the letter when she felt I needed it most.
“After all that has happened this past year, I just thought now was the right time.”, Beth said.
“It was the best Christmas present I have ever gotten. Thank you Beth.”
Chapter 24
I stood up and pulled Beth close to me, holding her for a long time. As I released her, I kissed her and once again thanked her for a wonderful Christmas. I decided to walk home since it was only around the corner. I needed the cold air to clear my head. It was a very cold, clear night. As I walked home, I looked up at the stars and could not help but think of Susan. I smiled as my hand was holding the letter in my coat pocket, somehow I felt Susan was walking with me. I got home a few minutes later, locked up and got comfortable in my chair. I glanced and saw the message light blinking on the phone, I reached over and pressed the message key.
“Hey Jeff, this is Jen, just uh….wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. I know it’s not how either of us imagined it would be. I hope your ok, talk to you soon.”
One thing she was definitely right about, this is not how I pictured myself spending Christmas Day, alone. But somehow, I knew I wasn’t alone, Susan was here, if even for only for tonight. I must have fallen asleep in my chair, when I next looked at the clock it was four in the morning. I got up, went to the bedroom and climbed into bed, falling to sleep immediately.
I woke the next morning around nine, it was extremely cold in the house. I walked down the hall and glanced at the thermostat, it was off. The temperature read fifty degrees, no wonder, it was cold in here. I flipped the switch to heat, continued into the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee. The house warmed up quickly, soon the coffee was finished. I drank a few cups while I read the morning paper. I spent the rest of the day cleaning house, washing clothes, getting ready to go back to work the following day.
The following week flew by and New Year’s Eve was approaching again. It seems as you get older, the years pass by so quickly. I made an early New Year’s resolution to get back into the gym full time, I had gotten soft. I had stayed in good shape my entire life. Having played college football for a major SEC school, I was always a fairly large man. My weight had always stayed between 230-240 pounds, but I had held my thirty two waist. Now my pants were a big snug and I knew it was time to get back into a routine.
The following Monday, I started back at the gym full time and it felt good to be exercising again. After a few days, I was back into a full time routine. I received several calls about New Year’s celebrations but I had decided to spend a quiet evening at home. I just wasn’t up to being around a bunch of people drinking and cutting up.
It was Friday, New Year’s Eve was tomorrow , we were wrapping up work until the second of January. I was the last to leave at around six that evening. I stopped at the grocery on the way home, picked up a few things, headed home. I put away the groceries, took a long hot shower and settled in to relax. Around eight that night, I got a call from Jennifer wishing me a Happy New Year. I responded in kind to her, we chatted a bit, then said goodnight. I found it strange that she kept calling me, wondering if Tiffany knew about it. I had made no real attempt to stay in touch with Jen, respecting her decision, not wanting to cause problems between her and Tiffany.
I went to bed that night but couldn’t sleep, tossing and turning. I thought about everything that had happened over the past year, how everything had gotten so confusing. How I had misread Jennifer, the relationship ending how it had. Then Beth coming back and ending her marriage, telling me that she loved me and the decision would be mine if we were to be together. I thought about Beth for the rest of the night and what I really wanted to do with my life. What exactly was it about Beth that made me feel this way ? Yes, she was incredibly attractive, extremely fit and knew how to make a man feel like a man. Or was it that I saw so much of Susan in her ? The smile, the laugh, the look in her eyes , I just was not sure. I’m not sure what time I actually fell asleep, I know it took a long time. Sometime during the early morning hours, I felt a cool, almost cold hand brush my cheek. I heard a soft whisper in my ear, a voice so familiar, yet strange.
“Baby, I love you, please don’t waste any more years, go to her now.”
I opened my eyes startled, sitting straight up in bed. I looked around the dimly lit room, focusing my eyes. I felt something cold on the side of my face, reaching up with my hand brushing my cheek. My face was ice cold and wet to the touch.
As my eyes adjusted to the room, I saw it was empty. I turned and threw my feet to the floor rubbing my eyes. I could have swore, someone was in the room. I looked down at the floor and saw what appeared to be two small wet spots on the hardwood floors. I once again, looked around the room. Maybe someone was in the house. I got up, walked through the entire house checking the doors, but everything was locked, nothing amiss. I must have been dreaming, but it sure seemed so real.
I spent the day relaxing and watching TV, several good football games were on. Around five that evening I got a call from Beth, I had not spoken to her since Christmas night at her place.
“Hi Jeff, how are you ?”, she asked.
“I’m fine Beth, and you ?”, I replied.
“I’m ok, thanks. Are you doing anything later tonight ?”, she asked.
“No, not a thing. Just going to be hanging out here, watching TV.”, I responded.
“Same here. I’m not in the mood for partying.”, Beth stated.
“Yea, I know the feeling.”, I replied.
“Well have a Happy New Year’s, Jeff.”, she wished.
“You too, Beth.”, I responded.
The day passed slowly , I guess about six-thirty that evening the neighbors started shooting fireworks. They had an annual party and always spent a small fortune on fireworks. Several times, Susan and I had set up chairs in our front yard, wrapped in blankets and watched the show. Once again, there were dozens of people across the street all having a very good time. I decided to go sit outside for a while and watch the show, grabbing a chair, a blanket and a thermos of coffee. My neighbors waved to me, wishing me a Happy New Year’s and returned to their festivities. I sat up my chair, poured a cup of cup, wrapped up in the blanket and sat down. The fireworks were extremely colorful and very plentiful, never slowing down as the hours passed. I looked at my watch, it was almost ten-thirty, the temperature was really dropping. I decided to finish my cup of coffee and call it a night. Just as I was about to pickup and go inside, I saw Beth walking down the sidewalk towards me. She waved when she saw me, coming over to where I was sitting.
“What are doing out here tonight ?”, I asked.
“I saw the fireworks from my back door, decided to come watch for a few minutes.”, she replied.
“It’s cold out here.”, I laughed.
“Yea, I know.”, she giggled
“I was just about to go in. I have been out here for about ninety minutes.”, I told her.
“Oh, go ahead, I am not going to stay long. Just watch for about ten minutes.”, she told me.
“You want my chair and blanket ?”, I offered.
“Yea, sounds good.”, she laughed.
I got up, giving her my seat and wrapped the blanket around her. I went inside trying to shake off the cold. I made another pot of coffee, poured a mug and sat down in my chair. The coffee was good and quickly warmed me up. I had just gotten up to pour a second cup when the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see Beth, holding my chair and blanket.
“Here, I have had enough, it’s freezing out here.”, she laughed, “I’m going to get warm.”
“I just made a pot of coffee, you want a cup ?”, I asked.
“That would be great.”, she replied.
She stepped in, I closed the door on the cold night air. We entered the great room, I offered to take her coat and scarf. She sat down on the sofa, I went to the kitchen, poured a cup of coffee and returned handing it to her. She took a small taste of the very hot liquid.
“Mmmmm, this is good. Thank you.”, she said.
I sat down across from her, picking up my cup. She was a beautiful woman, there was no denying it. Even now, dressed only in jeans, a sweater, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, no makeup, she was stunning. She reminded me so much of Susan, in so many ways, I guess it’s why I fell in love with her so quickly. As we sat there drinking our coffee in silence, I could not help but wonder why things had turned out like they had. Two years later and I had traveled full circle, sitting here again with Beth. For some reason, I suddenly thought about the night before and how I was startled from sleep by a voice.
“Baby, I love you, please don’t waste any more years. Go to her now.”
Suddenly, I felt a cold damp breeze, pass behind me. I looked up to see Beth staring at me with a blank stare.
“What’s wrong ?”, I asked.
“I can’t explain it. I just feel strange.”, she replied.
“Strange ?”, I asked.
“Never mind, it’s probably just the cold.”, she laughed.
I got up and poured us each a fresh cup, turning off the pot. I returned , handed Beth her cup and sat down. I looked at the clock it was eight minutes to midnight, almost another New Year. I looked up and saw Beth once again, looking directly at me. She smiled that smile that would stop your heart for a few beats, then just as quickly, jump start it back to life.
“I guess, I should be going, it’s getting late.”, Beth said.
I looked at the clock again, it was eleven-fifty seven, three minutes to midnight. I could hear the intensity of the fireworks pickup outside , anticipating the stroke of midnight,
“Wait just a few minutes, you can hear the grand finale.”, I said pointing towards the front of the house.
“I would, but I’m afraid Jeff.”, she answered.
“Afraid of what ?”, I asked.
“I’m afraid when that clock strikes midnight, I am going to want to kiss you, and if I do, I will never be able to stop.”, she confessed, looking down.
I suddenly knew at that moment, there was no denying it, I was still in love with Beth, I always had been. Perhaps the reason, I never ever said those words to Jennifer, because deep in my heart, I knew better. The words from last night were all too clear, I had one last chance for happiness, if I was willing to go all in on this hand.
“Maybe, I won’t ever ask you to stop Beth.”, I softly responded.
She looked up from her cup, her eyes wide and focused.
“Are you saying…..I mean….Do you….What are you saying Jeff ?”, she stammered.
I set my cup down on the coffee table, leaned towards her and took her hand in mine.
“What I am saying is, I love you. I have since that day over two years ago, the first time I kissed you. You hurt me when you took Lance back, I am not denying that, but as bad as that was, letting you go again, would be worst.”, I admitted.
“Jeff, I am so sorry for what I did to you. So many nights I cried myself to sleep, it hurt so bad. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to rush over here, jump into your arms. But I thought you were in love with Jen, I didn’t want to ruin your chance for happiness.”, she said as the tears rolled down her cheeks.
“If I could go back and change everything, I would. But I do love you so much and I promise, if you let me I will spend the rest of my life making sure you never regret it.”, she finished between sobs.
I got up moved next to her on the sofa, pulling her close to me. I wiped the tears from her cheek looking into her soft warm eyes.
“You do know, I’m never letting you go again. No matter what happens, no matter who objects.”, I told her.
“You had better not.”, she replied softly.
I sat there holding her close to me, feeling her warm breathe on my cheek. She looked over at the clock and turned to me.
“It’s a new year, let’s start our new life off right.”, she whispered to me.
“What do you mean ?”, I asked ?
She stood up, grabbed her jacket and scarf, turning to me.
“You still have the key to my house, the one we gave you years ago.?”, she asked.
“Yes, it’s here.”, I replied.
“Good. I’m going home. Give me about an hour, then come over. Use the key to let yourself in, I will be waiting.”, she said with a smile.
She turned and walked out, closing the door behind her. I went into my office, opened my desk and was relieved to see the key in the drawer. I picked it up and headed to the bedroom. I jumped into the shower, shaved and changed clothes quickly. I looked at the clock, it was almost two in the morning. I went out, jumped in my car and drove around the corner to Beth’s. I hurried to the door to get out of the cold, unlocked the door and stepped in. I locked the door behind me and walked down the foyer towards the great room. I called out to Beth.
“In here.”, I heard from over my shoulder.
I looked to my right, saw that the master bedroom door was slightly ajar. I pushed it open, my eyes adjusting to the candle lit room. Beth was lying on the huge bed in a floor length, snow white ,silk gown. She was breathtaking, like a scene out of a movie. She held up one hand, asking me to join her. I moved over to the bed and joined her. I leaned over and kissed her, pressing my lips to hers. She responded by easing her tongue between my lips, seeking my own. My hand traveled down the smooth fabric of her gown, until my hand was on her ass. She pressed herself into me, responding to my touch. I reached down to her thigh, gripping the smooth fabric and lifting it slowly up her body. I released her gown and reached down to feel the back of her soft smooth thigh. She moaned into my mouth softly as my hand moved up the back of her thigh. I rolled my hand around the top of her thigh and slowly pushed my way between her legs. She willingly opened her thighs allowing me easier access. I slid my hand up slowly, until I felt her warm, very moist pussy. I extended one finger and began to slowly stroke her slit from top to bottom. Once again she softly moaned into my mouth.
I broke our kiss, and began to slowly move down her body with my lips and tongue. As I reached her thighs , I pushed her long gown up to her hips, completely exposing her pussy. I lowered my mouth to her, pushing my tongue between her smooth lips. She gasped out loud, arching her back slightly. I eased my tongue out of her, and started to gently suck her clit, between my lips. I reached up with my fingers spreading her puffy lips, further exposing her clit. I began to flick my tongue across her swollen clit, stopping only to suck it between my lips for a few seconds. Her breathing was rapid and shallow, her body trembling beneath my mouth. I felt a shiver run through her, then felt her hips come off the bed.
“Oh baby…………..Ohhhhhh…., she cried out.
I pushed my tongue deep inside her, feeling the first spurt of her orgasm wash over it and coating my lips. I eased my tongue out and opened my mouth on her, feeling the second and third waves hit the back of my throat. I stayed with her, feeling her body tremble as waves of pleasure swept over her. She relaxed slowly, her breathing returning to normal. I moved back over her, leaning down, kissing her softly. Her tongue, licked my lips, tasting her cum, then driving past my lips wanting more. She reached down, pushing her hand inside my shorts, finding my rock hard cock. Her hand gently squeezed me, softly stroking me up and down. She reached down with her other hand and pushed my shorts down my legs. She opened her mouth, still on my lips and whispered.
“Make love to me baby, I want you inside me.”
I moved over her as she opened her legs, her hand moving to her pussy. She began to rub her clit, looking up directly into my eyes. I moved forward, reached down and pressed the head of my cock into her opening. I eased between her wet soft lips and with one slow easy motion, pushed completely inside of her. I leaned over her, my head going to her neck, kissing it softly. I could feel her warm breathe in my ear. I began to move slowly inside her, pulling almost all of the way out, then slowly back down again until my hips met hers. Slowly, I increased my speed as I felt her body respond to me, once again. Her arms wrapped around me, clutching me tightly as I felt her hips lift off the bed, slamming into mine. Once again she erupted into orgasm, moaning softly into my ear.
“Oh baby, I love you….I love you…, she whispered.
She gently pushed me off of her and on to my side. She sat up, pulling her gown over her head, completely exposing her beautiful body. She moved down my chest, reaching for my wet, rock hard cock. She quickly wrapped her mouth around me, sucking me deep into her throat. Slowly and very softly her lips moved up and down my shaft, as her hand softly caressed my balls. Soon the speed of her mouth increased, quickly sliding up and down my throbbing cock. My hands moved down to her head, my fingers entwined in her soft silky hair. I couldn’t hold out any longer, I reached out for her.
“Baby, I’m coming…now…, I warned.
She moved her mouth off of me, grabbing my cock in her right hand, stroking it madly. The first stream of cum shot out of my cock landing on my stomach. She lowered her mouth over the head of my cock, as the next waves exploded on her tongue. She continued pumping my cock into her eager mouth, wanting every last drop. My cum was now running out of her mouth and down my shaft. She stayed on my shaft, making sure I was completely drained of fluid. She released my cock, moving back up my body. She leaned over and pressed her lips to mine. I pulled her closed, as I felt her mouth open and her tongue push into my mouth. Her tongue pushed my cum from her mouth into mine then moved around the inside of mouth, coating it with my warm , salty fluid. I swallowed what was left, allowing it to ease down my throat. I reached down her body and my hand met hers, which was buried between her legs. She was eagerly stroking her clit once again, no doubt aroused by the thought of my own cum in my mouth. The speed of her hand increased, and without warning, she erupted into a powerful orgasm that sent fluid gushing from between her legs. She shook violently on her hand, pressing it hard into her slit. It took her breathe away, causing her to gasp for air. Slowly it subsided, as she collapsed on top of my body, her breathing returning to normal. Her face turned to mine, her eyes tearing up slightly.
“I love you baby, I have never felt like this, never felt so loved.”, she whispered.
I held her as she sobbed, her face buried in my neck. I felt the tears stream down my cheeks as well. I pulled her body to me, squeezing her to my chest. I closed my eyes, grateful to whatever had brought me to this time and place, for it was right. This was the woman I loved, though the path was not easy, it was the right one. Today would be the first day of our lives together, I was determined to live each one to the fullest, for no one knows just how many we still have promised to us.

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My Sister In Law Beth. Chapter 16-18

Chapter 16
It took a few minutes for Jennifer to gain her composure enough to think about heading back downstairs. She reached down and pulled her panties back on and pulled down her skirt, which had been up around her waist. I could notice she was blushing slightly, I am guessing due to the realization that I had witnessed her first bi-sexual encounter. As she fixed her hair and makeup, I attempted to make her feel at ease.
“Jen, you were absolutely incredible. I have never witnessed anything as erotic as what you and Raine just did.”, I told her.
“Well, I am kind of embarrassed a bit Jeff, but I have to admit, I really did enjoy it. It’s much different with a woman.”, she replied.
“Better than with a man ?”, I asked.
“No, not better.” she replied, “Just different.”
We moved back downstairs to our original seats, which were still waiting for us. I ordered Jen another glass of wine and myself an orange juice. Jen leaned over and whispered softly in my ear.
“I feel really bad. I had an amazing time but we left you out in the cold.”
“It’s quite all right Jen, trust me I enjoyed it a lot, just watching you.”, I responded.
“Well, the night is not over and I promise, I will make it up to you.”, she whispered.
We stayed for a few more minutes and we started to get ready to leave. I notice Raine was ready to take the stage, she was standing just off to the right, slightly hidden by the curtains. She waved to us and made a gesture with her hands that appeared to be “Call Me”, but I wasn’t sure.
We exited the club, walked to the lot and had the valet bring my car around. He opened the door and let Jen in, then handed me the keys. I tipped him and got in the car. Jen had moved right up against me and was leaning her head on my chest. I pulled out the lot and headed for the ramp to the bridge, that would take us home. Almost as soon as I pulled out of the parking lot, Jen’s hand was stroking my thigh. My cock was hardening once again, as it had been much of the night. She noticed quickly and began to softly squeeze and stroke my cock. In no time she had me very uncomfortable, as my cock was straining against my clothing. I was trying to keep my mind on the road but she was making it extremely difficult to do so. I pulled over into the far right hand lane for slower traffic for safety purposes. Jen looked over at me said in a very low soft tone.
“I can’t believe , I am going to say this, but I am horny as hell.”
I chuckled and said something to the effect of that not being a bad thing. She laughed as well but continued to try and prove her point. She sat up slightly in the seat and pulled her dress up just to the top of her thighs. She reached under her dress with one hand, then took my hand with her other and pulled it between her thigh’s. I extended my fingers out until I touched a very hot and very wet pussy.
“See, I told you.”, she whispered, in a deeper toner than normal.
I extended the middle finger of my right hand and quickly found her clit. I slid one finger deep inside her, pulling out her slick juice and coated her clit with it. Once I had her clit extremely wet, I began to rub her clit in small , quick circles. Jen slightly squeezed her thigh’s together putting pressure on my hand.
“Oh God, that feels so good.”, she said in an excited voice, “I could cum again right now. I don’t know what has come over me.”
“It’s ok.”, I reassured her, “Cum as many times as you want.”
“But I feel guilty, you have not got off once yet tonight.”, she said in a sad tone.
“Jen, I love watching you cum. It gives me pleasure. Let yourself go, don’t worry about me.”, I replied.
“Jeff, you have to be the kindest, most unselfish man I have ever been around. Most men think only of themselves. I don’t know any man that would have sat tonight out, just so I could enjoy myself as I did.”, she stated.
I told her I was glad she had enjoyed herself, and that I was able to make one of her fantasies come true. As we spoke, I continued to work on her pussy, feeling her juices flood my hand. I decided to learn a little bit more about this wonderful lady.
“Can I ask you a question, Jen ?”
“Sure, you can.”, she replied.
“Well, do you,….. well you know,…. masterbate a lot ?”, I stuttered.
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.”, she giggled.
“It’s ok.”, I responded, “You don’t have to answer.”
“No, no, I don’t mind.”, she quickly replied.
She went on to tell me that she probably masterbated three to four times a week. She said usually it was late at night , when she was relaxed and wanted to take the edge off her day. She told me she had several vibrators that she loved to use, or sometimes, she would just use her fingers. She told me as good as the vibrators were, her fingers always seem to bring her to a more powerful orgasm, although it did take longer. The vibrator would always finish the job quicker. As she spoke, I continued to work on her drenched pussy and I could sense her breathing had changed.
“So how about you make yourself cum for me now ?”, I told her in a low voice.
“You want me to ?”, she replied.
“Oh yea.”, I shot back.
She reached under her skirt with both hands, pushing mine out of the way. She pulled her panties to the side and worked her finger deep into her pussy. I was trying to watch the road and watch her finger’s all at the same time. She pulled her finger out and slowly began to rub her clit. Looking at this incredibly attractive lady sitting in my front seat, her skirt hiked up her legs, with her finger’s in her pussy had my mind reeling. She could sense I was enjoying this a lot.
“You like to watch me play with myself, baby.”, she whispered
“Jen, I can’t tell you how much it turns me on.”, I answered.
“Well good, because I enjoy having you watch me, it makes it so much better when I cum.”, she replied, “Which I am just about ready to do.”
We were not far from my house, so I urged her to wait until we got in my drive, so I could really watch her get off. She eased up on her pussy, slowing her finger’s down for me. A minute or so later, I pulled into my drive. I put the car in park and turned off the ignition. I turned to face her, getting comfortable in my seat. She turned slightly in her seat, putting her back against the door, so I could get a clear view of her pussy.
“You like this ?”, she asked, staring at me intently.
“God, yes, I do Jen.”, I replied quickly.
She began to quicken her pace, her thigh’s open wide. Her juices were flowing out of her, coating the seat. The more interest I showed in what she was doing, the more it seemed to arouse her. I decided to try and urge her on, making it even better. I leaned over, close to her and started whispering, as I looked into her big brown eyes.
“Come on Jen, cum for me, make that pussy explode as you look into my eyes. Let me see your eye’s roll back, baby.
It took only seconds after I had spoke those words. Her eyes closed for a second, then opened as wide as I had ever saw them. Looking directly into my eyes, she erupted into her third orgasm of the evening.
“Oh, Jeff, babyyyy, I’m cummingggggggggg.”, she quietly moaned.
I watched her body convulsed on her hand as waves of pleasure swept through her every nerve ending. She never took her eyes off mine as I watched this beautiful woman climax before my eyes. She reached out and took my hand, pulling it into her soaking, wet pussy. She tilted her head back, as I gently stroked her pussy, bringing her back down gently, relaxing her. After a minute or so, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine, her tongue easing between my lips. I enjoyed another of her long, sensual and passionate kisses, as she recomposed herself.
“Jeff, baby, I could get used to this. You make me feel so god damned good.”, she whispered.
We kissed a few more times, then I suggested we go inside the house. I went around, opened her door and led her inside. I could tell that the evening’s events had taken it’s toll on her. She looked drained as she slowly walked into the great room.
“You look tired Jen. You ok sweetie ?”, I asked.
Oh, I am more than ok, I am great. Just give me a minute to recover.”, she winked at me.
“Sure baby, you want some iced tea or something from the kitchen ?”, I asked .
“No thanks, I am ok.”, she responded.
I went into the kitchen, opened the fridge and took out the pitcher of iced tea. It was my favorite drink and one of the few vices I really have. I drink way too much of the stuff. I poured myself a glass, returned the pitcher to the self and closed to door. Jen had been standing behind the door, hidden from my view. She had a devilish grin on her face as she looked up at me.
“Now, mister, you belong to me. Be quiet and put yourself in my hands.”, she said.
She leaned up and kissed me softly on the lips, taking her tongue and running it along my lips. Her hand’s moved down to my belt and she slowly started to unbuckle my pants. She continued to kiss me as she opened my belt, unzipped my pants, pushing them to the floor. She leaned down and pushed my boxer shorts down my thigh’s. My cock was partially erect and very ready for some attention. She got down on her knees, took my cock in her right hand, and placed it between her lips. I immediately felt a shiver run up my spine as her mouth surrounded my cock with its warm wetness. She moved her hand to the base of my cock, and using long slow strokes, pumped me into her eager mouth. By now, she had my entire cock in her mouth, moving her lips up and down my shaft. I could already feel my balls tightening, I knew I would not last long. She sensed the same, as her left hand softly began to caress my nuts. Her tongue began to flutter on the underside on my cock taking me to the edge.
“Jen, baby, I’m gonna cum.”, I warned her.
She released my cock from her lips for a moment and looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes. It was quite a sight. It took her only a minute to respond.
“Nooooooooo.”, she cried, “Not yet. Come with me.”
She took me by the hand and led me into the great room. She pushed me down on the sofa and sat down next to me. She leaned over and again gave me a very passionate kiss. She whispered in my ear.
“Since, I came for you, I want you to make yourself cum for me.”, she stated.
Now this was something, I was not prepared for. As much as I enjoyed watching a woman masterbate, not even Susan had ever asked me to jerk off while she watched. I started some sort of protest, not quite sure of what I was saying.
“Oh, no.”, Jen replied. “I want to enjoy watching you, like you do me. It’s only fair.”
I could not argue with her point, after all, I know how much it turned me on. I mumbled something about, if I had to and leaned back on the sofa. Jen was staring down at my rock hard cock. As much as I was feeling somewhat nervous about performing in front of her, I have to admit, I was excited. I reached down with my right hand, wrapped my fingers around the base of my cock with a firm grip and began to stroke myself up and down slowly. I looked over and her eyes were glued to my cock. I moved my hand up the shaft slightly so that only the head of my cock was visible. I began to move up and down the shaft faster, watching my cock once again swell and become rock hard. I looked over at Jen, she had leaned back slightly, and once again had her finger’s working in her pussy. The sight of her fingering herself and the feeling of my cock in my hand was too much. I furiously began to pump my cock, lifting my hips off the sofa.
“Cum for me baby, let that load go.”, Jen squealed.
The first jet of cum fired out of my cock landing on my chest. Two more thick ropes jetted out quickly, the feeling was intense. Jen, knocked my hand quickly out of the way and took my still spurting cock deep into her mouth. She sucked hard, swallowing my cum as I continued to push wave after wave of semen past my cock head. I had not cum this much in years, Jen was having trouble swallowing. She moved her lips to the end of my cock, allowing most of what was in her mouth to run down my cock. She then pushed my cock back deep into her mouth sucking what was left down her throat. As my cock, throbbed and softened between her lips, she continued to suck every last drop of cum out of me. She sat up, wiped the back of her hand over her lips and smiled.
“Well, your still way behind me, but that was a good start.”, she laughed.
Her finger’s were still moving expertly on her pussy. She had gotten used to masterbating in front of me and felt perfectly natural in doing so. I leaned up and pressed my lips to hers, not closing my eyes. I could see from her startled expression, this was something she did not expect. She open her eyes and looked at me, as my tongue entered her mouth, tasting my own cum. She closed her eyes and her tongue soon was dancing with mine. I reached between her legs and began to furiously stroke her once again very erect clit. With the thought of me tasting my own cum fresh in her head, it took only seconds for her to go off. She broke our kiss and arched backwards.
“Jesus Christ, I’m cummingggggggg again, fuck yea, oh yeaaaaaa.” , she cried out.
As we held each other close on the sofa, I began to think that this was something, I could definitely get used to. Jen was a great girl and I was beginning to fall hard for her. It felt good, but it also frightened me. What if she didn’t feel the same about me ? So far the “L” word had not been spoken, not even in gratitude for wonderful sex. And then no matter how far I tried to push it out of my mind, way back there somewhere, was Beth.
Chapter 17
We were starting to spend as much time together as our schedules allowed. We talked every day, sometimes several times a day , on the phone. The next week flew by and soon we were approaching the weekend again. I had made no plans, but was hoping to see Jennifer as much as possible over the weekend. I was sitting home Thursday night watching TV when my phone rang. Figuring it was Jen, I answered quickly. I was wrong.
“Hey Jeff, how are you doing ?’, asked Beth.
“I am doing ok Beth, how are you ?”, I replied.
“Ok, I guess, why haven’t you called me ?”, she replied.
“Well Beth, to be honest, you still have not told me what is going on with you and Lance. Then the last thing I want to do is draw any attention to us, by constantly calling you.”, I responded, thinking quickly.
“We really need to get together and talk Jeff, I need to see you.”, She asked.
I still had not explained to Jen, what had happened between Beth and I , before I met her. I did want to get it out in the open, so if it ever came up, it would not be a surprise. Being family, it would not be odd to be seen with Beth, but I really thought the less we got together for now, the better it would be for both of us.
“What did you have in mind, Beth ?”, I asked.
“Lance is out of town, he won’t be home until early in the morning, can I come over now ?”, she asked quickly.
“I suppose so, I am not doing anything special.”, I answered.
“Ok, good, I am leaving work now, I should be there in about forty-five minutes.”, she responded.
As I waited for Beth, a lot of things were running through my mind. One thing I could not deny was that I did still care for Beth and to some degree, I did understand her situation. But on the other hand, I had really had developed strong feelings for Jennifer, she was an incredible lady. I think deep down, I really wanted to fall in love with Jen, I was just not sure if she was taking our relationship as serious as I was. I also knew that sooner or later I was going to have to tell Jen about Beth. That was something, I was not looking forward to at all.
The door bell rang, I got up and went to the door. Beth stepped in looking absolutely stunning as usual. She was wearing a black jacket, white blouse and short black skirt with black heels. I followed her into the great room and sat down in my chair, her on the sofa. I offered her a drink but she said maybe later.
“Jeff, I know I have left you hanging for quite some time now. I am really confused and the more I try to make a decision the more confusing it becomes.”, she said.
“I understand Beth, you have been married a long time.”, I responded.
“I’m trying to do everything I can to make my marriage work, but I feel like I am alone in the battle.”, she added, “But I really do not want to give up, things are somewhat better.”
“Then keep trying, don’t give up.”, I replied.
“Well……, I don’t really know how to say this, but……., I really do miss being intimate with you. It’s all I can think of.”, she stammered.
I guess my facial reactions told her I didn’t take that statement well, because she quickly shot back.
“I know that sounds terrible.”, she continued, “I want my marriage to work, but I want to have an intimate relationship with you as well.”
She looked own at the floor and began to wipe her eyes. I could see she was in some pain, struggling to get this off of her chest.
“Beth, the problem is still what we spoke of when we first discussed a relationship. It’s going to raise a whole lot of eye brows if we tell people, especially in our own family, if we decided to be together. How do you think they would react if they found out we were having an affair and you were still married ?”, I replied.
“I know, Jeff. It would be one hell of a mess.”, she responded.
“That is putting it mildly, Beth.”, I answered.
She continued to wipe tears from her eyes as we spoke, trying to find the right words to express what she was feeling. I was fighting every urge I had to get up, go over to her and put my arms around her. When I tried to look away from her tears my eyes would travel down to her gorgeous legs and that very short skirt. When I looked back up, she was staring at me, she saw me looking.
“Can I ask you a question, Jeff ?”, she finally said.
“Sure you can.”, I replied.
“Are you in love with Jennifer, is she in love with you ?”, she asked.
I thought carefully on how to answer this question, but I was always one to try keep things straight forward and simple. Less you have to try and remember what you told people later if things went bad. I decided to keep it truthful.
“ I have to admit, I have feelings for Jennifer, I’m not quite sure how she feels about me. We have been seeing each other a lot, but neither one of us have used the “Love” word as of yet.”, I replied.
“Oh, I see.”, she answered.
From the look on her face , I am not sure if she was disappointed that I told her I was seeing a lot of Beth, or maybe relieved that as of yet, no one had expressed being “in love” with the other. What I did notice, and I am sure intentionally, she had opened her legs somewhat giving me a nice view of her beautiful thigh’s and the crotch of her red panties. No matter how much I tried not to think about it, I was becoming aroused. I think she sensed it somehow, women have a gift when it comes to reading men. Although I have to admit, we are not at all difficult to read. I got up and once again offered her something to drink, excusing my self to get a glass of iced tea. I needed time to think.
I returned a few moments later and noticed that she had taken off her jacket and was leaning back in the sofa. She had positioned herself, so that I had a really nice view up her skirt. I knew now exactly what she was thinking.
“Beth, honestly, I don’t know what I can tell you that would make this situation any better. Until you decide what to do in your marriage, I don’t think any intimacy between us is possible.”, I told her.
She sat up on the sofa, I think somewhat surprised at the statement, I had just made. She opened her legs for one second, then crossed her thigh’s quickly. I knew what this meant. She was telling me, it’s here now, if you want it. But just that quick, it will be gone.
“So, you are in love with Jennifer ?”, she replied.
“Beth, you are confusing one with the other. I do care for Jennifer a lot, I know I love you as well, but neither of those are the issue. I am simply not going to continue an affair with you behind everyone’s back. It’s not an option at that point.”, I responded.
“So basically your telling me, it’s all or nothing at this point. You’re not interested in me sexually ?”, she asked.
“Of course, I am interested in you sexually, Beth. You’re an amazing , drop dead gorgeous woman, any man would love to go to bed with you. But, I am not going to sneak around to be with you. It has to be out in the open.”, I replied.
She looked down for a moment, then back up at me. She reached over and grabbed her jacket and began to put it on.
“So I guess, I have a lot of thinking to do.”, she stated.
“I guess so.”, I responded with a smile.
She moved to me, leaned up put her arms around my neck and gave me a very quick, warm kiss on the lips.
“I guess I will be having sex alone tonight huh ?”, she said with scowl.
“I guess so.”, I once again replied.
She told me goodnight, she would be in touch soon and headed for the door. It took a few minutes for me to compose myself after she left. I really had wanted to go to bed with her. I fought every impulse I had. But in the end, I was glad I held my ground, things were better this way.
Chapter 18
I was anxious to leave work Friday evening, looking forward to possibly seeing Jennifer. She had been working late most of the week in an attempt to ease her schedule. I was hoping she would be free tonight, although we had made no definite plans. I called her cell on the way home, but only got voice mail. I left a message for her to call me when she could. Almost as soon as I put the phone down, it rang.
I looked at the number, hoping it was Beth. It was my mother-in-law calling from her house.
“Hi Honey, how are you ?”, she asked.
“I am fine Mom, how are you and Dad doing ?”, I replied.
“We are fine, thanks. I just called to see how things were getting along between you and Jennifer. I was talking to Jennifer’s mother today, she seemed as much in the dark as I am about you two.”, she continued.
“Apparently Jennifer has not told her mother much about you two.”, she added.
I went on to tell my mother-in-law that we had been seeing each other regularly for a while now, but things were still on a friendship type basis as far as I could see. No long term plans of any kind had been spoke of.
“Do you love her, Jeff ?”, mom asked.
“I really don’t know mom. I am not sure I can ever love another woman like I did Susan.”, I replied.
“Jeff, I know Susan would want you to be happy. Do whatever feels right to you. I love Jennifer, I have known her since she was a baby, she is like a daughter to me. Just treat her like you did Susan, go from there and see what happens.”, she finished.
“Thanks mom.”, I responded.
We spoke for a few more moments then she told me she had to go, but keep her updated. I promised I would. When I hung up, I though of how strange it was to be talking to my mother-in-law about another woman. Life had a way of throwing you for a loop sometimes.
I didn’t stop on the way home for dinner thinking that perhaps Jen and I would go out to eat later. I got home, took a shower, and sat down to relax. About thirty minutes later my phone rang, it was Jennifer.
“Hey Jen, how are you.”, I asked.
“I’m doing ok, and you?”, she replied.
“Just waiting on you to call.”, I laughed.
“Aw, how sweet. But I have bad news. I have to go to dinner with my boss and some other assistants to discuss a case we are working on.”, she said disappointedly.
“It’s ok, I understand, you have a job to do.”, I answered.
“Can I come by after dinner tonight, I want to talk to you about something ?”, she asked.
“Sure, I will be here. Let me know.”, I replied.
After we hung up, I started to wonder what Jen wanted to talk about. The more I thought about it, the more I thought my mother-in-law and Jen’s mom may have been putting things in her head. Plus with the way things were with Beth, I had no clue what was going on.
I guess it was about ten-thirty when Jen called. She was leaving the restaurant and wanted to know if it was still ok to come by. I told her it was no problem, I was still up wide awake. She said she would be about twenty minutes. I got up, straightened things up a bit, so every thing looked perfect. She was right on time, as usual.
From her appearance, I was guessing she had went on to change first. She had on jeans, a tee-shirt and running shoes and smelled great. She kissed me quick on the lips and came in, she appeared to be in a great mood.
We sat down and quickly caught up on what was going on with each other. She had been busy prepping cases for court all week and had been working late every night. She did however say she would be free most of the weekend, which was good news. Conversation went back and forth, but in the back of my mind I was wondering what she wanted to talk about. I asked her if she wanted to watch a movie or perhaps go rent one or two. She picked up the remote and scanned through the cable HD Movie channels and found several she wanted to watch. I went to make several iced tea’s and microwave a bowl of popcorn. When I returned to the sofa, I sat next to her and she put the movie on. About a third of the way through the movie, it was apparent this was a dud, or at least I thought so. A few minute’s later she must have come to the same conclusion.
“You interested in this movie ?”, she asked.
“Nope, not really.”, I replied.
“Good.”, she said lowering the volume on the TV to zero,
“Jeff, I told you that I wanted to talk to you earlier about something.”, she said.
“Yep” , I replied.
“First, I want to tell you what a great time I have had since meeting you. You make me feel special in everything that you. Your polite, caring, you make me feel like I am the most important woman in the world. You don’t judge me, you let me be who I am.”, she said.
“I find myself thinking more and more about you during the day, I miss you a lot during the week.”, she added.
“I miss you too.”, I admitted.
She leaned over and gave me a quick hug and a kiss, apparently glad to know I was feeling the same.
“But, I have to admit you something. I am very scared right now. I think I could be falling for you, but, and please don’t stop me. I am really frightened to go any further, I am scared I am going to be hurt. I know how you felt about Susan and I know there is absolutely no way I could ever measure up to her.”, she said with some trembling in her voice.
“I don’t want to fall in love with you, then you realize that.”, she continued quietly.
“And now after saying all of that, I am really not sure of how you even feel about me or am I way out of line ?”, she asked.
I could tell instantly she was sincere. This powerful woman who routinely stood before judges, attorneys and criminals and argued the law was helplessly admitting her worst fears to me. She lowered her head and I think waited for an answer. I reached over and took her small hand in mine.
“No Jen, you’re right, you will never be Susan. I don’t expect nor do I want you to be. Trust me, I am as scared as you are right now about being hurt. I’m not sure I could have life take another women from me.”, I answered.
She looked up and I could see some relief in her face. A smile returned to her face and looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes that could melt your heart.
“So what you are saying is you think you might be falling in love with me Jeff. Did I get that right ?”, she asked.
“Yes, you got that right.”, I answered softly.
She smiled a bigger smile, leaned over and kissed me passionately on the lips, then hugged me like she was holding on for dear life.
“I had some reservations, perhaps that after the night we had at the club, you wouldn’t think of me as someone that you could share your life with.”, she said looking down nervously.
“Jen, that’s one of the things I love most about you. Your willing to be who you are in front of me. You don’t play games, your honest. That’s always the best foundation for a relationship.”, I replied.
She looked back up at me smiling again. I could see in her face she was relieved. Her hand came up and touched my right cheek. She looked deep into my eyes.
“I could get used to this.”, she said softly.
“So could I , Jen.”, I quickly replied.

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My Sister In Law Beth

I am not sure if this is any good……its all true…if you guys like it as much as I enjoyed writing it, let me know, I have more.

Potential Part 26

A teenage boy’s normal struggles with growing up are complicated by his porn brain and pantie fetish, or at least that’s what he thinks. There might be more to the story.

a night away

I was on secondment to a local authority for 12 months and the team I was working with had a conference someone had to attend providing a promotion stand. For various reasons none of the permanent staff were able to attend as it meant an overnight stay, so Sarah my boss and I were the delegates.
We arrived at the hotel late afternoon, went to our rooms to clean up and agreed to meet in the bar for a pre-dinner drink.
Showered & changed, at about 5, I wandered down, Sarah arrived only a couple of minutes later.
“I feel better for getting the days grime off” she declared, as she sat down. I offered to get drinks (a glass of wine for us both)
“These things are always difficult as the others all seem to have childcare commitments which makes an overnight difficult she explained”
We discussed the plans for the next days conference and agreed our strategy & timing, then just chatted about things in general. Sarah offered her appreciation for my helping out.
After 10-15 minutes she declared, “Right, that it, no more work until tomorrow, agreed?” I agreed.
We chatted about general, stuff and fixed a time for dinner. Whilst Sarah was technically my boss, because I was on secondment, we had a very relaxed relationship, more like peers so the conversation was a little friendlier than manager & staff might be. I need to make a call home later she informed me, to see everyone’s alright. I already knew she was a divorcee but now living with a partner (male) and had two girls (8 & 10 from her marriage.
Fine I told her, go when you’re ready. “Oh not yet, they will only have just got home, time for another glass I think”.
She brought back the drinks and as she sat down she winced “Ahh bugger”
“What’s up”?
“I’ve got a twinge in my shoulder, I think I pulled a muscle moving some furniture the other day”
“Sounds like you need a massage”
“Oh yeah, chance will be a fine thing”
“Just a min” I said as I got up. When I returned a couple of minutes later I exclaimed “well that was a good idea down the pan”
“What was”
I explained I noticed the hotel had a gym in the hotel, and checked with reception if they had a masseuse, the good news was that they did, the bad news was that they had just left for the day.
“Oh how kind, thanks for the thought anyway, I’ll just have to grin & bare it”.
“Tell you what, I have some savlon in my room, I know it’s not much but it does have anaesthetic properties, it will help with the pain if you want.
That’s ok, I’ll get by.
Don’t be silly it’ll only take me a minute, and I guarantee it will work”
After a little persuasion she finally agreed “If it helps that would be good, as it is rather painful”.
I was up to my room and back in a few minutes. As I sat down and offered her the cream she informed me, “Nice idea but I’m afraid your journey was wasted”
“You’ve had a miraculous cure?
“No unfortunately, she laughed, but while you we gone I tried reaching the spot and can’t get my hand on it so I wouldn’t be able to apply the cream”.
“Aw shame, I’m sure it would have helped”. I replied
As she reached for her glass she flinched. “It really is painful”? I enquired
“Mmm especially when I move my arm”.
“Are you sure you’ll be OK for tomorrow” I asked anxiously
“Oh I’ll cope”
After a moments hesitation, I said, “look don’t take this the wrong way, nothing other than an offer to help a maiden in distress, but if you cannot reach, I could always apply the cream. If it helps for now, you could always try to get something better tomorrow like a pain patch”.
She was clearly uncertain. “Oh, no that’s fine I’m sure I’ll ………… “She grunted again as she put her glass down.
“Look you’re clearly in pain, it will only take five mins”
She hesitated………. “I’m not sure, I’m tempted to try it but……….”
“Look it’s just one work colleague helping another in need, no strings, and I won’t mention it to a sole”. I said waiving the tube of cream
“Oh I guess it’s worth a try. Ok, but not here, we’ll have to go to my room. But not a word to anybody.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t know how to explain it to my partner anyway” I agreed
We picked up our drinks (both had only taken a sip) and made our way to Sarah’s room. Entering we both stood a little awkwardly
“Ok so where is the pain” I asked
“Just inside the shoulder blade” she informed me
“Well I’m afraid you’re going to have to expose it for me to be able to put the cream on”
She looked anxious “Oh yes, I hadn’t thought about that, perhaps we shouldn’t bother”
“Don’t be silly, it’s only your shoulder I need to get at. You only need to undo a few buttons …..” Then I looked. Sarah was wearing a loose tee shirt and a fashionably short black skirt that only came to mid thigh, over thick black leggings.
“Ah I see what you mean. Well it’s up to you”
“You promise to say nothing about this?
“Of course”
“OK just turn round”. I did as she asked
“Right, as I turned back Sarah had her top off with her back towards me. “Will this be ok”?
She was now just wearing a bra, for the first time I took a good look at her.
Sarah stood about 5ft 10 or meybey 11, I always knew she was quite slim, and as a passionate jogger (usually 5 miles a day) her body was even better than I had imagined. Her long legs even more apparent in her black skirt & leggins against the flesh of her back.
I think she was in her mid to late 30’s as I’m sure she mentioned once she had her first girl when she was about 20
She definitely had curves but her exercise regime meant I could see no excess fat. Just a firm shapely back and Oh….. Those long legs.
“How shall we do this” I asked
“What do you mean”
“Well I don’t think I can reach properly with you standing up, we could try the chair or you could lay down which would be easier”
After a moments hesitation she agreed to lay on the bed.
“Do you have any body cream”? I asked
“What for”
“It will just make it easier to apply the savlon, it will go on smoother over a larger area”
“Only baby oil”
“Even better”. It was in the bathroom. I got the oil and sat next to her on the bed.
We identified the area of pain, just around the centre of her should blade. I squirted some cream & oil on my hand and began to apply it to her shoulder.
“Do you mind if I just pull the straps down a bit it asked, I don’t want to get oil or cream on them”
“Mmm OK”
I eased both straps down her arm a little out of my way then began to massage the cream in.
“Oh yes, just there” I hit the spot. Absent-mindedly I put both hands to work one on each shoulder. I worked in the cream and the oil for about five minutes before I asked is that any better
Sarah sat up and rotated her arm. “Your right, it does work”, then gave a twitch
“Anything wrong”
“Still a little painful but just below the shoulder blade”
“More cream”?
“No it’s fine, what you did really helped”
“But if you still have pain…….”
“No it’s too much to ask but thanks anyway”
“Don’t be silly, it’ll only take a few mins and we won’t be eating for another hour or more. I have nothing else to do”
“Well if you sure” she sighed as she lay down again
I probed to find the spot which was just below the back strap of the bra
I’ll have to undo this unless you want cream on it” I informed her
“Oh…. Ok if you must”
I unclipped the bra then applied cream & oil and began massaging it in working from neck to the middle of her back.
“Mmm” Sarah sighed, “you’re certainly good at that”.
“I often give my partner a massage, she says I’m as good as any professional”
“I think I would agree with her, it’s very relaxing and the pain seems to be going”
I continued the massage but now covering half of her back from shoulder. The oil made my fingers glide over her skin, I kept it up for about 10 minutes. Getting frequent sighs of pleasure from Sarah.
“Better” I asked
“Mmm it really feels good” she acknowledged
“I could do your lower back if you want”
“Ok, that would be nice”
I was now massaging from shoulder to waist, Sarah let out the occasional sigh indicating I was doing a good job. I could tell by the feel beneath my fingers that she was well relaxed.
After about 10 minutes I asked, “Any other Aches”.
“Only……… No I couldn’t ask, you’ve been fantastic”
“Don’t be silly, I enjoy giving massage and you clearly enjoyed receiving it, so if you have any more pain, while I’ve got the cream I might as well help out”
“Well……. She hesitated
“Aw come on” I chided her light heartedly
“Are you sure you don’t mind”
I made it clear it was no problem.
“Well I strained my calf muscle, I don’t think I cooled down properly after my run last night”
“Ok I said, show me the muscle” laughed
She eased round and pointed to her left calf, there.
“Mmm problem” I countered.
“What is”
“Well I can’t rub cream through your leggings”
“Oh god yes. Oh well never mind”
“Don’t be silly, slip them off, I’ll go & get a towel to cover your modesty”.
Before she could object, I slipped into the bathroom and threw her a towel then went back in to the bathroom. “Give me shout when your ready I informed her”.
A minute later she called out. “I’m Decent now”
I returned to the bedroom and was pleasantly surprised. Sarah Lay on the bed, she had completely removed her bra and was bare backed. I stared for a moment, I liked what I saw. She hadn’t used the towel, she lay spread on the bed, with just the short skirt covering her bum (just). Her long legs stretched out on the bed. Wow, what a sight. I felt a little twitch in the trouser department.
Moving to the end of the bed, I was just about to squeeze the cream onto my hand when there was a muffled ring from a mobile.
Sarah half rose from the bed then realised her predicament (no bra). “I need to take that she informed me, it will be home. Can you get my bag”? By the time I passed the bag and she found her phone they had rang off. “I need to ring back”.
“Do you want me to leave”? I asked
“No, that’s Ok but please be quiet” she pleaded
She made a quick call & informed me they will ring back.
A second later the phone rang and Sarah answered it. It was clearly her partner. The initial conversation was interesting, she lied convincingly.
She was in her room, working on notes for any possible questions the next day. She was frustrated there was no wifi in the room, it would have been good to Skype (I thought not!). I guessed she was taking about me, saying how helpful I had been putting up the stand and that I’d gone off to see some friends in town.
Whilst she continued the conversation, I pulled up a chair to the end of the bed and sat down. I could see no reason why not, so put cream & oil on my hand and lay my hand on her calf to resume the massage.
Sarah let out a yelp & jerked her leg away from my hand and turned to stare at me “What are you doing” she mouthed.
Massaging I gestured. I heard her tell her partner that she had spilt her drink, Thanks goodness it didn’t go on my papers she lied.
Sarah relaxed lowering her leg & continued her conversation I resumed the massage. As I looked up I noticed that by pulling her leg away from my hand, she had spread her legs about a foot apart. From my position and the end of the bed I looked up her long legs and could see exposed what at first I thought to be a slip under her short skirt but then decided must some kind of loose underwear. I was intrigued.
As I continued the massage, I heard that the phone had clearly been passed over to Sarah’s children. I oiled my hands, then started to rub both calves at the same time. Sarah let out a small sigh. I took this as a sign she wasn’t complaining so continued, slowly working my way to her knees. As my hands moved to just above her knees she let out a little murmur. “Mmm”. She glanced down at me but no attempt to move away so I continued. My hands working up her thighs. I had to adjust my position so I was kneeling between her legs and nudged them open a little more. I could now see an inch or two of her underwear. My hands were now moving up & down her thigh & as I went up I edged the skirt upwards hoping Sarah wouldn’t notice. If she did she said nothing.
She was asking about homework when the tips of my fingers slipped under the loose leg of what I now guessed to be some kind of French knickers and brushed the underside of the cheeks of her firm bum.
Sarah let out a squeak which she explained to her daughters as having dropped her papers. She turned and frowned at me just has she finished her call.
“What were you doing” she asked firmly
“Sorry, I thought you were enjoying the massage”
“I was but I think you went a bit too far”!
“I just got a bit carried away” I lied
“I should think you did, I nearly shouted for you to stop, and had to bite my tongue so I didn’t let something slip”.
“Well you managed very well, I don’t think anyone guessed what you were up too”
“I certainly hope so” she replied seriously.
“Ok, how about a foot massage to make up for it”.
“I think you’ve done enough” she replied firmly, but not convincingly.
“Aw common, we have ages before dinner or are you feet too sensitive” I said as a moved down the bed.
“It’s not that, it’s……….” Sahara paused, as I rubbed an oily hand over the soles of her feet.
“Mmmm, no you shouldn’t……….” She paused again as I rubbed the heels and soles
Rubbing down between her toes I asked. “You sure you want me to stop”?
“Oh, Ok just for a little longer then”.
I worked more oil into her feet rubbing them all over and through her toes.
Sarah had relaxed again and was clearly enjoying my handywork. He legs were still slightly apart and her skirt that I had secretly moved was hardly covering her bum so I had a clear view of the legs & gusset of her underwear.
“Ok” I enquired
“Mmm” was all I got in reply.
“Would you turn over so I can get your toes better” I asked
I can only assume Sarah engrossed in the massage as she dreamily rolled on to her back.
Her small neat breasts were now on display. It was hard to concentrate on her feet when I was staring at a pair of surprisingly firm boobs with dark areola and nipples the size of the tip of my little finger. Oh hell more twitches in the trouser department.
I quickly got to work on her toes so as not to give her time to realise her mistake. Keeping up my attention on one foot I managed to squeeze some oil on the other hand and worked on one shin then quickly had both hands running from ankle to shins on both legs. I had to move further onto the bed and with some subtle massage made her spread he legs a little further. Keeping my head low, I could now see a sprouting of pubic hair under her loose knicker leg.
I worked over and around her knees and started on her thighs. Long slow strokes from knee to just below the leg of her underwear. As I was leaning quite far forward my head was close to her crotch and I was now getting a tantalizing suggestion of her feminine odour and a look at her pantie crotch showed a slight damp spot. Sarah was clearly turned on, but just how much I wasn’t sure. How far would she let me go?
I continued rubbing almost to the top of her thighs, my thumbs just touching the edge of her knicker legs. Sarah sighed and I felt her thighs tighten as my hands moved upwards. I continued the massage with one hand and slipped one finger of the other under the loose knicker leg and felt for her sex.
Sarah sat up with a jolt. “No you mustn’t”. Then realising she had no top on clasped he hands over her boobs. “Oh my god, what’s happening”?
I still hand my fingers beneath the silky material and touched her wet labia. “Just giving some obvious pleasure” I said sliding a finger up and down her labia.
She was torn between letting go of her breasts and knocking my hand away. She tried to clamp her legs together but only succeeded in locking my hand in place.
“Please stop, you mustn’t. We can’t do this, it’s gone too far” she exclaimed
I wriggled my finger over her wet pussy again to emphasise my point. “You were clearly enjoying what I was doing, so why don’t I just finish giving you some additional pleasure”
“I was but……, no we can’t its wrong it’s………. She stammered and I managed to push a finger inside.
“Are you sure” I asked as my thumb found her clitoris and gave it a rub
“Yes I’m… no we can’t….. Ohhh” clearly a sigh of pleasure.
“You just lay back and let me take care of that itch” I suggested, as I put a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back on to the bed. She lay back without any further encouragement, her hands slid from her boobs and fell by her sides.
My hand between her legs I worked two fingers inside her as my thumb continued to play with the clit.
“Oh we really shouldn’t be doing this..” She moaned unconvincingly.
“I know but it feels nice doesn’t it”
“Oh yes, absolutely……… “She spread he legs a little wider with one bent at the knee to giving me even more access. I could see clearly now as the leg of her loose panties gave me unobstructed view, that she had only a lightly trimmed bush.
Keeping up the action with my fingers which were now sliding easily inside due the amount of lubrication she was releasing and with my thumb rubbing her clit I worked my way around the bed until could kneel on the floor in just the right position.
Leaning forward I licked one of her nipples which seemed to grow as soon as my tongue touched it. Sarah pushed my head down on her breast. “ Oh yes, suck it, suck it, Ahhhhhhh” she sighed.
I pulled the nipple deep into my mouth, and sucked hard, my pleasure thought as I sucked the stiff bud hungrily then worked on the other. I was getting as much pleasure as Sarah suck on each nipple in turn
Sarah was now clearly worked up, it was pretty clear by her body movements and groans she was emitting that my fingers and mouth were bringing her to orgasm.
Finally she cried out, “Oh yes……. Yes, Mmmm suck harder, rub harder, Oh yes Oh fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkk I’m coming I’m commingggggggggggggg”.
Her body went rigid, she held my head against her breast as her body shook with a powerful orgasm.
I slowed all my actions as she crumpled drained. Her language during orgasm was a real surprise. Sarah was normally so prim at work in 12 months I’d never even heard a “bloody” ! This new Sarah was a real hot woman when turned on! I licked my fingers clean, as she regained her breath, “Oh yummy”!
She was now clearly feeling unsure of herself, she moved her hands to cover her breasts.
“Oh what have I done”? She asked anxiously
“I don’t think you did anything I informed her, I think I did all the work” I assured her.
“You know what I mean. I shouldn’t have let you. It’s just so wrong”.
“Why, didn’t you enjoy it”?
“You know I did, but………….”
“Well that’s surly all that matters. Besides I did say earlier that it’s just one work colleague helping another in need and you certainly seem to need the release”.
“That not exactly what we were talking about at the time”
“Ok, so the massage got a bit more personal that planned but it was still only a massage I tried to convince her.
“I think it was a lot more that a massage she snapped. Look I think you had better go”.
I lazily stroked fingers across her stomach, she brushed my hand away but let go of one breast. “Stop you’ve done enough”
I rubbed a finger over the exposed nipple which sprang to attention.
“Are you sure”?
She covered her breast again. “Stop it please”
“Why? Are you frighten you might enjoy it if we do more”?
“We cannot do anything else. I’m in a serous relationship and I won’t put that at risk”.
“I’m not asking you to, all I want to do is give you some pleasure”
“Don’t give me that, you just want to have sex with me! I can assure you it isn’t going to happen”
“If you mean intercourse, that’s fine. Remember, I’m in a committed relationship too, I don’t want to jeopardise my either. But that doesn’t stop me wanting to make you feel good, and as good that that might have been just now, I think I can make it feel nicer even without intercourse, that way neither of us put our relationships at risk, and it goes without say it stays just between us”.
“What do you mean by that”?
“Well there are other things I can do that I think you will like”
“Such as”
“Well if you’ll let me, I’ll show you”
I clearly aroused her curiosity. “You just relax and I’ll show you”
I was now running my hands over her hips, I think you need to let me take this off I indicated her skirt. I felt round the side and found the clasp I noticed earlier and quickly undid and gently pulled the waist band down.
“Oh I’m not sure” she sighed hesitantly. “Oh come on, you know it felt good before, and I promise you I can make it feel even better. And no penetration!”.
Sarah lifted her hips and I eased the skirt down her legs
I could now see in all their glory the item of my fascination. She was wearing a pair of very loose fitting silk or satin underwear, rather like baggy shorts no elastic around the leg which was why my hand could slip easily under the sides.
“And these” I suggested. Again she lifted her bum and I slipped the panties off. Naked I could see she had a healthy but trimmed bush of dark pubic hair covering her sex. I now moved so I was kneeling between her legs and positioned myself over her
As my mouth moved towards her exposed pussy she cried out “Are you going to….. Oh you are, Oh no…… oh god yes yes………….”
I connected with her sex. My tongue lapping at the flood of juice she was already releasing. I probed and sucked a stream of her feminine sap. With her knees wide apart Sarah was rocking in time with my oral motion. Her hands now clasped the back of my head pushing me harder against her cunt. My tongue searched her cunt for every drop of juice I could find. I stretched my hands up to tweak her nipples and I licked, sucked and nibbled at her dripping cunt.
In only 2 or 3 minutes Sarah howled. With my head between her legs I could just make out her muffled cried “Oh yes!….. Oh god. Oh fuck don’t stop yes….yes…. Oh fuckkkkkkkkkkkk, Oh fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk.
The flow of juice increased as she came……. I sucked for all I was worth, trying to catch every drop of her nectar.
Finally Sarah pleaded with me to stop. I moved from between her legs and sat on the bed besides her absentmindedly stroking her stomach
“Oh my god that was fucking incredible” she exclaimed
I told you it would be better” I reminded her
“I’ve never had that done before”
“Amazing, such a powerful orgasm……….. It was…….. Oh my”
“I’m pleased to have been of service” I teased
“But what about you, I feel a bit guilty now, you know…..”
Aw, what’s a couple of orgasms between friends” I laughed
“Three actually, I came twice just now, I had a little orgasm as soon as you started” she smiled up at me.
“As I said, what about you”
“What about me”
“Well you haven’t…. you know”!
“Ah I see”
“I suppose I could take you in hand if you wanted, it seems only fair”
“Well that would be nice, but only if you want to”
“After what you did, it seems the least I can do”
I quickly removed my shoes sock, trousers and pants exposing my aching erection
“Lay down here” she said pointing to the bed beside her. I did as instructed
Sarah turned on her side to face me, then her hand moved quickly to my stiff cock. She stroked it tenderly from base to tip, then her hand closed round me and began a slow wank.
As she rubbed my cock, I stroked her hard nipples
“This Ok” she asked
“Wonderful” I replied
“Would you like me to… you know”!
“Suck it”?
“Only if you want too”
She changed position and I felt her hair brush my stomach as her head moved over my groin. Then Oh heaven her mouth connected. Her lips opened and I felt the warmness of her wet mouth as she covered my cock.
Sarah’s actions were slow and deliberate. Fuck it felt good. She only took a couple of inches in but I was still a good blow job
I reluctantly reached down and pulled her off
“No good”? She asked
“No it’s great but I thought we could both get some pleasure if you wanted”
“What do you mean”
“We can do it to each other if you like”
“Oh , that sounds a better idea. What do we have to do”?
I was surprised and her lack of knowledge but explained. I got her into position on top of me, her legs either side of my head and guided her back.
She soon got the idea and we were soon working on each others sex. Her juices were again trickling down my obliging throat as her head bobbed up and down on my cock.
I worked my hands round and griped the cheeks of her arse then wriggled one finger over the crinkly ring of her anus. Sarah jerked, and my finger tip slipped in up to the first joint.
She had now stopped sucking and I could tell she was just resting her mouth on my cock and she pressed her cunt into my face.
Squirming against me I heard her howl…… as another orgasm wracked her body. Then suddenly she rolled of me twisted round and straddled my hips.
Reaching down she grabbed my cock aimed it at her wet cunt and ground down on me until our pelvic bones met.
“Ahhh that’s better”!
“But what about what you said earlier. Are you sure about this I asked with convincing concern”. (Oh I hoped so)
“Oh shit yes, you’ve made me so fucking horny, nothing else will do”. Don’t you want to do it”! She asked with a touch of disbelief in her voice
“Then let’s fuck before I change my mind”
Resting her hands on my chest she raised & lowered herself on my willing cock. With long slow strokes up and down the whole length of my cock she fucked me. I lifted my hips pushing up as she pushed down, I could feel her cervix as my cock thrust home.
At one point she leant back so I could see my glistening cock sliding in and out, her juices literally running down over my balls. Then she leant right forwards so I could suck each of her hard nipples in turn as she continued to fuck me. Oh heaven.
Rolling her over, I climbed over between her legs as she grabbed my cock and guided me in. Her wet cunt seemed to suck me in, I pushed in deeply, my balls resting against her bum. With long slow strokes I fucked her welcoming cunt “Oh yes, that’s it, fill me up”.
She wrapped her legs round mine the raised her knees to get me deeper, I pulled out nearly all the way then thrust my cock home. I lifted her legs further, hooking them over my shoulders for even further penetration.
“Oh fuck yes, oh that feels so deep” she grunted
I increased my pace, ramming my cock in hard, my balls slapping against her arse at each downward stroke.
“Oh fuck, I think I’m going to come again” she cried. “Me too” I told her
“Quick let me get on top” we rolled over again without disconnecting and she seemed to go crazy.
I grasped her bum, and worked a finger around to her anus, just tickling the ring, this seemed to tip her over the top. Bouncing up and down and grinding our pelvic bones together, like she was possessed, I had that familiar sensation as my own orgasm approached.
I pushed up hard and my cock exploded, delivering shot after shot of hot spunk deep into her cervix “Oh Yes, yes” I grunted
Sarah was more expressive. “Oh fuck yes, yes, oh fuck I can feel it, I can feel you filling my cunt…………………” she ground down hard onto me one final time pushing my shooting cock deep inside.
Finally, Breathless she leant on my chest. Her cunt muscles still griping and contracting on my cock, draining the last drops of juice from me
“Oh my, that was unbelievable” she panted.
“You certainly seemed to enjoy it I replied. At least from the way you expressed yourself”
“Oh hell, it was your fault all those things you did to me. I’ve never used those words before. It was the first time anyone has….you know”!
“Oh my, it was just amazing, I can’t believe how many orgasms I’ve had”. Don’t you mind the taste,
“Hell no, I’d pay you to get some of that nectar”
Sarah gave a little wiggle. I think I’d best move, I think I’m leaking”
“You want me to clean you up” I asked
“You’d do that” she asked incredulously?
“Give up a chance to taste that yummy pussy of yours, never!”
“Even with…………….”
“Try me”
She wriggled up the bed leaving a trail of juice up my chest, I got her to sit over me, kneeling either side of my head. Holding on to the headboard, she lowered her pussy to my mouth, I licked and sucked both our juices from her body.
It only took about a minute before she climaxed yet again then rolled off to lie beside me
I brought her head up to give her a wet kiss. Then pushed my tongue into her mouth and shared the juices I had saved
“Oh my” she said as we separated. I guess that was yours and mine”!
“Sure was, you ok with it”
“I guess so, pretty erotic when I think about it”.
My hands were busy playing with her small breasts and still hard nipples as we regained our breaths.
“I guess we should get dress for diner she said after a few minuets.
“I think maybe shower would be in order I suggested unless you want every one in the restaurant to know what we’ve been up to”.
“What do you mean”?
“Well I guess we reek of sex”!
“Oh My god, I’ll have to make sure I get well cleaned up, I cannot afford to have a trace of the smell on me when I get home”
“Relax, a quick shower and you’ll be sweet smelling again. I’m not sure about these though”! I reached across the bed and held up her knickers with a still soaked gusset
Oh, yeah, I’ll rinse them out in the shower, they’ll be dry by morning”
“Do you mind if I shower here, I only have one more clean set of clothes and if I put these on, I’m going to give the game away in the restaurant”
“Me too, Ok who’s first”
“You go” I suggested
I heard the water flow, I gave her a few seconds then followed in her into the bathroom. It was a good size walk-in shower
“Want me to scrub your back” I asked
“Oh, what…. No I’ll be…………”
I stepped into the shower anyway. Taking the sponge from her I added some gel and began to soap her back. Then I worked down her legs, kneeling down to soap all the way down to her feet. Sarah leaned forward to steady herself, her legs were spread a little for support against my rubbing and I soaped all the way up the inside of her thighs. Then standing behind her I soaped and fondled her breasts bringing her nipples to attention again.
She pushed her arse against me as I slipped a hand down between her legs
“Oh shit, not again” she sighed
My cock was hard again as she felt between her legs and guided it in to her waiting cunt.
Bending well forward under the cascading water she pushed back onto my willing shaft as I held one hip and with my other hand massaged her soft breast, tweaking her hard nipple for another satisfying fuck.
Sarah came yet again, sadly I didn’t cum but still enjoyed the contractions of her cunt on my cock.
Reluctantly we separated, to clean up proper. We dressed and went down for dinner.
Fortunately we found a quite corner and were able to talk without being overheard.
Sarah was a clearly a little uncomfortable as she tried to rationalize what we had done. “I feel so guilty” she whispered
“Oh, you know, I can’t believe what we did”.
“Didn’t you enjoy it?”
“You know I did, that’s part of the problem. I don’t know how I’m going to face Ian when I get home”
“I hope you not going to tell him” I questioned
“Of course not silly, it’s just that our sex life was never like that”
“Well perhaps you can indicate some changes to him” I suggested
“Oh I’m not sure. I don’t think I could bring any of those things up in normal conversation”.
“Oh well you’ll just have to keep the memory just keep the memory”
“I guess so, unless…………..
“Unless what”
“Well, ………….there’s another conference I have to attend next month in Bristol, perhaps you could help out again” she grinned
“It would be my pleasure”
“And mine I hope”! she giggled

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a different night away part 1

Having got such a good reaction to my first story, I thought I’d post another of my work encounters. This time I managed to get the woman involved to write her own experience