Waves Part One

Police investigate when women turn up on a beach raped by pirate ghosts and a sea monster

Part One:

From a position on the beach by three logs, a giant dark color creature holding an schooner in four of its tentacles, on board can been seen the outlines of men . three more tentacles snaked out on the beach around the three posts. Two end around the legs of the woman, the last around her neck holding her in place. Besides her prone body the remains of a two piece red and white bikini. But the image that made me spill all my waste by products I’ll never forget were of translucent men standing around her body like they were waiting for the one on her body to finish what he was doing.

The image shifts to the body lifting only to be replaced by another and “Damn she be a fine wench, Cap’n sir!” and what sounds like mewing coming from the woman. “What is this shit Bowden?”

“What she experienced Gorwin!’ looking incredulous “The damn thing working fine, just had it’s weekly inspection by the tech heads from Coastal Tech!”
Then if this is true then we’re to believe that she was ganged raped by ghost seamen with the aid of a giant sea monster. It sounded like something out of those old movies from the late 90’s that the old Hollywood would crank out. “Well we’ll get more out of her at Coastal General why don’t you and Julie, get her out of here and take her there.

They gently draped Bowden jacket over her shoulders and escort her off the beach. I stay for more than an hour before Coastal Paradise forensic lands on the scene and I relate what the ‘MindRes’ purported to claim happened. Taking out my handheld Mestronic PDHF424 I film the surroundings before finally centering back onto the three posts. Asking if I was needed only to be told no, I made my way to General to meet up with Julie and Bowden.

Coming into General i just found my way to where Juli and bowden were as they came out of the examination room “Well?” All I got out before Bowden tossed his last meal all over the floor and Julie shivering grab a hold of me so hard my teeth tried to keep up the rhythm her nerves were producing along her body. “WWell cannn someoooone telllll meeee what theeee fuuuuck weeee stumbbbbled ontoooo” never try to ask anything while being shaken by a woman in fright.

Finally Bowden looks up from his ever expanding puddle of intestinal delight. “It’s just as the ‘Mindres’ claims, she was gangraped by ghoss while held down by a creature!” more dry heaves rack him. Julie loosens her grip on me and tries for a cup of water from the hallway dispenser. Shaking it all over the floor before I grab the cup and hold it to her lips after refilling it.

“Ed it was true the doctor did a rape kit and took out ectoplasm from her vagina and anal cavity. She seems to be finally getting a hold on her nerves “There was enough to fill a 100 mm flask and Ed it’s a whitish color just like semen of a real live guy!”

“Yeah right! Hey am I on that lame ass practical joke show from UPFOXN!” then my phone bleeps. “Gorwin!” Listening to the speaker on the other end “You shitting me right, Ectoplasm the color of sperm on the posts along with sucker marks!


That’s how Marie Two Runner and myself found our self this night on the exact beach at two in the morning.Seem the big brass didn’t believe the evidence the MindRes obtained on scene or at the hospital.Fuck even i had my doubts but i don’t have the balls to tell upper management to take this one and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Julie had to be put on temporary medical leave since even with little white pills she still was shaking so bad that it was like she was playing “Taps” when she had a spoon in her hand.Not that I had anything against Marie who was full blood Haida Indian hailing from some hole in the wall in Canada. Five foot eight, built like a WWE Diva, you know the type thick waist and broad shoulders, little upstairs when it came to anything outside of bashing someone down.

“You sure the MindRes was operating right Gorwin?” For the millionth time that night/ morning I told her yes, “Because I’m getting nothing on the meter!”

“Can’t help it, personally seen the evidence from her scans and the ectoplasma to say it’s been faked!” Pointing out where she was found to Marie “Over there is where we will start with this night’s investigation

“Find by me!” then as her arms moves towards the three posts “Whoa getting something on the meter!” a high pitch whine sounding the closer we got to them. The readings are going off the scale. Out in the water a section of the water started to roil as something hugh sought to break the surface of the water. We both just standing there each wondering inside ‘What the fuck is that!

“’Hey Ed do you see what I’m see and getting on the meter?”

“Depends if your talking about a giant octopus like creature holding what looks like schooner!”
Oh shit then I’m not suffering from that opioid I took before shift!’ turning to make a break for it as the air is split with “Avast ye wench, where ye be going!”

Taking out my gun I pump an entire clip into the translucent beings coming walking out of the tide. The shells seem to pass through them like a hot knife through butter. Then they are on me, cold lifeless hand followed by a good four inch thick tentacle that pin my to the beach. My pants are pulled down as I try to fight clear, then the sight and sound of Marie fighting a similar thing draws my attention.

“Karkaren and the schooner “Villainous! But I thought that was just an old tribal tale told to make young girl abstain from having sex on the beach!” then the sound of cloth ripping and screams of ‘get off me!’ followed by a high pitched scream of ‘No’ then the sounds of a cock sloshing in a wet pussy!

Then my world turns black as the tentacle wraps itself around my head. Coming too when someone grabs my shoulders and shakes me “Hey you shouldn’t sleep on the beach man!” As I quickly gain my senses I look to find Marie sitting just like the other woman was when we first came to this beach two days ago! The same vacant look in her eyes and what appeared to be dried semen all over her nude form.

“Marie?” shouting as I gain my feet with help from the guy who found me. Just like the other either not wanting to hear of can’t hear. Grabbing the MindRes and using it I pick up the same images as from the other woman. Searching my pockets for my phone find it smashed to pieces with what looks like a claw sticking through it. Then once more the world goes black.

To be continued